
3000个高频英语单词-形容词口语必备,英语最常用单词3000个(adjective)深圳龙岗唯希国际英语,唯希英语,专注于,龙岗英语,龙岗英语培训,深圳英语,深圳英语培训,志愿为所有adjective1. acceptable可接受的合意的2. accurate正确的精确的3. active 积极的能起作用的4. additional 另外的额外的附加的5. adequate 适当的足够的6. aggressive 敢做敢为的好斗的7. alive 活着的活泼的8. alone 单独的孤独的9. alternative 选择性的10. amazing 令人吃惊的11. angry 生气的12. annual 每年的13. anxious 担忧的渴望的14. apart 分开的15. approximate 大约的16. armed 有扶手的武器的17. artificial 人造的假的非原产地的18. ashamed 惭愧的羞耻的19. asleep 睡着的20. attractive 吸引人的有魅力的21. automatic 自动的机械的22. average 一般的平均的23. awake 醒的醒觉的24. awkward 难使用的笨拙的25. back 后面的早过去的26. bitter 苦的痛苦的怀恨的27. blank 空白的失色的28. blind 瞎的盲目的29. blonde 色白的碧眼的30. bloody 血腥的该死的非常的31. boiling 沸腾的激昂的32. bored 无聊的烦人的33. boring 令人无聊的34. bound 开往…去的装订的别束缚的35. brave 勇敢的36. brief 简要的简短的37. bright 明亮的欢乐的聪明的38. broad 宽(广)的明显的主要的39. broken 坏掉的断掉的40. brown 褐色的棕色的41. calm 平静的镇静的42. capable 有能力的能干的43. capital 首都的大写的主要的44. chief 主要的首席的45. civil 市民的有礼貌的46. clever 聪明的机灵的47. closed 关闭的限少数人的48. comfortable 舒服的舒适的49. commercial 商业的贸易的50. competitive 竞争的51. complete 完全的完成的52. complex 复杂的综合的53. complicated 复杂的难解的54. concrete 具体的有形的55. confident 有信心的确信的56. confused 困惑的烦恼的57. confusing 使混乱的58. conscious 有意识的故意的59. considerable 相当大的值得考虑的60. consistent 一致的坚固的61. constant 不变的持续的62. continuous 连续的持续的63. convenient 便利的方便的64. crafty 狡诈的善于骗人的65. crazy 疯狂的狂热的66. creative 创造性的67. criminal 犯罪的罪恶的68. critical 评论的批评的69. cross 交叉的相反的70. crucial 至关紧要的71. cruel 残酷的悲惨的72. curious 好奇的古怪的爱挑剔的73. curly 卷曲的弯曲的74. cute 可爱的装腔作势的75. daily 每日的日常的76. dangerous 危险的77. dark 昏暗的无知的模糊的78. dear 昂贵的亲爱的79. decent 正派的有分寸的80. deep 深的深奥的难懂的81. definite 明确的一直的82. delighted 欣喜的欢乐的83. demanding 苛求的84. dependent 依赖的随…而定的85. direct 直接的直达的86. dirty 脏的卑鄙的下流的87. disgusting, 令人厌恶的88. dry 干的干燥的89. dull 枯燥的呆滞的90. dumb 哑的91. economic 经济上的92. educational 教育的教育性的93. effective 有效的给人深刻印象的94. efficient 生效的有效率的95. elderly 稍老的过了中年的96. electric 电的电动的97. electrical 电的有关电的98. electronic 电子的99. emotional 情绪的情感的100. empty 空的空虚的101. encouraging 奖励的102. enjoyable 令人愉快的可享受的103. enormous巨大的庞大的104. enthusiastic 热心的热情的105. entire 全部的完整的106. essential 本质的基本的精华的107. exact 精确的原样的108. exciting 令人兴奋的109. existing 现有的110. experienced 有经验的111. extraordinary 非凡的特有的 112. extreme 极端的113. false 错误的伪造的虚伪的114. familiar 相似的115. famous 著名的116. fancy 奇特的异样的117. fantastic 幻想的奇异的118. far 远的久远的119. fascinating 迷人的着迷的120. fast 紧的忠实的耐久的121. fat 肥大的油腻的122. favourite 最喜欢的123. female 女性的雌的124. filthy 不洁的丑恶的125. financial 财政的金融的126. firm 严格的坚定的127. fit 合适的健康的128. fixed 固定的固执的129. flat 平坦的浅的无力的130. following 下面的其次的131. foreign 外国的外来的132. formal 外形的正式的133. former 从前的以前的134. fortunate 幸运的幸福的135. forward 早的迅速的136. fresh 新鲜的无经验的137. friendly 友好的友谊的138. frightened 受惊的害怕的139. full-time 专职的全部时间的140. fun 共娱乐用的141. fundamental 基础的基本的142. gay 同性恋的放荡的快乐的143. gentle 温和的文雅的144. genuine 真实的诚恳的145. glad 高兴的乐意的146. gorgeous 华丽的灿烂的147. grand 豪华的盛大的重要的148. grey 灰色的灰白的149. gross 总的毛重的150. guilty 犯罪的心虚的151. handy 手边的易得的152. healthy 健康的153. helpful 有帮助的154. hopeless 绝望的无药可救的155. horrible 可怕的讨厌的156. huge 巨大的无限的157. hungry 饿的渴望的荒芜的158. ideal 理想的完美的159. ill 有病的恶意的160. immediate 直接的立刻的 161. impossible 不可能的162. inclined 倾向…的163. individual 可别的单独的164. instant 立即的即食的165. intelligent 聪明的有才华的166. international 国际的世界的167. involved 棘手的有关的168. just 正好的公正的169. keen 锋利的渴望的热心的170. key 关键的主要的171. kind 善良的仁慈的172. legal 合法的法律的173. live 活的精力充沛的174. lively 活泼的生机勃勃的175. logical 合理的合乎逻辑的176. lonely 孤独的偏僻的177. loose 松的散漫的178. lost 失去的丧失的179. lovely 可爱的180. lucky 幸运的181. mad 疯的愚蠢的182. major 主修的成年的183. male 男性的雄的184. married 已婚的185. marvelous 不可思议的非凡的186. massive 厚重的魁梧的187. maximum 最大限度的188. medical 医学的药物的189. medium 中间的半成熟的190. mental 经历的智力的191. messy 肮脏的凌乱的192. military 军事的军用的193. minimum 最小的最低的194. minor 未成年的次要的195. mixed 混合的196. monthly 每月的197. moral 道德的精神上的198. musical 音乐的悦耳的199. naked 裸体的未保护的200. narrow 狭窄的勉强的201. nasty 肮脏的下流的202. natural 自然的天生的203. near 亲近的亲密的204. neat 整洁的优雅的205. negative 否定的消极的206. nervous 紧张的不安的207. noisy 吵闹的208. northern 北方的209. objective 客观的210. obvious 明显的211. occasional 偶然的临时的212. official 官方的正式的213. organized 有组织的214. outside 外面的外表的215. overall 全部的全面的216. part-time 兼职的部分时间的217. pathetic 可怜的悲惨的218. peaceful 和平的平静的219. perfect 完美的熟练的220. permanent 永久的持久的resident 221. physical 身体的物质的222. pink 粉红的223. plain 简单的清晰的普通的224. pleasant 令人愉快的舒适的225. pleased 高兴的满足的226. polite 有礼貌的客气的227. political 政治的政治上的228. popular 通俗的受欢迎的229. positive 积极的肯定的230. potential 潜在的可能的231. practical 实际的实用的232. pregnant 怀孕的233. prepared 准备好的精致的234. present 现在的当面的235. pretty 漂亮了优美的236. primary 主要的初级的237. professional 专业的职业的238. proud 自豪的得意的239. pure 纯的完美的240. qualified 有资格的241. quiet 安静的从容的242. rare 稀罕的杰出的半熟的243. realistic 现实的244. recent 近来的245. regular 规则的定期的246. related 叙述的有关系的247. relevant 有关的相应的248. religious 信仰的249. responsible 有责任的可依赖的250. rich 富有的有钱的中、充足的251. ridiculous 荒谬的可笑的252. rough 粗糙的大致的253. royal 皇家的高贵的 .254. sad 难过的忧愁的255. safe 安全的可靠的256. satisfied 感到满意的257. scared 恐惧的258. scientific 科学的259. secret 秘密的隐秘的260. secure 安全的可靠的261. sensible 有感觉的明智的262. sensitive 敏感的灵敏的263. separate 分开的个别的264. severe 严重的严厉的265. sexual 性别的性的266. sharp 尖锐的锋利的敏感的267. shocked 震撼的吃惊的268. shocking 骇人听闻的非常讨厌的269. significant 重大的重要的270. silly 愚蠢的无聊的271. single 单一的单身的272. skinny 皮的似皮的膜状的273. slight 轻微的微小的274. slim 苗条的细长的275. slow 慢的迟钝呢276. smart 聪明的时尚的277. social 社会的社交的278. soft 软的温柔的279. solid 固体的坚固的280. sore 疼的剧烈的281. southern 南的南方的282. spare 多余的备用的空闲的283. square 正方形的平方的284. standard 标准的一流的285. steep 陡峭的不合理的286. stiff 僵硬的呆板的287. straight 笔直的直接的正直的288. straightforward 直接的率直的289. strange 陌生的奇怪的290. strict 严厉的精确的291. substantial 实质的真实的充实的292. successful 成功的293. sudden 突然的意外的294. sufficient 充足的足够的295. suitable 适当的相配的296. super 超级的极好的297. surprised 感到惊讶的298. surprising 令人惊讶的299. suspicious 可疑的怀疑的300. sweet 甜的美好的芳香的301. tall 高的夸大的302. technical 技术的303. temporary 临时的暂时的304. thick 厚的粗的弄的305. thin 瘦的薄的306. tight 紧的吝啬的严格的307. tiny 很少的微小的308. tough 艰难的强硬的309. traditional 传统的惯例的310. tremendous 极大的巨大的311. tricky 狡猾的机警的312. typical 典型的313. unable不能的不会的314. unbelievable 难以置信的315. unemployed 失业的未被利用的316. unfair 不公平的317. unfortunate 不行的不公平的318. unhappy 不快乐的不幸的319. unique 唯一的独特的320. unlikely 未必的靠不住的321. unusual 不平常的与众不同的322. urgent 急迫的紧急的323. usual 平常的通常的324. vague 含糊的茫然的暧昧的325. vast 巨大的巨额的326. very 真正的绝对的327. violent 猛烈的强暴的328. warm 暖和的热烈的329. weak 虚弱的不耐用的330. weekly 每星期的一周的331. weird 奇怪的超乎清理的332. welcome 受欢迎的333. west 西的西方的334. western 西方的335. wet 湿的潮湿的336. wide宽呢张大的337. willing 乐意的自愿的338. windy 多风的吹牛的339. wise 明智的博学的340. wooden 木质的341. worried 闷闷不乐的342. worrying 焦虑的令人担心的343. worthwhile 值得做的344. yellow 黄色的为所有非英语国家的英语学习者,提供最优质的英语教学服务。
口语必备 英语最常用单词3000个

adjective25. back 后面的早过去的26. bitter 苦的1. acceptable可接受的合意的痛苦的怀恨的精确的 2. accurate正确的27. blank 空白的失色的28. blind 瞎的盲目的3. active 积极的能起作用的29. blonde 色白的碧眼的 4. additional 另外的额外的附加的30. bloody 血腥的该死的 5. adequate 适当的足够的非常的31. boiling 好斗的沸腾的激昂的6. aggressive 敢做敢为的32. bored 无聊的活泼的烦人的7. alive 活着的33. boring 孤独的8. alone 单独的令人无聊的34. bound 开往…去的9. alternative 选择性的装订的别束缚的勇敢的35. brave 10. amazing 令人吃惊的简短的 36. brief 简要的11. angry 生气的聪明的每年的12. annual 欢乐的37. bright 明亮的明显的主要的 13. anxious 担忧的渴望的宽(广)的? 38. broad断掉的坏掉的分开的14. apart 39. broken棕色的褐色的 40. brown 15. approximate 大约的镇静的 16. armed 有扶手的武器的41. calm 平静的能干的 42. capable 有能力的 17. artificial 人造的假的非原产地的主要的大写的 43. capital 首都的羞耻的 18. ashamed 惭愧的主要的首席的睡着的19. asleep 44. chief?有礼貌的20. attractive 吸引人的 45. civil 市民的有魅力的机灵的自动的21. automatic 46. clever 聪明的机械的限少数人的一般的22. average 47. closed 平均的关闭的舒适的23. awake 醒的48. comfortable 舒服的醒觉的贸易的笨拙的难使用的24. awkward 49. commercial 商业的75. daily 每日的 50. competitive 竞争的日常的76. dangerous 危险的51. complete 完全的完成的77. dark 昏暗的无知的模糊的52. complex 复杂的综合的78. dear 昂贵的难解的亲爱的53. complicated 复杂的79. decent 54. concrete 正派的具体的有形的有分寸的80. deep 深的55. confident 有信心的确信的深奥的难懂的81. definite 明确的困惑的烦恼的一直的56. confused82. delighted 欣喜的57. confusing 使混乱的欢乐的83. demanding 故意的58. conscious 有意识的苛求的84. dependent 依赖的随…而定的 59. considerable 相当大的值得考虑的直达的 85. direct 60. consistent 一致的坚固的直接的下流的卑鄙的持续的不变的61. constant 86. dirty 脏的令人厌恶的持续的87. disgusting, 62. continuous 连续的便利的63. convenient 干燥的88. dry 干的方便的呆滞的枯燥的善于骗人的狡诈的64. crafty 89. dull哑的疯狂的65. crazy 狂热的90. dumb经济上的91. economic 66. creative 创造性的教育性的罪恶的犯罪的67. criminal 92. educational 教育的给人深刻印象的 93. effective 68. critical 评论的批评的有效的有效率的交叉的69. cross 94. efficient 相反的生效的过了中年的稍老的70. crucial 至关紧要的95. elderly电动的电的悲惨的残酷的71. cruel 96. electric有关电的好奇的72. curious 古怪的 97. electrical 电的爱挑剔的电子的卷曲的73. curly 弯曲的 98. electronic可爱的74. cute 情绪的99. emotional 装腔作势的情感的125. financial 财政的空虚的金融的 100. empty 空的126. firm 101. encouraging 奖励的严格的坚定的127. fit 合适的可享受的102. enjoyable 令人愉快的健康的128. fixed 固定的固执的103. enormous巨大的庞大的129. flat 平坦的浅的热心的104. enthusiastic 热情的无力的130. following 完整的下面的其次的105. entire 全部的131. foreign 精华的外国的外来的基本的106. essential 本质的正式的原样的 132. formal 外形的精确的107. exact以前的 108. exciting 令人兴奋的133. former 从前的幸福的109. existing 134. fortunate 现有的幸运的迅速的110. experienced 有经验的 135. forward 早的无经验的111. extraordinary 非凡的 136. fresh 特有的新鲜的友谊的112. extreme 137. friendly 极端的友好的害怕的113. false 错误的受惊的虚伪的 138. frightened 伪造的全部时间的专职的 139. full-time 相似的114. familiar共娱乐用的115. famous 着名的140. fun基本的 141. fundamental 基础的异样的奇特的116. fancy快乐的放荡的 142. gay 同性恋的幻想的117. fantastic 奇异的文雅的温和的 118. far 远的久远的 143. gentle119. fascinating 诚恳的 144. genuine 着迷的迷人的真实的乐意的紧的120. fast 145. glad 耐久的忠实的高兴的灿烂的肥大的121. fat 146. gorgeous 华丽的油腻的重要的122. favourite 147. grand 最喜欢的豪华的盛大的灰白的123. female 148. grey 雌的女性的灰色的毛重的丑恶的不洁的124. filthy 149. gross 总的175. logical 合理的犯罪的心虚的合乎逻辑的150. guilty176. lonely 孤独的151. handy 手边的易得的偏僻的177. loose 松的散漫的152. healthy 健康的178. lost 失去的丧失的153. helpful 有帮助的179. lovely 无药可救的可爱的154. hopeless 绝望的180. lucky 讨厌的幸运的155. horrible 可怕的181. mad 疯的无限的愚蠢的 156. huge 巨大的182. major 主修的荒芜的成年的饿的157. hungry 渴望的183. male 男性的完美的雄的158. ideal 理想的184. married 159. ill 恶意的已婚的有病的185. marvelous 160. immediate 直接的立刻的不可思议的非凡的魁梧的161. impossible 不可能的 186. massive 厚重的最大限度的162. inclined 倾向…的187. maximum药物的 163. individual 可别的单独的医学的 188. medical半成熟的164. instant 立即的中间的即食的 189. medium智力的 190. mental 165. intelligent 聪明的有才华的经历的凌乱的国际的世界的191. messy 肮脏的 166. international军用的 167. involved 棘手的有关的192. military 军事的最低的168. just 最小的193. minimum 公正的正好的次要的锋利的169. keen 194. minor 热心的渴望的未成年的混合的170. key 主要的195. mixed 关键的每月的仁慈的善良的171. kind 196. monthly精神上的道德的法律的 172. legal 合法的197. moral悦耳的活的173. live 精力充沛的音乐的 198. musical未保护的174. lively 199. naked 生机勃勃的活泼的裸体的225. pleased 高兴的狭窄的勉强的满足的200. narrow226. polite 有礼貌的201. nasty 肮脏的下流的客气的227. political 政治的 202. natural 自然的天生的政治上的228. popular 通俗的受欢迎的亲密的203. near 亲近的229. positive 积极的优雅的肯定的204. neat 整洁的230. potential 205. negative 潜在的消极的可能的否定的231. practical 紧张的不安的实际的实用的206. nervous232. pregnant 207. noisy 吵闹的怀孕的233. prepared 准备好的 208. northern 北方的精致的234. present 现在的客观的209. objective 当面的235. pretty 漂亮了 210. obvious 明显的优美的236. primary 主要的临时的211. occasional 偶然的初级的237. professional 212. official 官方的正式的专业的职业的238. proud 有组织的213. organized 自豪的得意的239. pure 纯的外表的完美的 214. outside 外面的240. qualified 有资格的全面的全部的215. overall241. quiet 安静的 216. part-time 兼职的部分时间的从容的242. rare 稀罕的杰出的悲惨的可怜的217. pathetic 半熟的243. realistic 218. peaceful 和平的平静的现实的244. recent 近来的熟练的完美的219. perfect245. regular 永久的220. permanent 持久的规则的定期的resident 有关系的身体的221. physical 246. related 叙述的物质的相应的222. pink 粉红的有关的247. relevant信仰的简单的223. plain 248. religious 普通的清晰的可依赖的224. pleasant 有责任的舒适的令人愉快的249. responsible 275. slow 慢的有钱的中、充足的迟钝呢250. rich 富有的276. smart 聪明的251. ridiculous 荒谬的可笑的时尚的277. social 社会的社交的252. rough 粗糙的大致的278. soft 软的高贵的 . 温柔的253. royal 皇家的279. solid 254. sad 难过的忧愁的固体的坚固的280. sore 疼的255. safe 安全的可靠的剧烈的281. southern 南的256. satisfied 感到满意的南方的282. spare 多余的 257. scared 恐惧的备用的空闲的283. square 正方形的科学的258. scientific 平方的284. standard 标准的 259. secret 秘密的隐秘的一流的285. steep 陡峭的安全的260. secure 可靠的不合理的286. stiff 僵硬的 261. sensible 有感觉的明智的呆板的287. straight 笔直的灵敏的敏感的直接的正直的262. sensitive288. straightforward 直接的个别的率直的 263. separate 分开的289. strange 陌生的严厉的严重的264. severe 奇怪的290. strict 严厉的 265. sexual 性别的性的精确的291. substantial 尖锐的266. sharp 实质的真实的敏感的锋利的充实的成功的267. shocked 震撼的292. successful 吃惊的意外的突然的 293. sudden 非常讨厌的骇人听闻的268. shocking足够的重要的294. sufficient 充足的重大的269. significant相配的无聊的 270. silly 愚蠢的295. suitable 适当的极好的单身的单一的271. single 超级的296. super感到惊讶的似皮的皮的272. skinny 膜状的 297. surprised令人惊讶的微小的轻微的273. slight 298. surprising怀疑的299. suspicious 苗条的274. slim 细长的可疑的325. vast 巨大的芳香的巨额的300. sweet 甜的美好的326. very 301. tall 高的夸大的真正的绝对的327. violent 猛烈的302. technical 技术的强暴的328. warm 暖和的 303. temporary 临时的暂时的热烈的329. weak 虚弱的弄的304. thick 厚的粗的不耐用的330. weekly 每星期的 305. thin 瘦的薄的一周的331. weird 奇怪的紧的306. tight 吝啬的严格的超乎清理的332. welcome 受欢迎的 307. tiny 很少的微小的333. west 西的西方的艰难的308. tough 强硬的334. western 西方的惯例的309. traditional 传统的335. wet 湿的 310. tremendous 极大的巨大的潮湿的336. wide机警的宽呢张大的狡猾的311. tricky337. willing 乐意的典型的312. typical 自愿的338. windy 多风的313. unable不能的不会的吹牛的339. wise 明智的博学的难以置信的314. unbelievable340. wooden 失业的315. unemployed 木质的未被利用的闷闷不乐的不公平的316. unfair 341. worried令人担心的 317. unfortunate 不行的不公平的342. worrying 焦虑的值得做的不幸的不快乐的318. unhappy 343. worthwhile黄色的344. yellow 独特的唯一的319. unique靠不住的未必的320. unlikely与众不同的不平常的321. unusual紧急的 322. urgent 急迫的通常的323. usual 平常的暧昧的含糊的324. vague 茫然的。

