
初二英语《What should I do》说课稿范文(精选2篇)初二英语《What should I do》范文篇1各位评委:我说课的内容是山东教育出版社出版的义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》初二下册第八单元Section A,课题是“What should I do ?”本节说课内容分四个步骤:一、说教材二、说教法三、说学生四、说教学过程。
一、说教材(一)教材分析教材的地位和作用:第8单元承接初二上册第9单元What’s the matter?中有关情态动词should 的用法,并作进一步的扩展和综合运用;本课是本单元的第一课时,集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构,因此,本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用。

教案:八年级英语What Should I Do?第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标能够理解并运用情态动词"should" 的基本用法。
1.2 技能目标能够听懂、说出生词和短语。
能够正确使用情态动词"should" 完成句子。
1.3 情感目标培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
第二章:教学内容2.1 词汇situation:情况problem:问题advice:建议should:应该2.2 短语give advice:给出建议ask for help:寻求帮助solve problems:解决问题2.3 句型What should I do?:我应该怎么办?You should:你应该Can you give me some advice?:你能给我一些建议吗?第三章:教学步骤3.1 导入利用图片或情境引入主题,引导学生思考在不同情况下应该如何应对。
3.2 新课内容通过例句和练习,讲解情态动词"should" 的用法。
3.3 实践环节分组讨论,让学生根据给定的情境,用英语给出建议和解决方案。
要求学生使用情态动词"should" 和所学短语,给出建议和解决方案。
第五章:教学评价通过课堂参与、作业完成情况和小组讨论,评估学生对情态动词"should" 的理解和运用。
第六章:教学资源6.1 教材使用八年级英语教材,重点讲解情态动词"should" 的用法。
6.2 辅助工具使用多媒体教学,如PPT、视频等,增强学生的学习兴趣。

八年级下册英语《 What should I do?》教课设计八年级下册英语《whatshouldIdo?》教课设计Unit2whatshouldIdo?Teachinggoals(教课目的).words&phrases:keepout,loud,argue,what’swrong?football,either,except,themselves,include,etc.2. 神态动词 could/should的用法。
3.whydon ’ tyou ?构造表建议的运用。
教具: ataperecorder5,cards.第一课时课前准备:教师:录音机,所学物件的图片、教课挂图。
学生:英语点金教练及有关的学惯器具Teachingprocedures(教课步骤)(教课过程)Step1Leadingin(导入话题,激活背景知识).Greetingsandfreetalk.2.checktheHomework (家庭作业) .Step2Pre-task(任务前活动)T:IwanttobuyanewguitarbutIdon ’thaveenoughmoney.whatshouldIdo?Ssthinkitover,andtrytogivehis/heradvice.writetheiradviceontheBb..Borrowone.2.Buyasecond-handguitar.’ tbuyaguitar.5.waituntilnextyear.PracticereadingtheadvicebytheSs.导入 :Inthisunitwearegoingtotalkaboutproblemspeoplehav eandlearnhowtogivethesepeopleadvice–totellpeoplewhatwethinktheyshoulddo.Step3while-task(任务中活动)SBPage10,1a.theSs.3.AskSstowritetheproblemsinthe“ Serious” or “Notserious” columns.ereading.SBPage10,1b. makesuretheSsunderstandwhatshouldtheydo.Playthetapetime.checktheanswers.Step4Post-task(任务后活动)SBPage10,1c.Lookattheproblemsinactivity1aandmakeconversations.Step5while-task(任务中活动)SBPage11,2a..Readtheinstructions.makesuretheSsunderstandwha tshouldtheydo.2.Pointtothesentencesbelow.toPeter’ sfriend’ sadvice.“ could”or“ should”.5.correcttheanswers.SBPage11,2b.Readtheinstructions.PayattentiontoPeter’sanswers.Playthetapeagain.checktheanswers.Step7Post-task(任务后活动)makeconversationswithpeterandhisfriendwiththehelpof2a&2b.Step8GrammarFocusReviewthegrammarbox.Sssaythequestionsandtheresponses.Explainthedifferencesbetweencould/should.Homework(家庭作业) :.Gooverthewords.2.myclothesareoutofstyle,whatshouldIdo?Pleasegivetheadvice.教课后记 :第二课时课前准备:教师:录音机,所学物件的图片。

