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1. 中世纪文学中世纪文学是英国文学史的起点,以骑士文学和宗教文学为主要形式。
2. 文艺复兴时期文艺复兴时期是英国文学史上的黄金时代,代表作家包括莎士比亚、斯宾塞和培根。
3. 17世纪文学17世纪是英国文学史上的变革时期,文学形式更加多样化。
4. 18世纪文学18世纪是英国文学史上启蒙时代的兴起,代表作家包括亚历山大·蒲柏和塞缪尔·约翰逊。
5. 浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学是19世纪英国文学的重要流派,代表作家包括威廉·华兹华斯和塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治。
6. 维多利亚时代文学维多利亚时代是英国文学史上的繁荣时期,代表作家包括查尔斯·狄更斯和艾米莉·勃朗特。
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English LiteraturePart 1. The Anglo-Saxon PeriodBeowulf (the national epic of the English people) stricking feature: alliteration, metaphors and understatements. CaedmonParaphrase of the Bible/ (the first known religious poet of England) Cynewulf The Christ /( poet on religious subjects) Part 2. The Anglo-Norman Period Sir Gawain and the Green Knight/ a mixture of Anglo-Saxon poetry and French poetry. (alliterative verse with metrical verse), The poem reflects the ideal of feudal knighthood. A true knight should not only dedicate himself to the church, but also possess the virtues of great courage, of fidelity to his promise, and of physical chastity and purity. Part 3. Geoffrey Chaucer GeoffreyChaucer1340-1400 The House of Fame ; Troilus and Criseyde (long narrative poem);Legend of Good Women (first used heroic couplet); The Parliament of Fowls poetry :Canterbury Tales / Significance: It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer‟s time ; It has a dramatic structure; It reflects Chaucer‟s humor ; It shows Chaucer‟s contribution to the English language and poetry. his contribution to English poetry: introduced from france the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the heroic couplet), is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. Who making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech. He is considered as the founder of English poetry.Part 4. The English renaissanceThomas More Utopia ( He is the outstanding humanist) Lyrical poems Thomas Wyatt(the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature); Henry Howard; Philip Sidney; Thomas Campion Epic poem Edmond Spenser The Faerie Queen Novels John Lyly(Eupheus gives rise to the term euphuism ); Thomas Lode (they dealing with court life and gallantry Thomas Deloney; Thomas Nashe(they are realistic authors devoted to the everyday life of craftsman, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes.) Francis Bacon1561-1626 The philosophical: Advancement of Learning ;Novum Organum 新工具;De Augmentis The literary: Essays(Of Truth, Of Death; Of Revenge, Of Friendship ) The professional: treatises entitled Maxims of the Law and Reading on the Statute of Uses The founder of English materialist philosophy Drama Christopher Marlowe( the greatest pioneer of English drama who made blank verse the principle vehicle of expression in drama); Robert Greene George Green /the Pinner of W akefield William Shakespeare1564-1616 (37plays, two narrative poems, 154sonnets) The Tempest 暴风风雨;The Two Gentlemen of Verona 维罗纳二绅士;The Mercy Wives of Windsor 温莎的风流妇人;Measure for Measure 恶有恶报;The Comedy of Errors 错中错;Much Ado about Nothing 无事自扰;Love ’s Labour ’s Lost 空爱一场;A Midsummer Night ’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人;As Y ou Like It 如愿;The T aming of the Shrew 驯悍记;All ’s Well That Ends Well 皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night 第十二夜;The Winter ’s T ale 冬天的故事;The Life and Death of King John/Richard the Second/Henry the Fifth/Richard the Thir d 约翰王/理查二世/亨利五世/理查三世;The First/Second Part of King Henry the Fourth 亨利四世(上、下);The First/Second/Third Part of King Henry the Sixth 亨利六世(上、中、下);The Life of King Henry the Eighth 亨利八世;Troilus and Cressida 脱爱勒斯与克莱西达;The Tragedy of Coriolanus 考利欧雷诺斯;Titus Andronicus 泰特斯·安庄尼克斯;Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶;Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门;The Life and Death of Julius Caesar ;朱利阿斯·凯撒;The Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白;The Tragedy of Hamlet 哈姆雷特/王子复仇记;King Lear 李尔王;Othello 奥塞罗;Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克利欧佩特拉;Cymbeline 辛白林;Pericles 波里克利斯;Venus and Adonis 维诺斯·阿都尼斯; Lucrece 露克利斯;The Sonnets 十四行诗 The Great Comedies: A Midsummer Night ’s Dream; The Merchant ofVenice; As You Like It ;Twelfth Night;The Great Tragedies: The Tragedy of Hamlet; Othello; King Lear;The Tragedy of Macbeth;The Later Comedies(romances): Pericles; Cymbeline; The Winter’s Tale; The Tempest;Part 5. The English Bourgeois revolution period and RestorationJohnMilton1608-1674 Shorter poems: L‘Allegro欢乐的人;Il Penseroso沉思的人;Comus科马斯;Lycidas;Principle pamphlets: Areopagitica论出版自由; Eikonoklastes; Defense for the English people;Poem: Paradise Lost(The poem was written in blank verse); Paradise Regained;JohnBunyan1628-1688 The Pilgrim‟s Progress(It is the greatest English allegory, its style is simple and biblical)JohnDonne1572-1631 Poetry(love lyrics & religious poems);Sonnets(The founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry)John Dryden Critic, poet and playwright of restoration periodHistory and Anthology of English Literature IPart I The Anglo-Saxon Period(449-1066)(In Chin. Chr.: Northern and Southern Dynasties – Northern Song Dyn.)History of the English LanguageOld English: Anglo-Saxon times —1100Middle English:1150 -- 1500Modern English:1500 – present times(Early Modern English:1500 – 1700)In 43 A.D. the Romans landed in Britain and made south Britain a Roman province When the Roman Empire declined and its troops left England, the tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded the island from Northern Europe around the 5th century(about 449 A. D.).*Epic: a long narrative poem about heroic deeds and adventures.The storyAccording to the contents of the story, the poem can be divided into three parts: Part I: the fight against GrendelPart II: the fight against Grend el‘s motherPart III: the fight against the Fire DragonThe artistic featuresAlliteration, metaphor, understatement, vivid poetic diction and parallel expressions for a single ideaThe themesThe chief significance of this epic lies in the vivid portrayal of a great national hero, strong and courageous and selfless and ever helpful to his people and kinsfolk. The Song of Beowulf can be justly termed English national epic and its hero Beowulf – one of the national heroes of the English people.*Alliteration: the deliberate repetition of the first consonants in associated words or next to stressed syllables.Part II The Anglo—Norman Period(1066—1350)(In Chinese chronology: Northern Song Dyn.—Yuan Dyn.)Medieval RomanceIt was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.1st Canto: Gawain returns the blow2nd Canto: Gawain‘s long journey3rd Canto: Gawain‘ life in the castle4th canto: …gets to the Green Chapel… warned to turn back…terrif ying sound of sharpening ax…Green Knight appears…two swings harmlessly…third one wounds him…Green Knight explains…lord …shame…atone(make repayment)…free gift…Gawain returns to Arthur‘s…tells his story…knights wear a green girdle ever sinceThe themeSir Gawain and the Green knight is the best of the surviving Middle English romances, characterized by passages of beautiful poetry, moments of gentle comedy and keenly observed psychology. It has two motifs (main subject or idea) in the story, one is the testing of faith, courage and purity, the other is the proving of human weakness forself-preservation. The two motifs provide the poem with unmistakable traits of chivalric romances, plus some strong Christian colouring.The artistic features : AlliterationPart III Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?—1400)(In Chinese history: early Ming Dynasty)The Canterbury TalesThe themeIn The Canterbury Tales, one of the most famous works in all literature, Chaucer has given us a picture of contemporary English life, its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy and hearty joy of living such as no other single work of literature has ever equaled.Chaucer‘s contribution to English poetryChaucer’s contribution to English poetryChaucer‘s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter (to be called later the ―heroic couplet‖) to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo- Saxon alliterative verse. Chaucer also greatly contributed to the founding of the English literary language, the basis of which was formed by the London dialect, so profusely used by the poet.Metre*Metre (格律): the organization of rhythm in verse into various regular patterns or units. In English verse, these units are based on stress, and it is the combination of stressed and unstressed syllables into various patterns or units that gives each poem its rhythm or metre.Iamb (iambic): one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable. __︶(抑扬格)Anapest ( anapestic) __ __ ︶(抑抑扬格)Trochee(trochaic) ︶__ (扬抑格)Dactyl (dactylic) ︶__ __ (扬抑抑格)Spondee (spondaic) ︶︶__ __ (扬扬抑抑格)Foot or Metrical FootFoot (音步): the basic unit of measurement in a line of poetry. Generally a foot consists of two or three syllables, one of which is stressed.Monometre: 1 foot Pentametre: 5 feetDimetre: 2 feet Hexametre: 6 feetTrimetre: 3 feet Heptametre: 7 feetTetrametre: 4 feet Octametre: 8 feetPopular balladsBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission. The origin of them can be traced back as early as the 13th century, few of them were printed before the 18th Century and some not until the 19th.Analysis of Get up and Bar the DoorForm: Four-line stanzas, rime-scheme of abcb, colloquial language, the use of dialogues and exaggerated actions, story, the length of verse linesContent: This is a good example of the humorous ballad. It is a light tale humorously told, showing the simple life and the innocent fun of the common people.Part IV The RenaissanceThe Renaissance: This word, meaning ―rebirth‖ is commonly applied to the movement or period which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world in Western Europe.Humanism: Broadly, this term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human interests, as opposed to the supernatural, divine elements—or as opposed to the grosser, animal elements. In a more specific sense, humanism suggests a devotion to those studies supposed to promote human culture most effectively—in particular, those dealing with the life, thought, language, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. In literary history the most important use of the term is to designate the revival of classical culture which accompanied the Renaissance.John Donne(1572-1631)Death Be not proudDeath Be Not Proud is one of Donne‘s 19 holy sonnets, which were believed to have been written before his ordination .The poem reveals his belief in life after death. Here death is compared to rest or sleep. Death is but momentary while happiness after death is eternal. But this religious idea is curiously expressed in the author‘s supposeddialogue with―death‖, a s various reasons are given in the poem to argue against the common belief in death as ―mighty and dreadful‖. In this way the sonnet was a typical work of the school of metaphysical poetry. This is a sonnet written in the strict Petrarchan pattern, with 14 lines of iambic pentameter rhyming abba, abba,cddcee. Donne’s distinguishing artistic featuresDonne‘s originality stems from his freedom to draw on a number of different conventions and to adapt them to his own peculiar voice. In the first place his poetry is in one respect less classical than that of his predecessors. There is far less in it of the superficial evidence of classical learning with which the poetry of the ―universitywits‖abounds, pastoral and mythological imagery. The texture of his poetry is more dialectical, and the imagery is less picturesque, more scientific, philosophic, realistic and homely. Nevertheless, in spite of the closeness of the argument, the abstractness of the ideas, the absence of visual imagery, and the strictly denotative use of words, the effect of his poetry is not abstract in the pejorative sense. Each stanza, in fact is a compressed syllogism the conclusion and the minor premise being reserved, as a kind of surprise, until the end.Image: One of the most distinguishing features of poetry is the employment of image. Image is the soul of poetry. It means that the poet uses specific form/ figure or picture to express what people experience, intellectually or emotionally.(a word picture; putting into words of a sound, sight, smell, taste, etc. by describing it.) Imagery: using images such as metaphors and similes to produce an effect in the reader‘s imagination.Enjambment:a device used in verse when both the sense and the grammatical structure are carried over to the next line, /running on the sense of one line of poetry to the nextConceit:from the Italian concetto, used to mean a precise and detailed comparison of something more remote or abstract with something more present or concrete, and often detailed through a chain of metaphors or similes.Wit:the ability to use contrasting and unlikely associations to express a clever and amusing idea.Donne‘s image ry has always impressed readers by its range and variety and its avoidance of the conventionally ornamental. Donne had a different conception of the function of imagery from that of the other Elizabethan poets. The purpose of an image in his poetry is to define the emotional experience by an intellectual parallel. His images must be followed logically; point by point they fit the emotion illustrated.In short, the poetry of Donne is characterized by complex imagery and irregularity of form. He frequently employs the conceit, an elaborate metaphor making striking syntheses of apparently unrelated objects or ideas. His intellectuality, introspection, and use of colloquial diction, seemingly unpoetic but always uniquely precise in meaning and connotation, make his poetry boldly divergent from the smooth, elegant verse of his day.John Milton(1608—1674)Analysis of Paradise LostParadise Lost is Milton‘s masterpiece, and greatest English epic. It consists of 12 books, containing about ten thousand lines in blank versePlotThe stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow angels; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angels in hell plotting aga inst God; Satan‘s temptations of Eve; and departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.*Blank verseunrhymed verse written in iambic pentameter.The themeThe poem, as we are told at the outset, was to ―justify the ways of God to man‖, i.e., to advocate submission to the Almighty. But after reading it one gets the impression that the main idea of the poem is a revolt against God‘s authority.In the poem God is no better than a selfish despot, seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing his praises. His long speeches are never pleasing. He is cruel and unjust in his struggle against Satan. His Archangel is a bore. His angels are silly. While the rebel Satan who rose against God and, though defeated, still sought for revenge, is by far the most striking character in the poem.Adam and Eve embody Milton‘s belief in the powers of man. Their craving for knowledge, as Milton stresses, adds a particular significance to their characters. This longing for knowledge opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life.It has been noticed by many critics that the picture of God surrounded by his angels, who never think of expressing any opinions of their own, resembles the court of an absolute monarch, while Satan and his followers, who freely discuss all issues in council, sufficient to prove that Milton‘s revolutionary feelings made him forsake religious orthodoxy.This epic is an eloquent expression of the revolutionary spirit of the English bourgeois revolution, a call to resist tyranny and to continue the fight for freedom.The image of SatanSatan is the central figure in Paradise lost. He is human as well as superhuman. We think of Satan either as an abstract conception or else, more immediately, as someone in whom evil is mixed with good but who is doomed to destruction by the flaw ofself-love. The figure of Satan is undoubtedly impressive, powerful, and immense, looming up as a magnificent figure, a mighty, a terrible, and an immortal Being; he is infinitely superior to man, as well in the dignity of his nature, entirely different from the devil of the miracle plays and completely overshadowing the hero both in interest and in manliness. He has about him the last flickers of heavenly radiance, the traces of his ruined greatness.There is undoubtedly something thrilling as he summons up his defeated powers, collect together the scattered legions of the lost angels, addresses them with words of defiance of God, and draws forth response of militaristic assent as his troops ―Clashe d on their sounding shields the din of war,/ Hurling defiance towards the vault of heaven.