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window board light pictur

e door floor classroom comput er wall fan teacher’s desk Chin ese book English book math book school bag story-book notebook twenty-one thirt y thirty-one forty forty-one fift y long hair short hair thin stron g quiet friend(s) music scienc

e sports computer game painting

study bathroom bedroom livin g kitchen phone bed so fa shelf fridge table ric e fish noodles beef vegetabl e soup knife chopstick

s spoon plate fork

family parents uncle aun

t baby driver docto

r farmer nurse baseball playe



bag pencil pen book rule r pencil-case teacher student bo

y girl friend

home room school classro om window desk door chai r bed rice beef brea

d milk egg waterchicken fish sist

e r brother father m other

driver doctor farme

r nurse


playground garden teacher’s des

k canteen art room computer room washro om music room

gym TV room lunch English class musi c class breakfast dinner P.E. class get up go to school go home go to bed sweate

r jeans pants socks shoes sh orts

hot weather rainy wind

y cloudy colourful pretty ch eap expensive sneakers

slippers sandals boots sheep he n lamb goat cow tomato cucumber potato onion carrot


computer board fan light this i s my that your teacher’s desk pictu re wall floor yes it

one two three four five si

x seven eight nine ten wha

t time it’s o’clock math Chinese English P.E. music f or class jacket shirt ski rt dress T-shirt red

blue yellow green white n

o not colour warm cold cool to day jeans pant socks

shoes let’s play football sn owy sunny how much big small lon g short apple

banana pear orange watermelo

n are they horse aren’t ca

t rabbit pig duck dog

eleven twelve thirteen fiftee n twenty how many there


1. What’s in the classroom?

2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.

3. We have a new classroom.

4. Where is my sea

t? It is near the door.

5. Let’s clean the classroom.Good id ea!

6. Let me clean the board. All right.

7. It is nice and clean! Good j ob! 8. What colour is the schoolbag? It‘s black and white.

9. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are. 10. My schoolbag is heavy.

11. What is in the schoolbag? 12. How many picture -books do you have?

13. My friend is strong. He has short hair….14. I have a new friend. He likes sports. Sh e likes music.15.What’s his name ?Hi s name is Zhang Peng. 16. What’s her name ? Her name is Am

y. 17. Is this your bed room? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.18. I have a new eraser.19. Is she in the study? No,
