
The making of three famous kinds of latte
• Italian latte(意式拿铁) need a small cup of Espresso and a glass of milk (150 to 200 ml), coffee in the many and less milk. Latte is extremely simple to make, that is just to pour the boiling milk into the good Italian espresso. In fact, there is no definite rules about how much milk added, adjusted according to personal taste free deployment. • American latte(美式咖啡) If the hot milk foam on top of some labeled as cold milk, it becomes a cup of American latte. American Starbucks latte is made in this way, the bottom of the espresso, the middle is heated to 65 ~ 75 ℃ milk, and finally a layer of no more than half a centimeter of cold milk foam. • Macchiato(玛奇哈朵咖啡) If you hold hot milk, espresso directly decorated in two tablespoons of milk foam, it becomes known by the Italian duo Espresso Macchiato.

6 of the Best Coffee Roasters in AmericaCoffee is one of the world's most popular beverages. Whether we wake up in the morning with one cup, or have three throughout the day for bursts of energy, we all have our favorite, go-to blends. We usually resort to the same beans, often from a chain coffee store or local supermarket. But to help you let go of the so-so coffee beans you've grown accustomed to drinking, we've compiled a list of the best coffee roasters in America to open your eyes to delicious beans at a wide range of prices. We know it might be difficult to vary from your morning routine, but these beans are worth the variation!Related: America's Best Coffee ShopsOur list contains the best coffee roasters from around the country, some of whom also have an affiliated coffee shop, like Café Grumpy. Legends, such as Dallis Bros. Coffee, have been roasting beans for decades and have perfected their crafts with time. Newcomers, like Dogwood Coffee (formed in 2010), have had less experience, but have made strides to become well-respected in the industry. Whether old or new, from Atlanta (Batdorf & Bronson) to Seattle (Victrola Coffee Roasters), these coffee roasters all have the same goal: to provide consumers with the best tasting beans.Related: Best and Worst Summer Coffee Chain BeveragesStumptown Coffee Roasters, Portland, Ore.Stumptown Coffee believes that coffee is king, but the relationships are what keep the roaster among the top roasters in America. The roaster sources the best coffees in the world strives to keep the truest relationships with the coffee farmers providing them with beans. It also believes that relationships with customers are just as important, so quality of the product is of the utmost importance. The House Blend of Latin American and East African beans sells for $14.25 per 12-ounce bag.Related: Starbucks Secret Menu: The Ultimate Guidethirty-thirty Coffee Co., Peoria, Ill.thirty-three Coffee Co. is an independent, locally owned coffee shop that works tirelessly to provide a unique and inclusive atmosphere for customers. Every owner and employee within the thirty-three Coffee Co. shares an obsession for coffee beans and continues to strive to make excellent coffee. The Momma Bear Espresso is of Ethiopian beans and sells for $17 per 12-ounce bag.Related: The Best Coffee Shops in New York CityTemple Coffee, Sacramento, Calif.Temple Coffee is a quality-focused retail and wholesale specialty roaster from that began roasting in Sacramento in 2005. It is committed to sourcing, roasting, and brewing the finest coffee, and it features distinguished single estates and cooperatives around the world. It earned a 97 rating on Coffee Review for its Guatemala Hunapu Antigua Bourbon for $15 per 12-ounce bag.Related: 15 of the Most Expensive Grills - and Are They Worth It?Think Coffee, New York CityThink Coffee believes in its slogan, "Beyond fair trade. Beyond organic." The roaster is devoted to fairness in the coffee trade, from farmer to customer. It takes part in a number of farm and social projects and encourages customers to give back to their communities. The Think Blend is roasted by Dallis Brothers and is a blend of Ethiopian, Brazilian, Nicaraguan, and Mexican beans and sells for $12 per 12-ounce bag.Victrola Coffee Roasters, SeattleVictrola Coffee Roasters opened in 2000 because they felt there was a lack of great coffee and great coffee shops. The year 2003 marked the beginning of the shop roasting its own coffees, and in 2007, Victrola opened a new location complete with a roaster and training facility. The roaster provides a number of single-origin coffees. The Empire Blend is $12.38 for a 12-ounce bag.Zoka Coffee Roaster and Tea Company, SeattleZoka Coffee Roaster and Tea Company focuses on local community. From the customers to the farmers to the baristas, Zoka tries to create coffees that will be able to give back to every community it touches. The roaster offers some organic options and was a favorite in the Food & Wine coffee taste test. One of the magazine's favorite blends was the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, which is $15.50 for one bag.。

