
幼儿童话剧剧本(英文童话剧)英语短剧: The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, I will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon Mr. Tortoise. Today, near the river, an interesting thing is happening.兔子:Hi! Mr. Tortoise. What are you doing?乌龟:Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.兔子:Why do not you put four wheels on your feet? You will run much faster than now.乌龟:No, I would run with my feet step by step. I’m sure I can win. I could be the winner.兔子:Can what? Can run? Just like now? Ah, Ah, Ah, You are too slow. I can even walk faster than you run.乌龟:Miss Hare, You are too proud. We should have a race. I believe I can run faster than you. That means I can win the match. 兔子:What? What? A race? With you? You can win? OK. OK. Look at the tall tree. Let me see who can get there first.乌龟:OK !兔子:Who will be the winner? Of course, It is me.旁白:Many animals hear about the message that Mr. Tortoise andMiss Hare will have a race. They all come to the place near the river.猴子: Mr. Tortoise, Are you ill? You must know your legs are much shorter than Miss Hare’s. That is to say you would fail the race.乌龟: Don’t worry. I will try my best. I believe myself. 小鸡: Oh, My God! Do not join the race, and you will not be the winner,乌龟: You are my good friends. Please believe in me. I can win the race .猴子: Ready? Go!旁白: Miss Hare runs very fast, but Mr. Tortoise runs very slowly. A moment later, Miss Hare arrives at a small tree. 兔子: Where is Mr. Tortoise? I can not see him. Oh, he is much far behind me. I think he will arrive here at least in the afternoon, Let me have a good rest.旁白: Miss Hare wants to have a rest, but after a moment, he feels a little sleepy.乌龟: How tired, but I can not give up. I must insist. I can arrive at the tall tree.兔子: Oh, It is Miss Hare. He is sleeping now. I must run faster at his sleeping time.旁白: Miss Hare is sleeping, while Mr. Tortoise is running much faster now. Now Mr. Tortoise arrives near the tree.猴子和小鸡: Mr. Tortoise, Come on, Come on. You could be the winner!兔子: Who is making the noise? Ah? Mr. Tortoise? He will win? Oh, no. Let me catch up with him.Oh, It is too late, he is the winner, I fail the race. But I do not know why? Do you know?丑小鸭儿童剧本(英语)It was a lovely summer day in the country. Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time. After a while, one by one, ducklings came out of the eggs.Ducklings: Peep, peepMother Duck: Quack, quack! Are you all out?Duckling1: No, one egg is still here. Look how big it is! At last, the big egg came open. This duckling was very big and very ugly!MD: Oh,my!This duckling is big and different from the others.I wonder if it is a turkey. We will soon find out.Mother Duck took her ducklings to the water. One after another,the little ducklings jumped in the water. The Ugly Duckling also jumped in the water and swam very well.MD: Oh, he is not a turkey. Turkeys can’t swim. He is my child. Let’s go to the farmyard. But you must stay close to me and watch out for the cat.Duck1:Look at that duckling! He looks so strange.Duck2:He is so big and ugly. Go away!MD: Please, leave him alone. He is not doing any harm.But the ducks pecked the Ugly Duckling. All the animals in the farmyard bit him and pushed him, too.Ducklings: I wish the cat would eat you!MD: You should never have been born.So the poor, little duckling was very sad. Finally, he ran away. UD: Why does everyone hate me? Is it because I am so ugly? But I am really nice.The Ugly Duckling met two wild ducks.WD: What kind of duck are you? You are really ugly. But that’s OK, if yo u don’t marry one of our familyThen the Ugly Duckling heard, “Pop, pop!” An d the two wild ducks fell dead.Just then, many hunting dogs appeared. The Ugly Duckling was very afraid. So, he tucked his head under his wing. A huntingdog sniffed the Ugly Duckling. “Sniff, sniff!”Dogs: You are ugly!And they went away without touching the Ugly Duckling.UD: Oh, I am alive! No one wants me. Even dogs don’t want to bite me.He felt lucky but, at the same time, he felt sad. The poor duckling waited for several hours, and then, ran away.A storm began. The rain and lightning terrified the Ugly Duckling. He was so cold and wet! He ran and ran as he looked for shelter from the storm.Finally, he arrived at a cottage. An old woman, a cat, and a hen lived in this cottage. He went inside.UD: May I have some food?Old Woman: Oh, what a prize! Is it a fat duck? Now, I can have duck’s eggs.The old woman’s sight was very bad. So the duckling lived there for a few days. But the hen and the cat were mean to the duckling. Hen: I can lay eggs. Can you do that?UD: No.Cat: I can catch a mouse. Can you do that?UD: No.Cat: Then, what can you do?UD: I can swim.Cat: Oh, no one should swim! You will surely drown!UD: I won’t drown.Cat and Hen: You are a big liar!So the poor duckling left the cottage.Soon, summer turned into fall. The Ugly Duckling swam in the pond. A group of swans flew over the duckling.UD: What beautiful birds! I wish I could be like them.The weather grew colder and colder. Now, winter came. UD: I must swim and swim, or the pond will freeze around me. But every night, the space became smaller and smaller. Finally, the pond froze, and the d uckling couldn’t move any more. Early in the morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling. Farmer: Oh, poor duckling! I’ll take yo u home to my wife and children.The wife took care of the duckling. Soon, the duckling got well. But the children wanted to play with the duckling. Children: Come play with us! Come play with us!The duckling was scared. The farmer’s wife and the children chased the duckling around the farm house. Finally, he ran out the door.A beautiful spring came. The Ugly Duckling saw the butterfliesdancing and heard the birds singing.One day, his wings felt very strong. So, he flapped them against his sides and flew high into the sky.UD: Wow, I can fly so high! What’s happened to me?The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful garden with a pond. He decided to rest there for a while.UD: I want to stay with these beautiful birds. But, they will kill me because I am so ugly. At least, I will die happily, if I can be with them for a while.So, he swam towards the swans. When the swans saw the young bird, they swam to him.UD: Peck me, if you must!And he bent his head down to the surface of the water. The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful swan looking back at him in the water! UD: Oh! Is that really me? I am a beautiful swan! I am not an ugly duckling after all!The three swans welcomed the young swan.Some children came to the pond and threw pieces of bread into the water.Children: Look, there is another swan! This new one is the most beautiful of all.The Ugly Duckling was so happy. He was more beautiful than he had ever hoped to be. And now, he knew where he belonged英语童话剧:白雪公主<剧本>SNOW WHITE CONTENTSSW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the ne w queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king’s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what’s the matter with you?S.w: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----2\somebody drank my water----3\someone is sleeping now----4\What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you!D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6\ welcome to our house!----7\Would you like to live here?S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,wh o’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭S.w wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子吻公主,公主醒了S.w: Thank you for your help!P: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞英语小剧本-----小红帽Little Red Riding Hood第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum:Bye-bye. Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I amhungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。


