简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-26. Losing Hylas
简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-7. cleaning the Stables

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(7)cleaning the StablesOf course, King Eurystheus was very angry at Hercules, because he had once again been embarrassed in front of his men.Because of this, Eurystheus thought of the dirtiest and most awful job he could."Hercules," said the king."King Augeashas ten-thousand cows which he cares for very much”.“The king keeps his cows in stables near his castle”.“Of course, the stables are very large”.“Because of their size, no one has been able to clean them in many years”.“Your next task is to clean them so that they look like new".Hercules thought that this was a very awful task indeed, hut he did not want to let his cousin see that he was upset.Therefore he put a smile on his face and said, "Why, Cousin, this is an easy task, I will return to you in a few days!".When Hercules arrived in the land of King Augeas, He first went to introduce himself."I am Hercules, My cousin has sent me here to clean your great stables"."I know who you are, Hercules, for your fame is known everywhere”.“You are welcome to stay in my land as long as you want", The king said.The next day, Hercules went out to the stables to think of how to clean them.Truly, they were so dirty that they could not be cleaned by one man, or even many hundred.He noticed that the stables were at the bottom of a large hill, and that a river ran along the top of the hill.This gave him an idea.The next day he went to see King Augers and told him,"Great king, I can clean your stables for you in just one day, But you must first take all of your cows out into the fields".Of course, Augeasdid not believe that Hercules could complete his task in just one day.But he wanted his stables cleaned so much that he ordered his men to take all of the cows out into the fields.When this was done, Hercules climbed up the hill above the stables and found a sharp rock.He used this rock to dig a hole leading from the river into the stables.As the river water flowed through the stables, All the dirt inside was cleaned away.When the stables were clean, Hercules again filled the hole with dirt and allowed the river to continue with its natural flow.Heracles then returned to see his cousin.When he arrived, King Eurystheus could not believe that Hercules had completed his task so quickly.Only three days had passed since Hercules had left him.But later that day, a messenger arrived from King Augeasthanking Hercules for his great deed.When he heard the news, King Eurystheus was very angry.译文和注释打扫牛厩当然,国王欧律斯透斯对赫拉克勒斯很恼火,因为他再一次使他在他的手下面前丢脸。

英语作文古希腊神话Title: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Greek Mythologyin English Literature。
Greek mythology, with its intricate tales of gods, heroes, and monsters, has long captivated readers and inspired countless works of literature. From Homer's epic poems to modern novels, the influence of these ancientmyths can be seen across the spectrum of English literature. In this essay, we delve into the enduring allure of Greek mythology and its impact on English literary tradition.At the heart of Greek mythology are the gods and goddesses who ruled over the universe from Mount Olympus. Zeus, the king of the gods, wielded thunderbolts and ruled over the sky, while his wife Hera presided over marriageand childbirth. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, embodied strategic warfare and arts and crafts, while Apollo, thegod of the sun, represented music, poetry, and healing. These divine figures, with their complex personalities andsupernatural powers, provided fertile ground for literary exploration.One of the most famous works of English literature influenced by Greek mythology is Homer's "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey." These epic poems recount the exploits of Greek heroes like Achilles and Odysseus as they navigatethe challenges of war and the whims of the gods. The themes of heroism, fate, and the struggle between mortals and immortals resonate throughout these timeless works,offering readers a glimpse into the ancient Greek worldview.In addition to epic poetry, Greek mythology hasinspired countless plays, from the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides to the comedies of Aristophanes. These playwrights brought the myths to life on the stage, exploring themes of hubris, fate, and the consequences of human ambition. Characters like Oedipus, Medea, and Prometheus have become iconic figures in the literary canon, their stories serving as cautionary tales about the perilsof defying the will of the gods.The influence of Greek mythology extends beyond ancient literature and into the realm of modern fiction. Writers like William Shakespeare drew upon classical themes and characters in works such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "The Tempest," infusing their plays with elements of magic, transformation, and divine intervention. In more recent times, authors like Rick Riordan have reimagined Greek myths for a young adult audience, introducing readers to modern-day demigods and monsters in series like "Percy Jackson and the Olympians."Furthermore, Greek mythology has left its mark on English poetry, inspiring poets from John Milton to T.S. Eliot. Milton's "Paradise Lost" draws heavily from biblical and classical sources, weaving together the stories of Adam and Eve with those of Satan and the Greek Titans. Eliot's modernist masterpiece, "The Waste Land," incorporates fragments of mythological imagery to evoke a sense of cultural disintegration and spiritual desolation in the aftermath of World War I.In conclusion, Greek mythology occupies a central placein the tapestry of English literature, providing a rich source of inspiration for writers across the centuries. From epic poetry to modern fiction, the myths of ancient Greece continue to captivate readers with their timeless themes and enduring relevance. As long as there are storytellers, the gods and heroes of Mount Olympus will live on in the pages of literature, their stories serving as a testament to the enduring power of the human imagination.。

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Gree...简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(24)T HE A RGO AND A RGONAUTSThe day after his conversation with Pelias, Jason began his preparations.The Golden Fleece was owned by king Ae?tes, ruler of land of Colchis.The journey to Colchis would take many months by ship and Jason knew that only the best ship would make it safely.Jason hired Argus the most famous ship-builder and asked him to build the greatest ship of all time.Argus used all his skill and made ship that was both fast and strong.Then Hera, who wished to help Jason on his quest, visited Argos and gave him a magic figure head to hang on the front of ship.The figure head could see the direction of wave and wind, and would warned Jason storm and other dangers.Argus was so proud of his ship that he gave his own name to call it Argo.Jason then searched for companions to help him in his dangerous task.To complish this, he sent massage to find strong men interested in adventure. From around the Greece, many hers learned Jason’s journey for the fleece and came to join him.These men were called Argonauts since they would all sail on Argo.Among them were Zetes and Cala?s who were sons of the North wind that able to fly, Tiphys the world’s greatest shipsailor, Heracles the world’s strongest man, Heracles’s good friend Hylas and even the greatest musician Orpheus.They all joined Jason in his great adventure.Within a month, all the preparation was made.Jason said goodbye to his uncle and promised to return soon with fleece.The Argonauts each began their work on the ship and Orpheus played sweat music to cheer them.They sailed for a week before coming to a small island where they stopped to gather more food and fresh water.Once the Argonauts were on land, they were quickly surrounded by armed women. Without noting it they had landed on Isle of Lemnos an island where the women had joined together to kill all the men.The queen of Lemnos was called Hypsipyle and she was both beautiful and strong. Hypsipyle felt that men were troublesome and should all be killed, but she changed her mind when she saw how strong and handsome Jason was.Hypsipyle invited Jason and all Argonauts to stay in Lemnos. They rested there for more than a month.They spent their days eating great meals and drinking wine.At night the women would pay a great attention to each of them.Jason was so happy lying Hypsipyle’s arm that he never wanted to leave.But finally Heracles convinced him that they should continue they journey.译文与注释阿尔戈号船和船上的英雄们与珀利阿斯谈话的次日,伊阿宋开始准备工作。
《Greek mythology》《希腊神话》分析读后感

