托福口语综合口语integrated task学科词汇汇总


4, You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
reading passage explains a definition of_______. It means/states that______.
the lecture, the professor gives an/two examples to further illustrate it.
in very rare cases, people would express their reluctance to play current social roles directly. Normally, they would still keep playing the roles bestowed by their surrounding environments on one hand, but on the other hand, they would release some emotional clues that imply their unwillingness to accept the roles.

托福口语词汇总结:“城市”的形容词Vancouver, the Canadian host city of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, remains the most livable city in the world, as it did in 2008.2010年冬奥会的举办城市加拿大温哥华被选为全球最适宜居住的城市,这是该市在2008年之后再次当选最宜居城市。
在上面的报道中,livable city就是“宜居城市”,也就是适宜居住的城市。
“最适宜居住城市”是通过livability survey(宜居性调查)得出的。
Livable的意思是“适于居住的”,例如:slums that are barely livable(不堪居住的贫民窟)。
例如:Such behavior is not livable with.(这种行为无法容忍。
)托福口语词汇:“一线城市”China's overall property price will climb 3.3 percent to 6 percent this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the fourth quarter, China Real Estate Index said in a report over the weekend.上周末中国房地产指数研究机构在一份报告中称,今年中国的房价总体上会有3.3%到6%的增长,一线城市的房价会在第四季度进行一次调整。

1. curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm](n. 课程)2. assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt](n. 作业;任务)3. lecture [ˈlektʃə(r)](n. 讲座;讲课;v. 开讲座;讲课)4. tutorial [tjuːˈtɔːriəl](n. 辅导课;指南;教程;adj. 辅导的)5. semester [sɪˈmestə(r)](n. 学期)6. grade [ɡreɪd](n. 成绩;等级;年级;v. 评分;分等级)7. discipline [ˈdɪsəplɪn](n. 学科;纪律;训练;处罚;v. 训练;处罚;使有纪律)8. compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri](adj. 必修的;强制的;义务的)9. optional [ˈɒpʃənl](adj. 可选择的;选修的)二、社交类。
1. acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns](n. 熟人;相识)2. friendliness [ˈfrendlɪnəs](n. 友好;友善)3. hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti](n. 好客;殷勤)4. party [ˈpɑːti](n. 聚会;政党;当事人;v. 为…举行社交聚会)5. get - together [ˈɡet təˈɡeðə(r)](n. 聚会;联欢会)6. socialize [ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz](v. 交往;社交;使社会化)7. clique [kliːk](n. 小集团;派系;私党)8. acquaintance - making [əˈkweɪntəns ˈmeɪkɪŋ](n. 交友;结识)三、文化类。
1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ](n. 遗产;传统)2. custom [ˈkʌstəm](n. 风俗;习惯;海关)3. tradition [trəˈdɪʃn](n. 传统;惯例)4. festival [ˈfestɪvl](n. 节日;庆祝活动)5. ceremony [ˈserəməni](n. 典礼;仪式)6. art [ɑːt](n. 艺术;美术;技艺)7. literature [ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)](n. 文学;文献)8. music [ˈmjuːzɪk](n. 音乐)四、工作类。

表专注1. concen trate on \ focus (atte nti on) onTPO4: Which country or its culture do you want to know most? Why?Chinese: The reason why I believe we should concentrate on our own culture is that 名词•) (+ TPO5: Describe your favorite study place.Library: Studying in library will help me concentrate on my own work. If I study at home, I will easily get distracted by everyday chores.(+ 名词)TPO6: Favorite movie typeDetective film: This is the only type of film that I need to concentrate on during watching because the story is highly interlinked. (+ 畐U 词)2. devote time/e nergy/atte nti on to sth., devote on eself to sth.TPO4: I think the Chin ese culture con veys wisdom and kno wledge summed up by our an cestors.So it is worth devoting our time and energy to (/devote myself to ) knowing it.TPO5: I really enjoy study ing in library, especially duri ng review sessi on whe n I n eed to devote all my time to (/ devote myself to ) schoolwork.TPO10: Describe a time whe n you tried to do someth ing that you have n ever done. Expla in what you did and why you did it.Take my final exam in English: I devoted all my time to (/devote myself to ) review session.3. bury on eself in sth. (your work/study)TPO10: Because I am not a native speaker, I buried myself in learning both its culture and Ian guage. TPO14: What suggestio n would you like to give to a foreig n friend who wants to study in your coun try? Join a Ianguage learning program: Chinese is not easy to learn even for people who were born and grew up in chin a. If a foreig ner did n t bury himsel 'in Ian guage lear ning, he would n' to master this Ian guage.4. be addicted toTPO4: I am addicted to the rhyme and the rhythm of the Chinese poetry.TPO6: I am addicted to detective films.diet 相关表达1. go on a diet (开始节食)/ be on a diet(在节食的状态)TPO19: What are the adva ntages and disadvantages of eati ng in a fast-food restaura nt?It you were/were on a diet, the fast food would do no good to your health.TPO20: which of the followi ng program would you like to participate in? (1) A recycli ng program,(2)an agricultural program, (3)a cooking programFor example, you can provide yourself with a special meal accord ing to your own situati on, whe n you go/are on a diet .2. follow a diet 规律饮食TPO19: The fast food does no good to the health of a person who follows a diet . 独立口语题基础录播t be ableTPO20-(3): Instead of eating take-away food or in a restaurant, cooking at home is a better way to follow your diet. In order to keep healthy, it is important to learn cooking.3.stick to a diet 坚持一种饮食习惯TPO19: The fast food has no contribution to the eating plan for somebody who sticks to a healthy diet.TPO20: ...sticks to your diet …4. a + adj. + dietTPO20: if you know how to cook, you can have a strict / healthy / low-calorie / low-fat / vegetarian / vegan (严格的素食主义者) diet.关于“帮助”1.help -> help sb., help sh. With sth, help sb. (to) do sth.TPO1: If you have the time, would you choose to learn to play a new musical instrument or learn to play a new sport?Instrument: Learning to play a new instrument will help me to relax.TPO14: •• because it can help him with his Chinese Ianguage skills. / …be hedpi s hiirtn ca to)improve his Chinese language skills and communicate with the local people effectively.2.turn to sb. (for help)/ask sb. for helpTPO14 - Make friends with the local students: … my as fr k ie t n h d e c s a e n local students for help./ … ca t n urn to these local students (for help).3.offer sb. help/offer help to sb.provide sb. with help/provide help for sb.TPO22: Your friend is nervous for a difficult math course. What 's your advice?I advise him to talk to someone who can offer him help/offer help to him, like tutors.••provide him with help/provide help to hi m …4.give sb. a hand = help sb.TPO14: I suggest him to make friends as many as possible, because when he is in trouble he can always find someone to give him a hand.1.keep/be in touch with sb. = keep/be in contact with sb.lose touch with sb. = lost contact with sb.TPO7: some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their own cities or towns. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.. Which do you prefer and why?It is not convenient to keep/be in touch with close friends and families if I study in a new city or town. Distance is the thing.I may lose touch/contact with close friends and families.TPO20: Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why?Living in different places, I can still keep/be in touch with them through Skype.演奏乐器& 做运动1.play the instruments (piano, guitar, violin, keyboard)2.play sports (soccer, football, basketball, tennis)“ .感.. ”1. a sense of + n. (achievement, belonging, humor, safety)TPO23 What do you think are the characteristics of a good pare nt? —见标答(a sense of safety TPO31: Parents need to make sure their children lead healthy lives. What can parents do to help their children have healthy lifestyles?Give proper encouragement: Proper encouragement will help children gain a sense of achievement so they are more likely to live a lifestyle like this.表让人回忆起…”1.bring back (sb. 's) memories of sb./sthTPO13: Describe a holiday or a special day that you enjoyed with your family or friends:The Chinese Spring Festival is a time when family reunion and also a time when it brings back people 's memories t o h f eir old days. Without having seen each other for the whole year, the best way to make people close again is to recall a time when they get on well with each other.2.remind sb. of sthTPO3: If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit?The magnificent buildings in The Palace Museum remind people of the luxurious life of the loyal family. TPO22: My friends 'tiosintu r a eminds me of my time when I was in high school. My ability to dealwith difficult math problems was very limited. what advice I can give from my personal experience is that …3.recall sth. / doing“ as … as ”sth. be (not) as + adj. + as sth./sb. be (not) as + adj. + as sb.TPO6: Detective movie is not as boring as other kinds of movies. I am fascinated by the highly interlinked stories.TPO12: One advantage of spending time living in another country.Provide opportunity to learn English: The words and expressions used by native speakers are not as easyas what we use because they can show better language diversity.It is a + adj. + n + to do sthTPO3-spending their free time in shared activities with other people:Because it is a good chance to make friends in shared activities. It is a good opportunity to …TPO8: You prefer reading books or listening to audio books?I prefer reading books because it is a good way to review spelling.It takes ab. sometime to do sth.TPO9: Some people believe that first-year college students should live in a dorm building thathomes only freshmen. Others may prefer the idea that first-year students must live together with grade. Whichopinion do you agree with? Explain why.It takes first-year students much time to get familiar with the schoolaffairs. Living with students in other grades can provide some experience to them.TPO16: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's a waste of time for universitystudents to take courses outside their major fields.I believe there is no useless knowledge, though it takes students extra time to learn. It is just because people haven 't figure out how to apply it into practice.It is + adj. + (for sb.) to do sthTPO7-own cities: it is convenient for me to keep in touch with close friends and families. “消息灵通 ”1. Keep sb. informed of sth.TPO17: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students benefit more from classes with a large number of students than they do from smaller classes.Smaller classes will keep professor informed of the students ' reaction. And according to those reactions, professor may make some instant adjustment for students.TPO19: Some people prefer to do several tasks or projects together at the same time. Others prefer to work on one task or project at a time. Which way of working do you prefer and why?I know it is not easy to multitask, but it can save time. As long as I arrange tasks in an appropriate order, I believe I can keep myself informed o f the latest progress of each task and everything will be in my control.worth & worthy1. be worth sthTPO23: What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?One of the characteristics of a good parents is a willingness to know childre n 's requirements. In order to make them feel respected, active communications are worth the time/effort .TPO10: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All children should be required to learn a second language to in school.Let 's take Chinese people as an example. Our generation are required to learn a second language in school. But the majority of us neither have a chance to go abroad nor need to use another language in the work. So, I think learning a second language is worth nothing . /So, I don ' t think learning a second language is worth anything .nd rd th students in 2 , 3 , or even2.be worth doing sthTP04:…so it is worth devoting myself to knowing it.3.worthy + n.值得尊敬的…;值得赞赏的…TP023: Firstly,a worthy parent should be loving and caring.TP03-shared activities: I enjoyed participating in share activities like soccer and basketball because a worthy teammate or competitor can teach me lessons about life, for example cooperation.4.be worthy of sthTP023: For example, I make friends with my teammate who is worthy of my respect and teaches ne the importance of cooperation.TP04: … so it w is orthy of my considerable studying time.“影响”1.have an influence / impact onTP012: What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country?Subway: It usually runs underground, so the bad weather conditions won' teasily have an influence / impact on it.TP023: … .Theseactions showing parent 'losve and concerns have an influence / impact on children.2.influence sth./influence sb. to do sth.affect sb./sthTPO23:…because influences children ' s psychological conditionsTP012:unlike other public transportations, traffic jam can seldomly affect subways ' run.ningmake sb. do sth.TPO23:…they must create a sense of safety for their children and make their children feel free to express their feelings.TPO17: disagree -Stude nts should not be allowed to bring mobile pho nes into the classroom.With the mobile phones, it makes international students have easy access to looking up the dictionary since the academic terms are too difficult for them.make sb./sth + adj.Describe the most important development of your country in the past 20/25 years.The development of internet: First, it makes shopping easier. Instead of going to stores and buying what we want, we can simply shop online on smart phones.Do you agree or disagree? To be successful, a school should have many good textbooks. It is not the decisive factor that make university successful What research programs a uni versity has, in my opinion, is more importa nt.独立口语话题分类:人物、地点、事件、物体人物-Some people thi nk that family members are the most importa nt in flue nee on young adults. Others believe that friends are the most importa nt in flue nee. Which do you agree with? Explain why.(家人vs 朋友)I agree with the sec ond opinion that friends are the most importa nt in flue nee on young adults.Un like childre n whose whole worlds consist of their family members, we, young adults spe nd more time with our frien ds. So, friends are more likely to have impact on us.Besides, friends seem to be more convincing to us, no matter we are young or old. We may not listen to our families, but we will listen to our fellows. For example, my mom, she never thinks my advice for her diet is reason able though I told her I am a post graduate of Nutrition (营养学) many times. On the con trary, she would treat whatever her friends say as the wisest words. And her friends are just a group of bank clerks(银行职员).表明自己观点观点1跟朋友相处时间更多,所以更容易被影响观点2:朋友说的话比家人说的话更让人信服人物-Which of the followi ng people can give the most useful help in your career direct ion: families, friends or teachers. Choose one and explain why.傢人vs朋友vs老师)Teachers, in my opi nion, provide me with the most useful help in my career direct ion.First of all, teachers know better about my career developme nt. Tech no logy develops rapidly in these days. If not focusing on a certain professional field, people can ' keep informed of the latest development. Teachers usually devote themselves to the research program, and they are sen sitive to the field dyn amics. Therefore, they can provide a better suggesti on about how we can make devotion to this field.Furthermore, teachers have rich experience in dealing with students problems. They know better about what stude nts want and what can offer students a sense of achievement So, I think teachers can give the most useful help.地点-Some people refer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to differe nt places. Which do you prefer and why?(一直住在一个地方vs住在不同的地方)Pers on ally, I ' d like to move to differe nt places.I know if I stay in my hometown, the familiarity of things around will make my life quite comfortable and convenient. But the life without too much cha nge would be too bori ng. On the con trary, livi ng in differe nt places would offer me the chance to do a lot of excit ing thin gs, like enjoying differe nt seen ery, making new frien ds, or gett ing to know diverse cultures.What' s more it ' s a perfect opportunity for me b ecome a more independent person. Becausewhen I meet some challenges, since there is no parents or friends I can t urn to for help , I mustdepend on myself and solve all kinds of problem on my own.表明自己观点观点1:一成不变太无聊,要去不同地方体会不同的生活观点2:去不同的地方能让自己变得更独立地点- Talk about a popular gathering place in your town where people like to go. Describe theplace and explain why people enjoy going there. (描述一个喜欢去的地方)People in my city like to go to caf e .Because it is a good place for people to meet friends. Inviting friends to home seems to be tooformal and is easy to have misunderstanding. Caf e , however, is a more relaxing and social place.Sitting inside the caf e p,eople are free to talk in that environment. If people want to get something to eat or drink, they have easy access to those foods there.Also, it is a good place to make friends. People go to caf e for leisure and fun. Forgetting aboutthe work pressure, people have a stronger willingness to talk. It is easy to start a conversation by saying wow I like that drink as well for example.表明自己观点观点1: caf e是个见朋友的好地方观点2:caf e是个交朋友的好地方事件- TPO7: 在家上学vs 在外地上学Personally, I prefer to go to university in a new city.I know if I stay in my hometown, life would be convenient, because all my families and friendswould be around and I would be familiar with everything there. But life would be boring if there ' s no new challenges or change.On the contrary, university life in a new city will be more exciting. First, I will learn all the skills in taking good care of myself and start to live independently. Second, I will make new friends with people from diverse backgrounds and learn a lot of exiting things from them.prefer A to B = would rather A than do Bprefer to do / prefer doingKeep an eye on, look after, take care(保重;当心)表明自己观点观点1:一成不变虽然好,但是无聊观点2:去外地念书更刺激,又能学技能还能见不同的人事件-TPO1:描述一件从没做过的事情I ' d never read any English books before, but after watching the movie, Harry Potter, which I crazy about, I think maybe I could try to read the original books.At first, I found it was reall y hard for me to do so. The sentences were full of words that I didnknow. So, I decided to deal with the vocabulary first and started to look them up in the dictionary carefully one by one. After struggling for a few weeks, I found the vocabulary were no longer aproblem for me and I could just enjoy the pure pleasure of reading this fascinating story.So, I ' m re p al r l o y ud that I can read English novels now. look up sth / look sth up 查找look sb. up/ look up sb. 顺便看望look up to sb. 钦佩开门见山+“ why”“ what 做”了什么总结物体- TPO12: What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country?Subway is the most efficient type of transportation in China.First, it ' s very convenient to take the subway. Subway stations are usually easy to find in a lot of places. And some are connected with some places where people go frequently, like the big shopping centers andparks.Second, it ' s very fast to take the subway. Since subways normally run underground, it won influenced by the traffic jam on the ground, even at rush hours. So, it won ' t take a long time to reach your destination. Third, it ' s also very cheap to taekseutbhway. Like in Beijing, less than five yuan is enough to take the subway, but taking taxi may cost you a fortune especially if you bump into (偶然遇到) a traffic jam.表明自己观点观点1:搭地铁很方便观点2:搭地铁很快捷观点3:搭地铁很便宜物体-最喜欢的电影类型-见标答表明自己的观点观点1:看美国的喜剧可以学英语观点2:可以让我放松Task3基础录播学校部门类词汇Administration 学校的行政部门-> administratorSchool 学院-> the science school 科学学院-> the school of scienceUniversity choir 学校合唱团students ' uni学生会/学联Admissions office 招生办公室The daily campus newspaper 校园日报Bus serviceDining service -> University dining hall学校设施词汇SculptureGreen spaceParking lots 机动车/ campus racks 学校停自行车的地方Campus coffee house = caf eReading deviceLounge 休息室Bulletin board“改变”类词汇The administration has plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus.The money save by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots. Beginning next month, Dining Service will no longer serve hot breakfast foods at university ding halls.No more International News.Close the campus Coffee house.Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning.The computer department is considering offering evening classes in the fall.Starting this year, the university ding hall will be transformed into The Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester.Housing Renovations PlannedStudent Health Services Need Improvement阅读理由类词汇1.直接出现reason 一词的表达:one of the reasons …is that …the reason given for …is that …2.序数词/表递进或补充关系的词First, firstly, first of all …Furthermore, moreover, also, besides, and …3.表想法、观点的动词Noted, said, cite …4.表因果关系的介词Because, so, thus, therefore …主角态度类表达1.同意a)正向词: great, good, necessary, agreeb)对话模式:-You don ' t like the ideates (喜欢就是yes) , I do like it.2.不同意a)直接表否定的词: don 't, wouldn 'tb)负向词: unconvincing, off, ridiculous, making a mistake, unnecessaryc)对话模式:-You don ' t like the idea?Not at all—Task5基础录播活动/ 出行Bus schedule, course scheduleRide a bike, take a bus/take the school bus, take a taxi, rent a van (面包车)a fifteen-minute ride/drive, it would take/cost about fifteen minutes, I would spend (人)about - museum, gallery (美术馆/画廊), exhibition (展览), showpassport (护照), Visa (签证)偶然碰到: run into, bump intospring break (春假) = March break = Easter break, summer break (暑假) = summer holiday/vacation, Winter holiday/vacation, Christmas holiday/vacation西方重要的节假日:情人节-> Valentine's Day愚人节-> April Fool's Day复活节-> Easter万圣节->Halloween感恩节->Thanksgiving Day圣诞节-> Christmas Daydrop out of the school (退学), field trip (实地考察), on the waiting list (候补名单)replace, take sb. ' s place, replacementbe supposed to do, be going to do/plan to doplay the violi n, play the pia no, play the drum …string quartet (弦乐四重奏): 2 violins + 1viola 中提琴+ 1 cello 大提琴concert, performance, show学习quiz = a short test, exam, midterm exam, final examreview session (复习课), revision (考前复习)stress out, under great pressure, exhausted, tired, anxious, worriedassignment, schoolwork/homework, exercise, report, paper/essay/dissertation/thesisdue, deadline/submission deadline for assignments关于老师的一些称呼:教授-> professor (Prof. + last name 姓)副教授->associate professor讲师-> lecturer博士-> doctor (Dr. +last name)助教-> teaching assistant/tutor/demonstrator(演示实验操作步骤的助理教师)指导老师-> supervisor/mentor学徒->apprentice住宿pipes = tube 管道, Drain pipe 下水管道burst, break, explode, leak, leaky, leakagemove out of my apartment, move inI could stay at their place. = they could have me over.apartment, flat(flatmate), house(housemate), dorm/dormitory(dormmate), resident hall, suite 套房, 客厅->living room, shared dining roomtask4&6基础录播生物类词汇hoard, hoarder, hoard ing, scatter, en gage inlocomotion(移动),exposuremargarine(人造奶油),butter(黄油)relict = remnant 残留物in/un der circumsta ncesevolutio n of sth., revoluti onvani shed, bani sh(马驱逐)grassy plains 草多的平原,extinet volcano 死火山defense mechanisms, trapping mechanism 诱捕机制,digesting mechanism 消化机制America n soil = America n territoryThe esse ntial nutrients of the huma n body, nu triti on 营养学;滋养过程Protein, fat/lipid 月脂肪,carbohydrate, fiber, Vitamin, mineral, waternourishment 营养品,thriving 欣欣向荣的:thriving company心理学类词汇convince sb. of sth, convince sb. that + 从句expect sth. from sth., expect a lot of sb./expect too much of sb. 对某人期望过高carry out an experime nt, do an experime ntempathy 同感,移情vs sympathy同情branch分店,implicit含蓄的vs explicit直截了当的personality 人格,character 性格, characteristic 特点in tellige nee quotie nt (IQ), emoti onal quotie nt (EQ) perceive, perceptual 感知的,sense,商科和经济学类词汇manufactures 商品sta ndard, criterio n, criteria(pl)encounter + problems, difficulties 一般后面加不好的词Fear of cha nge is an obstacle to progress.affordable, afford sth., afford to do sth 付得起,能承担irrati onal = un reas on ableemployee 雇员,employer 雇主identical 一样的,identifiable 可辨认的,identification 身份证明:ID card, passport, Driving license, Perma nent Reside nt Card (加拿大)永久居民身份证明reliability, maintainability 可维护性defect, fault, flaw高频定义类词汇1.Be动词2.Call (is called, a process called …)3.know (is known as, men tai discomfort knows as …)4.refer (is referred to as …)。

