



《组织行为学》章节测试答案1.组织行为学概述1.组织行为学关注的是人们在组织当中的行为,以及这些行为如何对( )产生影响?A、组织团结B、组织的绩效C、组织的进取心答案:组织的绩效组织的名誉2.组织是一种人们有目的地组合起来的()。


答案:×管理者的角色与能力1.下列不属于管理者人际关系角色的是( )。


答案:×员工行为的分析框架2.1.从( )方面入手更能提高解决问题的效率。









( )A、参与型领导B、成就导向型领导C、指示型领导D、任务型领导正确答案:D2.一般情况下,由优势动机引发的行为由( )行为与( )行为两部分构成。

( )A、目标导向、目标B、动机、激励C、目标导向、动机D、目标、动机正确答案:A3.群体是为了实现某个特定的目标,__________相互作用、相互依赖的个体组织(A、两个B、两个以上C、两个及两个以上D、两个或两个以上正确答案:D4.多向的( )有利于克服组织创新的潜在障碍。

A、组织沟通B、组织互动C、组织环境D、组织文化正确答案:A5.社会化是指人( )社会的整个过程。

A、加入B、适应C、远离D、融入正确答案:D6.不仅会影响组织结构的设计,还会影响到组织员工的压力水平的是环境的( )。

A、不确定性B、不稳定性C、复杂性D、多样性正确答案:A7.领导权威有两个特点,一是持久性,二是( )。

A、外在性B、内在性C、短期性D、系统性正确答案:B8.郑伯勋等人认为,家长式领导含威权,仁慈和( )三个维度。


他们会试探领导的政策、想法,从而决定他们如何适应群体中的权力结构(A、规范化期阶段B、震荡期阶段C、形成期阶段D、执行任务期阶段正确答案:B10.“发展才是硬道理”出自于( )。

A、邓小平B、马克思C、习近平D、毛泽东正确答案:A11.组织承诺因素通常不包括( )。

A、物质承诺B、连续承诺C、规范承诺D、情感承诺正确答案:A12.激励就是使之产生实现组织目标的( )的过程。

A、行为B、特定行为C、任意行为 B.产生行为正确答案:B13.权变理论学派是20世纪60年代末在美国( )基础上发展起来的一派管理理论。











































组织行为学(高起专)阶段性作业1总分: 100分考试时间:分钟单选题1. 被称为组织理论之父的是_____。

(6分)(A) 林德尔·厄威克(B) 马科思·韦伯(C) 亨利·法约尔(D) 哈罗德·孔茨参考答案:B2. 泰罗在下列_____著作中系统地阐述了他的观点。

(6分)(A) 《计件工资制》(B) 《科学管理原理》(C) 《工场管理》(D) 《工作的组织》参考答案:B3. 强调“必须以人为中心来强化管理”的管理理论是_____。

(6分)(A) 权变理论(B) 人际关系学说(C) 科学管理理论(D) 官僚行政管理理论参考答案:B4. 下列关于组织结构设计的表述中错误的是_____。

(6分)(A) 组织结构应当服从企业战略(B) 组织规模的大小影响着企业对组织结构的选择(C) 企业采用的组织结构形式与生产技术的复杂性有关(D) 对于环境的变化, 企业无须对组织结构做出重大调整参考答案:D5. 在组织机构的几种基本类型中, 业务经营机构又被称为_____。

(6分)(A) 直线机构(B) 领导决策机构(C) 职能管理机构(D) 行政事务机构参考答案:A多选题6. 团队的类型,按照团队存在的目的和形态可以分为_____。

(6分)(B) 问题解决型团队(C) 跨职能团队(D) 自我管理型团队参考答案:B,C,D7. 领导者的影响力主要来自_____。

(6分)(A) 职位权(B) 个人权(C) 专长权(D) 模范权参考答案:A,B8. 激发群体创新的主要办法有_____。

(6分)(A) 头脑震荡法(B) 提喻法(C) 方案前提分析法(D) 德尔斐法参考答案:A,B,C,D9. 非正式沟通网络的基本形式有_____。

(6分)(A) 组串式(B) 随机式(C) 闲聊式(D) 单线式参考答案:A,B,C,D10. 领导理论一般包括_____。

(6分)(A) 领导因素理论(B) 领导特质理论(C) 领导权变理论(D) 领导行为理论参考答案:B,C,D判断题11. 信息沟通中,简单工作以双向沟通为好,复杂而陌生问题以单向沟通效果要好。



组织行为学测试题及参考答案一、单选题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1、沃尔玛公司创始人山姆-沃尔顿提出( )的理念,并把他落到实处。