英语中最常用的3000 个单词a abandonability ableabortion aboutabove abroadabsence absoluteabsolutely absorbabuse academicaccept accessaccident accompanyaccomplish accordingaccount accurateaccuse achieveachievement acidacknowledge acquireacross actaction activeactivist activityactor actressactual actuallyad adaptadd additionadditional addressadequate adjustadjustment administration administrator admireadmission admitadolescent adoptadult advanceadvanced advantageadventure advertisingadvice adviseadviser advocateaffair affectafford afraidAfrican African-Americanafter afternoonagain againstage agencyagenda agentaggressive agoagree agreement agricultural ahahead aidaide AIDSaim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol aliveall alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrestarrival arriveart article artist artisticas Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure atathlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful babyback background bad badlybag bake balance ballban bandbank barbarely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle bebeach beanbear beat beautiful beauty because becomebed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides bestbet better between beyond Bible bigbike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl boxboy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broadbroken brother brown brushbuck budget build building bullet bunch burden burnbury bus business busybut butter button buybuyer bycabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campuscan Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture carcarbon cardcare career careful carefully carrier carrycase cashcast catcatch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize chargecharity chartchase cheapcheck cheek cheese chef chemical chestchicken chiefchild childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizencity civilcivilian claimclass classic classroom cleanclear clearlyclient climateclimb clinicclinical clockclose closelycloser clothes clothing cloudclub cluecluster coachcoal coalition coast coatcode coffee cognitive coldcollapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial colorcolumn combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communicationcommunity company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation copcope copycore corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycledad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness datadate daughter day deaddeal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare declinedecrease deep deeply deerdefeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desiredesk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue diediet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty digdigital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly directordirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismissdisorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA dodoctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drugdry due during dustduty each eager earearly earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort eggeight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronicelement elementary eliminate eliteelse elsewheree-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage endenemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etcethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually everevery everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellentexcept exceptionexchange excitingexecutive exerciseexhibit exhibitionexist existenceexisting expandexpansion expectexpectation expenseexpensive experience experiment expertexplain explanationexplode exploreexplosion exposeexposure expressexpression extendextension extensiveextent externalextra extraordinaryextreme extremelyeye fabricface facilityfact factorfactory facultyfade failfailure fairfairly faithfall FALSE familiar familyfamous fanfantasy farfarm farmerfashion fastfat fatefather faultfavor favoritefear featurefederal feefeed feelfeeling fellowfemale fencefew fewerfiber fictionfield fifteenfifth fiftyfight fighter fighting figurefile fillfilm final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finishfire firmfirst fish fishing fit fitness fivefix flag flame flat flavor fleeflesh flight float floorflow flowerfly focusfolk follow following foodfoot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from frontfruit frustration fuel fullfully fun function fund fundamental fundingfuneral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game ganggap garage garden garlicgas gate gather gaygaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture getghost giantgift giftedgirl girlfriend give givenglad glance glass global glove gogoal Godgold goldengolf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave graygreat greatest green grocery ground groupgrow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guiltygun guyhabit habitathair halfhall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hathate havehe head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heelheight helicopter hell hellohelp helpfulher here heritage hero herself heyhi hidehigh highlight highly highwayhill him himself hiphire his historian historic historical historyhit holdhole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honorhope horizon horror horse hospital hosthot hotelhour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesisI iceidea ideal identification identify identity ieif ignoreill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensityintention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irishiron Islamic island Israeli issue itItalian itemits itselfjacket jail Japanese jetJew Jewishjob joinjoint joke journal journalist journey joyjudge judgment juice jumpjunior juryjust justice justify keepkey kickkid killkiller killingkind kingkiss kitchen knee knifeknock know knowledge lablabel labor laboratory lacklady lakeland landscape language laplarge largely last latelater Latin latter laugh launch lawlawn lawsuit lawyer laylayer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave leftleg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lessonlet letter level liberal library licenselie life lifestyle lifetime lift lightlike likely limit limitation limited linelink liplist listen literally literary literature littlelive living load loan local locate location locklong long-term look loose lose losslost lotlots loudlove lovely lover low lower lucklucky lunchlung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mallman manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing manymap margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math mattermay maybe mayor memeal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirrormiss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie MrMrs Msmuch multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual mymyself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspapernext nicenight nineno nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose notnote nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n'tnuclear number numerous nursenut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur oceanodd oddsof off offense offensive offer office officer official often ohoil okokay old Olympic ononce one ongoing onion online onlyonto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition optionor orange order ordinaryorganic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook oweown owner pace pack package pagepain painful paint painter painting pairpale Palestinian palm panpanel pantpaper parentpark parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership partypass passage passenger passion past patchpath patient pattern pausepay payment PC peacepeak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personalpersonality personally personnel perspective persuade petphase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician pianopick picturepie piecepile pilotpine pinkpipe pitchplace planplane planet planning plant plastic plate platform playplayer please pleasure plentyplot plusPM pocket poem poetpoetry pointpole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution poolpoor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post potpotato potential potentially poundpour poverty powder power powerful practicalpractice prayprayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously pricepride priest primarily primary prime principal principle printprior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proudprove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publishpublisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue pushput qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote raceracial radical radio railrain raise range rankrapid rapidly rare rarelyrate rather rating ratioraw reach react reaction read reader reading readyreal reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruitred reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforcereject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religiousrely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace replyreport reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction resultretain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm ricerich ridride rifleright ringrise riskriver roadrock roleroll romantic roof roomroot roperose rough roughly roundroute routine row rubrule run running ruralrush Russian sacred sadsafe safety sake salad salary salesales saltsame sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seedseek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settlesettlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirtshit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shutsick sidesigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sinksir sistersit site situation sixsize skiskill skinsky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slipslow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smoothsnap snowso so-called soccer social society soft software soilsolar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere sonsong soon sophisticated sorrysort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spinspirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stagestair stake stand standard standing starstare startstate statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel stepstick stillstir stock stomach stonestop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike stringstrip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tailtake taletalent talktall tanktap tape target tasktaste tax taxpayer teateach teacher teaching teamtear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testingtext thanthank thanksthat the theater theirthem theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these theythick thinthing think thinking thirdthirty thisthose though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thusticket tietight timetiny tiptire tiredtissue titleto tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tonetongue tonighttoo tooltooth toptopic tosstotal totally touch toughtour tourist tournament toward towards towertown toytrace tracktrade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trailtrain training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treatytree tremendous trend trialtribe tricktrip troop trouble truckTRUE trulytrust truthtry tubetunnel turnTV twelve twenty twicetwin twotype typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncleunder undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union uniqueunit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual upupon upperurban urgeus useused usefuluser usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety variousvary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus veryvessel veteranvia victim victory videoview viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virusvisible visionvisit visitor visual vitalvoice volume volunteer votevoter vs vulnerable wagewait wakewalk wall wander wantwar warmwarn warningwash waste watch water wave waywe weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrongyard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone。

adjective1. acceptable可接受的合意的2. accurate正确的精确的3. active 积极的能起作用的4. additional 另外的额外的附加的5. adequate 适当的足够的6. aggressive 敢做敢为的好斗的7. alive 活着的活泼的8. alone 单独的孤独的9. alternative 选择性的10. amazing 令人吃惊的11. angry 生气的12. annual 每年的13. anxious 担忧的渴望的14. apart 分开的15. approximate 大约的16. armed 有扶手的武器的17. artificial 人造的假的非原产地的18. ashamed 惭愧的羞耻的19. asleep 睡着的20. attractive 吸引人的有魅力的21. automatic 自动的机械的22. average 一般的平均的23. awake 醒的醒觉的24. awkward 难使用的笨拙的25. back 后面的早过去的26. bitter 苦的痛苦的怀恨的27. blank 空白的失色的28. blind 瞎的盲目的29. blonde 色白的碧眼的30. bloody 血腥的该死的非常的31. boiling 沸腾的激昂的32. bored 无聊的烦人的33. boring 令人无聊的34. bound 开往…去的装订的别束缚的35. brave 勇敢的36. brief 简要的简短的37. bright 明亮的欢乐的聪明的38. broad 宽(广)的明显的主要的39. broken 坏掉的断掉的40. brown 褐色的棕色的41. calm 平静的镇静的42. capable 有能力的能干的43. capital 首都的大写的主要的44. chief 主要的首席的45. civil 市民的有礼貌的46. clever 聪明的机灵的47. closed 关闭的限少数人的48. comfortable 舒服的舒适的49. commercial 商业的贸易的50. competitive 竞争的51. complete 完全的完成的52. complex 复杂的综合的53. complicated 复杂的难解的54. concrete 具体的有形的55. confident 有信心的确信的56. confused 困惑的烦恼的57. confusing 使混乱的58. conscious 有意识的故意的59. considerable 相当大的值得考虑的60. consistent 一致的坚固的61. constant 不变的持续的62. continuous 连续的持续的63. convenient 便利的方便的64. crafty 狡诈的善于骗人的65. crazy 疯狂的狂热的66. creative 创造性的67. criminal 犯罪的罪恶的68. critical 评论的批评的69. cross 交叉的相反的70. crucial 至关紧要的71. cruel 残酷的悲惨的72. curious 好奇的古怪的爱挑剔的73. curly 卷曲的弯曲的74. cute 可爱的装腔作势的75. daily 每日的日常的76. dangerous 危险的77. dark 昏暗的无知的模糊的78. dear 昂贵的亲爱的79. decent 正派的有分寸的80. deep 深的深奥的难懂的81. definite 明确的一直的82. delighted 欣喜的欢乐的83. demanding 苛求的84. dependent 依赖的随…而定的85. direct 直接的直达的86. dirty 脏的卑鄙的下流的87. disgusting, 令人厌恶的88. dry 干的干燥的89. dull 枯燥的呆滞的90. dumb 哑的91. economic 经济上的92. educational 教育的教育性的93. effective 有效的给人深刻印象的94. efficient 生效的有效率的95. elderly 稍老的过了中年的96. electric 电的电动的97. electrical 电的有关电的98. electronic 电子的99. emotional 情绪的情感的100. empty 空的空虚的101. encouraging 奖励的102. enjoyable 令人愉快的可享受的103. enormous巨大的庞大的104. enthusiastic 热心的热情的105. entire 全部的完整的106. essential 本质的基本的精华的107. exact 精确的原样的108. exciting 令人兴奋的109. existing 现有的110. experienced 有经验的111. extraordinary 非凡的特有的112. extreme 极端的113. false 错误的伪造的虚伪的114. familiar 相似的115. famous 著名的116. fancy 奇特的异样的117. fantastic 幻想的奇异的118. far 远的久远的119. fascinating 迷人的着迷的120. fast 紧的忠实的耐久的121. fat 肥大的油腻的122. favourite 最喜欢的123. female 女性的雌的124. filthy 不洁的丑恶的125. financial 财政的金融的126. firm 严格的坚定的127. fit 合适的健康的128. fixed 固定的固执的129. flat 平坦的浅的无力的130. following 下面的其次的131. foreign 外国的外来的132. formal 外形的正式的133. former 从前的以前的134. fortunate 幸运的幸福的135. forward 早的迅速的136. fresh 新鲜的无经验的137. friendly 友好的友谊的138. frightened 受惊的害怕的139. full-time 专职的全部时间的140. fun 共娱乐用的141. fundamental 基础的基本的142. gay 同性恋的放荡的快乐的143. gentle 温和的文雅的144. genuine 真实的诚恳的145. glad 高兴的乐意的146. gorgeous 华丽的灿烂的147. grand 豪华的盛大的重要的148. grey 灰色的灰白的149. gross 总的毛重的150. guilty 犯罪的心虚的151. handy 手边的易得的152. healthy 健康的153. helpful 有帮助的154. hopeless 绝望的无药可救的155. horrible 可怕的讨厌的156. huge 巨大的无限的157. hungry 饿的渴望的荒芜的158. ideal 理想的完美的159. ill 有病的恶意的160. immediate 直接的立刻的161. impossible 不可能的162. inclined 倾向…的163. individual 可别的单独的164. instant 立即的即食的165. intelligent 聪明的有才华的166. international 国际的世界的167. involved 棘手的有关的168. just 正好的公正的169. keen 锋利的渴望的热心的170. key 关键的主要的171. kind 善良的仁慈的172. legal 合法的法律的173. live 活的精力充沛的174. lively 活泼的生机勃勃的175. logical 合理的合乎逻辑的176. lonely 孤独的偏僻的177. loose 松的散漫的178. lost 失去的丧失的179. lovely 可爱的180. lucky 幸运的181. mad 疯的愚蠢的182. major 主修的成年的183. male 男性的雄的184. married 已婚的185. marvelous 不可思议的非凡的186. massive 厚重的魁梧的187. maximum 最大限度的188. medical 医学的药物的189. medium 中间的半成熟的190. mental 经历的智力的191. messy 肮脏的凌乱的192. military 军事的军用的193. minimum 最小的最低的194. minor 未成年的次要的195. mixed 混合的196. monthly 每月的197. moral 道德的精神上的198. musical 音乐的悦耳的199. naked 裸体的未保护的200. narrow 狭窄的勉强的201. nasty 肮脏的下流的202. natural 自然的天生的203. near 亲近的亲密的204. neat 整洁的优雅的205. negative 否定的消极的206. nervous 紧张的不安的207. noisy 吵闹的208. northern 北方的209. objective 客观的210. obvious 明显的211. occasional 偶然的临时的212. official 官方的正式的213. organized 有组织的214. outside 外面的外表的215. overall 全部的全面的216. part-time 兼职的部分时间的217. pathetic 可怜的悲惨的218. peaceful 和平的平静的219. perfect 完美的熟练的220. permanent 永久的持久的resident221. physical 身体的物质的222. pink 粉红的223. plain 简单的清晰的普通的224. pleasant 令人愉快的舒适的225. pleased 高兴的满足的226. polite 有礼貌的客气的227. political 政治的政治上的228. popular 通俗的受欢迎的229. positive 积极的肯定的230. potential 潜在的可能的231. practical 实际的实用的232. pregnant 怀孕的233. prepared 准备好的精致的234. present 现在的当面的235. pretty 漂亮了优美的236. primary 主要的初级的237. professional 专业的职业的238. proud 自豪的得意的239. pure 纯的完美的240. qualified 有资格的241. quiet 安静的从容的242. rare 稀罕的杰出的半熟的243. realistic 现实的244. recent 近来的245. regular 规则的定期的246. related 叙述的有关系的247. relevant 有关的相应的248. religious 信仰的249. responsible 有责任的可依赖的250. rich 富有的有钱的中、充足的251. ridiculous 荒谬的可笑的252. rough 粗糙的大致的253. royal 皇家的高贵的.254. sad 难过的忧愁的255. safe 安全的可靠的256. satisfied 感到满意的257. scared 恐惧的258. scientific 科学的259. secret 秘密的隐秘的260. secure 安全的可靠的261. sensible 有感觉的明智的262. sensitive 敏感的灵敏的263. separate 分开的个别的264. severe 严重的严厉的265. sexual 性别的性的266. sharp 尖锐的锋利的敏感的267. shocked 震撼的吃惊的268. shocking 骇人听闻的非常讨厌的269. significant 重大的重要的270. silly 愚蠢的无聊的271. single 单一的单身的272. skinny 皮的似皮的膜状的273. slight 轻微的微小的274. slim 苗条的细长的275. slow 慢的迟钝呢276. smart 聪明的时尚的277. social 社会的社交的278. soft 软的温柔的279. solid 固体的坚固的280. sore 疼的剧烈的281. southern 南的南方的282. spare 多余的备用的空闲的283. square 正方形的平方的284. standard 标准的一流的285. steep 陡峭的不合理的286. stiff 僵硬的呆板的287. straight 笔直的直接的正直的288. straightforward 直接的率直的289. strange 陌生的奇怪的290. strict 严厉的精确的291. substantial 实质的真实的充实的292. successful 成功的293. sudden 突然的意外的294. sufficient 充足的足够的295. suitable 适当的相配的296. super 超级的极好的297. surprised 感到惊讶的298. surprising 令人惊讶的299. suspicious 可疑的怀疑的300. sweet 甜的美好的芳香的301. tall 高的夸大的302. technical 技术的303. temporary 临时的暂时的304. thick 厚的粗的弄的305. thin 瘦的薄的306. tight 紧的吝啬的严格的307. tiny 很少的微小的308. tough 艰难的强硬的309. traditional 传统的惯例的310. tremendous 极大的巨大的311. tricky 狡猾的机警的312. typical 典型的313. unable不能的不会的314. unbelievable 难以置信的315. unemployed 失业的未被利用的316. unfair 不公平的317. unfortunate 不行的不公平的318. unhappy 不快乐的不幸的319. unique 唯一的独特的320. unlikely 未必的靠不住的321. unusual 不平常的与众不同的322. urgent 急迫的紧急的323. usual 平常的通常的324. vague 含糊的茫然的暧昧的325. vast 巨大的巨额的326. very 真正的绝对的327. violent 猛烈的强暴的328. warm 暖和的热烈的329. weak 虚弱的不耐用的330. weekly 每星期的一周的331. weird 奇怪的超乎清理的332. welcome 受欢迎的333. west 西的西方的334. western 西方的335. wet 湿的潮湿的336. wide宽呢张大的337. willing 乐意的自愿的338. windy 多风的吹牛的339. wise 明智的博学的340. wooden 木质的341. worried 闷闷不乐的342. worrying 焦虑的令人担心的343. worthwhile 值得做的344. yellow 黄色的。