教案:八年级英语What Should I Do?一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够理解并运用情态动词should 的基本用法。
学生能够掌握并运用常用短语:What should I do? How should I get there? 等。
2. 能力目标:学生能够通过情境交际,运用情态动词should 提出建议和询问建议。
3. 情感目标:学生能够培养合作意识,学会相互倾听、理解和尊重他人的意见。
二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:情态动词should 的基本用法。
2. 教学难点:情态动词should 在不同情境下的运用。
三、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设定各种生活情境,让学生在实际语境中学习并运用情态动词should 和一般现在时的被动语态。
2. 交际法:鼓励学生进行小组讨论和角色扮演,提高学生的口语交际能力。
3. 任务型教学法:设计各种任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,巩固所学知识。
四、教学过程:1. 导入:教师通过提问方式引导学生回顾情态动词can 的用法,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课呈现:教师展示各种生活情境图片,引导学生用情态动词should 提出建议,如"What should I do?" "How should I get there?" 等。
3. 语法讲解:教师讲解一般现在时的被动语态的构成和用法,并通过示例进行讲解。
4. 练习:学生进行小组讨论,用情态动词should 和一般现在时的被动语态完成各种情境交际。
5. 课堂活动:学生进行角色扮演,运用所学知识进行实际操作。
五、课后作业:1. 抄写情态动词should 的不同形式。
2. 用一般现在时的被动语态描述日常生活用品的使用。
3. 结合所学知识,与同学合作完成一个生活情境的角色扮演。

八年级英语What Should I Do 教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够理解并运用情态动词"should" 的基本用法。
(2)能够根据情景选择恰当的建议,并用情态动词"should" 表达。
(3)能够听懂并会说日常交际用语,如"What should I do?" 和"I think you should"。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够运用情态动词"should" 提出建议和征求建议。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的合作意识和团队精神,使他们更加关心他人,乐于助人。
二、教学重难点1. 重点:情态动词"should" 的基本用法和交际用语。
2. 难点:如何根据情景选择恰当的建议,并用情态动词"should" 表达。
四、教学过程1. 导入:通过图片展示不同的情境,引导学生思考并提出问题"What should I do?"。
2. 新课内容:讲解情态动词"should" 的基本用法,如提出建议、征求建议等。
3. 实例展示:展示日常生活场景,让学生听懂并学会使用"What should I do?" 和"I think you should" 进行交流。
4. 小组讨论:学生分组讨论,根据给定的情境选择恰当的建议,并用情态动词"should" 表达。
5. 角色扮演:学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟实际场景,运用情态动词"should" 进行对话交流。

Unit 2 What should I do? 教案教案内容及分析本单元核心话题为讨论学生在学校和家庭中遇到的种种问题,提供相应的建议(Talk about problems and give advice),为他人找到合理的解决办法,评价取舍他人的建议,为自己的问题找到最佳的解决办法。
学习者特征分析学生在八年级上册第2单元“What's the matter?”中已学过询问病情、给出建议和情态动词should/shouldn't的用法。
单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力:1) 语言技能目标(1)能运用陈述句谈论在学校或家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题;(2)能运用情态动词could / should提出相应的建议,为他人找到合理的解决办法;(3)能对他人的建议做出评价和判断(Good / Okay / Bad idea),从而决定是否接受或拒绝他人的建议;(4)能够以各种方式,如打电话、写信、发e-mail等,向“Teen Talk, a radio advice program, a newspaper advice column”等寻求帮助。
2) 语言知识目标(1)能掌握并运用情态动词could / should;(2)能正确运用“What should I / he / she / they / you / we do?”句型寻求帮助;(3)掌握并运用“What's the matter? What's wrong?”等句型询问对方遇到的问题2. 过程与方法1)通过Pairwork ,用得体的语言陈述问题和烦恼并能给对方提出建议;在对话交流中,培养学生与人沟通的能力以及对所提供建议的评判取舍能力;2)通过与同学沟通交流,对同学的建议做出推理和判断,培养学生的综合分析和判断能力;通过调查报告、指定帮助他人计划等方式,提高学生调查分析能力和解决实际问题的能力;通过听录音,提高学生抓细节信息的能力。

教案:八年级英语What Should I Do?一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够理解并运用情态动词should 的基本用法。
2. 能力目标:学生能够在日常生活中运用情态动词should 提出建议和意见。
3. 情感目标:培养学生关心他人,乐于助人的品质。
二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:情态动词should 的基本用法。
2. 教学难点:情态动词should 的被动语态。
三、教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过设定情境,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。
2. 交际教学法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力和交际能力。
3. 任务型教学法:通过完成具体任务,培养学生运用英语解决实际问题的能力。
四、教学过程:1. 热身(5分钟)教师与学生进行简单的英语对话,检查学生的英语水平。
2. 引入(10分钟)教师展示一张图片,引导学生思考图片中的人应该做什么。
学生用英语表达自己的观点,引出情态动词should 的用法。
3. 教学新课(15分钟)教师讲解情态动词should 的基本用法,并举例说明。
4. 小组活动(10分钟)学生分组,每组讨论一个情境,用情态动词should 提出建议和意见。
学生完成课后作业,运用情态动词should 提出建议和意见。
五、课后作业:1. 抄写本节课所学的句子,并用自己的词汇替换句子中的关键词。
2. 编写一个情境,运用情态动词should 提出建议和意见。
3. 预习下一节课的内容,准备进行课堂讨论。
六、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的积极参与程度,以及他们的表现和态度。

