
1. 需求分析,首先,开发团队需要与客户或相关部门沟通,了解他们对可视化大屏的需求和期望。
2. 数据准备,在确定需求后,开发团队需要准备相关的数据。
3. 技术选型,根据需求和数据情况,开发团队需要选择合适的可视化工具或框架,比如D3.js、ECharts、Highcharts等,以及相应的开发语言和平台。
4. 设计界面,在确定了技术选型后,团队需要设计可视化大屏的界面布局、配色方案、图表类型等,确保整体视觉效果和用户体验。
5. 开发实现,接下来是根据需求和设计,使用选定的技术工具进行开发实现。
6. 测试调试,开发完成后,需要进行严格的测试和调试,确保可视化大屏在不同环境和数据情况下能够正常运行,并且保证稳定性和性能。
7. 上线部署,最后,可视化大屏开发完成后,需要进行上线部署,将其部署到目标环境中,并进行最终的验收和调整。
qt designer使用手册

qt designer使用手册Qt Designer是Qt的官方集成开发环境(IDE)中的一个强大工具,用于创建图形用户界面(GUI)。
以下是关于Qt Designer的使用手册,大约800字。
一、Qt Designer概述Qt Designer是一个可视化的GUI设计工具,它允许开发者通过拖放界面元素来创建用户界面。
二、安装和启动Qt Designer首先,您需要安装Qt开发环境。
安装完成后,在Qt安装目录下找到Qt Creator应用程序并启动。
在Qt Creator中,您可以看到一个可用的“Qt Designer”工具栏。
在弹出的对话框中,选择“Qt Widget 应用程序”模板,然后单击“选择”。
四、设计GUI界面在Qt Designer中设计GUI界面非常简单。
在Qt Designer 中,单击“文件”菜单,然后选择“保存”。

QtDesigner的使⽤1. Qt Designer 快速⼊门Qt Designer 是交互式可视化GUI设计⼯具,可以帮助我们快速开发 PyQt 程序的速度。
它⽣成的 UI 界⾯是⼀个后缀为 .ui 的⽂件,可以通过 pyiuc 转换为 .py ⽂件。
1.1 新建主窗⼝在模板选项中,最常⽤的是 Widget (通⽤窗⼝) 和 Main Window (主窗⼝)。
1.2 窗⼝主要区域介绍Widget Box 其中提供了很多控件,可以直接拖放到主窗⼝中。
在菜单栏选择 “Form” -> "Preview", 或者按“Ctrl + R”即可预览。
Object Inspactor ⾥边是对象列表,可以看出对象的层次关系。
Property Editor 可以编辑对象的属性Signal / slot Editor 编辑信号,管理图⽚1.3 将 ui ⽂件转为 py ⽂件利⽤加载好的 PyUIC ⼯具转变为 py转换成功的 myMainWindow.py 代码如下所⽰# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'myMainWindow.ui'## Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.6## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgetsclass Ui_myMainWindow(object):def setupUi(self, myMainWindow):myMainWindow.setObjectName("myMainWindow")myMainWindow.resize(800, 600)self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(myMainWindow)self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget")self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget)self.pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(140, 270, 75, 23))self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton")myMainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget)self.menubar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(myMainWindow)self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 800, 23))self.menubar.setObjectName("menubar")myMainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar)self.statusbar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(myMainWindow)self.statusbar.setObjectName("statusbar")myMainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar)self.retranslateUi(myMainWindow)QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(myMainWindow)def retranslateUi(self, myMainWindow):_translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translatemyMainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("myMainWindow", "MainWindow"))self.pushButton.setText(_translate("myMainWindow", "Confirm"))1.4 界⾯与逻辑分离通过转换 ui ⽂件为 py ⽂件,得到的只是界⾯的 ui 的类, 并不包括启动界⾯的函数,我们称之为界⾯⽂件。

PyQt图解QtDesigner工具的使用方法Qt Designer是Qt的一个可视化开发工具,被广泛用于快速构建GUI
一个简要的PyQt图解Qt Designer工具的使用方法。
首先,打开Qt Designer工具。
也可以在Qt Creator中选择Qt Designer。
在Qt Designer中,还可以添加信号和槽,从而实现组件的交互功能。
除了设计界面,Qt Designer还支持生成对应的Python代码文件。
以上是一个简要的PyQt图解Qt Designer工具的使用方法。
通过Qt Designer,我们可以快速、方便地设计和构建GUI应用程序的用户界面,

在Qt Designer中,在左边部件栏的提供了界⾯布局相关部件,如图:
可以看到共包含有四种布局部件,分别是垂直布局(Vertical Layout)、⽔平布局(Horizontal Layout)、⽹格布局(Grid Layout)、表单布局(Form Layout),实际上除了以上布局之外,还有两种布局,⼀种是没有布局的布局,称为绝对布局,⼀种是多种布局组合或嵌套使⽤,称为组合布局。
Designer中提供了四种布局,分别是垂直布局(Vertical Layout)、⽔平布局(Horizontal Layout)、⽹格布局。

在Eclipse中使用SWT进行界面设计1. 为什么要使用SWT?SWT是一个IBM开发的跨平台GUI开发工具包。
至于为什么IBM要费劲自己另起炉灶开发一个GUI工具包,而不是使用Sun现有的由AWT, Swing, Java 2D, Java 3D等构成的Java GUI框架,那就说来话长了。
在SWT之前,Sun已经提供了一个跨平台GUI开发工具包AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)。
虽然AWT框架也使用的是原生窗口部件(native widgets),但是它一直未能突破LCD问题。
这个框架不再使用原生窗口部件,而是使用仿真窗口部件(emulated widgets)。
SWT框架通过JNI 来访问原生窗口部件。
2. SWT应用程序的组成一个SWT应用程序的基本组成部分为显示界面(Display)、命令界面(Shell,使命令进入并使运行初始化)和窗口部件(Widgets)。
tkinter designer使用

