Longman Communication 3000 朗文学术最常用的3000词




词3000英语最常用的.英语最常用according adapt advertisingagency to add 的3000词advice account addition A advise accountant a additionaladviser abandon address accurate affair ability accuseaffect able adequate achieve afford adjust about achievemenafraidadministratabove tafter abroad ion acidafternoon absence administratacknowledgafterwardsement absolute iveagain absorb admire acquire against admission abuse acquisitionaged academic admit across agency act accept adoptagenda action adult acceptable agent acceptance active advance aggressive access activist advancedago accident advantage actor agreeadvertisemeaccomodatiactual agreement nt on actually agricultureadvertisingadaccompanyahead also annual apple application alter another aid appoint alternative answer aimappointmenalthough anticipateairtaircraft anxiety altogether appreciate airline anxious always approach airport any amazing appropriate alarm anybody ambulanceapproval anyhow album amongapprove anyone amount approximatalcohol ane analyse anything alivearch anyway analysis all architect anywhere alliance ancientarchitecture allow apart and area anger allowance apartment argue angle apologize all right argument ally angry apologyarise almost animal apparentarm alone apparently announce armed appeal along announcemarmy appear alongside entaroundappearanceannoyalreadyarrange assignment authority bag bake assist automatic arrangemenbalance assistanceautomaticaltball assistant arrest lyban arrival available associate band arrive avenue association bang art average assumebank avoid article assumption bar awake artificial assure barrel artist award atbarrier as aware atmospherebase attach ashamed awareness baseball ashtray away attack basic awful aside attempt basically ask awkward attend basis attention asleep Bbasket attitude baby aspect basketball ass attorney back bastardassault attract backgroundbat assembly backwards attraction bath bacon assess attractive bathroom bad assessment audience batterybadlyauthorassetbattle belief birth boiler boiling believe birthday be bomb bell bircuit beachbond belly bishop beanbone bear bit belongbonus beard bite belowbook beat bitter beltbooking beautiful black bench booklet blade beauty bend boom because blame beneath boot become blank benefit border beside bed blessbored bedroom blind bestboring block beef betborn beer blonde betterborough between before blood borrow beyond bloody beforehand boss begin bicycle blowboth beginning big bluebother behave board bikebottle boat behaviour bill bottom body behind binbounceboilbirdbeingbound broad butcher candidate candy broken butter boundary cap brother button bowlcapability brown box buycapable boy buyer brush capacity brain by buckcapital branch bye bucket captain C brave budget capture cabinet breach build car bread cable buildercard break cake buildingcare bum breakfast calcium career breath calculate bumpcareful calculation breathe bunch carefully breed calculator bungalowcarpet burden brick callcarriage burn calm bridgecarry brief burnt cameracartoon briefly bury campcase brigade campaign buscash can bright businesscast cancel brilliant busycastlecancerbutbringcat champion chemical citizen city championshchemist catalogue civil ip chemistry catchclaim chance category chequeclass cause cherry chancellor classic cease chest change classical ceiling chicken channel classroom chief celebrate chap clause child celebration chapter clean cell childhood character cleaner cent chincharacteristclear ic centimeter chipclearly central chocolate characterizclever choice century eclick cereal choose chargeclient charity certain chuck climate charter church certainly climb certificate chase cigarette clinical chain chat cinemaclock chair circle cheapclose circuit chairman check closed circumstancchallengecheekcloselyecheesechambercloset n comparison concerned concerning combine compensaticlothesconcert come on cloudconclude comfort club competeconclusionclue competition comfortable concrete coach competitive commandcondition coal complain comment conduct complaint coalition commercialconference complete coast commissionconfidence coat completely commit confident code complex commitmenconfirm tcoffee complicatedconfine coin component committee conflictcomposition cold commonconfused collapse comprehenscommonlyconfusing communicacollegue ion confusion te comprise collect congratulaticollection communicacomputeron collective tion concentrate connect college concentraticommunityconnection on colour companion conscious concept column company consciousneconcerncomparecombinatioss constitutionn corporation correct al control consent corridor constraint convenient consequenccost construct e conventioncottage consequentlconventionaconstruct iocould ylncouncilconservatioconversatioconsult councilor n n consultantcount convertconsider consultationcounter considerablconviction consumercountry econvince consumptiocountryside n considerablcookcounty ycooking contactcouple cool consideratiocontain courage n co-op contemporacourse ry consist cooperationcourt content cop consistent cousin constant context cope cover constantly continue copy cow constituenccore continuous crack corn y contractcraft corner constitutecontributecraftycorporatecontributioconstitutioncrash culture danger declaration declare cup dangerous crazy decline cupboard dare create decorate curious creation darkdecoration creative darknesscurlydeep credit darling currency deeply crew data currentdefeat database cricket currently defence date crime curriculum defend criminal daughter curtain defendant crisis day curvedefine cushion criterion dead definite critic deaf customer definitely deal critical cut definition criticism dealer cute degree cycle criticize dear delay D death cropdelibrately cross dad debate delighted crowd daddy debt deliver crown decade daily delivery decent crucial damage demand decide cruel damn demandingdecisiondancecrydemocracy destroy dimension dismissdisorder destruction dinner 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each employer each other drama effortemploymendraw egg eart either drawer earlyempty drawing elderly earn enable earth dream elect encounter easily election dress encourage drink east electric encouragindrive easternelectricalg driver electricity easyend electronic drop eatenemy element drug economic energyelevatoreconomicsdryengage teven exceptexception environmenevening engineexchange tal event engineer excitement equal engineeringeventuallyexciting enhance ever equally exclude enjoy every equation excuse enjoyable everybody equipmentexecute everyone enormous equivalentexercise everything enough erase exhibition enquiry everywhereerrorexist ensure evidence escape existence especially enter eviden existing enterprise evil essay exit evolutionentertainmeessentialexpand nt exact essentially expansion establish enthusiasm exactlyexpect established examinatioenthusiastic expectation entire establishmen expenditure entirely nt examine expense entrance exam estate expensive example entry estimate experience exceed envelop ethnic experiencedexcellentevaluationenvironmenexperiment eye farmer fetchfew F fascinating experimentfield fabric fashion alfight face expert fastfigure expertise fat facility file explain father factfill explanation fault factor film favour expoilt factory filthy favourite explore fail final export fear failurefinally expose feature fair finance fairly exposure federal financial expression fee faith find feed extend fallfinding extension feedback false fine familiar extensive feel finger family feeling extent finish external famous fellow fire extra fan femalefirm extraordinafeminist fancy first fence ry fantasticfirstly fertilizer extreme far fishfestivalfarmextremelyfishing forest frequentlyfurniturefurther forget fresh fit furthermorforgive fridge fixe form fixed friendfuss flash friendly formal future flat friendship format G flesh frightened formation gain from flight formergallery front flood formula game floor fruit fortnight gang flow fry fortunategap fortune flower fuel garage fly fulfil forwardgarbage full focus foundgarden folk full-time foundation garlic fragment follow fullygas framework fumes following gate food frankly fungather foot free functiongay football fund freedomgear fundamentafor freewaygene l force frequencygeneralfunnyfrequentforeigngenerally good r gulfgun morning grandpa generateguy good name granny generation H good nature gentle granthabit gentleman grass goodness hair gently grateful good night half genuine great goodshall greatly gesture gorgeous hand green get governhandbag gift greygovernmenthandle girl gross governmenthandy al give groundhang glad group governorhappen growth glance grade happening glass guarantee graduallyhappy gram global guardhard grammar guess gluehardly go grand guestharm goal grandad guidancehat gold guide grandchildhate guiltygolden grandfatherhave guitar golf grandmaheguitaristgrandmothegoodhead hers home humanhungry herself homework headline hurry hi honest headquartehurt hide rs honestlyhusband health honour high I healthy hook highlightice hear hope highly icecream hopefully hearing highwayidea hopeless heart him ideal heat horrible himself ideally heating horror hire identity his heaven horseidentify heavily hospital historianideology host heavy historical if height hot historyignore hit hell hotelill hobby hour helloillness help hold house illustrate helpful holder houeholdimage hence housing holding imagination how her hole imagine however here holiday immediatehugeholyheroimmediatelincluding inform integrationintellectual income informal y intelligenceincorporate information impactintelligent increase implement initialintend implication initially increasinglyintense imply initiative incrediblyintention importance injection indeedinteraction injury importantindependeninterest inner impose ceinterested impossible innovation independeninteresting impress input tinternal index impression inquiry internationimpressive inside indicateal 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organizer no way occupation onion origin only occupy nowhereoriginal onto nuclear occur originally ocean nuisance open other oclock number operate'otherwise odd numerous operation ought to odds opinion nurse ounce of nut opponentouroff O opportunityours oppose oak offenceourselves object opposite offer out opposition objection office outcomeoptionoffice boyobjectiveoutfit painting particularly peak pear pair partly outputpenalty palace partner outside pencilpale outstanding partnershippenny oven part-time panel pension over party panicpeople overall pass pantspepper passage overcome paper per passenger overseas paragraph perceive owe passion parcel percent own passport pardon percentage parent owner past perception ownership pastry parkperfect path P parkingperfectly pace patheticparliamentperform parliamentapack patience performancry patient packagee packet part patternperhaps pad participant pause period page pay participate permanent payment paid participatiopermission peacepain npermitpeacefulparticularpaintperson pig pleasant poolpoor pigeon please personalpop pile pleased personality popular pill pleasure personallypopulation personnel plenty pillowport perspective plug pilot pose persuade plus pin position petrol pocket pink positive poem phase pint possess phenomenopoet pipe possession npoetry pitch。



1 LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000Longman Communication 3000The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words containedin the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and studyin order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing.Analysis of the Longman Corpus Network shows that these 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English account for 86% of the language. This means that by knowing this list of words, a learner of English is in a position to understand 86% or more of what he or she reads. Of course, “knowing”a word involves more than simply being able to recognise it and know a main meaning of it. Many of the most frequent words havea range of different meanings, a variety of different grammatical patterns, and numerous significant collocations. Nonetheless, a basic understanding of the Longman Communication 3000 is a very powerful tool and will help students develop good comprehension and communication skills in English.‘This [frequency] information is gold dust for the language learner. LDOCE shows in graphic and immediate form which words are really worth learning and knowing how to use.’Jeremy Harmer, EL T authorT o ensure that users have access to the appropriate information, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English marks all the words that are in the Longman Communication 3000 in red accompanied by special symbols: 1, 2, and 3 for words that are in the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in written English, and , and for the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in spoken English. Nowadays, many learner’s dictionaries include information about the most frequent words in English, but Longman dictionaries are the only ones to highlight the differences between spoken and written frequency.These frequency markers added to the headwords in the dictionary give users access to a wealth of information that can help the selection of the appropriate word or phrase in a variety of situations. Not only are the words and meanings given descriptive labels, for example formal or informal, AmE (American English) or BrE (British English), humorous,old-fashioned, but now they have the added information about relative frequency in spoken and written language.T ake for example the verb book (in the meaning of book a table at a restaurant). It is markedas – one of the top 2000 words of spoken English. Note that is has no marker for written English because according to corpus analysis, it is not part of the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. However, the entry also indicates that a synonym for book is reserve which is in the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that in speaking (for instance when phoning a hotel or restaurant), book is the most appropriate verb to use when asking for a room or table to be kept for you. In writing, however, it would be more appropriate to use reserve.‘There are two distinct modes of English: thoughtful, accurate and more formal, reflected mostly by written English; and spontaneous, real-time, less formal language, typified by spontaneous speech and some informal writing.’Professor Geoffrey Leech,Emeritus Professor of English Languageand Linguistics – University of LancasterLearning a language can be exciting, butalso sometimes difficult and frustrating because there are so many things to learn and it is difficult to know what to focus on. The frequency markers that identify the Longman Communication 3000 help students see clearly which words are frequent in written and spoken English, and enable them to focus more attention on mastering the meanings, grammatical patterns and collocations of these words.a indefinite article, determiner S1, W1 abandon v W3ability n S2, W1able adj S1, W1about prep S1, W1 about adv S1, W1 above adv, prep S2, W1 above adj W3abroad adv S2, W3 absence n S3, W2 absolute adj S2, W3 absolutely adv S1, W3 absorb v W3abuse n S2, W3 academic adj W2 accept v S1, W1 acceptable adj S3, W3 access n S2, W1 accident n S2, W2 accommodation n S2, W2 accompany v W2 according to prep S2, W1 account n S1, W1 account v S3, W2 accurate adj S2, W3 accuse v W3achieve v S2, W1 achievement n S3, W2 acid n W3 acknowledge v S3, W3 acquire v W2across adv, prep S1, W1 act n S1, W1act v S2, W1action n S1, W1active adj S2, W2 activist n S3activity n S2, W1actor n W3actual adj S1, W2 actually adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adapt v W3add v S1, W1addition n S3, W1 additional adj S3, W2 address n S2, W2 address v S2, W2 adequate adj S3, W3 adjust v W3 administration n S2, W2 administrative adj W3 admire v S3 admission n W3admit v S2, W1adopt v S3, W2adult n S2, W2adult adj W3advance n S2, W2advance v W3advanced adj W3advantage n S2, W1advert n S3advertise v S3, W3advertisement n S3advertising n W3advice n S2, W2advise v S2, W2adviser n S3, W3affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1afford v S1, W3afraid adj S1, W2after prep, conj, adv S1, W1afternoon n S1, W2afterwards adv S2, W3again adv S1, W1against prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agency n S3, W1agent n S3, W2aggressive adj S3ago adv S1, W1agree v S1, W1agreement n S2, W1agriculture n W2ahead adv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircraft n S2, W2airline n S2, W3airport n S3, W3alarm n S2album n S3, W3alcohol n W3alive adj S2, W3all determiner,predeterminer, pronS1, W1all adv S1, W1allow v S1, W1allowance n S2, W3all right adj, adv,interjection S1, W2almost adv S1, W1alone adj, adv S2, W1along adv S1, W1along prep S1, W1alongside adv, prep W3already adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alter v S3, W3alternative adj S2, W2alternative n S2, W3although conj S1, W1altogether adv S2, W3always adv S1, W1amazing adj S2ambition n W3ambulance n S3among prep S2, W1amount n S1, W1an indefinite article,determiner S1, W1analyse v W3analysis n S3, W1analyst n W2ancient adj W2and conj S1, W1anger n W3angle n S3, W3angry adj S3, W3animal n S1, W1announce v S2, W1announcement n S3, W3annoy v S3annual adj S2, W2another determiner, pronS1, W1answer n S1, W1answer v S1, W2anticipate v S3anxiety n S3, W3anxious adj S3, W3any determiner, pron S1,W1any adv S2anybody pron S1, W3anyhow adv S3anyone pron S1, W1anything pron S1, W1anyway adv S1, W2anywhere adv S1, W3apart adv, adj S2, W1apartment n S2, W3apologize v S2apology n S3apparent adj W2apparently adv S1, W2appeal n S2, W1appeal v S3, W3appear v S2, W1appearance n W2apple n S2, W3application n S1, W1apply v S1, W1appoint v S2, W2appointment n S2, W2appreciate v S2, W3approach n S2, W1approach v S2, W2appropriate adj S2, W1approval n S2, W3approve v S3, W2approximate adj S3, W3architect n W3architecture n S3, W3area n S1, W1argue v S2, W1argument n S1, W1arise v S3, W2arm n S1, W1armed adj S3, W3army n S1, W1around adv, prep S1, W1arrange v S2, W2arrangement n S2, W2arrest v W3arrival n W3arrive v S2, W1art n S1, W1article n S2, W1artificial adj S3artist n S3, W2as conj S1, W1as prep, adv S1, W1ashamed adj S3aside adv S3, W3ask v S1, W1asleep adj S2aspect n S2, W1assess v S2, W2assessment n S3, W2assignment n S2assist v S3, W3assistance n S3, W2assistant n S3associate v S3, W2association n S3, W1assume v S2, W1assumption n S2, W2assure v S2, W3at prep S1, W1atmosphere n S3, W2attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2attack v S3, W2attempt n S2, W1attempt v S2, W2attend v S2, W2attention n S2, W1attitude n S2, W1attorney n S2, W3attract v S2, W22LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000Longman Communication 3000attraction n W3 attractive adj S2, W2 audience n S2, W2 aunt n S3, W3author n W2 authority n W1 automatic adj S3 automatically adv S3, W3 autumn n W3 available adj S1, W1 average adj S2, W2 average n S2avoid v S2, W1awake adj S3award n S3, W2 award v W3aware adj S1, W1 awareness n W3away adv S1, W1awful adj S1 awkward adj S3baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3 background n S2, W2 backwards adv S3 bacon n S3bad adj S1, W1badly adv S3, W3bag n S1, W2bake v S3balance n S2, W2 balance v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2bang v S3bang n S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1barrier n W3base v S1, W1base n S2, W2 baseball n S3, W2 basic adj S2, W1 basically adv S1basis n S2, W1basket n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3 bathroom n S2, W3 battery n S2battle n W2be auxiliary S1, W1be v S1, W1beach n S2, W2bean n S2bear v S2, W2beard n S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beautiful adj S1, W2beauty n S3, W2because conj S1, W1because prep S1, W1become v S1, W1bed n S1, W1bedroom n S1, W2beef n S3beer n S2, W3before adv S1, W1before conj S1, W1before prep S1, W1beforehand adv S3begin v S1, W1beginning n S1, W2behalf n S3, W3behave v S3, W3behaviour n S2, W1behind prep, adv S1, W1being n S2, W3belief n S3, W2believe v S1, W1bell n S2, W3belong v S2, W2below adv, prep S2, W2belt n S2, W3bench n S2, W3bend v S3, W3beneath adv, prep W2benefit n S2, W1benefit v S2, W3beside prep S3, W2best adj S1, W1best adv S1, W2bet v S1bet n S3better adj S1, W1better adv S1, W1between adv, prep S1, W1beyond prep, adv S2, W1bicycle n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birth n S2, W2birthday n S1, W3biscuit n S2bit adv, pron S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitter adj S3, W3black adj S1, W1blade n S3blame v S2, W3blank adj S3bless v S3blind adj S2, W3block n S2, W2block v S3bloke n S2blonde adj S3blood n S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2board n S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boiler n S3boiling adj S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonus n S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3border n S3, W2bored adj S3boring adj S2born v S1, W2borrow v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both determiner,predeterminer, pronS1, W1bother v S1, W3bottle n S1, W2bottom adj S1, W3bottom n S1, W3bounce v S3bound adj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfriend n S3brain n S2, W2branch n S2, W2brave adj S3bread n S2, W3break n S2, W2break v S1, W1breakfast n S2, W2breast n S3breath n S3, W2breathe v S3, W3brick n S2, W3bridge n S2, W2brief adj S2, W2briefly adv S2, W3bright adj S2, W2brilliant adj S2, W3bring v S1, W1broad adj S2, W2brother n S1, W1brown adj S2, W2brush n S3brush v S3buck n S1bucket n S2buddy n S3budget n S1, W2bug n S3build v S1, W1builder n S3building n S1, W1bump v S3bunch n S2burn v S2, W3burn n S3burst v W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2business n S1, W1busy adj S1, W2but conj S1, W1but prep S2, W3but adv S2, W3butcher n S3butter n S2button n S2buy v S1, W1buyer n S3, W3by adv S1, W1by prep S1, W1bye interjection S1bye n S3cabinet n S2, W2cable n W3cake n S2, W3calculate v S2, W3calculation n S2calculator n S3calendar n S3call n S1, W1call v S1, W1calm adj S3, W3camera n S2, W3camp n S3, W3campaign n S2, W1can modal S1, W1can n S2cancel v S2cancer n S2, W2candidate n W2candle n S3candy n S3cap n S3capable adj S2, W2capacity n S3, W2capital n S3, W1capital adj S2, W3captain n W3capture v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2career n S2, W2careful adj S1, W2carefully adv S2, W2carpet n S2, W33LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000carrot n S3carry v S1, W1 cartoon n S3case n S1, W1cash n S2, W2cash v S3cast v W3castle n W3cat n S1, W3 catalogue n W3 catch v S1, W1 category n S2, W2 cause v S1, W1 cause n S2, W1CD n S3, W3cease v W3ceiling n S3, W3 celebrate v W3 celebration n S3cell n S3, W2 cellphone n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centimetre n S3, W3 central adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 century n S2, W1 cereal n S3certain adj S1, W1 certainly adv S1, W1 certificate n S3, W3 chain n S3, W2chair n S1, W2 chairman n S3, W1 challenge n S2, W2 challenge v S3, W3 champion n W3 championship n W3 chance n S1, W1 change n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 channel n S3, W2 chap n S2chapter n S3, W1 character n S1, W1 characteristic n S3, W2 characterize v W3 charge n S1, W1 charge v S1, W2 charity n S3, W3 chart n S3, W3 chase v S3chat n S2cheap adj S1, W2 cheat v S3check v S1, W2 check n S1, W3 cheek n W3 cheese n S2, W3 chemical adj W3 chemical n S3, W3 chemist n S3 chemistry n S2 cheque n S2cherry n S3chest n S2, W3chicken n S2chief adj S2, W2chief n W3child n S1, W1childhood n W3chip n S2, W3chocolate n S2choice n S1, W1choose v S1, W1chop v S3chuck v S3church n S1, W1cigarette n S2, W3cinema n S3circle n S2, W2circuit n W3circumstance n S2, W1citizen n S2, W2city n S1, W1civil adj S3, W2claim n S2, W1claim v S1, W1class n S1, W1classic adj W3classical adj W3classroom n S3, W3clean adj S2, W2clean v S1, W3cleaner n S3clear adj S1, W1clear v S1, W2clearly adv S1, W1clerk n S3clever adj S2click v S3client n S2, W1climate n W3climb v W2clock n S2, W3close adj S1, W1close adv S2, W2close v S1, W1closed adj S3closely adv S3, W2closet n S3cloth n S3clothes n S2, W2cloud n S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coach n S3, W2coal n S2, W2coast n S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffee n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1collapse v S3collar n S3colleague n S2, W2collect v S1, W2collection n S2, W1college n S1, W2colour n S1, W1column n S3, W2combination n S3, W2combine v S3, W2come v S1, W1comfort n W3comfortable adj S2, W3command n W3comment n S1, W2comment v S3, W3commercial adj S3, W2commission n S3, W2commit v S2, W2commitment n S2, W2committee n S3, W1common adj S1, W1communicate v S3, W3communication n S2, W1community n S1, W1company n S1, W1compare v S1, W1comparison n S3, W2compete v S3, W3competition n S2, W1competitive adj S3, W3complain v S2, W3complaint n S3, W3complete adj S2, W1complete v S2, W1completely adv S1, W2complex adj S3, W2complicated adj S2component n W2comprehensive adj W3comprise v W3computer n S1, W1concentrate v S2, W2concentration n S3, W2concept n S3, W2concern n S1, W1concern v W3concerned adj S1, W1concerning prep W3concert n S3, W3conclude v S3, W2conclusion n S3, W2condition n S2, W1conduct n W3conduct v W2conference n S2, W1confidence n S2, W2confident adj S3, W3confine v W3confirm v S2, W2conflict n S3, W2confused adj S3confusing adj S3confusion n S3, W3congratulation n S3connect v S2, W2connection n S3, W2conscious adj S2, W3consciousness n W3consent n W3consequence n S3, W2consider v S1, W1considerable adj S3, W1considerably adv S3consideration n S2, W2consist v W3consistent adj S3, W3constant adj S3, W3constantly adv S3, W3constitute v W3construct v W3construction n S3, W2consult v S3, W3consumer n S3, W2consumption n W3contact n S2, W2contact v S2, W2contain v S2, W1contemporary adj W2content n S3, W2contest n W3context n S2, W2continue v S1, W1continuous adj S3, W3contract n S1, W1contrast n W2contribute v S3, W2contribution n S2, W2control n S1, W1control v S2, W1convenient adj S3convention n W2conventional adj W3conversation n S1, W2convert v W3conviction n W3convince v S3, W3cook v S1, W3cooker n S3cookie n S3, W3cool adj S2, W3cool v S2cooperation n S3, W3cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corner n S1, W2correct adj S1, W2correct v S3corridor n S3, W3cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2cottage n S3, W3cotton n W3could modal S1, W1council n S2, W2count v S2, W34LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000counter n S3 country n S1, W1 countryside n S3, W3 county n W2 couple n S1, W1 courage n S3 course n S1, W1 court n S1, W1 cousin n S2cover n S1, W2 cover v S1, W1cow n S2crack v S3craft n W3crash n S3crazy adj S2 create v S2, W1 creation n W2 creative adj W3 creature n W3 credit n S2, W2 credit card n S3, W3 crew n S3, W3 crime n S2, W2 criminal adj S3, W2 crisis n S3, W2 criterion n W2 critic n W3critical adj S3, W2 criticism n S3, W2 criticize v W3crop n W3cross adj S2cross n S3, W3 cross v S2, W2 crowd n S3, W2 crown n W3 crucial adj W2 cruel adj S3cry n W3cry v S2, W2 cultural adj W2 culture n S2, W1 cup n S1, W1 cupboard n S2 curious adj S3 currency n W2 current adj S2, W2 current n W3 currently adv S2, W2 curtain n S3, W3 curve n S3, W3 cushion n S3 custom n W3 customer n S1, W1 cut n S2, W2cut v S1, W1cute adj S2cycle n S3, W3dad n S1, W3 daddy n S1daft adj S3daily adj S3, W2damage n S3, W2damage v S3, W3dance n S2, W3dance v S2, W3danger n S2, W2dangerous adj S2, W2dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1darkness n W3darling n S2data n S1, W1database n S3, W3date n S1, W1date v S3, W3daughter n S1, W1day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1dealer n W3dear adj S2, W2dear interjection S1dear n S2death n S1, W1debate n S2, W2debt n S3, W2decade n W2decent adj S3decide v S1, W1decision n S1, W1declare v W2decline n W2decline v W3deep adj S2, W1deep adv W3deeply adv W3defeat n W3defeat v W3defence n S2, W1defend v S3, W3define v S2, W2definite adj S3definitely adv S1definition n S2, W2degree n S2, W1delay n W3delay v W3deliberately adv S3deliver v S2, W2delivery n S3, W3demand n S2, W1demand v W2democracy n W2democratic adj W2demonstrate v S3, W2demonstration n W3dentist n S3deny v S3, W2department n S2, W1departure n W3depend v S1, W2dependent adj W3deposit n S3, W3depression n W3depth n S3, W3derive v W3describe v S2, W1description n S2, W2desert n W3deserve v S3, W3design n S2, W1design v S3, W1designer n W3desire n W2desk n S2, W2desperate adj S3, W3despite prep S3, W1destroy v S2, W2destruction n W3detail n S2, W1detailed adj W2detect v W3determination n W3determine v W2determined adj W3develop v S2, W1development n S1, W1device n S3, W2devil n S3diagram n S3diamond n S3diary n S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2differ v W3difference n S1, W1different adj S1, W1difficult adj S1, W1difficulty n S2, W1dig v S2dimension n W3dinner n S1, W2direct adj S2, W1direct v S3, W2direction n S1, W1directly adv S2, W2director n S2, W1directory n S3dirt n S3dirty adj S2, W3disabled adj S3, W3disagree v S3disappear v S2, W2disappoint v W3disappointed adj S3, W3disaster n S3, W3disc n S2, W3discipline n S3, W3discount n S3discover v S2, W1discovery n W3discuss v S2, W1discussion n S2, W1disease n S3, W1disgusting adj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismiss v W3display n S3, W2display v W2dispute n W2distance n S2, W2distant adj W3distinct adj W3distinction n W3distinguish v S3, W3distribute v W2distribution n W2district n S3, W2disturb v W3divide v S2, W2division n S3, W1divorce n S3do auxiliary S1, W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1document n S2, W2dog n S1, W1dollar n S1, W2domestic adj W2dominant adj W3dominate v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2double adj S1, W2double v S3doubt n S1, W1doubt v S2down adv, prep, adj S1, W1downstairs adv S2downtown adv S3, W3dozen number S2, W3draft n S2, W3drag v S3, W3drama n W3dramatic adj W3draw n S3draw v S1, W1drawer n S3drawing n S3, W3dream n S2, W2dream v S3, W3dress n S2, W2dress v S2, W2drink n S1, W2drink v S1, W2drive n S2, W2drive v S1, W1driver n S1, W2drop n S2, W3drop v S1, W2drug n S2, W1drunk adj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S35LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3during prep S1, W1dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1DVD n S3, W3each determiner, pron, adv S1, W1each other pron S1, W1 ear n S2, W2early adj S1, W1early adv S1, W1earn v S2, W2earth n S2, W2ease v W3easily adv S2, W1east n S1, W2eastern adj S2, W2 easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1 economic adj S2, W1 economics n W3 economy n S2, W1 edge n S2, W2edition n W3editor n W2 education n S1, W1 educational adj S3, W2 effect n S1, W1 effective adj S2, W1 effectively adv S3, W2 efficiency n W3 efficient adj S3, W3 effort n S1, W1egg n S1, W2either conj S1, W1 either determiner, pronS1, W1elderly adj S3, W2 elect v S3, W3 election n S2, W1 electric adj S2, W3 electrical adj S3 electricity n S2, W3 electronic adj S3, W3 element n S2, W1 elevator n S3, W3else adv S1, W1 elsewhere adv S3, W2 email n S2, W2email v S2, W2 embarrassed adj S3 emerge v W2 emergency n S3, W3 emotion n W3 emotional adj S3, W3 emphasis n S3, W2 emphasize v S3, W2empire n W3employ v S3, W2employee n S2, W2employer n S2, W2employment n S2, W1empty adj S2, W2enable v S3, W1encounter v W3encourage v S2, W1encouraging adj S3end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemy n W2energy n S2, W1engage v W3engine n S2, W2engineer n S3, W3engineering n S3, W3enhance v W3enjoy v S1, W1enjoyable adj S3enormous adj S2, W3enough adv S1, W1enough determiner, pronS1, W2enquiry n S2, W2ensure v S2, W1enter v S2, W1enterprise n W2entertainment n S3, W3enthusiasm n W3enthusiastic adj S3entire adj S3, W2entirely adv S2, W2entitle v S3, W3entrance n S3, W3entry n S3, W2envelope n S3environment n S1, W1environmental adj S2, W2equal adj S1, W2equal v S2equally adv S3, W2equipment n S2, W2equivalent adj W3era n W3error n S3, W2escape n S3escape v S3, W2especially adv S1, W1essay n S3essential adj S3, W2essentially adv S2, W3establish v S2, W1establishment n W2estate n S2, W2estimate n S3, W2estimate v S3, W2ethnic adj W3even adv S1, W1evening n S1, W1event n S1, W1eventually adv S1, W2ever adv S1, W1every determiner S1, W1everybody pron S1, W3everyone pron S1, W1everything pron S1, W1everywhere adv S2, W3evidence n S2, W1evil adj S3, W3exact adj S3exactly adv S1, W2exam n S1examination n W2examine v S3, W2example n S1, W1excellent adj S1, W2except conj, prep S2, W2exception n S3, W2exchange n S2, W1excitement n S3, W3exciting adj S2, W3exclude v W3excuse n S3excuse v S1executive adj W3executive n S3, W2exercise n S2, W2exercise v S3, W2exhibition n W2exist v S2, W1existence n S3, W2existing adj S2, W2exit n S3expand v S3, W3expansion n W3expect v S1, W1expectation n S3, W2expenditure n W3expense n S3, W2expensive adj S1, W2experience n S1, W1experience v S2, W2experienced adj S3experiment n S3, W2experimental adj W3expert adj W3expert n S3, W2explain v S1, W1explanation n S3, W2explore v S3, W2explosion n W3export n W2expose v W3express v S2, W1expression n S2, W2extend v S3, W2extension n S3, W3extensive adj W3extent n S2, W1external adj W2extra adj S1, W2extraordinary adj S3, W3extreme adj S3, W3extremely adv S2, W2eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facility n S2, W1fact n S1, W1factor n S3, W1factory n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failure n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairly adv S1, W2faith n S3, W2fall n S2, W2fall v S1, W1false adj W3familiar adj S3, W2family n S1, W1famous adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancy adj S3fancy v S2fantastic adj S3far adj S1, W1far adv S1, W1farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2fascinating adj S3fashion n S3, W2fast adj S2, W2fast adv S2, W3fat adj S2, W3father n S1, W1fault n S2, W3favour n S2, W3favour v W3favourite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2feature n S2, W1feature v W3federal adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedback n S3feel v S1, W1feeling n S1, W1fellow adj W3female adj S3, W2female n W3fence n S3festival n S3, W3fetch v S3few determiner, pron, adjS1, W1field n S1, W1fight n S2, W3fight v S1, W1figure n S1, W1figure v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W36LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1 filthy adj S3final adj S1, W1 final n W3finally adv S2, W1 finance n S3, W2 finance v W3 financial adj S2, W1 find v S1, W1 finding n W2fine adj S1, W1 fine adv S3finger n S2, W2 finish n S3finish v S1, W2fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm adj S3, W2 firm n S1, W1first adj S1, W1 first adv S1, W2 firstly adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishing n S3fit adj S2, W3fit v S1, W2fix v S2, W2fixed adj S3, W3 flash v S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3 flavour n W3 flesh n W3flight n S3, W2 flood v W3floor n S1, W1 flow n S3, W2 flow v W3flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2 focus n S3, W2 focus v S3, W2 fold v W3folk n S2, W3 follow v S1, W1 following adj S3, W1 food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 football n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 force n S2, W1 force v S2, W1 foreign adj S3, W1 forest n S2, W2 forever adv S2, W3 forget v S1, W1 forgive v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1 form v S2, W1 formal adj S2, W2formally adv S3formation n W3former adj S2, W1formula n S3, W3forth adv S2fortnight n S3fortunate adj S3fortune n S3, W3forward adj S2, W3forward adv S1, W1foundation n W2frame n S3, W3frankly adv S3free adj S1, W1free v S3, W3freedom n S3, W2freeway n S2, W3freeze v S3, W3freezer n S3frequent adj W3frequently adv S3, W2fresh adj S2, W2fridge n S2friend n S1, W1friendly adj S2, W3friendship n W3frightened adj S3from prep S1, W1front adj S1, W2front n S1, W1fruit n S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfil v W3full adj S1, W1fully adv S2, W2fun adj S2, W3fun n S2, W3function n S3, W1fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3fundamental adj W2funeral n S3funny adj S1, W3furniture n S2, W3further adv S1, W1fuss n S3future adj S1, W1future n S1, W1gain n W3gain v S3, W2gallery n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2garage n S2garbage n S3garden n S1, W1garlic n S3gas n S1, W2gasoline n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gather v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3general adj S1, W1generally adv S2, W1generate v S3, W2generation n S3, W2generous adj W3gentle adj S3, W3gentleman n S2, W2gently adv W3genuine adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giant adj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlfriend n S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glance n W3glass n S1, W1global adj W2glove n S3go n S1go v S1, W1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold adj S3, W3gold n S2, W2golden adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1good morning interjectionS2good night interjection S3goodbye interjection S3goodness n S2goods n S2, W2gorgeous adj S3gosh interjection S2govern v W3government n S2, W1governor n W3grab v S2, W3grade n S2, W3gradually adv S3, W3gram n S3grammar n S3, W3grand adj S2, W3grandad n S3grandfather n S3grandma n S2grandmother n S3grandpa n S3granny n S3grant n S2, W2grant v S2, W2graph n S3grass n S2, W2grateful adj S3, W3great adj S1, W1greatly adv W3green adj S1, W2green n S2, W3grey adj S2, W2grocery n S3gross adj S3ground n S1, W1group n S1, W1grow v S1, W1growth n S3, W1guarantee n S3guarantee v S2, W3guard n S3, W3guess n S3guess v S1, W3guest n S3, W2guidance n S3, W3guide n S3, W2guide v W3guilty adj S2, W3guitar n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3habit n S3, W3hair n S1, W1half adv S2half n S1, W2half predeterminer, pron,adj S1, W1halfway adj, adv S3hall n S2, W2hand n S1, W1hand v S2, W2handbag n S3handle n S3handle v S2, W2handy adj S3hang v S1, W2happen v S1, W1happy adj S1, W1hard adj S1, W1hard adv S1, W2hardly adv S2, W2harm n S3, W3hat n S1, W3hate v S1, W3have v S1, W1have v S1, W1have v S1, W3he pron S1, W1head n S1, W1head v S2, W2headquarters n W3health n S1, W1healthy adj S3, W3hear v S1, W1hearing n S3, W2heart n S1, W1heat n S2, W2heat v S3heater n S3heating n S3heaven n S3, W37LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000。

