英语语言学08 Pragmatics


英语语言学第八章 语用学 pragmatics ppt课件

英语语言学第八章 语用学 pragmatics ppt课件
utterance, i.e. the act ostin
How to Do Things with Words (1962)
speech acts: actions performed via utterances
Constatives vs. performatives Constatives: utterances which roughly serves
Semantic meaning: the more constant, inherent side of meaning
Pragmatic meaning: the more indeterminate, the more closely related to context
2. Speech Act Theory
(ii) the relevant participants and circumstances must be appropriate.
B. The procedure must be executed correctly and completely.
C. Very often, the relevant people must have the requisite thoughts, feelings and intentions, and must follow it up with actions as specified.
Minister: addressing the groom) (Groom’s Name), do you take (Bride’s Name) for your lawful wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?



Nice to see you all back againChapter One Introduction1. the origin of pragmatics1) about the term “pragmatics”语用学The term "Pragmatics" was first used by Charles William Morris" Foundations of the Theory of Sign"( 1938) .Semiotics syntax semantics users2) the establishmentPragmatics, as a comparatively new and independent discipline of linguistics, appeared in1970s with the publication of "Journal of Pragmatics" in Hetherlands in1977. Before that time the study of pragmatics was limited in the field of linguistic philosophy.3) The three stages in the development of pragmatics:the first stage is from the late 1930s to late 1940s----Pierce, Morris and Carnap considered pragmatics to be a branch of semiology符号学and all the studies were within the domain of philosophy;The second stage is from the beginning of 1950s to late 1960s----Austin, Searle and Grice made studied on speech act and implicature theory, and their achievements sustained the basic theory of pragmatics. The studies were still within the domain of philosophy then;The third stage is after 1970s----the biggest three events happened and pragmatics became an independent discipline.a) In 1977 Mey and Haberland started the Journal of Pragmatics in Holand.b) In 1983 Levinson and Leech published their respectiveworks Pragmatics and Principle of Pragmatics, which set up the theoretic system of pragmatics.c) the set-up of the International Pragmatics Association in 1986 in Belgium.2. What is PragmaticsSome definitions of Pragmatics:1) Pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of meaning not captured in a semantic theory.2) Pragmatics is the study of the relations betweenlanguage and context that are basic to an account of lang understanding.3) Pragmatics is the study of linguistic acts and the contextsin which they are performed.4) Pragmatics is a theory which seeks to characterise howspeakers use the sentences of a language to effect successful communication.5) Pragmatics is the study of language use and linguistic communication.6) Pragmatics can be defined as the study of howutterances have meanings in situations.What do we find in common in the above definitions of Pragmatics?meaning contextBriefly speaking, pragmatics refers to the study language in use, or the meaning in context, or the use of language in communication, or the relationship between linguistic elements and the contexts or situations in which they are used.Language use----language systemthe distinguishing feature of language use from language system is:“One can mean more than one says”Examples:(1)只可意会,不可言传,言有尽而意无尽,词不达意,不知从何说起。


• 1.person deictics: used to identify participants in the discourse. "I" and "We" are to refer to the speaker and "you" the hearer. The third person pronouns are used to refer to people other than participants.
• 2.place deictics such as "here" and "this" to iindicate the spatial relations between the speaker and the referred object or place. Some verbs also denotes the spatial relations between the speaker, the hearer and the place designated, such as "come/go" and "bring/take".
• But if it is said when John is swimming, it probably means "John swims well".
If it is said at a party, it will be taken to mean that "John can drink a lot of wine", etc.
II. Context & Meaning





























Waiter 2: He’s sitting by the door.
Fresh salad refers to the customer who ordered fresh salad.
Teacher: You can borrow my Shakespeare. Waiter: the ham sandwich left without paying. Nurse: The hernia(疝气)in room 5 wants to talk to the
A: Can I look at your Chomsky?
B: Sure, it’s on the shelf over there.
Chomsky refers to the book written by Chomsky. Waiter 1: Where’s the fresh salad sitting?
• You’ll have to bring
tomorrow Temporal deixis
because she isn’t Person deixis
Spatial deixis
Temporal deixis
here today.
All the deictic expressions have to be interpreted in terms of which person, place or time the speaker has in mind. We make a broad distinction between what is marked as close to the speaker(this, here, now) and what is distant(that, there, then), we can also indicate whether movement is away from the speaker’s location(go) or toward the speakers location(come).