‖ Then simple ―Satanist‖ case is, then that Milton allowed the revolutionary in himself to take root in Satan. Though Milton thought of himself as a Christian, his inner sympathies with rebellion, anger and revolution often color the poem. Satan‘s defianceof the Divine will is indispensable to the continuance of his identity, a predicament which raises him to tragic status.John Bunyan(1628—1688)Allegory is a story which teaches a lesson because the people and places in it stand for other ideas. One of the greatest of all allegories is Pilgrim‘s Progress by John Bunyan. The themePilgrim‘s Progress is a biting satire on the English society with which the writer wasfa miliar. It reveals Bunyan‘s Puritan ideal.The success of The Pilgrim’s ProgressThe secret of its success is probably simple. It is, first of fall, not a procession of shadows repeating the author‘s declamations, but a real story, the first extended story in English. The Puritans may have read the story for religious instruction; but all classes of men have read it because they found in it true personal experience told with strength, interest humor, in a word, with all the qualities that such a story should possess. Young people have read it, first for its intrinsic worth, because the dramatic interest of the story lure them on to the very end; and second, because it was their introduction to true allegory. It was the only book having a story interest in the great majority of English and American home for a full century.Bunyan cherished a deep hatred of both the king and his government. He saw and detested the injustice of laws, trials and magistrates, between whom and his saints there was a perpetual war. That is why his Pilgrim‘s Progress had won immediate success among the bakers, weavers, cobblers, tailors, tinkers, shepherds, ploughmen, diary-maids, seamstresses and servant girls of his time, and has become one of the most popular works in the English Language.Bunyan‘s prose is admirable. It is popular speech ennobled by the solemn dignity and simplicity of the language of the English Bible. Spenser‘s allegory in The Faerie Queen appears ornate when compare with Bunyan.The Eighteenth CenturyThe Age of Enlightenment in EnglandClassicism: As a critical term, a body of doctrine thought to be derived from or to reflect the qualities of ancient Greece and Roman Culture, particularly in literature, philosophy, art or criticism.Neoclassicism: In English literature, the stylistic trend between the Restoration(1660)and the advent of romanticism at the beginning of the 19th century is referred to as neoclassicism.Sentimentality and sensibility are two terms frequently used in reference to some literary works of the 18th century. They are today used as mutually exchangeable terms, Poetry and fiction of sentimentality or sensibility, as a literary genre, didn‘t start all of a sudden in the 18th century, though it was not often found earlier than that. It was a direct reaction against the cold, hard commercialism and rationalism which had dominated people‘s life since the last decades of the 17th century.Romanticism: Romanticism was in effect a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson. Satire: a piece of writing in which public personalities, current affairs, human weaknesses, etc are mocked using sarcasm and irony.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)The themeIn Robinson Crusoe the author eul ogizes labour and man‘s indefatigable efforts to conquer nature, but at the same time he beautifies colonialism.The styleThough most of his works are written in the picaresque tradition, Defoe is, in fact, an anti-romantic, anti-feudal realistic writer.Defoe‘s style is characterized by a plain, smooth, easy, direct, and almost colloquial but never coarse language.Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)The themeIt is a satire on the eighteenth century English society, touching upon the political, religious, legal, military, scientific, philosophical as well as literary institutions, about almost every aspect of the society. Bitterly satirical, the book takes great pains to bring to light the wickedness of the then English society, with its tyranny, its political intrigues and corruption, its aggressive wars and colonialism, its religious disputes and persecution, and its ruthless oppression and exploitation of the common people.The ugliness of the eighteenth century society is no elsewhere so thoroughly and forcefully exposed and condemned as in this single book. And, the satire, as it is, is not only of practical significance in its own day in England and Europe but its exposure is also true of all countries, all ages. Its satires are applicable to any class, any society, anywhere in the world and in any period of history.To conclude, Swift‘s Gulliver‘s Travels gives us an unparalleled satirical depiction of the vices of his age and the weaknesses of man.Some narrative featuresThe novel is at once a fantasy and a realistic work of fiction.The Language here, as is typical of all Swift‘s works, is very simple, unadorned, straightforward and effective.The novel is noted for its exceptionally tidy structural arrangement. The four seemingly independent parts are linked up by the central idea of social satire and make up an organic whole. The four parts are complementary, each supporting, adding to and developing the central satire. This is especially true of the first two parts. The narrative pattern of the book is also outstanding.Swift’s point of viewA defender of human freedomAn irreligious clergymanSwift’s styleSwift is one of the greatest writers of satiric prose. No reader of his can escape being impressed by the great simplicity, directness and vigor of his style. Easy, clear, simple, and concrete diction, uncomplicated syntax, economy and conciseness of language mark all his writings. Seldom is there ornament or singularity of any kind. Never is the meaning obscure. Everything is in complete control of the writer.And yet, it seems inadequate to define Swift‘s style simply as what he says: ―proper words in proper pla ces‖, for his is one of great richness and variety. His simplicities, more often than not, are a camouflage for insidious intentions, for big serious matters, and an outward earnestness, simplicity, innocence and an apparently cold impartial tone render his satire all the more powerful and effective. Sometimes even a ferocious joke does the job. His ―A Modest Proposal‖— a ferocious joke really — is generally held as the example of best satirical work in English.But to say that Swift has invented a complete new prose style is to overstate. When we emphasize his abandonment of ―serious‖ or ―lofty‖ styles brought to high refinement by his cousin Dryden and his friend Pope, we do not exclude his cousin Dryden and his friend Pope, we do not exclude his indebtedness to the old tradition, particularly the tradition of Rabelais. It is by adapting and modifying the old forms and techniques, by infusing them with his own strong personality that he is able to play with learned or pseudo-learned ideas, to put forward his own judgment, to carry his parody, satire, ridicule and condemnation until ―the wit of man carry it no further.‖What is more, Swift is in the habit of writing in the capacity of a fictitious character. This provides him opportunities to let out his pent-up emotions, mostly his contempt, disappointment, bitterness and desperate indignation, and also allows him freedom in the choice of an idiom which is appropriate to the assumed character and a style which is most suitable to his theme and purpose.Joseph Addison (1672 - 1719)ContributionThough Addison considered himself a poet and distinguished himself with his tragedy ―Cato‖, and Steele was successful with his many sentimental comedies, they have been remembered chiefly as editors of the two literary periodicals. The Tattler and The Spectator are chief contributors to the English periodical literature of the early eighteenth century. Their new genre of familiar essays, characterized by an informal, easy style, by the creation of characters and by their comments on the manners and morals of the time, which were illustrated by interesting brief sketches and tales pavedthe way for the flourishing of literary periodicals and the arrival of English novels in the days to come.Henry Fielding (1707-1754)The ThemeIn ―Tom Jones‖ Fielding gives a vivid panoramic picture of English society in mid-18th century, and shows his great sympathy for the poor and oppressed and his strong antipathy toward all the wicked and deceitful persons in the story. The character of Blifil is an embodiment of vice, while Tom Jones is an upright, kind-hearted youth in spite of his minor shortcomings and Sophia Western is a courageous young woman who battles successfully against feudal bondage.Features of Fielding’s novels1)Fielding‘s method of relating a story is telling the story directly by the author.2) Satire abounds everywhere in Fielding‘s works.3) Fielding believed in the educational function of the novel. The object of his novels is to present a faithful picture of life, while sound teaching is woven into their texture.4) Fielding is a master of style. His style is easy, unlaboured and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. His sentences are always distinguished by logic and musical rhythm. His command of language is remarkable.Thomas Gray(1716-1771)Analysis of Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardRelevant information about Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardElegy Written in a Country Churchyard(1751), one of the best known lyrics in the English language. The poem once and for all established his fame as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day, especially ―the Graveyard school.‖ His poems, as awhole, are mostly devoted to a sentimental lamentation or meditation on life, past and present.·Graveyard schoolshow sympathy for the poor and indulge in the meditation of death and loneliness Although neo-classicism dominated the literary scene in 18th century, there were poets whose poetry had some elements that deviated from the rules and regularities set down by neo- classicist poets. These poets had grown weary of the artificiality and controlling ideals of neo-classicism. They craved for something more natural and spontaneous in thoughts and language. In their poetry, emotions and sentiments, which had been repressed, began to play a leading role again. Another factor marking this deviation is the reawakening of an interest in nature and in the natural relations between man and man. Among these poets, one of the representatives was Thomas Gray.Analysis of “Elegy”It is originally in classical Greek and Roman literature, a poem composed of couplets. Classical elegies addressed various subject, including love, lamentation, and politics, and were characterized by their metric form. Since the 16th century elegies have been characterized not by their form but by their content, which is invariably melancholy and centers on death. The best-known elegy in English is Gray‘s―Elegy‖.Milton‘s Lycidas was an elegy to his friend who drowned. Gray‘s Elegy in a Country Churchyard is a sad poem about mankind‘s mortality.Epitaph: Something written on a tombstone, or a poem about someone after their death.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is the best-known meditative poem by Thomas Gray. The churchyard is perhaps that of Stoke Poges, where Gray often visited。
英国文学简史复习资料General introduction of English literature1. 1) Old English Literature (449-1066) 古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》2) Medieval English Literature (1066-15th century) 中世纪英语时期文学——Geoffrey Chaucer (1340_1400) 杰弗里·乔叟2. Renaissance English literature (late 15th century ~ early 17th century) 文艺复兴——Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚——Ben Jonson 本·琼生——Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛3. English Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period (1640-1688) 资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学——John Milton约翰·弥尔顿——John Bunyan 约翰·班扬4. 18th century English literature-the age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动时期——Daniel Defoe丹尼尔·笛福——Jonathan Swift乔纳森·斯威夫特——Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁——William Blake威廉·布莱克——Robert Burns罗伯特·彭斯5. Romantic English Literature (1798-1832) 浪漫主义时期——William Wordsworth, 威廉·华兹华斯——Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 塞缪·泰勒·柯勒律治——George Gordon Byron, 乔治·戈登·拜伦——Percy Bysshe Shelley 佩西·比舍·雪莱——John Keats, 约翰·济慈——Walter Scott 沃尔特·司各特——Jane Austen简·奥斯汀6. Critical Realistic Literature in the 19th Century 维多利亚时期(批判现实主义)——W.M. Thackeray, 萨克雷——C harles Dickens, 查尔斯·狄更斯——Robert Browning 罗伯特·布朗宁——Bronte sisters:Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Ann Bronte——George Eliot乔治·艾略特——Matthew Arnold 马修·阿诺德——Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代——Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德7. 20th Century English Literature——George Bernard Shaw乔治·萧伯纳——Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫·康拉德——William Butler Yeats 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝——Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫——James Joyce詹姆斯·乔伊斯——D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯——T. S. Eliot 爱略特一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) ,Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗) 采用了隐喻metaphor手法3、Alliteration 头韵(写作手法)例子:of m an was the m ildest and m ost beloved,To his k in the k indest, k eenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350) 盎格鲁—诺曼时期1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里·乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷的故事集》(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups. 朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character. 这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。
英国文学简史复习资料(整理版)第一篇:英国文学简史复习资料(整理版)I.Old English Literature & the Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsGeoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400 The father of English poetry.① 坎特伯雷故事集:first time to use …heroic couplet‟(双韵体)by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德③ 声誉之宫II The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry.The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1.new discoveries in geography and astrology 2.the religious reformation and economic expansion 3.rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture The most famous dramatists:Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Johnson.William Shakespeare威廉•莎士比亚1564~1616① Historical plays: Henry VI 亨利六世;Henry IV : Richard III 查理三世;Henry V ;Richard II;Henry VIII ②Four Comedies: 皆大欢喜;第十二夜;< A Midsummer Night‟S Dream>仲夏夜之梦;威尼斯商人③Four Tragedies: 哈姆莱特;奥赛罗;李尔王;麦克白④Shakespeare Sonnet :154Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefggA sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually iniambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme.⑤the comedy of errors 错中错,Titus Andronicus泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记Love's labour's lost(爱的徒劳)Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶Much ado about nothing(无事生非)The merry wives of Windsor.温莎的风流娘们King John 约翰王All's well that ends well 终成眷属Measure for measure(一报还一报)Bacon: Of Studies;Of Beauty;Of Marriage and Single Life English Bourgeois Revolution,学术的推进 III:the period of the English bourgeois ton:1608~1674Paradise Lost;Samson Agonistes(力士参孙);On the morning of Christ’s Nativity,复乐园我的失明论出版自由为英国人民声辩Bunyan: 1628~1688 ①Religionary Allegory:天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinner;the Holy War John Don: the Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人).Metaphysical Poetry(玄学诗):(用语)the diction is simple, the imagery is from the actual,(形式)the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)The Flea;跳蚤Forbbiding Mourning,Songs And Sonnets歌与十四行诗,emergent occasions 突变引起的诚念Hely sonnets IV The 18th Century:EnlightenmentA revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感)and accuracy The Age ofEnlightenment/Reason: the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised(realistic novel现实主义小说)Gothic novel(哥特式小说):mystery, horror, castles(from middle part to the end of century)Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家 a master satirist。
Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)2. Romance (名词解释)3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur‟s story4. Ballad(名词解释)5. Character of Robin Hood6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)第一章古英语和中古英语时期1、古英语时期是指英国国家和英语语言的形成时期。