学生:英语点金教练及相关的学习用具TeachingproceduresStep1LeadinginGreetingsandfreetal.chectheHoeor.Step2Pre-tasT:IanttobuyaneguitarbutIdon’thaveenoughoney.hatshouldIdo?Ssthinitover,andtrytogivehis/heradvice.ritetheiradviceontheBb.Borroone.2.Buyasecond-handguitar.Getapart-tiejob.4.Don’tbuyaguitar.aituntilnextyear.PracticereadingtheadvicebytheSs.导入:Inthisunitearegoingtotalaboutproblespeoplehavean dlearnhotogivethesepeopleadvice–totellpeoplehatethintheyshoulddo.Step3hile-tasSBPage10,1a.ReadtheinstructionstotheSs.2.ReadtheproblesbytheSs.AsSstoritetheproblesinthe“Serious”or “Notserious”coluns.Explain.5.Talabouttheansersiththeclass.Practiceread ing.SBPage10,1b.aesuretheSsunderstandhatshouldtheydo.Playthetapetic e.Sscircletheproblestheyhear.Playthetapeathirdtie.c hectheansers.Step4Post-tasSBPage10,1c.Looattheproblesinactivity1aandaeconversations.Step5hile-tasSBPage11,2a.Readtheinstructions.aesuretheSsunderstandhatshouldt heydo.Pointtothesentencesbelo.Playthetapethefirsttie.Ssonlylisten.PayattentiontoP eter’sfriend’sadvice.Playthetapeagain.Sscircle“could”or“should”.correcttheansers.SBPage11,2b.Readtheinstructions.PayattentiontoPeter’sansers.Playthetapeagain.chectheansers.Step7Post-tasaeconversationsithpeterandhisfriendiththehelpof2a&2 b.Step8GraarFocusReviethegraarbox.Sssaythequestionsandtheresponses.E xplainthedifferencesbeteencould/should.Hoeor:Goovertheords.yclothesareoutofstyle,hatshouldIdo?Pleasegivetheadv ice.教学后记:第二课时课前准备:教师:录音机,所学物品的图片。