下面是托福口语考试中常用的词汇,供考生参考使用:1. IntroductionIntroduce:介绍Briefly:简要地Main point:主要观点Outline:概述Topic:话题2. Personal ExperienceExperience:经验Happen:发生Occur:发生Encounter:遭遇Memorable:难忘的Incredible:难以置信的Challenging:具有挑战性的3. OpinionThink:认为Believe:相信Opinion:意见Point of view:观点In my opinion:在我看来From my perspective:从我的角度来看As far as I am concerned:就我个人而言Personally:就我个人而言4. Comparison and ContrastSimilar:相似的Different:不同的Compare:比较Contrast:对比But:但是However:然而On the other hand:另一方面In contrast to:与…相比5. DescribeDescribe:描述Appear:看起来Seem:似乎Look like:看起来像Sound like:听起来像Feel like:感觉像Taste like:尝起来像6. Advantages and DisadvantagesAdvantage:优点Benefit:好处Disadvantage:缺点Drawback:不利之处Pros and cons:利弊Strength:优势Weakness:劣势7. ConclusionsConclusion:结论In conclusion:结论上Final thoughts:最后的想法Overall:总的来说All in all:总的来说Summing up:总结To sum up:总而言之以上是托福口语考试中常用的词汇总结,考生可以根据自身情况对这些词汇进行适当的记忆和练习,并在备考和考试中灵活运用,以提高口语表达的准确度和流利度。

