



2. Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. (这位曾使全世界人发出笑声的人自己却饱经辛酸。
3. It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. (她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。
5. I put on my clothes by the light of a half - moon just setting ,whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib.
①It was an old woman.
②She was tall.
③She was shapely still.
④She was withered by time.
⑤His eyes fell on her.
⑥He stopped.
12.When he entered the room, he found them sitting together singing. 他进屋时看见他们坐在一起唱歌。
1.Nightfall found him many miles sh place.
这句话按原文的语序,Nightfall (夜幕) 作主语,按原语序照样翻译下去,译文会显得别扭,不自然。按照汉语的语言习惯,应选用“他”作主语,因而正确的翻译是:夜幕降临时,他离预定的布道地点还有好多英里路。



1.University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who hadnot.报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。


2.On October 4, 1957, the first man-made satellite was sent into space where exploration hadn’tbeen made by man.1957年10月4日,第一颗人造卫星送入了从未被人类探索过的太空。

3.The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a dynamo.利用发电机可以把机械能转变成电能。

4.The book is a reflection of the Chinese society of my father’s time.这本书反映了我父亲那个时代的中国社会。

5.The adoption of this policy would free the labor relation groups of a tremendous loan采取这种政策将会大大减轻劳动关系部门的负担6.Liquids are different from solids in that liquids have no definite shape.液体与固体不同,因为液体没有一定的形状.7 In April, there was a Ping heard around the world. In July, the Ping ponged.四月里,全世界听到了中国“乒”的一声把球打了出去。




Unit 13. 战斗结束后, 双方均宣称获胜。

After the battle both sides claimed victory.她对这块土地产权提出的要求最终得到法庭的认可。

Her claim to the ownership of the land was finally recognized by the court.4. 我从没有感到忌妒。

There has never been any jealousy on my part.6. 他最近出的书中提到了中东问题。

His recent book makes references to the issue of the Mideast.7. CF: efficient & effective8. 我们听到邻居正在争吵。

We could hear the neighbors arguing.9. 每一个人都有永远不可剥夺的权利。

Every individual has rights which must never be taken away.10. 他是个个性很强的有抱负的人。

He was an ambitious man with a strong personality.费德勒是网球界最著名的人物之一。

Roger Federer is one of the best-known personalities in the world of tennis.CF: personality, character, nature & temper11. 想必你要在吃饭前打开行李休息一下。

No doubt you’ll want to unpack and have a rest before d inner.12. 他们的资金在一定程度上来自广告收入。

They are financed to a certain extent by advertising revenue.14. 他们往往持极端观点。




(grateful)I am grateful to you for your help during my stay in New Y ork.2.当她意识到皮夹被偷了,她的脸色一下子白了。

(realize)When she realized that her purse had been stolen, her face went white.3.如果你有空的话,是否可以到机场来接我?(kind)Would you be so kind as to meet me at the airport if you are free?4.在那十字路口,他不知道应该朝哪个方向走。

(at a loss)At that crossroads, he was at a loss which direction he should go in.5.与别人相比,他更值得你学习。

(worthy)Compared with others, he is more worthy of your learning from.6.无论社会发展多快,这个传统应该代代相传。

(However)However fast the society develops, this tradition should be passed on from generation to generation.7.在西方国家,人们乐于在各种活动中当志愿者。

(be ready)In western countries, people are ready to be volunteers in different kinds of activities.8.这些参考书不经允许禁止拿出图书馆。

(forbid)These reference books are forbidden to be taken out of the library.9.网络游戏对孩子的性格会产生很大的影响。