tkinter designer使用摘要:一、tkinter designer 简介inter designer 的作用2.适用于哪些编程语言3.为什么选择tkinter designer二、tkinter designer 的使用方法1.安装与配置2.创建项目3.设计用户界面4.编写代码三、tkinter designer 的优势与不足1.优势a.简单易用b.高效便捷c.跨平台支持d.强大的功能2.不足a.学习曲线较陡峭b.仅支持Python 3.x 版本c.部分功能仍需完善四、如何提高tkinter designer 的使用效率1.学习相关教程与文档2.了解并掌握Python 基础知识3.与其他开发者交流与分享经验正文:tkinter designer 是一款免费、开源的Python 图形用户界面(GUI)设计工具,通过tkinter 库实现。
它允许用户通过拖放组件来创建用户界面,并自动生成对应的Python 代码。
本文将详细介绍tkinter designer 的使用方法、优势与不足,以及如何提高其使用效率。
一、tkinter designer 简介tkinter 是Python 内置的一个GUI 库,可以用于创建简单的桌面应用程序。
然而,对于初学者来说,直接使用tkinter 编写代码可能较为繁琐。
tkinter designer 正是为了解决这个问题而诞生的。
它可以让用户在可视化界面上设计应用程序,并生成对应的Python 代码,从而降低了学习难度,提高了开发效率。
二、tkinter designer 的使用方法1.安装与配置首先,请确保您的计算机上已安装Python。
接下来,通过pip 命令安装tkinter designer:```pip install tkinter-designer```安装完成后,运行tkinter designer,您需要设置一个保存项目的文件夹。

第四讲使用qtdesigner快速设计界面首先,需要在Qt Creator中创建一个新的Qt设计师界面项目。
在Qt Creator中选择“文件”->“新建文件或项目”->“Qt”->“Qt设计师界面”,然后选择“Qt设计师界面”,点击“选择”按钮。
点击“下一步”,然后选择要使用的Qt Widget模板。
在Qt Designer中,还可以进行布局管理。
另外,Qt Designer还提供了预览功能,点击“预览”按钮可以在设计时查看界面的最终效果。
在Qt Creator中,可以将Qt Designer设计的界面与代码进行整合。
总结一下,Qt Designer是一个强大的界面设计工具,它能够帮助开发者快速创建图形用户界面。
Qt Designer还提供了布局管理和预览功能,使得界面设计更加简单和直观。
使用Qt Designer可以大大提高开发效率,减少开发时间。
ignition designer的使用说明和教程

ignition designer的使用说明和教程Ignition Designer是一款功能强大的可视化设计工具,它能帮助使用者轻松创建令人印象深刻的界面和用户体验。
本文将为您提供Ignition Designer的详细使用说明和教程,帮助您快速上手该工具,并发挥其最大潜力。
1. 安装和启动首先,您需要下载并安装Ignition Designer。
完成安装后,启动Ignition Designer并登录您的账户。
2. 创建新项目在启动后,您将看到一个欢迎界面。
3. 界面导览Ignition Designer采用直观的用户界面,帮助您快速熟悉操作。
4. 组件库和设计画布Ignition Designer提供了丰富的组件库,包括按钮、文本框、图表、图像等等。
5. 属性编辑器和表达式属性编辑器是Ignition Designer的重要组成部分。
6. 数据绑定和数据库连接Ignition Designer可以与各种数据库进行连接,并实现数据的读取和写入。
Ignition Designer支持多种数据源,包括MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server等。
7. 项目部署和发布完成设计后,您可以将项目部署到Ignition服务器或者其他支持的平台上。
Java语言程序设计课程设计实训项目——应用Eclipse Swing可视化开发实现仿QQ程序的界面(第4部分)

杨教授工作室 精心创作的优秀程序员 职业提升必读系列资料
new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/loginframe/iamonline.jpg")) 改变它的对象名称为 statusImageLabel (5)改变自动登录复选框的对象名称为 autoLoginSystemCheckBox 和设置其提示信息和宽 度、默认为选中状态等属性
(2)在窗口内添加一个 Popup 菜单组件(JPopupMenu 类)
杨教授工作室,版权所有,盗版必究, 6/13 页
杨教授工作室 精心创作的优秀程序员 职业提升必读系列资料
(3)修改该 Popup 菜单组件的对象名称为 stateImagePopupMenu (4)对该 Popup 菜单组件进行可视化设计——添加 6 个菜单项目 (5)分别改变 6 个菜单项目的显示文字 (6)分别为 6 个菜单项目添加图标
杨教授工作室,版权所有,盗版必究, 2/13 页
杨教授工作室 精心创作的优秀程序员 职业提升必读系列资料
(6)改变记住密码复选框的对象名称为 rememoryUserPassCheckBox 和设置其提示信息和宽 度、默认为选中状态等属性 (7)测试现在的效果
9、进一步完善两个复选框组件的属性设置 (1)改变背景颜色为[192,230,255]
this.setTitle("你单击了我"); } 8、添加一个当前状态、状态图标标签、自动登录复选框、记住密码复选框四个组件 (1)添加当前状态、状态图标标签、自动登录复选框、记住密码复选框四个组件

下载地址:下载解压后,运⾏exe⽂件新建个数据库⽂件链接数据库⽂件路径和名称设置好后,点击链接测试然后点击OK 就完成了!SQLite菜鸟教程链接:SQLite不⽀持drop column,所以删除⼀列还是和⼀般sql语句还是有点区别的,下⾯Dapper对sqlite进⾏增删改查 <connectionStrings><add name="SQLiteCon" connectionString="Data Source=D:\DBFile\SQLite\Test.db;Version=3" providerName="System.Data.SQLite" /> </connectionStrings>public void SQLiteMethod(){using (DbBase db = CreateDB.CreateDbBase()){//新增列int a = db.Execute(@"ALTER TABLE Student ADD 'SEX' varchar");//删除列//1.⾸先根据Student表创建⼀张新表Student2//2.然后我们删除Student这个表//3.将Student2这个表重命名为Studentvar tran = db.DbTransaction;int b1 = db.Execute(@"CREATE TABLE Student2 as select ID,NAME,ADDRESS FROM Student ", tran);int b2 = db.Execute(@"DROP TABLE if exists Student ", tran);int b3 = db.Execute(@"ALTER TABLE Student2 rename to Student ", tran);if (b1 == 0 && b2 == 0 && b3 == 0){mit();}else{tran.Rollback();}//增int index = db.Execute(@"INSERT INTO Student(ID,NAME,ADDRESS)VALUES(1, '李四', '东⽅明珠') ");//删int index2 = db.Execute(@"DELETE FROM Student WHERE ID = 1 ");//改var updateSql = "UPDATE Student SET NAME='李⽩' WHERE ID=@ID";bool res = db.Update<Student>(updateSql, new { ID = 1 });//查string selectSql = @"SELECT * FROM Student ";var student = db.Query<Student>(selectSql);//批量插⼊bool resBatch = db.InsertBatch<Student>(student);}}EF建表。