1. ASTRONOMY 天文学 astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台 astronomical instruments 天文仪器 astronomical telescope 天文望远镜 astronomical observation 天文观测 astronomical unit 天文单位astronomical almanac (yearbook) 天文年历 planetarium 天文馆 astronomer 天文学家 astrophysics 天文物理学 astrophysicist 天文物理学家astro photo graph 天体摄影影图 astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学hidebound 包紧的;思想狭隘的pinnacle(peak; summit; apex) 巅;顶峰 deviate 偏离infinite 无限的 cosmic 宇宙的cosmic force 宇宙力 cosmic dust 宇宙尘 cosmic noise 宇宙噪声 cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射 cosmic rays 宇宙射线 cosmic speed 宇宙速度 celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体 celestial map (sky atlas) 天体团 celestial sphere 天球celestial globe 天球仪 terrestrial … 地球仪celestial mechanics 天体力学celestial navigation (astronavigation)天文导航 stellar 星的nebula (复数 nebulae 或 nebulas) 星云 nebular(nebulous)星云的;星云状的 dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体;类星射电源 constellation 星座planisphere 平面天球图, 星座图cluster 星团 solar 太阳的solar system 太阳系 solar corona 日冕solar flare 日辉;太阳耀斑 solar prominence 日珥 solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射 planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星 revolve 旋转;绕转 twinkle 闪烁 naked eye 肉眼 Mercury 水星 Venus 金星 Earth 地球 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星 Uranus 天王星 Neptune 海王星 Pluto 冥王星 orbit 轨道 spin 旋转 satellite 卫星 lunar 月球的lunar eclipse 月蚀lunar probe 月球探测器lunar astronaut (lunarnaut) 登月宇航员 lunar excursion module 登月舱lunar rover (lunar roving vehicle; moon rover) 月面车lunarscape (moonscape) 月面景色 phase 月相;阶段 meteor 流星meteor shower 流星雨 meteoroid 流星体 meteorite 陨石 comet 彗星space capsule 宇宙飞船座舱;航天舱 spacelab 太空实验室spaceman (astronaut; cosmonaut) 宇航员;航天员space suit 宇航服;航天服 space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope 空间望远镜2. GEOGRAPHY 地理 geographer 地理学家 hemisphere 半球northern and southern hemispheres 北半球和南半球eastern and western hemispheres 东半球和西半球meridian 子午线;经线 parallel 平行圈;纬线 latitude 纬度high latitudes 高纬度地区 low latitudes 低纬度地区 temperate latitudes 温带地区 longitude 经度 horizon 地平线 equator 赤道 Tropics 热带地区 Arctic 北极Antarctic (Antarctica) 南极 expedition 探险 zone 气候带 time zone时区 plateau (highland) 高地 lowland 低地 basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴 terrain 地域subterranean (underground) 地底下 coastland 沿海地区 island 岛屿continental island 地陆岛 volcanovolcanic island 火山岛 … eruption coral island 珊瑚岛 islet 小岛peninsular 半岛 continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架 ranges 山脉 valley 峡谷canyon (谷底有溪涧流过的)峡谷海峡 altitude 高度remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的;陆地的 globeterrestrial heat (geothermal; heat of the earth’s interior) 地热terrestrial magnetism 地磁 (geomagnetism) 地磁3.GEOLOGY 地质学geologist (geologician) 地质学家 geological (geologic) 地质学的geologic age (geological time) 地质时代geologic map 地质图geological survey 地质调查geochronology 地质年代学continental crust 大陆地壳 oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum; 复数 strata) 地层 mantle 地幔 core 地核 plate 板块plate tectonics 板块构造论 fault 断层fault plane 断层面 fault zone 断层带 rift (crack; split)断裂disintegration (decomposition)分解 erosion 侵蚀 fossil 化石sedimentary rock 沉积岩 metamorphic rock 变质岩 quartz 石英limestone 石灰岩 marble 大理石 granite 花岗岩lithogenqus 岩石成的 lithosphere 岩石圈 magma 岩浆 prospect 勘探 sounding 测探 mine 采矿 mineral矿物 ore 矿石 deposit 矿床platinum 白金;铂 copper 黄铜 aluminum 铝 tin 锡 nickel 镍mercury (quicksilver)汞;水银 gem 宝石 diamond 钻石 emerald 绿宝石 ruby 红宝石glacial epoch (age, period)冰川期 glacial drift 冰碛 iceberg 冰山(ice)sheet 冰原;冰盖frigid(refrigerated; freezing)寒冷的 plummet (气温)急剧下降 thaw (melt) 融化 retreat 后退terminate(end)结束extinct volcano 死火山 dormant volcano 休眠火山 eruption 火山喷发 crater 火山口 lava 火山岩浆 scoria 火山渣 volcanic 火山的volcanic dust 火山尘 volcanic ash 火山灰 volcanic bombs 火山弹magnitude 震级 epicenter 震中hypocenter (focus)震源(earthquake; seismic; shock)wave 地震波 cataclysm 灾变4. ECOLOGY 生态学 ecological 生态的ecological condition 生态环境 ecological disaster 生态祸害 ecologist 生态学家 ecosphere(biosphere)生态圈 ecocide 生态灭绝preservation (对自然区等的)保护 fauna 动物群 flora 植物群 rain forest 雨林afforestation 植树造林 food chain 食物链environmental pollution 环境污染 environmental protection 环境保护 environmental sanitation 环境卫生 (environmental)sanitary engineers 环卫工人(工程师)environmentalist 环境保护主义者 acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应 infrared radiation 红外线辐射 ozone layer (ozonosphere)臭氧层 ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射 污染控制 air pollution 空气控制pollution elimination 污染消除 pollution index 污染指数pollution indication organism 污染指示生物 air pollution 空气污染 water pollution 水污染 noise pollution 噪音污染 soil pollution 土壤污染pollution-free 无污染 pollutant 污染物noxious (toxic)有毒的 fumes(有毒)废气 waste 废物waste heat 废热 waste water 废水 solid waste 固体垃圾 sewage(wastewater)污水 domestic sewage 生活污水 sewage purification 污水净化 sewage disposal 污水处理 sewage plant 污水处理工厂 decibel (噪音)分贝 abate (reduce) 减少 abound 大量存在补充:air monitoring 空气监测 air pollution 空气污染alternative n.二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物adj.选择性的, 二中择一的 atmosphere 大气, 空气, 气氛balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡 burning of coal and oil 煤油燃烧 carbon 碳, (一张)复写纸carbon dioxide release 二氧化碳排放 dioxide 二氧化物 clean up 清除干净climate 气候, 风土, 思潮climatic change 长期的气候变化 coal .煤v.加煤 coalification 煤化 deforest 滥伐森林 desertification 沙漠化 deteriorate 恶化 disposal 废物处理 drought 干旱ecologist 生态学家 ecosystem 生态系统el Niño 厄尔尼诺现象emission(汽车废气的)排放 energy conservation 保护能源 energy source 能源资源 solar energy 太阳能 tidal energy 潮汐能 fuel-efficient 节能型的 nonrenewable 不可再生的 Environmental Awareness Club exhaust fumes 废气 fauna 动物群 flora 植物群 food chain 食物链 flood 洪水fossil fuel 矿物燃料 fuel-efficient 节能型的 fumes (有毒)废气 garbage 垃圾, 废物gas 气体, 煤气, 毒气, 汽油, [矿]瓦斯 global warminggreenhouse effect 温室效应 ice-cap 冰帽industrial sewage 工业污水 infrared radiation 红外线辐射 litter/trash garbage 垃圾long-term climatic change 长期的气候变化melt 融化noise pollution 噪音污染 non-renewable 不可更新的 noxious (toxic) 有毒的offshore spillage 近海岸溢出ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层 pollute/pollutant 污染物 pollution control 污染控制 pollution 污染pollution-free 无污染 preservation 保存process of photo synthesis 光合作用 purify 净化rain forest 雨林recycle回收利用recycling center再循环利用中心recycling再循环resource 能源rise in sea level 海平面上升rush hour 高峰期sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage disposal污水处理sewage purification 污水净化sewage污水soil pollution 土壤污染solar energy太阳能solid waste固体废物soot烟尘tidal energy潮汐能traffic jam交通堵塞trash bag垃圾袋ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射upper atmosphere上层大气waste 废物wastewater废水water pollution 水污染water shortage 水源缺乏wildness 野生/天然zero emission 零辐射species物种specimen 样本,标本natural selection自然选择biological vacuum生物演变真空期survival生存thwart (block; obstruct)阻碍reverse逆向;倒退degeneration (devolution) 退化alga(复数algae)藻类invertebrate无脊椎动物aquatic (life)水生动物reptile爬行动物amphibian(amphibious animal)两栖动物dinosaur恐龙bird鸟类extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物primates灵长目动物class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种insect 昆虫antenna (复数antennae) 触须larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软件动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes (昆虫等)群swarms (昆虫等)群flock (鸟,羊等)群herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸community 动物的群落或人的部落monogamous 一夫一妻的polygamous一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词)品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce)繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂食的antennae)触须compound eye复眼thorax 胸部wing翅膀larva幼虫;幼体camouflage伪装beneficial有益的pest害虫pesticideworm虫;蠕虫flatworm扁虫(低等蠕虫)roundworm蛔虫;线虫segmented (worm)分节的parasite寄生虫adder小毒蛇rattlesnake响尾蛇cobra眼镜蛇venom毒液fang毒牙molt蜕皮coil盘绕hibernate冬眠caterpillarregeneration再生crocodile鳄鱼alligator美洲鳄turtle龟驯养domesticationpre’datory (carnivorous) 食肉的prey(动词)捕食;(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger食腐动物falcon隼migrate迁移wing翅膀;翼bill(鸟)嘴beak(鹰等的)嘴nest筑巢nestleperch(鸟)飞落;暂栖flock to habitatmolt (鸟)脱羽毛dolphin海豚whale鲸鱼bat蝙蝠echolocation 声波定位chimpanzee黑猩猩baboonprimitive(men)原始的civilized (men)文明的diversity品种多样gregarious (social)群居的habitat栖息地breed(名词)品种;(动物)繁殖reproduce繁殖, 复制, 使...在脑海中重现multiply (reproduce)繁殖mating交配hatch孵spawn(鱼、蛙等)产卵offspring (young) 后代botanical (botanic) 植物的plant植物seed plant种子植物garden plant园艺植物…ing toolstropical plant热带植物grassland plant草原植物tundra plant冻原植物desert plant沙漠植物alpine plant高山植物marsh plant沼泽植物aquatic plant水生植物parasitic plant寄生植物host plantroot 根stemmeshwork网状结构canopy树冠层;顶蓬foliage (leaf)叶leaflet小叶rosette(叶的)丛生stem茎stalk杆leafstalk叶柄shoot (sprout)嫩芽;抽枝flower花bud花蕾blossompetal花瓣wilt, fade 枯萎,凋谢flesh果肉stone果核core果心kernel果仁peel (skin)果皮shell (硬)果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk树干branch树枝bough大或粗树枝twig小树枝bark树皮jungle丛林blade (of grass) 一片草叶tuft一丛草lawn草坪meadow草地;牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush)灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)vine藤liana藤本植物fern蕨类植物herb芳草herbal teaphotosynthesis光合作用symbiosis共生autotrophic自养的heterotrophic异养的wither (shrivel; fade)凋谢wiltdieback顶死;回枯pollen花粉pollinate传授花粉pollination传粉;已授粉状态nectar 花蜜bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌disinfection消毒enzymes酵母fermentation发酵inflection传染(感染)microbe微生物microorganism微生物sterilization灭菌toxin毒素virus病毒氨基酸carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbon dioxide二氧化碳glucose 葡萄糖organism 有机物oxidation氧化protein 蛋白质civilized文明的brute-like野蛮的community社区;社会organization(association)组织institution 机构settlement定居;居民点custom风俗习惯indigenous当地的;土生土长的incumbent 现任monarchy君主制abhorrence憎恶;讨厌empire帝国anarchism无政府主义federal system联邦制presidential system总统制Congress美国国会House of Senate 参议院House of Representatives 众议院ethnic(racial)种族的ethic 道德的poll民意调查pollster民意调查人questionnaire问题单;调查表respondent民意调查对象census人口调查(普查)case study个案研究protocol(外交)礼节courtesy有礼貌的举止manners (conduct)举止;礼貌office manners办公室礼仪solitude孤独isolationcompanion伙伴sociable善于交际ethics(morality)道德observe(abide by)遵守violate(breach)违反;破坏reciprocate(reward)报答富裕的poverty贫困inequality不平等discontent不满grumbling(complaint)抱怨enmity(hatred) 仇视slander污蔑libel诽谤rebellion 反叛conflict(clash)冲突crash=collidediscord(disagreement)不和harmony和睦stability稳定7.TRAFFIC/COMMUNICATION 交通与通信traffic signal 交通信号traffic marking 交通(道路)标线traffic regulation 交通规则traffic emergency 交通紧急情况traffic congestion(jam) 交通阻塞transport (动词)运输transportation (名词)运输;运输工具vehicle 交通工具;车辆prototype 原型wagon(carriage) 马车;篷车vessel 船;容器automobile (auto; car) 汽车taxicab (cab; taxi) 出租汽车bus 公共汽车truck 卡车van 运货车motorcycle 摩托车bicycle (bike) 自行车pedal 脚蹬;踏板handbar 车把gear 齿轮;(排)档engine 引擎;发动机gasoline engine 汽油发动机diesel engine 柴油发动机internal combustion 内燃cylinder 汽缸piston 活塞tank 油箱lubrication 润滑brake (名词)闸;(动词)刹车exhaust (名词和动词)排气emission 散发;排出(动词emit)fume 废气assemble 装配service (maintenance) 维修mechanic 机修工garage 车库license 执照parking 执照parking停车parking lot停车场parking meter汽车停放计时器(收费机)toll通行费driveway私人车道interchange交换道cloverleaf四叶式立体交叉intersection道路交叉口lane车道avenue(thoroughfare) 马路;街boulevard 林荫大道passenger 乘客crosswalk(穿马路)人行横道sidewalk(马路旁)人行道subterranean(underground)地底下platform站台locomotive火车头switch扳道;道岔car车厢commuter(来往于市郊之间)旅客haul拖;拉;运送freight 货物;货运container集装箱subway 地铁token专用辅币turnstile旋转栅门rumble隆隆声canoe 独木舟ship船;舰sailing航海;张帆航行Viking 斯堪的纳维亚人;北欧海盗cargo 货物barge驳船tanker油船steamboat汽船;轮船ocean liner远洋轮submarine潜水艇ferry渡船oar桨paddle(名词)短浆;(动词)用桨划row划船steer掌舵;驾驶bow(prow)船首stern船尾port左舷starboard右舷deck甲板on board(aboard)在船上;在汽车、火车、飞机上navigate航行(海、河、空中)log航海日志wreck沉船;残骸salvage(名词或动词)打捞supersonic超音速jet喷气式飞机jet lag时差综合症runway机场跑道pilot飞行员crew全体机务人员;全体船员helicopter直升飞机vertical垂直的rotor旋翼hover空中盘旋rescue营救inaccessible难以到达(进入)的compass 指南针aeronautical航空的gesture手势printing印刷postal邮政的postage邮资postmark盖邮戳telegraph电报code密码decode 解密transmitter发报机cable电缆telephone(phone)电话telephone exchange电话局pager (beeper)拷机;BP机handset耳机;听筒dial拨电话operator接线员phonograph 留声机digital数字的;数字显示式videotape录像带telex电传fax 传真broadcasting电台广播frequency频率entertainment娱乐dis jockey (DJ)音乐唱片节目播音员newscast新闻节目talk show访谈节目host (访谈)节目主持人;(女主持人hostess)announcer节目报告员;时事评论员;比赛讲解员walkie-talkie步话机remote control遥控studio播音室;演播室soundproof隔音control panel控制盘gauge仪表收费电视closed-circuit television闭路电视direct——broadcastsatellite(DBS)system卫星直播telecast (动词)电视广播;(名词)电视广播节目live现场直播relay转播zoom(可变焦距镜头)推近或拉远piecemeal零碎地;一个个地screen屏幕antenna天线confines(boundary)限制;边界linger延续;逗留8. PSYCHOLOGY心理学applied psychology应用心理学psychologist心理学家psychiatrist 精神病医师, 精神病学家psychological心理的psychological test心理测试psychological moment心理最佳时刻psychological warfare心理战psychotherapy 心理疗法conformity 一致;符合;从众majority 多数人mental 精神的minority 少数人physical 躯体的,物质的,物理的mental 心理的spiritual 精神的;心灵的subject 受实验物件;学科threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断behavioral pattern行为模式deportment (demeanor)行为举止;风度factor因素elementcause起因aspect方面motive动机modify (动词)矫正;修改negative displacementpositive …modification (名词)矫正overt 公开的extrovertedcovert 隐蔽的introverted 内向的, 含蓄的, 闭关自守的learning学习cognitive认识过程的;认识能力的empirical经验的;以经验为依据的conditioning条件作用association联想;观念的联合retarded智力迟钝的intelligence quotient (IQ)智商arithmetic 算术, 算法mental age智力年龄;心理年龄chronological age实龄chronicle .编年史v.编入编年史voluntary 自愿的involuntary本能的;非自愿的behaviorism行为主义;行为主义心理学派functionalism机能心理学unconscious潜意识的subconscious下意识;instinct本能ego自我psychiatric精神病学的mentally ill精神疾患mental disorder心理紊乱(失调)hormone levels(psychopathology)变态心理学耶洗别jezebel无耻放荡的女人,恶毒的女人irrational 不合情理的neuro-sis神经机能病neurotic神经官能症患者psychosis神经错乱psychotic患精神病的insane(mad; lunatic)精神失常insane asylum(mental hospital)精神病院flying over cockoo’s nestdelusion妄想;错觉hysteria歇斯底里;癔病phobia恐惧症mania狂躁paranoia妄想;多疑diffusion of responsibility9. PHYSIOLOGY生理学physiologist生理学家anatomy解剖学;人体结构autopsy (postmortem examination)(尸体)解剖dissect (anatomize)解剖scalpel解剖刀cell细胞tissue组织organ器官organ system器官系统saliva唾液intestine (bowel)肠small intestine小肠large intestine大肠abdomen腹部anus肛门excrete排泄pancreas 胰腺bile胆汁gallbladder胆囊skull头颅rib肋骨spine脊椎muscle fiber肌纤维voluntary muscle随意肌;横纹肌involuntary muscle (smooth muscle)平滑肌contract收缩cramp (spasm)痉挛;抽筋windpipe气管lung肺exhale呼气inhale吸气pulmonary 肺的arteriosclerosis动脉硬化(blood)vessel血管artery 动脉vein静脉capillary毛细管plasma血浆liver肝脏metabolism新陈代谢urinary bladder膀胱kidney肾脏nephron肾单位puberty发育期egg卵sperm精子uterus (womb)子宫fertilize使受精chromosome染色体pregnant怀孕gene基因geneticallyembryo 胚胎fetus胎儿insemination授精hormone 荷尔蒙secrete 分泌neuron神经细胞;神经元reflex条件反射neuroscience (neurobiology)神经系统科学(神经生物学)10. FOOD食品food chain 食物链health food (green foodstuff)保健食品(绿色食品)convenience food方便食品edible 可食用的inedible不可食用的diet日常饮食dietary饮食的FDA (the Food and Drug Administration)食品及药物管理局flour 面粉bread面包pastry 面点心pista 面条类食品yeast (leaven; ferment)(名词)酵母;(动物)发酵fruit水果salad色拉(beef) steak牛排;鱼排ground beef (hamburger) 绞牛肉;牛肉酱pork 猪肉mutton羊肉poultry家禽cheese 奶酪cream 奶油ice cream冰淇淋yogurt酸奶粉);糖类glucose葡萄糖fructose果糖maltose麦芽糖starch淀粉fat 脂肪fat-free不含脂肪的the least fattening, of courseprotein蛋白质vitamin维生素calorie卡(路里)nourishing (nutritious) 有营养的malnourished营养不良nutrition营养preserve保存additive添加剂packaging包装vacuum packing真空包装快餐部coffee shop咖啡馆;小吃店cafeteria自助餐馆menu 菜谱bar 酒吧beverage饮料wine葡萄酒liquor烈性酒alcoholic 含酒精的non-alcoholic不含酒精或不喝酒的buffet (meal)自助餐egg(鸡)蛋fried egg (sunny-side up; over)荷包蛋(单煎一面;煎两面)scrambled egg炒鸡蛋poached egg水煮荷包蛋ham and eggs(bacon; sausage)火腿蛋(熏咸肉;香肠)appetizer开胃食品course一道菜dessert甜食refreshments茶点;点心banquet宴会spice (seasoning)香料;调味品spread涂抹食品的酱dressing填馅;调料icing 蛋糕糖衣bake烘(糕点等)roast烤(肉等)barbecue烧烤broil (grill)(在烤架等上面)烤toast烤(面包)stew (simmer)炖;焖gourmet美食家connoisseur鉴赏家11. PERSONALITY个性character性格characteristic(trait)特性;特征;特点disposition(nature)性情;性格temperament气质;禀性introvert内向的extrovert外向的innate(born)天生的jubilant(exultant; rejoiced)喜悦的;喜气洋洋的ardent(fervent; passionate)热忱的enthusiastic(warmhearted; zealous) 热心的;热情的sociable(social) 爱交际的courteous 有礼貌的cordial(hearty; genial)热诚的;友善的sincere(earnest; genuine)认真的;真心的candid (frank; straightforward) 坦率的;直截了当的trustworthy(reliable; dependable)可信任的ingenuous单纯的;天真无邪的amiable (amicable; affable)和蔼的;温柔的considerate(thoughtful)体贴的;考虑周到的hospitable殷勤好客的charitable(bountiful; generous)慈善的;慷慨的lenient(merciful; tolerant)宽容的;仁慈的altruistic(unselfish)利他(主义)的sympathetic(compassionate)同情的;怜悯的benevolent(humane; philanthropic)仁慈的;人道(主义)的shrewd(sharp-minded)精明的humorous幽默的witty机灵的;爱说风趣话的versatile (many-sided; multifaceted)多才多艺的competent(qualified)有才能的;够资格的prodigy(talent) 天才(尤指神童)assiduous(diligent; arduous; laborious)勤奋的;努力的ingenious(clever)心灵手巧的judicious(wise; sensible)明智的frugal(thrifty; economical)勤俭节约的intrusive(obtrusive)打扰人的;闯入的impetuous(hasty)急躁的;鲁莽的impulsive(rash)动的;莽撞的whimsical(odd; eccentric)多怪念头的;古怪的fanatic狂热的mischievous调皮的;恶意的vigilant(alert; watchful; wary)警觉的incredulous(unbelieving)不轻信的cautious (careful; prudent)谨慎的scrupulous(discreet)严谨的reticent (quiet; silent)缄默的composed (cool; calm; self-controlled)镇静的reserved(restrained)拘谨的;有克制的抑郁的;沉闷的depressed(dejected)压抑的 frustrated(disappointed)沮丧的 disillusioned 失望的;幻想破灭的 dispirited(down-hearted)情绪低落的 remorseful(regretful)悔恨的 pessimistic 悲观的anxious(uneasy; care-ridden)忧虑的dependent 依赖的docile(obedient)顺从的humble(unpretentious)谦恭的 sluggish(inactive; inert)无生气的tardy(unpunctual)行动缓慢的;不准时的 listless(languid)没精打采的;兴味索然的adamant(dogged; insistent; unbending)坚定不移的indomitable(tenacious)不屈不饶的 undaunted(dauntless; intrepid)大无畏的 defiant(disobedient; challenging)公然不服从的contemptuous(scornful)鄙夷的;看不起的pretentious (showy; ostentatious)矫饰的 conceited(proud)骄傲的haughty(arrogant; supercilious)高傲的 dominant(governing)支配的;统治的 domineering(overbearing; tyrannical)盛气凌人的;专横的presumptuous(daring; audacious)放肆的;胆大妄为的imprudent (indiscreet; heedless)鲁莽的;厚颜的extravagant(lavish)奢移的hostile(unfriendly)敌视的 sadistic 虐待狂的impertinent (rude; insolent)粗鲁的;无理的offensive (irritating; annoying)冒犯的;恼人的bad-tempered(ill-humored)坏脾气的 relentless(unrelenting)无情的 reckless(heedless)不顾后果的fraudulent (deceitful; dishonest)欺诈的;骗人的volatile(fickle; capricious; frivolous)多变的;反复无常的spiteful(hurtful, malicious)恶毒的 wicked(evil; vile)邪恶的avaricious(rapacious; greedy)贪婪的 stingy(miserly)吝啬的 snobbish 势利的hypocritical(insincere)虚伪的 clumsy(awkward)笨拙的ignorant(uninformed) 无知的incompetent(incapable; unfit)无能的;不胜任的irresponsible(untrustworthy; unreliable)不负责任的;不可靠的negligent(neglectful)玩忽职守的 不冷不热的 placid(mild)温和的;宁静的apathetic(indifferent; unconcerned)冷漠的 detached(impartial)不偏不倚的 disinterested(fair; unbiased; unprejudiced)公正的12. MEDICINE 医学 medicinal 药的;药用的 medicinal herb 草药 medical 医学的;内科的medical care (treatment)医疗medical examination (checkup)体格检查 medical certificate 医生证明medical apparatus (instruments)医疗器械 remedy(therapy)疗法 injection 注射anesthetic (narcotic)麻醉剂 hypnosis 催眠术 surgery 外科手术 antibiotic 抗生素 antiviral 抗病毒药antitumor drug 抗肿瘤药;抗癌药 sulfa 磺胺类药analgesic (pain-killer) 镇痛药 tranquilizer 镇静剂opiate 镇静剂;麻醉剂 contraceptive 避孕药 tonic 补药 lotion 药水 ointment 药膏elixir (panacea; cure-all)万灵药 euthanasia (mercy killing)安乐死 administer 服用(药物) potency (efficacy)药力 pediatrician 儿科医生dentist (dental surgeon)牙科医生 gerontologist 老年病医生 dietician 营养学家therapist (某种疗法制)治疗专家 radiologist 放射科医生anesthetist 麻醉师pharmacist (druggist) 药剂师 practitioner (私人)开业医生 veterinarian 兽医dispensary (pharmacy) 药房 emergency (first) aid 急救 afflict 使受(疾病)之苦 symptom 症状coma (unconsciousness; faint)昏厥 indigestion 消化不良 nauseate (vomit)呕吐 diarrhea 泻肚injury(cut; wound)受伤 bruise 淤伤;青肿hemorrhage (bleeding)出血 disabled (handicapped)残废deformity (malformation; misshape)畸形 cripple (limp; lame)跛足myopia (nearsightedness)近视眼 levophobia 恐左症AIDS 爱滋病 syphillis 梅毒 cancer 癌症carcinogen 致癌物 benign 良性 malignant 恶性 epidemic 流行病endemic 地方流行的(病) incidence 发病率 toll 伤亡;死亡 influenza (flu)流感measles 麻疹 malaria 疟疾 cholera 霍乱yellow fever 黄热病contagious (接触)传染的 contaminate 污染;感染inflammation 炎症microorganism (germ; bacteria)微生物;细菌 virus 病毒susceptible 易患(某种)疾病 chicken pox 水痘 mumps 腮腺炎 tuberculosis 肺炎 hepatitis 肝炎polio 脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症schistosomiasis (snail fever)血吸虫病hypertension (high blood pressure)高血压heart attack 心力衰竭;心脏病发作 stroke 中风electrocardiograph 心电图 arthritis 关节炎 rheumatism 风湿病 anemia 贫血 insomnia 失眠症 obesity 肥胖症 allergy 过敏asthma 气喘;哮喘 appendicitis 阑尾炎 chronic慢性inspect (食品等的)检查 immunization 免疫 vaccination 疫苗 complication 并发症incubator (婴儿)恒温箱13. MATHEMATICS 数学 pure mathematics 纯粹数学 applied mathematics应用数学 mathematician 数学家 calculator 计算器 abacus 算盘 numeral 数字 sum 和total (sum total)总和;总数 aggregate 总计 fraction 分数;小数 decimal 十进位;(十进)小数 digit 数字;数位 percentage 百分比 addition 加法 plus 加以subtraction 减法 minus 减去multiplication 乘法multiplication table 乘法表 multiply 乘以times (介词)乘以 power 乘方 square 平方 division 除法 divide 除以 over(介词)除以 denominator 分母 numerator 分子 quotient 商remainder 余数 unknown quantity 未知数(量) equation 方程式;等式formula (复数formulas formulae)公式 root 根square root 平方根cube root 立方根 平面几何 solid geometry 立体几何 geometric 几何的 dimension 维parallel (形容词)平行的;(名词)平行线perpendicular (vertical) 垂直的 quadrilateral 四边形 square 正方形 area 面积rectangle (oblong)长方形;矩形 polygon 多边形rhombus 菱形;菱形六面体 trapezoid 梯形 cube 立方形 volume 体积 sphere 球形 circle 圆形ellipse (oval)椭圆形 cone 圆锥形circumference 圆周 diameter直径 radius 半径 equilateral triangle 等边三角形 angle 角right angle 直角 acute angle 锐角 obtuse angle 钝角degree (角)度 微分学 integral calculus 积分学function 函数 tabulating 列表quantitative 量的;数量的 qualitative 质的;质量的summarization 总结;归纳 sample 抽样random 随机的;任意的 logic 逻辑deduction (inference) 推论;演绎 induction 归纳14. HI-TECH 高科技hi-tech (high tech; high technology)高科技sophisticated (advanced)先进的 precision 精密;精确breakthrough 突破;重大发现(发明) electronic robot 电子机器人 electronic camera 电子摄像 electronic organ 电子琴electronic hearing aid电子助听器 electron microscope 电子显微镜 Internet 电脑互联网络;因特网 World Wide Web WWW 网络modem 调制——解调器information superhighway 信息高速公路 on-line service 网上服务 microcomputer微型电脑 microprocessor 微处理机 cellular phone (telephone)大哥大;移动电话cordless telephone无绳电话 digital television 数字电视 通讯卫星microwave oven 微波炉激光唱片;光盘 CD-ROM光盘只读存储器 videodisc (laserdisc)影碟fiber-optic communication system 光纤通讯系统solar collector (furnace)太阳能收集器 solar cell 太阳电池synthetic (名词)合成物 counterpart 对应的物或人 synthetic resin 合成树脂 synthetic rubber 合成橡胶DNA 脱氧核糖核酸organ transplanting器官移值artificial insemination人工授精clone克隆;复制15. EDUCATION教育preschool(preelementary)education学龄前儿童教育elementary (primary) education初等教育secondary education中等教育tertiary(higher) education高等教育adult education(continuing education)成人教育special education特殊教育education教育的educational facilities 教育设施compulsory义务的;强制的intellectual智力的human resource development (training)人才开发;培训acquisition获得moral character道德品质domain领域elementary school小学middle school初中high school高中vocational high school职业学校technical high school技校institution of higher learning(education)高等学校)学院community college社区大学institute(专科)学院;研究院department系campus校园catering (meals)膳食accommodation(lodging)住宿grader 某年级学生freshman(大学和高中)一年级学生sophomore(大学和高中)二年级学生junior(大学和高中)三年级学生senior(大学和高中)四年级学生undergraduate 本科生graduate(student)研究生fellow(大学接受奖学金的)研究生academic学术的academic performance学习/业表现transcript学生成绩报告单credit (credit hour)学分grade(score)分数;分数等级grade point积分点grade-point average平均积分点pass-fail option 考查课graduation thesis(paper)毕业论文completion (of studies)完成学业satisfy (fulfil; meet) the requirements达到要求(考试及格)commencement (graduation)exercise毕业典礼admissions office招生办公室entrance examination入学考试Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)学习能力倾向测验recipient接受者semester(term)学期quarter学季summer session 夏季班tuition学费tuition waiver学费豁免non-refundable不退还的prospective未来的;即将成为的financial aid (assistance)资助stipend奖学金scholarship(本科生)奖学金fellowship(研究生)奖学金assistantship(半工半读)奖学金program教学计划;课程discipline学科liberal arts(humanities)文科science course 理科engineering course工科curriculum 全部课程extracurricular课外的syllabus教学大纲vacation(holiday)假日course课程introductory course基础课程required course必修课elective(course)选修课treasurer生活委员/财务大臣elective system选课制度learn by rote死记硬背encyclopedias百科全书/专科全书honor course(为)优秀生(开的)课major专业seminar讨论会;研究班课程award (confer)授予(学位、证书)diploma (graduation certificate)毕业证书degree学位associate degree准学士学位bachelor’s degree学士学位master’s degree 硕士学位doctor’s degree (doctorate)博士学位postdoctoral博士后(研究人员)educational background (education)学历qualification资格honor奖励;荣誉experience (work experience)工作经历special skill特殊技能proficiency(语言)精通;熟练expertise专长personal (personal information)个人情况marital status婚姻状况reference推荐人;介绍人letter of recommendation推荐信professor(正)教授associate professor副教授assistant professor助理教授instructor(大学)讲师tutor(大学)助教chairman(chair) 系主任dean(大学学院)院长principal(中、小学)校长president (chancellor)(大学)校长alumnus(复数alumni)男/校友alumna(复数alumnae)女校友alma mater母校16. 建筑学a glass-shelf framed in a metal gridprototype原型architecture建筑学architect建筑学家beam 梁building material建筑材料building technique 建筑工艺construct/construction建设design element 设计元素elevator 电梯gas station 加油站glass boxlog structure 原木结构metal-frame 金属结构new material 新材料office building写字楼planetarium天文馆archives档案馆aquarium水族馆cabin 小木屋castle城堡cathedral大教堂mosque清真寺pyramid金字塔repair person修理工skyscraper摩天楼Sphinx狮身人面像the Statue of Liberty自由女神像the Triumphal Arch凯旋门wing 辐楼/侧楼。

