
UNIT 1 HIESTORY OF NUCLEAR POWER1. The discovery of nuclear fission in 1939 was an event of epochal significance because it opened up the prospect of entirely new source of power.2. The world's first self-sustaining nuclear fission chain was realized in the united states at the University of Chicago, 2kWt CP-1, on December 2, 1942.3. A prototype of the submarine reactor (called STR Mark 1)started operation at Arco, Idaho, in March 1953and the first nuclear powered submarine commenced its sea trials in January 1955.4. The word's first industry nuclear power plant (5MW)was commenced in the U.S.S.R on June 27, 1954.5. The ShippingPort PWR, the first central-station nuclear power plant in the United States, went to operation on December 2, 1957.6. A 20MW nuclear-power demonstration plant in Canada has put in operation since October 1963 and the first CANDU power reactor unit at Douglas Point (200MW)reached full power operation in 1968.7. The first nuclear reactor (HWRR)in China went critical on June 13, 1958 and started power operation on September 23, 1958.8. The first atomic bomb in China was successfully exploded on October 16 and the first hydrogen bomb in China on June 17, 1967.9. The first nuclear submarine in China commenced its sea trials on August 23, 1971.10. The 300 MWe QNPC, designed and constructed by China, was connected to the gird of electricity generation on December, 15, 1991.11. The Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station was connected to the gird on August 31, 1993 and started commercial operation on February 1, 1994.12. In addition to QNPC and Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station, other nuclear power plants are being constructed in China.UNIT 2 DEMAND FOR ELECTRC POWER1. During the present century, the world's consumption of energy has grown rapidly due to the per capita increase in the use of energy for industry, agriculture and transportation.2. It is of special interest, the larger and larger proportions of the energy used are in the form of electric power.3. The generation of electricity requires primary energy sources and the increasing demand for electric power can be satisfied only if such primary sources are rapidly available.4. The main energy sources for the generation of electricity have been the fossil fuels, i.e., coal, natural gas, oil and hydroelectric (water)power.5. The adverse environmental effects of strip mining and the burning of coal, as well as increas ing costs, are making coal less attractive for the generation of electricity.6. Although new reserves of oil and natural gas are being discovered, it appears that the worldwide production of these fuels will start to decrease around the turn of the century.7. Coal and petroleum provide the essential raw materials for the production of chemicals, including medicinal products, dyes, fibers, rubber and plastics.8. In the long run, the fossil fuels may prove to be more valuable in the respect of chemicals production than as primary sources of energy.9. The idea of making use of the sun's energy is very attractive, but considerable research and development will be required before electricity can be generated from solar energy on a commercial scale.10. Nuclear energy can be made available either by the fission of heavy atomic nuclei or the fusion of very light ones.11. The fusion process has been demonstrated, both in experiments and in the hydrogen bomb; but is doubtful-that fusion energy can make any significant contribution to the power requirements before the end of the century.12. Nuclear fission has been established as a primary source of energy at costs that are competitive with electricity from other sourcesUNIT 3 RADIOACITIVITY1. An atom consists of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons, so that the atom as a whole is electrically neutral.2. Atomic nuclei are composed of two kinds of fundamental particles, namely, protons and neutrons.3. The proton carries a single unit positive charge equal in magnitude to the electronic charge.4. The neutron is very slightly heavier than the proton and is an electrically neutral particle.5. For a given element, the number of protons present in the atomic nucleus is called the atomic number of the element and the total number of nucleons, i.e., of protons and neutrons is called the mass number.6. The term nuclide is commonly used describe an atomic species whose nuclei have a specified composition, that is to say, a nuclide in nature is a species having given atomic and mass numbers.7. Such nuclides, having the same atomic number but different mass number, are called isotope, e.g., three forms of uranium isotopes in nature with the atomic number 92 but mass number 234, 235 and 238, respectively.8. The unstable substances undergo spontaneous change, i.e., radioactive decay, at definite rates.9. The radioactive decay is associated with the emission from the atomic nucleus of an electrically charged particle, either a alpha particles, i.e., helium nucleus, or a beta particles, i.e., an electron.10. In many instances of gamma rays, which are penetrating electromagnetic radiation of high energy, accompany the particle emission.11. The most widely used method for representing the rate of radioactive decay is by means of the half 每life, which is defined as the time required for the number of radioactive nuclei to decay to half its initial value.12. Since the number of nuclei (or their activity)decays to half its initial value in a half-life period, the number (or activity)will fall to one-fourth by the end of two half-life periods, and to less than 1 percent of its initial value after seven half-life periods.UNIT 4 NUCLEAR FISSION1. The neutron-nuclei reactors fall into three general categories, namely, scattering, capture and fission.2. After absorption of a neutron, a nucleus breaks into two lighter nuclei, called fission fragments, with the liberation of a considerab le amount of energy and two or three neutrons; this phenomenon is called nuclear fission.3. It should be noted that it is only with the fission nuclides that aself-sustaining fission chain is possible.4. Uranium-233, Uranium-235, Uranium-239, which will undergo fission with neutron of any energy, are referred to as fission nuclides.5. Since fission of thorium-232 and uranium-238 is possible with sufficient fast neutron, they are knows as fissionable nuclides; moreover, s incethorium-232 and uranium-238 can be converted into the fissile nuclides, uranium-233 and plutonium-239, respectively, they are also called fissile nuclides.6. The fission of a single uranium-235 (or similar)is accompanied by the release of over 200MeV of energy, with may be compared about 4eV released by the combustion of an atom of carbon-12.7. The neutrons can strike other uranium atoms and cause additional fission and the continuing process of fissioning is known as a chain reactor.8. Since two or three neutrons are liberated in each of fission whereas only one is required to maintain a fission chain, it would seem that once the fission reaction were initiated in a given mass of fissile material, it would readily sustain itself.9. However, such is not the case because not all the neutrons produced in fission are available to carry on the fission chain, that is, some neutrons are lost in nonfission reactions (mainly radioactive capture),whereas other neutrons escape from the system undergoing fission.10. The minimum quantity of such material that is capable of sustaining a fission chain is called the critical mass.UNIT 5 GENERAL FEATURES OF NECLEAR REACTORS1. A device in which nuclear fission energy is released in a controlled manner is called nuclear reactor.2. In outline, a reactor consists of an active core in which the fission chain is sustained and in which most of the energy of fission is released as heat.3. The core contains the nuclear fuel, consisting of a fissile nuclide and usually a fertile material in addition.4. The function of the moderator is to slow down the high-energy neutrons liberated in the fission reactor.5. The purpose of reflector is to decrease the loss of neutrons from the core by scattering back many of those which have escaped.6. The heat generated in the reactor is removed by circulation of a suitable coolant, such as ordinary(light)water, heavy water, liquid sodium(or sodium-potassium alloy), air and helium etc.7. The higher the temperature of the steam, the greater the efficiency for conversion into useful power.8. If the energy released in the reactor is to be converted into electric power, the heat must be transferred from the coolant to a working fluid to produce steam.9. Reactor control, including startup, power operation and shutdown is generally by moving control rods.10. In most commercial thermal reactors the fuel is either uranium (0.7% uranium-235), with heavy water or graphite as the moderator, or uranium containing 2-4 percent of the fissile isotope, with ordinary water as the moderator.11. Based on the purpose, the reactor can fall into experimental (or research)reactor, production reactor, power reactor, dual purpose (power and production)reactor or nuclear heating reactor.12. According to the type of coolant and moderator, reactor can be called pressurized water reactor, boiling water reactor, heavy water reactor (e.g. CANDU), graphite reactor, or liquid metal cooled reactor.UNIT 6 REACTOR CONTROL1. In the normal operation of a reactor, the functions of the control system may be divided into three phases, i.e. startup, power operation and shutdown.2. If the potentially unsafe conditions should arise, a protection system would automatically shut down the reactor.3. An essential requirement of the control system is that it must be capable of introducing enough negative reactivity to compensate for the build-in (excess)reactivity at initial startup of the reactor.4. Four general methods are possible for changing the neutron flux in a reactor, they involve temporary addition or removal of (1)fuel, (2)moderator, (3)reflector, (4) a neutron absorber.5. The control material commonly used in pressurized water reactor is alloy of 80(weight)percent silver, 15 percent indium and 5percent cadmium.6. The procedure most commonly employed, especially in power reactor, is the insertion or withdrawal of a material, such as boron or cadmium, having a large cross section for the absorption of neutrons.7. When a reactor core is being assembled, the neutron absorbing control robs are fully inserted, so the reactor is sub critical.8. During startup, the control rods are withdraw slowly, thereby permittinga gradual increase in the reactivity until the reactor becomes critical and then slightly supercritical.9. The neutron flux is thus allowed to increase at a safe, controlled rate until its magnitude corresponds to the desired operating power level of the reactor.10. The rods are then inserted to the extent required to keep the system exactly critical, so that the neutron flux and power level remain steady.11. To shut the reactor son, the control rods would be reinserted in to the core, there by decreasing the reactivity neutron flux and the power output.A control system consists of three control poops, i.e., “operator (manual)loop”, “automatic loop” and “load loop”.UNIT 7 INSTRUMENTATION1. In addition to conventional instrumentation, such as that required fir measuring temperatures, pressures, coolant flow rates, etc., devices (sensors)for determining the neutron flux play an important role in reactor control and safety.2. Many instruments for the detection of nuclear radiation are dependent upon the behavior in an electrical field of the ion-pairs formed by the ionizing particles in their passage through a gas.3. Neutrons are unchanged particles and therefore cannot cause ionization directly, so they must interact with matter by means of a nuclear reactor which, in turn, will generate charged particles.4. The changed particles will cause ionization within a gas-filled detector and these ion pairs will produce a voltage pulse or some mean level current when collected at the electrodes of the detector.5. Since the neutron flux covers a wide range (12 decades), no single instrument can provide a satisfactory indication of the neutron flux and hencethree ranges, i.e., source range, intermediate range and power range, of instrumentation are used to obtain accurate flux level measures.6. BF3 gas generated filled detectors (proportional counter)are used in source range, compensated ion chamber are in the intermediate range, and uncompensated ion chamber in the power range in some nuclear power plant.7. Since gamma radiation from fission and fission products in a reactor can be very intense, the compensated ionization chambers are required in the intermediate range.8. The fission chamber is coated with a uranium compound and pulse produced by the fission fragments resulting from the interaction of neutrons with the uranium-235 are so large that there is no difficulty in discriminating even against “pile-up” pluses from gamma rays.9. Pressure, defined as force per unit area, is one of the measured and controlled properties.10. Typically application of Borden tube pressure sensors is locally mounted pump suction and discharge pressure gages.11. Thermocouples are utilized as temperature sensors t core exits.The hot and gold leg temperature detectors of Reactors Coolant System are Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs).UNIT 8 ENERGY REMOVAL1. In practical, the maximum power level of a reactor is normally determined by the rate at which the energy (heat)can be removed.2. In nuclear reactor operating at high neutron flux, such as those intended for central station power or ship propulsion, the design of the core depends just as much on the heat removal aspects as on nuclear consideration.3. The term thermal-hydraulic design is commonly used to describe the effort involving the integration of heat transfer and fluid mechanics principles to accomplish the desired rate of heat removal from the reactor fuel.4. The temperature in a reactor could increase continuously until the reactor is destroyed if the rate of heat removal were less than the rate of heat generation.5. The rate of heat generation and heat removal must be proper balanced ina operating reactor.6. The maximum of permissible temperature must be definitely established to make sure that the cooling system is adequate under anticipated operating conditions.7. The temperature at any point in a reactor will be greater than that of the sink by amount equal to the sum of all the temperature drops along theheat-flow path.8. The goal of reactor thermal-hydraulic des ign is to provide for the “optimum” transport of heat from the fuel to its conversion into useful energy, normally in a turbine.9. By “optimum” is meant a proper ba lance between many opposing parameters, such as coolant flow rate, temperature distribution in the core, materials, etc.10. An important aspect of the thermal-hydraulic design is concerned with conditions that might arise from an accident.11. Provision must be made in the design to accommodate deviations from normal operating conditions, such as following partial or complete loss in the coolant flow.Three general mechanisms are distinguished whereby heat is transferred from one point to another, namely, conduction, convection and radiation. UNIT 9 REACTOR MATERIALS1. A unique aspect of reactor environment is the presence of intense nuclear radiations of various types.2. Mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, ductility, impart strength and creep, must be adequate for the operation conditions.3. The material must be able of being fabricated or joined, e.g., by welding, into the required shape.4. An important requirement for structural and cladding materials is that they have a small adsorption cross section for neutrons.5. The alloys in common use as cladding material are zircaloy-2 and zircaloy-4, both of which have good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.6. Ordinary water is attractive as a moderator because of its low cost, its excellent slowing-down power.7. Water of high degree of purity, especially free from chloride ions, is necessary to minimize corrosion.8. The fuel material should be resistant to radiation damage that can lead to dimensional changes, e.g., by swelling, cracking, or creep.9. The fuel material should have a high melting point and there should be no phase transformations, which would be accompanied by density and other changes, below the melting point.10. Uranium dioxide, ceramic which is the most common fuel material in commercial power reactors, has the advantage of high-temperature stability and adequate resistance to radiation.11. The pellets are ground to specified dimensions and are loaded into thin zircaloy tubes which serve as cladding.12. The small annular gap between the fuel pellets and cladding contains helium gas to improve the heat transfer characteristic.UNIT 10 REACTOR SAFETY1. In general, the goals of reactor safety are to reduce the probability of an accident and to limit the extent of the radiological hazard.2. Nuclear reactor systems are designed with a number of barriers to the release of radioactivity, namely, fuel pellets, fuel-rod cladding, primary coolant boundary and containment.3. The basic philosophy of the design of nuclear power plants has been described as defense in depth, expressed in terms of five levels of safety.4. The first level of safety is to design of reactor and other components of the system so that they will operate with a high degree of reliability and the chances of a malfunction are very small.5. The purpose of safety is to design the reactor and other components of the system so that they will operate with a high degree of reliability and the chances of a malfunction are very small.6. The third level of safety is to provide engineered safety features, such as emergency core cooling system, containment spray system, and emergency eclectic power.7. Plants are now being required to develop accident management programs, which should reduce the likelihood of uncontrolled radioactivity releases during accident.8. Finally, emergency planes are developed that include provisions for sheltering and evacuation to further reduce potential doses to the public.9. Suitable redundancy shall be provided to assure that the safety system function can be accomplished assuming a single failure.10. One way to minimize common-mode failure is by diversity, that is by the use of two or more independent and different methods for achieving the same result, e.g., reactor shutdown in an emergency.11. The evaluation of the safety of a nuclear power plant should include analyses of the response of the plant to postulated disturbance in process variables and to postulated malfunctions of equipment.12. An electric utility desiring to operate a nuclear power must first apply to the NNNA for a construction permit and then for an operating license.UNIT 11 QYALITY ASSURANCES1. Quality Assurance (QA)is referred to as planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that an item or facility will perform satisfactorily in service.2. Quality Control (QC)includes such as actions that provide a means to control and measure the characteristics of an item, process or facility in accordance with established requirements.3. Reliability is the probability that a device, system or facility will perform its intended function satisfactorily for a specified time under stated operating conditions.4. An overall quality assurance program shall be established to provide for control of the constitute activities associated with a nuclear power plant, such as design, construction, manufacturing, commissioning and operation.5. All programs shall provide that the activities affecting quality are accomplished in accordance with written procedures, instructions or drawings.6. Activity affecting quality includes designing, purchasing, fabricating, manufacturing, handling, shipping, storing, cleaning, erecting, installing, testing, commissioning, operating, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, refueling, modifying and decommissioning.7. A documented organization structure, with clearly defined functional responsibilities, level of authority and lines of internal and external communication for management, direction and execution of the quality assurance program shall be established.8. The preparation, review, approval and issue of documents essential to the performance and verification of the work shall be subject to control.9. Design control measures shall be applied to items such as the following: radiation protection; physics and stress analysis, thermal, hydraulic, seismic and accident analysis; compatibility of materials; accessibility of in-serviceinspection, maintenance and repair and delineation of acceptance criteria for inspection and tests.10. Hold-points beyond which work shall not proceed without the approval of a designated organization, if such inspection or witnessing of the inspection is required, shall be indicated in appropriate documents.11. Measures shall be established to control items which do not conform to requirements, in order to prevent their inadvertent use or installation.12. Quality assurance records shall represent objective evidence of quality and should include the results of review, inspections, tests, audits, monitoring of work performance, material analysis and power plant operation logs, as well as closely related data, such as qualification of personnel, procedures and equi UNIT 12 INTRODUCTION TO PWR NPP1. A pressurized water reactor (PWR)generating system is a dual cycle plant consisting of a closed, pressurized, reactor coolant system (primary)anda separate power conversion system (secondary)for the generation electricity.2. The use of a dual cycle design minimizes the quantities of fission products released to the power conversion system components and subsequent release of fission products to the atmosphere.3. The primary system consists of a pressure vessel containing the nuclear fuel and reactor coolant loops connected in parallel to the reactor vessel.4. Each reactor coolant loop contains a reactor coolant pump, a steam generator, loop piping and instrumentation.5. The reactor coolant system also contains a pressurizer connected to one of the loops for system pressure control.6. During operation, the reactor coolant system transfers the heat produced in the reactor to the steam generator where steam is produced to supply the turbine generator to produce electricity.7. The entire reactor coolant system is located in containment (reactor building)which isolates the radioactive reactor coolant system from the environment in the event of a leak.8. The turbine building contains all the power conversion system, including turbines, moisture-separator/reheaters, feedwater heaters, condenser etc.9. The control building contains the central control room with its console and control panels, as well as the relay room.10. A fuel storage area is provided for handling and storage of new and spent fuel.11. Auxiliary building contains safety related and potentially radioactive auxiliary system, such as residual heat removal system, the safety injection system, the component cooling system etc.12. The safety injection system is an emergency system that provides for the injection of borated water from the refueling water storage tank into reactor coolant sytem in the event of LOCA.UNIT 13 REACTOR VESSSEL AND INTERNALS1. The reactor vessel and internals support and align the reactor core and its associated components.2. Additionally, the vessel and internals provide a flowpath to ensure adequate heat removal capability from the fuel assemblies.3. The reactor vessel is a cylindrical, with a welded hemispherical bottom heat and a removable, flanged and gasketed, hemispherical upper head.4. The head flange is sealed to the vessel flange by two metallic “o” rings which fit into grooves machined in both flanges.5. The reactor vessel and heat are constructed of a manganese molybdenum alloy steel with all surfaces in contact with the reactor coolant clad with weld deposited stainless steel for corrosion resistance.6. Sample of reactor vessel and weld materials are provided to evaluate the effect of radiation on the fracture toughness of the reactor vessel.7. Reactor vessel closure head penetrations include: control rod drive mechanism adapters and reactor vessel head vent.8. The bottom head of the vessel contains penetrations for connection and entry of the in-core nuclear instrumentation.9. The reactor internals consist of the lower support structure, the upper support structure and the in-core instrumentation support structure.10. Lower core support structure consists of the core barrel, the core buffer, the lower core plate and support columns, the thermal shield, the intermediate diffuser plate and the core support.11. A thermal shield attached to the core barrel is provided to reduce radiation damage to the reactor vessel during operation.The upper core support structure consists of the upper support assembly and the upper core plate, between which are contained support columns and control rod guide tubes.UNIT 14 REACTOR CORE1. The reactor components consist of the fuel assemblies and all components which can be inserted into a fuel assembly to reactor power, power distribution or flow distribution.2. Fuel assemblies are square arrays (17×17 or 15×15)of long thin zircaloy tubes containing slightly enriched UO2 in the form pellets.3. Fuel assemblies are aligned by pins in the upper and lower core plates which mate with holes in the top and bottom nozzles.4. All control rod guide thimbles are filled with control rods, burnable poison assemblies, source assemblies or thimble plugging assemblies.5. A rod cluster control assembly consists of a group of individual neutron absorber rods fastened at top end to a common spider assembly.6. The absorber material used in the control rods is usuallysilver-indium-cadmium alloy sealed in stainless steel tubes.7. Control rods are designed to respond to fast reactivity changes while show changes such as fuel burnup are compensated by boron concentration changes.8. The burnable poison assemblies are designed to provide a fixed discrete poison during the initial core load.9. To insure adequate indication for the operator during long-term reactor shutdown and during reactor startup, neutron source assemblies are installed in the core.10. In order to limit core bypass though the control rod guide thimbles in fuel assemblies not containing control rods, sources assemblies, or burnable poison rods, the fuel assemblies at these locations are fitted with thimble plugging assemblies.11. Control rod drive mechanisms are magnetic jack assemblies which move control rods in discrete steps and tripping is accomplished byde-energizing the mechanisms and allowing the control rods to fall by gravity into the core.12. Reactor coolant enters the reactor vessel through the inlet nozzles, flows downward between the vessel wall and core barrel, then reverses direction and flows up through the core to remove the heat generated in the fuel assemblies, enters the upper plenum, and exits through the outlet nozzle.UNIT 15 PRESSURIZER1. A single reactor has only one pressurizer regardless of the number of loops.2. The pressurizer is a vertical, cylindrical, cylindrical vessel with hemispherical top and bottom heads.3. At nominal full power conditions, approximately sixty percent of the pressurizer volume is saturated water with the remaining saturated steam.4. Electrical heaters are installed through the bottom head while the spray nozzle, relief valve and safety valve connections are located in the top head of the vessel.。

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CNNC中国核工业总公司(中核总)China National Nuclear Corporation CO商业运行Commercial OperationCOD商业运行日期Commercial Operation DateCP建造许可证Construction PermitCPL符合性消缺单Conformity Punch ListCPT临界前冷试Cold Precritical TestCQU电厂质量放行Plant Quality ReleaseCRF澄清问题申请单Clarification Request FormCRI临界CriticalityCRTC中国汽车运输总公司China Road Transportation CompanyCS碳钢Carbon SteelCTT安全壳试验Containment TestsCW土建工程Civil WorkCWJ焊接接头目录Catalog of Welded JointDCM调试(日)例会Daily Commissioning MeetingDCR设计变更请求Design Change RequestDDD国内直拨(电话)Domestic Direct DialingDEN设计修改通知Design Evolution NoticeDES描述性(文件类别)DescriptionDMS文件资料管理系统Document Management SystemDOC资料中心Documentation CenterDP着色探伤Dye PrintingDPS大亚湾公安分局Daya Bay Public Security BranchDR偏差项报告Deviation ReportsDS设计规范(文件编码用语)Design SpecificationsDWG图纸DrawingECC设备状态证书Equipment Condition CertificationEDF法国电力公司Electricite De France (法语)EEC安装竣工证书End of Erection CertificationEESR安装竣工报告End of Erection Status ReportEIR环境影响报告Environmental Impact ReportEMC制造完工合格证End Manufacturing CertificateEMP机电(工程)包Electro Mechanical PackageEMR制造完工报告End of Manufacturing ReportEMS电气管理系统Electrical Management System核电常用缩略语(三)ENG技术实施细则Engineering Procedure ManualEOMM设备运行维修手册Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manual EOMR设备出厂报告End of Manufacturing ReportEP应急准备Emergency Preparedness EPT性能试验结束End of Performance TestERFS/EESREESR签字后保留项目跟踪文件Reservation Follow-up Sheet after EESRETF执行跟踪档案Execution Tracing FileFAC最终验收证书Final Acceptance CertificateFBR快中子反应堆Fast Breader ReactorFC按文件作施工准备For ConstructionFCN现场变更通知Field Change NoticeFCO现场更改单Field Change OrderFCR现场修改申请Field Change RequestFD燃料交付Fuel DeliveryFL装料Fuel LoadingFOB离岸价格Free on BoardFP动火票Fire PermitFPW全透焊,全透焊焊缝Full Penetration WeldFRA法国法马通公司FramatomeFS(经验)反馈单(Experience) Feedback SheetFSAR最终安全分析报告Final Safety Analysis ReportFSS全范围模拟机Full Scope SimulatorFTG岗位培训导则Function Training GuideFU供使用(文件状态)For UseFW装修工程,收尾工程Finishing WorkFW现场焊Field WeldFW角焊缝,填角焊焊缝Fillet weldGAF货物验收单Goods Acceptance FormGCR气冷反应堆Gas Cooled ReactorGCR网控室Grid Control RoomGEC通用电气公司(英国)General Electric Corp.GEC/A通用电气/阿尔斯通公司GEC AlsthomGEPB广东省环保局Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau GEPEC广东火电GGPC广东省电力总公司Guangdong General Power CompanyGMAW气体保护金属极电弧焊Gas Metal Arc WeldingGN说明书(文件编码用语)General NotesGNIC广东核电投资有限公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Investment Co.Ltd GNPGSC广东核电服务总公司Guangdong Nuclear Power General Services Co. GNPJVC广东核电合营公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co.,Ltd. GNRB核安全评审委员会General Nuclear Review Board核电常用缩略语(四)GQS通用质量规范General Quality SpecificationsGTAW气体保护钨极电弧焊Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTC合同总条款General Terms and ConditionsHFT热态功能试验Hot Functional TestHKSAR香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionHO总公司(总部)Head OfficeH-Point停工待检点Hold PointHPT临界前热试Hot Precritical TestHVAC暖通空调Heating Ventilation and Air ConditioningIAEA国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy AgencyIDD国际直拨(电话)International Direct DialingIEF内部经验反馈Internal Experience FeedbackII独立检查Independent InspectionISI在役检查ISO国际标准化组织International Standard OrganizationISO等轴图IsoISO14000国际环境管理标准ITT招标书Invitation to TenderJVC合营公司Joint venture Co. Ltd.KAF关键日工作进度表(格式)Keydate Achievement FormLab试验室LANPC岭澳核电有限公司LBP大口径管L.C.E.LIC执照LienceLOI意向书Letter of IntentLPT液体渗透试验Liquid Penetration TestLT泄漏试验,紧密性试验Leakage Test; Leak TestLIB执照申请处Lience Application branchLWGR轻水石墨(反应)堆Light-Water Graphite Reactor MCR主控室Main Control RoomMF缩微胶片microfilmMH工时数Man-hoursMIN监督信息通知Monitoring Information NoticeMQ材料催交Material QueryMQP主质量计划Master Quality PlanMRF材料申请单Material Request FormMSR汽水分离再热器Moisture Separtor ReheaterMSS材料提交单General Service SectionMSTM整体螺栓拉伸机Multi-Stud Tensioning MachineMT磁粉检验,磁粉探伤Technical Assistant Section核电常用缩略语(五)MTR材料转移申请Material Transfer RequestNA不适用,不要求Magnetic Particle TestNC不符合项Not ApplicableNCC核回路清洗Non Conforming ItemNCR不符合项报告Nuclear Circuit CleaningNDE无损检验Non Conformance ReportNDT无损探伤Non Destructive ExaminationNEPC东北电建Non Destructive TestNFC通知施工Northeast Electrical Power Construction Co.NFU宣布可用Notified for ConstructionNI核岛Notified for UseNNSA国家核安全局Nuclear Island Erection (Branch)NPS美国标准直管螺纹National Nuclear Safety Administration NPT美国标准锥管螺纹American Standard Straight Pipe Thread NQR与质量无关的American Standard Taper Pipe ThreadNRC核管会(美国)Non Quality RelatedNS核安全Nuclear Regulation CommitteeNSSS核蒸汽供应系统Nuclear SafetyNTR无可报告Nuclear Steam Supply SystemNUSS核安全标准计划Nothing to ReportOA办公自动化Nuclear Safety Standards ScheduleOAC氧乙炔切割Office AutomaticOAW氧乙炔焊Oxyacetylene CuttingOHO全面移交Contract & Supply BranchOJT在岗培训Overall Hand-overON观察通知Observation NoticeOPE运行工程师Occupational Medical ServiceOPI设备开箱检查Open Package InspectionOSR未完成的保留项Outstanding ReservationOT遗留任务,未完成项Outstanding ReservationP.W.R.压水堆Outstanding ReservationPAC临时验收证书(合同用语)Outstanding ReservationPAC等离子切割Outstanding ReservationPAF采购申请单Outstanding ReservationPCC包装状态证书Outstanding ReservationPCC部分完成证书Outstanding ReservationPCN电厂变更通知单Plant Change NoticePDI工程文件(文件类别)Projects DocumentsPDP工程指导计划Project Directing PlanPEN部分试验完成,有偏差Partial Test Completion with Deviation PHT焊后热处理Postweld Heat TreatmentPHWR重水(慢化、冷却)反应堆Pressurized Heavy-Water Moderated and Cooled Reactor核电常用缩略语(六)PICC中国人民保险公司People's Insurance Co. of ChinaPIM工程接口(管理)程序Project Interface ManagementPO采购定单Purchase OrderPRE征求意见稿Preliminary for CommentsPS工程服务Project ServicePSA概率安全评估Probabilistic Safety AssessmentPSAR初步安全分析报告Preliminary Safety Analysis Report PSI役前检查Pre-Service InspectionPWN追加工作通知Plant Work NotificationPWT产品焊缝试件Production Weld Test CouponPWTCR产品焊缝试件报告Production Weld Test Coupon Report QA质量保证Quality AssuranceQADP质量保证文件数据包Quality Assurance Data Package QAM质保手册Quality Assurance ManualQAP质量保证大纲Quality Assurance ProgramQASR质量监督报告Quality Assurance Surveillance Report QC质量控制,质检Quality ControlQCE质检工程师Quality Control EngineerQDS技术评定数据表Technical Qualification Data SheetQNC非质量级别Quality Non-ClassifiedQOM质量管理手册Quality Organization ManualQP质量计划Quality PlanQPM质量计划管理Quality Plan ManagementQR与质量有关Quality RelatedQS质量监督Quality SurveillanceQSDR质量监督缺陷报告Quality Surveillance Deficiency ReportQSDR质量监督偏差报告Quality Surveillance Deviation ReportQSP质量安全计划Quality Safety PlanQSR与质量及(核)安全有关的Quality and Safety RelatedQTCWPDS用于评定试件的焊接工艺数据单Welding Procedure Data Sheet for QualificationRCCMDesign & Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PRW Nuclear Is landRCR保留项消除申请Reservation Clear RequestREF参考referenceREV修改,修改版revisionRF突面法兰,凸面法兰RAISED FACE FLANGERFC试验不合格,需重作TEST REFUSED, TO BE REPERFORMEDRFC退回改正(工程文件用语)RETURN FOR CORRECTIONRFC待重新呈报(文件批复)RFI已准备好可以实施READY FOR IMPLEMENTATION核电常用缩略语(七)RIN基准标识号REFERENCE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERRP辐射防护RP固定资产REAL PROPERTYRS滚动计划Roll ScheduleRT射线探伤radiograph testRWL剩余工作清单SAR安全分析报告SBP小口径管SCAR重大纠正措施要求单SCS系统完工计划SDM系统设计手册SEPC山东电建SEPC-NP山东电建工程公司--核电SEPP标准安装程序包SER重大事件报告SIGNIFICANT EVENT REPORTSES供应商评审表SUPPLIER EVALUATION SHEETSI现场指示书Site InstructionsSL供货边界Supply LimitSMAW(气体)保护金属极电弧焊Supply LimitSPM整定值手册Set Point ManualSPSB深圳供电局Shenzhen Power Supply BureauSPV第二方验证Second Party VerificationSR供应要求(申请)单Supply RequestSR重大事件报告Significant Incident ReportSS值长Shift SupervisorSS不锈钢Stainless SteelSSA付值长Shift Supervisor AssistantSSP专门监督计划Special Surveillance PlanST现场施工进度安排On Site Work ScheduleSTC现场调试委员会Site Testing CommitteeSUM调试经理Startup ManagerSUT调试启动队Start Up TeamSW承插焊,插套焊Socket WeldTA技术适应性修改Technical AdaptationTAC完全接受Total AcceptanceTDD技术设计室Technical Design OfficeTEN完全接受,注明的除外Technical Design OfficeTFD水压试验流程图Test Fluid DrawingTIG气体保护钨极电弧焊Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding TOB隔离移交Takeover for BlockingTOC技术待召Technical On Call核电常用缩略语(八)TOM维修移交Take Over for MaintenanceTOTO临时运行移交Take Over for MaintenanceTQ培训和资格评定Take Over for MaintenanceTQC全面质量管理Total Quality ControlTQP典型质量计划Typical Quality PlanTR试验报告Test ReportTRAS试验报告分析单Test Report Analysis SheetTS技术支持Technical SupportTS试验负责人Test SupervisorTS技术规范Technical SpecificationsTS/PQR焊接工艺评定报告技术, 规程Technical Specification for Welding Procedure [Qualification Report] TS/PWTCR产品焊缝试件报告技术规程Technical Specification for Production Weld2 ( Test Coupon Test) TS/WQR焊工评定报告技术规程Technical Specification for Welder Qualification ReportTSA技术服务协议Technical Service AgreementTSD临时专用设施Temporary Special DeviceTSI临时监督指令Temporary Surveillance InstructionUU型钢U IronsUCC机组完工证书Unit Completion CertificateUCD机组完工日期Unit Completion DateUES意外事件单(调试队发)Unexpected Event ReportsUT超声探伤Ultrasonic TestVFC已验证可施工Valid for ConstructionVFP已验证可预制Verified for PrefabricationVFT已验证可试验Valid for TestVO变更指令(合同用语)Variation OrderVT外观检验,目检Visual Examination(Inspection)WAS材料(设备)领用单Withdrawal Authorization SheetWDP焊接数据包Welding Data Package WE带附件With EnclosureWF工作文件Work FileWFQC焊接质量跟踪管理/ b7 Welding Follow Up and Quality Control WG线规Wire GaugeWN-RF焊颈突面法兰Welding Neck-Raised FlangeWNF焊颈法兰Welding Neck FlangeWOA不带(无)附件Without Attachment核电常用缩略语(九)WOE不带附件Without EnclosureW-Point见证点Witness PointWP工作计划Work PlanWPQ焊接工艺评定(注:AMSE标准称之为焊接程序评定)Welding Procedure QualificationWPQR焊接工艺评定报告Welding Procedure Qualification Report WPQT焊接工艺评定试验Welding Procedure Qualification TestWQ焊工评定,焊工资格考评Welder QualificationWQDS焊接工艺数据表Welding Procedure Data SheetWQR焊工评定报告Welder Qualification ReportWQT焊工评定试验Welder Qualification TestWR工作申请Work RequestWS工作负责人Work SupervisorWSL施工队长Work Section Leader。


