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汉高 LOCTITE EA E-30CL双组份环氧树脂胶水说明书

安全技术说明书根据GB/T 16483-2008第 1 页 共 6 页LOCTITE EA E-30CL 又名 Loc.E-30CL H. Ep. Adh 50ML(REL)安全技术说明书编号 : 164727V 001.2修订: 19.12.2012 发布日期: 20.01.2016化学品中文名称: LOCTITE EA E-30CL 又名 Loc.E-30CL H. Ep. Adh 50ML(REL)企业信息:汉高(中国)投资有限公司 张衡路928号 201203 中国上海市浦东新区中国电话: +86-21-2891 8000 传真:+86-21-2891 5137生效日期: 19.12.2012应急信息: 应急电话:+86 532 8388 9090 (24小时)。
物质或混合物的分类根据GB 13690-2009 (化学品分类和危险性公示通则):危险分类 危险类别 接触途径 靶器官 金属腐蚀剂 第1类皮肤腐蚀/刺激 第1B 类 皮肤接触 皮肤敏化作用第1A 类 皮肤接触 对水生环境有慢性危害第2类标签要素根据GB 15258-2009 (化学品安全标签编写规定):象形图:信号词:危险危险性说明:H290 可能腐蚀金属。
H314 造成严重皮肤灼伤和眼损伤。
H317 可能导致皮肤过敏反应H411 对水生生物有毒并具有长期持续影响。
乐泰 243TDS

Technical Data SheetProduct 243Worldwide Version, October 1995产品简介LOCTITE 产品243是一种单组份、触变性粘度及中强度厌氧性螺纹锁固胶。
本品在两个紧密配合的金属表面间, 并与空气隔绝时固化。
固化前的特性 典型值 允许范围 化学类型 二甲基丙烯酸酯 外观 具有荧光性 比重 @ 25癈 1.08 粘度 @ 25 C, mPa.s (cP)Brookfield RVT 3#转子, 2.5转/分 12,000 6,000 to18,00020转/分2,250 1,500 to 3,000 DIN 54453, MV D = 129 s-1 after t=180秒350 250 to 500 闪点 (TCC), C >93典型固化性能固化速度与被粘材料的关系固化速度取决于被粘材料的种类。
下图所示是根据 IS0 10964测试的,243在M10钢螺母和螺栓与其它材料上,在不同固化时间下的破坏强度。
S t e lZ i n c D h r o m a t eSt a i n l e s s S t e e l B r a s5m i n 10m i n 30m i n 1h r 3h r 6h r 24h r72h r C u r e T i m e , H o u r s255075100% o f F u l S t r e n g h固化速度与粘接间隙的关系固化速度取决于粘接间隙的大小。
下图所示是根据ISO 10123测试的243在不同间隙的钢销和销套上,在不同固化时间下的剪切强度。
5m i n 10m i n 30m i n 1h r 3h r 6h r 24h r72h r C u r e T i m e , H o u r s255075100% o f F u l S t r e n g h0.15m0.5m 0.25m固化速度与温度的关系固化速度取决于周围温度的不同情况。

Overview 概览Product Description 产品描述Physical properties (liquid state)物理性质(液态)Recommended Pre-cure condition 推荐预固化条件* Sum of UV-A, UV-B, UV-C and UV-V.Recommended UV cure condition*推荐紫外线固化条件* Fully curing, Adhesive thickness 50㎛ [Glass to Glass]{完全固化,胶厚度50㎛[玻璃对玻璃]}Physical properties (Solid state, Cured at recommended UV cure condition)物理性能(固态,在建议紫外线固化条件下固化)SKA-PL-888MF is designed for optically bonding anti-reflective glass, plastics or touch sensor to the front of a flat panel display. The product has shown low shrinkage and high refractive index. The low viscosity nature of SKA-PL-888MF increases work efficiency and is easy to de-bubbling. And this product is easy to apply pre-cure process for cleaning and rework.Fast curing快速固化Cure speed 固化速度SKA-PL-888MF 是一款用于粘接平面显示器面板(防眩玻璃、塑料、触摸屏)的液态光学胶,具有低收缩率和高折射率的优点。

5 °C
40 °C
钢 重铬酸锌
0 1min
5min10min 30min 1h 3h 6h
24h 72h
0 1min
5min10min 30min 1h 3h 6h
24h 72h
固化速度与促进剂的关系 当固化速度很慢或者间隙较大时,应用促进剂可以加快固 化速度. 下图显示在M10 镀锌钢制螺栓和螺母上,使用促 进剂7471™ 和 7649™,其破坏力矩和时间的关系。测试标 准 ISO 10964 标准.
