北京风讯无限 FP-113 陶瓷电容式卫生型压力变送器 说明书

M20×1.5 或按用户要求
防护等级 电气连Βιβλιοθήκη 发兰尺寸IP65 ( 010-51295202) 赫斯曼、航插、电缆、接线端子 DN25~DN60 或按用户要求制作
( 010-51295202)
FP-113 陶瓷电容式卫生型压力变送器
FP-113 陶瓷电容式卫生型压力变送器
FP-113 陶瓷电容式卫生型压力变送器由高性能的“陶瓷电容压力传感器”芯体 及大规模专用调理电路组成。该传感器芯体没有液体的载体,过程压力直接作用在 陶瓷膜片上的前表面,衬底电极与膜片电极的电容量变化与压力大小乘比例。用该 压力传感器芯体组成的压力变送器具有抗腐性、抗过压、高抗干扰等特性,可进行 10:1 的量程迁移,被广泛应用在各种压力测量的场合。
◆ 压力测量范围宽(-100KPa~+35MPa) ◆ 精度高:优于±0.1%;±0.25%;±0.5% ◆ 稳定性好 ◆ 使用温度-20~80℃ ◆ 齐平膜结构,适用于粘稠介质并且对生产工艺无污染 ◆ 无需充硅油,陶瓷电容力敏芯片直接感受介质压力 ◆ 抗干扰设计 ◆ 防腐性强,本安防爆
◆ 工业现场过程压力控制 ◆ 航空航天领域 ◆ 航海及造船行业 ◆ 石油、化工行业 ◆ 发电厂、核电站 ◆ 各科研院所的实验室设备
测量介质 量程 综合精度, %FS 介质温度, ℃
适合不锈钢的各种液体或气体 -100KPa~35MPa ±0.1%;±0.25%;±0.5% -20~80℃
供电, VDC 输出信号
12~36VDC 4~20mA; 0~5V(二线制); 0~10V;1~5V; 0~10mA;0~20mA(三线制)
北京风讯无限科技 FP-502 AP 绝对压力变送器(电容式) 说明书

FP-502 AP绝对压力变送器(电容式)FP-502 AP绝对压力变送器(电容式)的关键原材料、元器件和零部件均源自进口或合资生产,整机经过严格组装和测试。
; 产品特点:●超级的测量性能,用于压力、差压、液位、流量测量●精度高:数字精度+(-)0.05%;模拟精度+(-)0.5%~+(-)0.1%F.S●量程、零点外部连续可调,量程比100:1●正迁移可达500%、负迁移可达600%●稳定性能好,稳定性:0.25% 60个月●耐过压( 010-********)●固体传感器设计●全系列统一结构、互换性强●接触介质的膜片材料可选●低压浇铸铝合金壳体●测量速率:0.2S●小型化(2.4kg)全不锈钢法兰,易于安装●过程连接与其它产品兼容,实现最佳测量●采用16位计算机的智能变送器●标准4-20mA,带有基于HART协议的数字信号,远程操控●支持向现场总线与基于现场控制的技术的升级技术参数●使用对象:液体、气体;和蒸汽●供电电压:12~36V DC,标准值24VDC;●输出信号:4~20mADC;(特殊可为四线制220V AC供电0-10mA DC 输出)●环境温度:-25~70℃(一般变送器),-15~70℃(带现场指示器)●测量温度:-40-104℃,法兰灌充硅油-40-104℃,灌充高温硅油15-315℃●储藏温度:-40~100℃;●相对温度:0-100%RH●防护等级:dⅡBT4 ,iaⅡCT5 ;●电源影响:小于输出范围的±0.005%/V;●振动影响:在任何方向上振动200Hz ,引起的误差为最大范围的0.05%/g(微差压为0.25%/g);●安装位置影响:当工作膜片未垂直安装时,可能产生不大于0.24Pa 的零位误差,误差可通过调整零位来消除,对量程无影响;●稳定性:六个月内不超过变送器的精度;●指示器:线性指示0~100%;3-1/2位LCD 液晶显示;●量程和零位:外部连续可调;●正负迁移:最大正迁移量为500% ,最大负迁移量为600%材料隔离膜片:316L不锈钢,哈式合金-C ,蒙耐尔合金,钽排气/排液阀:316L不锈钢,哈式合金-C,蒙耐尔合金法兰和接头:316L不锈钢,哈式合金-C ,蒙耐尔合金"O" 型圈:氟橡胶灌充液:硅油惰性油螺栓:316L 不锈钢电子壳体:低铜铝合金产品选型( 010-********)外形尺寸图。
Panasonic 可编程控制器FP系列 编程手册

[ 适用机型 ] FP-X FPΣ FP2/FP2SH
FP系列可编程控制器编程手册 ARCT1F433C ’07年2月
基本指令············································································································Байду номын сангаас·························· 1-1
高级指令······································································································································· -2-1
F0(MV) F0(MV) F1(DMV) F4(GETS) F145(SEND)· F145(SEND)· F146(RECV) F146(RECV) F159(MTRN)· F159(MTRN)· F161(MRCV) F166(HC1S) F167(HC1R) F171(SPDH) F171(SPDH) F172(PLSH) F173(PWMH) F174(SP0H) F175(SPSH) F182(FILTR) F230(TMSEC) F231(SECTM) F250(BTOA) F251(ATOB) F252(ACHK) F284(RAMP) F354(FSCAL) F356(EZPID) 高速计数器控制 ··············································································································2-2 脉冲输出控制 ·················································································································2-5 高速计数器/脉冲输出经过值的写入和读出 ·····································································2-8 读取指定槽的起始字 No. ································································································2-10 数据的发送(MEWTOCOL 主站模式)··············································································2-12 数据发送(MODBUS 主站模式) ··················································································2-14 数据的接收(MEWTOCOL 主站模式) ·········································································2-18 数据的接收(MODBUS 主站模式) ···············································································2-20 串行数据通信(FP-XFPSigma) ···················································································2-24 串行数据发送(FP2 复合通信单元 COM 端口) ··························································2-28 串行数据接收(FP2 复合通信单元 COM 端口) ··························································2-30 目标值一致 ON(带通道指定) ·····················································································2-32 目标值一致 OFF(带通道指定) ···················································································2-34 脉冲输出(带通道指定)(梯形控制) ·········································································2-36 脉冲输出(带通道指定) (原点返回) ··················································································2-39 脉冲输出(带通道指定)(JOG 控制) ············································································· 2-42 PWM 输出(带通道指定) ·····························································································2-44 脉冲输出(带通道指定)(可选择数据表控制)································································2-46 脉冲输出(直线插补)········································································································2-48 时常数处理 ·····················································································································2-50 时间数据→ 秒转换 ········································································································2-52 秒→ 时间数据转换 ········································································································2-54 二进制→ASCII 转换 ·······································································································2-56 ASCII 码→二进制转换 ··································································································· 2-60 ASCII 数据检查 ·············································································································· 2-62 16 位数据的倾斜输出 ·····································································································2-63 实数数据的定标 ··············································································································2-66 简单的 PID ·····················································································································2-68