《Greek mythology》《希腊神话》读后感希腊神话是一个引人入胜的主题,几个世纪以来一直吸引着人们的想象力。

简易英语读物《希腊神话-GreekMythology》-20.ReturntoArgos简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(20)Return to ArgosSoon after killing Polydectes, Perseus decided to take his bride Andromeda and his mother back to his home country.Meanwhile, King Acrisius felt sure that his grandson would never return to kill him as the fortune-teller had predicted.Surely, he thought, his daughter and grandson had died in thesea twenty years before.Before Perseus left Serapis, he made Dictys king of theisland and thanked him once again for all his kindness.The three arrived in Argos, where Perseus was born, and learnedthat his grandfather, Acrisius, had gone away for a while.Then, while Perseus was waiting for the king to return, he heard ofsome athletic games happening in the north.He went north to join the games and hoped to win fame for his skills.His wife and mother waited in Argos for Acrisius’ return.Perseus entered the athletic games but he did not give his name or meet the king and his guests.If he had done so, he might have seen that his grandfather was among them. Acrisius, too. had no idea that one of the athletes was his grandson Perseus. Perseus won the first two contests, running and jumping,and was admired by all the women and men in the crowd.The third event was the spear throw.When Perseus’ turn came, he held the spearperfectly, for he had great experience using one.Then, with great strength, he threw it forward and watched it go straightdown the field.But suddenly, the spearchanged direction in the air and flew toward the crowd of people watchingthe games.The sharp head of the spear hit one of the king's guests, who fell down dead. Perseus ran forward and asked the king why the spear had moved so wildly in the air.The king spoke sadly, "It must have been the wish of the gods".Perseus learned later that the man who had died was Acrisius, his grandfather.He stayed for the funeral and then told the news to Danae and Andromeda. Danae was sad, but the memory of herself and herson cruelly locked in the tower and then thrown in the sea made herfeel less bad about her father's death.Perseus and Andromeda ruled Argos well for many years to come.After their deaths, they were placed in the sky as stars.译文与注释回到阿尔戈斯杀死波吕德克忒斯不久,珀尔修斯决定带她新娘安德洛墨达和母亲回到他的祖国。

推荐希腊神话英语作文The Timeless Charm of Greek Mythology: A Must-Read for AllNestled within the rich cultural tapestry of ancient Greece, Greek mythology emerged as a vivid collection of narratives, chock-full of gods, heroes, monsters, and incredible feats. These myths, passed down through generations, form the foundation of Western civilization's literary, artistic, and religious traditions.The Unique Charm and Profound LessonsGreek mythology is renowned for its rich tapestry of characters and narratives, each carrying profound moral and philosophical lessons. The gods and heroes of Greek mythology are not just figures of legend; they reflect aspects of human nature and our relatable struggles, weaknesses, and triumphs. From the courageous Odysseus to the deceitful Zeus, these characters offer insights into the complexities of human behavior and the consequences of our actions.The myths are also storied with incredible creativity and imagination, making them not just educational but also entertaining. The battle between the Titans and the Olympians, the quest for the Golden Fleece, and the many adventures of Hercules are just a few examples of the captivating narratives that have fascinated people for centuries.Why You Should Read Greek MythologyThere are several reasons why Greek mythology should be a part of everyone's reading list. Firstly, it is a gateway to understanding Western culture and its literary, artistic, and religious traditions. Secondly, the myths are repositories of human wisdom, offering insights into morality, philosophy, and life. Thirdly, they stimulate the imagination and creativity, encouraging readers to think outside the box.Recommendations for Great ReadsWhen it comes to Greek mythology, there are several must-reads. "The Iliad" by Homer tells the story of the Trojan War from the perspective of Achilles, a Greek hero. It is a testament to the power of war, vengeance, and the human cost of conflict. On the other hand, "The Odyssey" also by Homer, follows Odysseus's epic journey home after the Trojan War, a narrative that explores themes of adventure, courage, and the will to survive.Other noteworthy reads include "Metamorphoses" by Ovid, a retelling of Greek myths in a narrative format, and "Theogony" by Hesiodus, which details the creation of the universe and the gods.Connecting with Modern LifeGreek mythology is not just relevant in the academic sphere; it finds resonance in our daily lives too. The heroes' journeys of self-discovery, the gods' battles with their own flaws, and the monsters' terrifying yet relatable traits all offer insights into our own lives and struggles. By applying these lessons to modern-day scenarios, we can gain valuable insights into our behavior, decisions, and relationships.In ConclusionGreek mythology is a rich and diverse cultural heritage that offers insights into human nature, morality, and the complexities of life. It is a must-read for everyone, regardless of age or background, as it has the power to captivate, educate, and inspire. By delving into the world of Greek mythology, we not only gain a deeper understanding of our cultural roots but also discover timeless wisdom that can guide us through life's challenges. Let's embrace this ancient wisdom and draw inspiration from it, making it relevant in our modern world.。
简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(21)King Midas and his Golden Touch