Chapter 8 Pragmatics 语用学 语言学教程 胡壮麟.ppt

Chapter 8 Pragmatics 语用学 语言学教程 胡壮麟.ppt
(b) In a language class where a student made a mistake, for he intended to say “tidy”.
(c) The room was wanted for a meeting.
பைடு நூலகம்
(2) I can’t work under untidy circumstances.
are acts.
8.1.1 Performatives and constatives Austin (How to Do Things with Words,
1962) Consider these sentences: a) I name this ship Elizabeth. b) I bequeath my watch to my brother. c) I now pronounce you man and wife. d) I bet you sixpence it will rain
A. (i) There must be a relevant conventional procedure, and
(ii) the relevant participants and circumstances must be appropriate.
B. The procedure must be executed (i) correctly and (ii) completely.
Possible contexts:
(a) A request to someone to tidy up the circumstances.
(b) It was an excuse for not wanting to do something there.

现代英语语言学理论 CHAPTER 8

现代英语语言学理论 CHAPTER 8
5. Scope of Pragmatics
Pragmatics may be defined as the study of meaning. The word meaning may have many different meanings. In semantics, meaning depends more on who the speaker of the sentence is, who the hearer is, when and where it is used. Meaning depends more on the context.
8.2 Speech Act Theory
This theory originated with the Oxford philosopher John Langshaw Austin. In 1955, when he went to America to deliver the William James lectures, he revised the notes and changed the title from Words and Deeds to How to Do Things with Words, which was published posthumously in 1962.
8.1 Pragmatics
Or rather, you do know the speaker’s intention, but you want to use “What do you mean?” as a denial of what he has asserted. This kind of meaning is sometimes referred to as SPEAKER’S MEANING, UTTERANCE MEANING, or CONTEXTUAL MEANING. The discipline, which concentrates on this kind of meaning, is called PRAGMATICS.

语用学 pragmatics

语用学 pragmatics









语义学主要指狭义的语义学,即逻辑语义学,它研究句子和词语本身的意义,研究命题的真值条件(truth conditions)。

语用学研究言语使用上的意义,研究传递语言信息的适宜条件(felicity conditions)。

语义学揭示的意义是二元关系的句子意义(sentence meaning),解决"Whatdoes Xmean?"的问题。

语用学揭示的是三元关系的说话人意义(Speaker meaning),解决"What did you mean by X?"的问题。








How to Do Things with Words (1962)
analyzing the role of utterances in relation to the behavior of the speaker and the hearer in interpersonal communication
Some Basic Notions in Pragmatics
Pragmatics, Semantics
Semantics---- is the study of the literal meaning of a sentence (without taking context into consideration).
E.g. It is cold in here. You have left the door wide open. Morning !
*** the most important part = the illocutionary acts
E.g. ---- (the telephone rings) ----H: That’s the phone. (a) ----W: I’m in the bathroom. (b) ----H: Okay. (c)
Austin’s New Model of Speech Acts
a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking:
Locutionary act----an act of saying something, i.e. an act of making a meaningful utterance (conveying the literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology).

英语语言学第八章 语用学 pragmatics

英语语言学第八章 语用学 pragmatics

A perlocutionary act: is the consequential aspect of an utterance in terms of the effects the speaker achieves on the hearer, i.e. the act of bring something to happen

Among these kinds of speech acts, pragmatists are most interested in illocutionary act. This is because illocutionary act conforms to the speaker's intention and is thus the focus for the study of verbal communication.
Logic and Conversation in 1975

Grice’s theory Logic and Conversation is an attempt at explaining how a hearer gets from what is said to what is meant, from the level of expressed meaning to the level of implied meaning.

XXX,你是否愿意娶xxx为妻,按照圣经的教训与他 同住,在神面前和她结为一体,爱她、安慰她、尊重 她、保护他,像你爱自己一样。不论她生病或是健康、 富有或贫穷,始终忠於她,直到离开世界? Groom: I do.
Felicity conditions: A. (i) There must be a relevant conventional procedure. (ii) the relevant participants and circumstances must be appropriate. B. The procedure must be executed correctly and completely. C. Very often, the relevant people must have the requisite thoughts, feelings and intentions, and must follow it up with actions as specified.




For example, “ It is cold in here.” from semantics, it simply expresses the semantic proposition of “the low temperature in a certain place”. They do not consider the following factors as “who speaks it to whom , when, where, why etc. In other words , they do not include context in the study of meanings
Definitions of Pragmatics
Definition 1: Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. 语用学是对在一种语言的结构中被语法化 或被编码的那些语言和语境之间的关系 的研究。
Austin’s new model

Later,he gave up his distinction between constatives and performatives and set up his new model-a speaker might be performing 3 acts at the same time when speaking: locutionary act言内行 为,illocutionary act言外行为 and perlocutionary言后行为.