托福口语学术词汇人:学术型的新阅读中最常出现的就是各种科学家,以ist和er 结尾居多。
2. 地质、地貌:这类文章在新托福阅读学术中比重很大,建议大家对常用词汇进行积累。
例如:volcano,layer,conglomerate,karst,porous,permeable,meteorolite,asteroid火山,(地)层,砾岩,喀斯特地貌(石灰岩的一种地形),多孔的(有透气性与透水性),可渗透的,陨石,小行星3. 气候、动物与生态:与生物和地球有关的话题是新托福阅读永远的宠儿。
例如:unpredictable,vary,range from,extinction,endangered,tropical,jungle,equatorial不可预测的,改变(动词),变化幅度(动词),灭绝,濒危的,热带的,丛林,赤道附近的4. 历史、考古,这类题材是分水轮流转的对象,也要加以注意。
例如,relics,remains,mausoleum,handicraft,cohesiveness,territorial,civilization遗迹,遗迹或残骸,陵墓,手工艺品,凝聚性,领土的,文明5. 关键副词,这类词往往很不显眼,但是会左右整个句子的含义,他们是最需要加以注意的对象。

你家乡的人与其他地方人的区别有好奇心的 curious [5kjuEriEs]老实 clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti]工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt], hardworking[5hB:d5wE:kiN]坦率的 frank [frANk]友好的 friendly [5frendli]风趣的 full of humor温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding诚实 honest [5Cnist]独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt]勤劳的 industrious [in5dQstriEs]聪慧的 intelligent [in5telidVEnt], smart [smB:t]博学的 learned [5lE:nid]慈蔼 kind [kaind]; nice [nais]有礼貌的 polite [pE5lait]严厉的 strict [strikt]不守纪律的 unruly [Qn5ru:li]正直的 upright [5Qprait]多才多艺的 ver〔sat〕ile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid] 好客的 hospitable [5hCspitEbl]豪爽的 expansive [iks5pAnsiv], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted自闭的 withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]傲气的 haughty [5hC:ti]市侩的 snobbish [5snCbiF]清高的 high-hearted开放的 open-minded宽容的 tolerant [5tClErEnt], good-tempered时髦的 stylish [5stailiF], modish [5mEudiF], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl]怀旧的 nostalgic [nC5stAldVik], reminiscent[7remi5nisEnt], retrospective[7retrE5spektiv]自卑的 self-contemptuous有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik]上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt]勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs] 懒惰的 indolent [5indElEnt], slothful [5slEuWfEl], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish[5slQtiF], idle [5aidl]依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt], reliant [ri5laiEnt] 体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl] 好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv]心胸狭隘的 narrow-minded person文雅的 gentle [5dVentl]不可捉摸的人 enigmatic figure手巧的人 handy person行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik]2托福口语模板a. 听读观点一致版:In the reading material, we learn that thecollege/university is considering _____________.In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with (thinks ... is right)___________. One reason he/she gives is that _____________. Another reason is that _____________. He/ She also thinks (points out/ has found)that_____________. (有空的话)Therefore, he/she likes the idea.b.听读观点对立版:In the reading material, the college/university is considering _____________. . p |9 p* }4 Y }+ ]In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesnt like the idea of/that ______________ (of +V-ing. ; that + clause) One reason he/she gives is that _______________.Another reason is that ___________________. He/She also thinks (points out/has found) that ___________. (如果有的话)Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.注:我这里把他们作为典型提供一个思路,同学们要依据不同的内容对第一句进行适当的调整。

托福口语分类词汇(实用5篇)1.托福口语分类词汇第1篇政治类Government废除(法律、制度等) abolish实施 implement使……合法化 legalize首要任务 priority建立 establish减轻、缓解 alleviate =ease =relieve当局 the authorities禁止 forbid/ prohibit立法 legislation税收 tax revenue民主的 democratic高效率的 efficient优化资源分配 optimize the distribution of res-ources稳定 stability解决 Combat = tackle = resolve = address = grapple with严厉的,严格的 stringent短视的 short-sighted支出,花费 expenditure社会保险 social security老百姓 citizens/ the citizenry规范,管理 regulate/ monitor/ oversee严禁 strictly prohibit/ ban altogether严格的法律 stringent laws/ legislation强制性的,按照法律或者规定必须做的 mandatory/ compulsory监督 scrutiny监督 scrutinize/ monitor为……拨款 allocate money to be a patron of/ invest in/ fund/ dedicate money to预算 budget政府开支 the government spending/ expenditure on削减 curtail增加 augment当务之急 priority把……当作当务之急 give priority to责任 duty/ responsibility/ obligation军备竞赛 arms race自卫 self-defense国土安全 national security/ homeland security缺乏远见的政策 short-sighted policy扩张 expansion/ aggression谋求霸权 seek/ pursue hegemony恶性循环 a vicious circle地区不稳定因素 destabilizing factors规章制度 rules and regulations太空竞赛 space race武器 arms/ weapons/ armaments下岗工人 laid-off workers/ downsized workers失业 unemployment/ joblessness基础设施 infrastructure公共交通系统 public transportation/ transit system电网 power grid石油天然气管线 pipelines给排水系统 water supply and drainage system民主与开明的政府 a democratic and progressive government临时的应急措施 a stopgap measure2.托福口语分类词汇第2篇人们一直相信各种情感都由“心”而生,因此就有了下面这些表达感情的“心语”。