超过额定范围会导致升温,缩短本仪表的寿命并有可能引起故障。 ● 本仪表为了散热多处开有通风口。
如果金属等异物混入通风口会引起本仪表的故障,请千万注意。通风口请保持清洁通 畅,避免粉尘阻塞,导致升温和绝缘劣化,使本仪表寿命缩短,甚至引起故障。 ● 重复进行耐电压,耐干扰,耐浪涌电压等极限实验会引起本仪表的劣化,请注意。 ● 禁止用户对本仪表进行改装或不当使用。 ● 为正确使用本仪表,维护本仪表的信赖和品质,请您务必遵守操作手册中所载的注意 事项。 ● 操作本仪表前面的按键时,请用手指轻按,切勿用硬物或尖头的物体操作。 ● 清扫本仪表时,请用柔软的干布轻拭,切勿使用稀释剂等溶剂清洁。
基本窗口组...................................................................................................................................... 17
3&4&5ʗ36/ 转换
ൺྫप ظ
FP30 ྻܥ໘൘҆ํ๏

FP30 త线ࢠഉྻ
2 CT输入2点
4 遥控输入4-20mA(非绝缘)
5 遥控输入1-5V (非绝缘)
6 遥控输入0-10V (非绝缘)
0无 5 RS-485
7 RS-23Biblioteka C 0无 9有 ※1 选择 DO1~3 后可选 ※2 输出 1 及 2 为 Y,P 时可选
安装和接线........................................................................................................................................ 1
输ग़变Խ ੍ݶ
FP30 系列可编程数码调节器 操作说明书
主编:南京汇皆奥自动化 电话:13655165237
感谢您使用岛电公司(SHIMADEN)的产品! 请您确认本产品型号是否和您订购的产品型号一致。 使用本产品之前,请熟读本说明书,在理解的基础上正确使用。
FP30 త҆场ॴ
FP30 త֎ܗईੇ໘൘开
前面板各部名称和功能 .................................................................................................................... 7
接入电源时的动作、窗口变化及相关设置 .................................................................................... 9

“INPUT”中存在一个线性检测“Line monitor”,点击“OK”,进行设置。
日本岛电FP 调节器中文操作说明

可带4组曲线最大40段可编程,六组专家PID参数,更高级的区域PID 算法。
带手动、停电和故障保护、模拟变送、通讯接口、两路时标输出,I/O 接口包括4组DI外部开关、3路继电器和4路OC扩展门共16种和事件。
进入子窗口,按增减ù 键修改参数时,面板SV窗口的小数点闪动,按ENT键确认修改后,小数点灭。
三.简单加热系统定值调节的快速入门设置例1.定值设置例:仪表选用FP93-8P-90-0000, K型热偶0.0~800.0℃输入,P型输出接固态继电器。
设定温度为600.0℃,EV1上限绝对值报警值650.0℃,EV2下限绝对值报警值550℃, EV2的报警为上电抑制。
首先按面板RUN/RST(运行/复位键),使仪表进入复位,面板RUN运行灯灭,.确定键和窗口是不被锁定或被转移到外部操作,参照中文流程图设置:在[5-5]窗口,将传感器量程代码设定为:05(K型热偶0.0~800.0℃) 。
2)在[5-12]窗口,将调节输出极性设为:rA 反作用(加热)。
6)在[5-19]窗口, 将EV1报警方式设为:上限绝对值(HA)。
7)在[5-22]窗口, 将EV2报警方式设为:下限绝对值(LA)。

P+F公司一般可免费提供该数据线;图一:组态数据线2、带串口的计算机数据线连接:一端连温变送器(图二):图二:连接温变一端连计算机(图三):图三:连接计算机二、软件安装目前,P+F温度变送器组态软件版本为PACTware 3.5。
三、组态步骤1、PACTware 3.5安装完成会在桌面有快捷方式(图五):图五:软件快捷图标2、双击软件快捷方式图标,打开组态软件(图六):图六:组态软件3、在“HOST PC”上右击鼠标,点击“Add device”:4、选中Device for中“P2P RS232 FDT”,点击“OK”,或直接双击“P2P RS232 FDT”:5、如下图右击鼠标,点击快捷菜单“Add device”:6、在“Device for”中选择温度变送器模块“KF*-UT2-*FDT”,并点击“OK”,或直接双击:7、注意红圈的地方,此时是没有连接通讯时的画面,如果没有以下参数画面,则双击左边红圈内“KF*-UT2-*FDT”:8、点击通讯连接图标:9、如果通讯连接正常,则“KF*-UT2-*FD Parameter”变为“KF*-UT2-*FD# Parameter”,即中间多了一个“#”符号,否则连接不正常;10、点击图标“Load from device”上载设备中信息,同时画面下部为出现上载信息进度条:11、上载完毕后,注意红圈处已从没通讯时的双通道设备变为与实际型号一致的单通道设备:12、我们所要进行的设置主要是“input”和“output”项。
F Series 温湿度变送器 说明书

