纸箱爆裂强度标准 tappi 810

纸箱抗压试验机测试方法与标准 抗压试验机技术指标

并可做堆码测试,试验的结果可作为工厂堆放成品包装箱高度的紧要参考,而纸箱抗压强度又有以下几点要求: 一、纸箱外观质量: 1、封闭质量:箱体四周无漏洞,各箱盖合拢后无参差和离缝; 2、尺寸公差:箱体内径与设计尺寸公差应保持在大箱5mm,小箱3mm,外形尺寸基本一致; 3、印刷质量:图案、字迹印刷清楚,色度一致,光亮明丽;印刷位置误差大箱不超过7mm,小箱不超过 4mm; 4、盖折叠次数:瓦楞纸箱摇盖经开、合180 度往复折叠 5 次以上,一、二类箱的面层和里层、三类箱里层裂缝长度总和不大于 70mm;此外,要求接合规范,边缘整齐,不叠角,箱面不允许有明显损坏或污迹等. 二、纸箱抗压强度及影响因素:纸箱耐压强度是很多商品包装要求的较为紧要的质量指标,测试时将瓦楞纸箱放在两压板之间,加压至纸箱压溃时的压力,即为纸箱耐压强度,用 KN 表示。
预定纸箱耐压强度纸箱要求有确定的耐压强度,是由于包装商品后在贮运过程中堆码在最低层的纸箱受到上部纸箱的压力,为了不至于压塌,必需具有合适的抗压强度,纸箱的耐压强度用下列公式计算: P=KW(n—1)式中 P————纸箱耐压强度,N W————纸箱装货后重量,N n————堆码层数 K————堆码安全系数堆码层数 n 依据堆码高度 H 与单个纸箱高度 h 求出,n=H/h 堆码安全系数依据货物堆码的层数来确定,国标规定:贮存期小于 30d 取 K=1.6 贮存期 30d—100d 取K=1.65 贮存期大于 100d 取 K=2.0 确定纸箱抗压强度的方法由于受生产过程中各种因素的影响,最后用原材料生产的纸箱抗压强度不愿定与估算结果完全一致,因此最后精准明确确定瓦楞纸箱抗压强度的方法是将纸箱恒温湿处理后用纸箱抗压试验机测试;对于无测试设备的中小型厂,可以在纸箱上面盖一木板,然后在木板上堆放等量的重物,来大致确定纸箱抗压强度是否充分要求;据原材料计算出纸箱抗压预定了纸箱抗压强度以后,应选择合适的纸箱板、瓦楞原纸来生产瓦楞纸箱,避开盲目生产造成的挥霍;依据原纸的环压强度计算出纸箱的抗压强度有很多公式,但较为简练应用的是 kellicutt 公式,它适合于用来估算 0201 型纸箱抗压强度。

附件:纸箱耐压强度纸箱要求有一定的耐压强度,是因为包装商品后在贮运过程中堆码在最低层的纸箱受到上部纸箱的压力,为了不至于压塌,必须具有合适的抗压强度,纸箱的耐压强度用下列公式计算:P=KW(n-1)式中P----纸箱耐压强度W----纸箱装货后重量 n----堆码层数K----堆码安全系数堆码层数n根据堆码高度H与单个纸箱高度h求出,n=H/h 堆码安全系数根据货物堆码的层数来确定,国标规定:贮存期小于30天取K=1.6 贮存期30-100天取K=1.65 贮存期大于100天取K=2.0 具体操作时在纸箱上面盖一木板,然后在木板上堆放等量的重物。
参考资料:GB 5034-85 《出口产品包装用瓦楞纸板》第二篇:Xxx包装纸箱的质量标准Xxx包装纸箱的质量标准 1.目的:建立xxx包装纸箱的质量标准。

一、 目的 为规范仪器使用,保证纸箱强度测量数据的可靠性,延长仪器的使用寿命。
二、 使用范围 用于 WBE-9403 破裂强度试验机的使用
三、 测试原理 利用破裂强度测试仪,将试样置于胶膜之上,用试样夹夹紧,然后均匀地施加压力,使试样与胶膜
四、 作业流程
1. 取样 用美工刀在纸箱纸板的中央部位切取一定面积的平直纸板,选取的试样面积必须比耐破度测试仪的
夹盘大,不得有水印、折痕或明显的损伤。注意取样必须是纸板中部,不能是靠边有被压过的位置。 2. 仪器结构
峰值 打印 功能 单位 归零
编制/日期:黄伟杰 2012.2.15 审核/日期:吴景平 2012.2.15 批准/日期:吴景平 2012.2.15
生效日期:2012 年 2 月 15 日
文件编号: QP/WEC.*** -2012
版次: A/0
第 2 页共 2 页
3. 开机 连接220V电源,按下电源开关。注意急停按钮是没有被按下时才可以开机。 检测液压油位置是否够,液压表是否正常。
杯、管路,和及时更换甘油。具体更换方法请参照仪器说明书。 3. 橡皮膜保养。
由于橡皮膜是核心部件,日常不能用有腐蚀性的液体清洗,保证橡胶部位表面光滑干净。 当长期不用,橡皮膜易老化;测试次数过频繁,每天10次以上,持续1~2个月;长期做高压测试时, 橡皮膜都容易破损,需要用厂家仪器附带的标准铝箔片对仪器校准,铝箔片标准破裂强度为11.61± 0.14kgf/cm2,当仪器偏差大于±0.5%时,必须更换橡皮膜。具体更换方法请参照仪器说明书。
4. 单位设置 按“单位”按钮,把液晶屏内的单位调到KPa。

含水率(10ຫໍສະໝຸດ ± 2 ) %耐破强度将试片夹在两压板之间,均匀加压, 将试片夹在两压板之间,均匀加压,试片破裂时单 在两压板之间 S1.1(纸板代号) S1.1(纸板代号)耐破强度标 位面积上的压力,就是纸板的耐破强度,单位为千 位面积上的压力,就是纸板的耐破强度, 准为: 准为:588kPa kPa) 帕(kPa) 对环状试片均匀加压,试片被压溃时单位长度上的 测得某定量为 200g/ m 2 的试 压力称为环压强度(N/m) 片环压强度为 2000N/m,则环 再根据试片的定量, 可计算出环压强度指数 (N*m/g) 压强度指数为 10N*m/g 顺着试片的瓦楞方向均匀加压,试片被压溃时单位 S1.1(纸板代号)边压强度标 顺着试片的瓦楞方向均匀加压, S1.1(纸板代号) 长度上的压力称为瓦楞纸板的边压强度 N/m) 为瓦楞纸板的边压强度( 准为: 长度上的压力称为瓦楞纸板的边压强度(N/m) 准为:4500N/m 将三角锥固定于摆锤, 将三角锥固定于摆锤,并从一定高度释放以冲击试 S1.1(纸板代号) S1.1(纸板代号)戳穿强度标 片,当三角锥恰好戳穿试片时摆锤释放的能量就称 准为: 准为:3.4J 为瓦楞纸板的戳穿强度,单位为焦耳( 为瓦楞纸板的戳穿强度,单位为焦耳(J) 将试片的面纸和芯纸剥离时的拉力(粘合强度并非 越大越好) 纸箱能承受的最大压力,称为它的抗压强度( 纸箱能承受的最大压力,称为它的抗压强度(N) 验方法:在一定温度(20° 和湿度(65%) 实验方法:在一定温度(20°C)和湿度(65%)下, 压板对纸箱均匀加压,纸箱被压溃时的压力就是该 压板对纸箱均匀加压, 纸箱的抗压强度 通常要求粘合强度应大于芯纸 或面纸的本体强度,即当将芯 纸和面纸剥离时,应剥下芯纸 或面纸的本体部分 纸箱的抗压强度需求应根据 运输环境,运输周期, 运输环境,运输周期,内装物 重量和存储堆码高度而定

纸箱纸板耐破强度的测定按照GB/T 1539—2007《纸板耐破度的测定》进行,该标准等同采用ISO2759:2001《纸板耐破度的测定》。

纸箱破裂强度试验报告(Carton broken intensity test report)
Charge No.﹕
(Test date)
(Trial product)
(Part No.)
样本编号(Sample No.)
测试部位(Test part)
(Fringe pressure:3~5Kgf/cห้องสมุดไป่ตู้2)
■研发打样确认(R&D department sample confirm)其它(Others)
(Test principle)
(Test environment)
(Test setup)
要求其最小破裂强度为(According to the requirement of engineering design of the carton, the smallest broken intensity is):14Kgf/cm2



很多人不知道ECT边压怎么来的:下面我们以51ECT B/C为例:51ECT B/C 的意思是每1平方英寸的纸板要能承受51磅的压力。
所以要换算:1、把51磅变为牛顿51 / 2.2046=23.13345公斤23.13345x9.8=226.7078牛顿51磅=226.7078牛顿2、已知每英寸的力,要求每米的力,所以再要把英寸变成米:226.7078 / 25.4=8.925504 牛顿/毫米8.925504 x 1000=8925.504 牛顿/ 米这样就得出了表里的得数:51 ECT B/C89251700测试的计算方法:工厂测试设备是显示公斤数的,边压测试是用25.4mm x 100mm的纸板。
所以可以很简单办法的算出牛顿 / 米的结果:用25.4mm x 100mm的纸板测出结果,再用测试出来的公斤数 X 98= 实际纸箱的N/M数字。
(爆裂强度的算法也一样)下面是一些常用的纸箱的ECT对应值MATERIAL材料ECT VALUE(N/M)边压BURSTING STRENGTH 破裂强度(KPA)32 ECT B/C56001350 44 ECT B/C77001700 48 ECT B/C84001700 51 ECT B/C89251700 61 ECT B/C106752290 44 ECT A77001600 32 ECT B56001530 32 ECT C56001530 44 ECT C77001530 32 ECT E56001352常用抢救药物的计算方法和剂量表血管活性药物是临床科室最常用的药物之一。

5.GB/T451.2-2002 《纸和纸板定量的测定》),其中定量是纸张基本的性能指标之一,定量往往被视为纸张的特征参数。