Longman Communication 3000

Longman Communication 3000

1 LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000Longman Communication 3000The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words containedin the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and studyin order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing.Analysis of the Longman Corpus Network shows that these 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English account for 86% of the language. This means that by knowing this list of words, a learner of English is in a position to understand 86% or more of what he or she reads. Of course, “knowing”a word involves more than simply being able to recognise it and know a main meaning of it. Many of the most frequent words havea range of different meanings, a variety of different grammatical patterns, and numerous significant collocations. Nonetheless, a basic understanding of the Longman Communication 3000 is a very powerful tool and will help students develop good comprehension and communication skills in English.‘This [frequency] information is gold dust for the language learner. LDOCE shows in graphic and immediate form which words are really worth learning and knowing how to use.’Jeremy Harmer, EL T authorT o ensure that users have access to the appropriate information, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English marks all the words that are in the Longman Communication 3000 in red accompanied by special symbols: 1, 2, and 3 for words that are in the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in written English, and , and for the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in spoken English. Nowadays, many learner’s dictionaries include information about the most frequent words in English, but Longman dictionaries are the only ones to highlight the differences between spoken and written frequency.These frequency markers added to the headwords in the dictionary give users access to a wealth of information that can help the selection of the appropriate word or phrase in a variety of situations. Not only are the words and meanings given descriptive labels, for example formal or informal, AmE (American English) or BrE (British English), humorous,old-fashioned, but now they have the added information about relative frequency in spoken and written language.T ake for example the verb book (in the meaning of book a table at a restaurant). It is markedas – one of the top 2000 words of spoken English. Note that is has no marker for written English because according to corpus analysis, it is not part of the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. However, the entry also indicates that a synonym for book is reserve which is in the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that in speaking (for instance when phoning a hotel or restaurant), book is the most appropriate verb to use when asking for a room or table to be kept for you. In writing, however, it would be more appropriate to use reserve.‘There are two distinct modes of English: thoughtful, accurate and more formal, reflected mostly by written English; and spontaneous, real-time, less formal language, typified by spontaneous speech and some informal writing.’Professor Geoffrey Leech,Emeritus Professor of English Languageand Linguistics – University of LancasterLearning a language can be exciting, butalso sometimes difficult and frustrating because there are so many things to learn and it is difficult to know what to focus on. The frequency markers that identify the Longman Communication 3000 help students see clearly which words are frequent in written and spoken English, and enable them to focus more attention on mastering the meanings, grammatical patterns and collocations of these words.a indefinite article, determiner S1, W1 abandon v W3ability n S2, W1able adj S1, W1about prep S1, W1 about adv S1, W1 above adv, prep S2, W1 above adj W3abroad adv S2, W3 absence n S3, W2 absolute adj S2, W3 absolutely adv S1, W3 absorb v W3abuse n S2, W3 academic adj W2 accept v S1, W1 acceptable adj S3, W3 access n S2, W1 accident n S2, W2 accommodation n S2, W2 accompany v W2 according to prep S2, W1 account n S1, W1 account v S3, W2 accurate adj S2, W3 accuse v W3achieve v S2, W1 achievement n S3, W2 acid n W3 acknowledge v S3, W3 acquire v W2across adv, prep S1, W1 act n S1, W1act v S2, W1action n S1, W1active adj S2, W2 activist n S3activity n S2, W1actor n W3actual adj S1, W2 actually adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adapt v W3add v S1, W1addition n S3, W1 additional adj S3, W2 address n S2, W2 address v S2, W2 adequate adj S3, W3 adjust v W3 administration n S2, W2 administrative adj W3 admire v S3 admission n W3admit v S2, W1adopt v S3, W2adult n S2, W2adult adj W3advance n S2, W2advance v W3advanced adj W3advantage n S2, W1advert n S3advertise v S3, W3advertisement n S3advertising n W3advice n S2, W2advise v S2, W2adviser n S3, W3affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1afford v S1, W3afraid adj S1, W2after prep, conj, adv S1, W1afternoon n S1, W2afterwards adv S2, W3again adv S1, W1against prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agency n S3, W1agent n S3, W2aggressive adj S3ago adv S1, W1agree v S1, W1agreement n S2, W1agriculture n W2ahead adv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircraft n S2, W2airline n S2, W3airport n S3, W3alarm n S2album n S3, W3alcohol n W3alive adj S2, W3all determiner,predeterminer, pronS1, W1all adv S1, W1allow v S1, W1allowance n S2, W3all right adj, adv,interjection S1, W2almost adv S1, W1alone adj, adv S2, W1along adv S1, W1along prep S1, W1alongside adv, prep W3already adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alter v S3, W3alternative adj S2, W2alternative n S2, W3although conj S1, W1altogether adv S2, W3always adv S1, W1amazing adj S2ambition n W3ambulance n S3among prep S2, W1amount n S1, W1an indefinite article,determiner S1, W1analyse v W3analysis n S3, W1analyst n W2ancient adj W2and conj S1, W1anger n W3angle n S3, W3angry adj S3, W3animal n S1, W1announce v S2, W1announcement n S3, W3annoy v S3annual adj S2, W2another determiner, pronS1, W1answer n S1, W1answer v S1, W2anticipate v S3anxiety n S3, W3anxious adj S3, W3any determiner, pron S1,W1any adv S2anybody pron S1, W3anyhow adv S3anyone pron S1, W1anything pron S1, W1anyway adv S1, W2anywhere adv S1, W3apart adv, adj S2, W1apartment n S2, W3apologize v S2apology n S3apparent adj W2apparently adv S1, W2appeal n S2, W1appeal v S3, W3appear v S2, W1appearance n W2apple n S2, W3application n S1, W1apply v S1, W1appoint v S2, W2appointment n S2, W2appreciate v S2, W3approach n S2, W1approach v S2, W2appropriate adj S2, W1approval n S2, W3approve v S3, W2approximate adj S3, W3architect n W3architecture n S3, W3area n S1, W1argue v S2, W1argument n S1, W1arise v S3, W2arm n S1, W1armed adj S3, W3army n S1, W1around adv, prep S1, W1arrange v S2, W2arrangement n S2, W2arrest v W3arrival n W3arrive v S2, W1art n S1, W1article n S2, W1artificial adj S3artist n S3, W2as conj S1, W1as prep, adv S1, W1ashamed adj S3aside adv S3, W3ask v S1, W1asleep adj S2aspect n S2, W1assess v S2, W2assessment n S3, W2assignment n S2assist v S3, W3assistance n S3, W2assistant n S3associate v S3, W2association n S3, W1assume v S2, W1assumption n S2, W2assure v S2, W3at prep S1, W1atmosphere n S3, W2attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2attack v S3, W2attempt n S2, W1attempt v S2, W2attend v S2, W2attention n S2, W1attitude n S2, W1attorney n S2, W3attract v S2, W22LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000Longman Communication 3000attraction n W3 attractive adj S2, W2 audience n S2, W2 aunt n S3, W3author n W2 authority n W1 automatic adj S3 automatically adv S3, W3 autumn n W3 available adj S1, W1 average adj S2, W2 average n S2avoid v S2, W1awake adj S3award n S3, W2 award v W3aware adj S1, W1 awareness n W3away adv S1, W1awful adj S1 awkward adj S3baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3 background n S2, W2 backwards adv S3 bacon n S3bad adj S1, W1badly adv S3, W3bag n S1, W2bake v S3balance n S2, W2 balance v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2bang v S3bang n S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1barrier n W3base v S1, W1base n S2, W2 baseball n S3, W2 basic adj S2, W1 basically adv S1basis n S2, W1basket n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3 bathroom n S2, W3 battery n S2battle n W2be auxiliary S1, W1be v S1, W1beach n S2, W2bean n S2bear v S2, W2beard n S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beautiful adj S1, W2beauty n S3, W2because conj S1, W1because prep S1, W1become v S1, W1bed n S1, W1bedroom n S1, W2beef n S3beer n S2, W3before adv S1, W1before conj S1, W1before prep S1, W1beforehand adv S3begin v S1, W1beginning n S1, W2behalf n S3, W3behave v S3, W3behaviour n S2, W1behind prep, adv S1, W1being n S2, W3belief n S3, W2believe v S1, W1bell n S2, W3belong v S2, W2below adv, prep S2, W2belt n S2, W3bench n S2, W3bend v S3, W3beneath adv, prep W2benefit n S2, W1benefit v S2, W3beside prep S3, W2best adj S1, W1best adv S1, W2bet v S1bet n S3better adj S1, W1better adv S1, W1between adv, prep S1, W1beyond prep, adv S2, W1bicycle n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birth n S2, W2birthday n S1, W3biscuit n S2bit adv, pron S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitter adj S3, W3black adj S1, W1blade n S3blame v S2, W3blank adj S3bless v S3blind adj S2, W3block n S2, W2block v S3bloke n S2blonde adj S3blood n S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2board n S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boiler n S3boiling adj S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonus n S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3border n S3, W2bored adj S3boring adj S2born v S1, W2borrow v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both determiner,predeterminer, pronS1, W1bother v S1, W3bottle n S1, W2bottom adj S1, W3bottom n S1, W3bounce v S3bound adj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfriend n S3brain n S2, W2branch n S2, W2brave adj S3bread n S2, W3break n S2, W2break v S1, W1breakfast n S2, W2breast n S3breath n S3, W2breathe v S3, W3brick n S2, W3bridge n S2, W2brief adj S2, W2briefly adv S2, W3bright adj S2, W2brilliant adj S2, W3bring v S1, W1broad adj S2, W2brother n S1, W1brown adj S2, W2brush n S3brush v S3buck n S1bucket n S2buddy n S3budget n S1, W2bug n S3build v S1, W1builder n S3building n S1, W1bump v S3bunch n S2burn v S2, W3burn n S3burst v W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2business n S1, W1busy adj S1, W2but conj S1, W1but prep S2, W3but adv S2, W3butcher n S3butter n S2button n S2buy v S1, W1buyer n S3, W3by adv S1, W1by prep S1, W1bye interjection S1bye n S3cabinet n S2, W2cable n W3cake n S2, W3calculate v S2, W3calculation n S2calculator n S3calendar n S3call n S1, W1call v S1, W1calm adj S3, W3camera n S2, W3camp n S3, W3campaign n S2, W1can modal S1, W1can n S2cancel v S2cancer n S2, W2candidate n W2candle n S3candy n S3cap n S3capable adj S2, W2capacity n S3, W2capital n S3, W1capital adj S2, W3captain n W3capture v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2career n S2, W2careful adj S1, W2carefully adv S2, W2carpet n S2, W33LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000carrot n S3carry v S1, W1 cartoon n S3case n S1, W1cash n S2, W2cash v S3cast v W3castle n W3cat n S1, W3 catalogue n W3 catch v S1, W1 category n S2, W2 cause v S1, W1 cause n S2, W1CD n S3, W3cease v W3ceiling n S3, W3 celebrate v W3 celebration n S3cell n S3, W2 cellphone n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centimetre n S3, W3 central adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 century n S2, W1 cereal n S3certain adj S1, W1 certainly adv S1, W1 certificate n S3, W3 chain n S3, W2chair n S1, W2 chairman n S3, W1 challenge n S2, W2 challenge v S3, W3 champion n W3 championship n W3 chance n S1, W1 change n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 channel n S3, W2 chap n S2chapter n S3, W1 character n S1, W1 characteristic n S3, W2 characterize v W3 charge n S1, W1 charge v S1, W2 charity n S3, W3 chart n S3, W3 chase v S3chat n S2cheap adj S1, W2 cheat v S3check v S1, W2 check n S1, W3 cheek n W3 cheese n S2, W3 chemical adj W3 chemical n S3, W3 chemist n S3 chemistry n S2 cheque n S2cherry n S3chest n S2, W3chicken n S2chief adj S2, W2chief n W3child n S1, W1childhood n W3chip n S2, W3chocolate n S2choice n S1, W1choose v S1, W1chop v S3chuck v S3church n S1, W1cigarette n S2, W3cinema n S3circle n S2, W2circuit n W3circumstance n S2, W1citizen n S2, W2city n S1, W1civil adj S3, W2claim n S2, W1claim v S1, W1class n S1, W1classic adj W3classical adj W3classroom n S3, W3clean adj S2, W2clean v S1, W3cleaner n S3clear adj S1, W1clear v S1, W2clearly adv S1, W1clerk n S3clever adj S2click v S3client n S2, W1climate n W3climb v W2clock n S2, W3close adj S1, W1close adv S2, W2close v S1, W1closed adj S3closely adv S3, W2closet n S3cloth n S3clothes n S2, W2cloud n S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coach n S3, W2coal n S2, W2coast n S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffee n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1collapse v S3collar n S3colleague n S2, W2collect v S1, W2collection n S2, W1college n S1, W2colour n S1, W1column n S3, W2combination n S3, W2combine v S3, W2come v S1, W1comfort n W3comfortable adj S2, W3command n W3comment n S1, W2comment v S3, W3commercial adj S3, W2commission n S3, W2commit v S2, W2commitment n S2, W2committee n S3, W1common adj S1, W1communicate v S3, W3communication n S2, W1community n S1, W1company n S1, W1compare v S1, W1comparison n S3, W2compete v S3, W3competition n S2, W1competitive adj S3, W3complain v S2, W3complaint n S3, W3complete adj S2, W1complete v S2, W1completely adv S1, W2complex adj S3, W2complicated adj S2component n W2comprehensive adj W3comprise v W3computer n S1, W1concentrate v S2, W2concentration n S3, W2concept n S3, W2concern n S1, W1concern v W3concerned adj S1, W1concerning prep W3concert n S3, W3conclude v S3, W2conclusion n S3, W2condition n S2, W1conduct n W3conduct v W2conference n S2, W1confidence n S2, W2confident adj S3, W3confine v W3confirm v S2, W2conflict n S3, W2confused adj S3confusing adj S3confusion n S3, W3congratulation n S3connect v S2, W2connection n S3, W2conscious adj S2, W3consciousness n W3consent n W3consequence n S3, W2consider v S1, W1considerable adj S3, W1considerably adv S3consideration n S2, W2consist v W3consistent adj S3, W3constant adj S3, W3constantly adv S3, W3constitute v W3construct v W3construction n S3, W2consult v S3, W3consumer n S3, W2consumption n W3contact n S2, W2contact v S2, W2contain v S2, W1contemporary adj W2content n S3, W2contest n W3context n S2, W2continue v S1, W1continuous adj S3, W3contract n S1, W1contrast n W2contribute v S3, W2contribution n S2, W2control n S1, W1control v S2, W1convenient adj S3convention n W2conventional adj W3conversation n S1, W2convert v W3conviction n W3convince v S3, W3cook v S1, W3cooker n S3cookie n S3, W3cool adj S2, W3cool v S2cooperation n S3, W3cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corner n S1, W2correct adj S1, W2correct v S3corridor n S3, W3cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2cottage n S3, W3cotton n W3could modal S1, W1council n S2, W2count v S2, W34LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000counter n S3 country n S1, W1 countryside n S3, W3 county n W2 couple n S1, W1 courage n S3 course n S1, W1 court n S1, W1 cousin n S2cover n S1, W2 cover v S1, W1cow n S2crack v S3craft n W3crash n S3crazy adj S2 create v S2, W1 creation n W2 creative adj W3 creature n W3 credit n S2, W2 credit card n S3, W3 crew n S3, W3 crime n S2, W2 criminal adj S3, W2 crisis n S3, W2 criterion n W2 critic n W3critical adj S3, W2 criticism n S3, W2 criticize v W3crop n W3cross adj S2cross n S3, W3 cross v S2, W2 crowd n S3, W2 crown n W3 crucial adj W2 cruel adj S3cry n W3cry v S2, W2 cultural adj W2 culture n S2, W1 cup n S1, W1 cupboard n S2 curious adj S3 currency n W2 current adj S2, W2 current n W3 currently adv S2, W2 curtain n S3, W3 curve n S3, W3 cushion n S3 custom n W3 customer n S1, W1 cut n S2, W2cut v S1, W1cute adj S2cycle n S3, W3dad n S1, W3 daddy n S1daft adj S3daily adj S3, W2damage n S3, W2damage v S3, W3dance n S2, W3dance v S2, W3danger n S2, W2dangerous adj S2, W2dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1darkness n W3darling n S2data n S1, W1database n S3, W3date n S1, W1date v S3, W3daughter n S1, W1day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1dealer n W3dear adj S2, W2dear interjection S1dear n S2death n S1, W1debate n S2, W2debt n S3, W2decade n W2decent adj S3decide v S1, W1decision n S1, W1declare v W2decline n W2decline v W3deep adj S2, W1deep adv W3deeply adv W3defeat n W3defeat v W3defence n S2, W1defend v S3, W3define v S2, W2definite adj S3definitely adv S1definition n S2, W2degree n S2, W1delay n W3delay v W3deliberately adv S3deliver v S2, W2delivery n S3, W3demand n S2, W1demand v W2democracy n W2democratic adj W2demonstrate v S3, W2demonstration n W3dentist n S3deny v S3, W2department n S2, W1departure n W3depend v S1, W2dependent adj W3deposit n S3, W3depression n W3depth n S3, W3derive v W3describe v S2, W1description n S2, W2desert n W3deserve v S3, W3design n S2, W1design v S3, W1designer n W3desire n W2desk n S2, W2desperate adj S3, W3despite prep S3, W1destroy v S2, W2destruction n W3detail n S2, W1detailed adj W2detect v W3determination n W3determine v W2determined adj W3develop v S2, W1development n S1, W1device n S3, W2devil n S3diagram n S3diamond n S3diary n S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2differ v W3difference n S1, W1different adj S1, W1difficult adj S1, W1difficulty n S2, W1dig v S2dimension n W3dinner n S1, W2direct adj S2, W1direct v S3, W2direction n S1, W1directly adv S2, W2director n S2, W1directory n S3dirt n S3dirty adj S2, W3disabled adj S3, W3disagree v S3disappear v S2, W2disappoint v W3disappointed adj S3, W3disaster n S3, W3disc n S2, W3discipline n S3, W3discount n S3discover v S2, W1discovery n W3discuss v S2, W1discussion n S2, W1disease n S3, W1disgusting adj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismiss v W3display n S3, W2display v W2dispute n W2distance n S2, W2distant adj W3distinct adj W3distinction n W3distinguish v S3, W3distribute v W2distribution n W2district n S3, W2disturb v W3divide v S2, W2division n S3, W1divorce n S3do auxiliary S1, W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1document n S2, W2dog n S1, W1dollar n S1, W2domestic adj W2dominant adj W3dominate v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2double adj S1, W2double v S3doubt n S1, W1doubt v S2down adv, prep, adj S1, W1downstairs adv S2downtown adv S3, W3dozen number S2, W3draft n S2, W3drag v S3, W3drama n W3dramatic adj W3draw n S3draw v S1, W1drawer n S3drawing n S3, W3dream n S2, W2dream v S3, W3dress n S2, W2dress v S2, W2drink n S1, W2drink v S1, W2drive n S2, W2drive v S1, W1driver n S1, W2drop n S2, W3drop v S1, W2drug n S2, W1drunk adj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S35LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3during prep S1, W1dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1DVD n S3, W3each determiner, pron, adv S1, W1each other pron S1, W1 ear n S2, W2early adj S1, W1early adv S1, W1earn v S2, W2earth n S2, W2ease v W3easily adv S2, W1east n S1, W2eastern adj S2, W2 easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1 economic adj S2, W1 economics n W3 economy n S2, W1 edge n S2, W2edition n W3editor n W2 education n S1, W1 educational adj S3, W2 effect n S1, W1 effective adj S2, W1 effectively adv S3, W2 efficiency n W3 efficient adj S3, W3 effort n S1, W1egg n S1, W2either conj S1, W1 either determiner, pronS1, W1elderly adj S3, W2 elect v S3, W3 election n S2, W1 electric adj S2, W3 electrical adj S3 electricity n S2, W3 electronic adj S3, W3 element n S2, W1 elevator n S3, W3else adv S1, W1 elsewhere adv S3, W2 email n S2, W2email v S2, W2 embarrassed adj S3 emerge v W2 emergency n S3, W3 emotion n W3 emotional adj S3, W3 emphasis n S3, W2 emphasize v S3, W2empire n W3employ v S3, W2employee n S2, W2employer n S2, W2employment n S2, W1empty adj S2, W2enable v S3, W1encounter v W3encourage v S2, W1encouraging adj S3end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemy n W2energy n S2, W1engage v W3engine n S2, W2engineer n S3, W3engineering n S3, W3enhance v W3enjoy v S1, W1enjoyable adj S3enormous adj S2, W3enough adv S1, W1enough determiner, pronS1, W2enquiry n S2, W2ensure v S2, W1enter v S2, W1enterprise n W2entertainment n S3, W3enthusiasm n W3enthusiastic adj S3entire adj S3, W2entirely adv S2, W2entitle v S3, W3entrance n S3, W3entry n S3, W2envelope n S3environment n S1, W1environmental adj S2, W2equal adj S1, W2equal v S2equally adv S3, W2equipment n S2, W2equivalent adj W3era n W3error n S3, W2escape n S3escape v S3, W2especially adv S1, W1essay n S3essential adj S3, W2essentially adv S2, W3establish v S2, W1establishment n W2estate n S2, W2estimate n S3, W2estimate v S3, W2ethnic adj W3even adv S1, W1evening n S1, W1event n S1, W1eventually adv S1, W2ever adv S1, W1every determiner S1, W1everybody pron S1, W3everyone pron S1, W1everything pron S1, W1everywhere adv S2, W3evidence n S2, W1evil adj S3, W3exact adj S3exactly adv S1, W2exam n S1examination n W2examine v S3, W2example n S1, W1excellent adj S1, W2except conj, prep S2, W2exception n S3, W2exchange n S2, W1excitement n S3, W3exciting adj S2, W3exclude v W3excuse n S3excuse v S1executive adj W3executive n S3, W2exercise n S2, W2exercise v S3, W2exhibition n W2exist v S2, W1existence n S3, W2existing adj S2, W2exit n S3expand v S3, W3expansion n W3expect v S1, W1expectation n S3, W2expenditure n W3expense n S3, W2expensive adj S1, W2experience n S1, W1experience v S2, W2experienced adj S3experiment n S3, W2experimental adj W3expert adj W3expert n S3, W2explain v S1, W1explanation n S3, W2explore v S3, W2explosion n W3export n W2expose v W3express v S2, W1expression n S2, W2extend v S3, W2extension n S3, W3extensive adj W3extent n S2, W1external adj W2extra adj S1, W2extraordinary adj S3, W3extreme adj S3, W3extremely adv S2, W2eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facility n S2, W1fact n S1, W1factor n S3, W1factory n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failure n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairly adv S1, W2faith n S3, W2fall n S2, W2fall v S1, W1false adj W3familiar adj S3, W2family n S1, W1famous adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancy adj S3fancy v S2fantastic adj S3far adj S1, W1far adv S1, W1farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2fascinating adj S3fashion n S3, W2fast adj S2, W2fast adv S2, W3fat adj S2, W3father n S1, W1fault n S2, W3favour n S2, W3favour v W3favourite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2feature n S2, W1feature v W3federal adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedback n S3feel v S1, W1feeling n S1, W1fellow adj W3female adj S3, W2female n W3fence n S3festival n S3, W3fetch v S3few determiner, pron, adjS1, W1field n S1, W1fight n S2, W3fight v S1, W1figure n S1, W1figure v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W36LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1 filthy adj S3final adj S1, W1 final n W3finally adv S2, W1 finance n S3, W2 finance v W3 financial adj S2, W1 find v S1, W1 finding n W2fine adj S1, W1 fine adv S3finger n S2, W2 finish n S3finish v S1, W2fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm adj S3, W2 firm n S1, W1first adj S1, W1 first adv S1, W2 firstly adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishing n S3fit adj S2, W3fit v S1, W2fix v S2, W2fixed adj S3, W3 flash v S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3 flavour n W3 flesh n W3flight n S3, W2 flood v W3floor n S1, W1 flow n S3, W2 flow v W3flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2 focus n S3, W2 focus v S3, W2 fold v W3folk n S2, W3 follow v S1, W1 following adj S3, W1 food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 football n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 force n S2, W1 force v S2, W1 foreign adj S3, W1 forest n S2, W2 forever adv S2, W3 forget v S1, W1 forgive v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1 form v S2, W1 formal adj S2, W2formally adv S3formation n W3former adj S2, W1formula n S3, W3forth adv S2fortnight n S3fortunate adj S3fortune n S3, W3forward adj S2, W3forward adv S1, W1foundation n W2frame n S3, W3frankly adv S3free adj S1, W1free v S3, W3freedom n S3, W2freeway n S2, W3freeze v S3, W3freezer n S3frequent adj W3frequently adv S3, W2fresh adj S2, W2fridge n S2friend n S1, W1friendly adj S2, W3friendship n W3frightened adj S3from prep S1, W1front adj S1, W2front n S1, W1fruit n S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfil v W3full adj S1, W1fully adv S2, W2fun adj S2, W3fun n S2, W3function n S3, W1fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3fundamental adj W2funeral n S3funny adj S1, W3furniture n S2, W3further adv S1, W1fuss n S3future adj S1, W1future n S1, W1gain n W3gain v S3, W2gallery n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2garage n S2garbage n S3garden n S1, W1garlic n S3gas n S1, W2gasoline n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gather v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3general adj S1, W1generally adv S2, W1generate v S3, W2generation n S3, W2generous adj W3gentle adj S3, W3gentleman n S2, W2gently adv W3genuine adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giant adj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlfriend n S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glance n W3glass n S1, W1global adj W2glove n S3go n S1go v S1, W1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold adj S3, W3gold n S2, W2golden adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1good morning interjectionS2good night interjection S3goodbye interjection S3goodness n S2goods n S2, W2gorgeous adj S3gosh interjection S2govern v W3government n S2, W1governor n W3grab v S2, W3grade n S2, W3gradually adv S3, W3gram n S3grammar n S3, W3grand adj S2, W3grandad n S3grandfather n S3grandma n S2grandmother n S3grandpa n S3granny n S3grant n S2, W2grant v S2, W2graph n S3grass n S2, W2grateful adj S3, W3great adj S1, W1greatly adv W3green adj S1, W2green n S2, W3grey adj S2, W2grocery n S3gross adj S3ground n S1, W1group n S1, W1grow v S1, W1growth n S3, W1guarantee n S3guarantee v S2, W3guard n S3, W3guess n S3guess v S1, W3guest n S3, W2guidance n S3, W3guide n S3, W2guide v W3guilty adj S2, W3guitar n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3habit n S3, W3hair n S1, W1half adv S2half n S1, W2half predeterminer, pron,adj S1, W1halfway adj, adv S3hall n S2, W2hand n S1, W1hand v S2, W2handbag n S3handle n S3handle v S2, W2handy adj S3hang v S1, W2happen v S1, W1happy adj S1, W1hard adj S1, W1hard adv S1, W2hardly adv S2, W2harm n S3, W3hat n S1, W3hate v S1, W3have v S1, W1have v S1, W1have v S1, W3he pron S1, W1head n S1, W1head v S2, W2headquarters n W3health n S1, W1healthy adj S3, W3hear v S1, W1hearing n S3, W2heart n S1, W1heat n S2, W2heat v S3heater n S3heating n S3heaven n S3, W37LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000。



朗文基础高频三千词Longman Communication 3000View PDFa indefinite article abandon vability nable adjabout prepabout advabove advabove adjabroad adv absence n absolute adj absolutely adv absorb vabuse n academic adj accept v acceptable adj access naccident n accommodation n accompany v according to prep account n account v accurate adj accuse vachieve v achievement nacid n acknowledge v acquire vacross advact nact vaction nactive adjactivist n activity nactor nactual adjactually advad nadapt vadd vaddition nadditional adjaddress naddress vadequate adjadjust vadministration nadministrative adjadmire vadmission nadmit vadopt vadult nadult adjadvance nadvance vadvanced adjadvantage nadvert nadvertise vadvertisement nadvertising nadvice nadvise vadviser naffair naffect vafford vafraid adjafter prepafternoon nafterwards advagain advagainst prepage naged adjagency nagent naggressive adjago advagree vagreement nagriculture nahead advaid naim naim vair naircraft nairline nairport nalarm nalbum nalcohol nalive adjall determinerall advallow vallowance nall right adjalmost advalone adjalong advalong prepalongside advalready advalso advalter valternative adjalternative nalthoughconjunctionaltogether advalways advamazing adjambition nambulance namong prepamount nan indefinite articleanalyse vanalysis nanalyst nancient adjand conjunctionanger nangle nangry adjanimal nannounce vannouncement nannoy vannual adjanother determineranswer nanswer vanticipate vanxiety nanxious adjany determinerany advanybody pronanyhow advanyone pronanything pronanyway advanywhere advapart advapartment napologize vapology napparent adjapparently advappeal nappeal vappear vappearance napple napplication napply vappoint vappointment nappreciate vapproach vapproach nappropriate adj approval n approve v approximate adj architect n architecture n area nargue v argument n arise varm narmed adj army n around adv arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive vart narticle n artificial adj artist nas prepas conjunction ashamed adj aside advask vasleep adj aspect n assess v assessment n assignment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n assure vat prep atmosphere n attach v attack nattack vattempt nattempt vattend vattention nattitude nattorney nattract vattraction nattractive adjaudience naunt nauthor nauthority nautomatic adjautomatically advautumn navailable adjaverage adjaverage navoid vawake adjaward naward vaware adjawareness naway advawful adjawkward adjbaby nback advback nback vback adjbackground nbackwards advbacon nbad adjbadly advbag nbake vbalance nbalance vball nban nband nbang nbang vbank nbar nbarrier nbase vbase nbaseball nbasic adjbasically advbasis nbasket nbat nbath nbathroom nbattery nbattle nbe auxiliary verbbe vbeach nbean nbear vbeard nbeat vbeat nbeautiful adjbeauty nbecause conjunctionbecause prepbecome vbed nbedroom nbeef nbeer nbefore conjunctionbefore prepbefore advbeforehand advbegin vbeginning nbehalf nbehave vbehaviour nbehind prepbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelong vbelow advbelt nbench nbend vbeneath advbenefit nbenefit vbeside prepbest adjbest advbet vbet nbetter adjbetter advbetween advbeyond prepbicycle nbid nbig adjbike nbill nbin nbird nbirth nbirthday nbiscuit nbit advbit nbite vbite nbitter adjblack adjblade nblame vblank adjbless vblind adjblock nblock vbloke nblonde adj blood nblow vblow nblue adjboard nboat nbody nboil vboiler nboiling adj adv bomb nbone nbonus nbook nbook vboom nboot nborder nbored adj boring adjborn vborrow vboss nboth determiner bother vbottle n bottom n bottom adj bounce v bound adjbowl nbox nboy n boyfriend n brain nbranch nbrave adj bread nbreak vbreak nbreakfast nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbrick nbridge nbrief adjbriefly advbright adjbrilliant adjbring vbroad adjbrother nbrown adjbrush nbrush vbuck nbucket nbuddy nbudget nbug nbuild vbuilder nbuilding nbump vbunch nburn vburn nburst vbury vbus nbusiness nbusy adjbut conjunctionbut prepbut advbutcher nbutter nbutton nbuy vbuyer nby prepby advbye interjectionbye ncabinet ncable ncake ncalculate vcalculation ncalculator ncalendar ncall vcall ncalm adjcamera ncamp ncampaign ncan modal verbcan ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncap ncapable adjcapacity ncapital ncapital adjcaptain ncapture vcar ncard ncare ncare vcareer ncareful adjcarefully advcarpet ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncase ncash ncash vcast vcastle ncat ncatalogue ncatch vcategory ncause ncause vCD ncease vceiling ncelebrate vcelebration ncell ncellphone ncent ncentimetre ncentral adjcentre ncentury ncereal ncertain adjcertainly advcertificate nchain nchair nchairman nchallenge nchallenge vchampion nchampionship nchance nchange vchange nchannel nchap nchapter ncharacter ncharacteristic ncharacterize vcharge ncharge v charity n chart n chase vchat ncheap adj cheat v check v check n cheek n cheese n chemical n chemical adj chemist n chemistry n cheque n cherry n chest n chicken n chief adj chief nchild n childhood n chip n chocolate n choice n choose v chop vchuck v church n cigarette n cinema n circle n circuit n circumstance n citizen ncity ncivil adj claim vclaim nclass n classic adj classical adj classroom n clean adjclean vcleaner nclear adjclear vclearly advclerk nclever adjclick vclient nclimate nclimb vclock nclose vclose adjclose advclosed adjclosely advcloset ncloth nclothes ncloud nclub nclue ncoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncode ncoffee ncoin ncold adjcollapse vcollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncolour ncolumn ncombination ncombine vcome vcomfort ncomfortable adjcommand ncomment ncomment vcommercial adjcommission ncommit vcommitment ncommittee ncommon adjcommunicate vcommunication ncommunity ncompany ncompare vcomparison ncompete vcompetition ncompetitive adjcomplain vcomplaint ncomplete adjcomplete vcompletely advcomplex adjcomplicated adjcomponent ncomprehensive adjcomprise vcomputer nconcentrate vconcentration nconcept nconcern nconcern vconcerned adjconcerning prepconcert nconclude vconclusion ncondition nconduct vconduct nconference nconfidence nconfident adjconfine vconfirm vconflict nconfused adjconfusing adjconfusion ncongratulation nconnect vconnection nconscious adjconsciousness nconsent nconsequence nconsider vconsiderable adjconsiderably advconsideration nconsist vconsistent adjconstant adjconstantly advconstitute vconstruct vconstruction nconsult vconsumer nconsumption ncontact ncontact vcontain vcontemporary adjcontent ncontest ncontext ncontinue vcontinuous adjcontract ncontrast ncontribute vcontribution ncontrol ncontrol vconvenient adj convention n conventional adj conversation n convert v conviction n convince v cook vcooker n cookie ncool adjcool v cooperation n cope vcopy ncopy vcore ncorn ncorner n correct adj correct v corridor ncost ncost vcottage n cotton ncould modal verb council ncount v counter n country n countryside n county n couple n courage n course ncourt ncousin ncover vcover ncow ncrack vcraft ncrash n crazy adjcreate vcreation ncreative adjcreature ncredit ncredit card ncrew ncrime ncriminal adjcrisis ncriterion ncritic ncritical adjcriticism ncriticize vcrop ncross vcross ncross adjcrowd ncrown ncrucial adjcruel adjcry vcry ncultural adjculture ncup ncupboard ncurious adjcurrency ncurrent adjcurrent ncurrently advcurtain ncurve ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncut vcut ncute adjcycle ndad ndaddy ndaft adjdaily adjdamage ndamage vdance ndance vdanger ndangerous adjdare vdark adjdarkness ndarling ndata ndatabase ndate ndate vdaughter nday ndead adjdead advdeaf adjdeal ndeal vdealer ndear interjectiondear ndear adjdeath ndebate ndebt ndecade ndecent adjdecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline ndecline vdeep adjdeep advdeeply advdefeat ndefeat vdefence ndefend vdefine vdefinite adjdefinitely advdefinition ndegree ndelay ndelay vdeliberately advdeliver vdelivery ndemand ndemand vdemocracy ndemocratic adjdemonstrate vdemonstration ndentist ndeny vdepartment ndeparture ndepend vdependent adjdeposit ndepression ndepth nderive vdescribe vdescription ndesert ndeserve vdesign ndesign vdesigner ndesire ndesk ndesperate adjdespite prepdestroy vdestruction ndetail ndetailed adj detect v determination n determine v determined adj develop v development n device ndevil n diagram n diamond n diary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference n different adj difficult adj difficulty ndig v dimension n dinner ndirect adj direct v direction n directly adv director n directory ndirt ndirty adj disabled adj disagree v disappear v disappoint v disappointed adj disaster ndisc n discipline n discount n discover v discovery n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting adjdish ndisk ndismiss vdisplay ndisplay vdispute ndistance ndistant adjdistinct adjdistinction ndistinguish vdistribute vdistribution ndistrict ndisturb vdivide vdivision ndivorce ndo auxiliary verbdo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollar ndomestic adjdominant adjdominate vdoor ndot ndouble adjdouble vdoubt ndoubt vdown advdownstairs advdowntown advdozen numberdraft ndrag vdrama ndramatic adjdraw vdraw ndrawer ndrawing ndream ndream vdress ndress vdrink vdrink ndrive vdrive ndriver ndrop vdrop ndrug ndrunk adjdry adjdry vduck ndude ndue adjdull adjdumb adjdump vduring prepdust nduty nDVD neach determinereach other pronear nearly adjearly advearn vearth nease veasily adveast neastern adjeasy adjeasy adveat veconomic adjeconomics neconomy nedge nedition neditor neducation neducational adjeffect neffective adjeffectively advefficiency nefficient adjeffort negg neither conjunctioneither determinerelderly adjelect velection nelectric adjelectrical adjelectricity nelectronic adjelement nelevator nelse advelsewhere advemail nemail vembarrassed adjemerge vemergency nemotion nemotional adjemphasis nemphasize vempire nemploy vemployee nemployer nemployment nempty adjenable vencounter vencourage v encouraging adj end nend venemy nenergy n engage vengine n engineer n engineering n enhance venjoy v enjoyable adj enormous adj enough adv enough determiner enquiry n ensure venter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiasm n enthusiastic adj entire adj entirely adv entitle v entrance nentry n envelope n environment n environmental adj equal adjequal vequally adv equipment n equivalent adjera nerror nescape vescape n especially adv essay n essential adj essentially adv establish vestablishment nestate nestimate nestimate vethnic adjeven advevening nevent neventually advever advevery determinereverybody proneveryone proneverything proneverywhere advevidence nevil adjexact adjexactly advexam nexamination nexamine vexample nexcellent adjexcept conjunctionexception nexchange nexcitement nexciting adjexclude vexcuse vexcuse nexecutive nexecutive adjexercise nexercise vexhibition nexist vexistence nexisting adjexit nexpand vexpansion nexpect vexpectation nexpenditure nexpense nexpensive adjexperience nexperience vexperienced adjexperiment nexperimental adjexpert nexpert adjexplain vexplanation nexplore vexplosion nexport nexpose vexpress vexpression nextend vextension nextensive adjextent nexternal adjextra adjextraordinary adjextreme adjextremely adveye nface nface vfacility nfact nfactor nfactory nfail vfailure nfair adjfair advfairly advfaith nfall vfall nfalse adjfamiliar adjfamily nfamous adjfan nfancy vfancy adjfantastic adjfar advfar adjfarm nfarmer nfascinating adjfashion nfast advfast adjfat adjfather nfault nfavour nfavour vfavourite adjfear nfear vfeature nfeature vfederal adjfee nfeed vfeedback nfeel vfeeling nfellow adjfemale adjfemale nfence nfestival nfetch vfew determinerfield nfight vfight nfigure n figure vfile nfile vfill vfilm n filthy adj final adj finally adv finance n finance v financial adj find v finding n fine adj fine adv finger n finish v finish nfire nfire vfirm nfirm adj first adj first adv firstly adv fish nfish v fishing nfit vfit adjfix vfixed adj flash vflat adjflat nflesh n flight n flood v floor nflow nflow v flower nfly v focus vfocus nfold vfolk nfollow vfollowing adjfood nfoot nfootball nfor prepforce nforce vforeign adjforest nforever advforget vforgive vfork nform nform vformal adjformally advformation nformer adjformula nforth advfortnight nfortunate adjfortune nforward advforward adjfoundation nframe nfrankly advfree adjfree vfreedom nfreeway nfreeze vfreezer nfrequent adjfrequently advfresh adjfridge nfriend nfriendly adjfriendship nfrightened adjfrom prepfront nfront adjfruit nfry vfuel nfulfil vfull adjfully advfun nfun adjfunction nfund nfund vfundamental adjfuneral nfunny adjfurniture nfurther advfuss nfuture adjfuture ngain vgain ngallery ngame ngang ngap ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngas ngasoline ngate ngather vgay adjgear ngene ngeneral adjgenerally advgenerate vgeneration ngenerous adjgentle adjgentleman ngently advgenuine adjget vgiant adjgift ngirl ngirlfriend ngive vglad adjglance nglass nglobal adjglove ngo vgo ngoal ngod ngold ngold adjgolden adjgolf ngood adjgoodbyegood morninginterjectiongoodness ngood nightgoods ngorgeous adjgosh interjectiongovern vgovernment ngovernor ngrab vgrade ngradually advgram n grammar n grand adj grandad n grandfather n grandma n grandmother n grandpa n granny ngrant vgrant ngraph ngrass ngrateful adj great adjgreatly adv green adjgreen ngrey adjgrocery ngross adj ground ngroup ngrow vgrowth n guarantee v guarantee n guard nguess vguess nguest n guidance n guide nguide vguilty adjguitar ngun nguy nhabit nhair nhalf predeterminer half n half advhalfway adjhall nhand nhand vhandbag nhandle vhandle nhandy adjhang vhappen vhappy adjhard adjhard advhardly advharm nhat nhate vhave auxiliary verbhave vhave vhe pronhead nhead vheadquarters nhealth nhealthy adjhear vhearing nheart nheat nheat vheater nheating nheaven nheavily advheavy adjheight nhell nhello interjectionhelp vhelp nhelpful adjhence advher determinerher pronhere advhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi interjectionhide vhigh adjhigh advhighlight vhighly advhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis determinerhistorian nhistorical adjhistory nhit vhit nhold vhold nholder nholding nhole nholiday nholy adjhome nhome advhomework nhonest adjhonestly advhoney nhonour nhook nhook vhope vhope nhopefully advhopeless adjhorrible adjhorror nhorse nhospital nhost nhot adjhotel nhour nhouse nhousehold nhousing nhow advhowever advhuge adjhuman adjhuman nhungry adjhunt vhurry vhurry nhurt vhusband nI pronice nice cream nidea nideal adjideally advidentify videntity nidiot nif conjunctionignore vill adjillegal adjillness nillustrate vimage nimagination nimagine vimmediate adjimmediately advimpact n implement v implication n imply vimport n importance n important adj impose v impossible adj impress v impression n impressive adj improve v improvement n in prepin advinch n incident n include v including prep income n incorporate v increase v increase n increasingly adv incredible adj incredibly adv indeed adv independence n independent adj index n indicate v indication n individual adj individual n industrial adj industry n inevitable adj inevitably adv infant n infection n inflation n influence n influence v inform vinformal adjinformation ninitial adjinitially advinitiative ninjure vinjury ninner adjinnocent adjinnovation ninput ninquiry ninsect ninside advinside ninsist vinspection ninspector ninstall vinstance ninstant adjinstead advinstitute ninstitution ninstruction ninstrument ninsurance nintellectual adjintelligence nintelligent adjintend vintense adjintention ninteraction ninterest ninterested adjinteresting adjinternal adjinternational adjInternet ninterpret vinterpretation ninterval nintervention ninterview ninterview vinto prepintroduce vintroduction ninvest vinvestigate vinvestigation ninvestment ninvite vinvolve vinvolved adjinvolvement niron niron visland nissue nissue vit pronitem nits determineritself pronjacket njam njob njoin vjoint adjjoke njoke vjournalist njourney njoy njudge njudge vjudgment njuice njump vjump njumper njunior adjjury njust advjustice njustify vkeen adjkeep vkettle nkey adjkey nkeyboard nkick vkick nkid nkid vkill vkilometre nkind nkind adjking nkiss vkit nkitchen nknee nknife nknock vknow vknowledge nknown adjlab nlabel nlaboratory nlabour nlack nlack vlad nladder nlady nlake nlamb nlamp nland nland v landlord n landscape n lane n language n large adj largely adv last determiner last advlast nlast vlate adjlate advlater advlatter nlaugh vlaugh n launch vlaw nlawyer nlay vlayer nlead vlead nleader n leadership n leading adj leaf nleague nlean vlearn vleast determiner leather n leave vleave n lecture nleft adjleft advleft nleg nlegal adj legislation n leisure nlend v length nless advless determinerlesson nlet vletter nlevel nlevel adjliberal adjlibrary nlicence nlick vlid nlie vlie vlie nlife nlift vlift nlight nlight adjlight vlighting nlike preplike vlike nlike advlike conjunctionlikely adjlimit nlimit vlimitation nlimited adjline nlink vlink nlip nliquid nlist nlist vlisten vliterally advliterary adjliterature nlittle adjlittle determinerlittle advlive vlive adjlively adjliving nload nloan nlocal adjlocate vlocation nlock vlock nlog nlogical adjlonely adjlong adjlong advlong-term adjlook vlook nloose adjlord nlorry nlose vloss nlost adjlot pronlot nloud adjloud advlounge nlove vlove nlovely adjlover nlow adjlower adjlower vluck nluckily advlucky adjlump nlunch nlunchtime nmachine nmachinery nmad adjmadam nmagazine nmagic nmail nmail vmain adjmainly advmaintain vmaintenance nmajor adjmajority nmake vmale adjmale nmall nman nmanage vmanagement nmanager nmanner nmanufacturer nmanufacturing nmany determinermap nmarch vmarch nmargin nmark nmark vmarket nmarketing nmarriage nmarried adjmarry vmarvellous adjmass nmass adjmassive adj master n match n match vmate n material n material adj math nmaths n matter n matter v maximum adj may modal verb maybe advme pronmeal nmean v meaning n means n meanwhile adv measure v measure n measurement n meat n mechanism n media n medical adj medicine n medieval adj medium adj meet v meeting n member n membership n memory n mental adj mention v menu nmere adj merely adv mess nmess v message n messy adj metal nmethod nmetre nmiddle nmiddle adjmidnight nmight modal verbmile nmilitary adjmilk nmillimetre nmind nmind vmine pronmine nmineral nminimum adjminister nministry nminor adjminority nminute nmirror nmisery nmiss vmiss nmission nmistake nmix vmixed adjmixture nmobile nmobile phone nmode nmodel nmodern adjmom nmoment nmommy nmoney nmonitor vmonth nmood nmoon nmoral adjmore advmore determinermoreover advmorning nmortgage nmost advmost determinermostly advmother nmotion nmotor nmotorway nmountain nmouse nmouth nmove vmove nmovement nmovie nmuch advmuch determinermud nmum nmummy nmurder nmuscle nmuseum nmushroom nmusic nmusical adjmust modal verbmy determinermyself pronmystery nnail nnaked adjname nname vnarrow adjnasty adjnation nnational adjnative adjnatural adjnaturally advnature nnaughty adjnear advnear adjnearby adjnearly advneat adjnecessarily advnecessary adjneck nneed vneed nnegative adjnegotiate vnegotiation nneighbour nneighbourhood nneither determinerneither advnerve nnervous adjnet nnet vnetwork nnever advnevertheless advnew adjnewly advnews nnewspaper nnext determinernext advnice adjnicely advnight nnil nno advno determinernobody pronnod vnoise nnoisy adjnone pron nonsense nno one pron nope advnor conjunction normal adj normally adv north n northern adj nose nnot adv notably adv note nnote vnothing pron notice vnotice nnotion nnovel nnow advnow conjunction nowadays adv no way adv nowhere adv nuclear adj nuisance n number n numerous adj nurse nnut nobject nobject v objection n objective n objective adj obligation n observation n observe v obtain v obvious adj obviously advoccasion noccasional adjoccasionally advoccupation noccupy voccur vocean no'clock advodd adjodds nof prepof course advoff advoffence noffer voffer noffice nofficer nofficial nofficial adjoften advoil nOK interjectionOK adjold adjon prepon adjonce advonce conjunctionone numberone pronone determinerone another prononion nonly advonly adjonto prepopen adjopen vopening noperate voperation noperator nopinion nopponent nopportunity noppose vopposite prepopposition noption nor conjunctionorange norder norder vordinary adjorgan norganic adjorganization norganize vorganized adjorigin noriginal adjoriginally advother determinerotherwise advought to modal verbounce nour determinerours pronourselves pronout advout prepoutcome noutput noutside advoutside adjoutside noutstanding adjoven nover prepover advoverall adjovercome voverseas advowe vown adjown vowner nownership npace npack vpack npackage npacket npad npage npain npaint npaint vpainting npair npalace npale adjpan npanel npanic npants npaper nparcel npardon interjectionparent npark npark vparking nparliament npart nparticipate vparticular adjparticularly advpartly advpartner npartnership nparty npass vpass npassage npassenger npassion npast adj。