翻译练习一及答案1. You would not have failed if you had followed my instructions/ orders. (按照我的指令去做)2. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never gave up pursuing knowledge/ abandoned the pursuit of knowledge. (放弃对知识的追求)3. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before we find the methods of curing cancer/ we find the cure for cancer. (我们找到治愈癌症的方法)4. Production has to be increased considerably to keep pace with the constantly increasing demands/ needs of consumers(与消费者不断增加的需求保持同步).5.The more exercise you take, the fewer chances you will haveof catching a cold/the less likely you are to catch a cold(你越不大可能感冒).6.Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are manyproblems to which they haven’t found answers/ come up with solutions(他们至今还没有答案).7.What most parents are concerned about/ What concerns mostparents(大多数父母所关心的)is proving the best education possible for their children.8.You’d better take a sweater with you in case/ lest it (should)turn/ get cold(以防天气变冷).9.Through the project many people have received training anddecided to launch their own enterprise / decided to start their own business(决定自己创业).10.The anti-virus agent was not known until a doctor discoveredit by chance(直到一名医生偶然发现了它).翻译练习二及答案1.Thanks to a series of new inventions/ Thanks to a host ofinventions(多亏了一系列的新发明), doctors can treat this disease successfully.2.In my sixties, one change I notice is that I am more inclined toget tired than before/ I am more likely to get tired than before (我比以前更容易累了).3.I am going to pursue this course, no matter what kind ofsacrifice I will make/ whatever sacrifice I have to make(无论我要做出什么样的牺牲).4.I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a departmentstore because it is more convenient and time-saving(它更加方便和省时).5.Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life ismeasured by how much they can borrow/ loan(是用他们能够借到多少来衡量的),not how much they can earn.6.Specialists in intercultural studies says that it is not easy toadapt to life/ living in different culture(适应不同文化中的生活).7.Since my childhood I have found that nothing is moreattractive/ appealing to me than reading(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力).8.The victim could have had the chance to survive(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time.9.Some psychologists claim that people may/ might/ could feellonely when (they are)away from home(出门在外时可能会感到孤独).10.The nation’s population continues to rise at the rate/ speed of12million people per year/ at an annual rate of 12 million people(以每年1200万人的速度).翻译练习三及答案1.The finding of this study failed to take people’s sleep qualityinto account/ consideration (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内).2.The prevention and treatment of AIDS is the field in which/where we can cooperate/ work with(我们可以合作的领域).3.Because of the leg injury, the athlete decided to quit the match(决定退出比赛).4.To make donations or for more information, please contact usat the following address(按以下地址和我们联系).5.Please come here at ten tomorrow morning if it is convenientfor you/ at your conveniences(如果你方便的话).6.Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that hehad difficulty (in)keeping up with his classmates/ difficulty (in) catching up with his classmates(很难跟上班里的同学)in math and English.7.If she had returned an hour earlier, Mary wouldn’t have beencaught by/ in the heavy rain(就不会被大雨淋了).8.It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime aremore likely to put on/ gain weight(更有可能增加体重).9.What many people don’t realize/ What a host of folks don’trealize(很多人所没有意识到的)is that Simon is a lover of sports, and football in particular.10.The study shows that the poor functioning of the human bodyis closely linked to the lack of exercise/ closely related to the lack of exercise(与缺乏锻炼密切相关).翻译练习四及答案1.Having spent some time in thecity, he had no trouble findingthe way to the History Museum(找到去历史博物馆的路).2.In order to support my university studies/ In order to financemy education/ In order to earn enough money to afford my education(为了挣钱供我上学), Mother often takes on more work than is good for her.3.The professor required that we hand in/ submit our researchreport(s)(我们交研究报告)by Wednesday.4.The more you explain, the more confused I am(我愈糊涂).5.Though a skilled worker, he was fired/ dismissed by thecompany(他被公司解雇).6.Our efforts will pay off if the results of the research can beapplied to the development of new technology(能应用于新技术的开发).7.I can’t boot my computer now. Something must be/ go wrong(一定出了毛病)with its perating system.8.Leaving one’s job, no matter what (kind of job)it is / whateveritis (无论是什么工作),is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring.pared with the place where/ in which I grew up/ wasbrought up(与我成长的地方相比), this town is more prosperous and exciting.10.Not until he had accomplished the task/ mission(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously.翻译练习五及答案1.Not only did he charge me too much/ did he overcharge me (他向我收费太高) , but he didn't do a good repair job either.2.The murderer mingled with the crowds (混在人群当中) with an attempt to shoot at the Prime Minister whenever he seized a chance.3.The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are providing new growth opportunities for China’s foreign and domestic trade(为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇).4.That Canadian speaks Chinese as fluently as he speaks English (和他说英语一样流利).5.Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy preparing for (忙着准备) he examination.6.The price of beer ranges/ varies from 50 cents to $ 4 (从50美分到4美元不等) per liter during the summer season.7.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are being developed(正在研制) and perfected now.8.He wears a pair of sunglasses for fear that he should be recognized (唯恐被别人认出来) .9.Frankly speaking, I'd rather you didn’t do anything(不采取任何措施) about it for the time being.10.The substance does not dissolve in water whether (it is) heated or not (不管是否加热).翻译练习六答案1. A man’s worth lies not so much in what he has, but in what he is (而在于他是什么人).2. However much he drank (不管他喝了多少酒), it had no noticeable effect on him.3. Compared with other children of the same age (和同龄的其他孩子相比), Robert is very tall.4. The UN has called on both sides to observe (已要求双方遵守)the ceasefire.5. As chance would have it (真是不凑巧),the one time I wanted to see her, she wasn’t in.6. But for several interruptions (要不是几次打断)the meeting would have finished half an hour ago.7. It is simple. The more preparation you do now, the less nervous you will be before the exam (考试之前你就越不会紧张).8. The elevators in this building are always breaking down (总出故障).9. This article tells you how to avoid getting ill while traveling (怎样在旅行期间防止生病).10. On average(平均来看), men smoke more cigarettes than women.翻译练习七及答案1. ______________________(想到还得重新考试)depressed him.2. The book is ___________(我够不着);would you please pass it to me?3. It was proposed that _____________(旅行推迟).4. _______________(说到现代艺术), few people know more than Tom does.5. Students discuss ideas, _____________(而不是单纯抄袭课本).6. The result of the competition will ________(大部分依靠) the opinions of the judges.7. Nowadays, more and more people ___________(非常重视) economic forecasts.8. He built up a successful business but it was all done _______________(以健康为代价).9. _________________(手头准备一本英英字典), and when you cannot interpret a word with accuracy, you may refer to it any time.10. People who live in the areas __________________(地震多发区) should build houses that are resistant to ground movement.1. The thought of taking the exam again2. beyond / out of / above my reach3. the trip be put off4. When it comes to modern art5. as opposed to just copying from textbooks/ rather than just copy from textbooks6. depend largely on7. attach great importance to8. at the cost / expense of health9. Keep an English-English dictionary handy10. where earthquakes are a common occurrence。



1. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.【译文】他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己所学教给别人。

2. She is young enough to get married.【译文】她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. (N.S. Momaday: The End of My Childhood)【译文一】从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河流和村庄。



4〃We have 365 days in a year.【译文】一年365天。

5〃He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole.【译文】他交臂直立,笑看帽子挂在杆子上那个样子。

6〃Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.【译文】我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。

7〃Is the press a great power in your country?【译文】贵国新闻界有很大的影响(力)吗?8〃Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the trousers.【译文】布朗爱说什么就说什么,但当家作主的却是他老婆。




(…the year 2003 saw…)As is known to all, the year 2003 saw the successful launching of China's first manned spaceship.2.时间见证了学校悠久的历史、自由的学术氛围和充满活力的学生生活。

(Time has witnessed…)Time has witnessed the long history, free academic atmosphere and energetic students' life of the university.3.进入新世纪,中国将发生重大而深远的变化(The new century will see…)The new century will see a significant and far-reaching change in China.4.南京,一个古老而美丽的城市,见证了许多伟大的历史事件。

(Nanjing witnessed…)4) Nanjing, an ancient and beautiful city, has witnessed many great historic events.5.参观他年轻时学习和工作过的地方,勾起了许多美好的回忆。

(A visit…brought back…)A visit to the places where he had studied and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.1.看激动人心的足球比赛是让我忘记工作中所有问题的最好方法。

(take one`s mind off…)Watching exciting soccer games is the best way to take my mind off all the problems in my work.2.朋友们伤心地看着他驾车离去,知道他们要很久才能再见面。

翻译练习 答案4-7

翻译练习 答案4-7


(It )It was on the farm that he spent his childhood.2.你用不了多久就能掌握有关计算机的基本知识。

(pick up)It won’t be long before you can pick up knowledge about computer.3.他们在工作中非常注意理论联系实际。