Part VII The Romantic Period (1798-1832) Romanticism in EnglandI. background1.The French Revolution(1789-1799)2. The Industrial RevolutionII romanticism1. definition and characteristics (理解)2. The period: 1798-1832Beginning with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads (1798), ending with Walter Scott’s death(1832)3. The representative poetsWilliam Wordsworth(1770-1850)威廉·华兹华斯S.T. Coleridge (1772-1834)S.T.柯勒律治Robert Southey (1774-1843)罗伯特·骚塞George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824)乔治·戈登·拜伦Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)珀西·比希·雪莱John Keats(1795-1821)约翰·济慈4. The prose writersWalter Scott (1771-1832): historical novelist 沃尔特·司各特James Austen (1775-1817) : novelist 简·奥斯丁Charles Lamb (1775-1834): essayist 查尔斯·兰姆5. Literary formsThe age of Wordsworth –like the age of Shakespeare - was decidedly an age of poetry. There was also a noteworthy development of the novel which was already beginning to establish itself as the favorite literary form of nineteenth century.The drama was the only literary form that was not adequately represented.(一)William Wordsworth(1770-1850)I status①the leading figure of the English romantic poetry②He has started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self.③using the ordinary speech and advocating a return to nature.II works1. Subjects:①Poems about nature②Poems about human life2. WorksLines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey (1798) 《廷腾寺》The Prelude (1805-1806) 《序曲》The Excursion (1814) 《远足》Sonnets3. selected readingTintern AbbeyShe Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways 她住在人迹罕见的路边I Traveled Among Unknown Men 我曾在异乡漫游I wandered Lonely as a Cloud 我像一朵孤独的浮云The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女(二)George Gordon, Lord Byron(1788-1824)I. Literary Works①Hours of Idleness《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》②The English Bards and Scott Reviewers《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》③Child Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》Canto I,II(1812)Canto III (1816)Canto Iv (1818)④Oriental Tales⑤Manfred 《曼弗雷德》a poetical drama(诗剧)⑥Cain 《该隐》a poetical drama⑦Don Juan《唐璜》II Selected Reading1.Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 恰尔德·哈罗德游记2.Don Juan 唐璜(The Isles of Greece 哀希腊)3. When We Two Parted 当我俩分别的时候4. She Walks in Beauty 她早在美的光影里5. Sonnet on Chillon 夏兰(瑞士一古堡)的囚徒III Byronic Hero (理解)(三)Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)The worksTwo narratives①Queen Mab 麦布女王1813②The Revolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛1818 Lyrics③Ode to the West Wind 西风颂1819④To a Skylark 云雀颂1820⑤The Cloud 云1820⑥Adonais 阿多尼an elegy for John KeatsPoetic drama⑦Prometheus Unbound 解放的普罗米修斯1819⑧The Cenci 钦契一家The major prose essay ⑨A Defence of Poetry诗辩1822(四)John Keats (1795-1821)I works①a sonnetOn First Looking into Chapman’s Homer 1817初读查浦曼译之荷马②a long narrative poemEndymion 1818 恩底弥翁③a volume of verseLamia , Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems 1820拉米亚、伊莎贝拉、圣安格尼斯节前夜和其它的诗( four great odes –On Melancholy忧郁颂, On a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂, To Psyche精神颂, To a Nightingale夜莺颂, and Hyperion许珀里翁)II ode(理解)(五)Walter Scott (1771-1832)I.statusHistorical novelist and poet popular throughout much of the world during his timeII Scott’s Works1. Poems①Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border《苏格兰边区歌谣集》1802 (he had collected among the Scottish people for many years.)②The Lay of the Last Minstrel《最末一个行吟诗人》③Marmion《玛密恩》1808④The Lady of the Lake《湖上夫人》18102. Historical Novelssubjects:from the Middle Ages to the 18th centuryhistory of ScotlandEnglish historyhistory of European countriesOf the Scottish history①Waverley 《威弗利》1814②Guy Mannering 《盖伊·曼纳令》1815③The Antiquary《古董家》1816④The Black Dwarf 《黑侏儒》1816⑤Old Morality 《修墓老人》1816⑥Rob Roy《罗布·罗伊》1817 the best of the group⑦The Heart of Midlothian 《密得洛西恩监狱》/《爱丁堡监狱》1818⑧The Bride of Lammermoor《沼地新娘》1819⑨A legend of Montrose 《蒙特罗斯传奇》1819⑩Red Gauntlet《雷德冈脱利特》1824⑾The Betrothed《约婚夫妇》1825⑿Talisman 《护身符》1825Of the English history①Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》/《撒克逊劫后英雄传/略》the English history of the end of the 12th century②The Monastery《修道院》1820③The Abbot《修道院长》/《女王越狱记》1820④Kenilworth, 《肯纳尔沃思堡》1821②③④describes the time of Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth⑤The Pirate 《海盗》1821⑥The Fortunes of Nigel, 《尼格尔的家产》1822⑦Peveril of the Peak 《贝弗利尔·皮克》1823⑤⑥⑦take place in 17th century Scotland and England⑧Woodstock 《皇家猎宫》1826The English RevolutionOf the European countries①Quentin Durward 《昆丁·达沃德》1823the best-known novel on French history.②Anne of Geierstein 《盖厄斯坦的安妮》1829③Count Robert of Paris《巴黎的罗伯特伯爵》1832III. historical novels①P86 L5-14②P 87 the last par.(六)Jane Austen (1775-1817)I. Novels1. Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》2. Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》18133. Northanger Abbey 《诺桑觉寺》18184. Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德花园》18145. Emma 《爱玛》18156. Persuasion 《劝告》1818II A writer of the 18th century(理解)III Main literary concern (themes) (理解)IV selected readingPride and Prejudice(人物情节)(七)Charles Lamb(1775-1834)I The rise of English essayThe first decades of the 18th and 19th centuries witnessed new births in the essay as a form in literature.①Addison and Steele socialized the essay②A means of intimate self expressionCharles LambWilliam Hazlitt (1778-1830) 威廉·哈兹里特Thomas De Quincy(1785-1859)托马斯·德·昆西Leigh Hunt(1784-1859)李·亨特II works•Tales from Shakespeare (1807)•Specimens of English Dramatic PoetsContemporary with Shakespeare (1808)•Essays of Elia (1823)•Last Essays of Elia (1833)PART VIII The (early) Victorian Age(1832-1968) Critical Realism in England I BackgroundI. The period①The Victorian reign (1837-1901)②A new era 1832—the Reform Bill1902—the end of Boer war(the Victorian roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria)Two divisions:a. Early Victorian period (1832-1868)(first 14 years – filled with unrest, alarm, and miserythe succeeding 22 years— the growing prosperity and general good feeling, “ the workshop of the world” )b. Late Victorian(1868-1902)II. literature1 Critical realismCharles Dickens (1812-1870) 狄更斯William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) 萨克雷Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) 夏洛特·勃朗特Emily Bronte (1818-1848) 艾米丽·勃朗特Mrs Gaskell (1810-1865)盖斯凯尔夫人Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)安东尼·特罗洛普George Eliot (1819-1880) 乔治·艾略特2. the chartist literature3. the poetsAlfred Tennyson (1809-1892)丁尼生Robert Browning (1812-1889) 布朗宁Charles Algernon Swinburne (1837-1909) 斯温伯恩Charles Dickens (1812-1870)I. the three greatest Victorian novelistsCharles DickensWilliams Makepeace ThackerayGeorge EliotII The Major Works of Charles DickensSketches by Boz (1836) 博兹特写集The Posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837) 匹克威克外传Oliver Twist (1837-1838) 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839) 尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841) 老古玩店Barnaby Rudge 1841巴纳比·鲁奇A Christmas Carol (1843) 圣诞欢歌Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1845) 朱述尔维特Dombey and Son (1846-1848) 董贝父子David Copperfield( 1849-1850) 大卫·科波菲尔Bleak House (1852-1853) 荒凉山庄Hard Times (1854) 艰难时世Little Dorrit (1855-1857) 小杜丽A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 双城记Great Expectations (1860-1861) 远大前程Our Mutual Friend 我们共同的朋友III writing features1.Humor2. His character-portrayal3. Language4. a master story-tellerWilliam M Thackeray (1811-1863)I worksFrazer ①- ④①1837-38 The Yellowplush Correspondence②1839-40 Catherine③1841 The Great Hoggarty Diamond④1844 Barry Lyndon 巴利·林顿⑤Snob Papers ( in Punch) 1848 The Book of Snobs(a social satirist)⑥1847-1848 V anity Fair⑦1848-1850 Pendennis 潘丹尼斯⑧Henry Esmond : a historical novel⑨1855 The Rose and the Ring⑩1855 The Newcomes 纽卡莫一家⑪1855 The Four Georges ( a series of lectures on Kings George 1-IV and their times)12 1857-1859 The VirginiansCornhill Magazine 康西尔杂志13-1613. 1860 Lovel the Widower 鳏夫洛威尔14. 1861-1862 The Adventures of Philip15. 1864 Denis Duval 丹尼斯·杜瓦尔16. 1863 The Roundabout papers 转弯抹角的随笔II Masterpiece: V anity Fair1.Setting : Vanity Fair is set at the time of the Napoleonic wars.2.the title :from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress3.subtitle : a novel without hero4.Characterization:Rebecca SharpAmelia5.Major plotGeorge Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)(1819-1880)Major works1.Translation:The Essence of Christianity《基督教的本质》2. Scenes of Clerical Life 《教区生活场景》1857Three stories:1) “The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton” “阿莫斯·巴顿牧师的不幸遭遇”2) “Mr. Gilfil’s Love Story” “吉尔菲尔先生的恋爱史”3) “Janet’s Repentance” “珍妮特的忏悔”3 Adam Bede《亚当·比德》18594.The Mill on the Floss 《弗洛斯河上的磨房》1859=18605. Silas Marner《织工马南》18616. Romola《罗慕拉》18637. Felix Holt the Radical1866《激进分子费立可斯·霍尔特》8. Middlemarch(1871—1872) 《米德尔马契》9. Daniel Deronda 1876 《丹尼尔·德龙达》II Writing features (理解)The Brontë SistersCharlotte Brontë (1816—1855)Emily Brontë (1818—1848)Anne Brontë (1820—1849)I WorksPoems by Culler, Ellis, and Acton Bell1846 a collection of poemsEmily:Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》Anne:①Agnes Grey《安格尼斯·格雷》②The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall《维尔德菲尔庄园的房客》①The Professor《教授》(based on her Brussels experience; not published until her death)②Jane Eyre《简爱》(masterpiece)③Shirley,《雪莉》1849④Villette,《维莱特》1853II Jane EyreIII. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte①one of the great works of genius in English fiction②Emily drew equally on her own emotional, introverted nature and on the wild and mysterious moorland around for the story of Heathcliff.③the title: wuthering, a yorkshire dialect for “weathering”④the plotTwo families and an instruderThe Earnshaw family—Wuthering HeightsHindley (Hareton)Catherine (cathy)The Linton family—Thrushcross GrangeEdgarIsabellaThe instruder Heathcliff (Linton)Alfred, Lord Tennyson1809-1892I statusThe most representative, if not the greatest, Victorian poetII Major works①In Memoriam 1833-1850 悼念集131 short poemsA powerful expression of the poet’s philosophical and religious thoughts②Idylls of the king 1850-1855•12 books of narrative poems, based on the Celtic legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table• A modern interpretation of the classic mythIII Tennyson’s best-known short poems①Ulysses②Break, Break, BreakSadness over the loss of a dear friend, combiningnature and his inner world③Crossing the BarIV Writing features (理解)Robert BrowningI Dramatic monologueII His major works①Pauline②Paracelsus 1835 帕拉塞尔萨斯③Sordello 索尔戴洛④Pippa passes 比芭走过⑤Dramatic Lyrics 1842⑥Dramatic Romances 1845⑦Men and Women 1855⑧The Ring and the Book 1868-1869III Artistic features①The name of Browning is often associated with the term "dramatic monologue." Although it is not his invention, it is in his hands that this poetic form reaches its maturity and perfection.its maturity and perfection.②Browning's poetry is not easy to read. His rhythms are often too fast, too rough & unmusical③The syntax is usually clipped & highly compressed. The similes & illustrations appear too profusely. The allusions & implications are sometimes odd & far-fetched. All this makes up his obscurity.On the whole, Browning's style is very different from that of any other Victorian poets.His poetic style belongs to the 20th-century rather than to the Victorian age.IV Selected Reading:“My Last Duchess”Best example of dramatic monologuePart IX Twentieth Century Literature The transition from 19th to the 20th Century in English LiteratureBackground of history•Imperialism•Social reformLiterature①A period of struggle between realistic and anti-realist trendsRealistic writersGeorge Meredith(1828-1909)乔治·梅瑞迪斯Samuel Butler (1865-1902)萨缪尔·巴特勒Thomas Hardy (1840-1828) 托马斯·哈代George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) 乔治·巴纳德·萧Herbert George Wells(1866-1946) 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯John Galsworthy 约翰·高尔斯华绥(1867-1833)Features:P 310 –p311 (5 paragraphs )Anti-realistic writersRobert Louis Stevenson 斯蒂文森(1850-1894)新浪漫主义Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德(1856-1890)唯美主义Joseph Rudyard Kipling 吉卜林(1865-1936)帝国主义诗人(the first English-language writer to receive the Nobel Prize)②ModernismBackground (philosophical ideas)(1)Karl Marx:scientific socialism(2)Darwin’s theory of evolutionThe Social Darwinism, “survival of the fittest”(3) Einstein’s theory of relativity provided entirely new ideas for the concepts of time and space.(4)Freud’s analytical psychology(5) Arthur Schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition.(6) Friedrich Nietzsche went further against rationalism by advocating the doctrines of power and superman and by completely rejecting the Christian morality.(7) Henry Bergson established his irrational philosophy, which put the emphasis on creation, intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness.Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)English poet and novelistThe Wessex Novelspessimism and sense of tragedy in human life.I His Major WorksHardy himself divided his novels into three groups:1) Novels of Character & Environment (性格与环境小说)2)Novels of Romances & Fantasies3)Novels of Ingenuity1) Novels of Character and EnvironmentUnder the Greenwood Tree(1872) 《绿荫下》Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) 《远离尘嚣》The Return of the Native (1878) 《还乡》The Trumpet Major(1880)《号兵长》The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886) 《卡斯特桥市长》The Woodlanders(1887)《林地人》Tess of the d'Urbervilles(1891) 《德伯家的苔丝》Jude the Obscure(1895) 《无名的裘德》II features①Past & Modern②Determinism③Critical realismIII Writing features①Hardy is not an analyst of human life or nature like George Eliot, but a meditative story-teller or romancer.②He tells very good stories about very interesting people but seldom stops to ask why.③He is a great painter of nature.④His heroes and heroines, those unfortunate young men and women in their desperate struggle for personal fulfillment and happiness, are all vividly and realistically depicted.⑤They all seem to possess a kind of exquisitely sensuous beauty.⑥And finally, all the works of Hardy are noted for the rustic dialect and a poetic flavor.⑦In style, Hardy is a traditionalist, although there are obvious traits of modernism in thematic matters.John Galsworthy 高尔斯华绥Major works①his first book,From the Four Winds(a volume of short stories)1897②The Forsyte Chroniclesthe first trilogy:The Forsyte SagaThe Man of Property (1906)In Chancery(1920)To Let(1921)the second trilogy: A Modern Comedy 1929the third : End of the Chapter1934③playsThe Silver Box (1906)Strife (1909)Justice (1910)Oscar Wilde•Irish poet, novelist, dramatist and essayist• A spokesman for Aestheticism (the school of “Art for Art’s sake”AestheticismWorks①The Picture of Dorian Gray (a novel) 1891道连·格雷的画像②Lady Windermere’s fan③A Woman of No Importance④An Ideal Husband⑤The Importance of Being Earnest(②- ⑤Comedies)⑥The Ballad of Reading Gaol《雷丁监狱之歌》1898 (poem)⑦De Profoundis 1905 《从深处》(prose)。
英国文学史Part one: Early and Medieval English LiteratureChapter 1 The Making of England1. The early inhabitants in the island now we call England were Britons,a tribe of Gelts.2. In 55 ., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar.The Roman occupation lasted for about 400 years.It was also during the Roman role that Christianity was introduced to Britain.And in 410 ., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned.3. The English ConquestAt the same time Britain was invaded by swarms of pirates( 海盗). They were three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.And by the 7th century these small kingdoms were combined into a United Kingdom called England, or, the land of Angles.And the three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English.4. The Social Condition of the Anglo-SaxonTherefore, the Anglo-Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribalsociety to feudalism.5. Anglo-Saxon Religious Belief and Its InfluenceThe Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the seventh century.Chapter 2 Beowulf1. Anglo-Saxon PoetryBut there is one long poem of over 3,000 lines. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people. Grendel is a monster described in Beowulf.3. Analysis of Its ContentBeowulf is a folk lengend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes. It had been passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years before it was written down in the tenth century.4. Features of BeowulfThe most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration, metaphors and understatements.Chapter 3 Feudal England1) The Norman Conquest2. The Norman ConquestThe French-speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066. After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as King of England.The Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England.3. The Influence of the Norman Conquest on the English LanguageBy the end of the fourteenth century, when Normans and English intermingled, English was once more the dominant speech in the country.3) The Romance1. The Content of the RomanceThe most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England was the romance.4. Malory ’s Le Morte D ’ArthurThe adventures of the Knights of the Round Table at Arthur ’s courtChapter 5 The English Ballads2. The BalladsThe most important department of English folk literature is the ballad.A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the secondand fourth lines rhymed.Of paramount importance are the ballads of Robin Hood.3. The Robin Hood BalladsChapter 6 Chaucer1. LifeGeoffrey Chaucer, the founder/father of English poetry.3. Troilus and CriseydeTroilus and Criseyde is Chaucer’s longest complete poem and his greatest artistic achievement.But the poet shows some sympathy for her, hitting that her fault springsfrom weakness rather than baseness of character.4. The Canterbury TalesThe Canterbury Tales is Chaucer ’s masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature.6. His LanguageChaucer’s language, now called Middle English, is vivid and exact.Chaucer’s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact thathe introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especiallythe rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the “the heroic couplet ”)to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.The spoken English of the time consisted of several dialects, and Chaucerdid much in making dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.Part Two: The English RenaissanceChapter 1 Old England in Transition1. The New MonarchyThe century and a half following the death of Chaucer was full of great changes.And Henry 7, taking advantage of this situation, founded the Tudor dynasty,a centralized monarchy of a totally new type, which met the needs of therising bourgeoisie and so won its support.2. The ReformationProtestantismThe bloody religious persecution came to a stop after the church settlementof Queen Elizabeth.3. The English BibleWilliam TyndallThen appeared the Authorized Version, which was made in 1611 under the auspices of James I and so was sometimes called the King James Bible.The result is a monument of English language and English literature.The standard modern English has been fixed and confirmed.4. The Enclosure Movement5. The Commercial ExpansionChapter 2 More1. LifeThomas More2. UtopiaUtopia is More ’s masterpiece, written in the form of a conversationbetween More and Hythlody, a returned voyager.The name “Utopia ”comes from two Greek words meaning “no place ”.3. Utopia , Book OneBook One of Utopia is a picture of contemporary England with forcibleexposure of the poverty among the laboring classes.4. Utopia , Book TwoIn Book Twowe have a sketch of an ideal commonwealth in some unknown ocean, where property is held in common and there is no poverty.Chapter 3 The Flowering of English Literature3. Edmund Spenser1) LifeThe Poet ’s Poet of the period was Edmund Spenser.In 1579 he wrote The Shepher’s Calendar, a pastoral poemin twelve books, one for each month of the year.2) The Faerie Queene (masterpiece)Spenser ’s greatest work, The Faerie Queene (published in 1589-1596), isa long poem planned in 12 books, of which he finished only 6.iambic feet Spenserian Stanza4. Francis Bacon (father/founder of English essay)the founder of English English materialist philosophyBacon is also famous for his Essays. When it included 58 essays.Bacon is the first English essayist.Chapter 4 Drama7. The PlaywrightsThere was a group of so-cal led “university wits ”(Lyly, Peele, Marlowe, Greene, Lodge and Nash).Chapter 5 Marlowe1. LifeThe most gifted of the “university wits ”was Christopher Marlowe.2. WorkMarlowe’s best includes three of his plays, Tamburlaine , The Jew of Malta and Doctor Faustus.3. Doctor FaustusMarl owe’s masterpiece is The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.5. Marlowe ’s Literary AchievementMarlowe was the greatest of the pioneers of English drama.It is Marlowe who first made blank verse (rhymeless iambic pentameter)the principal instrument of English drama.Chapter 6 Shakespeare1. LifeWilliam Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon.After his death, two of his above-mentioned fellow-actors, Herminge and Condell, collected and published Shakespeare ’s plays in 1623. To this edition, which has been known as the First Folio.4. The Great ComediesA Midsummer Night ’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice , As You Like It and Twelfth Night have been called Shakespeare ’s “great comedies ”.6. The Great TragediesShakespeare created his great tragedies, Hamlet, Othello , King Lear and Macbeth.7. Hamletthe son of the Renaissance9. The Poems1) Venus and Adonis2) The Rape of Lucrece3) Shakespeare’s Sonnets10. Features of Shakespeare ’s DramaShakespeare and the Authorized Version of the English Bible are the two greatest treasuries of the English language.Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance.Part Three: The Period of the English Bourgeois RevolutionChapter 1 The English Revolution and the Restoration5. The Bourgeois Dictatorship and the Restorationin 1688 Glorious Revolution6. The Religious Cloak of the English RevolutionPuritanism was the religious doctrine of the revolutionary bourgeoisieduring the English Revolution. It preached thrift, sobriety, hard work and unceasing labour in whatever calling one happened to be, but with no extravagant enjoyment of the fruits of labour.Chapter 2 Milton1. Life and WorkParadise Lost , Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.2. Paradise Lost1) Paradise LostParadise Lost is Milton ’s masterpiece.blank verse.Chapter 3 Bunyan1. LifeThe Pilgrim ’s Progress was published in 1678.2. The Pilgrim ’s Progress1) The Pilgrim ’s Progress is a religious allegory.Chapter 4 Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poetsa school of poets called “Metaphysical ”by S amuel Johnson.by mysticism in content and fantasticality in formJohn Donne, the founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry.Chapter 6 Restoration Literature2. John DrydenThe most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration Period was John Dryden.Dryden was the forerunner of the English classical school of literaturein the next century.Part Four: The Eighteenth CenturyChapter 1 The Enlightenment and Classicism in English Literature1. The Enlightenment and 18th Century England2) The Enlightenment in EuropeThe 18th century marked the beginning of an intellectual movementin Europe, known as the Enlightenment, which was, on the whole, an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners foughtagainst class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism.3) The English EnlighternersThe representatives of the Enlightenment in English literature were Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, the essayists, and Alexander Pope, the poet.Chapter 2 Addison and Steele1. Steele and The TatlerRichard SreeleIn 1709, he started a paper, The Tatler , to enlighten, as well as to entertain, his fellow coffeehouse-goers.His appeal was made to “coffeehouses, ”that is to say, to the middle classes, for whose enlightenment he stood up.“Issac Bickerstaff ”2. Addison and The SpectatorThe general purpose is “to enliven morality with wit, and to temper witwith morality. ”They ushered in the dawn of modern English novel.Chapter 3 Pope1. LifeAlexander Pope, the most important English poet in the first half of the18th century.3. Workmanship and LimitationPope was an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school in the first half of the 18th century.Pope is the most important representative of the English classical poery.But he lacker the lyrical gift.Chapter 4 Swift3. Bickersta f f Almanac (1708)Swift wrote his greatest work Gulliver ’s Travels in Ireland.Chapter 5 Defoe and the Rise of the English Novel1. The Rise of the English Novelthe realistic novel: Defoe, Swift, Richardson and FieldingSwift ’s world -famous novel Gulliver ’s Travel sDefoe’s Robinson Crusoe (the forerunner of the English realistic novel) Richardson: Pamela, Clarissa and Sir Charles GrandisonFielding was the real founder of the realistic novel in England.The novel of this period ⋯spoke the truth about life with an uncompromising courage. ”The novelists of this period understood that “the job of a novelist was to tell the truth about life as he saw it. ”(Ibid.)This explains the achievement of the English novel in the 18th century.4. Robinson Crusoe1) Today Defoe is chiefly remembered as the author of Robinson Crusoe, his masterpiece.Chapter 6 RichardsonSamuel RichardsonPamela was, in fact, the first English psycho-analytical novel.After Pamela, Richardson wrote two other novels: Clarissa Harlowe and Sir Charles Grandison .Clarissa is the best of Richardson ’s novel.Chapter 7 Fielding (the father of English novel)1. LifeHis first novel Joseph Andrews was published in 1742.His Jonathan Wild appeared in 1743. It is a powerful political satire.In 1749, he finished his great novel Tom Jones.Amelia was his last novel. It is inferior to Tom Jones, but has meritsof its own.3. Joseph Andrews4. Tom Jones1) The StoryFielding ’s greatest work is The History of Tom Jones , a Foundling . 6. Summary2) Fielding as the Founder of the English Realistic NovelAs a novelist, Fielding is very great. He is the founder of the English realistic novel and sets up the theory of realism in literary creation.He has been rightly called the “father of t he English novel. ”Chapter 10 Johnson1. LifeSamuel Johnson, lexicographer, critic and poet.2. Johnson ’s DictionaryIn 1755 his Dictionary was published.His Dictionary also marked the end of English writers ’reliance on the patronage of noblemen for support.Chapter 13 Sentimentalism and Pre-Romanticism in Poetry1. LifeThomas Gray2. Pre-RomanticismIn the latter half of the 18th century, a new literary movement arose in Europe, called the Romantic Revival.Pre-Romanticism was ushered in by Percy, Macpherson and Chatterton, and represented by Blake and Burns.Chapter 14 Blake1. LifeWilliam Blake2. Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience4. Blake ’s Position in English LiteratureFor these reasons, Blake is called a Pre-Romantic or a forerunner of the Romantic poetry of the 19th century.Chapter 15 Burns1. LifeHis Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect were printed. (masterpiece)The Scots Musical Museum and Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs 2. The Poetry of Burns1) Burns is remembered mainly for his songs written in the Scottish dialecton a variety of subjects.3. Features of Burns ’PoetryBurns is the national poet of Scotland.Part Five: Romanticism in EnglandChapter 1 The Romantic Periodthe Industrial Revolution the French RevolutionAmid these social conflicts romanticism arose as a new literary trend.It prevailed in England during the period 1798-1832.These were the elder generation of romanticists, sometimes called escapist romanticists, including Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, who have alsobeen called the Lake Poets.Active romanticists represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.The general feature of the works of the romanticists is a dissatisfactionwith the bourgeois society, which finds expression in a revolt against oran escape from the prosaic, sordid daily life, the “prison of the actual ”under capitalism.Poetry, of course, is the best medium to express all these sentiments.The only great novelist in this period was Walter Scott.Scott marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it.Chapter 2 WordsworthColeridgeIn 1798 they jointly published the Lyrical Ballads .The publication of the Lyrical Ballads marked the break with theconventional poetical tradition of the 18th century, ., with classicism,and the beginning of Romantic revival in England.The Preface of the Lyrical Ballads served as the manifesto of the English Romantic Movement in poetry.Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey have often been mentioned as the “Lake Poets”because they lived in the Lake District in the northwestern partof England.His deep love for nature runs through such short lyrics as Lines Writtenin Early Spring , To the Cuckoo, I WanderedLonely as a Cloud, My Heart LeapsUp, Intimations of Immortality and Lines Composeda FewMiles Above Tintern Abbey. The last is called his “lyrical hymn of thanks to nature ”.Wordsworth’s poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language.Chapter 3 Coleridge and Southey1. ColeridgeColeridge ’s best poems, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner .Chapter 4 Byron1. LifeChilde Harold ’s PilgrimageHe finished Childe Harold , wrote his masterpiece Don Juan.2. Childe Harold ’s PilgrimageThis long poem contains four cantos. It is written in the Soenserianstanza.3. Don JuanByron remains one of the most popular English poets both at home and abroad.Chapter 5 Shelley4. Promethus UnboundShelley ’s masterpiece is Promethus Unbound, a lyrical drama in 4 acts.6. Lyrics on Nature and LoveOde to the West WindChapter 6 Keats2. Long PoemsKeats wrote five long poems: Endymion, Isabella , The Eve of St. Agnes , Lamia and Hyperion .5) The unfinished long epic Hyperion has been regarded as Keat ’s greatest achievement in poetry.3. Short Poems1) His leading principle is: “Beauty in truth, truth in beauty. ”3) Ode to Autumn , Ode on Melancholy , Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to a NightingaleChapter 10 Scott2. His Historical NovelsScott has been universally regarded as the founder and great master ofthe historical novel.According to the subjet-matter, the group on the history of Scotland, thegroup on English history and the group on the history of European countries.In fact, Scott ’s literary career marks the transition from romanticismto realism in English literature of the 19th century.Part Six: English Critical RealismChapter 2 DickensCharles Dickens critical realismDickens: Pickwick Papers , American Notes , Martin Chuzzlewit and Oliver Twist4) Dickens has often been compared Shakespeare for creative force and range of invention. “He and Shakespeare are the two unique popular classics that England has given to the world, and they are alike in being remembered notfor one masterpiece but for creative world. ”David CopperfieldChapter 3 Thackeray2. Vanity Fair : A Novel Without a HeroVanity Fair is Thackeray ’s masterpiece. characters: Amelia Sedley and Rebecca (Becky) SharpThackeray can be placed on the same level as Dickens, as one of the greatest critical realists of 19th-century Europe.Chapter 4 Some Women Novelists1. Jane Austen (1775-1817)She herself compared her work to a fine engraving madeupon a little pieceof ivory only two inches square.Jane Austen wrote 6 novels: Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility , Pride and Prejudice , Mansfield Park , Emma and Persuasion.2. The Bronte SistersCharlotte ’s maiden attempt at prose writing, the novel Professor , was rejected by the publisher, but her next novel Jane Eyre, appearing in 1847, brought her fame and placed her in the ranks of the foremost English realistic writers. Emily ’s novel Wuthering Heights appeared in 1847.Anne: Agnes Grey4. George EliotMary Ann Evansthree remarkable novels: AdamBede, The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner 3) Silas Marner: Critical realism was the main current of English literaturein the middle of the 19th century.Part Seven: Prose-Writers and Poets of the Mid and Late 19th CenturyChapter 1 Carlylethe Victorian AgeChapter 3 Tennysonthe Victorian Age prose especially the novel1. Tennyson ’s Life and CareerAlfred Tennyson, the most important poet of the Victorian Age.In the same year (1850) he was appointed poet laureate in succession to Wordsworth.Chapter 7 Literary Trends at the End of the Century1. NaturalismNaturalism is a literary trend prevailing in Europe, especially in Franceand Germany, in the second half of the 19th century.2. Neo-RomanticismStevenson was a representative of neo-romanticism in English literature.Treasure Island (masterpiece)3. AestheticismAestheticism began to prevail in Europe at the middle of the 19th century.The theory of “art for art ’s sake ”was first put forward by the Frenchpoet Theophile Gautier.The two most important representatives of aestheticists in Englishliterature are Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde.2) Oscar Wilde dramatistLady Windermere’s Fan, 1893; A Woman of No Importance , 1894; An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest , 1895The Importance of Being Earnest is his masterpiece in drama.Part Eight: Twentieth Century English Literature(Modernism)Chapter 2 English Novel of Early 20th Century3. Henry JamesHe is regarded as the forerunner of the “stream of consciousness ”literature in the 20th century.Chapter 3 Hardy1. Life and WorkAmong his famous novels, Tess of the D’Urbervillies and Jude the Obscure.2. Tess of the D ’Urbervilliescharacters: Tess, Alec D ’Urbervillies and Angel ClareChapter 6 Bernard ShawChapter 8 Modernism in Poetry1. ImagismEzra PoundThe two most important English poets of the first half of 20th centuryare W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot.2. W. B. YeatsThe Wild Swans at Coole , Michael Robartes and the Dancer , The Tower and The Winding StairT. S. Eliot has referred to Yeats as “the greatest poet of ourage-certainly the greatest in this . English) language. ”3. T. S. EliotThe Waste Land (1922) is dignifying the emergence of Modernism.T. S. Eliot was a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry anda great innovator of verse technique. He profoundly influenced 20th-century English poetry between World Wars 1 and 2.Chapter 9 The Psychological Fiction1. D. H. LawrenceSons and Lovers (1913) , the first of Lawrence ’s important novel s, islargely autobiographical.This shows the influence of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, especiallythat of the “Oedipus complex. ”The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley ’s Lover3. James JoyceUlysses (1922)June 16, 1904character: Leopold BloomJames Joyce was one of the most original novelists of the 20th century.His masterpiece Ulysses has been called “a modern prose epic ”.His admirers have praised him as “second only to Shakespeare in hismastery of the English language. ”4. Virginia Woolf“high-brows ”the Bloomsbury GroupVirginia Wolf ’s first two novels, The Voyage Out and Night and Day .Jacob’s Room, Mrs. Dalloway , To the Lighthouse and Orlando PartNine: Poets and Novelists Who Wrote both before and after the Second WorldWarChapter 5 E. M. ForsterEdward Morgan Forster the Bloomsbury Groupfour novels: WhereAngels Fear to Tread, The Longest Journey, A Roomwitha View and Howards EndA Passage to India , published in 1924, is Forster ’s masterpiece . In 1927, Forster published a book on the theory of fiction, Aspects of the Novel .Chapter 10 William GoldingWilliam Gerald GoldingHis first novel Lord of the FliesChapter 11 Doris LessingGolden Notebook。