Snow White角色:ActorsSW——白雪公主(1个)Q——王后(1个)M——魔镜(1个)D——小矮人(7个)(一)旁白:(伴着音乐)In a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a life princess. The family lived a happy life. But before long, the queen died. The king married another woman. She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant. She couldn’t bear anyone being more beautiful than her. She had a magic mirror.(王后出场)Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all?M:Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow.Q:Snow White! Alas for her!旁白:The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly. The guard couldn’t hear to kill her, So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can, and never let the queen find her. Snow White ran into the forest, she wandered aimlessly. Will she come to a small house.SW:Oh, it’s adorable! I like it here.(敲门,然后推开)Hello! May I come in?(回头让跟在身后的小动物们安静)Shh……(在小房子里到处看看)Oh, and from the look of this table, seven untidy little children! Why, they’ve never swept this room. I know! We’ll clean the house and surprise them. Then maybe they’ll let me stay.SW(指着小松鼠):Now, you wash the dishes.(指着小兔子):You tidy up the room.(指着小鸟):You clean the fireplace.(开始扫除,配“嘻嘻唰唰”音乐)……广告公司详细问题了解下!(打扫完毕,大家都累了,打着哈欠)SW:Oh, I’m a little sleepy myself. Oh, Oh……(公主打着哈欠,睡在了小矮人们的床上)(三)(伴着音乐,小矮人们唱着歌回家了)Dwarf5:“Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It’s home from work we go……”Dwarf1:(走到床边,突然停下)Oh, No!(大家举起手中劳动工具准备打床上熟睡的公主)Dwarf2:(揭开铺盖)Oh, she’s mighty“purdy”.Dwarf3:She’s beautiful, just like a angle!(当大家都惊讶于公主的美丽时,公主醒来)SW:Oh, dear……(发现小矮人们)How do you do!I’m Snow White. Dwarf5:Snow White? The Princess!SW:Yes.旁白:Snow White told the seven dwarfs her story. The seven dwarfs invitedher to stay will them. In the daytime. They went out to work while Snow White did the homework at home. They lived happily.(四)Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who now is the fairest.M:Well, Snow White, fairest one of all.Q:snow White lies dead in the forest.M:Snow White still live, the fairest in the bed.Q:The blundering fool!(王后大发雷霆)旁白:The queen decided to get rid of the Snow White by herself. She made an red apple that was poisoned. Then she came to the seven dwarfs’ house.(五)(第二天,小矮人们要出去工作了)D1:Now, don’t forget, my dear, the, the old Queen’s a sly one full of witch craff. So beware of strangers.SW:Don’t worry. I’ll be all right. (拥抱小矮人)See you tonight.D1(非常开心):Uh, uh, yes, we-well, uh, come on, men!(小矮人们愉快地工作去了公主站在家门口目送他们)(六)(白雪公主边唱歌边做草莓派,王后来到)Q:Mm-mm. Making pies? Pies made from apples like these.(王后拿出苹果递给公主)Like to try one? Hmm? Go on. Go on, have a bite.(动物们怕公主受到伤害,一起进攻王后,令王后摔倒在地,公主立刻出门赶走小动物)。




小学英语话剧《丑小鸭》双语剧本《an ugly duckling》场景:夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
画外音:It is warm, A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。
)鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m tired.(伸懒腰)哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!鸭妈妈抚摸着鸭蛋,突然,一只鸭蛋动了一下。
小鸭1站了起来,看了一下周围的世界说:Oh, what a beautiful world!“哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”接着,另外3只小鸭从蛋壳里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去,喊:Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!妈妈!妈妈!………小鸭4:(指着大蛋)Mum, what’s this ? Why not crack? 咦,妈妈,这是谁?还不出来呀?鸭妈妈:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.别提了,妈妈在他身上花的功夫最多,可他硬是不见一点动静。
)丑小鸭:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you!众小鸭惊异、交头接耳。
小鸭2:Wow, his feather is gray, it’s too rube!呀!他的毛是灰灰的,太土了。
Half Chick-小学英语话剧剧本

HALF CHICK 半只鸡Narrator旁白Half Chick半只鸡Water水Fire火Wind风Giant巨人生词:adventure冒险hoppity hop 一蹦一蹦地跳stick树枝flame 火焰burn燃烧untie解开cook烹调pot锅N: Once there was a chicken who had only one leg, only one wing and only one eye. He was called Half Chick.H: No one wants to play with me. I will leave the farm and find adventure.N: Half Chick walked and walked, hoppity hop, hoppity hop.H: Hello, Water!Water: Will you help me, Half Chick? These sticks are in my way.H: I will move the sticks for you, Water.N: Half Chick walked and walked, hoppity hop, hoppity hop.H: Hello, Fire!F: Will you help me, Half Chick? My flames are burning low.H: I will give you some sticks to burn, Fire.N: Half Chick walked and walked, hoppity hop, hoppity hop.H: Hello, Wind!Wind: Will you help me, Half Chick? I am caught in these branches.H: I will untie you from the branches, Wind.N: Half Chick walked and walked, hoppity hop, hoppity hop.G: Hello! A chicken for my dinner!H: I am not a chicken. I am Half Chick.G: Then I will have a Half Chick for my dinner.N: The giant threw Half Chick into the cooking pot.H: Help, Fire! Do not cook me!F: I will help you, Half Chick, because you helped me.Water: I will help you, too, Half Chick.N: So the water put out the fire burning under the cooking pot.G: Roar! What is happening to my dinner? I do not want a half-cooked Half Chick.N: And the giant threw him out the window.H: Help, Wind! I cannot fly with only one wing!W: I will help you, Half Chick, because you helped me.N: The wind carried Half Chick into the air and put him down on a roof high above the giant’s kitchen. And now all weathercocks—like Half Chick—stand on one leg and look wherever the wind blows.风把半只鸡吹到空中,然后把他放在巨人厨房上方高高的屋顶。