图 4.3 程序运行结果
public static void main(String[] args) { Display display=new Display();//创建一个display对象。 Shell shell=new Shell(display);//shell是程序的主窗体
PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory" 试用版本创建
第 4 章 SWT 图形用户界面
本章要点 1. SWT 程序开发步骤。 2. SWT 常用组件的使用。 3. SWT 的布局。 4. SWT 的事件处理。 5. SWT Designer 简介。 本章难点 1. SWT 常用组件的使用。 2. SWT 的布局。 3. SWT 的事件处理。
4.1SWT/JFace 简介
shell.setLayout(null); shell.setText("Java应用程序"); shell.setSize(200,100); shell.setBackground(color); hello.pack(); shell.open();
//设置shell的布局方式 //声明一个可以显示多行信息的文本框 //设置主窗体的标题 //设置主窗体的大小 //设置窗体的背景颜色
图 4.2 包资源管理器 HelloSWT.java 文件内容如下: package edu.ch4; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; class HelloSWT {
tkinter designer使用

tkinter designer使用一、什么是tkinter designertkinter designer是一个用于创建GUI界面的可视化工具,它基于tkinter库,可以帮助开发者快速创建用户友好的图形界面应用程序。
使用tkinter designer,开发者可以通过拖拽和放置组件的方式设计界面,而无需编写繁琐的代码。
二、为什么要使用tkinter designer使用tkinter designer有以下几个优点:1.提高开发效率:相比手动编写界面代码,使用tkinter designer可以大大提高开发效率。
2.界面设计更直观:tkinter designer提供了可视化的界面设计工具,使界面设计更加直观。
而使用tkinter designer,开发者无需深入学习GUI编程的细节,只需掌握基本的界面设计操作即可开始开发。
三、tkinter designer的基本功能tkinter designer具有以下基本功能:1. 组件库tkinter designer提供了丰富的组件库,包括按钮、标签、文本框、下拉框等常用组件。
2. 属性设置tkinter designer允许开发者对组件的属性进行设置,包括位置、大小、文本内容、字体颜色等。
3. 事件绑定tkinter designer支持事件绑定,开发者可以为组件添加事件处理函数。
tkinter designer支持多种布局管理方式,包括绝对布局、网格布局、包装布局等。

python3+PyQt5+QtDesigner实现界⾯可视化⽬录前⾔1.安装Qt Designer2.配置开发⼯具3.使⽤Qt Designer设计界⾯4.使⽤PyUIC将⽂件转成python代码5.编写逻辑代码6.运⾏参考资料:前⾔以前制作⼀个Python窗体界⾯,我都是⽤GUI窗⼝视窗设计的模块Tkinter⼀点⼀点敲出来的,今天朋友问我有没有Python窗体的设计⼯具,“⽤⿏标拖拖”就能完成窗体设计,我查了查相关资料,果然有⼀款好⽤的⼯具——Qt Designer。
1.安装Qt Designer这⾥需要安装两个东西:PyQt5和PyQt5-tools:安装PyQt5:打开CMD或者PowerShell,在命令窗中输⼊pip install PyQt5执⾏结果如下:安装PyQt5-tools:打开CMD或者PowerShell,在命令窗中输⼊pip install PyQt5-tools执⾏结果如下:2.配置开发⼯具安装完Qt Designer后,我们利⽤PyCharm进⾏界⾯开发,下⾯进⾏Qt开发⼯具的配置。
在PyCharm中依次打开:File→Settings 弹出Settings对话框,如下图然后按下图的4个步骤,打开Create Tools对话窗:这⾥需要配置两个:(1)配置QTDesigner,⽤来打开QT可视化开发⼯具如下图,分别在Name、Program、Working dirctory填⼊如下信息:Name:QTDesignerProgram:D:\ProgramSoftware\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pyqt5_tools\Qt\bin\designer.exe 注意:该路径为你Python安装路径下Lib\site-packages\pyqt5_tools⽂件夹⾥Working dirctory:$FileDir$(2)配置PyUIC,⽤来将Qt Designer开发⼯具⽣成的.ui⽂件转换为.py⽂件如下图,分别在Name、Program、Arguments、Working dirctory填⼊如下信息:Name:PyUICProgram:D:\ProgramSoftware\Anaconda3\Scripts\pyuic5.exe注意:该路径为你Python安装路径下Scripts⽂件夹⾥Arguments:$FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.pyWorking dirctory:$FileDir$⾄此,安装和配置过程全部结束,下⾯介绍简单的使⽤教程。