A、员工是自由人B、领导是合伙人C、员工是合伙人D、领导是自由人正确答案:C2、补足式的契合度是指个人( )组织不足的程度。

A、改变B、弥补C、满足D、适应正确答案:B3、( )是指通过正式沟通渠道以外的信息交流和传达方式。

A、非正式沟通B、沟通网络C、组织沟通D、正式沟通正确答案:A4、团队与组织的结合有两种主要形式:嵌入职能组织结构的团队和嵌入( )组织结构的团队。

A、管理B、技术C、审查D、流程正确答案:D5、就下属的成熟度方面而言,赫塞和布兰查德将其划分为几个等级. ( )A、2B、5C、4D、3正确答案:C6、组织学习是将( A )与( )乃至环境反应联系起来的循环过程,组织不只是被动地受个体学习过程影响,而且可以主动地影响其成员的学习。

A、个体行为B、团队行为C、群体行为D、组织行为正确答案:D7、在团队中,每个成员都具有双重角色: ( )和团队角色。

A、职能角色B、协作角色C、协调角色D、创新角色正确答案:A8、( )这一阶段是团队文化建设最有利的阶段。

A、高绩效阶段B、震荡阶段C、规范化阶段D、成立阶段正确答案:C9、组织变革的含义表明,变革是组织实现( )的发展阶段。

A、动态平稳B、动态稳定C、动态持续D、动态革新正确答案:A10、( )是激励的一个基本原则。

A、需要B、民主C、公平D、动机正确答案:C11、个体学习包括( B )和( )。

A、技术性学习B、操作性学习C、过程性学习D、概念性学习正确答案:D12、( )是指组织内部人与人,部门与部门之间,以及组织内部与外部之间进行的信息交流或传递活动。

A、组织沟通B、跨文化沟通C、人际沟通D、网络沟通正确答案:A13、团队设计因素是指可以实行( )的团队特征。

A、监控培训B、团队效能C、管理控制D、组织情景设计正确答案:C14、( )的缺点主要表现在:难以控制传递的信息过确切,容易失真、被曲解,并且他可能促进小集体、小圈子的建立,影响员工关系的稳定和同体的凝聚力。



27.海尔的“OEC”模式的核心是()A. 时时清B. 日日清C. 周周清D. 月月清【答案】B 【解析】参见教材P36028.吉林羊毛衫厂的“全员塑形法”的理论基础是()A. ERG 理论B. 双因素理论C. 综合激励理论D. 成就需要理论【答案】D 【解析】参见教材P35929.“全员塑形法”中理想职工形象包括一个连接、两个能够、三有、四具备和五做到,下列不属于三有的是()A. 有事业心B. 有进取精神C. 有抱负D. 有干劲和毅力【答案】C 【解析】参见教材P35934.在“二元四重组合效应”图中,领导和职工之间,水平距大、感情距小,员工对领导既亲又近是()的体现。

A. 第Ⅰ象限B. 第Ⅱ象限C. 第Ⅲ象限D. 第Ⅳ象限【答案】B 【解析】参见教材P35735.宝钢五大激励理论的理论基础是()A. 成就需要理论B. 综合激励理论C. 双因素理论D. ERG 理论【答案】B 【解析】参见教材P35636.JK 活动的目的不包括()A. 使企业蓬勃发展B. 尊重人性、创造明快工作场所C. 使每个员工都得到更高的工作报酬D. 在工作中得到欢乐和喜悦【答案】C 【解析】参见教材P35537.JK 活动的基本概念不包括()A. 及时反馈活动结果B. 提出工作中的问题C. 为解决工作中的问题发挥创造性D. 积极向存在的问题挑战所开展的小组活动【答案】A 【解析】参见教材P35338.日本的激励机制是() A. 职业生活质量 B. “OEC”模式 C. 自主管理 D. 全方位激励【答案】C 【解析】参见教材P35339.职业生活质量激励机制的理论基础是()A. 综合型激励理论B. 过程型激励理论C. 行为改造型激励理论D. 内容型激励理论【答案】D 【解析】参见教材P35340.美国学者提出的“7S”模型中,属于“硬性的S”的是()A. 最高目标、技能B. 战略、结构、制度C. 人员、作风、技能D. 战略、作风、结构【答案】B 【解析】参见教材P35141.根据行为改造激励理论,认可、赞赏、增加工资、提升等,这些都属于()A. 正强化B. 负强化C. 中强化D. 自然消退【答案】A 【解析】参见教材P34542.综合激励理论中()是一个独立的变量,如果它的数值足够大,就会产生一定的激励力量维持员工行动。