Technical Data Sheet
产品说明 LOCTITE® 222 具有下列性能
LOCTITE603 产品说明书

Technical Data SheetLOCTITE®603December2009PRODUCT DESCRIPTION®LOCTITE®603is designed for the bonding of cylindrical fittingparts,particularly where consistently clean surfaces cannot beassured.The product cures when confined in the absence ofair between close fitting metal surfaces and prevents looseningand leakage from shock and vibration.Typical applicationsinclude retaining roller bearings or oil impregnated bushingsinto housings.NSF InternationalRegistered to NSF Category P1for use as a sealant wherethere is no possibilty of food contact in and around foodprocessing areas.Note:This is a regional approval.Pleasecontact your local Technical Service Center for moreinformation and clarification.TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIALSpecific Gravity@ 25°C 1.1Flash Point-See MSDSViscosity,Brookfield -RVT, 25°C,mPa·s(cP):Spindle1,speed20rpm100 to150LMSViscosity, EN12092 -MV,25°C,after180s,mPa·s(cP):Shear rate277s-190 to180TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCECure Speed vs.SubstrateThe rate of cure will depend on the substrate used. The graphbelow shows the shear strength developed with time on steelpins and collars compared to different materials and testedaccording to ISO10123.%ofFullStrengthonSteelCure Time1007550251min5min10min30min1h3h6h24h72hSt ee lA l um in umZinc d ichrom ateCure Speed vs.Bond GapThe rate of cure will depend on the bondline gap. The followinggraph shows shear strength developed with time on steel pinsand collars at different controlled gaps and tested according toISO10123.%ofFullStrengthonSteelCure Time1007550251min5min10min30min1h3h6h24h72h.15mm.2mm.5mmCure Speed vs.TemperatureThe rate of cure will depend on the temperature.The graphbelow shows the shear strength developed with time atdifferent temperatures on steel pins and collars and testedaccording to ISO10123.%ofFullStrengthonSteelCure Time1007550251min5min10min30min1h3h6h24h72h4°C22°C5°CCure Speed vs.ActivatorWhere cure speed is unacceptably long,or large gaps are present,applying activator to the surface will improve cure speed.The graph below shows the shear strength developed with time on zinc dichromate steel pins and collars using Activator 7471™and 7649™ and tested according to ISO 10123.% o f F u l l S t r e n g t h o n S t e e lCure Time10075502501min5min 10min 30min 1h3h 6h 24h72hNo a ctiva tor Activator 7471™Activator 7649™TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF CURED MATERIALPhysical Properties :Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, ISO 11359-2,K -180×10-6 Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity, ISO 8302,W/(m·K)0.1Specific Heat,kJ/(kg·K)0.3TYPICAL PERFORMANCE OF CURED MATERIALAdhesive PropertiesAfter 24 hours @22°CCompressive Shear Strength, ISO 10123:Steel pins and collars N/mm² ≥22.5LMS(psi) (3,260)After 30 minutes @22°CCompressive Shear Strength, ISO 10123:Steel pins and collars N/mm² ≥13.5LMS(psi) (1,960)TYPICAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCECured for 1 week @22°CCompressive Shear Strength, ISO 10123:Steel pins and collarsHot StrengthTested at temperature% S t r e n g t h @ 22 °CTemperature, °C100755025050100150Heat AgingAged at temperature indicated and tested @22°C% I n i t i a l S t r e n g t h @ 22 °CExposure Time, hours1251007550250010002000300040005000120 °C150 °CChemical/Solvent ResistanceAged under conditions indicated and tested @22°C.%of initial strength Environment°C 100h500h 1000h Motor oil (MIL-L-46152)125100100100Unleaded Petrol 221009085Brake fluid 221009080Water/glycol 50/50871009080Ethanol 2210010075Acetone22909090GENERAL INFORMATIONThis product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials For safe handling information on this product,consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).Where aqueous washing systems are used to clean the surfaces before bonding,it is important to check for compatibility of the washing solution with the adhesive. In some cases these aqueous washes can affect the cure and performance of the adhesive.This product is not normally recommended for use on plastics (particularly thermoplastic materials where stress cracking of the plastic could result). Users are recommended to confirm compatibility of the product with such substrates.Directions for use:For Assembly1.For best results,clean all surfaces(external and internal)with a LOCTITE®cleaning solvent and allow to dry.2.If the material is an inactive metal or the cure speed is tooslow,spray with Activator7471™or7649™ and allow to dry.3.For Slip Fitted Assemblies,apply adhesive around theleading edge of the pin and the inside of the collar and use a rotating motion during assembly to ensure good coverage.4.For Press Fitted Assemblies,apply adhesive thoroughlyto both bond surfaces and assemble at high press on rates.5.For Shrink Fitted Assemblies the adhesive should becoated onto the pin,the collar should then be heated to create sufficient clearance for free assembly.6.Parts should not be disturbed until sufficient handlingstrength is achieved.For Disassembly1.Apply localized heat to the assembly to approximately250°C. Disassemble while hot.For Cleanup1.Cured product can be removed with a combination ofsoaking in a Loctite solvent and mechanical abrasion such as a wire brush.Loctite Material Specification LMSLMS dated September1,1995. Test reports for each batch are available for the indicated properties. LMS test reports include selected QC test parameters considered appropriate to specifications for customer use. Additionally,comprehensive controls are in place to assure product quality and consistency. Special customer specification requirements may be coordinated through Henkel Quality.StorageStore product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.Optimal Storage: 8°C to21°C. Storage below8°C or greater than28°C can adversely affect product properties. Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated.If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.Conversions(°C x1.8)+32=°FkV/mm x25.4=V/milmm/25.4=inchesµm/25.4=milN x0.225=lbN/mm x5.71=lb/inN/mm²x145=psiMPa x145=psiN·m x 8.851= lb·inN·m x0.738=lb·ftN·mm x0.142=oz·inmPa·s=cP NoteThe data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof.In light of the foregoing,Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind,including lost profits.The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use,using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.Trademark usageExcept as otherwise noted,all trademarks in this document are trademarks of Henkel Corporation in the U.S.and elsewhere. ®denotes a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Reference0.3。