Task3Administration 行政Sculpture 雕塑Reserve 保存,预约Donor 捐赠者Versus 表示两方相对Assumption 假设Tuition 学费Task5Elementary school 小学A bunch of 一群,一束Van 货车Rental agency 租赁公司Schedule 计划表Supervise 监视TPO2Task3Elimination 消除Discontinue 停止Parking lot 停车场Out of date 过时的Off campus 校外Geology 地质学Run into 碰到Spring break 春假Exhibition 展览TPO3Task3Dining hall 食堂Assortment 分类Omelet 蛋卷饼Cereal 谷物On campus 校Task5Institute 协会Award ceremony 颁奖典礼On one’s behalf 代表Schedule 计划表Struggle 挣扎TPO4Task3Department 部,系Evening classEnroll in 注册登记Cost-effective 划算的Task5Psychology 心理学Lecture hall 大阶梯教室TPO5Task3Semester 学期Food ingredients 食物配料Chef 主厨Extra cost 额外花费Task5String quartet 弦乐四重奏乐团Sprain 扭伤Wrist 手腕Orchestra 管弦乐队Rehearsal 排演TPO 6TASK3Proposal提议,建议Seminar研讨会Involve包含Worthwhile值得的Concentrate集中〔注意力〕Cancel取消,废除TASK5Quiz小测验Roll v.〔使)滚动,转动;绕;〔使〕摇摆n.卷;,花名册Exhaust n.废气;排气管v.用尽,耗尽〔drain〕;是非常疲倦;详细讨论Focus n.焦点,焦距;〔活动)中心v.集中〔注意力、精力〕;〔使〕聚焦Available adj.可得到的,可找到的〔accessible,obtainable);有空的〔free) Enormous adj.巨大的,极大的Agenda n.议程,议程表Concern v.涉与,关系到;使关心,使担忧n.关心;有关的事Semester n.学期〔term〕TPO7TASK3Upset心烦的Deal n.交易;协议v.处理,对付〔handle〕;给予;经营Major n.专业Enrollment n.登记〔人数〕,注册〔人数〕;入学Requirement n.要求,必要的东西Eliminate v.消除,排除;忽略;淘汰Optional adj.可以任选的,非强制的〔voluntary〕Variety n.种类;多样化Drastic adj.剧烈的,猛烈的,剧烈的Secondary次要的,替换的〔alternate〕TASK5Relief n.缓解,放松;援救;宽慰Due adj.到期的;预期的〔scheduled);应得的;恰当的,适当的;应支付的Lab实验室,研究室Limitation n.限制〔limit〕;局限性Recommend v.推荐〔nominate〕;建议〔suggest〕Prefer v.更喜欢;更倾向于;宁愿Defer v.推迟,延期Trifle n.少许;琐事,小事;v.不认真对待,怠慢TPO8TASK3:Break v.使〔破〕;〔使〕终止,打断;违反;打破〔记录〕n.中止,休息时间Assignment n.分派的任务,作业Assign v.指派;指定〔时间,地点〕;分配〔apportion);布置〔作业〕Distract v.分散注意力,使分心Block v.阻塞〔back up);阻碍,阻碍n.大块;街区Classical adj.古典的Postulate v.假定,假设Urgent adj.紧迫的,急迫的Soothe v.缓和,减轻〔relieve〕;抚慰,抚慰〔calm〕Urge v.促进,力劝〔impel〕;驱赶;n.冲动TASK5Conflict v.冲突〔clash);不一致〔disagree〕;争论〔argue〕Literature n.文学;文学作品;文献Degree n.程度;度数;学位;等级〔grade〕Request n./v.要求,请求Independent adj.独立的,自主的〔autonomous〕;不相干的;中立的Fulfill v.履行〔perform,execute〕;实现〔achieve);符合,具备Motivate v.鼓励〔stimulate,impel〕激发〔inspire〕Terminal n.终点站〔destination〕;终点;adj.末端的〔endmost)n.学期末Expeditious adj.迅速而有效的〔efficient〕Handle v.处理〔deal〕;对待〔treat〕TPO9TASK3Announce v.宣布〔proclaim〕;通知〔notify〕;声称,宣称;播送Announcement n.宣告,发表Leadership n.领导;领导权Organizational adj.组织的Stuff n.原料,材料〔material)v.填满,塞满;使吃饱Permanent adj.永久的,固定的Position v.安置〔install)n.位置〔location〕;职位〔job〕立场〔status〕;Reciprocity n.互惠,互助Idle 懒散的〔lazy〕;没有工作的;空闲的〔vacant)v.无所事事,虚度光阴TASK5Apartment n.公寓套房Reasonable adj.合理的;公正的Budget n.预算;经费;开支Tight adj.紧的;〔时间,金钱)紧Definite adj.清楚的,确切的Definitely adv.无疑地Rate n.率;速度;价格;等级v.估价;评级;评价Campus n.〔大学)校园Midterm adj.中间的,期中的n.期中考试TPO10TASK3Appreciate 鉴赏,欣赏Consistent一致的Concert n.音乐会,演奏会〔musicale);一致〔agreement) Supreme 至高无上的〔most outstanding〕Identify 识别〔spot,recognize〕;鉴定〔judge〕;找到,发现Decorate v.装饰,布置〔adorn,ornament〕Entertain v.招待,款待;使快乐,娱乐〔amuse〕Publicize v.宣传,推广,宣扬〔advertise,promote〕Devise n.装置,设备〔equipment〕手法,策略〔technique〕Harsh adj.恶劣的,严酷的〔severe〕;刺耳的〔raspy〕TASK5Smack v.拍,打adv.直接地,准确地,恰好地Extension n.延期,扩展Risky adj.冒险的Convince v.使确信,说服〔persuade,assure〕Consent v./n.同意,赞成,准许〔approve,agree〕Restore v.恢复;修复〔renovate〕;归还,交还Suppose v.假设,推测(presume);认为,料想;要不Tuition n.学费〔schooling)Stray v.分心,走神;离题TPO 11Task 3gonna abbr. 〔美〕将要〔等于going to〕accomplish vt.完成construction n.建立,建造,结构,构造,建筑物encourage vt. 鼓励,促进,支持announcement n. 通知,发表,宣布constantly adv. 不断地,经常地disturb v. 扰乱,阻碍,使... 不安counteract vt. 抵消;阻碍;中和willing adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的discourage vt. 使气馁,阻碍housing n.房屋;住房供应;外壳;遮盖物;机器等的防护外壳或外罩Task 5tiring adj. 令人疲倦的,麻烦的position n. 位置,方位;职位,工作;姿态;站位;vt. 安置;把……放在适当位置recommend vt. 建议,推荐,劝告deadline n. 截止期限,最后期限frank adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的assume vt. 承当;假定;采取;呈现commute vt. 减刑;交换;用……交换;使……变成; vi. 通勤;代偿;n. 通勤〔口语〕application n. 应用; 申请summarize v. 概述,摘要而言solution n. 解答,解决方法,溶解,溶液cross my mind 经过“我〞脑海;〔想法〕浮现出来tons of 许多,等于manyTPO 12Task 3expansion n. 扩大,膨胀,扩大rough adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,困难的,讨厌的,不适合的source n. 发源地,来源,原始资料achieve v. 完成,到达,实现range n. 围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列benefit n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演favorable adj. 有利的,赞许的,良好的,顺利的,偏袒的extra adv. 特别地,非常;另外; n. 临时演员;号外;额外的事物;上等产品;;adj. 额外的,另外收费的;特大的revenue n. 税收,国家的收入;收益enhance vt. 提高;加强;增加proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚professional adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的;n. 专业人员;职业运发动stuff n. 东西;材料;填充物;素材资料; vt. 塞满;填塞;让吃饱;vi. 吃得过多give a better shot at 在...方面有更好的时机renovate vt. 更新;修复;革新;刷新facilities n. 设施;工具,设备Task 5negative adj. 否认的,负的,消极的ceremony n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪struggle vi. 奋斗,努力;挣扎; n. 努力,奋斗;竞争;vt. 使劲移动;尽力使得journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作;报章杂志submit vt. 使服从;主;呈递;vi. 提交;服从frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的;v. 使沮丧〔frustrate的ing形式〕hand out 发放risky adj. 危险的;冒险的;〔作品等〕有伤风化的announce vt. 宣布;述说;预示;播报;vi. 宣布参加竞选;当播音员reschedule vt. 重新排定日程;重订时间表;重新计划thrilled adj. 非常兴奋的;极为冲动的;v. 冲动〔thrill的过去式〕;震颤TPO 13Task 3official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的; n. 官员;公务员hardly adv. 几乎不,简直不;刚刚community n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落outdated adj. 旧式的,落伍的,过时的achieve v. 完成,到达,实现strengthen v. 加强,变巩固athletic adj. 运动的,活泼的,强健的comment n. 评论;意见;批评;vi. 发表评论;发表意见;vt. 为…作评语additionally adv. 此外;又,加之alumni n. 男校友;男毕业生〔alumnus的复数〕overnight adv. 通宵;突然;昨晚;adj. 晚上的;通宵的;前夜的;n. 头天晚上make a difference 有影响;起〔重要〕作用Task 5postpone vt. 延期,推迟eliminate v. 除去,剔除;忽略contribute vt. 奉献,出力;投稿;捐献exhibit v. 列,展览,展示exhibition n. 展示,展览van n. 先锋;厢式货车;增值网;vt. 用车搬运fit vt. 安装;使……适应与……相符;vi. 符合;适合;合身; adj. 安康的;适宜的;恰当的repair vi. 修理;修复;vt. 修理;恢复;补救,纠正;n. 修理,修补;修补部位get stuck with 无法摆脱、困住,不知所措break down 失灵;坏掉get back to someone 给某人回TPO 14Task 3appropriate adj. 适当的,相称的disruptive adj. 破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的sincerely adv. 真诚地,真心地interfere vi. 阻碍,冲突,干预concentrate v. 集中,专心,浓缩prohibit vt. 阻止,禁止permit vi. 许可;允许; vt. 许可;允许; n. 许可证,执照snack n. 小吃,快餐;一份,局部;vi. 吃快餐,吃点心beverage n.饮料semester n. 学期;半年munch v t. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;vi. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;n. 用力的咀嚼wrapper n. 包装材料;[包装] 包装纸;书皮review n. 回忆;复习;评论;检阅;vt. 回忆;检查;复审;vi. 回忆;复习功课;写评论Task 5dormitory n. 集体宿舍inconvenient adj.不方便的,不适宜的automatically adv. 自动地,机械地economical adj. 节省的,经济的,合算的concerned adj. 担忧的,关心的arrangement n. 安排;准备;整理assign vt. 分配;指派;赋值available adj. 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的split vt. 使别离;劈开;离开;分解;vi. 离开;断绝关系;n. 劈开;裂缝;adj. 劈开的recommendation n. 推荐,介绍disturb v. 扰乱,阻碍,使... 不安throw off 迅速脱掉;摆脱TPO 15Task 3consequence n. 结果,后果pave vt. 铺设;安排;作铺设之用trail vt. 追踪;拖;蔓延;落后于;n. 小径;痕迹;尾部;踪迹;vi. 蔓生;拖曳sidewalk n. 人行道pavement n. 人行道slip v. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,滑脱cement n. 水泥,纽带,接合剂,牙骨质,补牙物,基石slippery adj. 滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的joint n. 关节;接合处;adj. 共同的;联合的;vt. 连接;接合;vi. 贴合;生节effect n. 影响;效果;作用;vt. 产生;到达目的Task 5director n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演,指挥perform v. 执行,运转,举行,表演permission n. 同意,许可,允许inform v. 通知,告诉,向... 报告,揭发choir n. 唱诗班,唱诗班的席位split v. 洒出的,溢出的〔spill的过去式与过去分词〕stain vt. 沾污;败坏;给…着色;vi. 污染;被沾污;被染污;n. 污点;瑕疵;着色剂sauce n. 酱油;沙司;调味汁;vt. 使增加趣味;给…调味sort of = kind of = kinda 〔口语〕TPO16Task3unacceptable 不可承受的Concern 顾与overworked 超负荷的Currently 最近的Task5Stock 股票;库存;树干Delivery 快递Revolution 革命Assigned 指定的Bookseller 卖书的Chapter 章节Bookstore. 书店TPO17Task3enclosed 附上;与世隔绝的Privacy 隐私Eliminate 消除Concentrate 专注于Accommodate 容纳Current 最近的Available 闲置的Efficiency 效率Maximum 最大化Task5Converse 相反的Draft 草稿;汇票Extension 延期Fault 错误Spot 点Offend 冒犯understandable 可理解的Uncomfortable 不舒服的Comment 评论Responsibility 责任感TPO18Task3Choir 合唱团Competition 竞争competitive 竞争性的schedule 课表,规划motivate 使。

在托福口语模板中考生常用到的动词有:持有观点类:提供:provide、supply、furnish、give、render、accommodate揭示:reveal、e某hibit、e某pose、disclose、unveil、show、transpire、indicate、denote建议:propose、suggest、advance、mention、recommend、advise、offer/说明:illuminate、clarify、illustrate、e某emplify、e某plain、elaborate赞同:agree with、applaud、approve、go along with反对:oppose、argue against、combat其他动词:吸引:engross、absorb、draw、attract、into某icate、lure、entice、tempt开始:start、emerge、launch、start、begin、commence、initiate 引起:generate、produce、give rise to、engender理解:understand、comprehend托福口语重点词汇二、形容词在托福口语描述类题目中形容词一定要准备好的,比方需要考生描述一个人的品质,如果在头脑中描述品质的词,就能从这些词来切入翻开思路,但是如果考生在形容词使用上处处受限那思路也就多有局限了。
美好:e某cellent、e某traordinary fantastic、 fabulous、marvelous、 nice、outstanding 、 terrific、wonderful,糟糕: awful、bad、horrible、 terrible伤心: (feel )blue、( feel) down、 desperate、disappointed、frustrated、unhappy开心: delightful、glad、 happy、 joyful、 enjoy oneself、 have a good time热闹: busy、 bustling时髦:fashionable、 in fashion、popular、up-to-date、updated过时:outdated、 be out of date、 obsolete形容人物品格:helpful、warm-hearted、 easy-going、 friendly、humorous、energetic、knowledgeable、 generous、efficient、sensible、responsible、 creative、 dutiful、smart、wise、intelligent、impartial、patient、faithful、e某pressive、 articulate、reliable、well-educated、 self-disciplined、considerate、 thoughtful、persistent、hardworking、 punctual托福口语重点词汇三、过渡词托福口语过渡词是句子和句子之间以及在开始新段落时应该使用的一类词。