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yesterday 前天ambulance救护车granny老奶奶;祖母;外婆America 美国;美洲rank职衔,军衔aside在旁边viewer观看者door门dog狗cyclist骑自行车的人blow 吹;刮风;吹气hang up 挂断turn over 翻动,犁翻share分享,共同使用socialism社会主义go away 走开,离去discovery发现drive驾驶,开;驱赶alive活着的,存在的north北的;朝北的;北部notice布告,注意,注意到sixth第六tough坚硬的;难解的pass传,递;经过;通过incident事件geometry几何学capital首都,大写;资本cancer癌information desk 问讯处silk丝,丝织品childhood幼年时代,童年decision决定;决心glove手套moustache小胡子encourage鼓励beautiful美丽的,美观的store商店储藏,存储pressure压迫,压力,压强sailing航海set out 出发; 开场police警察,警务人员scholar学者parking停车northwards向北punctuate加标点pot锅,壶,瓶,罐seem似乎,好似U.S./USA = the United States of America美国boot长统靴;靴visit 参观,访问,拜访guard防护装置,戒备local当地的;地方的cooker炊具course book课本give out 分发shopping买东西state状态;情形;国家,州break away from 脱离…sunglasses太阳眼镜,墨镜snowman 雪人steady稳固的;平稳的continue继续keep one's word 守信go fishing 钓鱼chapter章pedestrian步行者,行人perfect完美的,极好的motorcycle摩托车invitation邀请,请帖beside在…旁边;靠近butter黄油,奶油reviewer评论者;书评家connect with 与…相连equip提供设备;装备;配备salty盐的,咸的,含盐的beancurd 豆腐either二者之一二者之一;treasure金银财宝;财富pure纯的, 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赞扬,表扬running跑步choke窒息American美国的;美国人move移动,搬动,搬家peasant农民;佃农bath洗澡;浴室;澡盆comfortable舒服的;安逸的;cruel残忍的,残酷的;无情的total总数的;完全的,合计cleaner清洁工;清洁器;treat对待,对待triangle 三角形;三角形的several 几个,数个假设干dot点,小点,圆点each other 相互Italy意大利musical音乐的,although 虽然,尽管nothing没有东西,一点也不;exam=examination考试,检查up向上;上升;上坡;上行;set off 动身,起程;使爆发forbid 制止,不许immigration移民palace宫,宫殿bar2买酒柜台;酒吧;柜台except 除了,除…外carriage四轮马车;客车厢education教育,培养sand沙,沙子extra额外的,外加的feather羽毛kettle水壶his他的maid女仆;侍女fur毛皮;皮子dumpling饺子razor剃须刀period时期,时代method方法,方法noodle面条attractive迷人的,有吸引力的regard把…看作section段,局部,部门hot dog热狗ready准备好的try试,试图,努力attention注意,关心trolley bus无轨电车along 沿着;顺着pocket口袋relationship关系Egyptian埃及的;埃及人的;theory理论turn旋转,顺序already已经bridge桥navy海军terrible可怕的;糟糕的address地址advertise为…做广告hold on 等一等district区;地区;区域different不同的,有差异的eyewitness目击证人valuable值钱的,贵重的pretty漂亮的,俊俏的market-place市场,集市pipe管子,输送管camel骆驼clock clone 钟克隆factory工厂thousands of 成千上万,几千steam汽,水蒸气deer鹿vacation假期,休假spaghetti意大利式面条drier =dryer烘干机;吹风机sight情景,风景;视力task任务, 工作exploit开采,开发;剥削have 有;吃;喝;进展;经受India印度that 那个那,那么,那样law法律,法令;定律ground地面such as 例如junior初级的;年少的among在…中间;在之间courtyard庭院,院子thorough彻底的supermarket超级市场twenty二十melon瓜;瓜状物choice选择;抉择trouble使苦恼,烦恼,麻烦refuse拒绝,不愿sideways斜向一边的pioneer先锋,开拓者club俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花rat老鼠passenger乘客,旅客by accident 偶然common普通的,共有的best-seller畅销书sky天;天空float漂浮,浮动billion十亿,百亿favour 恩惠;好意;帮助science科学,自然科学BC公元前teach教书,教novelist小说家entire整个的,全部的circus马戏团keep back 留下microcomputer微机course过程;经过;课程passport护照take place 发生until直到…为止midday中午, 正午list一览表,清单somewhere在某处much 许多的,大量的非常;更加许多,大量,非常act扮演,演出;行动,regret 可惜;痛惜;哀悼republic共和国come true 变为现实,成为事实pencil铅笔invent创造,创造a pair of 一双,一副train火车培训,训练videophone可视hire租用govern统治;管理midnight午夜twelfth第十二kingdom王国mental精神的;脑力的disappear消失good 好;良好zebra crossing 人行横道线Japan日本pint品脱vegetable蔬菜gradually逐渐地fisherman渔民;钓鱼健身者cock公鸡communism共产主义love 爱;热爱;很喜欢look for 寻找instant瞬间;刹那normal 正常的shadow影子, 阴影fifth第五on time 准时take off 脱下,起飞believe相信,认为eagle鹰double-decker双层公共汽车businesswoman女企业家fill in 填充death死aim 目的;目标,打算;瞄准;favourite 喜爱的, 喜爱的人suspect犯罪嫌疑人physicist物理学家keep 保持;保存;继续不断as...as 像,如同change零钱;改变,更换understanding领会;理解Inform告诉;通知fairly公正地,正当地;相当地herb草药crowd人群拥挤,群聚native外乡的,本国的scientist科学家pyramid角锥形,金字塔as soon as 一…就…bathe洗澡;游泳year年kindergarten幼儿园enjoy欣赏;享受…乐趣;喜欢sunshine阳光cafeteria自助餐厅fibre 纤维质Middle East中东audience观众,听众thirty三十key钥匙;答案;键;关键medical医学的,医疗的bark狗叫狗叫声next最近的,隔壁的;下一次messy乱七八糟的cousin堂兄弟,堂姐妹dash快跑,冲刺,短跑hunt寻找;狩猎,猎取recommend推荐jz*convenience便利come off 从…离开,脱落precious珍贵的, 珍贵的expectation预料;期望leather皮革in time 及时,来得及clean弄干净,清洁的,干净的not any more 不再unusual不平常的,异常的mud泥, 泥浆than 比home家到家;回家unemployment失业,失业状态grow 生长;种植;变成simply简单地,确实examine检查;诊察pray祈祷;祈求duck鸭子appear出现call in 召来,召集tourist旅行者,观光者month月,月份marathon马拉松educator教育家cocoa可可粉tram有轨电车impossible不可能的candle蜡烛snack小吃daylight日光,白天;黎明as 像…一样;如同;因为clothing 衣服bang 砰brick砖;砖块give 给;递给;付出;给予garbage垃圾flesh肉born出生persuade说服,劝说peach桃子prison监狱pull拉,拖拉力,引力player比赛者,选手bitter有苦味的;痛苦的,难过park公园foreigner外国人doubt 疑心,疑惑prevent防止, 预防niece侄女,甥女chips炸土豆条digest消化;领会digital数字的,数码的defend防守;保卫bottle瓶子guess猜primary初等的;初级的not till/until 直到…才cigar雪茄烟colour 颜色给…着色,涂色shortcoming缺点,短处passive被动的queen皇后,女王tall高的speed速度加速god神,上帝hour小时Easter复活节elder长者;前辈spend 度过;花费such这样的,那样的little 小的,一点get off 脱下;下车allow允许,准许sweater厚运动衫,毛衣deliver投递shoot1嫩枝;苗;芽shoot2 射击,射中,发射mutton羊肉permission允许,许可,同意neither...nor 既不…也不…final最后的;终极的impression印象,感觉peace和平some一些,假设干;有些;某一adult成年人forward将来,向前,前进zip 拉开…的拉链;拉链grammar语法send up 发出, 射出few不多;不多的;少数的large laser 大的;巨大的激光now and then 不时,偶尔dive跳水doctor医生,大夫;博士strawberry草莓disk =disc磁盘mouth嘴,口coral珊瑚;珊瑚虫all in all 总的来说,总计painter绘画者,画家role角色college学院;专科学校sweet甜食;甜的;亲切的fair2白皙的;白肤金发的fair3集市;庙会;展览会forget 忘记;忘掉patient病人anxious忧虑的,焦急的sofa沙发barber理发师catch up with 赶上shuttle合拢班车/机visa签证,背签not不,没go on doing... 继续干某事miss失去,错过,缺refusal拒绝league联盟,社团communication交际;通讯cut up 齐根割掉,切碎lunch午餐,午饭Cheers 干杯,谢谢,再见playground操场,运动场matter要紧事,事情disobey不服从take sb. in the arms 搂抱however可是然而,尽管如此push 推stick 粘住,坚持木棒,枝条reporter记者,新闻通讯员villager村民scene一场,场景,布景army军队away离开;远离quake 震动,颤抖Chinese中国的;中国人,中文storm风暴,暴雨physician医生cap帽子;盖;笔套brake闸刹车shortly不久database资料库,数据库left-handed惯用左手的lend 借,把…借给hey 嘿!judgement裁判credit信用;信赖;信誉second1秒second2第二第二的happiness幸福,愉快red红色红色的pay for 付款pianist钢琴家popcorn爆米花herself 她自己squirrel松鼠appointment约会ease减轻;缓解standard标准northeast东北blank 空格,空白;空的;lid盖子kitchen厨房bike = bicycle 自行车test 测试, 考察,试验thick厚的aircraft飞机champion冠军,优胜者delicious美味的,可口的recycle回收;再循环tent帐篷far 远的;远地fare费用,票cop警察exit出口,太平门voice说话声; 语态east东方的;朝东的;;in common 共同,共有cash现金,现钞兑现Frenchman 法国人means方法,手段;财产give back 归还;送回around在附近;大约sadness悲哀,忧伤least最少,最少量abroad到国外put 放,摆electrical电的;电器的candy糖果southeast东南ask问,询问;要求;邀请sorry对不起,抱歉;难过的lip嘴唇major较大的;主要的bridegroom新郎make a face 做鬼脸,做苦脸must 需要,必须satisfy满足,使满意curtain窗帘conductor指导者;售票员指挥forecast预告turkey火鸡trousers裤子,长裤amusement娱乐celebration庆祝;庆祝会单人cell牢房;小蜂窝,蜂房;cell细胞primary school 小学morning早晨,上午莫斯科after all 毕竟,终究fill填空,装满soap肥皂attitude态度,看法difference不同fat脂肪胖的;肥的violent暴力的requirement要求;必要的poisonous有毒的,致命的best 最好的;最最好的behind在…后面在后面;向后ancient古代的,古老的textbook课本,教科书backache背痛lawyer律师refer to 提到,涉及,有关traffic lights红绿灯rail铁路daily每日的;日常的每天日报jz*profession职业for ever 永远time时间;次,come down 落,下来marry成婚,结婚sure确信,一定,当然theirs 他们的now现在put off 推迟twenty-one 二十一twice两次;两倍familiar熟悉的family家庭;家族;子女right-handed惯用右手的create创造;造成phrase短语;习惯用语toy玩具, 玩物sail航行航行,开航No. = number数字;reading阅读;朗读shout 喊,高声呼喊join参加,参加;连接;会合culture文化former以前的,从前的;前者noble高贵的,贵族的come 来,来到undivided没分开的;专一的;slice片,切面片steward男效劳员;男乘务员spade铲子;纸牌中的黑桃stair楼梯show 给…看,出示,显示boat race划船比赛so如此,非常;同样所以give in 屈服,让步either...or 或者…或者…globe地球仪;地球founding成立,建立airport航空站,飞机场bound1被束缚的;被绑的;certainly当然,是的;一定,preparation准备unknown不知道的root根,根源,起源nuclear原子核的,原子能的chick小鸡June6月make2样式;制造mountain山,山脉admire钦佩;羡慕ear耳朵;耳状物;听力,听觉link连接;联系boring乏味的,无聊的minister部长;牧师spiritual精神的;心灵的see-saw跷跷板Saturday星期六hurricane飓风,十二级风go through 浏览; 翻阅,通过mop 拖把拖地lap膝部;一圈as a matter of fact 事实上,其实kilo千克;千米silly傻的,愚蠢的apart from 除去,除了get through 通过,拨通poison毒药quarter四分之一,一刻钟quick快;敏捷的;急剧地cartoon动画片,卡通;漫画bargain廉价货,讨价还价put away 储存according to 根据,按照have fun with 玩得快乐apply申请heat热把…加热nine九incorrect不正确的,错误的bedroom寝室,卧室border边缘;边境,国界coin硬币quite完全,十分mankind人类;人enlarge扩大deeply深深地soft软的,柔和的sauce酱汁;调味汁too也,还;又;太,很,非常cast 扔,抛,撒service-charge效劳费,小费gruel粥clap拍手;鼓掌case2箱;盒;容器everywhere到处exact准确的;确切的untrue不真实的,假的front前面的;前部,前面;前部heavy重的airplane飞机force强迫,迫使character字,字体;品格so as to 以便,为的是drug药,药物;毒品text文本,课文always总是;一直;永远ski 滑雪板;滑雪sad悲伤的give up 放弃jeans牛仔裤subject2题目;主题;学科;bird鸟headmistress女校长trick诡计,把戏card games纸牌游戏base 根据地,基地;垒one after another 一个接一个unlike不像,和…不同admission准入, 接纳do some cleaning 做扫除maple枫树inch英寸headmaster中小学校长from mouth to mouth口口相传properly适当地ham火腿content2内容face to face 面对面unable不能的,不能胜任的planet行星misunderstand误会;不理解seagull海鸥growth生长,增长in public 当众;公开Paris巴黎listen听,仔细听hostess女主人shine荣耀;;晴天;光smelly有臭味的,发出臭味的left-wing左翼的dictionary词典,字典die死person人sooner or later 迟早,早晚empty空的jewel宝石castle城堡six六degree程度;度数;学位man 成年男人;人,人类belong to 属于discount折扣serious严肃的,认真的fruit juice果汁fry用油煎;用油炸dustbin垃圾箱nor 也不cry叫喊;哭声喊叫;哭dizzy头眩目晕的name名字,名称命名,名叫politics政治lame跛的,瘸的,残废的usually通常,经常lab = laboratory实验室labour 劳动April4月sweep扫除,扫cordless无线的from... to 从…到…servant仆人,佣人probably很可能,大概over and over again 反复,certain某…;确定的,无疑的;go1 去;走;驶;通到;到达go2尝试exactly准确地;确切地foresee 预见;预知personally就自己而言satellite卫星fasten扎牢;扣住freedom自由freeway高速公路line线,排,行,成行eager渴望的,热切的note便条,笔记,纸币;注意,Russia俄罗斯,俄国refer谈到,提到,涉及,有关mat垫子let out 放掉, 泄露terminal终点站X-ray X射线;X光equality平等hear of 听说,知道save one's life 挽救某人生命metre 米,公尺schoolmate同校同学set装备,设备设置butcher 肉店;屠夫;残杀personal个人的,私人的mass众多;大量;群众snake蛇蛇般爬行;蜿蜒行进thirsty渴clerk书记员;办事员;职员dining room 食堂,饭厅blackboard黑板microscope显微镜open up 开启;开创; 开辟birthday生日value价值,益处conversation谈话,交谈ache 痛,疼痛pound磅;英镑saying说,俗话,谚语knee膝盖plenty充足,大量visitor访问者,参观者merely仅仅,只不过all 全部地;所有的;总;整drawing图画,素描;绘画sigh叹息;叹气eighty八十click点击beneath在…下方tiresome令人厌倦的king国王appearance出现,露面;容貌nowadays当今,现在soldier士兵,战士lock锁锁,锁上dusk黄昏jz*。

英语中最常用的3000 个单词a abandonability ableabortion aboutabove abroadabsence absoluteabsolutely absorbabuse academicaccept accessaccident accompanyaccomplish accordingaccount accurateaccuse achieveachievement acidacknowledge acquireacross actaction activeactivist activityactor actressactual actuallyad adaptadd additionadditional addressadequate adjustadjustment administration administrator admireadmission admitadolescent adoptadult advanceadvanced advantageadventure advertisingadvice adviseadviser advocateaffair affectafford afraidAfrican African-Americanafter afternoonagain againstage agencyagenda agentaggressive agoagree agreement agricultural ahahead aidaide AIDSaim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol aliveall alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrestarrival arriveart article artist artisticas Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure atathlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful babyback background bad badlybag bake balance ballban bandbank barbarely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle bebeach beanbear beat beautiful beauty because becomebed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides bestbet better between beyond Bible bigbike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl boxboy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broadbroken brother brown brushbuck budget build building bullet bunch burden burnbury bus business busybut butter button buybuyer bycabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campuscan Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture carcarbon cardcare career careful carefully carrier carrycase cashcast catcatch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize chargecharity chartchase cheapcheck cheek cheese chef chemical chestchicken chiefchild childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizencity civilcivilian claimclass classic classroom cleanclear clearlyclient climateclimb clinicclinical clockclose closelycloser clothes clothing cloudclub cluecluster coachcoal coalition coast coatcode coffee cognitive coldcollapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial colorcolumn combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communicationcommunity company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation copcope copycore corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycledad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness datadate daughter day deaddeal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare declinedecrease deep deeply deerdefeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desiredesk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue diediet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty digdigital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly directordirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismissdisorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA dodoctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drugdry due during dustduty each eager earearly earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort eggeight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronicelement elementary eliminate eliteelse elsewheree-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage endenemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etcethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually everevery everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellentexcept exceptionexchange excitingexecutive exerciseexhibit exhibitionexist existenceexisting expandexpansion expectexpectation expenseexpensive experience experiment expertexplain explanationexplode exploreexplosion exposeexposure expressexpression extendextension extensiveextent externalextra extraordinaryextreme extremelyeye fabricface facilityfact factorfactory facultyfade failfailure fairfairly faithfall FALSE familiar familyfamous fanfantasy farfarm farmerfashion fastfat fatefather faultfavor favoritefear featurefederal feefeed feelfeeling fellowfemale fencefew fewerfiber fictionfield fifteenfifth fiftyfight fighter fighting figure film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finishfire firmfirst fish fishing fit fitness fivefix flag flame flat flavor fleeflesh flight float floorflow flowerfly focusfolk follow following foodfoot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from frontfruit frustration fuel fullfully fun function fund fundamental fundingfuneral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game ganggap garage garden garlicgas gate gather gaygaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture getghost giantgift giftedgirl girlfriend give givenglad glance glass global glove gogoal Godgold goldengolf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave graygreat greatest green grocery ground groupgrow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guiltygun guyhabit habitathair halfhall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hathate havehe head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heelheight helicopter hell hellohelp helpfulher here heritage hero herself heyhi hidehigh highlight highly highwayhill him himself hiphire his historian historic historical historyhit holdhole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honorhope horizon horror horse hospital hosthot hotelhour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesisI iceidea ideal identification identify identity ieif ignoreill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensityintention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irishiron Islamic island Israeli issue itItalian itemits itselfjacket jail Japanese jetJew Jewishjob joinjoint joke journal journalist journey joyjudge judgment juice jumpjunior juryjust justice justify keepkey kickkid killkiller killingkind kingkiss kitchen knee knifeknock know knowledge lablabel labor laboratory lacklady lakeland landscape language laplarge largely last latelater Latin latter laugh launch lawlawn lawsuit lawyer laylayer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave leftleg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lessonlet letter level liberal library licenselie life lifestyle lifetime lift lightlike likely limit limitation limited linelink liplist listen literally literary literature littlelive living load loan local locate location locklong long-term look loose lose losslost lotlots loudlove lovely lover low lower lucklucky lunchlung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mallman manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing manymap margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math mattermay maybe mayor memeal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirrormiss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie MrMrs Msmuch multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual mymyself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspapernext nicenight nineno nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose notnote nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n'tnuclear number numerous nursenut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur oceanodd oddsof off offense offensive offer office officer official often ohoil okokay old Olympic ononce one ongoing onion online onlyonto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition optionor orange order ordinaryorganic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook oweown owner pace pack package pagepain painful paint painter painting pairpale Palestinian palm panpanel pantpaper parentpark parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership partypass passage passenger passion past patchpath patient pattern pausepay payment PC peacepeak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personalpersonality personally personnel perspective persuade petphase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician pianopick picturepie piecepile pilotpine pinkpipe pitchplace planplane planet planning plant plastic plate platform playplayer please pleasure plentyplot plusPM pocket poem poetpoetry pointpole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution poolpoor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post potpotato potential potentially poundpour poverty powder power powerful practicalpractice prayprayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously pricepride priest primarily primary prime principal principle printprior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor proprogram progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proudprove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publishpublisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue pushput qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote raceracial radical radio railrain raise range rankrapid rapidly rare rarelyrate rather rating ratioraw reach react reaction read reader reading readyreal reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruitred reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforcereject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religiousrely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace replyreport reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction resultretain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm ricerich ridride rifleright ringrise riskriver roadrock roleroll romantic roof roomroot roperose rough roughly roundroute routine row rubrule run running ruralrush Russian sacred sadsafe safety sake salad salary salesales saltsame sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seedseek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settlesettlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirtshit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shutsick sidesigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sinksir sistersit site situation sixsize skiskill skinsky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slipslow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smoothsnap snowso so-called soccer social society soft software soilsolar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere sonsong soon sophisticated sorrysort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spinspirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stagestair stake stand standard standing starstare startstate statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel stepstick stillstir stock stomach stonestop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike stringstrip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tailtake taletalent talktall tanktap tape target tasktaste tax taxpayer teateach teacher teaching teamtear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testingtext thanthank thanksthat the theater theirthem theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these theythick thinthing think thinking thirdthirty thisthose though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thusticket tietight timetiny tiptire tiredtissue titleto tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tonetongue tonighttoo tooltooth toptopic tosstotal totally touch toughtour tourist tournament toward towards towertown toytrace tracktrade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trailtrain training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treatytree tremendous trend trialtribe tricktrip troop trouble truckTRUE trulytrust truthtry tubetunnel turnTV twelve twenty twicetwin twotype typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncleunder undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union uniqueunit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual upupon upperurban urgeus useused usefuluser usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety variousvary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus veryvessel veteranvia victim victory videoview viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virusvisible visionvisit visitor visual vitalvoice volume volunteer votevoter vs vulnerable wagewait wakewalk wall wander wantwar warmwarn warningwash waste watch water wave waywe weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrongyard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone。
(完整版)英语中最常用的 3000 个单词

英语中最常用的3000 个单词a abandonability ableabortion aboutabove abroadabsence absoluteabsolutely absorbabuse academicaccept accessaccident accompanyaccomplish accordingaccount accurateaccuse achieveachievement acidacknowledge acquireacross actaction activeactivist activityactor actressactual actuallyad adaptadd additionadditional addressadequate adjustadjustment administration administrator admireadmission admitadolescent adoptadult advanceadvanced advantageadventure advertisingadvice adviseadviser advocateaffair affectafford afraidAfrican African-Americanafter afternoonagain againstage agencyagenda agentaggressive agoagree agreement agricultural ahahead aidaide AIDSaim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol aliveall alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrestarrival arriveart article artist artisticas Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure atathlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful babyback background bad badlybag bake balance ballban bandbank barbarely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle bebeach beanbear beat beautiful beauty because become。