Loctite 胶水产品选型手册说明书

Instant SolutionsProduct Selector GuideSelectionLoctite ® 3092™ Instant Adhesive Fast two-part CA bonds gaps up to 0.200” (5 mm). Particularly suited for bonding plastics, rubbers, wood, paper andmetals. High precision dispensing tips.Loctite ® 454™ Instant Adhesive Surface insensitive CA providing excellent bond strengths to many materials including plastics, elastomers, metals and platings. Excellent for dry or acidic conditions. Non-sag gel prevents drips.Loctite ® 435™ Instant AdhesiveLow viscositytoughened CA with increased flexibility, peel strength and resistance to shock. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials.Loctite ® 411™ Instant AdhesiveHigh viscosity toughened CA with increased flexibility, peel strength and resistance to shock. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials.Loctite ® 406™ Instant Adhesive Wicking viscosity CA for tight bond lines. Surface insensitive grade providing excellent bond strengths to many materials including plastics, elastomers metals and platings. Excellent for dry or acidic conditions.Loctite ® 401™ Instant Adhesive Low viscosity surface insensitive CA provides excellent bond strengths to most materials including plastics, elastomers metals and platings. Excellent for dry or acidic conditions.What type of materIal are you bondIng?low Surface energy plastics (pp , pe, acetal, ptfe, etc.)all other materials (except glass)premium Surface Insensitive Cas (bond very well to most materials)low odor/low bloom Cas (for aesthetic & odor sensitiveapplications) light Cure Cas – rapid Cure (provide extremely fastcure speeds) toughened/Impact resistant Cas (for applications with vibration &shock)two-part Ca (for high gap applications)rubber bondingCaCa accelerators (Speeds cure of exposed Cas)use primer with premium Cas Wicking Viscositylow Viscosity non-Sag gelmedium Viscositynon-Sag gel low Viscositymedium Viscositylow Viscosity high Viscosity non-Sag gel low Viscosityuse accelerator with premiumCas770™406™401™454™403™455™4310™4311™435™411™3092™404®Quick Set ™7452™Color Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear/Pale Green Clear/Pale Green Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear/Ambergap fill (in.)N/A 0.0040.0050.0100.0080.0100.0040.0080.0060.0080.2000.005N/A Viscosity (cp) 1.252090Gel 1,200Gel 1751,0501755,000Gel 800.4Shear Strength*(psi)N/A 3,2003,2003,2002,6002,6003,190**3,760**2,7003,2003,2003,500N/A temperaturerange N/A -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 200°F (93°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 200°F (93°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 240°F (116°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 240°F (116°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 225°F (107°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 210°F (99°C)-4°F (-20°C) to 176°F (80°C)-65°F (-54°C) to 180°F (82°C)N/A fix time (sec.)N/A1515155040<5µ<5µ303015 sec.¥ 3.5 min.§30N/ASolutionProduct Description•One-component, no-mix products that cure rapidly at room temperature without heat or light, make cyanoacrylates exceptionally easy to use.•Excellent bond strength to the widest range of plastics, rubbers and metals.•Widest selection of products, including specialty grades suitable for applications where impact resistance, flexibility, gap filling, low odor or extremely fast curing is required.Loctite ® 403™ Instant Adhesive Low odor, low blooming CA well suited for cosmetic applications or where vapor ventilation is difficult. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials.Loctite ® 455™ Instant Adhesive Low odor, low blooming CA well suited for cosmetic applications or where vapor ventilation is difficult. Surface insensitive providing excellent bond strengths to most materials. Non-sag gel prevents drips.Loctite ® 4310™Flashcure ® Light Cure AdhesivesLight cure CA cures where light reaches and also in shadowed areas via surface moisture. Toughened, fluorescent adhesive that cures tack free in 2-5 seconds. Lower viscosity for tighter bond lines.¥At 0.002" gap.§At 0.200" gap.* Grit-blasted steel.** Polycarbonate.µFull cure = 24 hours without UV exposure.Loctite ® 4311™Flashcure ® Light Cure AdhesivesLight cure CA cures where light reaches and also in shadowed areas via surface moisture. Toughened, fluorescent adhesive that cures tack free in 2-5 seconds. Higher viscosity to minimize dripping.Loctite ® 404® Quick Set ™ Instant Adhesive Excellent for bonding rubbers where very fast fixturing isrequired. For general maintenance and repair.Loctite ® 7452™Tak Pak ® Accelerator Used where increased cure speed of Loctite ® CAs is required. Can either be pre or post applied.Loctite ® 770™ PrimerA heptane based adhesion promoter formulated for use with polyolefins and other low surface energy plastics. Use with Loctite ® Premium Surface Insensitive CAs. Fast dry time and good on part life.YourApplication。

Arcrylate Urethane
Page 15
AP Product Development capability Equipment development
Equipment design for specified application OEM manufacturer/supplier outsourcing
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1. Dispensing LOCA to one substrate.