第1章个人介绍和简单讨论1.1 自我介绍1. 介绍自己姻亲关系,嫡戚关系affinity [E5finiti ]别名alias [5eiliEs ]核心家庭nuclear family大家庭extended family祖先,先辈ancestry [5AnsEstri ]祖先ancestors [5AnsistEz ], forebears [5fC:bZEz], forefathers [5fC:7fB:TEz] 支,系branch [brB:ntF]中文名Chinese name氏族clan [klAn ]单亲家庭single-parent family传统观念traditional ideas代沟generation gap堂兄(妹),表亲cousin [5kQzn ]血缘consanguinity [7kCnsAN5^winiti ] blood relationship后代,后辈descent [di5sent ], offspring [5RfspriN ]后代,晚辈descendants [di5sendEnts ]英文名English家庭生活family life家谱family tree姓family name, surname [5sE:neim]代generation [7dVenE5reiFEn ]血亲kinsmen by blood姻亲kinsmen by affinity宗族,世系lineage [5liniidV ]我家my family我家人my people近亲next of kin昵称,绰号nickname [5nikneim ]贵族出身of noble birth平民出身of humble birth出身origin [5CridVin ]笔名pen name种族race [reis ], breed [bri:d]亲属relations [ri5leiFEnz ], relatives [5relEtivz ], kinfolk [5kinfEuk ], kin [kin ] 名second name, give name艺名stage name2、你的姓名影响你的个性吗理解人的,善解人意的caring [5kZEriN ] 有好奇心的curious [5kjuEriEs ]坦率的frank [frANk ]温柔体贴的gentle and understanding好学的hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]理性的rational [5rAFEnEl ]守信的faithful [5feiWful ]谦虚的modest [5mCdist ]有独立性的independent [7indi5pendEnt ] 勤劳的industrious [in5dQstriEs ]友善的kind [kaind ], nice [nais ]慈祥的kind [kaind ], nice [nais ]个性personality [7pE:sE5nAliti]聪明的smart [smB:t]正直的upright [5Qprait ]性格character [5kAriktE ]个性individuality [7individVu5Aliti ], personality [7pE:sE5nAliti] 个性,人格selfhood [5selfhud ]3、你的教育背景如何(1)学位degree博士后post doctor博士学位doctor’s degree, doctor ate [5dCktErit ]文学学士bachelor of arts理学学士bachelor of science大专生junior college student二年级学生sophomore [5sCfEmC :]工商管理硕士master of business administration(MBA三年级学生junior [5dVu:njE]硕士学位master’s degree四年级学生senior [5si:njE]学士学位bachelor’s一年级学生freshman [5freFmEn ]哲学博士Doctor of Philosophy(2)学校school美术学院academy of fine arts航空工业学院aeronautical institute附属学校affiliated school农学院agricultural college农业大学agricultural university业余艺术/体育学校amateur arts/athletic school附属中学attached middle school分校branch school进修班class for advanced studies文科学院college of arts理工科大学college/university of science and dengineering综合性大学comprehensive university音乐学院conservatory of music函授大学correspondence school工业学院cenineering institute全日制寄宿学校full-time boarding school在职进修班in-serve training course中医学院institute of traditional Chinese medicine全科类重点中学key middle school with all regular academic disciplines 重点学校key school医学院medical college/school医科大学medical university成人夜校night school for adults师范大学normal university; teachers’ univer sity药科大学pharmacehnical university工业大学polytechnical university中专secondary specialized school; polytechnic school中等技术学校secondary technical school; technical secondary school 研修班seminar [5seminB:]短训班short-term training course业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers师范学院teachers’ college教师进修学校teachers’ college for vocational studies广播电视大学television and radio broadcasting university文科大学university of liberal arts职业学校vocational school(3)专业major, specialty会计accounting [E5kauntiN ]审计auditing [5C:ditiN]人类学anthropology [7AnWrE5pClEdVi ]哲学philosophy [fi5lCsEfi ]生命科学life sciences政治学与行政学political and administrative sciences无线电电子学radio electronics社会学sociology [7sEusi5ClEdVi ]语言学linguistics [liN5^wistiks]新闻学journalism [5dVE:nElizEm]美术设计fine arts design生物科学biological sciences心理学psychology [sai5kClEdVi ]统计学statistics [stE5tistiks ]电气工程及其自动化electrical engineering and automation自动化automation [C:tE5meiFEn]通信工程telecommunications engineering计算机科学与技术computer science and technology 电子信息工程electronics and information engineering 工业设计industrial design建筑学architecture [5B:kitektFE]城市规划urban planning土木工程civil engineering环境工程environment engineering包装工程packaging engineering林学forestry [5fCristri ]预防医学preventive medicine临床医学clinical medicine中医学traditional Chinese medicine信息管理与信息系统information management and system 工商管理business management财务管理financial management人力资源管理human resources management旅游管理tourism administration4、你的工作情况编辑editor [5editE ]编剧playwright [5pleirait ], screenwriter [5skri:n7raitE] 裁缝tailor [5teilE ] 出纳员cashier [kA5FiE ]出租汽车司机taxi driver厨师cook [kuk ]厨师长(大厨师)chef [Fef ]船长captain [5kAptin ]打字员typist [5taipist ]导演director [di5rektE ]导游tourist guide电工electrician [i7lek5triFEn ]调酒师bartender [5bB:tendE]短期工作temporary job法官judge [dVQdV ]翻译translator [trAns5leitE ]歌手singer [5siNE ]个体户individual enterprise工程师engineer [7endVi5niE ]公务员civil servant海员seaman [5si:mEn]护士nurse [nE:s]话务员(接线生)operator [5CpEreitE ]会计accountant [E5kauntEnt ]机械师(技工,机修工)mechanic计算机系统分析员computer systems analyst记者journalist [5dVE:nElist]兼职part-time job建筑师architect [5B:kitekt ]警察policeman [pE5li:smEn]理发师hair-dresser临时工odd job律师lawyer [5lC:jE ], barrister [5bAristE ] 秘书secretary [5sekritEri ]模特儿model [5mCdl ]内科医生physician [fi5ziFEn ]男售货员salesman [5seilzmEn ]女售货员salesgirl [5seilz^E:l], saleswoman 人力资源经理human resources manager设计师designer [di5zainE ]摄影师cameraman [5kAmErEmEn ]失业lay-off时装设计师fashion designer跳槽job-hopping土木工程师civil engineer外科医生surgeon [5sE:dVEn]小说家novelist [5nCvElist ]修理工repairman [ri5pZEmEn ]牙医dentist [5dentist ]药剂师pharmacist [5fB:mEsist]银行职员bank clerk职业job[dVCb ], vocation [ vEu5keiFEn ], profession[prE5feFEn ] 职员,文员office clerk助理工程师assistant engineer自由工作者freelancer [5fri:lB:nsE]作家writer [5raitE ]作曲家composer [kCm5pEuzE ]舞蹈演员dancer [5dB:nsE]运动员athlete [5AWli:t]5、你的婚姻状况如何婚姻状况marriage status单身bachelordom [7bAtFElE5dEm ]单身的single [5siN^El]单身男子bachelor [5bAtFElE ]单身女士,未婚妇女,老处女(带贬义)spinster [5spinstE ] 已婚的married [5mArid ]离婚的divorced [di5vC:st]离婚后单身remain unmarried守寡widowhood [5widEuhud ]寡妇widow [5widEu ]鳏夫widower [5widEuE ]和睦的harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]未婚妻fiancée [fi5B:nsei]未婚夫fiance [fi5B:nsei]婚礼wedding [5wediN ]婚礼,订婚engagement [in5geidVmEnt ]订婚了的engaged [in5^eidVd]婚姻破裂marriage breakdown婚姻状况marital status蜜月honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]同居cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn ]再婚remarry [7ri:5mAri ]1.2家乡情况1、家庭特产有哪些(1)家乡主要食品大麦barley [5bB:li ]饺子dumpling [5dQmpliN ] Jiaozi面粉flour [flauE ]米饭rice [rais ]小麦wheat [wi:t]主食staple food包子steamed stuffed bun馒头steamed bread汤圆sweet dumpling粽子Zongzi面条noodle [5nu:dl]玉米corn [ kC:n ], maize [meiz ], mealie [5mi:li ] 高梁broomcorn, grain sorghum, kaoliang杂锦冷盘assorted appetizer老火汤double-stewed soup麻辣牛肉spiced beef烧松子鱼whole fried fish with pinenuts干烧大虾fried prawns烤鸭roast duck炒饭stir-fried rice粥congee [5kCndV i:], porridge [5pCridV ] 锅巴rice crust窝头steamed corn-bread五仁汤圆sweet dumpling with assorted nust 混沌hundun, dumpling月饼moon cake春卷fried spring roll馒头steamed bun (mantou年糕New Year cake(2)家乡水果槟榔betelnut [5betEl7nQt ]菠萝pineapple [5painApEl ]草莓strawberry [5strC:bEri]醋栗莓gooseberry [5^uzbEri]鳄梨avocado [7AvE5kB:dEu]柑橘orange [5CrindV ]橄榄olive [5Cliv ]哈蜜瓜cantaloupe [5kAntElu:p] 黑莓blackberry [5blAkbEri ]橘子mandarin orange梨pear [pZE ]蕃石榴sugar-apple李,梅子plum [plQm ]荔枝litchi [5li:7tFi:]榴莲durian [5du:riEn]龙眼,桂圆longan [5lCN^En] 芒果mango [5mAN^Eu]狒猴桃kiwi fruit [5kiwi fru:t] 木瓜papaya [pE5paiE ]木莓raspberry [5rB:zbEri]柠檬lemon [5lemEn ]葡萄grape [ ^reip ]葡萄柚grapefruit [5^reipfru:t ] 脐橙navel orange山楂haw [hC:]石榴pomegranate [5pCmi^rAnit]柿子persimmon [pE5simEn ]桃peach [pi:tF]无花果fig [fi^]西瓜watermelon [5wC:tE7melEn]香瓜muskmelon [5mQsk7melEn ]香蕉banana [bE5nB:nE]柿子persimmon [pE5simEn ]杏apricot [5eiprikCt ]杨挑star fruit椰子coconut [5kEukEnQt ]樱桃cherry [5tFeri ]枣date [deit ](3)传统产品(敦煌)壁画(Dunhuang ) Murals [5mjuErElz ] 半身雕塑像 bust [bQst ]冰雕 ice carving刺绣embroidery [im5brCidEri ]浮雕木刻 wooden carving(s in relief复制品 reproduction [7ri:prE5dQkFEn], replica [5replikE ]工艺品 handwork [5hAndwE:k], handicrafts [5hAndikrB:fts]古玩 antique [7An5ti:k]; curio [5kjuEriEu ]骨刻 bone sculpture国画 traditional Chinese painting剪纸 paper-cutting京韵大鼓 story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 景泰蓝cloisonné [klCizE5nei ], cloisonné enamel美术陶瓷 artistic ceramics木雕 woodcut [5wudkQt ], woodengraving [5wudEn7greiviN ]泥人clay figure泥塑clay figure modelling屏风 screen [skri:n]漆器lacquerware [5lAkEwZE ], lacquerwork [5lAkEwE:k]人像image [5imidV ], figure [5fi^E]石雕 stone carving; stone sculpture首饰盒 jewelcase [5dVU:Elkeis]塑像,铸像 statue [5stAtju:]塑像 moulded gigure文房四宝the four treasures of the study, I e writing brush, ink stick, ink slab, paper 象牙雕刻 ivory carving小雕像figurine [7fi^ju5ri:n]胸针 brooch [bru:tF]与真人大小相等的泥像 life-size clay figure玉雕 jade carving中国水墨画Chinese ink painting竹器bamboo articles坠子 pendant [5pendEnt ]镯子 bracelet [5breislit ]字画 calligraphy and painting柳条制品 willow twig product藤织品 cane ware乐器 musical instrument银器 silverware [5silvEwZE ]皮影 shadow figure花灯festive lantern绒花 velvet flower2、家乡的天气如何(1)气候环境(weather and climate冰雹 hail [heil ]生活环境 living environment自然环境natural environment气候条件climatic conditions有利的,良好的 favorable [5feiErEbl ]冰雨 sleet [sli:t]薄雾 mist [mist ]潮湿的 moist [mCist ], drippy [5dripi ], dankish [5dANkiF ] 大风 strong wind 大雨 heavy rain多雾的 foggy [5fC^i]多雨的 rainy [5reini ]干燥的 dry [drai ]飓风 hurricane [5hQrikEn ]雷雨 storm [stC:m], thunder storm雷阵雨 thundershower [5WQndE7FauE(r]凉快的 pleasant [5plezEnt ]龙卷风 tornado [tC:5neidEu]倾盆大雨 downpour [5daunpC:]闪电 lightening [5laitniN ]霜冻 frost [frCst ]台风 typhoon [7tai5fu:n]微风 breeze [bri:z]旋风 whirlwind [5wE:l7wind]烟雾 smog [smC^]炎热的 fervent [5fE:vEnt], torrid [5tC:rid], sweltering [5sweltEriN ] 宜人的pleasant [5plezEnt ], delightful [di5laitfEl ]阴冷的 bleak [bli:k], gloomy and cold阵风 gusty [5^Qsti]阵雨 shower [5FauE ]中雨 moderate rain季风 monsoon [mCn5su:n]平均年降雨量 mean annual rainfall亚热带气候subtropical climate炎热气候 hot climate凉爽的气候bracing climate海洋性气候 maritime climate干燥气候 arid climate湿润气候 humid climate(2)描述天气暴雨 downpour [5daunpC:]冰冻 freeze [fri:z]潮湿 humidity [hju:5miditi]潮湿的 humid [5hju:mid]春风 spring breeze春风和煦的 pleasantly warm春寒料峭 spring chill大陆性气候 continental climate大雪 heavy snow多云的,阴天 overcast [7EuvE5kB:st] 多去的 cloudy [5klaudi ] 恶劣的天气 severe weather反常天气 extraordinary weather高温的 high temperature高原气候 plateau climate海洋性气候 oceanic climate寒冷的chilly [5tFili ]和煦的阳光 genial sunshine降雨 snowfall [5snEufC:l]飓风 hurricane [5hQrikEn ]空气新鲜 fresh air雷 thunder [5WQndE ]零下 below zero闷热的stuffy [5stQfi ]闷热的 sultry [5sQltri ]气候温和 mild weather秋高气爽的日子 a clear and crisp autumn day 闪电 lightning [5laitniN ] 台风 typhoon [7tai5fu:n]天气晴朗 a nice fine day天气阴郁的 gloomy [5^lu:mi]微风 a gentle breeze温和的balmy [5bB:mi]温暖的天气 warm weather雾 fog [fC^]小雨 drizzle [5drizEl ]雪花 snowflake [5snEufleik ]阳光灿烂的 shinny [5Fini ]宜人的气候 agreeable weather阴暗的 overcast [7EuvE5kB:st]有薄雾的 misty [5misti ]有雾的 foggy [5fC^i]3、你的家乡有什么有名景点(1)国内著名景点八达岭长城 The Great Wall at Badaling 碑林 Forest of Tablets 北陵 Beiling Park兵马俑 The Underground Figures of Warriors and Horses长城 the Great Wall陈家祠 Chen Clan Temple大雁塔 Big Wild Goose pagoda东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower东陵Dongling Park故宫 The Imperial Palace怪坡 The Magic Slope蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring虎丘 Tiger Hill华表 Cloud Pillar华南植物园 South China Botanical Garden皇穹宇 The Imperial Vault of Heaven黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls黄花岗72烈士墓 Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs at Huanghuagang 黄埔军校遗址 Former Site of Huangpu Military Academy景点 scenic spot马王堆 Mawangdui Tombs of the Han Dynasty明十三陵 Ming Tombs南京中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum南越王墓 Tomb of the Nanyue King祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest秦始皇陵 Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang沈阳故宫 Shenyang Imperial palace石林 Stone Forest滕王阁Tengwang Pavilion天安门Tian’anmen天安门广场Tian An Men Square天池Heaven’s Pool天坛 The Temple of Heaven外滩 the Bund五羊雕塑 Five-ram Statue西安古城墙The Xi’an City Wall西安钟鼓楼The Drum Tower and Bell Tower of Xi’an香江野生动物园 Xiangjiang Safari Park象鼻山Elephant Trunk Hill小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda新乐遗址Xinle Relics星海音乐厅 Xinhai Concert Hall玄武湖Xuanwu Lake羊城新八景eight new scenic spots in Guangzhou, the City of Five Rams 颐和园The Summer Palace迎客松Guest-Greeting Pine游览胜地 spa [spB:]圆明园Yuanmingyuan Park圜丘坛 the Circular Mound Altar斋宫the Hall of Abstinence中国美术博物馆 China National Gallery of Fine Arts中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument中山纪念堂 Zhongshan Memorial hall珠江夜游 Pearl River Night Cruise著名的历史文化遗产景点 a famous scenic spot of historical cultural relics 紫禁城the Forbidden City(2)如何描述景点避暑地 summer resort避暑山庄 mountain resort波涛滚滚的大海 rolling sea波涛汹涌 roaring waves璀璨的resplendent, brilliant雕刻复杂 intricate carved冬景 winter scenery风景点 scenic spots风景如画picturesque landscape风景如画 picturesque scenery高低起伏to lie in undulation海滨浴场 bathing beach佳境 lovely scenes绝妙的典范 a wonderful example令人赞叹的地方 an amazing place名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜 noted sights名塔 famous tower奇景surprise scene奇形怪状的石头grotesque stone沙漠风光 sand scenery沙漠景色 desert scenery山水风光 landscape scenery石笋 stalagmite [5stAlE^mait]四季旅游胜地 all-the-year-round tourist resort 天然洞穴 natural cave田园风光 idyllic landscape田园风光 idyllic scenery雪景 snow-covered landscape延绵不绝 to stretch long and unbroken沿海城市,海滨城市 coastal city悠久的 centuries-old中国历史的象征 a symbol of Chinese history自然美景 natural beautiful scenery自然景观 natural spectacle做工精巧 exquisite workmanship4、你家乡的建筑风格如何(1)建筑类别别墅 villa [5vilE ]平房 ranch house, single-story house两层楼房 two-story house集体宿舍 dormitory [5dC:mitEri]豪华宅第 mansion [5mAnFEn ]摩天大厦 skyscraper [5skai7skreipE ]清真寺 mosque [mCsk ]公寓 apartment [E5pB:tmEnt]; flat [flAt ] 官邸 official residence贫民窟 slum [slQm ]草房 thatched cottage四合院courtyard dwellings住宅建筑 domestic architecture木结构建筑 wooden architecture平顶建筑flat-roofed building宗教建筑 religious architecture园林建筑 landscape architecture高层建筑 high-rise building砖结构建筑 brick building两层以下无电梯建筑物 low-rise钢筋混凝土建筑 reinforced concrete building 老式房屋old-fashion house洋房 western-style house瓦房 tile-roofed house海滨别墅 beach villa带阳台的房屋 balconied house简陋小屋 hut [hQt ]摩天大楼 skyscraper [5skai7skreipE ](2)建筑风格哥特式教堂 Gothic cathedral园林建筑garden architecture独特的外形 unique shape建筑特色features in architecture建筑风格 architecture style建筑群 architectural complex古建筑群 ancient architectural complex建筑艺术 architectural art古建筑艺术 ancient architectural art建筑史 architecture history, history of architecture 精心的布局 ingenious layout欧洲古典建筑 European classical architectures拱桥arch ridge悬臂桥 cantilever bridge吊桥suspension bridge浮桥 floating bridge十七孔桥 seventeen-arch bridge飞檐 upturned eaves; cornice [5kC:nis]琉璃瓦 glazed tiles梁 beam [bi:m]檩子 purlin [5pE:lin]柱pillar [5pilE ]栏杆 balustrades [7bAlE5streid ]5、你家乡的人与其他地方人的区别有好奇心的curious [5kjuEriEs ]老实clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti ]工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt ], hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN] 坦率的frank [frANk ]友好的 friendly [5frendli ]风趣的 full of humor温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding诚实 honest [5Cnist ]独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt ]勤劳的industrious [in5dQstriEs ]聪明的intelligent [in5telidVEnt ], smart [smB:t]博学的learned [5lE:nid]慈祥kind [kaind ]; nice [nais ]有礼貌的polite [pE5lait ]严厉的strict [strikt ]不守纪律的unruly [Qn5ru:li]正直的upright [5Qprait ]多才多艺的versatile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid]好客的hospitable [5hCspitEbl ]豪爽的expansive [iks5pAnsiv ], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted自闭的withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]傲气的haughty [5hC:ti]市侩的snobbish [5snCbiF ]清高的 high-hearted开放的open-minded宽容的tolerant [5tClErEnt ], good-tempered时髦的 stylish [5stailiF ], modish [5mEudiF ], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl ]怀旧的nostalgic [nC5stAldVik ], reminiscent [7remi5nisEnt ], retrospective [7retrE5spektiv ]自卑的 self-contemptuous有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik ]上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt ]勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs ]懒惰的 indolent [5indElEnt ], slothful [5slEuWfEl ], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish [5slQtiF ], idle [5aidl ]依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt ], reliant [ri5laiEnt ]体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit ], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl]好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv ]心胸狭隘的narrow-minded person文雅的gentle [5dVentl ]不可捉摸的人enigmatic figure手巧的人handy person行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik ]多才多艺的人versatile man世故的人world-wise person雄心勃勃的ambitious [Am5biFEs ]固执的stubborn [5stQbEn ]顽固的,固执的pigheaded [7pi^5hedid] 性情和善的good-natured易激动的excitable [ik5saitEbl ]坦率的人straightforward person急躁的人impetuous man品行端正的well-conducted害羞的bashful [5bAFfEl ]浪漫的romantic [rEu5mAntik ]欠考虑的thoughtless [5WC:tlEs]善意的well-intentioned温顺的docile [5dEusail ]开明人士enlightened man脾气好的good-humored性情好的good-natured敏感的sensitive [5sensitiv ]好交际的sociable [5sEuFEbl ]1.3 风俗习惯1、中国节日(1)传统节日春节The Spring Festival元宵节The Lantern Festival (the fifteenth night of the first lunar month 清明节Qing Ming Festival端午节 The Dragon Boat festival中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival重阳节The Double Ninth Festival鬼节Ghosts’ Day(2)国内节日新年,元旦New Year’s Day党的生日the Party’s Birthday建军节Army Day教师节Teachers’ Day国庆节National Day儿童儿Children’s Day2、国外及国际节日父亲节Father’s Day复活节Easter [5i:stE]感恩节 Thanks-giving Day国际妇女节Women’s Day国际红士字节 International Red Cross Day 国际护士节International Nurses’ Day国际劳动节International Workers’ Day联合国日United Nations Day六一儿童节Children’s Day美车独立日 Independence Day母亲节Mother’s Day青年节Youth Day情人节Valentine’s Day圣诞节Christmas万圣节Allhallowmas, Hallowmas, All Sa ints’ Day.万圣节前夕,诸圣日前夕 halloween五一国际劳动节May Day新年New Year’s Day愚人节April Fools’ Day国旗节(英)Flag Day (June 143、婚礼庆典白头偕老growing old together伴郎groomsman [5^ru:mzmEn]; best man伴娘bride’s maid彩礼betrothal gifts; bride-price吃喜酒celebrating at the wedding feast订婚get engaged订婚戒指band [bAnd ]; engagement ring订婚礼betrothal [bi5trEuTEl ]恩爱夫妻affectionate couple夫妻关系matrimonial relationship红娘go-between花轿bridal sedan chair花轿sedan [si5dAn ]婚礼wedding [5wediN ]婚纱bridal veil婚宴wedding banquet, wedding dinner结婚登记marriage registration结婚典礼 marriage ceremony结婚戒指diamond [5daiEmEnd ];wedding ring结婚证marriage certificate媒人matchmaker [5mAtF7meikE ]蜜月honeymoon [5hQnimu:n]闹洞房teasing the bride (on wedding night配偶 spouse [spauz ]求婚proposal [prE5pEuzEl ], courtship [5kC:tFip] 天长地久everlasting love晚礼服evening gown未婚夫fiancé [fi5B:nsei]未婚妻fianceé [fi5B:nsei]喜糖wedding candy喜宴wedding feast相亲marriage interview新婚夫妇newly weds新郎bridegroom [5braid^ru:m]新娘bride [braid ]新娘礼服bridal dress迎亲fetching the bride岳母mother-in-law终生伴侣life companion1.4婚姻家庭1、你的婚姻状况如何恩爱夫妻affectionate couple和睦的harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs] 婚姻关系marital relations婚姻介绍所the marriage agency婚姻破裂marital breakdown离婚divorce [di5vC:s]离婚率divorce rate离婚者divorcee [di7vC:5si:]同居cohabitation [kEu7hAbi5teiFEn ]晚婚late marriage新婚夫妇newlywed [5njuliwed ]再婚remarry [5ri:5mAri]征婚广告matrimonial advertisement重婚bigamy [5bi^Emi]重婚者bigamist [5bi^Emist]自由恋爱结婚love match自由选择free selection2、你如何教育孩子爱慕adore [E5dC:]傲慢自大的arrogant [5ArE^Ent]悲观的pessimistic [7pesi5mistik ]不切实际的unrealistic [7QnriE5listik ]沉迷于revel in, be addicted to成熟mature [mE5tjuE ]宠溺,溺爱to spoil, to dote on/upon, to coddle 辍学drop out单纯的innocent [5inEsnt ]敌对hostility [hC5stiliti ]调皮的piquant [5pi:kEnt], naughty [5nC:ti]独立性independence [7indi5pendEns ], self-help对人冷漠的indifferent [in5difErEnt ]抚养bring up, foster [5fCstE ]父母的引导guidance of parents负面榜样negative role model跟从follow suit沟通communication [kE7mju:ni5keiFn]孤独的isolated [5aisEleitid ]孤僻的solitary [5sClitEri ]古怪的eccentric [ik5sentrik ]灌输inoculate with, engraft, indoctrinate [in5dCktrineit ] 好奇的curious [5kjuEriEs ]好奇心curiosity [7kjuEri5Csiti ]忽略overlook [7EuvE5luk ], neglect [ni5^lekt]激发兴趣stimulate one’s interests纪律discipline [5disiplin ]监管supervision [7sju:pE5viVEn]建立家庭纪律to set up family rules教育educate [5edjukeit ], instruct [in5strQkt ], discipline [5disiplin ] 开发创造能力to develop one’s creativeness开阔视野widen one’s horizon看不起look down on可信赖的trustworthy [5trQst7wE:Ti]乐观的optimistic [7Cpti5mistik ]盲从的sequacious [si5kweiFEs ]没规矩的cubbish [5kQbiF ]面对面的交流face-to-face communication民主的democratic [7demE5krAtik ]模仿emulate [5emjuleit ], mimic [5mimik ], imitate [5imiteit ]目无尊长的disrespectful [7disri5spektful ]偶像idol [5aidl ]培养创造才干to foster one’s originality色情与暴力pornography and violence上进的aspirant [Es5paiErEnt ]上网surf the Internet上瘾的addictive [E5diktiv ]适应性强的adaptable [E5dAptEbl ]守法keep the peace, abide by the law疏远estrangement [is5treindVmEnt ]逃学play truant体罚corporal punishment同伴peer [piE ]突出to emphasize, to stress, to give prominence to突出爱国主义教育to lay emphasis on the education of patriotism, to give prominence to the education of patriotism团队精神team spirit无私的self-giving无知的ignorant [5i^nErEnt]误会misunderstanding [7misQndE5stAndiN ]误入歧途go astray消极的passive [5pAsiv ]厌学be tired of learning毅力perseverance, willpower, stamina有爱心的loving [5lQviN ]有教养的cultivated [5kQltiveitid ], well-bred, cultured幼稚的naïve [nB:5i:v]诱惑temptation [temp5teiFEn ]早恋puppy love憎恨resentment [ri5zentmEnt ]转学transfer to a new school自觉的self-conscious自控self-control自立independence [7indi5pendEns ], self-support 自律self-discipline自私的selfish [5selfiF ]自我为中心的self-centered自尊self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, self-pride 尊重respect [ri5spekt ], esteem [i5sti:m]3、你怎么看未婚同居剥夺deprive sb. of sth.不负责任的irresponsible [7iris5pCnsEbl ]不可接受的unacceptable [7QnEk5septEbl ]传统道德 traditional morality传统观念traditional thinking, traditional concept 打破传统观念to break traditional thinking堕胎abortion [E5bC:FEn]干涉interfere [7intE5fiE ]个人自由personal liberty后悔regret [ri5^ret], repent [ri5pent ]经济负担financial strain虐待maltreat [mAl5tri:t]破裂break up普遍的pervasive [pE5veisiv ], rife [raif ]亲密的intimate [5intimit ]侵犯violate [5vaiEleit ], infringe on生理(学)的physiological [7fiziE5lCdVikEl ]时髦的stylish [5stailiF ], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl ], in vogue 私生活private life 私事private affair同居cohabitation [7kEuhAbi5teiFEn ]投入的,深爱的devoted [di5vEutid ]未婚妈妈unwed mother未婚同居to live together without marrying限制restrict [ri5strikt ]性乱行为promiscuity [7prCmis5kju:iti]忠实的faithful [5feiWful ]自由freedom [5fri:dEm]尊重别人隐私to respect others’ privacy4、婚姻中夫妻双方的责任是什么安全感a sense of security彼此相爱to love each other彼此照顾to take care of each other不平等inequality [7ini5kwCliti ]承担家务to shoulder household chores传统责任分工traditional responsibility division 独立的independent [7indi5pendEn ]分担责任to share responsibilities沟通communication [kE7mju:ni5keiFn]和睦的harmonious [hB:5mEuniEs]婚外恋extra-marital affairs家庭暴力domestic violence可信赖的trustworthy [5trQst7wE:Ti]虐待配偶spouse abuse欺骗cheat [tFi:t]歧视discrimination [dis7krimi5neiFEn ]热爱,投入devotion [di5vEuFEn ]稳定stability [stE5biliti ]性别角色sexual roles养家糊口的人bread-earner养育孩子to bring up their child养育小孩child-rearing责任感a sense of responsibility照看小孩childcare [5tFaildkZE ]支撑家庭to support the family尊重respect [ri5spekt ]5、中国现在还有性别歧视吗比男人地位低下subordinate to men, inferior to men 比女人地位高senior to women才能talent [5tAlEnt ]从……中解放出来to be relieved of sth撮合婚姻arranged marriage地位低下low position对妇妇女的传统看法traditional/feudal understanding of women 多才多艺versatile talent分居limited divorce负担burden [5bE:dn], to bear the burden毫无疑问的unquestionable精神折磨mental cruelty看不起look down on劣于be inferior to男女平等equality of men and women女权主义者feminist [5feminist ]虐待maltreatment [mAl5tri:tmEnt]虐待配偶spouse abuse配偶行为不轨misconduct of spouse平等的权力equal rights歧视to discriminate against歧视discrimination [dis7krimi5neiFEn ]潜能potential [pE5tenFEl ]日常生活day-to-day life肉体折磨physical cruelty外遇extra-marital affairs相互依存的interdependent [7intEdi5pendEnt ] 行为粗野use of force性别歧视sexual discrimination遗弃desertion [di5zE:FEn]遗弃女婴to abandon baby girls优于be superior to优越,高傲superiority [sju:piEri5Criti]自卑,次等inferiority [in7fiEri5Criti ]自卑的self-abased自立self-reliance自信self-confidence自尊self-esteem1.5 朋友关系1、你的朋友是怎样的人爱动脑筋have an inquiring mind爱说话的talkative [5tC:kEtiv]办事仔细的careful [5kZEful ]不诚实的dishonest [dis5Cnist ]不屈不挠的persevering [7pE:si5viEriN] 不整治的untidy [Qn5taidi ]冲动的impulsive [im5pQlsiv ]创造性的creative [kri5eitiv ]吹毛求疵的fault-finding聪明的,潇洒的smart [smB:t ]胆小的faint-hearted独创的,新颖的original [E5ridVEnEl ] 敢于冒险的adventurous [Ed5ventFErEs ] 孤独的isolated [5aisEleitid ]古怪的eccentric [ik5sentrik ]好交际的sociable [5sEuFEbl ]好客的hospitable [5hCspitEbl ]好奇的,爱挑剔的curious [5kjuEriEs ] 好奇的,好事的inquisitive [in5kwizitiv ] 好挑刺的critical [5kritikEl ]坚强的tough [tQf ]俭朴的frugal [5fru :^El]精明的smart [smB:t]慷慨大方的generous [5dVenErEs ]宽厚的charitable [5tFAritEbl ]老实的straightforward [7streit5fC:wEd]乐观的optimistic [7Cpti5mistik ]理解力强的intelligent [in5telidVEnt ]理性的rational [5rAFEnEl ]吝啬的mean [ mi:n]灵巧的,机敏的adroit [E5drCit ]令人愉快的pleasant [5plezEnt ]盲从的sequacious [si5kweiFEs ]明白事理的sensible [5sensibl ]内向的introvert [5intrEvE:t ]脾气暴躁的hot-tempered脾气好的good-tempered谦虚的modest [5mCdist ]勤勉的industrious [in5dQstriEs ]轻率的,不顾及他人的inconsiderate [7inkEn5sidErit ] 全面发展的well-rounded。