1. Nuclear engineering - 核工程2. Nuclear power plant - 核电站3. Reactor - 反应堆4. Nuclear n - 核裂变5. Nuclear n - 核聚变6. active - 放射性的7. e - 同位素8. Criticality - 临界性9. n - 辐射10. n - 污染11. active waste - 放射性废物12. Shielding - 屏蔽13. n dose - 辐射剂量14. Nuclear safety - 核安全15. Emergency preparedness - 应急准备17. Nuclear fuel - 核燃料18. Nuclear ___ - 核燃料循环19. ___ - 核废物处理20. Nuclear n - 核能监管21. ___ - 核扩散22. Nuclear accident - 核事故23. Nuclear security - 核安全24. Nuclear medicine - 核医学25. logy - 放射科学26. Nuclear physics - 核物理学27. ___ - 核能28. Neutron - 中子29. Gamma ray - 伽玛射线30. Alpha particle - 阿尔法粒子以上为部分核工程专业英语词汇,希望能对您有所帮助。

汽轮机英语词汇TURBINE VOCABULARYI Power station电站1. power station电站2. power plant电站,发电设备3. utility电力部门4.independent power producer (IPP)独立发电项目,独立发电站5.nuclear power station核电站6. thermal power station火电站7. fossil (fired) power plant化石燃料电站,常规火电站8. combined heat power (CHP) plant热电联供机组9. steam power plant蒸汽电站蒸汽发电设备10. cogeneration power station热电联供电站11. coal fired power plant燃煤电站12. oil fired power plant燃油电站13. gas filed power plant燃气电站14. LNG power plant (liquefied natural gas)燃液化天然气电站15. BoP (balance of plant)电站辅机16. I&C (instrumentation and control)仪表和控制系统II Turbine透平,涡轮17. Turbine透平,涡轮18. steam turbine汽轮机19. gas turbine燃气轮机20. nuclear turbine核电汽轮机21. fossil turbine火电汽轮机22. industrial turbine工业透平23. cogeneration turbine热电联供透平24. condensing turbine凝汽式汽轮机25. back pressure turbine背压式汽轮机26. extraction turbine抽汽式汽轮机27. extraction condensing turbine抽汽凝汽式汽轮机28. single-extraction turbine单抽汽轮机29. double-extraction turbine双抽汽轮机30. mechanical drive turbine机械驱动汽轮机31. HP (IP, LP) turbine高(中、低)压缸32.sub-critical pressure turbine亚临界汽轮机33. super-critical pressure (SC) turbine 超临界汽轮机34. ultra-super critical (USC) pressure turbine超朝临界汽轮机35. BFPT (boiler feed pump turbine)给水泵汽轮机36. steam turbine with air-cooled condenser(air cooled steam turbine)空冷汽轮机37. reheat turbine再热汽轮机38. double-reheat turbine二次再热汽轮机39. wet steam turbine湿蒸汽汽轮机40. saturated steam turbine饱和蒸汽汽轮机41. full-speed turbine全速汽轮机42. half-speed turbine半速汽轮机43. tandem compound turbine单轴汽轮机44. cross compound turbine双轴汽轮机45. super (over)-high pressure turbine过高压汽轮机46. impulse (type) turbine冲动式汽轮机47. reaction (type) turbine反动式汽轮机48. axial flow turbine轴流透平49. radial flow turbine径流透平50. turbine with axial condenser轴向排汽汽轮机51. turbine with horizontal joint带有水平中分面的汽轮机52. turbine with vertical joint带有垂直中分面的汽轮机53. double flow turbine两排汽汽轮机54. triple flow turbine三排汽汽轮机56. single-casing turbine单缸汽轮机57. double-casing turbine双缸汽轮机58. turbine proper汽轮机本体59. oil turbine 油透平60. hydraulic turbine水轮机61. marine steam turbine船用汽轮机62.aeroderivative gas turbine航改式燃气轮机63. stationary steam turbine电站汽轮机64. auxiliary turbine辅助透平III Rotary parts回转件65. rotor转子66. rigid rotor刚性转子67. flexible rotor挠性转子68. solid (forged) rotor (monobloc rotor)整锻转子69. welded rotor焊接转子70. (hollow) drum (type) rotor鼓型转子71. built-up rotor组装转子72. rotor without center bore无中心孔转子73. HP-LP integrated rotor高/低压一体化转子74. shafting (shaft)轴系75. HP (IP, LP) rotor高(中、低)压转子76. thrust collar推力盘77. journal轴颈78. section of rotor转子区段79. (first, second ) critical speed一阶(二阶)临界转速80. extension shaft (spacer)中间轴,延伸段81. coupling联轴节82. flexible coupling挠性联轴节83. rigid coupling刚性联轴节84. semi-flexible coupling半挠性联轴节85. half coupling联轴节半部86. integral (forged) coupling整体(锻制)联轴节87. shrunk-on coupling红套联轴节88. spigot(rabbet)止口89. disk (disc) 叶轮90. rim (steeple)轮缘(枞树型叶根槽)91. hub轮毂92. body(web)轮体93. T (fir tree-type ) groove T型(枞树型)叶根槽94. balance hole (plane, weight, plug)平衡孔(平衡平面,平衡配重,平衡旋塞)95. keyway键槽96. disk of constant stress (conical profile)等强度(锥形)叶轮97. disk of constant thickness等厚度叶轮98. shrunk-on disk红套叶轮99. blade叶片100. moving (rotating, rotor) blade动叶101. bucket 动叶102. straight (tapered, twisted) blade直叶片(变截面叶片,扭曲叶片)103. last stage (last but one, penultimate) blade末级叶轮(次末级叶片)104. last (locking , gate) blade (piece)末叶片(锁紧叶片,锁紧件)105. free-stand blade自由叶片106. integral shroud blade整体围带叶轮107. triple-pin blade三联叶片108. bow blade马刀型叶片109. compound lean blade复合弯扭叶片110. concave (pressure) side内弧(压力侧)111. convex (suction) side 背弧(负压侧)112. tenon铆钉头113. leading (inlet) edge 进汽边114. trailing (outlet, exit) edge出汽边115. blade wake叶片尾流116. convergent-divergent channel (CD passage)缩张通道117. brazed (stellite) shield钎焊(斯太立)防蚀片118. lacing hole拉筋孔119. profile (section of blade)叶型,型线部分(叶片截面)120. reaction(degree)反动度121. cascade叶栅122. blade root叶根123. (three teeth, straight, curved ) fir- tree (blade) root(三齿直线/弧形)枞树型叶根124. ( five finger) fork type (blade) root(五叉)插入式叶根,叉型叶根125. tee (T-type) root T型叶根126. inverted-T (blade) root倒T型叶根127. straddle-type (blade) root 外包叶根128. straddle inverted T-root 外包倒T型叶根129. dovetail root (serrated root)燕尾型(齿型)叶根130. lacing (tie) wire 拉筋131. (lacing) lug (stub) 拉筋凸台132. loose lacing wire松拉筋133. tubular lacing wire管状拉筋134. shroud (band,cover)围带135. whole circle packed (continuously connected) shroud 整圈连接围带136. integral shroud整体围带137. snubber整体围带138. gauging (throat)喉节比(喉部)139. pitch diameter节径,平均直径140. top diameter(叶片)顶部直径IV. Stationary parts静止件141. casing (cylinder)汽缸,缸体142. outer casing外缸143. inner casing内缸144. single-shell casing单层缸145. double-shell casing双层缸146. cover (upper half)上半部147. base (lower half)下半部148. horizontal (split) joint水平中分面149. (massive) flange(厚)法兰150. (casing) bore(汽缸)洼窝151.fastener (bolt, nut, stud, dowel)紧固件(螺栓、螺母、螺柱、定位销)152. vertical flange垂直法兰153. tightness气密性154. inlet进口155. exhaust排汽口156. exhaust hood 排汽缸157. guide plate导流板158. diffuser扩压管159. flange bolt hole法兰螺栓孔160. shrunk-on ring红套箍环161. combined HP-IP casing高中压合缸162. thermal shield (baffle)挡热板163. single (double) flow HP turbine单流(双流)高压缸164. flow path (steam path)通流部分165.center support system滑键系统166. lug ( foot, pawl)猫爪167. thermal insulation保温设施168. enclosure (lagging)罩壳(外壳)169. diaphragm隔板170. blade ring ( diaphragm carrier)叶片持环,隔板套171. outer (inner) ring (of diaphragm)(隔板)外环(内环,隔板体)172. stationary (stator, guide ,nozzle) blade静叶,导叶,喷嘴173. vane (partition) 静叶174. cast-in (welded-in) diaphragm铸造(焊接)隔板rotary diaphragm回转隔板175. nozzle block (chest)喷嘴组(喷嘴室)176. diaphragm deflection隔板挠度177. bearing housing (pedestal)轴承箱178. front bearing housing (standard前轴承箱179. rear bearing housing 后轴承箱180. floor(-type) bearing落地式轴承181. bearing轴承182. journal (radial) bearing支持轴承(径向轴承)183. thrust (axial) bearin推力轴承轴向轴承184. tilting pad bearing可倾瓦轴承185. Kingsburg type thrust bearing金斯布里推力轴承186. Babbitt (white metal, bearing metal)巴氏合金187. bearing bush轴承壳体188. bearing body轴承体189. bearing pad轴瓦190. bearing cover (cap) 轴承上半191. 360°bearing整圆轴承192. elliptical bearing椭圆轴承193. three wedge bearing三油楔轴承194. self-aligning bearing自找中轴承195. sleeve bearing套筒式轴承196. sliding bearing滑动轴承197. (oil) pocket (wedge)油袋(油楔)198. oil film油膜199. oil (film) whip油膜振荡200. setting pad (segment)安装瓦块201. working pad (segment)工作瓦块202. oil ring (oil deflector)挡油环203. oil film stiffness油膜刚度204. armored thermocouple铠装式热电偶V. Main Valves主要阀门205. Main (HP) stop valve (MSV)主汽阀206. control (governing) valve (CV, GV)调节阀207. reheat (IP) stop valve(RSV)再热主汽阀208. intercept valve再热调节阀209. Combined main stop/governing valve联合式主汽/调节阀210. butterfly valve蝶阀211. piloted (pre-inlet) valve预启阀212. fast valve快速动作阀213. check (non-return) valve逆止阀214. solenoid valve电磁阀215. motor driven (operated) valve电动阀216.drain valve疏水阀217. diaphragm valve (atmospheric)膜片阀(大气阀)218. relief (exhaust) valve释放阀(放汽阀)219. safety valve安全阀220. extraction valve 抽汽阀221. stop valve截止阀222. flap valve翻板阀223. gate valve闸阀224. steam chest蒸汽室225. (valve) stem阀杆226. (valve) disk (plug)阀碟227. (valve ) seat阀座228. (valve) bonnet (cover)阀帽(阀盖)229. valve casing (chest)阀壳230. (valve) travel (stroke)阀门行程231. cross over (cross under)连通管232. anti-jamming(stick) test防卡涩试验VI. Various systems各种系统(1) Control system (control and protection system)调节系统(调节保安系统)233. Electro-hydraulic control system电液调节系统234. hydro-mechanical control system液压调节系统235. DEH (digital electro-hydraulic control system)数字式电液调节系统236. electro-hydraulic converter电液转换器237. trip跳闸,脱扣238. actuator执行机构239. servomotor油动机240. pilot (slide, spool) valve滑阀241. piston活塞242. piston rod活塞杆243. (oil) cylinder油缸244. (oil) window油口(窗)245. overlap覆盖度246. emergency governor危急遮断器247. speed governor 调速器248. MSV servomotor 主汽阀油动机249. spring support操纵座250. centrifugal stop bolt撞击子251. LVDT (linear variable differential transformer)线性阀位传感器252. safety test box安全试验盒253. relay继电器,继动器254. relay valve继动滑阀255. axial displacement indicator (transducer)轴向位移指示器(传感器)256. overspeed protection超速保护257. differential expansion detector (transducer)差胀检出器(传感器)258 lever杠杆259. (cam type) steam distribution device凸轮式排汽机构260. throttle governing节流调节261. nozzle governing喷嘴调节262. partial admission (degree)部分进汽(度)263.full arc admission全周进汽264. governing (control) stage (Curtis stage) 调节级(复速级)(2) Oil system油系统265. Main oil reservoir (tank)主油箱266. turbine oil透平油267. fire-resistant fluid抗燃油268. lube (lubrication ) oil润滑油269. HP control fluid高压控制油270. pressure (feed) line (pipe)供油管道271. return (relief) line (pipe) 回油管道273.nested pipe(pipe in pipe)system套管式274. demister除油雾器275. fan风机276. mist separator 油污分离器277. oil purifier净油装置,油净化器278. oil filter滤油器279. oil cooler 冷油器280. overflow valve溢流阀281. oil vapour油雾,油气282. main oil pump( shaft driven)主油泵283. impeller(主油泵)叶轮284. switch-over (change-over)切换(3) Gland system汽封系统285. Labyrinth gland 拉别林汽封,迷宫式汽封286. gland housing (casing)汽封体287. gland segment汽封弧段288. gland (sealing) ring 汽封环289. gland strip (comb)汽封片(齿)290. brush sealing刷子汽封291. leaf sealing薄叶汽封292. diaphragm gland隔板汽封293. gland over shroud (tip gland)围带汽封294. shaft gland轴封295. gland steam condenser (cooler)汽封冷却器296. spring-back sealing回弹式汽封297. gland leak-off 漏汽298. gland ejector 汽封抽气器299. packing盘根,填函,汽封300. inner (outer) gland 内侧(外侧)汽封301. gland chamber (pocket) 汽封腔室302. dummy ring (balance piston)平衡环(4) D rain system疏水系统303. (drain) flash tank (疏水)扩容器304. drain port 疏水口305. cascade drain (system)逐级疏水306. drain cooler疏水冷却器(5) Bypass system旁路系统307. capacity容量308. HP (IP) bypass loop高压(中压)旁路回路309. start with bypass system利用旁路系统启动310. desuperheating and reducing device减温减压装置(6) Regenerative system回热系统311. HP heater高压给水加热器(高加)312. LP heater低压给水加热器(低加)deaerator除氧器313. terminal (temperature) difference (TTD) (温度)端差314. drain subcooler approach (DCA)疏水过冷段315. shell side (design pressure)壳侧(设计压力)316. tube side (design pressure)管侧(设计压力)317. condensing zone冷凝区318. drain subcooling zone疏水过冷区319. direct contact (LP) heater混合式(低压)加热器320. U tube U型管(7) Reheat system再热系统321. Cold reheat line再热冷端管道322. hot reheat line 再热热端管道323. MSR (moisture separator reheater)汽水分离再热器324. (single) reheat(一次)再热325. double reheat二次再热VII Auxiliaries辅机(1) Condenser凝汽器326. Shell-tube type heat exchanger壳管式热交换器327. surface condenser 表面式凝汽器328. direct contact condenser混合式凝汽器329. shell壳体330. (divided) water box (chamber)(对分)水室331. tube bundle管束332. tube plate (sheet) 管板333. support plate 支承隔板334. tube cleaner管子清洗器335. sponge ball cleaning system海绵球清洗系统336. double-shell condenser双壳体凝汽器337. single pass condenser单流程凝汽器338. air cooling zone空气冷却区339 air (cooled) condenser空冷凝汽器340. vacuum system真空系统341. evacuate 抽真空342. tube expander胀管器343. condensate冷凝水344. hot well (condensate sump)热井345. cooling rate冷却速率346. cleanness 清洁度347. condensate pump凝结水泵348. (condenser) neck(凝汽器)喉部349. expansion joint膨胀接头350. wave type (bellows) compensator波纹管补偿器351. deaerating capacity除氧能力352. subcooling degree过冷度353. non-condensed (condensable) gas不凝结气体354. booster pump增压泵(2) Oil cooler冷油器355. Filter过滤器strainer滤网356. cartridge滤芯357. vent通风口358. clogging堵塞359. twin-filter双联冷油器360. on-line change-over (switch-over) 在线切换(3) Ejector 抽气器361. Steam jet (air) ejector射汽抽气器362. water jet (air) ejector 射水抽气器363. (water ring) vacuum pump(水环)真空泵364. evacuation 抽真空365. vacuum establishing (forming) 建立真空366. starting ejector启动抽气器367. vacuum breaker真空破坏阀(4) Turning gear (device) or barring gear盘车装置368. Bull gear大齿轮369. driving gear驱动装置370. worm and (worm) gear涡轮蜗杆副371. turning by (every) 180°(每次)盘转180度372. jacking-up oil pump顶轴油泵373. (dis) engagement 啮合(脱开)VIII Operation运行374. Operation mode运行方式Start (up)启动375. (emergency) shut down (紧急)停机376. daily start- stop (DSS) 日启停377. initial start初次启动378. cold (state) start 冷态启动379. warm start 温态启动380. hot start 热态启动381. extreme hot start极热态启动382. base load (unit) 基荷机组383. cyclic load循环负荷384. peak load峰荷385. peak shaving调峰386. two-shift (operation)两班制(运行)387. cyclic duty capacity变负荷能力388. life cycle(使用)寿命389. life expenditure (CLE)寿命消耗390. life extension 寿命延长391. trip(ping)跳闸392. load tracking (following) capacity负荷跟踪能力393. boiler-turbine coordination control锅炉-汽机协调控制394. warming暖机395. loading-up (down)升负荷(降负荷)396. unloading甩负荷397. load throw-off甩负荷398. run up升速399. run away飞车400. idle running惰行,空负荷运行401. speed up升速402 synchronization同步403. synchronizer同步器404. connect to grid并网405. rolling (by steam)冲转(用蒸汽)406. fixed pressure (start)定压(启动)407. sliding pressure (start)滑压(启动)408. combined (hybrid) fixed/sliding pressure operation定压/滑压混合运行方式409. routine inspection日常检查410. planned maintenance计划维修411. overhaul (intervel)大修(间隔期)412. forced outage rate (FOR)强迫停机率413. repair检修414. availability可用率415. reliability可靠性416. control room 控制室417. corrosion腐蚀erosion浸蚀,水涮418. stress corrosion cracking (SCC) 应力腐蚀裂纹419. latch-on (reset)挂闸420. commission调试,试运行,交付使用。