aabandonabilityableabortion n.流产,堕胎aboutaboveabroadabsence n.缺席;缺乏absoluteabsolutelyabsorbabstract n.抽象,摘要adj.抽象的academicacademy n.学会;学院;研究院accentacceptaccess vt.使用;接近n. 通路;使用权accidentaccompany vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏accomplish vt.完成;实现;达到accord n.自愿;符合vt.使一致;给予;according toaccount n.解释;理由vi.导致;解释accounting n.会计accurate adj.精确的accuse vt.谴责;归咎于achieveachievementacid n.酸adj.酸的,刻薄的acknowledgeacquireacre n. 英亩;土地,地产acrossactactionactiveactivist n. 活动分子,积极分子activityactoractual adj. 真实的,目前的actuallyadaddadditionadditionaladdressadjustadministration n.管理行政administrative a. 行政的,管理的administrator n. 管理人;行政官admire v.钦佩,赞美admissionadmitadoptadultadvance adj. 预先的advancedadvantageadventureadvertising n.广告业,广告adviceadvise v.建议adviseradvocateaffair n.事情;事务;私事affectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterward adv.以后,后来againagainstageagencyagenda n.议事日程agent vt.由…代理n.特工,药剂aggressiveagoagreeagreementahead adv.领先,预先aidaide n. 副官;助手[eid]aimairaircraft n.飞机,飞行器airline n.航空公司;航线airplaneairportalarm n警报,警告器vt警告使惊恐albumalcohol n.酒精,乙醇alive adj. 活着的;活泼的allallegation n.辩解;主张,断言alleged a.被说成的,被指称的alliance n.联盟,联姻alligator n鳄鱼adj鳄鱼皮革的.allowall rightally n.伙伴;助手almostalonealong prep. 沿着adv. 一起alreadyalsoalter v.改变,更改alternative adj选择性的n. 供替代的选择althoughaltogetheralwaysamazingamendmentamidamong prep. 在…中间amount n. 数量;总额an analysis n.分析;分解analyst n.分析者analyze vt.对…进行分析,分解ancientandangel n.天使,守护神['eindʒəl]angle n.角度,角angryanimalankle n.踝关节announceannouncement n. 通告;宣告;公告annoying adj. 恼人的;讨厌的annualanonymousanotheransweranswering machineanticipateanxietyanyanybodyanyhowanymore adv. 再也不anyoneanythinganytimeanywayanywhereapart adj.分离的apartment n.公寓apologizeapparentapparentlyappealappear vi. 出现appearance n. 外貌,出现appleapplicationapplyappoint v.任命,委派appointmentappreciateapproachappropriate adj.适当的approval n.赞成;批准;认可approve v.批准,赞成area n.面积;区域argue v.争论,辩论argumentarise vi.出现;起立;上升armarmed adj.武装的army n.陆军,军队aroundarrangearrangementarrest n/v逮捕arrival n.到达;到达者arrivearrow ['ærəu] n.箭状物artarticleartist n. 艺术家;美术家asaside adv.在旁边n.旁白askasleepaspectassembly n.装配;集会assert vt.断言;主张;声称assessmentasset n.资产,有用的东西,优点, assignassignmentassist vi.出席;参加vt.帮助;促进assistance n. 帮助,援助assistantassociateassociationassume vt.假定;承担assumption n.假定;设想,采取assure vt保证;担保;使确信atathleteatmosphereattach vt贴上;系上attack n/v.抨击; 攻击attempt n/v企图,试图; attend v.出席,照料attention n.注意力;关心attitudeattorney n.理人;律师attorney general 检察官attract v.吸引attractiveaudienceauntauthorauthority n.权威;权力auto n. 自动;[美口]汽车automatic adj.必然的;无意识的n.自动机械automaticallyavailableaverageavoidawakeaward vt.授予;判定n.奖品;判决[ə'wɔ:d]awareawayawesomeawfulawhile ad. 片刻,一会儿babe n.小孩babybackbackgroundbackward adv/adj向后的bacon n.熏猪肉;咸肉badbadlybagbake v.烤balancebalancedballbanbananaband n.一帮vi.联合,聚焦bank n.岸;浅滩,银行bankerbarbarbecuebarely adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不barkbasebaseballbasement n.地下室;地窖basic adj.基本的;基础的n.基础;要素basicallybasil n.罗勒属植物(用于调味)basis n.底部;基础;主要成分basketbasketballbatbatch n.批,成批,分批bathbathroombattery n.电池battlebay n.海湾;狗吠声bebeachbean n.豆bearbeat v.打;打败beautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbedroombeebeefbeerbeforebegbeginbeginning behave v运转;表现behaviorbehindbeingbeliefbelievebell n.铃,钟,钟状物belongbelow 在…下面belt bench n.长凳;工作台bend v.倾向;屈服beneath在…之下benefitbesidebesidesbestbet n/v打赌betterbetweenbeyondbicyclebid n/v出价,竞标bigbig dealbillbind v.绑;约束birdbirthbirthdaybit adj.很小的adv有点儿.bite n/vt咬;咬伤;bizarre adj.奇异的[bi'zɑ:]blackblade n.刀片,刀锋;叶片;剑blah n. [俚]废话;空话;瞎说blameblankblanketbleed v流血;渗出bless vt祝福;保佑;赞美blindblock n.块;街区vt.限制;阻止bloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbomb v轰炸,投弹;失败bondbone n.骨;骨骼bookboombootbooth n.货摊;公用电话亭borderboredboringbornborrowbossbothbotherbottle n.瓶子bottom adj.底部的bounce n.跳;活力vt.弹跳boundary n.分界线,边界;范围bowlboxboyboyfriendbra n.胸罩brain n.脑袋;头脑,智力brake n.闸,刹车;阻碍branch v分支;出现分歧brand n.商标,牌子/烙印brand-new adj.崭新的;最近获得的bread n.面包breakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrick n.砖形物;砖vt.用砖砌bridgebrief adj.简短的,简洁的n.概要,诉书;摘要brieflybrightbringbro n.兄弟broad adj.宽的,辽阔的brochure n.手册,小册子brokenbrotherbrown adj.棕色的brush n.刷子;画笔v刷bubble n.气泡v泡沫buck n.雄鹿;纨绔子弟[bʌk]bucket n.铲斗;桶,水桶buddy n.伙伴,好朋友budget n/v预算bug n.小虫/窃听器/故障buildbuildingbulb n.球状物/电灯泡bull n.公牛,印玺adj.大型的;雄性的[bul]bullet n.子弹vi.射出bump n.肿块v.撞击bunch n.群,串burden n/v负担bureau n.局,处/办公桌burger n.汉堡包burnbury vt.埋葬;隐藏busbush n.矮树丛;灌木businessbusinessmanbust vi.破产;爆裂vt.逮捕busybutbutt n.靶垛;烟头butter n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话button n. [计]按钮;钮扣buybuyer n.买主,买方bybyecabin n.船舱;客舱cabinet n橱柜;内阁adj内阁的私下的cable n电缆vt.打电报cage n.笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱vtcakecalculate v以为;作打算calendar n.历法; 日历calf n.小牛;小牛皮callcalmcalorie n.卡(热量单位cameracampcampaigncampus['kæmpəs]cancancelcancercandidate n候选人,候补者;应试者candlecandycannotcapcapable adj.能干的,能胜任的capacity n.能力;容量;生产力;资格capital n.资金;资本家adj.重要的captain n.上尉; 船长capture vt俘获/夺得n.战利品carcardcarecareercarefulcarefullycarpet n.地毯['kɑ:pit]carrier n.载体;货架;运送者carrot n.胡萝卜carrycartooncase n.箱;实例;情况cash n.现款,现金cast vt.计算;投射catcatalog n.目录,登记vt.为…编目录catchcategory n.种类,分类;范畴cattle n.牛;家畜causeCDceiling n.天花板;上限celebratecelebrity n.名人,名声cell n.电池;细胞cell phonecent n.分;一分的硬币centercentralcenturycereal n./adj谷类植物;谷类ceremonycertain adj确信,某一certainlycertificate n.证书;执照,文凭certified adj.经证明合格的['sə:tifaid]chain n.链;束缚vt.束缚chairchairmanchallengechamber n.会所;房间adj室内的;私人的championship n.冠军赛,冠军chancechangechannelchapter n.分/章,回charactercharacterizechargechart n.图纸;海图chase vi.奔跑;追逐cheapcheat v欺骗;骗取checkcheek n.面颊,脸颊cheesechemicalcherry n.樱桃;樱桃树chestchew vt/n嚼碎,咀嚼chickchickenchief n.首领; 酋长adj.首席的childchildhoodchili n.辣椒chip vt.削,凿;削成碎片chocolatechoicechoke vi.阻塞; 窒息vt.呛;抑制choosechopchunk n.大块;矮胖的人或物churchcigarettecirclecircumstance n.环境,情况;事件citecitizencitycivilcivil rightsclaim vt.需要;声称classclassicclassroomclause n.分句,从句,条款,款项cleanclearclearlycleverclick vt.点击;使发咔哒声client n.委托人;顾客;客户climbclinic n.诊所;临床clip vt.痛打;夹牢clockcloseclosedcloselyclothclotheclothesclothingcloudclubclue n.线索;情节vt.为…提供线索coachcoal n.煤;煤块;木炭coalitioncoastcoat n.外套codecoffeecoldcollarcolleague n.同事,同僚['kɔli:ɡ] collectcollectioncollegecolor column n. 圆柱,柱形物;纵队,列;专栏combination n.结合,联合combinecomecomedycomfortcomfortablecomma n.逗号,停顿commandcommandercomment n.批评;意见commerce n.贸易,商业['kɔmə:s]commercialcommission n.犯;佣金;委任vt.委任;委托制作commit vt.使…承担义务;犯罪,做错事commitment n.承诺,保证;承担义务committee n.委员会commoncommunicatecommunicationcommunist n.共产主义者;共产党员community n.社区;团体;共同体companycomparecomparison n. 比喻;比较competecompetitioncompetitivecompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplex adj.复杂的;合成的n.复合体complicated adj.难懂的,复杂的component adj.组成的n.成分;元件computerconcede v退让; 承认concentrateconcentrationconceptconcernconcernedconcertconcludeconclusionconditionconferenceconfidenceconfidentconfirmconflict n./vt斗争;争执confront vt.遭遇;比较;面对confusedconfusingcongress n.国会,代表大会congressional adj.会议的,议会的connect v连接,连结;联合connectedconnectionconscious adj.意识到的;故意的consciousnessconsent n/vi同意,赞成consequenceconservative adj保守的n.保守派considerconsiderableconsiderationconsistent adj.始终如一的,一致的constantconstantlyconstitute vt.组成,构成;任命constitutionconstructconstructionconsult v查阅; 商量consultant n.顾问consumer n. 用户,顾客;消费者contactcontaincontainercontend v争论;斗争content n.满足;容量contest v竞争;争辩context n环境;上下文;来龙去脉continuecontract vi.收缩;订约contractor n.立契约的人,承包商contrast v.对比contributecontributioncontrolcontroversialcontroversy n.争论;辩论convenientconvention n.大会;协定;惯例;习俗conventionalconversationconvert vt.转换,使转变convict vt证明…有罪n.罪犯convictionconvinceconvincedcookcookie n.饼干coolcooler n.散热器,冷却器cooperation n.合作,协作;协力cop n.警察vt.抓住copycord n.束缚;绳索vt.用绳子捆绑core n.磁心;果心;要点corn n.鸡眼;谷物; 玉米corner n.困境,窘境;地区,偏僻处corporate adj. 法人的;共同的corporation n.公司;社团;法人corps n军队;兵种;学生联合会correctcorruptioncostcostumecouch n.床;卧榻vi埋伏;躺着cough n. 咳嗽,咳嗽声vt.咳出couldcouncil n.理事会;会议['kaunsəl]counsel n.决策;讨论vt.劝告;建议counseling n. 顾问服务counselorcountcountercountrycounty n.郡,县couplecoupon n.试样(配给票,息票,附单coursecourtcousincovercoverage n.涉及范围cow n.奶牛,母牛;母兽vt.威胁,恐吓crab n.蟹肉;螃蟹vt.破坏;抱怨[kræb]crack vi.爆裂;破裂cracker n.饼干,爆竹,crash n./v坠落;崩溃crawl v爬行;匍匐行进[krɔ:l]crazycream n.奶油,乳脂;乳酪;createcreationcreativecreaturecredit n学分;信任vt.相信,信任credit cardcrew n.全体人员crimecriminalcrisis n.危机;危险期['kraisis]criticcriticalcriticismcriticizecrosscrowdcrucial adj决定性的;重要的cruise v巡航,巡游;漫游crust n.外壳;面包皮vi.结硬皮cryculturalculturecupcuriouscurrency n.货币;通货['kərənsi] current adj.草写的;最近的n.趋势;涌流currentlycurriculum n.课程[kə'rikjuləm] curtain n.窗帘;幕customer cutcutecycledad n.爸爸daddydaily adj.每日的;日常的damagedancedangerdangerousdaredarkdarknessdata n.资料;数据datedaughterdaydeaddeal vt.分配;处理vi.讨论;对待;dealer n.商人;经销商deathdebate v辩论,争论,讨论debt n债务;借款;罪过decadedecent adj.得体的;正派的;相当好的decidedecisiondeck n.甲板;行李仓declare v声明,宣布decline n.斜面;衰退vi.谢绝;衰落deepdeeplydefeat vt.挫败;使…失败[di'fi:t]defend v防守;保卫defense n.防卫,防护;防御措施defensivedeficit n.赤字,不足,缺乏['defisit]definedefinite adj确切的;一定的definitelydefinitiondegree n程度,等级;度;学位delay v耽搁;延期delegate vt.委派…为代表n. 代表deliciousdeliver v交付;递送delivery n交付,递送,分娩demanddemocracy n.民主,民主主义;民主政治democratic adj.民主的demonstrate vt.展示;论证vi示威demonstration n.示范;示威游行dentist n.牙科医生deny v否认;拒绝departmentdependdeposit vt存放;使沉积n.存款depressiondepthdeputy adj.副的/代理的n.代理人describedescriptiondesert v逃掉; 遗弃['dezət] deservedesigndesire vt.想要; 要求deskdespitedessert [di'zə:t] n.餐后甜点destroydetaildeterminedetermineddevelopdevelopmentdevicedial n.转盘; 钟面[dail]dialect n行话;同源语adj方言的dialoguediamond n.菱形;方块牌,钻石diaper n.尿布v.换尿布diedietdifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig v挖掘,探究digital adj.数字的n.数字dime n.一角硬币dining roomdinnerdinosaurdip v/n浸,泡,倾斜,下降directdirectiondirectlydirectordirt n.污垢,泥土;灰尘dirty adj.暗淡的;恶劣的vi变脏disabilitydisagreedisappeardisappointeddisasterdisc n. 圆盘,唱片disciplinediscount n.折扣;贴现率discoverdiscoverydiscriminationdiscussdiscussiondiseasedisgustingdishdishwasherdiskdismiss vt.解雇;开除vi.解散disorder n.混乱;骚乱displaydisputedistancedistantdistinction n.差别;区别;特性distinguish v区别,区分;辨别distract vt.转移;分心distributedistributiondistrict n.区域;行政区;地方disturbdividedividend n.股息;被除数;奖金division n.除法;部门;分割;师divorcedodoctordocumentdogdoll n.玩具娃娃v.把…打扮花枝招展dollardomestic adj驯养的;家庭的n.国货dominate vt.控制; 支配donatedonationdoordot n点,圆点vi.打上点doubledoubtdowndownstairsdowntowndozendrag v拖累; 拖拉drain v排水;流干dramadramaticdraw v.拉,画drawer n.抽屉;开票人dreamdressdrinkdrivedriverdriveway n.车道drop v终止;下降drugdrum v击鼓;大力争取dry adj干的;口渴的vt弄干dryer n.干衣机,干燥剂duckdudeduedumb adj.哑的,不说话的[dʌm] dump vt倾倒vi倒垃圾n.垃圾场duringdustdutyeach each othereagerearearlyearnearnings n.收入earringeartheaseeasilyeasteasterneasyeateconomic adj.经济的economics n.经济学economist n.经济学家economyedge n.锋利;刀刃edit vt.编辑;校订n.编辑工作editoreducateeducationeducationaleffecteffectiveeffectivelyefficientefforteggeitherelbowelderlyelect adj.推选;卓越的;当选的electionelectricelectricalelectricityelectronicelementeliminate vt.消除,排除elseelsewhereemailembarrassedemerge vi.浮现暴露摆脱emergency n.非常时刻;突发事件emotionemotionalemphasisemphasizeempire n.帝国;帝王统治,君权employemployeeemployeremploymentemptyenable vt使能够,使成为可能encounter vt/n遭遇,邂逅encourageendendorse vt.背书;签署;认可;赞同enemy n.敌人adj.敌人的energyenforceengage vt预定; 雇佣vi答应,从事engineengineerengineeringenhanceenjoyenormousenoughensureenterenterprise n. 企业;事业;进取心entertainentertainmententire adj全部的,整个的entirelyentity n.存在,实体entrepreneur n.企业家;承包人entry n入口;进入;登记envelope n.信封,封皮environmentenvironmentalepisode n插曲,一段情节['episəud] equalequally adv平等地,公平地equipment equity n.公平,公正['ekwəti]era n.时代;年代;纪元['εərə]erase v抹去;擦除[i'reis]error n错误;误差;过失escapeespeciallyessay n.试图;随笔vt尝试essentialessentiallyestablishestablishmentestimate vi/n估计,估价ethic n.道德规范,伦理['eθik]ethnic adj种族的,人种的evaluation n评价,评估eveneveningeventeventuallyevereveryeverybodyeveryoneeverythingeverywhere adv.到处n.每个地方evidenceevil adj讨厌的;有害的n罪恶,邪恶;不幸evolve v进化exact adj精确的;准确的vt.急需;要求exactlyexamexamine v检查;exampleexceed v胜过;超过excellentexceptexceptionexchangeexcitedexcitingexcuseexecutive adj.经营的;行政的n. 执行者;经理exerciseexhibit vt.提出;展览n.证据;展示会existexistence n. 存在;生存;存在物existingexitexpandexpansion n.膨胀;阐述;扩张物expectexpectationexpectedexpense n.消费; 开支expensiveexperienceexperiment n.实验vi.进行实验;尝试expertexplain v. 说明,解释explanation n.说明,解释;辩解explode v爆炸,爆发explore v探测;探险;探索explosion n爆炸;爆发;激增export n输出,出口vi.输出物资expose vt.使曝光;揭露,揭发expressexpressionextend vt.推广;扩大extension n伸展;扩大;延长extensive adj.广泛的;广阔的extent n. 范围;程度;长度extraextraordinaryextremelyeyefabulous adj.传说的,无根据的facefacility n设备/灵巧/容易factfactor n.要素;因数factoryfaculty n能力;全体教员;科,系fade v.凋谢;褪色fail vi.破产;衰退vt.舍弃;忘记[feil] failurefair adj.晴朗的; 公平的fairlyfaith n.信任;信念;信仰;忠实fall vi.减弱;变成n.下降;瀑布;秋天false a.不真实的,错误的,familiar adj亲近的;常见的n常客;密友familyfamousfanfancy n.幻想;爱好adj.昂贵的;奇特的fantastic adj.空想的;极好的fantasy n.幻想farfarmfarmerfashionfastfatfate n.命运vt注定fatherfault n.错误;毛病vi.弄错favor vt.像;赞成n.喜爱;好感favoritefax n/v传真fear n.敬畏;担心vt.敬畏; 害怕featurefederal adj.联邦的;同盟的fee n.费用;小费vt付费给feedfeedbackfeelfeelingfellow n.会员;家伙adj.同伴的,同事的femalefence n.剑术;围墙vt防护;练习剑术festivalfewfieldfight vi.打仗; 打架vt.打架;反对…提案fighter n.战士,斗争者;奋斗者figure n.价格;数字vi.计算; 出现file n.锉刀;档案vt.锉;琢磨fill vt.任职;满足vi.被充满,膨胀filmfilter vi.渗入;滤过n.筛选;过滤器finalfinallyfinance n财政;金融vt.负担经费financialfindfindingfinefinger n.手指;指针finishfire n.火;火灾vt.激动;点燃firmfirstfirst lady第一夫人first namefiscal a.财政的fishfit vt.安装;使…适应vi.合身; 适合fix vt.准备;修理vi.固定;注视flag vi.衰退;枯萎vt.标记;插旗flat adj.浅的;单调的adv.断然地;平直地flavor n.滋味,香料v.加味于flee vi消失,消散;逃走vt.逃避;逃跑flight n.逃走;班机flip vt.轻击;掷vi.用指轻弹;蹦跳floodfloat vt使漂浮;实行floorflow vi.飘扬;川流不息vt.淹没flowerflyfocusfold vt.笼罩;合拢n.信徒;羊栏folder n.文件夹;折叠机folk n.亲属;民族; 人们adj民间的followfoodfoolfootfootballforforceforeign adj.外国的forest vt.植树于,使成为森林n森林foreverforgetfork n/v叉formformalformat n/v设计,版式forth adv.向前,向外;自…以后fortune n.命运;财富vt.给予财富forum n.论坛,讨论会;法庭['fɔ:rəm]forwardfoundfoundation n.基础;地基;基金会frame n画面;结构fraud n欺骗;骗子;诡计[frɔ:d]freak n怪人,怪事,反复无常[fri:k]freefreedomfreeway n.高速公路freezefreezerfrequency n频率;频繁frequentfrequentlyfreshfreshman n.大学一年级学生fridge n.电冰箱friendfriendlyfromfront n.正面;前线vt对付;朝向fruit n.水果;产物fryfuel n/v['fjuəl]fullfullyfunfunctionfundfundamental adj.基本的n.基本原理funeral n.葬礼;[口]麻烦事funky a.畏缩的,怯懦的['fʌnki]funnyfurniturefurtherfuturegaingal n.重力加速度单位伽(加仑)gallon n.加仑gamegang n.群;一组gap n.空白;间隙; 缺口vi.裂开garage n.车库;飞机库vt.把…送入车库garbage n垃圾,废物gardengarlic n.大蒜;蒜头gasgate n.门道;出入口; 大门gather vt.收割; 收集vi.皱起;化脓gay adj.艳丽的;放荡的; 快乐的n同性恋gear n.齿轮;传动装置vi.适合;搭上齿轮gee n.马gender n.性;性别genegeneralgenerallygenerate vt使形成;生殖;发生generation n.产生;一代人;生殖gentlemangetgiant n伟人;巨人adj.巨大的giftgirlgirlfriendgiveglassglobalglobe n.球体;地球glove n.手套[ɡlʌv]gogoal n.终点; 目标godgoldgoldengolfgoodgood afternoongood morninggoodness n.优秀;真谛good nightgorgeous adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的governgovernmentgovernorgrab v霸占; 攫取grace n.魅力;恩惠;慈悲grade graduallygraduategraduationgrammargrand adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元grandchildgrandfathergrandmagrandmothergrandpagrant vt.允许;承认vi.同意grape n. 葡萄;葡萄树;紫色;葡萄酒grassgravy n.肉汁,肉汤,不法利润gray adj.阴郁的;苍白的n.灰色greatgreengreet vt欢迎,迎接;致敬[ɡri:t]grocery store n.食品杂货店gross adj.恶劣的;粗野的n.总共收入ground n.战场;土地vt.使搁浅;打基础groupgrowgrowthguaranteeguard n.守卫v. 警戒guess v猜中;推测guest n. 客人,宾客;顾客[ɡest]guideguiltyguitargum n.橡皮; 树胶vt.使…有粘性gungut n.勇气,肠,剧情guygym n.健身房,体育馆habithairhalfhall n走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍hallwayham n.火腿hamburgerhandhandle n.柄;把手vt.运用;处理handy adj. 手边的,就近的;便利的;容易取得的hang vt.装饰; 绞死happenhappyhardhardlyhat n. 帽子hatehaul n.捕获物;拖,拉vt.拖运;拖拉havehave toheheadheadacheheadquarters n. 总部;指挥部heal v治愈,痊愈;和解healthhealth carehealthyhearhearing n.听力;审讯,听讯heartheart attackheatheater n.加热器;加热工Heaven n.天堂;天空['hevən] heavily adv.沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地heavyheel n.脚后跟heighthelicopter n直升飞机hell n地狱;训斥;黑暗势力int.该死hellohelphelpfulherhereherohersherselfheyhi int.嗨!hide v.鞭打;隐瞒highhighlighthighlyhigh schoolhighwayhike vi.上升; 远足vt.拉起; 提高;[haik]hilarioushill n小山;丘陵;斜坡himhimselfhip n臀部;adj.非常时尚的hire n./vt租金,工钱;雇用,租用hishistorian n.历史学家historichistoricalhistoryhit v.打;碰撞holdhole n.突破口;洞穴,穴vi.凿洞holidayholy adj圣洁的,神圣的;至善的['həuli]homehomeworkhonesthonestlyhoneyhonor n.荣誉,头衔,信用v.尊敬,授予荣誉hook n.挂钩,吊钩vt钩住;引上钩;hopehopefullyhorrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的horsehospitalHost n. [基督]圣体;圣饼;圣餐面包hothotelhourhousehouseholdhousinghowhoweverhugehumanhumorhundredhungryhunt v搜索;打猎hurryhurt vt.使痛心;使疼痛vi.带来痛苦husband vt.节约地使用n.丈夫hystericalIiceice creamideaidentify vt.确定; 识别vi. 认同;一致identity n.身份;同一性,一致idiot n.白痴;笨蛋ifignore vt.驳回诉讼,忽视illillegal adj.违法的; 非法的illnessillustrate vt.阐明,举例说明;图解imageimaginationimagineimmediate adj.直接的;立即的immediatelyimmigrant adj.移民的;迁入的n.移民immigration n.移居,移民impact vt.压紧;冲突vi.冲击;产生影响; implement vt.实现;实施,执行n. 工具implication n. 暗示;牵连; 含义implyimportanceimportantimpose vi.利用; 欺骗vt.强加;征税impossibleimpressimpressionimproveimprovementinincentive n.动机;刺激adj.激励的inch n.少许;身高incident n.事件,事变;插曲include includingincomeincreaseincreasinglyincredibleincrediblyindeed adv.实在;的确int.真的independenceindependentindexindicate vt.指出;表明;象征individual adj.独特的;个人的n.个人industrial adj.来自勤劳的;供工业用的industry n.工业;产业;勤勉infant n.幼儿; 婴儿adj.婴儿的;幼稚的infection n.感染;传染;传染病inflation n.通货膨胀;膨胀;夸张influenceinform vt.报告;告诉vi告发,告密informationingredientinitial adj.最初的;字首的initially adv 最初,开头initiative n.主动权;首创精神adj. 起始的;主动的;自发的injure vt.伤害,损害injuryinnerinsane adj疯狂的,精神错乱的insideinsist v坚持,强调inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示install vt.任命;安装;安顿instance n.建议;情况vt.举...为例insteadinstitute vt.提起;创立n. 学会;学院institution n.制度;公共机构;建立instructioninstructor n.教员;指导者;指导书instrument n仪器;器械;手段;乐器insurance n.保险;保险费intellectual adj.理智的;聪明的intelligenceintelligentintendintense adj.强烈的;紧张的;热情的intentioninteraction n交互作用,相互作用interest n.同行;利息interestedinterestinginterest rateinternal adj国内的;内部的Internetinterpret vt.说明;口译vi.解释;翻译interrupt v打断;妨碍intersection n.交集,十字路口,交叉点intervalinterview n.面试,面谈;接见,采访intointroduceinventinvest vt.包围;耗费vi.投资,入股investigate v.调查,研究investigationinvestigatorinvestmentinvestorinvitationinviteinvolveinvolvedinvolvementironislandissueititem n.条款,项目;一则itsitselfjackjacketjail n.监牢; 监狱;拘留所jam vt.压碎;混杂vi.堵塞;轧住;jar n.罐;震动jealous adj.妒忌的;唯恐失;猜疑的jeansjelly n.果冻;胶状物['dʒeli]jerkjet n.黑玉;喷气式飞机adj.墨黑的jewelry n.珠宝;珠宝类jobjoinjoint n.接缝; adj.连接的;共同的jokejournalist n.新闻工作者journey n.旅行;行程joyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjuniorjunkjuror n.陪审员['dʒuərə]jury n.陪审团;评判委员会justjusticekeepkeykick vt/n. 踢;反冲kidkillkillerkindkingkisskit n.工具箱;成套工具v装备kitchenkitten n.小猫;小动物Kittykneeknifeknockknowknowledgelab n. [口]实验室,研究室labellabor n/v 工作,劳动,劳力laboratorylackladder n.途径;梯状物['lædə]ladylakelamp n.灯;照射器landlandscapelane n.小巷;航线;车道languagelap n.山坳;膝盖vt.包围; 拍打largelargelylaser n.激光['leizə]lastlast namelatelatelylaterlaughlaunch vt发射;使…下水vi.起飞;开始laundry n.洗衣店,洗衣房lawlawmaker n.立法者lawn n.草坪;草地lawsuit n.诉讼,控诉lawyerlaylayer n.层,阶层;地层lazyleadleaderleadershipleafleague n.范畴;社团[li:ɡ]leaklean vi.依赖;倚靠learnlearningleashleastleather n.皮革;皮革制品leavelectureleftleglegallegislation n.立法;法律[ledʒis'leiʃən] legislative adj.立法的;有立法权的legislature n.立法机关,立法机构lemon lendlengthlesslessonletletterlettuce n.莴苣;生菜;纸币['letis]levelliberal adj.宽大的;不拘泥的.自由主义者librarylicenselick vt.舔;卷过vi.舔;轻轻拍打lid n.限制;眼睑; 盖子lielifelifetime n.终生;寿命adj.一生的liftlightlikelikelylimitlinelink n/vt联系,关系;链环,环节lip n.嘴唇;边缘listlistenliterallyliteraryliteraturelittleliveloadloan n.贷款;借款v借lobster n.龙虾locallocatelocationlocklonglong-termlookloose adj.散漫的;宽松的loseloss n.遗失;亏损;失败;减少lostlotlots n.堆loud adj.喧吵的;不断的lovelovelyloverlowlowerluckluckylunchlungmachinemad adj.发疯的;愚蠢的;着迷的magazinemagicmailmainmainlymaintain vt.维持;维修;供养;继续majormajority n.多数makemakermalemall n.购物商场;林荫路;铁圈球场mamamanmanagemanagementmanagermanner n.方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗manufacturer n.制造商;厂商manufacturing n.制造业a.制造业的manymapmarchmargin n.边缘;利润,余裕markmarketmarketing n.行销,销售marriagemarriedmarrymask mass n.块,团;群众massagemassive adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的master vt.征服;精通n.教师;大师matchmatematerialmathmattermaymaybemayor n.市长memealmeanmeaningmeansmeanwhile adv/n.同时,其间measure vt.权衡;估量n.尺寸;程度meatmedal n.勋章,奖章;纪念章mediamedical adj.药的;内科的medication n.药物治疗,药物处理medicinemedium adj.中间的,中等的n.媒介;方法meetmeetingmelt v熔化,溶解;渐混membermembership n.成员资格;会员身分memorymental adj.疯的;脑力的n.精神病患者mentionmenumere adj.仅仅的;只不过的n.小湖;池塘merely ['miəli]merger n/v (企业等的)合并mess n.困境;混乱vt.毁坏;使就餐messagemetal n.金属;合金metermethod n.条理; 方法microwavemiddle adj.中间的,中部的;中级的midnight n.午夜,半夜12点钟mightmilemilitary adj.军人的; 军事的n.军队milkmillmindmineminimumminorminority n.未成年;少数派adj.少数的minus prep.减,减去n.负数;不足minutemirror n.榜样; 镜子vt反映,反射miserable adj.悲惨的;痛苦的missmissile n.导弹;投射物[-səl]mission n.布道;代表团adj派遣,传教mistakemixmixturemodel n.样式;模范modernmodestmommomentmommymoneymonitormonkeymonthmoodmoonmoral adj.道德的;精神上的n.道德;寓意moremoreovermorningmortgage n/vt.抵押['mɔ:ɡidʒ]mostmostlymothermotionmount v.增加; 爬上mountain mouse n.老鼠; 鼠标mauz]mouthmovemovementmoviemuchmultiple adj.多重的;许多的murdermusclemuseummushroommusicmustmustard n.芥末;深黄色;强烈的兴趣mutual adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的mymyselfmysterymythnail n指甲;钉子vt.钉;揭露naked adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的namenap n.细毛;孤注一掷napkinnarrownasty adj.险恶的;肮脏的['næs-]nationnationalnationwidenativenaturalnaturallynaturenearnearbynearlyneat adj.整洁的;未搀水的;优雅的necessarilynecessaryneck n.海峡;衣领[nek]necklaceneedneedle n.针;指针negativenegotiate vt.转让;越过vi.谈判,交涉negotiation n.谈判;转让neighborneighborhoodneithernephew n.侄子;外甥nervenervousnetnetworknevernevertheless adv.然而,不过;虽然如此newnewlynewsnewsletter n.时事通讯,时事分析newspapernextnext doornicenicelynightnonobodynodnoise n.噪音;杂音noisy adj.聒噪的;喧闹的nomination n.提名,任命,提名权nomineenonenonethelessnoonno onenope ad.不,没有nornormalnormallynorthnorthernnosenotnotenotebooknothingnoticenotion novelnownowherenuclear adj.原子能的;中心的;细胞核的numbernumerousnursenutoak n.橡木色;橡木家具[əuk]object n.物体;客体objectiveobserveobserverobtain vi.获得;流行vt获得obviousobviouslyoccasionoccasionaloccasionallyoccupation n. 职业;占有;消遣occupyoccurocean n.海洋;广阔;[口]大量o'clockodd adj.零散的;古怪的n.奇数[ɔd]ofoffoffend vt.冒犯;使…不愉快offense n.犯罪,过错;触怒;进攻offerofficeofficer n.船长; 军官,警官official adj.公务的;官方的oftenoiloldolive oilononceoneoniononlyontoopenoperaoperate vi.运转;动手术vt.操作;经营operationoperatoropinionopponent n.敌手; 对手adj.对立的opportunityopposeoppositeoppositionoptionoptionalororange n.桔子;橙;橙色orderordinary adj.平凡的;平常的。



朗文口语书面语常用词汇30001. a2.abandon v3.ability n4.able adj5.about prep6.about adv7.above adv prep8.above adj9.abroad adv10.absence n11.absolute adj12.absolutely adv13.absorb v14.abuse n15.academic adj16.accept v17.acceptable adj18.access n19.accident n20.accommodation n21.accompany v22.according to prep23.account n24.account v25.accurate adj26.accuse v27.achieve v28.achievement n29.acid n30.acknowledge v acquire v31.across adv prep32.act n33.act v34.action n35.active adj36.activist n37.activity n38.actor n39.actual adj40.actually adv41.ad n42.adapt v43.add v44.addition n45.additional adj46.address n47.address v48.adequate adj49.adjust v50.administration n51.administrative adj52.admire v53.admission n54.admit v55.adopt v56.adult n57.adult adj58.advance n59.advance v60.advanced adj61.advantage n62.advert n63.advertise v advertisement n64.advertising n65.advice n66.advise v67.adviser n68.affair n69.affect v70.afford v71.afraid adj72.after prep conj adv73.afternoon n74.afterwards adv75.again adv76.against prep77.age n78.aged adj79.agency n80.agent n81.aggressive adj82.ago adv83.agree v84.agreement n85.agriculture n86.ahead adv87.aid n88.aim n89.aim v90.air n91.aircraft n92.airline n93.airport n94.alarm n95.album n96.alcohol n alive adj97.all determiner98.predeterminer pron99.100.all adv101.allow v102.allowance n 103.all right adj adv 104.interjection 105.almost adv 106.alone adj adv 107.along adv 108.along prep109.alongside adv prep 110.already adv111.also adv112.alter v113.alternative adj 114.alternative n 115.although conj 116.altogether adv117.always adv118.amazing adj 119.ambition n120.ambulance n 121.among prep122.amount n123.an indefinite article 124.determiner125.analyse v126.analysis n127.analyst n128.ancient adj129.and conj anger n 130.angle n 131.angry adj132.animal n133.announce v134.announcement n135.annoy v136.annual adj137.another determiner pron 138. 139.answer n140.answer v141.anticipate v142.anxiety n143.anxious adj144.any determiner pron 145. 146.any adv147.anybody pron148.anyhow adv149.anyone pron150.anything pron151.anyway adv152.anywhere adv153.apart adv adj154.apartment n155.apologize v156.apology n157.apparent adj158.apparently adv159.appeal n160.appeal v161.appear v162.appearance n apple n 163.application n 164.apply v165.appoint v166.appointment n167.appreciate v168.approach n169.approach v170.appropriate adj 171.approval n 172.approve v173.approximate adj 174.architect n 175.architecture n176.area n177.argue v178.argument n179.arise v180.arm n181.armed adj182.army n183.around adv prep184.arrange v185.arrangement n186.arrest v187.arrival n188.arrive v189.art n190.article n191.artificial adj192.artist n193.as conj194.as prep adv195.ashamed adj aside adv 196.ask v197.asleep adj 198.aspect n 199.assess v 200.assessment n 201.assignment n 202.assist v 203.assistance n 204.assistant n 205.associate v 206.association n207.assume v 208.assumption n 209.assure v 210.at prep 211.atmosphere n 212.attach v 213.attack n 214.attack v 215.attempt n 216.attempt v 217.attend v 218.attention n219.attitude n220.attorney n221.attract v222.attraction n223.attractive adj224.audience n225.aunt n226.author n227.authority n228.automatic adj automatically adv 229.autumn n230.available adj231.average adj232.average n233.avoid v234.awake adj235.award n236.award v237.aware adj238.awareness n239.away adv240.awful adj241.awkward adj 242.baby n243.back adv 244.back n245.back v246.back adj 247.background n 248.backwards adv 249.bacon n 250.bad adj251.badly adv 252.bag n253.bake v254.balance n 255.balance v 256.ball n257.ban n258.band n259.bang v260.bang n261.bank n bar n 262.barrier n263.base v 264.base n 265.baseball n 266.basic adj 267.basically adv 268.basis n 269.basket n 270.bat n271.bath n 272.bathroom n 273.battery n 274.battle n 275.be auxiliary 276.be v277.beach n 278.bean n 279.bear v 280.beard n 281.beat v 282.beat n 283.beautiful adj 284.beauty n285.because conj286.because prep287.become v288.bed n289.bedroom n290.beef n291.beer n292.before adv293.before conj294.before prep beforehand adv 295.begin v 296.beginning n297.behalf n298.behave v299.behaviour n300.behind prep adv301.being n302.belief n303.believe v304.bell n305.belong v306.below adv prep307.belt n308.bench n309.bend v310.beneath adv prep 311.benefit n312.benefit v313.beside prep 314.best adj315.best adv316.bet v317.bet n318.better adj319.better adv 320.between adv prep 321.beyond prep adv 322.bicycle n323.bid n324.big adj325.bike n326.bill n327.bin n bird n 328.birth n329.birthday n 330.biscuit n 331.bit adv pron 332.bit n333.bite v 334.bite n 335.bitter adj 336.black adj 337.blade n 338.blame v 339.blank adj 340.bless v 341.blind adj 342.block n 343.block v 344.bloke n 345.blonde adj346.blood n 347.blow v 348.blow n 349.blue adj 350.board n351.boat n352.body n353.boil v354.boiler n355.boiling adj356.bomb n357.bone n358.bonus n359.book n360.book v boom n 361.boot n362.border n363.bored adj364.boring adj365.born v366.borrow v367.boss n368.both determiner 369.predeterminer pron 370. 371.bother v372.bottle n373.bottom adj374.bottom n375.bounce v376.bound adj377.bowl n378.box n379.boy n380.boyfriend n381.brain n382.branch n383.brave adj384.bread n385.break n386.break v387.breakfast n388.breast n389.breath n390.breathe v391.brick n392.bridge n393.brief adj briefly adv 394.bright adj395.brilliant adj 396.bring v 397.broad adj 398.brother n 399.brown adj 400.brush n 401.brush v 402.buck n 403.bucket n 404.buddy n 405.budget n 406.bug n 407.build v 408.builder n 409.building n 410.bump v 411.bunch n 412.burn v 413.burn n 414.burst v 415.bury v 416.bus n417.business n418.busy adj419.but conj420.but prep421.but adv422.butcher n423.butter n424.button n425.buy v426.buyer n by adv 427.by prep428.bye interjection 429.bye n430.cabinet n431.cable n432.cake n433.calculate v 434.calculation n 435.calculator n 436.calendar n 437.call n 438.call v439.calm adj 440.camera n 441.camp n442.campaign n 443.can modal 444.can n445.cancel v446.cancer n 447.candidate n 448.candle n 449.candy n450.cap n451.capable adj 452.capacity n 453.capital n 454.capital adj 455.captain n 456.capture v 457.car n458.card n459.care n care v 460.career n461.careful adj462.carefully adv463.carpet n464.LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000 3 465.carrot n466.carry v467.cartoon n468.case n469.cash n470.cash v471.cast v472.castle n473.cat n474.catalogue n475.catch v476.category n477.cause v478.cause n479.CD n480.cease v481.ceiling n482.celebrate v483.celebration n484.cell n485.cellphone n486.cent n487.centimetre n488.central adj489.centre n490.century n491.cereal n492.certain adj certainly adv 493.certificate n 494.chain n495.chair n496.chairman n 497.challenge n 498.challenge v 499.champion n 500.championship n 501.chance n 502.change n 503.change v 504.channel n 505.chap n506.chapter n 507.character n 508.characteristic n 509.characterize v 510.charge n 511.charge v 512.charity n 513.chart n514.chase v515.chat n516.cheap adj517.cheat v518.check v519.check n520.cheek n521.cheese n522.chemical adj523.chemical n524.chemist n525.chemistry n cheque n 526.cherry n527.chest n528.chicken n 529.chief adj 530.chief n531.child n532.childhood n 533.chip n534.chocolate n 535.choice n 536.choose v 537.chop v538.chuck v 539.church n 540.cigarette n 541.cinema n 542.circle n 543.circuit n 544.circumstance n 545.citizen n 546.city n547.civil adj 548.claim n549.claim v550.class n551.classic adj552.classical adj553.classroom n554.clean adj555.clean v556.cleaner n557.clear adj558.clear v clearly adv 559.clerk n 560.clever adj561.click v562.client n563.climate n564.climb v565.clock n566.close adj567.close adv568.close v 569.closed adj 570.closely adv 571.closet n 572.cloth n 573.clothes n 574.cloud n 575.club n 576.clue n 577.coach n 578.coal n 579.coast n 580.coat n 581.code n 582.coffee n 583.coin n 584.cold adj 585.collapse v 586.collar n587.colleague n588.collect v589.collection n590.college n591.colour n column n bination nbine v e vfort nfortable adj mand n ment n ment vmercial adj mission n mit vmitment n mittee n mon adj municate vmunication n munity n pany n pare v parison n pete v petition n petitive adjplain vplaint nplete adjplete vpletely advplex adjplicated adjponent nprehensive adj prise v computer n 625.concentrate v 626.concentration n627.concept n628.concern n629.concern v630.concerned adj631.concerning prep632.concert n633.conclude v634.conclusion n635.condition n636.conduct n637.conduct v638.conference n639.confidence n640.confident adj641.confine v642.confirm v643.conflict n644.confused adj645.confusing adj646.confusion n647.congratulation n648.connect v649.connection n650.conscious adj651.consciousness n652.consent n653.consequence n654.consider v655.considerable adj656.considerably adv657.consideration n consist v 658.consistent adj659.constant adj 660.constantly adv 661.constitute v 662.construct v 663.construction n 664.consult v665.consumer n 666.consumption n 667.contact n668.contact v669.contain v670.contemporary adj 671.content n672.contest n673.context n674.continue v675.continuous adj 676.contract n677.contrast n678.contribute v 679.contribution n 680.control n681.control v682.convenient adj 683.convention n 684.conventional adj 685.conversation n 686.convert v687.conviction n 688.convince v689.cook v690.cooker n cookie n 691.cool adj692.cool v693.cooperation n 694.cope v695.copy n696.copy v697.core n698.corn n699.corner n700.correct adj701.correct v702.corridor n703.cost n704.cost v705.cottage n706.cotton n707.could modal708.council n709.count v710. 4 LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000 711.counter n 712.country n713.countryside n714.county n715.couple n716.courage n717.course n718.court n719.cousin n720.cover n721.cover v722.cow n723.crack v craft n724.crash n725.crazy adj 726.create v 727.creation n 728.creative adj 729.creature n 730.credit n 731.credit card n 732.crew n 733.crime n 734.criminal adj 735.crisis n 736.criterion n 737.critic n 738.critical adj 739.criticism n 740.criticize v 741.crop n 742.cross adj 743.cross n 744.cross v 745.crowd n 746.crown n747.crucial adj748.cruel adj749.cry n750.cry v751.cultural adj752.culture n753.cup n754.cupboard n755.curious adj756.currency n current adj 757.current n758.currently adv 759.curtain n 760.curve n 761.cushion n 762.custom n 763.customer n 764.cut n765.cut v766.cute adj 767.cycle n 768.dad n 769.daddy n 770.daft adj 771.daily adj 772.damage n 773.damage v 774.dance n 775.dance v 776.danger n777.dangerous adj 778.dare v 779.dark adj780.darkness n781.darling n782.data n783.database n784.date n785.date v786.daughter n787.day n788.dead adj789.dead adv deaf adj 790.deal n 791.deal v792.dealer n793.dear adj794.dear interjection 795.dear n 796.death n797.debate n798.debt n799.decade n800.decent adj 801.decide v802.decision n 803.declare v804.decline n805.decline v806.deep adj807.deep adv808.deeply adv 809.defeat n810.defeat v811.defence n 812.defend v813.define v814.definite adj815.definitely adv816.definition n817.degree n818.delay n819.delay v820.deliberately adv 821.deliver v 822.delivery n demand n 823.demand v824.democracy n825.democratic adj826.demonstrate v827.demonstration n 828.dentist n 829.deny v830.department n831.departure n832.depend v833.dependent adj834.deposit n835.depression n836.depth n837.derive v838.describe v839.description n840.desert n841.deserve v842.design n843.design v844.designer n845.desire n846.desk n847.desperate adj848.despite prep849.destroy v850.destruction n851.detail n852.detailed adj853.detect v854.determination n855.determine v determined adj 856.develop v857.development n 858.device n 859.devil n860.diagram n 861.diamond n 862.diary n 863.die v864.diet n865.differ v 866.difference n 867.different adj 868.difficult adj 869.difficulty n 870.dig v871.dimension n 872.dinner n 873.direct adj 874.direct v 875.direction n 876.directly adv 877.director n 878.directory n879.dirt n880.dirty adj881.disabled adj882.disagree v883.disappear v884.disappoint v885.disappointed adj886.disaster n887.disc n888.discipline n discount n 889.discover v 890.discovery n891.discuss v892.discussion n893.disease n894.disgusting adj895.dish n896.disk n897.dismiss v898.display n899.display v900.dispute n901.distance n902.distant adj903.distinct adj904.distinction n905.distinguish v 906.distribute v907.distribution n 908.district n909.disturb v910.divide v911.division n912.divorce n913.do auxiliary914.do v915.doctor n916.document n917.dog n918.dollar n919.domestic adj 920.dominant adj 921.dominate v door n 922.dot n923.double adj924.double v925.doubt n926.doubt v927.down adv prep adj 928.downstairs adv 929.downtown adv 930.dozen number 931.draft n932.drag v933.drama n934.dramatic adj 935.draw n936.draw v937.drawer n938.drawing n939.dream n940.dream v941.dress n942.dress v943.drink n944.drink v945.drive n946.drive v947.driver n948.drop n949.drop v950.drug n951.drunk adj952.dry adj953.dry v954.duck n LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000 5 955.dude n 956.due adj957.dull adj958.dumb adj959.dump v960.during prep961.dust n962.duty n963.DVD n964.each determiner pron adv965.966.each other pron 967.ear n968.early adj 969.early adv 970.earn v971.earth n972.ease v973.easily adv 974.east n975.eastern adj 976.easy adj 977.easy adv 978.eat v979.economic adj 980.economics n 981.economy n 982.edge n983.edition n 984.editor ncation ncational adj987.effect n effective adj 988.effectively adv 989.efficiency n990.efficient adj991.effort n992.egg n993.either conj994.either determiner pron 995.996.elderly adj997.elect v998.election n999.electric adj1000.electrical adj1001.electricity n1002.electronic adj1003.element n1004.elevator n1005.else adv1006.elsewhere adv 1007.email n1008.email v1009.embarrassed adj 1010.emerge v 1011.emergency n1012.emotion n1013.emotional adj1014.emphasis n1015.emphasize v1016.empire n1017.employ v1018.employee n1019.employer n1020.employment n empty adj 1021.enable v 1022.encounter v1023.encourage v1024.encouraging adj1025.end n1026.end v1027.enemy n1028.energy n1029.engage v1030.engine n1031.engineer n1032.engineering n1033.enhance v1034.enjoy v1035.enjoyable adj1036.enormous adj1037.enough adv1038.enough determiner pron 1039.1040.enquiry n1041.ensure v1042.enter v1043.enterprise n1044.entertainment n 1045.enthusiasm n1046.enthusiastic adj1047.entire adj1048.entirely adv1049.entitle v1050.entrance n1051.entry n1052.envelope n1053.environment n environmental adj 1054.equal adj1055.equal v 1056.equally adv 1057.equipment n 1058.equivalent adj 1059.era n1060.error n 1061.escape n 1062.escape v 1063.especially adv 1064.essay n 1065.essential adj 1066.essentially adv 1067.establish v 1068.establishment n 1069.estate n 1070.estimate n 1071.estimate v 1072.ethnic adj 1073.even adv 1074.evening n 1075.event n 1076.eventually adv1077.ever adv1078.every determiner 1079.everybody pron 1080.everyone pron 1081.everything pron 1082.everywhere adv 1083.evidence n1084.evil adj1085.exact adj1086.exactly adv exam n 1087.examination n 1088.examine v1089.example n1090.excellent adj1091.except conj prep 1092.exception n 1093.exchange n1094.excitement n1095.exciting adj1096.exclude v1097.excuse n1098.excuse v。