A、⼈权B、社会 C ⼈性D、道德2、利⽤某种有效⼿段或⽅法调动⼈的积极性的过程是()。
















































一、单项选择题(共20题)1.( )是企业部门化的具体化,是职位界定的前提和基础。



2.当群体确立了被强制执行的一系列的行为规范后,有必要通过沟通使群体的新成员了解和执行这些行为规范,这样一种沟通活动被称为( )。



3.官僚行政管理以( )的理想行政组织体系为代表,重点研究组织设计、等级层次、组织结构等方面的内容。



4.作为一种较完善的组织形式,并为多数中小企业所采用的是( )。



5.对于由于其他人到场而对人们的行为产生激励的原因有几种解释,下列不属于其理论解释的是( )。



6.( )是管理的首要因素。



1、工程师是技术专家,负责产品的设计和质量,销售人员是营销专家,负责联络客户,工程师经常抱怨他们无法按照销售人员向客户承诺的交货期完成工作,因为对于如何设计切实可行的交货期限,销售人员缺乏必要的专业知识。销售人员和工程师之间的冲突根源是( )。
9、第一次运用科学的方法将组织问题系统化、理论化与科学化的是( )。
您的答案:C 正确答案:C 得 分:3.0 分
11、关于事业部制的说法,错误的是( )。
您的答案:A 正确答案:A 得 分:3.0 分
19、下列文化中,( )具有在周密分析的基础上孤注一掷的特点。