核电专业英语词汇(完全版)AA[ampere]安培aberrant source异常误差来源ablution清洗,吹除abnormal condition异常工况abnormal event异常事件abnormal occurrence异常事件abnormal operation异常运行abnormality异常abort异常中止above-critical超临界的above-ground地面(上的)above-water水(上的)abradant(研)磨料abrasion磨损[蚀]abrasion resistance test耐磨试验abrasion-proof耐磨(的)abrasive cutting砂轮切割abreuography荧光X射线照相术abruption断裂abscess(金属中)气孔,砂眼absolute alarm绝对值报警absolute error绝对误差absolute filter绝对过滤器absorbance吸收率absorbed dose吸收剂量absorbed dose rate吸收剂量率absorbed fraction吸收部分/份额absorber吸收体[剂]absorber element吸收元件absorber rod吸收棒absorptance吸收率[系数] absorption吸收absorption coefficient吸收系数absorption column吸收柱absorption cross section吸收截面absorption type吸收类型abstraction萃取abundance丰度ac[alternative current]交流[电]acceleration pressure drop加速压降acceleration spring加速弹簧acceptable daily intake[ADI]日容许摄入量acceptable limit可接受限值acceptance验收acceptance criteria验收准则,验收标准acceptance inspection验收检查accepted as noted按说明接受access通道,入口access and use利用access control[A/C]出入口控制access hatch[lock]出入闸门access port人孔,舱出入口access tube通道管access way通路accessibility可达性accessible可进入(的)accession接收accessory附[零]件,辅助(的)accident事故accident analysis事故分析accident condition事故工况accident consequence事故后果accident dose事故剂量accident management事故管理accident mitigation事故缓解accident precursor事故先兆accident prevention事故预防accident progression事故进展accident sequence事故序列accident shutdown事故停堆accident source term事故源项accident with off-site risk有厂外风险的事故accident without significant off-site risk无严重厂外1风险的事故accidental depressurization of the cover gas覆盖气体事故降压accidental error随机误差accidental exposure事故照射accidental failure随机故障accountability衡算accumulated dose累积剂量accumulator(tank)安全注射箱,蓄压箱accuracy精度accuracy of measurement测量精度acetylene乙炔acid pickling酸洗acidic酸性acidity酸度acid-proof tile耐酸瓷砖acoustic insulation隔音层acoustic material隔音材料ACPT[automatic continuous phosphate treatment]自动连续磷酸盐处理acquisition征集acronym(首字母)缩写词acrylic plastic window丙烯酸塑料窗action level[应急]行动水平,应急响应水平activated carbon活性炭activated charcoal filter活性炭过滤器activation活化activation of corrosion product腐蚀产物的活化activation product活化产物active alumina活性氧化铝active carbon bedding活性炭床active carbon filter活性炭过滤器active component能动部件active effluent放射性流出物[排出流]active loss有功损耗active network有源网络active nucleation site活性成核位置active waste放射性废物active zone活性区,放射性区activity(放射性)活度activity concentration放射性浓度activity level活度水平activity median aerodynamic diameter活度中值空气动力学直径activity median thermodynamic diameter活度中值热力学直径actual line实线actual value实际值actuated equipment驱动设备,传动设备actuating mechanism驱动[执行]机构actuation驱动,启动actuation device[触发]驱动装置,执行机构actuator执行[操作]机构,驱动[传动]装置acute exposure急性照射acute intake急性吸入[取]acute radiation injury急性辐射损伤ad hoc专门,特设,特定(的)adapter管接头,异径接头,适配器adaptive control自适应控制ADC[analog-digital converter]模-数转换器add/drop multiplexer[ADM]分插复用器added metal填充金属addendum补遗adder加法器additional items补充(添加)项additional records补充记录additive添加物[剂]additive risk projection model相加风险预测模式adequate distribution均匀分布adherency/adherence粘着〔附〕,附着(力)adhe sion test粘附试验adiabatic绝热(的)adiabatic compression绝热压缩adion吸附离子adjacency相邻,邻接adjoint flux共轭中子通量adjustable wrench/spanner活动扳手adjuster absorber rod调节吸收棒adjuster drive mechanism调节棒驱动机构adjuster extension调节棒延伸段2adjuster rod调节棒adjuster unit调节(棒)装置adjusting pin定位销adjusting valve调节阀adjustment调整adlayer吸附层administrative archives文书档案administrative history组织沿革admiralty brass海军用黄铜admission intake[port]进气[汽]口admittance导纳;允许进入adoption by equation等同采用adoption by equivalent等效采用adsorbent吸附剂adsorption吸附adsorption carrier吸附载体adsorption filter吸附过滤器adulterant掺杂物advance payment预付款advanced control room先进控制室advantage factor有利因子advection平流,平移advective cooling平流冷却adverse conditions不良状况adverse environment有害环境advise all concerned通知有关各方advisory group顾问团AECB[Atomic Energy Control Board](加拿大)原子能管理局AECL[Atomic Energy of Canada Limited]加拿大原子能有限公司aerial cable架空电缆aerify充[掺]气,气化aerobic需[有]氧的aerobiont好氧微生物aerodymanic空气动力(的)aerodymanic dispersion空气动力学弥[分]散aeroradioactivity大气放射性aerosol气溶胶affinity亲合力after-heat余热afterheat cooling余热冷却after-power剩余功率age approximation年龄近似age hardening时效硬化ageing老化,时效ageing degradation老化降级[质,解]ageing management老化管理ageing testing老化试验agglomerant凝聚剂aggressive腐蚀性(的)agitation搅拌agitator搅拌器AI,A/I[analog input]模拟量输入AIM[asset and information management]文档和信息管理air(circuit)breaker空气断路器air admission filter进气[入口]过滤器air balance hoist空气平衡吊车air blast circuit breaker[ABCB]空气[气吹式]断路器air bottle气瓶,气罐air circulating空气循环air compressor空气压缩机air conditioning system空调系统air cooler water piping空气冷却器水管air deflector空气折流板air dryer空气干燥器air entraining agent加气剂air equivalent空气等效(的)air exhaust排风,抽风air extraction flow diagram抽气流程图air extraction system抽气系统air filtration unit[AFU]空气过滤装置air hoist气动[平衡]吊车air injector空气喷射器air inleakage空气漏入air inlet valve进气阀air intake进气[风]口air kerma空气比释动能air leakage testing空气泄漏试验3air lock空气[密封]闸门air lock valve空气闸阀air pollution大气污染air powered brake气动制动器air pressure regulating valve空气压力调节阀air-proof气密的air receiver空气储罐air stream气流air supplied suit气衣air supply供气,气源,送风air tank气罐air vent valve排气阀air/oil package气动/油压动力包air-block valve气阻阀airborne particulate sampler[APS]气载粒子取样器airborne radioactivity气载放射性airlock door气密门airlock lock system闸门锁紧系统airlocked密封的,密闭的airlock空气闸门air-oil tank油气箱air-operated valve气动阀airtight fittings气密连接件airtight joint door密封门airtight ring气密环ALARA[as low as reasonably achievable]合理可行尽量低alarm acknowledge报警确认alarm annunciator报警信号装置alarm conditioning报警条件alarm jumper报警抑制alarm limit报警(限)值alarm reset报警复位alarm value报警值alarm watch报警值班alarm window报警窗albedo反照率alert警戒alga藻类alien外来的aligner准直器aligning pin定位销alignment对中,校直alignment chart[diagram]列线图alignment pin定位销alkaline碱性alkalinity碱度all volatile treatment[AVT]全挥发处理allen screw六角螺栓alleviate减轻,缓和alligator wrench管钳,管扳手allowable burnup允许燃耗allowable error允许误差allowable value允许值allowance公差;允许量alpha decayα衰变alphanumeric字母数字的alphanumeric character字母数字符ALST[alarm status table]报警状态表alternate mode替换模式alum矾alumina particle颗粒状氧化铝alumina pellet粒状氧化铝,氧化铝芯块alveolus凹槽amalgam electrode汞齐电极ambient dose equivalent周围剂量当量ambient pressure环境压力ambient temperature环境温度ambipolar双极(的)ambulance救护车amine胺ammeter电流计ammonia氨amplification放大amplifier放大器amplitude幅值ampoule细颈瓶anaerobe厌氧微生物anaerobic厌氧的4analog模拟量analog input[AI]模拟量输入analog input system模拟量输入系统analog output模拟量输出analog(ue)controller模拟量控制器analog(ue)read-out模拟量示值,模拟量读数analog(ue)signal模拟信号analog(ue)-digital converter[ADC]模-数转换器analyser分析器analysis分析analysis report分析报告ahchor bolt地脚螺栓,锚固螺栓anchor ear(电)抱箍anchoring element锚固件ancillary equipment辅助设备ancillary port辅助孔道ancillary structure附属构筑物anexer阴离子交换树脂angle steel角钢angle(relief)valve角(式卸压)阀angular flux角通量anion阴离子anionic resin阴离子交换树脂anisotropic各向异性(的)ANN[annunciator]信号器anneal退火annual balance sheet年度决算表,年度资产负债表annual dose年剂量annual limit on intake年摄入量限值annual outage年度停役annual processing rate年处理率annual reload年换料量annual risk年度风险annual throughput(燃料)年投量annubar阿牛巴,环杆annular plate环形板annular space bellows环形气隙波纹管annulus gas环隙气体annulus gas system环隙气体系统annulus shielding环隙屏蔽annulus space环形区,环形气隙(区)annulus spacer环形定位圈annunciation报警,(状态)通告annunciation interrogation workstation[AIW]报警查询工作站annunciation window报警窗annunciator信号器,报警器anode阳极anomaly异[反]常ANSI[American National Standards Institute]美国国家标准学会antenna ring触环anticipated operational occurrence预计运行事件anticipated performance预期的性能anticipated transient condition预期瞬态工况anticoincidence反符合anti-corrosion防腐,耐蚀anti-reverse不可逆,防倒转anti-reverse ratchet防倒转棘轮anti-scalant阻垢剂antiscale防垢剂anti-seismic防震anti-seizer lubricant防咬润滑剂AO,A/O[analog output]模拟量输出a/o[atomic percent]原子百分数aperiodicity非周期性aperture孔径apparent表观的apparent output表观功率[输出],视[在]功率appendix附录[件]applicability适用性applicable code and standard适用规范与标准applicant申请者applied dose施予剂量appraisal鉴定approach to criticality逼近临界approach to power提升功率approval批准approved supplier认可/批准的供货商5aquatic pathway(放射性释放)水途径aqueous process水法,湿法aqueous solution水溶液arc flame弧焰arc lamp弧光灯arc strike引弧斑痕architectural finishing建筑饰面archival administrative department档案行政管理部门archival arrangement档案整理archival code档号archival descriptive information centre档案资料目录中心archival evidence档案证明archival information classification档案信息分类archival microform档案缩微品archival publications档案出版物archival repository档案库房archival science档案学archival value档案价值archive area馆区archives档案;档案馆archives building档案馆建筑archives container档案装具archives management档案管理archives thesaurus档案主题词表archives work档案工作area区域,地区,范围;面积area monitor区域监视器area monitoring区域监测area survey区域测量argon氩(气)argon arc cutting氩弧切割arithmetic routine运算程序armature电枢armo(u)red cable铠装电缆arrangement drawing布置图artificial radioactivity人工放射性artificial ventilation人工通风as low as reasonable achievable[ALARA]合理可行尽量低ASAP[as soon as possible]尽快as-built data[ABD]竣工资料as-built drawing竣工图ascending上行[向]的ASCII[American Standard Code for Information Interchange]美国信息交换标准代码ASDV[atmospheric steam discharge valve]大气蒸汽排放阀aseismic抗震的aseismic joint防震缝ASME[American Society of Mechanical Engineers]美国机械工程师学会aspect ratio纵横比asperity粗糙度aspiration pressure(泵)吸水压力,抽气压力assembler汇编程序assembly组件assembly drawing总装配图assessment评价assessment of radiation protection辐射防护评价ASSET[Assessment of Safety Significant Event Team]安全重要事件评价组assistance辅助设备assistant power plant operator[APPO]电站助理操纵员associate关联associated facilities配套设施assumed accident假想事故ASTM[American Society for Testing Materials]美国材料试验学会as-welded焊(后状)态的asychronous motor异步电动机asymmetric line break非对称效应的管路破裂asymmetrical disturbance非对称扰动asymptotic渐近的at saturation达到[处于]饱和atmosphere barrier空气隔板atmospheric contamination大气污染atmospheric control大气控制atmospheric dispersion大气弥散6atmospheric dispersion factor大气弥散因子atmospheric pathway(放射性释放)气途径atmospheric pollution大气污染atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus大气辐射监测装置atmospheric stability大气稳定度atmospheric steam discharge valve大气蒸汽排放阀atomic absorption原子吸收at-reactor(fuel)storage反应堆现场(燃料)贮存attachment ring安装环attendance and no-attendance出席和缺席attenuation衰减,减弱attenuation factor衰减因子attributable risk归因危险(风险)attribute属性ATWS[anticipated transient without scram]未能紧急停堆的预期瞬态audible alarm音响报警audio-visual archives音像档案audio-visual equipment视听设备audit监查audit team监查小组audit plan监查计划austenitic stainless steel奥氏体不锈钢authority管理机构,当局authorisation许可,批准,授以资格或合格证书authorised activity批准的行动authorised discharge批准的排放authorised facility批准的设施authorised first operator[AFO]授权的首席操纵员authorised inspector授权检查员authorised limit管理限值,特准限值authorised nuclear operator[ANO]授权的核操纵员authorised termination of responsibility授权终止责任authorised transfer许可的转移authorised use授权使用“AUTO”compressor处于“自动”状态下的压缩机AUTO mode自动模式autoclave高压釜autoclave channel高压釜通道autoclave circuit高压釜回路autoclaving高压釜处理autocorrelation自相关autogenous cutting(乙炔)气割automatic自动automatic voltage regulator[AVR]自动电压调节器automatic water purge自动冲水清洗automatic/manual station自动-手动操作台automation自动化autoradiography自射线照相法autoregressive自回归autotransformer自耦变压器auto-turbine run-up system汽机自动升速系统auxiliary辅助(的)auxiliary bay辅助间auxiliary control room辅助控制室auxiliary feed&bleed inlet&outlet[AFBIO]辅助给排水进出口auxiliary feedwater pump[AFP]辅助给水泵auxiliary H2O leakage collection system[AHLCS]辅助轻水泄漏收集系统auxiliary hoist副提升机构auxiliary impeller辅助叶轮auxiliary nitrogen circuit辅助氮气回路auxiliary transformer辅助[厂用]变压器availability可利用率availability factor可利用因子available可用的average flux power平均中子通量功率average fuel rating[duty]燃料平均比功率average zone level[AZL]平均区域液位avertable dose可免剂量averted dose已免剂量Avogadro’s number阿佛加德罗常数AVT[all volatile treatment]全挥发处理away-from-reactor(fuel)storage(燃料)离堆贮存,厂外贮存awu[atomic weight unit]原子量单位axial elongation轴向伸长7axial factor轴向(功率峰)因子axial flaw轴向裂纹axial form factor轴向形状因子axial offset[AO]轴向偏移axial peaking factor轴向峰值因子axial peaking hot factor轴向热点峰因子axial power deviation轴向功率偏差axial tensile load轴向拉伸荷载axisymmetric轴对称(的)azimuthal方位,角向(的)Bb[barn]靶恩(核反应截面单位)back checking返回校验back lighted button带灯按钮backfill回填backflow回[逆,反]流background背景,本底backing pump前级泵backing welding打底焊backlog积压(的待办事项)backspace退格back-up备用back-up air supply备用空气源back-up air tank备用气箱back-up cooling备用冷却backup feedwater pump[BFP]备用给水泵backup heat sink备用热阱back-up injection mode备用注入模式backup seal备用密封back-up water备用水backward反向backwash反洗,反萃取backwash piping反冲洗管back-water valve[BWV]回水阀badge佩章剂量计baffle缓冲板balance header平衡集管balance of nuclear steam plant[BNSP]核蒸汽厂房辅助设施balance of plant[BOP]核电厂配套子项balancing hoist平衡吊车ball bearing滚珠轴承ball check valve止回球阀,球型止回阀ball float valve浮球阀ball plunger(储仓推杆座管的)球销ball screw滚珠丝杠ball spline滚珠花键ball valve球阀ballast镇流器ballast trailer配重拖车bandwidth(频)带宽bank guarantee银行担保bank of cylinder气瓶组bank reconciliation statement银行往来对帐单bar巴(压力单位);杆[棒,条]bar chart棒图,条型图bar list钢筋表bar method贯通法磁粉探伤bare裸的;无反射层的barricade屏蔽板,隔板barrier屏障,隔板base底板,基础baseline基线,扫描线,原始资料base mat底板垫层base material母材base plate基板base rock基岩base-load operation基本负荷运行basement地下室,基板basic碱性;基本的basic design基准设计basic limit基本限值basic safety function基本安全功能basket(过滤用)网篮batch分批batch controller批量调节器batching pump计量泵battery蓄电池,电池组bay水池8baybolt地脚螺栓bayonet插入式;回流管式;卡口,销钉连接bead welding堆焊beak attrition(树脂的)破碎损坏bearing轴承(座),支座bearing(lube)oil pump轴承(润滑)油泵bearing cooling water piping轴承冷却水管bearing housing轴承座(箱)bearing pad支承垫片,轴承衬垫bearing pressure轴承压力bearing sleeve轴承套管[衬套]Becquerel贝可[勒尔](放射性活度单位)beetle一种形似甲虫的水份探测器探头beginning-of-plant life电厂寿期初behaviour行为,性状bell扩散管,喇叭口,漏斗Belleville washer(装卸料机机头内的)贝氏垫圈bellows波纹管bellows assembly波纹管组件bellows attachment ring波纹管连接环bellows expansion joint波纹管膨胀[伸缩]接头bellows-sealed globe valve波纹管密封截止阀belt-driven皮带传动bench-mark水准点,基准点bench run台架试验bend弯管bend extrados弯管外脊bend intrados弯管内脊beneficiary收款人,受益人benefit-cost analysis效益-成本分析bent frame排架beryllium assisted crack penetration铍促使裂缝贯穿beta particleβ粒子beta-activeβ放射性的beyond design basis accident[BDBA]超设计基准事故beveling machine坡口机bias偏置[压]bias error偏置误差bi-cable双电缆bicarbonate重碳酸盐bid evaluation评标bidirectional fuelling双向换料bidirectional refueling双向换料bidirectional switch双向转换开关big repair大修bill of lading(货运)提单bill of material[BM]材料清单bill of quantities工程量清单bimetallic thermometer双金属温度计binary comparator二进制比较器binary digital counter[BDC]二进制数字计数器binary signal二进制信号binomial双重;二项式bioaccumulation factor生物积累因子bioassay生物学检验,生物[学]分析bio-engineering生物工程biological half-life生物半周期,生物半衰期biological shield生物屏蔽biosphere生物层,生物圈bistable双稳态bit位bitumen solidification沥青固化black absorber rod黑体吸收棒black sheet黑铁皮blackout全厂断电bladed U tube翅片U形管blank空格blank flange盲板法兰blanket转换区bled steam抽汽bleed condenser泄放[排气]冷凝器bleed valve排放[水]阀bleed water排水blender搅拌器blind flange盲板法兰,法兰盲板blister起泡blister formation threshold[BFT]汽泡生成阈block数据块9block diagram方框图block sequence welding分段多层焊block switch闭锁开关block wall砌块墙blockage堵塞blocked position闭锁位置blocking piston闭锁活塞blowdown排放,排污blowdown accident喷放[失水]事故blowdown flash tank排污扩容箱blower(排)风机blown fuse熔断保险丝blow-off[out]valve排放阀blowout diaphragm爆破膜,安全膜blowout panel爆破盘blu(e)ing test着色试验blunt(notch-type)flaw钝缺陷BMW[boiler make-up water]蒸汽发生器补水board inward dialing[BID]经话务台接入body dose全身剂量body relief valve[BRV]阀体泄压阀body-bonnet connection阀体与阀盖的联接boiler蒸汽发生器,锅炉boiler blowdown蒸汽发生器排污boiler blowdown system[BBS]蒸汽发生器排污系统boiler feed pump蒸汽发生器给水泵boiler level control[BLC]蒸汽发生器水位控制boiler pressure control[BPC]蒸汽发生器压力控制boiling channel沸腾通道boiling length沸腾长度boiling point沸点BOL[beginning of life]寿期初bolt joint螺栓连接bolt-up螺栓紧固bolt-up material栓接材料bonding忠诚保险bonnet阀帽boom truck汽车吊booster pump增压泵BOP[balance of plant]核电厂配套子项borated water含硼水boric oxide氧化硼boric anhydride硼酸酐boron硼boron addition加硼,硼添加boron dilution硼稀释boron removal除硼boron storage tank硼储存箱boron-lined counter涂硼计数管boss(安装)凸台bottle station气瓶站bottle type heat exchanger立式热交换器bottling-up valve(主泵轴封)回流阀bounce跳[抖]动bowl圆锥型壳,反射罩box foundation箱形基础Bq[becquerel]贝可(放射性活度单位)bracing撑杆[条]bracket“牛腿”,支承架brake制动器,(金属板的)压弯成形机brake circuit制动回路brake drum轮闸鼓brake element制动部件brake ring制动环brake shoe制动瓦,刹车闸brake valve闸阀brakeforming压弯成形B-ram fill flow B推杆供给流branch office分公司brand铭牌,商标brass黄铜braze welding钎焊break down解离,熔断break location破口位置break of contact触点断开break size破口尺寸break-before-make contact先断后合接[触]点breakdown list分项明细表10breaker断路器break-even得失平衡break-even chart损益平衡表breaking capacity遮断容量break-make contact换向接点breathing air system呼吸空气系统breathing apparatus呼吸装置breech尾部bridge桥架bridge column(装卸料机)桥架立柱bridge crane桥式吊车brittle crack[rupture]脆(性破)裂bronze ball valve铜球阀brush电刷,刷子B-scale[binary scale]二进制记数法BSI[basic subject index]基本科目代码BTU[British thermal unit]英热单位bubble chamber气[吹]泡室bubbler鼓泡(侧压)管,气泡式侧压管bubbler header气[吹]泡装置集管bubbler helium header气[吹]泡装置氦气集管bubbly-slug flow泡状团状流buck-and-boost regulator电压升降调节器bucket pump活塞泵buckling曲率budget amendments追加预算,预算修正案budgetary balance sheet预算平衡表buffer缓冲器,减震器buffer room缓冲间buffer space缓冲区buffering chemical缓冲试剂building建筑(物),厂房building components建筑构件building crack厂房裂缝building deterioration厂房(质量)恶化build-up积累,堆积build-up factor累积因子build-up sequence(堆焊或多层焊)熔敷顺序built clean建造清洁built-in内装[部]的,嵌[镶]入的,固定的bulging factor膨胀系数bulk整体,散装bulk boiling整体沸腾bulk correction factor总体修正因子bulk helium supply大量氦气供给bulk memory大容量存储器bulk overpower整体超功率bulk power总体功率bulk purchase散件采购bulkhead舱壁bull’s eye type flow gauge牛眼型流量计bumping碰撞,冲击bundle power棒束功率bundle residence time棒束(堆内)驻留时间bundle structure棒束结构buoyancy浮力burial(放射性废物)埋藏buried cable地下[埋设]电缆burn out燃耗,烧毁burnable poison可燃毒物burnup燃耗burst can元件包壳破损burst slug燃料元件破损bus母线,总线bus duct母线管道bus work母线连接busbar母线,汇流条[排]bushing衬套,套筒,套管bushing type current transformer[BCT]套管式电流互感器business archives企业档案馆business plan业务计划business tax营业税busway母线槽[通道]butt welding对(接)焊butterfly valve蝶阀buzzer蜂鸣器by-pass旁路,旁通管bypass valve旁通阀11by-path valve旁通阀byte(计算机)字节Ccabinet小室,柜cable电缆;(周长大于10″的)缆索,钢丝绳cable box电缆盒cable branching box电缆分线箱cable bridge电缆桥架cable channel[conduit]电缆管道cable clamp电缆夹cable connector电缆接头cable core电缆芯线cable distributor电缆分线盒〔配线架〕cable duct[pan,race,trench]电缆槽[沟]cable end fitting电缆终端配件cable flat电缆层cable gallery电缆廊道cable identification marker电缆标记,电缆标识器cable integrity testing电缆一致〔完整〕性试验cable laying电缆敷设cable layer电缆包层cable-laid电缆敷设的cable list电缆清册cable lug电缆接线片cable pulling vault电缆井cable ring system电缆环网cable socket电缆端头cable spreading电缆敷设cable supply电缆供应cable termination电缆头cable tray电缆托[桥]架cablet(周长不到10″的)小缆索cableway电缆管孔cabling电缆敷设,布线cabling diagram电缆连接图cabling systems by area区域电缆系统cache memory高速缓冲存储器CAD[computer aided design]计算机辅助设计CADD[computer aided design&drawing]计算机辅助设计与制图(系统)cadweld火泥焊CAE[Canadian Aviation Electronics Ltd.]加拿大航空电子公司CAE[computer aided engineering]计算机辅助(设计与)工程(管理)cage motor鼠笼式电动机cage valve套筒阀caisson沉箱calandria排管容器calandria boost排管容器充水calandria boundary排管容器边界calandria head tank排管容器高位箱calandria level control排管容器液位控制calandria outlet temperature[COT]排管容器出口温度calandria pressure relief pipe排管容器卸压管calandria seismic restraint排管容器抗震支撑calandria side tubesheet subassembly[CSTS]排管容器(侧)管板calandria tube排管calandria tube leak排管泄漏calandria tubesheet排管容器管板calandria vault排管容器室,堆腔calculation sheet计算书caliber管径,口径calibrated factor校准因子calibrated log power校准对数功率calibration标定,校准,校验calibration gas标定气体calibration gas composition标定气体成分calibration program检定程序call in(计算机)调入call on(计算机)访问,调用call slip领料单call-up system呼叫系统calorimeter量热计calorstat恒温箱camber拱度CAMLS[computerized annunciation message list system]计算机12报警信息列表系统CAN[National standard of Canada]加拿大国家标准can handling tool(破损燃料)罐操作工具canal管道,通道CANDU[canadian deuterium-uranium reactor]坎杜堆,加拿大重水铀堆CANDU Project Management(CPM)坎杜项目部canister小罐,金属容器;高放密封容器;空气过滤器,箱式真空吸尘器CANLUB(燃料包壳)石墨涂层canned pump(全)密封泵canned centrifugal pump密封式离心泵CANNET[CANDU network]CANDU网络canning equipment封装设备cantilever crane悬臂吊canyon pump屏蔽泵cap screw有头螺钉,带帽螺钉capacitance电容capacitor电容器capacitor stack电容器叠层capacity容量capacity factor容量因子capillary毛细管capsule封套;幅照(样品)盒capsule flange封套法兰capture俘获capture cross section俘获截面capture gamma ray俘获γ射线carbon brush碳刷carbon dioxide二氧化碳carbon dioxide suppression system二氧化碳灭火系统carbon floating ring石墨浮环carbon steel flange碳钢法兰carbonate碳酸盐card插件(板)cardboard filtering element纸质过滤器元件cardinal point基点,座标点caretaker管理员cargo货运carousel转盘贮存器,圆盘传送带carriage滑车;托架;(电)支撑架carriage actuator滑车驱动器carriage return[CR]回车carrier载体;(放射性物质)运输carrier gas载气carrying gas载气carrying idler空载carryover汽(中夹)带水,带水率carryunder水带汽,带汽率cart运输小车cartesian co-ordinate system直角坐标系cartridge(过滤器)芯子;燃料元件盒cartridge filter过滤筒,滤芯cartridge valve插装式阀cascade control串级调节cascade controller串级调节器cascading event触[引]发事件case-by-case逐件地case-hardening表面硬化casing外[泵,机]壳,壳体casing assembly壳体组件cask(-flask)屏蔽容器cassette tape盒(式磁)带cast iron铸铁casting铸造casting crack(铸造)缩裂cast-in-site concrete现浇混凝土catalogue目录cataloguint/description编目catalyser[catalyzer]催化剂,触媒catalyst催化剂catalytic recombination unit催化复合装置catcher捕集器catch-up schedule赶工计划catenary hose悬链软管catenary system(装卸料机)悬链系统catexer阳离子交换树脂cathode阴极13cathode ray tube[CRT]阴极射线管cathodic protection阴极保护cathodic screen CRT屏幕catholyte阴极电解液cation阳离子cation bed阳离子床cation conductivity阳离子电导率cation-anion resin阳-阴离子树脂cationic resin阳离子交换树脂catoloid胶体二氧化硅causality因果律,因果关系cause-consequence tree[CCT]因果树(分析)caustic强碱性,碱性的caustic corrosion碱性腐蚀caustic embrittlement苛性脆化cavitation气蚀cavitation corrosion空蚀,气蚀cavity腔室CCP[critical channel power]临界通道功率CCTV[closed-circuit television]闭路电视CCW[counter-clockwise]反时针方向CED[contract effective date]合同生效日期ceiling天花板ceiling grounding receptacle[CGR]天棚接地插座cell average normalization[CAN](堆)栅元平均归一化cell boundary栅元边界cell configuration栅元布置cell correction factor栅元校正因子cell edge normalization[CEN]栅元边缘归一化cell parameter栅元参数cell radius栅元半径cell-averaging(method)栅元平均(方法)cell-centered flux栅元中心中子通量cell-homogenized cross section栅元均匀化截面cellular多孔的,蜂窝状的Celsius摄氏cement-solidified水泥固化的center of maintenance activity维修活动中心centerline中(心)线centigrade[C]百分度,摄氏central bearing pad中心轴承垫central hole中心孔central processing unit[CPU]中央处理器centralized control集中控制centrifugal离心的centrifugal pump离心泵centripetal向心的centroid矩心,质心centrosymmetry中心对称CEP[condensate extraction pump]凝结水泵ceralloy陶瓷合金ceramic陶瓷(的)ceramic uranium pellet铀陶瓷芯块certificate证书certificate of approval鉴定证书certificate of compliance合格证,税款交清证明书certificate of conformity合格证certification鉴定,证明;证明书,鉴定书,检验证明书certification of authorization授权书certified合格的certified material test report合格材料试验报告CFR[code of federal regulation](美国)联邦管理法规CFV[channel flow verification]通道流量验证chain block手拉葫芦,链动滑轮change in design[CID]设计更改change notice变更通知change request变更申请changeover转向[接]channel通道;管道channel annulus bellows燃料通道环隙波纹管channel annulus spacer[garter spring]燃料通道环形定位圈[箍簧]channel blockage(燃料)通道堵塞channel closure燃料通道密封塞channel coolant flow rate(燃料)通道冷却剂流量channel dwell time(燃料)通道停留时间channel end fitting(燃料)通道端部(组)件14channel flow verification[CFV]system(燃料)通道流量验证系统channel heat output(燃料)通道热功率channel inlet(燃料)通道入口channel inspection and gauging apparatus for reactor [CIGAR]反应堆燃料通道检查和测量装置channel network(燃料)通道网(络)channel outlet(燃料)通道出口channel positioning assembly(燃料)通道定位组件channel power peaking factor[CPPF](燃料)通道功率峰因子channel sealed-in(仪表)通道自保持channel steel槽钢channel temperature monitoring system[CTMS](燃料)通道温度监测系统channel–type reactor压力管式反应堆channeling effect沟道效应character(string)字符(串)characteristic curve特性曲线characterization表征charcoal absorber活性炭吸附器charcoal bed活性炭床charcoal filter活性炭过滤器charge and discharge operations装卸料操作charge release甩负载,甩(循环冷却水)用户charge-coupled device电荷耦合器件charging/discharging装卸料chart-recorded图表记录的chart recorder图形记录仪chartered bank特许银行charting制图,绘图chartographer制图者chasing开槽,车螺纹check and test program检查和试验大纲check bolt防松/制动螺栓check feed valve给水止回阀check meter校验仪表check pin制动销check plate防松板,制动板check valve止回阀checker检验者,检验装置checklist核查单checknut防松螺母,锁紧螺母checkoff检查完毕,查讫checkout检验(完毕),校验,测试checkpoint(控制区入口)检查点checksum检验和chemical addition station化学物添加站chemical addition vessel化学物添加箱chemical additive化学添加剂chemical additive pump化学添加剂供给泵chemical absorption化学吸附chemical affinity化学亲和性[势]chemical cleaning化学清洗chemical dosing pump化学计量加料泵chemical lab化学实验室chemical purification化学净化chemical purity化学(物)纯(度)chemicals化学药物chemisorption化学吸着作用[吸附]chemistry control化学控制chequered plate网[花]纹钢板CHF[critical heat flux]临界热通量chilled water冷冻水chiller冷冻机chimney烟囱Chinese Commodity Inspection Bureau中国商检局chloride氯化物chloridization氯化chlorinating加氯chlorination氯化消毒chlorinator加氯器chlorinity氯含量chromatogram色谱chromatography column色谱柱chromogram立体彩色图chromometer比色计chronic exposure慢性照射15chronic intake慢性吸入[取]chronic potential exposure慢性潜在照射chronicle of events大事记chronological order(运行工况的)编年顺序chronotron延时器CI[contact input]触点输入Ci[curie]居里(以前采用的活度单位)CIGAR[channel inspection&gauging apparatus for reactor]反应堆燃料通道检查和测量装置ciner inclusion夹渣circlip开口弹簧圈circuit电[回]路circuit board电路板circuit breaker断路器circuit breaker opening断路器跳闸circuit diagram电路图circulating pump循环泵circulating water bay循环水水池circulating water condenser循环水冷凝器circulating water screen循环水滤网circulation循环circulator循环风机,循环泵circumference seam weld环形焊缝circumferential flaw周[环]向裂纹circumferential ridge周向环脊CIS[containment isolation system]安全壳隔离系统civil construction土建施工civil engineering土建[木]工程civil works土建工程cladding包壳;覆盖[堆焊]层clamp夹子,夹具,夹紧装置clamp for the down lead(电)门塔引下线夹clamping mechanism(装卸料机)夹紧机构clapper valve瓣阀clarificant澄清剂clarification澄清,净化clarified makeup water净化补给水clarified solution澄清液clarifier澄清槽clarifying and filtration system澄清和过滤系统clarity透明度clash check碰撞检查Class IE IE安全级classⅣbus四级母线class of power电源等级classical Venturi tube经典文丘里管classification分类[级]classified catalogue分类目标classified indexing分类标引classifying and coding分类和编码clean room清洁区[室]cleanable basket可清洗网篮cleaning去污cleaning agent清洗剂cleaning procedure清洗程序cleaning solvent清洗溶剂cleaning solution洗(涤)液cleanliness factor清洁系数cleanout清扫口clean-up清洗,净化cleanup half-life半净化周期clear and distinct(字迹)清晰clearance公隙;间隙clearance control system[CCS]间隙控制系统clearance level清洁解控水平clearance rate余隙率clear-water reservoir清水池clear-way valve消除旋涡闸门client用户cliff dangerous stone悬岩危石climate controlled防风雨的climatology气象[候]学clipper限制[幅]器clock set时钟设定clockwise[C.W.]顺时针方向closed circuit回路,闭合回路closed circuit television[CCTV]闭路电视closed corridor封闭外廊closed feedwater heater闭式给水加热器16。

化学和容积控制系统(RCV,Chemical and volume control system )
反应堆冷却剂系统(RCP,Reactor Coolant System)