3000个常用英语基本单词1. about2. after3. again4. air5. all6. along7. also8. an9. and10. another11. any12. arearound 13.14. as15. at16. away17. back18. be19. because20. been21. before22. below23. between24. both25. but26. by27. came28. can29. come30. could31. day32. did33. different34. do35. does36. don't37. down38. each39. end40. even41. every42. few43. find44. first45. for46. found47. from48. get49. give50. go51. good52. great53. had54. has55. have56. he57. help58. her59. here60. him61. his62. home63. house64. how65. I66. if67. in68. into69. is70. it71. its72. just73. know74. large75. last76. left77. like78. line79. little80. long81. look82. made83. make84. man85. many86. may87. me88. men89. might90. more91. most92. Mr.93. must94. my95. name96. never97. new98. next99. no100. not 101. now 102. number of 103. 104. off 105. old 106. on 107. one 108. only 109. or 110. other 111. our 112. out 113. over 114. own 115. part116. people 117. place 118. put119. read 120. right 121. said 122. same 123. saw124. say125. seeshe 126. 127. should 128. show 129. small 130. so131. some 132. something 133. sound 134. still 135. such 136. take 137. tell 138. than 139. that140. the 141. them 142. then 143. there 144. these 145. they 146. thing 147. think 148. this those 149. 150. thought 151. three 152. through 153. time 154. to155. together 156. too 157. two 158. under 159. up160. us161. use 162. very 163. want164. water 165. way 166. we 167. well 168. went 169. were 170. what 171. when where 172.173. which 174. while 175. who 176. why 177. will 178. with 179. word 180. work 181. world 182. would 183. write 184. year 185. you 186. your187. wasThe 2nd and 3rd 100 Words1. able2. above3. across4. add5. against6. agoalmost 7.8. among9. animal10. answer11. became12. become13. began14. behind15. being16. better17. black18. best19. body20. book21. boy22. brought23. call24. cannot25. car26. certain27. change28. children29. city30. close31. cold32. country33. course34. cut35. didn't36. dog37. done38. door39. draw40. during41. early42. earth43. eat44. enough45. ever46. example47. eye48. face49. family50. far51. father52. feel feet 53.54. fire55. fish56. five57. food58. form59. four60. front61. gave62. given63. got64. green65. ground66. group67. grow68. half69. hand70. hard71. heard72. high73. himself74. however75. I'll76. I'm77. idea78. important79. inside80. John81. keep82. kind83. knew84. known85. land86. later87. learn88. let89. letter90. life91. light92. live93. living94. making95. mean96. means97. money98. morning99. mother 100. move 101. Mrs. 102. near 103. night 104. nothing 105. once 106. open 107. order 108. page 109. paper 110. parts 111. perhaps 112. picture 113. play 114. point 115. ready 116. red117. remember 118. rest119. room 120. run 121. school sea 122. 123. second 124. seen 125. sentence 126. several 127. short 128. shown 129. since 130. six 131. slide 132. sometime 133. soon 134. space 135. States 136. story 137. sun 138. sure 139. table 140. though 141. today 142. told143. took144. top145. toward146. tree147. try148. turn149. United150. until151. upon152. using153. usually154. white155. whole156. wind157. without158. yes159. yet160. youngThe 5th and 6th 100 Words1. alone2. already3. although4. am5. America6. anything area7.8. ball9. beautiful10. beginning11. Bill12. birds13. blue14. boat15. bottom16. box17. bring18. build19. building20. built21. can't22. care23. carefully24. carried25. carry26. center27. check28. class29. coming30. common31. complete32. dark33. deep34. distance35. doing36. dry37. easy38. either39. else40. everyone41. everything42. fact43. fall44. fast45. felt46. field47. finally48. fine49. floor50. follow51. foot52. friendfull 53.54. game55. getting56. girl57. glass58. goes59. gold60. gone61. happened62. having63. heart64. heavy65. held66. hold67. horse68. hot69. hour70. hundred71. ice72. Indian73. instead74. itself75. job76. kept77. language78. lay79. least80. leave81. let's82. list83. longer84. low85. main86. map87. matter88. mind89. Miss90. moon91. mountain92. moving93. music94. needed95. notice96. outside97. past98. pattern99. person 100. piece101. plant 102. poor 103. possible 104. power 105. probably 106. problem 107. question 108. quickly 109. quite 110. rain 111. ran112. real 113. river 114. road 115. rock 116. round 117. sat118. scientist 119. shall 120. ship 121. simple size 122. 123. sky124. slowly125. snow126. someone 127. special 128. stand 129. start130. state 131. stay132. stood 133. stop134. stopped 135. strong 136. suddenly 137. summer 138. surface 139. system 140. taken 141. talk142. tall143. ten144. that's themselves 145. 146. third 147. tiny148. town149. tried150. voice151. walk152. warm153. watch154. weather155. whether156. wide157. wild158. winter159. within160. writing161. writtenThe 7th and 8th 100 Words1. age2. ask3. baby4. base5. besidebright 6.7. business8. buy9. case10. catch11. caught12. child13. choose14. circle15. clear16. color17. copy18. correct19. couldn't20. difference21. direction22. dried23. easily24. edge25. egg26. eight27. energy28. England29. especially30. Europe31. exactly32. except33. explain34. famous35. farm36. fell37. figure38. flat39. fly40. forest41. free42. French43. fun44. George45. government46. grass47. grew48. hair49. happy50. he's51. heat52. history53. human54. I've55. inch56. information57. iron58. Jim59. Joe60. King61. larger62. late63. leg64. length65. listen66. lost67. lot68. lower69. machine70. mark71. maybe72. measure73. meet74. middle75. milk76. minute77. modern78. moment79. month80. mouth81. natural82. nearly83. necessary84. New York85. north86. object87. ocean88. oil89. pay90. per91. plan92. plane93. present94. product95. rather96. reach97. reason98. record99. running 100. seems101. sent102. seven 103. shape 104. sides 105. single 106. skin 107. sleep 108. smaller 109. soft 110. soil 111. south 112. speak 113. speed 114. spring 115. square 116. star 117. step 118. store 119. straight 120. strange street 121. 122. subject 123. suppose 124. teacher 125. thousand126. thus127. Tom128. travel129. trip130. trouble131. unit132. village133. wall134. war135. wasn't136. week137. whose138. window139. wish140. women141. won't142. wood143. wroteyellow 144.145. you're146. yourselfThe 9th and 10th 100 Words1. action2. addition3. afraid4. afternoon5. ahead6. amount7. ancient8. anyone9. arm10. bad11. bear12. beyond13. bit14. blood15. board16. Bob17. born18. break19. British20. broken21. brother22. brown23. busy24. capital25. cat26. cattle27. cause28. century29. chance30. clean31. clothes32. coast33. control34. cool35. corn36. corner37. cover38. cross39. Dan40. dead41. deal42. death43. decide44. difficult45. doesn't46. drive47. engine48. evening49. farmer50. faster51. fight52. fill53. finger54. force55. forward56. France57. fresh58. garden59. general60. glad61. greater62. greatest63. guess64. happen65. Henry66. higher67. hit68. hole69. hope70. huge71. interest72. island73. isn't74. jack75. lady76. largest77. lead78. led79. level80. love81. Mary82. material83. meant84. meat85. method86. missing87. needs88. nor nose 89.90. note91. opposite92. pair93. party94. pass95. period96. please97. position98. pound99. practice 100. pretty 101. produce 102. pull 103. quiet 104. race 105. radio 106. region 107. result 108. return 109. rich 110. ride 111. ringrule 112. 113. sand 114. science 115. section 116. seed 117. send 118. sense 119. sets120. sharp 121. sight122. sign123. silver 124. similar 125. sit126. son127. song128. spent 129. spread 130. stick 131. stone 132. tail133. team134. teeth 135. temperature 136. test137. there's 138. therefore 139. thick140. thin141. train 142. various 143. wait144. Washington145. wave146. we'll147. weight148. west149. wife150. wouldn't151. wrong152. you'llThe 11th and 12th 100 Words1. according2. act3. actually4. Africaalike 5.6. apart7. ate8. attention9. bank10. basic11. beat12. blow13. bone14. bread15. careful16. chair17. chief18. Christmas19. church20. cloth21. cloud22. column23. compare24. contain25. continued26. cost27. cotton count 28.29. dance30. describe31. desert32. dinner33. doctor34. dollar35. drop36. dropped37. ear38. east39. electric40. element41. enjoy42. equal43. exercise44. experiment45. familiar46. farther47. fear48. forth49. gas50. giving51. gray52. grown53. hardly54. hat55. hill56. hurt57. I'd58. imagine59. include60. indeed61. Johnny62. joined63. key64. kitchen65. knowledge66. law67. lie68. major69. met70. metal71. movement72. nation73. naturenine 74.75. none76. office77. older78. onto79. original80. paragraph81. parent82. particular83. path84. Paul85. Peter86. pick87. president88. pressure89. process90. public91. quick92. report93. rope94. rose95. row96. safe97. salt98. Sam99. scale 100. sell 101. separate 102. sheep 103. shoe 104. shore 105. simply 106. sing 107. sister 108. sitting 109. sold110. soldier 111. solve112. speech113. spend114. steel 115. string116. student 117. studied 118. sugar119. television 120. term121. throughout 122. tired123. total124. touch125. trade 126. truck127. twice128. type129. uncle130. unless 131. useful132. value133. verb134. visit135. wear136. what's137. wheel138. William139. wing140. wire141. won142. wonder143. worker144. yardThe 13th and 14th 100 Words 1. 1/22. alive3. angry4. army5. average6. bag7. band8. Billy9. branch10. breakfast11. breath12. broke13. bus14. cabin15. California16. camp17. captain18. cell19. cent20. certainly21. changing22. closer23. coal24. coat25. community26. company27. completely28. compound29. condition30. consider31. correctly32. crop33. crowd34. current35. danger36. dear37. degree38. develop39. die40. directly41. discover42. divide43. double44. Dr.45. dress46. drink47. drove48. dust49. easier50. effect51. electricity52. empty53. entire54. everybody55. exciting56. expect57. experience58. express59. fair60. feed61. final62. finish63. flew64. fruit65. further66. future67. Greek68. guide69. gun70. herself71. hungry72. instrument73. Jane74. join75. jump76. laid77. liquid78. loud79. market80. member81. Mexico82. Mike83. mine84. motion85. myself86. neck87. news88. nice89. noise noun 90.91. oxygen92. paid93. phrase94. plain95. poem96. population97. proper98. proud99. provide 100. purpose 101. putting 102. quietly 103. raise 104. range 105. rate 106. regular107. related 108. replied 109. represent 110. rise111. scientific 112. seasonseat 113.114. share 115. shot116. shoulder 117. slow118. smile 119. solid 120. solution 121. sort122. southern 123. stage 124. statement 125. station 126. steam 127. stream 128. strength 129. supply130. surprise131. symbol132. till133. tomorrow134. tube135. twelvetwenty 136.137. usual138. valley139. variety140. vowel141. we're142. wet143. wooden144. worthThe 15th and 16th 100 Words1. airplane2. angle3. Ann4. apple5. art6. Atlantic7. atmosphere8. bar9. barn10. baseball11. beauty12. believed13. bellelong 14. b15. beneath16. bigger17. bottle18. bowl19. broad20. chapter21. chart22. Chinese23. clearly24. climate25. clock26. closely27. clothing28. coffee29. cow30. cry31. Dad32. dangerous33. deer34. desk35. detail36. development37. drew38. driver39. event40. everywhere41. fat42. favorite43. fence44. fifty45. flight46. flow47. flower48. forget49. fourth50. friendly51. generally52. German53. Germany54. giant55. golden56. grain57. handle58. height59. hunghurry 60.61. immediately62. industry63. instance64. Italy65. James66. knife67. lake68. Latin69. leader70. leaving71. likely72. lunch73. mass74. master75. mile76. mix。

符老师词汇表3000Step mother继母rare罕见的,稀有的hall大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道get along with 与…相处detective侦探church教堂;教会greeting祝贺bucket铲斗;桶go for a walk 散步frequent经常的;频繁的pea豌豆mountainous多山的get on 上车;过活ballpoint= ballpoint pen圆珠笔blouse宽罩衫;短上衣playmate玩伴tight紧的ring off 挂断电话,停止讲话northern北方的,北部的eye眼睛greedy贪婪的basin水盆,脸盆brush刷;擦刷子save救,挽救,节省businessman商人;男企业家carpet地毯read 读;朗读shabby破旧的,破烂的,swim游泳,游customs海关,关税helmet头盔chemist药剂师;化学家parent父,双亲anywhere任何地方surround围绕; 包围square广场;平方的;方形的,easy—going随和的hardship困难minus现负的,减去的downward向下humour 幽默, 幽默感bicycle自行车try out 试验end末尾;终点;终止skyscraper摩天楼pay off 偿清department store百货商场cheque 支票realise 认识到,实现sort把…分类,类别nail钉,钉子recent近来的,最近的technique技术;技巧,方法prefer宁愿,更喜欢dawn黎明,拂晓school学校star星,恒星elephant象more or less 或多或少carbon碳card卡片;名片;纸牌double两倍的;双的两个;双Asia亚洲puzzle难题,谜connect to 连接,相连speaker演讲人,演说家Indian印地安人的;印度人industry工业,产业influence 影响congratulate祝贺exhibition展览;展览会universe宇宙punctuation标点符号anger怒,愤怒bomb炸弹轰炸make up of 由…组成,构成get in 进入,收获,达到avoid避免,躲开,逃避furniture家具quilt被子;被状物earthquake地震strait海峡gown礼服,长外衣,睡衣sometimes有时yet尚,还,仍然humorous富于幽默的professor教授petrol石油member成员,会员complete完成的完成,结束pride自豪,骄傲discuss讨论,议论mark标记标明,作记号于chalk粉笔pattern式样ride 骑;乘车乘车旅行skillfully精湛地,巧妙地hunger饥饿preference选择,趋向knowledge知识,学问surgeon外科医生preview预习;试演;预展activity活动Spanish西班牙人的,西班牙的,西班牙语的西班牙语performer表演者,执行者private私人的unfit不合宜的,不相宜的up and down 上下,来回artist艺术家tin罐头,听头envelope 信封environment环境separate使分开,单独的,light光,光亮;轻的;浅色的restaurant饭馆, 饭店sixty六十arrow箭;箭头flight1航班flight2楼梯的一段get away 逃; 离moon cake月饼carrier搬运者;媒介;货架carrot胡萝卜sale卖,出售milk牛奶挤奶teacher教师,教员chain链; 链条upstairs在楼上,到楼上broom扫帚failure失败pick up捡起,,开车去接…run 跑,奔跑;褪色dad = daddy爸爸,爹爹northwest西北existence存在; 存在物left左边的向左左,左边sheep 羊;羊皮;驯服者fill 。

抱歉,米有音标哈——我找了好多,分几次回答咯!a art.一(个);每一(个)ability n.能力;本领;才能able a.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的aboard ad.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上;ad.上船(飞机) about ad.在周围;大约 prep.关于above a.上述的 ad.在上面 prep.在..之上,高于abroad ad.到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传accident n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)according to prep.据照…(所说、所写);按…,视…ache vi.痛;哀怜 n.(指连续)疼痛、酸痛across prep.在的对面 ad.横过,穿过act v.表演;举动;起作用 n.行为,法令;一幕action n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗active adj.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的activity n.活动;活力;能动性;actor n.男演员;演员,行动者actress n.女演员add vt.加;增加(进);进一步说写 vi.(to)增添address n.住址;致词 v.向...致词;在信封上写姓名adjective n.形容词 a.形容词的,用作形容词的admire vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖adult n.成年人 a.成年的,充分长成的,成熟的advance n.前进,预付 vi.前进,进展 vt.促进,推进advantage n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处adventure n.冒险,冒险活动,奇遇 vt.大胆进行adverb n.副词 a.副词的adverse a.逆的,相反的;敌对的;不利的;有害的advertise vt.公告,公布;为...做广告 vi.登广告advice n.劝告,忠告,(医生等的)意见advise vt.忠告,劝告,建议;通知,告知afford vt.担负得起(损失、费用、后果等),买得起afraid adj.害怕的,恐惧的;犯愁的,不乐意的after prep.在...以后adv.以后,后来afternoon n.下午,午后afterward ad.(afterwards)以后,后来again ad.再次,另一次;重新;除此,再,更,还against prep.对着,逆;反对;违反;紧靠着;对比age n.年龄;时代;老年;长时间 v.(使)变老ago ad.(常和一般过去时的动词连用)以前,…前agree vi.答应,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定agreement n.协定;协议;契约;达成协议;同意,一致ahead ad.在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前aid n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物 vi.援助,救援aim n.目的;瞄准 vi.(at)目的在于 vt.把…瞄准air n.空气;(复数)神气 vt.(使)通风;晾干air-conditioning n.空调设备,空调系统aircraft n.飞机,飞船,飞行器airline n.(飞机)航线 a.(飞机)航线的airport n.机场,航空站,航空港album n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册alien n.外侨,外国人;外星人 a.外国的;相异的alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地alive a.活着的;存在的;活跃的;(to)敏感的all a.全部的;非常的 ad.完全地,很 pron.全部allege v.断言,宣称;指控allow vt.允许,准许;承认;给予;(for)考虑到almost adv.几乎,差不多alone a.单独的,孤独的 ad.单独地,独自地;仅仅along ad.向前;和...一起,一同 prep.沿着,顺着aloud adv.出声地,大声地already ad.已,已经,早已also ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地Alter vt.改变,更改;改做(衣服) vi.改变,变化although conj.尽管,虽然...但是always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终amateur a.&n.业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等) amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑 vi.表现出惊奇among prep.在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又angel n.天使,安琪儿anger n.愤怒,气愤 vt.使发怒,激怒 vi.发怒angle n.角,角度 v.钓鱼;(采用各种方法)取得angry a.生气的,愤怒的;(天气)风雨交加的animal n.动物,野兽,牲畜 a.动物的,野兽的another a.另一个,又,再 pron.另一个,类似的一个answer vt.回答,答复,答案 v.回答,答复,响应ant n.蚁;蚂蚁any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的anybody pron.(否定句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人anyone pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人anything pron.任何东西(事物);无论什么东西(事物) anyway ad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论以何种方式anywhere ad.无论哪里;(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方apart ad.分离,离开,隔开 a.分离的,分隔的apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓apologise v.(to,for)道歉,认错apology n.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护appear vi.出现;出场;问世;仿佛;出版,发表appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面apple n.苹果,苹果树appliance n.电器;器械,装置;应用,适用applicable a.可应用(实施)的;适当的,合适的application n.申请,请求,申请书;应用,实施,实用性apply vi.(以书面形式)申请;请求 vt.应用;实施appoint vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等) appointment n.约会,约定;任命,委派;委任的职位April (名)四月area n.面积;地区,地域;领域,范围arm n.手臂,扶手,臂状物 v.武装;配备 n.武器army n.军队,陆军,军;大群,大批around ad.在...周围,到处 prep.在..四周(或附近) arouse vt.唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起arrange v.安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置arrival n.到达,到来;到达者,到达物arrive vi.到达;(时间、事件)到来,发生;达到art n.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;文科,人文科学article n.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词artist n.艺术家,美术家;(某方面的)能手artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的as ad.同样地 conj.由于;像...一样 prep.作为aside ad.在旁边,到一边 n.旁白;离题的话ask vt.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请,约请asleep a.睡觉,睡着(用作表语)assist vt.协助,帮助,促进 vi.帮忙,参加assistance n.协作; 援助; 帮助assistant a.帮助的,辅助的 n.助手,助教;辅助物at prep.[表示价格、速度等]以,达;在..方面athlete n.运动员,体育家,身强力壮的人attack v.n.攻击,抨击;着手,开始 n.(病)发作attract vt.引起的注意(或兴趣等),吸引;引起;激起attractive a.吸引人的,引人注意的;漂亮的,迷人的auction n./vt.拍卖audience n.听众,观众,读者;见面,会见August n.8月aunt n.姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母,阿姨autumn n.秋,秋季;成熟期,渐衰期awake a.醒着的 vt.唤醒,使觉醒 vi.醒来,醒悟到award vt.授予,给予;判定 n.奖,奖金;仲裁away ad.在远处;离开;渐渐远去;一直;去掉baby n.婴儿;年龄最小的人;小动物 a.婴儿似的back a.后面的 ad.向后 v.倒退;支持 n.背;后面background n.背景,经历;幕后backward a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的 ad.向后,朝反方向bacon n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉bad a.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的badly ad.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地badminton n.羽毛球bag n.袋,提包 v.把…装入袋中;猎杀;占有bake v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干balcony n.阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅,楼座bald a.秃的,秃头的ball n.球(状物);(正式的)舞会vt.把…捏成球状ballet n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团balloon n.气球,飞船;a.气球状的 v.乘坐气球;膨胀banana n.香蕉bang n.砰砰的声音;猛击 v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击bank n.银行;岸,堤;vi.存入(经营)银行;信赖bar n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物) v.闩上,阻拦barbecue n.烤肉;烤肉用的台架 vt.炙烤(肉等) barber n.理发师bark vi.(狗等)吠,叫n.吠声,叫声;树皮barn n.谷仓,仓库base n.基础,底部;根据地 v.(on)把…基于baseball n.棒球basement n.建筑物的底部,地下室,地窖basket n.筐,篮,篓basketball n.篮球,篮球运动bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠batch n.一批,一组,一群bath n.沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆) v.(给…)洗澡bathe v.游泳,洗澡,浸,弄湿bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室,卫生间be v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;到达,来到,发生beach n.海滩,湖滩,河滩bean n.豆;菜豆,蚕豆bear n.熊 v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女beat n.敲打;(心脏等)跳动 v.打败;(心脏等)跳动beautiful a.美的,美丽的;出色的,完美的beauty n.美,美丽;美人,美丽的事物because conj.因为,由于become vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称bed n.床,床位;(苗)床,坛;河床,(湖、海的)底bee n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人beef n.牛肉beer n.啤酒before prep.(指时间)在…以前,在..前面,在..之前beg vt.请求,乞求 vi.恳请,行乞begin v.(began,begun)开始,着手beginning n.开始,开端;起源,早期阶段behave v.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动behind prep.在...的背后,(遗留)在..后面;落后于being n.生物,生命,存在;believe vt.相信,认为 vi.相信,信任,信奉bell n.钟,铃belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛belong v.(to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等) beloved a.n.受爱戴的,敬爱的;爱人,被心爱的人below prep.在…下面,在…以下 ad.在下面,向下bench n.长凳,条凳;(工作)台,座beside prep.在...旁边,在...附近;和...相比besides ad.此外;并且 prep.于…之外;除…以外best a.最好的(good和well最高级) ad.最好地;最better a.较好的 ad.更好(地) v.改良 n.较佳者between prep.在…之间,在(两者)之间 ad.在中间beyond prep.在(或向)...的那边,远于;超出;Bible n.圣经bicycle n.(bike)自行车 vi.骑自行车big a.大的;重要的;宽宏大量的;大受欢迎的bill n.账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票billion num.n.(美)十亿,(英)万亿bin n.(贮藏食物等用的)箱子biography n.传记;传记文学biology n.生物学bird n.鸟,雀;女人;嘘声birth n.出生,诞生;出身,血统;起源;出现birthday n.生日;(成方)纪念日biscuit n.饼干,点心bit n.一点,一些;小块,少量;片刻; [计]位,比特bite v.n.咬,叮 n.一口black a.黑(色)的;黑暗的 n.黑(色);黑暗;黑人blackboard n.黑板blank a.空白的,空着的;失色的 n.空白;表格blanket n.毯子(可数);厚厚一层(可数) vt.铺上一层blaze n.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉 v.燃烧,冒火焰blind a.盲的,瞎的;盲目的 vt.使失明 n.百叶窗block n.大块木(石)料;街区;障碍物 v.阻塞,拦阻blood n.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气bloody a.流血的,血腥的bloom n.花(朵);开花(期) v.开花blossom n.花(簇);花期;青春 vi.开花;展开;繁荣blouse n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫blow vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击blue a.蓝色的;青灰色的;沮丧的,阴郁的 n.蓝色blueprint n.蓝图,设计图,计划 vt.制成蓝图,计划blunt a.率直的;钝的 v.(使)钝;(使)迟钝board n.板,木板;全体委员;伙食 v.上船(车,飞机) boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀 n.自夸,大话boat n.小船,艇body n.身体,本体;主体;尸体;物体;(一)群,批,堆boil v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸)bomb n.炸弹 v.投弹于,轰炸bone n.骨(骼)book n.书,书籍 vt.订(票,座位,房间等),预定boom v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声booth n.电话亭,货摊border n.边界,国界;边(沿) v.交界,与…接壤;接近bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞);烦扰 n.讨厌的人,麻烦事born a.出生的,产生的;天生的,十足的borrow vt.借,借入;(思想、文字等)采用,抄袭bosom n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;a.亲密的boss n.老板,上司 vt.指挥,控制,发号施令both prep.两者(都),双方(都) adj.两个..(都) bottle n.瓶(子) v.装瓶bottom n.底(部);基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床bowl n.碗(状物),钵bowling n.保龄球运动box n.盒,箱;包厢 v.把…装箱;拳击,打耳光boy n.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员brain n.(大)脑,骨髓;(pl.)脑力,智能brandy n.白兰地酒brave a.勇敢的 v.勇敢地面对(危险等)breach n.违反,不履行;破裂 vt.冲破,攻破bread n.面包break vt.打破;中止;违反 vi.破(裂) n.休息时间breakdown n.崩溃;衰竭;(关系、计划或讨论等的)中断breakfast n.早餐 v.(给某人)吃早餐breath n.呼吸,气息breathe v.呼吸,吸入brick n.砖块,砖;v.用砖围砌,用砖填补bride n.新娘bridge n.桥;桥牌;鼻梁 vt.架桥;渡过bright a.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的bring v.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态。