Dispensing machine
Dispensing pattern design might be different based on machine/customer spec.
Glass Machine
4. Inspection & Cleaning :
Glass LOCA Insulation layer (Glass or PET) LOCA Glass or PET

为什么使用Loctite®光固化胶粘剂?光固化胶粘剂除具有优异的粘接性能和高透明度外,还能提供独特的工艺优势和显著的降低工艺成本的优势.当暴露在合适波长的足够光强下,他们能迅速固化,从而获得快速生产节奏,在线质量控制和快速周转从而获得连续的工艺步骤.紫外线固化胶粘剂有多种的产品体系,可以获得更佳的性能和表现.Loctite®光固化设备能提供合适的光强和光谱配合胶粘剂的使用,可以满足有特定部件尺寸和生产工艺的要求.Loctite®紫外线固化胶水的优势紫外线固化技术可以提供独特的性能,设计和工艺一体的优势:按需求固化• 胶粘剂暴露在紫外光系统前是液态,光照数秒内可固化• 固化前有足够时间允许部件精确定位• 不同的固化系统决定不同的固化时间快速固化• 获得高效生产速率,从而达到最大生产量• 快速周转以保证连续生产步骤光学透明度• 适合粘接有光洁表面的清澈透明基材• 大大地拓宽了基材选择质量保障• 利用荧光特性检测胶水的存在• 快速固化从而允许100%在线检测• 通过光强,光照时间等固化参数监测性能单组分系统• 自动精确点胶• 不需要称量和混合,没有操作时间限制• 不含溶剂选择合适的Loctite®光固化胶粘剂为确保可靠的固化,光线照到胶水表面这一点非常重要.至少其中一面被粘基材对于所选择胶水固化所需的波长是可穿透的.例如,对于耐UV的塑料,就必须选择可见光固化系统和INDIGO的胶粘剂.双重固化特性,如加热或催化剂,湿气或厌氧固化,都可用以帮助阴影区域的胶水进行固化.双重固化大大拓宽了光固化技术在不透明基材上的应用,以及其他胶粘剂技术和应用领域的发展.特定的光照波长也是另一个很重要的因素.可见光可提供更完全的工作环境.尤其是INDIGO光固化胶粘剂, 在可见光谱中的低能量光照下就可固化.这样可免除通风的需求,降低能耗,而且由于更少的维修维护和置换,大大降低了成本最后但同样重要的是,胶粘剂性能是需要考虑的最重要的一个因素.Loctite®光固化胶粘剂覆盖了最为广泛的胶粘剂技术:Loctite®光固化胶粘剂技术• 光固化丙烯酸类胶粘剂在所有光固化化学中能提供最广阔的性能特点.其光学透明度可与玻璃和透明塑料相媲美,而万能的粘接特性更是其最为显著的特点.• 光固化硅胶类胶粘剂,固化后可形成柔软有韧性的热固性弹性体,有着优异的弹性粘接,密封和防泄漏特性.• 光固化氰基丙烯酸酯类胶粘剂能提供卓越的塑料粘接特性,并在低强度光照下能快速固化.• 光固化厌氧类胶粘剂具有优异的金属粘接性能和耐化学介质特性,并可在阴影区域固化.表面处理:对于所有的胶粘剂而言,正确的表面处理是获得整体成功的关键因素之一.• 待粘接表面必须清洁,干燥,无油脂.必要的话,使用Loctite®7063或Loctite®7070清洁部件,然后晾干点胶设备和光固化系统对于某些应用,手动将胶水从瓶中点到待粘接表面已经可以满足要求.而在其他一些应用,则要求更精确的手持或是固定的自动点胶方式.Loctite®点胶设备是专门设计开发来满足应用,和胶水配合使用更快,更精确,更清洁和更经济.半自动点胶系统半自动点胶系统适合低到中等黏度的Loctite®光固化胶粘剂的施胶点和胶滴作业,也可设计整合入生产线使用.阀是标准组件设计,便于现场维修.储胶罐可容纳1升的Loctite®包装瓶.通过控制器驱动阀和储胶罐,并通过脚踏板,键盘或是高级PLC实现操作.还包含压力调节器以提供滤后气源.备和光固化系统:光固化系统Loctite®光固化系统对手动的工作台或是一体化的生产线均为适用.可以针对所选择的胶水以及待粘接基材的透明度来选择不同的灯泡类型和LED技术,来确保得到合适波长的紫外光线.(具体详情请参见第206页光固化设备)有关半自动或全自动点胶设备,可选用的阀, 备用件, 附件以及点胶配件等的更多信息,请参见Loctite®设备选择指南.有不透明基材所造成的阴影区域吗?有因阴影区域而需要双重固化吗?否玻璃粘接?玻璃和其他基材粘接Loctite® 3491 特别清澈快荧光性:无粘度:1,100 mPa.s 颜色:透明工作温度范围:-40 至+130℃•紫外线固化丙烯酸酯• 太阳光照下低黄化• 适合塑料、玻璃和金属的粘结Loctite® 352 Capillary 荧光性:无粘度:19,500mPa.s 颜色:透明,淡琥珀色工作温度范围:-54℃至135℃• 紫外线,加热,促进剂多重固化丙烯酸酯;• 坚韧而有柔性,耐振动和冲击性好;• 适合金属和玻璃的粘接.Loctite® 3494 快速固化荧光性:无粘度:6,000mPa.s 颜色:清澈工作温度范围:-40 至+120℃• 紫外/可见光固化丙烯酸酯•太阳光照下低黄化• 适合塑料、玻璃和金属的粘结Loctite® 3922高强度低黏度荧光性:有粘度:300 mPa.s 颜色:无色透明工作温度范围:-40 至+130℃• 紫外/可见光固化丙烯酸酯• 太阳光照下低黄化• 适合塑料、玻璃和金属的粘结• 3311的荧光版本有不透明基材所造成的阴影区域吗?有因阴影区域而需要双重固化吗?否玻璃粘接? 非玻璃粘接Loctite® 3106高韧性PC/PVC粘接荧光性:无粘度:5,500 mPa.s 颜色:透明淡黄色工作温度范围:-54 至+148℃• 紫外线/可见光固化丙烯酸酯• 柔韧,耐震动• 适合玻璃,塑料和大多数金属的粘接• 尤适合粘接PC和PVCLoctite® 3341高韧性增塑PVC粘接荧光性:有粘度:450 mPa.s 颜色:透明浅稻草色工作温度范围:-54 至+148℃• ISO10993认证• 柔韧,减震• 适合粘接热塑性材料,尤适合高增塑PVC的粘接Loctite® 3555高强度快速固化荧光性:有粘度:450 mPa.s 颜色:透明浅黄色工作温度范围:-40 至+100℃• 可见光+快速固化• 紫外线/可见光/INDIGO光照固化• 适合塑料和金属的粘结有不透明基材所造成的阴影区域吗?有因阴影区域而需要双重固化吗?