F SeriesHUMIDITYAND HUMIDITY-TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS INSTRUCTION MANUALCONTENTS DESCRIPTION (3)OPERATION (4)Power Supply (4)Output Range (4)Temperature Operating Range and Temperature Limits (4)Humidity Limits (4)Temperature Compensation (4)Sensor Protection (5)Output Signals (5)Wiring Diagrams (6)Grounding (7)INSTALLATION (8)General Recommendations (8)Installation of the Base Plate (9)Installation of the Electronics Module (10)MAINTENANCE (11)Cleaning or Replacing the Dust Filter (through wall model) (11)Periodic Calibration Check (11)SPECIFICATIONS (13)PLEASE, READ THIS FIRST• Check the product for any physical damage that may have occurred during shipment. We carefully pack and routinely insure all shipments. If any damage has occurred, it is your responsibility to filea claim with the carrier, prior to returning the damaged product. Please note that our warranty doesnot cover damage during shipment.• See the label on the shipping box for information about the model number of the transmitter, the supply voltage as well as the type and range of the output signals. An identical label is also located under the printed circuit board.• Prior to installation, get fully familiarized with the operating limits of the product and with the installation instructions provided in this manual.• Do not unnecessarily remove the sensor protection (dust filter or slotted cap) from the probe. Both sensors (humidity and temperature) can be mechanically damaged by careless removal of the protection. The ROTRONIC HYGROMER humidity sensor looks like a small white paper tag. Do not remove from the probe!Each ROTRONIC instrument is carefully calibrated before shipment. No further adjustments should be required before installation. If you have any question or problem, please call our service department at 631/427-3898 and press 5 (or ask for extension 21).Transmitters of the F series are used to measure humidity or a combination of humidity and temperature in commercial HVAC installations, clean rooms, research laboratories and light (clean) manufacturing areas. The electronic circuitry is either of the 2-wire loop powered type or of the 3-wire type. Linearized output signals (DC current or voltage) are provided for transmission over a length of cable to a remote display, recorder, controller or data processing unit.The F series features the ROTRONIC HYGROMER capacitive humidity sensor. This well proven sensor offers exceptional durability and stability in all kinds of environments. This fact is reflected in the 3-year full warranty that covers the transmitters of the F series. Reliability is further enhanced by the easy-to-perform field calibration. Measurement accuracy and fast response are provided over the entire range of humidity conditions, even when the sensor is exposed to extremely high or low humidity over long periods of time. An electronic compensation circuit maintains the accuracy of humidity measurement at all temperatures.Models that measure both humidity and temperature, use an RTD Pt100 as the temperature sensor.F series transmitters include a base plate and a module (sensor and electronics) which plugs into the base plate. The base plate can be installed and wired without the module at the same time as general electrical work is being done. During that period of time, the electronics module can safely be stored away.The F series is available in the following configurations:Model Measurement Circuit Type InstallationF2C-W Humidity 2-Wire Loop Powered Space Mount (Surface)FT2C-W Hum. + Temperature 2-Wire Loop Powered Space Mount (Surface)F2C-D Humidity 2-Wire Loop Powered Duct Mount (Through Wall) FT2C-D Hum. + Temperature 2-Wire Loop Powered Duct Mount (Through Wall)F3V-W Humidity 3-Wire Space Mount (Surface)FT3V-W Hum. + Temperature 3-Wire Space Mount (Surface)F3V-D Humidity 3-Wire Duct Mount (Through Wall) FT3V-D Hum. + Temperature 3-Wire Duct Mount (Through Wall)Power SupplyTransmitters of the F series require the following supply voltage:• 2-Wire loop powered transmitters: 10..35 VDC - depending on the load connected to the output(s) The minimum supply voltage can be determined as follows: V min = 10 V + [0.02 x Load (ohm)]. For the maximum load of 500Ω, the minimum supply voltage is 10 + [0.02 x 500] = 20 VDC. The maximum current consumption is 20 mA per output circuit.• 3-Wire transmitters: 10..35 VDC or 24 VACModels with a current output require a minimum of 15 VDC when the load connected to the output(s) is 500Ω. 3-Wire transmitters have a typical current consumption of 16 mA (Humidity only) or 32 mA (combined humidity and temperature).Output RangeThe range of the relative humidity output is 0 to 100%RH. The temperature output depends on the range specified when ordering (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board). Temperature Operating Range and Temperature LimitsThe F series can operate within 23 to 122°F (-5 to 50°C) at the electronics.The temperature operating range of space mount models (surface) is the same as the temperature limits of the electronics. For through wall (duct) installation models, the temperature limits at the sensor(s) are -22..158°F (-30..70°C).Operating the transmitter and/or its probe outside of the temperature limits can result in permanent damage.Humidity LimitsAs far as possible, avoid sudden condensation at the sensors. When measuring at high humidity, condensation may occur on the humidity sensor due to a sudden difference in temperature with the environment. This does not damage the sensor. However, this will produce an overflow reading (an output signal of more than 100 %RH) for as long as condensation is present on the humidity sensor. Temperature CompensationPractically every make of relative humidity sensor requires a compensation for the effect of temperature on the humidity output signal in order to measure accurately over a wide range of temperature conditions. In the specific case of an instrument using a capacitive sensor, compensation is required because the dielectric characteristics of both the water molecule and the hygroscopic polymer used in the sensor vary with temperature.The electronic circuit of the F series uses an NTC located next to the humidity sensor to provide automatic compensation for the effect of temperature on the humidity sensor. The temperature compensation uses normal room temperature as a reference. Because of this, calibration of the unit is done at normal room temperature rather than at the temperature of operation at the sensor.Sensor ProtectionTransmitters of the F series for through wall (duct) installation are supplied as a standard with a dust filter to protect the sensors. Space mount transmitters do not have a dust filter since the sensor(s) relies on natural ventilation through the slots of the enclosure.When using a transmitter for through wall installation in a clean environment with rapidly changing conditions, it is recommended to use a slotted cap with screen (available from ROTRONIC) as opposed to using a dust filter.Never use the transmitter without protecting the sensors with either a filter or a slotted cap.Output SignalsThe F series is available with the following output signals:• 2-Wire loop powered transmitters: 4-20 mAThe transmitter behaves as a variable load and adjusts the current flowing through the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signal may be read with any current sensing device having a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. When several devices are connected in series with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not exceed 500 ohms, wiring included.• 3-Wire transmitters: 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-1 V or 0-5 V. The output signal depends on the type specified when ordering (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board).The output signals are linear and are consistent with the requirements of most data/signal processing instrumentation (panel meter, controller, computer card, etc.).Units with current outputs behave as a variable source of current and adjust the current flowing through the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signal may be read with any current sensing device having a maximum impedance of 500 ohms. When several devices are connected in series with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not exceed 500 ohms, wiring included.Units with voltage outputs behave as a variable voltage source and adjust the voltage across the terminals as a function of relative humidity and temperature. The output signals may be read with any voltage sensing device having a minimum impedance of 1000 ohms. When several devices are connected in parallel with the transmitter, the resulting impedance should not be less than 1000 ohms.Wiring DiagramsThe wiring diagram for transmitters that measure humidity only is as follows:3-Wire Transmitter with voltage output2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA output)Terminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plate3-Wire Transmitter with current output12Terminal number on base platenot used not usedThe wiring diagram for transmitters that combine humidity and temperature measurement is as follows:GroundingOperation of the F series does not require that the unit be electrically grounded. However, we recommend grounding the instrument, especially if the electronic circuits are subjected to a low humidity environment (less than 35 %RH).3-Wire Transmitter with voltage outputs2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA outputs) using two independent power suppliesTerminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plateTerminal number on base plate3-Wire Transmitter with current outputs2-Wire Transmitter (4-20 mA outputs)using a single power supplyINSTALLATION• Do not remove the dust filter or slotted cap from the probe. The sensor can easily be damaged when not protected.• The ROTRONIC HYGROMER humidity sensor has the appearance of a small white paper tag.Do not remove!General RecommendationsRelative humidity is extremely dependent on temperature. Proper measurement of relative humidity requires that the probe and its sensors be at exactly the temperature of the environment to be measured. Because of this, the location where you choose to install the probe can have a significant effect on the performance of the instrument. The following guidelines should guarantee good instrument performance:• Select a representative location: install the probe where humidity, temperature and pressure conditions are representative of the environment to be measured.• Provide good air movement at the probe: air velocity of at least 200 ft/ minute (1 meter/second) facilitates adaptation of the probe to changing temperature.• Avoid the following:(1)Close proximity of the probe to a heating element, a cooling coil, a cold or hot wall, direct exposure to sun rays, etc. (2) Close proximity of the probe to a steam injector, humidifier, direct exposure to precipitation, etc. (3) Unstable pressure conditions resulting from excessive air turbulence.• Immerse as much of the probe as possible in the environment to be measured.• Prevent the accumulation of condensation water at the sensor leads. Install the probe so that the probe tip is looking downward. If this is not possible, install the probe horizontally.Installation of the Base PlateThe base plate should be installed first, using screws with an approximate diameter of 5/32".Through Wall Space MountIMPORTANT (Through wall installation only)In order to be able to use a calibrator for future calibration checks, an orifice should be provided at a distance of about 6” from the center of the base plate. Calibrators available from ROTRONIC require an orifice with a diameter of 13/16” (21 mm). We recommend that this orifice be equipped with a QMA-15 probe holder and a rubber stopper. The orifice will be used to insert the probe of the calibrator and to verify the readings of the transmitter.The base plate of the through wall model is supplied with one sealing cable grip. This cable grip provides effective sealing only with cables having the proper outside diameter. Preferably, use a cable with an outside diameter of 0.236 to 0.275 inch (6 to 7 mm) and with 18 AWG wires. Depending on the installation, you may have to use a cable with twisted pairs or a shielded cable to avoid interference.In order to determine the maximum length of cable that can be used to connect the transmitter to other devices, the first step is to find out what is the resistance per unit of length of the cable that you plan on using.. Current outputs: the maximum permissible cable length, connecting the unit to other devices, is determined by the total resistance resulting from the addition of the cable resistance and that of the devices connected in series with the unit. This resistance should not exceed 500 ohms.. Voltage outputs: the maximum cable length can be determined under consideration of the voltage drop caused by the current flowing to the devices connected to the unit. The voltage drop in the cable depends both on cable resistance and on the equivalent resistance of the devices connected in parallel to the unit. The total resistance connected to each unit output must at least be equal to 100 kohms. Cable resistance should not be more than 1/1000 of the load resistance.Avoid running the cables connecting the unit in the same conduit as 110 VAC power cables. If this cannot be avoided, a shielded cable or a cable with twisted wires may be required to prevent interference due to electromagnetic induction caused by switching.We generally recommend grounding, especially if the electronics will be subjected to a low humidity environment (35 %RH or less).Transmitter TypeTerminals Description (see base plate) 2-Wire, humidity only 1: not used2: not used3: (+) Supply Voltage 4: 4-20 mA (humidity)3-Wire, humidity only 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: (-) Supply Voltage and Common 3: not used4: (+) Humidity (current or voltage)2x2-Wire, humidity and temperature 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: 4-20 mA (temperature) 3: (+) Supply Voltage 4: 4-20 mA (humidity)3-Wire, humidity and temperature 1: (+) Supply Voltage2: (-) Supply Voltage and Common 3: (+) Temperature (current or voltage) 4: (+) Humidity (current or voltage)See also Wiring DiagramsInstallation of the Electronics ModuleOnce the base plate has been installed and wired, the plug-in module (sensor(s) and electronics can be inserted and secured with the screws provided. The transmitter is ready to operate.Example:Through wall installation.MAINTENANCECleaning or Replacing the Dust Filter (through wall model)The dust filter should be cleaned from time to time, depending on the conditions of measurement. Cleaning should be done without removing the filter from the probe. Gently wipe the filter with a solution of water and mild detergent. If this does not remove most of the stains, the filter should be replaced. To do this, unscrew the filter from the probe.Before putting on a new dust filter, check the alignment of both sensors with the probe. The wires that connect the sensors to the probe are very thin and bend easily. If this happens, correct the alignment by holding the sensor very gently with a pair of small flat nosed pliers.Periodic Calibration CheckLong term stability of the humidity sensor is typically better than 1 %RH per year. For maximum accuracy, calibration of the unit should be verified every 6 to 12 months.Transmitters of the F series are equipped with a 5-pin keyed test connector that permits reading the signal(s) without interrupting the operation of the transmitter.ConnectorPop out ROTRONIC Labelto access Connector andCalibration Pot(s)SquareSingle-turn Pot = Temp.RectangularMulti-turn Pot = RH Space Mount Through WallTest Connector Pin # Wire Color Signal(+)1 Green Humidity(-)2 Yellow Humidityused3 Brown not4 White Temperature (+)(-)5 Gray TemperatureThe ROTRONIC A2C calibrator can be used to directly read the signal(s) provided by the test connector. The A2C comes with test cable AK3029-B used to connect the A2C with the transmitter.The humidity-temperature probe connected to the A2C provides the reference readings necessaryto check the accuracy of the F transmitter. As an alternative, any suitable reference instrument maybe used and the signal(s) from the test connector can be read with a multimeter (use test cableAK3029-4P to connect the DVM to the transmitter).The signals from the test connector are as follows:• 2-Wire and 2x2-Wire Transmitters: 40..200 mV.• 3-Wire Transmitters: 0..1 VFor humidity, this corresponds to 0..100%RH. For temperature, this corresponds to the range specified when ordering the transmitter (see label on shipping box and under the printed circuit board).A one-point calibration check can be done by comparison between a reference instrument and thesignal(s) provided by the test connector. If an offset adjustment of the transmitter is required, use the potentiometer(s) located next to the test connector.Note: during a 1-point adjustment against a referenceprobe, make sure that both the reference probe andtransmitter are ventilated and provide enough time forboth to equilibrate.SPECIFICATIONSHumidity Sensor ROTRONIC HYGROMER C94Temperature Sensor (FT Models) Pt100 RTDOperating Temperature at Electronics 23..122°F (-5..50°C)Humidity Measuring Range 10..100 %RHHumidity Output Range 0..100%RHStandard Temperature Output Range (FT Models) 0..100°F or 0..100°CTemperature Limits at Sensors Space Mount Models: 23..122°F (-5..50°C)Duct Mount Models: -22..158°F (-30..70°C) Output Signals (linear) F2C/FT2C: 4-20 mA (max. load 500Ω)F3V/FT3V: 0-5 V (min. load 1000 Ω)Accuracy at 68..77°F (20..25°C) ± 2%RH from 10 to 100%RH± 0.5°F (±0.3°C)Repeatability ± 0.3%RH and ±0.2°F (±0.1°C)Humidity Sensor Stability better than 1%RH over a yearResponse Time (without filter) 10 seconds (%RH and temperature) Calibration Potentiometers 2 for Humidity, 2 for TemperatureSupply Voltage F2C/FT2C: 10..35VDC; min. 10V + [0.02 x Load]F3V/FT3V: 15..35VDC/24VAC - 16/32 mA (F/FT) Sensor Protection Duct Mount Models: PPS Dust FilterWeight Space Mount Models: 0.3 lbs (120g)Duct Mount Models: 0.7 lbs (300 g)Case Material ABSCase Protection Duct Mount Models: DIN IP 54Duct MountSpace Mount。