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(21)King Midas and his Golden TouchLong ago, Greece was divided into many different small kingdoms.One of these kingdoms was ruled by a man named King Midas.King Midas was very rich.Many people said that he had more gold than any other king in the world.Even though he was rich, Midas was so greedy that healways wanted to be richer.His favorite thing was gold, and he would do anything to get more. Truly, he wished that everythingin his kingdom could be gold, and he hated looking at any object that wasn’t. He wore yellow robes and slept in a yellow bed because they reminded him gold.He even used a golden knife and fork to eat.Midas loved gold so much that he named his only daughter Marygold. If there was anything that King Midas loved asmuch as gold, it was his young daughter.She was a beautifullittle girl and she loved to play in the castle's garden.Each morning she would pick flowers and bring them to her father, and each morning her father would say the same thing:"What beautiful flowers, my daughter, The only thing thatcould make them more beautiful is if they were gold."One day, while out playing in the garden, Marygold foundan old man sleeping in a bed of flowers.She called to her father, and he came out quickly to see who it was. The man was not an ordinary man; in fact, he was not a man at all. His name was Silenus, and he was a SatyrHe was good friends with Bacchus, the god of wine.When King Midas found Silenus, he did not punish himfor destroying his garden.Actually, Midas just laughed at theold man because he was drunk on too much wine.The noise awoke Silenus, and King Midas invited him inside to have dinner and wine.Silenus stayed as the king's guest for ten days,and the two men merrily drank wine and ate great dinners the whole time.After ten days, Bacchus came to find Silenus.When he arrived at the castle, he found Silenus and Midas walking in the garden."So there you are, Silenus", began Bacchus, "have youbeen enjoying yourself here?"Silenus told Bacchus what a wonderful time he had been having,and about King Midas' kindness.Bacchus was impressed and decided to reward Midas for his good treatment of Silenus."Good King Midas", said Bacchus, "thank you for taking care of my good friend, Silenus.As a reward, I will give you one wish".Midas only thought about it for a second and said, "Iwish that everything I touch be turned into beautiful, yellow gold". "But Midas, you are the richest king in the world", said Bacchus."No other man has as much gold as you.Do you truly want more?”"I may be the richest", said the king, "but I would like much more;for gold is the best and the most wonderful thing in the world"."Are you sure you will not regret your wish?" ,asked Bacchus."I am very sure, answered King Midas”."I will give you your wish then", said Bacchus."At sunrise tomorrow morning, your touch will turn anything into gold".The next day Midas awoke very early.He was very excitedto use his magic power and make his whole kingdom into gold.As soon as the sun came up above the mountains, Midastried his magic power by touching the bed lightly with his hand.Instantly the bed turned into gold.He then walked around the room touching many other things.He touched the chair and table, the mirror hanging on the wall, and all of his clothing - all of them turned to gold.King Midas was wild with joy.He put on some of his, nowgold, clothing and ran around the castle, touching everything he could see.His magic gift turned it all into shining, yellow gold.He even ran out into the garden and touched all of thetrees and flowers and they all became gold as well.The king soon felt hungry and went back inside to eat his breakfast. Before sitting down, he touched the table, chairs, andplates, and they all turned into gold.He was so happy that heordered his cooks to make him a great meal of all his favorite foods. The servants came in carrying many plates of food and King Midas looked out at all the delicious meats and cakes.Now a strange thing happened.He reached for an egg and put it on his plate.When he looked down, he saw that the egg had turned into gold. He then lifted a glass of clear cold water to drink, but it became gold too.The same thing happened with all ofhis food: the cakes turned to gold; the meat was hard,and yellow, and shiny.As much as he tried, he could not get anything to eat.It had all become gold, gold, and gold!Just then, Marigold came running in from the garden.She was holding a flower in her hand and crying."Why are you crying, my love?” King Midas asked."Something terrible has happened to the flowers!"Cried Marigold and held up a gold rose."Why, there isn't anything wrong with the flowers", saidthe king to his daughter, "they are better than before- they are gold." Marygold did not care though."Before the flowers were any different colors and they had a beautiful smell”. Now they are all one color and hard and they don't smell at all", she cried.Midas did not like to see his daughter crying and reachedhis arms around her and held her tightly."It will be okay", he said."Daddy will plant new flowers for you".Marigold did not answer.When Midas looked down ather, he saw that she, too, had become gold!Suddenly the king became very afraid.He had lost his daughter, the most wonderful thing in the world to him. Also he knew that he would not be able to eat and would soon die. He put his head down on the table and cried loudly."Is something wrong?" ,asked a voice.The king looked up and saw Bacchus."Oh, great Bacchus, I was wrong", Midas cried."I do not want the golden touch”.“Please take away this horrible power!”“You may have my kingdom and my castle and all of my money; just give me back my daughter"."But don't you think that gold is the greatest thing in the world?" , asked Bacchus."No, I hate it and cannot bear to even look at it!" , cried Midas."Are you sure that you do not want the golden touch?" asked Bacchus. "I am sure; I understand better now", said the king."I now see that gold isn't the greatest thing in the world"."So you now see that there are things in life more valuable than gold", said Bacchus."I will take away your golden touch, Take this bucket to the river behind the castle and fill it with water,Pour this water on anything you have turned into gold andit will return to its original state".King Midas took the bucket and rushed to the river.He returned just a few minutes later and poured the bucket ofwater on his daughter.Instantly she became flesh again.Midas felt as happy as he had ever felt and held his daughter tightly.The king then used the water to change back his food and water.He and Marigold sat down together and had a great meal.King Midas was amazed at how good everything tasted and how cold and fresh the water felt.After breakfast, he and Marigold walked around the castletogether changing back everything that he had touched earlier.The only thing that never changed back was Marigold’s hair.It had turned from black into a golden yellow, and it stayed thatway for the rest of her life.译文与注释迈达斯国王和他的点金术很久以前,希腊被划分成许多不同的小王国。
简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-22. Jason and the Argonauts-a murdered father

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(22)Jason and the Argonauts-a murdered fatherIolcus was the king of a great land, and he had only oneson , Jason, who he hoped would rule the land after he died.But the story of Iolcus is an unhappy one, for henever saw his son grow to manhood and stand beside him.Instead, while Jason was still young, the king's brother, Pelias, killed lolcusand made himself king of the land.But Pelias was afraid he would lose the land he had violently taken, so he planned to kill Jason as well.But Jason's mother tricked Pelias, pretending that Jason had died from sickness. Meanwhile, she gave her baby son to Chiron, the Centaur.Chiron was half man and half horse and was both strong and wise.He taught Jason skills with a sword and much knowledge from great books.When Jason turned sixteen years old and became a man,Chiron told him the story of his father's murder.Immediately Jason left to find Pelias and take back his father’s land.Jason was not Pelias’ only enemy.In fact, Pelias had a terrible enemy in heaven among the gods.Jason's uncle, the murderer king, had prayed and given gifts to all the gods except Hera, the wife of Zeus.Because of this, Hera hated King Pelias and wanted to see him lose his power.She decided to test Jason to see if he was a good man who deserved to become king.Hera's test was a dangerous one; only a true hero would pass it.As Jason walked, Hera caused a great storm to begin.She then turned herself into an old woman and stood beside a fast and terrible river. When Jason saw the old woman, he asked herwhat she was doing, not knowing that a goddess stood before him."There used to be a bridge here" , said the old woman, " but now the storm has destroyed it”.“I need to get home, would you carry me across the water'?"Now the storm had caused the river to fill with water and crossing it will be very dangerous,but Jason didn’t stop to think about his own safety and carefully picked up the old woman.As he carried her crossing the river, Hera decided to make the test even harder and made herself heavier and heavier.Jason was stronger enough and succeeded in reaching the other side.Hera was impressed with Jason ‘deed and decided to help him to became a King.译文于注释伊阿宋和阿尔戈英雄父亲被谋杀伊奥尔科斯是一个伟大的国家的国王,他只有一个儿子伊阿宋,他希望在他死后,伊阿宋接替他统治这片土地。
简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-29. Daedalus and Icarus