TAPPI瓦楞原纸和纸板测试标准T 400 sp-02 ........ ........ .............................纸、纸板、箱纸板或其他纸制品取样T 401 om-03....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸、纸板纤维成分分析、测定T 402 sp-03 ..............................................纸、纸板和相关产品标准测试条件和试验的标准大气T 403 om-02....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸耐破强度测定T 404 wd-03....... .......................................纸和纸板抗张强度测定(采用摆动测试装置)T 407 wd-71.……………………. ... .经过矿物原料涂布的纸张涂布含量测定T 408 cm-97....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸和纸板中松香含量测定T 410 om-02....... ........ ..... ............. ..........纸和纸板基本克重(每单位面积内)测定T 411 om-97....... ........ ..... ............. ..........纸、纸板以及复合纸板厚度测试T 412 om-02....... ........ ..........纸浆、纸和纸板含水量测定T 414 om-04....... ........ ..........纸内部抗撕裂强度测试(采用Elmendorf-Type测试方法)T 418 cm-97....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸和纸板有机氮含量测定T 419 om-04....... ........ ..... ............. ..........纸张淀粉成分测试T 421 wd-03.......... ................定性分析纸的矿物涂布和矿物添加成分(包括使用显微镜)T 422 wd-73...(T 422 su-67)*.... .........................定量分析纸的矿物涂布和矿物添加成分T 423 cm-98....... ........ ..... .........................纸抗折叠强度测定(Schopper Type测试仪器)T 424 wd-70....... ........ ..... ............. ..........在57.5°条件下纸的对比光泽度测定T 425 om-01....... ............………………..纸张不透明度测试(反射率89%)T 428 om-04....... ........ ..... ............. ...........热水中纸张酸碱提取度测定T 429 cm-01....... ........ ..... ............. .......... 纸中α-纤维素纸浆测定T 430 cm-99....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸浆、纸和纸板铜含量测定T 431 cm-99....... ........ ..... ............. ..........吸墨性纸张吸墨性测定T 432 cm-99....... ........ ..... ............. ..........吸水性纸张吸水性测定T 433 cm-02....... ........ ..... ........................固定面积纸和纸板防水性测定(干燥性确定方法)T 435 om-02....... ........ .............................纸张氢离子浓度(pH 值)测定(采用热抽取法)T 436 wd-76.……………………….....纸和纸板含砷量测定T 437 om-03....... ........ ..... ............. ..........纸和纸板含尘量测定T 438 cm-96....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸张锌和镉含量测定T 439 wd-78.………………………………….纸张钛含量测定T 440 wd-83..................……………………纸张碱着色数量测定T 441 om-04.............................非吸水性纸、纸板和瓦楞纸板吸水性(采用Cobb测试方法)T 443 wd-43...(T 443 sm-39)*.....................纸和纸板透水性测定(Ground Glass测试方法)T 445 wd-84.……………………………. .....纸张斑点鉴定T 446 wd-70...(T 446 os-48)*.... ............. ............包装用纸抗折叠性测试T 447 wd-59.……………………………. ......纸张水分扩张性测试T 448 om-04.................纸和纸板水蒸汽传递性测试(测试条件:温度23℃,相对湿度50%)T 449 om-00....... ........ ..... ........................纸和纸板微生物检测T 450 wd-70...(T 450 os-44)*.... ............. ............纸张戊聚糖成分测定T 451 wd-01....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸张弯曲性测定(Clark强度测定)T 452 om-02....... ........ ..............................纸浆、纸和纸板光亮度测试T 453 sp-04 ........ ........ .............................纸和纸板抗热性能测试T 456 om-03........................潮湿情况下,纸和纸板抗拉伸强度测试(潮湿拉伸强度)T 457 wd-76.………………………............纸和纸板拉伸强度测试T 458 cm-04....... ........ ..... .........................纸张表面含水能力测试T 459 om-03....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸张表面强度测试(蜡粘测试)T 460 om-02....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸张透气度测试(Gurley方法)T 461 cm-00....... ........ ..... ............. ...........经过处理的纸和纸板抗燃性测试T 462 om-01....... ........ ..... ............. ....纸张渗油性测试T 464 om-01....... ........ .......................高温、高湿度条件下,纸和纸板水蒸汽传递性能测试T 467 wd-72...(T 467 m-48)* .... .................. .......纸张石蜡吸收性测试T 468 wd-76.…………………………....纸和纸板水溶性硫酸盐和氯化物测定T 470 wd-96...(T 470 om-89)* .. ........纸张抗边撕裂强度测试(Edge-Tear Stirrup测试方法)T 472 wd-76.………………………. ..... ..纸板环压强度测试T 473 wd-71...(T 473 su-63)*.... ............. .... .......包装材料抗微生物性测试T 474 wd-70.………………………...........纸板弯曲强度测试T 476 om-01....... ........ ..... ............. ...........纸和纸板耐磨强度测试(T aber-Type测试方法)T 478 wd-69...(T 478 sm-60)*... .............. ... ........纸张油墨擦拭性能测试TAPPI瓦楞纸箱测试T 800 cm-96....... .........................................滚筒测试(测试用具:六角滚筒)T 801 om-02....... ........ ..... ............. ............抗撞击性能测试T 802 om-99....... ........ ..... .........................抗跌性能测试T 803 om-99....... ........ ..... ............. ............箱纸板戳穿强度测试T 804 om-02....... ........ ..... ............. ............纸箱环压强度测试T 805 wd-94...... (T 805 om-89)* .. ........................纸箱防水性能测试(采用喷射方法测试)T 806 wd-70...... (T 806 su-46)*.... .............. ........纸箱粘合强度测试T 807 om-03....... ........ ..... ............. ............