《孔雀东南飞》(英文搞笑话剧)——金科Wanders every five miles焦仲卿Johnny(J for short) 刘兰芝Lunch(L for short)焦母Johnny’s mother(JM for short) 刘母Lunch’s mother(LM for short)太守之子Mayor’s son(MS for short) 强盗Burglars(AB and C)Prologue(J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)J: Everybody says that I’m hen pecked, but in fact, I’m as strong as a tiger,(小声)while my wife is WuSong.(指着上台处的门大声道)I’m not afraid of you!(内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then, I’m afraid of whom?My wife Lunch is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood. She is braver than me, smarter than me and stronger than me. All thisI do not care.I only want her to be tender than me. But she is not! Having a wife like this is just like living in the hell!As you see , people live around here all said that I am not a man. Yes, I am not a man, I am a handsome man.(手撩头发做臭美状)(内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J)My God! Who can help me?(下)Act1(序幕结束时,JM作窃听状)JM(拄拐棍上):I can!(对门内)Lunch! Lunch! Where are you?L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来):I’m here! What’s up mum?JM: I’ve told you again and again that you should call me“ my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law”.L: OK. My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law,what’sup? (口气很不情愿)JM: Since you married my son you have behaved so badly. You have been so rude, so brusque, so lazy……L: But……JM:Never interrupt me!L: Never interrupt me!(手势)Since I married your son, that terrible Johnny(语气重点头), I have been working hard all day long, cooking and washing. I have raised(掰手指头数)ten soft hous and sof pigs and ducks and chicken and……JM: But all those you have done are not as valuable as a grandson!L(生气地挥动着锅铲):Oh, you want a grandson, don’t you?(开始解围裙)Go and ask your son. I’m leaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下)Act2(LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上)L: Mum, I’m back!LM:(惊讶睁大眼)You are back? Why? What happened?L: I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother–in-law.(怨愤抱拳在胸前)LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情):See! (手指向兰芝)I have already told you!(咳嗽两声)When you insisted on marrying that terrible Johnny,(咳)I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor, but you did not listen to me. Look at yourself…… (咳咳咳)L: But, mum…… (很委屈温声细语)LM: Never interrupt me!L: Mum, I’m not interrupting you. I just want to tell you that you are always right OK? And I’ll marry whom ever you want me to LM(大喜):Nice girl!(竖大拇指)Just now, I met the mayor`s son in the market. He said:“If your daughter h aven’t been married, I really really want to marry her!” Now you are free again, I’ll go and tell him.(下)L(惊愕):What? (手捂下巴)The mayor`s son? The most famous play boy in the neighbor-hood?(手中的锅铲掉在地上)What a silly thing I have done! No, I will not marry a man like that!(扭身子撒娇)LM: But he is really handsome…L: ...ok, go ahead!Act3(J睡眼惺忪上)J(边走边道):Lunch! Lunch! Where are my socks?(走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Here they are!(闻一下)Er! How smelly! They are still dirty!(突然想起)Lunch has gone! I have to wash them myself.(他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh, I’m so hungry! But there’s no breakfast!(捡起地上的围裙)This is what Lunch always wears! I miss her so much, and her excellent cooking skill! Now she has gone. I have to cook for my mother and myself.JM(上):Where’s my breakfast?Where’s Lunch? Hasn’t she got up yet?J: Mum, can’t you remember? Lunch has gone! (手揉眼哭)JM(沉吟片刻):Well, to tell you the truth Johnny, a son without a wife is useless. Lunch is a nice girl, go and take her back!J(立正敬礼):Yes madam!Act4(J开心地走着(慢跑状步行),忽然跳出来三个强盗) J往后一跳,手放下巴下面A: Hey you!(指J)Stop and listen to us!(指自己胸口)The road is built by me!(单手人猿泰山状抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上)B: And I planted one tree!(竖食指做1状,亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上)C: If you want to go by this street---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚)AB&C: Give us all your money! (齐伸手)J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币):Is 1mao enough?(三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量) A: What bad luck! This guy is broken!B: If we can not rob any money today, we will have nothing to eat tonight!C:I heard that the mayor’s son is going to marry Miss LiuLanzhi next month. We can go and rob the wedding!A&B: Good idea!J(惊讶):What? What? Lunch is going to get married? It’s impossible!AB&C:Why? A pretty girl and a rich man,what a good couple!J:But Lunch is my wife! We haven’t got divorced yet!(突然有了主意)I’ve got an idea! You are going to rob the wedding, don’t you?I’ll go with you. You take the money and I take the bride.B: Have you got any experience?J: No. But I’ve got thi s!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000强盗头头念出来)Act5(转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,L盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台)L(to her mother): Dont you say he is handsome? (委屈状手放下巴)LM: no! I just say he has some hands..(J和三强盗跃至台中)ABC&J: Hey you! Stop and listen to us!A: The road is built by me!B: And I planted one tree.C: If you want to go by this street---J: Give us all your money!(张开怀抱)(L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头)L(惊喜万分):Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J,拥抱,并躲到了J的身后,J做老母鸡张翅状护住)(MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒)J(火冒三丈):How dare you beat my wife!(挥拳向MS冲去)(J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS) (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前) J(扶起L,关切地问):Honey ,how are you?L(哭状):I hurt a lot!J: Don’t cry baby. I’ll go and fetch the medicine.(下)L(起身去追):Wait for me!(跑下)(音乐起Can You Celebrate)。

理奇我有点麻烦Richie? I'm in a little bit of trouble here.我得出去有点事我不知道还能找谁I don't know who to turn to, I have to take care of something right now. 我不能让索菲亚一个人待着But I don't wanna leave sophia alone.我得找人带她几个小时I need someone to look after her for a few hours until I get back.我知道我们已经很久没联♥系♥了I know we haven't spoken in a while.你也很清楚And you know that要求你来帮我担当一点我很不情愿you are my last choice on earth to ask to be responsible for anything. 但你是我哥我想也许...But you are my brother, I thought maybe...我现在真的很乱Look, I'm really fucked right now, ok?一团糟也找不到人帮忙I'm in a fucked up situation, and I can't get a hold of anyone.你真的是我最后一个选择了You're my absolute dead last option.你能就帮我这一次吗理奇Can you just do this one fucking thing for me,Richie?求你了说话啊Please! Say something.我知道你现在没什么重要的事情I know you're not doing something important.你要我在电♥话♥里求你吗好我求你If you want me to beg off the phone? This is it.我走投无路了求你了理奇This is all I've got...this is me begging you, Richie.你能二十分钟内赶到帮我看着她吗Can you be over here in 20 minutes and watch her for me?我不能让她一个人待着真的不能I can't leave her alone, I just can't.求你了Please.好OK.宵禁严禁吸烟这个单子上写着你可以带我去的地方Here's a list of appropriate places you are allowed to take me.如果你带我去了别的地方If you take me somewhere that's not on that list,你就会有麻烦there'll be hell to pay.这些钱你只可以花在我身上Here's some money for you to spend on me,and on me only.如果你花在别的地方比如毒品你就会有麻烦If you spend it on anything else,like drugs, there'll be hell to pay.十点半之前不能进我们家You're not allowed in the apartment until you drop me off at 10:30.但如果十点半没能准时送我回If I'm not back home by 10:30 on the dot,你就会有麻烦there'll be hell to pay.把话说明白了很好Well, I'm glad we get that out of the way.我叫理查德My name is Richard.我是你舅舅And I am your uncle.这我不关心I don't care.保龄球馆你上几年级What grade are you in?-四年级 -四年级喜欢学校吗有好朋友吗-4th -4? You like it? You got some good friends?索菲亚我小的时候常画画Sophia? You know when I was younger I used to draw a little bit有个动画人物就叫索菲亚and I had this cartoon character named Sophia.那种手翻动画书《索菲亚小冒险家》I made these little flip books, you know. Sophia the Little Adventurer.你知道那种手翻动画书吗You know what flip books are?