3000个常用英语基本单词1. about2. after3. again4. air5. all6. along7. also8. an9. and10. another11. any12. arearound 13.14. as15. at16. away17. back18. be19. because20. been21. before22. below23. between24. both25. but26. by27. came28. can29. come30. could31. day32. did33. different34. do35. does36. don't37. down38. each39. end40. even41. every42. few43. find44. first45. for46. found47. from48. get49. give50. go51. good52. great53. had54. has55. have56. he57. help58. her59. here60. him61. his62. home63. house64. how65. I66. if67. in68. into69. is70. it71. its72. just73. know74. large75. last76. left77. like78. line79. little80. long81. look82. made83. make84. man85. many86. may87. me88. men89. might90. more91. most92. Mr.93. must94. my95. name96. never97. new98. next99. no100. not 101. now 102. number of 103. 104. off 105. old 106. on 107. one 108. only 109. or 110. other 111. our 112. out 113. over 114. own 115. part116. people 117. place 118. put119. read 120. right 121. said 122. same 123. saw124. say125. seeshe 126. 127. should 128. show 129. small 130. so131. some 132. something 133. sound 134. still 135. such 136. take 137. tell 138. than 139. that140. the 141. them 142. then 143. there 144. these 145. they 146. thing 147. think 148. this those 149. 150. thought 151. three 152. through 153. time 154. to155. together 156. too 157. two 158. under 159. up160. us161. use 162. very 163. want164. water 165. way 166. we 167. well 168. went 169. were 170. what 171. when where 172.173. which 174. while 175. who 176. why 177. will 178. with 179. word 180. work 181. world 182. would 183. write 184. year 185. you 186. your187. wasThe 2nd and 3rd 100 Words1. able2. above3. across4. add5. against6. agoalmost 7.8. among9. animal10. answer11. became12. become13. began14. behind15. being16. better17. black18. best19. body20. book21. boy22. brought23. call24. cannot25. car26. certain27. change28. children29. city30. close31. cold32. country33. course34. cut35. didn't36. dog37. done38. door39. draw40. during41. early42. earth43. eat44. enough45. ever46. example47. eye48. face49. family50. far51. father52. feel feet 53.54. fire55. fish56. five57. food58. form59. four60. front61. gave62. given63. got64. green65. ground66. group67. grow68. half69. hand70. hard71. heard72. high73. himself74. however75. I'll76. I'm77. idea78. important79. inside80. John81. keep82. kind83. knew84. known85. land86. later87. learn88. let89. letter90. life91. light92. live93. living94. making95. mean96. means97. money98. morning99. mother 100. move 101. Mrs. 102. near 103. night 104. nothing 105. once 106. open 107. order 108. page 109. paper 110. parts 111. perhaps 112. picture 113. play 114. point 115. ready 116. red117. remember 118. rest119. room 120. run 121. school sea 122. 123. second 124. seen 125. sentence 126. several 127. short 128. shown 129. since 130. six 131. slide 132. sometime 133. soon 134. space 135. States 136. story 137. sun 138. sure 139. table 140. though 141. today 142. told143. took144. top145. toward146. tree147. try148. turn149. United150. until151. upon152. using153. usually154. white155. whole156. wind157. without158. yes159. yet160. youngThe 5th and 6th 100 Words1. alone2. already3. although4. am5. America6. anything area7.8. ball9. beautiful10. beginning11. Bill12. birds13. blue14. boat15. bottom16. box17. bring18. build19. building20. built21. can't22. care23. carefully24. carried25. carry26. center27. check28. class29. coming30. common31. complete32. dark33. deep34. distance35. doing36. dry37. easy38. either39. else40. everyone41. everything42. fact43. fall44. fast45. felt46. field47. finally48. fine49. floor50. follow51. foot52. friendfull 53.54. game55. getting56. girl57. glass58. goes59. gold60. gone61. happened62. having63. heart64. heavy65. held66. hold67. horse68. hot69. hour70. hundred71. ice72. Indian73. instead74. itself75. job76. kept77. language78. lay79. least80. leave81. let's82. list83. longer84. low85. main86. map87. matter88. mind89. Miss90. moon91. mountain92. moving93. music94. needed95. notice96. outside97. past98. pattern99. person 100. piece101. plant 102. poor 103. possible 104. power 105. probably 106. problem 107. question 108. quickly 109. quite 110. rain 111. ran112. real 113. river 114. road 115. rock 116. round 117. sat118. scientist 119. shall 120. ship 121. simple size 122. 123. sky124. slowly125. snow126. someone 127. special 128. stand 129. start130. state 131. stay132. stood 133. stop134. stopped 135. strong 136. suddenly 137. summer 138. surface 139. system 140. taken 141. talk142. tall143. ten144. that's themselves 145. 146. third 147. tiny148. town149. tried150. voice151. walk152. warm153. watch154. weather155. whether156. wide157. wild158. winter159. within160. writing161. writtenThe 7th and 8th 100 Words1. age2. ask3. baby4. base5. besidebright 6.7. business8. buy9. case10. catch11. caught12. child13. choose14. circle15. clear16. color17. copy18. correct19. couldn't20. difference21. direction22. dried23. easily24. edge25. egg26. eight27. energy28. England29. especially30. Europe31. exactly32. except33. explain34. famous35. farm36. fell37. figure38. flat39. fly40. forest41. free42. French43. fun44. George45. government46. grass47. grew48. hair49. happy50. he's51. heat52. history53. human54. I've55. inch56. information57. iron58. Jim59. Joe60. King61. larger62. late63. leg64. length65. listen66. lost67. lot68. lower69. machine70. mark71. maybe72. measure73. meet74. middle75. milk76. minute77. modern78. moment79. month80. mouth81. natural82. nearly83. necessary84. New York85. north86. object87. ocean88. oil89. pay90. per91. plan92. plane93. present94. product95. rather96. reach97. reason98. record99. running 100. seems101. sent102. seven 103. shape 104. sides 105. single 106. skin 107. sleep 108. smaller 109. soft 110. soil 111. south 112. speak 113. speed 114. spring 115. square 116. star 117. step 118. store 119. straight 120. strange street 121. 122. subject 123. suppose 124. teacher 125. thousand126. thus127. Tom128. travel129. trip130. trouble131. unit132. village133. wall134. war135. wasn't136. week137. whose138. window139. wish140. women141. won't142. wood143. wroteyellow 144.145. you're146. yourselfThe 9th and 10th 100 Words1. action2. addition3. afraid4. afternoon5. ahead6. amount7. ancient8. anyone9. arm10. bad11. bear12. beyond13. bit14. blood15. board16. Bob17. born18. break19. British20. broken21. brother22. brown23. busy24. capital25. cat26. cattle27. cause28. century29. chance30. clean31. clothes32. coast33. control34. cool35. corn36. corner37. cover38. cross39. Dan40. dead41. deal42. death43. decide44. difficult45. doesn't46. drive47. engine48. evening49. farmer50. faster51. fight52. fill53. finger54. force55. forward56. France57. fresh58. garden59. general60. glad61. greater62. greatest63. guess64. happen65. Henry66. higher67. hit68. hole69. hope70. huge71. interest72. island73. isn't74. jack75. lady76. largest77. lead78. led79. level80. love81. Mary82. material83. meant84. meat85. method86. missing87. needs88. nor nose 89.90. note91. opposite92. pair93. party94. pass95. period96. please97. position98. pound99. practice 100. pretty 101. produce 102. pull 103. quiet 104. race 105. radio 106. region 107. result 108. return 109. rich 110. ride 111. ringrule 112. 113. sand 114. science 115. section 116. seed 117. send 118. sense 119. sets120. sharp 121. sight122. sign123. silver 124. similar 125. sit126. son127. song128. spent 129. spread 130. stick 131. stone 132. tail133. team134. teeth 135. temperature 136. test137. there's 138. therefore 139. thick140. thin141. train 142. various 143. wait144. Washington145. wave146. we'll147. weight148. west149. wife150. wouldn't151. wrong152. you'llThe 11th and 12th 100 Words1. according2. act3. actually4. Africaalike 5.6. apart7. ate8. attention9. bank10. basic11. beat12. blow13. bone14. bread15. careful16. chair17. chief18. Christmas19. church20. cloth21. cloud22. column23. compare24. contain25. continued26. cost27. cotton count 28.29. dance30. describe31. desert32. dinner33. doctor34. dollar35. drop36. dropped37. ear38. east39. electric40. element41. enjoy42. equal43. exercise44. experiment45. familiar46. farther47. fear48. forth49. gas50. giving51. gray52. grown53. hardly54. hat55. hill56. hurt57. I'd58. imagine59. include60. indeed61. Johnny62. joined63. key64. kitchen65. knowledge66. law67. lie68. major69. met70. metal71. movement72. nation73. naturenine 74.75. none76. office77. older78. onto79. original80. paragraph81. parent82. particular83. path84. Paul85. Peter86. pick87. president88. pressure89. process90. public91. quick92. report93. rope94. rose95. row96. safe97. salt98. Sam99. scale 100. sell 101. separate 102. sheep 103. shoe 104. shore 105. simply 106. sing 107. sister 108. sitting 109. sold110. soldier 111. solve112. speech113. spend114. steel 115. string116. student 117. studied 118. sugar119. television 120. term121. throughout 122. tired123. total124. touch125. trade 126. truck127. twice128. type129. uncle130. unless 131. useful132. value133. verb134. visit135. wear136. what's137. wheel138. William139. wing140. wire141. won142. wonder143. worker144. yardThe 13th and 14th 100 Words 1. 1/22. alive3. angry4. army5. average6. bag7. band8. Billy9. branch10. breakfast11. breath12. broke13. bus14. cabin15. California16. camp17. captain18. cell19. cent20. certainly21. changing22. closer23. coal24. coat25. community26. company27. completely28. compound29. condition30. consider31. correctly32. crop33. crowd34. current35. danger36. dear37. degree38. develop39. die40. directly41. discover42. divide43. double44. Dr.45. dress46. drink47. drove48. dust49. easier50. effect51. electricity52. empty53. entire54. everybody55. exciting56. expect57. experience58. express59. fair60. feed61. final62. finish63. flew64. fruit65. further66. future67. Greek68. guide69. gun70. herself71. hungry72. instrument73. Jane74. join75. jump76. laid77. liquid78. loud79. market80. member81. Mexico82. Mike83. mine84. motion85. myself86. neck87. news88. nice89. noise noun 90.91. oxygen92. paid93. phrase94. plain95. poem96. population97. proper98. proud99. provide 100. purpose 101. putting 102. quietly 103. raise 104. range 105. rate 106. regular107. related 108. replied 109. represent 110. rise111. scientific 112. seasonseat 113.114. share 115. shot116. shoulder 117. slow118. smile 119. solid 120. solution 121. sort122. southern 123. stage 124. statement 125. station 126. steam 127. stream 128. strength 129. supply130. surprise131. symbol132. till133. tomorrow134. tube135. twelvetwenty 136.137. usual138. valley139. variety140. vowel141. we're142. wet143. wooden144. worthThe 15th and 16th 100 Words1. airplane2. angle3. Ann4. apple5. art6. Atlantic7. atmosphere8. bar9. barn10. baseball11. beauty12. believed13. bellelong 14. b15. beneath16. bigger17. bottle18. bowl19. broad20. chapter21. chart22. Chinese23. clearly24. climate25. clock26. closely27. clothing28. coffee29. cow30. cry31. Dad32. dangerous33. deer34. desk35. detail36. development37. drew38. driver39. event40. everywhere41. fat42. favorite43. fence44. fifty45. flight46. flow47. flower48. forget49. fourth50. friendly51. generally52. German53. Germany54. giant55. golden56. grain57. handle58. height59. hunghurry 60.61. immediately62. industry63. instance64. Italy65. James66. knife67. lake68. Latin69. leader70. leaving71. likely72. lunch73. mass74. master75. mile76. mix。

口语必备_英语最常用单词3000个(v e r b)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1口语必备,英语最常用单词3000个(verb)深圳龙岗唯希国际英语,唯希英语,专注于,龙岗英语,龙岗英语培训,深圳英语,深圳英语培训,志愿为所有非英语国家的英语学习者,提供最优质的英语教学服务。
Verb1. acknowledge, 承认答谢2. act, 表演扮演3. address, 写姓名地址演说4. admire, 赞美羡慕5. admit, 允许承认6. adopt, 采用收养7. advise, 劝告忠告8. aim, 目标9. alter, 改变10. amend, 修正改进11. announce,宣布通告12. annoy, 使苦恼骚扰13. anticipate, 预期14. apologize, 道歉辩白15. appoint, 约定任命16. appreciate,鉴赏感激17. approach, 接近靠近18. approve, 赞成满意19. arise, 出现发生20. arrange, 安排排列21. arrive, 到达抵达22. assess,估定评定23. assist, 援助帮助24. associate, 使联合结交25. assure, 确告保证26. attach, 缚上系上27. attack, 进攻攻击28. attempt, 努力尝试29. attend, 出席专心护理30. attract, 吸引引起注意31. avoid, 避免消除32. back, 后退支持33. bake,34. balance,35. bean,36. beat,37. behave,38. belong,39. bend,40. benefit,41. bite,42. blame,43. bless,44. block,45. blow,46. boil,47. book,48. borrow,49. bounce,50. breathe,51. breed,52. bump,53. calculate,54. cancel55. care,56. cash,57. challenge,58. chase,59. chuck,60. click,61. close,62. collapse,63. combine,64. comment,65. commit,66. communicate,67. compete,68. complain,70. concentrate,71. conclude,72. conduct,73. confirm,74. connect,75. consult,76. contact,77. contain,78. contribute,79. control,80. convince,81. cook,82. cool,83. cope,84. copy,85. correct,86. crack,87. criticize,88. cross,89. cry,90. damage,91. dance,92. date,94. defend,95. define,96. delay,97. deliver,98. deny,99. depend, 100. deserve, 101. design, 102. destroy, 103. develop, 104. dig, 105. direct, 106. disagree, 107. disappear, 108. discover, 109. discuss, 110. distinguish, 111. doubt, 112. drag, 113. dream, 114. dress, 115. drink, 116. dry,118. elect, 119. emphasize, 120. employ, 121. enable, 122. encourage, 123. ensure, 124. entitle, 125. equal, 126. erase, 127. escape, 128. establish, 129. estimate, 130. examine, 131. exclude, 132. excuse, 133. exercise, 134. exist, 135. expand, 136. experience, 137. explore, 138. express, 139. extend, 140. fail,142. fetch, 143. figure, 144. file, 145. fire, 146. fix, 147. flash, 148. flood, 149. flow, 150. fly, 151. follow, 152. force, 153. forget, 154. forgive, 155. form, 156. fry, 157. fulfill, 158. fund, 159. gain, 160. gather, 161. grab, 162. grant, 163. guarantee, 164. hand,166. head, 167. hide, 168. hire, 169. hurt, 170. ignore, 171. imagine, 172. improve, 173. include, 174. increase, 175. influence, 176. inform, 177. insist, 178. intend, 179. interview, 180. introduce, 181. invite, 182. involve, 183. iron, 184. joke, 185. judge, 186. jump, 187. justify, 188. kick,189. kiss, 190. land, 191. laugh, 192. leak, 193. lean, 194. lend, 195. lick, 196. lie, 197. lift, 198. light, 199. limit, 200. list, 201. locate, 202. lock, 203. lower, 204. mail, 205. maintain, 206. mark, 207. match, 208. measure, 209. mess, 210. mix, 211. monitor, 212. name,214. object, 215. oblige, 216. obtain, 217. occupy, 218. operate, 219. order, 220. overcome, 221. owe, 222. own, 223. pack, 224. paid, 225. paint, 226. park, 227. perform, 228. persuade, 229. place, 230. pop, 231. post, 232. pour, 233. practice, 234. pray, 235. predict, 236. prefer,238. presume, 239. pretend, 240. prevent, 241. print, 242. proceed, 243. promise, 244. promote, 245. propose, 246. protect, 247. prove, 248. publish, 249. punch, 250. purchase, 251. pursue, 252. qualify, 253. question, 254. quote, 255. raise, 256. react, 257. recall, 258. reckon, 259. recommend, 260. record,262. refuse, 263. regard, 264. reject, 265. relate, 266. relax, 267. release, 268. relieve, 269. rely, 270. remove, 271. rent, 272. repair, 273. repeat, 274. replace, 275. reply, 276. report, 277. represent, 278. request, 279. respond, 280. rest, 281. restrict, 282. retain, 283. retire, 284. return,286. ride, 287. rise, 288. rob, 289. rub, 290. ruin, 291. rush, 292. sail, 293. satisfy, 294. select, 295. separate, 296. settle, 297. shake, 298. shape, 299. shave, 300. shine, 301. shoot, 302. shop, 303. shout, 304. shove, 305. sign, 306. slap, 307. slip, 308. slow,310. smile, 311. smoke, 312. soak 313. solve, 314. spare, 315. specialize, 316. speed, 317. spell, 318. spill, 319. spin, 320. split, 321. spot, 322. spray, 323. spread, 324. stare, 325. start, 326. starve, 327. state, 328. steal, 329. stick, 330. stink, 331. stir, 332. store,334. strike, 335. study, 336. submit, 337. succeed, 338. suck, 339. suit, 340. supply, 341. support, 342. survive, 343. suspect, 344. swallow, 345. swap, 346. swear, 347. sweep, 348. switch, 349. tackle, 350. tap, 351. tape, 352. tear, 353. tempt, 354. test, 355. threaten, 356. tie,358. trade, 359. trap, 360. travel, 361. treat, 362. trust, 363. twist, 364. upset, 365. vary, 366. visit, 367. vote, 368. wake, 369. wander, 370. warn, 371. waste, 372. water, 373. wave, 374. weigh, 375. welcome, 376. wipe, 377. wrap,。

