爱伦坡经典英语诗歌:To HELEN 致海伦据作者爱伦坡说,这首诗是为中学一位同学的年轻母亲斯丹娜夫人而作,写的是“我的灵魂的第一次纯洁、理想的爱”。
Helen,thy beauty is to meLike those Nicèan barks of yoreThat gently, o'er a perfumed sea,The weary way-worn wanderer boreTo his own native shore.海伦哦,我眼里你的美丽就像昔日尼西亚的小船,轻柔地在飘香的海面,将那旅途劳顿的游子带回他故乡的海岸。
On desperate seas long wont to roam,Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,Thy Naiad airs have brought me homeTo the glory that was Greece,And the grandeur that was Rome.在绝望的海面、亘古波涛无边,你飘飘的秀发,你典雅的脸庞,你水中仙女般的丰姿让我想见希腊的荣光、罗马的庄严。
Lo, in yon brilliant window-nicheHow statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within thy hand, Ah! Psyche, from the regions which Are holy land!看哦!在远方的华丽窗龛,我见你如雕像玉立,手里擎着玛瑙灯盏!啊,灵魂之女,你来自哪里,哪里就是圣地!。
• "To Helen" is the first of two poems
to carry that name written by Edgar Allan Poe. The 15-line poem was written in honor of Jane Stanard, the mother of a childhood friend. It was first published in 1831 collection Poems of Edgar A. Poe then reprinted in 1836 in the Southern Literary Messenger. Poe revised the poem in 1845, making several improvements, most notably changing "the beauty of fair Greece, and the grandeur of old Rome" to "the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome." These improved lines are the most well-know lines in To Helen, the speaker sees pure idealized beauty, both physically and spiritually. He thinks that she is so beautiful that that it is a relief to just be with her and you are calmed by her extraordinary beauty. She has beautiful hair and a classic face, and her inner beauty is also tremendous. The speaker sees Helen as very poised and perfect and ideal. The words that characterize the beauty most clearly are “ gently ” , “perfumed”, “hyacinth hair”, “classic face”, “statue-like” and “brilliant”. The speaker says that Helen’s beauty has ‘brought me home/ To the glory that was Greece/ And the grandeur that was Rome’ because Poe had opened the poem with the simile “Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicean barks of yore ” and this compares the beauty of Helen, with small sailing boats (barks) that took travelers home in ancient times. He extends this boat imagery into the lines above, when he says Helen brought him home to the shores of these great civilizations, classical Greece and Rome. Helen’s beauty inspires the speaker and calms him to a great extent. Just her presence is a blessing to him.
The background information of the poem
• Beauty, as Poe uses the word in the poem , appears to refer to the woman’s body as well as her soul.
On the one hand ,he represents her as Helen of Troy—the quintessence(典 范 )of physical beauty-at the beginning of this poem.
On the other, her represents her as Psyche – at the end of the poem. In Greek, Psyche means soul.
The true beauty
Physical beauty +
Spiritual beauty
To Helen (致海伦)
--By Edgar Allan Poe
About Helen--海伦
• 海伦是宙斯和勒达的女儿,她是那 个时代最漂亮的女子.还在当姑娘 的时候,她被忒修斯劫持抢走.后来 由两位兄长重新把她夺回来.她跟 随继父斯巴达国王廷达瑞俄斯长 大.
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And the grandeur that was Rome 第6页/共12页
Parallelism and Metaphor
风信子般的头发,典雅的面庞,水仙女 般风姿带我回到昨日希腊的光荣,和 往昔罗马的盛况。
在第三节诗中,诗人的描写的对象从海伦转到了普赛 克(Psyche)——一个可以与海伦媲美的公主。
That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,
Hyperbo夸张 海伦的美让大海也变得“芬芳四溢”。
The weary, way-worn wanderer bore To his own native shore.