1)previously, adverb2)price1, noun3)pride1, noun4)primary1, adjective5)principle, noun6)print1, verb7)priority1, noun8)prison, noun9)prisoner, noun10)private1, adjective11)prize1, noun12)probably, adverb13)problem, noun14)procedure, noun15)proceed, verb16)process1, noun17)produce1, verb18)product, noun19)production, noun20)profession, noun21)professional1, adjective22)profit1, noun23)programme1, noun24)progress1, noun25)project1, noun26)projection, noun27)promise1, verb28)promise2, noun29)promote, verb30)promotion, noun31)proof1, noun32)proper1, adjective33)properly, adverb34)property, noun35)proportion1, noun36)proposal, noun37)propose, verb38)prospect1, noun39)protect, verb40)protection, noun41)proud, adjective42)prove, verb43)provide, verb44)provided, conjunction45)providing, conjunction46)provision1, noun47)pub, noun48)public1, adjective49)public2, noun50)publicity, noun51)publish, verb52)pudding, noun53)pull1, verb54)pump1, noun55)punch1, verb56)pupil, noun57)puppy, noun58)purchase1, verb59)purchase2, noun60)pure, adjective61)purely, adverb62)purpose, noun63)purse1, noun64)pursue, verb65)push1, verb66)put, verb67)qualification, noun68)qualified, adjective69)qualify, verb70)quality1, noun71)quantity, noun72)quarter1, noun73)queen1, noun74)question1, noun75)question2, verb76)queue1, noun77)quick1, adjective78)quick3, adverb79)quickly, adverb80)quid, noun81)quiet1, adjective82)quietly, adverb83)quite, predeterminer84)quote1, verb85)quote2, noun86)rabbit1, noun87)race1, noun88)racing1, noun89)radio1, noun90)raffle1, noun91)rail1, noun92)railway, noun93)rain1, noun94)raise1, verb95)range1, noun96)rare, adjective97)rate1, noun98)rather, predeterminer99)ratio, noun100)reach1, verb101)react, verb102)reaction, noun103)read1, verb104)reader, noun105)real1, adjective106)realistic, adjective 107)reality, noun108)realize, verb109)really, adverb110)reason1, noun111)reasonable, adjective 112)reasonably, adverb 113)recall1, verb114)receipt, noun115)receive, verb116)recent, adjective 117)recently, adverb118)recession, noun119)recipe, noun120)reckon, verb121)recognition, noun 122)recognize, verb123)recommend, verb124)record1, noun125)record2, verb126)red1, adjective127)reduce, verb128)reduction, noun129)redundancy, noun130)refer, verb131)reference1, noun132)reflect, verb133)reflection, noun134)refuse1, verb135)regard1, noun136)regard2, verb137)regarding, preposition 138)region, noun139)regional, adjective 140)register1, noun141)registration, noun 142)regular1, adjective 143)regularly, adverb 144)regulation1, noun 145)reject1, verb146)relate, verb147)related, adjective148)relation, noun149)relationship, noun 150)relative1, noun151)relatively, adverb 152)relax, verb153)release1, verb154)release2, noun155)relevant, adjective 156)relief, noun157)relieve, verb158)religion, noun159)religious, adjective 160)rely, verb161)remain, verb162)remark1, noun163)remember, verb164)remind, verb165)removal, noun166)remove1, verb167)rent1, verb168)repair1, verb169)repair2, noun170)repeat1, verb171)replace, verb172)reply1, verb173)reply2, noun174)report1, noun175)report2, verb176)reporter, noun177)represent, verb178)representation, noun 179)representative2, noun 180)request1, noun181)request2, verb182)require, verb183)requirement, noun 184)research1, noun185)reservation, noun 186)resident1, noun187)resistance, noun188)resource1, noun189)respect1, noun190)respond, verb191)response, noun192)responsibility, noun 193)responsible, adjective 194)rest1, noun195)rest2, verb196)restaurant, noun197)restrict, verb198)restriction, noun199)result1, noun200)retain, verb201)retire, verb202)retirement, noun203)return1, verb204)return2, noun205)reveal, verb206)review1, noun207)revolution, noun208)rich, adjective209)rid1, adjective210)ride1, verb211)ride2, noun212)ridiculous, adjective213)right1, adjective214)right3, adverb215)right4, noun216)ring1, noun217)ring2, verb218)riot1, noun219)rise1, verb220)risk1, noun221)river, noun222)road, noun223)rob, verb224)rock1, noun225)roll1, verb226)roof1, noun227)room1, noun228)root1, noun229)rope1, noun230)rose1, noun231)rough1, adjective232)roughly, adverb233)round1, adverb, preposition 234)round2, adjective235)row1, noun236)royal1, adjective237)rub1, verb238)rubbish1, noun239)rugby, noun240)ruin1, verb241)rule1, noun242)run1, verb243)run2, noun244)rush1, verb245)sad, adjective246)safe1, adjective 247)safety, noun248)sail1, verb249)sake1, noun250)sale, noun251)salt1, noun252)salvation, noun253)same1, adjective 254)same2, pronoun255)same3, adverb256)sample1, noun257)sandwich1, noun258)satisfaction, noun 259)satisfied, adjective 260)satisfy, verb261)sausage, noun262)save1, verb263)say1, verb264)scale1, noun265)scared, adjective 266)scene, noun267)schedule1, noun268)school1, noun269)science, noun270)scientific, adjective 271)scientist, noun272)score1, noun273)screen1, noun274)sea, noun275)seal1, noun276)search1, noun277)season1, noun278)seat1, noun279)second1, number280)second2, noun281)secret1, adjective 282)secret2, noun283)secretary, noun284)section1, noun285)secure1, adjective 286)see1, verb287)seed1, noun288)seeing, conjunction 289)seem, verb290)select1, verb291)selection, noun292)self, noun293)self-, prefix294)sell, verb295)send, verb296)sense1, noun297)sensible, adjective 298)sensitive, adjective 299)sentence1, noun 300)separate1, adjective 301)separate2, verb 302)series, noun303)serious, adjective 304)seriously, adverb 305)serve1, verb306)service1, noun307)session, noun308)set1, verb309)set2, noun310)settle, verb311)several1, determiner 312)severe, adjective 313)sex1, noun314)sexual, adjective 315)sh, interjection 316)shaft1, noun317)shake1, verb318)shall, modal verb 319)shame1, noun320)shape1, noun321)shape2, verb322)share1, verb323)share2, noun324)sharp1, adjective 325)shave1, verb326)she1, pronoun327)shed1, noun328)sheep, noun329)sheet, noun330)shelf, noun331)shine1, verb332)ship1, noun333)shirt, noun334)shit2, noun335)shock1, noun336)shocked, adjective 337)shocking, adjective 338)shoe1, noun339)shoot1, verb340)shop1, noun341)shop2, verb342)shopping, noun343)short1, adjective 344)should, modal verb 345)shoulder1, noun346)shout1, verb347)shove1, verb348)show1, verb349)show2, noun350)shower1, noun351)shut1, verb352)sick1, adjective353)side1, noun354)sight1, noun355)sign1, noun356)sign2, verb357)signal1, noun358)significant, adjective 359)significantly, adverb 360)silly1, adjective 361)silver1, noun362)similar, adjective 363)simple, adjective 364)simply, adverb365)sin1, noun366)since, preposition 367)sing, verb368)singer, noun369)single1, adjective 370)sister, noun371)sit, verb372)situation, noun373)size1, noun374)skill, noun375)skin1, noun376)skinny, adjective 377)sky, noun378)slap1, verb379)sleep1, verb380)sleep2, noun381)slight1, adjective 382)slightly, adverb383)slim1, adjective384)slip1, verb385)slow1, adjective386)slow2, verb387)small1, adjective 388)smart1, adjective 389)smell1, noun390)smell2, verb391)smile1, verb392)smile2, noun393)smoke1, noun394)smoke2, verb395)smoking, noun396)snake1, noun397)snow1, noun398)so1, adverb399)soak1, verb400)soap1, noun401)social1, adjective 402)society, noun403)sock1, noun404)soft, adjective 405)soldier1, noun406)solicitor, noun 407)solid1, adjective 408)solution, noun409)solve, verb410)some3, determiner 411)somebody1, pronoun 412)somehow, adverb 413)someone1, pronoun 414)something, pronoun 415)sometimes, adverb 416)somewhat, adverb 417)somewhere, adverb 418)son, noun419)song, noun420)soon, adverb421)sore1, adjective 422)sorry, adjective 423)sort1, noun424)sort2, verb425)soul, noun426)sound1, noun427)sound2, verb428)soup1, noun429)source1, noun430)south1, noun431)southern, adjective 432)space1, noun433)spare1, adjective 434)spare2, verb435)speak, verb436)speaker, noun437)special1, adjective 438)specialist, noun 439)specialize, verb 440)specific1, adjective441)specifically, adverb 442)speech, noun443)speed1, noun444)speed2, verb445)spell1, verb446)spelling, noun447)spend, verb448)spill1, verb449)spin1, verb450)spirit1, noun451)split1, verb452)sport1, noun453)spot1, noun454)spot2, verb455)spray1, verb456)spread1, verb457)spring1, noun458)square1, adjective 459)square2, noun460)ssh, interjection 461)staff1, noun462)stage1, noun463)stair, noun464)stall1, noun465)stamp1, noun466)stamp2, verb467)stand1, verb468)standard1, noun 469)standard2, adjective 470)star1, noun471)stare1, verb472)start1, verb473)start2, noun474)starve, verb475)state1, noun476)state2, verb477)statement1, noun 478)station1, noun479)statistic, noun 480)stay1, verb481)steal1, verb482)steel1, noun483)steep1, adjective 484)step1, noun485)stereo1, noun486)stick1, verb487)sticker, noun488)stiff1, adjective 489)still1, adverb490)stink1, verb491)stir1, verb492)stock1, noun493)stomach1, noun494)stone1, noun495)stop1, verb496)stop2, noun497)store1, noun498)store2, verb499)story, noun500)straight1, adverb501)straight2, adjective502)straightforward, adjective 503)strange1, adjective504)straw, noun505)strawberry, noun506)street, noun507)strength, noun508)stress1, noun509)stretch1, verb510)strict, adjective511)strike1, verb512)strike2, noun513)string1, noun514)stroke1, noun515)strong, adjective516)structure1, noun517)student, noun518)study1, noun519)study2, verb520)stuff1, noun521)stupid1, adjective522)style1, noun523)sub1, noun524)subject1, noun525)submission, noun526)submit, verb527)substantial, adjective 528)succeed, verb529)success, noun530)successful, adjective 531)such, determiner532)suck1, verb533)sudden, adjective534)suddenly, adverb535)suffer, verb539)suggestion, noun 540)suit1, noun541)suit2, verb542)suitable, adjective 543)sum1, noun544)summer1, noun545)sun1, noun546)sunshine, noun547)super1, adjective 548)supermarket, noun 549)supply1, noun550)supply2, verb551)support1, verb552)support2, noun553)supporter, noun554)suppose, verb555)sure1, adjective 556)surely, adverb557)surface1, noun558)surgery, noun559)surprise1, noun560)surprised, adjective 561)surprising, adjective 562)survey1, noun563)survive, verb564)suspect1, verb565)suspicious, adjective 566)swallow1, verb567)swap1, verb568)swear, verb569)sweep1, verb570)sweet1, adjective 571)sweet2, noun572)swimming, noun573)swing2, noun574)switch1, verb575)switch2, noun576)system, noun577)ta578)ta-ta579)table1, noun580)tackle1, verb581)tail1, noun582)take1, verb583)talent, noun584)talk1, verb588)tap1, noun589)tap2, verb590)tape1, noun591)tape2, verb592)target1, noun593)task1, noun594)taste1, noun595)tax1, noun596)tea, noun597)teach, verb598)teacher, noun599)teaching, noun600)team1, noun601)tear1, noun602)tear2, verb603)technical, adjective 604)technically, adverb 605)technique, noun606)technology, noun607)telephone1, noun608)television, noun609)tell, verb610)telly, noun611)temperature, noun 612)temporary, adjective 613)tempt, verb614)tenant, noun615)tend, verb616)tendency, noun617)tennis, noun618)tension, noun619)term1, noun620)terrible, adjective 621)terribly, adverb622)test1, noun623)test2, verb624)text1, noun625)than, conjunction 626)thank, verb627)thanks1, interjection 628)that1, determiner 629)that2, conjunction 630)that3, adverb631)the1, definite article 632)theatre, noun633)their, determiner637)themselves, pronoun 638)then1, adverb639)theory, noun640)there1, pronoun641)there2, adverb642)therefore, adverb643)they, pronoun644)thick1, adjective645)thin1, adjective646)thing, noun647)think1, verb648)this1, determiner649)though1, conjunction 650)though2, adverb651)thought2, noun652)threat, noun653)threaten, verb654)three, number655)throat, noun656)through1, preposition 657)throughout, preposition 658)throw1, verb659)ticket1, noun660)tie1, verb661)tie2, noun662)tight1, adjective663)tights, noun664)tile1, noun665)till1, preposition 666)time1, noun667)tin1, noun668)tiny, adjective669)tip1, noun670)tired, adjective671)title, noun672)to1673)to2, preposition674)toast1, noun675)today1, adverb676)toe1, noun677)together1, adverb678)toilet, noun679)tomato, noun680)tomorrow1, adverb681)ton, noun687)top1, noun688)top2, adjective689)total1, adjective 690)total2, noun691)totally, adverb692)touch1, verb693)touch2, noun694)tough1, adjective 695)towards, preposition 696)tower1, noun697)town, noun698)track1, noun699)trade1, noun700)trade2, verb701)tradition, noun702)traditional, adjective 703)traffic1, noun704)train1, noun705)train2, verb706)training, noun707)transaction, noun 708)transport1, noun709)transportation, noun 710)trap2, verb711)trash1, noun712)travel1, verb713)travel2, noun714)treat1, verb715)treatment, noun716)tree, noun717)tremendous, adjective 718)trend, noun719)trial1, noun720)trick1, noun721)tricky, adjective 722)trip1, noun723)troop1, noun724)trouble1, noun725)trousers, noun726)truck1, noun727)true1, adjective728)trust1, noun729)trust2, verb730)trustee, noun736)turn1, verb737)turn2, noun738)TV, noun739)twist1, verb740)type1, noun741)typical, adjective742)tyre, noun743)unable, adjective744)unbelievable, adjective 745)under, preposition746)underneath1, preposition 747)understand, verb748)unemployed1, adjective 749)unemployment, noun750)unfair, adjective751)unfortunate1, adjective 752)unfortunately, adverb 753)unhappy, adjective754)uniform1, noun755)union, noun756)unique, adjective757)university, noun758)unless, conjunction 759)unlikely, adjective 760)until, preposition761)unusual, adjective762)up1, adverb763)upon, preposition764)upset2, verb765)upstairs1, adverb766)urgent, adjective767)us, pronoun768)use1, verb769)use2, noun770)used1, adjective771)used to, modal verb 772)useful, adjective773)usual, adjective774)usually, adverb775)vacancy, noun776)vacation1, noun777)vague, adjective778)valley, noun779)value1, noun783)vary, verb784)vast, adjective 785)vegetable1, noun 786)vehicle, noun 787)very1, adverb 788)very2, adjective 789)vet1, noun790)vice, noun791)victim, noun792)video1, noun793)view1, noun794)village, noun 795)violence, noun 796)violent, adjective 797)virtually, adverb 798)vision, noun799)visit1, verb800)visitor, noun 801)voice1, noun802)vote1, verb803)voucher, noun 804)wait1, verb805)wake1, verb806)walk1, verb807)walk2, noun808)wall1, noun809)wander1, verb 810)want1, verb811)war, noun812)warm1, adjective 813)warn, verb814)warning1, noun 815)wash1, verb816)washing, noun817)waste1, noun818)waste2, verb819)watch1, verb820)watch2, noun821)water1, noun822)water2, verb823)wave1, noun824)wave2, verb825)way1, noun826)way2, adverb827)we, pronoun831)weather1, noun832)wedding, noun833)week, noun834)weekend1, noun835)weekly1, adjective 836)weigh, verb837)weight1, noun838)weird, adjective 839)welcome1, verb840)welcome2, adjective 841)welfare, noun842)well1, adverb843)well2, interjection 844)well3, adjective 845)west2, adjective 846)western1, adjective 847)wet1, adjective848)what, pronoun849)whatever1, determiner 850)whatsoever, adverb 851)wheel1, noun852)when, adverb853)whenever, adverb 854)where, adverb855)whereas, conjunction 856)whereby, adverb857)wherever, adverb 858)whether, conjunction 859)which, determiner 860)while1, conjunction 861)while2, noun862)whilst, conjunction 863)whisky, noun864)white1, adjective 865)white2, noun866)who, pronoun867)whoever, pronoun 868)whole1, adjective 869)whole2, noun870)whose, determiner 871)why1, adverb872)wide1, adjective 873)wide2, adverb874)wife, noun875)wild1, adjective 876)will1, modal verb880)wind1, noun881)window, noun882)windy, adjective 883)wine1, noun884)wing1, noun885)winner, noun886)winter1, noun887)wipe1, verb888)wire1, noun889)wise1, adjective 890)wish1, verb891)wish2, noun892)with, preposition 893)within, preposition 894)without, preposition 895)witness1, noun896)woman, noun897)wonder1, verb898)wonderful, adjective 899)wood, noun900)wooden, adjective 901)word1, noun902)work1, verb903)work2, noun904)worker, noun905)working1, adjective 906)workshop, noun907)world1, noun908)worried, adjective 909)worry1, verb910)worry2, noun911)worrying, adjective 912)worth1, preposition 913)worthwhile, adjective 914)would, modal verb 915)wrap1, verb916)wrist, noun917)write, verb918)writer, noun919)writing, noun920)wrong1, adjective 921)wrong2, adverb922)yard, noun923)yeah, adverb924)year, noun925)yellow1, adjective929)yoghurt, noun 930)you, pronoun 931)young1, adjective 932)your, determiner 933)yours, pronoun 934)yourself, pronoun 935)youth, noun。



英语最常用的3000词英语最常用的3000词Aa abandon ability able about above abroad absence absolute absorb abuse academic accept acceptable acceptance access accident accomodati on accompany accordingtoaccountaccountantaccurateaccuseachieveachievementacidacknowledgementacquireacquisitionacrossactactionactiveactivistactoractualactuallyadadaptaddadditionadditionaladdressadequateadjustadministrationadministrativeadmireadmissionadmitadoptadultadvanceadvancedadvantageadvertisementadvertisingadvertisingagencyadviceadviseadviseraffairaffectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterwardsagainagainstagedagencyagendaagentaggressiveagoagreeagreementagricultureahead aidaimair aircraft airline airport alarm albumalcohol aliveall alliance allow allowance all right ally almost alone along alongside already alsoalteralternativealthoughaltogetheralwaysamazingambulanceamongamountananalyseanalysisancientandangerangleangryanimalannounceannouncementannoyannualanotheransweranticipateanxietyanxiousanyanybodyanyhowanyoneanythinganywayanywhereapartapartmentapologizeapologyapparentapparentlyappealappearappearanceappleapplicationappointappointmentappreciateapproachappropriateapprovalapproveapproximatearcharchitectarchitectureareaargueargumentarisearmarmedarmyaroundarrange arrangemen tarrest arrival arriveartarticle artificial artistas ashamed ashtray asideask asleep aspectass assault assembly assess assessment asset assignmentassistassistanceassistantassociateassociationassumeassumptionassureatatmosphereattachattackattemptattendattentionattitudeattorneyattractattractionattractiveaudienceauthorauthorityautomaticautomaticallyavailableavenueaverageavoidawakeawardawareawarenessawayawfulawkwardBbabybackbackgroundbackwardsbaconbadbadlybagbakebalanceballbanbandbangbankbarbarrelbarrierbasebaseballbasicbasicallybasisbasketbasketballbastardbatbathbathroombatterybattlebebeach beanbear beard beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beefbeer before beforehand begin beginning behave behaviour behind being beliefbelievebellbellybelongbelowbeltbenchbendbeneathbenefitbesidebestbetbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbikebillbinbirdbirthbirthdaybircuitbishopbitbitebitterblackbladeblameblankblessblindblockblondebloodbloodyblowblueboardboatbodyboilboilerboilingbombbondbonebonusbookbookingbookletboombootborderboredboringbornboroughborrowbossbothbotherbottlebottombouncebound boundary bowlboxboy brain branch brave breach bread break breakfast breath breathe breed brick bridge brief briefly brigade bright brilliant bring broadbrokenbrotherbrownbrushbuckbucketbudgetbuildbuilderbuildingbumbumpbunchbungalowburdenburnburntburybusbusinessbusybutbutcherbutterbuttonbuybuyerbybyeCcabinetcablecakecalciumcalculatecalculationcalculatorcallcalmcameracampcampaigncancancelcancercandidatecandycapcapabilitycapablecapacitycapitalcaptaincapturecarcardcarecareercarefulcarefullycarpetcarriagecarrycartooncasecashcastcastlecat catalogue catch category cause cease ceiling celebrate celebration cellcent centimeter central century cereal certain certainly certificate chain chair chairman challenge chamber championchampionshipchancechancellorchangechannelchapchaptercharactercharacteristiccharacterizechargecharitycharterchasechatcheapcheckcheekcheesechemicalchemistchemistrychequecherrychestchickenchiefchildchildhoodchinchipchocolatechoicechoosechuckchurchcigarettecinemacirclecircuitcircumstancecitizencitycivilclaimclassclassicclassicalclassroomclausecleancleanerclearclearlycleverclickclientclimateclimbclinicalclockcloseclosedcloselycloset clothes cloud clubclue coach coal coalition coast coatcode coffee coincold collapse collegue collect collection collective college colour column combinatio ncombinecomecomfortcomfortablecommandcommentcommercialcommissioncommitcommitmentcommitteecommoncommonlycommunicatecommunicationcommunitycompanioncompanycomparecomparisoncompensationcompetecompetitioncompetitivecomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplexcomplicatedcomponentcompositioncomprehensioncomprisecomputerconcentrateconcentrationconceptconcernconcernedconcerningconcertconcludeconclusionconcreteconditionconductconferenceconfidenceconfidentconfirmconfineconflictconfusedconfusingconfusioncongratulationconnectconnectionconsciousconsciousness consent consequenc e consequentl y conservatio n consider considerabl e considerabl y consideratio nconsist consistent constant constantly constituenc y constitute constitution constitutionalconstraintconstructconstructionconsultconsultantconsultationconsumerconsumptioncontactcontaincontemporarycontentcontextcontinuecontinuouscontractcontributecontributioncontrolconvenientconventionconventionalconversationconvertconvictionconvincecookcookingcoolco-opcooperationcopcopecopycorecorncornercorporatecorporationcorrectcorridorcostcottagecouldcouncilcouncilorcountcountercountrycountrysidecountycouplecouragecoursecourtcousincovercowcrackcraftcraftycrash crazy create creation creative credit crew cricket crime criminal crisis criterion critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crown crucial cruel cry culturecupcupboardcuriouscurlycurrencycurrentcurrentlycurriculumcurtaincurvecushioncustomercutcutecycleDdaddaddydailydamagedamndancedangerdangerousdaredarkdarknessdarlingdatadatabasedatedaughterdaydeaddeafdealdealerdeardeathdebatedebtdecadedecentdecidedecisiondeclarationdeclaredeclinedecoratedecorationdeepdeeplydefeatdefencedefenddefendantdefinedefinitedefinitelydefinitiondegreedelaydelibratelydelighteddeliverdeliverydemanddemandingdemocracy democratic demonstrat e demonstrati ondeny department depature depend dependent deposit depression depth deputy describe description deserve design designer desk desperate despite destroydestructiondetaildetaileddetectdetectivedeterminationdeterminedetermineddevelopdevelopmentdevicediaperdiedietdifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydigdimensiondinnerdirectdirectiondirectlydirectordirtydisableddisagreedisappeardisasterdiscdisciplinediscountdiscoursediscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondiseasedisgustingdishdiskdismissdisorderdisplaydisputedistantdistinctdistinctiondistinguishdistributedistributiondistrictdividedividenddivisiondivorcedodoctordocumentdogdolldollardomesticdominantdominate doordot double doubt down downstairs downtown dozen draft drag drama draw drawer drawing dream dress drink drive driver dropdrugdry duckduedulldumbduringdustdustbindutydwellingEeacheach otherearearlyearneartheasilyeasteasterneasyeateconomiceconomicseconomyedgeeditioneditoreducationeducationaleffecteffectiveeffectivelyefficiencyefficientefforteggeitherelderlyelectelectionelectricelectricalelectricityelectronicelementelevatorelsewhereelseemergeemergencyemotionemotionalemphasisemphasizeempireemployemployeeemployeremploymentemptyenableencounterencourageencouragingendenemyenergyengage engine engineer engineering enhance enjoy enjoyable enormous enough enquiry ensure enter enterprise entertainme nt enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entirely entrance entry envelop environmen tenvironmentalequalequallyequationequipmentequivalenteraseerrorescapeespeciallyessayessentialessentiallyestablishestablishedestablishmentestateestimateethnicevaluationeveneveningeventeventuallyevereveryeverybodyeveryoneeverythingeverywhereevidenceevidenevilevolutionexactexactlyexaminationexamineexamexampleexceedexcellentexceptexceptionexchangeexcitementexcitingexcludeexcuseexecuteexerciseexhibitionexistexistenceexistingexitexpandexpansionexpectexpectationexpenditureexpenseexpensiveexperienceexperiencedexperiment experiment alexpert expertise explain explanation expoilt explore export expose exposure expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordina ry extreme extremely eyeFfabricfacefacilityfactfactorfactoryfailfailurefairfairlyfaithfallfalsefamiliarfamilyfamousfanfancyfantasticfarfarmfarmerfascinatingfashionfastfatfatherfaultfavourfavouritefearfeaturefederalfeefeedfeedbackfeelfeelingfellowfemalefeministfencefertilizerfestivalfetchfewfieldfightfigurefilefillfilmfilthyfinalfinallyfinancefinancialfindfindingfinefingerfinishfirefirmfirstfirstlyfishfishing fitfixfixed flashflat flesh flight flood floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forestforgetforgiveformformalformatformationformerformulafortnightfortunatefortuneforwardfoundfoundationfragmentframeworkfranklyfreefreedomfreewayfrequencyfrequentfrequentlyfreshfridgefriendfriendlyfriendshipfrightenedfromfrontfruitfryfuelfulfilfullfull-timefullyfumesfunfunctionfundfundamentalfunnyfurniturefurtherfurthermorefussfutureGgaingallerygameganggapgaragegarbagegardengarlicgasgategathergaygeargenegeneralgenerally generate generation gentle gentleman gently genuine gesture getgiftgirlgiveglad glance glass global gluegogoalgold golden golfgood goodmorninggood namegood naturegoodnessgood nightgoodsgorgeousgoverngovernmentgovernmentalgovernorgradegraduallygramgrammargrandgrandadgrandchildgrandfathergrandmagrandmothergrandpagrannygrantgrassgratefulgreatgreatlygreengreygrossgroundgroupgrowthguaranteeguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltyguitarguitaristgulfgunguyHhabithairhalfhallhandhandbaghandlehandyhanghappenhappeninghappyhardhardlyharmhathatehavehehead headline headquarte rshealth healthy hear hearing heart heat heating heaven heavily heavy height hellhellohelp helpful henceherherehero hersherselfhihidehighhighlighthighlyhighwayhimhimselfhirehishistorianhistoricalhistoryhithobbyholdholderholdingholeholidayholyhomehomeworkhonesthonestlyhonourhookhopehopefullyhopelesshorriblehorrorhorsehospitalhosthothotelhourhousehoueholdhousinghowhoweverhugehumanhungryhurryhurthusbandIiceicecreamideaidealideallyidentityidentifyideologyifignoreillillnessillustrateimageimaginationimagineimmediateimmediatel yimpact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improveme ntin incentive inch incident incidental inclined include includingincomeincorporateincreaseincreasinglyincrediblyindeedindependenceindependentindexindicateindicationindividualindustrialindustryinevitableinevitablyinfantinfectioninflationinfluenceinforminformalinformationinitialinitiallyinitiativeinjectioninjuryinnerinnovationinputinquiryinsideinsistinstallinstanceinstantinsteadinstituteinstitutioninstructioninstrumentinsuranceintegrationintellectualintelligenceintelligentintendintenseintentioninteractioninterestinterestedinterestinginternalinternationalinterpretinterpretationintervalinterventioninterviewintointroductionintroduce invest investigate investigatio n investment investor invite involve involved involvement ironisland isolated issueititemitsitselfJjacket jewellery job joinjointjokejournalistjourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjumpjumperjunctionjuniorjustjusticejustifyKkeenkeepkeykeyboardkeyboardistkickkidkidneykillkindkingkingdomkisskitchenkneeknifeknockknowknowledgeknownLlabellaboratorylabourlackladladderladylakelamplandlandlordlandscapelanelanguagelargelargelylastlatelaterlatterlaughlaunchlawlawyerlaylayerleadleaderleadershipleadingleafleagueleak learn learning lease leather leave lecture leftleglegal legislation leisure lemonade lend length less lessonletletter level liability liberal library licencelicklielifelifespanliftlightlightinglikelikelylimitlimitationlimitedlinelinguisticlinkliplistlistenliteraryliterallyliteraturelittlelivelivelylivingloadloanlocallocallylocatelocationlockloglogicallonelylonglongtermlooklooselordlooryloselosslostlotlotterylovelovelyloverlowlowerluckluckilyluckylumplunchlunchtimeMmachinemachinerymadmagazinemailmainmainlymaintainmaintenancemake maleman manage managemen t manager manner manufactur er manufactur ingmanymap margin mark market marketing marriage married marvellous mass massive matchmatematerialmathmathsmattermaximummaymaybememealmeanmeaningmeansmeanwhilemeasuremeasurementmeatmediamedicalmedicinemedievalmediummeetmeetingmembermembershipmemomemorymentalmental agementionmerchandisemeremerelymessmessagemessymetalmethodmetremiddlemightmigrationmilemilitarymilkmillmillimetermindmineministerministryminorminorityminutemirrormiserymissmistakemixedmixturemodemodelmodernmodulemom moment mommy monetary money monitor month monthly mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motorway mountain mouse mouth movemovementmoviemuchmugmummummymurdermusclemuseummusicmusicalmustmymyselfmysteryNnailnakednamenappynarrownastynationnationalnativenaturalnaturallynaturenavynearnearlyneatnecessarilynecessaryneckneednegativenegotiatenegotiationneighborneithernervenervousnetnetworkneverneverthelessnewlynewsnewspapernextnicenicelynightnilnonobodynodnoisenoisynonenonsenseno onenornormalnormallynorthnorthernnosenot notably note nothing notice notion novel now nowadays no way nowhere nuclear nuisance number numerous nursenutOoak object objection objective obligationobligeobservationobserveobtainobviousobviouslyoccasionoccasionaloccasionallyoccupationoccupyoccuroceano’clockoddoddsofoffoffenceofferofficeoffice boyofficerofficialoftenoilokoldononceoneone anotheroniononlyontoopenoperateoperationopinionopponentopportunityopposeoppositeoppositionoptionororangeorderordinaryorganorganismorganizationorganizeorganizedorganizeroriginoriginaloriginallyotherotherwiseought toounceouroursourselvesoutoutcomeoutfit output outside outstanding ovenover overall overcome overseas oweown owner ownership Ppacepack package packetpadpagepaidpainpaint paintingpairpalacepalepanelpanicpantspaperparagraphparcelpardonparentparkparkingparliamentparliamentarypartparticipantparticipateparticipationparticularparticularlypartlypartnerpartnershippart-timepartypasspassagepassengerpassionpassportpastpastrypathpatheticpatiencepatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpeakpearpenaltypencilpennypensionpeoplepepperperperceivepercentpercentageperceptionperfectperfectlyperformperformanceperhapsperiodpermanentpermissionpermitperson personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade petrol phase phenomeno n philosophy phone photo photograph phrase physical physically pianopick picturepiepiece pigpigeonpilepillpillowpilotpinpinkpintpipepitchpitypizzaplaceplainplaintiffplanplaneplantplateplatformplayplayerpleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentyplugpluspocketpoempoetpoetrypointpolepolicepolicemanpolicypolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspollpollutionpondpoolpoorpoppopularpopulationportposepositionpositivepossesspossessionpossibilitypossiblepossiblypostposterpotpotatopotentialpoundpourpovertypowerfulpractical practice practise practitioner prampray prayer precede precise precisely predict prefer preference pregnant promise preparation prepare prepared presence present presentatio n preserve presidentpresspressurepresumablypresumepretendprettypreventpreviouspreviouslypricepridepriestprimarilyprimaryprinceprincipalprincipleprintprinterpriorpriorityprisonprisonerprivateprivillegeprizeprobablyproblemprocedureproceedproceedingprocessproduceproducerproductproductionprofessionprofessionalprofileprofitprogramprogrammeprogressprojectprojectionpromisepromotepromotionproofproperproperlypropertyproportionproposalproposeproposedprosecutionprospectprotectprotectionproteinprotestproudproveprovideprovidedprovidingprovinceprovision psychologic al psychology pubpublic publication publicity publish publisher pudding pullpump punch punishment pupil puppy purchase pure purely purpose purse pursue pushputQqualificationqualifiedqualifyqualityquantityquarterqueenquestionqueuequickquicklyquietquietlyquitequoteRrabbitraceracingradicalradiorailrailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrarerarelyrateratioratherrawreachreactreactionreadreaderreadilyreadingrealrealisticrealityrealizereallyreasonreasonablereasonabllyrecallreceiptreceiverecentrecentlyreceptionrecessionrecipereckonrecognitionrecognizerecommendrecommendationrecordrecordingrecover recovery red reduce reduction redundancy refer reference reflecting reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regime region regional register registration regular regularly regulation reinforcerejectrelaterelationrelationshiprelativerelativelyreleaserelevantreliefrelievereligionreligiousrelyremainremainingremainsremarkremarkableremedyrememberremindremoteremovalremoverentrepairrepeatreplacereplacementreplyreportreporterrepresentrepresentationrepresentativerepublicreputationrequestrequirerequirementresearchreservationreserveresidentresidentialresignresignationresistresistenceresolutionresolveresortresourcerespectrespectivelyrespondresponseresponsibilityresponsiblerestrestaurantrestorerestrictrestriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution reward richridride ridiculous rightringriotriseriskriver roadrob rockrolerollroofroomrootroperoseroughroughlyroundrouteroutinerowroyalrubrubbishrugbyruinrulerunruralrushSsadsafesafetysailsakesalarysalesaltsalvationsamesamplesandsandwichsatisfactionsatisfiedsatisfysausagesavesavingsaysayingscalescenescheduleschemeschoolsciencescientificscientistscopescorescreenseasealsearchseasonseatsecondsecondarysecondlysecretsecretarysectionsectorsecuresecurity see seed seeing seek seem select selection selfsell send senior sense sensible sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously servant serve servicesetsettingsettlesettlementseveralseveresexshadowshaftshakeshallshameshapesharesharpsharplyshavesheshedsheepsheetshelfshellshiftshineshipshirtshitshockshockedshockingshoeshootshopshoppingshortshortlyshouldshouldershoutshoveshowshowershrugshutsicksidesignsignalsignificancesignificantsignificantlysilencesilentsilversillysimilarsimilaritysimplesimplysinsincesingsingersinglesinksistersitesituation sizeskill skin skinny sky slap sleep slide slight slightly slimslip slope slow small smart smell smile smoke smoking smooth snake snapsnowsosoaksoapso-calledsocialsocietysocksoftsoftwaresoilsoldiersolesolicitorsolidsolutionsolvesomesomebodysomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewhatsomewheresonsongsoonsophisticatedsoresorrysortsortedsoulsoundsoupsourcesouthsouthernspacesparespeakspeakerspecialspecialistspecializespeciesspecificspecificallyspecifyspeechspeedspellspellingspendspillspinspiritspitesplitspokesmansportspotsprayspreadspringsquadsquare stable staff stage stair stake stall stamp stand standard star stare start starve state statement station status stay statistic steady steal steam steelsteepstepstereostickstickerstiffstillstinkstirstockstomachstonestopstoragestorestormstorystraightstraightforwardstangestrategicstrategystrawstrawberrystreamstrengthstrengthenstressstretchstrictstikestringstripstrokestrongstructurestrugglestudentstudiostudystuffstupidstylesubjectsubmissionsubmitsubsequentsubsequentlysubstancesubstantialsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuccessionsuchsucksuddensuddenlysuffersufficientsugarsuggestsuggestionsuitsuitablesumsummer summit sun sunshine super supermarke tsupply support supporter suppose suresurely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive suspectsuspicioussustainswallowswapswearsweepsweetswimmingswingswitchsymbolsymptomsystemTtabletackletailtaketaletalenttalktalltanktaptapetargettasktastetaxtaxationteateachteacherteachingteamteartechnicaltechnicallytechniquetechnologytelephonetelevisiontelltemperaturetemporarytempttenanttendtennistendencytensiontermterribleterriblyterritorytesttextthanthankthanksthatthetheatretheirtheirsthemtheme。



《朗文当代英语辞典》最常用词(1)(2010-03-11 11:05:07)"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" 95年版标示出口语和书面语中最常用的3000单词。






Spoken1000之1000词(实数895)单词+词性Aa art. ability n. able adj. about adv. & prep. absolutely adv. accept v. accident n. achieve v. across prep. & adv. act n. action n. activity n. actual adj. actually adv. add v. advantage n. advice n. affect v. afford vt. afraid adj. after conj. & prep. afternoon n. again adv. against prep. age n. ago adv. agree v. agreement n. air n. all adj. & adv. all right adj. allow vt. almost adv. along prep. & adv. already adv. also adv. although conj. always adv. among prep. amount n. an art. and conj. animal n. another adj. & pron. answer n. & v. any adj. & pron. anybody pron. anyone pron. anything pron. anyway adv. anywhere adv. apparently adv. appear v. application n. apply v. appointment n. appropriate adj. area n. argue v. argument n. arm n. army n. around prep. & adv. art n. as adv. & prep. & conj.ask v. assume v. at prep. attention n.Bbad adj. bag n. ball n. bank n. bar n. base vt. basic adj. basically adv. be v. beautiful adj. because conj. become v. bed n. bedroom n. before conj. & prep. & adv. attitude n. available adj. aware adj. away adv. awful adj. baby n. back adv. & n. begin v. beginning n. behind prep. believe v. best adj. & adv. bet v. better adj. & adv. between prep. big adj. bill n. bit n. black adj. blood n. blue adj. board n. boat n. body n. book n. born adj. both adj. bother v. bottle n. bottom n. & adj. box n. boy n. branch n. break v. bring v. brother n. buck n. budget n. build v. building n. bus n. business n. busy adj. but conj. buy v. by prep. & adv. bye int. bye-bye int.Ccall v. & n. can modal v. car n. card n. care v. careful adj. carry v. case n. cat n. catch v. cause vt. cent n. center n. central adj. centre n. century n. certain adj. certainly adv. chair n. chance n. change v. & n. character n. charge n. & v. cheap adj. check v. & n. child n. choice n. choose v. church n. circumstance n. city n. claim v. class n. clean v. clear adj. & v. clearly adv. close v. & adj.club n. coffee n. cold adj. collect v. college n. color n. colour n. come v. comment n. commission n. common adj. community n. company n. compare v. competition n. completely adv. computer n. concern n. concerned adj. condition n. consider v. consideration n. continue v. control n. conversation n. copy n. corner n. correct adj. cos conj. cost n. & v. could modal v. count v. country n. county n. couple n. course n. court n. cover vt. & n. create v. cup n. current adj. customer n. cut v.Ddad n. daddy n. data n. date n. daughter n. day n. dead adj. deal n. & v. dear int. death n. debate n. decide v. decision n. definitely adv. demand n. depend v. describe vt. die v. difference n. different adj. difficult adj. difficulty n. dinner n. direction n. divide v. do aux. v. & v. dog n. dollar n. door n. double adj. doubt n. down adv. & prep. draw v. drink n. drive v. driver n. drop v. due adj. during prep. duty n.Eeach adj. each other pron. early adv. & adj. easily adv. easy adj. eat v. education n. effect n. effort n. egg n. either adj. & conj. else adv. employer n. employment n. end n. & v. energy n. engine n.enjoy v. enough adv. & adj. & pron. enter v. environment n. environmental adj. equal adj. especially adv. even adv. evening n. event n. eventually adv. ever adv. every adj. everybody pron. everyone pron. everything pron. exactly adv. exam n. example n. excellent adj. exercise n. expect v. expensive adj. experience n. explain v. extra adj. extremely adv. eye n.Fface n. & vt. fact n. fair adj. fairly adv. fall v. family n. far adj. & adv. father n. favor n. favour n. feed v. feel v. & link. feeling n. few pron. field n. fight v. figure n. file n. fill v. final adj. find v. fine adj. finish v. fire n. firm n. first num. fit v floor n. follow v. food n. foot n. football n. for prep. forget v. form v & n. forward adv. free adj. friend n. from prep. front n. & adj. fucking adj. full adj. funny adj. further adv. future adj. & n.Ggame n. garden n. gas n. general adj. generally adv. get v. girl n. give v. glass n. go v. & n. good adj. grandma n. grandpa n. great adj. green adj. ground n. group n. grow v. guess v. guy n.Hhair n. half adj. & pron. hall n. hallo int. hand n. hang v. happen v. happy adj. hard adj. & adv. hate vt. have v. he pron. head n. health n. hear v. heart n. heavy adj. hell n. hello int. help n. & v. her pron. here adv. hi int. high adj. him pron. himself pron. his pron. hit v. hold v. hole n. home n. & adv. honest adj. hope v. hopefully adv. hot adj. hour n. house n. how adv. hullo int. husband n.II pron. idea n. if conj. important adj. in prep. & adv. information n. instead adv. interested adj. interesting adj. into prep. it pron. its adj. itself pron.Jjob n. join v. just adv.Kkeep v. kid n. kill v. kind n. kitchen n. knock v. know v.Lland n. large adj. last adv. & adj. & pron. & v. late adj. later adv.law n. lay v. lead v. learn v. least adj. & pron. leave v. left adj. leg n. less adj. & pron. & adv. let v. letter n. level n. & adj. life n. light n. & adj. like v. & prep. & adj. & adv. like conj. likely adj. line n. list n. listen v. little adj. & pron. & adv. live v. local adj. long adj. & adv. look v. & n. lose v. lot n. love n. & v. low adj. lunch n.Mmachine n. main adj. make v. man n. manage v. management n. manager n. many pron. market n. marry v. material n. matter n. & v. may modal v. maybe adv. me pron. mean v. meet v. meeting n. member n. memory n. mention vt. message n. method n. middle adj. & n. might mod. v. mile n. mind n. & v. mine pron. minister n. minute n. miss v. modern adj. mom n. moment n. money n. month n. more adv. & adj. morning n. most adj. & adv. mother n. move v. movement n. much adj. & adv. mum n. music n. must modal v. my pron. myself pron.Nname n. national adj. nature n. near prep. nearly adv. necessarily adv. necessary adj. need vt. & n. never adv. new adj. news n. next adj. & adv. nice adj. night n. no adv. & adj. no one pron. nobody pron. none pron. normal adj. normally adv. north n. not adv.note n. nothing pron. notice v. now adv. & conj. number n.Oobviously adv. occasion n. occur v. o'clock adv. odd adj. of prep. of course adv. off adv. & prep. offer v. office n. officer n. often adv. OK adj. & interj. okay adj. & interj. old adj. on prep. & adv. once conj. & adv. one num. & adj. & pron. only adv. & adj. onto prep. open adj. & v. operation n. opinion n. opportunity n. option n. or conj. order n. ordinary adj. organise v. organize v. original adj. other adj. otherwise adv. ought mod. v. our pron. ours pron. ourselves pron. out adv. & prep. outside prep. & adv. over prep. & adv. own adj.Ppage n. panel n. paper n. parent n. park n. part n. particular adj. particularly adv. party n. pass v. past adj. & prep. & n. pay v. & n. penny n. people n. person n. personal adj. phone n. & v. pick vt. picture n. piece n. place n. plan n. & v. play v. & n. please interj. plenty pron. plus prep. point n. & v. police n. poor adj. possible adj. possibly adv. pound n. power n. prepare v. press v. pressure n. presumably adv. previous adj. price n. private adj. probably adv. problem n. produce v. product n. production n. profit n. program n. programme n. project n. proper adj. properly adv. provide v.public adj. pull v. purpose n. push v. put v.Qquality n. quarter n. question n. quick adj. quickly adv. quite adv.Rradio n. range n. rate n. rather adv. reach v. read v. real adj. realise v. realize v. really adv. reason v. reasonable adj. receive vt. recently adv. recognise v. recognize v. record n. red adj. reduce v. refer v. region n. regional adj. relationship n. remain v. remember v. remind v. require vt. respect n. response n. rest n. result n. rid adj. right adj. & adv. ring n. & v. road n. roll v. room n. round adj. run v.Ssame adj. & pron. & adv. save v. say v. school n. science n. second num. & n. section n. see v. seem v. sell v. send v. sense n. sentence n. serious adj. serve v. service n. set n. & v. several pron. sex n. share n. & v. she pron. shop n. short adj. shot n. should v. show n. & v. shut v. sick adj. side n. similar adj. simple adj. simply adv. since conj. sing v. sister n. sit v. situation n. size n. sleep v. slightly adv. small adj. so adv. society n. some adj.somebody pron. someone pron. something pron. sometimes adv. somewhere adv. son n. sorry adj. sort n. & v. sound n. & v. south n. space n. speak v. special adj. specific adj. speed n. spend v. stage n. stamp v. stand v. station n. stay v. still adv. stop v. store n. straight adv. street n. strong adj. student n. stuff n. stupid adj. success n. such adj. suffer v. suggest vt. suggestion n. summer n. suppose vt. sure adj. surely adv. system n.Ttable n. take v. talk n. & v. tax n. tea n. teach v. teacher n. team n. telephone n. television n. tell v. tend v. term n. terrible adj. test n. than conj. & prep. thank v. thanks int. that adj.& pron. & conj. & adv. the art. their pron. them pron. themselves pron. then adv. there adv. they pron. thing n. think v. this adj. & pron. though conj. & adv. thought n. three num. through prep. & adv. throw v. ticket n. till conj.& prep. time n. tired adj. to prep. today adv. together adv. tomorrow adv. tonight adv. too adv. top adj. & n. total adj. totally adv. toward prep. towards prep. town n. traffic n. train v. & n. tree n. trouble n. true adj. trust n. truth n. try v. turn n. & v. type n.Uunder prep. understand v. unfortunately adv. union n. unless conj. until prep.& conj. up prep. & adv. us pron. use vt. & v. used adj. useful adj. usually adv.Vvarious adj. very adv. video n. view n. village n.Wwait v. walk v. wall n. want v. wash v. watch v. way n. we pron. wear v. weather n. week n. weekend n. weight n. well adv. & int. & adj. what pron. whatever pron. when adv. & conj. where adv. & conj. whether conj. which pron. & adj. while conj. & n. white adj. who pron. whole adj. why adv. & conj. wide adj. wife n. will aux. v. win v. window n. wish v. with prep. without prep. woman n. wonder v. wonderful adj. word n. work n. & v. working adj. world n. worry v. worth prep. would aux. v. write v. wrong adj.Yyeah adv. year n. yes adv. yesterday adv. yet adv. you pron. young adj. your pron. yours pron. yourself pron. yourselves pron.《朗文当代英语辞典》最常用词(2)(2010-03-11 11:10:28)"Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" 95年版标示出口语和书面语中最常用的3000单词。