目录1技术参数 (2)2安装说明 (3)3接线说明 (5)3.1 变送器(直流供电型)接线端子说明 (6)3.2 变送器(交流供电型)接线端子说明 (7)3.3 仪器接线功能图 (8)3.4 电极接线示意图 (8)4按键和界面说明 (9)4.1 按键及指示灯说明 (9)4.2 界面说明 (10)5操作说明 (13)5.1 参数设置操作 (14)5.2 校正操作 (15)6电极诊断及出错信息 (17)7电极保养说明 (19)8操作密码 (20)8.1 参数设置密码 (20)8.2 校正密码 (20)附1缓冲液 (21)附2技术术语 (23)安全预防措施请认真阅读并遵守下列要求!在仪器上电前,请对照您持有仪表的型号,确认供电电压:变送器需用18V-30VDC直流电源供电变送器需用100V-250V AC交流电源供电打开仪器会有电路部分暴露,因此除了接线仓和仪表透明罩外,不应打开仪器其它部分。
出现以下情况时,保护可能失效:◇仪器外观有明显破损◇仪器不能正常测量◇长期储存于超过70℃的环境中◇经过剧烈的震动或碰撞后11 技术参数22安装说明①31、请选择合适位置安装pH计(以下简称仪器),避免仪器直接受到阳光照射。
4、仪器内部的继电器为小电流继电器,若要控制较大动力的图2-1 仪器和动力装置接线示意图43 接线说明接线仓内部图(拆掉压线盖)接线步骤:打开接线仓盖→拆下压线盖→接线→装上压线盖→装上接线仓盖。
5673.3 仪器接线功能图84 按键和界面说明Wash 灯:清洗指示灯,当清洗继电器动作时,此灯亮Alarm灯:报警指示灯,仪表超限报警或自检报警时,此灯亮94.2 界面说明4.2.1 测量界面入码自动清零,请操作人员重新输入。