Alliteration 头韵
weary”,“way-worn”和“wanderer”都 是以[w]开头的单词。诗人通过头韵将 水手的疲惫形象活灵活现地展现出来。
Poe wrote To Helen as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs.Jane Stith Stanard who died in 1824.She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates,who is said to have urged him to write poetry,and she was Poe’s frist real love.
在第一节中,诗人描写了海伦 的美丽
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allan poe to helen赏析
【介绍Edgar Allan Poe及其作品背景】
Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849)是美国19世纪著名的文学家、诗人、编辑和文学评论家。
《To Helen》是他的一首脍炙人口的诗歌,创作于1831年。
《To Helen》共四节,每节四句,采用抑扬格五音步的诗歌形式。
在《To Helen》中,月亮、星光、夜色等元素具有象征意义。
《To Helen》是一首具有极高艺术价值的诗歌。
如画的意境 如歌的音韵──埃伦·坡《致海伦》诗作赏析
![如画的意境 如歌的音韵──埃伦·坡《致海伦》诗作赏析](
埃伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的《致海伦》(To Helen)是一首颂诗,以赞美女性之美为主题,描绘了海伦的美丽和魅力。
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allan poe to helen赏析【诗歌背景和作者简介】埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)是美国19世纪著名的作家、诗人和文艺评论家。
这首《致海伦》(To Helen)是他创作于1831年的一首抒情诗,表达了诗人对美丽、优雅和纯洁的向往。
【诗歌的结构和形式】《致海伦》共分为四节,每节五行,采用抑扬格五音步(iambic pentameter)的诗歌形式。
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Lo! in you brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate玛瑙 lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche普塞克, from the regions which Are Holy Land!
早已习惯于怒海上的飘荡,你风信子似的秀发, 你闪烁着古典美的面庞, 你水精仙子般的呼吸引我 还乡, 重见希腊的光荣与罗马的辉煌。
看!那明亮的窗龛中间, 我见你象一座神像站立, 玛瑙的亮灯擎在你手里, 哦!普赛克 ,你所来自的地方 原是那遥远的圣地!
Author ’s feeling
• 这是一首写给内心深处所爱的女人的诗。充满了古典式唯美,深 刻的表达了作者对爱与美的执着追求。
• 艾伦坡对自己的诗解释就是 :为了美而美,为了诗而诗。而他 所提到的美绝不仅仅是外表上的,还有精神上的纯洁与真挚。
1. he represents her as Helen of Troy—the quintessence(典范 )of physical beauty-at the beginning of this poem. 2. her represents her as Psyche –at the end of the poem. In Greek, Psyche means soul.
1 Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicéan barks of yore, That gently, o'er a perfumed sea, The weary, way-worn wanderer bore To his own native shore.
Short stories
• 1 MS. Found in a Bottle (1833) 《瓶中手 稿》 • 2 Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque (1839) 《荒诞奇异的故事》 • 3 The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1841) 《毛格街血案》 • 4 The Fall of the House of Usher 《厄舍 古屋的倒塌》 • 5 The Cask of Amontillado 《一桶白葡萄酒》 • 6 Ligeia 《丽姬娅》 • 7 The Purloined Letter 《窃信案》
1 The Raven (1844) 《乌鸦》 乌鸦》
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Annabel Lee 《安娜贝尔丽》 安娜贝尔丽》 The Sleeper 《睡美人》 A Dream Within a Dream 《梦中梦》 Israfel 《伊斯拉菲尔》 The Bells 《钟》 Sonnet – To Scienபைடு நூலகம்e 《十四行诗--致科学》 To Helen 《献给海伦》 献给海伦》 The City in the Sea 《海中的城市》
据作者说, 据作者说,这首诗是为中学一位同学的年轻母亲 斯丹娜夫人而作,写的是“我的灵魂的第一次纯洁、 斯丹娜夫人而作,写的是“我的灵魂的第一次纯洁、 理想的爱” 从诗里提到的地理、历史背景来看, 理想的爱”。从诗里提到的地理、历史背景来看,对 斯丹娜夫人的爱慕和对古希腊史诗《伊利亚特》 斯丹娜夫人的爱慕和对古希腊史诗《伊利亚特》中的 绝世美人海伦的景仰合二为一。而在最后一节里, 绝世美人海伦的景仰合二为一。而在最后一节里,对 不可企及的美人的倾倒又升华为对艺术——甚至是对 不可企及的美人的倾倒又升华为对艺术 甚至是对 美的无穷无尽的追求。因为在西方文人心中, 真、善、美的无穷无尽的追求。因为在西方文人心中, 古代的希腊和罗马已成为一种理想的境界, 古代的希腊和罗马已成为一种理想的境界,那里的一 切似乎都是至美与至善的。 切似乎都是至美与至善的。