I. Early and Medieval Literature1. England’s inhabitants are Celts. And it is conquered by Romans, the Teutonic tribes of Angle, Saxons and Jutes. In 1066, at the battle of Hastings(黑斯延斯), the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxons brought the Germanic language and culture to England, while Normans brought the Mediterranean civilization(地中海文明), including Greek culture, Rome law and the Christian religion. It is the cultural influence of these two conquests that provided the source for the rise and growth of English literature.2. Jutes lived and maintained close relations with kindred(相似) tribes.3. The old English literature extends from about 449 to 1066, the year of the Norman conquest of England.4. Three kinds of languages in the Anglo-Norman period: Norman---French, English---English, Religious---Latin. Two kinds of literature: Romans and Ballads. “Romans” is about upper class, and nothing to do with Romans.5. The old English poetry that has survived can be divided into two groups: The religious group and the secular one.6. The literature of this period falls naturally into two divisions――pagan and Christian.7. The national epic of the English people, which belongs to the primitive(原始,早期) literature; Romance cycles, which belong to t he feudalist(封建) literature; Folk literature whose subjects are from the lower class8. Caedom is the first known religious poet of England, he is known as the father of English song.9. The didactic poem The Christ was produced by Cynewulf.10. The Song of BeowulfIt describes the most heroic man of the Anglo-Saxon times. It is a Denmark(丹麦) story which used alliteration , metaphors(隐喻) and understatements(轻描淡写).•It is the first literature, England’s national epic; it was written by an unknown scribe at the beginning of the 10th century and was not discovered until 1750•It consists of 3182 lines•Telling a stor y about an ancient hero Beowulf’s fight against a lake monster, Grendel, and his mother, a monster, too; Beowulf’s battle against a fire dragon.•The poem is an example of the mingling of the nature myths and heroic legends.12. The literature which they brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love andadventure, in marked contrast with the strength and somberness(严峻) of Anglo-Saxon poetry.The great majority of Romances mainly fall into 3 cycles.A. The matters of Britain: About King Arthur and his knights of the Round TableB. The matters of France: About Charlemagne and his peersC. The matters of Greece and Rome: About Alexander, and about the fall of Troy (特洛伊城的陷落)Of these three cycles, the matters of Britain is the most important one. There were many cycles of Arthurian romances, Chief of which are those of Gawain, Launcelot(朗斯洛特), Merlin(默林), the Quest of the Holy Grail(寻找圣杯), and the Death of ArthurSir Gawain and the Green Knight13. Geoffrey Chaucer•He is the father of English poetry in that he introduces rhymed verse, especially couplet, into Britain to replace alliterative verse formerly prevailing in British poetry and making English the literary language.•He is also the founder of English realism because The Canterbury Tales,his masterpiece,provides a panorama of the life in the medieval England.•He is the forerunner of humanism for in his masterpiece the keynote is humanism. He praises human intellect, human beauty, human passion and human living environment, and affirms human rights to pursue earthly happiness.•写作的三个时期:Translate from French; French; Write in his own words: English•The Canterbury TalesThree features: Plot; Prologue; Language (iambic pentameter)The Prologue is a splendid masterpiece of realistic portrayal, the first of its kind in the history of English literature. The Prologue is a splendid masterpiece of realistic portrayal, the first of its kind in the history of English literature.Heroic couplet is a rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter(五音步抑扬格). It is Chaucer who used it for the first time in English in his work The Legend of Good Woman.14. Popular Ballads•Literature of the lower class in the feudalist society includes written folk literature and oral folk literature.•As for the written folk literature, the most important writer is William Langland, whose masterpiece is TheVision of Piers, the Plowman.•Among the ballads published, the Robin Hood ballads are of special significance.•The best known of the earliest collections was given by Bishop Thomas Percy, named Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.II.Literature of the Renaissance Period1. Renaissance: general spirit---humanism2. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elisabeth.3.Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe(克里斯托弗马洛) and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.4. Thomas More----Utopia; John Lyly----Eupheus(艳词); Marlowe----The Jew of Malta; Robert Greene----Gorge Green5. Edmund Spenser was the poet’s poet. The greatest epic poem of the time is The Fairy Queen.6. William Shakespeare produced 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. A basic form of poetry consists of 14 lines of iambic pentameter, intricately rhymed (abab, cdcd, efef, gg).His plays can be divided into four types: historical plays, comedies, tragedies and romantic tragic-comedies. His four writing period: Apprenticeship; Mature period; Great tragedies; Romantic dramaSonnet 18: Theme---Art survives timeHamletIt praises humanists as represented by Hamlet. He is the scholar, a soldier and a statesman(政治家); it shows the inevitable problems faced by the humanists; Hamlet’s delay of action is due to his awareness of the possible national disaster which will be brought about by his personal revenge and his sense of responsibility to put the interests of his nation and his people before his own.7. Francis Bacon○Essayist, Scientist, Philosopher.○His major works are The Advancement of Learning and New Instrument.○He is also the first great English essayist.○His works may be divided into three classes: the philosophical, the literary and the professional works○In 1597 Francis Bacon published his first collection of essays, the EssaysIII.Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period1. The government of James 1was based upon the theory of divine right of kings, but the Puritans offered another theory of divine right—the individual conscience.2. In 1649 Charles I was beheaded. England became a commonwealth under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell. He imposed a military dictatorship(军事独裁).In 1653 Oliver Cromwell imposed a military dictatorship on the country. It was called the period of the Restoration which was objectionable(讨厌的) in monarchy. After Cromwell’s death, monarchy was again restored in 1660.3. Revolution of 1688(Glorious Revolution) means three things: The supremacy of Parliament(议会至上), the beginning of the modern England(现代英国的开端), the final triumph of the principle of political liberty for which the Puritan had fought and suffered hardship for a hundred years.4. Literary CharacteristicsIn the literature also the Puritan Age was one of confusion, due to the breaking up of old ideals. The Puritan influence in general tended to suppress literary art.5. John Donne•He was the founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry.•Donne is best known by his The Songs and Sonnets. It contains most of his early lyrics. Love is the basic theme.•Sometimes the “conceits(奇遇)”, as these extravagant figures are called, are so odd that we lose sight of the thing to be illustrated, in the startling nature of the illustration.•Song(“Go and Catch a Falling Star”), the theme is “No where lives a woman true, and fair”6. John MiltonParadise Lost consists of 12 books, containing about ten thousand lines in blank verse(unrhymed iambic pentameter). Based on the biblical legend of the imaginary progenitors of the human race---- Adam and Eve, and tells God and his eternal adversary, Satan in its plot.Major poetical works: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonisters.7. John BunyanHe gives us the only great religious allegory(宗教寓言)Pilgrim’s Progress, V anity FairIV. Literature of the 18th Century1. The age of reason2. Two parties: the liberal Whigs and the conservative Tories came into being. However another party also existed, the Jacobites, who aimed to bring the Stuarts back to the throne.3. Characteristics of literature: Realism; Common people; Prose rapid development3. Daniel DefoeHis works are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people.Robinson Crusoe, colonial spirit(1) His marvelous(非凡的) capacity(才能) for work(2) His boundless(无穷的) energy and persistence in overcoming obstacles(障碍)(3) His hard struggle against nature and making all bend to his will3. Jonathan SwiftA Tale of a Tub (satirist) 《木桶的故事》Gulliver’ Travels (satire)Four places: Lilliput(厘厘普特), Brobdingnag(布罗卜丁奈格), the flying Island, Houyhnhnm(慧駰国).▪The first part tells about his experience in Lilliput, where the inhabitants are only six inches tall), twelve times smaller than the normal human beings. The emperor believed himself to be the delight and terror of the universe, but it appeared quite absurd to Gulliver who was twelve times as tall as he. In his account of the two parties in the country, distinguished by the use of high and low heels, Swift satirizes the Tories and the Whigs in England.▪Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a problem which divided the Lilliputians: “Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end?”About selected reading:The theme: exploration into human nature and satire to English and European life①Main plot—part one:His experiences in Lilliput where the inhabitants are only 12 times smaller than normal human beingAuthor satire the weakness of human being and the absurd actions of the English government before the nature②Main plot—part two:His experiences in Brobdingnag where are 10 times taller and larger than normal human being and superior in wisdomHere, the author gives a vivid description to the crankiness and arrogance(狂妄自大) of the authority in England③Main plot—part three:The experiences in Flying Island where the philosophers and projectors devote all their time and energy to the study of some absurd problemsHere is the criticism of the western civilization and false illustration about science, philosophy, history and even immortality④Main plot—part four:The experience in Houyhnhnm where horses are endowed with reason and all good and admirable qualities, and are the governing classHere, the author compared the differences and similarities between horses and human being, lead readers to think about a problem: what on earth are human beings?⑤Social achievement:The book is one of the most effective and devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in the then English and European life—socially, politically, religiously, philosophically, scientifically and morally.⑥Artistic achievement:In structure, the four parts make an organic whole, with each contrived upon an independent structure, and yet complementing the others and contributing to the central concern of study of human nature and lifeSummary of a Modest Proposal▪With bitter irony, that the poverty of the Irish people should be relieved by the sale of their children, “at a year old”, as food for the rich, the narrator put forward his so-called perfect proposal .▪With the utmost gravity, he set out statistics to show the revenue that would come if this idea were adopted. ▪The remedy, Swift took care to point out, was only for the kingdom of Ireland, not for the whole England. ▪The last proposal is a most heartbreaking piece of sarcasm that fiery indignation has given birth to and a most powerful blow at the English government’s policy of exploitation and oppression in Ireland. Masterpieces4. Joseph AddisonSir Roger at Church乡村礼拜日5. Henry Fielding, the Father of the English NovelThe History of Tom Jones, a Foundling6. Thomas Gray, Graveyard School, sentimentalistElegy Written in a Country ChurchyardThe poem contains some of the best-remembered lines in English poetry and uses a graveyard at twilight to meditate on the lives of the ordinary people interred there.Gray laments not one particular death, but the obscurity into which death will plunge us all.There is nobility in all people, but that difficult circumstances prevent those talents from being manifested. Gray contrasts the simplicity and virtue of the English farmers of the past with the vain, boastful present.He speculates about the potential leaders, poets, and musicians who may have died in obscurity and been buried there.All life’s endeavors, positive or negative, are rendered useless by the shadow of the tomb. The poem ends with an epitaph which sums up the poet’s own life and beliefs.7. William BlakeThe first important Romantic poetMajor Works:Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》Songs of ExperienceThe Chimney Sweeper《扫烟囱的孩子》The TigerThe tiger means the power of destroy. The poet repeats the central question of the poem, stated in Stanza 1. However, he changes could (Line 4) to dare (Line 24). This is a significant change, for the poet is no longer asking who had the capability of creating the tiger but who dared to create so frightful a creature.8. Robert BurnsHe wrote some ballads on the basis of old Scottish legends. He expressed his love for freedom and sang of the heroic spirit of the Scottish people. Burns is the only greatest English poet who writes outside the standard/London dialect.A Red, Red Rose, Auld Lang Syne,John Anderson, My Jo and A Fond KissV.Literature of the Romantic Period1. The Romantic period is the period is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads(抒情歌谣集) and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. It is emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind.2. Lake Poets and Passive romantic poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey;Positive romantic poets: Byron, Shelley, Keats3. William WordsworthI Wandered Lonely as a CloudComposed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 18024. Gorge Gordon, Lord ByronMain works:⏹Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage 《恰尔德.哈罗德游记》⏹She Walks in Beauty⏹Don Juan《唐。
Lecture1Ⅱ. Recommended Novels for Reading (British)18th-centuryGulliver’s Travels: Jonathan Swift; social satire/fantasy/;Part I, II, and IV interesting; language difficulty ***.Robinson Crusoe: Daniel Defoe; an account of the process of the building of the British Empire in the 18th century;diary-like detailed description and narration; language difficulty **.19th-centuryGreat Expectations:Charles Dickens; about moral corruption and loss of innocence and honesty in growing up; the Cinderella pattern in structure; language Dif ***; a bit too long.Jane Eyre:Charlotte Bronte; a poor, plain governess struggling for self-dignity and personal happiness; language dif **.Wuthering Heights:Emily Bronte; one of the best novels in the world; a presentation of the most primitive, natural, powerful, touching as well as the most destructive love human beings are capable of; language dif **.Silas Marner:George Eliot; a religious fable about religion of humanity;language dif **; small.Tess of D’Urbervilles:Thomas Hardy; tragic fate of a “pure” young peasant woman at the time of capitalist invasion into the country in the 19th-century England; language dif ***.20th-centurySons and Lovers: D.H. Lawrence; Oedipus Complex; the study of man-woman relations; language dif ***.Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf; about the spiritual journey of Mrs Dalloway; typical stream of consciousness fiction;language dif ***, not longThe Fifth Child: Doris Lessing; about distortion or horror of human nature/ a human-born monster; Language dif **, small.Ⅲ. ContentsChapter One: Old English LiteratureChapter Two: Middle English LiteratureChapter Three: Geoffrey ChaucerChapter Four: The RenaissanceChapter Five: The Revolution and RestorationChapter Six:Enlightenment in EnglandChapter Seven: The Romantic PeriodChapter Eight: The Victorian AgeChapter Nine: Twentieth Century LiteratureⅣ.Development of LiteratureThree stages of English language development:i. Old English /Anglo-Saxon (OE. As the language up to 1066 is usu. called)ii. Middle English (about 1100-1500)iii. Modern English (about 1500-present)Part One: Old and Medieval English LiteratureHistorical background3 conquests/invasions--- Romans (4th to the 6th cen.):politics of self-government, transportation system, cities, Latin language and Christianity (little remained)---English/Anglo-Saxon Conquest ( Angles, Saxons, Jutes)A. Germanic tribes from the Mediterranean coast:Scandinavia, Denmark and GermanyB. the Pagans/heathens异教徒C. enslaved the Celts and drove others to Wales,Scotland and IrelandD. began feudalism; new social strata: serfs 农奴—freemen自由民—farmers农民--thanes乡士--earls爵爷—kings王爷E. a medley of different races/ethnic groups; ofmultiple influences and cultural and political orders ---Norman Conquest in 1066 by William,Duke of Normandy from Northern France:A. further established feudalism, and ended the slave system in 14th cen.B. powerful Popedom 教皇制established(1/3 of land, political right, wide moral degeneration of the clericals; penances or pardons 赦罪令C. highly centralized royal power, but conceded in the13th cen. with establishment of parliament(1215the Magna Carta/King John)D. communication with the outside world: diplomaticrelations, development of trade and increasing strength for tradesmen and skilled professionalsE. influence from outside world in ideologyF. coexistence of 3 languages: Latin, the clerical andlearned; French, noblemen and royal court; A-S nativeEnglish/ Celtic dialect (vernacular) for the common[Not until the 13th century did English enter the worldof official discourse 官方用语. 1258 Henry III issued aproclamation布告in 3 languages, 14th cen.,parliament and court allowed English.](The Dark Age: blind belief of Roman Catholicism and after-life and stagnant philosophical and artistic development)Ⅴ.Literature (secular)---the Old English (until A-S period) and Middle English (after 1066)---tales passed on orally by gleemen or minstrels 吟唱诗人until Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyOld English Period : Beowulf, an EpicA. the most important existent work; the national epic of Anglo-SaxonsB. written in 7-8 cen.C. partly-historical and partly-legendaryD. not about England but their homeland in DenmarkE. epic form: a long verse narrative on the exploits of a national hero, BeowulfF. the primitive people’s heroic struggle against hostileforces of the natural world under a wise leaderG. pagan elements + Christian coloring: “fate”, “God’,“Lord”H. alliteration and Germanic languageMiddle English LiteratureA. Romance 罗曼史---Roman, French matters for subjects: Trojan War, Charlemagne, Roland and the knights; chivalric;---English romance: King Arthur and his round-table knights;“Sir Gawain and the Greenknight” (1360-1370), “Le Morte d’Arthur” by Sir Thomas MaloryB. Religious writings and translations(from Hebrew to Latin):Langland’s “Piers the Plowman”C. Poetic form:alliterative poetry头韵诗metrical poetry韵律诗Lecture 2 Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)Father of English poetry /literature3 periods of creation:French Romaunt of the Rose, translationItalian (after Dante Divine Comedy, Petrarch and Boccaccio, Decameron; The House of Fame, The Legend of Good Women, Troylus and Criseyde)British (1386-1400) The Canterbury Tales●Contributions:A.the first to present a comprehensive and realistic pictureof the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in his masterpiece The Canterbury TalesB.introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of varioustypes to replace the Old English alliterative verseC.the first to use the rhymed couplet of iambicpentameter/heroic couplet●Canterbury Tales:The story: 29 pilgrims, and the poet on the way to Canterbury, stopped at an inn. At the proposal of the host of the Tabard Inn each was to tell 4 stories on the way to and back from Cant. Host be the guide and judge, the best teller gets a free supper at the cost of all the rest upon their return to the inn. Should have been 120stories, but only 24 completed and preserved, 2 incomplete, 2 unfinished. Theme: influenced by the early Italian Renaissance, he affirmsman’s right to pursue earthly happiness and opposes asceticism 禁欲说; praises man’s energy, intellect, and love of life; exposes and satirizes the social evils, esp. the religious abusesstructure: General prologue (occasion, characters) followed by stories; a separate prologue between two stories characterization:vivid portrayal of individualized个性化characters of the society and of all professionsand social strata except the highest and thelowest1. shows respect for the two landed gentry,the plowmanand the parson;2. satirizes all the religious people,except the parson,whoare guilty of sins: Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Avarice, and Sloth3. shows a growing sense of self-importance of the trades/towns people, reflecting the changing social status, esp.in towns and citiesStyle:lively, vivid Middle-Age English, satire, humour, Heroic Couplet; of unequal meritst he 3 famous tales:A. the Wife of Bath’s tale of an Arthurian knightB. the Oxford clerk’s of a patient young ladyC. the Franklin小地主’s about a wife’s full submission toher husbandIV. Text study:Comment:●This is a satirical picture of a vain, pretentious nun. Thoughsupposedly in a religious capacity, she had many worldly weaknesses and was in no way a true Christian, let alone a devout clergy person.