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(29)Daedalus and IcarusLong and long ago in ancient Greece, there lived a famous inventor named Daedalus. Daedalus had invented many machines with many uses.Some of his machines were so amazing that many people felt they were magic. Since he was famous throughout the country, many kings and rich men would invited him to come to their land and invent wonderful things to help them with many tasks. On the visit to the island of Crete, the king of the island, king Minos ask Daedalus to build a war machine that would help him to kill his hated enemiesDaedalus was not interested in war and refused to help the king.This angered King Minos greatly, and he ordered that Daedalus to be locked in a high tower that faced the sea until he agreed to what the king had asked.Daedalus spent a few months in the tower before he was able to escape.His son named Icarus, stole a key from god, and opened the heavy door to the tower. Daedalus and Icarus ran quickly to the beach and tried to find a ship that would take them back to Greece.But they failed because King Minos had ordered that all the ships being carefully searched before leaving the island of Crete,Both Daedalus and Icarus were caught and put in the tower together.Though he was caught, Daedalus had strong spirit and felt sure that they could find a way to escape.He thought of invent something to help them to escape, but unfortunately there not many materials in the tower for him to use.After thinking for a long time, he said to his son.“The king may control the land and sea, yet he does not control the sky.”“Therefore my son we must escape from the sky”Daedalus then told his son to collect all bird feathers that he could find.Each day the two men would take some of their food, and leaved them on the opening of the windows.When birds came to eat it, they would pull some their feathers off.Daedalus also began to save all the candles that they were given each nightAfter many months, Daedalus and Icarus had saved a lot of feathers and candles, and the adventures began to work.Daedalus melt the candle wax and made it into a shape of wing, then he added the bird’s feather until they had built two paired of wings big enough for him and his son.One pair was large and heavy, big enough for Daedalus; the other pair was small and fast perfectly for Icarus.When Daedalus had finished the wings, he put them on his back, he began move his arm up and down until Icarus surprised, began to fly around the room.Icarus looked upon on his father and in amazement, “I want to fly too”, he cried.Daedalus stopped flying and put the smaller wings onto his son.His son wings though smaller, were built far better and more beautiful than his own.Daedalus was proud to give the wings to his son he loved so much.The next day was lovely and clear, Daedalus decided it was good time to teach his son how to fly so that they could make their escape.He told Icarus to watch the birds and to fly just like they did.“You must not move your wings too slowly, or too quickly andYou must follow the wind. ”Icarus put on his wings and jumps out of the windows of the towerHe then flew up high into the air, dived down low above the sea.He was like a child with a new toy.Daedalus was worried as he watched his son; he knew that the wings were not a toy that one can just play with.He called down his son and Icarus to return to him.“Son”, he said seriously,” it is a time for us to escape this islan d and returned to Greece.”“As we fly, you must stay close to me always, never fly faraway”If you fly too low, your wings would become wet from fog, if you too high, the wax of wing will melt from sun.Icarus smiled and promised his father that he would stay close and be careful.So Daedalus and Icarus jump out of the tower window and flew high above the land.The people of Crete looked up in amazementMany people thought they were watching god flying in the sky.Occasionally Daedalus would turn round to see if his son was still followed him closely.For the first hour, Icarus was always just behind his father, however a little while later; Daedalus looked back and saw Icarus was not there.Daedalus looked around with great wariness in his heart, and saw Icarus flying high in the sky.A moment early Icarus had seen two eagles flying above him, and became so excited that he decided to follow them.When Icarus felt cool wind move through his hair, he became even more excited. And became to fly faster and faster which made him go higher and higherDaedalus yelled at his son, “stop, you are going too high, your wings will melt.”But Icarus was too far away to hear his father; he continued to fly faster and faster, higher and higher and became more and more excited.Daedalus tried to follow Icarus but his wings were much heavier.As hard as he tried, he could not reach his son.The sun began to melt Ic arus’s wings and feathers slowed began to fall off. Daedalus noticed the wings falling into pieces and tried to scream to his son again. But his son still was too far to hear, Icarus kept flying quickly towards the sun, and his heart became more and more excited.Soon all the feathers had fallen from Icarus’s wings and the boy fell down towards the deep sea.When Daedalus saw his son falling, he flew as fast as he could to catch him. Unfortunately Daedalus was not fast enough and arrived just a moment too late to save his son.The boy hit the water with loud terrible noise.Before Icarus could sink, Daedalus reached into the water and grasped his son’s leg. Then he pulled his son out of sea and held him closely into his arms.Sadly, it was too late; Icarus had died when he hit the water.Daedalus looked down at sea and saw the feather of his son’s wings floating at the top of water.He carried his son’s body to a small island, buried it and named the island Icaria in his son’ memory.Daedalus then putted down his wings for one last time and flew back to Greece.In Greece, he built a temple to the flying god Apollo and hang up the wings as a promised never to fly again.译文与注释代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯很久,很久以前, 在古希腊,住着一个著名发明家-代达罗斯。
Greek mythology 希腊神话

Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece standing at 9,570 feet (2,917 m). It is part of the Olympus massif near the Gulf of Thérmai of the Aegean Sea and lies astride the border between Macedonia and Thessaly. It is also designated as Upper Olympus, as opposed to Lower Olympus, an adjacent peak on the south rising to 5,210 feet (1,588 m).
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to, and study the myths in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.
Greek mythology希腊神话课件英文

The sun god, son of Zeus and Leto(莱托) , Luna and Artemis ´s older brother, the Greek god of twelve words, also known as helios(太阳神).God light, medicine, literature, poetry, music etc..
In charge of the sky in Greek mythology , the supreme(最高) god, master of lightning, also known as Thor. The characteis extremely lecherous(好 色).
Zeus 宙斯
Hephaestus 赫菲斯托斯
Son of Zeus and Hera.God of fire. He is the smith and armorer (兵器制造者) of the gods.He is kind and peace loving .He is the only god to be lame(瘸的,跛的) and physically ugly. However, he married the most beautiful goddess- Aphrodite ( 阿弗洛狄德)
Hestia赫斯提亚-灶神 She was the sister of Zeus, One of the three virgin (处女) goddess . In Greek mythology, there is no significant personality. She is a chaste (贞洁的) virgin goddess.
简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-8. The amazons

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(8)TheamazonsHercules' next task was done for Eurystheus ’daughter, Admete."There is something I want, Hercules‛, she began."On the north side of the Black Sea, Lives a group of fighting women called the Amazons.‚They have nohusbands and no men live within their society‛.‚Their queen is called Hippolyte‛,And she wears a beautiful dress covered with jewels, I want that dress!".Hercules knew that this task could be very dangerousand that he could not handle all of the Amazons by himself.Because of this, Hercules gathered together a group of strong fighters, and they left to face the Amazons together.They traveled many months to find the land where the Amazons livedand saw many strange lands and strange people along the way.When they arrived at the castle of Queen Hippolyte,Hercules expected a terrible fight.To his surprise, the queen welcomed him with kindness.She had never seen a man so strong and handsome as Hercules and said,"Please come in,I will have a great meal prepared for you and your men".While they ate,Hippolyte asked Hercules why he had come to the land of AmazonsHercules was a brave and honest man and answered her truthfully,"Great queen, my men and I do not wish any harm on you and your people, but I have come to ask for that dress you wear‛.Hercules then explained about the tasks he had to complete to satisfy the godsand free himself from his service to his cousin.The queen listened, and was not angry."You may have my dress‛, Hippolyte said, looking at Hercules with hungry eyes."But not until tomorrow‛, ‚Tonight, I wish for you to sleep in my bedroom with me‛.‚Tomorrow you can leave with what you have come for".Hercules‘task was not going to be easy.All this time, the goddess Hera had been watching Hercules, and looking for ways to keep him from succeeding in his tasks.That night, while Hercules slept with Hippolyte,Hera transformed herself into an Amazon and walked among the other women,telling them that Hercules had come to steal their queen away from them.When they heard this, the Amazons attacked Hercules and his men.A great battle beganAnd Hercules and his men were forced to killmany Amazons.Hercules felt terrible about killing women and was especially unhappy when he had to face Hippolyte in a fight.She was a fierce fighter, And Hercules admired her skill.She jumped at him with her spear and Hercules had to defend himself.He wrestled her down to the groundand made her give him thejewel-covered-dress.Hercules left the island with great sadness in his heart.Hippolyte was the strongest woman he had ever met.He had deep love and respect for her.Hercules was angry at Eurystheus’daughter Admete,Forher terrible greed and desire for the Amazonqueen’s dre ss.译文与注释亚马逊女战士赫拉克勒斯的下一个任务是为欧律斯透斯的女儿阿德墨忒做的。