纸板和挂面纸板耐破强度测试T 808 om-01....... ........ ..... ..........................瓦楞纸板平压强度测试T 809 om-99....... ........ ..... ..........................瓦楞芯纸平压强度测试(CMT测试)T 810 om-98....... ........ ..... ............. ............瓦楞纸板和实芯纸板环压强度测试T 811 om-02....... .........................................瓦楞纸板边压强度测试T 812 om-03....... ........ ..... ..........................实芯纸板和瓦楞纸板层分离性测试T 813 om-04....... .........................................运输用纸箱连接拉伸强度测试T 814 wd-83.....………………................温度升高情况下热融胶剥离性测试T 815 om-01...纸箱和纸箱生产材料(包括运输用纸袋、瓦楞纸箱、实芯纸箱)静摩擦系数T 817 wd-96....... (T 817 om-89)* .. .......................运输用纸箱抗震性能测试T 818 cm-97....... ........ ..... ............. ............纸板环压力测试T 819 cm-95....... ........ ..... ............. ............瓦楞芯纸吸水性测试T 820 cm-00....... ........ ..... ............. ............瓦楞纸板弯曲性测试。

胶粘带在包装中用途广泛,粘力强,不易开裂以及拥有高强的抗拉力,使胶粘带得到应用缓冲材料检测运输包装件测试1.GB/T 4857.1-1992包装运输包装件试验时各部位的标示方法2.GB/T 4857.2-2005包装运输包装件基本试验第2部分:温湿度调节处理3.GB/T 4857.3-1992包装运输包装件静载荷堆码试验方法4.GB/T 4857.4-1992包装运输包装件压力试验方法5.GB/T 4857.5-1992包装运输包装件跌落试验方法6.GB/T 4857.6-1992包装运输包装件滚动试验方法7.GB/T 4857.7-2005包装运输包装件正弦定额振动试验方法8.GB/T 4857.8-1992包装运输包装件六角滚筒试验方法9.GB/T 4857.9-1992包装运输包装件喷淋试验方法10.GB/T 4857.10-2005包装运输包装件正弦变频振动试验方法11.GB/T 4857.11-2005包装运输包装件水平冲击试验方法12.GB/T 4857.12-1992包装运输包装件浸水试验方法13.GB/T 4857.13-2005包装运输包装件低气压试验方法14.GB/T 4857.14-1999运输包装件基本试验倾翻试验方法15.GB/T 4857.15-1999运输包装件基本试验可控制水平冲击试验方法16.GB/T 4857.16-1990运输包装件基本试验采用压力试验机的堆码试验方法17.GB/T 4857.17-1992包装运输包装件编制性能试验大纲的一般原理18.GB/T 4857.18-1992包装运输包装件编制性能试验大纲的定量数据19.GB/T 4857.19-1992包装运输包装件流通试验信息记录20.GB/T 4857.20-1992包装运输包装件碰撞试验方法21.GB/T 4857.21-1995包装运输包装件防霉试验方法22.GB/T 4857.22-1998包装运输包装件单元货物稳定性试验方法23.GB/T 4857.23-2003包装运输包装件随机振动试验方法24.GB/T 2423.1-2001电工电子产品环境试验第2部分: 试验方法试验A: 低温25.GB/T 2423.2-2001电工电子产品环境试验第2部分: 试验方法试验B: 高温26.GB/T 2423.3-2006电工电子产品环境试验第2部分试验方法试验Cab:恒定湿热试验27.GB/T 2423.4电工电子产品环境试验交变湿热28.GB/T 2423.5电工电子产品环境试验冲击29.GB/T 2423.6电工电子产品环境试验碰撞30.GB/T 2423.7电工电子产品环境试验倾翻31.GB/T 2423.8-1995电工电子产品环境试验第2部分: 试验方法试验Ed:自由跌落32.GB/T 2423.9电工电子产品环境试验设备用恒定湿热试验法33.GB/T 2423.10电工电子产品环境试验正弦34.GB/T 2423.14电工电子产品环境试验低再现随机35.GB/T 2423.15电工电子产品环境试验稳态加速36.GB/T 2423.17-1993电工电子产品基本环境试验规程试验Ka: 盐雾试验方法37.GB/T 2423.18电工电子产品环境试验盐雾交变38.GB/T 2423.21电工电子产品环境试验低气压39.GB/T 2423.22-2002电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验N:温度变化40.GB/T 2423.25电工电子产品环境试验低温低气压41.GB/T 2423.26电工电子产品环境试验高温低气压42.GB/T 2423.27电工电子产品环境试验低温低气压湿热43.GB/T 2423.30电工电子产品环境试验浸渍44.GB/T 2423.31电工电子产品环境试验倾斜摇摆45.GB/T 2423.34-2005电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Z/AD:温度/湿度组合循环试验46.GB/T 2423.35电工电子产品环境试验低温正弦47.GB/T 2423.36电工电子产品环境试验高温正弦48.GB/T 2423.42电工电子产品环境试验低气压正弦49.GB/T 2423.49电工电子产品环境试验正弦拍频振动50.GB/T 2423.50电工电子产品环境试验恒定湿热高加速51.GB/T 19269[1].3-2003 公路运输危险货物包装检验安全规范使用鉴定52.GB/T1448-2005压缩53.GB/T1451-2005冲击54.GB/T2423-10-1995电子电工正弦55.GB/T 5398-1999大型运输包装件试验方法56.GB/T 15172-1994运输包装件抽样检验57.GB/T191-2000包装储运图示标志ISTA国际运输安全测试国际安全运输协会(ISTA)是一个由专业人员和机构组成的协会,是国际包装运输的权威组织。
纸箱爆裂强度标准 tappi 810

Names of suppliers of testing equipment and materials for this method may be found on the Test Equipment Suppliers list in the bound 1set of TAPPI Test Methods, or may be available from the TAPPI Technical Operations Department.Approved by the Fiberboard Shipping Container Testing Committee of the Corrugated Containers DivisionTAPPIT 810 om-98SUGGESTED METHOD – 1966OFFICIAL TEST METHOD – 1980REVISED – 1985REVISED – 1992REVISED – 1998© 1998 TAPPIThe information and data contained in this document were preparedby a technical committee of the Association. The committee and theAssociation assume no liability or responsibility in connection with theuse of such information or data, including but not limited to anyliability or responsibility under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws.The user is responsible for determining that this document is the mostrecent edition published.Bursting strength of corrugated and solid fiberboard1.ScopeThis method describes the procedure for measuring the bursting strength of single wall and double wall corrugated and solid fiberboard. It is not designed to be used for the bursting strength of paper (TAPPI T 403 "Bursting Strength of Paper"), paperboard and linerboard (TAPPI T 807 "Bursting Strength of