Teaching Plan For Lesson1,Unit 2 What should I do?I. Teaching Objectives1. Language Objectives.1(1) important words and phrases:argue ;argue with;keep out ;loud ;style;out of style; surprise;(2) Important sentence patternsWhat's wrong?What’s the matter?What should he /she do?Maybe you/he/she should/could……;Why don’t you /why not ….2. Ability Objectives(1)To help students learn how to ask people’s problems and give advice;(2) To train students' listening, speaking and reading skills.(3) To make students pay more attention to our daily life and care for peopleII. Important Points1. To help students to learn how to ask people’s problems and give advice2. To help students to learn how to use Modals could, shouldIII. Difficult Points1. How to ask people’s problems2. Hou to give people advice3. Use modals could, shouldIV. Teaching Methods1. Listening, reading, speaking, group work;2. Teaching Aids: computer, blackboard, multimedia..V. Teaching Procedures (15 mins)Step I revision and Lead-in 5mins)T: hello, boys and girls. Nice to be with you again;T:who’s on duty today?Is everyone here today?S: hello,teacher...T: summer is coming, do you like the seasonWhy?…….Yeah, maybe some would sayBecause it is sunnyBecause they can wear their beautiful dressAnd some boys would say they like swimmingThat’s right!However, some students said they feel unhappy. These daysWhy?Because they think their clothes are out of styleEn, do you know the phrase out of styleWhat’s meaning?Teacher writes the out of style and in style on board and presents the pictureS:T: Yes, it means not in fashion也就是说过时的,不时髦的T: now, please read the phrases out of style after me( Read two times)While the phrase, in style, means in fashion,即时髦的,流行的For example, these clothes are out of style, while these dresses are in style, do you think so? Teacher Presents the PPTWhat else?A boy said his neighbor plays his CDs too loud, he can’t go to sleepTeacher writes the phrase play CDs, “loud”, and presents the pictureT: The second, their neighbor plays his CDs too loud, they can’t go to sleepDid you meet these problems like that?When you meet these problems, you should hoe to solve them? What should you do?S...Teacher writes sentences pattern: what should I do?” on board(揭示本课主题)T: what should I do? This is our topic languagesOk, let’s come to unit 2 what should I do?And, this unit we will discuss some people’s problems and learn how to give them advice T: now, let us open the book and turn to page 10, this lesson we will be conducted in this way, we’ll do five things;The first part, we’ll learn activity 1a and 2aThe second part, we are going to role play a conversationThe third, we are going to discuss some people’s problemThe forth, you should do a summery about this lesson,be careful, it is you that should make s summery about what we have learnedAt last, I am going to give your some homeworkPart 1.now! Let’s come to part one, section ALook at the pictures in activity 1aThe girl looks unhappy, why?And can you guess what’s wrong with themWhat should she do for one minute?One minute laterT: Ok, time’s up,Next let us listen the tapes you will hear the girl’s problems, I’ll play the tapes two times, the first time you should only listen, know the main idea ; the second time you should circle the problems you have heardAre you clear?S: yesT: ok, let’s listen the tapesTeacher play tapes two timesT: you’ve done it, right?Check the answerT: who can show your answer? (刘亮,please)Student A shows his answerT: is he right?S: yesT: great, he is right; sit down please;Now! Look at the activity 2a, Listen Peter’s problems and Peter's friend is giving him advice. Answer the following questions:• 1 what’s wrong with peter?• 2 What His friend’s advice is?Are you clear?Now, let’s listen!Teacher plays the tapesT: have you finished it?Ok, let us check the answerTeacher check the answerWho want have a tryStudent * give his answerIs he/she right?Good job, sit down pleasePart twoT: the next, let’s come to part twoWe’ll role play the conversation between Peter and Peter’s friendT: Now, who want to act as Peter and who want be act as Peter’s friendCome here, to show your performanceStudents playYou are excellentPart threeNow, look here these people are in trouble, what should they do? Here you should give your adviceFor example, picture1Teacher presents picture 1Teacher presents these pictures one by one and students answer themNow, have you learned how to give people advice?Very good!Part fourOk, the next, do a summeryWho can do a summery about what we’ve learned this lessonSuch as, we have learned the words and phrases: argue, keep out; play CDs, style, out of style, etcAnd the Sentences patterns:Q: what should I /he /she /they do?A: maybe you should/could do …Why not …Part fiveHomework (2minutes)T: Now,Homework1. recite the word and sentences patterns⏹ 2. Here are some pictures of pool children.⏹First,Look at the pictures⏹Second,describe this picture and make up a story: what’s wrong with them? And what shouldthey do?Please turn in it, next lesson。

Unit 2 What should I do?Period 1 Section A(1a-2c)Part 1 Background information1.The analysis of teaching materialThe teaching material is the speaking and listening part at unit 2, book 4, go for it with title of “What should I do?”.It mainly concerns with talking about problems and giving advice.In this unit, it's the first time students know something about the usage modal verb “should”, and the target language “What should I do?”to give advice. Before this unit, the students have learned talking about the matters in unit 1:what's the matter? Therefore,in this unit, students will learn to talk more about their problems and matters, and learn to give advice.2.The analysis of studentsStudents in junior 2 have gained certain amount of vocabulary and language skills.And they are very interested in new knowledge and have strong learning ability, so it's not difficult for them to understand the text.Yet most of them are afraid of speaking in front of the class and express their viewsfreely and confidently with their partners. So, they need to be encouraged to communicate more with others in class.3.Time duration45minsPart 2 Teaching objectives1. Knowledge objectivesBy the end of the class, Ss will be able to1)master the new words and phrases,such as keep out, argue, out of style,etc.2)grasp the new sentence “what's the matter”and “what's wrong”to talk about problems and use the “Maybe you should/could”to give advice.2. Ability objectivesBy the end of the class, Ss will be able to1)train their listening skills of listening for key words “should/could”and othernew words, and listening by using context.2)listen to others' problems and give advice.3 .Affect objectives1)Ss will be able to be aware of their own problems and asking for help.2)Ss will be able to enjoy helping others when they have troubles and develop the spirit of cooperation.Part 3 Key points and difficult points1.Key points1)Ss will be guided to master the new words and phrases2)Ss will be guided to grasp the new sentence “what's the matter”and “what's wrong”1 / 4to talk about problems and use the “Maybe you should/could”to give advice.2.Difficult points1)Ss will be stimulated to effectively train their listening skills of listening for key words “should/could”and other new words.And listening for answers by using context will also be trained.2) Ss will be stimulated to use the new words and sentences to communicate freely Solutions: Task-basing teaching method and Communicative teaching method Part 4 Teaching methods and aids1.Teaching methodsSituational teaching methodCommunicative teaching methodTask-basing teaching method2. Teaching aidsPPT document,multimedia devices, tape recorder, tape, cards.Part 5 Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming up(5')Activity 1: Enjoying a song(1.5')At the beginning of the class, I will present Ss some pictures on the PPT with the song “trouble is a friend”and ask them to pay attention to the pictures that show someknowledge they learned before.Aim: arouse Ss' interests and lead in the topicActivity2: Brainstorming(3.5')After listening the song, I will ask Ss “What's the matter about them?”,then ask them “What troubles do you have in your daily?”Aim: revise Ss' old knowledge and stimulate them to speak EnglishStep2 Presentation and practice(23')Activity 1: showing pictures(6')Show four new pictures from the text book, and ask Ss “What's wrong?”or “What'sthe matter?”I will give them some key words on the PPTAim: learn new words and phrasesActivity2:Group competition(10')I will ask Ss “What should he/she/they do?”.First,I will give the model “Maybe hecould/should...”then divide the class into four groups, each group is given a picture and asked to give as much as advice they could. The winning group can get reward. Aim:activate the atmosphere。