简易英语读物《希腊神话-GreekMythology》-(12)DictysDiscovery简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(12)Dictys' DiscoveryThe island of Serapis was ruled by a king named Polydectes.Polydectes had a younger brother named Dictys who was fond of the ocean and spent many hours each day sitting on the beach and fishing.He had heard that some of the fish in the ocean were magical, and if caught, they could give men great gifts.He wanted to catch one.One afternoon, while staring off into the ocean and waiting for a fish to bite, Dictys saw a strange object far out in the water.He watched it for a while and saw that it was moving towards the beach.With a great feeling of excitement, He waited for the object to reach the shore.When it came close, Dictys could see that it was a large wooden box and hoped that there might be some great treasure inside.He was surprised when he opened the box and found a beautiful young woman and baby inside."This is a great treasure, indeed", thought Dictys."I must bring this young lady to meet my brother, the king!”When King Polydectes saw Danae, He fell in love with her immediately and promised himself that she would one day be his bride."This lady came to our island in a wooden box, which floated here over the sea", said Dictys.Danae bowed to the king."Beautiful young girl", began the king,"You do not need to bow to me, You are welcome in my land and you be treated like a part of my family,your child also; I will raise him as if he were my own son”.“You will never lack food or safety and do not need to worry about your old land and old life anymore".Danae thanked the king and began her life on the island of Serapis.Everything she wanted was given to her and her life was quite happy.Her life was not perfectly happy though, because after one year on the island, during the New Year's Festival, The king asked Danae to marry him."Oh, great king," said Danae, "I cannot marry you”.I am married already to the god Zeus".At hearing this, king Polydectes became very angry."Have I not treated you and your son like a part of my family, Showing you every kindness and giving you everything you asked?""Yes, my king," Danae answered.“Your husband, Zeus, is not here now and will never come”.Certainly he wishes you to marry a man of this earth and be happy.“Why will you not marry me?” the king tried to persuade Danae."It is too soon, my king. Only when I am sure that Zeus will not return for me, “Will I agree to marry you”, said Dana e."When will you be sure of that?” The king asked."In twenty more years", Answered Danae, "If he has not comefor me by then, I will marry you".Truthfully, Danae did not want to marry Polydectes at all.She both loved Zeus and feared his anger.But she knew that if she didn't agree to marry the King sometime, He might become jealous and hurt her or Perseus in his anger.King Polydectes was not at all pleased by Danae’s answer, for he did not want to wait twenty years to marry her.But there was nothing else he could do, so he agreed to wait anyway."Lovely Danae, I will wait twenty years to take you as my bride”.Still, I will ask you to marry me each New Year's Festival Just in case you have changed your mind".译文与注释迪克提斯的发现塞拉皮斯岛由一个名为波吕得克特斯的国王统治。
希腊罗马神话 英文

Ancient Greek mythology and Roman mythology Greek mythology and Roman mythology are two major mythologies of Europe. These two myths constitute a series of colorful Ancient European culture, and also they had significant impact on the ancient and modern European countries as well as the lives of people around the world. However, many people are confused about these two myth systems. The main reason is because Roman mythology integrated Greek mythology into their myths, it can be said that the Roman mythology is the inheritance of Greek mythology. But if you compare the world constitution, Gods and God, The Legend of Heroes, and influence on the European culture of them, you will find the difference between the two.1.World constitution in the mythologyIn Greek mythologies, the world exists in an oval-shaped universe. It is divided into five parts. The five parts include the earth on which human live, Mysterious and unknown sea, the dark underworld at end of the sea, the heaven on the Mount Olympus in which the gods inhabit, the seabed buried a Giant. Heaven, the sea and Underworld are supervised by Olympus, Poseidon and Hades separately. The management of land belongs to the three main Gods of the universe. The Giants will always be buried under the earth.The old theogony of Greek mythology recorded the origin of the world. The oldest god of the initial universe is the Ka Esi (Chaos), Then Ka Esi give birth to Gaea (the earth) and Eros (Love) and Tartarus (the abyss or hell). Then Erevus (dark) and Nike Te (night) occurred at the bottom of the earth, the combination of them was the "bright" (Light) and "daylight" (day). Gaea gives birth to Ouranos (the sky) and Oceanus (ocean). Gaia with her son Ouranos gave birth to the twelve Titans. They are the ancestors of Gods. From the above, we can see the direction of the world formation in Greek mythology: the beginning of the world is chaos and darkness, light and love finally break the darkness. In Greek mythology the origin of the world is full of romance. They make nature and thinking anthropomorphic. What they wantto express is bright and beauty.There is no mythology about the world constitution and the legend of the origin in the Roman mythology. Antil the late Roman Republic, Roman poetry began to imitate the Greek mythology and write their myth. In ancient Rome, some local legends were also popular, but they were often related with the ancient history of Rome and Greek hero legend, such as the legend of the Trojan War. The most famous of these legends is Aeneas extravagated to the Italy from the sea and Romulo brothers’ establishment of the city of Rome. Both of them were widely spread and also they profoundly influenced Roman literature.2.Gods and god in the mythologyGods is the dominant family in the myth, the rise and fall and social status of the Protoss determines the creativity, scalability and reality of mythologies. In Greek mythology, we can view the Gods from relationship between the main Protoss and Protoss, power and status of the Lord God.The Gods mainly mentioned in Greek mythology is the Titans and Olympus Protoss. The relationship of the Titan Protoss and Olympus Protoss can be simply regared as the relationship between the two generations of God. At the beginning of the formation of the world, "the sky" Uranus gave birth to the leaderof the Titan Protoss, Cronus. Under the leadship of Cronus, the first generation of the Protoss came into being. With the help of the "Earth" Gaea, Cronus killed Uranus, but Uranus predicted that Cronus will be killed by his son. Eventually Cronus was killed by his son Zeus. Zeus was the leader of the second generation of Protoss - Olympus Protoss. Most of the Titan Protoss were buried in the ground by Olympus Protoss. Only a few of them escaped from it, such as Prometheus, Thetis and the Eos. It can be said that the relationship of these two factions of Greek Protoss are vertically successive relationships. It is just like new forces replaced the old forces, and absorb the essence of the old forces, and consolidate its new, unique rule.The Lord God in Greek mythology is the ‘father of the gods’ Zeus. He is anAlmighty God, father of man and God. Everything in the universe should obey his will. He was holding a thunderbolt and he had infinite power and wisdom. The existence of Zeus is the existence of an absolute authority.In Greek mythology, God is given human appearance, human nature, even human social relations. They not only have the Elegance of human but also the emotions. They know human feeling, good and evil. they plan to participate in the activities. Gods in Greek mythology have their distinctively characters, without asceticism and mysticism. The basic difference between God and human is that God is powerful, often immortally, leisurely. Each of them has special skill and tremendous power. Their attitude can determine the destiny of humankind. The ancient Greeks worship Gods, but they did not endow the gods with exorbitant nobility. Instead, they viewed the gods as moral model.The Gods of Rome can be divided into two categories. The first category is the original gods of Rome, the second one is Gods introduced in a particular period in Roman history. Original gods begin to have their own priests at a very early time. They had a fixed day for celebration. This type of God in addition to the 30 main Gods, there was a special group of Gods, these God scan be called assistant gods of the Lord God. They had their own special tasks. This showed the everyday needs of the Roman society. For example, Janus and Vesta guarded doors and stoves.These early Gods had no personality, no human appearance. They also had no personal experience of marriage or children. What they impacted was not the lives of ordinary people and morality, but the wild life and personal family.Under the influence of the Etruscans and Greeks, the Romans began to endow the Gods with human appearance. From then on, roman mythology began to be mixed with Greek mythology. In this confused process, the Roman Gods had undergone great changes. Some gods’scope rapidly expand, such as Minerva, she was not only a craft goddess, she also became a symbol of wisdom, patron saint of doctors, sculptors, musicians, poets; some Gods’ status grew fastly, such as Aphrodite. Roman combined Greek mythology with their own mythology, we can say that romanmythology is the inheritance of Greek mythology with its own characteristics: It made some adjustments about the fuction of the gods according to the Roman political, economic needs. For instance, Ares originally was a god who liked to stir up troubles, but in Rome, the Mars suddenly rose to become the patron saint of all the soldiers.Roman mythology also absorbed nutrition from the Eastern religions, such as reproductive goddess in Egyptian mythology, Isis; Mithra, Persian god of light, Saba God of ancient Phrygia, and Syriaa Tajia God had spread to Rome. They were loved by many people. With the expansion and consolidation of the Roman forces, the state had taken measures to rectify the gods set. They unified those scattered gods into Jupiter, Juno and Minerva three God.3.The legends of heroesHeroes in Greek mythology is the world-famous, heroes such as Odysseus, Jason,they were almost known to every family. In general, the Greek Heroes includes three systems: war, adventure and culture. Adventurous heroes are the most important one. Argoexpedition, the Odyssey and the fate of Hercules are describing the adventures of the heroes, in which description of the Argo expedition is the most magnificent. The heroes of Greek mythology were yearning to go out to explore, conquer, and open up a new world and to make contributions. In the process of adventure, the heroes sometimes are impulse by their own subjective wishes, sometimes they are manipulated by the gods in the background. This kind of mythology reflects that though ancient Greek encouraged people to be innovative, they confined people to the authoritarian frame. In short, the Greek Heroes focus on the individual heroism. They performed in their own way, even if participation in the war mostly for their own honor, such as the battle of Troy, Achilles.Heroes in Roman mythology, individualism had become weaker. The image of the hero was with political color. All of them were patriotic. In their eyes, the national interest was important than anything else, but they were very rational. They closedto reality rather than Superman. Therefore, the heroes of Greek mythology were closer to the real side of human nature.4.The influence on European cultureThe splendid culture of ancient Greece is an indelible gem in the world. Greek mythology influenced on the world culture deeply. The philosophy of Greek people enlightened the reform of the medieval people. The spirit of adventure led people to find new roads. Its legacy of Greek literature played an irreplaceable role to the world culture, especially for pushing forward the Italian Renaissance began in the Middle Ages. Ancient Greek culture was recognized as the source of Western culture.Roman mythology also deeply impacted on European culture. Heaven constellation originally named after the Greek mythological figures and gods. The Roman culture reflected in Roman mythology had a profound impact on medieval European continent, Asia and Africa. After the Renaissance, the role it played became greater.Therefore, people often mention Roman mythology and Greek mythology at the same time. They seem similarly, but in reality they are very different. However, both of them ve made a great contribution to world culture.。