是Loctite® 4304高强度即时粘接荧光性:无粘度:20 mPa.s 颜色:透明浅绿色工作温度范围:-40 至+100℃• 紫外线/可见光固化的粘结氰基丙烯酸酯• 借住表面湿气固化• 适合塑料、金属和纸张等的粘结Loctite® 5091高弹性硅胶荧光性:无粘度:5,000 mPa.s 颜色:半透明浅乳白色工作温度范围:-60 至+180℃• 紫外线固化硅胶,湿气/室温二次固化• 适合弹性粘结和密封应用• 适合金属、玻璃和大多数塑料粘结良好Loctite® 3555• 可见光+快速固化• 紫外线/可见光/INDIGO光照固化• 适合塑料和金属的粘结光固化胶粘剂产品表固化适宜波长双重固化:粘度(mPa.s)使用温度范围(℃)固化深度颜色:荧光性:* Loctite® 97055, 100 mW/cm2® @ 365 固化** 365 nm @ 6 mW/cm2 光照Med = ISO 10993 认证,适合用于医疗设备器械产品化学类型固化适宜波长双重固化粘度(mPa.s)使用温度范围(℃) 固化深度颜色荧光性Loctite® 322 丙稀酸酯紫外光无5,500 -40 至+100 4 无色透明无Loctite® 326 丙稀酸酯紫外光厌氧固化14,000 -40 至+120 4 蓝色无Loctite® 350 丙稀酸酯紫外光无4,500 -40 至+120 4 无色透明浅琥珀色无Loctite® 352 丙稀酸酯紫外光促进剂7075 15,000 -40 至+150 4 透明琥珀色无Loctite® 3011Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无110 -40 至+100 4 透明浅琥珀色无Loctite® 3081Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无100 -40 至+120 4 清澈有Loctite® 3211MedLoctite® 3103 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无10,000thixo. -40 至+140 >13 透明琥珀色无Loctite® 3301Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无160 -40 至+130 >13 无色透明无Loctite® 3311MedLoctite® 3105 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无300 -40 至+130 >13 无色透明无Loctite® 3321MedLoctite® 3106 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无5,500 -40 至+150 >13 透明浅黄色无Loctite® 3341Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无500 -40 至+100 >13 透明浅黄色有Loctite® 3345Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无1,500 -40 至+120 4 透明浅琥珀色无Loctite® 3381Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无5,100 -40 至+130 4 无色半透明无Loctite® 3491 丙稀酸酯紫外光无1,100 -40 至+130 4 清澈无Loctite® 3493 丙稀酸酯紫外光无6,500 -40 至+120 4 清澈无Loctite® 3494 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无6,000 -40 至+120 >13 清澈无Loctite® 3525 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无15,000 -40 至+140 >13 清澈有Loctite® 3526 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光加热, 120℃@ 15min.17,500 -40 至+140 >13 透明琥珀色产品化学类型固化适宜波长双重固化粘度(mPa.s)使用温度范围(℃) 固化深度颜色荧光性Loctite®322 丙稀酸酯紫外光无5,500 -40 至+100 4 无色透明浅琥珀色无Loctite®326 丙稀酸酯紫外光厌氧固化14,000 -40 至+120 4 蓝色无Loctite®350 丙稀酸酯紫外光无4,500 -40 至+120 4 无色透明浅琥珀色无Loctite®352 丙稀酸酯紫外光促进剂7075 15,000 -40 至+150 4 透明琥珀色无Loctite®3011Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无110 -40 至+100 4 透明浅琥珀色无Loctite®3081Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无100 -40 至+120 4 清澈有Loctite®3211MedLoctite®3103 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无10,000thixo. -40 至+140 >13 透明琥珀色无Loctite®3301Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无160 -40 至+130 >13 无色透明无Loctite®3311MedLoctite®3105 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无300 -40 至+130 >13 无色透明无Loctite®3321MedLoctite®3106 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无5,500 -40 至+150 >13 