●The portrait is pervaded by ironical depictions, and the toneis light-hearted and humorous. Readers can only smile in amusement.●In heroic couplet.Text study Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales / The Prioress Pre-readingYou are going to read Chaucer’s description of a prioress, a nun who is the head of a religious order or a religious house (e.g. an abbey). Before reading Chaucer’s description, we could try to create a picture of a nun from our knowledge or imagination.1. Imagine the facial expression of a nun, what words wouldyou use to describe it?2. A nun, especially a prioress, is usually remarkable for thefollowing characteristics (tick the words/expressions of your choice):a solemnity, charm, kindnessb serious/ pleasant/ easy-going/ sombre mannersc full of sense / sensibility3. If she carries a motto, which do you think is more likely tobe her choice?a All that glisters is not gold.b Glory belongs to the King.c God helps those who help themselves.d Love conquers all.Discussion1. What is image of the nun?2. Is she favorably and admirably or satirically portrayed?How?3. What figures of speech are used?Language and Style1. Select a detail which contains humour or irony. What makes it comic or ironic?2. What do you notice about the rhyme at the end of the lines Key information for Memory:3 conquestsBeowulf(A-S national epic/Old English literature/native subject/alliteration)“Sir Gawain and the Greenknight”, anonymousWilliam Langland’s Piers the Plowman, religiousChaucer’s Canterbury Talesromance; heroic couplet; alliteration; epic; metric poem Assignment:Reference questions for Renaissance:1.What is Renaissance? How and why did it come about?2.What is the development of drama? What were the originalforms and content and practice of drama?3.Why did drama flourish in Elizabethan age? Who are themajor playwrights of the time?4.Who is Marlowe? What contributions did he make to Englishdrama?5.Who is Shakespeare? What famous and great plays (history,comedy, tragedy)? What features?6.What did Jonson write about? Representative work?7.Prepare the excerpt from Hamlet (p.31-32). What is it mainlyabout? What humanist idea can you find in the soliloquy? 8.What was the most important translation of the time? Lecture 3-4 Renaissance English LiteratureHistorical background⏹Hundred Years’ War with France from 1337 to 1453⏹War of Roses from 1455 to 1485 between the House ofLancaster and the House of York⏹Henry VII founded the Tudor dynasty⏹the enclosure movement, the commercial expansion andthe war with Spain⏹16th century -- a period of the breaking up of feudalrelations and the establishing of the foundations of capitalismEngland – an absolute monarchy⏹Religious Reformation-- end the rule of the Catholic Church-- king as both the head of Church andthe head of state⏹Protestantism --the official national religionHenry 8 ( a Tudor Monarch )In religion, the far-reaching movement of Reformation began in England during Henry VIII’s reign. He declared the break withthe Roman Catholic Church and confiscated the property of the Church. Protestantism began to gain ground among the English people.King James BibleIn 1611, appeared in England. It was the work of many learned scholars headed by Bishop Lancelot Andrews, an eloquent orator with an exquisite ear for the cadences of language. King James Bible became the monument of English language and literatureGenesis, or the Creation⏹God made Adam and Eve and let them live in Garden ofEden.⏹God warned Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruiton the Tree of Knowledge.⏹Adam and Eve were all naked. They lived a happy life.They had no feelings of shame.⏹Satan, in the disguise of a serpent, sneaked into Garden ofEden. He succeeded in inducing Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit.⏹Eve gave Adam some fruit, and Adam accepted it gladly.⏹They realized that they were nude, so they put on figleaves to cover their body.⏹God got very angry. They had violated God’s will, sothey were punished.⏹Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden.They had to gain their bread by the sweat of their brow.⏹Adam and Eve’s descendents must work hard forredemption, otherwise they would never be allowed to go back to heaven.Revelations⏹ORIGINAL SIN⏹With Adam and Eve’s fall, we sin all. That’s whywe must work hard to make a living.⏹God’s will is everything.⏹Those who violate God’s will must be punished, nomatter what the underlying reason is.The Tower of Babel⏹Long, long ago, all the world spoke the same languageand used the same words.⏹Tired of hard work, people decided to build a city and ahigh tower with its top in the heavens.⏹God feared that the people would challenge his authority.⏹He s aid to his followers, “Let us go down there andconfuse their speech, so that they will not understandwhat they say to one another.”⏹God made people speak different languages. People hadto give up the plan of building the tower because they could not understand each other. They were dispersed all over the world.Queen Elizabeth – the summit of absolute monarchy⏹Elizabethan age:-- progress of bourgeois economy-- victory in the Spanish War-- commercial expansion abroad-- development of art and literature-- an unsettled time: peasants’ uprisingsRenaissance: The DefinitionThe rise of the bourgeoisie showed its influence in cultural life. The result is an intellectual movement known as the Renaissance, or the rebirth of literature. Renaissance sprang in Italy and spread to France, Germany, the Low Countries, and lastly to England. Two features are striking of this movement. One is the thirst for classical literature, the other is the rise of Humanism.HumanismHumanism was the keynote of the Renaissance. People ceasedto look upon themselves as living only for God and a future world. They began to admire human beauty and human achievement. Man is no longer the slave of the external world. He can mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks.Drama: Origin and Development (1)English drama1.Origin: religious ceremony, church plays2.DevelopmentReligious periodmystery plays and miracle plays biblical stories and the stories of the saints; they were played at churches at first; Then with the increasing numbers of actors and plays, the players went to the market places. Miracle plays are the further development of mystery plays.The Second Shepherd’s PlayMoral periodmorality plays: focused on the conflict between good and evil through allegorical characters. They were too abstract. So Vice, a lively figure approximated the modern clown, was introduced. (such as Everyman, Good Deeds, Death, Knowledge);EverymanInterludes--- a short performance during thethe intervals to enliven the audience aftera solemn scene---end of the 15th century---a transition to Elizabethan drama⏹Classical-style comedy and tragedy was in the making inEngland.⏹Three unities (unity of time, place and action byAristotle)3.Renaissance drama⏹---comedy and tragedy were⏹established as types of drama⏹---development of theaters⏹---growth of acting culture4.University wits⏹---John Lyly, Robert Greene, George peele, ChristopherMarlow, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge---technical innovations⏹Free Renaissance tragedy from classical restraints⏹Develop a comedy tradition more close to lifeJohn Lyly: write for a refined, aristocratic audience⏹Thomas Kyd: start the tradition of revenge tragedy5.Christopher Marlow(1564-1593)---most gifted “university wit”---The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus⏹Cause of the tragedy: blind faithin human intellect⏹Theme: praise of individuality; conviction of thepossibility of human efforts in conquering the universe---make blank verse the principal instrument of English drama 6. William ShakespeareAll the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.1)Dramatic career:---the first period: apprenticeship---the second period: full of sunshine and laughter---the third period: full of storm and clouds---the fourth period: principal tragicomedies2)Great comedies:---sing of love, youth, and ideal of happinessA Midsummer Night’s DreamThe Merchant of VeniceAs You Like It, Twelfth Night---two groups of characters:⏹Young men and women⏹Simple and shrewd clowns and other common people---respect women3)Great tragedies:social contradictions and social evilsHamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth4) Historical playspolitical plays:the necessity for national unity under one sovereignHenry 5, the only ideal king, a symbol of English glory5) Features of his dramatic works:⏹Shakespeare is a realist.---authentic panorama of his age---characters are representatives of the people of his time⏹Shakespeare is a master of English language.---language reveals the peculiarities of his character---use about 16,000 words in his writings---create a lot of new words and expressions⏹Shakespeare is good at many poetic forms.blank verse6)Literary TermsComedy⏹Comedy is a light form of drama, which aims primarily toamuse and which ends happily. Since it strives to provoke smiles and laughter, both wit and humor are utilized. In general, the comic effect arises from recognition of some incongruity of speech, action, or character revelation, with intricate plot. Viewed in another sense, comedy may be considered to deal with people in their human state, restrained and often made ridiculous by their limitations, faults, bodily functions, and animal nature. The general spirit of these comedies is optimism.Tragedy⏹ a serious play or novel representing the disastrousdownfall of a central character, the protagonist. According to Aristotle, the purpose is to achieve a catharsis through incidents arousing pity and terror. The tragic effect usually depends on our awareness of admirable qualities in the protagonist, which are wasted terribly in the fated disaster.Blank Verse⏹unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. It is a very flexibleEnglish verse form which can attain rhetorical grandeur while echoing the natural rhythms of speech. It was first used by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, and soon became a popular form for narrative and dramatic poetry. Marlowe, Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Stevens and Robert Frost are fond of this form.无韵诗Monologue⏹an extended speech uttered by one speaker, either toothers or alone. Significant varieties include the dramatic monologue(a kind of poem in which the speaker is imagined to be addressing a silent audience), and the soliloquy(in which the speaker is supposed to be “overheard” while alone).独白Soliloquy⏹ a dramatic speech delivered by one character speakingaloud while under the impression of being alone. The soliloquist thus reveals his or her inner thoughts and feelings to the audience, either in supposed self-communion or in a consciously direct address. It is also known as interior monologue.内心独白Hamlet Text StudyThe Story of HamletHamlet is the prince of Denmark. He is a great scholar and a brave soldier/swordsman.Denmark is at war with another country. So the sentry is on duty at night. The sentry saw the ghost of the Old King.The sentry told the news to Hamlet. The next night, Hamlet went to the sentry post.He saw the ghost. It was his father.The ghost ran away. Hamlet followed him. The ghost told Hamlet that it was Claudius, his uncle, who had murdered him and married his mother Gertrude. The ghost told Hamlet to revenge him.Hamlet is a humanist. He would never follow the ghost’s words without a second thought.Hamlet pretended to be mad. One day, a dramatic troupe came to the court. Hamlet directed a play in which a king is murdered by his younger brother. The younger brother married his sister-in-law.Everyone has a kind of guilty conscience. While watching the play, Claudius got restless. During the interval, he went out of the room and did his prayers.(repentant)Hamlet followed Claudius. Claudius was doing his prayers. But he did not take action. It is believed that if you kill a personwhile he is praying, his soul will go to heaven, not to go to hell. It is not revenge in its real sense.So the king let his queen (Hamlet’s mother) have a talk with Hamlet. While they were talking, a minister named Polonius (Hamlet’s would-be father-in-law) was eavesdropping behind the screen.Hamlet heard the noise behind the screen. He mistook the person for his uncle. So he stabbed at the screen with his sword. Polonius was killed.On the voyage to England, Hamlet met some pirates. The pirates abducted Hamlet and went back to Denmark. He rewrote the letter in imitation of his uncle’s handwriting, in which he told the English king to kill the two messengers upon arrival.While they reached the seashore, Hamlet killed the pirates and went back to the court.Claudius heard the news that Hamlet had come back. He got worried. Just then, Polonius’s son, Laertes came back to Denmark, too. He wanted to have a duel with Hamlet.The tournament began. To make sure that Hamlet would be killed, Claudius p ut poison in Laertes’s weapon. What’s more, he put a cup of poisonous drink beside Hamlet.Man proposes, God disposes.Laertes hurt Hamlet. They changed weapons. And Hamlet hurt Laertes with the same poisonous weapon. He threw the weapon at Claudius and Claudius was killed.The queen drank the poisonous drink and died.Just then, Hamlet’s friend, the Norway Prince Fortinbras, came to Denmark. Hamlet told the ministers that he would like Fortinbras to become the Danish king.Hamlet died. Fortinbras became the new king. He had a great funeral for the dead.Famous quotations from it⏹“Frailty, thy name is woman!”⏹“For anything so overdone is from the purpose ofplaying, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as ‘twere, the mirror up to natu re; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time her form and pressure.” (“给自然照一面镜子,给德行看一看自己的面目,给荒唐看一看自己的姿态,给时代和社会看一看自己的形象和印记。
《英国文学史及选读》复习题Part One: Brief Questions1.What‟s the symbolic meaning of the “Vanity Fair” in Bunyan‟s “The Pilgrim‟sProgress”?2.What can we see from the Soliloquy of Hamlet?This is an internal philosophical debate on the advantages and disadvantages of existence, and whether it is one's right to end his or her own life. It presents a most logical and powerful examination of the theme of the moral legitimacy of suicide in an unbearably painful world.3.What‟s the main idea of “Of Studies” by Bacon?It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character.4.What‟re the four stories of “Gulliver‟s Travels” by Swift?The first part tells about Gulliver‟s experience in Lilliput;in the second part,Gulliver is left alone in Brobdingnag;the third part deals mainly with his accidental visit to the Flying Island and the last part is a most interesting account of his discoveries in the Houyhnhnm land.5.What‟s the writing feature of Beowulf?1 ) It is not a Christian but a pagan poem, despite the Christian flavor given to it by themonastery scribe. It is the product of all advanced pagan civilization. The whole poem presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society. The social conditions and customs can be .seen in it. So the poem has a great social significance.2) The use of the strong stress and the predominance of consonants are very notable inthis poem. Each line is divided into two halves, and each half has two heavy stresses.3) The use of the alliteration is another notable feature. Three stresses of the whole lineare made even more emphatic by the use of alliteration.4) A lot of metaphors and understatements are used in the poem. For example, the sea iscalled "the whale-road" or "the swan road"; the soldiers are called "shield-man"; the chieftains are called the "treasure keepers"; human-body is referred to as "the bone-house"; God is called "wonder-wielder"; monster is referred to as "soul-destroyer''.6.What‟s the contribution made by Geoffrey Chaucer?He introduces from France the rhymed stanzas of various types, esp. the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter (…heroic couplet‟) to English poetry. He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language, making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English speech.7.What‟s the historical significance of the Glorious Revolution?The supremacy of ParliamentThe beginning of modern EnglandThe final triumph of the principle of political liberty8.Explain the literary trends in the 17th century.One of confusion, due to the breaking up of old ideas.Medieval standards of chivalry, impossible loves and romances, the ideal of a national church perishedDisapproving of the sonnets and the love poetry, and theatres was closed then.Bible became the only book to read.It tended to suppress literary