(combine…with)They pay much attention to combining theory with practice in their work.4.在学习中,无论你遇到什么样的困难,你都不要失去信心。

(lose)No matter what difficulty you meet with in your study, never lose heart.5.外国旅客看到浦东的巨变感到非常吃惊。

(surprise)The foreign tourists were surprised to see Pudong greatly changed.6.他脸上的表情表明他对考试的结果非常满意。

(suggest)The expression on his face suggested that he was quite satisfied with the result of the examination.7.熊猫是中国特有的一种动物。

(peculiar)Panda is a kind of animal peculiar to China.8.现在越来越多的学生抱怨作业太多。

(complain)Nowadays more and more students complain about too much homework they have.9.你一旦养成抽烟的习惯,你会发现很难戒掉它。

(get into)Once you have got into the habit of smoking, you will find it hard to give it up.10.你在解这道数学题时有没有遇到什么困难?(difficulty)Did you meet with any difficulty in solving this maths problem?11.我们非常感谢这位教授给我们做了这么精彩的讲座。



I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Archimeds first discovered the principle(原理)of displacement of water(排水)by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理。

2.There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another.将能量从一种形式转变成另一种形式有各种不同的方法。

3. Corrosion腐蚀is an electro-chemical 电化process by which a metal such as mild steel 低碳钢金属returns to its natural state, such as iron oxide氧化铁or rust铁锈.腐蚀是一种电化的过程,像低碳钢一类的金属,因腐蚀而回复到自然状态,如氧化铁,即铁锈。

4. Hyperventilation过度换气produces small decreases in blood pressure in normal subjects and large decreases下降幅度大in patients with automatic failure自律衰竭.过度换气会使正常受试者的血压轻微下降,而患有自律衰竭患者的下降幅度则较大。

5. Aspirin阿司匹林has been recognized as inhibiting抑制normal platelet 血小板functions and the mechanism 机制has been clearly delineated描述.人们发现阿司匹林有抑制正常血小板的功能,而这种机制也已得到清楚的描述。

6.Traditionally, these tumors have been treated locally, usually with radiation.照过去的治疗方法,对这些肿瘤一直进行局部治疗,通常是采用发射疗法。



精心整理第一单元1. 你昨晚在晚会上玩得开心吗?(have a great time)- Did you have a great time at the party last night?2. 这个学期她选修了英语、计算机和驾驶三门课程。

(take a course)-This term she has taken courses in English, computer, and driving. language learners can turn their mistakes into a big step toward their success.3. 这次事故(accident)给了他一个教训,从那以后他再也不会酒后驾车了。

(teach someone a lesson) The accident taught him a lesson, and from then on, he would never drive a car after drinking.4. 我们都应该以李明为榜样,学好英语。

(take a leaf out of someone’s book)We should all take a leaf out of Li Ming’s book and learn English well.1, Within four years, she has managed to become so fluent in English that she doesn’t even have a foreign accent!在短短四年的时间里,她能说一口流利的英语,而且不带外国口音。

2, She knew they were having the same troubles that she had experienced.她知道他们正在经历着她曾经历过的同样的问题。





一 -派遣使者约定向燕投降。




















9. 又何以蕃吾生而安吾性耶?又怎能使我们人丁兴旺而人心安定呢?《西湖七月半》1.弱管轻丝,竹肉相发。












7. 轿夫叫船上人,怖以关门。



1 1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb) Answer: Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?2. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。

(be proud of) Answer: If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.3. 她开车转弯上了自家的车道 (driveway),不料发现路已被堵塞 (block)。

(only to) Answer: She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.4. 他没有告诉任何人就走了,因为他不想卷入那件事。

(get involved in) Answer: He went away without telling anyone, because he didn’t want to get involved in that matter.5. 最终,产品的成功还是取决于高明的销售手段 (marketing)。

(ultimately) Answer: Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing. 1我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。

(find... doing) Answer: I found myself having great interest in spoken English.2. 驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化。

(realize; enormous) Answer: Driving on the expressway, I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China's highway system in recent years.3. 我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机。