透明浅黄色无Loctite®3341Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无500 -40 至+100 >13 透明浅黄色有Loctite®3345Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无1,500 -40 至+120 4 透明浅琥珀色无Loctite®3381Med 丙稀酸酯紫外光无5,100 -40 至+130 4 无色半透明无Loctite®3491 丙稀酸酯紫外光无1,100 -40 至+130 4 清澈无Loctite®3493 丙稀酸酯紫外光无6,500 -40 至+120 4 清澈无Loctite®3494 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无6,000 -40 至+120 >13 清澈无Loctite®3525 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光无15,000 -40 至+140 >13 清澈有Loctite®3526 丙稀酸酯紫外光/可见光加热, 120℃@ 15min.17,500 -40 至+140 >13 透明琥珀色有。
Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法

Loctite 乐泰胶使用方法Loctite 乐泰胶乐泰工业胶黏剂螺纹锁固乐泰螺纹锁固剂是螺纹锁固及密封的一次革命,从精巧的电子零件到重型的结构设备,乐泰液态螺纹锁固胶和乐泰厌氧密封胶的用途十分广泛。
Loctite 220 螺纹锁固剂中强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。
Loctite 221 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适合于防止震动而引起的松动和泄漏。
Loctite 222 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。
用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。
Loctite 225 螺纹锁固剂低强度,触变性粘度适用于大多数金属表面,可用普通工具拆卸。
用于M2-M12 螺纹的锁固与密封。
应用于紧固件直径为 1/4quot(6mm)或更小比较理想,具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷。
Loctite 241 螺纹锁固剂中强度特别适合于应用程序不太活跃基体如不锈钢,镀面,其中手工工具拆卸,需要进行维修。
符合军标 Mil-S-46163A。
Loctite 242 螺纹锁固剂中强度通用型,触变性粘度。
用于M6-M20 螺纹的锁固于密封。
具有一定的润滑性以达到精确的夹持负荷Loctite 243 螺纹锁固剂耐机油/中强度快速固化,可用于惰性表面,容油性好。

CATALOGUE目录•品牌介绍•十大品牌排名•品牌优势分析•品牌发展前景•消费者调查与反馈•相关品牌活动与案例汉高(Henkel)无影胶(Uhu)乐泰(Loctite)品牌历史与文化无影胶(Uhu)乐泰(Loctite)汉高(Henkel)产品线介绍1 2 3汉高(Henkel)无影胶(Uhu)乐泰(Loctite)行业地位与影响力排名依据与标准01020304市场份额产品质量创新能力客户服务1. 3M道康宁公司是一家全球性的有机硅产品制造商,其硅胶粘合剂和密封胶在电子、建筑等领域被广泛使用。
2. 道康宁3. 西卡5. 硅宝科技硅宝科技是中国知名的有机硅新材料制造商,其硅酮胶产品在建筑、汽车、电子等领域被广泛使用。
4. 回天新材回天新材是中国领先的高分子胶粘材料制造商,其产品在电子、汽车、航空等领域都有广泛应用。
6. 康达新材康达新材是一家专业从事高分子胶粘材料研发和生产的公司,其产品在医疗、电子、汽车等领域都有广泛应用。
7. 乐泰8. 哥俩好9. 宏昌电子10. 白云山排名结果数据分析从产品类型来看,前十大品牌主要提供的是有机硅胶粘剂和高分子胶粘剂等高性能产品,这些产品在医疗、工业、建筑等领域都有广泛应用。

OCA(Optically Clear Adhesive)是一种透明、无色的光学胶,主要用于光学显示器件的粘合。

LOCA 在分装后和使用前应脱泡,选择设计合理的分装容器。在运输过程后初 次使用前静置24小时后方可使用。
点 胶
贴 合
流 平
固 化
OCA全贴合工艺流程(Incell / Oncell)
CG CG kitting CG+OCA贴合 下料检
Function test (TP+LCM)
自动滚轮贴合机 SGL 贴合机 自动真空贴合机
LOCA 贴合机
电源 开关
OCA吸 附上网板
CG/TP上料 台面
OCA 上料台 面
CG/TP 手臂
LCM 手臂
贴合 机主 体
SGL 贴合机 SGL为治具定位,腔体抽真空,利用外部大气压将LCM与TP贴合。
Full Lamination Introduce
从屏幕的结构上看,我们可以把屏幕大致分成3个部分,从上到下分别是保护玻璃, 触摸屏、显示屏。而这三部分是需要进行贴合的 ,按贴合的方式分可以分 为全贴合和框贴两种。 框贴又称为口字胶贴合,即简单的以双面胶将触摸屏与显示屏的四边固定 ; 显示屏与触摸屏间存在着空气层 。
全贴合技术即是以水胶或光学胶将显示屏与触摸屏无缝隙完全黏贴在一起 。
目前高端智能手机像苹果iPhone、三星S系列、米2、Nexus 7、Ascend D1 四核、 koobee i90、酷派8730、华为荣耀2都采用了全贴合技术 。 OCA/LOCA CG 双面胶 CG TP TP LCM LCM
LocTite Marine Grade Anti-Seize Lubricant 说明书