第一部分:经典咖啡类1.热饮系列:Hot espresso[e'spres]拿铁:Caffe latte['lɑte]香草拿铁:Vanilla latte[v'nl]美式咖啡:Caffe Americano[ɑ:,meri'kɑ:nu]卡布奇诺:Cappuccino[,kp'tin]摩卡: Caffe Mocha['mk]焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato['krm()l]6浓缩咖啡: Espresso[e'spres]浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso[ast][e'spres]冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha冰焦糖玛奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato第二部分:星冰乐 Frappuccino1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee焦糖咖啡星冰乐:Caramel浓缩咖啡星冰乐:Espresso摩卡星冰乐:Mocha咖啡星冰乐: Coffee2、无咖啡系列:Blended Cream焦糖星冰乐:Caramel抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea香草星冰乐:Vanilla巧克力星冰乐:Chocolate3、果茶系列:Blended Juice芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit第三部分:咖啡和茶 Coffee & Tea1、新鲜调制咖啡 Brewed Coffee本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee2、泰舒茶 Tazo Tea抹茶拿铁:Green T ea Latte英式咖啡:English Breakfast伯爵红茶:Earl Grey冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea3、其他饮料 Other Favorite经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy)冰经典巧克力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy)牛奶:Milk豆奶:Soy Milk气泡矿泉水:Sparkling Mineral Water矿泉水:Mineral Water果汁:Juice瓶装星冰乐:Bottled Frappuccino。

点咖啡的专业术语1. Espresso(意式浓缩咖啡):Espresso是一种用高压水通过精细研磨的咖啡粉制作而成的浓缩咖啡。
2. Cappuccino(卡布奇诺):Cappuccino是一种由相等比例的浓缩咖啡、蒸汽牛奶和奶泡组成的咖啡饮品。
3. Latte(拿铁):Latte是一种由浓缩咖啡和蒸汽牛奶混合制成的咖啡饮品。
4. Macchiato(玛奇朵):Macchiato是一种由浓缩咖啡和少量蒸汽牛奶混合制成的咖啡饮品。
5. Americano(美式咖啡):Americano是一种由浓缩咖啡和热水混合制成的咖啡饮品。
6. Mocha(摩卡):Mocha是一种由浓缩咖啡、可可粉和蒸汽牛奶混合制成的咖啡饮品。
7. Frappuccino(星冰乐):Frappuccino是由冰块、浓缩咖啡和牛奶混合制成的咖啡饮品。
8. Pour-over(手冲咖啡):Pour-over是一种手工冲泡咖啡的方法,通过手动注水使研磨好的咖啡粉与热水充分接触,提取咖啡的香气和味道。
9. French Press(法式压滤壶):French Press是一种利用过滤器和活塞一体的设备制作咖啡的方法。
10. Cold Brew(冷萃咖啡):Cold Brew是一种用冷水长时间浸泡咖啡粉制作的咖啡。
英语中coffee 小常识

Coffee 小常识卡布奇诺、玛奇雅朵、拿铁、摩卡、意式咖啡、美式咖啡.....去咖啡馆点咖啡,总是被这些咖啡名称弄得有点晕?其实他们都是在一杯浓咖啡的基础上演变出来的,看这张图了解一下,下次给女朋友点咖啡就胸有成竹了!第一种是espresso浓缩咖啡,也称为“意式浓缩咖啡”,它是把研磨过的咖啡豆,借着高压蒸汽和热水滤冲所煮出来的咖啡。
用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。
比如说,I’d like a double/triple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。
但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,可以说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。
在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就可以说,Don’t use too much ice. 不要加太多冰块。
第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。
不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,可以说,I don’t want any whipped cream. 我不要鲜奶油。
你还可以调整摩卡酱的比例,可以说,Please give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。
第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。
如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,可以说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。
或者I want a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。
如果你想要多一点热牛奶,可以说,I want it wet. 我要牛奶多一点。

用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。
比如说,I’d like a double/triple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。
但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,可以说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。
在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就可以说,Don’t use too much ice. 不要加太多冰块。
第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。
不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,可以说,I don’t want any whipped cream. 我不要鲜奶油。
你还可以调整摩卡酱的比例,可以说,Please give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。
第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。
如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,可以说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。
或者I want a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。
如果你想要多一点热牛奶,可以说,I want it wet. 我要牛奶多一点。
或者I want a wet cappuccino. 我一杯牛奶多一点的卡布奇诺。