Paperboard and Linerboard"), or triple wall corrugated board.2.SignificanceThe bursting strength of combined board is primarily an indication of the character of the materials used in manufacturing a fiberboard box and has value in this respect. Bursting strength of combined board is an optional requirement of the various carrier regulations for shipping containers. The bursting strength of the component paperboard is an important control test in the paperboard mill since the conformity of the finished container is generally controlled by the bursting strength of the paperboard. Triple-wall corrugated board cannot be tested suitably by the bursting method. Testing of double-wall board is of questionable accuracy since it is rarely possible to get sufficiently simultaneous bursts of the multiple facings. The test is simple and rapid to execute, but it must be recognized that it is subject to serious errors if instrument, diaphragm, and gages are not properly maintained or if improper procedures are used (1, 2, 3).3.Apparatus3.1Bursting tester , consisting of the following:13.1.1Means for clamping the test specimen between two annular, plane surfaces having fine concentric tool marks to minimize slippage. The upper clamping platen (clamping ring) has a minimum diameter of 95.3 mm (3.75 in.),a minimum thickness of 9.53 mm (0.375 in.), and a circular opening of 31.50 ± 0.03 mm (1.240 ± 0.001 in.) diameter.The lower edge of the opening (side in contact with the board) has a 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) radius. The lower clamping surface (diaphragm plate) has a thickness of 5.56 ± 0.08 mm (0.219 ± 0.003 in.) with an opening 31.50 ± 0.03 mm (1.240± 0.001 in.) in diameter and an overall diameter at least as large as the upper clamping plate.. The upper edge of the opening (in contact with the board) has a 0.41 mm ± 0.1 mm (0.016 ± 0.004 in.) radius and the lower edge of the opening (in contact with the rubber diaphragm) has a radius of 3.1 ± 0.1 mm (0.122 ± 0.004 in.) to prevent cutting the rubber when pressure is applied. The upper clamping ring is connected to the clamping mechanism through a swivel joint tofacilitate an even clamping pressure. The openings in the two clamping plates are required to be concentric to within 0.13 mm (0.0051 in.) and their clamping faces flat and parallel (see T 807 Appendix A.1.1).3.1.2 A molded (disk-shaped) diaphragm requiring a pressure of not less than 160 kPa nor more than 210 kPa (not less than 23 psi nor more than 30 psi) to distend it to a height of 9.53 mm (0.375 in.) above the diaphragm plate (see T 807, Appendix A.1.2.)3.1.3Means of forcing liquid into the pressure chamber below the diaphragm at a steady rate of 170 ± 16 mL/min (0.045 ± 0.004 gal/min). This pressure shall be generated by a motor-driven piston forcing a liquid (glycerin) into the pressure chamber of the apparatus (see T 807, Appendix A.1.3).3.1.4 A Bourdon pressure gage of the maximum reading or the lazy hand type. The scale should have a radius of 47.6 mm (1.875 in.) with graduations extending over a minimum arc of 270° indicating bursting pressure in kPa or psi, with an accuracy of 0.5% of full scale, and have sufficient capacity so that all readings can be maintained in the middle half of the scale. In its operating position, have the gage inclined between horizontal and not over 30° from the horizontal. When more than one gage is mounted on a single apparatus, only the gage on which the measurement is being made is open to the hydraulic system so as not to reduce the rate of distention of the sample.3.1.5As an alternate to 3.1.4, a pressure transducer with suitable signal processing circuitry to display the maximum bursting pressure may be used provided it gives comparable results.3.1.6Electronic instruments are now available that automate and speed up the testing procedure. These instruments must maintain the critical elements of 3.1.1 through 3.1.3.NOTE 1:Care should be taken when comparing results between bourdon tube and electronic measuring systems. Differences in test results can arise due to differences in system expansibility and speed of data acquisition.3.1.7 Vernier caliper with micrometer gage to