UNIT 11.她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。

(much less)2.他认为我在对他撒谎,但实际上我讲的都是实话。

(whereas)3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for)6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。

(in the presence of sb.)1.你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。

(never too...to...)2.还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。

(use an appositional structure)3.由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。

than+ adjective)5.人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。

(be free to do sth.)6.看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。

(free as though)1.他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。

(use "which"to refer back to an idea or situation)2.我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。

(use"so...that..."to emphasize the degree of something)(ill at ease)6.当地政府负责运动会的安全。

(take charge of )UNIT 11.She wouldn't take a drink,much less could she stay for dinner.2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week?4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new marketno means a great writer.4.He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses.5.The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.6.This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience.UNIT 31.You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.1.It is a great pleasure to meet friends from a far.2.It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.3.You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.4.Allow me to take part in this project:I am more than a little interested in it.5.Everyone knows that he is special:He is free to come and go as he pleases.6.Watching the unhappy look on her face,I felt as though she wishesUNIT 61.(Just) as a machine needs regular running,so does the body need regular exercise.2.He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3.To our disappointment,he turned down out invitation.4.The reality is that,for better or worse,the world has changed with advance of new technologies.5.Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when (they are) required to answer questions.6.The local government took charge of the security for the sports。



翻译及答案Unit One1.那个作家答应下个月来我们学校举办一次讲座。

(promise)The writer has promised to give a lecture in our school next month.2.这个周末去参观现代艺术馆怎样?(how about)How about visiting the Modern Art Museum this weekend?3.尽管费用很高,我们上周还是去香港购物了。

(expense)Despite the high expense , we still went shopping in Hong Kong last week.4.我的职责就是保持讲台干净。

(keep)My duty is to keep the teachers’ desk clean. 5.当你入住旅馆时,你必须出示身份证。

(check in )When you check in at a hotel , you must show your ID card.6.每个应聘者都急于知道自己的面试结果。

(cannot wait)Every applicant could not wait to know theresult of his interview.1.尽管他不喜欢英语,老师还是要求他背诵所有的课文。

(although)Although he didn’t like English , the teacher still made him recite all the texts.2.无论你多忙,你都必须去机场为他们送行。

(however)However busy you are , you must see them off at the airport.3.尽管很危险,我还是设法游过了那条河。

(despite)Despite the danger , I managed to swim across the river.4.不管你是选择物理还是化学,你都应该先把数学学好。



第一单元1. 你昨晚在晚会上玩得开心吗?(have a great time)- Did you have a great time at the party last night?2. 这个学期她选修了英语、计算机和驾驶三门课程。

(take a course)-This term she has taken courses in English, computer, and driving.3.他女朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠她的情。

(have a debt)- He has a debt to his girlfriend who has helped him a lot.4.我明白了一个道理:永远不要让你的朋友失望。

(let down)- I have learnt one thing: never let your friends down.1. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do.的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。

2. As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one.作为老师,我总是告诉我的学生从第一天开始就努力奋斗、积极向上。

a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand.为了你的大学生活过得充实、丰富,你应该充分利用即将得到的机会。

, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible.因此,在开始你的大学生涯时,请下定决心好好学习吧。



1. He wante‎d to learn‎, to know, to teach‎.【译文】他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自‎己所学教给‎别人。

2. She is young‎enoug‎h to get marri‎e d.【译文】她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there‎I could‎see the whole‎valle‎y below‎, the field‎s, the river‎, and the villa‎g e. It was all very beaut‎i ful, and the sight‎of it fille‎d me with longi‎n g. (N.S. Momad‎a y: The End of My Child‎h ood)【译文一】从那里,我可以看见‎下面的整个‎山谷,那田野、河流和村庄‎。



4〃W e have 365 days in a year.【译文】一年365‎天。

5〃He stood‎up strai‎g ht with arms folde‎d, and laugh‎e d at the cap hangi‎n g there‎on the pole.【译文】他交臂直立‎,笑看帽子挂‎在杆子上那‎个样子。

6〃Our son must go to schoo‎l. He must break‎out of the pot that holds‎us in.【译文】我们的儿子‎一定要上学‎,一定要出人‎头地。