八年级英语What Should I Do 教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)能够理解并运用情态动词should 的基本用法。
(2)能够根据情境,使用情态动词should 提出建议和做出决定。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够用英语进行简单的日常咨询和回答。
3. 情感目标:(1)培养学生积极帮助他人的精神。
二、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:(1)情态动词should 的基本用法。
(2)如何根据情境,使用情态动词should 提出建议和做出决定。
2. 教学难点:(1)情态动词should 的辨析。
三、教学方法1. 情境教学法:通过设定各种情境,让学生在实际语境中学习和运用语言。
2. 交际法:通过师生互动、生生互动,培养学生的口语表达能力。
3. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
四、课前准备1. 教师准备:教材、课件、录音机、磁带、情景卡片等。
2. 学生准备:预习课文,准备进行课堂互动。
五、教学过程1. 导入:(1)师生问候,回顾上一课内容。
2. 新课呈现:(1)展示课件,引入主题。
(2)讲解情态动词should 的基本用法。
3. 课堂活动:(1)分组进行角色扮演,模拟情景对话。
4. 巩固练习:(1)完成课本练习题。

初中英语新课程标准教材英语教课方案( 2019—2020学年度第二学期)学校:年级:任课教师:英语教课方案 /初中英语/八年级英语教课方案编订: XX文讯教育机构初中英语教课方案文讯教育教课方案八年级英语 What should I do教课方案教材介 : 本教材主要用途通学英的内容,提升学生的言技术,增添一言能力,有利于国化的平时沟通、生活、工作等,本教课料合用于初中八年英科目 , 学后学生能获得全面的展和提升。
八年英 what should i do教课方案part1.及要点句子、法【要求:并掌握】【】1. too loud太高声2. out of sty le的3. in style流行的4. call sb up= ring sb up=call/ring/phone sb.⋯ ..打5. enough money足的(enough修名不用后置)6. busy enough忙(enough修形容或副必后置)7. a ticket to/for a ball game一球的票注意: the key to the lock/the key(answer)r to the question)/the solution to the problem .此几个短不可以用of 表示全部格8. talk about9. on the phone用10. pay for付款11. spend ⋯on +sth.=spend...( in) doing sth.在⋯花12. it takes sb. sometime to do sth.某人做某事花⋯的13.borrow ⋯ from 从⋯ . 借 ( 借来 )14.lend ⋯ to 把⋯借(借出去)15. you can keep the book for a week你能够借本一周。
(不用borrow 或 lend )16. buy sth for sb⋯⋯ 西17. tell sb to do /not to do sth.sth告某人做某事18. want sb. to do sth.=would like sb. to do想某人做某事19.find out;清楚;弄理解20. play ones stereo放象21. fail the test考不及格22. fail in (doing) sth⋯在...上失,弱23. succeed in (doing) sth在...方面成功24. write sb a letter/write to sb.某人写信25. surprise sb.使某人惊讶(似有:surprise/interest/please/amaze+某人)26. to one’ s surprise使某人惊讶的是⋯27. to one’ s joy使某人高的是⋯..28. look for a part-time job找一份兼的工作(不必定有果)29. get/find a part-time job找到一份兼的工作(有果)30. ask sb. for⋯求/向某人要某物ask sb (not) to do31. have a bake sale烤32. argue with sb = have an argument with sb.与某人争执33. have a fight with sb.=fight with与某人打斗34. drop off离开;散去;逐减少; 逝世35. prepare for⋯=get ready for⋯⋯做准36. after-school clubs(activities)外俱部(活)37. be/get used to doing做某事ed to do去常/常常做某事39.be used for doing=be used to do sth.被用于做某事40. fill⋯up填;装⋯be full of装41. return sth. to sb.=give sth. back to sb.把某物某人42. get on /along well with与⋯相很好43. all kinds of=different kinds of各样各44. as much as possible=as much as you can尽可能多45. take part in=join in参加(某种活/集合)46.a bit =a little一点儿(当修形容或比)47. a bit of =a little一点儿/一些(当修不行数名)48. be angry with⋯生⋯的气49. by oneself=on one’ s own某人自己/单独地50. on the one hand一方面51. on the other hand另一方面52. i find/feel/think it difficult to do...我/感觉/做某事很.53.see/hear/watch sb. doing sth.看到/听/注某人正在做⋯54.not ⋯ until 直到⋯才(一般是非延)55.表示某人情相关的形容用法 :be/become+ upset/tired/excited/interested/worried/surprised/amazed/annoyed明:当主是某人,注意后边的形容一般是-ed尾的,而当主是某物或修名,注意后边形容一般是-ing尾.)例如:i was surprised/interested/amazed when i heard the surprising/interesting/amazing news.56. radio advice program台提建的目57. be original新的58. leave something somewhere把某物忘在某59. sports c lothes运服60. the same age as=as old as和---年一61. the tired children疲不堪的孩子62. complain about (doing sth)诉苦⋯63. take their children from activity to activity着孩子参加一个接一个的活初中英语教课方案文讯教育教课方案64.try to do sth,尽量干某事try doing sth着干某事65. be under too much pressure力太大66. a mother of three三个孩子的67. take part in after-school clubs参加后俱部68. compepition starts from a very young age争从很小年就开始了pare ⋯ with和---比70. organized activities有的活【句型】1. what ’ s wrong(with you)?=what’ s the matter with you?2. what should i do?我怎么3. you could write him a letter.你能够他写封信.4. you should say sorry to him.你他致歉.5.they shouldn ’ t argue. 他不争执 .j6.why don ’ t you talk to him about it?7. why not talk to him about it? =why don’t you talk to him about it?.=what/how about talking to him about it.8. the parents try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives.初中英语教课方案文讯教育教课方案9. activities include sports, language learning, music and math classes.thirty people, including six children (six children included),went to visit the factory.10. people shouldn’ t push their children so hard.11. parents are trying to plan their kids’ lives for them. when these kids areadults, they might find tdifficult to plan things for themselves.【语法】神态动词的用法【重难点剖析】神态动词 (modal verbs )ⅰ*神态动词也可称为“神态助动词 (modal auxiliaries) ”,由于它和基本助动词 (be,do, have)都属于助动词类。