本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(1)选择题:题填空题:题判断题:题问答题:题第1题[单选题]_________ is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goala:valueb:. rolec:perceptiond:motivation参考答案:d第2题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:. organizational learningd: organizational behavior参考答案:d第3题[单选题]________ is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, or resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.a:streeb:conflictc:powerd:politics参考答案:a第4题[单选题]a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第5题[单选题]_______ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a:negotiationb:conflictc:powerd:politics参考答案:b第6题[单选题]_________ refers to the empowerment of employees to assume more responsibility and accountability for planning, performing, controlling, and evaluating their own work.a:. job rotationb:job engineeringc:job enrichmentd: job enlargement参考答案:c第7题[单选题]__________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning.a:powerb:. communicationc:. conflictd: negotiation参考答案:b第8题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:. functionb: impressionc:capacityd:. responsibility参考答案:c第9题[单选题]__________ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a: perceptionb:emotionc: attituded:personality 参考答案:a第10题[单选题]__________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning, and problem soving. .a:abilityb:intellectual abilityc:. learningd:physical ability参考答案:b第11题[填空题]is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attemptto agree on the exchange rate for them.参考答案:( negotiation )第12题[填空题]is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- actopportunistically. p442参考答案:( trust )第13题[填空题]is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, butthat influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages anddisadvantages within the organization.参考答案:( political behavior )第14题[填空题]is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particularorganization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in theorganization.参考答案:( organizational commitment )第15题[填空题]is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result ofexperience.参考答案:( learning )第16题[填空题]focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making thedifference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.参考答案:( critical incidents )第17题[填空题]are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.参考答案:( emotions )第18题[填空题]is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements,but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.参考答案:( organizational citizenship behavior )第19题[填空题]are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack acontextual stimulus.参考答案:( moods )第20题[填空题]is a collection of planned-change interventions built onhumanistics-democratic values that seek to improve organizationaleffectiveness and employee well-being.参考答案:( organizationaldevelopment )第21题[判断explain the job characteristics model.题]参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第22题[判断what is the communication process?题]参考答案:the senderencodingthe messagethe channeldecodingthereceivernoisefeedback第23题[判断what are the 5 stages of group development?题]参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning第24题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perceptionhalo effectcontrasteffectsprojectionstereotyping第25题[判断题]what is the job characteristics model参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes.skill varietytask identitytask significanceautonomyfeedback第26题[判断题]what are the group decision-making techniques?参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.第27题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perceptionhalo effectcontrasteffectsprojection stereotyping第28题[判断题] “o.k., i admit it. i am not a team player. i work best when i work alone and am left alone,” says da hai.da hai’s employer, am office furniture manufacturer, recently reorganized around teams. all production in the company’s wenzhou factory is now done in teams. and da hai’s design department has been broken up into three design teams.“i’ve worked here for 4 years. i’m very good at what i do. and my performance reviews confirm that. i’ve scored 96 percent or higher on my evaluations every yeari’ve been here. but now everything is changing. i’m expected to be part of our modular-office design team. my evaluations and pay raises are going to depend on how well the team does. and, get this, 50 percent of my evaluation will be on how well i facilitate the performance of the team. i’m really frustrated and demoralized. they hired me for my design skills. they know i wasn’t a soc参考答案:1. what is a team and what is team work?2. does this employer have any responsibility to provide da hai with an alternative that would allow him to continue to work independently?第29题[判断题] xie li, lao bao and lin juan have something in common. they all were promoted within their organizations into management positions. and each found the transition a challenge.xie li was promoted to director of catering for the glazier group of restaurants in hang zhou city. with the promotion, she realized that things would never be the same again. no longer would she be able to participate in water-cooler gossip or shrug off an employee’s chronic laterness. she says she found her new role to be daunting. “at first i was like a bulldozer, knocking everyone over, and that was not well received. i was saying, ‘it’s my way or the highway.’ and was forgetting that my friends were also in transition.” she admits that this style alienated just about everyone with whom she worked.lao bao, a technical manager at lenovo chi参考答案:1, a lot of new managers err in selecting the right leadership style when they move into management. why do you think this happens?2, which leadership theories, if any, could help new leaders deal with this transition?本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(2)选择题:15题填空题:0题判断题:0题问答题:8题第1题[单选题]__________is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.a:abilityb:learningc:attituded:. negotiation参考答案:b第2题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:d第3题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:functionb:impressionc:capacityd:. responsibility参考答案:b第4题[单选题]__________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning, and problem soving. .a:abilityb:intellectual abilityc: learningd: physical ability参考答案:b第5题[单选题] _________are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.a: emotionb: personalityc:attituded:motivation参考答案:a第6题[单选题]_______ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a: negotiationb:conflictc:. powerd:politics 参考答案:b第7题[单选题]___ focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.a:critical incidentsb: written essaysc:graphic ratingd:behaviorally anchored rating scales参考答案:a第8题[单选题]________ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a:perceptionb:emotionc:attituded:personality参考答案:a第9题[单选题]_________are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack a contextual stimulus.a:emotionb:perceptionc:satisfactiond:. moods参考答案:d第10题[单选题]________is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- act opportunistically. p442a: leadershipb:communicationc: powerd:trust参考答案:d第11题[单选题]_________ is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.a: organizational developmentb: organizational learningc:organizational commitmentd:organizational culture参考答案:c第12题[单选题]a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________.a:organizational designb: organizational culturec: organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第13题[单选题]_________ is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization.a: conflictb:negotiationc: political behaviord:motivation参考答案:c第14题[单选题]________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning.a:powerb:communicationc:conflictd: negotiation参考答案:b第15题[单选题]_______ is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree on the exchange rate for them.a:conflictb: powerc: negotiationd:political behavior参考答案:c第16题[判断题]what are the 5 stages of group development?参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning第17题[判断题] o.k., i admit it. i am not a team player. i work best when i work alone and am left alone,” says da hai.da hai’s employer, am office furniture manufacturer, recently reorganized around teams. all production in the company’s wenzhou factory is now done in teams. and da hai’s design department has been broken up into three design teams.“i’ve worked here for 4 years. i’m very good at what i do. and my performance reviews confirm that. i’ve sco red 96 percent or higher on my evaluations every year i’ve been here. but now everything is changing. i’m ex参考答案:1. what is a team and what is team work?2. does this employer have any responsibility to provide da hai with an alternative that would allow him to continue to work independently?第18题[判断题] early in the twentieth century, henry ford became rich and famous by building automobiles on an assembly line. every ford worker was assigned a specific, repetitive task. for instance, one person would just put on the right-front wheel and someone else would install theright-front door. by breaking jobs up into small standardized tasks, which could be performed over and over again, ford was able to produce cars at the rate of one every 10 seconds, while using employees who had relatively limited skill.questions:1. what is organizational structure? what is the key element that managers need to address when they design their org参考答案:organizational structure is how job tasks are formally divided,grouped, and coordinated.work specialization departmentalization chainof command span of control centralization and decentralizationformalization第19题[判断题]what are the group decision-making techniques?参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.第20题[判断题] xie li, lao bao and lin juan have something in common. they all were promoted within their organizations into management positions. and each found the transition a challenge.xie li was promoted to director of catering for the glazier group of restaurants in hang zhou city. with the promotion, she realized that things would never be the same again. no longer would she be able to participate in water-cooler gossip or shrug off an employee’s chronic laterness. she says she found her new role to be daunting. “at first i was like a bulldozer, knocking everyone over, and that was not well received. i was saying, ‘it’s my way or the highway.’ and was forgetting that my friends were also in transition.” she admits that this参考答案:1, a lot of new managers err in selecting the right leadership style when they move into management. why do you think this happens?2, which leadership theories, if any, could help new leaders deal with this transition?