art.Part Two: Detailed Appreciation9.Read the poem (“Sonnet 18” by Shakespeare) and answer the following questions.a)What is the theme of the poem?Theme: a profound meditation on the destructive power of time and the eternal beauty brought forth by poetry to the one he loves.b)Explain the rhyme and tone in the poem by drawing the first two lines. Rhetorical questioning: the 1st line, used to create a tone of respect, and to engage the audience.c)Why is the speaker‟s loved one more lovely than a summer‟s day?If I compared you to a summer day, / I'd have to say you are more beautiful and serene: / By comparison, summer is rough on budding life, / And doesn't last long either:Extravagant praise compares a summer day as less lovely and constant as the beloved.10.Read the poem (“Sonnet 29” by Shakespeare) and answer the following questions.a)In the first two thirds of the sonnet, the speaker is complaining about themisfortunes in his life. What suddenly lifts him out of his bad mood?b)In the last line, the speaker scorns to change his state with kings. What doesthe word “state” mean?11.Read the poem (“Song: Go and Catch the Falling Star” by Donne) and answer thefollowing questions.a)What is the speaker‟s tone? What‟s his opinion about the constancy ofwomen?This poem chief concerns the lack of constancy in women.b)How much impossibility does Donne list in the poem? What are they? What‟sthe additional impossibilities does he have in mind throughout this stanza?There is seven impossibility list in the poem and they are catch a falling star, Get with child a mandrake roote, all past yeares, cleft the Divels foot, hear Mermaides singing, keep off envies stinging and advance an honest minde.The additional impossibilities in his mind is Lives a woman true.12.Read the poem (“A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” by Donne) and answer thefollowing questions.a)Why does Donne‟s “Valediction” (a poem of farewell) forbid mourning?b)Comment on the relation of the various images to each other. Is there adevelopment of some kind?13.Read the poem (“The Flea” by Donne) and answer the following questions.a)Who‟re the speaker and the listener? What‟s the situation in the poem?The speaker is a man and the listener is a lady.b)How‟s the speaker‟s reasoning to persuade the listener? And point out theconceits used in the poem.14.Read the poem (“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” by Gray) and answerthe following questions.a)How does Gray begin the essay?b)Where does Gray begin to make a shift from visual to acoustic perception?Why?c)From which stanza, does Gray begin to describe the country churchyard?d)How many sounds does Gray employ in stanza 5? Wha t‟re they, and why doeshe make a list of these sounds?e)What‟s the main idea of stanza 6?f)What can we see about the occupation of the dead person from stanza 7?Please make a list of the words which can certify your guess.g)What do stanzas 8 and 9 tell us?15.Read the poem (“The Tiger” by Blake) and answer the following questions.a)Analyze the form and rhythm of the poem, and what‟s the central question inthis poem?b)What do the lamb and the tiger represent respectively?The problem with that, though, is that the speaker of “The Lamb” sees the creator as a lamb. The speaker of “The Tyger” sees only tygers, and therefore the Creator must be like a tyger.T he problem is in the basic selection process. And what causes him to make that selection is what he believes. If he believes that the world is shaped by mercy, pity, peace and love, then that‟s what he‟s going to see, a lamb as the creator. And vice versa with the tyger.16.Read the poem (“London” by Blake) and answer the following questions.a)Analyze the form and rhythm of the poem.The poem has four quatrains, with alternate lines rhyming. Repetition is the most striking formal feature of the poem, and it serves to emphasize the prevalence of the horrors the speaker describes.b)What kind of picture about London do you have in your mind after reading thepoem (London)? Describe in your own words with supportive details from thepoem.17.Read the poem (“Lines” by Wordsworth), from the beauteous forms in heart, thepoet could see into the life of things. How did it come? Analyze it by drawing a flow chart.18.Read the poem (“Break, Break, Break” by Tennyson) and answer the foll owingquestions.a)What feelings of loss arise in the speaker as he looks out at the sea breakingendlessly against the shore?b)The meter of lines 1 and 13 obviously differ from that of the whole poem. Howdo they differ, and how do they control the tone of the poem? What is the effectof the repetition?c)In the second stanza, what does the poet describe? What do you think is hisintention for giving such a setting? And how does this setting intensify the speaker‟s mood?19.Read the poem (“Crossing the Bar” by Tennyson) and answer the followingquestions.a)What overall mood and atmosphere does Tennyson create in this poem?This poem was written in the later years of Tennyson‟s life. We can feel hisfearlessness towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife.Bar: a bank of sand or stones under the water as in a river, parallel to the shore, at the entrance to a harbor.“Crossing the Bar” means leaving this world and entering the next world.b)Instead of saying death directly, Tennyson uses a metaphor. What is themetaphor? How effective is it used?Metaphor is a figure of speech. It refers to a comparison between unlikethings without the use of "like" or "as". This comparison is done between two things that are basically different but have something in common in some significant way. It is used in reference to something that does not literallysuggest a similarity. Metaphor is different from a simile or analogy because metaphor asserts that one thing is another thing and not just that they are like one another.Sunset,evening star,twilight,evening bell:all images of the end of life.c)What is Tennyson‟s attitude towards death?This poem was written in the later years of Tennyson‟s life. We can feel hisfearlessness towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife.Part Three: Reading Comprehension20.“And thus the native hue of resolution / Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast ofthought.”a)Identify the title and the author.The author is William Shakespeare and the title is Hamlet.b)What idea do the lines express?1.lose the honor due to action2.Our conscience makes us cowards, our natural colour is drained by theprospect of it. Things of gravity and importance lose their momentum.The “native hue of resolution” is the resolve to kill one‟s self;it‟s what‟s “sicklied o‟er with the pale cast of thought”Hamlet thus concludes that the dread of the afterlife leads to excessive moral sensitivity that makes action impossible.21.“Whether I went over by the ladder, as first contrived, or went in at the hole in therock, which I called a door, I cannot remember; no, nor could I remember the next morning, for never frighted hare fled to cover, or fox to earth, with more terror of mind than I to this retreat.”a)Identify the title and the author of the selected part.The title is Robinson Crusoe and the author is Daniel Defoe.b)Why was I so frighted, according to the story?22.“If he be not apt to beat over matters, let him study the lawyer‟s cases. So everydefect of the mind may have a special receipt.”a)Identify the author and the essay from which the quoted sentences are taken.The auther is Francis Bacon and the essay is Of Studies.b)What is the essay mainly about?It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, and how studies exert influence over human character.23.“Five hundred carpenters and engineers were immediately set at work to pre pare thegreatest engine they had. It was a frame of wood raised three inches from the ground, about seven foot long and four wide, moving upon twenty-two wheels.”a)Identify the title and the author.The title is Gulliver's Travels and the author is Jonathan Swift.b)Why did they make such a great engine?。
以下为英国文学史第二册的知识点总结个别知识点会有错误或者遗漏请在复习的时候自主补充愿大家都能取得好成绩———VictoriaJPart V The Romantic PeriodThe romantic period began in 1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s <Lyrical Ballads>, and end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death. Wordsworth华兹华斯Coleridge 柯尔律治Southey 骚塞The Lake Poets1.William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770~1850Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人)a leader of the romantic movement in England.①Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》(with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)It marked the beginning of the Romantic revival in England(1)This is a joint work of Wordsworth and his friend Coleridge.(2)The publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 marks the beginning of the RomanticMovement in England.(3)It begins with Coleridge’s long poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”(“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”)and ends with Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”(“丁登寺”).(4)Many of the subjects of these poems deal with elements of nature such as birds,daffodils and simple rural folk.(5)The majority of poems in this collection were written by Wordsworth.The poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.(6) Some of the best poems in the collection are:“Lines Written in Early Spring”(“早春诗行”),“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”)“Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” (“丁登寺”).②Lucy Poems 《露西组诗》③“I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” “独自漫游似浮云”=“The Daffodils”“水仙”Theme: 1.Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It is nature that give him “strength and knowledge full of peace”2. It is bliss to recall the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude.Comment: The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poets philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.④“The Solitary Reaper”“孤独的收割者”⑤The Prelude 《序曲》or Growth of a Poet’s Mind⑥The Excursion 《远足》《漫游》Wordsworth’s Principles of Poetry(feelings,commonplace things,the real language of man and deliberate simplicity,inner self, changed the ordinary speech of the language → return to nature.)2.George Gordon Byron乔治•戈登•拜伦1788~18241)Hours of Idleness 《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》dealing with childish recollections andearly friendship, showing the influence of 18th century traditions。
学姐包过版!《英国文学史及选读》第二册-期末复习讲义(绝对全)介绍一下,一共包括四分讲义,按顺序看,学姐没有看书,只看得讲义,复习了一个星期,考了90多分,第一份:总体了解考点,大体了解就行(往下翻还有别的)English Literature ( Book II)Romanticis1.Romanticism(名词解释)要对浪漫主义兴起的时间,根源,主要特点,主要代表作家都有所了解。
22.William Wordsworth要知道他的“Lyrical Ballads”前言是英国浪漫主义时期开始的标志,也是宣言。
Lake Poets(名词解释)。
他诗歌的主要两类题材:nature and common people’s lives。
写过的著名作品:I wandered lonely as a cloud; To the cuckoo; Lines composed a few mil es above Tintern Abbey; The solitary reaper; We are seven 等等。
3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge两首名诗:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Kubla Khan主要写作supernatural题材。
4. George Gordon Byron,Byronic Heroes (名词解释); 著名作品:Child Harold’s Pilgrimage要知道大致内容,另外此诗用Spenserian Stanza 写成;Don Juan要知道大致内容。
5. Percy Bysshe Shelley著名作品:Queen Mab; The Revolt of Islam; Prometheus Unbound(lyrical drama,3要知道大致内容及此剧与古希腊的“被束缚的普罗米修斯”不同之处及其意义。
)其它名作: Ode to the West Wind; To a skylark等等。
英国文学史复习资料英国文学史复习资料第一章:中世纪文学1.1 安格鲁-撒克逊时期(5世纪-1066年)- 口头传统和史诗:《贝奥武夫》- 基督教文学:《凡尔登战役》1.2 后征服时期(1066年-1485年)- 基督教文学:《格尔罗与黛斯蒙德》- 骑士文学:《亚瑟王传说》、《罗宾汉传》第二章:文艺复兴时期(1485年-1603年)2.1 草原学派- 约翰·斯克利- 托马斯·莫尔2.2 伊丽莎白时代- 威廉·莎士比亚:《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 - 克里斯托弗·马洛:《第一部十诫》第三章:17世纪文学3.1 评剧派- 本·琼生:《伊丽莎白时代断头台上的十一个人》- 约翰·福特:《佩里克尔斯·普林》3.2 枪炮派- 约翰·洛克:《论人类理解》- 托马斯·霍布斯:《利维坦》第四章:启蒙时代(18世纪)4.1 洛克主义- 亚当·斯密:《国富论》- 大卫·休谟:《人性的研究》4.2 唯理主义- 亚历山大·波佩:《怪异小说》- 理查德·斯蒂文森:《金银岛》第五章:浪漫主义(19世纪)5.1 威廉·华兹华斯:《抒情诗》5.2 柯勒律治:《唐吉诃德》第六章:维多利亚时代6.1 珍奥斯汀:《傲慢与偏见》6.2 狄更斯:《雾都孤儿》6.3 奥斯卡·王尔德:《道林·格雷的画像》第七章:现代主义(20世纪)7.1 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《至灵宴》7.2 乔治·奥威尔:《1984》7.3 约瑟夫·康拉德:《黑暗之心》第八章:后现代主义(20世纪末至今)8.1 萨尔曼·鲁西迪:《午夜的孩子》8.2 伊恩·麦克尤恩:《第二个苏格拉底》8.3 泽拉尔·纳西莫夫:《洛丽塔》总结:英国文学史涵盖了从中世纪到现代的丰富多样的文学作品。
英国文学简史复习资料General introduction of English literature1. 1 Old English Literature 449-1066 古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 贝奥武甫2 Medieval English Literature 1066-15th century 中世纪英语时期文学——Geoffrey Chaucer 1340_1400 杰弗里·乔叟2. Renaissance English literature late 15th century ~ early 17th century 文艺复兴——Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚——Ben Jonson 本·琼生——Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛3. English Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period 1640-1688 资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学——John Milton约翰·弥尔顿——John Bunyan 约翰·班扬4. 18th century English literature-the age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动时期——Daniel Defoe丹尼尔·笛福——Jonathan Swift乔纳森·斯威夫特——Henry Fielding亨利·菲尔丁——William Blake威廉·布莱克——Robert Burns罗伯特·彭斯5. Romantic English Literature 1798-1832 浪漫主义时期——William Wordsworth; 威廉·华兹华斯——Samuel Taylor Coleridge; 塞缪·泰勒·柯勒律治——George Gordon Byron; 乔治·戈登·拜伦——Percy Bysshe Shelley 佩西·比舍·雪莱——John Keats; 约翰·济慈——Walter Scott 沃尔特·司各特——Jane Austen简·奥斯汀6. Critical Realistic Literature in the 19th Century 维多利亚时期批判现实主义——W.M. Thackeray; 萨克雷——C harles Dickens; 查尔斯·狄更斯——Robert Browning 罗伯特·布朗宁——Bronte sisters:Charlotte Bronte; Emily Bronte; Ann Bronte——George Eliot乔治·艾略特——Matthew Arnold 马修·阿诺德——Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代——Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德7. 20th Century English Literature——George Bernard Shaw乔治·萧伯纳——Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫·康拉德——William Butler Yeats 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝——Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫——James Joyce詹姆斯·乔伊斯——D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯——T. S. Eliot 爱略特一、The Anglo-Saxon period 449-10661、这个时期的文学作品分类: pagan异教徒 ;Christian基督徒2、代表作: The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫 national epic 民族史诗采用了隐喻metaphor 手法3、Alliteration 头韵写作手法例子: of m an was the m ildest and m ost beloved;To his k in the k indest; k eenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period 1066-1350 盎格鲁—诺曼时期1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑士是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer 1340-1400 杰弗里·乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed押韵 lines in iambic pentameter五步抑扬格3、代表作:The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事集英国文学史的开端大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England; representatives of various walks of life and social groups. 朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人;代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner; thus revealing his own views and character. 这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事;无形中表明了各自的观点;展示了各自的性格..小说观点:he believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions迷信 and a blind belief in fate 他希望人们能从迷信和对命运的盲从中解脱出来..4、Popular Ballads 大众民谣:a story hold in 4-line stanzas with second and fourth line rhymedBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission 歌谣是匿名叙事歌曲;一直保存着口头传播的方式代表人物:Bishop Thomas Percy 托马斯·珀西主教代表作:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 侠盗罗宾汉和阿林代尔四、The Renaissance 16世纪文艺复兴时期Greek and Roman 戏剧 dramaThe term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical Greek and Roman arts and sciences.文艺复兴最初是指经典艺术和科学在英国的复兴..The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama文艺复兴时期的英国戏剧也得到了迅速的发展..1、key word: humanism 人文主义: admire human beauty and human achievement2、代表人物:1、Thomas More 托马斯·莫尔 Utopia 乌托邦2、Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根第一个散文家essayist3、Thomas Wyatt 托马斯.怀亚特引入十四行诗的第一人sonnet十四行诗: form of poetry intricately rhymed间隔押韵 in 14 lines iambic pentameter4、Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙·斯宾塞poet’s poet诗人中的诗人 The Fairy Queen仙后epic poem 史诗5、Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛blank verse无韵体:不押韵的五步抑扬格是十六世纪英国戏剧的主要表现形式..6、William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚戏剧 drama四大悲剧:Hamlet哈姆雷特;Othello奥赛罗;King Lear李尔王;The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白五、The period of Revolution and Restoration 17世纪资产阶级革命与王权复辟1、文学特点:the Puritans清教徒 believed in simplicity of life、disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry、breaking up of old ideals.清教徒崇尚俭朴的生活、拒绝十四行诗和爱情诗、与旧思想脱离..2、代表人物:1、John Donne 约翰·多恩“metaphysical”poets 玄学派诗人的代表人物sonnet 十四行诗“ Death be not proud”代表作品:The Flea跳蚤2、John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿 a great poet 诗人 poem 诗歌 blank verseDefense for the English People为英国人民辩护Paradise Lost失乐园“Satan is not a villain”撒旦不是坏人Paradise Regained复乐园3、John Bunyan 约翰·拜扬 a great prose writer “give us the only great allegory 寓言”The Pilgrim’s Progress天路历程该书采用的写作手法“written in the old-fashioned旧体形式; medieval form of allegory 寓言and dream”六、The Age of Enlightenment 18世纪启蒙运动 also known as “the Age of Reason”1、Emphasized formality or correctness of style; to write prose like Addison; or verse like Pope.强调正确的格式和写作规范;像艾迪生一样创作散文;和蒲柏一样创作诗歌..The Enlightenment was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism. 启蒙运动实际上是当时先进的资产阶级同落后的封建主义斗争的一种形式..The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the viciousness of human nature; and prove that man is born kind and honest; and if he becomes depraved; it is only due to the influence of corrupted social environment.启蒙主义者颠覆了宗教所宣扬的人类本恶的观点;论证了人生诚实而友善;而腐化堕落则是后天腐败的社会环境所致..Contrary to all reasoning; social injustice still held strong; found the power of reason to be insufficient; and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice.无论怎样讲究理性;社会不平等现象仍然普遍存在;理性的力量明显不足..因此呼吁把情感的诉求作为一种谋求幸福和社会公平的手段..2、18th century 文学的三个方面:Neo-Classicism新古典主义、Sentimentalism伤感主义、Pre-romanticism 前浪漫主义诗歌、beginning of the modern novel刚启萌的现代派小说、drama戏剧3、代表人物:1、Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福 realistic novel 现实主义小说Novel:” Robinson Crusoe”鲁宾逊漂流记” The History of Tom Jones; a F oundling”弃婴汤姆.