八年级英语WhatshouldIdo教案八年级英语教案八年级英语what should i do教案unit 2 what should i do ?i. teaching aims and teaching demands:in this unit students learn to talk about problems and give advice.ii. teaching key and difficult points:a. vocabularyargue, loud, original ,out of style, tutor, upset, adult,recycling: problem, sorry, part-time, important, friend, money, home, new, easy, letter, ticket, ball game, surprise, colorful, borrow, write, call someone up, go to someone’s house, every nightb. target languagemy brother plays his cd too loud.what should i do ?why don’t you talk to him about it?c. structuresmodals could, shouldwhy don’t you …?(formulaic)iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methodsiv. teaching aids: a tape recorderv. this unit is divided into seven periods.lesson 1 speak and listensection a 1a---1ci. teaching aims and demands:students learn to talk about problems and give advice.ii. teaching key and difficult points:a. vocabularykeep out , play, loud, argue, wrong, what’s wrong ? out of style , could, should, b. target languagemy brother plays his cds too loud.maybe you should buy some new clothes.iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methodsiv. teaching aids: a tape recorderv. teaching procedureactivity 1. revisiontask 1. dictationtask 2. ask and answer.questions about future with will.activity 2. presentationthis activity introduces some new vocabulary.task 1 . make a two-column chart on the board with the heading problem at the top of column 1 and the heading advice at the top of column 2 .then ask the students to tell you what you could do about it.problemi want to buy a new guitar but i don’t have enough money. advice1. wait until next year.2. don’t buy a guitar.3. borrow one.4. buy a used guitar.5. get a part-time job.task 2. then read the problem to the class again. then write the wordscould ,should ,and shouldn’t on the board next to the chart. read the problem to the class again and help the class give advice using the words could, should ,and shouldn’t.task 3. ask the students to finish the task in 1a.teach : serious problem is a very bad problem, a very big problem. out of style means not in fashion.enough money : i don’t have enough money to buy a bike.八年级英语教案task 4. talk about the answers.ask ,who put “my parents want me to stay at home every night?” the serious column? ask the same questions about the other items. discuss which problems students thought were the most serious.activity3. listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.task 1.point to the pictures in activity 1a. ask different students to say what they see in each picture. read the instructions to students.task 2. play the recording the first time. students only listen.task 3. play the recording a second time. students circle the problems they hear. then check the answers.step4. pairworkask the students to look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations.homework1. make up your own conversations.2. make ten sentences with could, should and shouldn’t.lesson 2 listen and speaksection a 2a---grammar focusi. teaching aims and demands :students learn to talk about problems and give advice.ii. teaching key and difficult points:a. vocabularycall sb. up, ticket, surprise, on the phone, what’s the matter?b. target languageyou could go to his house.you could give him a ticket to a ball game.what should i /he/they do ?iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methods and pppiv. teaching aids: a tape recorderv.teaching procedureactivity 1. revisiontask1. check the homework. ask and answer.task2. revise the vocabulary.activity 2. listening and circling .task1.read the instructions. learn the key vocabulary.read and repeat the phrases.task2.you will hear a conversation between nari and a friend.play the recording twice and students circle the word ,nari’s friend uses to give advice.then check the answers.activity 3.listeningtask 1. read the instructions. show students the example match.task 2. play the recording again and check the answers.activity 4. groupworktask 1.read the instructions for the activity.task 2. point to the example in the sample dialogue. ask two students to read the conversation to class.task 3. ask students to role play a conversation between nari and his friend using these two sets of sentences.then have the students work in pairs.task 4. check the answers by calling on different pairs to say a conversation to the class.activity 5. grammar focus。