To make sense out of nonsense Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
The Green party of parliament has lots of ideas, often referred to as the "green ideas", however ,these ideas are rather dull and hence often called colourless.? Due to the nature of the colourless green ideas they have been subdued by others and put into a dormancy, a sleep as such, not that they take any liking to this, mainly because the very nature of these ideas causes quite a furious rebuttal when they are put to sleep.?
To specify the utterance meaning
Inference rules
Sentence meaning + Context
Utterance meaning
I’m feeling a little cold. I like you very much.
The role of context in conversation
Key in the distinction
Both semantics and pragmatics study the meaning of a linguistic form. However, they are different in many respects, such as their research methods, their research scope. What essentially distinguishes them is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. If it its not considered, the study is confined to the area of traditional semantics; If it is considered, the study is being carried out in the area of pragmatics.



复习专八的同志们注意啦,个人潜心整理--人文知识之语言学部分,希望能帮上点儿忙,一起加油!作者:張旭BEYONDTEM-8 语言学知识复习总结重要概念梳理CNU 张旭ZX第一节语言的本质一、语言的普遍特征(Design Features)1任意性Arbitratriness:shu 和Tree都能表示“树”这一概念;同样的声音,各国不同的表达方式2双层结构Duality:语言由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds and meaning)3多产性productive:语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences)4移位性Displacemennt:可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将来可能发生的事情,或者表达根本不存在的东西等5文化传播性Cultural Transmission:语言需要后天在特定文化环境中掌握二、语言的功能(Functions of Language)6 1. 传达信息功能Informative:最主要功能The main function7 2. 人际功能Interpersonal:人类在社会中建立并维持各自地位的功能establish and maintain their identity8 3. 行事功能performative:现实应用——判刑、咒语、为船命名等Judge,naming,and curses9 4. 表情功能Emotive:表达强烈情感的语言,如感叹词/句exclamatoryexpressions10 5. 寒暄功能Phatic:应酬话phatic language,比如“吃了没?”“天儿真好啊!”等等11 6. 元语言功能Metalingual:用语言来谈论、改变语言本身,如book可以指现实中的书也可以用“book这个词来表达作为语言单位的“书”三、语言学的分支1. 核心语言学Core linguisticl 语音学Phonetics:关注语音的产生、传播和接受过程,着重考察人类语言中的单音。

Chapter 8 语言学-Pragmatics

Chapter 8  语言学-Pragmatics

2.1 Constatives vs. performatives
• Constatives: utterances which roughly serves to state a fact, report that something is the case, or describe what something is, eg:
• It is a philosophical explanation of the nature of linguistic communication.
– 2.1 Constatives vs. performatives – 2.2 A theory of illocutionary act
• Various definitions:
– The study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. – The study of language in use. – The study of meaning in context. – The study of speakers’ meaning,
– – – – I will come in a few seconds. I was reading a novel last night. You are responsible for this accident. He is in charge of our department.
• Conclusions:
• Features of performatives • First person singular subject • Simple present tense • Indicative mood • Active voice • Performative verbs



Meaningful sentence
The meaningful interpretation of a speech is no longer confined to words. Pragmatics aims, instead, to look into what more and how that more is contextually communicated in deeds than is said in words.
8.1 Distinction of pragmatics
Pragmatics, derived from the Greek pragma, meaning “deed”, is anothenly studying the meaning of language in use and the contexts in which It is used. Therefore, we may try, if we’d like to look for interpretations of its meaning, to imagine some possible contexts for the use of this utterance.
Have a try Can you explain the following sentence.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. ——Chomsky
In chapter7, this sentence would be regarded as a meaning less one. Idea——inanimate——be not able to sleep Green——specified——not colorless Sleep——a calm period of rest——fury Conclusion : the sentence does not have any proper linguistic property of its own for interpreting its meaning.

语言学讲义考研 8 Pragmatics

语言学讲义考研 8 Pragmatics

Semantics & Pragmatics
• • • • • Peter bought a car. It was Peter who bought a car. It was a car that Peter bought. What peter bought was a car. 句法学:说明这些句子是同一深层经过不 同转换的结果 • 语义学:这些句子都是同义的。 • 语用学:这些句子都是不同的。
• 82.Once the notion of ____ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics. • A. meaning • B. context • C. form • D. content • Answer: B
Syntactics Pragmatics
符号三分说 Syntactics: the formal relation of signs to one another. Semantics: the relations of signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable. Pragmatics: the relation of signs to interpreters.
Semantics & Pragmatics
• Both are concerned with study of meaning. • 没有第一层次的研究,很难进行第二层次的研究 • 语用意义不能脱离语言本身因有的内在意义
• 语义学是对语言能力(competence)的研究 • 语用学是对语言行为(performance)的研究 • 语言行为是语言能力的具体体现actual realization Chomsky

哈师大语言学chapter 8 pragmatics

哈师大语言学chapter 8 pragmatics
• Leech (1983): Pragmatics can be usefully defined as the study of how utterances have meanings in situations. • Crystal (1987/1997): Pragmatics studies the factors that govern our choice of language in social interaction and the effects of our choice on others.
3. Stable product 4. Analyze sentence in isolation
Bigger chunks of conversation Dynamic prysis & pragmatic analysis
Grammatical (sentence) Pragmatic (utterance)
1. units of linguistic system Instances of the system
2. Stop at sentence level
• Maggie: Coffee? • James: It would keep me awake all night.
• Linda: Have you finished the student evaluation forms and the reading lists? • Jean: I’ve done the reading lists.
• Jane: Coffee? • Steve: Sure. • Jane: White? • Steve: Black.