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to helen诗歌鉴赏《To Helen》是埃德加·爱伦·坡创作的一首诗歌,它以海伦为原型,描绘了一个美丽而神秘的女子形象。
总之,《To Helen》是一首充满情感和神秘色彩的诗歌,它以海伦为原型,描绘了一个美丽而神秘的女子形象,并通过情感的抒发传达了爱与美的力量。
To Helen 爱伦坡
![To Helen 爱伦坡](
”To Helen” is the first of two poems to carry that name written by Edgar Allan Poe. The 15—line poem was written in honor of Jane Stanard,the mother of a childhood friend。
It was first published in 1831 collection Poems of Edgar A。
Poe then reprinted in 1836 in the Southern Literary Messenger。
Poe revised the poem in 1845, making several improvements,most notably changing ”the beauty of fair Greece,and the grandeur of old Rome" to "the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome.” These improved lines are the most well—known lines of the poem。
BackgroundEdgar Allan Poe wrote “To Helen” as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs。
Jane Stith Stanard,who died in 1824. She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates,Robert Stanard. When Robert invited Edgar,then 14, to his home in 1823, Poe was greatly taken with the 27-year—old woman, who is said to have urged him to write poetry。
爱伦·坡诗《致海伦》汉译To Helen致海伦By Edgar Allen PoeTr. By Lily⽂/爱伦·坡译/黎历Helen, thy beauty is to meLike those Nicean barks of yore,That gently, o'er a perfum'd sea,The weary way-worn wanderer boreTo his own native shore海伦我眼中你的美貌宛如远古那些奈西亚帆船游⼷在芬芳的海上将疲惫不堪的游⼦带回他的故乡On desperate seas long wont to roam,Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,Thy Naiad airs have brought me homeTo the beauty of fair Greece,And the grandeur of old Rome在绝望的海洋我早已习惯流浪你风信⼦般的秀发典雅的脸庞你神⼥般的风仪送我回归家园回归古希腊的优雅美丽回归古罗马的宏⼤壮观Lo! in that little window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand! The folded scroll within thy hand —A Psyche from the regions which Are Holy land!看在那狭⼩的窗龛⾥你犹如⼀座伫⽴的雕塑⼿握书卷啊⼀位来⾃圣地的希腊⼥神!译于2018年3⽉3⽇星期六。
To Helen 致海伦 诗歌赏析
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•Parallelism(平行) and • Metaphor(暗喻)
“风信子般的头发,典雅 的面庞,水仙女般的风姿带 我回到昨日希腊的光荣, 和往昔罗马的盛况。
在第三节诗中,诗人的描写的对象从海伦转到了 普赛克(Psyche)—一个可以与海伦媲美的公主。
Lo! in you brilliant windowniche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche, from the regions which Are Holy Land!
“To Helen”--Theme
• The theme of this short poem is the beauty. Beauty, as Poe uses the word in the poem, appears to refer to the woman's soul as well as her body. On the one hand, he represents her as Helen of Troy–the quintessence of physical beauty–at the beginning of the poem. On the other, he represents her as Psyche (灵魂)–the quintessence(精髓) of soulful beauty–at the end of the poem.