12 - An Eclipse GUI BuilderOverview: (1)A GUI Builder: (1)Acquiring the Designer Plug-in: (2)Installation: (2)Activating the Designer: (3)Creating a new SWT/JFace Java Project: (3)Creating a new SWT Java File: (4)Parts of the Designer: (7)Open Definition and Convert Local to Field Buttons (11)Handling Events with the Designer: (11)Adding an Event Listener with the SWT Designer: (12)Deleting an Event Listener with the SWT Designer: (14)Using Layout Managers in the SWT Designer: (14)NullLayout: (15)FillLayout: (18)RowLayout: (19)GridLayout: (20)FormLayout (Professional Version Only): (22)StackLayout (Professional Version Only): (30)BorderLayout (Professional Version Only): (31)FlowLayout (Professional Version Only): (33)GridLayout (AWT) (Professional Version Only): (34)Creating Menus in the SWT Designer (Professional Version Only): (34)Custom Widget Templates (Professional Version Only): (37)Widget Morphing (Professional Version Only): (38)Custom Composites (Professional Version Only): (38)JFace Viewers (Professional Version Only): (41)Custom JFace Dialog Creation: (42)JFace Wizard Page Creation (Professional Version Only): (44)JFace Application Creation (Professional Version Only): (46)Code Generation Options: (50)Type Specific Code Generation Options (Professional Version Only): (52)Additional Features of the Designer: (53)Creating a UI: Two Examples (55)Creating a GUI for an Address Book Application: (55)Creating a new Project: (55)Creating a new SWT Application: (55)Designing the GUI Window: (56)Creating Menus: (61)Creating Event Handlers: (63)Creating an SWT GUI for a Client Billing Application: (65)Taking a Look at the Original GUI: (66)Creating Our Own ClientBillingUI: (67)Creating the Client List Group: (68)Creating a Tabbed Folder: (69)The Clients Tab: (69)The Transactions Tab: (71)Creating a Menu: (72)Running the Application: (73)Creating a Swing GUI for the Client Billing Application: (73)Creating the ClientBillingUI: (73)Creating the Client List JPanel: (75)Creating a JTabbedPane: (78)The Clients Tab: (79)The Transactions Tab: (81)Creating a Menu: (85)Running the Application: (86)Summary: (86)12 - An Eclipse GUI Builder 1, 2by Raphael Enns and Shantha RamachandranDepartment of Computer Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Last revised: May 21, 2004Overview:In this tutorial, we describe how to use a GUI Builder plug-in for Eclipse, as well as look at its features. The GUI Builder that we will look at in this tutorial is the Designer created by Instantiations, Inc., and is available at . We will be using version 2.0.0 of the Designer in this tutorial.A GUI Builder:In the previous tutorials, we have seen that SWT and Eclipse are fairly simple and straightforward to use. One of the most common questions about SWT, however, is “Where is the GUI Builder?” The answer is that there is no GUI Builder that comes with Eclipse. However, because Eclipse is open source and designed for plug-ins, a GUI Builder plug-in is able to be made and can be integrated right into Eclipse.The Designer is a plug-in that allows you design SWT and Swing GUIs in Eclipse. The Designer is available at . A restricted version of the plug-in is available for free download at the above website. There is also a professional version, which includes extra features, that is available for $199 USD. Look at /swt-designer/comparison.html to see a comparison between the free and the professional versions.As of version 2.0 of the Designer, Instantiations includes both SWT and Swing support in the Designer. The SWT part is the same as in previous versions and is called the SWT Designer. The Swing part is called the Swing Designer and is similar to the SWT Designer. There is also a WindowBuilder product in the Designer which is simply both the SWT Designer and the Swing Designer.Since most of the features are the same or similar between the SWT Designer and the Swing Designer, this tutorial will mainly look at features of the SWT Designer. To demonstrate the similarities and the differences between the SWT Designer and the Swing Designer, one of the examples at the end of this tutorial will be done in Swing.1 This work was funded by an IBM Eclipse Innovation Grant.2 © Raphael Enns, Shantha Ramachandran and David ScuseAcquiring the Designer Plug-in:You can download the Designer from the website, . It can be found in the Download section. Make sure you get the correct file for your version of Eclipse. In order to download the Designer, you must have a username and password. You can get a username and password by registering at the Designer’s website.Installation:Once you have downloaded the Designer, installing it is quite simple. First make sure Eclipse is closed. Move the zip file into your Eclipse directory and then unzip the file. It will add three folders to your plugin directory that start with com.swtdesigner.To make sure that the plug-in was successfully installed, start Eclipse. Go to the menu item Help > About Eclipse Platform. Click on the Plug-in Details button, and a list will appear. The Designer and the SWT-Designer Help Plug-in items should appear in the plug-in list.In the case that you would wish to remove the Designer from your computer, the Designer creates a batch file called designer-delete.bat in your Eclipse program directory. Run this file to remove the Designer.Activating the Designer:Before you begin using the Designer you have to activate it. To start the activation process, select Window > Preferences inside Eclipse. Select the “+” beside “Designer” on the left side of the Preferences window, click on License, and then click on the button that says “Registration and Activation”.Both SWT and Swing support comes with the Designer product, but depending on your serial number, only one of the three products is activated. For example, if you have a valid serial number for the SWT Designer, you can use the SWT functionality of the Designer, but you will not be able to use the Swing functionality except in evaluation or free mode. If you have a serial number for WindowBuilder, you will have full use of both the SWT and Swing functionality of the Designer.Select the type of Designer that you want to activate, select the desired mode, and then click Next. Follow the directions in the following pages to activate the Designer. Once it has been activated you are ready to start designing GUIs.Creating a new SWT/JFace Java Project:An SWT/JFace Java Project and a regular Java Project are nearly equivalent. They both create a Java project and you can use the Designer with both types. The only difference between an SWT/JFace Java project and a regular Java project is that the SWT/JFace Java project will automatically add the SWT and JFace jar files to the build path.To create an SWT/JFace Java Project, select File > New > Project, and then in the resulting window select SWT > SWT/JFace Java Project.Click Next and then create the project the way you would normally create a Java Project. You do not have to add the SWT and JFace jar files to the build path because they are added automatically.Note: To be able to use SWT, the SWT runtime DLL must be accessible by the SWT jar file. For information on how to do this, see the Installing Eclipse tutorial, which can be found at http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~eclipse.Creating a new SWT Java File:The easiest way to set up a file to use the Designer is to use the Designer Wizard. Select File > New > Other from the menu and select Designer > SWT Application.Click Next. In the window that opens, choose the project the file will go in and give the file a name. You can also select which method the SWT code will initially appear in by selecting the appropriate radio button as shown below. Click Finish to create the new file.This will add a file to your project that already has an SWT event loop and a shell created for you. The file should automatically open in the Designer Editor.To open a file that has not been created by the Designer, simply right-click on the file and select Open With > Designer Editor.This will open the file in the Designer Editor in the source view. There are two tabs at the bottom of the editor window labeled Source and Design as shown below. If you click on the Design tab, the file will be displayed in the design view and you will be able to visually design your GUI.Two other quick ways to switch between the source and design view are to click on the “Switch between source and designer” button in the toolbar that is shown below, or simply press F12.Note: If a file was last opened in the Designer Editor, it will continue to open in that editor until a different editor is selected to open the file with.Below is an image of the Designer in the design view for a new file that was created using the SWT Application wizard. Initially the class only has a shell with no controls and no layout.Note: To view the Designer Editor using the full screen, simply double click on the tab of the current file at the top of the editor window.Note: The above image is of the professional version of the SWT Designer. The free version looks identical with a few less controls in the Control Palette and a few less items in the editor’s toolbar.Parts of the Designer:There are five different parts in the Designer design view: the Method List, the Control Tree, the Control Palette, the Content Pane, and the Inspector.The Method List is a dropdown list of all the methods where controls are created. In this example, the controls are created in the method “open”. When a method is selected, its controls appear in the Content Pane.The Control Tree shows the hierarchy of controls in the selected method. You can select a control by clicking on it.The Control Palette is the palette from which to choose your controls. It contains all the controls that can be added to your GUI with the Designer. Below is shown the Control Palette for the free version on the left and the professional version on the right.The Content Pane shows the GUI design as it will look when your application is run. It will also display some extra features to help in editing the design. There is a toolbar at the top of the Content Pane which has buttons for test, cut, copy, paste, delete, as well as several buttons to help position controls. The positioning buttons will only work with controls on a NullLayout. Some of the positioning buttons are only available in the professional version.The Inspector shows all of the properties and events of a selected control and allows you to modify them without going into the code.Select a property by either clicking on the property title or the property value. A property editor is then displayed which allows you to change its value. While editing a property value, you can press Enter to apply the value or press Esc to return to the previous value. If a property’s value is not the default value, the property title changes color. Expand or collapse complex properties such as style by clicking on the ‘+’ or ‘-’ beside the property title.Some properties are selected through a selection property editor. Simply select the value from the list that appears after clicking on the down arrow as shown below.The layout of the Designer’s editor can be changed in the Designer’s preferences. Select Preferences from the Window menu to open the Preferences window. Expand the Designer item and select Editor Layout. The Editor Layout property page is shown below.You can choose one of three options in the Editor layout dropdown list. The “On separate notebooks tabs” option is the default option which places the design view and the source view on separate pages. The “Above each other with a split pane” option will remove the Source and Design tabs and place the design view above the source view in the same editor. The “Side by side with a split pane” option is similar except it places the design view on the left and the source view on the right. This allows you to view the source while designing in the design view without having to switch back and forth between the design and source views. Since the Designer updates the GUI bidirectionally, making changes in either the design or source view will instantly update the other view.There are four pictures in the Canvas position group, each with a radio button next to it. These options place the Control Tree and the Inspector in different positions in the editor. You can see where each part is by looking at the pictures. The default option is the top-left option where the Control Tree and the Inspector are at the far left of the editor.Open Definition and Convert Local to Field ButtonsThere are two small buttons between the Inspector and the Control Tree. These are“Open Definition” and “Convert Local to Field” (or “Convert Field to Local”if it has already been clicked once).When a control is selected and the “Open definition” button is pressed, the Designer will switch to the source view and place the cursor on the line where the selected control is instantiated.By default, the Designer generates code using the block style: a control is declared and instantiated inside its own block of code. When a control is declared inside its block of code, it is visible only to its children and itself.When a control is selected and the “Convert local to field” button is pressed, the Designer will move the declaration of the control from inside its block of code to being a field in the GUI class. When a control is declared as a field, it is visible to everything in that class. If there is a conflict of names when converting a control to a field, the Designer will give the control a unique name.After the “Convert local to field” button is pressed once it becomes the “Convert local to field” button. When the button is pressed now, the Designer will move the declaration of the control back inside its block of code.In the examples as the end of this tutorial we will see in more detail how these buttons work.Note: An alternative to the block style of coding is the flat style. Controls are not declared in their own blocks, but are rather declared in the same scope. This is often how a GUI is coded when done by hand. The Designer supports generating code in this style. We will look at how to make the Designer generate code in this style in the Code Generation section of this tutorial.Handling Events with the Designer:Events occur when the user interacts with the UI. The appropriate event-handling code is then executed. In order to know when events occur, event listeners must first be added to your controls. The Designer makes it very easy to add and remove event listeners to your controls.Adding an Event Listener with the SWT Designer:There are two ways to add an event listener with the SWT Designer. The first way is through the Inspector. First select a control in either the Control Tree or the Content Pane. Expand the “events” complex property in the Inspector. Then expand an event and double-click or press Enter on the method you wish to implement.The second way to add an event listener is to simply right-click on a control (either in the Content Pane or in the Control Tree), select Implement > [name of the event] > [name of the method to implement].A quick way to add event listeners to buttons (including check and radio buttons) and menu items (professional version only) is to simply double-click on the button or menu item. When double-clicked, a selection event listener will be created.Any way you add an event, the SWT Designer will automatically create an event listener for the selected event method. The SWT Designer will then switch to the source view and go directly to the new event handler method. The code generated looks like the following:{final Label label = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE);label.