What is pragmatics?
﹍﹍the study of language in use or language in communication, particularly the relationship between sentences and the contexts and situation in which they are used.
the study of semantics.
ˉˉˉ ■
Utterance meaning
concrete and context-dependent meaning;

intended meaning of a speaker;
the study of pragmatics.

e.g. The bag is a bit heavy. sentence meaning: one-place predication BAG(BE HEAVY)
On other occasion it means; John is as cold as fish.
Distinction between sentence and utterance meaning
■ ■ ■
Sentence meaning
abstract and context-independent meaning; literal meaning of a sentence;
■ Differences:
Semantics–– the study of the literal meaning of a sentence (without taking context into consideration).
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(阐述类); Directives (指令类); Commissives (承诺类); Expressives (表达类); Declarations (宣告类).
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state , describe, and say what the speaker believes to be true; Related verbs:
“ I”
of Performatives:
as the subject; Performative verbs as name, bet, promise, etc; Present tense of the performative verbs.
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bring about immediate changes by saying something; Related verbs:
bet, bequeath, declare, appoint, fire.
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III. Conversational Implicature
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2.1 A Brief Introduction
John Austin (奥斯汀); Continuator: John Searle (塞尔); Marker: How to Do Things with Words 《如何以言行事》 (1962); Aim: to discover why people mean B while saying A; Foundation: pragmaticism (实用主义哲学).
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commit the speaker himself to some future course of action; Related verbs:
undertake, vow.
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哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红
1.2 Pragmatics vs. Semantics
Items Similarities Pragmatics Semantics
Both of them study the meaning of language. Within Without contexts contexts Utterance Sentence Meaning Meaning Dynamic Stable Research Research
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act (言语行为) means the act of speaking, which can be informing or describing as well as performing other acts or bringing about effects; Two Distinctions:
of Constatives:
value of the sentence can be judged by truth value.
哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红 11
Examples of Performatives
do. I name this ship Elizabeth. I give and bequeath my watch to my brother. I bet you sixpence it will rain tomorrow.
--- Chapter 8
Study of Pragmatics;
Speech Act Theory; Conversational Implicature; Conversation Analysis.
哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红 2
II.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
I. Study of Pragmatics
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Pragmatics vs. Semantics; Context;
Sentence Meaning vs. Utterance Meaning.
哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红 3
Examples of Constatives
moon tonight is very bright. I liked English very much when I was young. Every human being has his own right to live independently in the world. She will give an oral test to her students tomorrow;
3.1 3.2 3.3
Conversational Implicature;
Cooperative Principle; Post-Gricean Developments; Politeness Principle.
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3.1 Conversational Implicature
2.3 A New Classification of Speech Act
kinds of Speech Acts:
act (言内行为): that of uttering a sentence with a determinate sense or reference; Illocutionary act (言外行为): that of making a statement, offer, promise, etc. in uttering a sentence by virtue of the conventional force associated with it; Perlocutionary act (言后行为): that of bringing about effects of the hearer by means of uttering the sentence;
act: It’s 11:50 already (Speaker
only); Illocutionary act: It’s time for lunch (Hearer & Speaker); Perlocutionary act: Class is over (Hearer only). 2014-12-20 14 哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红
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1.4 Sentence Meaning vs. Utterance Meaning
meaning (句子意义) is the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication, and it is decontextualized; Utterance meaning (话语意义) is the concrete, extrinsic property of the sentence in terms of context, and it is context-dependent.
1.1 Pragmatics
is a study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication; ~ is also regarded as the study of meaning in actual use, or in contexts.
2014-12-20 哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红 7
II. Speech Act Theory
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
A Brief Introduction;
An Early Distinction of Speech Act; A New Classification of Speech Act; Subdivision of Illocutionary Act.
2.4 Subdivision of Illocutionary Act
the illocutionary acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose or the same illocutionary point (行事语力):
2.2 An Early Distinction of Speech Act
sentences that have descriptive meaning, and hence can be testified as true or false are constatives (表述句); Those sentences that perform actions and hence can’t be testified as true or false are performatives (施为句 ). 2014-12-20 10 哈尔滨师范大学 张旭红