NOUN1. absence2. abuse3. access4. accommodation5. account6. accountant7. achievement8. activist9. ad10. addition11. address12. administration13. adult14. advance16. adviser17. affair18. agency19. agenda20. agent21. aid22. aim23. aircraft24. airline25. airport26. alarm27. allowance28. alternative29. ambulance30. analysis31. angle33. anxiety34. apartment35. apology36. appeal37. apple38. approach39. approval40. arch41. architecture42. arrangement43. article44. artist45. ashtray46. aspect47. ass48. assembly50. asset51. assignment52. assistance53. assistant54. association55. assumption56. attack57. attempt58. attorney59. audience60. avenue61. average62. award63. background64. bacon65. balance67. bang68. barrel69. base70. baseball71. basis72. basket73. basketball74. bastard75. bat76. bath77. bathroom78. battery79. beach80. bean81. beard82. beat84. beef85. beer86. behavior87. being88. belief89. bell90. belly91. belt92. bench93. benefit94. bike95. bin96. bird97. birth98. birthday99. biscuit100. bite 101. blade 102. blah 103. block 104. bloke 105. blonde 106. boiler 107. bomb 108. bone 109. bonus 110. booking 111. booklet 112. boom 113. boot 114. border 115. borough 116. boss117. boundary 118. bowl 119. brain 120. bread 121. break 122. breakfast 123. breath 124. brick 125. bridge 126. brigade 127. brush 128. bucket , 129. bugger 130. builder 131. bum 132. bunch 133. bungalow135. burden 136. burn137. butcher 138. butter 139. button 140. buyer141. bye142. cabinet 143. cake144. calcium 145. calculation 146. calculator 147. camera 148. camp149. campaign 150. can152. candle 153. candy154. cap155. capability 156. capacity 157. capital 158. care159. career 160. carpet 161. carriage 162. cartoon 163. cash164. category 165. cause166. ceiling 167. celebration168. centimeter 169. cereal170. certificate 171. chain172. chairman173. challenge 174. channel175. chap176. chapter177. characteristic 178. charity179. chart180. chat181. cheese182. chemical183. chemist184. chemistry186. cherry 187. chest 188. chicken 189. chin 190. chip 191. chocolate 192. cigarette 193. cinema 194. circle 195. citizen 196. claim 197. classroom 198. clause 199. cleaner 200. client 201. clock203. clothes 204. cloud205. clue206. co-op207. coach208. coal209. coast210. coat211. code212. coin213. colleague 214. collection 215. column 216. combination 217. commercial 218. commitment219. committee 220. communication 221. comparison 222. complaint 223. component 224. concentration 225. concept226. concert227. conclusion 228. conference 229. confidence 230. conflict231. confusion, 232. congratulation 233. connection 234. consequence 235. conservation237. consultant 238. consultation 239. consumer 240. contact 241. content 242. context 243. contract 244. contribution 245. cooking 246. cooperation 247. cop248. corn249. corporation 250. corridor 251. cottage 252. council254. count255. counter 256. countryside 257. courage 258. cousin 259. cow260. craft261. crash262. creation 263. credit 264. crew265. cricket 266. crime267. crisis 268. criticism 269. cross270. crowd 271. crown 272. culture 273. cupboard 274. curtain 275. curve 276. cushion 277. cut 278. cycle 279. damage 280. dance 281. danger 282. darling 283. database 284. dear 285. debt 286. decade288. defense289. definition 290. degree291. delay292. delivery 293. demonstration 294. department 295. depression 296. depth297. description 298. design299. desk300. detail301. diaper302. diet303. dirt305. disc306. discipline 307. discount 308. disease 309. dish310. disk311. distance 312. distinction 313. district 314. division 315. divorce 316. doctor 317. doll318. dot319. draft320. drawer322. dream 323. dress 324. drive 325. drive 326. drop327. drug328. duck329. dust330. dustbin 331. dwelling 332. ear333. earth 334. east335. economy 336. edge337. efficiency338. election 339. electricity 340. element341. elevator 342. emergency 343. emphasis 344. employee 345. end346. energy347. engine348. engineer 349. enquiry350. entertainment 351. entrance 352. entry353. envelope 354. environment355. equal356. equipment 357. error358. escape359. essay360. establishment 361. estate362. estimate 363. evidence 364. examination 365. exception 366. exchange 367. excitement 368. excuse369. executive 370. existence 371. exit372. expectation 373. expense 374. experiment 375. expert 376. explanation 377. expression 378. extension 379. extent 380. facility 381. factor 382. factory 383. failure 384. fall385. fan386. farm387. farmer 388. fashion389. fault 390. fear391. feather 392. feature 393. fee394. feedback 395. feel396. fella 397. fence 398. fertilizer 399. festival 400. fight 401. film402. finance 403. finger 404. finish 405. fish407. flat 408. flight 409. flood 410. flow 411. flower 412. folk 413. force 414. forest 415. fortnight 416. fortune 417. frame 418. freedom 419. freeway 420. fridge 421. fruit 422. fuel424. fun425. function 426. fund427. furniture 428. fuss429. gang430. gap431. garage 432. garbage 433. garlic 434. gate435. gear436. gene437. generation 438. gentleman 439. gift441. goal442. gold443. golf444. goodness445. goods446. government447. grade448. gram449. grammar450. grandad451. grandchild452. grandfather 453. grandmother 454. &, , , nbsp; granny 455. grass456. green457. guarantee 458. guard 459. guess 460. guest 461. guide 462. gun463. habit 464. handbag 465. handle 466. happening 467. harm 468. headline 469. hearing 470. heat 471. heating 472. heaven 473. height474. help 475. highway 476. hill 477. history 478. hit479. hobby 480. hold 481. holder 482. holiday 483. homework 484. hook 485. horse 486. hospital 487. hotel 488. household 489. hurry 490. ice491. ice cream 492. illness 493. image494. imagination 495. importance 496. impression 497. incentive 498. inch499. income 500. increase 501. industry 502. inflation 503. influence 504. injection 505. inspection 506. instance 507. instruction509. intelligence 510. interest 511. interview 512. iron513. jacket514. jewellery 515. joke516. journey 517. jumper518. junction 519. key520. keyboard 521. kidney522. kilometre 523. knee524. knife526. labour 527. lack528. lad529. ladder 530. lady531. lager 532. lake533. lamp534. lane535. language 536. laugh 537. lawyer 538. layer 539. lead540. leader 541. leadership543. learning 544. leave 545. lecture 546. lemonade 547. length 548. lesson 549. library 550. licence 551. lie 552. lift 553. lighting 554. limit 555. link 556. living 557. load 558. loan560. location 561. lock562. log563. lord564. lorry565. loss566. lottery 567. luck568. lump569. lunchtime 570. machinery 571. magazine 572. mail573. maintenance 574. manner575. manufacturer577. margin 578. mark579. marketing 580. marriage 581. match 582. mate583. math584. math585. meal586. meaning 587. means 588. meat589. media 590. medicine 591. membership 592. memo594. menu595. mess596. metal 597. metre 598. milk599. millimetre 600. mine601. minority 602. mirror 603. misery 604. miss605. mistake 606. mixture 607. model 608. mommy 609. mood611. mountain 612. mouse613. mouth614. move615. movie616. mum617. mummy618. murder 619. muscle 620. museum 621. nail622. nappy623. nation 624. navy625. neck626. negotiation628. nerve 629. newspaper 630. nil631. noise 632. nonsense 633. nose634. notice 635. nuisance 636. nurse 637. nut638. oak639. object 640. objection 641. occupation 642. ocean 643. odds645. official 646. oil647. onion648. opposition 649. orange650. organism 651. organization 652. ounce653. outfit654. oven655. owner656. ownership 657. pack658. package 659. packet660. pad662. paint 663. painting 664. pair 665. panic 666. pants 667. paragraph 668. parcel 669. parking 670. partner 671. pass 672. passage 673. passenger 674. passport 675. pastry 676. path 677. patience678. patient 679. pattern 680. payment 681. peace682. pear683. pen684. penalty 685. pencil 686. pension 687. pepper 688. percent 689. performance 690. period 691. permission 692. person 693. personality 694. personnel695. petrol, noun 696. photo697. photograph 698. piano699. pie700. pig701. pigeon702. pile703. pill704. pillow705. pin706. pint707. pipe708. pity709. pizza710. plane711. plant713. plate714. player 715. pleasure 716. plug717. pocket 718. poem719. policeman 720. policy 721. politics 722. pond723. pool724. pop725. population 726. position 727. possibility 728. post730. pot731. potato732. practice 733. pram734. prayer735. preparation 736. presence 737. presentation 738. president 739. press740. pride741. principle 742. priority 743. prison744. prisoner 745. prize747. process 748. profession 749. progress 750. projection 751. promise 752. promotion 753. proof 754. property 755. proportion 756. proposal 757. prospect 758. protection 759. provision 760. pub761. public 762. publicity764. pump765. pupil766. puppy767. purchase 768. purse769. qualification 770. quantity 771. queen772. queue773. quid774. quote775. rabbit776. race777. racing778. raffle779. rail781. rain782. ratio783. reaction 784. reader785. reality 786. receipt 787. recession 788. recipe789. recognition 790. reduction 791. redundancy 792. reference 793. reflection 794. regard795. register 796. registration798. relation799. relative800. release801. relief802. religion803. remark804. removal805. repair806. reply807. report808. reporter809. representation 810. representative 811. request812. requirement 813. research815. resident816. resistance 817. resource818. respect819. responsibility 820. restaurant 821. restriction 822. retirement 823. return824. review825. revolution 826. ride827. right828. riot829. risk830. river831. rock 832. roof 833. root 834. rope 835. rose 836. row837. rubbish 838. rugby 839. rule 840. run841. safety 842. sake 843. sale 844. salt 845. salvation 846. sample 847. sandwich。

ADVERB1. above 在上面2. abroad 在国外海外3. afterwards 然后后来地4. ahead 向前提前5. along 往前向前6. altogether 完全地总之7. anyhow 无论如何总之8. apart 分开分别地9. aside 在旁边到旁边10. automatically 机械地自动地11. backwards 向后12. badly 严重地恶劣地13. beforehand 预先14. below 在下15. beyond 在远处16. briefly 暂时地简要地17. but 几乎紧紧18. by 用过经过附近19. carefully 小心地谨慎地20. close接近紧密地21. closely 接近地22. considerably 相当地23. constantly 不变地经常地24. currently 普遍地当前25. dead 完全地绝对地26. deliberately 故意地27. directly 直接地立即28. downstairs 在楼下下楼29. downtown 在市区30. easy 不费力地悠闲地31. effectively 有效地有力地32. elsewhere 在别处33. entirely 完全地全然地34. equally 相当地公平地35. essentially 本质上本来36. everywhere 各处到处37. fair 公平地直接地清楚地38. fast 牢固地很快地彻底地39. finally 最后终于40. firstly 第一首先41. forever 永远始终42. forth 往前向外43. frankly 坦白地真诚地44. frequently 常常平凡地45. fully 充分地完全地足足46. gradually 逐渐地47. half 部分地一半地48. hardly 刚刚几乎不49. highly 高地非常50. honestly 真诚地公平地51. however 无论如何可是52. ideally 理想地完美地53. immediately 立即直接54. incidentally 附带地顺便提及55. incredibly 不能相信地56. indeed 真正地确实57. inside 在里面58. largely 主要地大量地59. late 晚最近在晚期60. literally 逐字地61. locally 局部地在本地62. luckily 幸运地63. mainly 大体上主要地64. merely 仅仅不过65. mostly 主要地大部分通常66. naturally 自然地67. nevertheless仍然不过68. next 下一次其次69. nicely 精细地70. no way 决不没门儿71. nope 不不是72. nowadays 现在现今73. nowhere 无处74. occasionally 有时候偶尔75. originally 最初原先76. partly 部分几乎77. perfectly 很完全完美地78. perhaps 或许大概79. personally 亲自80. physically 身体上地81. precisely 正好82. pretty 非常很83. previously 先前以前84. purely 纯粹地完全地85. quick 快86. quietly 平静地寂静地87. really 真正地88. reasonably 适度地相当地89. regularly 有规律地整齐地90. relatively 相关地91. roughly 概略地粗糙地92. round 在周围循环地93. seriously 认真地真诚地94. significantly 值得注目地意味深长地95. somehow 不知何故96. somewhat 稍微有些97. specifically 特定地明确地98. technically 技术上工艺上99. terribly 可怕地十分100. therefore 因此所以101. throughout 到处始终102. underneath 在下面103. upstairs 在楼上104. virtually 事实上实质上105. way 远远地非常106. whatsoever 无论什么107. whenever 无论何时108. whereby 凭什么为何109. wherever 无论哪里无论什么情况下110. wide 广阔地111. within 在内部112. wrong 错误地。