你妈妈很喜欢她觉得很搞笑好玩Your mother loved them she laughed and she thought they're really funny. 我们好像从小都不认识一个真正叫索菲亚的I don't know if we knew anyone named Sophia growing up.也许她就是按那个动画人物给你起的名字I wonder sometimes maybe she named you after these cartoons I used to draw. -她有提过吗 -她从来不谈你-Maybe she mentioned something? -She doesn't talk about you.其实她有说你是Actually, she said you're被动难缠passive aggressive.被动...被动什么Passive... passive what?-被动难缠 -被动难缠-Passive aggressive. -Passive aggressive?被动难缠这是什么意思Passive aggressive. What does that mean?几年前其实是一次意外You know what, there was a little accident a few years ago.是我太大意后来她不让我再见你It was kind of my fault I was never allowed to see you again,所以我想让我们互相多了解一些so I like very much to get to know each other a little bit.我带你去个地方我得去拿点东西You know what, we get to go somewhere, I got to pick something up.单子上有吗Is it on the list?不在但我得去拿两分钟就好It wasn't, but I got to pick up now, take two minutes.单子上没有It's not on the list.这样吧...You know what...这是你的单子Here is your list.现在单子上有了我们走There, boom! Now it's on the list, let's go.我马上就出来I'll be back in a second.马上出来你站着别动Just a few seconds, stay right here, stay here.-怎么了 -我想回家-What's wrong, hey, what's the problem? -I wanna go home.-你想回哪怎么了对不起 -我想回家-You wanna go what? What's wrong, I'm sorry, OK? - I wanna go home. -对不起 -你把钱花了-I'm sorry, all right. -You spent the money.-我要我的钱 -我没花钱-I want my money. -Hey, I didn't spend the money, Sophia.钱都在这我没用I have the money right here, all right? I didn't spend the money.你妈都跟你说了些什么What did your mom say about me?-她从来不谈你 -你能先停下吗-She doesn't talk about you. -Would you please stop walking?我进去是拿这些手翻动画书I went to get these flip books, OK?我是想你可能会喜欢这些I just thought, maybe you'd enjoy on my...听着我没有花钱Listen now, I didn't spend any of the money.全都在这儿我不撒谎I didn't spend a dollar of this money. I don't lie.我不撒谎I dont lie.我在想也许...I just thought maybe...-为什么会在那里面 -因为我以前住在那儿-Why were they in there? -Because I used to live there.好吗我以前...OK? I used to...对不起我不该带你来这儿I'm sorry, all right? I shouldn't brought you.我没想清楚I'm not clear headed.我只是想给你看看这些I just thought maybe you'd like to see these...你想看看吗Would you like to see one?在这你看Right here, see.她被箭射中了She got shot by an arrow.是的她死了Yeah, she dies像动画片里那样但她总能复活你看like the looney toons, you know, but she always comes back to life, see?索菲亚总能复活Sophia always comes back to life.-你是怎么画的 -我不知道-How did you do all this? -I don't know.我当时很无聊I guess I was bored, you know.我没掌上游戏机或是手榴弹大♥师♥可以玩I don't have a Game Boy or Fragger or whatever you're playing over there.你怎么知道我玩什么游戏How did you know the game I was playing.不知道我有见过I don't know, I know it, you know, I know it.-你知道手榴弹大♥师♥ -是的我知道手榴弹大♥师♥ -You know Fragger? -yeah, I know Fragger, I know it.你知道手榴弹大♥师♥You know Fragger?是的很好玩我们能找个暖和点的地方吗Yeah, I know, it's amazing. Can we not be in the cold anymore please?-最喜欢的数字 -3-Favorite number? -Three.-颜色 -蓝-Favorite color? -Blue.-是个什么意外 -什么意外-What was the accident? -What accident?-那个让我们不能见面的意外 -那不重要-The accident why you never saw me again. -That doesn't matter.-我想知道 -这有什么意义-But I wanna know. -Why does it matter?你知道导致肺癌的第一大原因吗You know what's the leading cause of lung cancers?-知道 -那为什么抽烟-Yes. -Why do you smoke?-因为没你想的那么糟 -就有那么糟-Because it's not as bad as you think. -Yes it is.-有时不会 -一直都会-Not sometimes. -All the time.你看起来不太健康You don't look very healthy.-你吃维他命吗 -我有毒品-Do you take vitamins? -I take drugs.那可不是维他命有女朋友吗Those are not vitamins. Do you have a girlfriend?-没有 -为什么-No. -Why not?-我不知道 -也许是你因你看上去不太健康.-I don't know. -Maybe it's because you don't look healthy.有可能你能先吃你的薯条吗Maybe, can you please finish up eating your fries.或者是因为你口臭Or it could be because of your bad breath.我没有口...臭I don't have the bad... breath.吸烟会导致牙龈炎Smoking is one of the leading causes of gingivitis.你真的很让我头疼You really gaving me a headache right now.你不会照顾你自己You don't take very good care of yourself你真的很让我头疼Giving me a huge migraine headache.你应该找个女朋友照顾你You should get a girlfriend to take care of you,你自己明显不行you clearly can't take care of yourself.-搞不懂他看上去还不错 -很抱歉-I don't understand. He seems so normal. -I'm sorry.对不起里面有个小女孩Please, there's a little girl in there.他有工作他不一样This one has a job, he's totally different.-里面有个小女孩... -不-There's a little girl... -No!-我的天 -抱歉这已经是第三次了-Oh my god! -I'm sorry, it's the third.纽♥约♥时♥报♥我随便翻一页就会看到... The New York Times! i open up that page...-能闭嘴吗-Could you shut up?闭嘴闭嘴Shut up.闭嘴闭嘴闭嘴Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.能特么给我闭嘴吗Would you shut the hell up?闭嘴Shut up!闭嘴!Shut up!闭上你的臭嘴Shut your big fat cow mouth!闭嘴都给我闭嘴Shut up! Shut the fuck up, shut it!闭上You shut it!闭Shut!嘴Up!-是个什么意外 -不-What was the accident? -No.-是个什么意外 -我不记得了-What was the accident? - I don't remember.拜托了求你我真的很想知道Please, come on. I really wanna know.好吧我把你弄摔了All right, fine. I dropped you.-什么 -我把你摔到地上了-You what? -I dropped you on the floor.-什么时候 -你还是个婴儿-When? -When you were a baby.我负责照看你我不知道怎么抱小孩I was taking care of you, I don't know how to hold one of those things, OK? 你手脚乱动Your legs and your arms were flying all over the place.不停地哭还打嗝And you were crying and burping,我没抱稳把你弄摔了你妈妈差点吓出心脏病and I lost control. I dropped you, your mother nearly had a heart attack.It's not funny.我以为我把你摔得很严重I thought I did some serious damage, OK?很严重,是件很严肃的事情It's serous, it's a serous thing.你好变♥态♥You're sick, you're a sick person.你是个傻子这是我听过最傻的事情You're a dumb person, it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 你就笑吧后来我一个月都没睡好觉Yeah, laugh it up, OK. I didn't sleep for a month after that.我的天我超爱这首歌♥Oh my god! I love this song.跟我跳舞Dance with me!-快 -我不会跳舞-Come on! -I'm not a dancer.求你了Please.快啊Come on!-怎么回事 -没什么-What happend? -Nothing.怎么回事What happend?是个意外It's just an accident.你得去缝针I think you need stitches.真的很对不起I'm so sorry.我不会再像这样离开你了I'll never leave you like that, OK?我们去睡觉好吗Let's get you to the bed, all right?我马上来I'll be right back法♥院♥制止令侵略性袭击及骚扰我看得出来,她和早上不一样了I can see from her face, she's changed from this morning.你让她喜欢你了You got her liking you now.五个小时你就变成好人了Five hours and then suddenly you're Mr. Wonderful.你不用给我钱You don't have to pay me.-拿着 -我不需要钱好吗-Please, just take the money. -I don't need the money anymore, all right? 你们有谈到我吗Do you guys talk about me?肯定谈过我很保守很严格很无趣I bet you did, right? I'm uptight, I'm strict, I'm no fun.你凭什么Who the fuck are you?仅此一次理奇This's a one time deal, Richie.我不想让我女儿再有什么虚伪的偶像I don't want my daughter having anymore false idols.你能先回去吗Can you just please leave?四年级公立学校198Fourth grade, PS 198.斯科蒂·伊凡斯和迪米·奈特Scotty Evans and Timmy Knight.总找我的茬They got to me.有时打肿我的眼有时划伤我Sometimes there's black eye, sometimes they cut me.然后你去找他们记得吗Then you come down there, remember?你拳头举得高高给了斯科蒂·伊凡斯一拳You raised your fist up real high, you punched Scotty Evans on the chin. 他硬生生的倒在地上我从没见过那样的场面He goes down like a ton of bricks, I've never seen anything like it.他们说...They said...他们说你很衰还要你的小妹妹替你打架you're embarrassing that you little sister fight your battles for you我不那么认为I didn't think so.你站在那儿说Seeing you standing there,"不要惹理奇不要惹我哥""You don't mess with Richie, you don't mess with my brother!" 那时我就知道I knew the truth.我有这个世界上最棒的妹妹I had the coolest sister in the world.然后我们长大了Then we grew up.我们变了We changed.我变了I changed.你知道...你有个这么好的女儿And you know... you have this beautiful girl,她真的很特别she's one in the million.她那么聪明She's so smart我知道如果不是因为她妈妈很努力And i know that you don't get to be like that,她不会是这样unless your mother is the best of the best.然后我意识到And then I realized that有些东西永远都不会变somthing's never change.你还是这个世界上最棒的妹妹You're still the coolest sister in the world.麦琪Maggie?你能不能...Would it be ok if...平时来帮我照看一下索菲亚you came over... and look after Sohpia sometimes.我只是...我需要帮忙你明白吗I just... I need some help, you know?也许星期五下午Maybe, Friday afternoons或者是星期天or Sundays or something. 好OK.。