在中学时代,爱伦.坡曾经热切地眷恋过一位同学的母 亲,一个温柔娴静、知书达理的女人,而这个女人在 三十一岁死于脑瘤,无疑给爱伦· 坡幼小的心灵刻上了 终生难愈的创伤。
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Backgrou nd
Poe wrote To Helen as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs.Jane Stith Stanard who died in 1824.She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates,who is said to have urged him to write poetry,and she was Poe’s frist real love.
早已习惯于怒海上的飘荡,你风信子似的秀发, 你闪烁着古典美的面庞, 你水精仙子般的呼吸引我 还乡, 重见希腊的光荣与罗马的辉煌。
看!那明亮的窗龛中间, 我见你象一座神像站立, 玛瑙的亮灯擎在你手里, 哦!普赛克 ,你所来自的地方 原是那遥远的圣地!
Author ’s feeling
神在希腊话中,普赛克公主,美丽绝伦。 他是爱神厄洛斯之妻,厄洛斯禁止她看见 自己的模样,而普赛克因好奇在夜晚举灯看 丈夫的模样,灯油滴到爱神脸上唤醒了他, 普塞克因此被丈夫逐出家门。
海伦,你的美貌于我, 有如往日尼西亚的三桅船, 在芬芳的海上悠然浮起, 把劳困而倦游的浪子载还, 回到他故国的港湾。
海伦是宙斯和勒达的女儿,她是那个时代最漂亮 的女子.还在当姑娘的时候,她被忒修斯劫持抢走.后来 由两位兄长重新把她夺回来.她跟随继父斯巴达国王 廷达瑞俄斯长大.
之后,她嫁给了墨涅拉俄斯(亚各斯人的国王)。 海伦给他生下一个女儿。后来,墨涅拉俄斯外出。海 伦一个人在宫殿里很孤寂。一次外出中,她在阿尔忒 弥斯神庙遇见帕拉斯王子。两人相爱了。于是,王子 就把海伦“劫持”到了自己的国家。也就是这件事, 引发了著名的特洛伊战争。
"To Helen"是爱伦·坡写的一首诗,主要描写了诗人对一位叫做海伦(Helen)的女性的崇拜和追求。
1. 韵律优美:它采用了一种比较古典的诗体——希腊十四行诗(Petrarchan sonnet),每个部分用相同的韵脚连接起来,使整首诗具有一种和谐的韵律。
2. 分段清晰:整首诗由两部分构成,前八行是描述诗人对海伦美貌的赞美,后六行则是诗人对海伦的期望与追求。
3. 意象生动:诗人使用了许多具体的比喻和意象,使抽象的情感和思想变得更加生动形象。
这些因素共同营造了"To Helen"这首诗中的结构美,使其成为一篇经典的爱情诗歌。
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"To Helen" is the first of two poems to carry that name written by Edgar Allan Poe. The 15-line poem was written in honor of Jane Stanard, the mother of a childhood friend. It was first published in 1831 collection Poems of Edgar A. Poe then reprinted in 1836 in the Southern Literary Messenger. Poe revised the poem in 1845, making several improvements, most notably changing "the beauty of fair Greece, and the grandeur of old Rome" to "the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome." These improved lines are the most well-known lines of the poem.BackgroundEdgar Allan Poe wrote “To Helen” as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs. Jane Stith Stanard, who died in 1824. She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates, Robert Stanard. When Robert invited Edgar, then 14, to his home in 1823, Poe was greatly taken with the 27-year-old woman, who is said to have urged him to write poetry. He was later to write that she was his first real love.ThemeThe theme of this short poem is the beauty of a woman with whom Poe became acquainted when he was 14. Apparently she treated him kindly and may have urged him–or perhaps inspired him–to write poetry. Beauty, as Poe uses the word in the poem, appears to refer to the woman's soul as well as her body. On the one hand, he represents her as Helen of Troy–the quintessence of physical beauty–at the beginning of the poem. On the other, he represents her as Psyche–the quintessence of soulful beauty–at the end of the poem. In Greek, psyche means soul.Imagery and Summary of the Poem Poe opens the poem with a simile–“Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicéan barks of yore”–that compares the beauty of Helen with small sailing boats (barks) that carried home travelers in ancient times. He extendsthis boat imagery into the second stanza, when he says Helen brought him home to the shores of the greatest civilizations of antiquity, classical Greece and Rome. It may well have been that Mrs. Stanard’s beauty and other admirable qualities, as well as her taking notice of Poe’s writing ability, helped inspire him to write poetry that mimicked in some ways the classical tradition of Greece and Rome. Certainly the poem’s allusions to mythology and the classical age suggest that he had a grounding in, and a fondness for, ancient