常用3000单词.txt常用2000单词1. alter v.改变,改动,变更2. burst vi. n.突然发生,爆裂3. dispose vi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4. blast n.爆炸;气流vi.炸,炸掉5. consume v.消耗,耗尽6. split v.劈开;割裂;分裂a. 裂开的7. spit v.吐(唾液等);唾弃8. spill v.溢出,溅出,倒出9. slip v.滑动,滑落;忽略10. slide v.滑动,滑落n.滑动;滑面;幻灯片11. bacteria n.细菌12. breed n.种,品种v.繁殖,产仔13. budget n.预算v.编预算,作安排14. candidate n.候选人15. campus n.校园16. liberal a.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17. transform v.转变,变革;变换18. transmit v.传播,播送;传递19. transplant v.移植20. transport vt.运输,运送n.运输,运输工具21. shift v.转移;转动;转变22. vary v.变化,改变;使多样化23. vanish vi.消灭,不见24. swallow v.吞下,咽下n.燕子25. suspicion n.怀疑,疑心26. suspicious a.怀疑的,可疑的27. mild a.温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28. tender a.温柔的;脆弱的29. nuisance n.损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)30. insignificant a.无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31. accelerate vt.加速,促进32. absolute a.绝对的,无条件的;完全的33. boundary n.分界线,边界34. brake n.刹车,制动器v.刹住(车)35. catalog n.目录(册)v.编目36. vague a.模糊的,不明确的37. vain n.徒劳,白费38. extinct a.绝灭的,熄灭的39. extraordinary a.不平常的,特别的,非凡的40. extreme a.极度的,极端的n.极端,过分41. agent n.代理人,代理商;动因,原因42. alcohol n.含酒精的饮料,酒精43. appeal n. /vi.呼吁,恳求44. appreciate vt.重视,赏识,欣赏45. approve v.赞成,同意,批准46. stimulate vt.刺激,激励47. acquire vt.取得,获得;学到48. accomplish vt . 完成,到达;实行49. network n.网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50. tide n.潮汐;潮流51. tidy a.整洁的,整齐的52. trace vt.追踪,找到n.痕迹,踪迹53. torture n. /vt.拷打,折磨54. wander vi.漫游,闲逛55. wax n.蜡56. weave v.织,编57. preserve v.保护,保存,保持,维持61.abuse v.滥用,虐待;谩骂62.academic a.学术的;高等院校的;研究院的63.academy n.(高等)专科院校;学会64.battery n.电池(组)65.barrier n.障碍;棚栏66.cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物67.career n.生涯,职业68.vessel n.船舶;容器,器皿;血管69.vertical a.垂直的70.oblige v.迫使,责成;使感激71.obscure a.阴暗,模糊72.extent n.程度,范围,大小,限度73.exterior n.外部,外表a.外部的,外表的74.external a.外部的,外表的,外面的75.petrol n.汽油76.petroleum n.石油77.delay vt. /n.推迟,延误,耽搁78.decay vi.腐烂,腐朽79.decent a.像样的,体面的80.route n.路;路线;航线81.ruin v.毁坏,破坏n.毁灭,[pl.]废墟82.sake n.缘故,理由83.satellite n.卫星84.scale n.大小,规模;等级;刻度85.temple n.庙宇86.tedious a.乏味道,单调的,87.tend vi. 易于,趋向88.tendency n. 趋向,趋势89.ultimate a.极端的,最大的,最终的n.极端90.undergo v.经历,遭受91.abundant a.丰富的,充裕的,大量的92.adopt v.收养;采用;采纳93.adapt vi.适应,适合;改编,改写vt.使适应94.bachelor n.学士,学士学位;单身汉95.casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96.trap n.陷阱,圈套v.设陷阱捕捉97.vacant a.空的,未占用的98.vacuum n.真空,真空吸尘器99.oral a.口头的,口述的,口的100.optics n.(单、复数同形)光学/doc/0718797486.html,an n.器官,风琴102.excess n.过分,过量,过剩103.expel v.驱逐,开除,赶出104.expend v.消费105.expenditure n.支出,消费;经费106.expense n.开销,费用107.expensive a.花钱多的;价格高贵的108.expand v.扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀109.expansion n.扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀110.private a.私人的,个人的111.individual a.个别的,单独的n.个人,个体112.personal a.个人的,私人的;亲自的114.personnel n.[总称]人员,员工;人事部门115.the Pacific Ocean 太平洋116.the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋117.the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋118.the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋119.grant vt.授予,同意,准予119.grand a.宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的120.invade v.侵入,侵略,侵袭121.acid n.酸,酸性物质a.酸的;尖刻的122.acknowledge v.承认;致谢123.balcony n.阳台124.calculate vt.计算,核算125.calendar n.日历,月历126.optimistic a.乐观127.optional a.可以任选的,非强制的128.outstanding a.杰出的,突出的,显著的129.export n.出口(物)v.出口,输出130.import n.进口(物)v.进口,输入131.impose vt.把...加强(on);采用,利用132.religion n.宗教,宗教信仰133.religious a.宗教的134.victim n.牺牲品,受害者135.video n.电视,视频a.电视的,录像的136.videotape n.录像磁带v.把...录在录像带上137.offend v.冒犯,触犯138.bother v.打搅,麻烦139.interfere v.干涉,干扰,妨碍140.internal a.内部的,国内的141.beforehand ad.预先,事先142.racial a.人种的种族的143.radiation n.放射物,辐射144.radical a. 根本的;激进的145.range n.幅度,范围v.(在某范围内)变动146.wonder n.惊奇,奇迹v.想知道,对...感到疑惑147.isolate vt.使隔离,使孤立148.issue n.问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期149.hollow a.空的,中空的,空虚道150.hook n.钩vt.钩住151.adequate a.适当地;足够152.adhere vi.粘附,附着;遵守,坚持153.ban vt.取缔,禁止154.capture vt.俘虏,捕获155.valid a.有效的,有根据的;正当的156.valley n.山谷,峡谷157.consistent a.坚固定;一致的,始终如一的158.continuous a.继续的,连续(不断)的159.continual a.不断地,频繁的160.explode v.爆炸;爆发;激增161.exploit v.剥削;利用,开采162.explore v.勘探163.explosion n.爆炸;爆发;激增164.explosive a.爆炸的;极易引起争论的165.remote a.遥远的,偏僻的166.removal n.除去,消除167.render vt.使得,致使(详细见注)167.render 解释比较长,可要仔细体会啊!168.precaution n.预防,防备,警惕169.idle a.懒散的,无所事事的170.identify vt.认出,鉴定171.identify n.身份;个性,特性172.poverty n.贫穷173.resistant a.(to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的174.resolve vt.解决;决定,决意175.barrel n.桶176.bargain n.便宜货vi.讨价还价177.coarse a.粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的178.coach n.教练;长途公共汽车179.code n.准则,法规,密码180.coil n.线圈v.卷,盘绕181.adult n.成年人182.advertise v.为...做广告183.advertisement n.广告184.agency n.代理商,经销商185.focus v.(使)聚集n.焦点,中心,聚焦186.forbid vt.不许,禁止187.debate n.&v.辩论,争论188.debt n.欠债189.decade n.十年190.enclose vt.围住;把...装入信封191.encounter vt.&n.遭遇,遭到192.globe n.地球,世界;地球仪193.global a.全球的;总的194.scan vt.细看;扫描;浏览195.scandal n.丑事,丑闻196.significance n.意义;重要性197.subsequent a.随后的,后来的198.virtue n.美德,优点199.virtual a.实际上的,事实上的200.orient vt.使适应,(to,toward)使朝向n.东方201.portion n.一部分202.target n.目标,靶子vt.瞄准203.portable a.手提式的204.decline v.拒绝,谢绝;下降205.illusion n.错觉206.likelihood n.可能,可能性207.stripe n.条纹208.emphasize vt.强调,着重209.emotion n.情感,感情210.emotional a.感情的,情绪(上)的211.awful a.极坏的,威严的,可怕的212.awkward a.笨拙的,棘手的213.clue n.线索,提示214.collision n.碰撞,冲突215.device n.装置,设备216.devise vt.发明,策划,想出217.inevitable a.不可避免的218.naval a.海军的219.navigation n.航行220.necessity n.必需品;必要性221.previous a.先,前,以前的222.provision n.[pl.]给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置223.pursue vt.追逐;追求;从事,进行224.stale a.不新鲜的,陈腐的225.substitute n.代用品vt.代替226.deserve vt.应受,应得,值得227.discrimination n.歧视;辨别力228.professional a.职业的,专门的229.secure a.安全的,可靠的230.security n.安全,保障231.scratch v.&n.抓,搔,扒232.talent n.才能,天资;人才233.insurance n.保险,保险费234.insure vt.给...保险,保证,确保235.nevertheless ad.仍然,然而,不过236.neutral a.中立的,中性的237.spot n.地点;斑点vt.认出,发现;玷污238.spray v.喷,(使)溅散239.medium a.中等的,适中的n.媒介物,新闻媒介240.media n.新闻传媒241.auxiliary a.辅助的,备用的242.automatic a.自动的/doc/0718797486.html,pete vi.竞争,比赛/doc/0718797486.html,petent a.有能力的,能胜任的/doc/0718797486.html,petition n.竞争,比赛246.distribute vt.分发247.disturb vt.打搅,妨碍248.infer v.推论,推断249.integrate v.(into,with)(使)成为一体,(使)合并250.moist a.潮湿251.moisture n.潮湿252.promote vt.促进;提升253.region n.地区;范围;幅度254.register v.&n. 登记,注册255.stable a.稳定的256.sophisticated a.老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的257.splendid a.极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的258.cancel vt.取消,废除259.variable a.易变的,可变的260.prospect n.前景,前途;景象261.prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣262.aspect n.方面;朝向;面貌263.cope vi.(with)(成功地)应付,处理264.core n.果心,核心265.maintain vt.维持,保持;坚持,主张266.mainland n.大陆267.discipline n.纪律;惩罚;学科268.domestic a.本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的269.constanta.不变的,恒定的n.常数270.cliff n.悬崖,峭壁271.authority n.权威;当局272.audio a.听觉273.attitude n.态度/doc/0718797486.html,munity n.社区,社会/doc/0718797486.html,mit vt.犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)/doc/0718797486.html,ment n.&vt.评论277.distinguish vt.区分,辨别278.distress n.痛苦,悲伤vt.使痛苦279.facility n.[pl.] 设备,设施;便利,方便280.faculty n.能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员281.mixture n.混合,混合物282.mood n.心情,情绪;语气283.moral a.道德上的,有道德的284.prominent a.突出的285.substance n.物质;实质286.substantial a.可观的;牢固的;实质的287.prompt vt.促使a.敏捷的,及时的288.vivid a.生动的289.vocabulary n.词汇(量);词汇表290.venture n.风险投资,风险项目v.冒险;取于291.version n.版本,译本;说法292.waist n.腰,腰部293.weld v.&n.焊接294.yawn vi.打哈欠295.yield vi.(to)屈服于;让出,放弃n.产量296.zone n.地区,区域297.strategy n.战略,策略298.strategic a.战略(上)的,关键的299.tense a.紧张的v.拉紧n.时态300.tension n.紧张(状态),张力301.avenue n.林荫道,大街302.available a.现成可用的;可得到的/doc/0718797486.html,parable a.(with,to)可比较的,类似的/doc/0718797486.html,parative a.比较的,相对的305.dash vi.猛冲,飞奔306.data n.数据,资料307.dive vi.跳水,潜水308.diverse a.不同的,多种多样的309.entitle vt.给...权利,给...资格310.regulate vt.管理,调节311.release vt.&n.释放,排放;解释解脱312.exaggerate v.夸大,夸张313.evil a.邪恶的,坏的314.shrink vi.起皱,收缩;退缩315.subtract v.减(去)316.suburb n.市郊317.subway n.地铁318.survey n.&vt.调查,勘测319.wealthy a.富裕的320.adjust v.调整,调节321.attach vt.系,贴;使附属322.profit n.利润,益处v.有益于,有利于323.profitable a.有利可图的324.slope n.斜坡,斜面325.reinforce vt.增强,加强326.reject vt.拒绝327.fatal a.致命的;重大的328.fate n.命运329.humble a.谦逊的;谦虚的330.illegal a.不合法的,非法的331.award vt.授予,判给n.奖品,奖金332.aware a.意识到333.column n.柱,圆柱;栏,专栏/doc/0718797486.html,edy n.喜剧335.dumb a.哑的;沉默的336.dump vt.倾卸,倾倒337.deaf a.聋的;不愿听的338.decorate vt.装饰,装璜339.principal a.最重要的n.负责人,校长340.principle n.原则,原理341.prior a.优先的,在前的342.priority n.优先,重点343.prohibit vt.禁止,不准344.remarkable a.值得注意的,异常的,非凡的345.remedy n.&vt.补救,医治,治疗346.repetition n.重复,反复347.vain a.徒劳的,无效的348.undertake vt.承担,着手做;同意,答应349.unique a.唯一的,独特的350.obstacle n.障碍(物),妨碍351.odd a.奇特的,古怪的;奇数的352.omit vt.省略353.opponent n.敌手,对手354.opportunity n.机会,时机355.orchestra n.管弦乐队356.semester n.学期;半年357.semiconductor n.半导体358.seminar n.研讨会359.terminal a.末端的,极限的n.终点360.territory n.领土361.approximate a.大概的,大约v.近似362.arbitrary a.随意的,未断的363.architect n.建筑师364.architecture n.建筑学365.biology n.生物学366.geography n.地理(学)367.geology n.地质学368.geometry n.几何(学)369.arithmetic n.算术370.algebra n.代数371.entertainment n.娱乐;招待,款待372.enthusiasm n.热情,热心373.entry n.进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)374.environment n.环境375.episode n.插曲,片段376.equation n.方程(式)377.restrain vt.阻止,抑制378.restraint n.抑制,限制379.resume v.(中断后)重新开始380.severe a.严重的381.sexual a.性的382.simplicity n.简单;朴素383.simplify vt.简化384.sorrow n.悲哀,悲痛385.stuff n.原料,材料vt.填进,塞满386.temporary a.暂时的,临时的387.temptation n.诱惑,引诱388.terror n.恐怖389.thrust v.挤,推,插390.treaty n.条约,协定391.arise vi.产生,出现,发生;起身392.arouse vt.引起,激起;唤醒393.burden n.重担,负荷394.bureau n.局,办事处395.marvelous a.奇迹般的,惊人的396.massive a.大的,大量的,大块的397.mature a.成熟的398.maximum a.最高的,最大的399.minimum a.最低的,最小的400.nonsense n.胡说,冒失的行动401.nuclear a.核子的,核能的402.nucleus n.核403.retail n.&v.&ad.零售404.retain vt.保留,保持405.restrict vt.限制,约束406.sponsor n.发起者,主办者vt.发起,主办,资助407.spur n.&vt.刺激,激励408.triumph n.胜利,成功409.tuition n.学费410.twist vt.使缠绕;转动;扭歪411.undergraduate n.大学肄业生412.universal a.普遍的,通用的;宇宙的413.universe n.宇宙414.via prep.经由,经过,通过415.vibrate v.振动,摇416.virus n.病毒417.voluntary a.自愿的418.volunteer n.志愿者v.自愿(做)419.vote v.选举n.选票1 the2 be3 of4 and5 a6 to7 in8 he9 have10 it11 that12 for13 they14 I15 with16 as 17 not18 on19 she20 at21 by22 this23 we24 you25 do26 but27 from29 which30 one31 would32 all33 will34 there35 say36 who37 make38 when39 can40 more41 if42 no43 man44 out45 other46 so47 what48 time49 up50 go51 about52 than53 into54 could55 state56 only57 new59 some60 take61 come62 these63 know64 see65 use66 get67 like68 then69 first70 any71 work72 now73 may74 such75 give76 over77 think78 most79 even80 find81 day82 also83 after84 way85 many86 must87 look89 great90 7 back91 through92 long93 where94 much95 should96 well97 people98 down99 own 100 just 101 because 102 good 103 each 104 those 105 feel 106 seem 107 how 108 high 109 too 110 place 111 little 112 world 113 very 114 still 115 nation 116 hand 117 old 118 life 119 tell 120 write 121 become 122 here 123 show 124 house 125 both126 between127 need128 mean129 call130 develop131 under132 last133 right134 move135 thing136 general137 school138 never139 same140 another 141 begin 142 while 143 number 144 part 145 turn 146 real 147 leave 148 might 149 want 150 point 151 form 152 off 153 child 154 few 155 small 156 since 157 against 158 ask 159 late 160 home 161 interest 162 large 163 person 164 end 165 open 166 public 167 follow 168 during 169 present170 without 171 again 172 hold 173 govern 174 around 175 possible 176 head 177 consider 178 word 179 program 180 problem 181 however 182 lead 183 system 184 set185 order 186 eye 187 plan 188 run 189 keep 190 face 191 fact 192 group 193 play 194 stand 195 increase 196 early 197 course 198 change 199 help200 line 201 city 202 put 203 close 204 case 205 force 206 meet 207 once 208 water 209 upon 210 war 211 build 212 hear 213 light 214 unite 215 live 216 every 217 country 218 bring 219 center 220 let221 side 222 try223 provide 224 continue 225 name 226 certain 227 power 228 pay 229 result230 question 231 study 232 woman 233 member 234 until235 far236 night237 always 238 service 239 away240 report 241 something 242 company 243 week244 church 245 toward 246 start247 social 248 room 249 figure 250 nature 251 though 252 young 253 less254 enough 255 almost 256 read257 include 258 president 259 nothing260 yet261 better 262 big263 boy264 cost265 business 266 value267 second 268 why269 clear270 expect 271 family 272 complete 273 act274 sense 275 mind276 experience 277 art278 next279 near280 direct 281 car282 law283 industry 284 important 285 girl286 god287 several 288 matter 289 usual290 rather291 per292 often293 kind294 among295 white296 reason297 action298 return299 foot300 care301 simple 302 within 303 love304 human 305 along306 appear 307 doctor 308 believe 309 speak 310 active 311 student 312 month 313 drive314 concern 315 best316 door317 hope318 example 319 inform 320 body321 ever322 least323 probable 324 understand 325 reach 326 effect 327 different 328 idea329 whole 330 control 331 condition 332 field333 pass334 fall335 note336 special 337 talk338 particular 339 today 340 measure 341 walk342 teach 343 low344 hour 345 type 346 carry347 rate348 remain349 full350 street351 easy352 although 353 record354 sit355 determine 356 level357 local358 sure359 receive360 thus361 moment362 spirit363 train364 college365 religion366 perhaps367 music368 grow369 free370 cause371 serve372 age373 book374 board375 recent 376 sound 377 office 378 cut379 step380 class 381 true382 history 383 position 384 above 385 strong 386 friend 387 necessary 388 add389 court 390 deal391 tax392 support 393 party 394 whether 395 either 396 land397 material 398 happen 399 education 400 death 401 agree 402 arm403 mother 404 across405 quite406 anything 407 town408 past409 view410 society 411 manage 412 answer 413 break414 organize 415 half416 fire417 lose418 money 419 stop420 actual421 already 422 effort423 wait424 department 425 able426 political 427 learn428 voice429 air430 together 431 shall432 cover433 common 434 subject436 short 437 wife438 treat439 limit440 road441 letter 442 color 443 behind 444 produce 445 send446 term447 total448 university 449 rise450 century 451 success 452 minute 453 remember 454 purpose 455 test456 fight457 watch 458 situation 459 south 460 ago461 difference 462 stage 463 father 464 table466 bear 467 entire 468 market 469 prepare 470 explain 471 offer 472 plant 473 charge 474 ground 475 west 476 picture 477 hard 478 front 479 lie480 modern 481 dark 482 surface 483 rule484 regard 485 dance 486 peace 487 observe 488 future 489 wall490 farm 491 claim 492 firm493 operation 494 further495 pressure496 property497 morning498 amount499 top500 outside501 piece502 sometimes503 beauty504 trade505 fear506 demand507 wonder508 list509 accept510 judge511 paint512 mile513 soon514 responsible515 allow516 secretary517 heart518 union519 slow520 island521 enter522 drink523 story524 experiment 525 stay526 paper 527 space 528 apply529 decide 530 share 531 desire 532 spend 533 sign534 therefore 535 various 536 visit537 supply 538 officer 539 doubt 540 private 541 immediate 542 wish543 contain 544 feed545 raise546 describe 547 ready 548 horse 549 son550 exist551 north552 suggest 553 station 554 effective 555 food556 deep557 wide558 alone559 character 560 English 561 happy562 critic563 unit564 product 565 respect566 drop567 nor568 fill569 cold570 represent571 sudden572 basic573 kill574 fine575 trouble576 mark577 single578 press579 heavy 580 attempt 581 origin 582 standard 583 everything 584 committee 585 moral 586 black587 red588 bad589 earth590 accord 591 else592 mere593 die594 remark 595 basis596 except 597 equal 598 east599 event 600 employ 601 defense 602 smile603 river604 improve 605 game 606 detail 607 account608 cent 609 sort 610 reduce 611 club 612 buy 613 attention 614 ship 615 decision 616 wear 617 inside 618 win619 suppose 620 ride 621 operate 622 realize 623 sale 624 choose 625 park 626 square 627 vote 628 price 629 district 630 dead 631 foreign 632 window 633 beyond 634 direction 635 strike 636 instead 637 trial638 practice 639 catch640 opportunity 641 likely642 recognize 643 permit644 serious645 attack646 floor647 association 648 spring649 lot650 stock651 lack652 hair653 science654 relation 655 profession 656 pattern657 quick658 medical 659 influence 660 occasion 661 machine 662 compare 663 husband 664 blue665 international 666 fair667 especially669 imagine 670 surprise 671 average 672 official673 temperature 674 difficult 675 sing676 hit677 tree678 race679 police680 touch681 relative682 throw683 quality684 former685 pull686 chance687 prove688 argue689 settle690 growth691 date692 heat693 save694 performance 695 count696 production 697 listen699 pick700 size九斤2006-03-08 02:47:16701 cool702 army 703 patient 704 combine 705 summer 706 hall707 slight 708 command 709 enjoy 710 length 711 proper 712 express 713 health 714 chief 715 evening 716 store 717 language 718 degree 719 lay720 current 721 gun722 dog723 hotel 724 strange725 separate726 boat727 fail728 clean729 dress730 anyone731 gain732 pain733 object734 knowledge 735 depend 736 relate737 below738 dollar739 advance 740 shape741 arrange 742 population 743 yes744 sell745 mention 746 dry747 check748 poet749 sleep750 join751 hot752 bed753 electric 754 dream755 due756 season 757 manner 758 fit759 left760 progress 761 neither 762 strength 763 notice 764 finish765 opinion 766 bill767 western 768 truth769 wrong770 travel771 suit772 bank773 exact774 honor 775 brother 776 quiet777 marry778 corner779 handle780 danger781 hospital782 pool783 promise784 blood785 shoot786 scene787 literature788 arrive789 film790 base791 freedom792 bar793 maybe794 hang795 suffer796 manufacture797 frequent798 rock799 loss800 burn801 sun802 audience 803 essential 804 glass805 prevent 806 poem807 poor808 inch809 song810 skill811 post812 popular 813 radio814 animal 815 conscious 816 worth817 eat818 election 819 faith820 wave821 murder 822 model823 forget824 extend 825 edge826 distance 827 memory 828 recommend 829 division830 staff831 leg832 discussion 833 address 834 fly835 dependent 836 ball837 shake 838 frame 839 extreme 840 engineer 841 thick842 comfort 843 latter844 camp845 oil846 discover 847 examine 848 difficulty 849 tooth850 middle 851 choice 852 refer853 enemy 854 practical 855 marriage 856 bridge 857 declare 858 lady859 cross860 daily861 afternoon 862 attend 863 director 864 balance 865 wash866 capital 867 speed 868 block 869 citizen 870 mouth 871 hill872 green 873 please 874 motor 875 agency 876 encourage 877 governor 878 worry 879 affair880 shoulder 881 bright 882 mass883 sample 884 pretty 885 repeat 886 roll887 push888 trip889 council890 clothe 891 parent 892 forward 893 sharp 894 straight 895 gas896 weight 897 discuss 898 fix899 load900 master 901 whatever 902 round 903 rapid 904 laugh 905 finger 906 spot907 propose 908 shop 909 broad 910 replace 911 reply 912 extent 913 lock914 employee 915 ahead 916 sight 917 spread 918 wind 919 approve920 destroy 921 none922 pound 923 fame924 importance 925 reflect 926 advantage 927 match 928 regular 929 wage930 refuse 931 existence 932 hardly 933 perform 934 title935 tend936 exercise 937 thin938 coat939 bit940 mountain 941 youth942 behavior 943 newspaper 944 secret945 ability946 sea947 soft948 justice 949 reasonable950 circle951 solid952 page 953 weapon 954 fast955 representative 956 search 957 pure 958 escape 959 crowd 960 stick 961 telephone 962 avoid 963 garden 964 favor 965 news 966 unless 967 dinner 968 someone 969 100 signal 970 yard 971 ideal 972 warm 973 miss974 shelter 975 soldier 976 article 977 cry978 captain 979 familiar 980 seat981 guest 982 weak 983 excite 984 king985 everyone 986 wine 987 hole988 duty 989 beat 990 perfect 991 bottom 992 compose 993 battle 994 expense995 cattle996 flow997 kitchen998 dust999 bottle1000 admit1001 tear1002 tire1003 expression1004 exception1005 application1006 belong1007 rich1008 failure1009 struggle1010 instrument1011 variety1013 theater 1014 collection 1015 rain 1016 review 1017 preserve 1018 leadership 1019 clay 1020 daughter 1021 fellow 1022 swing 1023 thank 1024 library 1025 fat1026 reserve 1027 tour 1028 nice 1029 warn 1030 ring 1031 bitter 1032 chair 1033 yesterday 1034 scientific 1035 flower 1036 wheel 1037 solution 1038 aim 1039 gather 1040 invite 1041 moreover1043 forest 1044 winter 1045 box1046 belief 1047 ordinary 1048 impossible 1049 print 1050 gray1051 taste 1052 lip1053 speech 1054 reference 1055 stain 1056 connection 1057 otherwise 1058 stretch 1059 knife 1060 village 1061 blow 1062 mistake 1063 sweet 1064 shout 1065 divide 1066 guard 1067 worse 1068 exchange 1069 rare1070 commercial 1071 request1072 appoint 1073 agent 1074 dependence 1075 bird1076 wild1077 motion 1078 guess 1079 neighbor 1080 seed1081 fashion 1082 loan1083 correct 1084 plain1085 mail1086 retire1087 opposite 1088 prefer 1089 safe1090 evil1091 double 1092 wood 1093 empty 1094 baby1095 advise 1096 content 1097 sport1098 lift1099 literary 1100 curious 1101 tie1102 flat1103 message 1104 neck 1105 hate 1106 dirt1107 delight 1108 trust 1109 nobody 1110 valley 1111 tool 1112 presence 1113 cook 1114 railroad 1115 minister 1116 coffee 1117 brush 1118 beside 1119 collect 1120 guide 1121 luck 1122 profit 1123 lord 1124 everybody 1125 prison 1126 cloud 1127 slave 1128 chairman 1129 soil1130 distinguish 1131 introduce1132 urge1133 blind1134 arise1135 upper 1136 curve1137 membership 1138 key1139 entertain 1140 soul1141 neighborhood 1142 friendly 1143 pair1144 stone 1145 lean1146 protect 1147 advertise 1148 mystery 1149 welcome 1150 knee1151 jump1152 snake 1153 stream 1154 avenue 1155 brown 1156 disease 1157 hat1158 excellent 1159 formal 1160 snow1161 sheet1162 somehow1163 unity1164 sky1165 rough1166 smooth1167 weather1168 steady1169 threaten 1170 depth 1171 oppose 1172 deliver 1173 ancient 1174 pray 1175 adopt 1176 birth 1177 appearance 1178 universe 1179 busy 1180 hurry 1181 coast 1182 forth 1183 smell 1184 furnish 1185 female 1186 hide 1187 wire 1188 proposal 1189 ought 1190 victory 1191 quarter 1192 engine 1193 customer 1194 waste 1195 fool 1196 intend 1197 intention 1198 desk 1199 politics 1200 passage九斤2006-03-08 02:47:45 1201 lawyer 1202 root 1203 climb 1204 metal1205 gradual1206 hunt1207 protection1208 satisfy1209 roof1210 branch1211 pleasure1212 witness1213 loose1214 nose1215 mine1216 band。