使用之 前,请 确认 与您订 购的 型号是 否一致,请 对照" 3 .选 型表"进行 确认 。 请确认 下列附 件是 否完整: · 数字温 度调节 器 一台 · 使用说 明书 一份 · 操作流 程 一份 · 通信功 能使用 说明 书 一份(若加 装了通 信功能 选件)
面板 开口:
10 ).测量值 显示补偿 和滤波时 间常数
▪ 测 量值 显示补 偿 传感器 经标定 后的 线性误 差和因 安放 位置引 起的测 量误 差,可 在8 - 29屏幕 设置正 负偏 移量作 为P V测 量值的 显示 补偿。 注意:请不 要随便 设定,避 免 测量误 差 。 ▪ 滤波时 间常 数: 数 值越 大,滤 波越 强,但 影响 测量速 度,具体值 现场确 定。 注 意:请不要 随便 设定以 免影响 系统 的调节 速度。
2 ).输 入 种 类 和 测 量 范 围 设 定
▪ 多 输入时,测 量范围 上下限 值为 设定传 感器测 量范 围上下 限值,且不 可修改 。 ▪ 电 压或电 流输入 时,测量范 围上 下限值 可以设 定,测 量范 围上 下限值 修改将 初始 化所有 与 量程有 关的 数据。 ▪ 仅 复位状 态可改 变输 入类型 。 输入种 类及 测量范 围请参 见表 一:输 入类 型和测 量范围 一览 表 注意:重新 设定输 入类 型,将 初始 化与量 程有关 的参 数。 3 ) . P ID参 数 设 定 ▪ P (比 例带) 通过比 例带进 行没 有振荡 的平滑 控制,如果 比例 带太小,调节 波动 且调节 结果类 似ON - O FF 作用。 ▪ I (积 分时间 ) 通过积 分时 间纠正 比例带 产生 的偏差,积 分时间 越长,纠正 作用越 弱,积 分时 间越 短,纠 正 作用越 强。 ▪ D (微 分时间 ) 通过微 分时 间防止 超调,微分 时间越 长,微 分作 用越 强,但控制 结果可 能波 动。 ▪ M R (积分 偏移 量) PI D作用 中的积 分时间 I自 动纠正 偏差,但如 果I设置为 OF F时,将不纠 正偏 差。此 时,可以手 动 设置积 分偏 移量来 纠正偏 差。 ▪ I H (超调 抑制 系数) 通过 超调抑 制系数 纠正P I D控制时 的欠调 与超 调,系 数越 大抑 制作用 越强 。 4 ).目 标 设 定 值 的 限 制 ▪ 用 于在测 量范围 内,进一步 限制 用户的 设定范 围。 例 如: K型 热电偶 测量 范围0~8 0 0. 0℃,而 工艺 要求为10 0 . 0~60 0 . 0℃,通过 目标 设定值 限制 避 免S V值 设置 错误。 5 ).调 节 输 出 值 限 幅 设 定 ▪ 本 系列温 度调节 器提 供了3组P I D参 数,可 分别 设置其 输出下 限值( 0 . 0~99 . 9 %)和 输 出上限 值( 0. 1~1 0 0. 0 % ),下限 值小于 上限 值。 例如:对于0~1 0 V的 输出 范围内 ,O U T1下限 值设置 为2 0 %, O U T1上限 值设置 为8 0 %,则输 出 范围 为2~8V 6 ).调 节 输 出 比 例 周 期 ▪ 初 始值: S S R驱 动电压 输出 时为3秒 。 继 电器输 出时为30秒。 ▪ 周 期短调 节变化 快,适合小 惯性 系统,惯 性 大的周 期可设 定长 些。 7 ).调 节 输 出 正 作 用(D A) /反 作 用(R A) ▪ 正 作用: P V测 量值与SV设 定 值的 正偏差 越大,调节 输出越 大。 ▪ 反 作用: P V测 量值与SV设 定 值的 正偏差 越大,调节 输出越 小。 ▪ 单 输出时: 温 度调节 器的 输出特 性可设 置为: R A (加 热) , D A(冷却) 。 ▪ 双 输出时:( O U T2为选 件) O U T 1和O U T 2的 输出特 性可 分别设 置为: R A (加 热) , D A(冷却)。 用 户可根 据现 场需要 自由设 置O U T1和O U T2的输 出特 性。

