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Safety ManagementRules 为强化安全管理,提高广大员工和外来人员的安全意识,确保员工利益和公司利益不受侵害,经公司经理办公会研究决定,制订本安全管理工作规定。

In order to strengthen thesafety management,raise thesafety consciousnessof our staffand outside rs and protect both the companyandour staff’sinterest not to beinfringed,the safety management rules weredeveloped.


Internal safety management rules:


Anybody who accesses totheproduction area mustn’t bring any kindling materials,cigarette and flammable andexplosive substances. All of these contr abandarticles can be stored in thestorage bins in theentrance guard room。When welders conducthot work,the maintenanceworkshop should arrange specific persontoprovide needed hot work tools and mate

rialswhich should be token back timely.

1。2 除上下班按照规定的路线通过生产区外,进入生产区必须按规定使用安全帽、安全眼镜、安全鞋等防护用品.生产区内除车间办公室、更衣室、澡堂、卫生间外,其余地方必须按规定使用安全帽、安全眼镜、安全鞋等防护用品。菌种室、化验室人员在室内操作时必须戴安全眼镜,接触化学药品时必须穿安全鞋。

Whenentertheproduction area,people must puton the protectionarticles such as hard hat,goggl es and safety shoes。Besides,stated routeshouldbe used whiling enteringor leaving the production area. People mustputonthe protectionarticles such as hard hat, gogglesand safety shoes in theproduction area, except those in the office of the workshops, locker rooms,bathhouses and thewashrooms.Operat orsmust wear goggles when they workin theculture development lab and the in process lab and put on their safety shoes when they contactwith chemicals。

1.3 各岗位员工必须严格执行公司统一制订的岗位安全操作规程。

Every personintheposition must strictlyen forcethe positionsafety operation specifications。1.4 生产区内除维修车间所在区域外所有动火必须取得动火证后


In the productionarea,all the using offir emust getthepermit exceptthat in the areas of maintenance workshop.Peoplecan do worksuch as confinedspace operations,liftingoperations, pressure vessel inspection,high altitude operation,operation of opening the pipelines and excavations only aftergetting the permit。

1。5 燃油叉车不得进入包装库或生产车间作业;非防爆叉车不得进入提取车间作业。

The fuel—burned forklift mustn't gointothe packaging workshop or productionworkshops to work; nonex plosion-proof forklift mustn't go into therecoveryworkshop.

1。6 车间操作工、维修工不得将通讯工具带到岗位,非岗位操作工进入车间各工序必须关闭通讯工具.

The operatorsandmaintainers in workshopsmustn't carryaboutany telecommunication facility tothe position; those nonposition operators must shut off the telecommunication facilities whengo intotheworksh ops。


Any vehiclegoes into the production area must cover the flameproof enclosures.


Internal penalty forviolationof regulation:


Foranyviolation of the internalsafety man agement regulation andposition safetyoperation specifications,the company safety committeewill investigate and reach a decisionof minor violation, me dium violationor severeviolation. If the violation is a minor one,forthe first time, we will fine thepe rson 100RMB;ifthe violation is mediumwithout an