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(3)The Labors of Heracles-The son of Zeus, HeraclesPrincess Alcmene was so beautiful and kind that everyman who saw her and fall immediately love with her.Even Zeus, king of all the gods, looked down at Alcmene from his throne in the sky and felt deeply in love with her beauty.Zeus wished to take her as his bride so he visited at her one night, and they were secretly married.Later, Alcmene gave birth to a son and named him Heracles.Since Heracles was the son of Zeus,his strength was greater than any other men.Hera was Zeus’wife in Olympus, the land of god.She knew how much her husband like beautiful woman and was jealous of Princess Alcmene.Hera wanted greatly to see her die, but Zeus ordered her not to hurt Alcmene and Hera feared Zeus’angry.Instead, Hera decided to get her revenge of Alcmene to her son Heracles. When Heracles was just a baby, Hera sent two huge snakes into his nursery.Heracles lashed with two snakes and killed them.Even as a baby, his strength was great.During his life, Hera did many things to try to hurt Heracles.After Heracles was married and had two children, Hera decided that it was her good time to take her revenge.She made Heracles think that his wife had being sleeping with another man and that his children were not his own.Heracles became so crazy with angry that he broke his wife’s neck and threw his children into a fire.When he realized that the terrible deed that he had done, he was so filled with sadness that left his city and lived alone in a small cave in the mountains.For many months Heracles stayed in mountain cave and didn’t leave to see anyone.He thought about what he had done and prayed to the gods to end his terrible sadness.The gods met together to decide what to do with Heracles.They were angry about his violence act, but they also felt that he had done so great things in his life and should receive a second chance.The gods finally decided that Heracles would be forgiven if he used hisstrength for good.Applo the messager of gods flew to Heracles’s cave and delivered thismessage.“Powerful Heracles, you must travel to Argos and complete twelve tasks foryour cousin Eurystheus”.“Once you have completed these tasks, the gods will forgive you and yoursadness can end”.Heracles bowed to Applo and thanked gods for their wisdom and for giving hima second opportunity.He then left for Argos to see his cousin Eurystheus.译文和注解赫拉克勒斯的功绩-宙斯之子赫拉克勒斯阿尔克墨涅公主是如此的美丽和善良,人见人爱。
简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-33. Theseus and Minotaur