核电专业词汇abnormal condition 异常工况absorber rod 吸收棒absorption cross section 吸收截面acceleration pressure drop 加速度压降acceptable daily intake 日允许摄入量acceptance 验收acceptance standard 验收标准acceptance test 验收实验accident analysis 事故分析accident interlocking module 事故联锁组件accident mitigation 事故缓解accident source 事故源accident shutdown 事故停堆accumulator 安注箱activation 活化active component 能动部件active power 有用功率actuate 驱动,动作activity concentration 放射性浓度activity level 放射性活度administration building and emergency center water supply and drainage system办公楼及应急中心给排水系统absorber chiller 吸收式制冷机aerodynamic behavior 空气动力特性after filter(or post-filter) 后置过滤器after-power,residual heat power 剩余功率air change rate 换气率air delivery pipe 供气管道air filter unit 空气过滤机组air flow rate 空气流量air hose 空气软管air pump 抽气泵air self-cooling type 空气自冷式airborne particulate sample 气载粒子取样器alarm(output) module 报警(输出)组件alarm window 报警窗absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption ratio 吸收比acceleration pressure loss 加速度损失acceptance limit 可接受限值acceptance criterion 验收准则acceptance report 验收报告access 通道,入口accident conditions 事故工况accident management 事故处理accident prevention 事故预防accidental exposure 事故照射accumulated dose 累积剂量acid-proof tile 耐酸瓷砖active carbon filter 活性碳过滤器active core height 堆芯活性高度activity 活度administration building and emergency center ventilation system办公楼及应急中心通风系统adoption by equivalent 等同采用aerial cable 架空电缆aerosol 气溶胶after-heat, residual heat 剩余释热air breaker 空气断路器air cooler 空气冷却器air filter and absorber unit 空气过滤吸附机组air handling unit 空气处理机组air intake 采风口,进风口air sampling device 空气取样设备air submerasion dose 空气浸没剂量airborne radioactivity 气载放射性alarm 警报,报警alarm signal 报警信号albedo 反射率aligning pin 定位销alphanumeric keyboard 字母数字键盘American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会American Nuclear Society 美国核学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程学会Ampacity 载流量analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转换器analog signals 模拟信号anchor bolt 地角螺栓annex 附录(参考件)anti-rust agent 防锈漆anti-vibration bar 防振条anticipated operational occurrences 预期运行事件antifoam reagent 防泡剂appendix 附录(补充件)application program 应用程序arc-lamp 弧光灯armored cable 铠装电缆array 排列as-built drawing 竣工图aseismic joint 防震缝psr1 第 3 页4/26/2022603assessment 评价assessment of radiation protection 辐射防护评价atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric overvoltage 大气过电压atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus 大气辐射监测装置ATMS mitigation system ATMS 缓解系统audible count rate signal 计数率音响系统audit 监查audit plan 监查计划all volatile treatment 挥发处理ambient temperature 环境温度American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢铁结构协会American Society for Testing and Material 美国材料与试验学会American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师学会Ammeter 电流表analog channel 模拟量通道analog input 模拟量输入analog output 模拟量输出analogue link 模拟接续线anion bed 阴离子床anti-whip device 管道防甩装置anti-seizer lubricant 防咬润滑剂anti-vibration bar 防震杆anticipated transient without scram(ATWS) 未能紧急停堆的预计瞬态apparent power 视在功率application package 应用软件包approval 批准,认可,审定area radiation monitoring system 区域辐射监测系统as low as reasonable achievable(ALARA) 合理可行尽量低assembler 汇编程序assessment of exposure 照射评价assignor 委托者,指派者asynchronous motor 异步电动机atmospheric dispersion factor 大气弥散因子atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric stability 大气稳定度atom absorption spectroscopy 原子吸收谱audible signals 音响信号audit follow-up 监查后续行动audit record 监查记录circuit diagram 电路图circulating cooler 循环冷风机circulating cooling water energy disoersion 循环冷却水排放口消能系统circulating cooling water pumping station system 循环冷却水泵房系统circulating cooling water yard pipe network system 循环冷却水厂区管路系统circulation ratio 循环倍率civil works 土建工程civil construction/engineering 土木建筑/工程psr1 第3 页4/26/2022civil architecture 民用建筑civil hospital 地方医院civil service 行政事务cladding 包壳cladding flattening 包壳压扁clarification 澄清,净化classification of records 记录分类cleanout 清扫口clevis insert (堆内构件)镶块clock system 时钟系统closed circuit TV system 闭路电视系统closed-circulating cooling water 闭路循环冷却水closure head 顶盖coarse sand 粗砂coated electrode 药皮焊条cobalt-base alloy 钴基合金code case 规范案例code of federal regulation(CFR) 联邦管理法规coil stack assembly 线圈组件cold leg 冷段cold shutdown 冷停堆cold test 冷态试验cold-wall effect 冷壁效应collapse level 坍塌水位color code 色标commissioning 调试common base plate 公用底板common switchboard 公共配电盘communication system 通讯系统circular railway 环形轨道circulating cooling water drainage system 循环冷却水排放系统circulating cooling water intake system 循环冷却水吸入系统circulating cooling water treatment system 循环冷却水处理系统circulating water pump 循环水泵circumferential ridge 周向环脊clad pellet gap 包壳与芯块间的间隙cladding creep 包壳蠕变cladding strain 包壳应变clarifier 澄清槽cleaning 清水池climatology 清洗clear-water reservation 气候学clockwise 顺时针方向closed cycle cooling water system 闭式循环冷却水系统closing(circuit breaker) 合闸(断路器)coagulant 凝聚剂coast down flow 惯性流量coaxial cable 同轴电缆psr1 第 5 页4/26/2022605code 代码code controller 编码控制器coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数coil 线圈cold junction box 冷端补偿箱cold performance test 冷态性能试验cold startup 冷态启动cold void volume 冷空腔collapse 压扁collapse-fissure 塌陷裂缝collective dose equivalent 集体剂量当量command 命令committed dose equivalent 待积剂量当量common point 公共点communication link 通讯连接company standard 企业标准compartment 隔间,小室compensation 补偿compiler 编译程序completion certificate 完工证书compliance with requirements 符合要求component cooling water heat exchanger 设备冷却水热交换器component cooling water system 设备冷却水系统compressible flow 可压缩流computer network 计算机网络conceptual design 方案设计condensate cooler 凝结水冷却器condensate pump 凝结水泵condensate transfer pump 凝结水输送泵condenser vacuum system 冷凝器抽真空系统conducing wire 引出线conductor 导体,导线confidence 置信度confined point 约束点connection box 接线盒connection point 连接点conservation of energy 能量守衡conservation of momentum 动量守衡constant current power supply 恒流电源construction manager 工程经理construction quality 施工质量contractor 接触器containment air cleanup system 安全壳空气净化系统containment hydrogen recombiner system 安全壳消氢系统containment instrumentation system 安全壳仪表系统containment penetration 安全壳贯穿件containment reactor coolant drain system 安全壳疏排系统containment spray pump 安全壳喷淋泵psr1 第5 页4/26/2022compensated ionization chamber 补偿电离室compensation cable 补偿电缆complete logbook 全日志completion of erection release 安装完工证书component cooling water 设备冷却水component cooling water pump 设备冷却水泵component cooling water surge tank 设备冷却水波动箱composite structure 混合结构compressed air system 压缩空气系统concentrate storage tank 浓缩液储存箱condensate 凝结水condensate polishing system 凝结水净化系统condenser 冷凝器condition adverse to quality 不利于质量条件conductive integral 积分热导率conduit 电缆管,电线套configuration 配置conical head 锥形封头connection diagram 接线图connector 连接器conservation of mass 质量守恒console 控制台constant voltage power supply 恒压电源construction permit 建造许可证contact conductance 接触热导contained source 内在源containment hydrogen mixing system 安全壳氢气混合系统containment hydrogen ventilation system 安全壳氢气排风系统containment isolation signal 安全壳隔离信号containment purge ventilation system 安全壳清洗通风系统containment spray heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋热交换器containment spray signal 安全壳喷淋信号containment spray system heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋系统热交换器continuity 连续性contraction coefficient 收缩系数control 控制,调节control (rod) bank 调节棒组control (rod) cluster 控制棒组control board 控制盘control damper 控制风阀control logic cabinet 控制逻辑柜control of items 物项管理control rod 控制棒control rod drive line 控制棒驱动线control rod drive mechanism(CRDM) 控制棒驱动机构control rod ejection 弹棒control rod movement speed 控制棒移动速度control rod withdrawal 控制棒提升psr1 第7 页4/26/2022607control switch 控制开关controller area access personal dose monitoring and management system控制区出入口剂量监测和管理系统conventional island(CI) 常规岛converter 转换装置conveyer car 运输小车coolant flow rate 冷却剂流速coolant mixing 冷却剂交混cooler 冷却器cooling tower 冷却塔core area 堆芯区域core barrel cylinder 堆芯吊篮组件core configuration 堆芯布置core integrity 堆芯完整性core mixing subfactor 堆芯交混分因子core reflooding 堆芯再淹没core support pad 堆芯支承块containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统containment sump 安全壳地坑content by weight 重量含量continuous welding 连接焊contraction pressure loss 收缩压力损失control (rod) assembly 控制棒组件control (rod) calibration 控制棒刻度control (rod) group 调节棒组control cable 控制电缆control level of surface contamination 表面污染控制水平control of purchased items 已购物项管理control rod control system 控制棒控制系统control rod drive line alignment 控制线对中control rod dropping time 控制棒落棒时间control rod guide thimble 控制棒导向管control rod position indication 控制棒棒位指示control volume 控制容积controlled area 控制区convection boiling 对流沸腾conventional island DC&AC UPS system 常规岛直流和交流电源系统conveyer belt 传送带coolant chemistry 冷却剂水化学coolant mass flow rate 冷却剂质量流量coolant specific enthalpy 冷却剂比焓cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling water 冷却水core average heat flux(density) 堆芯平均热通量core barrel flange 吊篮筒体法兰core flow subfactor 堆芯流量分因子core maximum heat flux 堆芯最大热通量core physics 堆芯物理core shell 筒体段,堆芯筒体psr1 第7 页4/26/2022core thermal design 堆芯热工设计core uncover 堆芯裸露core void fraction 芯空泡份额corridor 走廊corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳corrosion inhibitor addition tank 缓蚀剂添加箱corrosion rate 腐蚀速率cosmic radiation 宇宙射线counter area monitor 计数管区域监测仪coupling breaker 耦合开关cover 盖板CPU(central processing unit) 中央处理机CRDM cooling system 控制棒驱动机构冷却通风系统CRDM ventilation system 控制棒驱动机构通风系统crevice corrosion 缝隙腐蚀critical concentration 临界浓度critical exposure pathway 关键照射途径critical heat flux(CHF) 临界热流密度critical heat flux modified shape factor 临界热流密度形状修正因子critical load 危险载荷critical mass 临界质量critical mass flux 临界质量流密度critical size 临界尺寸critical volume 临界体积criticality alarm system 临界报警系统criticality safety 临界安全cross section 截面CRT (cathode-ray tube) 屏幕显示装置culvert 涵洞current density 电流密度cursor 光标cushion 垫层cut-off valve 断流阀DC hold cabinet 直流保持柜Dado 护壁板core unloading 堆芯卸料corrective action 纠正措施corrosion 腐蚀corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂corrosion medium 腐蚀介质corrosion product 腐蚀产物corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析counter flow 反向流coupon 试块CRDM power supply system 棒电源系统CRDM adaptor 驱动机构管座CRDM ventilation shroud 驱动机构通风管座psr1 第9 页4/26/2022609Creep 蠕变creepage distance 表面漏电距离criterion 准则critical experiment 临界实验critical flow 临界流critical heat flux modified coldwall factor 临界热流密度冷壁修正因子critical heat flux modified spacer factor 临界热流密度格架修正因子critical mass flux 临界质量流量critical nuclide 关键核素critical transfer pathway 临界键转移途径criticality accident 临界事故criticality approach curve 接近临界曲线cross flow 横向流crossover leg U型管段cubicle 小室current curve versus time 电流波形图current transformer 电流互感器curvature 曲率cut-off energy 切割能cylindrical shell 筒形壳体DC stabilized power supply 直流稳压电源daily variation coefficient 日变化系数damper 风阀dashpot characteristics 缓冲特性dashpot region 缓冲区data acquisition and processing system 数据采集和处理系统data bus 数据总线data communication system 数据传输系统data organization 数据结构date of standard implementation 标准实施日期DC&AC UPS system 直流和交流不停电电源系统deborating demineralizer 除硼床decay 衰变decay constant 衰变常数decay tank 衰变箱decontamination 去污decontamination system 去污系统degradation 恶劣degree of subcooling 过冷度delay circuit module 延迟电路组件delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delithium demineralizer 除锂床demineralized water 除盐水demineralizer 除盐装置demineralized pre-filter 床前过滤器densimeter 密度计density wave 密度波deoxygenated water 除氧水psr1 第9 页4/26/2022deoxygenated water pump 除氧水泵departure from film boiling DFB 偏离膜态沸腾departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR) DNB 偏离核态沸腾?Depletion 燃耗,烧乏deposited corrosion product 沉积腐蚀产物deposition 沉积量depth of corrosion 腐蚀深度derived air concentration 导出空气浓度description for drawing up standard 标准编制说明dashpot action 缓冲作用dashpot drop time 缓冲落棒时间dashpot section 缓冲段data acquisition 数据采集data base 数据基础data channel 数据通道data file 数据文件data processing module 数据处理模块daughter product 子体产物dead band 死区debug 查错decay chain 衰变链decay heat 衰变热decommissioning 退役decontamination factor 去污因子deformation 畸变degree of enrichment 富集度degree of superheat 过热度delayed critical 缓发临界delayed neutron 缓发中子delta connection 三角形连接demineralizer after-filter 床后过滤器demography 人口统计学densification 密实化denting 凹陷deoxygenated water cooler 除氧水冷却器deoxygenated water tank 除氧水箱departure from nuclear boiling(DNB) 偏离核态沸腾depleted fuel 乏燃料deposit corrosion 沉积腐蚀deposited metal 熔敷金属depressurization 卸压depth of foundation 基础埋置深度derived limit 导出极限design assumption 设计假设design basis 设计基准design basis accident(DBA) 设计基准事故design basis source terms 设计基准源项design code 设计规范psr1 第11 页4/26/20226011design control 设计管理design interface control 设计接口管理design objective limit 设计目标限值design report 设计报告design specification 设计规范书design verification 设计验证designation of system 系统名称detail design 施工设计detector push-pull device 探测器推拉装置detector well 探测器孔道dialog keyboard 对话键盘dielectric strength 绝缘强度diesel generator set 柴油发电机组differential pressure controller 差压调节器differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential worth 微分价值diffuser 导叶diffusion coefficient 扩散系数digital filtering 数字滤波digital misalignment alarm module 数字失步报警dilution 稀释dimineralized water pump 除盐水泵direct grounding 直接接地direct outward dialing 直接外拨direction of welding 焊接方向disadvantage factor 不利因子discharge pump 排放泵disconnect 断连,断路disconnect plug 可拆接头dished head 碟形封头disinfection 消毒disk file 磁盘文件disk storage 磁盘存储器display 显示design basis event 设计基准事件design change 设计变更design condition 设计工况design for reactor core safety in NPP 核电厂堆芯安全设计design pressure 设计压力design review 设计审查design temperature 设计温度designation 名称desilting basin 沉砂池detection limit 探测限值detector storage tube 探测器存放管diagnostic program 诊断程序diaphragm valve 隔膜阀diesel generator 柴油发电机psr1 第11 页4/26/2022differential pressure gauge 差压计differential protection 差动保护differentiator module 微分器组件diffuser plate 流量分配板diffusion theory 扩散理论digital input 数字输入digital voltmeter module 数字电压表组件digital/anolog (D/A) converter 数/模转换器dilution factor 稀释因子direct burial 直埋direct inward dialing(DID) 直接内拨directory 目录discharge burnup 卸料燃耗discharge 卸料disconnect button 拆卸按钮disconnect rod 拆卸杆dished pellet 碟形芯块disk 磁盘disk operation system 磁盘操作系统dispersed flow 弥散流display frame 显示帧帽display operation station (显示)操作器distributed network 分布式网络distribution cabinet 分配柜distribution system 配水管DNB heat flux DNB 热流密度Document change 文件变更Document control manager 文件管理经理document preparation 文件编制document review 文件审查domestic water yard pipe network system 生活水厂区管网系统Doppler effect 多普勒效应Dose commitment 剂量负担Dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担Dose rate conversion factor 剂量率转换因子Double ended break 双端断裂Double hook 双钩double-pole single-throw(DPST) switch 双极单掷开关downhand welding 平焊draft standard for approval 标准待批稿drain flash tank 扩容器drain tank 疏水箱drawing 图纸drawing volume list 图册目录drip pan 集油盘drive shaft assembly 驱动轴部件drop time 落棒时间droplet entraiment 液滴夹带psr1 第13 页4/26/20226013dry bulb temperature 干球温度dry-insulated transformer 干式绝缘变压器dryer 干燥器dryout 干涸dual-frequency simplex operation 共频单工操作duckwork 管网duplication 复制,转储dye penetrant examination 着色渗透检查distributed computer system 分布式计算机系统distribution box 配电柜distribution list 分发清单division 篇document approval 文件批准document control 文件管理document distribution 文件分发document retention 文件保存domestic water 生活水domestic sewage 生活污水Doppler coefficient 多普勒系数dose assessment 剂量评价dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent limit 剂量当量限值dosemeter reader 剂量计读数器double fume chamber and hood 双位通风柜double period 倍增周期double-pulse generator 双脉冲发生器double-reeling system 双卷绕系统downstream 下游draft standard for examination 标准送审稿drain recovery tank 疏水回收箱drawer 抽屉drawing list 图纸目录drift flux 漂移流密度drive shaft 驱动轴drive unit 驱动机构droplet 液滴drum 卷筒dry deposition 干沉降dry-type transformer 干式变压器drying oven 干燥箱,烘干箱,烘箱,干燥炉dual trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器dual-tone multifrequency 双音多频duct 风管duplex transceiver 双工收发信机duration time 持续时间dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic instability 动力学不稳定性psr1 第13 页4/26/2022earth leakage protection 接地保护earthing 接地earthing system 接地系统earthquake subsidence 震陷ejector 喷射器effective dose equivalent 有效剂量当量effective flow rate 有效流量effluent radiation monitoring system 排出流辐射监测系统(rod)ejection accident 弹棒事故elastic scattering 弹性散射electric dispatch network 电力调度网electric heater 电加热器electric monorail hoist 单轨电动葫芦electric building 电气厂房electric building cooler system 电气厂房循环冷风机组系统electric building ventilation system 电气厂房通风系统electrical conduit 引出线管electrical penetration 电气贯穿件electromagnetic braker 电磁制动器electro-slag remelting 电渣重熔electro-sound telephone system 检修电话系统electrotechnical box 电气箱ellipsoidal head 椭圆形封头emergency announcement 紧急通知emergency control room system 应急控制室emergency diesel generator building water supply and drainage system应急柴油发电机厂房给排水系统emergency disk braker 应急盘式制动器emergency drain 应急疏水emergency feedwater tank 应急给水箱emergency outlet 事故排出口dynamic balance 动平衡动压头dynamic head 动压头dynamic parameter 动态参数earth return 大地回馈earthing resistance 接地电组earthquake 地震editor 编辑程序effective delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额effective full power days 等效满功率天egg crate grid 蛋篓型格架ejector 抽气器electret microphone 驻极体传声器electric furnace 电炉electric horn 电喇叭electric-hydraulic actuating brake 电磁液压制动器electric building smoker exhaust system 电气厂房排烟系统electric building water supply and drainage system 电气厂房给排水系统psr1 第15 页4/26/20226015electrical panel 配电屏electroacoustic component 电声元件electromagnetic flowmeter 电磁流量计electronic pocket dosimeter 电子式袖珍剂量计elevation 立面embedded part 预埋件emergency boration 紧急硼化emergency core cooling 应急堆芯冷却emergency diesel generator room ventilation system 应急柴油发电机通风系统emergency diesel generation system 应急柴油发电机系统emergency exposure 应急照射emergency oil pump 应急油泵emergency power 应急电源emergency power source(or supply) 应急电源emergency telephone system 应急自动电话系统emergency trip time 紧急停堆时间enclosed motor 封闭式电机,防水电动机end of life(EOL) 寿期末end truck 端梁end-of travel limit switch 行程终端限位开关energization 通电energy level 能级energy response 能量响应engineer station 工程师站engineering company 工程公司engineering enthalpy rise factor 工程焓升因子engineering manual 工程手册enriched 浓缩的enriched uranium 浓缩铀enrichment 浓缩度,富集度enthalpy rise factor 焓升因子enthalpy rise uncertainty factor 焓升不确定因子environment qualification 环境鉴定environment monitoring vehicle 环境监测车epicenter 震中equilibrium enrichment 平衡富集度equipment hatch 设备闸门equipotential connection 等电压连接equivalent diameter 当量直径escape rate coefficient 逃脱率系数essential chilled water system 重要冷冻水系统essential service water pump 重要厂用水泵essential service water yard pipe network 重要厂用水厂区管路系统evaporator 蒸发器event 事件examination 检验excess letdown heat exchanger 过剩下泄热交换器emergency shutdown 紧急停堆psr1 第15 页4/26/2022emergency transfer equipment 应急电源转换设备end of cycle 循环末end plug 端塞end-of erection state report 安装完工报告end-window counter 钟罩形计数管energy group 能群energy resolution 能量分辨率energy spectrum 能谱engineering heat flux hot spot factor 工程热通量热点因子engineering factor 工程因子engineering heat flux hot channel factor 工程热通量热管因子enriched fuel 富集燃料enriched uranium reactor 浓缩铀反应堆enthapy rise engineering hot channel factor 焓升工程热管因子entrainment 夹带environmental monitoring 环境监测environmental assessment(EA) 环境评价environmental quality(EQ) 环境质量epithermal neutron 超热中子equilibrium poisoning 平衡中毒equipment list 设备明细表equivalent core diameter 堆芯等效直径erosion corrosion 磨损腐蚀escape 泄漏,逃逸essential service water intake filteration system 重要厂用水取水过滤系统essential service water pumping station system 重要厂用水泵房系统evaporative air cooling(EA V) unit 蒸发式空气冷却机组ex-core instrumentation 堆外测量excess letdown 过剩下泄excess power 超功率excitation 励磁exhaust cleanup unit(ECU) 排风净化机组exhaust hole 排气孔expansion joint 膨胀结合,伸缩缝expansion tank 膨胀水箱expert's opinion 专家意见external exposure 外照射external load 外负荷face of weld 焊缝正面failed fuel assembly location detecting system 破损燃料足见定位检测系统failure detector module 故障检测元件fast connector 快拆接头fast fission factor 快裂变因子fast neutron flux 快中子通量feasibility study 可行性研究feed water heater 给水加热器feed water storage tank 给水箱feedwater inlet nozzle 给水进口管嘴psr1 第17 页4/26/20226017fiberglass 玻璃纤维field change 现场修改file 文件fill 充注fillet welding 角焊film boiling 膜态沸腾filter 滤池final acceptance 最终验收final safety analysis report(FSAR) 最终安全分析报告fire alarm 失火报警fire break 防火墙fire damper 防火阀fire extinction agent 灭火剂(器)fire fighting foam system 泡沫消防系统fire hose 消防水龙带fire proof installation 防火设施fire protection 消防excess reactivity 过剩反应性exclusion area boundary 禁区边界exhaust fan 排风机exhausting smoke fan 排烟风机expansion ring 膨胀环expert's report 专家报告external contamination 外污染external interface 外部接口external pressure 外压face plate 面板failed fuel fraction 破损燃料份额failure 失效,故障,损坏fan 风机fast neutron fluence 快中子通量fault 故障,事故feed water 给水feed water pump 给水泵feeder 馈电线feeder ring 给水环管field 字段field inspection 巡回检查filing 归档filler metal 填充金属film badge 胶片剂量计filter 过滤器fin 散热片final acceptance report 最终验收报告final storage of document 文件最终储存fine sand 细砂fire annihilation protecting equipment 熄火保护装置fire extinction 灭火psr1 第17 页4/26/2022fire extinction pump 消防泵fire-fighting water 消防水fire hydrant 消火栓fire protection water system 消防水系统fire rating 耐火等级fire resistant 耐火的fire stopping wall 挡火墙first core 第一堆芯fissile nucleus 易裂变核fission chain 裂变链fission chamber(miniature) 裂变室(微型)fission energy 裂变能fission gas 裂变气体fission product 裂变产物fission source 裂变源fission yield 裂变产额fitting 配件fixed radio station 无线固定台flame arrester 阻火器flame resistant 耐火焰的flange welding 卷边焊flare groove welding 喇叭型坡口焊flashing 闪蒸flask ,cask 屏蔽容器flexible connection 柔性连接flexible coupling 挠性联轴器,挠性接头float charge 浮充电floating point 浮点flooding 淹没floor drain 楼面疏水floppy disk 软盘flow diagram (工艺)流程图flow distribution plate 流量分配板flow instability 流动不稳定性flow restrictor 限流器flow-head cure 流量-扬程曲线flush pump 冲洗泵flushing water 冲洗水flux density 通量密度flux flattening 通量展平flux instrumentation guide tube 通量测量导向管follow-up action 后续行动forced circulation 强迫循环fire stop 阻火件first collision probability 首次碰撞几率first out alarm 首发报警fission and corrosion product activity 裂变和腐蚀产物活度fission cross section 裂变截面psr1 第19 页4/26/20226019fission fragment 裂变碎片fission neutron 裂变中子fission rate 裂变率fission spectrum 裂变谱fissionable 可裂变的fixed point 固定点fixed tube 固定套管flammable 易燃的flanged connection 法兰连接flare test (传热管)扩口试验flashing alarm 闪光报警flat head 平封头flexible cord 柔线float type flowmeter 浮子流量计floatation 气浮池flood light 泛光灯,探照灯floor contamination monitor 地面污染监测仪floor drain tank 楼面疏水箱flow coastdown 惯性流量下降flow distribution 流量分配flow induced vibration 流致振动flow lift force 流动升力flow transmitter 流量变送器fluorescent lamp 荧光灯flush-mounted 镶嵌,暗装flux 通量flux distribution 通量分布flux gradient 通量梯度flux map 通量分布图food chain 事物链foreground 前台foreign material 杂质forging 锻造former 辐板(堆芯围板的径向支撑板)fracture mechanics 断裂力学framework 框架,构架frequency analysis 频谱分析fresh water 淡水fretting wear 微振磨损front computer 前置计算机functional assignment 职责分工fuel assembly 燃料组件fuel assembly visual inspection equipment 燃料组件目视检查装置fuel building bridge 燃料厂房桥架fuel building ventilation system 燃料厂房通风系统fuel burnup 燃料燃耗fuel column 燃料柱fuel cycle lifetime 燃料循环寿期psr1 第19 页4/26/2022fuel element failure accident 燃料元件破碎事故fuel loading and unloading 装料与卸料fuel mispositioning accident 错装料事故fuel pool bridge 燃料抓取机(燃料池桥架)fuel shipping container rig 燃料运输容器吊具fuel swelling 燃料肿胀fuel transfer system 燃料运输系统fuel tube 燃料包壳管full penetration welding 全透焊逢full-load torque 满载能力function test 功能试验fuse 熔断器fuse switch 熔断器开关fusion welding 熔焊gantry 龙门架gap conductance 间隙导热forged parts 锻制件format 格式化fouling coefficient 污垢系数frame 框架free-standing cladding 自立式包壳frequency meter 频率计,周波表fretting corrosion 激振腐蚀friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction loss 摩擦损失front panel 前面板fuel 燃料组件fuel assembly sipping device 燃料组件啜吸装置fuel basket 燃料篮fuel building 燃料厂房fuel building crane 燃料厂房起重机fuel building water supply and drainage system 燃料厂房给排水系统fuel cluster 燃料棒束fuel cycle 燃料循环fuel element 燃料元件fuel handling system 燃料装卸系统fuel inventory 燃料装量fuel management 燃料管理fuel pellet 燃料芯块fuel rod 燃料棒fuel storage, transportation and inspection system 燃料储运和检验系统fuel transfer shielding 燃料运输屏蔽fuel transfer tube 燃料运输通道full penetration weld 全穿透焊full power 满功率function key 功能键foundation ring 基础环fuse isolator 熔断器闸刀psr1 第21 页4/26/20226021gantry crane 龙门吊gas accumulated flowmeter 气体累计流量计gas chromatograph 气体色谱gas heater 气体加热器gas stripper 脱气塔gas stripping 脱气gaseous sample 气体取样gaseous waste treatment system 气体废物处理系统gear coupling 齿轮联轴器Geiger-Muller counter 盖革/弥勒管general corrosion 全面腐蚀general standard 通用标准generation 生成genetic effect 遗传效应geography 地理girth welding 环缝焊接glass dosimeter 玻璃剂量计glove box 手套箱governor valve 调节阀grain-size 晶粒度graphic package 图形软件包graphic screen 图形显示屏Gray code 葛莱码Gray/Gy 戈瑞grid cell 定位格架栅元grid telephone network 电网通话网络groove (焊接)坡口groove welding 坡口焊ground water 地下水grounding conductor 接地导体grounding wire 接地线group display 成组显示guide 导则guide rail 导向轨道guide tube 导向管guide tube support plate 压紧顶帽(导向管支撑板)habitability area (可)居留区hand hole 手孔handrail 扶手gas cooler 气体冷却器gas insulated switchgear(GIS) 气体绝缘开关装置gas stripping unit 脱气装置gaseous space 气空间gasket 垫片gate valve 闸阀gear reducer 齿轮减速器general arrangement 厂房总布置图general scientillation counter 通用闪烁计数器psr1 第21 页4/26/2022generator & main transformer system 发电机和主变压器系统girder 主梁gland packing 压盖填料globe valve 截止阀go pulse 启动脉冲grab sampling 手选取样graphic display 图形显示graphic printer 图形打印机gravelly sand 砾砂Gray code shaper 葛莱码整形器Grid 电网,栅栏grid spring 定位格架gripper 抓具groove angle 坡口角度ground fault 接地不良grounded electrode 接地电极grounding resistance 接地电阻groundwater level 地下水位group selector 组选择器guide cylinder 导流筒guide vane 导向管hand and foot monitor 手足监测仪handling opening 吊装孔hands-free speaking telephone set 免提扬声电话hanger 支吊架hard copy printer 硬拷贝打印机harmful effect 有害影响head block assembly 定滑轮组head flange insulation 顶盖法兰保温层heat tracing(electric) 加热保温(电)heading 标题health physics program 保健物理大纲heat(or ladle) analysis 熔炼分析heat balance 热平衡heat conductivity 热导率heat exchanger 热交换器heat flux 热通量heat load 热负荷heat transfer coefficient 热交换系数heater 加热器heating ventilation and air conditioning 采暖通风及空调helium leak check 氦气检漏hexadecimal 十六进制的high energy pipe 高能管道high efficient filter 高效过滤器high range gamma radiation monitor for accident 事故用高量程¥辐射监测仪high voltage power supply 高压电源high-pressure ionization chamber 高压电离室psr1 第23 页4/26/20226023high-purity germanium 高纯锗hold down spring 压紧弹簧环hold point 停工待检点hood 通风柜horizontal acceleration 水平加速度horizontal pipe 横管horn loudspeaker 号筒扬声器hot channel factor 热管因子hot laundry ventilation system 洗衣房通风系统hot point factor 热点因子hot sink 热井hardware 硬件hazardous atmosphere 危险环境head dome insulation 顶盖球冠保温层head loss 水头损失head 封头headset 头戴式送受话器health physics system 保健物理系统heat affected zone 热影响区heat capacity 热容heat diffusion 热扩散heat flow rate 热流量heat generation 释热heat sink 热井heat treatment 热处理heating coil 加热盘管heavy oil 重油helical-wrap drive cable 螺旋形驱动电缆hemispherical head 半球形封头high efficiency particulate and air filter 高效过滤器high neutron flux trip 中子高通量紧急停堆high range ionization chamber area gamma monitor 高量程电离室区域γ监测high-level noble gas gamma monitor 高放惰性气体γ监测仪hoist speed 提升速度hold-down support assembly 压紧支撑结构hold-up tank 暂存箱hook 吊钩horizontal guide wheel 水平导向轨horizontal position welding 横焊hot cell 热室hot channel 热通道hot leg 热段hot performance test 热态性能试验hot shutdown 热停堆hot spot factor 热点因子hot standby 热备用hot test 热态试验hot water system 热水系统psr1 第23 页4/26/2022。

