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Based on single chip micro-game - greedy snake


Single-chip microprocessor referred to as microcontrollers, which is integrated on a chip, a central processing unit, memory, timer / counters and a variety of input and output devices such as Interface Unit. SCM is a microprocessor development, an important branch, since its inception, performance, continuous improvement and increase, coupled with microcontroller with an integrated high, strong function, high speed, small size, power consumption, easy to use, reliable, cheap, etc. advantages, so in the industrial control, data acquisition and processing, communication systems, home appliances and other fields increasingly wide range of applications. Although the domestic late start, but the potential of SCM has been growing attention, especially in industrial control, automation instruments and meters, computer system interface, intelligent peripherals and other applications developed rapidly. Its application for the upgrading of products, mechanical and electrical integration, have important significance in industrial production, current, voltage, temperature, pressure, flow, flow rate and switching capacity are commonly used parameters of the main accused, was used for a variety production of different products. More extensive use of the communications industry, cell phone calls from can only be basic to the present, mobile phones have a variety of functions, single-chip has been widely used. Phone can listen to music, listening to the radio, play games, according to photos, etc., the more popular cell phone game Snake will be able to use SCM.

Keyword:51singlechip snake game


1 第一章绪论 (1)

1.1概述 (1)

1.2选题背景 (1)

1.3课题分析 (1)

1.4思路设计 (1)

2第二章系统的基本组成和工作原理 (2)

2.1系统的基本组成 (2)

2.2系统的工作原理 (2)

3第三章显示电路的选取和设计 (2)

3.1游戏显示的器件选择 (2)

3.2显示功能的硬件电路 (3)

4第四章键盘扫描的电路设计 (4)

4.1键盘扫描思路设计 (4)

4.2键盘硬件电路设计 (4)

5第五章系统程序设计 (5)

5.1编译软件 (5)

5.2软件设计工具 (5)

5.3C51 优化的 C 语言交叉编译器 (10)

5.4系统设计流程图 (11)

参考文献 (15)

附录 (16)

谢辞 (43)