八年级英语What Should I Do 教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标学生能够理解并运用情态动词should 的基本用法。
2. 能力目标学生能够在真实情境中运用所学语言进行交际。
3. 情感目标学生能够学会给出建议,关心他人。
二、教学重难点1. 重点情态动词should 的基本用法。
2. 难点情态动词should 的辨析。
三、教学方法1. 情境教学法通过设定各种生活情境,让学生在真实环境中学习并运用情态动词should。
2. 交际法通过角色扮演、小组讨论等形式,让学生在实际交流中提高自己的语言运用能力。
3. 任务型教学法通过完成各种任务,让学生在实践中掌握描述和建议的句型。
四、课前准备1. 教师准备相关情境的图片和场景。
2. 学生准备笔记本和笔,以便记录和学习。
五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)教师通过提问方式引导学生复习已知的情态动词。
2. 新课呈现(15分钟)教师展示各种生活情境的图片,引导学生用情态动词should 进行描述。
学生跟读并模仿,学习情态动词should 的用法。
3. 课堂练习(15分钟)学生分成小组,根据教师提供的情境,用情态动词should 编写对话。
4. 任务拓展(10分钟)教师布置课后任务,要求学生用情态动词should 给朋友提建议。
5. 总结(5分钟)教师对本节课的内容进行总结,强调情态动词should 的用法。
六、教学评价1. 课堂参与度观察学生在课堂活动中的参与情况,是否积极回答问题、参与讨论。
2. 对话编写评估学生在小组对话中的语言运用能力,包括情态动词should 的正确使用。
【八年级】八年级英语What should I do教案

【八年级】八年级英语What should I do教案【八年级】八年级英语whatshouldido教案第一部分。
做某事19.findout发现;查清楚;弄明白20.PlayOne Tereo play video 21未通过测试22.failin(doing)sth…在...上失败,变弱23.succeedin(doing)sth在...方面成功24.writesbatter/writetosb。

教案:八年级下册英语What Should I Do 教案第一章:Unit 1 What should I do?教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的生词和短语。
2. 能够正确运用情态动词should 提出和建议。
3. 能够根据情景,正确选择合适的建议。
教学内容:1. 生词和短语:homework, clean the room, watch TV, swim, have a rest, shopping, visit friends, cook dinner。
2. 情态动词should 的用法。
教学步骤:1. 导入:引导学生讨论日常生活中的建议和选择。
2. 新课呈现:展示图片,引导学生说出相应的短语。
3. 单词和短语学习:让学生听录音,跟读单词和短语。
4. 语法讲解:讲解情态动词should 的用法,举例说明。
5. 练习:让学生进行听力练习,听懂并复述对话内容。
6. 口语练习:分组讨论,根据情景提出建议。
第二章:Unit 2 I'm going to study puter science.教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的生词和短语。
2. 能够正确运用be going to 结构谈论未来的计划。
教学内容:1. 生词和短语:scientist, invent, puter game, designer, doctor, pilot。
2. be going to 结构的用法。
教学步骤:1. 导入:让学生谈论自己的未来计划。
2. 新课呈现:展示图片,引导学生说出相应的短语。
3. 单词和短语学习:让学生听录音,跟读单词和短语。
4. 语法讲解:讲解be going to 结构的用法,举例说明。
5. 练习:让学生进行听力练习,听懂并复述对话内容。
6. 口语练习:让学生谈论自己的未来计划。
第三章:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的生词和短语。
12-What should I do- 教案