英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----BearTiger:I’m a great tiger.I’m very strong.I’m very brave.I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry.I must find sth.to eat at once,or I’ll die immediately.Oh,there’s nothing here.And here is nothing,either.Oh,I want to have a rest.(Sleep soundly) Fox:I’m a fox.You can see,I’m pretty and lovely.I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies.Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat.Mm,Mm,Mm.How delicious it is! Tiger:Ah,a fox.A good meal.Ah,a good meal.Fox:Oh,my God!What should I do?Yes,I have a good idea.Yes,a good idea.Hello!Tiger sister!How are you?Tiger:Not so good.I’m very hungry now.I want to eat you.Fox:Oh,my dear!How dare you say that!I’m the king of the forest!I’m the king of the forest!If you want to eat me,I will let you die right now.Tiger:She is the king.She is cheating me.I can’t belive her.I’m the king of the forest here.Fox:If you don’t believe me,just follow me and see who is the king of th e forest. Tiger:Ok.Let’s go.Rabbit:I’m a rabbit.I like to eat a turnip.Ah,a big turnip.Oh!It’s too hard.I can’t pull it out.Bird:I’m a bird.Rabbit:Hi!Bird:Hi!What are doing here,Miss Rabbit?Can I help you?Rabbit:Yes,please.Frog:I’m a frog.Hello!What are you doing here?What can I do for you?R&B:Yes,come on!Frog :Ok!I’m coming!Bear:I’m a big brown bear.Hello,everyone!What are you doing here?R,B&F:Come on!Come on!Mr.Bear!You are so strong.Please come here.There is a big turnip.We are all puling it out.Please come and help us.Bear:Ok!I’m coming.Fox:Hello,Bear!Bear:Hi,Fox.Oh,a tiger!(run away)Fox:Hello,Frog!Frog:Hi,Fox.Oh,a tiger!(run away)Fox:Hello,Bird!Bird:Hi,Fox.Oh,a tiger!(run away)Fox:Hello,Rabbit!Rabbit:Hi,Fox.Oh,a tiger!(run away)Fox:Tiger,Now,you see.They are so frightened!They all run away!Tiger:Yes,you are right.It’s true.I’m very sorry.You are the king of the forest.That’s all right.I will run away.He is the king.He is the king.Fox:Wa!There is a big turnip.Now,the turnip belongs to me中英文对照话剧剧本:老鼠嫁女A Mouse Marriage旁白:Long long ago,the mouse king wanted to marry his daughter to the strogest man in the petitioners were too many to be counted.The story begins here.(很久很久以前,鼠大王想把他的女儿嫁给世界上最伟大的人,竞争者数不胜数,故事从这里开始。

惊声尖叫伍兹伯勒高中头条新闻伍兹伯勒广场输入要呼叫的姓名或电♥话♥号♥码呼叫911已接通911911接线员请问您有什么紧急情况宵禁闭店宵禁闭店-喂 -你好- Hello? - Hello.-什么事 -你是哪位- Yes? - Who is this?-你想找谁呢 -这里的号♥码是多少- Who're you trying to reach? - What number is this?-你想打的号♥码是多少 -不知道- Well, what number are you trying to reach? - I don't know. -我觉得你打错电♥话♥了 -是吗- Well, I think you have the wrong number. - Do I?经常的事不用介意It happens. Take it easy.-喂 -不好意思我想我是打错了- Hello. - I'm sorry. I guess I dialled the wrong number.-那你为什么要再打过来 -道歉- So why'd you dial it again? - To apologize.-原谅你了再见 -等等别挂- You're forgiven. Bye now. - Wait, wait. Don't hang up.-怎么了 -我想跟你聊聊- What? - I wanna talk to you for a second.你可以打900开头的热♥线♥ 拜拜They've got 900 numbers for that. See ya.-喂 -你为什么不想和我聊天- Hello. - Why don't you want to talk to me?-你是谁 -你告诉我你是谁我就告诉你- Who is this? - You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine.恐怕不行I don't think so.什么声音What's that noise?-爆米花 -你在做爆米花吗- Popcorn. - You're making popcorn?我只有看电影的时候才吃爆米花I only eat popcorn at the movies.-我正准备看录像带呢 -是吗什么片子- Well, I'm getting ready to watch a video. - Really? What? -恐怖片而已啦 -你喜欢看恐怖片吗- Oh, just some scary movie. - Do you like scary movies? 你最喜欢的恐怖片是什么What's your favourite scary movie?-我不知道啊 -你总会有部最喜欢的- Uh, I don't know. - You have to have a favourite.第一反应是哪部What comes to mind?《万圣节》"Halloween. "就是戴着白面具的人You know, the one with the guy in the到处游荡跟踪保姆的那部white mask who walks around and stalks baby-sitters.你呢What's yours?你猜Guess.《猛鬼街》Um, "Nightmare on Elm Street".就是有钢爪手怪人的那部吗Is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers?是的弗莱迪·克鲁格Yeah, Freddy Krueger.就是弗莱迪我喜欢那部电影很可怕Freddy, that's right. I liked that movie. It was scary.第一部是不错后来的都很烂Yeah, the first one was, but the rest sucked.你有男朋友吧So, you got a boyfriend?为什么问我这个你想约我吗Why? You wanna ask me out on a date?也许吧你有男朋友吗Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?-没有 -你都没告诉我你的名字- No. - You never told me your name.你为什么想知道我的名字Why do you want to know my name?因为我想知道我正看着谁'Cause I want to know who I'm looking at.你说什么What did you say?我想知道我正在和谁说话I want to know who I'm talking to.-你刚不是这样说的 -你以为我说了什么- That's not what you said. - What do you think I said?怎么了What?喂Hello?-我得挂了 -我们不是说要约会吗- Look, I gotta go. - Wait. I thought we were gonna go out.不还是算了吧Uh, nah, I don't think so.别挂我电♥话♥Don't hang up on me!该死Shit.你好Yes?我说了不要挂我电♥话♥I told you not to hang up on me.-你想干什么 -聊天- What do you want? - To talk.打给别人行吗Well, dial someone else, okay?听着混♥蛋♥Listen, asshole...不你给我听着小贱♥人♥No, you listen, you little bitch.再敢挂我电♥话♥ 我就拿刀捅烂你懂了吗You hang up on me again, I'll cut you like a fish, understand? 这是恶作剧吗Is this some kind of joke?应该说是一个游戏More of a game, really.你玩得起吗Can you handle that,金发妞blondie?你看得到我吗Can you see me?听着我马上要叫警♥察♥了Listen. I am two seconds away from calling the police.他们来不及的这可是荒郊野岭They'd never make it in time. We're out in the middle of nowhere. 你到底想怎样What do you want?看看你的内脏什么样To see what your insides look like.谁在那儿Who's there?谁在那儿Who's there?我要叫警♥察♥了I'm calling the police.你不该问"谁在那儿"You should never say "Who's there?"你没看过恐怖片吗那是找死Don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish.跟出门看看You might as well just come out here是什么发出了奇怪响动一样蠢to investigate a strange noise or something.听着你也作弄过我了Look, you've had your fun now,你还是快走吧否则so I think you better just leave or else.否则怎样Or else what?我男朋友随时都会过来Or else my boyfriend'll be here any second他要是知道了会非常生气的and he'll be pissed when he finds out.你不是没有男朋友吗I thought you didn't have a boyfriend.我说谎了我有男朋友I lied! I do have a boyfriend...他随时会过来你还是快滚吧and he'll be here any second, so your ass better be gone. 行啊Sure.我发誓I swear.他很壮还打橄榄球He's big and he plays football,他会把你揍得开花and he'll kick the shit out of you!我好怕吓得腿都软了I'm getting scared. I'm shaking in my boots.所以你还是快走吧So you better just leave.他不会叫His name wouldn't be史蒂夫吧Steve, would it?你怎么知道他的名字How do you know his name?再把庭院的灯...Turn on the patio lights...打开again.天呐Oh, God!我要是你的话可不会那么做I wouldn't do that if I were you.你在哪你在哪Where are you? Where are you?-你猜 -求你不要伤害他- Guess. - Please don't hurt him.-那就看你了 -你为什么要这么做- That all depends on you. - Why are you doing this?