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent e) {}});label.setText("label");}There are two ways to quickly return to the event-handling code from the design view. In the Inspector, expand “events” and then the event. Then double-click or press Enter on the event method to return to the code. The events’ property value in the Inspector is a list of all the events implemented, and each individual event’s property value is the list of methods implemented. If a method has been implemented, its property value is the line number in the source code where its event-handling code begins.The other way to quickly return to the event-handling code is to right-click on a control (either in the Content Pane or in the Control Tree), and then select the menu item for the correct method that was implemented. Shown below is “mouse.doubleClick > 32” being selected. In this example, “mouse” is the event, “doubleClick” is the event method, and “32” is the line number in the source code on which the method begins.Note: The professional version of the Designer is able to generate an event handler stub method when a new event is created. We will look at how to make the Designer generate this method in the Code Generation section of this tutorial.Deleting an Event Listener with the SWT Designer:There is only one way to delete an existing event handler in the SWT Designer. Select a control in either the Content pane or in the Control Tree. In the Inspector expand “events” and then expand the event. Click on the event method you wish to delete and then press Delete. If there are no other methods that have been implemented for that event, the SWT Designer will also delete the event listener for that event.Using Layout Managers in the SWT Designer:The first step to creating an application is to choose a layout. You can use either the default NullLayout or you can choose one of the layouts listed under the Layouts tab in the Control Palette. FillLayout, RowLayout, and GridLayout are all supported in the free version of the SWT Designer. In addition to the layouts in the free version, the professional version also supports FormLayout, StackLayout, BorderLayout, FlowLayout, and AWT GridLayout. BorderLayout, FlowLayout, and AWT GridLayout are ports of AWT layouts. Below are shown the Layout tabs in the free version (left) and the professional version (right).By default, the SWT Designer does not support designing a GUI using the NullLayout. If no layout is selected for a container, the container in the Content Pane will have red text in the center saying “Please choose a layout manager.” We will find out how to get rid of this message and how to enable support for the NullLayout in the SWT Designer in the NullLayout section of this tutorial.After you select one of the layouts from the Control Palette, place your mouse over a container in the Content Pane. The area where the layout can be applied will appear highlighted, as shown below. Click the mouse and the layout will be applied. You can check and make sure it was applied by looking at the Inspector. The value of the layout property should now say the name of the layout selected (it will be blank if the NullLayout is used).To remove a layout from a container, select the container in either the Content Pane or in the Control Tree, click on the layout property in the Inspector, and then press Delete. Another way to remove a layout is to right-click on the container holding the layout in either the Content Pane or Control Tree and select Delete Layout.When a layout is removed from a container, the SWT Designer converts the layout to an equivalent NullLayout by using the setBounds() method call for each control in the container. This means that after you delete a layout, the controls will be in the same position and the same size as before, even though the layout is now the NullLayout.To switch from one layout to another on a container that already has one or more controls on it, you must first delete the current layout and then apply the new layout. If the container has no controls on it, you are able to change layouts without deleting the current layout first, unless the current layout is a FormLayout or a BorderLayout. Adding controls to a container is similar to placing a layout. Simply select the desired control in the Control Palette, move your mouse to the desired area in the Content Pane, and click to place the control. A control can also be added by placing the control on the Control Tree. To delete a control, simply select it and press Delete. More specific examples of how to place controls for each layout are shown in the individual layout sections.For more information on SWT layout managers, see the tutorial Eclipse Layouts. NullLayout:In order to begin designing applications using the NullLayout, you must first enable it in the SWT Designer. To do this, go to the menu item Window > Preferences. On the left side of the Preferences window, expand Designer and click on SWT. On the right side, check “Allow absolute/null layout (setBounds())”. Then click OK.The NullLayout is very easy to use. You simply have to place and size a control exactly as you want it. One downfall with using the NullLayout is that you may lose some portability. Though your application may display correctly on your platform and screen resolution, on another platform, or on a different screen resolution, it may not display correctly.The NullLayout has no layout properties to set. To place a control on a shell with a NullLayout, select a control from the Control Palette, click on the shell to set the top-left corner of the control, and then drag to set the size of the control. The new control will then be placed on the area of the shell that you selected. To move a control, simply click on the control and drag it to where you want it. To resize a control, select the control either in the Content Pane or in the Control Tree. Then click and drag the handles that are around the edges of the control. To delete a control, simply select the control and press Delete.When you create, move, or resize a control that is on a NullLayout, a grid is shown. The edges of the control you are creating, moving, or resizing will always snap to the grid points. The grid helps you to place the controls evenly. A button being moved on a NullLayout is shown below.You are able to change the distance between the points on the grid. To do this, select Preferences from the Window menu. Expand the Designer item and select the General item. Setting the Grid step value will set the distance between the points. You can enter a value between 1 and 100. This value is the number of pixels between points. The default Grid step value is 5.There are several buttons on the toolbar above the Content Pane that can be used to align controls on a NullLayout. Most of the buttons are only available in the professional version of the Designer. Only the two buttons on the far right are also available in the free version.The buttons on the far right are “Center horizontally in window” and “Center vertically in window”. To use them, select a control on a NullLayout and press one of the buttons. The selected control is now centered in the container.To enable the other buttons, multiple controls must be selected. When multiple controls are selected and one of the alignment buttons is pressed, the controls will line up their edges or centers, depending on which button is pressed, to one of the selected controls. Generally the selected controls will always be aligned to the selected control highest in the z-order. The only way to align controls to a specific control regardless of its location in the z-order is to select the control you wish to align to, hold down Ctrl or Shift, and then in the Content Pane select the controls you wish to align. If you then press one of the alignment buttons, the other controls will align themselves to the first control selected. Once an alignment button has been pressed, any subsequent presses to any alignment button will return to aligning the selected controls to the control highest in the z-order.Below is shown a shell with a NullLayout which has several controls placed in it:Note: You cannot change the size and position of a control in the Inspector using NullLayout. To do this you must go into the source code and modify the setBounds() method call or move and resize the control on the Content Pane.Note: If there is any container which uses a layout other than a NullLayout, and that container’s parent uses the NullLayout, it will display controls as if it had a NullLayout. That means that every control still needs a setBounds() call even though the container it is on does not use the NullLayout. This makes using a different layout manager on the container to be useless. This is why you should either use the NullLayout for everything in an application, or do not use it at all.FillLayout:FillLayout is the easiest layout manager to use, both with and without the SWT Designer. It places your controls in either a single row or single column. FillLayout has only one style property to set – dir, which can be horizontal or vertical. There are two ways to set this style. The first is through the Inspector. Select the container in the Control Tree and then expand the layout property and the style property. The property value of the dir property can be set to either horizontal or vertical.The second way to set this is within the Content Pane. When a control in a container with FillLayout is selected, a small switch appears in the top right corner of the container indicating which direction the layout is in. Clicking on this switch changes the direction. In the example below, the switch is indicating a horizontal FillLayout, as there are two “controls” side-by-side, horizontally.For a vertical FillLayout, two “controls” are pictured one on top of the other, vertically. To add the first control to a container using FillLayout, select a control from the Control Palette and click anywhere in the container. To add more controls, select a control from the Control Palette, and then place the cursor to the left or right of a control already placed (if the dir property is horizontal), or to the top or bottom of a control (if the dir property is vertical). A small red line will appear where the control is to be placed, as shown below.If no red line appears when trying to place a control, make sure that the container that the control will be placed in is selected in the Control Tree. To move a control, simply click and drag the control to the desired position.RowLayout:Using RowLayout is similar to FillLayout in that you can set a dir property to horizontal or vertical. However, RowLayout does have a few more properties that can be set. These can all be set using the Inspector.If the justify property is set to true, the controls will be evenly spaced out across the screen either horizontally or vertically depending on the dir property. The margin properties set how many pixels away from the edges of the container to place to controls. When pack is true, all the controls are their natural size. When pack is false, all the controls are the same size. The spacing property sets how many pixels are to be between each control. When wrap is true, the controls are wrapped onto the next line if they cannot fit all on one line.When placing a control onto the container, a red line will appear where the control will be placed. By moving your mouse around, you can specify exactly where in the layout you wish to place another control.When a control placed on a container using RowLayout is selected, it will have three small square handles. The handles are on the bottom edge, right edge, and bottom-right corner, as shown below. If you click and drag these handles, you can resize individual controls.。
qt designer的概念