1. Espresso 意式咖啡[e'spresəu]又叫“蒸馏咖啡”、“浓缩咖啡”、“意式八倍浓缩”是用浓缩咖啡机(espresso machine)萃取出的咖啡精华(coffee essence),每份都是很小的一杯,非常苦。
2. Americano 美式咖啡[ə,meri'kanɔ]把1到2份意式咖啡(1-2 shots of espresso)加水稀释(dilute),就成了美式咖啡。
其实就是黑咖啡(black coffee)。
据说Americano这个名字最早是意大利人拿来挤兑美国人的,“喝咖啡居然要加水?”3.Black Coffee黑咖啡于是,现在为了和美式咖啡区别开,就专门把直接用咖啡豆、咖啡粉煮出来的咖啡叫黑咖啡。
4. Latte拿铁在意式咖啡里加点牛奶,就成了拿铁。
完整名字应该是“咖啡拿铁”(coffee latte),因为latte在意大利语里就是“牛奶”的意思。
话说,现在还流行一种和拿铁很像的奶咖,叫醇艺白或者平白咖啡(flat white),从根本上讲,就是奶加得少一点,更能体会咖啡本来的风味。
5. Au Lait欧蕾一种来自法国的咖啡,欧蕾跟拿铁一样,是一种加牛奶的咖啡。
和拿铁一样,au lait也是个简称,全称是coffee au lait(欧蕾咖啡),au lait在法语里的意思是“和奶”。

1. espresso.- 发音:[eˈspresəʊ]- 词性:名词。
- 释义:意式浓缩咖啡,是一种口感浓烈的咖啡,通过高压萃取咖啡豆制成。
2. latte.- 发音:[ˈlɑːteɪ]- 词性:名词。
- 释义:拿铁咖啡,由意式浓缩咖啡加牛奶制成,通常牛奶的比例较高,表面可能有少量奶泡。
3. cappuccino.- 发音:[ˌkæpuˈtʃiːnəʊ]- 词性:名词。
- 释义:卡布奇诺咖啡,由等量的意式浓缩咖啡、蒸汽牛奶和奶泡混合而成。
4. mocha.- 发音:[ˈmɒkə]- 词性:名词。
- 释义:摩卡咖啡,由意式浓缩咖啡、牛奶、巧克力酱混合而成,有时还会加上鲜奶油。
5. americano.- 发音:[əˌmerɪˈkɑːnəʊ]- 词性:名词。
- 释义:美式咖啡,是将意式浓缩咖啡加水稀释后的咖啡饮品。
1. grind.- 发音:[ɡraɪnd]- 词性:动词。
- 释义:研磨,指将咖啡豆研磨成粉的过程。
例如:Grind the coffee beans before brewing.(在冲泡之前研磨咖啡豆。
)2. brew.- 发音:[bruː]- 词性:动词。
- 释义:冲泡,煮(咖啡等)。
例如:You can brew coffee in a coffee maker.(你可以用咖啡机冲泡咖啡。
)3. filter.- 发音:[ˈfɪltə(r)]- 词性:名词/动词。
- 释义:作名词时,意为过滤器;作动词时,意为过滤。
例如:Use a coffee filter to make the coffee cleaner.(使用咖啡过滤器使咖啡更纯净。
)4. foam.- 词性:名词/动词。
- 释义:作名词时,意为泡沫;作动词时,意为起泡沫。
例如:The cappuccino has a lot of milk foam.(卡布奇诺有很多牛奶泡沫。

1.3英文释义:A drink made from roasted coffee beans.1.4相关词汇:caffeine(咖啡因,派生词)、espresso(浓咖啡,同义词)、latte(拿铁咖啡,近义词)。
2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“coffee”这个词来源于阿拉伯语“qahwah”,最初指的是一种由咖啡豆制成的饮品。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) coffee break:工作间隙喝咖啡休息的时间。
例句:Let's have a coffee break.翻译:咱们来个咖啡休息时间吧。
(2) coffee shop:售卖咖啡的店铺。
例句:There is a new coffee shop on the corner.翻译:街角有一家新开的咖啡店。
(3) black coffee:纯咖啡,不加奶或糖的咖啡。
例句:I prefer black coffee in the morning.翻译:我早上更喜欢喝纯咖啡。
(4) coffee bean:咖啡豆。
例句:These coffee beans are from South America.翻译:这些咖啡豆来自南美洲。
(5) coffee cup:咖啡杯。
例句:She bought a beautiful coffee cup yesterday.翻译:她昨天买了一个漂亮的咖啡杯。
4. 实用片段(1) "I'm so tired this morning. I need a cup of coffee to wake me up." "Well, there is a coffee machine in the break room. You can make one there."翻译:“我今天早上太累了。