-我想玩一个游戏 -不- I wanna play a game. - No.-不然他现在就死 -不不不- Then he dies right now. - No! No! No!选哪个Which is it?选哪个什么游戏Well, what kind of a game?关灯你就知道是什么游戏了Turn off the light. You'll see what kind of game.照我说的做Just do it!不凯茜不不No, Casey! No! No!不凯茜No, Casey!游戏的玩法是这样的Here's how we play.我问一个问题如果你答对了就饶史蒂夫一命I ask a question. If you get it right, Steve lives.-求你不要这样 -来嘛很好玩的- Please don't do this. - Come on, it'll be fun.-求你了求你了 -这个类别很简单- Please, please. - It's an easy category.电影大百科Movie trivia.我还会给你一个热身问题I'll even give you a warm-up question.别这样我不行Don't do this. I can't.-说出《万圣节》中凶手的名字 -不- Name the killer in "Halloween. " - No.说嘛这是你最喜欢的恐怖电影啊Come on! It's your favourite scary movie, remember? 他戴着白色面具He had a white mask.-他跟踪保姆 -我不知道- He stalked the baby-sitters. - I don't know.-说嘛你知道的 -别这样- Come on. Yes, you do. - No, please.-他叫什么名字 -我没法思考- What's his name? - I- I can't think.史蒂夫的命就看你的了Steve's counting on you.迈克尔迈克尔·梅耶Michael- Michael Meyers.Yes! Very good.现在要来真的了Now for the real question.-不 -但你回答得很好啊- No! - But you're doing so well.-可不能现在停 -住手放过我们吧- We can't stop now. - Please stop! Leave us alone!那就回答问题吧还是恐怖片类Then answer the question. Same category.停手吧Oh, please stop.说出《黑色星期五》中凶手的名字Name the killer in "Friday the 13th. "杰森杰森杰森Jason! Jason, Jason!对不起回答错误I'm sorry. That's the wrong answer.不没有错没有错就是杰森No, it's not! No, it's not. It was Jason.恐怕不是哦Afraid not. No way.听着就是杰森那电影我看了20多遍Listen, it was Jason! I saw that movie 20 goddam times! 那你应该知道杰森的妈妈Then you should know Jason's mother,沃利斯太太才是最开始的凶手Mrs Voorhees, was the original killer.杰森是在续集中才出现的Jason didn't show up until the sequel.恐怕你回答错误哦I'm afraid that was a wrong answer.你耍我You tricked me.但你很走运有一个奖励环节Lucky for you there's a bonus round.但可怜的史蒂夫恐怕他要出局了But poor Steve. I'm afraid he's out!我们还没玩完呢Hey, we're not finished yet.最后一个问题你准备好了吗Final question. Are you ready?求你了求你了放过我吧Please, please, leave me alone.回答问题就行Answer the question, and I will.我在哪个房♥门口What door am I at?-什么 -你们家有两个主要入口- What? - There are two main doors to your house.前门和阳台门The front door and the patio doors.答对了你就能保命非常简单If you answer correctly, you live. Very simple.别这样我不行我不能Don't do this. I can't. I won't.你来定Your call.你今天在这里浇水了吗Did you water over here today?就是那次下雨浇的It was just that water from the rain.看上去真不错啊They look great, don't they?-气味儿有点强吧 -我说了你可以退回去啊- Don't they smell strong? - I told you you could send it back. 妈妈Mom!-上帝啊 -怎么了- Jesus! - What is it?凯茜Casey!天Oh, G-凯茜凯茜凯茜Casey. Casey. Casey!-她在哪 -快报♥警♥- Where is she? - Call the police!-凯茜你在楼上吗 -天呐凯茜- Casey! Casey, are you upstairs? - Oh, my God. Casey, baby? -她在哪 -她就在电♥话♥里- Where is she? - She's- She's here.-妈妈 -天呐我能听到她说话- Mom. - Oh, my God, I, I can hear her.-妈妈 -她在哪- Mom. - Where is she?天呐我听得到Oh, my God! I can hear her.上车开去麦肯齐家Get in the car. Drive down to the MacKenzies'.-不不我女儿啊 -快去- No. No, not my daughter. - Just go.-我女儿不要有事啊 -报♥警♥- Not my daughter. - Call the police.-是我而已 -比利你在干什么- It's just me. - Billy, what the- What are you doing here? 对不起别恨我Sorry, don't hate me.-天呐 -怎么了你就穿这睡吗- My God! - What, do you sleep in that?是啊你得走了Yes, I sleep in this. You gotta go.我爸就在隔壁你不能进来My dad is in the other room. You can't be in here.-我就待一会儿 -不行...- Okay, I'll just stay a sec. - No...你不能待在这儿不你快走快走You can't be in here. Oh, no. You gotta go. Go, go, go.怎么回事What's going on in there?-你没事吧 -能先敲门吗- Are you okay? - Can you knock?-我听到有人尖叫 -没有啊- I heard screaming. - No, you didn't.没有吗No?好吧Oh, well.我要睡觉了I'm hittin' the sack.我明天一大早的航♥班♥My flight leaves first thing in the morning.展览要开一个周末我要周日才回来Now, the Expo runs all weekend, so I won't be back till Sunday. 桌上有现金我就住在...There's cash on the table, and I'm staying at...-希尔顿酒店 -就在机场附近- The Hilton. - Out at the airport,-所以有任何... -需要就打给你- so call if... - If I need anything.-我知道 -我发誓我听到了尖叫声- Yeah, I got it. - I could've sworn I heard screaming.-一路顺风 -好好休息亲爱的- Have a good trip, okay? - Sleep tight, sweetie.-好悬啊 -比利你来这儿干什么- Oh, close call. - Billy, what're you doing here?我就是突然想到Well, it occurred to me我从没从你卧室窗户溜进来过that I've never snuck through your bedroom window.好主意这下你试过了Great idea. Now that it's out of your system.我本来在家看电视在放...You know, I was home watching television. The, uh-《驱魔人》我就想到了你"The Exorcist" was on. It got me thinking of you.-是吗 -嗯是电视剪辑版的- It did? - Yeah, it was edited for TV.劲爆的镜头都被剪掉了You know, all the good stuff was cut out.然后我就想到了我们...And it got me thinking of us...两年前我们初遇火花四射how two years ago we started off hot and heavy.绝对是R级电影直奔17禁Nice solid R-rating on our way to an NC-17.现在情况有所改变...And now things have changed and...最近我们也变成电视剪辑版了lately we're just sort of edited for television.所以你想从我的窗户爬进来So you thought you would climb in my window我们一起拍点原片吗and we'd have a little raw footage?不不我不敢想要突破你的底裤防线No. No, I wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule.我只是想I just也许我们可以玩个隔衣擦火thought maybe we could do a little on-top-of-the-clothes stuff. 好吧Okay.好了时间到大情种Okay. Okay, okay. Time is up, stud-bucket.天啊你看你就这么折磨我God, you see what you do to me?你知道我爸爸会怎么对你吗You know what my dad'll do to you?那我走了I'm going.好Okay.这样的确很浪漫You know, I- I appreciate the romantic gesture.关于...做♥爱♥的事Hey, about the, uh- the sex stuff...我不是想催你I- I'm not trying to rush you at all.我也是半开玩笑的I was only half serious.好吧Okay.比利Hey, Billy.13岁以下需父母陪同观看的恋爱关系可以吗Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?什么意思What's that?天呐My God.你真是个小妖精You're just a tease....情况已经得到控制...situation under control.收到调度Roger, dispatch.发现血迹了吗好的There's blood found? All right.他们在课堂上嗑药They are doing drugs that they buy in the classrooms...还卷入了邪教and that they are involved in the occult.邪教Occult?昨晚加利福尼亚州伍兹伯勒镇Woodsboro, California, was devastated两名青少年遭人残忍♥杀害震惊了全镇居民last night when two young teenagers were found brutally murdered. 当局尚未发表声明Authorities have yet to issue a statement,但据我们的线人称but our sources tell us...尚无人被捕而且有可能再度发生命案that no arrest has been made and the murderer could strike again. -你敢信吗 -该死怎么回事- Do you believe this shit? - Damn! What is going on?-你不知道吗 -不知道- You don't know? - No.凯茜·贝克和史蒂夫·奥斯Casey Becker and Steve Orth-昨晚被杀了 -什么不会吧- were killed last night. - What? No way.而且可不是被杀那么简单And we're not just talking killed.而是像电影里血浆飞溅的那种We're talking splatter-movie killed.从头到脚被剖开了Ripped open from end to end.凯茜·贝克她英语课上就坐我旁边Casey Becker, she sits next to me in English.今后不会了太可怜了Not any more. It's so sad.她的父母发现她被吊在树上Her mom and dad, they found her hanging from a tree,内脏都挂在外面her insides on the outside.天呐他们知道是谁干的吗Oh, my God! Do they know who did it?毫无头绪Fucking clueless.他们正在调查学校里的每一个人I mean, they're interrogating the entire school.老师学生和员工Teachers, students, janitors.他们觉得和学校有关吗They think it's school-related?他们不知道啊They don't know.杜伊说这是这是近年来最恶劣的犯罪事件I mean, Dewey was saying this is the worst crime they've seen in years. 甚至比...Even worse than-反正就是很糟Well, it's bad.-给你塔特老师 -谢谢你詹姆斯- Here you go, Mrs Tate. - Thank you, James.希德妮Sidney.好像轮到你了It would appear to be your turn.下一个是谁Who's up next?-希德妮·普莱斯考特 -普莱斯考特- Uh, Sidney Prescott. - Prescott.她是那谁的女儿...She was daughter of, uh--希德妮感觉怎么样 -还好- Sidney, how you feelin'? - Fine.