缩略词中文说明英文说明AC交流(电)Alternating CurrentACC无意见接收Accepted Without CommentAEN带意见接收Accepted With CommentAIA议标协议Award Intention AgreementAL铝AluminumAMS行政事务管理系统Administration Management SystemANSI美国国家标准协会American National Standards InstituteASME美国机械工程师学会American Society of Mechanical EngineersASTM美国材料试验学会American Society for Testing and Materials0 B! M. Z' E# b% h2 xATP开工令Authorization to ProceedAWN额外工作通知Additional Work NoticeAWS美国焊接协会American Welding SocietyB/L装船提单,运货证书Bill of LandingBCL回填土检查单Backfilling Check ListBF扁钢Flat BarBHO厂房移交Building Hand OverBNI核岛配套设施Balance of Nuclear IslandBO隔离办Blocking OfficeBOD董事会BoardBOP电站配套设施Balance of the PlantBOQ工程量表Bill of QuantitiesBS英国标准British StandardBSI英国标准协会British Standard InstituteBTS技术规范Book of Technical SpecificationBW对接焊,对接焊焊缝Butt WeldBWR沸水堆Boiling Water ReactorC&F离岸加运费价格Cost and FreightCAE竣工状态(文件管理用语)Certified as ExecutedCAR纠正措施报告(质保用语)Corrective Action ReportCCC货物状态证书Cargo Condition CertificateCCL灌浆检查单Concreting Check ListCCP商务变更建议Contractual Change Proposal$ d X+ V0 Y: n4 T3 n) O( ~* UCEMDS设备或材料在现场交货条件Condition of Equipment or Material upon - Y f i% x5 W% p% E# MDelivery on-SiteCEAR建筑安装工程一切险Construction & Erection all RisksCFA可以使用Clear for ActionCFC可供施工使用(文件状态)Certified For ConstructionCFT冷态功能实验Cold Function TestCFT-RVO冷试-压力容器开盖Cold Function Test - Reactor Vessel OpenCHOC土建交接证书Civil Hand Over CertificateCI常规岛Conventional IslandCIF到岸价格Cost, Insurance & FreightCIN设备问题处理通知Component Intervention NoticeCLP中华电力有限公司China Light & Power Co. Ltd.CM施工经理Construction ManagerCNEIC中国原子能工业公司China Nuclear Energy Industrial Co. CNNC中国核工业总公司(中核总)China National Nuclear Corporation CO商业运行Commercial OperationCOD商业运行日期Commercial Operation DateCP建造许可证Construction PermitCPL符合性消缺单Conformity Punch ListCPT临界前冷试Cold Precritical TestCQU电厂质量放行Plant Quality ReleaseCRF澄清问题申请单Clarification Request FormCRI临界CriticalityCRTC中国汽车运输总公司China Road Transportation CompanyCS碳钢Carbon SteelCTT安全壳试验Containment TestsCW土建工程Civil WorkCWJ焊接接头目录Catalog of Welded JointDCM调试(日)例会Daily Commissioning MeetingDCR设计变更请求Design Change RequestDDD国内直拨(电话)Domestic Direct DialingDEN设计修改通知Design Evolution NoticeDES描述性(文件类别)DescriptionDMS文件资料管理系统Document Management SystemDOC资料中心Documentation CenterDP着色探伤Dye PrintingDPS大亚湾公安分局Daya Bay Public Security BranchDR偏差项报告Deviation ReportsDS设计规范(文件编码用语)Design SpecificationsDWG图纸DrawingECC设备状态证书Equipment Condition CertificationEDF法国电力公司Electricite De France (法语)EEC安装竣工证书End of Erection CertificationEESR安装竣工报告End of Erection Status ReportEIR环境影响报告Environmental Impact ReportEMC制造完工合格证End Manufacturing CertificateEMP机电(工程)包Electro Mechanical PackageEMR制造完工报告End of Manufacturing ReportEMS电气管理系统Electrical Management SystemENG技术实施细则Engineering Procedure ManualEOMM设备运行维修手册Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manual EOMR设备出厂报告End of Manufacturing ReportEP应急准备Emergency PreparednessEPT性能试验结束End of Performance TestERFS/EESREESR签字后保留项目跟踪: d& V/ Z; u: V) k文件Reservation Follow-up Sheet after EESRETF执行跟踪档案Execution Tracing FileFAC最终验收证书Final Acceptance CertificateFBR快中子反应堆Fast Breader ReactorFC按文件作施工准备For ConstructionFCN现场变更通知Field Change NoticeFCO现场更改单Field Change OrderFCR现场修改申请Field Change RequestFD燃料交付Fuel DeliveryFL装料Fuel LoadingFOB离岸价格Free on BoardFP动火票Fire PermitFPW全透焊,全透焊焊缝Full Penetration WeldFRA法国法马通公司FramatomeFS(经验)反馈单(Experience) Feedback SheetFSAR最终安全分析报告Final Safety Analysis ReportFSS全范围模拟机Full Scope SimulatorFTG岗位培训导则Function Training GuideFU供使用(文件状态)For UseFW装修工程,收尾工程Finishing WorkFW现场焊Field WeldFW角焊缝,填角焊焊缝Fillet weldGAF货物验收单Goods Acceptance FormGCR气冷反应堆Gas Cooled ReactorGCR网控室Grid Control RoomGEC通用电气公司(英国)General Electric Corp.GEC/A通用电气/阿尔斯通公司GEC AlsthomGEPB广东省环保局Guangdong Environmental Protection BureauGEPEC广东火电GGPC广东省电力总公司Guangdong General Power CompanyGMAW气体保护金属极电弧焊Gas Metal Arc WeldingGN说明书(文件编码用语)General NotesGNIC广东核电投资有限公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Investment Co.Ltd GNPGSC广东核电服务总公司Guangdong Nuclear Power General Services Co. GNPJVC广东核电合营公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co.,Ltd. GNRB核安全评审委员会General Nuclear Review BoardGQS通用质量规范General Quality SpecificationsGTAW气体保护钨极电弧焊Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTC合同总条款General Terms and ConditionsHFT热态功能试验Hot Functional TestHKSAR香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administrative Region HO总公司(总部)Head OfficeH-Point停工待检点Hold PointHPT临界前热试Hot Precritical TestHV AC暖通空调Heating Ventilation and Air ConditioningIAEA国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy AgencyIDD国际直拨(电话)International Direct DialingIEF内部经验反馈Internal Experience FeedbackII独立检查Independent InspectionISI在役检查ISO国际标准化组织International Standard OrganizationISO等轴图IsoISO14000国际环境管理标准ITT招标书Invitation to TenderJVC合营公司Joint venture Co. Ltd.KAF关键日工作进度表(格式)Keydate Achievement FormLab试验室LANPC岭澳核电有限公司LNPS岭澳核电站LBP大口径管L.C.E.LIC执照LienceLOI意向书Letter of IntentLPT液体渗透试验Liquid Penetration TestLT泄漏试验,紧密性试验Leakage Test; Leak TestLIB执照申请处Lience Application branchLWGR轻水石墨(反应)堆Light-Water Graphite ReactorMCR主控室Main Control RoomMF缩微胶片microfilmMH8 Y- d e3 z f$ s工时数Man-hoursMIN监督信息通知Monitoring Information NoticeMQ材料催交Material QueryMQP主质量计划Master Quality PlanMRF材料申请单Material Request FormMSR汽水分离再热器Moisture Separtor ReheaterMSS材料提交单General Service SectionMSTM整体螺栓拉伸机Multi-Stud Tensioning MachineMT磁粉检验,磁粉探伤Technical Assistant SectionMTR材料转移申请Material Transfer RequestNA不适用,不要求Magnetic Particle TestNC不符合项Not ApplicableNCC核回路清洗Non Conforming ItemNCR不符合项报告Nuclear Circuit CleaningNDE无损检验Non Conformance ReportNDT无损探伤Non Destructive ExaminationNEPC东北电建Non Destructive TestNFC通知施工Northeast Electrical Power Construction Co.NFU宣布可用Notified for ConstructionNI核岛Notified for UseNNSA国家核安全局Nuclear Island Erection (Branch)NPS美国标准直管螺纹National Nuclear Safety AdministrationNPT美国标准锥管螺纹American Standard Straight Pipe ThreadNQR与质量无关的American Standard Taper Pipe ThreadNRC核管会(美国)Non Quality RelatedNS核安全Nuclear Regulation CommitteeNSSS核蒸汽供应系统Nuclear SafetyNTR无可报告Nuclear Steam Supply SystemNUSS核安全标准计划Nothing to ReportOA办公自动化Nuclear Safety Standards ScheduleOAC氧乙炔切割Office AutomaticOAW氧乙炔焊Oxyacetylene CuttingOHO全面移交Contract & Supply BranchOJT在岗培训Overall Hand-overON观察通知Observation NoticeOPE运行工程师Occupational Medical ServiceOPI设备开箱检查Open Package InspectionOSR未完成的保留项Outstanding ReservationOT遗留任务,未完成项Outstanding ReservationP.W.R.压水堆Outstanding ReservationPAC临时验收证书(合同用语)Outstanding ReservationPAC等离子切割Outstanding ReservationPAF采购申请单Outstanding ReservationPCC包装状态证书Outstanding ReservationPCC部分完成证书Outstanding ReservationPCN电厂变更通知单Plant Change NoticePDI工程文件(文件类别)Projects DocumentsPDP工程指导计划Project Directing PlanPEN部分试验完成,有偏差Partial Test Completion with DeviationPHT焊后热处理Postweld Heat TreatmentPHWR重水(慢化、冷却)反应堆Pressurized Heavy-Water Moderated and Cooled ReactorPICC中国人民保险公司People's Insurance Co. of ChinaPIM工程接口(管理)程序Project Interface ManagementPO采购定单Purchase OrderPRE征求意见稿Preliminary for CommentsPS工程服务Project ServicePSA概率安全评估Probabilistic Safety AssessmentPSAR初步安全分析报告Preliminary Safety Analysis ReportPSI役前检查Pre-Service InspectionPWN追加工作通知Plant Work NotificationPWT产品焊缝试件Production Weld Test CouponPWTCR产品焊缝试件报告Production Weld Test Coupon ReportQA质量保证Quality Assurance' ~* Y( x! k- g0 WQADP质量保证文件数据包Quality Assurance Data PackageQAM质保手册Quality Assurance ManualQAP质量保证大纲Quality Assurance ProgramQASR质量监督报告Quality Assurance Surveillance ReportQC质量控制,质检Quality ControlQCE质检工程师Quality Control EngineerQDS技术评定数据表Technical Qualification Data SheetQNC非质量级别Quality Non-ClassifiedQOM质量管理手册Quality Organization ManualQP质量计划Quality PlanQPM质量计划管理Quality Plan ManagementQR与质量有关Quality RelatedQS质量监督Quality SurveillanceQSDR质量监督缺陷报告Quality Surveillance Deficiency ReportQSDR质量监督偏差报告Quality Surveillance Deviation ReportQSP质量安全计划Quality Safety PlanQSR与质量及(核)安全有关的Quality and Safety RelatedQTCWPDS用于评定试件的焊接工艺; d _; Y% J4 X8 n9 [! D数据单Welding Procedure Data Sheet for Qualification; H; j8 [' d7 ?6 R R5 vTest CouponRCCM Design & Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PRW Nuclear Island RCR保留项消除申请Reservation Clear RequestREF参考referenceREV修改,修改版revisionRF突面法兰,凸面法兰RAISED FACE FLANGERFC试验不合格,需重作TEST REFUSED,TO BE REPERFORMEDRFC退回改正(工程文件用语)RETURN FOR CORRECTIONRFC待重新呈报(文件批复)RFI已准备好可以实施READY FOR IMPLEMENTATION核电常用缩略语(七)RIN基准标识号REFERENCE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER RP辐射防护RP固定资产REAL PROPERTYRS滚动计划Roll ScheduleRT射线探伤radiograph testRWL剩余工作清单SAR安全分析报告SBP小口径管SCAR重大纠正措施要求单SCS系统完工计划SDM系统设计手册SEPC山东电建SEPC-NP山东电建工程公司--核电SEPP标准安装程序包SER重大事件报告SIGNIFICANT EVENT REPORTSES供应商评审表SUPPLIER EV ALUATION SHEETSI现场指示书Site InstructionsSL供货边界Supply LimitSMAW(气体)保护金属极电弧焊Supply LimitSPM整定值手册Set Point ManualSPSB深圳供电局Shenzhen Power Supply BureauSPV第二方验证Second Party VerificationSR供应要求(申请)单Supply RequestSR重大事件报告Significant Incident ReportSS值长Shift SupervisorSS不锈钢Stainless SteelSSA付值长Shift Supervisor AssistantSSP专门监督计划Special Surveillance PlanST现场施工进度安排On Site Work ScheduleSTC现场调试委员会Site Testing CommitteeSUM调试经理Startup ManagerSUT调试启动队Start Up TeamSW承插焊,插套焊Socket WeldTA技术适应性修改Technical AdaptationTAC完全接受Total AcceptanceTDD技术设计室Technical Design OfficeTEN完全接受,注明的除外Technical Design OfficeTFD水压试验流程图Test Fluid Drawing2 b4 U* ?9 m. i6 ?. ZTIG气体保护钨极电弧焊Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding TOB隔离移交Takeover for BlockingTOC技术待召Technical On Call核电常用缩略语(八)TOM维修移交Take Over for MaintenanceTOTO临时运行移交Take Over for MaintenanceTQ培训和资格评定Take Over for MaintenanceTQC全面质量管理Total Quality ControlTQP典型质量计划Typical Quality PlanTR试验报告Test ReportTRAS试验报告分析单Test Report Analysis SheetTS技术支持Technical SupportTS试验负责人Test SupervisorTS技术规范Technical SpecificationsTS/PQR焊接工艺评定报告技术, T, B9 j! n i/ V( |: B, o规程Technical Specification for Welding Procedure* ~- m2 h; i1 X1 B# D; B$ B [Qualification ReportTS/PWTCR产品焊缝试件报告技术1 e1 L7 q' Q4 z3 P规程Technical Specification for Production Weld2 p( e3 x5 U; T9 @& @' D Test Coupon TestTS/WQR焊工评定报告技术规程Technical Specification for Welder Quali- / P1 n3 H7 x5 m d! ]- W% Afication ReportTSA技术服务协议Technical Service AgreementTSD临时专用设施Temporary Special DeviceTSI临时监督指令Temporary Surveillance InstructionUU型钢U IronsUCC机组完工证书! B' c7 q( h0 VUnit Completion CertificateUCD机组完工日期Unit Completion DateUES意外事件单(调试队发)Unexpected Event ReportsUT超声探伤Ultrasonic TestVFC已验证可施工V alid for ConstructionVFP已验证可预制Verified for PrefabricationVFT已验证可试验V alid for TestVO变更指令(合同用语)Variation OrderVT外观检验,目检Visual Examination(Inspection)WAS材料(设备)领用单Withdrawal Authorization SheetWDP焊接数据包Welding Data PackageWE带附件With EnclosureWF工作文件Work FileWFQC焊接质量跟踪管理/ b7 L( @2 v0 {- i3 f4 u& o$ jWelding Follow Up and Quality ControlWG线规Wire GaugeWN-RF焊颈突面法兰Welding Neck-Raised FlangeWNF焊颈法兰Welding Neck FlangeWOA不带(无)附件Without Attachment核电常用缩略语(九)WOE不带附件Without EnclosureW-Point见证点Witness PointWP工作计划Work PlanWPQ焊接工艺评定(注:AMSE! S6 p7 ]' T( B$ E/ B( F% N6 @ 标准称之为焊接程序评定)Welding Procedure Qualification WPQR焊接工艺评定报告Welding Procedure Qualification Report WPQT焊接工艺评定试验Welding Procedure Qualification Test WQ焊工评定,焊工资格考评Welder QualificationWQDS焊接工艺数据表Welding Procedure Data SheetWQR焊工评定报告Welder Qualification ReportWQT焊工评定试验Welder Qualification TestWR工作申请Work RequestWS工作负责人Work SupervisorWSL施工队长Work Section Leader。

