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• 挥手
• wave a flag
• 挥舞一面旗子
• wave an umbrella
• 挥舞一把雨伞
• wave sb goodbye
• 同某人挥手道别 or: wave goodbye to sb
• lift
• 1) vt. 举起,抬起
• 这只箱子太沉,我抬不动。
• The box is too heavy; I can't lift it.
• on 有继续地,不停顿地 • Go on please. • 请继续。 • Walk on. • 继续走。 • on the way • 在路上 • in the way • 拦路或用这种方式 • on the way to • 在去某地的路上 • by the way • 顺便说,顺便提 • in a way or: in some way • 在某种意义上
thumb a lift
wave n. 波浪 v. (to) 挥动,招手
wave to sb. She waved her hand to
say goodbye.
ask for a lift 要求搭车 I want to take a lift.
give sb a lift: 让某人搭便车
• respond vi. • 1) 回答,应答 • 她没有回答我的问题。 • She didn't respond to my question. • 她没有给我回信。 • She didn't respond to my letter. • 2) 对…做出回答或反应 • • He responded to the insult with a punch. • 他对侮辱的反应是重重的一拳。
• 当他在法国旅行时,有过许多有趣的经历。 • He had many amusing experiences while traveling in
France. • 你一定要尝尝她家自酿的酒,那真是一饱口福啊 • You must try some of her home-made wine. • It's quite an experience.
• 2) vi. (雾,云)消散,(雨,雪)停止
• The fog has lifted.
• 雾已经散了。
• 3) n. 电梯
• elevator ['eliveitə] (Am)
• 4) n. 搭便车
• I'll give you a lift to work.
• 我会捎你去上班。
• ask for a lift 要求搭车
Emphases and difficulties
The past perfect ---过去完成时
Words often confused
Listen , answer and read
1. Listen to the tape and see if you can answer this question:
After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.
in the south of 在……南部 in the north of in the west of east/southeast/northeast..
As soon as he got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.
speak in + 语言
get into the car get on the car/get off the car
Lesson 14
Do you speak English?
1 Have you ever tried to talk to someone who didn’t know your language? What happened?
2 Describe the various ways you are able to recognize a foreigner in your country.
experienced doctor.
• experience [iks'piəriəns]
• 1) n. 经历,阅历 [C] • an amusing experience 一次好笑的经历 • an unpleasant experience 一次不愉快的经历 • an unusual experience 一次不同寻常的经历
• amusing adj. enjoyable, causing laughter • or smiles 好笑的,有趣的
• amuse [ə'mju:z] v. make sb laugh or smile • 大家都被这个可爱的孩子逗乐了。
• Everyone was amused at the cute boy.
• 2) n. 经验 [U] • 他没有足够的工作经验。 • He hasn't had enough work experience. • 我从经验得出,他一定会迟到的。 • I know from experience that he will arrive late.
• 3) v. 经历,感受 • Experience happiness and bitterness together. • 同甘共苦。 • experienced [ɪk'spɪəri:ənst] adj. 有经验的, 老练的, 经验丰富的 • an experienced nurse 一个有经验的护士 • inexperienced [ınık'spıərıənst] adj.无经验的,不熟练的 • 他照看孩子没有经验。
hitch hiker
• wave
• 1) v. 指固定物体上下或往复摆动或摇动
• a flag waving in the breeze
• 在微风中飘扬的一面旗子
• 2) 挥手,招手
• wave to sb 朝某人挥手 or: wave at sb
• 3) vt. 挥动
• wave a hand
• Everyone was amused by the cute boy. • 这个好笑的故事把孩子们都逗乐了。
• The amusing story amused the children. • be amused at/by 因…感到好笑 • be amused to do sth 做…取乐 • amusement n. 娱乐,消遣 [U] • 她饶有趣味地看着我。
• 1) n. 语言
• speak a language
• 讲一门语言
• spoken language
• 口语
• written language
• 书面语言
• language teaching
• 语言教学
• a foreign language
• 外语
• the second foreign language
hitch [hitʃ] a lift
• answer • 1) vt. (用语言,行为的)回答,答复 • 你回复她的信了吗?
• Did you answer her letter?
• I answered his insult with a blow. • 我对他的侮辱报之一拳。 • 2) vt. 应接,应答 • 去开门
• 第二外语
• one's native language
• 母语
Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.

• She looked at me in amusement.
✓ experience n. 经历(可数) 经验(不可数)
v. 经历 He had no experience at all. 请告诉我你在美洲的经历。 I have an amusing experience.
✓ experienced:有经验的
• France • 1) France [fræ ns] n.法兰西,法国 • 2) French [frentʃ] adj.法国的;法国人的;法语的 n.法语 • Frenchman/Frenchwoman 法国人 • in French 用法语 • 3) Franc [fræŋk] n. (法国、瑞士、比利时等国的货币单位)法郎 • 4) French chalk 滑石粉 • take French leave • 不辞而别 • French doors • 落地玻璃门 • French windows (Am) • 落地窗 • French fries 炸薯条
Did the young man speak English?
2. Read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
I had an amusing experience last year.
✓ amusing a. 滑稽的,好笑的,有趣的 amused: 感到好笑的 amuse v. Make sb. Laugh or smile amusement n. The story is amusing.
• leave it at that
• (语言行为等)就到此为止,别再说什么
• south • south-南/ north-北/east-东/west-西 • 1) n. 南部,南 • in the south of • 在…南部(范围之内) • on the south of • 在…以南(范围之外,接壤,相邻) • to the south of … • 以南(隔海相望) • 2) adj. 南面的 • the south gate of a school 学校的南大门 • 3) adv. 向南地 • Those windows face south. • 那些窗户朝南。 • Those windows face east. Those windows face west. 12
• 他辞去工作目的是为了找个更好的。
• He left his job for a better one.
• The boy left school. (Am) 这孩子退学了。
• 3) take French leave 不辞而别;擅自离开
• excuse/pardon my French 原谅我说粗话(或冒犯的话)
• in this way • 用这种方式 • in that way • 用那种方式 • get one's own way • 随心所欲
On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift.
reply v.回答,答复 & n. Please reply his letter. I don’t know what to reply. 她已经回我信了。 She has replied to my letter. reply to a question 回答一个问题
• language
• answer the door • 接电话
• answer the telephone
• 3) answer back/ talk back • 顶嘴
• 4) answer for • 代表,对某事负责 • 那代表我们的目的。
• It will answer for our purpose.
• leave
• 1) v. 离开
• leave England for a tour of the world
• 离开英国去做一次环球旅行
• leave fowenku.baidu.com England
• 离开去英国
• leave Shanghai
leave for Shanghai
• 离开上海
• 2) 辞去,退学