托福考试涉及的学科核心词汇为了帮助大家高效备考托福,积累更多的词汇,下面小编给大家带来托福考试涉及的学科核心词汇,望喜欢~托福学科类词汇1dermatology(皮科)ethnology(人种学)etymology(语源学)entomology(昆虫学)neurology(神经学)ophthalmology(眼科)entomology(昆虫学)neurology(神经学)ophthalmology(眼科)ornithology(鸟类学)obstetrics(产科学)pathology(病理学)petrology(岩石学)philology(语言学)prosody(诗体论)psephology(选举学)speleology(洞穴学)taxonomy(分类学)topography(地形学)gastronomy(美食法)astrology(占星术)homiletics(说教术)meteorology(气象学)gerontology(老人医学)physiology(生理学)托福学科类词汇2教育学higher education高等教育moral character道德品质domain领域faculty全体教员alumni校友treasurer生活委员/财务大臣elective system选课制度curriculum课程(总称)discipline学科/管理learn by rote死记硬背encyclopedias百科全书/专科全书托福学科类词汇3政治、经济学类subsistence存活,生活subsistence wage刚够养家糊口的工资subsistence level收支平衡的生活水平kinship亲属关系,血缘关系commodity商品check支票;收据;账单bank loan银行贷款interest利息withdraw从银行账户中提款honor (a cheque/bill/draft)承兑a run on a bank挤兑the Great Depression大萧条consumerism消费主义(认为高消费对个人和社会有利的看法);保护消费者权益主义affluence富裕,富足sophisticated世故的,老练的;复杂的,尖端的托福学科类词汇4生物学biology生物学marine biology海洋生物学entomology昆虫学ornithology鸟类学microbiology微生物学genetics遗传学speciology物种学parasitology寄生虫学paleontology古生物学paleontologist古生物学家dinosaur恐龙die out / extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物carnivore食肉动物rodent啮齿类动物underwater水下的marine海洋的scuba水下呼吸器diving潜水 / 跳水one-celled organism单细胞有机体tissue(动植物细胞的)组织protective camouflage保护色predator捕猎者oceanic snail蜗牛animal adaptation动物适应性survival of the fittest适者生存origin of species物种起源wild environment野生环境insecticide杀虫剂prenatal care产后护理habitat栖息地tentacle触须prey捕食navigate导航tiny receptor接收器nerve / specimen物种amphibian两栖类动物decline in the number数量减少gene基因genetic基因的,遗传的endangered species濒危动物survival活着的transition转变/过渡microbe微生物yeast酵母(菌)bacteria细菌single-cell单细胞reptile爬行类动物hatch孵化incubation孵化nest巢offspring子孙chew up咀嚼unfertilized eggs未受精卵nutrient营养品nourishment营养品 / 食物feed喂养cannibalism同类相食respiration呼吸ingestion摄食digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶cell细胞nucleus细胞核cytoplasm 细胞质plasma lemma / cell membrane细胞膜cell wall细胞壁protein蛋白质amino acid核酸plankton浮游生物heredity遗传mutation of species物种变异chromosome染色体genetic engineering遗传工程solitary独居social群居bio-diversity生物多样性metamorphosis变态 / 变形mutation变种variation变异托福学科类词汇5北美大学校园生活学习常用词汇及短语1.orientation meeting/session [.?:rien'tei??n] 新生情况介绍会Ex: The University has arranged an orientation session.2.professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间Ex: Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing a professor’s office hours.3.lecture ['lekt??] n. 演讲,讲课Ex: Several hundred people are expected to attend the lecture.4.lecture hall n. 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅Ex: The lecture hall was jammed when the professor arrived at the very last moment.5.tutorial [tju:'t?:ri?l] n. 个别指导Ex: Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures.6. deadline ['dedlain] n. 最后期限,截止时间Ex: There's no way I can meet that deadline.7. overdue ['?uv?'dju:] adj. 过期的Ex: I must take these books back to the library - they're overdue.There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.8. schedule ['sked?ul] n. 时间表,计划 v. 安排,计划,Ex: According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 amThe test is scheduled to begin in one hour.9. time slot [sl?t] 时间空档Ex: If you have two final exams scheduled at the same time, you will have to move one exam to another time slot10.signature ['signit??] n. 签字,签名Ex: Each child must obtain the signature of his or her parents11.thesis ['θi:sis] n. 毕业论文Ex: a master's/doctoral thesis on the effects of global warming12.dissertation [.dis?'tei??n] n. 论文Ex: He wrote his dissertation on an obscure 16th-century poet.13.course [k?:s] n. 课程Ex: compulsory/required/mandatory course; elective course, optional course;foundation course, introductory course, intermediate level course,advanced course13.elective [i'lektiv] n. 选修科目Ex: She took three electives last term.14. option ['?p??n] n. 选修科目Ex: She is taking French as an option next year14.assignment [?'sainm?nt] n. 功课,任务Ex: I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.托福学科类词汇6微生物学antibody抗体toxin毒素immunity免疫immunology免疫学vaccine疫苗fungus真菌bacteria细菌fermentation发酵inflection传染 / 感染microorganism / microbe微生物virus病毒disfection消毒sterilization灭菌托福考试涉及的学科核心词汇相关文章:1.托福英语考试的阅读核心单词汇总2.最新的关于托福口语考试的重点词汇都有哪些3.2020年托福口语考试的核心词汇盘点4.托福英语中常考的高频单词大盘点5.2020高考英语985个考试大纲核心词汇(建议收藏)6.托福英语|你一定要打卡学习的重点单词汇总7.托福高分词汇怎么背有什么方法8.托福综合口语考试题型介绍及解题方法详解9.关于2020年托福英语考试的高级词汇盘点10.托福阅读要求词汇量是多少。

以下是一些常见的学术词汇:1. Acquire 获得2. Analysis 分析3. Challenge 挑战4. Experiment 实验5. Impact 影响6. Important 重要的7. Infer 推断8. Perspective 观点9. Problem 问题10. Research 研究二、生活场景词汇托福考试中也会涉及到日常生活场景,如购物、旅行、住宿等。
以下是一些常见的生活场景词汇:1. Apartment 公寓2. Restaurant 餐厅3. Hotel 酒店4. Library 图书馆5. Store 商店6. Bank 银行7. Airport 机场8. Gas Station 加油站9. Museum 博物馆10. Train Station 火车站三、学科专业词汇托福考试中会涉及到各个学科的知识,如生物、历史、地理等。
以下是一些常见的学科专业词汇:1. Biology 生物2. History 历史3. Geography 地理4. Chemistry 化学5. Physics 物理6. Economics 经济7. Psychology 心理学8. Sociology 社会学9. Political Science 政治学10. Business Administration 工商管理四、学科特定概念学科中特定的概念也是托福考试中经常涉及到的内容。
以下是一些常见的学科特定概念:1. Evolution 进化论2. DNA 脱氧核糖核酸3. The Renaissance 文艺复兴时期4. The Great Depression 大萧条时期5. Globalization 全球化6. The Cold War 冷战时期五、常用短语和表达在托福考试中,除了单个词汇,还需要掌握一些常用的短语和表达方式。