n. 警报,惊慌,警告vt. 使惊慌,警告
n. 集邮本,照相簿,唱片簿
n. 酒精
a. 活着的,活泼的,敏感的,热闹的
a. 所有的,全部的ad. 全部,全然pron. 全部
n. 联盟,联合
vt. 分派,分配
ad. 往国外,到处
n. 缺乏,没有,缺席
a. 绝对的,专制的,完全的,独立的n. 绝对
vt. 吸收,并吞,全神贯注,同化
n. 滥用,恶习,辱骂vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待
vt. 接受,相信,承兑vi. 同意,承兑
n. 演员,优伶,行动者
n. 女演员
a. 真实的,实际的
n.=advertisement 广告
vt. 增加vi. 增添,做加法
n. 附加,增加,加法
a. 附加的,另外的
vt. 劝告,通知,与...商量,建议vi. 提意见,商量
all right
→ right 成语
n. 事件,恋爱事件
vt. 影响,假装,倾向于,感动n. 感情



aabandonabilityableabortion n.流产,堕胎aboutaboveabroadabsence n.缺席;缺乏absoluteabsolutelyabsorbabstract n.抽象,摘要adj.抽象的academicacademy n.学会;学院;研究院accentacceptaccess vt.使用;接近n. 通路;使用权accidentaccompany vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏accomplish vt.完成;实现;达到accord n.自愿;符合vt.使一致;给予;according toaccount n.解释;理由vi.导致;解释accounting n.会计accurate adj.精确的accuse vt.谴责;归咎于achieveachievementacid n.酸adj.酸的,刻薄的acknowledgeacquireacre n. 英亩;土地,地产acrossactactionactiveactivist n. 活动分子,积极分子activityactoractual adj. 真实的,目前的actuallyadaddadditionadditionaladdressadjustadministration n.管理行政administrative a. 行政的,管理的administrator n. 管理人;行政官admire v.钦佩,赞美admissionadmitadoptadultadvance adj. 预先的advancedadvantageadventureadvertising n.广告业,广告adviceadvise v.建议adviseradvocateaffair n.事情;事务;私事affectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterward adv.以后,后来againagainstageagencyagenda n.议事日程agent vt.由…代理n.特工,药剂aggressiveagoagreeagreementahead adv.领先,预先aidaide n. 副官;助手[eid]aimairaircraft n.飞机,飞行器airline n.航空公司;航线airplaneairportalarm n警报,警告器vt警告使惊恐albumalcohol n.酒精,乙醇alive adj. 活着的;活泼的allallegation n.辩解;主张,断言alleged a.被说成的,被指称的alliance n.联盟,联姻alligator n鳄鱼adj鳄鱼皮革的.allowall rightally n.伙伴;助手almostalonealong prep. 沿着adv. 一起alreadyalsoalter v.改变,更改alternative adj选择性的n. 供替代的选择althoughaltogetheralwaysamazingamendmentamidamong prep. 在…中间amount n. 数量;总额an analysis n.分析;分解analyst n.分析者analyze vt.对…进行分析,分解ancientandangel n.天使,守护神['eindʒəl]angle n.角度,角angryanimalankle n.踝关节announceannouncement n. 通告;宣告;公告annoying adj. 恼人的;讨厌的annualanonymousanotheransweranswering machineanticipateanxietyanyanybodyanyhowanymore adv. 再也不anyoneanythinganytimeanywayanywhereapart adj.分离的apartment n.公寓apologizeapparentapparentlyappealappear vi. 出现appearance n. 外貌,出现appleapplicationapplyappoint v.任命,委派appointmentappreciateapproachappropriate adj.适当的approval n.赞成;批准;认可approve v.批准,赞成area n.面积;区域argue v.争论,辩论argumentarise vi.出现;起立;上升armarmed adj.武装的army n.陆军,军队aroundarrangearrangementarrest n/v逮捕arrival n.到达;到达者arrivearrow ['ærəu] n.箭状物artarticleartist n. 艺术家;美术家asaside adv.在旁边n.旁白askasleepaspectassembly n.装配;集会assert vt.断言;主张;声称assessmentasset n.资产,有用的东西,优点, assignassignmentassist vi.出席;参加vt.帮助;促进assistance n. 帮助,援助assistantassociateassociationassume vt.假定;承担assumption n.假定;设想,采取assure vt保证;担保;使确信atathleteatmosphereattach vt贴上;系上attack n/v.抨击; 攻击attempt n/v企图,试图; attend v.出席,照料attention n.注意力;关心attitudeattorney n.理人;律师attorney general 检察官attract v.吸引attractiveaudienceauntauthorauthority n.权威;权力auto n. 自动;[美口]汽车automatic adj.必然的;无意识的n.自动机械automaticallyavailableaverageavoidawakeaward vt.授予;判定n.奖品;判决[ə'wɔ:d]awareawayawesomeawfulawhile ad. 片刻,一会儿babe n.小孩babybackbackgroundbackward adv/adj向后的bacon n.熏猪肉;咸肉badbadlybagbake v.烤balancebalancedballbanbananaband n.一帮vi.联合,聚焦bank n.岸;浅滩,银行bankerbarbarbecuebarely adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不barkbasebaseballbasement n.地下室;地窖basic adj.基本的;基础的n.基础;要素basicallybasil n.罗勒属植物(用于调味)basis n.底部;基础;主要成分basketbasketballbatbatch n.批,成批,分批bathbathroombattery n.电池battlebay n.海湾;狗吠声bebeachbean n.豆bearbeat v.打;打败beautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbedroombeebeefbeerbeforebegbeginbeginning behave v运转;表现behaviorbehindbeingbeliefbelievebell n.铃,钟,钟状物belongbelow 在…下面belt bench n.长凳;工作台bend v.倾向;屈服beneath在…之下benefitbesidebesidesbestbet n/v打赌betterbetweenbeyondbicyclebid n/v出价,竞标bigbig dealbillbind v.绑;约束birdbirthbirthdaybit adj.很小的adv有点儿.bite n/vt咬;咬伤;bizarre adj.奇异的[bi'zɑ:]blackblade n.刀片,刀锋;叶片;剑blah n. [俚]废话;空话;瞎说blameblankblanketbleed v流血;渗出bless vt祝福;保佑;赞美blindblock n.块;街区vt.限制;阻止bloodblowblueboardboatbodyboilbomb v轰炸,投弹;失败bondbone n.骨;骨骼bookboombootbooth n.货摊;公用电话亭borderboredboringbornborrowbossbothbotherbottle n.瓶子bottom adj.底部的bounce n.跳;活力vt.弹跳boundary n.分界线,边界;范围bowlboxboyboyfriendbra n.胸罩brain n.脑袋;头脑,智力brake n.闸,刹车;阻碍branch v分支;出现分歧brand n.商标,牌子/烙印brand-new adj.崭新的;最近获得的bread n.面包breakbreakfastbreastbreathbreathebreedbrick n.砖形物;砖vt.用砖砌bridgebrief adj.简短的,简洁的n.概要,诉书;摘要brieflybrightbringbro n.兄弟broad adj.宽的,辽阔的brochure n.手册,小册子brokenbrotherbrown adj.棕色的brush n.刷子;画笔v刷bubble n.气泡v泡沫buck n.雄鹿;纨绔子弟[bʌk]bucket n.铲斗;桶,水桶buddy n.伙伴,好朋友budget n/v预算bug n.小虫/窃听器/故障buildbuildingbulb n.球状物/电灯泡bull n.公牛,印玺adj.大型的;雄性的[bul]bullet n.子弹vi.射出bump n.肿块v.撞击bunch n.群,串burden n/v负担bureau n.局,处/办公桌burger n.汉堡包burnbury vt.埋葬;隐藏busbush n.矮树丛;灌木businessbusinessmanbust vi.破产;爆裂vt.逮捕busybutbutt n.靶垛;烟头butter n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话button n. [计]按钮;钮扣buybuyer n.买主,买方bybyecabin n.船舱;客舱cabinet n橱柜;内阁adj内阁的私下的cable n电缆vt.打电报cage n.笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱vtcakecalculate v以为;作打算calendar n.历法; 日历calf n.小牛;小牛皮callcalmcalorie n.卡(热量单位cameracampcampaigncampus['kæmpəs]cancancelcancercandidate n候选人,候补者;应试者candlecandycannotcapcapable adj.能干的,能胜任的capacity n.能力;容量;生产力;资格capital n.资金;资本家adj.重要的captain n.上尉; 船长capture vt俘获/夺得n.战利品carcardcarecareercarefulcarefullycarpet n.地毯['kɑ:pit]carrier n.载体;货架;运送者carrot n.胡萝卜carrycartooncase n.箱;实例;情况cash n.现款,现金cast vt.计算;投射catcatalog n.目录,登记vt.为…编目录catchcategory n.种类,分类;范畴cattle n.牛;家畜causeCDceiling n.天花板;上限celebratecelebrity n.名人,名声cell n.电池;细胞cell phonecent n.分;一分的硬币centercentralcenturycereal n./adj谷类植物;谷类ceremonycertain adj确信,某一certainlycertificate n.证书;执照,文凭certified adj.经证明合格的['sə:tifaid]chain n.链;束缚vt.束缚chairchairmanchallengechamber n.会所;房间adj室内的;私人的championship n.冠军赛,冠军chancechangechannelchapter n.分/章,回charactercharacterizechargechart n.图纸;海图chase vi.奔跑;追逐cheapcheat v欺骗;骗取checkcheek n.面颊,脸颊cheesechemicalcherry n.樱桃;樱桃树chestchew vt/n嚼碎,咀嚼chickchickenchief n.首领; 酋长adj.首席的childchildhoodchili n.辣椒chip vt.削,凿;削成碎片chocolatechoicechoke vi.阻塞; 窒息vt.呛;抑制choosechopchunk n.大块;矮胖的人或物churchcigarettecirclecircumstance n.环境,情况;事件citecitizencitycivilcivil rightsclaim vt.需要;声称classclassicclassroomclause n.分句,从句,条款,款项cleanclearclearlycleverclick vt.点击;使发咔哒声client n.委托人;顾客;客户climbclinic n.诊所;临床clip vt.痛打;夹牢clockcloseclosedcloselyclothclotheclothesclothingcloudclubclue n.线索;情节vt.为…提供线索coachcoal n.煤;煤块;木炭coalitioncoastcoat n.外套codecoffeecoldcollarcolleague n.同事,同僚['kɔli:ɡ] collectcollectioncollegecolor column n. 圆柱,柱形物;纵队,列;专栏combination n.结合,联合combinecomecomedycomfortcomfortablecomma n.逗号,停顿commandcommandercomment n.批评;意见commerce n.贸易,商业['kɔmə:s]commercialcommission n.犯;佣金;委任vt.委任;委托制作commit vt.使…承担义务;犯罪,做错事commitment n.承诺,保证;承担义务committee n.委员会commoncommunicatecommunicationcommunist n.共产主义者;共产党员community n.社区;团体;共同体companycomparecomparison n. 比喻;比较competecompetitioncompetitivecompetitorcomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplex adj.复杂的;合成的n.复合体complicated adj.难懂的,复杂的component adj.组成的n.成分;元件computerconcede v退让; 承认concentrateconcentrationconceptconcernconcernedconcertconcludeconclusionconditionconferenceconfidenceconfidentconfirmconflict n./vt斗争;争执confront vt.遭遇;比较;面对confusedconfusingcongress n.国会,代表大会congressional adj.会议的,议会的connect v连接,连结;联合connectedconnectionconscious adj.意识到的;故意的consciousnessconsent n/vi同意,赞成consequenceconservative adj保守的n.保守派considerconsiderableconsiderationconsistent adj.始终如一的,一致的constantconstantlyconstitute vt.组成,构成;任命constitutionconstructconstructionconsult v查阅; 商量consultant n.顾问consumer n. 用户,顾客;消费者contactcontaincontainercontend v争论;斗争content n.满足;容量contest v竞争;争辩context n环境;上下文;来龙去脉continuecontract vi.收缩;订约contractor n.立契约的人,承包商contrast v.对比contributecontributioncontrolcontroversialcontroversy n.争论;辩论convenientconvention n.大会;协定;惯例;习俗conventionalconversationconvert vt.转换,使转变convict vt证明…有罪n.罪犯convictionconvinceconvincedcookcookie n.饼干coolcooler n.散热器,冷却器cooperation n.合作,协作;协力cop n.警察vt.抓住copycord n.束缚;绳索vt.用绳子捆绑core n.磁心;果心;要点corn n.鸡眼;谷物; 玉米corner n.困境,窘境;地区,偏僻处corporate adj. 法人的;共同的corporation n.公司;社团;法人corps n军队;兵种;学生联合会correctcorruptioncostcostumecouch n.床;卧榻vi埋伏;躺着cough n. 咳嗽,咳嗽声vt.咳出couldcouncil n.理事会;会议['kaunsəl]counsel n.决策;讨论vt.劝告;建议counseling n. 顾问服务counselorcountcountercountrycounty n.郡,县couplecoupon n.试样(配给票,息票,附单coursecourtcousincovercoverage n.涉及范围cow n.奶牛,母牛;母兽vt.威胁,恐吓crab n.蟹肉;螃蟹vt.破坏;抱怨[kræb]crack vi.爆裂;破裂cracker n.饼干,爆竹,crash n./v坠落;崩溃crawl v爬行;匍匐行进[krɔ:l]crazycream n.奶油,乳脂;乳酪;createcreationcreativecreaturecredit n学分;信任vt.相信,信任credit cardcrew n.全体人员crimecriminalcrisis n.危机;危险期['kraisis]criticcriticalcriticismcriticizecrosscrowdcrucial adj决定性的;重要的cruise v巡航,巡游;漫游crust n.外壳;面包皮vi.结硬皮cryculturalculturecupcuriouscurrency n.货币;通货['kərənsi] current adj.草写的;最近的n.趋势;涌流currentlycurriculum n.课程[kə'rikjuləm] curtain n.窗帘;幕customer cutcutecycledad n.爸爸daddydaily adj.每日的;日常的damagedancedangerdangerousdaredarkdarknessdata n.资料;数据datedaughterdaydeaddeal vt.分配;处理vi.讨论;对待;dealer n.商人;经销商deathdebate v辩论,争论,讨论debt n债务;借款;罪过decadedecent adj.得体的;正派的;相当好的decidedecisiondeck n.甲板;行李仓declare v声明,宣布decline n.斜面;衰退vi.谢绝;衰落deepdeeplydefeat vt.挫败;使…失败[di'fi:t]defend v防守;保卫defense n.防卫,防护;防御措施defensivedeficit n.赤字,不足,缺乏['defisit]definedefinite adj确切的;一定的definitelydefinitiondegree n程度,等级;度;学位delay v耽搁;延期delegate vt.委派…为代表n. 代表deliciousdeliver v交付;递送delivery n交付,递送,分娩demanddemocracy n.民主,民主主义;民主政治democratic adj.民主的demonstrate vt.展示;论证vi示威demonstration n.示范;示威游行dentist n.牙科医生deny v否认;拒绝departmentdependdeposit vt存放;使沉积n.存款depressiondepthdeputy adj.副的/代理的n.代理人describedescriptiondesert v逃掉; 遗弃['dezət] deservedesigndesire vt.想要; 要求deskdespitedessert [di'zə:t] n.餐后甜点destroydetaildeterminedetermineddevelopdevelopmentdevicedial n.转盘; 钟面[dail]dialect n行话;同源语adj方言的dialoguediamond n.菱形;方块牌,钻石diaper n.尿布v.换尿布diedietdifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficultydig v挖掘,探究digital adj.数字的n.数字dime n.一角硬币dining roomdinnerdinosaurdip v/n浸,泡,倾斜,下降directdirectiondirectlydirectordirt n.污垢,泥土;灰尘dirty adj.暗淡的;恶劣的vi变脏disabilitydisagreedisappeardisappointeddisasterdisc n. 圆盘,唱片disciplinediscount n.折扣;贴现率discoverdiscoverydiscriminationdiscussdiscussiondiseasedisgustingdishdishwasherdiskdismiss vt.解雇;开除vi.解散disorder n.混乱;骚乱displaydisputedistancedistantdistinction n.差别;区别;特性distinguish v区别,区分;辨别distract vt.转移;分心distributedistributiondistrict n.区域;行政区;地方disturbdividedividend n.股息;被除数;奖金division n.除法;部门;分割;师divorcedodoctordocumentdogdoll n.玩具娃娃v.把…打扮花枝招展dollardomestic adj驯养的;家庭的n.国货dominate vt.控制; 支配donatedonationdoordot n点,圆点vi.打上点doubledoubtdowndownstairsdowntowndozendrag v拖累; 拖拉drain v排水;流干dramadramaticdraw v.拉,画drawer n.抽屉;开票人dreamdressdrinkdrivedriverdriveway n.车道drop v终止;下降drugdrum v击鼓;大力争取dry adj干的;口渴的vt弄干dryer n.干衣机,干燥剂duckdudeduedumb adj.哑的,不说话的[dʌm] dump vt倾倒vi倒垃圾n.垃圾场duringdustdutyeach each othereagerearearlyearnearnings n.收入earringeartheaseeasilyeasteasterneasyeateconomic adj.经济的economics n.经济学economist n.经济学家economyedge n.锋利;刀刃edit vt.编辑;校订n.编辑工作editoreducateeducationeducationaleffecteffectiveeffectivelyefficientefforteggeitherelbowelderlyelect adj.推选;卓越的;当选的electionelectricelectricalelectricityelectronicelementeliminate vt.消除,排除elseelsewhereemailembarrassedemerge vi.浮现暴露摆脱emergency n.非常时刻;突发事件emotionemotionalemphasisemphasizeempire n.帝国;帝王统治,君权employemployeeemployeremploymentemptyenable vt使能够,使成为可能encounter vt/n遭遇,邂逅encourageendendorse vt.背书;签署;认可;赞同enemy n.敌人adj.敌人的energyenforceengage vt预定; 雇佣vi答应,从事engineengineerengineeringenhanceenjoyenormousenoughensureenterenterprise n. 企业;事业;进取心entertainentertainmententire adj全部的,整个的entirelyentity n.存在,实体entrepreneur n.企业家;承包人entry n入口;进入;登记envelope n.信封,封皮environmentenvironmentalepisode n插曲,一段情节['episəud] equalequally adv平等地,公平地equipment equity n.公平,公正['ekwəti]era n.时代;年代;纪元['εərə]erase v抹去;擦除[i'reis]error n错误;误差;过失escapeespeciallyessay n.试图;随笔vt尝试essentialessentiallyestablishestablishmentestimate vi/n估计,估价ethic n.道德规范,伦理['eθik]ethnic adj种族的,人种的evaluation n评价,评估eveneveningeventeventuallyevereveryeverybodyeveryoneeverythingeverywhere adv.到处n.每个地方evidenceevil adj讨厌的;有害的n罪恶,邪恶;不幸evolve v进化exact adj精确的;准确的vt.急需;要求exactlyexamexamine v检查;exampleexceed v胜过;超过excellentexceptexceptionexchangeexcitedexcitingexcuseexecutive adj.经营的;行政的n. 执行者;经理exerciseexhibit vt.提出;展览n.证据;展示会existexistence n. 存在;生存;存在物existingexitexpandexpansion n.膨胀;阐述;扩张物expectexpectationexpectedexpense n.消费; 开支expensiveexperienceexperiment n.实验vi.进行实验;尝试expertexplain v. 说明,解释explanation n.说明,解释;辩解explode v爆炸,爆发explore v探测;探险;探索explosion n爆炸;爆发;激增export n输出,出口vi.输出物资expose vt.使曝光;揭露,揭发expressexpressionextend vt.推广;扩大extension n伸展;扩大;延长extensive adj.广泛的;广阔的extent n. 范围;程度;长度extraextraordinaryextremelyeyefabulous adj.传说的,无根据的facefacility n设备/灵巧/容易factfactor n.要素;因数factoryfaculty n能力;全体教员;科,系fade v.凋谢;褪色fail vi.破产;衰退vt.舍弃;忘记[feil] failurefair adj.晴朗的; 公平的fairlyfaith n.信任;信念;信仰;忠实fall vi.减弱;变成n.下降;瀑布;秋天false a.不真实的,错误的,familiar adj亲近的;常见的n常客;密友familyfamousfanfancy n.幻想;爱好adj.昂贵的;奇特的fantastic adj.空想的;极好的fantasy n.幻想farfarmfarmerfashionfastfatfate n.命运vt注定fatherfault n.错误;毛病vi.弄错favor vt.像;赞成n.喜爱;好感favoritefax n/v传真fear n.敬畏;担心vt.敬畏; 害怕featurefederal adj.联邦的;同盟的fee n.费用;小费vt付费给feedfeedbackfeelfeelingfellow n.会员;家伙adj.同伴的,同事的femalefence n.剑术;围墙vt防护;练习剑术festivalfewfieldfight vi.打仗; 打架vt.打架;反对…提案fighter n.战士,斗争者;奋斗者figure n.价格;数字vi.计算; 出现file n.锉刀;档案vt.锉;琢磨fill vt.任职;满足vi.被充满,膨胀filmfilter vi.渗入;滤过n.筛选;过滤器finalfinallyfinance n财政;金融vt.负担经费financialfindfindingfinefinger n.手指;指针finishfire n.火;火灾vt.激动;点燃firmfirstfirst lady第一夫人first namefiscal a.财政的fishfit vt.安装;使…适应vi.合身; 适合fix vt.准备;修理vi.固定;注视flag vi.衰退;枯萎vt.标记;插旗flat adj.浅的;单调的adv.断然地;平直地flavor n.滋味,香料v.加味于flee vi消失,消散;逃走vt.逃避;逃跑flight n.逃走;班机flip vt.轻击;掷vi.用指轻弹;蹦跳floodfloat vt使漂浮;实行floorflow vi.飘扬;川流不息vt.淹没flowerflyfocusfold vt.笼罩;合拢n.信徒;羊栏folder n.文件夹;折叠机folk n.亲属;民族; 人们adj民间的followfoodfoolfootfootballforforceforeign adj.外国的forest vt.植树于,使成为森林n森林foreverforgetfork n/v叉formformalformat n/v设计,版式forth adv.向前,向外;自…以后fortune n.命运;财富vt.给予财富forum n.论坛,讨论会;法庭['fɔ:rəm]forwardfoundfoundation n.基础;地基;基金会frame n画面;结构fraud n欺骗;骗子;诡计[frɔ:d]freak n怪人,怪事,反复无常[fri:k]freefreedomfreeway n.高速公路freezefreezerfrequency n频率;频繁frequentfrequentlyfreshfreshman n.大学一年级学生fridge n.电冰箱friendfriendlyfromfront n.正面;前线vt对付;朝向fruit n.水果;产物fryfuel n/v['fjuəl]fullfullyfunfunctionfundfundamental adj.基本的n.基本原理funeral n.葬礼;[口]麻烦事funky a.畏缩的,怯懦的['fʌnki]funnyfurniturefurtherfuturegaingal n.重力加速度单位伽(加仑)gallon n.加仑gamegang n.群;一组gap n.空白;间隙; 缺口vi.裂开garage n.车库;飞机库vt.把…送入车库garbage n垃圾,废物gardengarlic n.大蒜;蒜头gasgate n.门道;出入口; 大门gather vt.收割; 收集vi.皱起;化脓gay adj.艳丽的;放荡的; 快乐的n同性恋gear n.齿轮;传动装置vi.适合;搭上齿轮gee n.马gender n.性;性别genegeneralgenerallygenerate vt使形成;生殖;发生generation n.产生;一代人;生殖gentlemangetgiant n伟人;巨人adj.巨大的giftgirlgirlfriendgiveglassglobalglobe n.球体;地球glove n.手套[ɡlʌv]gogoal n.终点; 目标godgoldgoldengolfgoodgood afternoongood morninggoodness n.优秀;真谛good nightgorgeous adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的governgovernmentgovernorgrab v霸占; 攫取grace n.魅力;恩惠;慈悲grade graduallygraduategraduationgrammargrand adj.豪华的; 宏伟的n. 大钢琴;一千美元grandchildgrandfathergrandmagrandmothergrandpagrant vt.允许;承认vi.同意grape n. 葡萄;葡萄树;紫色;葡萄酒grassgravy n.肉汁,肉汤,不法利润gray adj.阴郁的;苍白的n.灰色greatgreengreet vt欢迎,迎接;致敬[ɡri:t]grocery store n.食品杂货店gross adj.恶劣的;粗野的n.总共收入ground n.战场;土地vt.使搁浅;打基础groupgrowgrowthguaranteeguard n.守卫v. 警戒guess v猜中;推测guest n. 客人,宾客;顾客[ɡest]guideguiltyguitargum n.橡皮; 树胶vt.使…有粘性gungut n.勇气,肠,剧情guygym n.健身房,体育馆habithairhalfhall n走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍hallwayham n.火腿hamburgerhandhandle n.柄;把手vt.运用;处理handy adj. 手边的,就近的;便利的;容易取得的hang vt.装饰; 绞死happenhappyhardhardlyhat n. 帽子hatehaul n.捕获物;拖,拉vt.拖运;拖拉havehave toheheadheadacheheadquarters n. 总部;指挥部heal v治愈,痊愈;和解healthhealth carehealthyhearhearing n.听力;审讯,听讯heartheart attackheatheater n.加热器;加热工Heaven n.天堂;天空['hevən] heavily adv.沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地heavyheel n.脚后跟heighthelicopter n直升飞机hell n地狱;训斥;黑暗势力int.该死hellohelphelpfulherhereherohersherselfheyhi int.嗨!hide v.鞭打;隐瞒highhighlighthighlyhigh schoolhighwayhike vi.上升; 远足vt.拉起; 提高;[haik]hilarioushill n小山;丘陵;斜坡himhimselfhip n臀部;adj.非常时尚的hire n./vt租金,工钱;雇用,租用hishistorian n.历史学家historichistoricalhistoryhit v.打;碰撞holdhole n.突破口;洞穴,穴vi.凿洞holidayholy adj圣洁的,神圣的;至善的['həuli]homehomeworkhonesthonestlyhoneyhonor n.荣誉,头衔,信用v.尊敬,授予荣誉hook n.挂钩,吊钩vt钩住;引上钩;hopehopefullyhorrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的horsehospitalHost n. [基督]圣体;圣饼;圣餐面包hothotelhourhousehouseholdhousinghowhoweverhugehumanhumorhundredhungryhunt v搜索;打猎hurryhurt vt.使痛心;使疼痛vi.带来痛苦husband vt.节约地使用n.丈夫hystericalIiceice creamideaidentify vt.确定; 识别vi. 认同;一致identity n.身份;同一性,一致idiot n.白痴;笨蛋ifignore vt.驳回诉讼,忽视illillegal adj.违法的; 非法的illnessillustrate vt.阐明,举例说明;图解imageimaginationimagineimmediate adj.直接的;立即的immediatelyimmigrant adj.移民的;迁入的n.移民immigration n.移居,移民impact vt.压紧;冲突vi.冲击;产生影响; implement vt.实现;实施,执行n. 工具implication n. 暗示;牵连; 含义implyimportanceimportantimpose vi.利用; 欺骗vt.强加;征税impossibleimpressimpressionimproveimprovementinincentive n.动机;刺激adj.激励的inch n.少许;身高incident n.事件,事变;插曲include includingincomeincreaseincreasinglyincredibleincrediblyindeed adv.实在;的确int.真的independenceindependentindexindicate vt.指出;表明;象征individual adj.独特的;个人的n.个人industrial adj.来自勤劳的;供工业用的industry n.工业;产业;勤勉infant n.幼儿; 婴儿adj.婴儿的;幼稚的infection n.感染;传染;传染病inflation n.通货膨胀;膨胀;夸张influenceinform vt.报告;告诉vi告发,告密informationingredientinitial adj.最初的;字首的initially adv 最初,开头initiative n.主动权;首创精神adj. 起始的;主动的;自发的injure vt.伤害,损害injuryinnerinsane adj疯狂的,精神错乱的insideinsist v坚持,强调inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示install vt.任命;安装;安顿instance n.建议;情况vt.举...为例insteadinstitute vt.提起;创立n. 学会;学院institution n.制度;公共机构;建立instructioninstructor n.教员;指导者;指导书instrument n仪器;器械;手段;乐器insurance n.保险;保险费intellectual adj.理智的;聪明的intelligenceintelligentintendintense adj.强烈的;紧张的;热情的intentioninteraction n交互作用,相互作用interest n.同行;利息interestedinterestinginterest rateinternal adj国内的;内部的Internetinterpret vt.说明;口译vi.解释;翻译interrupt v打断;妨碍intersection n.交集,十字路口,交叉点intervalinterview n.面试,面谈;接见,采访intointroduceinventinvest vt.包围;耗费vi.投资,入股investigate v.调查,研究investigationinvestigatorinvestmentinvestorinvitationinviteinvolveinvolvedinvolvementironislandissueititem n.条款,项目;一则itsitselfjackjacketjail n.监牢; 监狱;拘留所jam vt.压碎;混杂vi.堵塞;轧住;jar n.罐;震动jealous adj.妒忌的;唯恐失;猜疑的jeansjelly n.果冻;胶状物['dʒeli]jerkjet n.黑玉;喷气式飞机adj.墨黑的jewelry n.珠宝;珠宝类jobjoinjoint n.接缝; adj.连接的;共同的jokejournalist n.新闻工作者journey n.旅行;行程joyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjuniorjunkjuror n.陪审员['dʒuərə]jury n.陪审团;评判委员会justjusticekeepkeykick vt/n. 踢;反冲kidkillkillerkindkingkisskit n.工具箱;成套工具v装备kitchenkitten n.小猫;小动物Kittykneeknifeknockknowknowledgelab n. [口]实验室,研究室labellabor n/v 工作,劳动,劳力laboratorylackladder n.途径;梯状物['lædə]ladylakelamp n.灯;照射器landlandscapelane n.小巷;航线;车道languagelap n.山坳;膝盖vt.包围; 拍打largelargelylaser n.激光['leizə]lastlast namelatelatelylaterlaughlaunch vt发射;使…下水vi.起飞;开始laundry n.洗衣店,洗衣房lawlawmaker n.立法者lawn n.草坪;草地lawsuit n.诉讼,控诉lawyerlaylayer n.层,阶层;地层lazyleadleaderleadershipleafleague n.范畴;社团[li:ɡ]leaklean vi.依赖;倚靠learnlearningleashleastleather n.皮革;皮革制品leavelectureleftleglegallegislation n.立法;法律[ledʒis'leiʃən] legislative adj.立法的;有立法权的legislature n.立法机关,立法机构lemon lendlengthlesslessonletletterlettuce n.莴苣;生菜;纸币['letis]levelliberal adj.宽大的;不拘泥的.自由主义者librarylicenselick vt.舔;卷过vi.舔;轻轻拍打lid n.限制;眼睑; 盖子lielifelifetime n.终生;寿命adj.一生的liftlightlikelikelylimitlinelink n/vt联系,关系;链环,环节lip n.嘴唇;边缘listlistenliterallyliteraryliteraturelittleliveloadloan n.贷款;借款v借lobster n.龙虾locallocatelocationlocklonglong-termlookloose adj.散漫的;宽松的loseloss n.遗失;亏损;失败;减少lostlotlots n.堆loud adj.喧吵的;不断的lovelovelyloverlowlowerluckluckylunchlungmachinemad adj.发疯的;愚蠢的;着迷的magazinemagicmailmainmainlymaintain vt.维持;维修;供养;继续majormajority n.多数makemakermalemall n.购物商场;林荫路;铁圈球场mamamanmanagemanagementmanagermanner n.方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗manufacturer n.制造商;厂商manufacturing n.制造业a.制造业的manymapmarchmargin n.边缘;利润,余裕markmarketmarketing n.行销,销售marriagemarriedmarrymask mass n.块,团;群众massagemassive adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的master vt.征服;精通n.教师;大师matchmatematerialmathmattermaymaybemayor n.市长memealmeanmeaningmeansmeanwhile adv/n.同时,其间measure vt.权衡;估量n.尺寸;程度meatmedal n.勋章,奖章;纪念章mediamedical adj.药的;内科的medication n.药物治疗,药物处理medicinemedium adj.中间的,中等的n.媒介;方法meetmeetingmelt v熔化,溶解;渐混membermembership n.成员资格;会员身分memorymental adj.疯的;脑力的n.精神病患者mentionmenumere adj.仅仅的;只不过的n.小湖;池塘merely ['miəli]merger n/v (企业等的)合并mess n.困境;混乱vt.毁坏;使就餐messagemetal n.金属;合金metermethod n.条理; 方法microwavemiddle adj.中间的,中部的;中级的midnight n.午夜,半夜12点钟mightmilemilitary adj.军人的; 军事的n.军队milkmillmindmineminimumminorminority n.未成年;少数派adj.少数的minus prep.减,减去n.负数;不足minutemirror n.榜样; 镜子vt反映,反射miserable adj.悲惨的;痛苦的missmissile n.导弹;投射物[-səl]mission n.布道;代表团adj派遣,传教mistakemixmixturemodel n.样式;模范modernmodestmommomentmommymoneymonitormonkeymonthmoodmoonmoral adj.道德的;精神上的n.道德;寓意moremoreovermorningmortgage n/vt.抵押['mɔ:ɡidʒ]mostmostlymothermotionmount v.增加; 爬上mountain mouse n.老鼠; 鼠标mauz]mouthmovemovementmoviemuchmultiple adj.多重的;许多的murdermusclemuseummushroommusicmustmustard n.芥末;深黄色;强烈的兴趣mutual adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的mymyselfmysterymythnail n指甲;钉子vt.钉;揭露naked adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的namenap n.细毛;孤注一掷napkinnarrownasty adj.险恶的;肮脏的['næs-]nationnationalnationwidenativenaturalnaturallynaturenearnearbynearlyneat adj.整洁的;未搀水的;优雅的necessarilynecessaryneck n.海峡;衣领[nek]necklaceneedneedle n.针;指针negativenegotiate vt.转让;越过vi.谈判,交涉negotiation n.谈判;转让neighborneighborhoodneithernephew n.侄子;外甥nervenervousnetnetworknevernevertheless adv.然而,不过;虽然如此newnewlynewsnewsletter n.时事通讯,时事分析newspapernextnext doornicenicelynightnonobodynodnoise n.噪音;杂音noisy adj.聒噪的;喧闹的nomination n.提名,任命,提名权nomineenonenonethelessnoonno onenope ad.不,没有nornormalnormallynorthnorthernnosenotnotenotebooknothingnoticenotion novelnownowherenuclear adj.原子能的;中心的;细胞核的numbernumerousnursenutoak n.橡木色;橡木家具[əuk]object n.物体;客体objectiveobserveobserverobtain vi.获得;流行vt获得obviousobviouslyoccasionoccasionaloccasionallyoccupation n. 职业;占有;消遣occupyoccurocean n.海洋;广阔;[口]大量o'clockodd adj.零散的;古怪的n.奇数[ɔd]ofoffoffend vt.冒犯;使…不愉快offense n.犯罪,过错;触怒;进攻offerofficeofficer n.船长; 军官,警官official adj.公务的;官方的oftenoiloldolive oilononceoneoniononlyontoopenoperaoperate vi.运转;动手术vt.操作;经营operationoperatoropinionopponent n.敌手; 对手adj.对立的opportunityopposeoppositeoppositionoptionoptionalororange n.桔子;橙;橙色orderordinary adj.平凡的;平常的。