history and literature. In the final stanza of the poem, Poe imagines that Mrs. Stanard (Helen) standing before him in a recess or alcove in front of a window. She is holding an agate lamp, as the beautiful Psyche did when she discovered the identity of Eros (Cupid). For further information on the agate lamp, Psyche, and Eros, sees the comments opposite the third stanza.Analysis:As is typical with many of Poe's poems, the rhythm and rhyme scheme of "To Helen" is irregular but musical in sound. The poem consists of three stanzas of five lines each, where the end rhyme of the first stanza is ABABB, that of the second is ABABA, and that of the third is ABBAB. Poe uses soothing, positive words and rhythms to create a fitting tone and atmosphere for the poem. His concluding image is that of light, with a "brilliant window niche" and the agate lamp suggesting the glowing of the "Holy Land," for which Helen is the beacon."To Helen" is the first of two poems to carry that name written by Poe. The 15-line poem was written in honor of Jane Stanard, the mother of a childhood friend.. It was firstpublished in 1831 collection Poems of Edgar A. Poe then reprinted in 1836 in the Southern Literary Messenger. Poe revised the poem in 1845, making several improvements, most notably changing "the beauty of fair Greece, and the grandeur of old Rome" to "the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome." These improved lines are the most well-known lines of the poem.Imagery and Summary of the PoemPoe opens the poem with a simile–“Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicéan barks of yore”–that compares the beauty of Helen with small sailing boats that carried home travelers in ancient times. He extends this boat imagery into the second stanza, when he says Helen brought him home to the shores of the greatest civilizations of antiquity, classical Greece and Rome. It may well have been that Mrs. Stanard’s beauty and other admirable qualities, as well as her taking notice of Poe’s writing ability, helped inspire him to write poetry that mimicked in some ways the classical tradition of Greece and Rome. Certainly the poem’s allusions to mythology and the classical age suggest that he had a grounding in, and a fondness for, ancient history and literature. In the final stanza of the poem, Poe imagines that Mrs. Stanard (Helen) is standing before him in a recess or alcove in front of a window. She is holding an agate lamp, as the beautiful Psyche did when she discovered the identity of Eros (Cupid). For further information on the agate lamp, Psyche, and Eros, see the comments opposite the third stanza.The ThemeThe beauty of a woman with whom Poe became acquainted when he was she treated him kindly and may have urged him or perhaps inspired him to write poetry.Beauty,as Poe uses the word in thepoem ,appears to refer to the woman’s body as well as her soul.On the one hand ,he represents her as Helen of Troy—the quintessence(典范)of physical beauty-at the beginning of this poem.On the other ,her represents her as Psyche –at the end of the Greek,Psyche means soul.Stanza 1The poet first mentioned Helen, the most famous beauty in Great mythology. Then Poe compared himself to Odysseus, who wandered for ten years over the sea to get home. As Odysseus, Edgar Allan Poe was persistent in his chasing after fine arts with the sincere belief that art, or beauty and truth, is the ultimate aim, the home, for the wandering poet; while Helen, the embodiment of ancient beauty, is the guider to that dreamland 诗人第一次提到海伦,最著名的风景就像是伟大神话。