你好希德妮Hi, Sidney.伯克治安官杜伊Sheriff Burke, Dewey.今天要叫我莱利警官小希Uh, that's Deputy Riley today, Sid.-最近怎么样 -挺好- How is everything? - Good.你♥爸♥爸呢他怎么样And your dad? How's he doin'?-挺好谢谢 -我们不会问太多希德妮- We're fine. Thanks. - We're gonna keep this very brief, Sidney. 警♥察♥只是想问你几个问题可以吗The police just want to ask you a few questions. You okay?希德妮你和凯茜·贝克关系近吗Sidney, were you very close to Casey Becker?记住校长爱你们希望你们平安无事Remember, your principal loves you, and I want you to be safe. 所有学生放学以后All students are encouraged to return to应当马上回家躲开陌生人their homes promptly from school grounds. Avoid strangers. 结伴而行Walk in twos and threes.他们问了你什么问题希德妮What kind of questions did they ask you, Sidney?他们问我认不认识凯茜They asked if I knew Casey.他们也问了我这个Yeah, they asked me that too.-有没有问你喜不喜欢打猎 -问了- Hey, did they ask if you like to hunt? - Yeah, they did.-也问你了吗 -打猎- Did they ask you? - Hunt?为什么会问你喜不喜欢打猎Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?因为他们的尸体都被开膛了'Cause their bodies were gutted.-谢了兰迪 -他们没问我喜不喜欢打猎- Thank you, Randy. - They didn't ask me if I like to hunt.因为他们不可能是被女生杀的It's 'cause there's no way a girl could've killed 'em.这也太性别歧视了That is so sexist.凶手也可能是女人《本能》里就是The killer could easily be female. "Basic Instinct. "那里面用的是冰锥不算一♥码♥事That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing.凯茜和史蒂夫完全被掏空了Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out.事实就是只有男人才能做得到And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that.或者只要像男人一样残忍♥Or a man's mentality.怎么能把人开膛呢How do you gut someone?拿一把刀You take a knife,从胸腔划开到腹股沟and you slit 'em from the groin to sternum.这叫反问句你这白♥痴♥Hey, it's called tact, you fuck rag.斯图你不是和凯茜交往过吗Hey, Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?-两秒就吹了 -她为了史蒂夫甩了你- Yeah, for like two seconds. - Before she dumped you for Steve. 我还以为是你为了我甩了她I thought you dumped her for me.是啊他胡说I did. He's full of shit.警♥察♥知道你和死者交往过吗And are the police aware that you dated the victim?你想说什么是我杀了她吗Hey, what're you saying? That- that- that I killed her?绝对能让你在高中人气大涨It would certainly improve your high school "Q."斯图昨晚和我在一起好吗Stu was with me last night, okay?没错Yeah, I was.那是在他把人♥大♥卸八块之前还是之后Was that before or after he sliced and diced?滚你的混球Fuck you, nut case.-你昨晚又在哪 -上班呢谢了- Where were you last night? - Working, thank you.在那家音像店吗Oh, at the video store?-他们不是把你炒了吗 -炒了两次呢- I thought they fired your sorry ass. - Twice.-我没杀人 -没人说你杀了- I didn't kill anybody. - Nobody said you did.谢了伙计Thanks, buddy.再说了这种事只有男人才能做得到Besides, it takes a man to do something like that.我这就把你开膛了臭小子I'm gonna gut your ass in a second, kid.告诉我Tell me something.你真把她的肝脏放在邮箱里了吗Did you really put her liver in the mailbox?因为我听说他们在邮箱里找到了她的肝脏'Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox还有她的脾脏和胰腺next to her spleen and her pancreas.兰迪你个白♥痴♥ 我在吃东西呢Randy, you goon! Fuck! I'm trying to eat here. Okay?她生气了好吗你最好别惹她[音似"肝She's getting mad, all right? You better "Liver" alone.别惹她"Liver" alone!肝别惹这是个双关"Liv-" Ow! "Liver. Liver. Liv-" It was a joke.-再见希德妮 -明天再聊小希- See you, Sidney. - I'll talk to you tomorrow, Sid.你确定我能住你家吗So, you sure I can stay over,我爸爸要周日才能回来'cause my dad won't be back till Sunday.没问题训练完了我就去接你No problem. I'll pick you up after practise.你没事吧You okay?就是那些警♥察♥和记者什么的It's just, you know, the police and reporters... and everything, 感觉就像往事重现it's like deja vu all over again.我7点前过来我保证I'll be there by 7:00, I promise.-谢谢你泰滕姆 -回见- Thanks, Tatum. - Later.昨天晚上 17岁的凯茜·贝克的The bodies of 17-year-old Casey Becker父母发现了她和她男友and her 18-year-old boyfriend Steven Orth...18岁的史蒂夫·奥斯的尸体...were discovered late last night by the girl's parents-伍兹伯勒双尸命案The Woodsboro double murder case.当局正苦于缺乏线索以及凶残的...Authorities are baffled by the lack of clues and the savage-全镇一片震惊The town's in shock,没人敢相信会发生这种事and no one can quite believe what has happened here...但这已经不是伍兹伯勒小镇although this is not the first time this small community发生的第一起悲剧了of Woodsboro has endured such tragedy.一年前已婚且育有一女的莫琳·普莱斯考特Only a year ago Maureen Prescott, wife and mother...被发现遭人奸♥杀♥was found raped and murdered陈尸在这座平静的小镇广场的不远处not far from this peaceful town square.-喂 -训练晚了我马上过来行吗- Hello? - Practise ran late. I'm on my way, okay?-已经7点多了 -别担心- It's past 7:00. - Don't worry.凯茜和史蒂夫是10点以后才遇害的Casey and Steve didn't bite it till way after 10:00.我真是安心多了That's comforting.我顺道去一趟音像店I'm gonna swing by the video store.我想租汤姆·克鲁斯的《步步登天》I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in "All The Right Moves. "要是暂停得恰到好处就能看到他的小♥弟♥弟♥ You know, if you pause it just right, you can see his penis.-随便啦快点过来就行 -好嘞小希- Whatever. Just hurry, okay? - Ta-ta, Sid.-泰滕姆快开车... -你好希德妮- Tatum, just get in the car- - Hello, Sidney.你是哪位Hi, who is this?你说呢You tell me.-我不知道啊 -晚上挺吓人是吧- Well, I-I have no idea. - Scary night, isn't it?发生了双尸案With the murders and all,感觉就像恐怖电影的情节似的it's like right out of a horror movie or something.兰迪你暴露了Randy, you gave yourself away.你在上班吗泰滕姆正要去你那儿Are you calling from work, 'cause Tatum's on her way over. 你喜欢恐怖电影吗希德妮Do you like scary movies, Sidney?我喜欢你弄得这个声音兰迪挺性感的I like that thing you're doing with your voice, Randy. It's sexy. 你最喜欢的恐怖电影是哪部What's your favourite scary movie?得了你知道我不看那种东西Oh, come on. You know I don't watch that shit.为什么太害怕吗Why not? Too scared?不只是有什么意思呢剧情都差不多No, no. It's just, what's the point? They're all the same.愚蠢的杀手Some stupid killer stalking跟踪演技蹩脚的大胸女some big-breasted girl who can't act每次都闷头往楼上冲who's always running up the stairs却想不到从前门逃出去when she should be going out the front door.-简直侮辱智商 -你一个人在家吗- It's insulting. - Are you alone in the house?兰迪这招太老套了我对你真失望Randy, that's so unoriginal. I'm disappointed in you.也许是因为我不是兰迪Maybe that's because I'm not Randy.-那你是谁 -你不该问"你是谁"- So, who are you? - The question isn't "Who am I?"而是应该问"你在哪"The question is "Where am I?"那...你在哪So, where are you?你家前廊Your front porch.你为什么会在前廊上给我打电♥话♥Why would you be calling from my front porch?这就是我原创的桥段了That's the original part.是吗Oh, yeah?我觉得你是在虚张声势Well, I call your bluff.-你在哪呢 -在这儿- So, where are you? - Right here.你能看到我吗Can you see me right now?我在干什么呢What am I doin'? Huh?我在干什么呢喂What am I doin'? Hello!得了吧兰迪让泰滕姆快点过来再见Nice try, Randy. Tell Tatum to hurry up, okay? Bye now.你要是敢挂我电♥话♥ 你就会像你妈一样死掉If you hang up on me, you'll die just like your mother!你想死吗希德妮Do you wanna die, Sidney?你妈妈当时可不想死Your mother sure didn't.去死你个变♥态♥Fuck you, you cretin!不No!该死Shit!该死Shit!比利Billy!门锁上了我听到了尖叫声你没事吧The door's locked. I heard screaming. You all right?那个凶手在这儿他在屋里The killer's here. He's in the house.他在屋里No, he's in the house.他有刀他会杀了我们的He's got a knife. He's gonna kill us.他走了他走了没事的He's gone. He's gone. It's all right.怎么了What?小希怎么了Sid, what?等等等等希德妮Wait, wait. Wait, Sidney,等等等等等等Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!怎么回事希德妮快回来What's going on? Sidney, come back!希德妮Sidney!不好意思Sorry!这是我捡到的I found this.快来Come on!把手放在一起All right, hold your hands together.你想放弃保持沉默的权利吗Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent?我什么都没干I didn't do anything.你想放弃请律师并在审讯过程中Do you wish to give up your right to speak to an attorney... 要求他们在场的权利吗and have them present during questioning?