Q/CDT 云南大唐国际红河发电有限责任公司企业标准Q/CDT-IHHPC 106 082013 2013机组A级检修作业指导书作业项目:电测量变送器作业指导书作业日期:编制:陈静审核:批准:2013-04-25发布2013-05-01实施云南大唐国际红河发电有限责任公司发布8目录一、范围 (3)二、本指导书涉及的文件、技术资料和图纸 (3)三、安全措施 (3)四、备品备件清单 (3)五、现场准备及工具 (3)1、现场准备 (3)2、工作准备 (4)3、办理相关工作票 (4)六、检修工序及质量标准 (4)1、工作间隔确定 (4)2、校验仪器接线 (4)3、变送器拆线 (4)4、待校验变送器与校验仪器接线 (5)5、试验 (5)6、现场工作结束、清理工作现场 (5)7、结束工作票 (5)七、不符合试验项目处理单 (6)八、完工报告单 (7)九、质量签 (8)十、检修记录 (9)电测量变送器作业指导书一、范围本指导书适用于#1机组的变送器(型号:FPA\FPV\FPK-201\FPK-201H\FPW-201\FPW-201H\FPWWH-201\ GPV\GPA\FPF\GPF\GPWWH-201\GPK-201\GPWH-201\GPPF) A级检修工作。
二、本指导书涉及的文件、技术资料和图纸电量变送器使用说明书 FP系列电量变送器实际接线图交流采样与变送器采样装置说明书JJG(电力)01-94 《电测量变送器检定规程》DL408―91 《电业安全工作规程(发电厂和变电所电气部分)》Q/CSG 10004-20004 《电气工作票技术规范(发电、变电部分)》三、安全措施3.1严格执行《电业安全工作规程》第212条填用第二种工作票的规定。

FP101-FP201 直读式流速仪直读式流速仪用户手册目录I. 直读式流速仪清单 (1)II. 检验 (1)III. 一般说明 (1)IV. 平均流速 (3)V. 显示器操作 (4)VI. 技术指标 (5)VII. 维护 (5)VIII. 发生故障 (6)IX.保修 (8)X. 附录A: 显示器设置 (8)XI. 附录B: 在非充满水的管道计算流量 (10)* 版权所用 Global Water 仪器公司2004警告:使用流速仪测流,手一定要紧握手柄处,禁止握手柄以上部位。
I. 直读式流速仪清单a. 直读式流速仪b. 用户手册II. 检验a.你所购买的流速仪,在发货前通过了我们质检部门仔细检验和鉴定。
如果,在运输途中有任何损坏,请通知Global Water 仪器公司,同时,填写包括运件内容的要求表。
III. 一般说明a. 用力吹螺旋桨,以确定流速仪螺旋桨旋转灵敏。
FP101 测流仪手杆有两节组成,可以从0.9米延长到1.8米, FP201 有三节杆,长度可从1.5米沿伸4.5米。
c. 使用显示器下键,滚动下部显示的功能项直到显示“AVGSPEED”。
上部显示的大字是:当流速小于0.5米时,显示0, 大于0.5米,并且小于1米时,显示0.5, 大于1米时,显示1, 等,依次以0.5为步长显示流速。
按压上键3 秒钟将清除平均流速,并开始记录新的流速。
在这个屏幕按压上键3 秒将清除这个值。
d. 在进行测量时,将螺旋桨放在合适的测量点,并且按住显示器的上键3秒钟清除数值或按住5秒钟清除平均和最大数值。