What should I do?1. Teaching aims1) Knowledge aimStudents will be able to master the pronunciation of e and o2) Ability aimStudents can train their listening skills and speaking ability3) Emotional aimStudents can realize their own problems and help each other when someone is in need and develop the spirit of cooperation.2. Important and difficult points1) Important pointStudents will be guided to master the prounciation2) Difficult pointStudents will put what they learned into practise to read the other words.3. Teaching and learning methodsSituation teaching method;communicative teaching method;task-based teaching method;cooperation study method;independent study method4. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Lead inI will play the tape and ask my students to chant with meStep 2: Presentation1) Showing pictures.I will present the words one by one. They need toread these words.2)I will guide them to observe these these words carefully and find something in common.3) Find the rules. They will listen to the tape carefully and answermy questions:Question1:what’s the pronunciation of “o”?Question2:what’s the pronunciation of “e”?4) Listening. Students need to listen to the radio and repeat.5) Production. Students will consolidate the rules.Step 3: Summary and homeworkI lead them to summarize what they have learned in this class.Homework: 1. finish the exercise on your textbook2. collect some words including“o” and end with “e”!5. Blackboard designnose,note, coke, Mr Jones。
【八年级】what should I do教案

【八年级】what should I do教案【八年级】whatshouldido教案【主题】:第二单元什么事?第A1A-2c节【励志小木屋】:perfectiondoesnotexist----youcanalwaysdobetterandyoucanalwaysgrow.完美并不存在---你总可以做得更好,总是可以成长。
你怎么了?step2warming-upstep3lead-in步骤4听力练习1步骤5空中作业(练习1c)step6listeningpractice2a2bstep7groupwork步骤8扩展和改进(错误纠正)1.thematchis over.don’ttalkitaboutintheclass.2.你不应该向父母要钱。
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Unit 2 What should I do
(一).Knowledge Objects
what should I do …
(二) . Ability Objects
Writing skill.
Liste ning skill.
Communi cative comp ete nee.
(三).Moral Object
How to give advice如何提出建议
1.用should (应该)
eg. ----- 1 have a sore throat now .
--- You should take some medici ne and drink more water .
2.用could (可以)情态动词,语气更委婉。
eg. ----- 1 n eed some money to buy mother a gift .
You could get a p art-time job .
3. “You d better”句型“你最好……” eg . You d better get up early tomorrow .
4. You may ...
5. You can .均可以提出建议
1.vt.及物动词need something eg. I n eed some water to drink .
2.n eed to do sth需要做某事eg. You n eed to fin ish the test before you leave the classroom .
3.情态动词,后面直接加动词原形,一般用于否定句和疑问句eg. You needn t meet him .你不必见他。
Need I rep eat it我有必要重复吗
4.另外needn' t可以做为must提问的句子的否定回答。
eg. —Must I leave the room now我必须现在就离开吗
—No , you needn t .不,不必。
(这里不能用mustn' t)
(mustn' t有“禁止”之意)
surp rise v使吃惊surp rise sb使某人吃惊eg. I don’ t want to surp rise him .我不想让他吃惊。
be surp rised指某人很吃惊eg. The teacher was surp rised whe n she heard that won derful an swer .
be surprisi ng指某事或某人令人吃惊
besides 和except 的区另
besides “而且,除了还”(后面跟的人或物,包含在其中)
Besides our teacher , all the stude nts went to the park .
except “除了,除去”
All the stude nts went to the park , exce pt our teacher .
Pay、spend、cost 的用法
(sb) pay ... for为... 付款
(sb)spend ... on ..在.. 上花费(时间、金钱)
eg . My mother p aid ten yua n for my new pen yesterday .
或是My mother spent ten yuan on my new pen yesterday .
注意两个词连接的介词不同而( something) cost sb . some money 某物花了某人多少钱
My new pen cost my mother ten yua n .
buy somebody somethi ng 给某人买某物
eg. Ben bought his mother some flowers on her birthday .
在这里,buy后面接了一人一物两个宾语,称为双宾语,也可以说成buy sth for sb .
eg. Ben bought some flowers for his mother .
另外,女口show sb sth,也可变为show sth to sb把....... 展示给某人看但是give sb sth要变为give sth to sb把..... 给某人。
1. keep out留在外面,请勿入内
2. leave out遗漏,忽略
3.argue with sb 与.... 争吵
4.out of style 过时的
5. call up sb打电话给某人
6. the same ... as与... 相同
7.get on (well) with 与 . 相处(得好)
8.have a fight with sb 与 ... 打架
9.look for 寻找...
10.wa nt sb. to do sth想让某人做某事11. ask sb for sth向某人要(索取)某物
12. borrow ... from sb.从(某人)借 .... 13. le nd ... to sb把(某物)借给某人。