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The culture differences of tea and coffee

As we all know,tea

、coffee and cocoa were known as the world's three major non-alcoholic characteristics of the tea is n atural fresh,while the coffee is well-known for its romantic and ,countries different cultural

backgrounds have distinctive preferences for

choice of drink. About the orig in of tea and coffee

Asia is the famous tea producing area,and tea culture originated from

China,then gradually spread throughout the modern society,although is popular all over the workpeople can think of the ancient orie ntal when it comes to is the symbol of the oriental culture.

Coffee is a kind of typical tropical crops,which origi nated from the ope ning of new sea-route,It gradually spread to all over the ,it is popularp in Europe,especially in the high think it is a symbol of the coffee was in troduced into the US,a nd now it is be loved by all ranks of society.

The place of tea and coffee

Chin ese tea culture is exte nsive and profo un d,the teahouse also has a long gen eral,the teahouse has not only quiet en vir onment but also an an cie nt is a good place of moder n urba n people to relax.

While in the west,the cafe all over the city and country is a sign of the

western way of wester ners drink coffee at any time of the day at home or in cafe has become a leisure place in people's busy life.

The represe ntative culture of tea and coffee

Tea carries many elements of chinese culture,which is a typical way of chin ese the say ing goes,"firewood,rice,cook ing oil,salt,soybea n and


the tea

sauce,vineger and tea are the seven necessities of daily life."It is eno ugh to illustrate the importa nt of tea in chi nese cultural has pure and fresh n ature,which can make people calm dow n and help to edify is con sistw nt with the chin ese con fucia n doctri ne.

Westerners can't leave the coffee as the tea to characteristics of western coffee culture in gen eral is en thusiastic,bold and un restra ines French can enjoy life most,the coffee culture of romantic French represe nts a roma ntic sen time nt,a kind of elega nt lasti ng appeal,which is also a traditional and unique coffee them,coffee is not only a drink

but more implied rich cultural conno tati on.

In moder n society,with the developme nt of econo mic globalizatio n. The cafe is increasing in China,and the tea also have an important position in western it also reflects the cultural globalizati on.