NOT FOR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSTHE TECHNICAL DATA CONTAINED HEREIN ARE INTENDED AS REFERENCE ONLY.PLEASE CONTACT LOCTITE CORPORATION QUALITY DEPARTMENT FOR ASSISTANCE AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PRODUCT.ROCKY HILL, CT FAX: +1 (860)-571-5473 DUBLIN, IRELAND FAX: +353-(1)-451 - 9959Loctite is a Trademark of Loctite Corporation U.S.A.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONLOCTITE ® Marine Grade Anti-Seize Lubricant features a formulation that protects assemblies exposed to direct or indirect fresh or salt water and high humidity conditions.PRODUCT FEATURES• Typical service temperature from –29ºC to 1,315ºC (-20ºF to 2400ºF)• Superior water wash-out resistance • Superior water spray resistance • Excellent lubricity• Prevents galvanic corrosionTYPICAL APPLICATIONS• Bolts, screws, studs, pipe joints, nuts, shafts, bushings,splines, chains, and cables in marine applications • Dressing for water pump gaskets and flanges• Pulp and paper mills, water and waste water treatmentplants DIRECTIONS FOR USE1. Clean mating surfaces before application (Remove oldcompound with wire brush).2. Apply a thin coating to mating surfaces, do not use thinner.3. Assemble parts.4. Keep container closed when not in use to avoidcontamination.PROPERTIES OF MATERIALTypical Value Chemical TypeCalcium sulfonategrease Appearance Black pasteSpecific Gravity1.25Unworked Penetration, ASTM D-217, mm 337Flash Point (TCC), ºF >200Weight per Gallon, lbs.10.4TYPICAL PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES Torque TensionTested on degreased 3/8x16 nuts & bolts in a Skidmore-Wilhelm apparatus. Data reported are the k-factors calculated from torque @ 5000 lbs tension.Lubricity “k” Factor0.18T = K x F x D• T = Torque (in-lb, ft-lb, N-m)• K = Torque coefficient or nut factor, determine experimentally.• F = Clamp Load (lb, N)• D = Nominal diameter of bolt (in, ft, m)Typical Performance of MaterialTypical ValueWater washout, ASTM D1264, %0.0Corrosion on copper, ASTM D130-94No visible changeOil separation, FTM 791, Method 321.3, %0.21Galling & Seizing, PRF 907E Method visible change Corrosion Resistance, Salt Fog, ASTM B117No visible changeGENERAL INFORMATIONThis product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).Ordering InformationPart NumberContainer Size 343958 oz. bottle 3402616 oz. bottleStorageProduct shall be ideally stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 8°C to 28°C (46°F to 82°F) unless otherwise labeled. Optimal storage is at the lower half of this temperature range. To prevent contamination of unused product, do not return any material to its original container. For further specific shelf life information,contact your local Technical Service Center.Data RangesThe data contained herein may be reported as a typical value and/or range. Values are based on actual test data and are verified on a periodic basis.NoteThe data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user's responsibility to determine suitability for the user's purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Loctite Corporation’s products. Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Loctite Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use,using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.。
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LOCTITE(TRA-BOND)系列光学胶将采用全新品牌结构WORSON_CALLY 2013-2-19汉高工业胶粘剂技术业务部发出品牌结构调整通知汉高工业胶粘剂技术业务部将采用全新的品牌结构。
LOCTITE ABLESTIK2151(又名HYSOL TRA-BOND2151)是一款有触变性(平滑的糊状)导热环氧胶,它用于固定晶体管、二极管、电阻、综合线路和热敏元器件在线路板上。
LOCTITE ABLESTIK2115(又名HYSOL TRA-BOND2115)是一种清洁,低粘度的环氧树脂配方,用于制造激光器。
低固化收缩率(使用室温固化)使LOCTITE ABLESTIK2115成为在对准精度至关重要的情况下粘接光学元件的绝佳选择。
LOCTITE ABLESTIK2170(又名HYSOL TRA-BOND2170)则是一款柔性、带触变性的粘接胶水,专为粘接各种塑胶而开发,如尼龙、PVC、聚乙烯、亚克力、lexan、聚丙烯、kapton和几乎所有热塑性塑胶。
LOCTITE ABLESTIK2101(又名HYSOL TRA-BOND2101)是一款中等粘度的环氧树脂胶,适合于层压,粘接,维修和其它需要很强的结构性能,机械性能和电气性能的粘接应用.本双组分胶水容易使用和可室温固化,固化后对干净干燥的材料表面形成很强,耐久,坚韧的粘接,包括金属,陶瓷,玻璃和玻纤,木材,皮革,和很多硬的塑料.完全固化后的TRA-BOND2101有很好的电气绝缘性能,同时有优越的耐水性,耐电腐性,耐多种温和的酸和碱,耐盐水,耐石油溶剂,耐润滑,耐汽油,耐航空油,耐酒精,和耐多种其它有机和无极的物质.LOCTITE ABLESTIK2112是一款触变性环氧树脂,高填充,不垂流,专为高要求的电子、航空和工业粘接,层压和补强而开发。
TRA-BOND 2112固化形成坚韧、瓷釉状胶层,有很好的耐化学品性能,物理性能和机械性能。
LOCTITE ABLESTIK2113是一款无色,低粘度环氧胶,它不含溶剂,室温固化,有很好的流动性和湿润性,可很强的粘接玻璃、陶瓷,多种金属和多种塑料.它特别适合于用在光纤和高端电子和航天航空的组装和维修,由于它有很低的粘度和接近透明无色,所以适合板材之前的层压粘接.完全固化后的TRA-BOND2113有很好的电气绝缘性能,同时有优越的耐水性,耐电腐性,耐多种温和的酸和碱,耐盐水,耐石油溶剂,耐润滑,耐汽油,耐航空油,耐酒精,和耐多种其它有机和无极的物质.LOCTITE ABLESTIK2114是一款透明,高强度,室温固化,低粘度环氧树脂胶,它主要开发用来粘接在需要透明和优越的结构强度和机械强度及电气性能的工业产品和片型材材。
LOCTITE ABLESTIK2106T是一款特别配方的高触变性环氧树脂,适合快速固化的场合,如较低的温度或者潮湿的环境下工业粘接。
可牢固、坚韧的粘接金属、塑胶、玻璃、玻纤、硬质纤维板和木衍生制品、陶瓷、橡胶、石头制品和其它结构材料.完全固化后的TRA-BOND2106T有优越的电气绝缘性能,有特别优越的耐水汽和瓦斯,耐水,耐电解、耐汽油、耐盐水,和其它有机和无机的化合物.LOCTITE ABLESTIK2143D是一款中等粘度琥珀色环氧胶,适合用作工业粘接和密封等应用。
LOCTITE ECCOBOND F113是一款光学透明、低粘度,高冲击强度环氧粘接胶,专为塑胶和玻璃光纤、透镜、棱镜、LED显示屏和其它光学元件的粘接和小体积的灌封而开发,它有良好的湿润性,较长的使用时间和提高耐冲击强度性能,适合用来做层压、粘接、和密封等应用;本双组份胶水容易混合而且室温固化,可以对玻璃与玻璃纤维、陶瓷、多种金属和许多硬塑胶。
ABLESTIK F113有很好的耐候、耐水、耐气、耐汽油产品和中等酸和碱。
LOCTITE ECCOBOND F113SC是一款室温固化,高Tg点,低黏度的粘接胶,适合于粘接各种光纤连接器,也适合于粘接LED显示屏、镜片等等光学部件。
TRA-BOND F113SC有高粘接强度低应力的优点。
LOCTITE ECCOBOND F114是一款光学透明,低粘度,室温固化环氧粘接胶,有良好的光学特性,不含溶剂,可很牢粘接玻璃、陶瓷、多种金属和塑胶。
完全固化后的TRA-BOND F114有很好的耐盐水、耐弱酸和弱碱、耐多种化学物品如耐石油溶剂、润滑油和酒精。
LOCTITE ECCOBOND F120是一款双组分,中等粘度的粘合剂,专为高性能要求的光纤和光学粘接而开发。
TRA-BOND F120不含溶剂,推荐用在光纤、光学和激光行业做做粘接,可良好的粘接如下材料:杜邦PIFAX塑胶芯、玻璃线缆,单通道或者多通道终端和连接器、和多种塑胶或者金属部件。
本粘合剂有出色的耐化学性,可耐多种气体.LOCTITE ECCOBOND F123是一款快速固化、低黏度、双组份的环氧胶,混合和固化后都有颜色变化指示,只要用作粘接光纤、玻璃纤维灌封,也可作为单波段和多波段的玻纤连接器的封端;这种三步颜色变化的胶没有混合之前是浅黄色、混合后变成绿色,当100C固化后变成深红琥珀色,有很好浸润性固化后可很强,韧性和机械稳定性粘接各种玻纤和光学材料,如很多金属、陶瓷、玻璃和各种塑胶。