咖啡行业的专业英语资料咖啡行业的专业英语资料1. IntroductionThe coffee industry is a global business with a wide range of terminology and jargon used by professionals in the field. This document aims to provide a collection of professional English terms commonly used in the coffee industry. Understanding these terms can help coffee professionals communicate effectively and efficiently in their work.2. Coffee Types2.1 Arabica CoffeeArabica coffee, scientifically known as Coffea arabica, is a species of coffee native to the mountains of Yemen and Ethiopia. It is widely considered to produce higherquality coffee compared to other species due to its unique flavor characteristics and lower caffeine content.2.2 Robusta CoffeeRobusta coffee, scientifically known as Coffea canephora, is another species of coffee commonly found in the coffee industry. It is known for its higher caffeine content and robust flavor profile. Robusta is often used in blends or for producing instant coffee due to its lower cost and higher caffeine content.3. Processing Methods3.1 Washed ProcessWashed processing is a method used to remove the fruit pulp from coffee beans before drying them. This method involves fermenting the beans in water for a certainperiod to loosen the fruit pulp, followed by mechanical scrubbing to remove the remaining pulp. The beans are then dried to their optimal moisture content.3.2 Natural ProcessThe natural processing method involves drying the coffee beans with the fruit intact, allowing them to naturally ferment and develop unique flavors. This method is more commonly used in regions with low humidity and can result in coffee with a fruity and intense flavor profile.3.3 Honey ProcessThe honey process, also known as pulped natural, is a hybrid method that combines elements of both washed and natural processing methods. After removing the fruit skin, the beans are dried with some degree of mucilage still attached. This process can result in a coffee with a distinct sweetness and complexity.4. Brewing Methods4.1 EspressoEspresso is a brewing method that utilizes pressure and finely ground coffee to produce a concentrated and flavorful beverage. Hot water is forced through compacted coffee grounds, extracting coffee oils and flavor compounds, resulting in a small amount of thick, concentrated coffee known as espresso.4.2 PourOverThe pourover brewing method involves manually pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a filter cone or dripper. This method allows for precise control of water flow and extraction time, resulting in a clean and flavorful cup of coffee.4.3 French PressThe French press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is a simple brewing device that involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water and then pressing a plunger down to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. This method produces a fullbodied cup of coffee with a rich flavor profile.5. Roasting Levels5.1 Light RoastLight roast coffee is roasted for a shorter time period, resulting in a lightercolored bean. It retains more acidity, has a lighter body, and often exhibits more pronounced and delicate flavor characteristics.5.2 Medium RoastMedium roast coffee is roasted slightly longer than light roast, resulting in a medium brown bean. It strikes a balance between acidity and body, offering a wellrounded flavor profile with slightly less acidity compared to light roast.5.3 Dark RoastDark roast coffee is roasted for a longer time period, resulting in a dark brown to almost black bean. It has a bold and robust flavor with significantly reduced acidity and a fuller body. Dark roast coffee often exhibits smoky or charred flavor notes.ConclusionThis document has provided an overview of professional English terms commonly used in the coffee industry. It covers various aspects such as coffee types, processing methods, brewing methods, and roasting levels. By familiarizing oneself with these terms, coffee professionals can enhance their communication and understanding within the industry.。