简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(33)Theseus and MinotaurKing Minos sat in his high chair and watched the young Theseus entered into his great Hall.“You will know that you never leave the Labyrinth alive”, said Minos, “the Minotaur will find you and kill you one by one”.“But what if we kill the Minotaur first ,king Minos”, said Theseus.Minos laughed loudly, “Kill the Minotaur?” He said.“Why, if you kill the Minotaur, I promise that I will let all of you go”“I will kill him”, said Theseus, “just let me take my sword into the labyrinth and I will face the monster”.“Oh, so the luck swimmer is the hero now too”, said Minos.He was still laughing.“I am Theseus, son of the king Aegeus, if I kill the monster, do you promise let us to return to Athens”.“All right, tomorrow morning you may try to kill my monster, if you escape the labyrinth, all of you may leave”.Ariadne, king Minos’s daughter, was standing next to his father as the man spok e. She thought Theseus was very handsome, and admired his courage so much that she fell in love with him instantly.She secretly decided to help the young hero.During the night, Ariadne quietly entered the prison’s room and woke Theseus.She explained to Theseus that Minotaur was not his only danger.“Who are you?” Theseus said and admired her beauty.“I am Ariadne, the daughter of the king”, “and I am here to help you, listen to me, you will enter the labyrinth easily, and I believe that you are great hero, and will kill the Minotaur”.“But even if you do that, you will never find the way out the Maze”.“you see even the Minotaur is the prison here”, but I know how you can escape the labyrinth”“If I tell you how to get out the labyrinth, would you promise to marry me and take me with you to Athens?”Theseus promised the princess that he would do so.And then Ariadne gave him a ball of thin string, and explained to him what to do. The next morning, when Theseus entered the labyrinth, he tied one end of string to a rock near the door.As he walked deep into the maze,he let the string out slowly.Theseus walked deeper and deeper into the Maze, always moving toward the center where the Minotaur lived.The bones of many people and animal lying on the ground, many of walls were covered with dry blood.Eventually Theseus heard the sound of heavy breath and loud footsteps of large animal.He stopped walk and waited the Minotaur to appear around the cornerAs soon as the monster saw Theseus, it put its head down and ran at Theseus with its hornsTheseus reached out his strong arm and grabbed the horns with his powerful hands. The Minotaur turned its head quickly back and forth tried to get Theseus off.But it could not, then Theseus used all of his strength and turned Minotaur neck until it was almost broken.The Minotaur fell and before it could get back up again, Theseus pushed his sword into its mouth all the way through its head.He then followed the string back to entrance of the labyrinthWhen Theseus came out the labyrinth with the bloody sword in his hand, the other Athenians began crying, tear in joyBy killing the Minotaur, Theseus had not only saved his own life but the others as well.King Minos was very angry to see Theseus came out the labyrinth alive. However, because his amazing deed, the king was now certain that Theseus was protected by the gods.He let the Athenians go free, thus the Athenians debt to Crete was ended.The next day Theseus kept his promise to Ariadne and took her with him.When king Minos learned that his daughter had left with Theseus, he sent his ships to capture the Athenians.But Theseus had left very early, and his ship was too far ahead.After following for just a day, Minos‘s ship gave up and returned to Crete. Everyone was so happy returning to Athens that they had a great party and drank all wine on ship.The Next day they stopped at an island of Naxos, and went to search fresh water. While on the island, Ariadne walked around picking flowers to give to Theseus.She soon fell asleep on the beach under the warm sun.When Theseus saw her sleeping there, a strange thing happened, his heart turned cold to her and he order his people to return to the ship, leaved the island without her.Ariadne awoken up just in time to see the ship disappeared from sight.Her heart broke and she cried until the night fell.When the gods heard the Ariadne cry, they became angry and decided to punish Theseus for his selfishness.They made all the people on the ship forget to hang white sails.As they approach Athens, the black sails still hung highSince Theseus had left, his father had spent every day sitting on the high cliff over the sea, watching the water and waiting for the ship return.When he saw the black sails hanging on the ship, his heart broke just as Ariadne had. He had prayed all his life that his son would rule the kingdom after he died.Now he did not have anyone to rule the kingdom after he died.He stood up and walked over to the edge of the cliff, looked once more the black sails on the ship, and let himself fall into sea far below.When Theseus finally arrived at Athens he expected a large party to be going on celebration on safe return of the young men and women.Instead, all the people had sad faces and Theseus was greeted only by the dead body of his father lying on the beach where the wave had pushed it译文与注释忒休斯和牛头怪国王米诺斯坐在高椅子上,看着年轻的忒修斯走进他伟大的殿堂。

希腊神话英文读后感Greek Mythology is a fascinating and captivating subject that has intrigued people for centuries. The stories of gods and goddesses, heroes and monsters, and epic battles have been passed down through generations and continue to captivate readers today. After reading about Greek mythology, I have come to appreciate the depth and complexity of these ancient tales.One of the most striking aspects of Greek mythology is the rich and diverse cast of characters. From Zeus, the powerful king of the gods, to Athena, the wise and strategic goddess of wisdom, each character possesses unique traits and abilities that make them both relatable and larger than life. The gods and goddesses are not perfect beings, but rather flawed and complex individuals who grapple with their own desires and shortcomings. This makes them all the more compelling and human-like, despite their divine status.In addition to the gods and goddesses, the heroes of Greek mythology also play a central role in the stories. These mortal figures, such as Hercules, Perseus, and Achilles, are often faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges and must rely on their strength, courage, andwit to overcome them. Their struggles and triumphs serve as powerful allegories for the human experience, reminding usof the resilience and potential within each of us.Furthermore, the monsters and creatures of Greek mythology add an element of danger and excitement to the tales. From the fearsome Hydra to the cunning Sphinx, these creatures test the bravery and resourcefulness of theheroes and provide thrilling obstacles for them to overcome. The presence of these fantastical beings adds an element of wonder and awe to the stories, making them all the more enthralling.Beyond the individual characters and creatures, Greek mythology also offers a rich tapestry of interconnected stories and themes. The myths are often intertwined withone another, with characters and events from one storyappearing in another. This interconnectedness adds depth and complexity to the tales, creating a sense of continuity and coherence throughout the mythology.Moreover, the themes and lessons found within Greek mythology are both timeless and universal. The stories explore the complexities of human nature, the struggle between good and evil, and the consequences of hubris and arrogance. They also delve into the nature of love, friendship, and sacrifice, offering valuable insights into the human experience. These themes resonate with readers of all ages and cultures, making the mythology enduringly relevant.In conclusion, Greek mythology is a treasure trove of captivating stories, rich characters, and timeless themes. The tales of gods and goddesses, heroes and monsters, and epic battles continue to captivate and inspire readers around the world. After delving into the world of Greek mythology, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the enduring power and relevance of these ancient tales. They remind us of the enduring power of storytelling and thetimeless truths that lie at the heart of the human experience.。

希腊故事的启示英语作文Title: Insights from Greek Mythology。
Greek mythology is a rich tapestry of stories that have captivated audiences for centuries. Beyond their entertainment value, these tales offer profound insights into human nature, morality, and the complexities of life. Through the exploration of characters and themes, one can glean valuable lessons that remain relevant in contemporary society.One of the recurring themes in Greek mythology is the concept of hubris, or excessive pride, which often leads to downfall. This theme is exemplified in the story of Icarus, who, despite warnings from his father Daedalus, flew too close to the sun with wings made of wax and feathers. His arrogance and disregard for caution resulted in his demise as the heat melted the wax, causing him to fall into the sea. This cautionary tale reminds us of the dangers of overconfidence and the importance of heeding wise counsel.Another prominent motif in Greek mythology is the struggle between fate and free will. The story of Oedipus, who unwittingly fulfills a prophecy by killing his father and marrying his mother, illustrates this conflict vividly. Despite his efforts to escape his fate, Oedipus ultimately succumbs to the forces of destiny. This tale prompts us to ponder the extent to which we control our own destinies and the inevitability of certain outcomes.Furthermore, Greek mythology is replete with examples of the consequences of moral transgressions. The story of Pandora’s box serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of curiosity and disobedience. When Pandora opens the forbidden box, she unleashes a myriad of evils upon the world, demonstrating the irreversible consequences of her actions. This narrative underscores the importance of restraint and the potential ramifications of our choices.Moreover, Greek mythology offers insight into the complexities of human relationships and emotions. The tale of Orpheus and Eurydice poignantly explores the themes oflove, loss, and the power of music. After Eurydice dies, Orpheus descends into the underworld to retrieve her, armed only with his lyre. His music moves the gods and spirits,but ultimately, he fails to rescue her due to his inability to trust and abide by the conditions set by Hades. This tragic story highlights the fragility of love and the challenges of overcoming grief.In addition to these timeless themes, Greek mythology also provides us with archetypal characters who embody various virtues and vices. Heroes like Hercules exemplify strength, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity, inspiring us to persevere in our own struggles. Conversely, figures like Narcissus symbolize vanity and self-absorption, cautioning against the pitfalls of excessive self-love.In conclusion, the stories of Greek mythology continueto resonate with audiences around the world due to their enduring relevance and profound insights into the human condition. Through the exploration of themes, characters, and moral lessons, these ancient tales offer valuable guidance for navigating the complexities of life. Bystudying and reflecting on these narratives, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.。