qt designer的概念Qt Designer是一款用于创建Qt GUI应用程序的可视化工具。
Qt Designer是Qt开发工具包的一部分,可以与Qt Creator一起使用,也可以作为独立的应用程序使用。
Qt Designer的主要功能包括:1. 可视化设计界面:Qt Designer提供了一个可视化的界面,用户可以通过拖放和调整控件的属性来设计GUI界面。
2. 属性编辑器:Qt Designer还提供了一个属性编辑器,用户可以使用它来编辑控件的属性,如大小、位置、颜色、字体等。
3. 信号和槽编辑器:Qt Designer还提供了一个信号和槽编辑器,用户可以使用它来定义控件之间的交互。
4. 预览和测试:Qt Designer还提供了一个预览和测试功能,用户可以使用它来查看GUI界面的外观和行为,并测试它们是否按照预期工作。
Qt Designer的优点:1. 简单易用:Qt Designer提供了一个直观的界面,使用户可以轻松地设计和布局GUI界面,而不需要编写任何代码。
2. 高效性:Qt Designer可以大大提高GUI应用程序的开发效率,因为它可以帮助用户快速创建和修改GUI界面。
3. 可扩展性:Qt Designer可以与其他Qt工具和库一起使用,如Qt Creator、Qt Widgets、Qt Quick等,从而提供更多的功能和灵活性。
总之,Qt Designer是一个非常有用的工具,可以帮助开发人员快速创建和修改GUI应用程序的界面。
qt designer类用法