以下是一些与咖啡相关的英语词汇和表达:1. 咖啡种类:
- Espresso:意式浓缩咖啡
- Cappuccino:卡布奇诺
- Latte:拿铁
- Mocha:摩卡
- Americano:美式咖啡
- Macchiato:玛奇朵
- Filter coffee:过滤式咖啡
- Decaffeinated coffee:无咖啡因咖啡
2. 咖啡豆和产地:
- Arabica:阿拉比卡咖啡豆
- Robusta:罗布斯塔咖啡豆
- Brazilian coffee:巴西咖啡
- Colombian coffee:哥伦比亚咖啡
- Ethiopian coffee:埃塞俄比亚咖啡
3. 咖啡制作和口味:
- Grinding:研磨
- Brewing:冲泡
- Frothing:打奶泡
- Sweetener:甜味剂
- Cream:奶油
- Syrup:糖浆
- Strong/bold:浓郁
- Mild:温和
- Bitter:苦涩
- Smooth:顺滑
4. 咖啡店和点单:
- Café:咖啡馆
- Barista:咖啡师
- Order coffee:点咖啡
- Takeaway coffee:外带咖啡- Cup size:杯型大小。

咖啡行业100个名词1. 浓缩咖啡(Espresso): 一种通过在高压下将热水通过咖啡粉末冲煮而制作的强烈咖啡。
2. 美式咖啡(Americano): 一种使用浓缩咖啡和热水混合而成的咖啡。
3. 卡布奇诺(Cappuccino): 一种由浓缩咖啡、蒸奶和奶泡混合而成的咖啡。
4. 拿铁(Latte): 一种由浓缩咖啡和蒸奶混合而成的咖啡。
5. 黑咖啡(Black Coffee): 指纯咖啡,没有加入牛奶或糖。
6. 咖啡豆(Coffee Beans): 咖啡的原料,经过烘焙后用于制作咖啡。
7. 磨豆机(Coffee Grinder): 用于磨碎咖啡豆的设备。
8. 咖啡壶(Coffee Pot): 用于煮制咖啡的容器。
9. 咖啡滤纸(Coffee Filter): 用于过滤咖啡渣的纸质或金属过滤器。
10. 手冲壶(Pour-Over Kettle): 一种用于手冲咖啡的特殊水壶。
11. 冰咖啡(Iced Coffee): 加入冰块或冰淇淋的冷咖啡。
12. 冰拿铁(Iced Latte): 冷的拿铁咖啡。
13. 挤压壶(French Press): 一种用于制作浸泡咖啡的设备。
14. 危瓜多尔(Guatemala): 产自危地马拉的咖啡豆。
15. 埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopian): 产自埃塞俄比亚的咖啡豆,以其独特的风味而闻名。
16. 巴西(Brazilian): 产自巴西的咖啡豆,是世界上最大的咖啡生产国之一。
17. 哥伦比亚(Colombian): 产自哥伦比亚的咖啡豆,以其温和而均衡的风味而著称。
18. 阿拉比卡(Arabica): 一种常见的咖啡豆品种,被认为有更优雅的风味。
19. 罗布斯塔(Robusta): 另一种常见的咖啡豆品种,具有更强烈的味道和高咖啡因含量。
20. 咖啡杯(Coffee Cup): 用于盛装咖啡的杯子。
21. 咖啡勺(Coffee Spoon): 用于搅拌咖啡的小勺子。


焦糖玛奇朵: Caramel Macchiato
浓缩咖啡: Espresso
浓缩康保蓝:Espresso Con Panna
浓缩玛奇朵:Espresso Macchiato
2、冰饮系列:Iced Espresso
冰拿铁:Iced Caffe Latte
冰香草拿铁:Iced Vanilla Latte
本周精选咖啡:Coffee of The Week
密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto
冰调制咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee
2、泰舒茶Tazo Tea
抹茶拿铁:Green Tea Latte
英式咖啡:English Breakfast
伯爵红茶:Earl Grey
冰摇泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea
抹茶星冰乐:Green Tea
3、果茶系列:Blended Juice
芒果西蕃莲果茶星冰乐:Mango PassionFruit
第三部分:咖啡和茶Coffee & Tea
1、新鲜调制咖啡Brewed Coffee
冰摇柠檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea
3、其他饮料Other Favorite
经典热巧克力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy)
冰经典巧克力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy)