psr1 第1 页8/7/2013601 核电专业词汇abnormal condition 异常工况absorber rod 吸收棒absorption cross section 吸收截面acceleration pressure drop 加速度压降acceptable daily intake 日允许摄入量acceptance 验收acceptance standard 验收标准acceptance test 验收实验accident analysis 事故分析accident interlocking module 事故联锁组件accident mitigation 事故缓解accident source 事故源accident shutdown 事故停堆accumulator 安注箱activation 活化active component 能动部件active power 有用功率actuate 驱动,动作activity concentration 放射性浓度activity level 放射性活度administration building and emergency center water supply and drainage system办公楼及应急中心给排水系统absorber chiller 吸收式制冷机aerodynamic behavior 空气动力特性after filter(or post-filter) 后置过滤器after-power,residual heat power 剩余功率air change rate 换气率air delivery pipe 供气管道air filter unit 空气过滤机组air flow rate 空气流量air hose 空气软管air pump 抽气泵air self-cooling type 空气自冷式airborne particulate sample 气载粒子取样器alarm(output) module 报警(输出)组件alarm window 报警窗absorbed dose rate 吸收剂量absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption ratio 吸收比acceleration pressure loss 加速度损失acceptance limit 可接受限值acceptance criterion 验收准则acceptance report 验收报告psr1 第1 页8/7/2013psr1 第2 页8/7/2013602 access 通道,入口accident conditions 事故工况accident management 事故处理accident prevention 事故预防accidental exposure 事故照射accumulated dose 累积剂量acid-proof tile 耐酸瓷砖active carbon filter 活性碳过滤器active core height 堆芯活性高度activity 活度administration building and emergency center ventilation system办公楼及应急中心通风系统adoption by equivalent 等同采用aerial cable 架空电缆aerosol 气溶胶after-heat, residual heat 剩余释热air breaker 空气断路器air cooler 空气冷却器air filter and absorber unit 空气过滤吸附机组air handling unit 空气处理机组air intake 采风口,进风口air sampling device 空气取样设备air submerasion dose 空气浸没剂量airborne radioactivity 气载放射性alarm 警报,报警alarm signal 报警信号albedo 反射率aligning pin 定位销alphanumeric keyboard 字母数字键盘American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会American Nuclear Society 美国核学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程学会Ampacity 载流量analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转换器analog signals 模拟信号anchor bolt 地角螺栓annex 附录(参考件)anti-rust agent 防锈漆anti-vibration bar 防振条anticipated operational occurrences 预期运行事件antifoam reagent 防泡剂appendix 附录(补充件)application program 应用程序arc-lamp 弧光灯armored cable 铠装电缆array 排列as-built drawing 竣工图aseismic joint 防震缝psr1 第2 页8/7/2013psr1 第3 页8/7/2013603 assessment 评价assessment of radiation protection 辐射防护评价atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric overvoltage 大气过电压atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus 大气辐射监测装置ATMS mitigation system ATMS 缓解系统audible count rate signal 计数率音响系统audit 监查audit plan 监查计划all volatile treatment 挥发处理ambient temperature 环境温度American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢铁结构协会American Society for Testing and Material 美国材料与试验学会American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师学会Ammeter 电流表analog channel 模拟量通道analog input 模拟量输入analog output 模拟量输出analogue link 模拟接续线anion bed 阴离子床anti-whip device 管道防甩装置anti-seizer lubricant 防咬润滑剂anti-vibration bar 防震杆anticipated transient without scram(ATWS) 未能紧急停堆的预计瞬态apparent power 视在功率application package 应用软件包approval 批准,认可,审定area radiation monitoring system 区域辐射监测系统as low as reasonable achievable(ALARA) 合理可行尽量低assembler 汇编程序assessment of exposure 照射评价assignor 委托者,指派者asynchronous motor 异步电动机atmospheric dispersion factor 大气弥散因子atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric stability 大气稳定度atom absorption spectroscopy 原子吸收谱audible signals 音响信号audit follow-up 监查后续行动audit record 监查记录circuit diagram 电路图circulating cooler 循环冷风机circulating cooling water energy disoersion 循环冷却水排放口消能系统circulating cooling water pumping station system 循环冷却水泵房系统circulating cooling water yard pipe network system 循环冷却水厂区管路系统circulation ratio 循环倍率civil works 土建工程civil construction/engineering 土木建筑/工程psr1 第3 页8/7/2013psr1 第4 页8/7/2013604 civil architecture 民用建筑civil hospital 地方医院civil service 行政事务cladding 包壳cladding flattening 包壳压扁clarification 澄清,净化classification of records 记录分类cleanout 清扫口clevis insert (堆内构件)镶块clock system 时钟系统closed circuit TV system 闭路电视系统closed-circulating cooling water 闭路循环冷却水closure head 顶盖coarse sand 粗砂coated electrode 药皮焊条cobalt-base alloy 钴基合金code case 规范案例code of federal regulation(CFR) 联邦管理法规coil stack assembly 线圈组件cold leg 冷段cold shutdown 冷停堆cold test 冷态试验cold-wall effect 冷壁效应collapse level 坍塌水位color code 色标commissioning 调试common base plate 公用底板common switchboard 公共配电盘communication system 通讯系统circular railway 环形轨道circulating cooling water drainage system 循环冷却水排放系统circulating cooling water intake system 循环冷却水吸入系统circulating cooling water treatment system 循环冷却水处理系统circulating water pump 循环水泵circumferential ridge 周向环脊clad pellet gap 包壳与芯块间的间隙cladding creep 包壳蠕变cladding strain 包壳应变clarifier 澄清槽cleaning 清水池climatology 清洗clear-water reservation 气候学clockwise 顺时针方向closed cycle cooling water system 闭式循环冷却水系统closing(circuit breaker) 合闸(断路器)coagulant 凝聚剂coast down flow 惯性流量coaxial cable 同轴电缆psr1 第4 页8/7/2013psr1 第5 页8/7/2013605 code 代码code controller 编码控制器coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数coil 线圈cold junction box 冷端补偿箱cold performance test 冷态性能试验cold startup 冷态启动cold void volume 冷空腔collapse 压扁collapse-fissure 塌陷裂缝collective dose equivalent 集体剂量当量command 命令committed dose equivalent 待积剂量当量common point 公共点communication link 通讯连接company standard 企业标准compartment 隔间,小室compensation 补偿compiler 编译程序completion certificate 完工证书compliance with requirements 符合要求component cooling water heat exchanger 设备冷却水热交换器component cooling water system 设备冷却水系统compressible flow 可压缩流computer network 计算机网络conceptual design 方案设计condensate cooler 凝结水冷却器condensate pump 凝结水泵condensate transfer pump 凝结水输送泵condenser vacuum system 冷凝器抽真空系统conducing wire 引出线conductor 导体,导线confidence 置信度confined point 约束点connection box 接线盒connection point 连接点conservation of energy 能量守衡conservation of momentum 动量守衡constant current power supply 恒流电源construction manager 工程经理construction quality 施工质量contractor 接触器containment air cleanup system 安全壳空气净化系统containment hydrogen recombiner system 安全壳消氢系统containment instrumentation system 安全壳仪表系统containment penetration 安全壳贯穿件containment reactor coolant drain system 安全壳疏排系统containment spray pump 安全壳喷淋泵psr1 第5 页8/7/2013psr1 第6 页8/7/2013606 compensated ionization chamber 补偿电离室compensation cable 补偿电缆complete logbook 全日志completion of erection release 安装完工证书component cooling water 设备冷却水component cooling water pump 设备冷却水泵component cooling water surge tank 设备冷却水波动箱composite structure 混合结构compressed air system 压缩空气系统concentrate storage tank 浓缩液储存箱condensate 凝结水condensate polishing system 凝结水净化系统condenser 冷凝器condition adverse to quality 不利于质量条件conductive integral 积分热导率conduit 电缆管,电线套configuration 配置conical head 锥形封头connection diagram 接线图connector 连接器conservation of mass 质量守恒console 控制台constant voltage power supply 恒压电源construction permit 建造许可证contact conductance 接触热导contained source 内在源containment hydrogen mixing system 安全壳氢气混合系统containment hydrogen ventilation system 安全壳氢气排风系统containment isolation signal 安全壳隔离信号containment purge ventilation system 安全壳清洗通风系统containment spray heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋热交换器containment spray signal 安全壳喷淋信号containment spray system heat exchanger 安全壳喷淋系统热交换器continuity 连续性contraction coefficient 收缩系数control 控制,调节control (rod) bank 调节棒组control (rod) cluster 控制棒组control board 控制盘control damper 控制风阀control logic cabinet 控制逻辑柜control of items 物项管理control rod 控制棒control rod drive line 控制棒驱动线control rod drive mechanism(CRDM) 控制棒驱动机构control rod ejection 弹棒control rod movement speed 控制棒移动速度control rod withdrawal 控制棒提升psr1 第6 页8/7/2013psr1 第7 页8/7/2013607 control switch 控制开关controller area access personal dose monitoring and management system控制区出入口剂量监测和管理系统conventional island(CI) 常规岛converter 转换装置conveyer car 运输小车coolant flow rate 冷却剂流速coolant mixing 冷却剂交混cooler 冷却器cooling tower 冷却塔core area 堆芯区域core barrel cylinder 堆芯吊篮组件core configuration 堆芯布置core integrity 堆芯完整性core mixing subfactor 堆芯交混分因子core reflooding 堆芯再淹没core support pad 堆芯支承块containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统containment sump 安全壳地坑content by weight 重量含量continuous welding 连接焊contraction pressure loss 收缩压力损失control (rod) assembly 控制棒组件control (rod) calibration 控制棒刻度control (rod) group 调节棒组control cable 控制电缆control level of surface contamination 表面污染控制水平control of purchased items 已购物项管理control rod control system 控制棒控制系统control rod drive line alignment 控制线对中control rod dropping time 控制棒落棒时间control rod guide thimble 控制棒导向管control rod position indication 控制棒棒位指示control volume 控制容积controlled area 控制区convection boiling 对流沸腾conventional island DC&AC UPS system 常规岛直流和交流电源系统conveyer belt 传送带coolant chemistry 冷却剂水化学coolant mass flow rate 冷却剂质量流量coolant specific enthalpy 冷却剂比焓cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling water 冷却水core average heat flux(density) 堆芯平均热通量core barrel flange 吊篮筒体法兰core flow subfactor 堆芯流量分因子core maximum heat flux 堆芯最大热通量core physics 堆芯物理core shell 筒体段,堆芯筒体psr1 第7 页8/7/2013psr1 第8 页8/7/2013608 core thermal design 堆芯热工设计core uncover 堆芯裸露core void fraction 芯空泡份额corridor 走廊corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳corrosion inhibitor addition tank 缓蚀剂添加箱corrosion rate 腐蚀速率cosmic radiation 宇宙射线counter area monitor 计数管区域监测仪coupling breaker 耦合开关cover 盖板CPU(central processing unit) 中央处理机CRDM cooling system 控制棒驱动机构冷却通风系统CRDM ventilation system 控制棒驱动机构通风系统crevice corrosion 缝隙腐蚀critical concentration 临界浓度critical exposure pathway 关键照射途径critical heat flux(CHF) 临界热流密度critical heat flux modified shape factor 临界热流密度形状修正因子critical load 危险载荷critical mass 临界质量critical mass flux 临界质量流密度critical size 临界尺寸critical volume 临界体积criticality alarm system 临界报警系统criticality safety 临界安全cross section 截面CRT (cathode-ray tube) 屏幕显示装置culvert 涵洞current density 电流密度cursor 光标cushion 垫层cut-off valve 断流阀DC hold cabinet 直流保持柜Dado 护壁板core unloading 堆芯卸料corrective action 纠正措施corrosion 腐蚀corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂corrosion medium 腐蚀介质corrosion product 腐蚀产物corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析counter flow 反向流coupon 试块CRDM power supply system 棒电源系统CRDM adaptor 驱动机构管座CRDM ventilation shroud 驱动机构通风管座psr1 第8 页8/7/2013psr1 第9 页8/7/2013609 Creep 蠕变creepage distance 表面漏电距离criterion 准则critical experiment 临界实验critical flow 临界流critical heat flux modified coldwall factor 临界热流密度冷壁修正因子critical heat flux modified spacer factor 临界热流密度格架修正因子critical mass flux 临界质量流量critical nuclide 关键核素critical transfer pathway 临界键转移途径criticality accident 临界事故criticality approach curve 接近临界曲线cross flow 横向流crossover leg U型管段cubicle 小室current curve versus time 电流波形图current transformer 电流互感器curvature 曲率cut-off energy 切割能cylindrical shell 筒形壳体DC stabilized power supply 直流稳压电源daily variation coefficient 日变化系数damper 风阀dashpot characteristics 缓冲特性dashpot region 缓冲区data acquisition and processing system 数据采集和处理系统data bus 数据总线data communication system 数据传输系统data organization 数据结构date of standard implementation 标准实施日期DC&AC UPS system 直流和交流不停电电源系统deborating demineralizer 除硼床decay 衰变decay constant 衰变常数decay tank 衰变箱decontamination 去污decontamination system 去污系统degradation 恶劣degree of subcooling 过冷度delay circuit module 延迟电路组件delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delithium demineralizer 除锂床demineralized water 除盐水demineralizer 除盐装置demineralized pre-filter 床前过滤器densimeter 密度计density wave 密度波deoxygenated water 除氧水psr1 第9 页8/7/2013psr1 第10 页8/7/20136010 deoxygenated water pump 除氧水泵departure from film boiling DFB 偏离膜态沸腾departure from nuclear boiling ratio (DNBR) DNB 偏离核态沸腾?Depletion 燃耗,烧乏deposited corrosion product 沉积腐蚀产物deposition 沉积量depth of corrosion 腐蚀深度derived air concentration 导出空气浓度description for drawing up standard 标准编制说明dashpot action 缓冲作用dashpot drop time 缓冲落棒时间dashpot section 缓冲段data acquisition 数据采集data base 数据基础data channel 数据通道data file 数据文件data processing module 数据处理模块daughter product 子体产物dead band 死区debug 查错decay chain 衰变链decay heat 衰变热decommissioning 退役decontamination factor 去污因子deformation 畸变degree of enrichment 富集度degree of superheat 过热度delayed critical 缓发临界delayed neutron 缓发中子delta connection 三角形连接demineralizer after-filter 床后过滤器demography 人口统计学densification 密实化denting 凹陷deoxygenated water cooler 除氧水冷却器deoxygenated water tank 除氧水箱departure from nuclear boiling(DNB) 偏离核态沸腾depleted fuel 乏燃料deposit corrosion 沉积腐蚀deposited metal 熔敷金属depressurization 卸压depth of foundation 基础埋置深度derived limit 导出极限design assumption 设计假设design basis 设计基准design basis accident(DBA) 设计基准事故design basis source terms 设计基准源项design code 设计规范psr1 第10 页8/7/2013psr1 第11 页8/7/20136011 design control 设计管理design interface control 设计接口管理design objective limit 设计目标限值design report 设计报告design specification 设计规范书design verification 设计验证designation of system 系统名称detail design 施工设计detector push-pull device 探测器推拉装置detector well 探测器孔道dialog keyboard 对话键盘dielectric strength 绝缘强度diesel generator set 柴油发电机组differential pressure controller 差压调节器differential pressure transmitter 差压变送器differential worth 微分价值diffuser 导叶diffusion coefficient 扩散系数digital filtering 数字滤波digital misalignment alarm module 数字失步报警dilution 稀释dimineralized water pump 除盐水泵direct grounding 直接接地direct outward dialing 直接外拨direction of welding 焊接方向disadvantage factor 不利因子discharge pump 排放泵disconnect 断连,断路disconnect plug 可拆接头dished head 碟形封头disinfection 消毒disk file 磁盘文件disk storage 磁盘存储器display 显示design basis event 设计基准事件design change 设计变更design condition 设计工况design for reactor core safety in NPP 核电厂堆芯安全设计design pressure 设计压力design review 设计审查design temperature 设计温度designation 名称desilting basin 沉砂池detection limit 探测限值detector storage tube 探测器存放管diagnostic program 诊断程序diaphragm valve 隔膜阀diesel generator 柴油发电机psr1 第11 页8/7/2013psr1 第12 页8/7/20136012 differential pressure gauge 差压计differential protection 差动保护differentiator module 微分器组件diffuser plate 流量分配板diffusion theory 扩散理论digital input 数字输入digital voltmeter module 数字电压表组件digital/anolog (D/A) converter 数/模转换器dilution factor 稀释因子direct burial 直埋direct inward dialing(DID) 直接内拨directory 目录discharge burnup 卸料燃耗discharge 卸料disconnect button 拆卸按钮disconnect rod 拆卸杆dished pellet 碟形芯块disk 磁盘disk operation system 磁盘操作系统dispersed flow 弥散流display frame 显示帧帽display operation station (显示)操作器distributed network 分布式网络distribution cabinet 分配柜distribution system 配水管DNB heat flux DNB 热流密度Document change 文件变更Document control manager 文件管理经理document preparation 文件编制document review 文件审查domestic water yard pipe network system 生活水厂区管网系统Doppler effect 多普勒效应Dose commitment 剂量负担Dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担Dose rate conversion factor 剂量率转换因子Double ended break 双端断裂Double hook 双钩double-pole single-throw(DPST) switch 双极单掷开关downhand welding 平焊draft standard for approval 标准待批稿drain flash tank 扩容器drain tank 疏水箱drawing 图纸drawing volume list 图册目录drip pan 集油盘drive shaft assembly 驱动轴部件drop time 落棒时间droplet entraiment 液滴夹带psr1 第12 页8/7/2013psr1 第13 页8/7/20136013 dry bulb temperature 干球温度dry-insulated transformer 干式绝缘变压器dryer 干燥器dryout 干涸dual-frequency simplex operation 共频单工操作duckwork 管网duplication 复制,转储dye penetrant examination 着色渗透检查distributed computer system 分布式计算机系统distribution box 配电柜distribution list 分发清单division 篇document approval 文件批准document control 文件管理document distribution 文件分发document retention 文件保存domestic water 生活水domestic sewage 生活污水Doppler coefficient 多普勒系数dose assessment 剂量评价dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent limit 剂量当量限值dosemeter reader 剂量计读数器double fume chamber and hood 双位通风柜double period 倍增周期double-pulse generator 双脉冲发生器double-reeling system 双卷绕系统downstream 下游draft standard for examination 标准送审稿drain recovery tank 疏水回收箱drawer 抽屉drawing list 图纸目录drift flux 漂移流密度drive shaft 驱动轴drive unit 驱动机构droplet 液滴drum 卷筒dry deposition 干沉降dry-type transformer 干式变压器drying oven 干燥箱,烘干箱,烘箱,干燥炉dual trace oscilloscope 双踪示波器dual-tone multifrequency 双音多频duct 风管duplex transceiver 双工收发信机duration time 持续时间dynamic analysis 动态分析dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic instability 动力学不稳定性psr1 第13 页8/7/2013psr1 第14 页8/7/20136014 earth leakage protection 接地保护earthing 接地earthing system 接地系统earthquake subsidence 震陷ejector 喷射器effective dose equivalent 有效剂量当量effective flow rate 有效流量effluent radiation monitoring system 排出流辐射监测系统(rod)ejection accident 弹棒事故elastic scattering 弹性散射electric dispatch network 电力调度网electric heater 电加热器electric monorail hoist 单轨电动葫芦electric building 电气厂房electric building cooler system 电气厂房循环冷风机组系统electric building ventilation system 电气厂房通风系统electrical conduit 引出线管electrical penetration 电气贯穿件electromagnetic braker 电磁制动器electro-slag remelting 电渣重熔electro-sound telephone system 检修电话系统electrotechnical box 电气箱ellipsoidal head 椭圆形封头emergency announcement 紧急通知emergency control room system 应急控制室emergency diesel generator building water supply and drainage system应急柴油发电机厂房给排水系统emergency disk braker 应急盘式制动器emergency drain 应急疏水emergency feedwater tank 应急给水箱emergency outlet 事故排出口dynamic balance 动平衡动压头dynamic head 动压头dynamic parameter 动态参数earth return 大地回馈earthing resistance 接地电组earthquake 地震editor 编辑程序effective delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额effective full power days 等效满功率天egg crate grid 蛋篓型格架ejector 抽气器electret microphone 驻极体传声器electric furnace 电炉electric horn 电喇叭electric-hydraulic actuating brake 电磁液压制动器electric building smoker exhaust system 电气厂房排烟系统electric building water supply and drainage system 电气厂房给排水系统psr1 第14 页8/7/2013psr1 第15 页8/7/20136015 electrical panel 配电屏electroacoustic component 电声元件electromagnetic flowmeter 电磁流量计electronic pocket dosimeter 电子式袖珍剂量计elevation 立面embedded part 预埋件emergency boration 紧急硼化emergency core cooling 应急堆芯冷却emergency diesel generator room ventilation system 应急柴油发电机通风系统emergency diesel generation system 应急柴油发电机系统emergency exposure 应急照射emergency oil pump 应急油泵emergency power 应急电源emergency power source(or supply) 应急电源emergency telephone system 应急自动电话系统emergency trip time 紧急停堆时间enclosed motor 封闭式电机,防水电动机end of life(EOL) 寿期末end truck 端梁end-of travel limit switch 行程终端限位开关energization 通电energy level 能级energy response 能量响应engineer station 工程师站engineering company 工程公司engineering enthalpy rise factor 工程焓升因子engineering manual 工程手册enriched 浓缩的enriched uranium 浓缩铀enrichment 浓缩度,富集度enthalpy rise factor 焓升因子enthalpy rise uncertainty factor 焓升不确定因子environment qualification 环境鉴定environment monitoring vehicle 环境监测车epicenter 震中equilibrium enrichment 平衡富集度equipment hatch 设备闸门equipotential connection 等电压连接equivalent diameter 当量直径escape rate coefficient 逃脱率系数essential chilled water system 重要冷冻水系统essential service water pump 重要厂用水泵essential service water yard pipe network 重要厂用水厂区管路系统evaporator 蒸发器event 事件examination 检验excess letdown heat exchanger 过剩下泄热交换器emergency shutdown 紧急停堆psr1 第15 页8/7/2013psr1 第16 页8/7/20136016 emergency transfer equipment 应急电源转换设备end of cycle 循环末end plug 端塞end-of erection state report 安装完工报告end-window counter 钟罩形计数管energy group 能群energy resolution 能量分辨率energy spectrum 能谱engineering heat flux hot spot factor 工程热通量热点因子engineering factor 工程因子engineering heat flux hot channel factor 工程热通量热管因子enriched fuel 富集燃料enriched uranium reactor 浓缩铀反应堆enthapy rise engineering hot channel factor 焓升工程热管因子entrainment 夹带environmental monitoring 环境监测environmental assessment(EA) 环境评价environmental quality(EQ) 环境质量epithermal neutron 超热中子equilibrium poisoning 平衡中毒equipment list 设备明细表equivalent core diameter 堆芯等效直径erosion corrosion 磨损腐蚀escape 泄漏,逃逸essential service water intake filteration system 重要厂用水取水过滤系统essential service water pumping station system 重要厂用水泵房系统evaporative air cooling(EA V) unit 蒸发式空气冷却机组ex-core instrumentation 堆外测量excess letdown 过剩下泄excess power 超功率excitation 励磁exhaust cleanup unit(ECU) 排风净化机组exhaust hole 排气孔expansion joint 膨胀结合,伸缩缝expansion tank 膨胀水箱expert's opinion 专家意见external exposure 外照射external load 外负荷face of weld 焊缝正面failed fuel assembly location detecting system 破损燃料足见定位检测系统failure detector module 故障检测元件fast connector 快拆接头fast fission factor 快裂变因子fast neutron flux 快中子通量feasibility study 可行性研究feed water heater 给水加热器feed water storage tank 给水箱feedwater inlet nozzle 给水进口管嘴psr1 第16 页8/7/2013psr1 第17 页8/7/20136017 fiberglass 玻璃纤维field change 现场修改file 文件fill 充注fillet welding 角焊film boiling 膜态沸腾filter 滤池final acceptance 最终验收final safety analysis report(FSAR) 最终安全分析报告fire alarm 失火报警fire break 防火墙fire damper 防火阀fire extinction agent 灭火剂(器)fire fighting foam system 泡沫消防系统fire hose 消防水龙带fire proof installation 防火设施fire protection 消防excess reactivity 过剩反应性exclusion area boundary 禁区边界exhaust fan 排风机exhausting smoke fan 排烟风机expansion ring 膨胀环expert's report 专家报告external contamination 外污染external interface 外部接口external pressure 外压face plate 面板failed fuel fraction 破损燃料份额failure 失效,故障,损坏fan 风机fast neutron fluence 快中子通量fault 故障,事故feed water 给水feed water pump 给水泵feeder 馈电线feeder ring 给水环管field 字段field inspection 巡回检查filing 归档filler metal 填充金属film badge 胶片剂量计filter 过滤器fin 散热片final acceptance report 最终验收报告final storage of document 文件最终储存fine sand 细砂fire annihilation protecting equipment 熄火保护装置fire extinction 灭火psr1 第17 页8/7/2013psr1 第18 页8/7/20136018 fire extinction pump 消防泵fire-fighting water 消防水fire hydrant 消火栓fire protection water system 消防水系统fire rating 耐火等级fire resistant 耐火的fire stopping wall 挡火墙first core 第一堆芯fissile nucleus 易裂变核fission chain 裂变链fission chamber(miniature) 裂变室(微型)fission energy 裂变能fission gas 裂变气体fission product 裂变产物fission source 裂变源fission yield 裂变产额fitting 配件fixed radio station 无线固定台flame arrester 阻火器flame resistant 耐火焰的flange welding 卷边焊flare groove welding 喇叭型坡口焊flashing 闪蒸flask ,cask 屏蔽容器flexible connection 柔性连接flexible coupling 挠性联轴器,挠性接头float charge 浮充电floating point 浮点flooding 淹没floor drain 楼面疏水floppy disk 软盘flow diagram (工艺)流程图flow distribution plate 流量分配板flow instability 流动不稳定性flow restrictor 限流器flow-head cure 流量-扬程曲线flush pump 冲洗泵flushing water 冲洗水flux density 通量密度flux flattening 通量展平flux instrumentation guide tube 通量测量导向管follow-up action 后续行动forced circulation 强迫循环fire stop 阻火件first collision probability 首次碰撞几率first out alarm 首发报警fission and corrosion product activity 裂变和腐蚀产物活度fission cross section 裂变截面psr1 第18 页8/7/2013psr1 第19 页8/7/20136019 fission fragment 裂变碎片fission neutron 裂变中子fission rate 裂变率fission spectrum 裂变谱fissionable 可裂变的fixed point 固定点fixed tube 固定套管flammable 易燃的flanged connection 法兰连接flare test (传热管)扩口试验flashing alarm 闪光报警flat head 平封头flexible cord 柔线float type flowmeter 浮子流量计floatation 气浮池flood light 泛光灯,探照灯floor contamination monitor 地面污染监测仪floor drain tank 楼面疏水箱flow coastdown 惯性流量下降flow distribution 流量分配flow induced vibration 流致振动flow lift force 流动升力flow transmitter 流量变送器fluorescent lamp 荧光灯flush-mounted 镶嵌,暗装flux 通量flux distribution 通量分布flux gradient 通量梯度flux map 通量分布图food chain 事物链foreground 前台foreign material 杂质forging 锻造former 辐板(堆芯围板的径向支撑板)fracture mechanics 断裂力学framework 框架,构架frequency analysis 频谱分析fresh water 淡水fretting wear 微振磨损front computer 前置计算机functional assignment 职责分工fuel assembly 燃料组件fuel assembly visual inspection equipment 燃料组件目视检查装置fuel building bridge 燃料厂房桥架fuel building ventilation system 燃料厂房通风系统fuel burnup 燃料燃耗fuel column 燃料柱fuel cycle lifetime 燃料循环寿期psr1 第19 页8/7/2013psr1 第20 页8/7/20136020 fuel element failure accident 燃料元件破碎事故fuel loading and unloading 装料与卸料fuel mispositioning accident 错装料事故fuel pool bridge 燃料抓取机(燃料池桥架)fuel shipping container rig 燃料运输容器吊具fuel swelling 燃料肿胀fuel transfer system 燃料运输系统fuel tube 燃料包壳管full penetration welding 全透焊逢full-load torque 满载能力function test 功能试验fuse 熔断器fuse switch 熔断器开关fusion welding 熔焊gantry 龙门架gap conductance 间隙导热forged parts 锻制件format 格式化fouling coefficient 污垢系数frame 框架free-standing cladding 自立式包壳frequency meter 频率计,周波表fretting corrosion 激振腐蚀friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction loss 摩擦损失front panel 前面板fuel 燃料组件fuel assembly sipping device 燃料组件啜吸装置fuel basket 燃料篮fuel building 燃料厂房fuel building crane 燃料厂房起重机fuel building water supply and drainage system 燃料厂房给排水系统fuel cluster 燃料棒束fuel cycle 燃料循环fuel element 燃料元件fuel handling system 燃料装卸系统fuel inventory 燃料装量fuel management 燃料管理fuel pellet 燃料芯块fuel rod 燃料棒fuel storage, transportation and inspection system 燃料储运和检验系统fuel transfer shielding 燃料运输屏蔽fuel transfer tube 燃料运输通道full penetration weld 全穿透焊full power 满功率function key 功能键foundation ring 基础环fuse isolator 熔断器闸刀psr1 第20 页8/7/2013psr1 第21 页8/7/20136021 gantry crane 龙门吊gas accumulated flowmeter 气体累计流量计gas chromatograph 气体色谱gas heater 气体加热器gas stripper 脱气塔gas stripping 脱气gaseous sample 气体取样gaseous waste treatment system 气体废物处理系统gear coupling 齿轮联轴器Geiger-Muller counter 盖革/弥勒管general corrosion 全面腐蚀general standard 通用标准generation 生成genetic effect 遗传效应geography 地理girth welding 环缝焊接glass dosimeter 玻璃剂量计glove box 手套箱governor valve 调节阀grain-size 晶粒度graphic package 图形软件包graphic screen 图形显示屏Gray code 葛莱码Gray/Gy 戈瑞grid cell 定位格架栅元grid telephone network 电网通话网络groove (焊接)坡口groove welding 坡口焊ground water 地下水grounding conductor 接地导体grounding wire 接地线group display 成组显示guide 导则guide rail 导向轨道guide tube 导向管guide tube support plate 压紧顶帽(导向管支撑板)habitability area (可)居留区hand hole 手孔handrail 扶手gas cooler 气体冷却器gas insulated switchgear(GIS) 气体绝缘开关装置gas stripping unit 脱气装置gaseous space 气空间gasket 垫片gate valve 闸阀gear reducer 齿轮减速器general arrangement 厂房总布置图general scientillation counter 通用闪烁计数器psr1 第21 页8/7/2013psr1 第22 页8/7/20136022 generator & main transformer system 发电机和主变压器系统girder 主梁gland packing 压盖填料globe valve 截止阀go pulse 启动脉冲grab sampling 手选取样graphic display 图形显示graphic printer 图形打印机gravelly sand 砾砂Gray code shaper 葛莱码整形器Grid 电网,栅栏grid spring 定位格架gripper 抓具groove angle 坡口角度ground fault 接地不良grounded electrode 接地电极grounding resistance 接地电阻groundwater level 地下水位group selector 组选择器guide cylinder 导流筒guide vane 导向管hand and foot monitor 手足监测仪handling opening 吊装孔hands-free speaking telephone set 免提扬声电话hanger 支吊架hard copy printer 硬拷贝打印机harmful effect 有害影响head block assembly 定滑轮组head flange insulation 顶盖法兰保温层heat tracing(electric) 加热保温(电)heading 标题health physics program 保健物理大纲heat(or ladle) analysis 熔炼分析heat balance 热平衡heat conductivity 热导率heat exchanger 热交换器heat flux 热通量heat load 热负荷heat transfer coefficient 热交换系数heater 加热器heating ventilation and air conditioning 采暖通风及空调helium leak check 氦气检漏hexadecimal 十六进制的high energy pipe 高能管道high efficient filter 高效过滤器high range gamma radiation monitor for accident 事故用高量程¥辐射监测仪high voltage power supply 高压电源high-pressure ionization chamber 高压电离室psr1 第22 页8/7/2013psr1 第23 页8/7/20136023 high-purity germanium 高纯锗hold down spring 压紧弹簧环hold point 停工待检点hood 通风柜horizontal acceleration 水平加速度horizontal pipe 横管horn loudspeaker 号筒扬声器hot channel factor 热管因子hot laundry ventilation system 洗衣房通风系统hot point factor 热点因子hot sink 热井hardware 硬件hazardous atmosphere 危险环境head dome insulation 顶盖球冠保温层head loss 水头损失head 封头headset 头戴式送受话器health physics system 保健物理系统heat affected zone 热影响区heat capacity 热容heat diffusion 热扩散heat flow rate 热流量heat generation 释热heat sink 热井heat treatment 热处理heating coil 加热盘管heavy oil 重油helical-wrap drive cable 螺旋形驱动电缆hemispherical head 半球形封头high efficiency particulate and air filter 高效过滤器high neutron flux trip 中子高通量紧急停堆high range ionization chamber area gamma monitor 高量程电离室区域γ监测high-level noble gas gamma monitor 高放惰性气体γ监测仪hoist speed 提升速度hold-down support assembly 压紧支撑结构hold-up tank 暂存箱hook 吊钩horizontal guide wheel 水平导向轨horizontal position welding 横焊hot cell 热室hot channel 热通道hot leg 热段hot performance test 热态性能试验hot shutdown 热停堆hot spot factor 热点因子hot standby 热备用hot test 热态试验hot water system 热水系统psr1 第23 页8/7/2013。

Quality and nuclear safety related system(完全与质量和核安全相关系统) Partially quality and nuclear safety related system(部分与质量和核安全相关系统) Quality related system(与质量相关系统) Non quality related system(与质量无关系统) Feedwater Supply(供水系统) Low Pressure Feedwater Heater(低压给水加热器系统) Feedwater Heaters Drain Recovery(给水加热器疏水回收系统) Feedwater Deaerating Tank and Gas Stripper(给水除氧器系统) LV AC Network 380V(ET Buiding)/低压交流电源380V系统(ET厂房) Feedwanter Pump Turbine Gland(主给水泵汽机轴封系统) Moter Driven Feedwater Pump Lubrication(电动主给水泵润滑系统) Feedwater Pump Turbine Lubrication and Control Fluid(主给水泵汽机润滑油及调节油系统) High Pressure Feedwataer Heater(高压给水加热器系统) Moter-Driven Feedwater Pump(电动主给水泵系统)

衰变 钡 硼 铋 铀 钚 钍 锂
decay barium boron bismuth uranium plutonium thorium lithium
heavy hydrogen, deuterium 钠
重氢核,氘核 deuterion
nuclear reaction
超重氢,氚 tritium

一、新一代核电站研究开发的总体思路1. 总体目标:研究开发拥有自主知识产权、安全性和经济性达到URD主要指标要求、具有本世纪初国际先进水平的先进堆核电站。
2. 进程:可分为三个阶段。
3. 技术路线:堆型为压水堆、机组容量为百万千瓦级,采用非能动安全技术和模块化建造技术,即研究开发百万千瓦级非能动型先进压水堆核电站(暂简写为AC1000)。
4. 主要设计原则:(a)保证安全、可靠,同时追求经济性;(b)能充分利用“八五”和“九五”AC600(中国600MWe级非能动型先进压水堆)研究开发和“先进压水堆核电站关键技术研究”已取得的研究成果,充分利用国内已有的核电技术和经验。
二、AC1000设计方案1. AC1000的主要设计目标和总体技术参数1)AC1000的主要设计目标:2)AC1000的总体技术参数:2. 堆芯设计1)核燃料组件:采用具有国际先进水平的高性能燃料组件(FA),与Performance+XL型FA相类似。