qt designer类用法「Qt Designer类用法」指的是使用Qt Designer这个图形化用户界面设计工具来创建Qt应用程序的界面。
本文将一步一步回答关于Qt Designer类用法的问题。
第一步:介绍Qt DesignerQt Designer是一个可视化界面设计工具,它能够帮助开发者快速创建用户界面。
开发者可以使用Qt Designer来设计和布局窗口部件,定义属性和信号槽,并生成与代码相关联的界面文件。
第二步:安装Qt Designer要使用Qt Designer,首先需要安装Qt开发环境。
可以从Qt官方网站下载Qt 开发环境,并按照安装向导进行操作。
安装完成后,Qt Designer将会自动安装在您的计算机上。
第三步:启动Qt Designer安装完成后,您可以在Qt安装目录中找到Qt Designer的可执行文件。
启动Qt Designer后,您将看到一个空白的窗口,用于设计和布局您的界面。
第四步:界面设计和布局在Qt Designer中,您可以使用鼠标拖放的方式来放置和布局窗口部件。
第五步:属性编辑在Qt Designer中,您可以编辑窗口部件的属性。
您可以在Qt Designer中定义信号和槽,并将它们连接到窗口部件上。
在Qt Designer中,您可以选择生成界面文件的类型,例如C++、Python等。

