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A: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen B: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda.

A: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her name

B: She’s Jane.

A: Is he Jack

B: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike.【1】

A: Good morning, Jane.

B: Good morning, Sally.

A: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate.

B: Nice to meet you, Jane.

A: Nice to meet you, too. Are those your parents B: Yes, they are.

A: Ana who’s he

B: He’s my brother, Paul.

A: Oh, I see. Well, have a good day!

B: Thanks! You, too. Bye! 【2】

A: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils

B: No, they’re Bob’s.

A: And is this his green pen

B: No, it isn’t. The blue pen is his.

A: What about this dictionary

B: It’s Helen’s, And the green pen is hers, too.

A: And the eraser Is that yours

B: Yea, it is.

A: Thank you for your help, Anna.

B: You’re welcome. 【3】

A: Come on, Jack!

B: Oh, no! Where’s my bag

A: Hmm…is it on your desk

B: No. And it’s not under the chair.

A: Oh! It’s on the sofa.

B: Thank you, Mom. Where’s the map

A: I think it’s in your grandparents’ room.

B: Yea, it’s on their bed! And my hat.

A: It’s on your head!

B: Oh, yeah! Haha! 【4】

A: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late!

B: OK.

A: Do you have the baseball

B: Yes, I do. It’s in my bag.

A: And where’s our baseball bat

B: Bill has it.

A: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket

B: Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me get it..

A: And your hat, too.

B: Ok, I have my jacket and hat. Let’s go! 【5】

A: Hey, John’s birthday dinner is next week. Let’s think about the food.

B: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit A: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers.

B: Oh, I don’t like salad.

A: But John likes salad, and it’s his birthday.

B: Yes, you’re right. What about the fruit

A: I think John likes strawberries and apples.

B: OK. Let’s have strawberries and apples then. 【6】

A: Can I help you

B: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.

A: OK, What color do you want

B: Bule.

A: How about this one

B: It looks nice. How much is it

A: Nine dollars.

B: I’ll take it. How much are those yellow socks

A: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars two pairs.

B: Great! I’ll take two pairs.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome. 【7】

A: Hi, Alan, Happy birthday!

B: Thank you, Bill.

A: So, how old are you, Alan

B: I’m twelve. Hw old are you

A: I’m thirteen.

B: When is your birthday

A: My birthday is in August.

B: Well, do you want to come to my birthday party

A: Oh, yes. When is it

B: At three this afternoon. 【8】

A: Hi , Bo b. How’s your day

B: It’s OK. I like Monday because I have . and history. They’re my favorite subjects.

A: Who’s your . teacher

B: Mr. Hu. He always plays games with us.

A: That’s great! But why do you like history It’s boring. B: h, I think history is interesting, What’s your favorite day A: Friday.

B: Why

A: Because the next day is Saturday!