核能专业词汇英语翻译(F-L)fabrication 制造facility 设施facility attachment 设施附属文件facility practice 设施实行facility safeguards approach 设施的保障监督方法factor 系数factor of porosity 孔隙率factor of stress concentr ...fabrication 制造facility 设施facility attachment 设施附属文件facility practice 设施实行facility safeguards approach 设施的保障监督方法factor 系数factor of porosity 孔隙率factor of stress concentration 应力集中因数fading 阻尼fail safe instrument 故障时安全运行的仪器fail safe operation 安全运行failed can detection 破损燃料探测failed element 破损元件failed element indicator 破损元件指示器failed element monitor 破损元件监测器failed fuel detection 破损燃料探测failed fuel detection and location 破损燃料探测和定位failed fuel detector 破损燃料探测器failsafe 故障自动保险的failure checking 故障检查failure free operation 无故障运行failure mode 故障种类failure of parity conservation 宇称守恒的破坏failure prediction 故障猜测fall back 回落fall out 放射性沉降fall time 下降时间falling stream method 降哩fallout density 放射性沉降物密度fallout monitoring 沉降物监测fallout particle 沉降粒子fallout pattern 沉降物分布型式fallout radioactive material 放射性沉降物fallout sampling network 沉降物取样网fallout shelter 沉降物掩蔽所false alarm probability 假报警几率false curvature 假曲率false scram 错误信号紧急停堆family 系fano's theorem 法诺定理far field 远场far infra red radiation 远红外辐射far ultraviolet radiation 远紫外辐射farad 法拉faraday cage 法拉第笼faraday constant 法拉第常数faraday cup 法拉第笼farvitron 线振质谱仪fast acting control rod 快动棕制棒fast advantage factor 快中子有利因子fast amplifier 宽频带放大器fast and thermal reactor burnup computer code 快和热反应堆燃耗计算机代码fast breeder 快中子增殖反应堆fast breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆fast burst reactor 快中子脉冲反应堆fast burst reactor facility 快中子脉冲反应堆装置fast ceramic reactor 陶瓷燃料快堆fast chamber 快速电离室fast chopper 快中子选择器fast coincidence 快符合fast coincidence unit 快符合单元fast compression cloud chamber 快压缩云室fast conversion 快中子转换fast cosmic ray neutron 宇宙射线的快中子fast critical assembly 快中子临界装置fast cross section 快中子截面fast detector 快速探测器fast effect 快中子倍增效应fast electron 快电子fast exponential experiment 快中子指数实验装置fast fission 快中子裂变fast fission effect factor 快中子裂变效应系数fast fission region 快中子裂变区fast fissionability 快中子致裂变性fast flux 快中子通量fast flux test facility 快中子通量试验装置fast fragment 快碎片fast killing dose 快速杀伤剂量fast leakage factor 快中子泄漏因子fast mean free path 快中子平均自由程fast medium 快中子介质fast multiplication effect 快中子倍增效应fast multiplication factor 快中子倍增因子fast neutron 快中子fast neutron activation method 快中子活化法fast neutron breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆fast neutron breeding 快中子增殖fast neutron calibration 快中子刻度fast neutron collimator 快中子准直器fast neutron counter tube 快中子计数管fast neutron cycle 快中子增殖循环fast neutron detector 快中子探测器fast neutron diffusion length 快中子扩散长度fast neutron dose equivalent 快中子剂量当量fast neutron dosimeter 快中子剂量计fast neutron fission cross section 快中子裂变截面fast neutron fission increase rate 快中子裂变增加率fast neutron fluence 快中子积分通量fast neutron generator 快中子发生器fast neutron non leakage probability 快中子不泄漏几率fast neutron range 快中子区fast neutron reaction 快中子反应fast neutron reactor 快中子裂变反应堆fast neutron selector 快中子选择器fast neutron spectrometer 快中子谱仪fast plutonium reactor 快中子钚反应堆fast radiochemistry 快速放射化学fast reaction 快速核反应fast reactor 快中子裂变反应堆fast reactor core test facility 快堆堆芯试验装置fast reactor physics 快速反应堆物理学fast reactor test assembly 快堆试验装置fast reactor thermal engineering facility 快堆热工程研究设施fast region 快中子区fast setback 迅速下降fast slow coincidence circuit 快慢符合电路fast sub critical assembly 快中子次临界装置fast test reactor 快中子试验反应堆fast thermal coupled reactor 快热耦合反应堆fast zero power reactor 快中子零功率反应堆fatal dose 致命剂量fatalities 死亡事故fatigue 疲惫fatigue fracture 疲惫断裂fatigue limit 疲惫极限fatigue test 疲惫试验fault 故障faulted condition 损伤状态faulty fuel assembly 破损燃料组件favorable geometry 有利几何条件fb 快中子增殖反应堆fcc 核燃料循环成本fcf 核燃料循环设施feather analysis 费塞分析feather's empirical formula 费瑟经验公式feather's rule 费瑟规则feed 供给feed adjustment tank 进料蝶槽feed end 加料端feed material 给料物质feed plant 核燃料生产工厂feed pump 给水泵feed stage 给料段feed water 给水feed water control system 给水控制系统feedback 反馈feedback circuit 反馈回路feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路feedback ratio 反馈比feedback signal 反馈信号feedwater equipment 给水设备feedwater flow control 给水量控制ferganite 水钒铀矿fermat's principle 费马原理fermi 费米fermi acceleration 费米加速fermi age 费米年龄fermi age equation 费米年龄方程fermi age theory 费米年龄理论fermi beta decay theory 费米衰变理论fermi characteristic energy level 费米能级fermi constant 费米常数fermi dirac gas 费米狄拉克气体fermi dirac statistics 费米狄拉克统计学fermi distribution 费米分布fermi distribution function 费米狄拉克分布函数fermi energy 费米能级fermi function 费米函数fermi gas 费米气体fermi gas model 费米气体模型fermi interaction 费米相互酌fermi intercept 散射长度fermi level 费米能级fermi limit 费米能级fermi particle 费米子fermi perturbation 费米微扰fermi plot 费米线图fermi potential 费米势fermi reactor 费米中子反应堆fermi resonance 费米共振fermi selection rules 费米选择定则fermi spectrum 费米谱fermi statistics 费米统计fermi surface 费米面fermi temperature 费米温度fermi theory of cosmic ray acceleration 费米宇宙射线加速理论fermi transition 费米跃迁fermi's golden rule 费米黄金法则fermion 费米子fermium 镄ferquency response 频率特性ferric 正铁的ferrimagnetism 铁氧体磁性ferrite 铁素体ferro resonance 铁磁共振ferroelectric material 铁电物质ferromagnet 铁磁材料ferromagnetic material 铁磁性材料ferromagnetic substance 铁磁性材料ferromagnetism 铁磁性ferrosilicon 硅铁ferrothorite 铁钍石ferrouranothorite 铁铀钍石ferrous 亚铁的ferrous sulfate dosimeter 硫酸亚铁剂量计fertile 可转换的fertile absorber 可转换的吸收体fertile element 再生元素fertile fuel 增殖性燃料feynman diagram 费因曼图feynman positon theory 费因曼正电子理论fhm 换料机fiber electrometer 悬丝静电计fiberglass 玻璃纤维fibre electrometer 悬丝静电计fick's law 菲克定律fictitious binding energy 虚结合能fictitious spin quantum number 假想自旋量子数field 场field coil 励磁线圈field current 励磁电流field disposal 野外处置field distribution 场分布field emission 自动电子放射field emission counter 场致发射计数管field emission electron microscope 场致发射电子显微镜field emitted electron 场致发射电子field intensity 场强field ion emission 场致离子发射field of forces 力场field particle 场粒子field pattern 力线field quantum 场量子field strength 场强field theory 场论field use 野外利用fieldless 无场的fifty percent survival time 百分之五十存活时间figure 图形filament 丝filament battery a电池组filament cuurent 灯丝电流filament electrometer 悬丝静电计filled band 填充区域filled level 布满能级filled shell 满壳层filler 填充料filling 装填filling material 填充料film 薄层film boiling 膜态沸腾film coefficient 膜系数film dosimeter 胶片剂量计film dosimetry 胶片剂量测定法film illuminator 底片观察灯film marker 胶片标志体film ring 胶片指环剂量计filter 过滤器filter aid 助滤剂filter bed 过虑床filter cake 滤饼filter cloth 滤布filter house 过滤部filter medium 过滤介质filter paper 滤纸filter press 压滤机filter thickness 过滤岂度filtering 过滤filtrate 滤液filtration 过滤fima 菲马fin 肋片final control element 末控元件final controlling drive 末控元件final nucleus 终核final particle 最后粒子final product 最终产物final safety analysis report 最终安全分析报告final solution 最终溶液final state 终态final velocity 终末fine adjustment 精密蝶fine control 细调精密第fine control channel 精密第通道fine control element 精密第元件fine control member 精密第元件fine distribution 精细分布fine focus 细焦点fine grained 细颗粒的fine grinding 细磨fine powder 细粉fine regulating rod 精密控制棒fine resolution 高分辨率fine structure 精细结构fine structure constant 精细结构常数fine tuning 细调fingal process 芬哥尔法finite 有限的finite cylindrical reactor 有限圆柱形反应堆finned tube heat exchanger 翅片管换热器finned tubular radiator 翅片管散热器finning 加散热片fire brick 耐火砖fire clay 耐火土fire proof 耐火的fire proof mortar 耐火砂浆fire retardant paint 防火涂料fire storm 火风暴fireball 火球fireball model 火球模型first collision probability 首次碰撞几率first harmonic 基波first ionization potential 第一电离电位first order fission products 原始裂变产物first quantum number 挚子数first radiation constant 第一辐射常数first townsend coefficient 第一汤森系数first townsend discharge 第一汤森放电first wall 第一壁fish track 鱼形径迹fisser 裂变物质fissile 分裂的fissile atom 裂变原子fissile class 可裂变级fissile material 裂变物质fissile nucleus 可分裂的核fissile nuclide 可裂变核素fissile plutonium 裂变钚fissile region 裂变区fissility 可裂变性fission 核裂变fission capture 裂变俘获fission chain 裂变链fission chain reaction 裂变链式反应fission chamber 裂变电离室fission channel 裂变道fission counter 裂变计数器fission counter tube 裂变计数管fission counting 分裂计数fission counting rate 裂变计数率fission cross section 裂变截面fission density 裂变密度fission energy 裂变能量fission energy spectrum 裂变能谱fission energy storage 裂变能积聚fission fragment 裂变碎片fission fragment range 裂变碎片射程fission fragment track 裂变碎片径迹fission fragment track dosimeter 裂变碎片径迹剂量计fission fragments 裂变碎片fission fusion detonation 裂变聚变核爆炸fission fusion fission bomb 裂变聚变裂变弹fission fusion power plant 裂变聚变发电站fission gamma 裂变量子fission gas 裂变气体fission gas monitor 裂变气体监测器fission heat 裂变热fission loss 裂变损失fission mean free path 裂变平均自由程fission neutron 裂变中子fission neutron absorber 裂变中子吸收体fission neutron absorption cross section 裂变中子吸收截面fission neutrons 裂变中子fission poisons 裂变毒物fission power plant 裂变发电站fission probability 裂变几率fission process 裂变过程fission product 裂变产物fission product debris 裂变产物碎片fission product decay heat 裂变产物衰变热fission product detection 裂变产物探测fission product poisoning 裂变产物中毒fission product release 裂变产物释放fission product removal system 裂变产物除去系统fission product retaining coated fuel particle 保持裂变产物的涂敷燃料颗粒fission product screening loop 裂变产物筛选回路fission product separator failed element monitor 裂变产物分离式破损燃料监测器fission product waste storage 裂变产物废物储存fission product yield 裂变产额fission products monitoring 裂变产物监测fission products poisoning predictor 裂变产物中毒预告器fission products poisoning process 裂变产物中毒过程fission products radioisotopes 裂变产物放射性同位素fission rate 裂变率fission reaction 裂变反应fission reactor 裂变反应堆fission reactor control 裂变反应堆控制fission recoils 裂变反冲物fission resonance 裂变共振fission species 裂变核类fission spectrum 裂变中子能谱fission threshold 裂变阈能fission track dating 裂变径迹定年技术fission weapon 裂变武器fission yield 裂变产额fission yield curve 裂变产额曲线fissionable 分裂的fissionable atom 可裂变原子fissionable derivative 可裂变衍生物fissionable element 可裂变元素fissionable fuel 可裂变燃料fissionable material 裂变物质fissionable material detection 可裂变物质探测fissionable material production reactor 可裂变物质生产反应堆fissionable nucleus 可分裂的核fissioning distribution 裂变中子谱fissioning isomer 裂变同质异能素fissioning spectrum 裂变谱fissions per initial fissionable atom 菲法fissium 裂变产物fissium alloy 裂变产物合金fissium oxide 裂变产物合金氧化物fixation 固定fixed contamination 固定沾污fixed electron 束缚电子fixed field alternating gradient 固定磁场交变梯度fixed field alternating gradient accelerator 固定磁场交变梯度聚焦加速器fixed field alternating gradient synchrotron 固定磁场交变梯度同步加速器fixed reflector 固定反射层fixed target 固定靶flame ionization detection 火焰电离检测flame reaction 焰色反应flame spectrophotometry 火焰分光光度测定法flame spectrum 火焰光谱flange coupling 凸缘联轴节flash gamma radiation 瞬发辐射flash point 闪点flash welding 闪光焊flashing point 闪点flask 烧瓶flat bottomed flask 平底烧瓶flat counter tube 平板型正比计数管flat linear induction pump 平面式直线感应泵flattened region 展平区flattened zone 展平区flattening 展平flattening material 展平材料flattening of neutron flux 中子通量展平flattening radius 展平区半径flaw 缺陷flaw detection 探伤flaw detector 探伤器flaw sensitivity 裂痕灵敏度flecxure 负载弯曲flexibility 柔软性flexible 可挠的flexible beta ray sheeting 射线软片flight path 飞行路径flint glass 燧石玻璃flip flop 触发电路flip flop multivibrator 双稳态多谐振荡器floating action 浮动酌floating earthquake resistant nuclear power station 浮式抗震核电站floating nuclear power plant 海上浮动核电站flocculation 絮凝flocculent precipitate 絮状沉淀物flooding 注水flooding point 溢零flooding point rate 溢零速度floor contamination indicator 地面沾污指示器floor contamination meter 地面沾污计floor contamination monitor 地面污染监测器floor type radiation beacon 落地式辐射报警器flop in method 增加法flop out method 缩减法flotation 浮选flow chart 撂图flow counter 柳式计数管flow diagram 撂图flow indicator 量指示计flow line 吝flow meter 量计flow of materials 物质流flow point 怜点flow rate 临flow sheet 撂图flowmeter 量计fluctuation 涨落fluctuation time 涨落时间flue 烟道fluence 积分通量fluence rate 积分通量率fluid 铃fluid bed heat exchanger 怜床热交换器fluid flowmeter 液体量计fluid friction 铃摩擦fluid fuel 铃燃料fluid fuel fast reactor 铃燃料快速反应堆fluid fuel reactor 铃燃料反应堆fluid mixing tank 混合器fluid poison control 液态毒物控制fluid poison injection safety mechanism 液态毒物注入安全机构fluidity 怜性fluidized bed 连化床fluidized bed reactor 怜床反应堆fluidized bed solidification 怜床固化fluidized fuel reactor 怜燃料反应堆fluidized reactor 怜燃料反应堆fluoborate 氟硼酸盐fluophotometer 荧光光度计fluorescence 荧光fluorescence dosimeter 荧光剂量计fluorescence indicator 荧光指示剂fluorescence spectrum 荧光光谱fluorescence yield 荧光产额fluorescent 萤光的fluorescent lifetime 发光时间fluorescent material 荧光物质fluorescent method 荧光法fluorescent radiation 荧光性辐射fluorescent screen 荧光屏fluorescent substance 荧光物质fluorescent x ray spectrometer 荧光x 射线谱仪fluorescent x rays 荧光x射线fluoride fuel reactor 氟化物燃料反应堆fluoride volatility process 氟化物挥发撂fluorimeter 荧光计fluorimetric analysis 荧光分析fluorimetry 荧光测定法fluorination method 氟化法fluorine 氟fluoroglass dosimeter 荧光玻璃剂量计fluorography 荧光图象摄影术fluorometer 荧光计fluorometry 荧光测定法fluoroscope 荧光镜fluoroscopic apparatus 荧光透视装置fluoroscopy 荧光检查flute 槽flux 通量flux converter 中子联换器flux density 通量密度flux of energy 能通量flux peaking 局部通量剧增flux peaking factor 局部通量剧增因子flux time 积分通量flux trap 通量阱fluxmeter 磁通计fly off 上移flywheel 飞轮foaming agent 发泡剂focal distance 焦距focal length 焦距focal plane 焦平面focal point 焦点focal spot 焦斑focus 焦点focusing 聚焦focusing cap 聚焦盖focusing electrode 聚焦电极focusing quadrupole magnet 聚焦四极透镜磁铁fog 雾fog cooling 喷雾冷却foil 箔foil detector 箔探测器follower 后随部folw 流food irradiation 食品辐照food irradiation reactor 食物辐照用反应堆food sterilization 食品消毒forbidden band 禁带forbidden beta decay 禁戒衰变forbidden beta transition 禁戒跃迁forbidden energy band 禁带forbidden nuclear transition 禁戒核跃迁forbidden transition 禁戒跃迁forbiddenness 禁戒性force 力force constant of linkage 结合力常数force of attraction 引力force of gravity 重力force of inertia 惯性力force of repulsion 排斥力forced circulation 受迫循环;强制循环forced convection 强制对流forced flow boiling water reactor 强制怜沸水反应堆forced oscillation 强制振荡forced radiation 强制辐射forced vibration 强制振荡forceps 钳子foreign atom 化学杂质foreign body 杂质foreign gas 杂质气体foreign matter 杂质forepump 预真空泵form factor 外形系数formation 产生formi dirac gas 费米气体forvacuum 预真空forvacuum pump 预真空泵forward scattering 前方散射fountain pen type dosemeter 自来水笔式剂量计fountain pen type exposuremeter 自来水笔式照射量计four channel fast coincidence unit 四道快符合单元four factor formula 四因子公式four force 四元力four momentum 四维动量four pi counter 4计数管four pi radiation detector 4辐射探测器four velocity 四元速度fourier analysis 傅里叶分析fourier analyzer 傅里叶分析器谐波分析器fourier transformation 傅里叶变换fourmarierite 红铀矿fourth stage of matter 物质的第四态fraction 馏分fraction exchange 交换系数fractional crystallization 分级结晶fractional distillation 分馏fractional extraction 分级萃取fractional ionization 电离度fractional yield 部分产额fractionated irradiation 分次照射fractionating column 分馏柱fractionating tower 分馏柱fractionation 分级fractionation effect 分次效应fragility 脆性fragment 碎片fragmentation of nucleus 核碎裂frame of reference 座标系统francevillite 钒铅钡铀矿francium 钫franck condon principle 弗兰克康登原理franck hertz experiment 弗兰克赫茨试验frap 燃料棒分析程序frap s 燃料棒分析程序稳态frap t 燃料棒分析程序瞬变过程free air 自由空气free air chamber 自由空气电离室free air dose 空气剂量free charge 自由电荷free electron 自由电子free end 自由端free energy 自由能free field 自由场free field particle acceleration 自由场粒子加速free free collision 非弹性碰撞free isotope hold up 游离同位素滞留量free molecule diffusion 自由分子漫散free neutron 自由中子free oscillation 自由振荡free path 自由程free state 游离状态free surface 自由面free valence 自由价free water 自由水分freezing 凝固freezing mixture 冷冻剂freezing point 凝固点frenkel defect 弗兰克尔缺陷freon 氟利昂frequency condition 频率条件frequency conversion 频率变换frequency match 频率蝶frequency meter 频计frequency modulated cyclotron 同步回旋加速器frequency modulation 频率灯frequency of inspection 监查频度frequency range 频率范围frequency response characteristic 频率特性frequency shift 移频frequency spectrum 频谱fresh fuel 新燃料fretting corrosion 摩擦磨蚀freyalite 硬硅铈钍矿friction 摩擦friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction loss 摩擦损耗frictional force 摩擦力frisch ionization chamber 弗里希电离窒fritzscheite 钒磷锰铀矿frosted glass 毛玻璃frozen magnetic field 冻结磁场frozen shaft seal 冻结法轴密封frozen static seal 冷冻静态密封ft value 相对寿命fuel 核燃料fuel assembly 核燃料组件fuel assembly grid 燃料集合体栅格fuel assembly stability test 燃料集合体稳定性试验fuel box 燃料元件容器fuel breeding cycle 燃料增殖循环fuel bundle 核燃料组件fuel bundle counter 燃料棒束计数器fuel burn out 烧毁fuel burnup 燃料燃耗fuel cell 燃料电池fuel channel 燃料通道fuel charge 装料fuel cladding temperature meter 燃料包壳温度计fuel cluster 核燃料组件fuel coating 燃料涂层fuel compact 燃料密实体fuel configuration 燃料排列fuel consumption 燃料消耗量fuel control 燃料控制fuel coolant interaction 燃料冷却剂相互酌fuel cooling installation 燃料冷却装置fuel core 燃料元件芯体fuel cost 燃料成本fuel cycle cost 核燃料循环成本fuel cycle facility 核燃料循环设施fuel cycle flow diagram 燃料循环撂图fuel damage 燃料损伤fuel densification 燃料密集fuel depletion 燃料贫化fuel doubling time 燃料倍增时间fuel economy 燃料经济fuel element can 燃料元件包壳fuel element converter 燃料元件转换器fuel element failure instrumentation 燃料元件探伤仪组fuel element hanger rod 燃料元件悬挂棒fuel element rupture detection 燃料元件破损探测fuel element rupture detector 燃料元件破损探测器fuel element storage well 燃料贮存井fuel enrichment 燃料增浓fuel enthalpy 燃料热焓fuel exchange 换装燃料fuel fabrication 燃料制备fuel fabrication facility 燃料元件制造设备fuel fabrication plant 燃料制备厂fuel failure 燃料破坏fuel fission 燃料分裂fuel handling 燃料装卸fuel handling machine 换料机fuel handling system 燃料装卸系统fuel inventory 燃料装载量fuel irradiation level 比燃耗fuel kernel 燃料元件芯体fuel lifetime 燃料寿命fuel loading 装料fuel make up 燃料补充fuel management 燃料治理fuel pellet 燃料芯块fuel pellet injection 燃料芯块注入fuel pencil 燃料元件细棒fuel pin 燃料元件细棒fuel plate 燃料板fuel pool cooling and filtering system 燃料池冷却和过滤系统fuel process cell 燃料处理热室fuel processing installation 燃料处理设备fuel processing waste 燃料加工废物fuel recording system 燃料记录系统fuel recovery process 燃料回收过程fuel recycle facility 燃料再循环装置fuel refabrication 燃料再制备fuel refreshment 燃料补充fuel relocation effect 燃料再配置效应fuel reprocessing 燃料后处理fuel reprocessing cell 燃料后处理室fuel reprocessing project proposed by enea 欧洲原子能机构提议的燃料后处理计划fuel rod 燃料棒fuel rod analysis program 燃料棒分析程序fuel rod analysis program steady state 燃料棒分析程序稳态fuel rod analysis program transient 燃料棒分析程序瞬变过程fuel rod coating 燃料棒涂层fuel rod lattice 燃料棒栅格fuel rod leak detection 燃料棒漏处检测fuel rod shoot out accident 燃料棒弹出事故fuel rod vibration 燃料棒振动fuel section 燃料区fuel sheath failure 燃料包壳破损fuel slab 燃料板fuel slug 燃料短棒fuel sodium interaction 燃料钠相互酌fuel solution 燃料溶液fuel stick 燃料棒fuel storage bay 燃料储存库fuel storage capacity 燃料储存容量fuel storage cell 燃料储存室fuel subassembly 燃料分组件fuel to moderator ratio 燃料慢化剂比fuel transfer pond 燃料转运池fuel transfer port 燃料转送口fuel tube 燃料管fuel unloading machine 卸料机fuelling 装料fuelling machine tv monitor 换料机电视监视器fuels technology center 燃料工艺学中心full core reserve 一炉料备用full neutron flux 满中子通量full scale fusion power plant 实际规模的聚变发电站full scope safeguards agreement 全面核监督协定full size 实物尺度full width at half maximum 半高全宽full width at one tenth of maximum 十分之一最大峰值处的全宽度fully contained explosion 全封闭式爆炸fully enriched uranium 高浓缩铀fully ionized plasma 完全电离等离子体fully protective tube housing 完全保护管外壳fully reflected reactor 全反射层反应堆fume chamber 通风柜fume cupboard 通风柜fume hood 通风柜function 函数function test of liver by radioisotopes 依放射性同位素肝机能检查fundamental 基波fundamental field particle 场量子fundamental frequency 基频fundamental harmonic 基波fundamental oscillation 基本振荡fundamental unit 基本单位fundamental vibration 基本振荡fundamental wave 基波funnel 漏斗furnace 炉furnace gas 炉气fuse 保险丝fused salt electrolysis 熔盐电解fused salt extraction 熔盐萃取fused salt reactor 熔盐反应堆fusible alloy 易熔合金fusing point 熔点fusion 核聚变fusion bomb 热核弹fusion breeder reactor 聚变增殖反应堆fusion core 聚变反应堆芯fusion device at lawrence radiation laboratory 劳伦斯辐射研究所的核聚变装置fusion energy 聚变能量fusion energy conversion 聚变能转换fusion energy research facility 聚变能研究装置fusion energy resource 聚变能源fusion engineering research facility 聚变工程研究设施fusion fission hybrid reactor 聚变裂变混合反应堆fusion fission reaction 聚变裂变反应fusion fuel 聚变燃料fusion fuel consumption 聚变燃料消耗量fusion fuel facility 聚变燃料设施fusion heat 聚变热fusion hybrid breeder reactor 聚变混合增殖反应堆fusion nuclear power plant 热核电站fusion nucleus 聚变核fusion of hydrogen 氢聚变fusion physics 聚变物理学fusion plasma 聚变等离子体fusion plasma analysis 聚变等离子体分析fusion point 聚变温度fusion power 聚变能量fusion power reactor 聚变动力反应堆fusion process 聚变过程fusion product 聚变产物fusion reaction 热核反应fusion reactor 热核反应堆fusion reactor system 聚变反应堆系统fusion technology 聚变技术fusion temperature 聚变温度fusion test reactor 聚变试验反应堆fusion weapon 聚变武器fusion yield 核聚变产额future source of energy 未来能源g factor 朗德因子g factor of atom or electron 原子或电子的g因子g factor of nucleus 核的g因子g m counter 盖革弥勒计数管g value g 值g yield g 值gadolinite 硅铍钇矿gadolinium 钆gadolinium poison 钆毒物gage 检验测定仪器gain 放大系数gain control 放大第gain factor 转换系数gallery 巷道galling 摩擦磨蚀gallium 镓galvanometer 检疗galvanoscope 验电流gamma 光量子gamma absorber 射线吸收体gamma absorptiometry 射线吸收测定法gamma absorption 射线吸收gamma absorption analysis 射线吸收分析gamma active 放射性的gamma activity 放射性gamma and flux reactor physics computer code 反应堆物理和中子通量计算机代码gamma background 射线本底gamma backscatter gage 射线反散射测量计gamma backscatter thickness meter 射线反散射厚度计gamma burst 射线爆丛gamma camera 照相机gamma cascade 级联射线gamma coincident beta spectrum 与符合的谱gamma compensated ion chamber 补偿电离室gamma compensation 补偿gamma constant 特珍线常数gamma contamination indicator 射线沾染指示器gamma counter 射线计数管gamma cross section 量子相互酌截面gamma decay 衰变gamma defectoscope 探伤仪gamma defectoscopy 探伤法gamma disintegration 衰变gamma dose detector system 剂量探测系统gamma dosimetry 射线剂量测定法gamma electric cell 电池gamma emitter 辐射体gamma excited x ray fluorimeter 射线激发x光荧光仪gamma field 射线圃gamma fission 裂变gamma flux 通量gamma flux density 通量密度gamma flux density indicator 通量密度指示器gamma flux density meter 通量密度计gamma flux density monitor 通量密度监测器gamma gamma coincidence pulse counting assembly 符合脉冲计数装置gamma gamma logging 测井gamma heating 射线加热gamma induced ionization 射线诱发电离gamma induced reaction 射线诱发核反应gamma intensity 射线强度gamma irradiation 辐照gamma isomer 同质异能素gamma leakage peak 射线泄漏谱峰gamma leakage spectrum 射线泄漏谱gamma meter 射线强度计gamma neutron logging 中子测井gamma phase 相gamma plutonium 相钚gamma pulse counting assembly 脉冲计数装置gamma quantum 光量子gamma radiation 射线gamma radiator 辐射体gamma radiography 照相术gamma ray 光量子gamma ray and neutron detector 射线和中子探测器gamma ray astronomy 射线天文学gamma ray capsule 射线源盒gamma ray culture 辐射场gamma ray defectoscope 射线探伤仪gamma ray density meter 射线密度计gamma ray detector 射线探测器gamma ray dosimeter 射线剂量计gamma ray emission 射线发射gamma ray level meter 射线液位计gamma ray logging 射线测井gamma ray material testing 探伤法gamma ray materiology 探伤法gamma ray meter 射线强度计gamma ray photon 光量子gamma ray scintillation spectrometer 射线闪烁能谱仪gamma ray shield 射线屏蔽层gamma ray source 射线源gamma ray source container 射线源容器gamma ray source strength 射线源强度gamma ray sterilization 射线灭菌gamma ray teletherapy 射线远距治疗gamma ray therapy 射线治疗gamma ray thickness gage 射线厚度计gamma scanning 扫描gamma space 相空间gamma spectrometer 射线能谱仪gamma spectrometry 能谱测量gamma spectroscopy 谱学gamma spectrum 能谱gamma transition probability 跃迁几率gamma uranium 相铀gammagraphy 射线照相法gamow factor 穿透几率gamow teller selection rules 伽莫夫泰勒选择定则gamow teller transition 伽莫夫泰勒跃迁gangue 脉石gap 间隙gas 气体gas activity meter 气体放射性测量计gas amplification 气体放大gas amplification factor 气体放大系数gas analysis 气体分析gas analyzer 气体分析器gas bearings 气膜轴承gas betatron 气体电子感应加速器gas blanket 气层gas blower 瓦斯送风机gas centrifugation 气体离心gas centrifuge 气体离心机gas centrifuge enrichment plant 气体离心浓缩厂gas centrifuge method 气体离心法gas centrifuge plant 气体离心分离厂gas chromatographic analysis 气相色谱分析gas chromatographic detector 气相色谱探测器gas chromatography 气相色谱法gas circulation 气体循环gas circulator 循环风机gas clean up 气体净化gas constant 气体常数gas coolant 气体冷却剂gas cooled breeder reactor 气冷增殖堆gas cooled fast breeder reactor 气冷快中子增殖反应堆gas cooled fast reactor 气冷快堆gas cooled graphite moderated reactor 气冷石墨慢化堆gas cooled reactor 气冷反应堆gas cooled reactor experiment 实验气冷反应堆gas cooler 气体冷却器gas cooling 气体冷却gas core 气体堆芯gas counter 气体计数管gas cycle reactor 气体循环反应堆gas diffusion process 气体扩散法gas discharge 气体放电gas filled 充气的gas filled counter 充气计数管gas filled radiation detector 充气式辐射探测器gas filled rectifier tube 充气整淋gas fission product 气态裂变产物gas fission product monitor 气体裂变产物监测器gas flow counter 柳型计数管gas flow ionization chamber 柳型电离室gas flow neutron density measuring assembly 柳型中子密度测量装置gas generator 气体发生器煤气发生炉gas graphite reactor 气冷石墨慢化堆gas ion 气体离子gas laser 气体激光器gas liquid chromatography 气液色谱法gas magnification 气体放大gas manometer 气体压力计gas mass spectrometry 气体质谱测定法gas metal arc welding 气体金属电弧焊gas meter 气量计gas monitor 气体监测器gas multiplication 气体放大gas permeability 气体渗透率gas phase radioassay 气相放射性分析gas producer 气体发生器煤气发生炉gas proportional counter 气体正比计数器gas proportional scintillation counter 气体正比闪烁计数器gas pump 气泵gas purge system 气体净化系统gas recombiner 气体复合器gas sampler 气体取样器gas scintillation counter 气体闪烁计数管gas scrubbing 涤气过程gas separator 气体分离器gas solid chromatography 气固色谱法gas sparging 气体鼓泡搅拌gas target 气体靶gas tight 不漏气的gas tight casing 气密外壳gas washer 气体洗涤器gas waste 气体废物gaseous barrier diffusion 气体多孔膜扩散gaseous decay product 气体衰变产物gaseous diffusion 气体扩散gaseous diffusion method 气体扩散法gaseous diffusion plant 气体扩散工厂gaseous effluent 废气gaseous ion 气体离子gaseous phase radiochromatograph 气相辐射色谱仪gaseous pollutant 气态污染物gaseous product 气体产物gaseous waste 气体废物gaseous waste disposal 气体废物处理gasification 气化gasometer 气量计gasotron 充气整淋gate 门电路gate circuit 门电路gate monitor 门口监测器gate valve 制水阀gating 选通gating circuit 门电路gauge 检验测定仪器。

Absorption Coefficient/Access Control/Accumulator/Aerodynamic Center/Aged Condition /Alternative Current / Automatic Computer/Automatic Control
Air Conditioning Equipment
Automatic Checkout and Evaluation System
Average Calibration Factor
American Concrete Institute
American Boiler Manufacturers Association
Absolute/Air Break Switch/American Bureau of Standards
Absolute Error
American Engineering Standards Committee
Advanced Epithermal Thorium Reactor
Area Emergency Warning System
Across the Flats/Aerosol Filter/Amplifier/Automatic Following/Availability Factor/Axial Flow

一,核岛系统(nuclear island)1.二,常规岛系统(converntional island)1.ASS (auxiliary steam supply system)辅助蒸汽供应系统2.CDS (condensate system)凝结水系统3.CES (condenser tube·cleaning system)凝结水管道清理系统4.CFS (turbine island chemical feed system)汽机房加药系统5.CMS (condenser air removal system)凝汽器空气放排系统6.CPS (condensate polishing system)凝结水净化系统7.DTS(demineralized water treatment system)除盐水处理系统8.FWS(main and startup feed water system)主给水系统9.GSS (Gland seal system)轴封系统10.HCS(generator hydrogen and CO2 system)发电机氢气和二氧化碳系统)11.HDS(heater drain system)加热器疏水系统12.HSS(hydrogen seal oil system)氢气密封油系统13.LOS(main generator and turbine lube oil system)发电机和汽轮机润滑油系统14.MSS(main steam system)主蒸汽系统15.MTS(main turbine system)主汽轮机系统16.SSS(secondary sampling system)次取样系统17.TCS(turbine building closed cooling water system)机房闭式冷却水系统18.TDS(turbine island vents ,drains,and relief system)常规岛通风,排水和溢流系统19.TOS(Main turbine control and diagnostics system)主机控制及诊断系统20.VTS(turbine building ventilation system )汽机房通风系统21.ZAS(main generator system)主发电机系统22.ZVS(excitation and voltage regulation system)励磁与电压调节系统BOP系统balance of plant1.CWS(circulating water system )循环水系统2.DRS(storm drain system)雨水排放系统3.EGS(Grounding and lightning protection system)接地和防雷系统4.MES(meteorological and environmental monitoring system)气象和环境监测系统5.RWS(raw water system)生水系统6.SDS(sanitary drainage system)卫生排水系统7.SES(plant security system)电厂保安系统S(closed circuit TV system)闭路电视系统9.VPS(pump building ventilation system)泵房通风系统10.ZBS(transmission switch yard and offsite power system)传送开关站与厂外电源系统公用系统(share system)1.ELS(plant lighting system)电厂照明系统2.EQS(cathodic protection system)阴极保护系统3.MHS(mechanical handling system)机械搬运系统4.RDS(gravity and roof drain collection system )自重泄油管路和浮顶油罐排水系统5.WWS(waste water system)污水系统AP1000厂房构筑物(building and structures )1.Nuclear island 核岛2.Containment反应堆/11厂房3.Auxiliary building 辅助厂房/12厂房4.Annex building 附属厂房/40厂房5.Rad waste building 废料厂房/50厂房6.Diesel building 柴油发电机厂房/60厂房7.CI厂房和构筑物8.Turbine building 汽轮机厂房9.Water structures 水构筑物10.Water intake structure 进水口结构11.Yard 厂区12.。