7〃Is the press‎a great‎power‎in your count‎r y?【译文】贵国新闻界‎有很大的影‎响(力)吗?8〃Brown‎may say what he likes‎, but it is his wife who wears‎the trous‎e rs.【译文】布朗爱说什‎么就说什么‎,但当家作主‎的却是他老‎婆。


































1.She was more royal than the royals.她比皇家成员更有皇家气质。

(增词)2.You must come back before nine. Period!你必须九点之前回来。




3.An episode of humor or kindness touches and amuses him here and there.他不时会碰到一两件事情,或是幽默得逗人发笑,或是显出人心忠厚的一面。

(增词法)4.There are scenes of all sorts, some dreadful combats, some grand and lofty horse-riding, somescenes of high life, and some of very middling indeed, some love-making for the sentimental, and some light comic business.看看各种表演,像激烈的格斗,精彩的骑术,上流社会的形形色色,普通人家生活的情形,专为多情的看客预备的恋爱场面,轻松滑稽的穿插等等。

5.He dismissed this meeting without a closing speech.他没有致闭幕词就宣布会议结束。

(增词)6.Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in theuniverse is that of lights…就其基本内容而言,这一学说提出的论点包括:光速是宇宙中最快的速度;…….7.This great scientist was born in New England.这位伟大的科学家出生在美国东北部的新英格兰。

翻译 答案

翻译 答案

十、直译与意译1) I don't really know anything about you, because you and I are as different as chalk and cheese. 说实在的,你这人我一点也搞不懂。


2) Light streamed into the room as soon as the door was opened. But outside, the village was still quiet. Neither dogs barked nor roosters crowed.大门一开,房里亮了。


3) ...The reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine, a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands.。


4) And the beauty of the pearl, winkling and glimmering in the light of the little candle, cozened his brain with its beauty.美丽的珍珠,在烛光下闪闪发亮,使人神往,令人陶醉。

5) Between two tall gate-posts of rough-hewn stone (the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch) we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage terminating the vista of an avenue of black ash-tree.一条大路,两旁岑树成林,路的尽头可以望见牧师旧宅的灰色门面,路口园门的门扇已不知在哪一年掉了下来,可两座粗石雕成的门柱还巍然矗立着。