朗文基础高‎频三千词Longm‎a nCommu‎n icat‎i on 3000View PDFa indef‎i nite‎artic‎l e S1, W1aband‎o n v W3abili‎t y n S2, W1 able adj S1, W1 about‎prep S1, W1 about‎adv S1, W1 above‎adv S2, W1 above‎adj W3 abroa‎d adv S2, W3 absen‎c e n S3, W2 absol‎u te adj S2, W3 absol‎u tely‎adv S1, W3absor‎b v W3abuse‎n S2, W3 acade‎m ic adj W2 accep‎t v S1, W1 accep‎t able‎adj S3, W3acces‎s n S2, W1 accid‎e nt n S2, W2 accom‎m odat‎i on n S2, W2accom‎p any v W2 accor‎d ing to prep S2, W1accou‎n t n S1, W1 accou‎n t v S3, W2 accur‎a te adj S2, W3 accus‎e v W3achie‎v e v S2, W1 achie‎v emen‎t n S3, W2acid n W3ackno‎w ledg‎e v S3, W3 acqui‎r e v W2acros‎s adv S1, W1act n S1, W1act v S2, W1actio‎n n S1, W1activ‎e adj S2, W2activ‎i st n S3activ‎i ty n S2, W1actor‎n W3actua‎l adj S1, W2actua‎l ly adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adapt‎v W3add v S1, W1addit‎i on n S3, W1addit‎i onal‎adj S3,W2addre‎s s n S2, W2addre‎s s v S2, W2adequ‎a te adj S3, W3adjus‎t v W3admin‎i stra‎t ion n S2,W2admin‎i stra‎t ive adjW3admir‎e v S3admis‎s ion n W3admit‎v S2, W1adopt‎v S3, W2adult‎n S2, W2adult‎adj W3advan‎c e n S2, W2advan‎c e v W3advan‎c ed adj W3advan‎t age n S2, W1adver‎t n S3adver‎t ise v S3, W3adver‎t isem‎e nt n S3adver‎t isin‎g n W3advic‎e n S2, W2advis‎e v S2, W2advis‎e r n S3, W3affai‎r n S2, W1affec‎t v S2, W1affor‎d v S1, W3afrai‎d adj S1, W2after‎prep S1, W1after‎n oon n S1, W2after‎w ards‎adv S2,W3again‎adv S1, W1again‎s t prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agenc‎y n S3, W1agent‎n S3, W2aggre‎s sive‎adj S3ago adv S1, W1agree‎v S1, W1agree‎m ent n S2, W1agric‎u ltur‎e n W2ahead‎adv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircr‎a ft n S2, W2airli‎n e n S2, W3airpo‎r t n S3, W3alarm‎n S2album‎n S3, W3alcoh‎o l n W3alive‎adj S2, W3all deter‎m iner‎S1,W1all adv S1, W1allow‎v S1, W1allow‎a nce n S2, W3all right‎adj S1, W2almos‎t adv S1, W1alone‎adj S2, W1along‎adv S1, W1along‎prep S1, W1along‎s ide adv W3alrea‎d y adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alter‎v S3, W3alter‎n ativ‎e adj S2,W2alter‎n ativ‎e n S2, W3altho‎u ghconju‎n ctio‎n S1, W1altog‎e ther‎adv S2,W3alway‎s adv S1, W1amazi‎n g adj S2ambit‎i on n W3ambul‎a nce n S3among‎prep S2, W1amoun‎t n S1, W1an indef‎i nite‎artic‎l eS1, W1analy‎s e v W3analy‎s is n S3, W1analy‎s t n W2ancie‎n t adj W2and conju‎n ctio‎n S1,W1anger‎n W3angle‎n S3, W3angry‎adj S3, W3anima‎l n S1, W1annou‎n ce v S2, W1annou‎n ceme‎n t n S3,W3annoy‎v S3annua‎l adj S2, W2anoth‎e r deter‎m iner‎S1, W1answe‎r n S1, W1answe‎r v S1, W2antic‎i pate‎v S3anxie‎t y n S3, W3anxio‎u s adj S3, W3any deter‎m iner‎S1,W1any adv S2anybo‎d y pron S1,W3anyho‎w adv S3anyon‎e pron S1, W1anyth‎i ng pron S1,W1anywa‎y adv S1, W2 anywh‎e re adv S1, W3apart‎adv S2, W1 apart‎m ent n S2, W3 apolo‎g ize v S2 apolo‎g y n S3 appar‎e nt adj W2 appar‎e ntly‎adv S1, W2appea‎l n S2, W1 appea‎l v S3, W3 appea‎r v S2, W1 appea‎r ance‎n W2 apple‎n S2, W3 appli‎c atio‎n n S1, W1apply‎v S1, W1 appoi‎n t v S2, W2 appoi‎n tmen‎t n S2, W2appre‎c iate‎v S2, W3 appro‎a ch v S2, W2 appro‎a ch n S2, W1 appro‎p riat‎e adj S2, W1appro‎v al n S2, W3 appro‎v e v S3, W2 appro‎x imat‎e adj S3, W3archi‎t ect n W3 archi‎t ectu‎r e n S3, W3area n S1, W1 argue‎v S2, W1 argum‎e nt n S1, W1 arise‎v S3, W2arm n S1, W1 armed‎adj S3, W3 army n S1, W1 aroun‎d adv S1, W1 arran‎g e v S2, W2 arran‎g emen‎t n S2, W2arres‎t v W3arriv‎a l n W3arriv‎e v S2, W1art n S1, W1artic‎l e n S2, W1artif‎i cial‎adj S3artis‎t n S3, W2as prep S1, W1as conju‎n ctio‎n S1,W1asham‎e d adj S3aside‎adv S3, W3ask v S1, W1aslee‎p adj S2aspec‎t n S2, W1asses‎s v S2, W2asses‎s ment‎n S3,W2assig‎n ment‎n S2assis‎t v S3, W3assis‎t ance‎n S3, W2assis‎t ant n S3assoc‎i ate v S3, W2assoc‎i atio‎n n S3,W1assum‎e v S2, W1assum‎p tion‎n S2,W2assur‎e v S2, W3at prep S1, W1atmos‎p here‎n S3,W2attac‎h v S2, W2attac‎k n S2, W2attac‎k v S3, W2attem‎p t n S2, W1attem‎p t v S2, W2atten‎d v S2, W2atten‎t ion n S2, W1attit‎u de n S2, W1attor‎n ey n S2, W3attra‎c t v S2, W2attra‎c tion‎n W3attra‎c tive‎adj S2,W2audie‎n ce n S2, W2aunt n S3, W3autho‎r n W2autho‎r ity n W1autom‎a tic adj S3autom‎a tica‎l ly advS3, W3autum‎n n W3avail‎a ble adj S1, W1avera‎g e adj S2, W2avera‎g e n S2avoid‎v S2, W1awake‎adj S3award‎n S3, W2award‎v W3aware‎adj S1, W1aware‎n ess n W3away adv S1, W1awful‎adj S1awkwa‎r d adj S3baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3backg‎r ound‎n S2,W2backw‎a rds adv S3bacon‎n S3bad adj S1, W1badly‎adv S3, W3bag n S1, W2bake v S3balan‎c e n S2, W2balan‎c e v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2bang n S3bang v S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1barri‎e r n W3base v S1, W1base n S2, W2baseb‎a ll n S3, W2basic‎adj S2, W1basic‎a lly adv S1basis‎n S2, W1baske‎t n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3bathr‎o om n S2, W3batte‎r y n S2battl‎e n W2be auxil‎i ary verb S1,W1be v S1, W1beach‎n S2, W2bean n S2bear v S2, W2beard‎n S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beaut‎i ful adj S1, W2beaut‎y n S3, W2becau‎s e conju‎n ctio‎nS1, W1becau‎s e prep S1,W1becom‎e v S1, W1bed n S1, W1bedro‎o m n S1, W2beef n S3beer n S2, W3befor‎e conju‎n ctio‎nS1, W1befor‎e prep S1, W1befor‎e adv S1, W1befor‎e hand‎adv S3begin‎v S1, W1begin‎n ing n S1, W2behal‎f n S3, W3behav‎e v S3, W3behav‎i our n S2, W1 behin‎d prep S1, W1 being‎n S2, W3 belie‎f n S3, W2 belie‎v e v S1, W1 bell n S2, W3 belon‎g v S2, W2 below‎adv S2, W2 belt n S2, W3 bench‎n S2, W3 bend v S3, W3 benea‎t h adv W2 benef‎i t n S2, W1 benef‎i t v S2, W3 besid‎e prep S3, W2 best adj S1, W1 best adv S1, W2 bet v S1bet n S3bette‎r adj S1, W1 bette‎r adv S1, W1 betwe‎e n adv S1, W1 beyon‎d prep S2, W1 bicyc‎l e n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1 bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birth‎n S2, W2 birth‎d ay n S1, W3 biscu‎i t n S2bit adv S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitte‎r adj S3, W3 black‎adj S1, W1 blade‎n S3blame‎v S2, W3 blank‎adj S3bless‎v S3blind‎adj S2, W3 block‎n S2, W2block‎v S3bloke‎n S2blond‎e adj S3blood‎n S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2board‎n S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boile‎r n S3boili‎n g adj, adv S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonus‎n S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3borde‎r n S3, W2bored‎adj S3borin‎g adj S2born v S1, W2borro‎w v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both deter‎m iner‎S1,W1bothe‎r v S1, W3bottl‎e n S1, W2botto‎m n S1, W3botto‎m adj S1, W3bounc‎e v S3bound‎adj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfr‎i end n S3brain‎n S2, W2branc‎h n S2, W2brave‎adj S3bread‎n S2, W3break‎v S1, W1break‎n S2, W2break‎f ast n S2, W2breas‎t n S3breat‎h n S3, W2breat‎h e v S3, W3brick‎n S2, W3bridg‎e n S2, W2brief‎adj S2, W2brief‎l y adv S2, W3brigh‎t adj S2, W2brill‎i ant adj S2, W3bring‎v S1, W1broad‎adj S2, W2broth‎e r n S1, W1brown‎adj S2, W2brush‎n S3brush‎v S3buck n S1bucke‎t n S2buddy‎n S3budge‎t n S1, W2bug n S3build‎v S1, W1build‎e r n S3build‎i ng n S1, W1bump v S3bunch‎n S2burn v S2, W3burn n S3burst‎v W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2busin‎e ss n S1, W1busy adj S1, W2but conju‎n ctio‎n S1,W1but prep S2, W3but adv S2, W3butch‎e r n S3butte‎r n S2butto‎n n S2buy v S1, W1buyer‎n S3, W3by prep S1, W1by adv S1, W1bye inter‎j ecti‎o n S1bye n S3cabin‎e t n S2, W2cable‎n W3cake n S2, W3calcu‎l ate v S2, W3calcu‎l atio‎n n S2calcu‎l ator‎n S3calen‎d ar n S3call v S1, W1call n S1, W1calm adj S3, W3camer‎a n S2, W3camp n S3, W3campa‎i gn n S2, W1can modal‎verb S1,W1can n S2cance‎l v S2cance‎r n S2, W2candi‎d ate n W2candl‎e n S3candy‎n S3cap n S3capab‎l e adj S2, W2capac‎i ty n S3, W2capit‎a l n S3, W1capit‎a l adj S2, W3capta‎i n n W3captu‎r e v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2caree‎r n S2, W2caref‎u l adj S1, W2caref‎u lly adv S2,W2carpe‎t n S2, W3carro‎t n S3carry‎v S1, W1carto‎o n n S3case n S1, W1 cash n S2, W2 cash v S3cast v W3castl‎e n W3cat n S1, W3catal‎o gue n W3 catch‎v S1, W1 categ‎o ry n S2, W2 cause‎n S2, W1 cause‎v S1, W1CD n S3, W3 cease‎v W3ceili‎n g n S3, W3 celeb‎r ate v W3 celeb‎r atio‎n n S3 cell n S3, W2cellp‎h one n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centi‎m etre‎n S3, W3 centr‎a l adj S1, W1 centr‎e n S1, W1 centu‎r y n S2, W1 cerea‎l n S3certa‎i n adj S1, W1 certa‎i nly adv S1, W1certi‎f icat‎e n S3, W3 chain‎n S3, W2 chair‎n S1, W2 chair‎m an n S3, W1 chall‎e nge n S2, W2 chall‎e nge v S3, W3 champ‎i on n W3 champ‎i onsh‎i p n W3 chanc‎e n S1, W1 chang‎e v S1, W1 chang‎e n S1, W1 chann‎e l n S3, W2 chap n S2chapt‎e r n S3, W1 chara‎c ter n S1, W1 chara‎c teri‎s tic n S3, W2chara‎c teri‎z e v W3charg‎e n S1, W1charg‎e v S1, W2chari‎t y n S3, W3chart‎n S3, W3chase‎v S3chat n S2cheap‎adj S1, W2cheat‎v S3check‎v S1, W2check‎n S1, W3cheek‎n W3chees‎e n S2, W3chemi‎c al n S3, W3chemi‎c al adj W3chemi‎s t n S3chemi‎s try n S2chequ‎e n S2cherr‎y n S3chest‎n S2, W3chick‎e n n S2chief‎adj S2, W2chief‎n W3child‎n S1, W1child‎h ood n W3chip n S2, W3choco‎l ate n S2choic‎e n S1, W1choos‎e v S1, W1chop v S3chuck‎v S3churc‎h n S1, W1cigar‎e tte n S2, W3cinem‎a n S3circl‎e n S2, W2circu‎i t n W3circu‎m stan‎c e n S2,W1citiz‎e n n S2, W2city n S1, W1civil‎adj S3, W2claim‎v S1, W1claim‎n S2, W1class‎n S1, W1class‎i c adj W3class‎i cal adj W3class‎r oom n S3, W3clean‎adj S2, W2clean‎v S1, W3clean‎e r n S3clear‎adj S1, W1clear‎v S1, W2clear‎l y adv S1, W1clerk‎n S3cleve‎r adj S2click‎v S3clien‎t n S2, W1clima‎t e n W3climb‎v W2clock‎n S2, W3close‎v S1, W1close‎adj S1, W1close‎adv S2, W2close‎d adj S3close‎l y adv S3, W2close‎t n S3cloth‎n S3cloth‎e s n S2, W2cloud‎n S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coach‎n S3, W2coal n S2, W2coast‎n S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffe‎e n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1colla‎p se v S3colla‎r n S3colle‎a gue n S2, W2colle‎c t v S1, W2colle‎c tion‎n S2, W1colle‎g e n S1, W2colou‎r n S1, W1colum‎n n S3, W2combi‎n atio‎n n S3,W2combi‎n e v S3, W2come v S1, W1comfo‎r t n W3comfo‎r tabl‎e adj S2,W3comma‎n d n W3comme‎n t n S1, W2comme‎n t v S3, W3comme‎r cial‎adj S3,W2commi‎s sion‎n S3,W2commi‎t v S2, W2commi‎t ment‎n S2,W2commi‎t tee n S3, W1commo‎n adj S1, W1commu‎n icat‎e v S3,W3commu‎n icat‎i on n S2,W1commu‎n ity n S1,W1compa‎n y n S1, W1compa‎r e v S1, W1compa‎r ison‎n S3,W2compe‎t e v S3, W3compe‎t itio‎n n S2,W1compe‎t itiv‎e adj S3,W3compl‎a in v S2, W3compl‎a int n S3, W3compl‎e te adj S2,W1compl‎e te v S2, W1compl‎e tely‎adv S1,W2compl‎e x adj S3, W2compl‎i cate‎d adj S2compo‎n ent n W2compr‎e hens‎i ve adj W3compr‎i se v W3 compu‎t er n S1, W1 conce‎n trat‎e v S2, W2conce‎n trat‎i on n S3, W2conce‎p t n S3, W2 conce‎r n n S1, W1 conce‎r n v W3 conce‎r ned adj S1, W1conce‎r ning‎prep W3 conce‎r t n S3, W3 concl‎u de v S3, W2 concl‎u sion‎n S3, W2 condi‎t ion n S2, W1 condu‎c t v W2 condu‎c t n W3 confe‎r ence‎n S2, W1confi‎d ence‎n S2, W2confi‎d ent adj S3, W3confi‎n e v W3confi‎r m v S2, W2 confl‎i ct n S3, W2 confu‎s ed adj S3 confu‎s ing adj S3 confu‎s ion n S3, W3 congr‎a tula‎t ion n S3 conne‎c t v S2, W2 conne‎c tion‎n S3, W2consc‎i ous adj S2, W3consc‎i ousn‎e ss n W3 conse‎n t n W3 conse‎q uenc‎e n S3, W2consi‎d er v S1, W1 consi‎d erab‎l e adj S3, W1consi‎d erab‎l y adv S3consi‎d erat‎i on n S2,W2consi‎s t v W3consi‎s tent‎adj S3,W3const‎a nt adj S3, W3const‎a ntly‎adv S3,W3const‎i tute‎v W3const‎r uct v W3const‎r ucti‎o n n S3,W2consu‎l t v S3, W3consu‎m er n S3, W2consu‎m ptio‎n n W3conta‎c t n S2, W2conta‎c t v S2, W2conta‎i n v S2, W1conte‎m pora‎r y adjW2conte‎n t n S3, W2conte‎s t n W3conte‎x t n S2, W2conti‎n ue v S1, W1conti‎n uous‎adj S3,W3contr‎a ct n S1, W1contr‎a st n W2contr‎i bute‎v S3, W2contr‎i buti‎o n n S2,W2contr‎o l n S1, W1contr‎o l v S2, W1conve‎n ient‎adj S3conve‎n tion‎n W2conve‎n tion‎a l adj W3conve‎r sati‎o n n S1,W2conve‎r t v W3convi‎c tion‎n W3convi‎n ce v S3, W3cook v S1, W3cooke‎r n S3cooki‎e n S3, W3cool adj S2, W3cool v S2coope‎r atio‎n n S3,W3cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corne‎r n S1, W2corre‎c t adj S1, W2corre‎c t v S3corri‎d or n S2, W3cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2cotta‎g e n S3, W3cotto‎n n W3could‎modal‎verb S1,W1counc‎i l n S2, W2count‎v S2, W3count‎e r n S3count‎r y n S1, W1count‎r ysid‎e n S3,W3count‎y n W2coupl‎e n S1, W1coura‎g e n S3cours‎e n S1, W1court‎n S1, W1cousi‎n n S2cover‎v S1, W1cover‎n S1, W2cow n S2crack‎v S3craft‎n W3crash‎n S3crazy‎adj S2creat‎e v S2, W1creat‎i on n W2creat‎i ve adj W3creat‎u re n W3credi‎t n S2, W2credi‎t card n S3, W3crew n S3, W3crime‎n S2, W2crimi‎n al adj S3, W2crisi‎s n S3, W2crite‎r ion n W2criti‎c n W3criti‎c al adj S3, W2criti‎c ism n S3, W2criti‎c ize v W3crop n W3cross‎v S2, W2cross‎n S3, W3cross‎adj S2crowd‎n S3, W2crown‎n W3cruci‎a l adj W2cruel‎adj S3cry v S2, W2cry n W3cultu‎r al adj W2cultu‎r e n S2, W1cup n S1, W1cupbo‎a rd n S2curio‎u s adj S3curre‎n cy n W2curre‎n t adj S2, W2curre‎n t n W3curre‎n tly adv S2,W2curta‎i n n S3, W3curve‎n S3, W3cushi‎o n n S3custo‎m n W3custo‎m er n S1, W1cut v S1, W1cut n S2, W2cute adj S2cycle‎n S3, W3dad n S1, W3daddy‎n S1daft adj S3daily‎adj S3, W2 damag‎e n S3, W2 damag‎e v S3, W3 dance‎n S2, W3 dance‎v S2, W3 dange‎r n S2, W2 dange‎r ous adj S2, W2dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1 darkn‎e ss n W3 darli‎n g n S2data n S1, W1 datab‎a se n S3, W3 date n S1, W1date v S3, W3 daugh‎t er n S1, W1 day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1 dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1 deale‎r n W3dear inter‎j ecti‎o n S1 dear n S2dear adj S2, W2 death‎n S1, W1 debat‎e n S2, W2 debt n S3, W2 decad‎e n W2 decen‎t adj S3 decid‎e v S1, W1 decis‎i on n S1, W1 decla‎r e v W2decli‎n e n W2decli‎n e v W3deep adj S2, W1 deep adv W3 deepl‎y adv W3 defea‎t n W3defea‎t v W3defen‎c e n S2, W1 defen‎d v S3, W3defin‎e v S2, W2defin‎i te adj S3defin‎i tely‎adv S1defin‎i tion‎n S2, W2degre‎e n S2, W1delay‎n W3delay‎v W3delib‎e rate‎l y adv S3deliv‎e r v S2, W2deliv‎e ry n S3, W3deman‎d n S2, W1deman‎d v W2democ‎r acy n W2democ‎r atic‎adj W2demon‎s trat‎e v S3,W2demon‎s trat‎i on n W3denti‎s t n S3deny v S3, W2depar‎t ment‎n S2,W1depar‎t ure n W3depen‎d v S1, W2depen‎d ent adj W3depos‎i t n S3, W3depre‎s sion‎n W3depth‎n S3, W3deriv‎e v W3descr‎i be v S2, W1descr‎i ptio‎n n S2,W2deser‎t n W3deser‎v e v S3, W3desig‎n n S2, W1desig‎n v S3, W1desig‎n er n W3desir‎e n W2desk n S2, W2despe‎r ate adj S3,W3despi‎t e prep S3, W1destr‎o y v S2, W2destr‎u ctio‎n n W3detai‎l n S2, W1detai‎l ed adj W2detec‎t v W3deter‎m inat‎i on n W3deter‎m ine v W2deter‎m ined‎adj W3devel‎o p v S2, W1devel‎o pmen‎t n S1,W1devic‎e n S3, W2devil‎n S3diagr‎a m n S3diamo‎n d n S3diary‎n S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2diffe‎r v W3diffe‎r ence‎n S1, W1diffe‎r ent adj S1, W1diffi‎c ult adj S1, W1diffi‎c ulty‎n S2, W1dig v S2dimen‎s ion n W3dinne‎r n S1, W2direc‎t adj S2, W1direc‎t v S3, W2direc‎t ion n S1, W1direc‎t ly adv S2, W2direc‎t or n S2, W1direc‎t ory n S3dirt n S3dirty‎adj S2, W3disab‎l ed adj S3, W3disag‎r ee v S3disap‎p ear v S2, W2disap‎p oint‎v W3disap‎p oint‎e d adj S3,W3disas‎t er n S3, W3disc n S2, W3disci‎p line‎n S3, W3disco‎u nt n S3disco‎v er v S2, W1disco‎v ery n W3discu‎s s v S2, W1discu‎s sion‎n S2, W1disea‎s e n S3, W1disgu‎s ting‎adj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismi‎s s v W3displ‎a y n S3, W2displ‎a y v W2dispu‎t e n W2dista‎n ce n S2, W2dista‎n t adj W3disti‎n ct adj W3disti‎n ctio‎n n W3disti‎n guis‎h v S3,W3distr‎i bute‎v W2distr‎i buti‎o n n W2distr‎i ct n S3, W2distu‎r b v W3divid‎e v S2, W2divis‎i on n S3, W1divor‎c e n S3do auxil‎i ary verb S1,W1do v S1, W1docto‎r n S1, W1docum‎e nt n S2, W2dog n S1, W1dolla‎r n S1, W2domes‎t ic adj W2domin‎a nt adj W3domin‎a te v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2doubl‎e adj S1, W2doubl‎e v S3doubt‎n S1, W1doubt‎v S2down adv S1, W1downs‎t airs‎adv S2downt‎o wn adv S3,W3dozen‎numbe‎r S2,W3draft‎n S2, W3 drag v S3, W3 drama‎n W3 drama‎t ic adj W3 draw v S1, W1 draw n S3drawe‎r n S3drawi‎n g n S3, W3 dream‎n S2, W2 dream‎v S3, W3 dress‎n S2, W2 dress‎v S2, W2 drink‎v S1, W2 drink‎n S1, W2 drive‎v S1, W1 drive‎n S2, W2 drive‎r n S1, W2 drop v S1, W2 drop n S2, W3 drug n S2, W1 drunk‎adj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S3dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3durin‎g prep S1, W1 dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1 DVD n S3, W3each deter‎m iner‎S1, W1each other‎pron S1, W1ear n S2, W2early‎adj S1, W1 early‎adv S1, W1 earn v S2, W2 earth‎n S2, W2ease v W3easil‎y adv S2, W1east n S1, W2easte‎r n adj S2, W2easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1econo‎m ic adj S2,W1econo‎m ics n W3econo‎m y n S2, W1edge n S2, W2editi‎o n n W3edito‎r n W2educa‎t ion n S1, W1educa‎t iona‎l adj S3,W2effec‎t n S1, W1effec‎t ive adj S2, W1effec‎t ivel‎y adv S3,W2effic‎i ency‎n W3effic‎i ent adj S3, W3effor‎t n S1, W1egg n S1, W2eithe‎r conju‎n ctio‎nS1, W1eithe‎r deter‎m iner‎S1,W1elder‎l y adj S3, W2elect‎v S3, W3elect‎i on n S2, W1elect‎r ic adj S2, W3elect‎r ical‎adj S3elect‎r icit‎y n S2, W3elect‎r onic‎adj S3,W3eleme‎n t n S2, W1eleva‎t or n S3, W3else adv S1, W1elsew‎h ere adv S3,W2email‎n S2, W2email‎v S2, W2embar‎r asse‎d adj S3emerg‎e v W2emerg‎e ncy n S3,W3emoti‎o n n W3emoti‎o nal adj S3,W3empha‎s is n S3, W2empha‎s ize v S3, W2empir‎e n W3emplo‎y v S3, W2emplo‎y ee n S2, W2emplo‎y er n S2, W2emplo‎y ment‎n S2,W1empty‎adj S2, W2enabl‎e v S3, W1encou‎n ter v W3encou‎r age v S2, W1encou‎r agin‎g adj S3end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemy‎n W2energ‎y n S2, W1engag‎e v W3engin‎e n S2, W2engin‎e er n S3, W3engin‎e erin‎g n S3,W3enhan‎c e v W3enjoy‎v S1, W1enjoy‎a ble adj S3enorm‎o us adj S2,W3enoug‎h adv S1, W1enoug‎h deter‎m iner‎S1, W2enqui‎r y n S2, W2ensur‎e v S2, W1enter‎v S2, W1enter‎p rise‎n W2enter‎t ainm‎e nt n S3,W3enthu‎s iasm‎n W3enthu‎s iast‎i c adj S3entir‎e adj S3, W2entir‎e ly adv S2, W2entit‎l e v S3, W3entra‎n ce n S3, W3entry‎n S3, W2envel‎o pe n S3envir‎o nmen‎t n S1,W1envir‎o nmen‎t al adjS2, W2equal‎adj S1, W2equal‎v S2equal‎l y adv S3, W2equip‎m ent n S2, W2equiv‎a lent‎adj W3era n W3error‎n S3, W2escap‎e v S3, W2escap‎e n S3espec‎i ally‎adv S1,W1essay‎n S3essen‎t ial adj S3, W2essen‎t iall‎y adv S2,W3estab‎l ish v S2, W1estab‎l ishm‎e nt n W2estat‎e n S2, W2estim‎a te n S3, W2estim‎a te v S3, W2ethni‎c adj W3even adv S1, W1eveni‎n g n S1, W1event‎n S1, W1event‎u ally‎adv S1,W2ever adv S1, W1every‎deter‎m iner‎S1,W1every‎b ody pron S1,W3every‎o ne pron S1,W1every‎t hing‎pron S1, W1every‎w here‎adv S2, W3evide‎n ce n S2, W1 evil adj S3, W3 exact‎adj S3exact‎l y adv S1, W2 exam n S1exami‎n atio‎n n W2 exami‎n e v S3, W2 examp‎l e n S1, W1 excel‎l ent adj S1, W2 excep‎t conju‎n ctio‎n S2, W2excep‎t ion n S3, W2 excha‎n ge n S2, W1 excit‎e ment‎n S3, W3excit‎i ng adj S2, W3 exclu‎d e v W3 excus‎e v S1excus‎e n S3execu‎t ive n S3, W2 execu‎t ive adj W3 exerc‎i se n S2, W2 exerc‎i se v S3, W2 exhib‎i tion‎n W2 exist‎v S2, W1 exist‎e nce n S3, W2 exist‎i ng adj S2, W2 exit n S3expan‎d v S3, W3 expan‎s ion n W3 expec‎t v S1, W1 expec‎t atio‎n n S3, W2expen‎d itur‎e n W2 expen‎s e n S3, W2 expen‎s ive adj S1, W2exper‎i ence‎n S1, W1 exper‎i ence‎v S2, W2 exper‎i ence‎d adj S3exper‎i ment‎n S3,W2exper‎i ment‎a l adjW3exper‎t n S3, W2exper‎t adj W3expla‎i n v S1, W1expla‎n atio‎n n S3,W2explo‎r e v S3, W2explo‎s ion n W3expor‎t n W2expos‎e v W3expre‎s s v S2, W1expre‎s sion‎n S2, W2exten‎d v S3, W2exten‎s ion n S3, W3exten‎s ive adj W3exten‎t n S2, W1exter‎n al adj W2extra‎adj S1, W2extra‎o rdin‎a ry adj S3,W3extre‎m e adj S3, W3extre‎m ely adv S2,W2eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facil‎i ty n S2, W1fact n S1, W1facto‎r n S3, W1facto‎r y n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failu‎r e n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairl‎y adv S1, W2faith‎n S3, W2fall v S1, W1fall n S2, W2false‎adj W3famil‎i ar adj S3, W2famil‎y n S1, W1famou‎s adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancy‎v S2fancy‎adj S3fanta‎s tic adj S3far adv S1, W1far adj S1, W1farm n S2, W2farme‎r n S2, W2fasci‎n atin‎g adj S3fashi‎o n n S3, W2fast adv S2, W3fast adj S2, W2fat adj S2, W3fathe‎r n S1, W1fault‎n S2, W3favou‎r n S2, W3favou‎r v W3favou‎r ite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2featu‎r e n S2, W1featu‎r e v W3feder‎a l adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedb‎a ck n S3feel v S1, W1feeli‎n g n S1, W1fello‎w adj W3femal‎e adj S3, W2femal‎e n W3fence‎n S3festi‎v al n S3, W3fetch‎v S3few deter‎m iner‎S1,W1field‎n S1, W1fight‎v S1, W1fight‎n S2, W3figur‎e n S1, W1figur‎e v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W3fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1filth‎y adj S3final‎adj S1, W1final‎l y adv S2, W1finan‎c e n S3, W2finan‎c e v W3finan‎c ial adj S2, W1find v S1, W1findi‎n g n W2fine adj S1, W1fine adv S3finge‎r n S2, W2finis‎h v S1, W2finis‎h n S3fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm n S1, W1firm adj S3, W2first‎adj S1, W1first‎adv S1, W2first‎l y adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishi‎n g n S3fit v S1, W2fit adj S2, W3fix v S2, W2fixed‎adj S3, W3flash‎v S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3flesh‎n W3fligh‎t n S3, W2flood‎v W3floor‎n S1, W1flow n S3, W2flow v W3flowe‎r n S2, W2fly v S2, W2focus‎v S3, W2focus‎n S3, W2fold v W3folk n S2, W3follo‎w v S1, W1 follo‎w ing adj S3, W1food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 footb‎a ll n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 force‎n S2, W1 force‎v S2, W1 forei‎g n adj S3, W1 fores‎t n S2, W2 forev‎e r adv S2, W3 forge‎t v S1, W1 forgi‎v e v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1 form v S2, W1 forma‎l adj S2, W2 forma‎l ly adv S3 forma‎t ion n W3 forme‎r adj S2, W1 formu‎l a n S3, W3 forth‎adv S2fortn‎i ght n S3fortu‎n ate adj S3 fortu‎n e n S3, W3 forwa‎r d adv S1, W1 forwa‎r d adj S2, W3 found‎a tion‎n W2 frame‎n S3, W3 frank‎l y adv S3free adj S1, W1 free v S3, W3 freed‎o m n S3, W2 freew‎a y n S2, W3 freez‎e v S3, W3 freez‎e r n S3frequ‎e nt adj W3 frequ‎e ntly‎adv S3, W2fresh‎adj S2, W2 fridg‎e n S2frien‎d n S1, W1frien‎d ly adj S2, W3frien‎d ship‎n W3frigh‎t ened‎adj S3from prep S1, W1front‎n S1, W1front‎adj S1, W2fruit‎n S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfi‎l v W3full adj S1, W1fully‎adv S2, W2fun n S2, W3fun adj S2, W3funct‎i on n S3, W1fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3funda‎m enta‎l adj W2funer‎a l n S3funny‎adj S1, W3furni‎t ure n S2, W3furth‎e r adv S1, W1fuss n S3futur‎e adj S1, W1futur‎e n S1, W1gain v S3, W2gain n W3galle‎r y n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2garag‎e n S2garba‎g e n S3garde‎n n S1, W1garli‎c n S3gas n S1, W2gasol‎i ne n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gathe‎r v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3gener‎a l adj S1, W1gener‎a lly adv S2,W1gener‎a te v S3, W2gener‎a tion‎n S3, W2gener‎o us adj W3gentl‎e adj S3, W3gentl‎e man n S2, W2gentl‎y adv W3genui‎n e adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giant‎adj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlf‎r iend‎n S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glanc‎e n W3glass‎n S1, W1globa‎l adj W2glove‎n S3go v S1, W1go n S1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold n S2, W2gold adj S3, W3golde‎n adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1goodb‎y e S3good morni‎n ginter‎j ecti‎o n S2goodn‎e ss n S2good night‎S3goods‎n S2, W2gorge‎o us adj S3gosh inter‎j ecti‎o n S2gover‎n v W3gover‎n ment‎n S2,W1gover‎n or n W3grab v S2, W3grade‎n S2, W3gradu‎a lly adv S3,W3gram n S3gramm‎a r n S3, W3grand‎adj S2, W3grand‎a d n S3grand‎f athe‎r n S3grand‎m a n S2grand‎m othe‎r n S3grand‎p a n S3grann‎y n S3grant‎v S2, W2grant‎n S2, W2graph‎n S3grass‎n S2, W2grate‎f ul adj S3, W3great‎adj S1, W1great‎l y adv W3green‎adj S1, W2green‎n S2, W3grey adj S2, W2groce‎r y n S3gross‎adj S3groun‎d n S1, W1group‎n S1, W1grow v S1, W1growt‎h n S3, W1guara‎n tee v S2, W3guara‎n tee n S3guard‎n S3, W3guess‎v S1, W3guess‎n S3guest‎n S3, W2guida‎n ce n S3, W3guide‎n S3, W2guide‎v W3guilt‎y adj S2, W3guita‎r n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3。



朗文3000常用单词分类表= one of the 1000 most frequent words in Spoken English;S1 = one of the 1000 most frequent words in Written English W1= one of the 2000 most frequent words in Spoken English;S2 = one of the 2000 most frequent words in Written English W2= one of the 3000 most frequent words in Spoken English;S3 = one of the 3000 most frequent words in Written English W3单词词性朗文层级abandon v W3ability n S2able adj S1about prep S1about adv S1above adv,prep S2above adj W3abroad adv S2absence n S3absolute adj S2absolutely adv S1absorb v W3abuse n S2academic adj W2accept v S1acceptable adj S3access n S2accident n S2accommodation n S2accompany v W2according to prep S2account n S1account v S3accurate adj S2accuse v W3achieve v S2achievement n S3acid n W3acknowledge v S3acquire v W2across adv,prep S1act n S1act v S2 action n S1 active adj S2 activist n S3 activity n S2 actor n W3 actual adj S1 actually adv S1 ad n S3 adapt v W3 add v S1 addition n S3 additional adj S3 address n S2 address v S2 adequate adj S3 adjust v W3 administration n S2 administrative adj W3 admire v S3 admission n W3 admit v S2 adopt v S3 adult n S2 adult adj W3 advance n S2 advance v W3 advanced adj W3 advantage n S2 advert n S3 advertise v S3 advertisement n S3 advertising n W3 advice n S2 advise v S2 adviser n S3 affair n S2 affect v S2 afford v S1 afraid adj S1after prep,conj,adv S1 afternoon n S1 afterwards adv S2 again adv S1 against prep S1 age n S1 aged adj W3 agency n S3 agent n S3 aggressive adj S3 ago adv S1 agree v S1 agreement n S2 agriculture n W2 ahead adv S1 aid n S2 aim n S2 aim v S2 air n S1 aircraft n S2 airline n S2 airport n S3 alarm n S2 album n S3 alcohol n W3 alive adj S2 all pron S1 all adv S1 allow v S1 allowance n S2 almost adv S1 alone adj,adv S2 along adv S1 along prep S1 alongside adv,prep W3 already adv S1 also adv S1 alter v S3 alternative adj S2 alternative n S2although conj S1 altogether adv S2 always adv S1 amazing adj S2 ambition n W3 ambulance n S3 among prep S2 amount n S1an indefinite articleW1another pron S1 analyse v W3 analysis n S3 analyst n W2 ancient adj W2 and conj S1 anger n W3 angle n S3 angry adj S3 animal n S1 announce v S2 announcement n S3 annoy v S3 annual adj S2 another determiner S1 answer n W1 answer v W2 anticipate v S3 anxiety n W3 anxious adj W3 any determiner S1 any adv,pron W1 anybody pron W3 anyhow adv S3 anyone pron W1 anything pron W1 anyway adv W2 anywhere adv W3 apart adv,adj S2 apartment n W3apologize v S2 apology n S3 apparent adj W2 apparently adv W2 appeal n W1 appeal v W3 appear v W1 appearance n W2 apple n W3 application n W1 apply v W1 appoint v W2 appointment n W2 appreciate v W3 approach n W1 approach v W2 appropriate adj W1 approval n W3 approve v W2 approximate adj W3 architect n W3 architecture n W3 area n W1 argue v W1 argument n W1 arise v W2 arm n W1 armed adj W3 army n W1 around adv,prep S1 arrange v W2 arrangement n W2 arrest v W3 arrival n W3 arrive v W1 art n W1 article n W1 artificial adj S3 artist n W2 as conj W1as prep,adv S1 ashamed adj S3 aside adv W3 ask v W1 asleep adj S2 aspect n W1 assess v W2 assessment n W2 assignment n S2 assist v W3 assistance n W2 assistant n S3 associate v W2 association n W1 assume v W1 assumption n W2 assure v W3 at prep W1 atmosphere n W2 attach v W2 attack n W2 attack v W2 attempt n W1 attempt v W2 attend v W2 attention n W1 attitude n W1 attorney n W3 attract v W2 attraction n W3 attractive adj W2 audience n W2 aunt n W3 author n W2 authority n W1 automatic adj S3 automatically adv W3 autumn n W3 available adj W1 average adj W2average n S2 avoid v W1 awake adj S3 award n W2 award v S3 aware adj W1 awareness n W3 away adv W1 awful adj S1 awkward adj S3 baby n W1 back adv W1 back n W1 back v W3 back adj W3 background n W2 backwards adv S3 bacon n S3 bad adj W1 badly adv W3 bag n W2 bake v S3 balance n W2 balance v S2 ball n W2 ban n W3 band n W2 bang v S3 bang n S3 bank n W1 bar n W1 barrier n W3 base v W1 base n W2 baseball n W2 basic adj W1 basically adv S1 basis n W1 basket n S3 bat n S3bath n W3 bathroom n W3 battery n S2 battle n W2 be auxiliary W1 be v W1 beach n W2 bean n S2 bear v W2 beard n S3 beat v W2 beat n S2 beautiful adj W2 beauty n W2 because conj W1 because prep W1 become v W1 bed n W1 bedroom n W2 beef n S3 beer n W3 before adv W1 before conj W1 before prep W1 beforehand adv S3 begin v W1 beginning n W2 behalf n W3 behave v W3 behaviour n W1 behind prep,adv S1 being n W3 belief n W2 believe v W1 bell n W3 belong v W2 below adv,prep S2 belt n W3 bench n W3 bend v W3beneath adv,prep W2 benefit n W1 benefit v W3 beside prep W2 best adj W1 best adv W2 bet v S1 bet n S1 better adj W1 better adv W1 between adv,prep S1 beyond prep,adv S2 bicycle n W3 bid n W3 big adj W1 bike n S2 bill n W1 bin n S2 bird n W2 birth n W2 birthday n W3 biscuit n S2 bit adv,pron S1 bit n S1 bite v S2 bite n S3 bitter adj S3 black adj S1 blade n S3 blame v S2 blank adj S3 bless v S3 blind adj S2 block n S2 block v S3 bloke n S2 blonde adj S3 blood n S2 blow v S2 blow n S3blue adj S1 board n S1 boat n S1 body n S1 boil v S3 boiler n S3 boiling adj S3 bomb n S3 bone n S2 bonus n S2 book n S1 book v S2 boom n S3 boot n S2 border n S3 bored adj S3 boring adj S2 born v S1 borrow v S2 boss n S2 both pron S1 bother v S1 bottle n S1 bottom adj S1 bottom n S1 bounce v S3 bound adj S2 bowl n S2 box n S1 boy n S1 boyfriend n S3 brain n S2 branch n S2 brave adj S3 bread n S2 break n S2 break v S1 breakfast n S2 breast n S3 breath n S3breathe v S3 brick n S2 bridge n S2 brief adj S2 briefly adv S2 bright adj S2 brilliant adj S2 bring v S1 broad adj S2 brother n S1 brown adj S2 brush n S3 brush v S3 buck n S1 bucket n S2 buddy n S3 budget n S1 bug n S3 build v S1 builder n S3 building n S1 bump v S3 bunch n S2 burn v S2 burn n S3 burst v W3 bury v W3 bus n S1 business n S1 busy adj S1 but conj S1 but prep S2 but adv S2 butcher n S3 butter n S2 button n S2 buy v S1 buyer n S3 by adv S1 by prep S1bye interjection S1 bye n S3 cabinet n S2 cable n W3 cake n S2 calculate v S2 calculation n S2 calculator n S3 calendar n S3 call n S1 call v S1 calm adj S3 camera n S2 camp n S3 campaign n S2 can modal S1 can n S2 cancel v S2 cancer n S2 candidate n W2 candle n S3 candy n S3 cap n S3 capable adj S2 capacity n S3 capital n S3 capital adj S2 captain n W3 capture v W3 car n S1 card n S1 care n S1 care v S1 career n S2 careful adj S1 carefully adv S2 carpet n S2 carrot n S3 carry v S1 cartoon n S3cash n S2 cash v S3 cast v W3 castle n W3 cat n S1 catalogue n W3 catch v S1 category n S2 cause v S1 cause n S2 CD n S3 cease v W3 ceiling n S3 celebrate v W3 celebration n S3 cell n S3 cellphone n S2 cent n S1 centimetre n S3 central adj S1 centre n S1 century n S2 cereal n S3 certain adj S1 certainly adv S1 certificate n S3 chain n S3 chair n S1 chairman n S3 challenge n S2 challenge v S3 champion n W3 championship n W3 chance n S1 change n S1 change v S1 channel n S3 chap n S2 chapter n S3characteristic n S3 characterize v W3 charge n S1 charge v S1 charity n S3 chart n S3 chase v S3 chat n S2 cheap adj S1 cheat v S3 check v S1 check n S1 cheek n W3 cheese n S2 chemical adj W3 chemical n S3 chemist n S3 chemistry n S2 cheque n S2 cherry n S3 chest n S2 chicken n S2 chief adj S2 chief n W3 child n S1 childhood n W3 chip n S2 chocolate n S2 choice n S1 choose v S1 chop v S3 chuck v S3 church n S1 cigarette n S2 cinema n S3 circle n S2 circuit n W3 circumstance n S2 citizen n S2civil adj S3 claim n S2 claim v S1 class n S1 classic adj W3 classical adj W3 classroom n S3 clean adj S2 clean v S1 cleaner n S3 clear adj S1 clear v S1 clearly adv S1 clerk n S3 clever adj S2 click v S3 client n S2 climate n W3 climb v W2 clock n S2 close adj S1 close adv S2 close v S1 closed adj S3 closely adv S3 closet n S3 cloth n S3 clothes n S2 cloud n S3 club n S1 clue n S2 coach n S3 coal n S2 coast n S3 coat n S2 code n S2 coffee n S1 coin n S3 cold adj S1collar n S3 colleague n S2 collect v S1 collection n S2 college n S1 colour n S1 column n S3 combination n S3 combine v S3 come v S1 comfort n W3 comfortable adj S2 command n W3 comment n S1 comment v S3 commercial adj S3 commission n S3 commit v S2 commitment n S2 committee n S3 common adj S1 communicate v S3 communication n S2 community n S1 company n S1 compare v S1 comparison n S3 compete v S3 competition n S2 competitive adj S3 complain v S2 complaint n S3 complete adj S2 complete v S2 completely adv S1 complex adj S3 complicated adj S2 component n W2 comprehensive adj W3computer n S1 concentrate v S2 concentration n S3 concept n S3 concern n S1 concern v W3 concerned adj S1 concerning prep W3 concert n S3 conclude v S3 conclusion n S3 condition n S2 conduct n W3 conduct v W2 conference n S2 confidence n S2 confident adj S3 confine v W3 confirm v S2 conflict n S3 confused adj S3 confusing adj S3 confusion n S3 congratulation n S3 connect v S2 connection n S3 conscious adj S2 consciousness n W3 consent n W3 consequence n S3 consider v S1 considerable adj S3 considerably adv S3 consideration n S2 consist v W3 consistent adj S3 constant adj S3 constantly adv S3 constitute v W3construction n S3 consult v S3 consumer n S3 consumption n W3 contact n S2 contact v S2 contain v S2 contemporary adj W2 content n S3 contest n W3 context n S2 continue v S1 continuous adj S3 contract n S1 contrast n W2 contribute v S3 contribution n S2 control n S1 control v S2 convenient adj S3 convention n W2 conventional adj W3 conversation n S1 convert v W3 conviction n W3 convince v S3 cook v S1 cooker n S3 cookie n S3 cool adj S2 cool v S2 cooperation n S3 cope v S2 copy n S1 copy v S2 core n W3 corn n S3 corner n S1 correct adj S1corridor n S3 cost n S1 cost v S1 cottage n S3 cotton n W3 could modal S1 council n S2 count v S2 counter n S3 country n S1 countryside n S3 county n W2 couple n S1 courage n S3 course n S1 court n S1 cousin n S2 cover n S1 cover v S1 cow n S2 crack v S3 craft n W3 crash n S3 crazy adj S2 create v S2 creation n W2 creative adj W3 creature n W3 credit n S2 credit card n S3 crew n S3 crime n S2 criminal adj S3 crisis n S3 criterion n W2 critic n W3 critical adj S3 criticism n S3 criticize v W3crop n W3 cross adj S2 cross n S3 cross v S2 crowd n S3 crown n W3 crucial adj W2 cruel adj S3 cry n W3 cry v S2 cultural adj W2 culture n S2 cup n S1 cupboard n S2 curious adj S3 currency n W2 current adj S2 current n W3 currently adv S2 curtain n S3 curve n S3 cushion n S3 custom n W3 customer n S1 cut n S2 cut v S1 cute adj S2 cycle n S3 dad n S1 daddy n S1 daft adj S3 daily adj S3 damage n S3 damage v S3 dance n S2 dance v S2 danger n S2 dangerous adj S2 dare v S3 dark adj S2darkness n W3 darling n S2 data n S1 database n S3 date n S1 date v S3 daughter n S1 day n S1 dead adj S1 dead adv S3 deaf adj W3 deal n S1 deal v S1 dealer n W3 dear adj S2 dear interjection S1 dear n S2 death n S1 debate n S2 debt n S3 decade n W2 decent adj S3 decide v S1 decision n S1 declare v W2 decline n W2 decline v W3 deep adj S2 deep adv W3 deeply adv W3 defeat n W3 defeat v W3 defence n S2 defend v S3 define v S2 definite adj S3 definitely adv S1 definition n S2 degree n S2 delay n W3delay v W3 deliberately adv S3 deliver v S2 delivery n S3 demand n S2 demand v W2 democracy n W2 democratic adj W2 demonstrate v S3 demonstration n W3 dentist n S3 deny v S3 department n S2 departure n W3 depend v S1 dependent adj W3 deposit n S3 depression n W3 depth n S3 derive v W3 describe v S2 description n S2 desert n W3 deserve v S3 design n S2 design v S3 designer n W3 desire n W2 desk n S2 desperate adj S3 despite prep S3 destroy v S2 destruction n W3 detail n S2 detailed adj W2 detect v W3 determination n W3 determine v W2 determined adj W3 develop v S2development n S1 device n S3 devil n S3 diagram n S3 diamond n S3 diary n S3 die v S1 diet n S3 differ v W3 difference n S1 different adj S1 difficult adj S1 difficulty n S2 dig v S2 dimension n W3 dinner n S1 direct adj S2 direct v S3 direction n S1 directly adv S2 director n S2 directory n S3 dirt n S3 dirty adj S2 disabled adj S3 disagree v S3 disappear v S2 disappoint v W3 disappointed adj S3 disaster n S3 disc n S2 discipline n S3 discount n S3 discover v S2 discovery n W3 discuss v S2 discussion n S2 disease n S3 disgusting adj S2 dish n S2dismiss v W3 display n S3 display v W2 dispute n W2 distance n S2 distant adj W3 distinct adj W3 distinction n W3 distinguish v S3 distribute v W2 distribution n W2 district n S3 disturb v W3 divide v S2 division n S3 divorce n S3 do auxiliary S1 do v S1 doctor n S1 document n S2 dog n S1 dollar n S1 domestic adj W2 dominant adj W3 dominate v W3 door n S1 dot n S2 double adj S1 double v S3 doubt n S1 doubt v S2 down adv,prep,adj S1 downstairs adv S2 downtown adv S3 dozen number S2 draft n S2 drag v S3 drama n W3 dramatic adj W3draw v S1 drawer n S3 drawing n S3 dream n S2 dream v S3 dress n S2 dress v S2 drink n S1 drink v S1 drive n S2 drive v S1 driver n S1 drop n S2 drop v S1 drug n S2 drunk adj S3 dry adj S2 dry v S2 duck n S3 each pron S1 ear n S2 early adj S1 early adv S1 earn v S2 earth n S2 ease v W3 easily adv S2 east n S1 eastern adj S2 easy adj S1 easy adv S2 eat v S1 economic adj S2 economics n W3 economy n S2 edge n S2 edition n W3 editor n W2 education n S1educational adj S3 effect n S1 effective adj S2 effectively adv S3 efficiency n W3 efficient adj S3 effort n S1 egg n S1 either conj S1 either pron S1 elderly adj W2 elect v W3 election n W1 electric adj W3 electrical adj S3 electricity n W3 electronic adj W3 element n W1 elevator n W3 else adv W1 elsewhere adv W2 email n W2 email v W2 embarrassed adj S3 emerge v W2 emergency n W3 emotion n W3 emotional adj W3 emphasis n W2 emphasize v S3 empire n W3 employ v W2 employee n W2 employer n W2 employment n W1 empty adj W2 enable v W1 encounter v W3 encourage v W1 encouraging adj S3end n W1 end v S1 enemy n W2 energy n W1 engage v W3 engine n W2 engineer n W3 engineering n W3 enhance v W3 enjoy v W1 enjoyable adj S3 enormous adj W3 enough adv W1 enough pron S1 enquiry n S2 ensure v S2 enter v S2 entirely adv S2 entitle v S3 entrance n S3 entry n S3 envelope n S3 environment n S1 environmental adj S2 equal adj S1 equal v S2 equally adv S3 equipment n S2 equivalent adj W3 era n W3 error n S3 escape n S3 escape v S3 especially adv S1 essay n S3 essential adj S3 essentially adv S2 establish v S2 establishment n W2 estate n S2estimate n S3 estimate v S3 ethnic adj W3 even adv S1 evening n S1 event n S1 ever adv S1 every determiner S1 everybody pron S1 everyone pron S1 Everything pron S1 everywhere adv S2 evidence n S2 evil adj S3 exact adj S3 exactly adv S1 exam n S1 examination n W2 examine v S3 example n S1 excellent adj S1 except conj,prep S2 exception n S3 exchange n S2 excitement n S3 exciting adj S2 exclude v W3 excuse n S3 excuse v S1 executive adj W3 executive n S3 exercise n S2 exercise v S3 exhibition n W2 exist v S2 existence n S3 existing adj S2 exit n S3 expand v S3 expansion n W3expect v S1 expectation n S3 expenditure n W3 expense n S3 expensive adj S1 experience n S1 experience v S2 experienced adj S3 experiment n S3 experimental adj W3 expert adj W3 expert n S3 explain v S1 explanation n S3 explore v S3 explosion n W3 export n W2 expose v W3 express v S2 expression n S2 extend v S3 extension n S3 extensive adj W3 extent n S2 external adj W2 extra adj S1 extraordinary adj S3 extreme adj S3 extremely adv S2 face v S1 facility n S2 fact n S1 factor n S3 factory n S2 fail v S2 failure n S3 fair adj S1 fair adv S2 fairly adv S1 faith n S3fall n S2 fall v S1 FALSE adj W3 familiar adj S3 family n S1 famous adj S2 fan n S3 fancy adj S3 fancy v S2 fantastic adj S3 far adj S1 far adv S1 farm n S2 farmer n S2 fascinating adj S3 fashion n S3 fast adj S2 fast adv S2 fat adj S2 father n S1 fault n S2 favour n S2 favour v W3 favourite adj S3 fear n S3 fear v W2 feature n S2 feature v W3 federal adj W1 fee n S3 feed v S1 feedback n S3 feel v S1 feeling n S1 fellow adj W3 female adj S3 female n W3 fence n S3 festival n S3 fetch v S3few pron,adj S1 field n W1 fight n W3 fight v W1 figure n W1 figure v W3 file n W2 fill v W1 film n W1 filthy adj S3 final adj W1 final n S1 finally adv W1 finance n W2 finance v S3 financial adj W1 find v W1 finding n W2 fine adj W1 fine adv S1 finger n W2 finish n S3 finish v W2 fire n W1 fire v W3 firm adj W2 firm n W1 first adj W1 first adv W2 firstly adv S3 fish n W1 fish v S1 fishing n S3 fit adj W3 fit v W2 fix v W2 fixed adj W3 flash v S3 flat adj W2 flat n W3flesh n W3 flight n W2 flood v W3 floor n W1 flow n W2 flow v S3 flower n W2 fly v W2 focus n W2 focus v W2 fold v W3 folk n W3 follow v W1 following adj W1 food n W1 foot n W1 football n W2 for prep W1 force n W1 force v W1 foreign adj W1 forest n W2 forever adv W3 forget v W1 forgive v S3 fork n S3 form n W1 form v W1 formal adj W2 formally adv S3 formation n W3 former adj W1 formula n W3 forth adv S2 fortnight n S3 fortunate adj S3 fortune n W3 forward adj W3 forward adv W1frame n W3 frankly adv S3 free adj W1 free v W3 freedom n W2 freeway n W3 freeze v W3 freezer n S3 frequent adj W3 frequently adv W2 fresh adj W2 fridge n S2 friend n W1 friendly adj W3 friendship n W3 frightened adj S3 from prep W1 front adj W2 front n W1 fruit n W3 fry v S3 fuel n W2 fulfill v W3 full adj W1 fully adv W2 fun adj W3 fun n W3 function n W1 fund n W1 fund v W3 fundamental adj W2 funeral n S3 funny adj W3 furniture n W3 further adv W1 fuss n S3 future adj W1 future n W1 gain n W3gay adj W3 gear n S3 gene n W3 general adj W1 generally adv W1 generate v W2 generation n W2 generous adj W3 gentle adj W3 gentleman n W2 gently adv W3 genuine adj W3 get v W1 giant adj W3 gift n W2 girl n W1 girlfriend n S3 give v W1 glad adj W3 glance n W3 glass n W1 global adj W2 glove n S3 go n S1 go v W1 goal n W1 god n W1 gold adj W3 gold n W2 golden adj W3 golf n W3 good adj W1 goodness n S2 goods n W2 gorgeous adj S3 gosh interjection S2 govern v W3 government n W1 governor n W3grade n W3 gradually adv W3 gram n S3 grammar n W3 grand adj W3 granddad n S3 grandfather n S3 grandma n S2 grandmother n S3 grandpa n S3 granny n S3 grant n W2 grant v W2 graph n S3 grass n W2 grateful adj W3 great adj W1 green adj W2 green n W3 grey adj W2 grocery n S3 gross adj S3 ground n W1 group n W1 grow v W1 growth n W1 guarantee n S3 guarantee v S2 guard n W3 guess n S3 guess v W3 guest n W2 guidance n W3 guide n W2 guide v S3 guilty adj W3 guitar n W3 gun n W2 guy n W3hair n W1 half adv S2 half n W2 half pron S2 halfway adj, S3 hall n W2 hand n W1 hand v W2 handbag n S3 handle n S3 handle v W2 handy adj S3 hang v W2 happen v W1 happy adj W1 hard adj W1 hard adv W2 hardly adv W2 harm n W3 hat n W3 hate v W3 have v W1 have v W1 have v W3 he pron W1 head n W1 head v W2 headquarters n W3 health n W1 healthy adj W3 hear v W1 hearing n W2 heart n W1 heat n W2 heat v S2 heater n S3 heating n S3 housing n W2 how adv, S1 however adv W1huge adj W2 human adj W1 human n S2 hungry adj S2 hunt v W3 hurry n S3 hurry v S3 hurt v W2 husband n W1 jacket n W3 keen adj W3 heavily adv W3 heavy adj W1 height n W3 hell n W3 hello interjection, S1 help n W1 help v W1 helpful adj W3 hence adv W3 her pron W1 here adv W1 hero n W3 hers pron W3 herself pron W1 hesitate v W3 hi interjection S1 hide v W2 high adj W1 high adv S1 highlight v W3 highly adv W2 highway n S3 hill n W2 him pron W1 himself pron W1 hire v W3 his pron W1 historian n W3 historical adj W2history n W1 hit n W3 hit v W2 hold n W3 hold v W1 holder n W2 holding n W3 hole n W2 holiday n W2 holy adj W3 home adv W1 home n W1 homework n S2 honest adj W3 honestly adv S2 honey n S2 honour n W3 hook n S3 hook v S3 hope n W2 hope v W1 hopefully adv S1 hopeless adj S3 horrible adj S2 horror n W3 horse n W1 hospital n W1 host n W3 hot adj W2 hotel n W1 hour n W1 house n W1 household n W2 ice n W3 idea n W1 ideal adj W3 ideally adv S3 identify v W1 identity n W2 idiot n S3if conj W1 ignore v W2 ill adj W2 illegal adj W3 illness n W3 illustrate v W2 image n W1 imagination n W3 imagine v W2 immediate adj W2 immediately adv W1 impact n W2 implement v W3 implication n W2 imply v W2 import n W3 importance n W1 important adj W1 impose v W2 impossible adj W2 impress v S3 impression n W2 impressive adj W3 improve v W1 improvement n W2 in adv W1 in prep W1 inch n W3 incident n W2 include v W1 including prep W1 income n W1 incorporate v W3 increase n W1 increase v W1 increasingly adv W2 incredible adj S3 incredibly adv S3 indeed adv W1 independence n W2independent adj W2 index n W2 indicate v W1 indication n W3 individual adj W1 individual n W1 industrial adj W1 industry n W1 inevitable adj W3 inevitably adv W3 infant n W3 infection n W3 inflation n W2 influence n W1 influence v W2 inform v W3 informal adj W3 information n W1 initial adj W2 initially adv S3 initiative n W2 injure v W3 injury n W2 inner adj W2 innocent adj W3 innovation n W3 input n W3 inquiry n W2 insect n W3 inside adv, S2 inside n,prep S2 insist v W2 inspection n W3 inspector n W3 install v W3 instance n W2 instant adj S3 instead adv W1 institute n W3 institution n W1instruction n W2 instrument n W2 insurance n W2 intellectual adj W3 intelligence n W3 intelligent adj S3 intend v W1 intense adj W3 intention n W2 interaction n W3 interest n W1 interested adj W2 interesting adj W2 internal adj W2 international adj W1 internet n W2 interpret v W3 interpretation n W2 interval n W3 intervention n W3 interview n W2 interview v S2 into prep W1 introduce v W1 introduction n W2 invest v W3 investigate v W2 investigation n W2 investment n W1 invite v W2 involve v S2 involved adj W3 involvement n W3 iron n W3 iron v S2 island n W2 issue n W1 issue v W2 it pron W1 item n W2its determiner W1 itself pron W1 jam n S3 job n W1 join v W1 joint adj W2 joke n W3 joke v S2 journalist n W3 journey n W2 joy n W3 judge n W2 judge v W3 judgment n W2 juice n S2 Jump n S3 jump v W3 jumper n S3 junior adj W3 jury n W3 just adv W1 justice n W2 justify v W3 keep v W1 kettle n S3 key adj W2 key n W2 keyboard n S3 kick n S3 kick v W3 kid n W2 kid v S1 kill v W1 kilometre n W3 kind adj W3 kind n W1 king n W1 kiss v W3 kit n S3 kitchen n W2knee n W2 knife n W3 knock v W3 know v W1 knowledge n W1 known adj W3 lab n S3 machinery n W3 mad adj W3 madam n S3 magazine n W2 magic n W3 mail n W3 mail v S3 lend v W3 lonely adj S3 mark v W2 millimetre n S3 label n W3 laboratory n W3 labour n W1 lack n,v S3 lack v W3 lad n W3 ladder n S3 lady n W2 lake n W3 lamb n S3 lamp n S3 land n W1 land v W3 landlord n W3 landscape n W3 lane n W3 language n W1 large adj W1 largely adv W2 last adv W1 last adj W1 last n, S1last v W2 late adj W1 late adv W3 later adv W1 latter n W2 laugh v W2 laugh n S2 launch v W2 law n W1 lawyer n W2 lay v W2 layer n W3 lazy adj S3 lead v W1 lead n W2 leader n W1 leadership n W2 leading adj W2 leaf n W2 league n W2 lean v S3 learn v W1 least pron W1 leather n W3 leave v W1 leave n W2 lecture n W3 left adj W1 left adv W3 left n W3 leg n W1 legal adj W1 legislation n W2 leisure n W3 length n W2 less adv W1 less pron W1 lesson n W3 let v W1 letter n W1level adj W2 level n W1 liberal adj W2 library n W1 licence n W2 lick v S3 lid n S3 lie v W1 lie v W3 lie n S2 life n W1 lift v W2 lift n W3 light adj W1 light n W1 light v W3 lighting n S3 like prep W1 like v S1 like adv S1 like conj S1 like n S1 likely adj W1 limit n W2 limit v W2 limitation n W3 limited adj W2 line n W1 linkn n W2 link v W2 lip n W2 liquid n W3 list n W1 list v W3 listen v W1 literally adv S2 literary adj W2 literature n W2 little adj W1 little adv W1little pron W1 live v W1 live adj W3 lively adj S3 living n S2 load n W3 loan n W2 local adj W1 locate v W3 location n W2 lock n S2 lock v W3 log n S3 logical adj S3 long adj W1 long adv W1 long-term adj W3 look n W1 look v W1 loose adj W3 lord n W2 lorry n S3 lose v W1 loss n W1 lost adj W3 lot pron, S1 lot n,adv S1 loud adj W3 loud adv S2 lounge n S3 love n W1 love v W1 lovely adj W3 lover n W3 low adj W1 lower v W3 lower adj S3 luck n W3 luckily adv S3 lucky adj W3lump n S2 lunch n W2 lunchtime n S3 machine n W1 main adj W1 mainly adv W2 maintain v W1 maintenance n W3 major adj W1 majority n W1 make v W1 male adj W2 male n S3 mall n W3 man n W1 manage v W1 management n W1 manager n W1 manner n W2 manufacturer n W2 manufacturing n W3 many pron,adj S1 map n W2 march v W2 march n W2 margin n W3 mark n W2 market n W1 marketing n W3 marriage n W2 married adj W2 marry v W2 marvellous adj S2 mass n W2 mass adj W2 massive adj W3 master n W2 match n W2 match v W2 mate n S2material adj S1 math n S2 maths n S2 matter n W1 matter v W3 maximum adj W3 may modal W1 maybe adv W1 me pron W1 meal n W2 mean v W1 meaning n W1 means n W2 meanwhile adv W2 measure v W2 measure n S2 measurement n W3 meat n W3 mechanism n W3 media n W2 medical adj W2 medicine n W3 medieval adj W3 medium adj S3 meet v W1 meeting n W1 member n W1 membership n W2 memory n W1 mental adj W2 mention v W1 menu n S3 mere adj W3 merely adv W2 mess n S2 mess v S2 message n W2 messy adj S3 metal n W2metre n W3 middle adj W2 middle n W2 midnight n S3 might modal W1 mile n W1 military adj W1 milk n W3 museum n W2 mushroom n S3 music n W1 musical adj W3 must modal W1 my pron S1 myself pron W1 mystery n W3 nail n S3 number n W1 numerous adj W3 nurse n W3 nut n S3 object n W2 nod v S2 muscle n W3 overseas adv W3 mind n W1 mind v W2 mine n W3 mine pron S2 mineral n W3 minimum adj W3 minister n W1 ministry n W2 minor adj W2 minority n W2 minute n W1 mirror n W3 misery n S3 miss v W2miss n S1 mission n W2 mistake n W2 mix v W3 mixed adj S2 mixture n W3 mobile n S2 mobile phone S2 mode n W3 model n W1 modern adj W1 mom n S1 moment n W1 mommy n S3 money n W1 monitor v W3 month n W1 mood n W3 moon n W3 moral adj W2 more adv W1 more pron W1 moreover adv W2 morning n W1 mortgage n W3 most adv W1 most pron W1 mostly adv W3 mother n W1 motion n W3 motor n W3 motorway n S2 mountain n W3 mouse n W3 mouth n W1 move v W1 move n W1 movement n W1 movie n W2 much adv W1。