托福口语话题词汇汇总托福口语家庭教育类话题词汇汇总1. Emotional availability父母不仅需要在小孩成长的时候陪在身边,更需要从精神上给小孩以支持。
2. A firm hand但是父母也需要立场坚定。
3. Too much freedom kills freedom太多的自由也会杀死自由。
4. Run into a wall没有约束的小孩迟早也有一天会撞到南墙。
5. When I go too far, my mother is going to invervene当小孩走的路太离谱时,母亲会进行干预。
6. I'm in charge of my own life母亲会告诉小孩是自己主宰生命。
7. Watch over me但她同时也会监督小孩。
8. Not seeing yourself in your child把小孩当成自己的第二世来对待是不公平的。
9. Who is the better teacher?没有最好,也没有更好。
10. 关于西方小孩18岁经济独立美国大学学费昂贵,很多家长付不起,小孩只能独立。
托福口语话题示范回答Question:Should the university education be free?Sample answer:I don’t agree with the statement about university education for free. First of all, although it is a right for every student who needs education to enter into universities no matter he/she is rich or poor but free education can cause tension on teaching resources and available facilities. Without any charge of tuition for college students, universities will suffer a great budget and resources pressure. So under this circumstance, an essential measure should be taken by government such as intensify education funding to meet the demand of universities. Therefore I don’t think it’s wise to make university education for free but it is accessible for university to cut tuition.托福口语娱乐类话题关键词汇和句型体育词汇: basketball, badminton, court, field, figure skating 花样滑冰; golf, hiking徒步旅行; ice skates溜冰鞋; running, roller skating 滑旱冰;rowing boat划艇; stadium 运动场;swimming, swing 秋千; table tennis, track, volleyball, windsurfing帆板运动;etc.文艺词汇:ballet芭蕾舞; classical dancing古典舞; comedy 喜剧; dance hall舞厅; dancer, disco迪斯科舞厅;folk dance民间舞;light music 轻音乐; melody优美的旋律,曲调;orchestra管弦乐队;pop music流行音乐; singer歌手; staff, stave 五线谱; rhythm 节奏; score 总谱,乐谱; orchestra 乐队; conductor 乐队指挥; band 管乐队; solo 独奏,独唱; duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱; trio 三重奏,三重唱; quartet, quartette 四重奏,四重唱; quintet 五重奏,五重唱; choir, choral society 合奏,合唱; etc.乐器词汇:(1) stringed instruments弦乐器:fiddle, violin小提琴; viola中提琴; cello大提琴; bass低音乐器; guitar吉他,六弦琴; harp竖琴, etc. (2) wind instruments管乐器: mouth organ口琴; flute长笛; saxophone 萨克斯管; trumpet喇叭; oboe双簧管; clarinet 竖笛,单簧管,黑管, etc. (3) keyboard instruments键盘乐器:piano钢琴; accordion手风琴; electronic keyboard电子琴; etc 其它娱乐:acrobatics杂技;amusement park游乐园; bumper cars碰碰车;circus act马戏节目;fancy dress ball 化装舞会;假面舞会; fireworks焰火;floor show夜总会的节目表演;jukebox 自动点唱机; magic魔术; puppet show木偶剧;wire-walking走钢丝;etc.常用短语:an outing at the beach, climbing the mountain, dancing at a birthday party, going for a walk, going swimming, going to the movies /concerts, meeting new people, staying out all night, etc.常用句型:1. Do you want to try…2. I’d like to see the exhibition of modern art / painting.3. I want t o go shopping because …4. If it stops raining, we can play tennis / volleyball / badminton, …5. Let’s go dancing tonight.6. Let’s go windsurfing …7. Shall we go to the discotheque this weekend?8. Shall we have a picnic on the vacation?2. 实例:Narrator:Maggie has a quiet life. She wants to try some new, exciting activities on her vacation. What will she try? She goes to a travel agency for advice. Suppose you are a travel agent. What will you say to Maggie?You may begin to prepare your response after the beep.[2 seconds beep]Preparation time: 15 secondsResponse time:45 secondsNarrator:Please begin speaking after the beep.[2 seconds beep]Suggested Answer:We have an interesting trip to Manila for one week. You will do a lot of things. You go to museums and you go shopping. The shopping is good. You go to beaches near Manila. You swim, you windsurf or you can just walk at the beach. You go hiking in the mountains. And at night you can hear great music, go to good restaurants and walk around the streets.词汇与解析: WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1. beach n. 海滩2. hiking n. 徒步旅行3. Manila n. 马尼拉(菲律宾首都)4. museum n. 博物馆5. windsurf v. 风帆冲浪答案解析:Maggie计划利用假期去体验一下令人兴奋的活动,于是她去旅行社咨询。
toefl词汇精选 (2)

TOEFL词汇精选引言TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)考试是国际英语能力测试的一种,用于衡量非英语为母语的人士的英语语言能力。
希望对大家TOEFL 词汇的复习有所帮助。
口语词汇下面是一些在TOEFL口语考试中经常出现的词汇:1.Ambitious - 有雄心壮志的,有野心的–Example: She has ambitious plans to become a successful entrepreneur.2.Cooperate - 合作,协作–Example: We should cooperate with each other to achieve our common goals.3.Diverse - 多样的,不同的–Example: The university has a diverse student population from all over the world.4.Innovative - 创新的,有创意的–Example: The company is known for its innovative products that revolutionize the industry.5.Persuade - 劝说,说服–Example: She tried to persuade her parents to let her study abroad.6.Eloquent - 口才流利的,有口才的–Example: The speaker delivered an eloquent speech that captivated the audience.阅读词汇下面是一些在TOEFL阅读考试中常见的词汇:1.Acquire - 获得,取得–Example: Children acquire language skills at a very young age.2.Conduct - 进行,实施–Example: The researchers conducted a study to investigate the effects of pollution on marine life.3.Expand - 扩大,扩展–Example: The company plans to expand its business into new markets.4.Hypothesis - 假设,猜测–Example: The scientist formulated a hypothesis to explain the observed phenomenon.5.Significant - 重要的,有意义的–Example: The discovery of the new species is significant in the field of biology.6.Theory - 理论,学说–Example: Einstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of the universe.写作词汇下面是一些在TOEFL写作考试中常见的词汇:1.Argument - 论点,争论–Example: The author presents a strong argument in favor of renewable energy.2.Conclude - 结束,得出结论–Example: The report concludes that the government’s policies have been effective in reducing poverty.3.Emphasize - 强调,重视–Example: The speaker emphasized the importance of proper time management skills.4.Illustrate - 举例说明,阐述–Example: The author uses specific examples to illustrate his point.5.Revise - 修订,修改–Example: After receiving feedback, the writer revised his essay to improve its clarity.6.Thesis - 论文,论点–Example: The thesis of the research paper is that social media has a negative impact on mentalhealth.听力词汇下面是一些在TOEFL听力考试中常见的词汇:1.Confirm - 确认,证实–Example: The experiment confirmed the hypothesis that exercise improves cognitive function.2.Interrupt - 打断,中断–Example: The professor asked the student not to interrupt him while he was speaking.3.Observe - 观察,察觉–Example: The scientists observed the behavior of the animals in their natural habitat.4.Relevant - 相关的,有关的–Example: The information provided by the witness was not relevant to the case.5.Stressful - 有压力的,紧张的–Example: The job interview was a stressful experience for the applicant.6.Transcript - 成绩单,成绩报告–Example: The student requested a copy of her transcript to apply for graduate school.结论以上是一些常见的TOEFL考试词汇精选,涉及口语、阅读、写作和听力等不同考点。

新托福历届考试出现高频词汇(不断更新版)第三题和第五题:Vehicle 交通工具 requirement 要求 academic 学术的get acquainted with 认识 proposal 文稿 justify 证明off-campus 校外的 apartment 公寓 renovate 修葺budget 预算 credit 信誉,学分 gallery 画展exhibiting 展示 ridiculous 荒谬的 applied 应用的arts 艺术 rundown 破败 reputation名誉splendid 绝好的 prospective 角度 candidate 参选人grade 年级,分数 Supervisor 监督 prolong 推迟littering 乱扔垃圾 scan 扫描 digital 数字的laptop 手提电脑 desktop 桌名 dormitory 寝室diversity 多样性 reformation 改善 commercial 商业的depict描绘 freshmen 新生 stadium 体育场undergraduate 大学生 distracting 分散 journal 日记reference 参考 intervene 干涉 rehearse演练step down 退任 it sucks (口)烂 mess up 搞糟advanced standing 学生用先前已修得的学科抵免入学后所需修的科目. Alumni 校友 audit 审计 auditor bulletin 编辑公告Bursar 会计,奖学金获得者 concession 特许Deferred admission 延迟入学Dropout 退学Faculty 全体教员 Flunk 不及格 Register restrictions 注册要求Admitted to 录取 resign 退休 orientation入学指导seminar 学术讨论会 alternative 选择 resume 简历weird 奇怪 enroll 录取 notorious 厌恶的available 可行的 merely 仅仅 mandatory 强制的postpone 推迟 erase 擦掉 recover 康复deduct 演绎,扣除 tricky 阴谋的 tuition 学费clarify 澄清 interval 间隔 semester 学期presentation 展示 hiking 徒步旅行 tutor 辅导sign up for 参加(俱乐部) run into someone 遇见due day 截止日期 assigned to 分配给make—up exam 补考 required course 必修课charge fee 免费 drop class 逃课 skip class overdue 过期 freshman 大一 sophomore 大二junior 大三 senior 大四 renew 续借 transfer 转学graduation commencement 毕业典礼 handout 分发的教材minor 辅修的课 syllabus 教学大纲 dissertation 论文第四题和第六题:Participant 参与者 ironically 讽刺 critics 批评strategy 策略 false 错误 consensus 一致同意contradict 矛盾 consistently 一致 uniformly 一致nonverbal 非语言的 psychological 心理学的 enhance 增强outlet 出口 obscure 模糊的 diffusion 扩散self-fulfilling 自我实现 prophecy 语言 assume 假设tactic 战术 shifting 转变 spectator 观测comprehending 理解 plug 塞子 quotation 引用release 释放 cite 陈述 remorse 懊悔 feedback 回馈resilience 反弹 Substitution 替补 arctic 北极allergy 过敏 sneeze 打喷嚏 immune 免疫protein 蛋白质 Dust 尘土 mite 螨虫 esteemed 声望很高claim 声称inefficiency 不足representative 代表virtually实质phenomenon 现象 subliminal 下意识 perception 感知appealing 吸引的 demonstrate 展示 reward 奖品extinction 灭绝 circumstance状况 compliment 称赞predator 猎杀者 prey 猎物 fertilize 施肥affiliation 联合 decibel 分贝 asteroid 小行星framing 陷害 manifest 表明 conceive 构思assimilation 同化 ozone 臭氧 sewage 下水道purification 净化 render 使得 assignment 作业stimulus 刺激 demand 要求 inappropriately 不合适identify 辨认 ecological 生态 balance 平衡stabilize 稳定 sand dune 沙丘 intruder 入侵者territory 领地 witness 目击 invasion 侵略lack 缺失 visual 视觉 element 因素 texture 材质Resemble 像,类似 sentiment 感情 mystery 迷paleontologist 考古学 skeleton 骷髅 vaporize 蒸发drastic 急剧的 inverse 相反的 boost 推进soaring 猛烈的 misconception 误解 simplify 简单complicate 使。

托福分学科词汇汇总精编版(共计19个学科)一、英语1. vocabulary: 词汇2. grammar: 语法3. reading: 阅读4. writing: 写作5. listening: 听力6. pronunciation: 发音8. speaking: 口语二、数学1. algebra: 代数2. geometry: 几何3. trigonometry: 三角函数4. calculus: 微积分5. statistics: 统计学6. probability: 概率论7. arithmetic: 数学三、物理1. mechanics: 力学2. thermodynamics: 热力学3. electricity: 电4. magnetism: 磁学5. optics: 光学6. quantum mechanics: 量子力学四、化学1. atomic structure: 原子结构2. matter: 物质3. elements: 元素5. reactions: 反应6. laws of chemistry: 化学定律7. molecular structure: 分子结构五、地理1. climate: 气候2. geography: 地理3. geology: 地质学4. topography: 地形5. hydrology: 水文学6. oceanography: 海洋学7. cartography: 地图六、历史1. ancient history: 古代史2. modern history: 现代史3. medieval history: 中世纪史4. world history: 世界史5. political history: 政治史6. cultural history: 文化史7. economic history: 经济史七、生物学1. anatomy: 解剖学2. physiology: 生理学3. genetics: 遗传学4. cell biology: 细胞生物学5. evolution: 进化论6. ecology: 生态学7. microbiology: 微生物学八、政治学1. government: 政府2. politics: 政治3. international relations: 国际关系4. diplomacy: 外交5. public policy: 公共政策6. economics: 经济7. law: 法律九、哲学1. epistemology: 认识论2. ethics: 道德哲学3. metaphysics: 形而上学4. logic: 逻辑学5. aesthetics: 美学6. ontology: 本体论7. philosophy: 哲学十、宗教1. theology: 神学2. biblical studies: 圣经研究3. spirituality: 精神性4. ritual: 仪式5. mythology: 神话6. ethics: 道德7. philosophy: 哲学十一、文学1. literature: 文学2. poetry: 诗歌3. drama: 戏剧4. fiction: 小说。
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TPO8 Task 4 front wings 前 翼 ★ blend in with 融 入 ★★★ 1.例句:Their front wings are colored so they blend in with their surroundings. 它们的前翼颜色使得它们能与周围环境融为一体。00:16-00:22 closed and hidden 合上并藏起来 ★★ 2.例句:Its back wings, which are usually closed and hidden, have these bright colorful spots on them. 它的后翼通常合上并隐藏起来,上面有鲜亮的圆点。00:22-00-:29 pop out 跳出来 ★★ 3.例句:it suddenly opens its back wings and out pop these bright colors. 它突然展开自己的后翼,然后这些鲜亮的颜色就跳出来了。00:29-00:36 surprise the predator 惊吓捕食者 ★ get away 逃跑 ★ 4.例句:And that surprises the predator and gives the Peanut Bug a chance to get away.这 会吓到捕食者,使花生虫有机会逃跑。00:36-00:41 shiny wings 翅膀非常闪亮 ★ reflect sunlight 反射阳光 ★★ 5.例句:And parts of the morpho butterfly wings are very shiny. They reflect a lot of sunlight. 闪蝶翅膀的某些部分非常闪亮。它们能反射大量的阳光。00:47-00:53 flap its wing 挥舞翅膀 ★★ 6.例句:when the morpho flaps its wings, all the bird can see are flashes of light. 当闪蝶挥舞翅膀的时候,所有的鸟都能看到闪光。01:06-01:13
生物学科词汇............................................................................................................................... 1 心理学科词汇............................................................................................................................. 38 商科词汇!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "# 社会学科词汇!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "# 艺术历史学词汇....................................................................................................................... 95 考古学科词汇........................................................................................................................... 103 地理学科词汇........................................................................................................................... 105 历史学科词汇........................................................................................................................... 108 文学学科词汇........................................................................................................................... 113 食品营养学............................................................................................................................... 116
TPO14 Task6 has an enormous mouth 有巨大的嘴巴 ★ a large stomach 大 的胃 ★ 5.例句:A good example, um, there’s a species of eel that has an enormous mouth and a large stomach that’s capable of expanding. 一个很好的例子,一种鳗有巨大的嘴巴和胃。0:44-0:53 eat prey larger than itself. 吃比自身大的猎物 ★★ 6.例句:And these unusual features allow this eel to eat prey larger than itself. 这些不寻常的身体特征可以让鳗吃掉比自身大的猎物。0:54-0:58 produces light 发光 ★★ 7.例句:And on its head, this fish has a little structure that produces light that glows in the dark. 在它的头上,这鱼拥有一个小的可发光并在黑暗中燃亮的结构。1:23-1:29 position close to 位于 ★★★ 8.例句:This little structure, this little light, is positioned close to the fish’s mouth. 这个小部位-发光体位于靠近鱼的嘴的位置。1:30-1:34 capture and eat 捕捉和吃 ★★★ 9.例句:And that brings them close enough for the angler fish to capture them and eat them. 这样可以足够近让鮟鱇鱼捕捉和吃。 1:41-1:45
TPO13 Task6 resemble 像 ★ leaf-like protrusions 叶子般的突兀 ★ stick out like arms 像手臂那样伸出 ★★★ 1.例句:For instance, take a kind of fish like the Leafy Sea Dragon, well, the name says it all, it resembles a small green dragon with leaf-like protrusions sticking out like arms. 比如,叶海龙,就如其名,它很像一条绿色的龙,有着像叶子般的触手且很像手臂。 0:46-0:59 blend in well with 很好地…混合在一起 ★★★ 2.例句:Now because its colors and shapes, it blends in extremely well with green sea plants. 现在因为它的颜色和形状,它很好地与绿色的海草混合在一起。1:00-1:05 camouflage 伪装 ★★ doesn’t work 不起作用 ★ 3. 例句:But when it enters other environments without these green plants, its camouflage doesn’t work any more. 当周围环境没有绿色植物的时候,它的伪装就不起作用。1:11-1:18 have a lot more mobility 有更好的机动性 ★★ have shifting pigments 有可转换的色素 ★ match their color 匹配周围颜色 ★★ 4.例句:But, uh, they have a lot more mobility because their camouflage allows them to blend in to any environment, because Cuttlefish have shifting pigments that allow them to change color in a matter of seconds, and, so they can almost instantaneously match their color of their surroundings. 但是,它们有更好的机动性因为它们的伪装让他们与环境融于一体,因为乌贼有可转换的 色素让他们在短短几秒内变换颜色,然后所以它们可以突然匹配周围环境的颜色。 1:39-1:59
Байду номын сангаас
TPO9 Task 6
physical features 外在特征 ★★ prevent...from doing...防止...做... ★★ land on...落在 ★★ 1.例句:some plants have physical features that prevent insects from landing on them. 一些植物的外在特征能防止昆虫落在它们身上。0:23-0:29 passion plant 龙珠果 ★ spiky hairs 尖锐的毛发 ★★ 2.例句:Like the passion plant, for example, its leaves have little spiky hairs all over them. 例如,龙珠果整个表面长有尖锐的毛发 0:29-0:36 spike 尖刺 ★ stick out of the plant 突 出来 ★★★ 3.例句:They’re like spikes, sticking out of the plant . 它们就像尖刺一样,从植物中突出来 0:35-0:44 potato plant 马铃薯株 ★ release a chemical 释放化学物质 ★★★ 4.例句:The potato plant is able to release a chemical throughout its leaf system . 马铃薯能通过叶子释放出一种化学物质。1:06-1:15 swallow a chemical 吞食化学物质 ★★ 5.例句:The insect swallows this chemical as it eats.1:26-1:29 昆虫在进食的时候吞下化学物质 discourage...from doing...打消...做某事的念头 ★★★ 6.例句:And this chemical discourages the insect from wanting to eat more of the plant. 这种化学物质使得昆虫不想再吃这种植物。1:29-1:35 make ... feel full 使...觉得很饱 ★ 7.例句:Well, the substance makes the insect feel full, like it’s already had enough to eat. 这种物质使得昆虫觉得很饱,就像它已经吃够了一样。1:35-1:43 emit a chemical 释放一种化学物质 ★★ 8.例句:So, by emitting this chemical, the potato plant protects itself from insects. 通过释放这种化学物质,马铃薯保护了自己不受昆虫的伤害。1:48-2:02