TPF-100温压流一体化变器用户手册FOCUSED PHOTONICS INCTPF-100温压流一体化变送器用户手册Focused Photonics Inc.聚光科技(杭州)有限公司UMTPF1000810101目录1、阅读说明 (1)1.1用户须知 (1)1.2安全与警告 (1)1.3供货和运输 (2)1.4质保和维修 (2)1.5技术支持 (3)2、仪器介绍 (4)2.1仪器概述 (4)2.2测量原理 (5)2.3仪器内部结构 (6)2.3.1取压取温单元 (6)2.3.2机箱单元 (7)2.4仪器工作流程 (8)2.5性能参数 (10)3、现场安装 (11)3.1安装位置 (11)3.2仪器接线 (14)I4、仪器调试 (15)5、故障处理 (16)6、注意事项 (19)6.1 存放保管 (19)6.2 开箱验货 (19)6.3 售后服务 (20)II1、阅读说明欢迎选用聚光科技(杭州)有限公司TPF-100温压流一体化变送器(以下简称:TPF-100),TPF-100的主要功能是监测烟气中的温度、压力、流速并将其转换成相应的比例电流(4-20)mA传送给工控机进行数据处理。

三.简单加热系统定值调节的快速入门设置例1.定值设置例:仪表选用FP93-8P-90-N1000, K型热偶0.0~800.0℃输入,P型输出接固态继电器。
设定温度为600.0℃,EV1上限绝对值报警值650.0℃,EV2下限绝对值报警值550℃, EV2的报警为上电抑制。
首先按面板RUN/RST(运行/复位键),使仪表进入复位,面板RUN运行灯灭,在[5-5]窗口,将传感器量程代码设定为:05(K型热偶0.0~800.0℃) 。
2)在[5-12]窗口,将调节输出极性设为:rA 反作用(加热)。
6)在[5-19]窗口, 将EV1报警方式设为:上限绝对值(HA)。
7)在[5-22]窗口, 将EV2报警方式设为:下限绝对值(LA)。

2.仪表外部端子接线图二:FP93表操作使用流程1.初始参数设定系统上电后自检进入初始界面如图(1)按循环键约3秒后进入初始参数窗口如图(2)图 2继续按进如程序组数选择窗口,如图(3)图3注:此窗口初始参数值为4组曲线. 程序运行时不能设定设定范围为:1=1组,40步2=2组,20步4=4组,10步调节时使用增减键来调节,然后按确认返回上层菜单按继续按进如程序时间单位选择窗口,如图(4)图4注:此窗口初始参数值为小时,程序运行时不能设定设定范围为:小时:99时59分(每段最大时间)分钟:99分59秒(每段最大时间)调节时使用增减键来调节,然后按确认返回上层菜单按继续按进入程序掉电保护选择窗口,如图(5)图5注:此窗口初始参数值为OFFOFF:程序运行电源掉电后,当再次上电时,程序进入复位状态ON:程序运行电源掉电后,当再次上电时,程序从断点处继续运行,对于定值方式,则总是保持掉电前的状态。
调节时使用增减键来调节,然后按确认返回上层菜单按继续按找到传感器量程选择窗口,如图(7)图7注:量程选择为06,对应量程代码表继续按找到温度单位选择窗口,如图(8)图8注:此窗口初始值C C: 摄氏温度F:华氏温度调节时使用增减键来调节,然后按确认。

▪ 温度量程下限输入到“start value”对话框中,量程上限输入到“end value”对 话框中。
▪ 在“Charachteristic”中可选择输出的模式,我们推荐选择“4-20mA NE43”,便 于对线路进行监测。
▪ 在“error indication”中可设定现场回路断路/短路状态下,模块输出的电流值。 “upscale”表示跑大,“downscale”表示跑小。
▪ 如使用的是 KFD2-UT2-(EX)1, 则在“Analog input”项中选“Input 1”。 ▪ 如使用的是 KFD2-UT2-(EX)2,则: ▪ 实现双通道功能,“Analog Output 1”中的“Analog Input”选“input 1”; ▪ “Analog output 2”中“Analog input”选“input 2”; ▪ 实现一进二出功能,“Analog Output 1”中的“Analog Input”选“input 1”; ▪ “Analog output 2”中“Analog input”选“input 1”;
▪ 第五步、建立连接电脑与通讯电缆的连接,右键点击 “P2P RS232 FDT”的“Connect”选项。
▪ 第六步、建立通讯电缆与设备的连接,右键点击 “HiD2081或KF*-UT2-*FDT”的“Connect”选项。
▪ 第七步、计算机、通讯电缆与设备连接成功后(通讯电缆的RX、TX 灯同时闪烁),右键点击“HiD2081或KF*-UT2-*FDT”的“load from device”选项,将 所连接设备的参数上传至计算机。
▪ 以上三个软件需正常安装,才能进行P+F安全栅组态, 即表示成功了一半。