琼斯的故事 the best novel of him 2、Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特” Gulliver’s Travels”格列佛游记novel反讽作品特点:no visible sign of anger; nor raising the voice; the tone is cold; restrained; ironic; varied only by some flashes of fooling when Swift’s sense of the ridiculous gets the better of him.努不动颜;骂不扬声;语调冷酷;锋芒暗藏;讽刺辛辣;仅在讽喻之情难以抑制时才偶露揶揄之态..” A Modest Proposal”一个温和的建议猛烈地抨击了压迫爱尔兰人民的统治4、Samuel Richardson 塞缪尔·理查森” Pamela”帕美勒 The method of psychological analysis 心理分析的方法In the form of letters 书信体小说5、Richard B. Sheridan 理查德·B.谢里丹” School for Scandal”造谣学校;喜剧 comedy6、Oliver Goldsmith’s 奥利佛·.哥尔德斯密斯散文作家 essayist” The Vicar of Wakefield”威克菲尔德的牧师;小说 novel” She Stoops to Conquer”委曲求全;欢乐喜剧 rollicking comedy” The Deserted Village”荒村;诗歌 poems4、Sentimentalism 感伤主义 no belief 没有信仰The representatives of sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism but they vaguely sensed at the same time the contradictions of bourgeois progress that brought with it enslavement and ruin to the people. 感伤主义的代表人物在继续反对封建主义的同时又模糊的感觉到资本主义进程中出现的种种矛盾;感觉到资本主义制度对人性的奴役和破坏..代表人物:Thomas Gray 托马斯.格雷“ Elegy; Written in a Country Churchyard”墓园挽歌七、The Romantic Period 1798-1832浪漫主义1、前浪漫主义代表人物:1 William Blake 威廉·布莱克诗人 poet代表作品:诗集天真之歌Songs of Innocence: The Lamb; The Chimney Sweeper1789诗集经验之歌Songs of Experience: The Tiger; London; The Chimney Sweeper17942 Robert Burns 罗伯特·.彭斯苏格兰诗人 poet代表作品:A Red; Red Rose 一朵红红的玫瑰、My Heart’s on the Highland我的心在高原、天长Auld Lang Syne..Pre-Romanticism was greatly influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution前浪漫主义极大地影响了工业革命和法国大革命..2、教育意义Educational:liberty; equality and fraternity 自由;平等;博爱3、开始的标志:beginning with the publication of William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge’s “Lyrical Ballads” 从威廉.华兹华斯和柯勒律治一起发表的抒情歌谣集开始4、lake poets湖畔诗人:Wordsworth; Coleridge; Southey 骚塞5、代表人物:1、William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯 poet-laureate 桂冠诗人“The Prelude”序曲自传性诗歌Autobiographical poetry作品特点:simplicity and purity of the language; fighting against the conventional forms of the 18th century poetry 简单而纯洁的语言;反传统形式的18世纪诗歌2、S. T. Coleridge 柯勒律治Demonic poems魔幻诗The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 古舟子咏、Kubla Khan忽必烈汗Christabel克里斯塔贝尔作品特点:unusual and supernatural things不寻常和超自然的事物3、Lord Byron 拜伦“ Childe Harold Pilgrimage”恰尔德·哈罗德游记成名作“ Don Juan”唐璜 satiric masterpiece 讽刺的杰作4、Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪莱“ Prometheus Unbound” 解放了的普罗米修斯 drama 戏剧“ Ode to the West Wind”西风颂 poem 诗5、John Keats 济慈 poet 诗人“ The Eve of St. Agnes”圣阿格尼斯之夜poem “ On a Grecian Urn”希腊古瓮颂poem “ To a Nightingale”夜莺颂poem “Beauty i s truth; truth beauty”美学原则6、Walter Scott沃尔特·司各特 He is the creator and a great master of the historical novel. 他是历史小说的创造者和大师作品:Ivanhoe艾凡赫、The Lady of The Lake湖上夫人7、Jane Austen 简·奥斯丁女“ Pride and Prejudice”傲慢与偏见“ Sense and Sensibility”理智与情感“ Emma”爱玛写作特点:the love-making of her young people; though serious and sympathetic; is subdued by humor to the ordinary plane of emotion on which most of us live. She was the founder of the novel which deals with unimportant middleclass people. 她是中产阶级小说的发起人..6、十九世纪散文的特点:In the first of these two periods Addison and Steele socialized the essay; so to speak; they brought it into everyday life and made it familiar and delightful to the multitude. 在这两个时期的开始;艾迪生和斯蒂尔的社会散文把散文带入日常生活;并使其熟悉和并令人愉快.. Early in the nineteenth century it became more definitely a means of intimate self-expression.在十九世纪前期;散文变得对自我的表达越来越肯定。
Old English Period— Anglo-Saxon Period(450-1066)1.The History•From 55 BC to 410 AD, the Romans conquered the land and transplanted its civilization.2.The LiteratureTwo divisions:Pagan & ChristianPaganThe Seafarer水手; The Fight at Finnisburg芬尼斯郡之战; The Wanderer流浪者; Waldhere瓦登希尔;The Battle of Maldom马尔登战役Widsith(威德西斯); The complaint of Deor迪奥的抱怨•The wife’s Lament妻子的哀歌; Ruin毁灭are good examples.Beowulf, England’s national epic.Writing featuresnot a Christian but a pagan poem of all advanced pagan civilization,The use of the strong stress and the predominance of consonants are very notable in this poem. Each line is divided into two halves, and each half has two heavy stressesThe use of alliteration is another notable feature and makes the stresses more emphatic. There are a lot of metaphors and understatements in this poemAnglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)The literature•The Growth of the Arthurian Legends•The legends of King Arthur and his knights had existed as an oral tradition since the time of the Celts.The 17th CenturyA Brief Introduction of the 17th century⏹The contradictions between the feudal system and bourgeoisie⏹James I:1603-1625 political and religious tyranny⏹Charles I: 1625-1649⏹Oliver Cromwell : commonwealth protector: 1653-1658⏹Charles II: 1660-1688 the Restoration⏹James II:1685-1688⏹William of Oranges: 1688-1702 “Glorious Revolution”⏹The Bill of Rights 权利法案:1689John Donne代表作:The FleaMetaphysical PoetryHoly Sonnet 10SongA Valediction:Forbidding Mourning 别离辞:节哀John Milton⏹the early phase of reading and lyric writing⏹the middle phase of service in the Puritan Revolution and the pamphleteering for it⏹the last --- the greatest --- phase of epic writingParadise Lost--- the great epicParadise Regained;Samson AgonistesJohn BunyanThe Pilgrim’s Progress(essay)The 18th-century LiteratureThe Rise of English NovelsThe historical backgroundComparing with the 17th century, the 18th century is a period for peaceful development.The constitutional monarchy has been set up by parliament in 1688.England grew from a second rate country to a powerful naval country in this century.With the ascent of the bourgeoisie cultural life had undergone remarkable changes.The rise of the English novel.代表作:Daniel Defoe Robinson CrusoeJonathan SwiftThe Battle of the Books; 《书籍之战》The Tale of a Tub; 《一只桶的故事》The Drapier’s Letter; 《布商来信》A Modest Proposal; 《一个温和的建议》Journal to Stella; 《给斯黛拉的日记》Gulliver’s Travel. 《格列夫游记》Satirical features⏹Swift offered an opportunity of self-scrutiny.(自我审视)⏹The Lilliputians (小人国居民)and their institutions were all about people and theirinstitutions of England.⏹The Brobdingnagians were incredible Utopians.⏹The scientists and philosophers represented the extremes of futile theorizing andspeculations in all areas of activity such as science, politics, and economics with their instinct-killing tendencies.⏹The picture of the Yahoos made a clear statement about man and his nature.Henry FieldingTom JohnsonSocial significanceThe writer shows his strong hatred for all the hypocrisy and treachery in the society of his age and his sympathy for the courageous young rebels in their righteous struggleThe 18th-century Literature (II)The Age of Enlightenment in EnglandThe rapid development of social life•On the economic scene, the country became increasingly affluent.•On the political scene, a fragile of balance between the monarch and the middle class existed.•On the religious scene, deism came into existence代表Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard● a masterpiece of lyric●Theme: a sentimental meditation upon life and death, esp. of the common rural people,whose life, though simple and crude, has been full of real happiness and meaning●Poetic pattern: quatrains of iambic pentameter lines rhyming ABAB●Mood: melancholy, calm, meditative●Style: neoclassic---vivid visual painting,---musical/rhythmic,---controlled and restrained,---polished languageSection 1 It sets the scene for the poet’s visit to the churchyard. It is enveloped in gloom and grief, which is archetypal of graveyard, poets’fascination with night, graves, and death. The tone is echoed by the last part of the poem●Section 2 It tells about the people entombed there and recalls their life experiences. Whenthe “rude forefathers of the hamlet”lived. They got up early at the twittering of swallows, or a rooster’s wake-up call or a hunter’s horn, enjoyed family bliss with wife and kids in the evening, or were happily busy with farm work in the fields, but now that they lie in their “narrow cells”, their “useful toil”and “homely joys”happen no more. The tone is one of melancholy and regret for the dead.●Section 3 It warns the rich and powerful not to despise the poor since all are equal in faceof death and the grave levels off all distinction. All nobility, power, and wealth “await alike”the inevitable end and “the paths of glory lead but to the grave”. Nothing could●ever bring anything back to life.Section 4●It expresses, on the one hand, the poet’s regret that their life had not been congenial tothe growth and full play of the poor farmers’native gifts and talents and, on the other, his feeling of “a blessing in disguise”for them in the sense that, because they did not commit any crimes to humankind nor have to play the obsequious social climber against one’s integrity.Section 5●It asserts the notion that, even though they lived a less eventful life, there is no reason toforget these farmers.Section 6●It portrays the scenario that the poet envisions would happen after his own death. Avillager would say of him: he got up early to go uphill to the lawn and lay there meditating under the tree until noon. He would wander in the wood, smiling at one moment, muttering to himself at the next, sad and pale, like one “in hopeless love”. Then for a couple of days he did not show up, and on the third day he was buried in the churchyard.Section 7●As he shows sympathy for the poor, he gains the friendship of man and God. He asks thepassers-by not to get to know any more about his merits and weaknesses as he waits in his grave for God’s judgment.●The poem touches the readers to the quick with its notable sadnessOliver Goldsmith’s《The Vicar of Wakefield》•Pre-Romantic Poems (I)William BlakeThe Songs of Experience;THE LAMB;The Tyger;The Sick RoseRobert Burns⏹1) Political poems --- The Tree of Liberty;⏹2) Satirical poems --- Holy Willie’s Prayer, Two Dogs⏹3) Lyrics --- My Heart’s in the Highlands, A Red, Red Rose, Auld Lang SyneBurns’s position and his features⏹ A great Scottish peasant poet; a national poet of Scotland⏹Numerous are Burns’s songs of love and friendship.⏹His great success was largely due to his comprehensive knowledge and excellent masteryof the old song traditions.⏹His poetry have a musical quality that helps to perpetuate the sentimentBurns ushered a tendency that prevailed during the high time of RomanticismThe Romantic Period (I)⏹“The Lakers”:湖畔诗人William WordsworthSamuel ColeridgeRobert Southey•William Wordsworth•Lyrical Ballads;Lines Written in Early Spring;To the Cuckoo ;The Daffodils I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;My Heart Leaps Up;Intimations of Immortality 不朽颂Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern AbbeyComments on WordsworthWordsworth’s poetry is distinguished by simplicity and purity of his language which was spoken by the peasants who convey their feelings and emotions in simple and unelaborated expressions.•George Gordon Byron•Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage;Don Juan•What is Byronic hero?•Byron’s chief contribution to English poetry.•Such a hero is a proud, rebellious figure of noble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is right to all the wrongs in a corrupted society, and he would fight single--handedly against all the misdoings.•Thus this figure is a rebellious individual against outworn social systems and conventions •Byronic heroes•heroic of noble birth•passionate•rebellious•individual•Summery•This is a love poem about a beautiful woman and all of her features. Throughout the poem, Byron explains the depth of this woman’s beauty. Even in the darkness of death and mourning, her beauty shines through. Her innocence shows her pureness in heart and in love. The two forces involved in Byron’s poems are darkness and light --- at work in the woman’s beauty and also the two areas of her beauty --- the internal and the external •The theme•This poem shows that mourning does not necessarily imply melancholy or extreme sadness.•Rhetorics•Byron uses many antonyms to describe this woman --- face, eye, hair, cheek, brow, etc. to portray a perfect balance within her.•He often uses opposites like darkness and light to create this balance.• A simile was shown in line one which stated: “She walks in beauty, like the night”, which is also the basis of the poem.•Rhyme and meter•The poem follows a basic iambic tetrameter, with an “ababab cdcdcd efefef” rhyme. •Percy Bysshe Shelley•Comments on Shelley• 1. Shelley is one of the first poets in Europe who sang for the working people. His political lyrics are among the best of their kind in the whole sphere of European romantic poetry. And he is also one of the leading Romantic poets, an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language.• 2. Shelley loved the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind.• 3. One of the first poets in Europe who sang for the working people. His political lyrics are among the best of their kind in the whole sphere of European romantic poetry.❖ 4. He stood for this social and political ideal all his life.❖ 5. He and Byron are justifiably (justly, rightly) regarded as the two great poets of the revolutionary romanticism in England.❖ 6. Byron, his best friend, said of Shelley “the best and least selfish man I ever knew”.❖7. Wordsworth said, “Shelley is one of the best artists of us all”.❖Ode to the West Wind❖Stanza 1❖It describes the power of the west wind and its double role as both destroyer(ll.2-5) and preserver(ll.6-12).❖Line 14 sums up the wind’s two basic characteristics, which also constitute the thematic focus of the poem❖Stanza 2❖I t focuses on the adumbration of the wind’s power driving clouds before it and bringing storms with it (ll.15-23) with lightning, rain, fire and hail (ll. 23-28).❖It also describes its destructive aspect of “closing night” enveloping all under its dome ofa vast tomb (ll. 24-25).❖Stanza 3❖It talks about the wind’s impact upon the sea, its first touching on the calm of the Mediterranean (ll. 29-36), and then on the turbulence of the Atlantic (ll.36-42).❖The Mediterranean sleeps in serenity in the summer but is waken up by the wind to see the quivering of the shadows of ancient palaces and towers (ll. 29-35) and the Atlantic cleaving asunder into gigantic chasms (ll. 35-38).❖Even the vegetation at the bottom of the sea “grow gray with fear./tremble and despo il themselves”.❖Stanza 4❖It expresses the poet’s emotional response to the west wind.❖The poet says to the wind (ll.43-47) that he wishes to be spirited away like the leaves, to dance like the clouds, to breathe like the waves, and enjoy a share of the win d’s strength like the storm though with a lesser degree of freedom of movement.❖The poet takes a nostalgic backward glance at his free, uncontrollable boyhood when he could fly like a swift could like the wind, and even outstrip it in speed (ll.47-51), and wishes for the wind to lift him up like a leaf or wave or a cloud (l. 54). But it is only a figment of his imagination.❖He has to face “the horns of life” that he has fallen upon, chained and weighed down, and no longer “tameless, swift, and proud” like the wind (ll.54-56).❖Stanza 5⏹It expresses both the poet’s request for the wind to help spread the words of his poem“among mankind” and wake it up from its deep stupor (ll. 66-69) and his prophecy that spring will come in the wake of winter (ll.69-70).⏹The poem ends upon a note of confidence and hope.⏹John Keats one of the greatest English poets and a major figure in the Romanticmovement⏹Ode on a Grecian Urn The Eve of St. Agnes To a NightingaleWalter Scott He is the creator and a great master of the historical novelJane AustenPride and Prejudice;Sense and Sensibility;Mansfield Park;Emma;Northanger Abbey;PersuasionCritical Realism Victorian PeriodFeatures of Dickens’s novels♦Charles Dickens’s novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation; criticize the vices of capitalist society.Charles Dickens is a petty bourgeois intellectual. He could not overstep the limits of his class. He believed in the moral self-perfection of the wicked propertied classes. He failed to see the necessity of a bitter struggle of the oppressed against their oppressors. There is a definite tendency for a reconciliation of the contradictions of capitalist society♦Charles Dickens is a great humorist. His novels are full of humor and laughter and tell much of the experiences of his childhood. Almost all his novels have happy endings.The story of some major novels♦Oliver Twist♦David Copperfield♦Great Expectation♦ A Tale of Two CitiesWilliam Makepeace ThackerayVanity Fair•The Brontë sisters•Charlotte•Jane eyre (1847)•Shirley (1849)•Villette (1853)•The professor (1857)•Emily•Wuthering Heights (1847)•Anne•Agnes Grey (1847)•The tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) 《怀德菲尔庄园的房客》Alfred Lord Tennyson•the poet laureate after the death of Wordsworth in 1850•The Princes (1847),•In Memoriam (1850),•Maud (1855),•Enoch Arden (1864),•The Idylls of the King (1869-1872) Break, Break, Break ;Ulysses;Crossing the Bar Robert BrowningMy Last Duchess a dramatic monologueThe transition from 19th to 20th century in English literatureThomas Hardy◆Under the Greenwood Tree◆Far from the Madding Crowd◆The Return of the Native◆The Mayor of Casterbridge◆Tess of the D’Urbervilles◆Jude the ObscureOscar Wilde♦The Picture of Dorian Gray♦Lady Windermere’s Fan♦ A Woman of No Importance♦An Ideal Husband♦The Importance of Being Earnest♦Salome♦The Happy Prince and Other TalesGeorge Bernard Shaw♦ a prolific writer;♦winning Nobel Prize in 1925Mrs. Warren’s professionD. H. Lawrence•Novels•Sons and Lovers•The Rainbow•Women in Love•Lady Chatterley's Lover•Novellas•St Mawr•The Virgin and the Gypsy•The Escaped Cock“stream of consciousness”意识流代表人物:1)、Virginia Woolf 《Mrs. Dalloway》《A Room of One’s Own》 Woolf was much concerned with the position of women. 非常重视妇女的地位 2)、James Joyce Araby附读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。