朗文基础高频三千词Longman Communication 3000View PDFa indefinite article S1, W1abandon v W3 ability n S2, W1 able adj S1, W1 about prep S1, W1 about adv S1, W1 above adv S2, W1 above adj W3 abroad adv S2, W3 absence n S3, W2 absolute adj S2, W3 absolutely adv S1, W3absorb v W3abuse n S2, W3 academic adj W2 accept v S1, W1 acceptable adj S3, W3access n S2, W1 accident n S2, W2 accommodation n S2, W2 accompany v W2 according to prep S2, W1account n S1, W1 account v S3, W2 accurate adj S2, W3 accuse v W3 achieve v S2, W1 achievement n S3, W2acid n W3 acknowledge v S3, W3 acquire v W2across adv S1, W1act n S1, W1act v S2, W1action n S1, W1active adj S2, W2activist n S3activity n S2, W1actor n W3actual adj S1, W2actually adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adapt v W3add v S1, W1addition n S3, W1additional adj S3,W2address n S2, W2address v S2, W2adequate adj S3, W3adjust v W3administration n S2,W2administrative adjW3admire v S3admission n W3admit v S2, W1adopt v S3, W2adult n S2, W2adult adj W3advance n S2, W2advance v W3advanced adj W3advantage n S2, W1advert n S3advertise v S3, W3advertisement n S3advertising n W3advice n S2, W2advise v S2, W2adviser n S3, W3affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1afford v S1, W3afraid adj S1, W2after prep S1, W1afternoon n S1, W2afterwards adv S2,W3again adv S1, W1against prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agency n S3, W1agent n S3, W2aggressive adj S3ago adv S1, W1agree v S1, W1agreement n S2, W1agriculture n W2ahead adv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircraft n S2, W2airline n S2, W3airport n S3, W3alarm n S2album n S3, W3alcohol n W3alive adj S2, W3all determiner S1,W1all adv S1, W1allow v S1, W1allowance n S2, W3all right adj S1, W2almost adv S1, W1alone adj S2, W1along adv S1, W1along prep S1, W1alongside adv W3already adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alter v S3, W3alternative adj S2,W2alternative n S2, W3althoughconjunction S1, W1altogether adv S2,W3always adv S1, W1amazing adj S2ambition n W3ambulance n S3among prep S2, W1amount n S1, W1an indefinite articleS1, W1analyse v W3analysis n S3, W1analyst n W2ancient adj W2and conjunction S1,W1anger n W3angle n S3, W3angry adj S3, W3animal n S1, W1announce v S2, W1announcement n S3,W3annoy v S3annual adj S2, W2another determinerS1, W1answer n S1, W1answer v S1, W2anticipate v S3anxiety n S3, W3anxious adj S3, W3any determiner S1,W1any adv S2anybody pron S1,W3anyhow adv S3anyone pron S1, W1anything pron S1,W1anyway adv S1, W2 anywhere adv S1, W3apart adv S2, W1 apartment n S2, W3 apologize v S2 apology n S3 apparent adj W2 apparently adv S1, W2appeal n S2, W1 appeal v S3, W3 appear v S2, W1 appearance n W2 apple n S2, W3 application n S1, W1apply v S1, W1 appoint v S2, W2 appointment n S2, W2appreciate v S2, W3 approach v S2, W2 approach n S2, W1 appropriate adj S2, W1approval n S2, W3 approve v S3, W2 approximate adj S3, W3architect n W3 architecture n S3, W3area n S1, W1 argue v S2, W1 argument n S1, W1 arise v S3, W2arm n S1, W1 armed adj S3, W3 army n S1, W1 around adv S1, W1 arrange v S2, W2 arrangement n S2, W2arrest v W3arrival n W3arrive v S2, W1art n S1, W1article n S2, W1artificial adj S3artist n S3, W2as prep S1, W1as conjunction S1,W1ashamed adj S3aside adv S3, W3ask v S1, W1asleep adj S2aspect n S2, W1assess v S2, W2assessment n S3,W2assignment n S2assist v S3, W3assistance n S3, W2assistant n S3associate v S3, W2association n S3,W1assume v S2, W1assumption n S2,W2assure v S2, W3at prep S1, W1atmosphere n S3,W2attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2attack v S3, W2attempt n S2, W1attempt v S2, W2attend v S2, W2attention n S2, W1attitude n S2, W1attorney n S2, W3attract v S2, W2attraction n W3attractive adj S2,W2audience n S2, W2aunt n S3, W3author n W2authority n W1automatic adj S3automatically advS3, W3autumn n W3available adj S1, W1average adj S2, W2average n S2avoid v S2, W1awake adj S3award n S3, W2award v W3aware adj S1, W1awareness n W3away adv S1, W1awful adj S1awkward adj S3baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3background n S2,W2backwards adv S3bacon n S3bad adj S1, W1badly adv S3, W3bag n S1, W2bake v S3balance n S2, W2balance v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2bang n S3bang v S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1barrier n W3base v S1, W1base n S2, W2baseball n S3, W2basic adj S2, W1basically adv S1basis n S2, W1basket n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3bathroom n S2, W3battery n S2battle n W2be auxiliary verb S1,W1be v S1, W1beach n S2, W2bean n S2bear v S2, W2beard n S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beautiful adj S1, W2beauty n S3, W2because conjunctionS1, W1because prep S1,W1become v S1, W1bed n S1, W1bedroom n S1, W2beef n S3beer n S2, W3before conjunctionS1, W1before prep S1, W1before adv S1, W1beforehand adv S3begin v S1, W1beginning n S1, W2behalf n S3, W3behave v S3, W3behaviour n S2, W1 behind prep S1, W1 being n S2, W3 belief n S3, W2 believe v S1, W1 bell n S2, W3 belong v S2, W2 below adv S2, W2 belt n S2, W3 bench n S2, W3 bend v S3, W3 beneath adv W2 benefit n S2, W1 benefit v S2, W3 beside prep S3, W2 best adj S1, W1 best adv S1, W2 bet v S1bet n S3better adj S1, W1 better adv S1, W1 between adv S1, W1 beyond prep S2, W1 bicycle n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1 bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birth n S2, W2 birthday n S1, W3 biscuit n S2bit adv S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitter adj S3, W3 black adj S1, W1 blade n S3blame v S2, W3 blank adj S3bless v S3blind adj S2, W3 block n S2, W2block v S3bloke n S2blonde adj S3blood n S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2board n S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boiler n S3boiling adj, adv S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonus n S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3border n S3, W2bored adj S3boring adj S2born v S1, W2borrow v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both determiner S1,W1bother v S1, W3bottle n S1, W2bottom n S1, W3bottom adj S1, W3bounce v S3bound adj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfriend n S3brain n S2, W2branch n S2, W2brave adj S3bread n S2, W3break v S1, W1break n S2, W2breakfast n S2, W2breast n S3breath n S3, W2breathe v S3, W3brick n S2, W3bridge n S2, W2brief adj S2, W2briefly adv S2, W3bright adj S2, W2brilliant adj S2, W3bring v S1, W1broad adj S2, W2brother n S1, W1brown adj S2, W2brush n S3brush v S3buck n S1bucket n S2buddy n S3budget n S1, W2bug n S3build v S1, W1builder n S3building n S1, W1bump v S3bunch n S2burn v S2, W3burn n S3burst v W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2business n S1, W1busy adj S1, W2but conjunction S1,W1but prep S2, W3but adv S2, W3butcher n S3butter n S2button n S2buy v S1, W1buyer n S3, W3by prep S1, W1by adv S1, W1bye interjection S1bye n S3cabinet n S2, W2cable n W3cake n S2, W3calculate v S2, W3calculation n S2calculator n S3calendar n S3call v S1, W1call n S1, W1calm adj S3, W3camera n S2, W3camp n S3, W3campaign n S2, W1can modal verb S1,W1can n S2cancel v S2cancer n S2, W2candidate n W2candle n S3candy n S3cap n S3capable adj S2, W2capacity n S3, W2capital n S3, W1capital adj S2, W3captain n W3capture v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2career n S2, W2careful adj S1, W2carefully adv S2,W2carpet n S2, W3carrot n S3carry v S1, W1cartoon n S3case n S1, W1cash n S2, W2 cash v S3cast v W3castle n W3cat n S1, W3 catalogue n W3 catch v S1, W1 category n S2, W2 cause n S2, W1 cause v S1, W1CD n S3, W3 cease v W3ceiling n S3, W3 celebrate v W3 celebration n S3 cell n S3, W2 cellphone n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centimetre n S3, W3 central adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 century n S2, W1 cereal n S3certain adj S1, W1 certainly adv S1, W1certificate n S3, W3 chain n S3, W2 chair n S1, W2 chairman n S3, W1 challenge n S2, W2 challenge v S3, W3 champion n W3 championship n W3 chance n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 change n S1, W1 channel n S3, W2 chap n S2chapter n S3, W1 character n S1, W1 characteristic n S3, W2characterize v W3charge n S1, W1charge v S1, W2charity n S3, W3chart n S3, W3chase v S3chat n S2cheap adj S1, W2cheat v S3check v S1, W2check n S1, W3cheek n W3cheese n S2, W3chemical n S3, W3chemical adj W3chemist n S3chemistry n S2cheque n S2cherry n S3chest n S2, W3chicken n S2chief adj S2, W2chief n W3child n S1, W1childhood n W3chip n S2, W3chocolate n S2choice n S1, W1choose v S1, W1chop v S3chuck v S3church n S1, W1cigarette n S2, W3cinema n S3circle n S2, W2circuit n W3circumstance n S2,W1citizen n S2, W2city n S1, W1civil adj S3, W2claim v S1, W1claim n S2, W1class n S1, W1classic adj W3classical adj W3classroom n S3, W3clean adj S2, W2clean v S1, W3cleaner n S3clear adj S1, W1clear v S1, W2clearly adv S1, W1clerk n S3clever adj S2click v S3client n S2, W1climate n W3climb v W2clock n S2, W3close v S1, W1close adj S1, W1close adv S2, W2closed adj S3closely adv S3, W2closet n S3cloth n S3clothes n S2, W2cloud n S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coach n S3, W2coal n S2, W2coast n S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffee n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1collapse v S3collar n S3colleague n S2, W2collect v S1, W2collection n S2, W1college n S1, W2colour n S1, W1column n S3, W2combination n S3,W2combine v S3, W2come v S1, W1comfort n W3comfortable adj S2,W3command n W3comment n S1, W2comment v S3, W3commercial adj S3,W2commission n S3,W2commit v S2, W2commitment n S2,W2committee n S3, W1common adj S1, W1communicate v S3,W3communication n S2,W1community n S1,W1company n S1, W1compare v S1, W1comparison n S3,W2compete v S3, W3competition n S2,W1competitive adj S3,W3complain v S2, W3complaint n S3, W3complete adj S2,W1complete v S2, W1completely adv S1,W2complex adj S3, W2complicated adj S2component n W2comprehensive adj W3comprise v W3 computer n S1, W1 concentrate v S2, W2 concentration n S3, W2concept n S3, W2 concern n S1, W1 concern v W3 concerned adj S1, W1concerning prep W3 concert n S3, W3 conclude v S3, W2 conclusion n S3, W2 condition n S2, W1 conduct v W2 conduct n W3 conference n S2, W1confidence n S2, W2confident adj S3, W3confine v W3 confirm v S2, W2 conflict n S3, W2 confused adj S3 confusing adj S3 confusion n S3, W3 congratulation n S3 connect v S2, W2 connection n S3, W2conscious adj S2, W3 consciousness n W3 consent n W3 consequence n S3, W2consider v S1, W1 considerable adj S3, W1considerably adv S3consideration n S2,W2consist v W3consistent adj S3,W3constant adj S3, W3constantly adv S3,W3constitute v W3construct v W3construction n S3,W2consult v S3, W3consumer n S3, W2consumption n W3contact n S2, W2contact v S2, W2contain v S2, W1contemporary adjW2content n S3, W2contest n W3context n S2, W2continue v S1, W1continuous adj S3,W3contract n S1, W1contrast n W2contribute v S3, W2contribution n S2,W2control n S1, W1control v S2, W1convenient adj S3convention n W2conventional adj W3conversation n S1,W2convert v W3conviction n W3convince v S3, W3cook v S1, W3cooker n S3cookie n S3, W3cool adj S2, W3cool v S2cooperation n S3,W3cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corner n S1, W2correct adj S1, W2correct v S3corridor n S2, W3cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2cottage n S3, W3cotton n W3could modal verb S1,W1council n S2, W2count v S2, W3counter n S3country n S1, W1countryside n S3,W3county n W2couple n S1, W1courage n S3course n S1, W1court n S1, W1cousin n S2cover v S1, W1cover n S1, W2cow n S2crack v S3craft n W3crash n S3crazy adj S2create v S2, W1creation n W2creative adj W3creature n W3credit n S2, W2credit card n S3, W3crew n S3, W3crime n S2, W2criminal adj S3, W2crisis n S3, W2criterion n W2critic n W3critical adj S3, W2criticism n S3, W2criticize v W3crop n W3cross v S2, W2cross n S3, W3cross adj S2crowd n S3, W2crown n W3crucial adj W2cruel adj S3cry v S2, W2cry n W3cultural adj W2culture n S2, W1cup n S1, W1cupboard n S2curious adj S3currency n W2current adj S2, W2current n W3currently adv S2,W2curtain n S3, W3curve n S3, W3cushion n S3custom n W3customer n S1, W1cut v S1, W1cut n S2, W2cute adj S2cycle n S3, W3dad n S1, W3daddy n S1daft adj S3daily adj S3, W2 damage n S3, W2 damage v S3, W3 dance n S2, W3 dance v S2, W3 danger n S2, W2 dangerous adj S2, W2dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1 darkness n W3 darling n S2data n S1, W1 database n S3, W3 date n S1, W1date v S3, W3 daughter n S1, W1 day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1 dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1 dealer n W3dear interjection S1 dear n S2dear adj S2, W2 death n S1, W1 debate n S2, W2 debt n S3, W2 decade n W2 decent adj S3 decide v S1, W1 decision n S1, W1 declare v W2 decline n W2 decline v W3deep adj S2, W1 deep adv W3 deeply adv W3 defeat n W3defeat v W3 defence n S2, W1 defend v S3, W3define v S2, W2definite adj S3definitely adv S1definition n S2, W2degree n S2, W1delay n W3delay v W3deliberately adv S3deliver v S2, W2delivery n S3, W3demand n S2, W1demand v W2democracy n W2democratic adj W2demonstrate v S3,W2demonstration n W3dentist n S3deny v S3, W2department n S2,W1departure n W3depend v S1, W2dependent adj W3deposit n S3, W3depression n W3depth n S3, W3derive v W3describe v S2, W1description n S2,W2desert n W3deserve v S3, W3design n S2, W1design v S3, W1designer n W3desire n W2desk n S2, W2desperate adj S3,W3despite prep S3, W1destroy v S2, W2destruction n W3detail n S2, W1detailed adj W2detect v W3determination n W3determine v W2determined adj W3develop v S2, W1development n S1,W1device n S3, W2devil n S3diagram n S3diamond n S3diary n S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2differ v W3difference n S1, W1different adj S1, W1difficult adj S1, W1difficulty n S2, W1dig v S2dimension n W3dinner n S1, W2direct adj S2, W1direct v S3, W2direction n S1, W1directly adv S2, W2director n S2, W1directory n S3dirt n S3dirty adj S2, W3disabled adj S3, W3disagree v S3disappear v S2, W2disappoint v W3disappointed adj S3,W3disaster n S3, W3disc n S2, W3discipline n S3, W3discount n S3discover v S2, W1discovery n W3discuss v S2, W1discussion n S2, W1disease n S3, W1disgusting adj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismiss v W3display n S3, W2display v W2dispute n W2distance n S2, W2distant adj W3distinct adj W3distinction n W3distinguish v S3,W3distribute v W2distribution n W2district n S3, W2disturb v W3divide v S2, W2division n S3, W1divorce n S3do auxiliary verb S1,W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1document n S2, W2dog n S1, W1dollar n S1, W2domestic adj W2dominant adj W3dominate v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2double adj S1, W2double v S3doubt n S1, W1doubt v S2down adv S1, W1downstairs adv S2downtown adv S3,W3dozen number S2,W3draft n S2, W3 drag v S3, W3 drama n W3 dramatic adj W3 draw v S1, W1 draw n S3drawer n S3 drawing n S3, W3 dream n S2, W2 dream v S3, W3 dress n S2, W2 dress v S2, W2 drink v S1, W2 drink n S1, W2 drive v S1, W1 drive n S2, W2 driver n S1, W2 drop v S1, W2drop n S2, W3drug n S2, W1 drunk adj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S3dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3during prep S1, W1 dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1 DVD n S3, W3each determiner S1, W1each other pron S1, W1ear n S2, W2early adj S1, W1 early adv S1, W1 earn v S2, W2 earth n S2, W2ease v W3easily adv S2, W1east n S1, W2eastern adj S2, W2easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1economic adj S2,W1economics n W3economy n S2, W1edge n S2, W2edition n W3editor n W2education n S1, W1educational adj S3,W2effect n S1, W1effective adj S2, W1effectively adv S3,W2efficiency n W3efficient adj S3, W3effort n S1, W1egg n S1, W2either conjunctionS1, W1either determiner S1,W1elderly adj S3, W2elect v S3, W3election n S2, W1electric adj S2, W3electrical adj S3electricity n S2, W3electronic adj S3,W3element n S2, W1elevator n S3, W3else adv S1, W1elsewhere adv S3,W2email n S2, W2email v S2, W2embarrassed adj S3emerge v W2emergency n S3, W3emotion n W3emotional adj S3,W3emphasis n S3, W2emphasize v S3, W2empire n W3employ v S3, W2employee n S2, W2employer n S2, W2employment n S2,W1empty adj S2, W2enable v S3, W1encounter v W3encourage v S2, W1encouraging adj S3end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemy n W2energy n S2, W1engage v W3engine n S2, W2engineer n S3, W3engineering n S3,W3enhance v W3enjoy v S1, W1enjoyable adj S3enormous adj S2,W3enough adv S1, W1enough determinerS1, W2enquiry n S2, W2ensure v S2, W1enter v S2, W1enterprise n W2entertainment n S3,W3enthusiasm n W3enthusiastic adj S3entire adj S3, W2entirely adv S2, W2entitle v S3, W3entrance n S3, W3entry n S3, W2envelope n S3environment n S1,W1environmental adjS2, W2equal adj S1, W2equal v S2equally adv S3, W2equipment n S2, W2equivalent adj W3era n W3error n S3, W2escape v S3, W2escape n S3especially adv S1,W1essay n S3essential adj S3, W2essentially adv S2,W3establish v S2, W1establishment n W2estate n S2, W2estimate n S3, W2estimate v S3, W2ethnic adj W3even adv S1, W1evening n S1, W1event n S1, W1eventually adv S1,W2ever adv S1, W1every determiner S1,W1everybody pron S1,W3everyone pron S1,W1everything pron S1, W1everywhere adv S2, W3evidence n S2, W1 evil adj S3, W3 exact adj S3 exactly adv S1, W2 exam n S1 examination n W2 examine v S3, W2 example n S1, W1 excellent adj S1, W2 except conjunction S2, W2exception n S3, W2 exchange n S2, W1 excitement n S3, W3exciting adj S2, W3 exclude v W3 excuse v S1 excuse n S3 executive n S3, W2 executive adj W3 exercise n S2, W2 exercise v S3, W2 exhibition n W2 exist v S2, W1 existence n S3, W2 existing adj S2, W2 exit n S3expand v S3, W3 expansion n W3 expect v S1, W1 expectation n S3, W2expenditure n W2 expense n S3, W2 expensive adj S1, W2experience n S1, W1 experience v S2, W2 experienced adj S3 experiment n S3,W2experimental adjW3expert n S3, W2expert adj W3explain v S1, W1explanation n S3,W2explore v S3, W2explosion n W3export n W2expose v W3express v S2, W1expression n S2, W2extend v S3, W2extension n S3, W3extensive adj W3extent n S2, W1external adj W2extra adj S1, W2extraordinary adj S3,W3extreme adj S3, W3extremely adv S2,W2eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facility n S2, W1fact n S1, W1factor n S3, W1factory n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failure n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairly adv S1, W2faith n S3, W2fall v S1, W1fall n S2, W2false adj W3familiar adj S3, W2family n S1, W1famous adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancy v S2fancy adj S3fantastic adj S3far adv S1, W1far adj S1, W1farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2fascinating adj S3fashion n S3, W2fast adv S2, W3fast adj S2, W2fat adj S2, W3father n S1, W1fault n S2, W3favour n S2, W3favour v W3favourite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2feature n S2, W1feature v W3federal adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedback n S3feel v S1, W1feeling n S1, W1fellow adj W3female adj S3, W2female n W3fence n S3festival n S3, W3fetch v S3few determiner S1,W1field n S1, W1fight v S1, W1fight n S2, W3figure n S1, W1figure v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W3fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1filthy adj S3final adj S1, W1finally adv S2, W1finance n S3, W2finance v W3financial adj S2, W1find v S1, W1finding n W2fine adj S1, W1fine adv S3finger n S2, W2finish v S1, W2finish n S3fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm n S1, W1firm adj S3, W2first adj S1, W1first adv S1, W2firstly adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishing n S3fit v S1, W2fit adj S2, W3fix v S2, W2fixed adj S3, W3flash v S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3flesh n W3flight n S3, W2flood v W3floor n S1, W1flow n S3, W2flow v W3flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2focus v S3, W2focus n S3, W2fold v W3folk n S2, W3 follow v S1, W1 following adj S3, W1food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 football n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 force n S2, W1 force v S2, W1 foreign adj S3, W1 forest n S2, W2 forever adv S2, W3 forget v S1, W1 forgive v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1 form v S2, W1 formal adj S2, W2 formally adv S3 formation n W3 former adj S2, W1 formula n S3, W3 forth adv S2 fortnight n S3 fortunate adj S3 fortune n S3, W3 forward adv S1, W1 forward adj S2, W3 foundation n W2 frame n S3, W3 frankly adv S3free adj S1, W1 free v S3, W3 freedom n S3, W2 freeway n S2, W3 freeze v S3, W3 freezer n S3 frequent adj W3 frequently adv S3, W2fresh adj S2, W2 fridge n S2 friend n S1, W1friendly adj S2, W3friendship n W3frightened adj S3from prep S1, W1front n S1, W1front adj S1, W2fruit n S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfil v W3full adj S1, W1fully adv S2, W2fun n S2, W3fun adj S2, W3function n S3, W1fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3fundamental adj W2funeral n S3funny adj S1, W3furniture n S2, W3further adv S1, W1fuss n S3future adj S1, W1future n S1, W1gain v S3, W2gain n W3gallery n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2garage n S2garbage n S3garden n S1, W1garlic n S3gas n S1, W2gasoline n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gather v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3general adj S1, W1generally adv S2,W1generate v S3, W2generation n S3, W2generous adj W3gentle adj S3, W3gentleman n S2, W2gently adv W3genuine adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giant adj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlfriend n S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glance n W3glass n S1, W1global adj W2glove n S3go v S1, W1go n S1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold n S2, W2gold adj S3, W3golden adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1goodbye S3good morninginterjection S2goodness n S2good night S3goods n S2, W2gorgeous adj S3gosh interjection S2govern v W3government n S2,W1governor n W3grab v S2, W3grade n S2, W3gradually adv S3,W3gram n S3grammar n S3, W3grand adj S2, W3grandad n S3grandfather n S3grandma n S2grandmother n S3grandpa n S3granny n S3grant v S2, W2grant n S2, W2graph n S3grass n S2, W2grateful adj S3, W3great adj S1, W1greatly adv W3green adj S1, W2green n S2, W3grey adj S2, W2grocery n S3gross adj S3ground n S1, W1group n S1, W1grow v S1, W1growth n S3, W1guarantee v S2, W3guarantee n S3guard n S3, W3guess v S1, W3guess n S3guest n S3, W2guidance n S3, W3guide n S3, W2guide v W3guilty adj S2, W3guitar n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3habit n S3, W3hair n S1, W1half predeterminer S1, W1half n S1, W2half adv S2 halfway adj S3hall n S2, W2hand n S1, W1 hand v S2, W2 handbag n S3 handle v S2, W2 handle n S3handy adj S3hang v S1, W2 happen v S1, W1 happy adj S1, W1 hard adj S1, W1 hard adv S1, W2 hardly adv S2, W2 harm n S3, W3hat n S1, W3hate v S1, W3have auxiliary verb S1, W1have v S1, W1 have v S1, W3he pron S1, W1 head n S1, W1 head v S2, W2 headquarters n W3 health n S1, W1 healthy adj S3, W3 hear v S1, W1 hearing n S3, W2 heart n S1, W1 heat n S2, W2heat v S3heater n S3 heating n S3 heaven n S3, W3 heavily adv W3 heavy adj S1, W1 height n S2, W3 hell n S1, W3 hello interjection S1help v S1, W1help n S1, W1helpful adj S2, W3hence adv W3her determiner S1,W1her pron S1, W1here adv S1, W1hero n W3hers pron S3, W3herself pron S2, W1hesitate v W3hi interjection S1hide v S2, W2high adj S1, W1high adv S3highlight v W3highly adv S2, W2highway n S3hill n S2, W2him pron S1, W1himself pron S1, W1hire v S2, W3his determiner S1,W1historian n W3historical adj W2history n S2, W1hit v S1, W2hit n S3, W3hold v S1, W1hold n S2, W3holder n W2holding n W3hole n S1, W2holiday n S1, W2holy adj W3home n S1, W1home adv S1, W1homework n S2honest adj S1, W3honestly adv S2honey n S2honour n W3hook n S3hook v S3hope v S1, W1hope n S2, W2hopefully adv S1hopeless adj S3horrible adj S2horror n W3horse n S1, W1hospital n S1, W1host n W3hot adj S1, W2hotel n S2, W1hour n S1, W1house n S1, W1household n S3, W2housing n W2how adv S1, W1however adv S1,W1huge adj S1, W2human adj S2, W1human n W3hungry adj S2hunt v W3hurry v S3hurry n S3hurt v S1, W2husband n S1, W1I pron S1, W1ice n S2, W3ice cream n S2idea n S1, W1ideal adj S3, W3ideally adv S3identify v S2, W1identity n W2idiot n S3if conjunction S1,W1ignore v S2, W2ill adj S3, W2illegal adj W3illness n S3, W3illustrate v W2image n S2, W1imagination n S3,W3imagine v S1, W2immediate adj S3,W2immediately adv S2,W1impact n S3, W2implement v W3implication n S3,W2imply v W2import n W3importance n S3,W1important adj S1,W1impose v S3, W2impossible adj S2,W2impress v S3, W3impression n S2,W2impressive adj W3improve v S2, W1improvement n S3,W2in prep S1, W1in adv S1, W1inch n S2, W3incident n S3, W2include v S1, W1including prep S2,W1income n S2, W1incorporate v W3increase v S2, W1increase n S2, W1increasingly adv W2。