[分享]融入核电,热爱核电,学核电知识!核电常用缩略语(一)缩略词中文说明英文说明AC交流(电)Alternating CurrentACC无意见接收Accepted Without CommentAEN带意见接收Accepted With CommentAIA议标协议Award Intention AgreementAL铝AluminumAMS行政事务管理系统Administration Management SystemANSI美国国家标准协会American National Standards Institute ASME美国机械工程师学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM美国材料试验学会American Society for Testing and Materials ATP开工令Authorization to ProceedAWN额外工作通知Additional Work NoticeAWS美国焊接协会American Welding SocietyB/L装船提单,运货证书Bill of LandingBCL回填土检查单Backfilling Check ListBF扁钢Flat BarBHO厂房移交Building Hand OverBNI核岛配套设施Balance of Nuclear IslandBO隔离办Blocking OfficeBOD董事会BoardBOP电站配套设施Balance of the PlantBOQ工程量表Bill of QuantitiesBS英国标准British StandardBSI英国标准协会British Standard InstituteBTS技术规范Book of Technical SpecificationBW对接焊,对接焊焊缝Butt WeldBWR沸水堆Boiling Water ReactorC&F离岸加运费价格Cost and FreightCAE竣工状态(文件管理用语)Certified as Executed CAR纠正措施报告(质保用语)Corrective Action ReportCCC货物状态证书Cargo Condition CertificateCCL灌浆检查单Concreting Check ListCC商务变更建Contractual Change ProposalCEMDS设备或材料在现场交货条件Condition of Equipment or Material upon Delivery on-SiteCEAR建筑安装工程一切险Construction & Erection all RisksCFA可以使用Clear for ActionCFC可供施工使用(文件状态)Certified For ConstructionCFT冷态功能实验Cold Function TestCFT-RVO冷试-压力容器开盖Cold Function Test - Reactor Vessel Open核电常用缩略语(二)CHOC土建交接证书Civil Hand Over CertificateCI常规岛Conventional IslandCIF到岸价格Cost, Insurance & FreightCIN设备问题处理通知Component Intervention NoticeCLP中华电力有限公司China Light & Power Co. Ltd.CM施工经理Construction ManagerCNEIC中国原子能工业公司China Nuclear Energy Industrial Co. CNNC中国核工业总公司(中核总)China National Nuclear Corporation CO商业运行Commercial OperationCOD商业运行日期Commercial Operation DateCP建造许可证Construction PermitCPL符合性消缺单Conformity Punch ListCPT临界前冷试Cold Precritical TestCQU电厂质量放行Plant Quality ReleaseCRF澄清问题申请单Clarification Request FormCRI临界CriticalityCRTC中国汽车运输总公司China Road Transportation CompanyCS碳钢Carbon SteelCTT安全壳试验Containment TestsCW土建工程Civil WorkCWJ焊接接头目录Catalog of Welded JointDCM调试(日)例会Daily Commissioning MeetingDCR设计变更请求Design Change RequestDDD国内直拨(电话)Domestic Direct DialingDEN设计修改通知Design Evolution NoticeDES描述性(文件类别)DescriptionDMS文件资料管理系统Document Management SystemDOC资料中心Documentation CenterDP着色探伤Dye PrintingDPS大亚湾公安分局Daya Bay Public Security BranchDR偏差项报告Deviation ReportsDS设计规范(文件编码用语)Design SpecificationsDWG图纸DrawingECC设备状态证书Equipment Condition CertificationEDF法国电力公司Electricite De France (法语)EEC安装竣工证书End of Erection CertificationEESR安装竣工报告End of Erection Status ReportEIR环境影响报告Environmental Impact ReportEMC制造完工合格证End Manufacturing CertificateEMP机电(工程)包Electro Mechanical PackageEMR制造完工报告End of Manufacturing ReportEMS电气管理系统Electrical Management System核电常用缩略语(三)ENG技术实施细则Engineering Procedure ManualEOMM设备运行维修手册Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manual EOMR设备出厂报告End of Manufacturing ReportEP应急准备Emergency Preparedness EPT性能试验结束End of Performance TestERFS/EESREESR签字后保留项目跟踪文件Reservation Follow-up Sheet after EESRETF执行跟踪档案Execution Tracing FileFAC最终验收证书Final Acceptance CertificateFBR快中子反应堆Fast Breader ReactorFC按文件作施工准备For ConstructionFCN现场变更通知Field Change NoticeFCO现场更改单Field Change OrderFCR现场修改申请Field Change RequestFD燃料交付Fuel DeliveryFL装料Fuel LoadingFOB离岸价格Free on BoardFP动火票Fire PermitFPW全透焊,全透焊焊缝Full Penetration WeldFRA法国法马通公司FramatomeFS(经验)反馈单(Experience) Feedback SheetFSAR最终安全分析报告Final Safety Analysis ReportFSS全范围模拟机Full Scope SimulatorFTG岗位培训导则Function Training GuideFU供使用(文件状态)For UseFW装修工程,收尾工程Finishing WorkFW现场焊Field WeldFW角焊缝,填角焊焊缝Fillet weldGAF货物验收单Goods Acceptance FormGCR气冷反应堆Gas Cooled ReactorGCR网控室Grid Control RoomGEC通用电气公司(英国)General Electric Corp.GEC/A通用电气/阿尔斯通公司GEC AlsthomGEPB广东省环保局Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau GEPEC广东火电GGPC广东省电力总公司Guangdong General Power CompanyGMAW气体保护金属极电弧焊Gas Metal Arc WeldingGN说明书(文件编码用语)General NotesGNIC广东核电投资有限公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Investment Co.Ltd GNPGSC广东核电服务总公司Guangdong Nuclear Power General Services Co. GNPJVC广东核电合营公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co.,Ltd. GNRB核安全评审委员会General Nuclear Review Board核电常用缩略语(四)GQS通用质量规范General Quality SpecificationsGTAW气体保护钨极电弧焊Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTC合同总条款General Terms and ConditionsHFT热态功能试验Hot Functional TestHKSAR香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionHO总公司(总部)Head OfficeH-Point停工待检点Hold PointHPT临界前热试Hot Precritical TestHVAC暖通空调Heating Ventilation and Air ConditioningIAEA国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy AgencyIDD国际直拨(电话)International Direct DialingIEF内部经验反馈Internal Experience FeedbackII独立检查Independent InspectionISI在役检查ISO国际标准化组织International Standard OrganizationISO等轴图IsoISO14000国际环境管理标准ITT招标书Invitation to TenderJVC合营公司Joint venture Co. Ltd.KAF关键日工作进度表(格式)Keydate Achievement FormLab试验室LANPC岭澳核电有限公司LBP大口径管L.C.E.LIC执照LienceLOI意向书Letter of IntentLPT液体渗透试验Liquid Penetration TestLT泄漏试验,紧密性试验Leakage Test; Leak TestLIB执照申请处Lience Application branchLWGR轻水石墨(反应)堆Light-Water Graphite Reactor MCR主控室Main Control RoomMF缩微胶片microfilmMH工时数Man-hoursMIN监督信息通知Monitoring Information NoticeMQ材料催交Material QueryMQP主质量计划Master Quality PlanMRF材料申请单Material Request FormMSR汽水分离再热器Moisture Separtor ReheaterMSS材料提交单General Service SectionMSTM整体螺栓拉伸机Multi-Stud Tensioning MachineMT磁粉检验,磁粉探伤Technical Assistant Section核电常用缩略语(五)MTR材料转移申请Material Transfer RequestNA不适用,不要求Magnetic Particle TestNC不符合项Not ApplicableNCC核回路清洗Non Conforming ItemNCR不符合项报告Nuclear Circuit CleaningNDE无损检验Non Conformance ReportNDT无损探伤Non Destructive ExaminationNEPC东北电建Non Destructive TestNFC通知施工Northeast Electrical Power Construction Co.NFU宣布可用Notified for ConstructionNI核岛Notified for UseNNSA国家核安全局Nuclear Island Erection (Branch)NPS美国标准直管螺纹National Nuclear Safety Administration NPT美国标准锥管螺纹American Standard Straight Pipe Thread NQR与质量无关的American Standard Taper Pipe ThreadNRC核管会(美国)Non Quality RelatedNS核安全Nuclear Regulation CommitteeNSSS核蒸汽供应系统Nuclear SafetyNTR无可报告Nuclear Steam Supply SystemNUSS核安全标准计划Nothing to ReportOA办公自动化Nuclear Safety Standards ScheduleOAC氧乙炔切割Office AutomaticOAW氧乙炔焊Oxyacetylene CuttingOHO全面移交Contract & Supply BranchOJT在岗培训Overall Hand-overON观察通知Observation NoticeOPE运行工程师Occupational Medical ServiceOPI设备开箱检查Open Package InspectionOSR未完成的保留项Outstanding ReservationOT遗留任务,未完成项Outstanding ReservationP.W.R.压水堆Outstanding ReservationPAC临时验收证书(合同用语)Outstanding ReservationPAC等离子切割Outstanding ReservationPAF采购申请单Outstanding ReservationPCC包装状态证书Outstanding ReservationPCC部分完成证书Outstanding ReservationPCN电厂变更通知单Plant Change NoticePDI工程文件(文件类别)Projects DocumentsPDP工程指导计划Project Directing PlanPEN部分试验完成,有偏差Partial Test Completion with Deviation PHT焊后热处理Postweld Heat TreatmentPHWR重水(慢化、冷却)反应堆Pressurized Heavy-Water Moderated and Cooled Reactor核电常用缩略语(六)PICC中国人民保险公司People's Insurance Co. of ChinaPIM工程接口(管理)程序Project Interface ManagementPO采购定单Purchase OrderPRE征求意见稿Preliminary for CommentsPS工程服务Project ServicePSA概率安全评估Probabilistic Safety AssessmentPSAR初步安全分析报告Preliminary Safety Analysis Report PSI役前检查Pre-Service InspectionPWN追加工作通知Plant Work NotificationPWT产品焊缝试件Production Weld Test CouponPWTCR产品焊缝试件报告Production Weld Test Coupon Report QA质量保证Quality AssuranceQADP质量保证文件数据包Quality Assurance Data Package QAM质保手册Quality Assurance ManualQAP质量保证大纲Quality Assurance ProgramQASR质量监督报告Quality Assurance Surveillance Report QC质量控制,质检Quality ControlQCE质检工程师Quality Control EngineerQDS技术评定数据表Technical Qualification Data SheetQNC非质量级别Quality Non-ClassifiedQOM质量管理手册Quality Organization ManualQP质量计划Quality PlanQPM质量计划管理Quality Plan ManagementQR与质量有关Quality RelatedQS质量监督Quality SurveillanceQSDR质量监督缺陷报告Quality Surveillance Deficiency ReportQSDR质量监督偏差报告Quality Surveillance Deviation ReportQSP质量安全计划Quality Safety PlanQSR与质量及(核)安全有关的Quality and Safety RelatedQTCWPDS用于评定试件的焊接工艺数据单Welding Procedure Data Sheet for QualificationRCCMDesign & Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PRW Nuclear Is landRCR保留项消除申请Reservation Clear RequestREF参考referenceREV修改,修改版revisionRF突面法兰,凸面法兰RAISED FACE FLANGERFC试验不合格,需重作TEST REFUSED, TO BE REPERFORMEDRFC退回改正(工程文件用语)RETURN FOR CORRECTIONRFC待重新呈报(文件批复)RFI已准备好可以实施READY FOR IMPLEMENTATION核电常用缩略语(七)RIN基准标识号REFERENCE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERRP辐射防护RP固定资产REAL PROPERTYRS滚动计划Roll ScheduleRT射线探伤radiograph testRWL剩余工作清单SAR安全分析报告SBP小口径管SCAR重大纠正措施要求单SCS系统完工计划SDM系统设计手册SEPC山东电建SEPC-NP山东电建工程公司--核电SEPP标准安装程序包SER重大事件报告SIGNIFICANT EVENT REPORTSES供应商评审表SUPPLIER EVALUATION SHEETSI现场指示书Site InstructionsSL供货边界Supply LimitSMAW(气体)保护金属极电弧焊Supply LimitSPM整定值手册Set Point ManualSPSB深圳供电局Shenzhen Power Supply BureauSPV第二方验证Second Party VerificationSR供应要求(申请)单Supply RequestSR重大事件报告Significant Incident ReportSS值长Shift SupervisorSS不锈钢Stainless SteelSSA付值长Shift Supervisor AssistantSSP专门监督计划Special Surveillance PlanST现场施工进度安排On Site Work ScheduleSTC现场调试委员会Site Testing CommitteeSUM调试经理Startup ManagerSUT调试启动队Start Up TeamSW承插焊,插套焊Socket WeldTA技术适应性修改Technical AdaptationTAC完全接受Total AcceptanceTDD技术设计室Technical Design OfficeTEN完全接受,注明的除外Technical Design OfficeTFD水压试验流程图Test Fluid DrawingTIG气体保护钨极电弧焊Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding TOB隔离移交Takeover for BlockingTOC技术待召Technical On Call核电常用缩略语(八)TOM维修移交Take Over for MaintenanceTOTO临时运行移交Take Over for MaintenanceTQ培训和资格评定Take Over for MaintenanceTQC全面质量管理Total Quality ControlTQP典型质量计划Typical Quality PlanTR试验报告Test ReportTRAS试验报告分析单Test Report Analysis SheetTS技术支持Technical SupportTS试验负责人Test SupervisorTS技术规范Technical SpecificationsTS/PQR焊接工艺评定报告技术, 规程Technical Specification for Welding Procedure [Qualification Report] TS/PWTCR产品焊缝试件报告技术规程Technical Specification for Production Weld2 ( Test Coupon Test) TS/WQR焊工评定报告技术规程Technical Specification for Welder Qualification ReportTSA技术服务协议Technical Service AgreementTSD临时专用设施Temporary Special DeviceTSI临时监督指令Temporary Surveillance InstructionUU型钢U IronsUCC机组完工证书Unit Completion CertificateUCD机组完工日期Unit Completion DateUES意外事件单(调试队发)Unexpected Event ReportsUT超声探伤Ultrasonic TestVFC已验证可施工Valid for ConstructionVFP已验证可预制Verified for PrefabricationVFT已验证可试验Valid for TestVO变更指令(合同用语)Variation OrderVT外观检验,目检Visual Examination(Inspection)WAS材料(设备)领用单Withdrawal Authorization SheetWDP焊接数据包Welding Data Package WE带附件With EnclosureWF工作文件Work FileWFQC焊接质量跟踪管理/ b7 Welding Follow Up and Quality Control WG线规Wire GaugeWN-RF焊颈突面法兰Welding Neck-Raised FlangeWNF焊颈法兰Welding Neck FlangeWOA不带(无)附件Without Attachment核电常用缩略语(九)WOE不带附件Without EnclosureW-Point见证点Witness PointWP工作计划Work PlanWPQ焊接工艺评定(注:AMSE标准称之为焊接程序评定)Welding Procedure QualificationWPQR焊接工艺评定报告Welding Procedure Qualification Report WPQT焊接工艺评定试验Welding Procedure Qualification TestWQ焊工评定,焊工资格考评Welder QualificationWQDS焊接工艺数据表Welding Procedure Data SheetWQR焊工评定报告Welder Qualification ReportWQT焊工评定试验Welder Qualification TestWR工作申请Work RequestWS工作负责人Work SupervisorWSL施工队长Work Section Leader。

核电站英文名称缩写手册Quality and nuclear safety related system(完全与质量和核安全相关系统)Partially quality and nuclear safety related system(部分与质量和核安全相关系统) Quality related system(与质量相关系统)Non quality related system(与质量无关系统)A Feedwater Supply(供水系统)ABP Low Pressure Feedwater Heater(低压给水加热器系统)ACO Feedwater Heaters Drain Recovery(给水加热器疏水回收系统)ADG Feedwater Deaerating Tank and Gas Stripper(给水除氧器系统)ADS LV AC Network 380V(ET Buiding)/低压交流电源380V系统(ET厂房)AET Feedwanter Pump Turbine Gland(主给水泵汽机轴封系统)AGM Moter Driven Feedwater Pump Lubrication(电动主给水泵润滑系统)AGR Feedwater Pump Turbine Lubrication and Control Fluid(主给水泵汽机润滑油及调节油系统)AHP High Pressure Feedwataer Heater(高压给水加热器系统)APA Moter-Driven Feedwater Pump(电动主给水泵系统)2APD Start-up Feedwater System(启动给水系统)APG Steam Generator Blowdown(蒸汽发生器排污系统)APP Turbine-Driven Feedwater Pump(汽动主给水泵系统)APU Feedwater Pump Turbine Drain(主给水泵汽机疏水系统)ARE Feedwater Flow Control(给水流量控制系统)ASG Auiliary Feedwater (辅助给水系统)ATE Condensate Polishing Plant(凝结水净化处理系统)C Condenser(Condensation-Vacuum-Circulating Water)/凝汽器(冷凝-真空-循环水)CAR Turbine Exhaust Water Spraying(汽机排汽口喷淋系统)CET Turbine Gland(汽机轴封系统)CEX Condensate Extraction(凝结水抽取系统)CFI Circulating Water Filtraation(循环水过滤系统)CGR Circulating Water Pump Lubrication(循环水泵润滑系统)CPA Cathodic Protection(阴极保护系统)CRF Circulating Water(循环水系统)3CTE Circulating Water Treatment(循环水处理系统)CVI Condenser Vacuum(凝汽器真空系统)D Ventilation-Handling Equipment-Communications-lighting(通风-吊装设备-通讯-照明)DAA BOP Elevator System(BOP电梯系统)DAI Nuclear Island Building Elevators(核岛厂房电梯)DAM Turbine Hall Elevators(汽机厂房电梯)DEG Nuclear Island Chilled Water (核岛冷冻水系统)DEL Electrical Building Chilled Water(电气厂房冷冻水系统)DMA BOP Handling Equipment(AC Building)/BOP吊装设备(AC厂房)DME Main Swithchyard Handling Equipment(主开关站吊装设备)DMH Miscellaneous Hoists and Lifting Equipment in BOP Buildings and Area(BOP厂房和BOP区域内的各种吊装设备DMK Fuel Building Handling Equipment(核燃料厂房吊装设备)DMM Turbine Hall Mechanical Handling Equipment(汽机厂房机械吊装设备)DMN Nuclear Auxiliary Building Handling Equipment(核辅助厂房吊装设备)4DMP Circulating Water Pumping Station Handling Equipment (循环水泵站吊设备)DMR Reactor Building Handling Equipment(反应堆厂房吊装设备)DMW Handling Equipment for Reactor Building Gantry and Peripheral Rooms(反应堆厂房外部龙门架及其外围厂房吊装设备)DNB BOP Building&Area Normal Lighting(BOP厂房和区域内正常照明系统)DNK Fuel Buildings Normal Lighting(核燃料厂房正常照明系统)DNL Electrical Building Nomal Lighting(电气厂房正常照明系统)DNM Turbine Hall Normal Lighting(汽机厂房正常照明系统)DNN Nuclear Auxiliray Building Normal Lighting(核辅助厂房正常照明系统)DNP Circulating Water Pumping Station Normal Lighting(循环水泵房正常照明系统)DNQ Waste Auxiliary Building Normal Lighting(核废料辅助厂房正常照明系统)DNR Reactor Building Normal Lighting(反应堆厂房正常照明系统)DSB BOP Building&Area Emergency Lighting(BOP厂房和区域内应急照明系统)DSI Site Security System(厂区保安系统)DSK Fuel Buildings Emergency Lighting(核燃料厂房应急照明系统)5DSL Electrical Building Emergency Lighting (电气厂房应急照明系统)DSM Turbine Hall Emergency Lighting(汽机厂房应急照明系统)DSN Nuclear Auxiliray Building Emergency Lighting(核辅助厂房应急照明系统)DSP Circulating Water Pumping Station Emergency Lighting(循环水泵房应急照明系统)DSQ Waste Auxiliary Building Emergency Lighting(核废料辅助厂房应急照明系统) DSR Reactor Building Emergency Lighting(反应堆厂房应急照明系统)DTL Closed-Circuit Television(闭路电视系统)DTV Site Communication(厂区通讯系统)DVC Control Room Air Conditioning(主控制室空调系统)DVE Cable Floor Ventilation (电缆层通风系统)DVF Electrical Building Smoke Exhaust(电气厂房排烟系统)DVG Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room Ventilation(辅助给水泵房通风系统)DVH Charging Pump Room Emergency Ventilation(上充泵房应急通风系统)DVI Component Cooling Room Ventilation(设备冷却水房间通风系统)DVK Fuel Building Ventilation(核燃料厂房通风系统)6DVL Electrical Building Main Ventilation(电气厂房主通风系统)DVM Turbine Hall Vetilation(汽机厂房通风系统)DVN Nuclear Auxiliry Building Ventilation(核辅助厂房通风系统)DVP Circulating Water Pumping Station Ventilation (循环水泵通风系统)DVQ Waste Auxiliary Building Ventilation (废物辅助厂房通风系统)DVS Safety Injection and Containment Spray Pump Motor Room Ventilation(安全注入和安全喷林泵电机通风系统)DVT Demineralization Plant VentilationDVV Auxiliary Boiler and Compressor Building Ventilation(辅助锅炉和空压机厂房通风系统)DVW Peripheral Rooms Ventilation (安全壳环廊房间通风系统)DVX Lubricating Oil Transfer Plant Building Ventilation(润滑油输送装置厂房通风系统)DWA Hot Workshop and Warehouse Ventilation(热机修车间和仓库通风系统)DWB RestaurantVentilation (SA餐厅通风系统)DWC Trainning Center Ventilation (EA Building)/培训中心通风系统DWD Security Building Ventilation(保安楼通风系统)7DWE Main Swithchyard Ventilation(主开关站通风系统)DWM EC Building Ventilation System(EC厂房暖通空调系统)DWL Hot Laundry Ventilation(热洗衣房通风系统)DWM Emergency Center Ventilation System(应急中心通风系统/EM楼)DWN Site Laboratory Ventilation(厂区实验室通风系统/AL实验室)DWQ Garge & Laundry Ventilation(车库和洗衣房通风系统(AG/EL)厂房)DWS Essential ServiceWater Pumping Station Ventilation(重要厂用水泵站通风系统/PX泵站)DWT Archive & Documentation Center Ventilation(AD Building )/文档中心通风系统(AD楼)DWU Fire Fighting Training CenterVentilation(消防培训中心通风系统/EB楼)DWV Oil Storage Area Ventilation (FC Building)/油料仓库通风系统(FC厂房)DWX Compressors Building Ventilation System(ZC Building)/空压机房通风系统(ZC 厂房)DWY Electrochlorination Plant Ventilation(制氯站通风系统)DWZ Hydrogen Production Plant Ventilation(制氢站通风系统)8E ContainmentEAS Containment Spray(安全壳喷淋系统)EAU Containment Instrumentation(安全壳仪表系统)EBA Containment Sweeping Ventilation(安全壳换气通风系统)EPP Containment Leakage Monitoring(安全壳泄漏监测系统)ETY Containment Atmosphere Monitoring(安全壳大气监测系统)EVC Reactor Pit Ventilation(反应堆堆坑通风系统)EVF Containment Cleanup(安全壳内空气净化系统)EVR Containment Continuous Ventilation(安全壳连续通风系统)G Turbine Generator(汽轮发电机)GCA Turbine and Feedheating Plant Preservation DuringOutage(汽机和给水加热装置停运期间的保养系统)GCT Turbine Bypass(汽机旁路系统)GEV Power Transmission(输电系统)GEW Main Swithchyard-EHV Switchgear(主开关站-超高压配电装置)GEX Generator Excitation and Voltage Regulation(发电机励磁和电压调节系统)9GFR Turbine Control Fluid(汽机调节系统)GGR Turbine Lubrication Jaching and Turning(汽机润滑、顶轴和盘车系统)GHE Generator Seal Oil(发电机密封油系统)GME Turbine Supervisory System(汽机监视系统)GPA Generator and Power Transmission Protection(发电机和输电保护系统)GPV Turbine Steam and Drain(汽机蒸汽和疏水系统)GRE Turbine Governing(汽机调节系统)GRH Generator Hydrogen Cooling(发电机氢气冷却系统)GRV Generator Hydrogen Supply(发电机氢气供应系统)GSE Turbine Protection(汽机保护系统)GSS Moisture Separator Water(汽水分离再热器系统)GST Stator Cooling Water(发电机定子冷却水系统)GSY Grid Synchronization and Connection(同步并网系统)GTH Turbine Lube Oil Treatment(汽机润滑油处理系统)GTR TurbineGenerator Remote Control(汽轮发电机远程控制系统)10J Fire Protection(Detection-Fire Fighting)/消防(探测-火警)JDT Fire Detection(火警探测系统)JPD Fire Fighting Water Distribution(消防水分配系统)JPH Turbine Oil Tank Fire Protection(汽机油箱消防系统)JPI Nuclear Island Fire Protection (核岛消防系统)JPL Electrical Building Fire Protection(电气厂房消防系统)JPP Fire Fighting Water Production(消防水生产系统)JPS Mobile & Portable Fire Fighting Equipment(移动式和便携式消防设备)JPT Transformers Fire Protection(变压器灭火系统)JPU Site Fire Fighting Water Distribution(厂区消防水分配系统)JPV DieselGenerator Fire Protection(柴油发电机灭火系统)K Instrumentation and Control(仪表和控制)KBS Thermocouple Cold Junction Boxes(热电偶冷端盒系统)KCO Common Control Cabinets for Conventional Island(常规岛共用控制机柜)KDO Test Data Acquisition(试验数据采集系统)11KIR Loose Parts and Vibration Monitoring(松动部分和振动监测系统)KIS Seisimic Instrumentation(地震仪表系统)KIT Centralized Data Processing(集中数据处理系统)KKK Site and Building Access Control(厂区和办公楼出入监督系统)KKO Energy Metering and Perturbography(电度表和故障录波仪)KLP 500KV Line Protection 500KV (线路保护系统)KME Test Instrumentation(试验仪表系统)KPR Remote Shutdown Panel (应急停堆盘系统)KRG General Control Analog Cabinets(集中控制模拟量机柜)KRS Site Radiation and Meteorological Monitoring(厂区辐射与气象检测系统)KRT Plant Radiation Monitoring (电厂辐射监测系统)KSA Alarm Processing(报警处理系统)KSC Main Control Room(主控制室系统)KSN Nulear Auxiliary Building-Local Control Panels and Boards(核辅助厂房-就地控制屏和控制盘)12KSU Security Building Control Desk(应急保安控制台系统)KZC Controlled Area Access Monitoring(控制区出入监测系统)L Electrical System(电气系统)LAA Uninterrupted 230V DC Power System(LNE)Inverter Power Supply/230V 不间断直流电源系统、逆变系统(电气厂房LNE)LAB Turbine Generator Continuous Lubrication Pump Power Supply/汽轮机不间断润滑油泵电源系统(汽机厂房)。
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Commercial Operation
Commercial Operation Date
Construction Permit
Conformity Punch List
Cold Precritical Test
澄清问题申请单 临界
Plant Quality Release Clarification Request Form Criticality
EESR签字后保留项目跟踪 文件
快中子反应堆 按文件作施工准备
现场变更通知 现场更改单 现场修改申请
燃料交付 装料
离岸价格 动火票 全透焊,全透焊焊缝 法国法马通公司 (经验)反馈单
供使用(文件状态) 装修工程,收尾工程
现场焊 角焊缝,填角焊焊缝
材料催交 主质量计划 材料申请单 汽水分离再热器 材料提交单
磁粉检验,磁粉探伤 材料转移申请
不适用,不要求 不符合项
核回路清洗 不符合项报告
核电, 缩略语, 大全
Alternating Current
Accepted Without Comment
Accepted With Comment
Award Intention Agreement
China Road Transportation Company
Carbon Steel
Containment Tests
Civil Work
焊接接头目录 调试(日)例会
Catalog of Welded Joint Daily Commissioning Meeting Design Change Request
Building Hand Over
Balance of Nuclear Island
Blocking Office
Balance of the Plant
Bill of Quantities
英国标准 英国标准协会
British Standard British Standard IBnosotkitoufteTechnical Specification
设备出厂报告 应急准备
Equipment Operation and MEanidntoefnaMnacneufMaacntuuarling Report Emergency Preparedness
Байду номын сангаас
End of Performance Test
International Standard Organization Iso
Invitation to Tender Joint venture Co. Ltd. Keydate Achievement Form
执照 意向书
液体渗透试验 泄漏试验,紧密性试验
主控室 缩微胶片 工时数
Guangdong General Power Company Gas Metal Arc Welding General Notes Guangdong Nuclear Power Investment Co.Ltd Guangdong Nuclear Power General Services Co. Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co.,Ltd. General Nuclear Review Board General Quality Specifications Gas Tungsten Arc Welding General Terms and Conditions Hot Functional Test Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Head Office Hold Point Hot Precritical Test
Clear for Action
Certified For Construction
Cold Function Test
土建交接证书 常规岛
Cold Function Test RCeiavcitlorHaVnedssOevlerOpen Certificate Conventional Island
Daya Bay Public Security Branch
Deviation Reports
设计规范(文件编码用语) Design Specifications
设备状态证书 法国电力公司
Equipment Condition Certification Electricite De France (法 语)
Cost, Insurance & Freight
Component Intervention Notice
Authorization to Proceed
Additional Work Notice
American Welding Society
装船提单,运货证书 Bill of Landing
Backfilling Check List
Flat Bar
安装竣工报告 环境影响报告 制造完工合格证 机电(工程)包 制造完工报告 电气管理系统
End of Erection Certification End of Erection Status REenpvoirrtonmental Impact REenpdorMtanufacturing CEelretcitfriocaMteechanical PEancdkaogfeManufacturing REelpeocrttrical Management System Engineering Procedure Manual
ISO ISO14000
独立检查 在役检查
等轴图 国际环境管理标准
招标书 合营公司 关键日工作进度表(格式) 试验室 岭澳核电有限公司 大口径管
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning International Atomic Energy Agency International Direct Dialing Internal Experience Feedback Independent Inspection
Reservation Follow-up Sheet after EESR
Execution Tracing File Final Acceptance Certificate Fast Breader Reactor For Construction Field Change Notice Field Change Order Field Change Request Fuel Delivery Fuel Loading Free on Board Fire Permit Full Penetration Weld Framatome (Experience) Feedback SFhieneatl Safety Analysis Report Full Scope Simulator Function Training Guide For Use Finishing Work Field Weld Fillet weld Goods Acceptance Form Gas Cooled Reactor Grid Control Room General Electric Corp. GEC Alsthom Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau