蒸发式冷凝器说明书 .doc
![蒸发式冷凝器说明书 .doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/771350ca2cc58bd63186bd8f.png)
目录一前言 (2)二安全注意事项.............. (2)三蒸发冷凝器的原理、构造及说明 (3)四搬运 (3)五安装注意事项. (3)六运转准备 (4)七运转方法 (5)八保养管理及注意事项.................................................................... . (5)九冬季运行时的注意事项 (6)十有关省能源运转 (7)十二长期停止运转时的注意事项 (7)十三特别注意事项 (7)十四关于补给水量 (7)十五故障原因及对策 (8)一前言本说明书是以一般食品加工、冷冻、啤酒、饮料、石油、化工、医药等行业用于SLC系列蒸发式冷凝器作为对象,是确保安全使用本产品的指南。
jct冷凝器说明书1. 产品概述JCT冷凝器是一种高效冷却设备,广泛应用于工业生产中的冷却与热回收过程。
2. 结构与组成部分JCT冷凝器由以下几个主要部分组成:2.1 冷却管道:采用高品质铜材制成,具有良好的导热性能和耐腐蚀性。
2.2 高效散热器:采用先进的散热技术,能够有效地将废热散发出去,减少能量损耗。
2.3 控制系统:包括温度控制、压力控制和流量控制等多个模块,确保冷却过程的稳定性和自动化。
3. 工作原理JCT冷凝器通过传递冷却剂与待冷却物之间的热量,使待冷却物的温度迅速下降。
其工作原理如下:3.1 冷却剂的循环:冷却剂在冷却管道中进行循环,通过吸收待冷却物的热量后,被高效散热器冷却并重新循环。
3.2 热量传递:待冷却物通过接触冷却剂,传递热量至冷却剂中,使待冷却物的温度降低,从而实现冷却效果。
4. 使用方法4.1 安装:将JCT冷凝器放置在适当的位置,并确保其稳定性。
4.2 开启电源:将冷凝器连接至电源,并打开电源开关。
4.3 运行监控:监控冷凝器的运行状态,确保冷却效果和能量利用的最佳平衡。
5. 注意事项5.1 安全操作:在使用JCT冷凝器时,操作人员应按照安全操作规程进行操作,避免发生人身伤害。
5.2 维护保养:定期检查冷凝器各部件的工作状态,及时清洁和更换故障部件,以确保其正常运行和延长使用寿命。
5.3 环境适应:在使用JCT冷凝器时,确保环境温度在适宜的范围内,避免过高或过低的温度对设备运行产生不利影响。
5.4 紧急处理:在出现故障或紧急情况时,应立即切断电源,并寻求专业人员的帮助进行检修和处理。
工业上已采用的制冷剂很多,目前常用的有 氨(NH3)、氟利昂-12(CF2Cl2)、氟利昂-22 (CHF2Cl)等。氨是应用较广的中温制冷剂,有 较好的热力学性质和热物理性质,在常温和普通低 温范围内压力比较适中,单位容积制冷量大,在相 同制冷量的情况下,系统中的制冷剂循环量较少, 氨粘性小,流动阻力小,创热性能好,在制冷系统 中不会出现冰塞现象。虽然氨对人体有较大的毒性 ,氨确实具有强烈刺激臭味,正是由于这样,所以 极容易被检验出来,反而成为安全的保证。而且从 环境保护角度看,氨比氟利昂制冷剂优越很多。所 以选择氨作为制冷剂。
由于冷凝器的长径比有一定要求,一般L/D=3~8。若按单程设计L太长,超过上述长径比时,一般可采用多 管程解决。管程数为m,则 式中:L——按单程计算的管长,m; l——选定的每程管长,m;考虑到管材的合理利用,按管材一般出厂规格为6m长,故取l=6m。 采用12管程后,冷凝器的总管数为:
式中:D——壳体内径,mm; a——管心距,mm,a=48mm; b——最外层的六角形对角线(或同心圆直径)上的管数,查表可得b=27; e——六角形最外层管子中心到壳体内壁的距离。一般取,选取。
式中:s——外壳壁厚,cm; P——操作时的之内压力,(表压);以tk为定性温度,由压焓图可查得:P绝对=1.605×106Pa=160.5 N/cm2, 则:P表压=160.5-10.1=150.4 N/cm2。 ——材料的许用应力,钢管的=9810N/cm2; ——焊缝系数,采用双面焊缝=0.85 C——腐蚀裕度,其值在(0.1~0.8)cm之间,根据流体的腐蚀性而定;由于氨腐蚀性相对强一点,取C=0.7cm ——外壳内径,壳径的计算值应圆整到最靠近的颁布标准尺寸, 即=1400mm=140cm 即设计的外壳壁厚大于最小壁厚,符合要求。 同时,冷凝器的长径比L/D=6000/1420=4.23,符合L/D=3~8的要求。
六、设备的清洗和维护 (4)七、注意事项 (5)八、售后服务承诺 (5)九、合格证 (7)十、配置表 (7)一、产品介绍采用不锈钢材质制造,特别适合于制药、化工、生化、农副产品、水产品深加工、食品等行业的稀料液的蒸发浓缩操作,根据工艺的不同,可用于对水蒸气、有机蒸汽的冷凝等等,冷却介质可以为冷却水和冷媒,可根据用户的工艺要求进行选择,本产品可广泛用于各种需加热或冷却操作工序中,具有结构紧凑简单,成本低,使用方便及性价比高等特点。
气体冷凝器 TC-MINI 安装及使用说明书
![气体冷凝器 TC-MINI 安装及使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/073e3493185f312b3169a45177232f60ddcce739.png)
分析技术气体冷凝器TC-MINI安装及使用说明书原版使用说明书BC440015Bühler Technologies GmbH, Harkortstr. 29, D-40880 RatingenBühler Technologies GmbH, Harkortstr. 29, D-40880 Ratingen Tel. +49 (0) 21 02 / 49 89-0, Fax: +49 (0) 21 02 / 49 89-20 Internet: E-Mail:********************************使用设备之前,请仔细阅读说明书。
Bühler Technologies GmbH 2023文档信息文档号.................................BC440015版本...................................04/2023目录1导言 (2)1.1合规应用 (2)1.2型号 (2)1.3供货范围 (2)1.4订购提示 (2)2安全提示 (3)2.1重要提示 (3)2.2常规性危险提示 (4)3运输和储存 (5)4安装和连接 (6)4.1安装地点要求 (6)4.2安装 (6)4.2.1连接气路连接过滤器 (可选) (7)4.2.2连接 流量适配器 (可选) (7)4.2.3连接检湿器 (可选) (7)4.3电气连接 (7)4.4设置 (9)5运行和操作 (11)5.1通过LED和状态继电器发出状态信号 (11)5.2使用数字接口 (11)5.3Modbus配置 (11)5.4Modbus通信 (12)5.5Modbus寄存器 (13)6保养 (17)7服务和维修 (18)7.1故障诊断与排除 (18)7.2安全提示 (19)7.3清洗和拆卸换热器 (19)7.4更换气体冷却器的微型保险丝 (19)7.5更换滤芯(可选) (20)7.6干燥检湿器(可选) (20)7.7替换件 (20)7.7.1耗材和附件 (20)8废弃处理 (21)9附录 (22)9.1气体冷却器技术规格 (22)9.2选件技术规格 (22)9.3尺寸 (mm) (23)9.4功率曲线 (23)9.5换热器 (24)9.5.1换热器描述 (24)9.5.2换热器概述 (24)10随附文档 (25)1 导言1.1 合规应用本设备被设计用于工业气体分析系统。
Z78802.80.05/01N-2400-18冷凝器说明书XX汽轮电机(集团)有限责任公司磁盘(带号)底图号旧底图号归档签名简要说明文件代号页次数量标记编制徐XX 2011.3.28校核王XX 2011.3.28审核王XX 2011.3.29会签刘XX 2011.3.29标准审查郝XX2011.3.29审定批准目次1.作用与工作原理3 2.技术规范3 3.冷凝器的构造3 4.冷凝器的运行与注意事项5 5.冷凝器的清洗6 6.严密性试验6⒈作用与工作原理1.1作用1.1.1冷凝器的作用是建立并维持汽轮机排汽口的高度真空,使蒸汽在汽轮机内膨胀到很低的压力,增大蒸汽的作功能力,从而使蒸汽在汽轮机中有更多的热能转变成机械能,提高循环效率。
⒉技术规范型号N-2400-18型式分列二道制表面回热式(对分制双流程表面回热式)冷却面积2400m2汽轮机排汽量88.3t/h冷却循环水温度20℃冷凝器压力0.0049MPa(a)冷却循环水流量6500t/h(淡水)凝结水温度32.5℃冷却管材料316L不锈钢直管注:供货材质以合同或技术协议为准冷却管规格Φ25×0.7×7562(3920根)冷却水流速 2.1m/s水阻53kPa冷凝器净重39.3t冷凝器运行重量63t冷凝器灌水时重量98t强度设计压力壳侧:-0.1/0.1MPa管程:0.6MPa⒊冷凝器的构造冷凝器的结构简图如下:图1凝汽器结构简图1.——循环水出口2.——外壳3.——进汽室4.——减温减压器5.——管板6.——后水室7.——支座8.——抽气口9.——集水箱10.——前水室11.——循环水进口3.1壳体用12毫米钢板卷圆焊接成。
经测定排烟中的有害物质减少量如下:二氧化硫:减少99% 水蒸汽:减少60%三氧化硫:减少99% 一氧化碳:减少60%烟尘:减少93% 氮氧化物:减少50%排热量:减少60% 二氧化碳:减少40%公司生产的烟气冷凝器设备,是采用间壁式换热原理,使被加热水从翅片管内部流过,烟气从翅片管外部流过,通过对流换热从而能够把烟气中的显热和潜热最大程度回收的一种专用于燃气(油)锅炉的节能装置。
GEA S-Tec 螺旋冷冻器和冷凝器产品说明书
![GEA S-Tec 螺旋冷冻器和冷凝器产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1ad0d42e2f3f5727a5e9856a561252d381eb2018.png)
15 to 35
15 to 35
15 to 35
15 to 35
Tier pitch range (mm)
110 to 130 110 to 220 110 to 220 110 to 220 110 to 220
1,7 (1554) 1,7 (2245) 1,7 (2764) 1,7 (3627) 1,7 (4491)
Available turn radius
2,2 (2012)
2,2 (2906) 2,7 (3566)
2,2 (3576)
2,2 (4694) 2,7 (5761)
2,2 (5812) 2,7 (7132)
(n) = Drum size in mm models available with DDS option
GEA S-Tec · 1
GEA S-Tec spiral freezers and chillers
Hygienic food processing
2 · GEA S-Tec
GEA S-Tec · 3
Extensive experience in freezing and chilling for food processing
High yield with horizontal airflow • Even airflow and temperature distribution across all tiers
for best heat transfer and minimum product dehydration. • High performance independent from product loading variation.
课程设计课程名称热交换器课程设计题目名称 106kW水冷式冷凝器学生学院材料与能源学院专业班级热能与动力工程(制冷与空调方向)09011班学号 30学生姓名陈桂福指导教师王长宏2012年7月5日广东工业大学课程设计任务书题目名称106KW 水冷式冷凝器 学生学院材料与能源学院 专业班级热能与动力工程 制冷0901班 姓 名陈桂福 学 号 30一、课程设计的内容设计一台冷库用冷凝器。
冷凝器热负荷k Q =106KW ,冷凝温度k t =40℃,制冷剂为R22。
冷却水进出口温度分别为:进口温度2t '=32℃,出口温度2t ''=36℃。
四、课程设计进程安排五、应收集的资料及主要参考文献[1] 吴业正. 制冷原理及设备(第2版)[M]. 西安:西安交通大学出版社,1998.[2] 吴业正.小型制冷装置设计指导[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1999.[3] 史美中,王中铮.热交换器原理与设计[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2003.[4] 余建祖.换热器原理与设计[M].北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2006.[5] 杨世铭,陶文铨.传热学(第四版)[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,2006.[6] 中华人民共和国国家标准-管壳式换热器(GB151-1999).[7] 其它设计资料:包括各种换热器设计标准、制冷工程设计手册、制冷设备手册、制冷机工艺等相关资料.发出任务书日期:2012年 6 月 25日指导教师签名:计划完成日期: 2012年 7月6 日基层教学单位责任人签章:主管院长签章:设 计 总 说 明本课程设计是设计一个热负荷为106kW 的水冷式管壳冷凝器。
关键词:管壳式换热器卧式壳程冷凝器管板法兰AbstractAccording to the design condition, GB151 and GB150 and related norms, design a horizontal shell condenser, which included technology calculate of condenser, the structure and intensity of condenser.The technology calculation process. Mainly, the process of technology calculate is according to the given design conditions to estimate the heat exchanger area, and then, select a suitable condenser to check heat transfer coefficient ,just for the actual heat transfer area .Meanwhile the process above still include the pressure drop and wall temperature calculation . The design is about the structure and intensity of the design. This part is just on the selected type of condenser to design the condenser’s components and parts ,such as vesting ,baffled plates, the distance control tube, tube boxes. This part of design mainly include:the choice of materials,identify specific size, identify specific location, the thickness calculation of tube sheet, the thickness calculation of flange, the opening reinforcement calculation etc. In the end, the final design results through and parts drawing to display.The each aspects of the horizontal shell condenser has detailed instructions in the design manual.Key word: Shell-Tube heat exchanger; Horizontal shell condenser; Tube sheet; Flange.目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)冷凝器概述 (1)冷凝器类型 (1)卧式壳程冷凝器 (1)卧式管程冷凝器 (2)立式壳程冷凝器 (2)管内向下流动的立式管程冷凝器 (3)向上流动的立式管程冷凝器 (3)冷凝器发展前景 (4)第2章工艺计算 (5)设计条件 (5)确定物性数据 (5)冷凝器的类型与流动空间的确定 (5)未考虑冬季因素 (5)估算传热面积 (5)选工艺尺寸计算 (7)冷凝器核算 (10)冬季因素考虑 (17)综合考虑 (18)估算传热面积 (19)选工艺尺寸计算 (19)冷凝器核算 (20)换热器主要结构尺寸和计算结果 (25)第3章结构设计 (26)壳体、管箱壳体和封头的设计 (26)壁厚的确定 (26)管箱壳体壁厚的确定 (27)标准椭圆封头的设计 (27)管板与换热管设计 (28)管板 (28)换热管 (29)进出口设计 (30)接管的设计 (30)接管外伸长度 (30)排气、排液管 (30)接管最小位置 (31)折流板或支持板 (32)折流板尺寸 (32)折流板和折流板孔径 (32)折流板的布置 (33)防冲挡板 (34)拉杆与定距管 (34)拉杆的结构和尺寸 (34)拉杆的位置 (35)定距管尺寸 (35)鞍座选用及安装位置确定 (35)第4章强度计算 (36)壳体、管箱壳体和封头校核 (36)壳体体校核 (36)管箱壳体校核 (36)椭圆封头校核 (37)接管开孔补强 (37)蒸汽进出口开孔补强 (37)管箱冷却水接管补强的校核 (39)膨胀节 (40)膨胀节 (40)膨胀节计算 (41)管板校核 (42)结构尺寸参数 (42)各元件材料及其设计数据 (43)管子许用应力 (44)结构参数计算 (45)法兰力矩 (46)换热管与壳体圆筒的热膨胀应变形差 (46)管箱圆筒与法兰的旋转刚度参数 (46)管子加强系数 (47)旋转刚度无量纲参数 (47)设计条件不同危险组合工况的应力计算 (48)四种危险工况的各种应力计算与校核: (50)设计值总汇 (52)第5章安装使用及维修 (53)安装 (53)维护和检修 (53)结论 (56)参考文献 (57)致谢 (58)第1章绪论冷凝器概述在蒸馏过程中,把蒸气转变成液态的装置称为冷凝器[1]。
Circulating Fluid Temperature ControllerThermo-chiller Compact Type Series HRS4700 W /5100 W (50/60 Hz) cooling capacityadded! (HRS050)b Temperature stability: ±0.1°CbTemperature range setting:5 to 40°Cb High-lift pump available as standard(For HRS050)b Footprint reduced by 32%b Volume reduced by 42%bWeight reduced by 43%SeriesHRS050Weight (kg)69120Height (mm)9761150Depth (mm)592595Width (mm)377550b With earth leakage breakerb With automatic water supply functionb Applicable to DI water (deionized water) piping976 m m377 m m592m mCompact/Space-savingLightweightOptionsHRG (C )005(Conventional model)HRS050(Except HRS050)RoHSProduction of HRG(C)005 will be discontinued at the end of March 2011.Comparison with Conventional Model HRG (C )005ModelHRS012HRS018HRS024HRS050Cooling capacity (W)Cooling method Power supplyInternational standards1100/1300 (50/60 Hz)1700/1900 (50/60 Hz)2100/2400 (50/60 Hz)4700/5100 (50/60 Hz)Air-cooled refrigeration Water-cooled refrigeration Single-phase 100 VAC (50/60 Hz), 115 VAC (60 Hz)Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)CE/UL ∗—Air-cooledrefrigeration∗ UL standards: Applicable to 60 Hz onlyVariationsNew NewScheduled for2011Weight69 kgInformationAkihabara UDX 15F,4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN ©2011 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved 10-E569D-DN Printing PQ 12450SZHRG (C )005(Conventional model)1C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mHow to OrderThermo-chillerSeries HRS018A 10Cooling capacity012018Cooling capacity 1100/1300 W (50/60 Hz)Cooling capacity 1500/1700 W (50/60 Hz)CE/ULCooling methodA WAir-cooled refrigeration Water-cooled refrigerationPipe thread typeNilF NRcG (with PT-G conversion fitting set)NPT (with PT-NPT conversion fitting set)Power supply Note)10Power supplySingle-phase 100 VAC (50/60 Hz)115 VAC (60 Hz)SymbolHRS OptionSymbol NilB J MOption b When multiple options are combined, indicatesymbols in alphabetical order.Specifications ∗ There are different values from standard specifications.Note 1) For water-cooled refrigeration Note 2) It should have no condensation.Note 3) If clear water is used, use water that conforms to Water Quality Standards of the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industrial Association (JRA GL-02-1994 cooling water system - circulating type - make-up water).Note 4) q Ambient temperature: 25°C, w Circulating fluid temperature: 20°C, e Rated circulating fluid flow rate, r Circulating fluid: Clear water, tFacility water temperature: 25°C Note 5) Use a 15% ethylene glycol aqueous solution if operating in a place where the circulating fluid temperature is 10°C or less.Note 6) Outlet temperature when the circulating fluid flow is rated flow, and the circulating fluid outlet and return port are directly connected. Installation environment and the power supply are within specification range and stable. Note 7) The capacity at the Thermo-chiller outlet when the circulating fluid temperature is 20°C.Note 8) Required flow rate for cooling capacity or maintaining the temperature stability.The specification of the cooling capacity and the temperature stability may not be satisfied if the flow rate is lower than the rated flow.Note 9) Purchase an earth leakage breaker with current sensitivity of 15 mA or 30 mA separately. (A product with an optional earth leakage breaker (option B) is also available.)Note 10) Front: 1 m, height: 1 m, stable with no load, Other conditions → Note 4) Note 11) Weight in the dry state without circulating fluidsNote 12) Required flow rate when a load for the cooling capacity is applied at a circulating fluid temperature of 20°C, and rated circulating fluid flow rate and facility water temperature of 25°C.Note) UL standards: Applicable to 60 Hz onlyCooling method RefrigerantControl methodAmbient temperature/humidity Note 2)Noise level Note 10) (50/60 Hz) (dB)AccessoriesWeight Note 11) (kg)Circulating fluid Note 3)Temperature range setting Note 2) (°C)Cooling capacity Note 4) (50/60 Hz) (W)Temperature stability Note 6) (°C)Pump capacity Note 7) (50/60 Hz) (MPa)Rated flow Note 8) (50/60 Hz) (L/min)Tank capacity (L)Port size Wetted parts materialTemperature range (°C)Pressure range (MPa)Required flow rate Note 12) (50/60 Hz) (L/min)Inlet-outlet pressure differential of facility water (MPa)Port sizeWetted parts material Power supplyCircuit protector (A)Applicable earth leakage breaker capacity Note 9) (A)Rated operating current (50/60 Hz) (A)Rated power consumption Note 4) (50/60 Hz) (kVA)1100/13001500/17007.7/8.40.8/0.87.5/8.30.7/0.8————Fitting (for drain outlet) 1 pc., Input/output signal connector 1 pc., Power supply connector 1 pc.,Operation manual (for installation/operation) 1, Quick manual (with a clear case) 1,Alarm code list sticker 1, Ferritic core (for communication) 1 pc.(Except HRS050)RoHSNote) UL standards: Applicable to 60 Hz onlyNoneWith earth leakage breakerWith automatic water supply function Applicable to DI water (deionized water) pipingHRS012-A -10HRS012-W -10HRS018-A -10HRS018-W -10R407C (HFC)PID controlTemperature: 5 to 40°C, Humidity: 30 to 70%Clear water, 15% ethylene glycol aqueous solution Note 5)5 to 40±0.10.13/0.18 (at 7 L/min)7/7Approx. 5Rc1/2Air-cooled refrigerationWater-cooled refrigeration 151558/5540Single-phase 100 VAC (50/60 Hz), 115 VAC (60 Hz)Allowable voltage range ±10%Air-cooled refrigeration Water-cooled refrigeration5 to 400.3 to 0.580.3 or more ———— 5 to 400.3 to 0.5120.3 or moreStainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing), Bronze, Alumina ceramic,Carbon, Polypropylene, PE, POM, FKM, EPDM, PVCRc3/8Stainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing), Bronze, Synthetic rubberModelC i r c u l a t i n g f l u i d s y s t e mF a c i l i t y w a t e r s y s t e mE l e c t r i c a l s y s t e mNote 1)2C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m018A20Cooling capacity012018024050Cooling capacity 1100/1300 W (50/60 Hz)Cooling capacity 1700/1900 W (50/60 Hz)Cooling capacity 2100/2400 W (50/60 Hz)Cooling capacity 4700/5100 W (50/60 Hz)CE/ULCooling methodA WAir-cooled refrigeration Water-cooled refrigerationSymbolCooling methodApplicable modelHRS012HRS018HRS024HRS050Pipe thread typeNilF NRcG (with PT-G conversion fitting set)NPT (with PT-NPT conversion fitting set)Power supply Note)20Power supplySymbolHRS How to OrderOptionSymbol NilB J M T GOption NoneWith earth leakage breaker With automatic water supply function Applicable to DI water (deionized water) pipingHigh-lift pump Note 1)High-temperature environment specifications Note 2)b When multiple options are combined, indicatesymbols in alphabetical order.Note 1) The cooling capacity reduces about 300W from the value in the catalog.For HRS050, high-lift pump is available as standard.Note 2) Air-cooled 200 V types, HRS012/018/024 onlyNot UL-compliant (scheduled for 2011)Specifications ∗ There are different values from standard specifications.Note 1) For water-cooled refrigerationNote 2) It should have no condensation.Note 3) If clear water is used, use water that conforms to Water Quality Standards of the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industrial Association (JRA GL-02-1994 cooling water system - circulating type - make-up water).Note 4) q Ambient temperature: 25°C, w Circulating fluid temperature: 20°C, e Rated circulating fluid flow rate, r Circulating fluid: Clear water, t Facility water temperature: 25°C Note 5) Use a 15% ethylene glycol aqueous solution if operating in a place where the circulating fluid temperature is 10°C or less.Note 6) Outlet temperature when the circulating fluid flow is rated flow, and the circulating fluid outlet and return port are directly connected. Installation environment and the power supply are within specification range and stable. Note 7) The capacity at the Thermo-chiller outlet when the circulating fluid temperature is 20°C.Note 8) Required flow rate for cooling capacity or maintaining the temperature stability.The specification of the cooling capacity and the temperature stability may not be satisfied if the flow rate is lower than the rated flow.Note 9) Purchase an earth leakage breaker with current sensitivity of 30 mA separately. (A product with an optional earth leakage breaker (option B) is also available.)Note 10) Front: 1 m, height: 1 m, stable with no load, Other conditions → Note 4) Note 11) Weight in the dry state without circulating fluidsNote 12) Required flow rate when a load for the cooling capacity is applied at a circulating fluid temperature of 20°C, and rated circulating fluid flow rate and facility water temperature of 25°C.Note 13) It is not provided for HRS050.Note) UL standards: Applicable to 60 Hz onlyModelHRS012-A -20HRS012-W -20HRS018-A -20HRS018-W -20Cooling methodRefrigerantControl methodAmbient temperature/humidityNote 2)Noise level Note 10) (50/60 Hz) (dB)Accessories Weight Note 11) (kg)Circulating fluidNote 3)Temperature range setting Note 2) (°C)Cooling capacity Note 4) (50/60 Hz) (W)Temperature stability Note 6) (°C)Pump capacity Note 7) (50/60 Hz) (MPa)Rated flow Note 8) (50/60 Hz) (L/min)Tank capacity (L)Port sizeWetted parts materialTemperature range (°C)Pressure range (MPa)Required flow rate Note 12) (50/60 Hz) (L/min)Inlet-outlet pressure differential of facility water (MPa)Port sizeWetted parts materialPower supplyCircuit protector (A)Applicable earth leakage breaker capacity Note 9) (A)Rated operating current (50/60 Hz) (A)Rated power consumption Note 4) (50/60 Hz) (kVA)PID control Temperature: 5 to 40°C, High-temperature environment specifications (option): 5 to 45°C, Humidity: 30 to 70%Clear water, 15% ethylene glycol aqueous solution Note 5)5 to 40±0.1Approx. 5Rc1/2R407C (HFC)Air-cooled refrigeration Water-cooled refrigeration 1100/13001700/19002100/24004700/510023/284.6/5.10.9/1.0 5.1/5.91.0/1.210104.7/5.20.9/1.020208/111.7/2.265/686943Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)Allowable voltage range ±10%Air-cooled refrigeration Water-cooled refrigeration HRS024-A -20Air-cooled refrigeration HRS024-W -20Water-cooled refrigeration HRS050-A -20Air-cooled refrigeration R410A (HFC)———— 5 to 400.3 to 0.580.3 or more ——————————————5 to 400.3 to 0.5120.3 or more 5 to 400.3 to 0.5140.3 or more Fitting (for drain outlet) 1 pc.Note 13), Input/output signal connector 1 pc., Power supply connector 1 pc. Note 13),Operation manual (for installation/operation) 1, Quick manual (with a clear case) 1 Note 13),Alarm code list sticker 1, Ferritic core (for communication) 1 pc. Note 13)Stainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing), Bronze, Alumina ceramic,Carbon, Polypropylene, PE, POM, FKM, EPDM, PVCRc3/8Stainless steel, Copper (Heat exchanger brazing), Bronze, Synthetic rubber 0.13/0.18 (at 7 L/min)7/70.24 (at 23 L/min)0.32 (at 28 L/min)60/61Note) UL standards: Applicable to 60 Hz onlyScheduled for 2011Scheduled for 2011Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)C i r c u l a t i n g f l u i d s y s t e mE l e c t r i c a l s y s t e mF a c i l i t y w a t e r s y s t e mNote 1)3Thermo-chiller SeriesHRSC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m[50 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][60 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][50 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][60 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][50 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][60 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][50 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][60 Hz]25002000150010005001020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][50 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][60 Hz]01020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ]2500200015001000500025002000150010005002500200015001000500250020001500100050035003000250020001500100050002500200015001000500025002000150010005002500200015001000500350030002500200015001000500080007000600050004000300020001000001020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][50 Hz]80007000600050004000300020001000001020304050Circulating fluid temperature [°C]C o o l i n g c a p a c i t y [W ][60 Hz]Cooling CapacityHRS012-A-10/HRS012-W-10 (Single-phase 100/115 VAC)HRS018-A-10/HRS018-W-10 (Single-phase 100/115 VAC)HRS024-A-20/HRS024-W-20 (Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC)HRS012-A-20/HRS012-W-20 (Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC)HRS018-A-20/HRS018-W-20 (Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC)25°C32°C 32°C40°C25°C40°C32°C25°C40°C32°C 25°C40°C32°C 40°C25°C32°C 32°C 40°C25°C40°C32°C25°C 32°C 25°C40°C40°C32°C 40°C25°C25°C32°C40°C32°C40°CAmbient temperatureAmbient temperatureHRS050-A-20Ambient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperature Ambient temperature or facility water temperatureAmbient temperature or facility water temperature 25°C25°C4Series HRSC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mHeating CapacityHRS --10 (Single-phase 100/115 VAC)HRS --20 (Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC)[50 Hz]Circulating fluid temperature [°C]1000800600400200051015202530354045[50 Hz]Circulating fluid temperature [°C]1000800600400200051015202530354045[60 Hz]Circulating fluid temperature [°C]1000800600400200051015202530354045[60 Hz]Circulating fluid temperature [°C]1000800600400200051015202530354045H e a t i n g c a p a c i t y [W ]H e a t i n g c a p a c i t y [W ]H e a t i n g c a p a c i t y [W ]H e a t i n g c a p a c i t y [W ]1020304050Facility water inlet temperature [°C]F a c i l i t y w a t e r f l o w r a t e [L /m i n ]∗ This is the facility water flow rate at the circulating fluid rated flow rate and the cooling capacity listed in the “Cooling Capacity” specifications.Required Facility Water Flow RateHRS012-W-, HRS018-W-, HRS024-W-20302520151050HRS018-W-HRS012-W-HRS024-W-20Pump CapacityHRS --10 (Single-phase 100/115 VAC)Circulating fluid flow rate [LPM]510152025303020100Pressure[MPa]Lifting height [m]0.300. 60 [Hz]Outlet 50 [Hz]Return port012018024AW 012018024AW 012018AW HRS050-A-20 (Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC)1020102010201020HRS --20 (Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC)0.300. fluid flow rate [LPM]51015202530Pressure[MPa]Lifting height [m]Outlet 60 [Hz]Outlet 50 [Hz]Return port012018024AW 010203040Circulating fluid flow rate [L/min]Outlet 60 [Hz]Outlet 60 [Hz]Return port504030201000.[MPa]Lifting height [m]Ambient20°C Ambient 25°C Ambient 32°C Ambient 40°CAmbient20°C Ambient 25°C Ambient 32°CAmbient 40°CAmbient 5°C Ambient 5°CAmbient 20°CAmbient 25°C Ambient 32°C Ambient 40°CAmbient 5°CAmbient 20°CAmbient 25°CAmbient 32°CAmbient 40°CAmbient 5°C5Thermo-chiller SeriesHRSC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m(35)615500(21)377Drain portwith O-ring sealing plug ∗2Circulating fluid outlet Rc1/2Caster (unfixed) with locking leverCaster (unfixed)Operation display panelCirculating fluid fill port lidFluid level indicatorDustproof filterHandlePower entry ∗1Power switchVentilation air inlet (Air-cooled only)Ventilation air outlet (Air-cooled only)Ventilation air inlet Ventilation air outletVentilation air outletVentilation air outletSerial communication(RS-485/RS-232C) connector D-sub female receptacle Rc1/2(Valve stopper)Rc1/2939707143101135323Maintenance connectorContact input/outputcommunication connector Optional connector 1Optional connector 2Circulating fluid return port Model no. label Circulating fluid outlet BreakerDrain port Rc1/4(Same for the opposite side)(Same for the opposite side)592Ventilation hole HandleCaster (unfixed) with locking leverCaster (unfixed)377Dustproof filterOperation display panelCirculating fluid fill port lidFluid level indicator976Circulating fluid return port Rc1/2(Grommet with membrane)Power supply cable entry Facility water outlet Rc3/8Facility water inlet Rc3/8Water-cooled refrigerationDimensionsHRS012/018/024HRS050∗1 The power supply cable is not provided. (The power supply connector is provided.)∗2 The conversion fitting (R3/8 male thread) is provided.6Series HRSC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mGlobal Manufacturing, Distribution and Service NetworkU.S. & Canadian Sales OfficesAtlantaBirmingham Boston Charlotte Nashville New Jersey Richmond Rochester Tampa MontrealAustinDallasLos Angeles Phoenix PortlandSan Francisco VancouverChicago Cincinnati Cleveland DetroitIndianapolis Milwaukee Minneapolis St. Louis Toronto WindsorEASTCENTRALWESTSMC Corporation of America10100 SMC Blvd., Noblesville, IN 46060 SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd.www.pneumatics.ca(800) SMC.SMC1 (762-7621)e-mail:****************For International inquires: © 2011 SMC Corporation of America, All Rights Reserved.All reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information detailed in this catalog were made at the time of publishing. However, SMC can in no way warrant the information herein contained as specifications are subject to change without notice.OZ- 5M-PPVancouverChicagoIndianapolisAtlantaAustinLivemoreDetroitBostonMontrealTorontoWindsorSales BranchesRegional Distribution Centers Central warehouseGERMANY SMC Pneumatik GmbH SWITZERLAND SMC Pneumatik AG U.K. SMC Pneumatics (U.K.) Ltd.FRANCE SMC Pneumatique SASPAIN / PORTUGAL SMC España S.A.ITALY SMC Italia S.p.A.GREECE SMC HELLAS E.P.EIRELAND SMC Pneumatics (Ireland) Ltd.NETHERLANDS (Associated company) SMC Pneumatics BV BELGIUM (Associated company) SMC Pneumatics N.V./S.A.DENMARK SMC Pneumatik A/SAUSTRIA SMC Pneumatik GmbH (Austria)North & South AmericaU.S.A. SMC Corporation of America CANADA SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd.MEXICO SMC Corporation(México), S.A. de C.V.BRAZIL SMC Pneumãticos do Brasil Ltda.CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) S.A.COLOMBIA SMC Colombia Sucursal de SMC Chile S.A.ARGENTINA SMC Argentina S.A.BOLIVIA SMC Pneumatics Bolivia S.r.l.VENEZUELA SMC Neumatica Venezuela S.A.PERU (Distributor) IMPECO Automatización Industrial S.A.C.ECUADOR (Distributor) ASSISTECH CIA. LTDA.Europe/AfricaCHINA SMC(China)Co.,Ltd.CHINA SMC Pneumatics (Guangzhou) Ltd.HONG KONG SMC Pneumatics(Hong Kong)Ltd.TAIWAN SMC Pneumatics(Taiwan)Co.,Ltd.KOREA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd.SINGAPORE SMC Pneumatics(S.E.A.)Pte.Ltd.MALAYSIA SMC Pneumatics(S.E.A.)Sdn.Bhd.THAILAND SMC (Thailand) Ltd.PHILIPPINES Shoketsu SMC Corporation INDIA SMC Pneumatics(India)Pvt.Ltd.ISRAEL (Distributor) Baccara Geva A.C.S. Ltd. INDONESIA (Distributor) PT. Sinar Mutiara Cemerlang VIETNAM (Distributor) Dy Dan Trading Co.,Ltd.PAKISTAN (Distributor) Jubilee CorporationSRI LANKA (Distributor) Electro-Serv(Pvt.)Ltd.IRAN (Distributor) Abzarchian Co. Ltd.U.A.E. (Distributor) Machinery People Trading Co. L.L.C.KUWAIT (Distributor) Esco Kuwait Equip & Petroleum App. Est.SAUDI ARABIA (Distributor) Assaggaff Trading Est.BAHRAIN (Distributor)Mohammed Jalal & Sons W.L.L. Technical & Automative Services SYRIA (Distributor) Miak Corporation JORDAN (Distributor) Atafawok Trading Est.BANGLADESH (Distributor) Chemie International AUSTRALIA SMC Pneumatics(Australia)Pty.Ltd.NEW ZEALAND SMC Pneumatics(N.Z.)Ltd.JAPAN SMC CorporationAsia/OceaniaAsia/OceaniaCZECH REPUBLIC SMC Industrial Automation CZ s.r.o.HUNGARY SMC Hungary Ipari Automatizálási Kft.POLAND SMC Industrial Automation Polska Sp. z o.o.SLOVAKIA SMC Priemyselná Automatizácia Spol s.r.o.SLOVENIA SMC Industrijska Avtomatika d.o.o.BULGARIA SMC Industrial Automation Bulgaria EOOD CROATIA SMC Industrijska Automatika d.o.o.BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA(Distributor) A.M. Pneumatik d.o.o.SERBIA(Distributor) Best Pneumatics RAINE(Distributor) PNEUMOTEC Corp.FINLAND SMC Pneumatics Finland Oy NORWAY SMC Pneumatics Norway AS SWEDEN SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB ESTONIA SMC Pneumatics Estonia OüLATVIA SMC Pneumatics Latvia SIALITHUANIA(LIETUVA) UAB “SMC Pneumatics”ROMANIA SMC Romania S.r.l.RUSSIA SMC Pneumatik LLC.KAZAKHSTAN SMC Kazakhstan, LLC.TURKEY (Distributor) Entek Pnömatik Sanayi ve. Ticaret S ¸irketi MOROCCO (Distributor) Soraflex TUNISIA (Distributor) BymsEGYPT (Distributor) Saadani Trading & Industrial Services NIGERIA (Distributor) Faraday Engineering Company Ltd.SOUTH AFRICA (Distributor) Hyflo Southern Africa (Pty.) Ltd.Europe/AfricaC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。
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Turbo Air 冷凝器安装和使用说明书
![Turbo Air 冷凝器安装和使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1bb33f0b001ca300a6c30c22590102020740f2b5.png)
Milk CoolersInstallation and Operation Manual Please read this manual completely before attempting to install or operate this equipmentTMKC-34STMKC-49STMKC-58STMKC-34DTMKC-49DTMKC-58D1. SPECIFICATIONS (2)2. SERIAL NUMBER (2)3. INSTALLATION (3)4. CLEANING & POWER CORD (4)5. BASIC OPERATION (5)6. TROUBLESHOOTING (6)7. WARRANTY ....................................................................................7~9MODEL COMP H.P V/HZ REFRIGERANT AMP TMKC-34S 1/3 115/60Hz R134a 5.50 TMKC-49S 1/2 115/60Hz R134a 7.00 TMKC-58S 1/2 115/60Hz R134a 7.00 TMKC-34D 1/3 115/60Hz R134a 5.50 TMKC-49D 1/2 115/60Hz R134a 7.00 TMKC-58D 1/2 115/60Hz R134a 7.00 SERIAL NUMBERThe serial number is located on the rating label which is on interior left side wall. Please retain the unit’s serial number for service purpose.1. GOOD AIR CIRCULATION- Please make sure to avoid any partition or objects that may stop the air flow- Please make sure there is enough space for air circulation to the rear of the unit. Recommended space between the rear of the unit to the wall is at least5 inches2. PLACE ABOVE STRONG FOUNDATION- Please make sure that the floor where the unit will be placed can supportthe total weight plus any other contents that it may hold3. DO NOT PLACE NEAR HEAT- Please make sure to avoid hot corners and locations near stoves- High ambient temperature will significantly reduce cooling efficiency4. INDOOR USAGE ONLY- This unit is designed and tested for indoor use only- Outdoor usage will void its warranty5. STABILIZATION- Turn leg levelers counter-clockwise in order to level the unit properly6. LEVELING- Please make sure that the unit levels from the front to the back and sideto side7. UNIT NEEDS TO BE PLUGGED TO A DEDICATED OUTLET8. PLACE BLACK CONDENSATE PAN FROM THE BACK OR FRONT. MAKE SURE PADS ARE INSTALLED UPWARDS AND A DRAIN HOSE IS IN PAN1. CLEANING STAINLESS STEEL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR: Damage to stainless steel finish due to improper use of cleaning products or non- recommended products is NOT covered under this product's warranty.• Do- Use warm, soapy water and a soft, clean cloth or sponge- Rinse surfaces with clean, warm water and dry immediately to avoid water spots • DO NOT USE- Abrasive or harsh cleaners- Ammonia- Chlorine bleach- Concentrated detergents or solvents- Metal or plastic-textured scouring pads- Vinegar-based products- Citrus-based cleaners2. CLEANING THE CONDENSER FINS- To maintain proper refrigeration performance, the condenser coil must be free of dust, dirt, and greaseThis will require periodic cleaning. condenser fins should be cleaned at least every three months (90 days) or as needed3. CLEAN THE GASKET- The door gasket should be cleaned frequently to maintain proper sealing4. CHECK AFTER CLEANING- Check the unit again for safety- Check that the unit is operating properly1. POWER CORD- Please make sure that the power cord is connected to the proper voltage- The power cord must be connected to a protected circuit with the correct voltage and amperage- Turn ʻoffʼ the power switch before disconnecting the power cord, wheneverperforming maintenance functions or cleaning the refrigerated cabinet- Compressor warranties are void if compressor burns out due to improper voltage 2. RE-STARTING- If disconnected, wait for 5 minutes before re-starting1. The controller (thermostat) is located inside of the unit.2. The factory setting is at “4” and maintains about 38°F (3°C) inside the cabinet.3. Set toward ‘counter clockwise’ for warmer temperature and clockwise‘ forcolder temperature.4. The thermostat controls compressor’s on/off cycling by sensing insidetemperature.• If thermostat knob is pointing at OFF, compressor and condenser fan motor would not run• Unplug the unit, if not in use for long period of timeSYMPTOMS CAUSES SOLUTIONSThe unit is freezing or melting food productsThe unit does notrefrigerate at allThe unit does not refrigerate well There is a loud noise There are dew-dropson the unit exterior There are dew-drops on the unit interiorThe door does not close tightly • The temperature is set too highor low to maintain food fresh.• There is a power connectionfailure problem.• The unit is in sunlight or near aheating device.• The unit contains hot food or toomuch food.• The unit door is opened toofrequently or left open long.• The condenser is clogged.• The floor is too weak or theleveling feet are set incorrectly.• The back-side of the unit is tooclose to the wall.• The tray is not in the correctposition.• High-moisture air can producedewdrops during rainy season.• The door is opened toofrequently or left open long.• Damp food is stored.• The door is bent.• The unit has a leveling issue.• The door gasket has come out.• Turn the temperature dial to awarmer(or colder) setting.•Check the power cord to make surethe unit is pluged in it correctly.• Check the installation place• Move out of sunlight or awayfrom heater.• Check the condition of storedfood.• Check the temperature controlsetting.• Check the installation andadjust the tray position.• Wipe with a dry cloth.• Keep the door closed toremove dewdrops.• Level the unit again.• Reposition the gasket.The following points are not malfunctions:• A water-flowing sound can be heard when the compressor stops. This is the sound of REFRIGERANT flowing.• The compressor does not run against defrosting fuction.MANUFACTURING COMP ANYTurbo Air warrants to the original purchaser of every new Turbo Air refrigerated unit, the cabinet and all parts thereof, to be free from defects in material or workmanship, under normal use and service, for a period of three (3) year from the date of original installation or 39 months after shipment date from Turbo Air , whichever occurs first.Any parts covered by this warranty that are examined and determined by Turbo Air to have been defective within three (3) year o f original installation or thirty nine (39) months after shipment date from manufacturer, whichever occurs first, shall be repaired or replaced as stated below. Turbo Air shall be deemed to have fully complied with its obligation under the foregoing warranties b y electing either one of the following procedures, at the sole discretion of Turbo Air.1. Furnishing a replacement part, freight collect, in even exchange for the returned part, freight collect.2. Receiving the defective part, freight collect; repairing it; and returning it, freight collect.In addition to the three (3) year warranty stated above, Turbo Air warrants its hermetically and semi-hermetically sealed compressor to be free from defects in both material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of two (2) additional years from the date of original installation but not to exceed five (5) years and three (3) months after shipment fr om manufacturer.Compressors determined by Turbo Air have been defective within this extended time period will, at Turbo Airʼs option, be either repaired or replaced with a compressor or compressor parts of similar design and capacity.The two (2) year extended compressor warranty applies only to hermetically and semi-hermetically sealed parts of the compressor and does not apply to any other parts or components, including, but not limited to, cabinet, paint finish, temperatu re control, refrigerant, metering device, driers, motor starting equipment, fan assembly any other electrical component, etcetera.The five year compressor warranty detailed above will be voided if the following procedure is not carefully adhered to:1. This system contains R134A refrigerant and polyol ester lubricant. The Polyol ester lubricant has rapid moisture absorbing qualities. If long exposure to the ambient conditions occur, the lubricant must be removed and replaced with new. Listed below are the approved lubricants for the Tecumseh compressors.1 ICI-Emkarate RL 1842 Emery-2927-A3 Mobile Artic 22AFailure to comply with recommended lubricant specification will void the compressor warranty.2. Dryer replacement is very important and must be changed when a system is opened for servicing. dryer must be used with XH-9 desiccant.3. Micron level vacuums must be achieved to insure low moisture levels in the system. 500 microns or lower must obtained.Turbo Airʼs sole obligation under this warranty is limited to either repair or replacement of parts, subject to the additional limitations below. This warranty neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume obligations other than expressly covered b y this warranty.1. WARRANTY IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. This warranty is not assignable and applies only in favor of the originalpurchaser/user to whom delivered. ANY SUCH ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER SHALL VOID THE WARRANTIES HEREIN MADE AND SHALL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.2. NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TURBO AIR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ECONOMIC LOSS; PROFIT LOSS ORSPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSSES OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM FOOD OR PRODUCT SPOILAGE CLAIMS WHETHER OR NOT ON ACCOUNT OF REFRIGERATION FAILURE.3. ALTERATION, NEGLECT, ABUSE, MISUSE, ACCIDENT, DAMAGE DURING TRANSIT OR INSTALLATION, FIRE,FLOOD, ACTS OF GOD. TURBO AIR is not responsible for the repair or replacement of any parts that Turbo Air determines have been subjected after the date of manufacture to alteration, neglect, abuse, misuse, accident, damage during transit or installation, fire, flood, or an Act of God.4. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE ARE NOOTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, EXCEPT THE THREE(3) YEAR WARRANTY AND THE ADDITIONAL TWO(2) YEAR COMPRESSOR WARRANTY AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. THESE WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTY AND MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF.5. TRANSPORTATION COSTS. Turbo Air will accept parts covered under this warranty freight collect, provided that shipmenthas received prior approval. Turbo Air is not responsible for any other transporation costs, but will ship freight collect part s either repaired or replaced under these warranties.6. WARRANTY CLAIMS. All claims should include: model number of the cooler, the serial number of the cabinet, proof ofpurchase, date of installation, and all pertinent information supporting the existence of the alleged defect. Any action or bre ach of these warranty provisions must be commenced within three (3) year after that cause of action has accrued.4184 E. Conant St.Long Beach, CA 90808TEL : 310-900-1000FAX : 310-900-1077TOLL FREE : 1-800-627-0032(U.S.A. & Canada)Website : Warranty Claims...All claims for parts or labor must be made directly thorough Turbo Air.All claims should include: model number of the unit, the serial number of the cabinet, proof of purchase, date of installation, and all pertinent information supporting the alleged defect.In case of compressor replacement under warranty, either compressor or compressor tag must be returned to Turbo Air along withabove listed information.Failure to comply with warranty policies will result in voiding claims.Three Year Parts & Labor Warranty...Turbo Air warrants all new refrigerated components, the cabinet and all parts, to be free from defects in materials or workmanship,under normal and proper use and maintenance service as specified by Turbo Air and upon proper installation and start-up inaccordance with the instruction packet supplied with each Turbo Air unit. Turbo Airʼs obligation under this warranty is limited to a periodof three (3) year from the date of original installation or 39 months after shipment date from Turbo Air, whichever occurs first.Any part, covered under this warranty, that are by Turbo Air to have been defective within three (3) year of original installation or thirty-nine (39) months after shipment date from manufacturer, whichever occurs first, is limited to the repair or replacement, including labor charges, of defective parts or assemblies. The labor warranty shall include standard straight time labor charges only and reasonable travel time, as determined by Turbo Air.Additional Two Year Compressor Warranty...In addition to the three (3) year warranty stated adove, Turbo Air warrants its hermetically sealed compressor to be free from defects in both material and workmanship under normal and proper use and maintenance service for a period of two (2) additional years fromthe date of original installation, but not to exceed five (5) years and three(3) months after shipment from the manufacturer.Compressor determined by Turbo Air to have been defective within this extended period will, at Turbo Airʼs discretion, be eitherrepaired or replaced with a compressor or compressor parts of similar design and capacity.The two (2) year extended compressor warranty applies only to hermetically sealed parts of the compressor and does not apply to any other parts or components, including, but not limited to, cabinet, paint finish, temperature control, refrigerant, metering device, driers, motor starting equipment, fan assembly or and other electrical components, etcetera.404A / 134a Compressor Warranty...The five-year compressor warranty detailed above will be void if the following procedure is not carefully adhered to:1. This system contains R404A or R134a refrigerant and polyol ester lubricant. The polyol ester lubricant has rapid moisture absorbingqualities.2. Drier replacement is very important and must be changed when a system is opened for servicing. A620 copper drier or better ishighly recommended.3. Micron level vacuums must be achieved to insure low moisture levels in the system. 500 microns or lower must be obtained.4. When compressor is grounded, suction drier and 620 drier or better must be replaced.5. Compressor must be obtained through Turbo Air, unless otherwise specified in writing, through Turbo Airʼs warranty department.404A / 134a Compressor Warranty...Turbo Airʼs sole obligation under this warranty is limited to either repair or replacement of parts, subject to the additional limitations below. This warranty neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume obligations other than those expressly covered by this warranty.NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TURBO AIR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ECONOMIC LOSS; PROFIT LOSS; OR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ARISING FROMFOOD OR PRODUCT SPOILAGE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY RESULT FROM REFRIGERATION FAILURE. WARRANTY IS NOT TRANSFERABLE, This warranty is not assignable and applies only in favor of the original purchaser/user towhom delivered. ANY SUCH ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER SHALL VOID THE WARRANNTIES HEREIN AND SHALL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR LABOR COVERAGE FOR COMPONENT FAILURE OR OTHER THE WARRANTY PACKET PROVIDED WITH THE UNIT.ALTERATION, NEGLECT, ABUSE, MISUSE, ACCIDENT, DAMAGE DURING TRANSIT OR INSTALLATION, FIRE, FOOD, ACTSOF GOD. Turbo Air is not responsible for the repair or replacement of any parts that Turbo Air determines have been subjected afterthe date of manufacture to alteration, neglect, abuse, misuse, accident, damage during transit or installation, fire, flood, or act of GOD. IMPROPER ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. TURBO AIR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OFFAILED OR DAMAGED COMPONENTS RESULTING FROM ELECTRICAL POWER FAILURE, THE USE OF EXTENSION CORDS, LOW VOLTAGE, OR VOLTAGE DROPS TO THE UNIT. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, EXCEPT THE THREE (3) YEAR PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY AND THE ADDITIONAL TWO (2) YEAR COMPRESSOR WARRANTY AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. THESE WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTY AND MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF.Outside U.S.and Canada; This warranty does not apply to, and Turbo Air is not responsible for, any warranty claims made on products sold or used outside the continent of the United States and Canada.New Extended Warranty policy applies to all units sold by Turbo Air starting Dec.1, 2012。
Alfa Laval CRF 冷凝器说明书
![Alfa Laval CRF 冷凝器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/791f310968eae009581b6bd97f1922791688be33.png)
ApplicationThe new CRF condenser has been developed for HFC cooling applica-tions at medium pressure (PS 30 bar) and high pressure (PS 48 bar) within refrigeration, process cooling and air conditioning.The secondary fluid is usually freshwater that can be in a closed loop with a cooling tower (tower application) or in an open loop with a well (city application). Some applications can use also glycol.These applications usually require a condensation temperature in a range of +30°C/+50°C depending on the system working condition and its efficiency rating.TechnologyThe CRF design has been optimized for R407C/F and R134a refrigerants but it can be also utilized with HFO1234ze, R410A, R404A and R507.Thank's to its new high performance tubes, new headers, new shell and the new baffles, the Alfa Laval CRF models provide maximum efficiency with a low cost/kW.This is an important step ahead com-pared with the current CDEW andCDEW-E models; the new CRF is ready to fight with competition.Benefits• High efficient condenser tube which allows an overall performance increase vc. CDEW models keeping the water pressure drop at the same level.• Refrigerant connections optimized for R134a to reduce the pressure drops.• Three tube lenghts to match operating conditions with different temperature approaches.• Compact design with about 15%-20% shorter lenght and weight comparing with existing solution.• Water flow optimized to reduce the fouling and erosion risks.Shell-and-tube fresh water condenser CRFCRF 324-5-SDesign dataPED (CE) approvalDenominationShell sizeShell diameter: 16=168 mm XS 21=219 mm, S 27=273 mm, S 32=324 mm, S 40=406 mm, M 45=457 mm, MNumber of tubes (1-4)Tube length (mm) (5=1534, 6=1829, 7=2134)Condenser for fresh water The XS-S-M in item's description is setaccording to shell diameter and the chart below.DP Design PressureDT Design Temperature Tmin Minimum temperature PTTest PressureCapacity tableCRF serie has been optimized on three different shell sizes, according to the approach requested.Ti Inlet water temperatureTo Outlet water temperatureSC Subc o o lingFF Fouling factorTc Condensing temperatureTg Inlet gas temperatureQn Condensing capacityWm Water maximum flowGeneral dimensionsRefrigerant connectionsBrine connectionsRotalock connectionsWelding connectionsBrine connectionsRefrigerant inlet and outlet are equipped with welding or Rotalock brazing connections.Water inlet and outlet connections on the condenser CRF are female threaded connections. Flange connections are available asoption on request.OptionsWelded supports and sight glass are available as options. Please refer to 'General dimensions' table for standard interaxis of welded supports. The standard position of sight glass will be according to the drawing below.2 Passes 4 Passes。
BUHLER 冷凝器EGK 2 Ex 安及用明装使说书
![BUHLER 冷凝器EGK 2 Ex 安及用明装使说书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7c30210c6ad97f192279168884868762caaebb00.png)
冷凝器 EGK 2 Ex安装及使用说明书BC450008, 08/2011 Art. Nr. 90 31 128Bühler Technologies GmbH, Harkortstr. 29, D-40880 Ratingen请在安装和使用前仔细阅读此手册。
Bühler Technologies GmbH/德国比勒科技有限责任公司对由不当操作以及在未授权情况下擅自改动机器设备所引起的后果不承担任何责任。
目录页1概述 (3)2重要注意事项 (4)2.1安全注意事项概述 (5)3铭片说明 (6)4产品说明 (6)4.1产品概述 (6)4.2冷凝器工作原理 (7)4.3发货内容 (7)5运输及存储注意事项 (7)6安装及线路连接 (7)6.1基本要求 (7)6.2安装 (7)6.3线路连接 (8)6.4绝缘测试 (9)7操作 (9)7.1操作前的检查 (9)7.2操作 (10)8维护 (11)8.1维护 (12)8.1.1测试压力监督 (12)8.1.2检查启动电容器 (12)8.1.3清洁电容器(空气热交换器) (12)8.2零配件的更换 (13)8.2.1热交换器 (13)8.2.2Pt 100 (部件号45 90 999 6) (13)8.2.3电子板 (14)8.2.4更换启动电容器 (部件号45 90 999 2) (14)9故障及故障清除 (16)9.1检查 / 重设压力控制开关 (17)9.2启动时对压力开关的截断 (17)10维修与报废处理 (18)10.1报废处理 (18)11附件 (18)12化学物质稳定性表 (19)13维护记录(请复印) (20)1 概述冷凝器EGK 2 Ex 是气体预处理系统中的重要部件之一。
HRS-PF001, HRS-PF002Applicable model: HRS SeriesRead before using.Thank you for purchasing SMC’s Thermo -chiller.This particle filter set is a set of parts for installing a particle filter into the piping used in the thermo-chiller HRS series.Read and understand the instructions shown below before use.Safety InstructionsSafety first, only trained personnel who has knowledge of general machinery and equipment can perform the installation of this product.Ensure this manual and the Operation Manuals for thermo-chiller are fully understood.Disconnect power from the chiller before performing product installation. Be sure to check that the power supply is shut off.Remove all circulating fluid before performing product installation.Confirm that there is no fluid leakage or condensation after installation.1. Parts and AccessoriesThis particle filter set includes the following parts.Please confirm that all of them are present before beginning installation.Parts[Materials of wetted parts]Stainless Steel, PTFE, PP , Acrylonitrile-styrene, NBR (PE: Element)2. Mounting1) Confirm that no foreign matter such as dust or dirt is adhered to the connectingport or piping.2) Apply the sealant tape (7) to the nipple (4). Mount the nipple (4) to the inlet of theresin filter case (1).Apply the sealant tape to the extension piece (5). Mount the extension piece (5)to the outlet of the resin filter case (1).CautionApply the sealant tape on the NPT side of the nipple 4 turns.3) Remove the cover of the filter case (1). Mount the nipple (4) (which is mounted inprocedure 2) to the circulating fluid outlet at the back of the thermo-chiller4) Loosen the M5 screws at the back of the thermo-chiller panel. Mount the particlefilter bracket (3). Using tapping screws (8), mount the particle filter bracket to theresin filter case (1)). After mounting the particle filter bracket, tighten the M5 screws on the back of the thermo-chiller panel.Use a long screwdriver for tightening the M5 screws.5) Insert the element (2) into the resin filter case (1). Mount the resin filter case byhand tighten.Cautionshould be 6) After mounting the fitting, operate the thermo-chiller to check that liquid does notleak.3. Related productsBypass piping set [Part No: HRS-BP001]CautionUse in combination with the DI Filter Set (HRS-DP001) is not possible.(For "-H")(PTxNPT)(NPTxPT)7. Sealant tape 9. Operation munual (This manual)6. Handle8. Cross recessed head tapping screw 1. Resin filter case 2. Element 3. Particle filter bracket 4. Nipple 5. Extension piece [For HRS-PF001][For HRS-PF002][For HRS-PF001] For "-W005" Model: EJ202S-005X11 For "-W075" Model: EJ202S-075X11[For HRS-PF002] For "-W005" Model: EJ302S-005X11 For "-W075" Model: EJ302S-075X11No.HRX-OM-Q040-GMountingAssembled unit[HRS-PF001][HRS-PF002] [HRS-PF001][HRS-PF002]4 pieces *The element should be replaced when thepressure drop reaches 0.1MPa. *Use this handle only toloosen the case. Do not useto tighten the case.。
98470C (Rev. C - 10/16)
ERW3Байду номын сангаас-1D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 *12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
28165C 28218C 28166C 28032C 23158C 26701C 34783005 35882C 66633C 35895C 30768C 36310C 98759C 70482C 70274C 70483C 30040C 0000000257 66624C 70772C 66621C 70020C 30039C 98852C
18, 15
14, 16
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1)及时向需方提供按合同规定的全部技术资料各图纸,有义务在必要 时邀请需方参与供方的技术设计审查。
3)对于需方选购的与合同设备有关的配套设备,供方应主动提供满足 设备接口要求的技术条件各资料。
\■jT ■
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4、换热器使用一定时间后,如有螺栓松动,可再均匀压紧螺栓至不泄 漏,但如-•密封垫老化,则必须对密封垫进行更换。
1、一般情况可不解体清洗,用水以与介质流动反方向冲洗,可冲出杂 物,但压力不得高于工作压力,也可用对不锈钢无腐蚀性的化学清洗剂清 洗。
2、如长时间使用,管壳程会有一定的沉积物结垢而影响换热效果,因 此须定期拆洗。拆洗时将换热器解体,用棕刷洗刷管壳程内外表面污垢, 也可用无腐蚀性的化学清洗剂洗刷。注意不得用金属刷洗刷,以免损伤板 片影响防腐能力。对于换热管内部及壳的清洗,只有通过无腐蚀性的化学
本固定管板列管换热器的结构,主要部分是由不锈钢封头、不锈钢筒 体、高效换热管、管板、管箱、管箱及筒体法兰、鞍座等部件构成。筒体 管板形成的内腔构成壳程,管箱换热管的空间构成管程。经过管、壳程的 不同的冷热流体通过对流、热传导及热辐射等方式进行换热,从而达到工 艺所需冷却或加热的目的。本产品可用于诸如蒸发器中的加热器、冷却器 等。因换热管不易清洗,所以换热管一般走清洁且不易结垢的流体以防止 堵塞换热管。
邮 编:
\|制造,特别适合于制药、化工、生化、农副产品、水 产品深加工、食品等行业的稀料液的蒸发浓缩操作,根据工艺的不同,可 用于对水蒸气、有机蒸汽的冷凝等等,冷却介质可以为冷却水和冷媒,可 根据用户的工艺要求进行选择,本产品可广泛用于各种需加热或冷却操作 工序中,具有结构紧凑简单,成本低,使用方便及性价比高等特点。
2、使用前按1.25倍的操作压力分到进行水压试验,保压二十分钟无泄r\1 /
4、在管路系统中应设有放气阀开启后应排出设备中空气防止空气停留 在设备中,降低传热效果
5、冷热介质进出口接管之安装,应严格按出厂铭牌所规定方向连接。 否则,没能发挥设备最佳性能。