第21题[判断题]explain the job characteristics model.参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第22题[判断题] a sales representative for a women’s sportswear manufacturer has just closed a$13,000 order from a small clothing retailer. the sales rep calls in the or der to her firm’s credit department. she is told that the firm can’t approve credit to this customer because of a past slow-payment record. the next day, the sales rep and the firm’s credit manager meet to discuss the problem. the sale rep doesn’t want to lose the business. neither does the credit manger, but he also doesn’t want to get stuck with an uncollectible debt. the two openlyreview their options. after considerable discussion, they agree on a solution that meets boththeir needs: the credit manage r will approve the sale, but the clothing store’s owner 60 days.参考答案:distributive bargaining integrative bargaining第23题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perception halo effect contrast effectsprojectionstereotyping本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(3)选择题:10题填空题:10题判断题:0题问答题:7题第1题[单选题] _________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning.a:powerb:communicationc:conflictd: negotiation参考答案:b第2题[单选题]______ is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, or resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.a:streeb:conflictc:powerd:politics参考答案:a第3题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:functionb:impressionc:capacityd:responsibility参考答案:c第4题[单选题]____ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a:. perceptionb:emotionc:attituded:personality参考答案:a第5题[单选题]a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec: organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第6题[单选题]__________ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a:. negotiationb:conflictc:powerd: politics参考答案:b第7题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:organizational learningd: organizational behavior参考答案:d第8题[单选_________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning,题] and problem soving. .a:abilityb: intellectual abilityc:learningd:physical ability参考答案:b第9题[单选题]__________ refers to the empowerment of employees to assume more responsibility and accountability for planning, performing, controlling, and evaluating their own work.a:. job rotationb: job engineeringc:. job enrichmentd:job enlargement参考答案:c第10题[单选题]_________ is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal..a:valueb:. rolec:perceptiond:motivation参考答案:d第11题[填空题]is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in theorganization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution ofadvantages and disadvantages within the organization.参考答案:( politicalbehavior )第12题[填空题]is a collection of planned-change interventions built on humanistics-democratic values that seekto improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.参考答案:( organizationaldevelopment )第13题[填空题]is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particularorganization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in theorganization.参考答案:( organizational commitment )第14题[填空题]is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services andattempt to agree on the exchange rate for them.参考答案:( negotiation )第15题[填空题]is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result ofexperience.参考答案:( learning )第16题[填空题]are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack acontextual stimulus.参考答案:( moods )第17题[填空题]focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference betweenexecuting a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.参考答案:( critical incidents )第18题[填空题]is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions-act opportunistically.参考答案:( trust )第19题[填空题]are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.参考答案:( emotions )第20题[填空题]is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements,but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.参考答案:( organizational citizenship behavior )第21题[判断what are the 5 stages of group development?题]参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning第22题[判断what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?题]参考答案:selective perception(选择性知觉)halo effect(晕轮效应)contrast effects(对比效应)projection(投射)stereotyping(刻板印象第23题[判断what is the communication process?题]参考答案:the senderencodingthe messagethe channeldecodingthereceivernoisefeedback第24题[判断what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?题]参考答案:selective perceptionhalo effectcontrasteffectsprojectionstereotyping第25题[判断explain the job characteristics model.题]参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第26题[判断what is the job characteristics model题]参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal and workoutcomes.skill varietytask identitytask significanceautonomyfeedback第27题[判断what are the group decision-making techniques?题]参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(4)选择题:16题填空题:0题判断题:0题问答题:6题第1题[单选题] . a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________a:organizational designb:organizational culturec: organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第2题[单选题]______ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a:perceptionb:emotionc:attituded: personality参考答案:a第3题[单选题]________ focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.a:critical incidentsb:. written essaysc:graphic ratingd:behaviorally anchored rating scales参考答案:a第4题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb: organizational culturec:organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:d第5题[单选题]_________ is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization.a:conflictb:negotiationc: political behaviord:motivation参考答案:c第6题[单选题] _________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning a:. powerb:communicationc:conflictd:. negotiation参考答案:b第7题[单选题]________is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- act opportunistically.a: leadershipb:communicationc:powerd: trust参考答案:d第8题[单选题]________are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack a contextual stimulus.a:emotionb:perceptionc:. satisfactiond:moods参考答案:d第9题[单选题]________is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- act opportunistically.a: leadershipb:communicationc:powerd: trust参考答案:d第10题[单选题]_________are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.a:. emotionb:personalityc:attituded:motivation参考答案:a第11题[单选题]_______ is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.a:organizational developmentb:organizational learningc:organizational commitmentd:organizational culture参考答案:c第12题[单选题]__________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning, and problem soving. .a:abilityb:. intellectual abilityc: learningd:physical ability参考答案:b第13题[单选题]____ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a:negotiationb:conflictc: powerd: politics参考答案:b第14题[单选题]______ is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree on the exchange rate for thema: conflictb: powerc:negotiationd: political behavior参考答案:c第15题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:functionb: impressionc: capacityd: responsibility参考答案:c第16题[单选题]______is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.a:abilityb:. learningc:. attituded:. negotiation参考答案:b第17题[判断题]what are the group decision-making techniques?参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.第18题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perception(选择性知觉)halo effect(晕轮效应)contrast effects(对比效应)projection(投射)stereotyping(刻板印象第19题[判断题] early in the twentieth century, henry ford became rich and famous by building automobiles on an assembly line. every ford worker was assigned a specific, repetitive task. for instance, one person would just put on the right-front wheel and someone else would install the right-front door. by breaking jobs up into small standardized tasks, which could be performed over and over again, ford was able to produce cars at the rate of one every 10 seconds, while using employees who had relatively limited skill.questions:1.what is organizational structure?what is the key element that managers need to address when they design their organizati参考答案:organizational structure is how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated.work specialization(工作专门化)departmentalization(部门化)chain of command(命令链)span of control(控制跨度)centralization anddecentralization(集权/分权)formalization(正规化)第20题[判断题]explain the job characteristics model.参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第21题[判断题] a sales representative for a women’s sportswear manufacturer has just closed a$13,000 order from a small clothing retailer. the sales rep calls in the o rder to her firm’s credit department. she is told that the firm can’t approve credit to this customer because of a past slow-payment record. the next day, the sales rep and the firm’s credit manager meet to discuss the problem. the sale rep doesn’t want to lose the business. neither does the credit manger, but he also doesn’t want to get stuck with an uncollectible debt. the two openly review their options. after considerable discussion, they agree on a solution that meets both their needs: the credit manager will approve the sale, but the clothing store’s owner 60 days.<参考答案:distributive bargaining分配谈判integrative bargaining 综合谈判第22题[判断题]what are the 5 stages of group development?参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning本次测试范围组织行为学测试题(5)为:选择题:题填空题:题判断题:题问答题:题第1题[填空题]is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements,but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.参考答案:( organizational citizenship behavior )第2题[填空题]is a collection of planned-change interventions built on humanistics-democraticvalues that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employeewell-being.参考答案:( organizational development )第3题[填空题]are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack acontextual stimulus.参考答案:( moods )第4题[填空题]is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services andattempt to agree on the exchange rate for them.参考答案:( negotiation )第5题[填空题]is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in theorganization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution ofadvantages and disadvantages within the organization.参考答案:( politicalbehavior )第6题[填空题]focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference betweenexecuting a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.参考答案:( critical incidents )第7题[填空题]is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particularorganization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in theorganization.参考答案:( organizational commitment )第8题[填空题]are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.参考答案:( emotions )。



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第一章140.度量离中趋势的常用指标是( )A.简单算术平均数B.加权算术平均数C.中位数D.标准差【答案】D 【解析】P35141.心理测验的有效性是指心理测验的( )A.可靠性B.准确性C.信度D.效度【答案】D 【解析】P30142.行为理论模式用函数关系式表达为( )A.B=f(S�6�1P)B.B=f(P�6�1E)C.B=f(S�6�1E)D.B=f(P�6�1M)【答案】B 【解析】P18143.组织行为学的多层次相交切性主要表现为( )A.三层B.四层C.五层D.六层【答案】B 【解析】P10144.用数量指标对每种情况中可能有或可能没有的心理现象进行分析的方法叫( )A.因素分析B.相关分析C.集中趋势分析D.抉择分析【答案】D 【解析】P35145.为了证明承包制与工作效率之间的正相关关系,先测定未实行承包制时班组群体的工作效率,然后再测定实行承包制后班组群体的工作效率,这种研究方法是( )A.现场实验法B.实验室实验法C.间隔时序准实验法D.不等同对照组实验法【答案】C 【解析】P33146.以下不属于组织行为学所使用的实验方法是( )A.准实验法B.心理实验法C.实验室实验法D.现场实验法【答案】B 【解析】P32147.如果对房间内噪音加以改变,以探求噪音强度与工作效率、工作速度之间是否存在函数关系的研究方法是( )A.观察法B.调查法C.面谈法D.实验法【答案】D 【解析】P32148.以下不属于组织行为学所使用的调查方法是( )A.面谈法B.问卷调查法C.案例研究法D.电话调查法【答案】C 【解析】P31149.组织行为学研究方法中最重要原则和特点是( )A.研究程序的公开性B.如实地客观地进行观察和实验C.观察和实验条件的可控性D.分析方法的系统性【答案】B 【解析】P24150.管理者角色学派的代表人物是( )A.赫茨伯格B.明兹伯格C.费德勒D.西蒙【答案】B 【解析】P7151.领导的实质是( )A.处理人与人的关系B.处理人与事的关系C.处理人与组织的关系D.处理组织与组织的关系【答案】A 【解析】P7152.在人类学的分支学科中与组织学关系最密切的是( )A.体质人类学B.文化人类学C.考古学D.素质人类学【答案】B 【解析】P21153.工程心理学主要研究的是( )A.人与事的关系B.人与机器的关系C.人与人的关系D.人与社会环境的关系154.【答案】B 【解析】P13154.组织是物的系统、人的系统和社会环境系统相结合的( )A.投入系统B.产出系统C.投入产出系统D.社会技术系统【答案】D 【解析】P3155.人类的力量在本质上是( )的力量。

A.经济B.社会C.组织D.群体【答案】C 【解析】P2156.个体心理学又称为( )A.基础心理学B.理论心理学C.人事心理学D.工程心理学【答案】B 【解析】P19157.组织行为学作为一门学科最早产生于( )A.二十世纪二、三十年代B.二十世纪三、四十年代C.二十世纪五、六十年代D.二十世纪七、八十年代【答案】C 【解析】P12158.组织行为研究缘起于( )A.心理学B.社会学C.人类学D.政治学【答案】A 【解析】P12第二章120.形象的创造与技术的发明和科学发现相比较,主要是依靠( )A.形象思维B.逻辑思维C.发散思维D.关联思维【答案】A 【解析】P80121.事业生涯的选择首先要受到( )的影响。

A.个人条件B.父母C.朋友D.社会【答案】A 【解析】P104122.事业生涯自我管理的关键是( )A.事业生涯设计和规划能力B.接受新知识、新技能的能力C.沟通和反应能力D.目标调整能力【答案】B 【解析】P102123.事业生涯成功的关键所在是( )A.自我管理B.社会管理C.组织管理D.职业管理【答案】A 【解析】P102124.开始作为有选择的参与者和观察员,而不再是参与者的阶段是( )A.成长阶段B.探索阶段C.创立阶段D.衰退阶段【答案】D 【解析】P114125.个人在组织内事业生涯变动的模式呈现出一个( )A.正方体B.圆柱体C.圆锥体D.圆球体【答案】C 【解析】P112126.向核心变动与哪种事业生涯变动方向相关( )A.横向变动B.纵向变动C.向周边变动D.平行变动【答案】B 【解析】P111127.霍兰德认为决定人们从事职业种类的基本的个性定向有( )A.四种B.五种C.六种D.七种【答案】C 【解析】P105128.招聘和选择的目标在于( )A.使组织协调运行B.提高组织效率C.促进组织变革D.确定合适的组织成员【答案】D 【解析】P102129.组织结构的框架并不是固定不变的,而是跟随客观环境的改变而有所改变的组织结构被称为( )A.集权的组织结构B.分权的组织结构C.弹性的组织结构D.权变的组织结构【答案】C 【解析】P90130.在完成比较复杂的任务,特别是从事创造性活动,( )的效率高、成果也多。

A.同质结构B.异质结构C.联合结构D.同心圆结构【答案】B 【解析】P89131.在完成工作内容大致一致的简单任务时,( )效率提高而创造性较少。

A.同质结构B.异质结构C.联合结构D.同心圆结构【答案】A 【解析】P89132.根据下列哪类标准可以把性格分为理智型、情绪型、意志型和中间型( )A.神经过程的特征B.心理活动的倾向性C.占优势的心理机能D.思想行为的独立性【答案】C 【解析】P65133.根据下列哪类标准可以把性格划分为外倾向和内倾向( )A.按何种心理机能占优势B.按思想行为的独立性C.按心理活动的某种倾向D.按人的行为模式【答案】C 【解析】P65134.心理过程的动力特征是( )A.能力B.气质C.性格D.思维【答案】B 【解析】P61135.当员工能够主动维护组织的声誉,愿意为组织牺牲个人利益的心理状态被称为( ) A.工作态度 B.工作参与度 C.组织认同感 D.组织归属感【答案】C 【解析】P55136.根据行为及其结果对行为者的稳定心理特征素质或个性差异作出合理的推论,这属于归因论所研究的( )A.社会推论问题B.心理活动发生的因果关系问题C.期望D.预测【答案】A 【解析】P47137.归因理论属于( )A.人际关系学B.社会学C.人类学D.社会心理学【答案】D 【解析】P46138.人们保护自己的思想方法倾向被称为( )A.首因效应B.知觉防御C.晕轮效应D.投射【答案】B 【解析】P44139.以己度人的思想方法被称为( )A.首因效应B.知觉防御C.晕轮效应D.投射【答案】D 【解析】p45二、多项选择题第一章76.罗伯特•维卡和富兰克林•斯克伯兹将组织科学分为四个组成部分( )A.组织行为B.组织理论C.组织发展D.人力资源管理E.组织变革【答案】ABCD 【解析】P1477.通常使用的调查方法有( )A.面谈法B.电话调查法C.问卷调查法D.社会调查法E.民意测验【答案】ABC 【解析】P3178.按照观察情景的差异可以把观察法分为( )A.参与观察法B.自然观察法C.控制观察法D.非参与观察法E.非控制观察法【答案】BC 【解析】P3079.按照观察者与被观察者的关系可把观察法分为( )A.参与观察法B.自然观察法C.控制观察法D.非参与观察法E.非控制观察法【答案】AD 【解析】P3080.80.调查法主要是了解被调查者对某一事物的( )A.想法B.感情C.观念D.满意度E.了解【答案】ABD 【解析】P3081.案例研究法的优点是体现( )统一的极好方法。

A.理论与实践B.知识与能力C.历史与现实D.科学与艺术E.教学与研究【答案】ABCDE 【解析】P2882.组织行为学的研究方法有( )A.调查法B.实验法C.观察法D.心理测验法E.案例研究法【答案】ABCDE 【解析】P2983.把组织行为学的研究过程归纳为六个步骤的系统的人是( )A.西蒙B.西拉杰C.华莱士D.马斯洛E.林德【答案】BC 【解析】P2884.组织是哪些系统结合的社会技术系统( )A.投入系统B.产出系统C.物的系统D.人的系统E.社会环境系统【答案】CDE 【解析】P385.根据行为规律的理论模式,人的行为是哪两个变量的函数( )A.人的主观特征B.组织的条件特征C.客观环境的特征D.人的价值观E.人的能力特征【答案】AC 【解析】P18第二章65.以下关于事业生涯管理说法正确的是( )A.事业生涯自我管理的关键是职工必须具备接受新知识、新技能的能力B.事业生涯管理是一种动态和静态相结合的管理C.早期、中期和晚期的事业生涯划分方法的年龄标准是完全一致的D.组织内部的个人的工作职业沿着职能部门或技术部门的两侧发展变动就是事业生涯的横向变动E.心理学家霍兰德认为个人的个性类型是职业选择的重要决定因素【答案】ADE 【解析】P10267.要为所有成员提供平等就业和就职机会,防止出现职业生涯设计障碍就必须要( )A.公开招聘B.平等竞争C.合理考核D.及时反馈E.信息沟通【答案】ABC 【解析】P11768.在早期事业生涯中所应关心的问题有( )A.要得到一份工作,这是第一们考虑的问题B.学习如何处理和调整工作所遇到的问题C.成功完成所分派的任务D.做出改变职业和工作组织的决定E.选择专业,决定应承担义务的程度【答案】ABCD 【解析】P11569.群体结构可以从( )等多个角度进行划分。

A.年龄结构B.知识结构C.能力结构D.性格结构E.专业结构【答案】ABCDE 【解析】P8969.70.组织管理型的创造性行为包括( )A.开辟新市场B.开发新产品C.建立新体制D.提出新战略E.运用新方法【答案】ACDE 【解析】P8070.71.艺术塑造型的创造性行为可以分为( )A.内涵的创造B.外延的创造C.价值的创造D.形象的创造E.情感的创造【答案】DE 【解析】P8071.控制方位论包括( )A.内因控制论B.外因控制论C.单因控制论D.双因控制论E.平衡控制论【答案】AB 【解析】P7573.按能力的适应性,能力可分为( )A.智力B.专门能力C.创造力D.影响力E.模仿力【答案】ABC 【解析】P6374.价值观是人们对客观事物在满足主观需要方面的( )的总评价和总看法。

A.时间性B.重要性C.有用性D.有效性E.物质性【答案】BCD 【解析】P4975.归因理论认为一般人可作出哪些归因( )A.努力程度B.能力大小C.任务难度D.机会运气E.时间关系【答案】ABCD 【解析】P4784.个体在群体中的重要特征之一,在于他以()的意见作为定向的标准。

A.个人B.群体C.组织D.社会【答案】B 【解析】P18992.最早提出社会测量理论地学者是( )A.韦伯B.霍曼斯C.莫里诺D.阿西【答案】C 【解析】P18793.区分冲突是功能正常地冲突还是功能失调地冲突的指标是( )A.冲突类型B.冲突过程C.群体工作绩效D.群体目标【答案】C 【解析】P20479.在苹果电脑公司中,零件购买部与零件组装部之间地关系是( )A.顺序式相互依赖关系B.互惠式相互依赖关系C.联营式相互依赖关系D.协作式相互依赖关系【答案】A 【解析】P19795.成功的群体间工作绩效受到一系列因素的影响,其中贯穿所有因素中的一个关键概念是() A.竞争 B.协作 C.人际关系 D.个性差异【答案】B 【解析】P197150.每个人都有对他人地需要,因而产生人际关系的需求。