measure penetration of the upper clamping platen into the board.4.Calibration4.1Calibrate apparatus as per Instrument Manufacturers specifications.4.2Appendix A.1 of TAPPI T 807 describes a calibration procedure for one manufacturers apparatus.5.Sampling and test specimens5.1Solid fiberboard5.1.1From each test unit obtained in accordance with TAPPI T 400 "Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Containerboard, or Related Product," prepare five specimens at least 305 × 305 mm (12 × 12 in.). If the dimensions of each sheet of the test unit are too small, then use specimens no less than 102 mm (4 in.) wide and of sufficient length or number to permit a total of 20 bursts.5.2Corrugated board5.2.1From each test unit obtained in accordance with T 400, prepare five specimens at least 305 × 305 mm (12 × 12 in.). If size does not permit this, take specimens no less than 152 mm (6 in.) wide and of sufficient length or number to permit a total of 20 bursts.6.ConditioningCondition all specimens prior to testing and conduct tests in an atmosphere in accordance with TAPPIT 402 "Standard Conditioning and Testing Atmospheres for Paper, Board, Pulp Handsheets, and Related Products."7.Procedure7.1Solid fiberboard7.1.1Insert the specimen between the clamping ring and diaphragm plate, then apply a clamping pressure of 690 kPa (100 psi) either manually, pneumatically, or hydraulically and verify the pressure applied to the specimen. The specimen must not slip during the test.7.1.2Apply the bursting pressure by forcing the piston forward until the diaphragm ruptures the specimen. Record the maximum pressure registered.7.1.3Allot a minimum area of 102 x 102 mm (4 × 4 in.) for each burst to prevent the clamping areas from overlapping. Make an equal number of bursts from each side of the specimen. Arrange that no more than one burst fromeach side of the specimen falls in the same line of machine formation. Make no test on areas containing wrinkles, creases, or other obvious imperfections. Make a minimum of 6 bursts on each 305 × 305 mm (12 × 12 in.) specimen and a maximum of 10 bursts to determine the average bursting strength of the material tested.7.2Corrugated board7.2.1Insert the specimen between the clamping ring and the diaphragm plate. Apply a clamping pressure so that the top compression ring moves into the board to a depth as follows: "A" flute 2.08 ± 0.05 mm (0.082 ± 0.002 in.); "B" flute 0.81 ± 0.05 mm (0.032 ± 0.002 in.); "C" flute 1.62 ± 0.05 mm (0.062 ± 0.002 in.) and for Double Wall 3.05± 0.07 mm (0.12 ± 0.003 in.). The specimen must not slip during the test. Apply the bursting pressure by forcing the piston forward until the diaphragm ruptures the specimen. Record the maximum pressure registered.NOTE 2:On some testers equipped with a clamping wheel this corresponds to: "A" flute 3/4 turn; "B" flute 1/4 turn; "C" flute ½ turn and double wall 1 turn. Due to the surface and frictional characteristics of the board, the penetration depth to prevent slippage couldvary by +1/4 of a turn. If the tester is equipped with a hand wheel, pneumatic or hydraulic loading system adjust clamping pressureso that the sample will just slip between the clamping rings, measure the distance between the yoke and top clamping ring (see Fig.1), and adjust the pressure to get the specified penetration depth. There should be no slipping during the test, if slippage does occurincrease the penetration depth.7.2.2On corrugated board a minimum area of 152 × 152 mm (6 × 6 in.) is required for each burst. A22maximum of four bursts, two from each direction, is therefore made on each 930 cm (1 ft) specimen. A margin of at least 25 mm (1 in.) is left between the periphery of the clamping ring and the edge of the specimen. Locate the bursts so that not more than one burst from each direction is made in line with the same corrugation. Make a minimum of 20 bursts.NOTE 3:On testers with adjustable clamp pressure (pneumatic or hydraulic) the following alternative clamp procedure can be used.Determine the clamping force required to collapse the flutes of the test material. Reduce the clamp pressure by 35 kPa (5 psi) torun the burst tests.NOTE 4:Occasionally a "double pop" may occur on some corrugated materials. These results should be included in the report and labeled as double pops.8.Report2For each test unit report the average of the test determinations in kilopascals (or in lb/in. equivalent to kPa/6.89) to three significant figures.NOTE 5:For purposes of determining compliance with the optional carrier classification requirements, Uniform Freight Classification Rule41 and National Motor Freight Classification Item 222 specify a minimum bursting test rather than an average of the testdeterminations. These rules state, in effect, that only one burst (out of the six prescribed) is permitted to fall below the minimumtest required. Board failing to pass the foregoing will be accepted if, in a retest consisting of 24 bursts, not over 4 bursts fall belowthe minimum test required.9.Precision9.1Repeatability (within a laboratory) = 5.7%9.2Reproducibility (between laboratories) = 13.5%9.3The above values were obtained using test results, each an average of 20 determinations among 12 laboratories on 6 different corrugated combinations. The interlaboratory study was conducted in accordance with TAPPI T 1200 "Interlaboratory Evaluation of Test Methods Used with Paper and Board Products" by the Fibre Box Association Technical Committee, 1971-2.10.KeywordsCorrugated boards, Fiber boards, Burst strength.。


1963年McKee et al.出版的一篇文章已经成为这一领域中有着奠基意义的学术论文,其中包含了推算纸箱抗压强度的公式。
随后,人们进一步修改了这一方法,如1972年的Wolf,1993年Batelka et. Al. 和1994年Challas et. Al.等等。
而“简化的 McKee等式”仍然被认为是纸箱抗压强度和纸板参数之间的最佳关联模式。
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Names of suppliers of testing equipment and materials for this method may be found on the Test Equipment Suppliers list in the bound 1set of TAPPI Test Methods, or may be available from the TAPPI Technical Operations Department.Approved by the Fiberboard Shipping Container Testing Committee of the Corrugated Containers DivisionTAPPIT 810 om-98SUGGESTED METHOD – 1966OFFICIAL TEST METHOD – 1980REVISED – 1985REVISED – 1992REVISED – 1998© 1998 TAPPIThe information and data contained in this document were preparedby a technical committee of the Association. The committee and theAssociation assume no liability or responsibility in connection with theuse of such information or data, including but not limited to anyliability or responsibility under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws.The user is responsible for determining that this document is the mostrecent edition published.Bursting strength of corrugated and solid fiberboard1.ScopeThis method describes the procedure for measuring the bursting strength of single wall and double wall corrugated and solid fiberboard. It is not designed to be used for the bursting strength of paper (TAPPI T 403 "Bursting Strength of Paper"), paperboard and linerboard (TAPPI T 807 "Bursting Strength of Paperboard and Linerboard"), or triple wall corrugated board.2.SignificanceThe bursting strength of combined board is primarily an indication of the character of the materials used in manufacturing a fiberboard box and has value in this respect. Bursting strength of combined board is an optional requirement of the various carrier regulations for shipping containers. The bursting strength of the component paperboard is an important control test in the paperboard mill since the conformity of the finished container is generally controlled by the bursting strength of the paperboard. Triple-wall corrugated board cannot be tested suitably by the bursting method. Testing of double-wall board is of questionable accuracy since it is rarely possible to get sufficiently simultaneous bursts of the multiple facings. The test is simple and rapid to execute, but it must be recognized that it is subject to serious errors if instrument, diaphragm, and gages are not properly maintained or if improper procedures are used (1, 2, 3).3.Apparatus3.1Bursting tester , consisting of the following:13.1.1Means for clamping the test specimen between two annular, plane surfaces having fine concentric tool marks to minimize slippage. The upper clamping platen (clamping ring) has a minimum diameter of 95.3 mm (3.75 in.),a minimum thickness of 9.53 mm (0.375 in.), and a circular opening of 31.50 ± 0.03 mm (1.240 ± 0.001 in.) diameter.The lower edge of the opening (side in contact with the board) has a 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) radius. The lower clamping surface (diaphragm plate) has a thickness of 5.56 ± 0.08 mm (0.219 ± 0.003 in.) with an opening 31.50 ± 0.03 mm (1.240± 0.001 in.) in diameter and an overall diameter at least as large as the upper clamping plate.. The upper edge of the opening (in contact with the board) has a 0.41 mm ± 0.1 mm (0.016 ± 0.004 in.) radius and the lower edge of the opening (in contact with the rubber diaphragm) has a radius of 3.1 ± 0.1 mm (0.122 ± 0.004 in.) to prevent cutting the rubber when pressure is applied. The upper clamping ring is connected to the clamping mechanism through a swivel joint tofacilitate an even clamping pressure. The openings in the two clamping plates are required to be concentric to within 0.13 mm (0.0051 in.) and their clamping faces flat and parallel (see T 807 Appendix A.1.1).3.1.2 A molded (disk-shaped) diaphragm requiring a pressure of not less than 160 kPa nor more than 210 kPa (not less than 23 psi nor more than 30 psi) to distend it to a height of 9.53 mm (0.375 in.) above the diaphragm plate (see T 807, Appendix A.1.2.)3.1.3Means of forcing liquid into the pressure chamber below the diaphragm at a steady rate of 170 ± 16 mL/min (0.045 ± 0.004 gal/min). This pressure shall be generated by a motor-driven piston forcing a liquid (glycerin) into the pressure chamber of the apparatus (see T 807, Appendix A.1.3).3.1.4 A Bourdon pressure gage of the maximum reading or the lazy hand type. The scale should have a radius of 47.6 mm (1.875 in.) with graduations extending over a minimum arc of 270° indicating bursting pressure in kPa or psi, with an accuracy of 0.5% of full scale, and have sufficient capacity so that all readings can be maintained in the middle half of the scale. In its operating position, have the gage inclined between horizontal and not over 30° from the horizontal. When more than one gage is mounted on a single apparatus, only the gage on which the measurement is being made is open to the hydraulic system so as not to reduce the rate of distention of the sample.3.1.5As an alternate to 3.1.4, a pressure transducer with suitable signal processing circuitry to display the maximum bursting pressure may be used provided it gives comparable results.3.1.6Electronic instruments are now available that automate and speed up the testing procedure. These instruments must maintain the critical elements of 3.1.1 through 3.1.3.NOTE 1:Care should be taken when comparing results between bourdon tube and electronic measuring systems. Differences in test results can arise due to differences in system expansibility and speed of data acquisition.3.1.7 Vernier caliper with micrometer gage to measure penetration of the upper clamping platen into the board.4.Calibration4.1Calibrate apparatus as per Instrument Manufacturers specifications.4.2Appendix A.1 of TAPPI T 807 describes a calibration procedure for one manufacturers apparatus.5.Sampling and test specimens5.1Solid fiberboard5.1.1From each test unit obtained in accordance with TAPPI T 400 "Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of Paper, Paperboard, Containerboard, or Related Product," prepare five specimens at least 305 × 305 mm (12 × 12 in.). If the dimensions of each sheet of the test unit are too small, then use specimens no less than 102 mm (4 in.) wide and of sufficient length or number to permit a total of 20 bursts.5.2Corrugated board5.2.1From each test unit obtained in accordance with T 400, prepare five specimens at least 305 × 305 mm (12 × 12 in.). If size does not permit this, take specimens no less than 152 mm (6 in.) wide and of sufficient length or number to permit a total of 20 bursts.6.ConditioningCondition all specimens prior to testing and conduct tests in an atmosphere in accordance with TAPPIT 402 "Standard Conditioning and Testing Atmospheres for Paper, Board, Pulp Handsheets, and Related Products."7.Procedure7.1Solid fiberboard7.1.1Insert the specimen between the clamping ring and diaphragm plate, then apply a clamping pressure of 690 kPa (100 