问她她会告诉你的Ask her. She'll tell you.问她啊Ask her.什么情况杜伊What do you got, Dewey?-我抓到他了治安官 -等等- I caught him, Sheriff. - Wait.抓到了谁Who is that?-比利·卢米斯 -治安官让他们放开我- Billy Loomis. - Sheriff, Sheriff, call these guys off.不是我♥干♥的I didn't do it.-走吧 -治安官等等等等- Let's go. - Sheriff, wait! Wait, listen.打给我爸爸Call my dad.打给他他会告诉你的打给他Please, call him. He'll tell you. Just call him.希德妮希德妮Sidney! Sidney!-她怎么样 -小希比看上去坚强多了- How's she doing? - Sid's tougher than she looks.-经历了那么多事当然得坚强 -小希- She'd have to be, all the shit she's been through. - Sid!今天咱们见了好几次了Well, we're seein' a lot of you today.你能跟我们去警局You gonna be able to come down回答几个问题吗小希to the station and answer a few questions, Sid?该死希德妮Oh, shit, Sidney!天呐小希对不起我迟到了你没事吧God, Sid, I'm so sorry I was late. Are you all right?泰滕姆你不能待在这儿Tatum, you can't be here.-这里是犯罪现场 -没事的- This is an official crime scene. - It's okay.她爸爸出城了她今晚跟我们一起住Her dad's out of town, all right? She's staying with us tonight. -妈妈知道吗 -当然了杜呆子- Does Mom know? - Yes, doofus.-先送你走吧 -她会没事的- Let's get you out of here. - She'll be okay.-走吧小希 -你不会相信我找到了什么- Come on, Sid. - Oh, you won't believe this.吓人吧Creepy, huh?该死I'll be damned.-怎么了 -上帝啊快准备摄像机- What? - Jesus! The camera, hurry!我不叫上帝My name isn't Jesus.希德妮是你吗Sidney, is that you in there?不好意思Excuse me.他们带走的是希德妮·普莱斯考特吗Is that Sidney Prescott they took away?-无可奉告 -她怎么了- I'm not talking to you. - What happened to her? 关你什么事None of your damn business.我听说凶手穿了戏服是真的吗I heard something about a costume. Is that true? 你能告诉我些什么吗Can you tell me anything?能啊你真是个烦人精Yeah, you're a real pain in the ass.别去烦小希Leave Sid alone.她要去哪Where's she goin'?-听着肯尼 -怎么了- Look. Kenny? - Yeah?我知道你大概超重了50多磅I know that you're about 50 pounds overweight, 但当我说"快点"时but when I say "hurry"...就是please interpret that"你个死肥猪给我赶紧的"的意思as "move your fat, tub-of-lard ass now!"你找到他了吗Did you find him?你确定他住在希尔顿酒店吗Are you sure it was the Hilton?在机场附近At the airport.他没有登记入住He's not registered there.他会不会住在了别的地方Could he have stayed somewhere else?我也不知道可能吧I don't know. I guess.别担心小希我们会找到他的Don't worry, Sid. We'll find him.杜伊他们把面具拿来了Dewey, they got that mask in.-收到调度 -我马上回来- Roger, dispatch. - I'll be right back.等等Hold on a minute.我问问你Let me ask you this.你为什么带着部移♥动♥电♥话♥ 孩子What're you doin' with a cellular telephone, son?人人都有治安官Everybody's got one, Sheriff.那些电♥话♥不是我打的I didn't make those calls, I swear.老天啊你就不能去查查通话记录吗Why don't you check the phone bill, for Christ's sake!打给维塔电♥话♥公♥司♥Call Vital Phone Comp.他们有每通呼出电♥话♥的记录They got the records of every number dialled.谢了汉克我们正在查呢Thanks, Hank. We're on top of it.你今晚去希德妮家干什么What were you doing over at Sidney's house tonight?我只是想见她而已I wanted to see her, that's all.昨晚呢And last night?希德妮说你昨晚也爬进了她的窗户Sidney said you crawled through her window last night too. 你昨晚出去了吗You went out last night?我看电视看得无聊了就想出去转转I was watchin' TV. I got bored. I decided to go for a ride.你有没有刚好路过凯茜·贝克家Did you happen to ride by Casey Becker's house?没有No.我没有No, I didn't.治安官我没有杀人Sheriff, I didn't kill anybody!孩子拿到通话记录之前We're gonna have to hold you, son,我们得对你进行关押till we get those phone records.这太扯了This is crazy.知道吗不是我♥干♥的You know that? I didn't do it.-二号♥摄像机 -上- Camera Two? - Go. I do.里面还有甜甜圈吗Are there any more doughnuts in there?-快来肯尼 -他们不让任何人进去- Move it, Kenny. - They're not lettin' anybody in.我不是普通人I'm not just anyone.贱神Bitch goddess.-肯尼开始拍摄了吗 -开始了- Kenny, are we on? - Yeah, go.这里是盖尔·威瑟斯Gale Weathers从伍兹伯勒警局为您带来现场报道reporting live from Woodsboro police station...。

(周扒皮,地主婆在旁偷听,得意地笑)高玉宝:(坐起来)什么瘟鸡啊,刚躺下就叫(打哈欠)周扒皮:(做着敲门的动作)高玉宝,干活了,起来干活了!高玉宝:老爷~我白天犁了一天的地,晚上又骡两担麦,这会刚躺下,太累了(打哈欠)你就让我再睡一会儿吧!周扒皮:你!鸡都叫了,你还想睡懒觉!好啊,咱们有言在先,干工偷懒,工钱分文不给!哼!(甩袖子)高玉宝:诶,老爷,我不睡了,(追上去),我不睡了还不行吗!唉!干活去!(背木材)地主婆:怎么样?贤内助吧周扒皮:是啊,是啊(奸笑)夫人高才!地主婆:那是!(牵着周扒皮手)走!再去睡个回笼觉!周扒皮:正合我意,正合我意!高玉宝:(干活)呀!呀!这黑压一片,这天分明还没亮,可院里的鸡怎么就叫了,呸! (对着鸡)你们害人不浅! 瘟鸡!(音乐起)对面的瘟鸡看过来看过来看过来分明是你们把我害再不要装作不理不睬我左砍右砍上砍下砍浑身没劲我要怎么干我左砍右砍上砍下砍浑身没劲我要怎么干哦怎么干公鸡:(出场)宝哥哥你醒一醒醒一醒高玉宝:哦!又是你们跟我过不去,你们到底想要干嘛!公鸡:对不起, 对不起,刚才是上了周扒皮的当,害你受苦了,我们教训他!众鸡:对,教训他!高玉宝:怎么做?众鸡:你过来! (商量着)高玉宝:好,就这么干!周扒皮:咦,怎么没有听见干活的声音了,好啊,高玉宝,又躺下睡觉了,气死我了(敲鸡窝)你叫啊!公鸡:喔喔喔!周扒皮:出声呐!公鸡:感冒了,咳,叫不了了!咳咳咳!周扒皮:真是白养你了!让开,让我鸡叫二遍,看你还起不起床!(贼溜溜的)走去鸡笼喔喔喔公鸡:快来呀!快来呀!有人偷鸡了!有人偷鸡了!高玉宝:哪?哪?在哪了(拿着扁担)好啊,偷鸡贼,你这个偷鸡贼,打死你,打死你!周扒皮:哎呀!哎呀!高玉宝:打死你!周扒皮:别打了!别打了!我是老爷!高玉宝:好啊!竟敢冒充老爷!你死定了!周扒皮:哎呀!哎呀!地主婆:且慢!他真是我家老爷,不信,你看!公鸡:啊!高玉宝:还真是周老爷啊,你~你~你怎么这般模样周扒皮:我~我~我,这个~这个~ 那个~那个高玉宝:哦~原来你半夜学鸡叫!坑害长工,我再也不给你干活了!(扔扁担)这些鸡我带走,顶三天工钱!走!(音乐起)高玉宝和众鸡:周扒皮,皮太坏,半夜学鸡,把人害,把人害,地主婆,老妖怪,狼狈为奸,假卖乖,假卖乖我们在一起,永远不分离周扒皮:别走啊!回来啊!(垂头丧气坐着捶地板)地主婆:(互指着)都怪你!。

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小学英语课本剧剧本_小鸭子(Little Duck)剧中角色:Little Duck, Grandma, Mr. Cat, Mr. GoatNarrator: Little Duck promises his grandma that he is going to visit her in the morning, but he was late! Why is that?(星期天,小鸭子在睡觉。
)Little Duck: Hello, Grandma. How are you?Grandma: Hello, Dear. I am fine. Thank you. How about you?Little Duck: I’m pretty good. I’m calling to tell you that I’m going to visit yo u this morning.Grandma: Oh great! Look forward to seeing you then. I’ll cook something goo d. Bye.Little Duck: Bye.(小鸭子上路了。
)Little Duck: Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are you?Mr. Cat: Fine. And you?Little Duck: I’m fine, too. What are you doing?Mr. Cat: I’m catching fish! I see a big fish but I can’t catch it!Little Duck: Don’t worry. Let me help you.(小鸭子跳入河里,帮猫先生捉到了鱼。
)Little Duck: Here you are. Enjoy it.Mr. Cat: Thank you.Little Duck: My pleasure.(抬头看看天色)I’ve got to go. Bye.(这时,远处传来呼救声。
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地主婆:master, quick! quick! 嘿嘿嘿嘿,let's start!
周扒皮:!Be careful, Don't be known by others! 小心点,别让人发现了
周扒皮:Crow! crow! or I will kill you!叫!快叫!再不叫我就宰了你!(公鸡一起打鸣,高宝玉起床干活)
高玉宝:It's still dark, why the cocks began to crow?
刘大婶:唉,This damn zhoubapi, he let us work day and night, The cocks crows early than before.
(高玉宝晕倒)I'm tired
刘大婶:孩子,Are you OK? Let's stop to have a rest.
地主婆:Get up! you are lazy man!好啊,你这个兔崽子,连鸡都起来了,你还敢偷懒,看我不让老东家打断你的腿!
周扒皮:How dare you work for me like that?I will punish you!
刘大婶:Don't hit him! Don't hit him!别打呀,别打呀
地主婆:Go away!你给我走开
刘大婶:Stop! stop! don't hit him! don't hit him!
地主婆:Listen! I will punish you if you don't work.
高宝玉:刘大婶,Are you OK?您没事吧?
刘大婶:I'm OK, ZhouBaPi is so bad, let's get to work.
刘大婶:高玉宝,What's wrong with you? wake up! wake up!
公鸡:哎呀,Come here! come here! It's terrible!快来呀,大家快来呀,不好啦,不好啦!(刘大婶和公鸡们一起呼唤高玉宝)
GaoYuBao Wake up! Wake up!高玉宝你快醒醒!高玉宝你快醒醒!高玉宝:cocks, why you are crow so early?
公鸡们:We are don't know我们也不知道
公鸡:It's ZhouBaPi let me crow是周扒皮叫我叫的
高宝玉:这恶毒的周扒皮,半夜就叫我们起来干活,我们要和他拼了This bad ZhouBaPi ! We must give him a lesson!
刘大婶:Let's think a good idea!
刘大婶:It's getting light, let's get ready for it!
周扒皮:咦?It's so quiet!外面怎么没动静呀
地主婆:He must be lazy again!一定是那个臭小子又在偷懒啦!
周扒皮:Let's go and see!走,出去看看!
周扒皮:Do you want to die? you are also lazy, I'll kill you!这个臭小子,是不是不想活了!这公鸡也学会偷懒了,看我不把你宰了!
公鸡:Thief! thief !Catch the thief!偷鸡贼来啦!偷鸡贼来啦!大家快来呀!(打偷鸡贼)
公鸡们:Beat him!Beat him!打死这偷鸡的贼!打死这偷鸡的贼!地主婆:Don’t hit him! Don’t hit him! He, he, he, he is master.
周扒皮:Don’t hit me , don’t hit me . It’s me哎呦!