英语最常用的3000词(总18页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--英语最常用的3000词Aaabandonabilityableaboutaboveabroadabsenceabsoluteabsorbabuseacademicacceptacceptable acceptance accessaccident accomodation accompany according to accountaccountantaccurateaccuseachieveachievementacidacknowledgementacquireacquisitionacrossactactionactiveactivistactoractualactuallyadadaptaddadditionadditionaladdressadequateadjustadministrationadministrativeadmireadmissionadmitadoptadultadvanceadvancedadvantageadvertisementadvertisingadvertising agencyadviceadviseadviseraffairaffectaffordafraidafterafternoonafterwardsagainagainstagedagencyagendaagentaggressiveagoagreeagreementagricultureaheadaidaimairaircraftairlineairportalarm2album alcohol aliveall alliance allow allowance all right ally almost alone along alongside already alsoalter alternative although altogether always amazing ambulance amongamountananalyseanalysisancientandangerangleangryanimalannounceannouncementannoyannualanotheransweranticipateanxietyanxiousanyanybodyanyhowanyoneanythinganywayanywhereapartapartmentapologizeapologyapparentapparentlyappealappearappearanceappleapplicationappointappointmentappreciateapproachappropriateapprovalapproveapproximatearcharchitectarchitectureareaargueargumentarisearmarmedarmyaroundarrangearrangementarrestarrivalarriveartarticleartificialartistasashamed3ashtray asideaskasleep aspectassassault assembly assess assessment asset assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assureat atmosphere attach attackattemptattendattentionattitudeattorneyattractattractionattractiveaudienceauthorauthorityautomaticautomaticallyavailableavenueaverageavoidawakeawardawareawarenessawayawfulawkwardBbabybackbackgroundbackwardsbaconbadbadlybagbakebalanceballbanbandbangbankbarbarrelbarrierbasebaseballbasicbasicallybasisbasketbasketballbastardbatbathbathroombatterybattlebebeachbeanbearbeardbeatbeautifulbeautybecausebecomebedbedroom4beefbeer before beforehand begin beginning behave behaviour behind being belief believebellbelly belong belowbeltbench bend beneath benefit beside best betbetterbetweenbeyondbicyclebigbikebillbinbirdbirthbirthdaybircuitbishopbitbitebitterblackbladeblameblankblessblindblockblondebloodbloodyblowblueboardboatbodyboilboilerboilingbombbondbonebonusbookbookingbookletboombootborderboredboringbornboroughborrowbossbothbotherbottlebottombounceboundboundarybowlboxboybrainbranchbravebreachbreadbreakbreakfastbreath5breathe breed brick bridge brief briefly brigade bright brilliant bring broad broken brother brown brush buck bucket budget build builder building bum bump bunchbungalowburdenburnburntburybusbusinessbusybutbutcherbutterbuttonbuybuyerbybyeCcabinetcablecakecalciumcalculatecalculationcalculatorcallcalmcameracampcampaigncancancelcancercandidatecandycapcapabilitycapablecapacitycapitalcaptaincapturecarcardcarecareercarefulcarefullycarpetcarriagecarrycartooncasecashcastcastlecatcataloguecatchcategorycauseceaseceilingcelebratecelebrationcellcentcentimetercentralcentury6cereal certain certainly certificate chainchair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance chancellor change channelchap chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity charter chasechatcheapcheckcheekcheesechemicalchemistchemistrychequecherrychestchickenchiefchildchildhoodchinchipchocolatechoicechoosechuckchurchcigarettecinemacirclecircuitcircumstancecitizencitycivilclaimclassclassicclassicalclassroomclausecleancleanerclearclearlycleverclickclientclimateclimbclinicalclockcloseclosedcloselyclosetclothescloudclubcluecoachcoalcoalitioncoastcoatcodecoffeecoincoldcollapsecolleguecollectcollection7collective collegecolourcolumn combination combine comecomfort comfortable command comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common commonly communicate communication community companion company comparecomparisoncompensationcompetecompetitioncompetitivecomplaincomplaintcompletecompletelycomplexcomplicatedcomponentcompositioncomprehensioncomprisecomputerconcentrateconcentrationconceptconcernconcernedconcerningconcertconcludeconclusionconcreteconditionconductconferenceconfidenceconfidentconfirmconfineconflictconfusedconfusingconfusioncongratulationconnectconnectionconsciousconsciousnessconsentconsequenceconsequentlyconservationconsiderconsiderableconsiderablyconsiderationconsistconsistentconstantconstantlyconstituencyconstituteconstitutionconstitutionalconstraintconstructconstructionconsultconsultantconsultationconsumerconsumptioncontactcontain8contemporary content context continue continuous contract contribute contribution control convenient convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookingcoolco-op cooperation copcope copycorecorncornercorporatecorporationcorrectcorridorcostcottagecouldcouncilcouncilorcountcountercountrycountrysidecountycouplecouragecoursecourtcousincovercowcrackcraftcraftycrashcrazycreatecreationcreativecreditcrewcricketcrimecriminalcrisiscriterioncriticcriticalcriticismcriticizecropcrosscrowdcrowncrucialcruelcryculturecupcupboardcuriouscurlycurrencycurrentcurrentlycurriculumcurtaincurvecushioncustomercutcutecycleDdad9daddy daily damage damn dance danger dangerous daredark darkness darling data database date daughter daydeaddeafdeal dealer dear death debate debtdecadedecentdecidedecisiondeclarationdeclaredeclinedecoratedecorationdeepdeeplydefeatdefencedefenddefendantdefinedefinitedefinitelydefinitiondegreedelaydelibratelydelighteddeliverdeliverydemanddemandingdemocracydemocraticdemonstratedemonstrationdenydepartmentdepaturedependdependentdepositdepressiondepthdeputydescribedescriptiondeservedesigndesignerdeskdesperatedespitedestroydestructiondetaildetaileddetectdetectivedeterminationdeterminedetermineddevelopdevelopmentdevicediaperdiedietdifferdifferencedifferentdifficultdifficulty10dig dimension dinner direct direction directly director dirty disabled disagree disappear disaster disc discipline discount discourse discover discovery discuss discussion disease disgusting dish diskdismissdisorderdisplaydisputedistantdistinctdistinctiondistinguishdistributedistributiondistrictdividedividenddivisiondivorcedodoctordocumentdogdolldollardomesticdominantdominatedoordotdoubledoubtdowndownstairsdowntowndozendraftdragdramadrawdrawerdrawingdreamdressdrinkdrivedriverdropdrugdryduckduedulldumbduringdustdustbindutydwellingEeacheach otherearearlyearneartheasilyeasteasterneasyeateconomiceconomics economy edge edition editor education educational effect effective effectively efficiency efficient efforteggeither elderly elect election electric electrical electricity electronic element elevatorelsewhereelseemergeemergencyemotionemotionalemphasisemphasizeempireemployemployeeemployeremploymentemptyenableencounterencourageencouragingendenemyenergyengageengineengineerengineeringenhanceenjoyenjoyableenormousenoughenquiryensureenterenterpriseentertainmententhusiasmenthusiasticentireentirelyentranceentryenvelopenvironmentenvironmentalequalequallyequationequipmentequivalenteraseerrorescapeespeciallyessayessentialessentiallyestablishestablishedestablishmentestateestimateethnicevaluationeveneveningeventeventuallyeverevery everybody everyone everything everywhere evidence evidenevil evolution exact exactly examination examine exam example exceed excellent except exception exchange excitement exciting exclude excuseexecuteexerciseexhibitionexistexistenceexistingexitexpandexpansionexpectexpectationexpenditureexpenseexpensiveexperienceexperiencedexperimentexperimentalexpertexpertiseexplainexplanationexpoiltexploreexportexposeexposureexpressionextendextensionextensiveextentexternalextraextraordinaryextremeextremelyeyeFfabricfacefacilityfactfactorfactoryfailfailurefairfairlyfaithfallfalsefamiliarfamilyfamousfanfancyfantasticfarfarmfarmerfascinatingfashionfastfatfatherfaultfavourfavourite fear feature federal feefeed feedback feel feeling fellow female feminist fence fertilizer festival fetch fewfield fight figure filefillfilm filthyfinalfinallyfinancefinancialfindfindingfinefingerfinishfirefirmfirstfirstlyfishfishingfitfixfixedflashflatfleshflightfloodfloorflowflowerflyfocusfolkfollowfollowingfoodfootfootballforforceforeignforestforgetforgiveformformalformatformationformerformulafortnightfortunatefortuneforwardfoundfoundationfragmentframeworkfranklyfreefreedomfreewayfrequencyfrequentfrequentlyfreshfridgefriendfriendlyfriendshipfrightenedfromfrontfruitfryfuelfulfilfullfull-time fullyfumesfun function fund fundamental funny furniture further furthermore fussfutureGgaingallery game ganggapgaragegarbagegardengarlicgasgategathergaygeargenegeneralgenerallygenerategenerationgentlegentlemangentlygenuinegesturegetgiftgirlgivegladglanceglassglobalgluegogoalgoldgoldengolfgoodgood morninggood namegood naturegoodnessgood nightgoodsgorgeousgoverngovernmentgovernmentalgovernorgradegraduallygramgrammargrandgrandadgrandchildgrandfathergrandmagrandmothergrandpagrannygrantgrassgratefulgreatgreatlygreengreygrossgroundgroupgrowth guarantee guard guess guest guidance guide guilty guitar guitarist gulfgunguyHhabithairhalfhallhand handbag handle handy hang happenhappeninghappyhardhardlyharmhathatehaveheheadheadlineheadquartershealthhealthyhearhearingheartheatheatingheavenheavilyheavyheighthellhellohelphelpfulhenceherhereherohersherselfhihidehighhighlighthighlyhighwayhimhimselfhirehishistorianhistoricalhistoryhithobbyholdholderholdingholeholidayholyhomehomeworkhonesthonestlyhonourhookhopehopefullyhopelesshorriblehorrorhorsehospitalhosthothotel hour house houehold housing how however huge human hungry hurry hurt husband Iice icecream idea ideal ideally identity identify ideology ifignoreillillnessillustrateimageimaginationimagineimmediateimmediatelyimpactimplementimplicationimplyimportanceimportantimposeimpossibleimpressimpressionimpressiveimproveimprovementinincentiveinchincidentincidentalinclinedincludeincludingincomeincorporateincreaseincreasinglyincrediblyindeedindependenceindependentindexindicateindicationindividualindustrialindustryinevitableinevitablyinfantinfectioninflationinfluenceinforminformalinformationinitialinitiallyinitiativeinjectioninjuryinnerinnovationinputinquiryinsideinsistinstallinstanceinstantinsteadinstitute institution instruction instrument insurance integration intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intense intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international interpret interpretation interval intervention interview intointroductionintroduceinvestinvestigateinvestigationinvestmentinvestorinviteinvolveinvolvedinvolvementironislandisolatedissueititemitsitselfJjacketjewelleryjobjoinjointjokejournalistjourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjumpjumperjunctionjuniorjustjusticejustifyKkeenkeepkeykeyboardkeyboardistkickkidkidneykillkindkingkingdomkisskitchenkneeknifeknockknowknowledgeknownLlabellaboratorylabourlackladladderladylakelamp land landlord landscape lane language large largely lastlatelater latter laugh launch law lawyerlaylayerlead leader leadership leading leaf leagueleaklearnlearningleaseleatherleavelectureleftleglegallegislationleisurelemonadelendlengthlesslessonletletterlevelliabilityliberallibrarylicencelicklielifelifespanliftlightlightinglikelikelylimitlimitationlimitedlinelinguisticlinkliplistlistenliteraryliterallyliteraturelittlelivelivelylivingloadloanlocallocallylocatelocationlockloglogicallonelylonglongtermlooklooselordlooryloselosslostlotlotterylovelovelyloverlowlowerluckluckilyluckylumplunch lunchtimeMmachine machinery mad magazine mailmain mainly maintain maintenance makemalemanmanagemanagementmanagermannermanufacturermanufacturingmanymapmarginmarkmarketmarketingmarriagemarriedmarvellousmassmassivematchmatematerialmathmathsmattermaximummaymaybememealmeanmeaningmeansmeanwhilemeasuremeasurementmeatmediamedicalmedicinemedievalmediummeetmeetingmembermembershipmemomemorymentalmental agementionmerchandisemeremerelymessmessagemessymetalmethodmetremiddlemightmigrationmilemilitarymilkmillmillimetermind mine minister ministry minor minority minute mirror misery miss mistake mixed mixture mode model modern module mom moment mommy monetary money monitor monthmonthlymoodmoonmoralmoremoreovermorningmortgagemostmostlymothermotionmotorwaymountainmousemouthmovemovementmoviemuchmugmummummymurdermusclemuseummusicmusicalmustmymyselfmysteryNnailnakednamenappynarrownastynationnationalnativenaturalnaturallynaturenavynearnearlyneatnecessarilynecessaryneckneednegativenegotiatenegotiationneighborneithernervenervousnetnetworkneverneverthelessnewlynewsnewspapernextnice nicely nightnilno nobody nod noise noisy none nonsense no one nor normal normally north northern nosenot notably note nothing notice notionnovelnownowadaysno waynowherenuclearnuisancenumbernumerousnursenutOoakobjectobjectionobjectiveobligationobligeobservationobserveobtainobviousobviouslyoccasionoccasionaloccasionallyoccupationoccupyoccuroceano’clockoddoddsofoffoffenceofferofficeoffice boyofficerofficialoftenoilokoldononceoneone anotheroniononlyontoopenoperateoperationopinionopponentopportunityopposeoppositeoppositionoptionororangeorderordinaryorganorganismorganization organize organized organizer origin original originally other otherwise ought to ounceourours ourselves out outcome outfit output outside outstanding ovenover overall overcomeoverseasoweownownerownershipPpacepackpackagepacketpadpagepaidpainpaintpaintingpairpalacepalepanelpanicpantspaperparagraphparcelpardonparentparkparkingparliamentparliamentarypartparticipantparticipateparticipationparticularparticularlypartlypartnerpartnershippart-timepartypasspassagepassengerpassionpassportpastpastrypathpatheticpatiencepatientpatternpausepaypaymentpeacepeacefulpeakpearpenaltypencilpennypensionpeoplepepperperperceive percent percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade petrol phase phenomenon philosophyphonephotophotographphrasephysicalphysicallypianopickpicturepiepiecepigpigeonpilepillpillowpilotpinpinkpintpipepitchpitypizzaplaceplainplaintiffplanplaneplantplateplatformplayplayerpleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentyplugpluspocketpoempoetpoetrypointpolepolicepolicemanpolicypolitepoliticalpoliticianpoliticspollpollutionpondpoolpoorpoppopularpopulationportposepositionpositivepossesspossessionpossibility possible possibly post posterpotpotato potential pound pour poverty powerful practical practice practise practitioner prampray prayer precede precise precisely predict preferpreferencepregnantpromisepreparationpreparepreparedpresencepresentpresentationpreservepresidentpresspressurepresumablypresumepretendprettypreventpreviouspreviouslypricepridepriestprimarilyprimaryprinceprincipalprincipleprintprinterpriorpriorityprisonprisonerprivateprivillegeprizeprobablyproblemprocedureproceedproceedingprocessproduceproducerproductproductionprofessionprofessionalprofileprofitprogramprogrammeprogressprojectprojectionpromisepromotepromotionproofproperproperlypropertyproportionproposalproposeproposedprosecutionprospect protect protection protein protest proudprove provide provided providing province provision psychological psychology pubpublic publication publicity publish publisher puddingpullpump punchpunishmentpupilpuppypurchasepurepurelypurposepursepursuepushputQqualificationqualifiedqualifyqualityquantityquarterqueenquestionqueuequickquicklyquietquietlyquitequoteRrabbitraceracingradicalradiorailrailwayrainraiserangerankrapidrarerarelyrateratioratherrawreachreactreactionreadreaderreadilyreadingrealrealisticrealityrealizereallyreasonreasonablereasonabllyrecallreceiptreceiverecentrecentlyreceptionrecessionrecipereckon recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recoveryredreduce reduction redundancy referreference reflecting reflection reformrefugeerefuseregard regarding regimeregionregionalregisterregistrationregularregularlyregulationreinforcerejectrelaterelationrelationshiprelativerelativelyreleaserelevantreliefrelievereligionreligiousrelyremainremainingremainsremarkremarkableremedyrememberremindremoteremovalremoverentrepairrepeatreplacereplacementreplyreportreporterrepresentrepresentationrepresentativerepublicreputationrequestrequirerequirementresearchreservationreserveresidentresidentialresignresignationresistresistenceresolutionresolveresortresourcerespectrespectivelyrespondresponseresponsibilityresponsiblerestrestaurant restore restrict restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution reward richridride ridiculous rightringriotriserisk 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slight slightly slimslip slope slow small smart smell smile smoke smokingsmoothsnakesnapsnowsosoaksoapso-calledsocialsocietysocksoftsoftwaresoilsoldiersolesolicitorsolidsolutionsolvesomesomebodysomehowsomeonesomethingsometimessomewhatsomewheresonsongsoonsophisticatedsoresorrysortsortedsoulsoundsoupsourcesouthsouthernspacesparespeakspeakerspecialspecialistspecializespeciesspecificspecificallyspecifyspeechspeedspellspellingspendspillspinspiritspitesplitspokesmansportspotsprayspreadspring squad square stable staff stage stair stake stall stamp stand standard starstare start starve state statement station status stay statistic steady 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suspicioussustainswallowswapswearsweepsweetswimmingswingswitchsymbolsymptomsystemTtabletackletailtaketaletalenttalktalltanktaptapetargettasktastetaxtaxationteateachteacherteachingteamteartechnicaltechnicallytechniquetechnologytelephonetelevisiontelltemperaturetemporarytempttenanttendtennistendencytensiontermterribleterriblyterritorytesttextthanthankthanksthatthetheatretheirtheirsthemthemethemselvesthen。

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1 LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000Longman Communication 3000The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words containedin the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000 represents the core of the English language and shows students of English which words are the most important for them to learn and studyin order to communicate effectively in both speech and writing.Analysis of the Longman Corpus Network shows that these 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English account for 86% of the language. This means that by knowing this list of words, a learner of English is in a position to understand 86% or more of what he or she reads. Of course, “knowing”a word involves more than simply being able to recognise it and know a main meaning of it. Many of the most frequent words havea range of different meanings, a variety of different grammatical patterns, and numerous significant collocations. Nonetheless, a basic understanding of the Longman Communication 3000 is a very powerful tool and will help students develop good comprehension and communication skills in English.‘This [frequency] information is gold dust for the language learner. LDOCE shows in graphic and immediate form which words are really worth learning and knowing how to use.’Jeremy Harmer, EL T authorT o ensure that users have access to the appropriate information, the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English marks all the words that are in the Longman Communication 3000 in red accompanied by special symbols: 1, 2, and 3 for words that are in the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in written English, and , and for the top 1000, 2000 and 3000 most frequent words in spoken English. Nowadays, many learner’s dictionaries include information about the most frequent words in English, but Longman dictionaries are the only ones to highlight the differences between spoken and written frequency.These frequency markers added to the headwords in the dictionary give users access to a wealth of information that can help the selection of the appropriate word or phrase in a variety of situations. Not only are the words and meanings given descriptive labels, for example formal or informal, AmE (American English) or BrE (British English), humorous,old-fashioned, but now they have the added information about relative frequency in spoken and written language.T ake for example the verb book (in the meaning of book a table at a restaurant). It is markedas – one of the top 2000 words of spoken English. Note that is has no marker for written English because according to corpus analysis, it is not part of the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. However, the entry also indicates that a synonym for book is reserve which is in the top 3000 most frequent words in written English. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that in speaking (for instance when phoning a hotel or restaurant), book is the most appropriate verb to use when asking for a room or table to be kept for you. In writing, however, it would be more appropriate to use reserve.‘There are two distinct modes of English: thoughtful, accurate and more formal, reflected mostly by written English; and spontaneous, real-time, less formal language, typified by spontaneous speech and some informal writing.’Professor Geoffrey Leech,Emeritus Professor of English Languageand Linguistics – University of LancasterLearning a language can be exciting, butalso sometimes difficult and frustrating because there are so many things to learn and it is difficult to know what to focus on. The frequency markers that identify the Longman Communication 3000 help students see clearly which words are frequent in written and spoken English, and enable them to focus more attention on mastering the meanings, grammatical patterns and collocations of these words.a indefinite article, determiner S1, W1 abandon v W3ability n S2, W1able adj S1, W1about prep S1, W1 about adv S1, W1 above adv, prep S2, W1 above adj W3abroad adv S2, W3 absence n S3, W2 absolute adj S2, W3 absolutely adv S1, W3 absorb v W3abuse n S2, W3 academic adj W2 accept v S1, W1 acceptable adj S3, W3 access n S2, W1 accident n S2, W2 accommodation n S2, W2 accompany v W2 according to prep S2, W1 account n S1, W1 account v S3, W2 accurate adj S2, W3 accuse v W3achieve v S2, W1 achievement n S3, W2 acid n W3 acknowledge v S3, W3 acquire v W2across adv, prep S1, W1 act n S1, W1act v S2, W1action n S1, W1active adj S2, W2 activist n S3activity n S2, W1actor n W3actual adj S1, W2 actually adv S1, W1ad n S3, W3adapt v W3add v S1, W1addition n S3, W1 additional adj S3, W2 address n S2, W2 address v S2, W2 adequate adj S3, W3 adjust v W3 administration n S2, W2 administrative adj W3 admire v S3 admission n W3admit v S2, W1adopt v S3, W2adult n S2, W2adult adj W3advance n S2, W2advance v W3advanced adj W3advantage n S2, W1advert n S3advertise v S3, W3advertisement n S3advertising n W3advice n S2, W2advise v S2, W2adviser n S3, W3affair n S2, W1affect v S2, W1afford v S1, W3afraid adj S1, W2after prep, conj, adv S1, W1afternoon n S1, W2afterwards adv S2, W3again adv S1, W1against prep S1, W1age n S1, W1aged adj W3agency n S3, W1agent n S3, W2aggressive adj S3ago adv S1, W1agree v S1, W1agreement n S2, W1agriculture n W2ahead adv S1, W2aid n S2, W2aim n S2, W2aim v S2, W2air n S1, W1aircraft n S2, W2airline n S2, W3airport n S3, W3alarm n S2album n S3, W3alcohol n W3alive adj S2, W3all determiner,predeterminer, pronS1, W1all adv S1, W1allow v S1, W1allowance n S2, W3all right adj, adv,interjection S1, W2almost adv S1, W1alone adj, adv S2, W1along adv S1, W1along prep S1, W1alongside adv, prep W3already adv S1, W1also adv S1, W1alter v S3, W3alternative adj S2, W2alternative n S2, W3although conj S1, W1altogether adv S2, W3always adv S1, W1amazing adj S2ambition n W3ambulance n S3among prep S2, W1amount n S1, W1an indefinite article,determiner S1, W1analyse v W3analysis n S3, W1analyst n W2ancient adj W2and conj S1, W1anger n W3angle n S3, W3angry adj S3, W3animal n S1, W1announce v S2, W1announcement n S3, W3annoy v S3annual adj S2, W2another determiner, pronS1, W1answer n S1, W1answer v S1, W2anticipate v S3anxiety n S3, W3anxious adj S3, W3any determiner, pron S1,W1any adv S2anybody pron S1, W3anyhow adv S3anyone pron S1, W1anything pron S1, W1anyway adv S1, W2anywhere adv S1, W3apart adv, adj S2, W1apartment n S2, W3apologize v S2apology n S3apparent adj W2apparently adv S1, W2appeal n S2, W1appeal v S3, W3appear v S2, W1appearance n W2apple n S2, W3application n S1, W1apply v S1, W1appoint v S2, W2appointment n S2, W2appreciate v S2, W3approach n S2, W1approach v S2, W2appropriate adj S2, W1approval n S2, W3approve v S3, W2approximate adj S3, W3architect n W3architecture n S3, W3area n S1, W1argue v S2, W1argument n S1, W1arise v S3, W2arm n S1, W1armed adj S3, W3army n S1, W1around adv, prep S1, W1arrange v S2, W2arrangement n S2, W2arrest v W3arrival n W3arrive v S2, W1art n S1, W1article n S2, W1artificial adj S3artist n S3, W2as conj S1, W1as prep, adv S1, W1ashamed adj S3aside adv S3, W3ask v S1, W1asleep adj S2aspect n S2, W1assess v S2, W2assessment n S3, W2assignment n S2assist v S3, W3assistance n S3, W2assistant n S3associate v S3, W2association n S3, W1assume v S2, W1assumption n S2, W2assure v S2, W3at prep S1, W1atmosphere n S3, W2attach v S2, W2attack n S2, W2attack v S3, W2attempt n S2, W1attempt v S2, W2attend v S2, W2attention n S2, W1attitude n S2, W1attorney n S2, W3attract v S2, W22LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000Longman Communication 3000attraction n W3 attractive adj S2, W2 audience n S2, W2 aunt n S3, W3author n W2 authority n W1 automatic adj S3 automatically adv S3, W3 autumn n W3 available adj S1, W1 average adj S2, W2 average n S2avoid v S2, W1awake adj S3award n S3, W2 award v W3aware adj S1, W1 awareness n W3away adv S1, W1awful adj S1 awkward adj S3baby n S1, W1back adv S1, W1back n S1, W1back v S2, W3back adj S2, W3 background n S2, W2 backwards adv S3 bacon n S3bad adj S1, W1badly adv S3, W3bag n S1, W2bake v S3balance n S2, W2 balance v S3ball n S1, W2ban n W3band n S2, W2bang v S3bang n S3bank n S1, W1bar n S1, W1barrier n W3base v S1, W1base n S2, W2 baseball n S3, W2 basic adj S2, W1 basically adv S1basis n S2, W1basket n S3bat n S3bath n S2, W3 bathroom n S2, W3 battery n S2battle n W2be auxiliary S1, W1be v S1, W1beach n S2, W2bean n S2bear v S2, W2beard n S3beat v S2, W2beat n S3beautiful adj S1, W2beauty n S3, W2because conj S1, W1because prep S1, W1become v S1, W1bed n S1, W1bedroom n S1, W2beef n S3beer n S2, W3before adv S1, W1before conj S1, W1before prep S1, W1beforehand adv S3begin v S1, W1beginning n S1, W2behalf n S3, W3behave v S3, W3behaviour n S2, W1behind prep, adv S1, W1being n S2, W3belief n S3, W2believe v S1, W1bell n S2, W3belong v S2, W2below adv, prep S2, W2belt n S2, W3bench n S2, W3bend v S3, W3beneath adv, prep W2benefit n S2, W1benefit v S2, W3beside prep S3, W2best adj S1, W1best adv S1, W2bet v S1bet n S3better adj S1, W1better adv S1, W1between adv, prep S1, W1beyond prep, adv S2, W1bicycle n W3bid n W3big adj S1, W1bike n S2bill n S1, W1bin n S2bird n S2, W2birth n S2, W2birthday n S1, W3biscuit n S2bit adv, pron S1, W1bit n S1, W1bite v S2bite n S3bitter adj S3, W3black adj S1, W1blade n S3blame v S2, W3blank adj S3bless v S3blind adj S2, W3block n S2, W2block v S3bloke n S2blonde adj S3blood n S2, W1blow v S2, W3blow n S3, W3blue adj S1, W2board n S1, W1boat n S1, W2body n S1, W1boil v S3boiler n S3boiling adj S3bomb n S3, W3bone n S2, W2bonus n S2book n S1, W1book v S2boom n S3boot n S2, W3border n S3, W2bored adj S3boring adj S2born v S1, W2borrow v S2, W3boss n S2, W3both determiner,predeterminer, pronS1, W1bother v S1, W3bottle n S1, W2bottom adj S1, W3bottom n S1, W3bounce v S3bound adj S2, W3bowl n S2, W3box n S1, W1boy n S1, W1boyfriend n S3brain n S2, W2branch n S2, W2brave adj S3bread n S2, W3break n S2, W2break v S1, W1breakfast n S2, W2breast n S3breath n S3, W2breathe v S3, W3brick n S2, W3bridge n S2, W2brief adj S2, W2briefly adv S2, W3bright adj S2, W2brilliant adj S2, W3bring v S1, W1broad adj S2, W2brother n S1, W1brown adj S2, W2brush n S3brush v S3buck n S1bucket n S2buddy n S3budget n S1, W2bug n S3build v S1, W1builder n S3building n S1, W1bump v S3bunch n S2burn v S2, W3burn n S3burst v W3bury v W3bus n S1, W2business n S1, W1busy adj S1, W2but conj S1, W1but prep S2, W3but adv S2, W3butcher n S3butter n S2button n S2buy v S1, W1buyer n S3, W3by adv S1, W1by prep S1, W1bye interjection S1bye n S3cabinet n S2, W2cable n W3cake n S2, W3calculate v S2, W3calculation n S2calculator n S3calendar n S3call n S1, W1call v S1, W1calm adj S3, W3camera n S2, W3camp n S3, W3campaign n S2, W1can modal S1, W1can n S2cancel v S2cancer n S2, W2candidate n W2candle n S3candy n S3cap n S3capable adj S2, W2capacity n S3, W2capital n S3, W1capital adj S2, W3captain n W3capture v W3car n S1, W1card n S1, W2care n S1, W1care v S1, W2career n S2, W2careful adj S1, W2carefully adv S2, W2carpet n S2, W33LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000carrot n S3carry v S1, W1 cartoon n S3case n S1, W1cash n S2, W2cash v S3cast v W3castle n W3cat n S1, W3 catalogue n W3 catch v S1, W1 category n S2, W2 cause v S1, W1 cause n S2, W1CD n S3, W3cease v W3ceiling n S3, W3 celebrate v W3 celebration n S3cell n S3, W2 cellphone n S2, W3 cent n S1, W1 centimetre n S3, W3 central adj S1, W1 centre n S1, W1 century n S2, W1 cereal n S3certain adj S1, W1 certainly adv S1, W1 certificate n S3, W3 chain n S3, W2chair n S1, W2 chairman n S3, W1 challenge n S2, W2 challenge v S3, W3 champion n W3 championship n W3 chance n S1, W1 change n S1, W1 change v S1, W1 channel n S3, W2 chap n S2chapter n S3, W1 character n S1, W1 characteristic n S3, W2 characterize v W3 charge n S1, W1 charge v S1, W2 charity n S3, W3 chart n S3, W3 chase v S3chat n S2cheap adj S1, W2 cheat v S3check v S1, W2 check n S1, W3 cheek n W3 cheese n S2, W3 chemical adj W3 chemical n S3, W3 chemist n S3 chemistry n S2 cheque n S2cherry n S3chest n S2, W3chicken n S2chief adj S2, W2chief n W3child n S1, W1childhood n W3chip n S2, W3chocolate n S2choice n S1, W1choose v S1, W1chop v S3chuck v S3church n S1, W1cigarette n S2, W3cinema n S3circle n S2, W2circuit n W3circumstance n S2, W1citizen n S2, W2city n S1, W1civil adj S3, W2claim n S2, W1claim v S1, W1class n S1, W1classic adj W3classical adj W3classroom n S3, W3clean adj S2, W2clean v S1, W3cleaner n S3clear adj S1, W1clear v S1, W2clearly adv S1, W1clerk n S3clever adj S2click v S3client n S2, W1climate n W3climb v W2clock n S2, W3close adj S1, W1close adv S2, W2close v S1, W1closed adj S3closely adv S3, W2closet n S3cloth n S3clothes n S2, W2cloud n S3, W3club n S1, W1clue n S2coach n S3, W2coal n S2, W2coast n S3, W2coat n S2, W3code n S2, W2coffee n S1, W2coin n S3cold adj S1, W1collapse v S3collar n S3colleague n S2, W2collect v S1, W2collection n S2, W1college n S1, W2colour n S1, W1column n S3, W2combination n S3, W2combine v S3, W2come v S1, W1comfort n W3comfortable adj S2, W3command n W3comment n S1, W2comment v S3, W3commercial adj S3, W2commission n S3, W2commit v S2, W2commitment n S2, W2committee n S3, W1common adj S1, W1communicate v S3, W3communication n S2, W1community n S1, W1company n S1, W1compare v S1, W1comparison n S3, W2compete v S3, W3competition n S2, W1competitive adj S3, W3complain v S2, W3complaint n S3, W3complete adj S2, W1complete v S2, W1completely adv S1, W2complex adj S3, W2complicated adj S2component n W2comprehensive adj W3comprise v W3computer n S1, W1concentrate v S2, W2concentration n S3, W2concept n S3, W2concern n S1, W1concern v W3concerned adj S1, W1concerning prep W3concert n S3, W3conclude v S3, W2conclusion n S3, W2condition n S2, W1conduct n W3conduct v W2conference n S2, W1confidence n S2, W2confident adj S3, W3confine v W3confirm v S2, W2conflict n S3, W2confused adj S3confusing adj S3confusion n S3, W3congratulation n S3connect v S2, W2connection n S3, W2conscious adj S2, W3consciousness n W3consent n W3consequence n S3, W2consider v S1, W1considerable adj S3, W1considerably adv S3consideration n S2, W2consist v W3consistent adj S3, W3constant adj S3, W3constantly adv S3, W3constitute v W3construct v W3construction n S3, W2consult v S3, W3consumer n S3, W2consumption n W3contact n S2, W2contact v S2, W2contain v S2, W1contemporary adj W2content n S3, W2contest n W3context n S2, W2continue v S1, W1continuous adj S3, W3contract n S1, W1contrast n W2contribute v S3, W2contribution n S2, W2control n S1, W1control v S2, W1convenient adj S3convention n W2conventional adj W3conversation n S1, W2convert v W3conviction n W3convince v S3, W3cook v S1, W3cooker n S3cookie n S3, W3cool adj S2, W3cool v S2cooperation n S3, W3cope v S2, W3copy n S1, W2copy v S2core n W3corn n S3corner n S1, W2correct adj S1, W2correct v S3corridor n S3, W3cost n S1, W1cost v S1, W2cottage n S3, W3cotton n W3could modal S1, W1council n S2, W2count v S2, W34LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000counter n S3 country n S1, W1 countryside n S3, W3 county n W2 couple n S1, W1 courage n S3 course n S1, W1 court n S1, W1 cousin n S2cover n S1, W2 cover v S1, W1cow n S2crack v S3craft n W3crash n S3crazy adj S2 create v S2, W1 creation n W2 creative adj W3 creature n W3 credit n S2, W2 credit card n S3, W3 crew n S3, W3 crime n S2, W2 criminal adj S3, W2 crisis n S3, W2 criterion n W2 critic n W3critical adj S3, W2 criticism n S3, W2 criticize v W3crop n W3cross adj S2cross n S3, W3 cross v S2, W2 crowd n S3, W2 crown n W3 crucial adj W2 cruel adj S3cry n W3cry v S2, W2 cultural adj W2 culture n S2, W1 cup n S1, W1 cupboard n S2 curious adj S3 currency n W2 current adj S2, W2 current n W3 currently adv S2, W2 curtain n S3, W3 curve n S3, W3 cushion n S3 custom n W3 customer n S1, W1 cut n S2, W2cut v S1, W1cute adj S2cycle n S3, W3dad n S1, W3 daddy n S1daft adj S3daily adj S3, W2damage n S3, W2damage v S3, W3dance n S2, W3dance v S2, W3danger n S2, W2dangerous adj S2, W2dare v S3, W3dark adj S2, W1darkness n W3darling n S2data n S1, W1database n S3, W3date n S1, W1date v S3, W3daughter n S1, W1day n S1, W1dead adj S1, W1dead adv S3deaf adj W3deal n S1, W1deal v S1, W1dealer n W3dear adj S2, W2dear interjection S1dear n S2death n S1, W1debate n S2, W2debt n S3, W2decade n W2decent adj S3decide v S1, W1decision n S1, W1declare v W2decline n W2decline v W3deep adj S2, W1deep adv W3deeply adv W3defeat n W3defeat v W3defence n S2, W1defend v S3, W3define v S2, W2definite adj S3definitely adv S1definition n S2, W2degree n S2, W1delay n W3delay v W3deliberately adv S3deliver v S2, W2delivery n S3, W3demand n S2, W1demand v W2democracy n W2democratic adj W2demonstrate v S3, W2demonstration n W3dentist n S3deny v S3, W2department n S2, W1departure n W3depend v S1, W2dependent adj W3deposit n S3, W3depression n W3depth n S3, W3derive v W3describe v S2, W1description n S2, W2desert n W3deserve v S3, W3design n S2, W1design v S3, W1designer n W3desire n W2desk n S2, W2desperate adj S3, W3despite prep S3, W1destroy v S2, W2destruction n W3detail n S2, W1detailed adj W2detect v W3determination n W3determine v W2determined adj W3develop v S2, W1development n S1, W1device n S3, W2devil n S3diagram n S3diamond n S3diary n S3die v S1, W1diet n S3, W2differ v W3difference n S1, W1different adj S1, W1difficult adj S1, W1difficulty n S2, W1dig v S2dimension n W3dinner n S1, W2direct adj S2, W1direct v S3, W2direction n S1, W1directly adv S2, W2director n S2, W1directory n S3dirt n S3dirty adj S2, W3disabled adj S3, W3disagree v S3disappear v S2, W2disappoint v W3disappointed adj S3, W3disaster n S3, W3disc n S2, W3discipline n S3, W3discount n S3discover v S2, W1discovery n W3discuss v S2, W1discussion n S2, W1disease n S3, W1disgusting adj S2dish n S2, W3disk n S2, W3dismiss v W3display n S3, W2display v W2dispute n W2distance n S2, W2distant adj W3distinct adj W3distinction n W3distinguish v S3, W3distribute v W2distribution n W2district n S3, W2disturb v W3divide v S2, W2division n S3, W1divorce n S3do auxiliary S1, W1do v S1, W1doctor n S1, W1document n S2, W2dog n S1, W1dollar n S1, W2domestic adj W2dominant adj W3dominate v W3door n S1, W1dot n S2double adj S1, W2double v S3doubt n S1, W1doubt v S2down adv, prep, adj S1, W1downstairs adv S2downtown adv S3, W3dozen number S2, W3draft n S2, W3drag v S3, W3drama n W3dramatic adj W3draw n S3draw v S1, W1drawer n S3drawing n S3, W3dream n S2, W2dream v S3, W3dress n S2, W2dress v S2, W2drink n S1, W2drink v S1, W2drive n S2, W2drive v S1, W1driver n S1, W2drop n S2, W3drop v S1, W2drug n S2, W1drunk adj S3dry adj S2, W2dry v S2, W3duck n S35LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000dude n S3due adj S1, W1dull adj S3dumb adj S3dump v S3during prep S1, W1dust n S3, W3duty n S2, W1DVD n S3, W3each determiner, pron, adv S1, W1each other pron S1, W1 ear n S2, W2early adj S1, W1early adv S1, W1earn v S2, W2earth n S2, W2ease v W3easily adv S2, W1east n S1, W2eastern adj S2, W2 easy adj S1, W1easy adv S2eat v S1, W1 economic adj S2, W1 economics n W3 economy n S2, W1 edge n S2, W2edition n W3editor n W2 education n S1, W1 educational adj S3, W2 effect n S1, W1 effective adj S2, W1 effectively adv S3, W2 efficiency n W3 efficient adj S3, W3 effort n S1, W1egg n S1, W2either conj S1, W1 either determiner, pronS1, W1elderly adj S3, W2 elect v S3, W3 election n S2, W1 electric adj S2, W3 electrical adj S3 electricity n S2, W3 electronic adj S3, W3 element n S2, W1 elevator n S3, W3else adv S1, W1 elsewhere adv S3, W2 email n S2, W2email v S2, W2 embarrassed adj S3 emerge v W2 emergency n S3, W3 emotion n W3 emotional adj S3, W3 emphasis n S3, W2 emphasize v S3, W2empire n W3employ v S3, W2employee n S2, W2employer n S2, W2employment n S2, W1empty adj S2, W2enable v S3, W1encounter v W3encourage v S2, W1encouraging adj S3end n S1, W1end v S1, W1enemy n W2energy n S2, W1engage v W3engine n S2, W2engineer n S3, W3engineering n S3, W3enhance v W3enjoy v S1, W1enjoyable adj S3enormous adj S2, W3enough adv S1, W1enough determiner, pronS1, W2enquiry n S2, W2ensure v S2, W1enter v S2, W1enterprise n W2entertainment n S3, W3enthusiasm n W3enthusiastic adj S3entire adj S3, W2entirely adv S2, W2entitle v S3, W3entrance n S3, W3entry n S3, W2envelope n S3environment n S1, W1environmental adj S2, W2equal adj S1, W2equal v S2equally adv S3, W2equipment n S2, W2equivalent adj W3era n W3error n S3, W2escape n S3escape v S3, W2especially adv S1, W1essay n S3essential adj S3, W2essentially adv S2, W3establish v S2, W1establishment n W2estate n S2, W2estimate n S3, W2estimate v S3, W2ethnic adj W3even adv S1, W1evening n S1, W1event n S1, W1eventually adv S1, W2ever adv S1, W1every determiner S1, W1everybody pron S1, W3everyone pron S1, W1everything pron S1, W1everywhere adv S2, W3evidence n S2, W1evil adj S3, W3exact adj S3exactly adv S1, W2exam n S1examination n W2examine v S3, W2example n S1, W1excellent adj S1, W2except conj, prep S2, W2exception n S3, W2exchange n S2, W1excitement n S3, W3exciting adj S2, W3exclude v W3excuse n S3excuse v S1executive adj W3executive n S3, W2exercise n S2, W2exercise v S3, W2exhibition n W2exist v S2, W1existence n S3, W2existing adj S2, W2exit n S3expand v S3, W3expansion n W3expect v S1, W1expectation n S3, W2expenditure n W3expense n S3, W2expensive adj S1, W2experience n S1, W1experience v S2, W2experienced adj S3experiment n S3, W2experimental adj W3expert adj W3expert n S3, W2explain v S1, W1explanation n S3, W2explore v S3, W2explosion n W3export n W2expose v W3express v S2, W1expression n S2, W2extend v S3, W2extension n S3, W3extensive adj W3extent n S2, W1external adj W2extra adj S1, W2extraordinary adj S3, W3extreme adj S3, W3extremely adv S2, W2eye n S1, W1face n S1, W1face v S1, W1facility n S2, W1fact n S1, W1factor n S3, W1factory n S2, W2fail v S2, W1failure n S3, W2fair adj S1, W2fair adv S2, W3fairly adv S1, W2faith n S3, W2fall n S2, W2fall v S1, W1false adj W3familiar adj S3, W2family n S1, W1famous adj S2, W2fan n S3, W2fancy adj S3fancy v S2fantastic adj S3far adj S1, W1far adv S1, W1farm n S2, W2farmer n S2, W2fascinating adj S3fashion n S3, W2fast adj S2, W2fast adv S2, W3fat adj S2, W3father n S1, W1fault n S2, W3favour n S2, W3favour v W3favourite adj S3, W3fear n S3, W1fear v W2feature n S2, W1feature v W3federal adj W1fee n S3, W3feed v S1, W2feedback n S3feel v S1, W1feeling n S1, W1fellow adj W3female adj S3, W2female n W3fence n S3festival n S3, W3fetch v S3few determiner, pron, adjS1, W1field n S1, W1fight n S2, W3fight v S1, W1figure n S1, W1figure v S1, W3file n S1, W2file v S3, W36LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000fill v S1, W1film n S1, W1 filthy adj S3final adj S1, W1 final n W3finally adv S2, W1 finance n S3, W2 finance v W3 financial adj S2, W1 find v S1, W1 finding n W2fine adj S1, W1 fine adv S3finger n S2, W2 finish n S3finish v S1, W2fire n S1, W1fire v S3, W3firm adj S3, W2 firm n S1, W1first adj S1, W1 first adv S1, W2 firstly adv S3fish n S1, W1fish v S3fishing n S3fit adj S2, W3fit v S1, W2fix v S2, W2fixed adj S3, W3 flash v S3flat adj S2, W2flat n S2, W3 flavour n W3 flesh n W3flight n S3, W2 flood v W3floor n S1, W1 flow n S3, W2 flow v W3flower n S2, W2fly v S2, W2 focus n S3, W2 focus v S3, W2 fold v W3folk n S2, W3 follow v S1, W1 following adj S3, W1 food n S1, W1foot n S1, W1 football n S1, W2 for prep S1, W1 force n S2, W1 force v S2, W1 foreign adj S3, W1 forest n S2, W2 forever adv S2, W3 forget v S1, W1 forgive v S3fork n S3form n S1, W1 form v S2, W1 formal adj S2, W2formally adv S3formation n W3former adj S2, W1formula n S3, W3forth adv S2fortnight n S3fortunate adj S3fortune n S3, W3forward adj S2, W3forward adv S1, W1foundation n W2frame n S3, W3frankly adv S3free adj S1, W1free v S3, W3freedom n S3, W2freeway n S2, W3freeze v S3, W3freezer n S3frequent adj W3frequently adv S3, W2fresh adj S2, W2fridge n S2friend n S1, W1friendly adj S2, W3friendship n W3frightened adj S3from prep S1, W1front adj S1, W2front n S1, W1fruit n S2, W3fry v S3fuel n S3, W2fulfil v W3full adj S1, W1fully adv S2, W2fun adj S2, W3fun n S2, W3function n S3, W1fund n S3, W1fund v S3, W3fundamental adj W2funeral n S3funny adj S1, W3furniture n S2, W3further adv S1, W1fuss n S3future adj S1, W1future n S1, W1gain n W3gain v S3, W2gallery n W3game n S1, W1gang n S3gap n S2, W2garage n S2garbage n S3garden n S1, W1garlic n S3gas n S1, W2gasoline n S3, W3gate n S2, W2gather v S3, W2gay adj S3, W3gear n S3gene n S3, W3general adj S1, W1generally adv S2, W1generate v S3, W2generation n S3, W2generous adj W3gentle adj S3, W3gentleman n S2, W2gently adv W3genuine adj S3, W3get v S1, W1giant adj W3gift n S2, W2girl n S1, W1girlfriend n S3give v S1, W1glad adj S2, W3glance n W3glass n S1, W1global adj W2glove n S3go n S1go v S1, W1goal n S2, W1god n S1, W1gold adj S3, W3gold n S2, W2golden adj W3golf n S2, W3good adj S1, W1good morning interjectionS2good night interjection S3goodbye interjection S3goodness n S2goods n S2, W2gorgeous adj S3gosh interjection S2govern v W3government n S2, W1governor n W3grab v S2, W3grade n S2, W3gradually adv S3, W3gram n S3grammar n S3, W3grand adj S2, W3grandad n S3grandfather n S3grandma n S2grandmother n S3grandpa n S3granny n S3grant n S2, W2grant v S2, W2graph n S3grass n S2, W2grateful adj S3, W3great adj S1, W1greatly adv W3green adj S1, W2green n S2, W3grey adj S2, W2grocery n S3gross adj S3ground n S1, W1group n S1, W1grow v S1, W1growth n S3, W1guarantee n S3guarantee v S2, W3guard n S3, W3guess n S3guess v S1, W3guest n S3, W2guidance n S3, W3guide n S3, W2guide v W3guilty adj S2, W3guitar n S3, W3gun n S2, W2guy n S1, W3habit n S3, W3hair n S1, W1half adv S2half n S1, W2half predeterminer, pron,adj S1, W1halfway adj, adv S3hall n S2, W2hand n S1, W1hand v S2, W2handbag n S3handle n S3handle v S2, W2handy adj S3hang v S1, W2happen v S1, W1happy adj S1, W1hard adj S1, W1hard adv S1, W2hardly adv S2, W2harm n S3, W3hat n S1, W3hate v S1, W3have v S1, W1have v S1, W1have v S1, W3he pron S1, W1head n S1, W1head v S2, W2headquarters n W3health n S1, W1healthy adj S3, W3hear v S1, W1hearing n S3, W2heart n S1, W1heat n S2, W2heat v S3heater n S3heating n S3heaven n S3, W37LONGMAN COMMUNICATION 3000。