The History of CoffeeThe effect of coffee beans on behavior wasnoticed by a sheep herder from Caffa Ethopianamed Kaldi as he tended his sheep. He noticedthat the sheep became hyperactive after eatingthe red "cherries" from a certain plant . He trieda few himself, and was soon as overactive as hisherd. The story relates that a monkhappened by and scolded him for "partaking ofthe devil"s fruit." However the monks soondiscovered that this fruit from the shiny greenplant could help them stay awake for theirprayers.Composition Caffeine 咖啡因Tannin 单宁酸Fat 脂肪Protein 蛋白质Table sugar 食糖Fiber 纤维Mineral 矿物质Two main kinds of coffee ●single-origin coffees●Variation coffeesSingle-origincoffees Characteristics: pure1、single-origin coffee beans2、without milk and sugar and any other thingskinds of Single-origin coffees 蓝山咖啡:Blue Mountain Coffee哥伦比亚咖啡:Colombian Coffee巴西山度士咖啡:Brazil Santos曼特林咖啡:Mandeling Coffee意大利咖啡:Italian Coffee摩卡咖啡:Mocha coffee炭烧咖啡:Charcalfire coffeeVariation coffeesEspresso 浓缩咖啡Macchiato 玛奇朵Latte 拿铁Cappuccino 卡布奇诺Mocha 摩卡Advantages of drinking coffee 1.one of the effects that caffeine has on the human body is the improvement of memory.2. It protects you from having type 2 diabetes. Coffee has natural sugar content that makes it more blood sugar friendly. It is advisable though that you put less processed sugar when preparing coffee drinks and consume in small quantities.performance. Drinking coffee can bring mental focus and relaxation. The fresh scent aroma of coffee can calm mood swings and making your brain always alert.3.Drinking coffee has a function of hangover。

学咖啡的第一件事——中英文对照Americano、Mocha、Flat White,喝咖啡喝多了,多少也能猜出来这都是个啥,然鹅,辣天,自诩喝过辣么多咖啡的我被一个小盆友问住了他问我SOE是个啥,,,,我然后我只能一阵恶补,希望某天还能找回我失去已久的面子。
下面介绍一些咖啡常用英文,拿去学,不用谢咖啡馆系列意式浓缩:Espresso美式:Americano卡布奇诺:Cappuccino摩卡:Mocha馥芮白:Flat White拿铁咖啡:Caffe Latte新晋热门:手冲咖啡:Pour over冰滴咖啡:Dutch Coffee冰镇咖啡:Ice Coffee耶加雪菲:Yirgacheffe曼特宁:Mandheling认识咖啡咖啡树:Coffee Tree咖啡樱桃(果实):Coffee Cherry银皮:Silverskin咖啡三大种:阿拉比卡:Arabica罗布斯塔:Robusta利比瑞卡:Liberica常见咖啡品类:波旁:Bourbon卡杜拉:Caturra帝比卡:Typica瑰夏:Geisha常见咖啡处理法:日晒:Natural水洗:Washed蜜处理:Honey精品咖啡系列卓越杯(COE):Cup of Excellence大精品咖啡组织:美国精品咖啡协会(SCAA):Specialty Coffee Association of America欧洲精品咖啡协会(SCAE):Specialty Coffee Association of Europe单品咖啡系列单品咖啡:Single Origin Coffee用单一产区制作的意式浓缩(SOE):Single Origin Espresso常见的产地名:巴西:Brazil哥伦比亚:Colombia哥斯达黎加:Costa Rica埃塞俄比亚:Ethiopia危地马拉:Guatemala印度尼西亚:Indonesia肯尼亚:Kenya巴拿马:Panama坦桑尼亚:Tanzania云南:Yunnan也门:Yemen咖啡器具系列美式滤泡壶:Chemex虹吸壶:Syphon爱乐压:Aeropress法压壶:French Press磨豆机:Coffee Grinder摩卡壶:Moka Pot咖啡品鉴系列杯测:Cupping风味:Flavour芳香:Aroma酸度:Acidity醇厚度:Body甜度:Sweet余味:After Taste平衡:Balance咖啡烘焙系列极浅烘焙:Light肉桂色烘焙:Cinnamon中度烘焙:Medium中高度烘焙:High都市烘焙:City深都市烘焙:Full City法式烘焙:French意式烘焙:Italian咖啡比赛系列世界咖啡师大赛:WBCWorld Barista Championship世界咖啡拉花大赛:WLACWorld Latte Art Championship世界咖啡烘焙师大赛:WRCWorld Roasters Championship世界咖啡冲煮大赛:WBCCWorld Brewers Cup Championship世界咖啡调酒大赛:WCIGSCWorld Coffee In Good Spirits Championship 世界咖啡杯测大赛:WCTCWorld Cup Tasters Championship世界爱乐压大赛:WACWorld Aeropress Championship。