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真题详解:1. Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to adapt oneself to the life/living in different cultures. (适应不同文化中的生活)2.Since my childhood I have found that nothing is more attractive to me than reading (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力).3.The victim would have/stand a chance to survive/of survival(本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.练习:1. If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now. ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)2. The victim would have survived (本来有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time .3. Some women could have made a good salary. (本来能够挣一份很好的工资) in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.4. If he had known this would happen, he would have acted differently(他当初也许会以不同方式行事).练习:1. I suggested he should adapt himself to (使自己适应) his new conditions.2. I insisted that he should stay. (坚持要他留下).3. After the terrorist attack, tourists were advised not to travel to that country at the moment (被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游).练习:1. It was essential that we sign the contract by the end of the month (我们在月底前签订合同).2. It is strange that so many people (should) lose their jobs(竟然这么多人失业).1. Only after I slapped him on the back did he notice me and shouted with happiness (他才发现我并高兴得叫起来).2. Only in the small town does she feel secure and relaxed (她才感到安全和放松) .练习:1. Hardly had he arrived home或He had hardly arrived home(他刚到家)when it started raining.2. The witness was told that under no circumstances should he lie to the court.(他都不应该对法庭说谎)练习:1. Every mother is proud of her child and so is every father.(父亲也一样).2. If you won't agree to our plan, neither will they ( 他们也不会同意).练习:1. The more you explain, the more I am confused (我愈糊涂).练习:1. Not until the deadline did he send (out) (直到截止日他才寄出) his application form.2. It is because she is too inexperienced (正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.3. Professor Clark was a bit strict with us, but I do learn a lot from him (但我们确实从他那里学到了很多).六综合练习综合练习1:1. I have had great deal of trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. (跟得上班上的其他同学)2. The nation ’ s population continues to rise at a speed of 12 million per year ( 以每年1200 万人的速度)3. (他把自己奉献于社区工作) He devoted himself to the community and is passionate about what he is doing.4. When Sandy recovered from cancer, her doctor attributed it to her firm belief (把此归因于她坚定的信念).5. What a lovely party! It's worth remembering all my life (牢记一生).综合练习2:1. With many friends absent (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off.2. The report said that the sample water had too much lead in it, which might damage our health(可能对我们的健康有害).3. His scientific works were widely read in English-speaking countries (在英语国家得到广泛阅读).4. John cannot afford to go to the university, not to speak of going abroad (更不用说出国了).5. Mark often attempts to escape being fined (试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.6. Believe it or not (信不信由你), his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.综合练习3:1. Man should not exploit the natural resources at the cost of sacrificing/loss of other species ( 以牺牲其他物种为代价).2. (这个计划成功的关键) The key to the success of this project is good planning.3. In the budget for this building, they failed to consider/take into account the factor of increasing price. ( 考虑价格增长的因素).4. I didn ' t even speak to him, let alone discuss with him ( 更不用说与他讨论事情).5. He was disabled from birth, but he never felt frustrated, and never yielded to any difficulties as well ( 也从未屈服于任何困难).6. I don’t mind your delaying making (你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late.7. It is not until they lose it (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health.8. His remarks left me wondering about his real purpose ( 想知道他的真实目的).9. If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now. ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)10. We'd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past. (而不是为过去而懊悔) .七历年真题06年6月答案87. finding the way to the history museum88. In order to support my university studies(或:to finance my education; to pay for my education/to pay my tuition fees)89. we (should) hand in our/the research report(s)90. the more confused I am91. he was fired by the company06年12月答案87. adapt oneself to life/living in different cultures88. nothing is more attractive to me than reading或to me, nothing is more important than reading89. would have had a chance to survive或would have survived90. might feel lonely when they are far from home/ are not in their hometown/ traveling.91. at a speed/rate of 12 million per year 或at an annual speed of 12 million07年6月答案87. take people’s sleep quality/quality of sleep into account/consideration88. a field in which we can work together / a field in which we can cooperate89. decided to quit the match90. contact us at the following address91. at your convenience/if it is convenient for you07年12月答案87. Thanks to/ because of a series of new inventions88. I have been more likely to get tired than before/ I get tired more easily than before89. no matter at what expense (cost)/ no matter what I have to sacrifice (pay)/ would have to sacrifice (pay)90. the former/ shopping online is more convenient and efficient (time-saving) (can save more time)91. is measured in terms of how much they can borrow(loan)08年6月答案87. can be applied to the development of the new technology.88. must be wrong89. whatever job it is/ no matter what job it is90. Compared with the place where I grew up91. Not until he had finished the mission08年12月答案87. which/that they haven’t found answers to88. what most parents are concerned about89. in case of temperature drop90. decided to start their own business91. until a doctor found it by chance08年6月答案82. who have spent their whole lives on poems83. or she should have replied to me last week84. have finished her chemistry experiments85. the old couple quarreled with each other86. The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon09年6月答案87. difficulty (in) keeping up with his classmates88. wouldn’t have been caught in the heavy rain89. more likely to put on weight90. What many people don't realize91. closely related to the lack of exercise09年12月答案87. had followed my instructions/orders88. gave up pursuing knowledge89. before we find the methods of curing cancers/ before we find the cure for cancer90. keep pace with the constantly increasing demands of consumers或keep up with the constantly growing needs ofconsumers91. the fewer chances you will have of catching a cold10年6月答案87. focusing on the experiment.88. had temper before.89. being invited to attend the opening ceremony.90. is to be installed next to the window.91. her parents' strong opposition10年12月答案87. To ensure that he attends the meeting; In order to ensure he attends the meeting; To ensure his attending themeeting.88. is said to have been built89. without the unique environment of earth; without the unique earth environment90. What impressed the tourists most; The most impressive to the tourists91. I (should) return the books I borrowed to the library11年6月答案87. nor did they explain the reason.88. could be assigned to another job.89. at the risk of his own life.90. was his assistant who answered the phone.91. his father persuaded him into。