2.在CTRL OUT【6-1】窗口确认调节极性OUT1ACT:反极性Reverce,调节输出周期CYC:设为2秒3.CTRL EXEC窗口群的【1-6】窗口FIX SV设定控制值为:600。
0℃4.在CTRL EXEC窗口群的【1-6】窗口FIX MOVE设定为:EXE方式5.在EVENT/DO窗口群的【4-0-②】窗口EV1MD报警方式:设为PV Hi上限绝对值报警;在该窗口的ACT选择报警接点的NO常开或NC常闭方式6.在CTRL EXEC窗口群的【1-7】窗口FIX EV1:具体报警值:700.0℃;7.CTRL EXEC窗口群的【1-6】窗口FIX MODE设定为:ON方式,FIX指示灯亮8.【0-0】窗口,同时按ENT和DISP两键,RUN指示灯亮,FIX定值控制方式随即开始9.在CTRL EXEC窗口群的【1-1】窗口启动AT自整定功能:OFF变为ON,按ENT确认键,AT灯闪亮。
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例 3: FPV-V1-F1-PD2-O8
按 0-150V 校正
输 入: 0-150V
频 率: 50Hz
辅助电源: DC 220V
输 出: 0-5V
输出规格 辅助电源
FP 系列电量变送器
三、FPW/FPK 有功功率/无功功率变送器 FPWK 有功功率/无功功率组合式变送器
(四) 概 述
O12 1-3-5V
FP 系列电量变送器
(六) 订货须知 签定订货合同时应详细写明所需要的型号、规格,对所选择的型号、规格按下列格
FPW201 - - Vn - - An - - Fn - - Pn - - On
型号 电压量程 电流量程
输出规格 辅助电源 输入频率
GB/T 13850-1998
符合 GB/T 13850-1998
I 组 10 – 35℃
Ⅱ组 0 - 45℃
Ⅲ组 –10- 55℃
标称频率 ±10%
恒定电流输出 额定 10V 压降 最大 15V 压降
恒定电压输出 额定 2mA
最大 5mA 输出
例 1:FPW201-V1-A2-F1-P2-O8
按 1000var 校正
输 入:100V 5A 50Hz
电 源:AC 220V
输 出:0-±5V/0-±1000W
例 2:FPK201-V1-A2-F1-P2-O1/O8
按 866var 校正 二路输出
输 入:100V 5A 50Hz
FP 系列电量变送器
电 量 变 送 器 是 一 种 将 被 测 电 量( 交 流 电 压 、电 流 、有 功 功 率 、无 功 功 率 、有 功 电能、无功电能、频率、相位、功率因数、直流电压、电流等)转换成按线性比 例直流电流或电压输出(电能脉冲输出)的测量仪表。它广泛应用于电力、石油、 煤炭、冶金、铁道、市政等部门的电气测量、自动控制以及调度系统。
公司引进国际九十年代的最新电子技术,采用 ASIC 芯片(特制变送器厚膜电 路 )、 超 线 性 电 压 、 电 流 互 感 器 , 配 以 全 套 生 产 设 备 和 电 脑 检 测 校 验 系 统 , 按 国 际 质量保证体系 ISO-9000 组装生产高品位的 FP 系列(0.2 级)、GP 系列(0.5 级) 电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、有功电能、无功电能、频率、功率因数、直 流电压、直流电流、功率总加器、电能显示记录组件等全系列各种规格的电量变 送器。
FP 系列电量变送器
一、 FP 型电量变送器通用技术条件
准确度等级: :
工作温度: :
输出纹波峰值 :
输出负载影响 :
输入过载范围 :
FPWK 型有功功率/无功功率组合式变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 四、FPWH/FPKH 型有功电能/无功电能变送器
FPWWH 型有功功率/有功电能组合式变送器 FPKKH 型无功功率/无功电能组合式变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 五、FPF 型频率变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 六、FPPF 型功率因数变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 七、FPD-1 型单路输出直流隔离变送器 FPD-2 型双路输出直流隔离变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 八、FPM 型有功电能/无功电能记录组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 九、FPH 功率电能转换器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 十、 FPS 型总加器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 十一、FP-10 型电量变送器 . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 17 十二、FPT 温度变送器 . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 19 十三、外形尺寸图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 十四、接线图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 附录 A、 变送器屏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 附录 B、 变送器校正值的计算方法 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
FP 系列电量变送器
一、FP 型电量变送器通用技术文件 . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 二、FPA/FPV/FPAR/FPVR 型交流电流/交流电压变送器
FPAX/FPVX 型三组合交流电流/交流电压变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 三、FPW/FPK 型有功功率/无功功率变送器
ASIC 技术是八十年代末迅速发展起来的一项高新技术产品,是将超大规模集 成电路(VLSI)的工艺技术,计算机辅助设计(CAD)自动测试技术(ATE)三者 结合的丰硕成果,它充分体现了用户-厂家-用户的设计思想,可以生产出包含上 百万只晶体管的超大规模专用集成电路。FP、GP 系列变送器正是采用了 ASIC 成果 制成的超大规模变送器特制芯片,从而使产品的集成化程序更高,工作更加可靠, 具有优异的温度特性和长期稳定性,良好的抗电冲击性能和过载能力,高水准的 精确度和线性度,是一种不需要经常校验和维护、完全可信赖的理想的第三代电 量变送器。
(一) 概 述
交流电流、电压变送器是一种能将被测交流电流、电压转换成按线性比例输出的 直流电流或电压的仪器。配以相应的指示仪表或装置,可在电力系统交流电路中实现 对电流、电压的测量和控制。
FPAR、FPVR 与 FPA、FPV、FPAX、FPVX 的区别是真有效值变换,不随波形畸变而 影响测量精度,因此特别适用于波形畸变严重的地区。
Vn: 输入电压
Vn 量程 范围
V1 120V 0-150V
An: 输入电流
An 量程 范围
A1 1A 0-1.2A
Fn: 输入频率
Fn 量程 范围
F1 50Hz 45-55Hz
Pn: 辅助电源
Pn 量程
P1 AC 100V PD1* DC110V
V2 240V 0-300V A2 5A 0-6A
(5KV 1.2/50us 脉冲电压)
IEC 255-4(2.5KV-0.25ms/1MHz)
100 安匝 25 厘米中心变化<0.025%
温度 –40 - 70℃ 相对湿度 20 – 99% 无凝露
FP 系列电量变送器
二、FPA/FPV/FPAR/FPVP 交流电流/电压变送器 FPAX/FPVX 三组合交流电流/电压变送器
电 源:AC 220V
输 出:0-±1mA/0-±866var 0-±5V/0-±866var
FP 系列电量变送器
四、FPWH/FPKH 有功电能/无功电能变送器 FPWWH 有功功率/有功电能组合式变送器 FPKKH 无功功率/无功电能组合式变送器
FPA/V - - An/Vn - - Fn - - Pn - - On
型号 输入量程 输入频率
例 1: FPA-A2-F1-P2-O3 电流变送器 输 入: 0-5A 频 率: 50Hz 辅助电源: AC 220V 输 出: 4-20mA
例 2: FPV-V1-F1-P2-O8/O1 二路输出 电压变送器 输 入: 0-120V 频 率: 50Hz 辅助电源: AC 220V 输 出: 0-5V/0-1mA
O9 0-10V
O10 2-10V
O11 1-5V
注: 1.FPA/FPV 可双路输出; 2.*辅助电源可选 PD1 :DC 110V、PD2:DC 220V。
FP 系列电量变送器
(三) 订货须知 签定订货合同时应详细写明所需要的型号、规格,对所选择的型号、规格按下列格
F2 60Hz 55-65Hz
P2 AC 220V PD2* DC 220V
V3 400V 0-450V A3 10A 0-12A
F3 400Hz
功耗 3.5VA AX/VX 7VA
O1 0-1mA
O4 0-5mA
O7 0-1V
0-20mA 4-20mA
O5 0-10mA
O8 0-5V
FPK - - 无功功率变送器
FPWK - - 有功功率/无功功率组合变送器
输入电压 量程
V1 100V 80-120V
V2 220V 180-300V