希腊故事的启示英语作文Title: Insights from Greek Mythology。
Greek mythology has been a treasure trove of timeless tales, rich with characters and events that continue to resonate with humanity. These stories transcend time and culture, offering profound insights into the human condition. Here, we delve into the depths of Greek mythology to uncover some of the valuable lessons it imparts.First and foremost, the story of Prometheus teaches us the power of defiance in the face of oppression. Prometheus, the Titan who defied Zeus by stealing fire and giving it to humanity, symbolizes the spirit of rebellion against unjust authority. His act of defiance highlights the importance of challenging oppressive systems and fighting for what is right, even at great personal cost. This tale reminds usthat courage and determination can spark revolutionary change and pave the way for progress.On the other hand, the tragic tale of Icarus serves as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of hubris and overreaching ambition. Despite his father Daedalus's warnings, Icarus flew too close to the sun with wings made of wax, ultimately leading to his downfall. This story warns against the folly of unchecked arrogance and the consequences of ignoring wise counsel. It reminds us to temper our ambitions with humility and to recognize our limitations.The myth of Narcissus offers a sobering reflection on the destructive nature of vanity and self-absorption. Narcissus, a beautiful youth who fell in love with his own reflection, serves as a poignant reminder of the perils of excessive self-love. His tragic end serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of narcissism, highlighting the importance of empathy and genuine connection with others. It prompts us to look beyond ourselves and cultivate meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.Furthermore, the story of Pandora's Box explores the complexities of human nature and the consequences of curiosity. When Pandora opened the forbidden box out of curiosity, she inadvertently unleashed all the evils into the world, leaving only hope behind. This myth reminds us of the inherent curiosity within human beings and the potential consequences of our actions. It urges us to approach life with caution and mindfulness, recognizing the power of our choices to shape our destiny.Lastly, the epic journey of Odysseus in Homer's "The Odyssey" offers valuable lessons about perseverance, resilience, and the importance of homecoming. Despite facing numerous trials and tribulations on his journey back to Ithaca, Odysseus never loses sight of his ultimate goal: to return to his homeland and reunite with his loved ones. His unwavering determination and cleverness in overcoming obstacles inspire us to navigate life's challenges with courage and resourcefulness. Moreover, his longing for home underscores the significance of roots, belonging, and the enduring power of family bonds.In conclusion, Greek mythology provides us with a treasure trove of insights into the human experience. From tales of defiance and hubris to cautionary warnings about vanity and curiosity, these stories continue to resonate with us today. By exploring these myths, we can glean valuable lessons that transcend time and culture, guiding us on our journey through life.。

希腊神话读后感英文版Greek Mythology Reading Reflection。
Greek mythology is a fascinating and complex world filled with gods, goddesses, heroes, and mythical creatures. After delving into the world of Greek mythology, I have come to realize the profound impact it has had on literature, art, and culture throughout history. The stories of Greek mythology are not only entertaining but also provide valuable insights into the human experience and the nature of the world.One of the most striking aspects of Greek mythology is the intricate and diverse pantheon of gods and goddesses. Each deity has their own unique personality, powers, and domain, and their interactions with one another often mirror the complexities of human relationships. The gods and goddesses are not depicted as perfect beings, but rather as flawed and fallible, much like the mortals they oversee. This humanization of the divine creates a sense of relatability and allows readers to connect with the characters on a deeper level.The stories of Greek mythology also explore universal themes such as love, jealousy, ambition, and the struggle for power. The tale of Zeus and Hera, for example, highlights the complexities of marriage and the consequences of infidelity. Similarly, the story of Prometheus and his gift of fire to humanity raises questions about the nature of free will and the consequences of defying the gods. These timeless themes continue to resonate with readers today, demonstrating the enduring relevance of Greek mythology.In addition to the gods and goddesses, Greek mythology is populated by a rich cast of heroes and heroines whose adventures and exploits have become legendary. From the epic journey of Odysseus in "The Odyssey" to the tragic fate of Oedipus in "Oedipus Rex," these stories are not only thrilling but also offer valuable lessons about the human condition. The heroes of Greek mythology often face great challenges and must overcome their own flaws and weaknesses in order to achieve their goals, making them both inspirational and relatable figures.Furthermore, the creatures and monsters of Greek mythology add an element of fantasy and wonder to the stories. From the fearsome Minotaur to the cunning Sphinx, these creatures embody the fears and anxieties of ancient Greek society. They also serve as symbolic representations of the darker aspects of human nature, reminding readers of the importance of courage, wisdom, and perseverance in the face of adversity.Overall, my journey into the world of Greek mythology has been both enlightening and enriching. The stories of the gods, goddesses, heroes, and mythical creatures have provided me with a deeper understanding of the human experience and the enduring power of storytelling. Greek mythology continues to captivate and inspire readers of all ages, proving that its influence will endure for generations to come.。
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简易英语读物《希腊神话-Greek Mythology》-(26)
Losing Hylas
Jason ordered his men to stop at the next island they found to repair
the ship.
After landing on a small island, everyone set out to find food and fresh water. Hercules and his good
friend Hylas went into the forest to cut down trees to get wood to fix the Argo. Though the island did not have any people on
it, the two men thought that they heard singing.
The two men went deeper and deeper into the forest, searching for tall and strong trees to cut down.
As they walked, the sound of singing grew louder and louder ,
it was beautiful.
Hercules warned Hylas to be careful, "There are many powerful ghosts in
this world" , he said.
Still, Hylas was curious about the singing and wanted to
find out where it was coming from.
While Hercules was cutting
down a tree, Hylas wandered deeper into the forest until he found a pool of water. He listened closely and it seemed that the singing was coming
from deep within the water.
Bending down near the edge of the pool, Hylas stared down into the water. The sound of singing grew stronger, and
he saw the faces of three beautiful women rise up under the water.
Hylas felt like he was in a dream and reached his hand
into the water to touch the beautiful faces.
The women put out
their hands and held his and sang a soft song that made Hylas
feel happy and sleepy.
Slowly, they pulled Hylas down into the water.
Hercules had heard the singing change and had run to find his friend.
He arrived at the pool just in time to see Hylas’ feet sink below the water. Hercules jumped into the pool and searched
for his friend, but neither Hylas nor the women could he found.
For two days, Hercules waited by the pool for his friend.
Finally, he returned to the Argo and told the other men the
sad, strange story.
The men had a funeral for Hylas and then left the strange island.
图.海拉斯和宁芙(1896) ,约翰·威廉姆·沃特豪斯by John William Waterhouse