转自:/pengo/archive/2010/09/19/332482.htmlswing/swt可视化开发工具windowbuilder免费了Posted on 2010-09-19 23:30 penngo阅读(19097) 评论(12)编辑收藏所属分类: Javawindowbuilder,也就是原来的SWT Designer。
用过swt designer的人都知它是非常好用的swing/swt可视化开发工具,有了它,swing/swt也可以像visual studio 一样拖拉控件写程序(虽然netbean也可以,不过没怎用),可惜是个收费产品,后来把改名为windowbuilder。
安装地址:/intl/zh-CN/webtoolkit/tools/download-wbpro.html安装windowbuilder很方便,不过通过Eclipse的Update方式安装这个插件,eclipse的windowbuilder更新地址:Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)/eclipse/inst/d2wbpro/latest/3.7Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)/eclipse/inst/d2wbpro/latest/3.6Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)/eclipse/inst/d2wbpro/latest/3.5Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)/eclipse/inst/d2wbpro/latest/3.4打开Eclipse,打开菜单Help→Install New Software,单击Work with后的Add按钮,输入与你Eclipse对应版本的更新地址,我的是3.5版本单击确定后,就可以在列表中看到相关的安装文件。
Visual Designer软件开发工具说明书

Visual Designer:Application development made easyVisual Designer is a software development package optimized for OEMs. New toolsstreamline the application development process, and the creation of Web-based applications has never been easier. In addition to basic monitor and control, Visual Designer is packed with advanced features to streamline the design of sophisticated applications.Time-saving solutions, lower costsWith application development expense often outweighing the hardware expense, the demand to quickly design and implement advanced GUI solutions isgreater than ever. Even advanced features such as data archiving, recipe management, multi-language, SQL database access, and Web serving are made easy through an elegant and modern user interface. Visual Designer’s ease-of-use and time-saving features lower your total installed cost.World-classapplication supportWith a variety of free support resources available, Eaton can help you create a custom operator interface application in record time. A getting started guide, context-sensitive help built into the software, and aninteractive training disc will help you get up to speed quickly. Sample applications within the software demonstrate both commonly used and advanced features. Most importantly,Eaton offers global phone and online technical support at no charge, as well as regularly scheduled classroom training sessions performed by Eatonproduct experts.Rich debugging and remote management tools lead to faster start-ups.Build applications faster.Work smarter with Visual Designer.Three hardware families—onesoftware packageXV: 3.5 to 10.4 inches Windows T CEXP: 10.1, 5.6 and 21.5 inchesWindows Embedded Standard 7Open PC platform (workstation or server): Runtime software forstandard Windows PCs2EATON Visual DesignerFully connected, Web-enabledWeb-based thin clientConnectivityOpen platformInteroperabilityVisual Designer development softwareVISUALDCEVisual Designer development software for Eaton’s XV operator interface family with Microsoft Windows CE operating system and a maximum of 4,000 tags and three drivers.VISUALDXPVisual Designer development software for PCs withMicrosoft Windows standard embedded or open PC operating system and a maximum of 64 k tags and eight drivers. Also supports Eaton’s XV operator interface family with Microsoft Windows CE operating system and a maximum of 4,000 tags and three drivers.XP-503All XP-500 models are pre-licensed with VisualDesigner runtime. The standard license is for 4,000 tags, five simultaneous communication drivers and one Web session each of three types: Thin Client, Secure Viewer and Mobile Access. Field upgrades are available for 64,000 tags, eight drivers and 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 simultaneous Web sessions of each type.See the operator interface catalog for field-installable updates, upgrades, PC and multi-user licenses.Technical support is available free of charge at our toll-free number, 877-ETN-CARE. Y ou will also find trial software and upgrades on the Web at /electrical.Mobile/remote accessEmail data and page interface from cell phones and PDAs.Web solutionAccess to the system from anywhere using a standard Web browser.Client stationsEnhanced security and remote monitoring and control with Visual Designer’s Secure Viewer thin client.Enterprise MRP/ERP , Access, Oracle, SQL Server, FoxPro, PI and many others.Plant floor integrationCommunication to PLCs, robots, drives and other devices on networks such as Ethernet,PROFIBUS T , DeviceNet E , Serial and many others.3EATON Visual DesignerEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2015 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA04803002E / Z16489April 2015Advanced features• Pop-ups and group screens •Full mathematical and logical evaluation •Web browsing and document viewing•Remote access and control without adding software to the remote PC • Database interfacing •Historical alarms and events•Historical data archiving and trending • Recipe management • Multi-language • VB scripting • Report generation • Scheduling• Resolution conversion • Emailing and text messaging •Launch and control of third-party applicationsAdvanceddevelopment features•Conversion of legacyPanelMate T configurations •Optional PanelBuilder E conversion utility •Multi-touch and gesture configuration• Online configuration/editing •Tag integration for RSLogix 5000, CODESYS, and many other tag based PLC platforms• Advanced search and replace •Automatic scaling of Web clients•Customizable application symbols•Reusable controls, images, and screens via indirect tag and/or PLC assignmentsFollow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。
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1.安装windowbuilder:awt插件/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201106211200/3.7/ 2.打开3.开发简介:SWT Designer 是一种功能强大且容易使用的基于Eclipse SWT技术的图形用户界面设计工具,是一个很好的Eclipse的界面开发插件包。
利用SWT Designer 的可视化界面,只需采用拖拉操作,就可以很快地在窗体上创建各种组件,设计出来的窗体和组件的外观和操作系统平台下其他软件的外观相似,具有本机系统的风格。
SWT Designer 可以自动生成Java代码,利用它的属性编辑器还可以改变组件的各种属性,使SWT界面开发变得非常容易。
1.SWT Designer 的下载和安装SWT Designer 有多个版本,要和相应的Eclipse版本相匹配。
我使用的是Designer_v6.7. 0_for_Eclipse3.2.zip。
安装步骤如下:1.1 下载下载版本:Designer_v6.7.0,文件:Designer_v6.7.0_for_Eclipse3.2.zip,下载地址:大家自己搜下,呵呵。
1.2 安装Designer_v6.7.0_for_Eclipse3.2.zip解压缩到Eclipse的安装目录中。
安装结束后,启动E clipse,在主菜单中选择【文件】→【新建】→【项目】,如果在弹出的“新建项目”对话框中多了一个“Designer”项,则表示SWT Designer 安装成功。
下面讲一个操作实例:在窗体中加入组件加入2 个标签组件(Label)、2 个文本框组件(Text)和2 个按钮组件(Button),如图4所示。
if(text.getText()!=""|text_1.getText()!="")//调用JFace的信息对话框显示登录信息MessageDialog.openInformation(shell,"登录信息","欢迎"+text.getText()+"进入系统!"); else//调用JFace的错误对话框显示出错信息MessageDialog.openError(shell,"错误","用户名或密码为空,请重新输入!");由于用到了JFace的对话框,在程序的前面要引入相应的包:import org.Eclipse.jface.dialogs.*;输入密码时要在密码框显示“*”,需要添加SWT.PASSWORD选项:final Text text_1=new Text(shell,SWT.BORDER|SWT.PASSWORD);import org.Eclipse.swt.SWT;import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;import bel;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.*;public class login {private Text text_1;private Text text;protected Shell shell;/** *//*** Launch the application* @param args*/public static void main(String[] args) {try {login window = new login();window.open();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}/** *//*** Open the window*/public void open() {final Display display = Display.getDefault();createContents();shell.open();yout();while (!shell.isDisposed()) {if (!display.readAndDispatch())display.sleep();}}/** *//*** Create contents of the window*/protected void createContents() {shell = new Shell();shell.setSize(411, 359);shell.setText("SWT Application");text = new Text(shell, SWT.BORDER);text.setBounds(197, 109, 142, 25);text_1 = new Text(shell, SWT.BORDER|SWT.PASSWORD);text_1.setBounds(197, 173, 142, 25);final Button button = new Button(shell, SWT.ABORT);button.setText("提交");button.setBounds(85, 263, 48, 22);final Button button_1 = new Button(shell, SWT.ABORT);button_1.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent e){}});button_1.setText("取消");button_1.setBounds(247, 263, 48, 22);final Label label = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE);label.setText("用户名");label.setBounds(106, 112, 48, 22);final Label label_1 = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE);label_1.setText("密码");label_1.setBounds(106, 176, 48, 25);button.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent e){if(text.getText()!=""|text_1.getText()!="")//调用JFace的对话框显示登录信息MessageDialog.openInformation(shell,"登录信息","欢迎"+text.getText()+"进入系统!");else//调用JFace的对话框显示出错信息MessageDialog.openError(shell,"错误","用户名或密码为空,请重新输入!");}});}}开发实例3:开发环境Eclipse3.2,英文版。
SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit),标准窗口小部件工具包。
在Eclipse 3.2中它路径是eclipse-SDK-3.2-win32plugins;插件名为org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0.v3232m.jar。
(1)右击【SWT】项目,选择【Properties】——弹出【Properties for SWT】对话框(2)在左侧列表中选择【Java Build Path】——选择【Libraries】选项卡——选择【Add Variable】——弹出【New Variable Classpath Entry】对话框(3)点击【Configure Variables】——弹出【Preferences】对话框(4)点击【New】——弹出【New Variable Entry】(5)在【Nam e】中键入“SWT_LIB”——单击【File】,弹出【JAR Selection】,选择org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0.v3232m.jar。
单击【OK】,返回上级,依次单击【OK】(6)SWT_LIB 变量就放入了【Properties for SWT】对话框的【JARs and clas s folders on the build path】中。
(1)解压org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.2.0.v3232m.jar至任意目录中,如:E:s wt目录中。