psi) either manually, pneumatically, or hydraulically and verify the pressure applied to the specimen. The specimen must not slip during the test.7.1.2Apply the bursting pressure by forcing the piston forward until the diaphragm ruptures the specimen. Record the maximum pressure registered.7.1.3Allot a minimum area of 102 x 102 mm (4 × 4 in.) for each burst to prevent the clamping areas from overlapping. Make an equal number of bursts from each side of the specimen. Arrange that no more than one burst fromeach side of the specimen falls in the same line of machine formation. Make no test on areas containing wrinkles, creases, or other obvious imperfections. Make a minimum of 6 bursts on each 305 × 305 mm (12 × 12 in.) specimen and a maximum of 10 bursts to determine the average bursting strength of the material tested.7.2Corrugated board7.2.1Insert the specimen between the clamping ring and the diaphragm plate. Apply a clamping pressure so that the top compression ring moves into the board to a depth as follows: "A" flute 2.08 ± 0.05 mm (0.082 ± 0.002 in.); "B" flute 0.81 ± 0.05 mm (0.032 ± 0.002 in.); "C" flute 1.62 ± 0.05 mm (0.062 ± 0.002 in.) and for Double Wall 3.05± 0.07 mm (0.12 ± 0.003 in.). The specimen must not slip during the test. Apply the bursting pressure by forcing the piston forward until the diaphragm ruptures the specimen. Record the maximum pressure registered.NOTE 2:On some testers equipped with a clamping wheel this corresponds to: "A" flute 3/4 turn; "B" flute 1/4 turn; "C" flute ½ turn and double wall 1 turn. Due to the surface and frictional characteristics of the board, the penetration depth to prevent slippage couldvary by +1/4 of a turn. If the tester is equipped with a hand wheel, pneumatic or hydraulic loading system adjust clamping pressureso that the sample will just slip between the clamping rings, measure the distance between the yoke and top clamping ring (see Fig.1), and adjust the pressure to get the specified penetration depth. There should be no slipping during the test, if slippage does occurincrease the penetration depth.7.2.2On corrugated board a minimum area of 152 × 152 mm (6 × 6 in.) is required for each burst. A22maximum of four bursts, two from each direction, is therefore made on each 930 cm (1 ft) specimen. A margin of at least 25 mm (1 in.) is left between the periphery of the clamping ring and the edge of the specimen. Locate the bursts so that not more than one burst from each direction is made in line with the same corrugation. Make a minimum of 20 bursts.NOTE 3:On testers with adjustable clamp pressure (pneumatic or hydraulic) the following alternative clamp procedure can be used.Determine the clamping force required to collapse the flutes of the test material. Reduce the clamp pressure by 35 kPa (5 psi) torun the burst tests.NOTE 4:Occasionally a "double pop" may occur on some corrugated materials. These results should be included in the report and labeled as double pops.8.Report2For each test unit report the average of the test determinations in kilopascals (or in lb/in. equivalent to kPa/6.89) to three significant figures.NOTE 5:For purposes of determining compliance with the optional carrier classification requirements, Uniform Freight Classification Rule41 and National Motor Freight Classification Item 222 specify a minimum bursting test rather than an average of the testdeterminations. These rules state, in effect, that only one burst (out of the six prescribed) is permitted to fall below the minimumtest required. Board failing to pass the foregoing will be accepted if, in a retest consisting of 24 bursts, not over 4 bursts fall belowthe minimum test required.9.Precision9.1Repeatability (within a laboratory) = 5.7%9.2Reproducibility (between laboratories) = 13.5%9.3The above values were obtained using test results, each an average of 20 determinations among 12 laboratories on 6 different corrugated combinations. The interlaboratory study was conducted in accordance with TAPPI T 1200 "Interlaboratory Evaluation of Test Methods Used with Paper and Board Products" by the Fibre Box Association Technical Committee, 1971-2.10.KeywordsCorrugated boards, Fiber boards, Burst strength.。