1. bitter.- 音标:英[ˈbɪtə(r)];美[ˈbɪtər]- 词性:adj.(形容词)- 例句:This coffee is too bitter for me.(这咖啡对我来说太苦了。
)2. rich.- 音标:英[rɪtʃ];美[rɪtʃ]- 词性:adj.- 例句:The coffee has a rich flavor.(这种咖啡味道浓郁。
)3. smooth.- 音标:英[smuːð];美[smuːð]- 词性:adj.- 例句:This coffee is very smooth.(这种咖啡口感很顺滑。
)4. mellow.- 音标:英[ˈmeləʊ];美[ˈmeloʊ]- 词性:adj.- 例句:The mellow coffee is very pleasant to drink.(这种香醇的咖啡喝起来很惬意。
)5. strong.- 音标:英[strɒŋ];美[strɔːŋ]- 词性:adj.- 例句:I like strong coffee in the morning.(我早上喜欢喝浓咖啡。
)6. weak.- 音标:英[wiːk];美[wiːk]- 词性:adj.- 例句:This coffee is too weak.(这咖啡太淡了。
)7. aromatic.- 音标:英[ˌærəˈmætɪk];美[ˌærəˈmætɪk]- 词性:adj.- 例句:The coffee is very aromatic.(这种咖啡很香。
1. dark.- 音标:英[dɑːk];美[dɑːrk]- 词性:adj.- 例句:The dark coffee looks very appealing.(深色的咖啡看起来很诱人。
)2. light.- 音标:英[laɪt];美[laɪt]- 词性:adj.- 例句:Light - colored coffee usually has a milder taste.(浅色咖啡通常味道较淡。
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用这种方式煮出来的“一份浓缩咖啡”,被称为one shot。
比如说,I'd like a double/t riple espresso. 我要双份/三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。
但是如果你想要多一点奶泡,能够说,I want some extra foam. 我想要多一点奶泡。
在喝冰拿铁的时候,希望少放一点冰块,你就能够说,Don't use too muc
h ice. 不要加太多冰块。
第三种是caffe mocha 摩卡咖啡。
不过万一你觉得鲜奶油热量高,能够说,I don't want any whipp ed cream. 我不要鲜奶油。
你还能够调整摩卡酱的比例,能够说,P lease give me a little extra /less chocolate syrup。
第四种是cappuccino 卡布奇诺。
如果希望奶泡再多一点,热牛奶少一点,能够说,I want it dry. 我要牛奶少一点。
或者I w
ant a dry cappuccino. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。
如果你想要多一点热牛奶,能够说,I want it wet. 我要牛奶多一点。
或者I want a wet cappuccino. 我一杯牛奶多一点的卡布奇
不过还有一种好喝的做法,就是直接加冰块而不加水:I want an Americano with ice, no water. 我要一杯只加冰块
最后再来说一说misto密斯朵咖啡,这种咖啡其实就是由一半咖啡,一半牛奶组成的“咖啡牛奶”,也成为cafeau lait“欧雷咖啡”。
点misto的时候,能够改变牛奶的份量,你能够说,I want more/less milk. 我的牛奶要多一点。
说完了咖啡的种类,再说说一些在点咖啡的时候要用到的词汇和句型,你能够用I'd like a .../I want a .../Can you get me a ...?/Please pull me a ...?这些句型来点你喜欢的咖啡。
那么在点咖啡的时候,你可能会被问到要选哪种份量的咖啡,咖啡一般都有三种份量可供选择,grande大杯,tall 中杯还有sho rt小杯。
如果想加冰,就是iced coffee,如果你没有做特别说明,
如果对浓缩咖啡espresso的份数有特别要求的话,能够有do uble双份、triple三份、quad四份和decaf低咖啡因的区别。
还能够给咖啡配上各种口味的糖浆,有vanilla syrup香草口味的糖浆,hazelnut syrup 榛果口味的糖浆,caramel syrup焦糖口味的,和almond syrup 杏仁口味的。
如果你想在店里喝咖啡的话,就能够说for her e,想带走喝就说to go。
现在把这些元素都组合起来,给出几个例句,I'd like a sho rt low-fat mocha for here. 我要一杯小杯的低脂摩卡咖啡,在店里用。
I want a tall double latte with hazelnut syrup to go.我要一杯外带中杯双份浓缩榛果拿铁咖啡。
Can you get me a t all iced decaf mocha without whipped cream to go? 麻烦给我外带一杯中杯低咖啡因冰摩卡咖啡,不加鲜奶油。