常用单词3000个全部标有注释1 the [ðə, ði:] art.这,那ad.[用于比较级;最高级前]2 be [bi:,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在3 of [əv, ə, ɔv] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于4 and [ənd, ænd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且5 a [ei, ə, æn, ən] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个)6 to [tu:, tu, tə] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于ad.进;到达8 he [hi:, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人9 have [hæv,həv] aux. v.已经vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得10 it [it] pron.它;这;那11 that [ðæt] a./ pron.那,那个;ad.那样,那么12 for [fə, fɔ:] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向conj.因为故13 they [ðei] pron.他(或她、它)们14 I [ai] pron.我15 with [wið, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着16 as [æz, əz] ad.同样地prep.当作conj.随着;因为17 not [nɔt] ad.不,没,不是18 on [ɔn] prep.在…上;向;处于;在ad.上;向前19 she [ʃi:, ʃi] pron.她20 at [æt, ət] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事21 by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过22 this [ðis] a.这,这个;今,本pron.这,这个23 we [wi:, wi] pron.我们24 you [ju, ju:] pron.你,你们25 do [du, du:] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动26 but [bʌt,bət] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外ad.只27 from [frəm,frɔm] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与28 or [ɔ:, ə] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然29 which [witʃ] pron./ a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些)30 one [wʌn] num.一pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请32 all [ɔ:l] a.全部的;尽量的ad.很pron.全部33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意n.意志;遗嘱vt.用意志驱使34 there [ðɛə] pron.[与be连用,“有”] ad.在那里35 say [sei] v.说;表明ad.比如说,大约n.发言权36 who [hu:] pron.谁,什么人;[关系代词]…的人37 make [meik] vt.做,制造;产生;成为n.品牌,类型38 when [wen] ad./ pron.什么时候;在…时conj.当…时39 can [kæn,kən] aux. v.能;可以n.罐(头) vt.把…装罐保存40 more [mɔ:r] ad.更(多) a.更多(大)的n.更多的人(或物)41 if [if] conj.如果,假如;是否;即使;无论何时42 no [nəu] ad.不,不是,没有a.没有的;不许的43 man [mæn] n.(成年)男人;人,人类vt.给…配备人员44 out aut] ad.出,向外;在外;出现;完;过时45 other [ˈʌðə] a.别的;其余的pron.另一个人(或物)46 so [səu] ad.那么,非常;如此conj.所以;以便47 what [wɔt, wɑ:t] pron.什么;[关系代词] a.多么;什么48 time [taim] n.时间;次;倍[ pl.]时期vt.为…安排时间49 up [ʌp] ad./ a.向上(的) prep.沿…往上;在…上面50 go [gəu] vi.去;变得;进行;放;通往;消失n.尝试51 about [əˈbaut] prep.关于;在…周围ad.大约;在附近52 than [ðæn, ðən] conj.比53 into [ˈintu, ˈintə] prep.进,入,到…里;成为;很喜欢54 could [kud] v. aux.can的过去式;[虚拟语气等]可以(能)55 state [steit] n.状态;国家,政府;州vt.陈述,说明56 only [ˈəunli] ad.只;反而a.唯一的;最好的conj.可是57 new [nju:] a.新的,新出现的,新生产的;生疏的58 year [jiə, jə:] n.年,年份59 some [sʌm,səm] a.一些,有些;某个pron.一些ad.大约60 take [teik] vt.带(去);做;花费;拿;服用;乘;拍61 come [kʌm] vi.来(自);经过;至;实现;开始;发生62 these [ði:z] pron.[this的复数]这些63 know [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得64 see [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得65 use [ju:z, ju:s]vt.用;耗费,利用n.使用,应用;用途66 get [get] vt.获得;收到;理解vi.变得;逐渐;到达67 like [laik] v.喜欢n.[ pl.]相似(物) prep.像a.相像的68 then [ðen] ad.当时;那么,因而;然后,于是69 first [fə:st] num.第一a.第一的ad.首先;第一次;宁可70 any [ˈeni] pron.无论哪个; a.任何的ad.丝毫71 work [wə:k] v.工作;有效n.工作;职业[ pl.]著作72 now [nau] ad.(到)现在,如今;这时候;马上73 may [mei] n.五月74 such [sʌtʃ] a.这样的ad.那么pron.这样的人(物)75 give [giv] vt.给予;提供vi.塌下,折断,弯曲;让步76 over [ˈəuvə] prep.在…的上;关于ad.颠倒地a.结束的77 think [θiŋk] vt.认为;想;打算vi./ n.想,思考78 most [məust] ad.最;十分a.最多的;大部分的n.大多数79 even [ˈi:vən] ad.甚至a.平的;平稳的;双数的v.(使)平坦80 find [faind] vt.发现;感到;判决n.(有价值的)发现物81 day [dei] n.天,一昼夜;白昼,白天;时期,时代82 also [ˈɔ:lsəu] ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地83 after [ˈɑ:ftə] prep./ conj.在…之后a.以后的ad.后84 way [wei] n.方法;路;方面[ pl.]习俗ad.非常85 many [ˈmeni] a.许多的,多的pron.许多人,许多86 must [mʌst] aux. v.必须,应该;一定n.必须做的事87 look [luk] v.看;显得;朝着;打量n.看;脸色88 before [biˈfɔ:] prep.在…前conj.在…以前ad.以前89 great [greit] a.大的;伟大的;好极的;擅长的90 back [bæk] ad.回原处n.背;后面a.后面的v.后退91 through [θru:] prep.穿过;从头到尾;凭借ad./ a.自始至终92 long [lɔŋ] a./ ad.长(期)的(地) n.长时间vi.渴望93 where [wɛə] ad./ conj.在哪里;在…的地方pron.哪里94 much [mʌtʃ] ad.十分;a./ n.多(的),大量(的)95 should [ʃud, ʃəd] aux. v.[shall的过去式];应当;可能96 well [wel] ad.好地;完全地int.那末a.健康的n.井97 people [ˈpi:pl] n.人(们);[the~]人民;民族vt.居住于98 down [daun] a./ ad.向下(的),在下面prep.沿着…而下99 own [əun] a.自己的vt.有,拥有100 just [dʒʌst] ad.正好;只是;刚才a.正义的;恰当的Two101 because [biˈkɔz] conj.因为102 good [gud] a.好的;擅长的;n.善,好处[ pl.]商品103 each [ˈi:tʃ] pron.各(每)个a.各,各自的,每ad.对每个104 those [ðəuz] pron.[that的复数]那些105 feel [fi:l] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉vt.摸;认为n.感觉106 seem [si:m] vi.好像,似乎107 how [hau] ad.怎么,怎样;多么,多少108 high [hai] a.高(级;尚;兴)的ad.高n.高峰(潮,水平)109 too [tu:] ad.也,还;太,过于;很,非常110 place [pleis] n.地方;职位;名次vt.放置;任命111 little [ˈlitl] a.小的;短的;不多的n.极少ad.毫不112 world [wə:ld] n.(全)世界,地球;世间(人);界,领域113 very [ˈveri] ad.很;完全地a.正是的,真实的;完全的114 still [stil] ad.还;然而a.静止的n.剧照v.(使)平静115 nation [ˈneiʃən] n.国家,民族116 hand [hænd] n.手;指针;人手;帮助;手艺vt.交,递117 old [əuld] a.老的;过时的;以前的;老练的118 life [laif] n.生命;一生;生活,人生;生物;活力119 tell [tel] v.讲(述),告诉;吩咐;认出;显示;生效120 write [rait] v.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信(给)121 beco me [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称122 here [hiə] ad.在(向,到)这里int.[用于引起注意]123 show [ʃəu] v./ n.表明;出示;演出,放映;展览(会)124 house [haus] n.房屋;公司;(H-)议院vt.给…房子住125 both [bəuθ] a.两个…(都) pron.两者(都),双方(都)126 between [biˈtwi:n] prep.在…之间;为…所分享127 need [ni:d] vt.需要;缺少aux.v.必须n.需要;贫困128 mean [mi:n] vt.意思是;意欲vi.特意a.吝啬的;平均的129 call [kɔ:l] v./ n.把…叫做;打电话给;叫;访问;电话130 develop [diˈveləp] vt.发展;制订;产生vi.生长;发展131 under [ˈʌndə] prep./ ad.在…下面;少于;在…情况下132 last [lɑ:st] a.刚过去的;最后的ad.最后vi.持续133 right [rait] a./ ad.对(的);右(的) int.好n.权利;右134 move [mu:v] v.搬;动摇;感动n.动作;移动,搬家135 thing [θiŋ] n.事;物[常pl.]局面;所有物,用品136 general [ˈdʒenərəl] a.一般的;总的,普遍的;笼统的n.将军137 school [sku:l] n.学校,学院;上学,学业;学派138 never [ˈnevə] ad.从不,永不;决不,千万不139 same [seim] a.相同的pron.[the-]同样的人(物)140 another [əˈnʌðə] pron.再(另)一个a.再一个的;别的141 begin [biˈgin] v.开始142 while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然n.一会儿vt.消磨143 number [ˈnʌmbə] n.数字;号码[常略作N o.]号vt.编号144 part [pɑ:t] n.部分;零件;作用v.(使)分开ad.部分地145 turn [tə:n] v.转动;扭转;(使)变成n.转向;轮流146 real [riəl] a.真的,真正的;真实的,现实的147 leave [li:v] v.出发;离开;留下n.准假;许可;告辞148 might [mait] aux. v.[may的过去式];可能n.力量;权势149 want [wɔnt, wɑ:nt] v.想要;缺乏n.不足[pl.]需要的东西150 point [pɔint] n.要点,观点;点;时刻v.指,指明151 form [fɔ:m] n.形式;外形;表格v.形(构)成,产生152 off [ɔ(:)f] ad.…掉(下);离开;停止;休息a.休息的153 child [tʃaild] n.小孩,儿童;子女,孩子154 few [fju:] a./n.[表示否定]很少(的),几乎没有(的)155 small [smɔ:l] a.小的;少的;不重要的156 since [sins] conj./ prep.从…以后;因为ad.后来157 against [əˈgenst] prep.逆,反(对),违反;对...不利158 ask [ɑ:sk] vt.询问;请求;邀请vi.(for)请求159 late [leit] a.晚的;晚期的;最近的ad.迟,晚160 home [həum] n.家(乡);原产地a.家庭(乡)的ad.回家161 interest [ˈintrist] n.兴趣;利息(率)[ pl.]利益vt.使感兴趣162 large [lɑ:dʒ] a.大的;(数量)多的,众多的163 person [ˈpə:sn] n.人164 end [end] n.末尾;尽头;终止;结果v.结束,终止165 open [ˈəupən] a.开的,开放的,公开的v.开;开始;开放166 public [ˈpʌblik] a.公众的;公共的;公开的n.公众,民众167 follow [ˈfɔləu] vt.接着;遵照;听懂;注视vi.(紧)接;懂168 during [ˈdjuəriŋ] prep.在…期间169 present [priˈzent, ˈprezənt] a.出席的;现在的n.现在;礼物vt.赠(送) 170 without [wiˈðaut] prep.无,没有ad.在外面171 again [əˈgein] ad.再(又)一次;到原处;而且172 hold [həuld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持n.握住;掌握;船舱173 govern [ˈgʌvən] vt.统治,治理,管理;支配,影响174 around [əˈraund] ad.在周围;到处;大约prep.遍及175 possible [ˈpɔsəb(ə)l] a.可能的,做得到的;可接受的,合理的176 head [hed] n.头(脑);顶部;领导vt.领导vi.朝…行进177 consider [kənˈsidə] v.考虑,细想;认为,把…看作;考虑到178 word [wə:d] n.(单)词[ pl.]言语,话;传说;诺言179 program [ˈprəugræm] n.计(规)划;节目(单);程序vt.编程180 problem [ˈprɔbləm] n.问题,疑难问题;思考题,讨论题181 however [hauˈevə] ad.然而,可是;无论如何conj.不管怎样182 lead [li:d] v.带路;领导;致使;通向n.领导;主角;铅183 system [ˈsistəm] n.系统;制度,体制;方法;身体184 set [set] n.(一)套a.规定的vt.放,安装vi.落山185 order [ˈɔ:də] n.顺序;定购;秩序;命令vt.命令;定购186 eye [ai] n.眼(睛);视力;眼力;监督vt.看,审视187 plan [plæn] n.计划;平面图,示意图v.(制订)计划188 run [rʌn] vi.跑;运转;竞选;流vt.经营n.跑步189 keep [ki:p] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止;遵守;保有190 face [feis] n.脸,面部表情;外表;表面v.面向;面对191 fact [fækt] n.事实,真相192 group [gru:p] n.组,群;集团vt.把…分组;使聚集vi.聚集193 play [plei] v.玩,打(球等);播放n.戏剧;游戏,比赛194 stand [stænd] vi.站;坐落;处于;忍受n.台;摊;立场195 increase [inˈkri:s, ˈinkri:s] v.增加,增长,增强n.增加,增长,增强196 early [ˈə:li] a.早(期)的,在前的;早熟的ad.在早期;早197 course [kɔ:s] n.课程;过程;做法;路线;(一)道(菜)198 change [tʃeindʒ] v.改变;交换;兑换n.变化;更换;零钱199 help [help] v.帮(援)助;有助于;[呼救]救命n.帮助(手)Three200 line [lain] n.(界)线;条纹;方针;线路v.排队(齐)201 city [ˈsiti] n.城市,都市202 put [put] vt.放,使处于;表达;提交;记下203 close [kləuz] v.关;(使)接近a.近的ad.接近地n.结束204 case [keis] n.事例;情况;病例;案件;盒;手提箱205 force [fɔ:s] n.[ pl.]军队;暴力vt.强迫;用力推动206 meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;见面;满足vi.相遇;开会n.运动会207 once [wʌns] ad.一次;曾经,一度conj.一旦…(就…)208 water [ˈwɔ:tə] n.水vt.浇(供,加)水vi.流泪(口)水209 upon [əˈpɔn] prep. 在...之上.210 war [wɔ:] n.战争;斗争,竞211 build [bild] vt.建造;创立vi.向顶点发展n.体型,体格212 hear [hiə] vt.听见;听到,得知;审讯,听证vi.听说213 light [lait] n.光;灯;火a.明亮的;轻的vt.点亮214 unite [ju(:)ˈnait] v.(使)联合,(使)团结,(使)统一215 live [laiv] vi.居住;活;难忘vt.生活a.活的;直播的216 every [ˈevri] a.每一(个);每…一次的,每隔…的217 country [ˈkʌntri] n.国家,全国人民;[the~]农村,乡村218 bring [briŋ] vt.带来;把…引来;促使;使发生219 center [ˈsentə] n.圆心,正中;中心v.(around)把…集中于220 let [let] vt.允许,让;假设;出租221 side [said] n.面;方面;一边a.边的vi.站在…的一边222 try [trai] vt.试图;审理;考验vi./ n.努力,尝试223 provide [prəˈvaid] vt.供给,提供224 continue [kənˈtinju:] v.继续,延续,延伸225 name [ˈneim] n.名字;名声vt.取名;提名;列举226 certain [ˈsə:tən] a.某(种);肯定的;确实的;不可避免的227 power [ˈpauə] n.权力;(能)力;电力;幂vt.使开动228 pay [pei] v.付款;给予(注意等);付出代价n.工资229 result [riˈzʌlt] n.结果;成绩,比分vi.导致;起因于230 question [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] n.问题;疑问;难题vt.询问;怀疑231 study [ˈstʌdi] v./ n.学习;调查,研究(成果);书房232 woman [ˈwumən] n.成年女子,妇女233 member [ˈmembə] n.成员,会员234 until [ənˈtil, ʌnˈtil] con j.直到…时;[用于否定句]直到…(才) 235 far [fɑ:] ad.远,久远地;很,极;遥远地a.遥远的236 night [nait] n.夜,夜晚237 always [ˈɔ:lweiz] ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终238 service [ˈsə:vis] n.公共设施,公用机构;服务;维修vt.服务239 away [əˈwei] ad.远处,离开240 report [riˈpɔ:t] v./ n.报告(道);告发;报到;隶属;传闻241 something [ˈsʌmθiŋ] pron.某物(事) n.重要的事物(或人)242 company [ˈkʌmpəni] n.公司;陪伴;同伴(们);(一)群;连队243 week [wi:k] n.星期,周244 church [tʃə:tʃ] n.教堂;礼拜;教会(组织)245 toward [təˈwɔ:d] prep.向;朝;接近;将近246 start [stɑ:t] vt.开始;创办vi.开始;出发;吃惊n.起点247 social [ˈsəuʃəl] a.社会的;交际的,社交的248 room [ru:m] n.房间,室;空间,地方;余地249 figure [ˈfigə] n.数字;算术;轮廓vi.出现;有道理vt.计算250 nature [ˈneitʃə] n.大自然;天性,性格;性质,类型251 though [ðəu] conj.尽管,虽然ad.可是,不过,然而252 young [jʌŋ] a.年轻的,青年的 n.青年人253 less [les] a./ ad.[little的比较级]更少(小)的(地)254 enough [iˈnʌf] ad.足够地,充分地;相当,尚a.足够的255 almost [ˈɔ:lməust] ad.几乎,差不多256 read [ri:d] v.读;理解;读数为;读到;写明257 include [inˈklu:d] vt.包括,包含258 president [ˈprezidənt] n.总统,主席;(大学)校长,董事长259 nothing [ˈnʌθiŋ] pron.没有东西(事情) n.无关紧要的人(或事)260 yet [jet] ad.还,尚,仍;已经;更 conj.然而261 be tter [ˈbetə] a.更好的;有好转的v.改善ad.更好地262 big [big] a.巨大的;重大的;年龄较大的;成功的263 boy bɔi] n.男孩264 cost [kɔst] n.价格,成本;代价vt.(使)花费;使付出265 business [ˈbiznis] n.交易,生意;工商企业;职业;事266 value [ˈvælju:] n.价值;重要性[ pl.]价值观vt.重视;评价267 second [ˈsekənd, siˈkɔnd] num.第二a.次等的n.秒,瞬间vt.附和268 why [wai] ad.为什么;…的(理由) int.咳,哎呀269 clear [kliə] a./ ad.清晰的(地) vt.清除;使清楚vi.变清澈270 expect [ikˈspekt] vt.预料,预计;等待,期待,盼望;要求271 family [ˈfæməli] n.家,家庭;亲属;家族;语系;科272 complete [kəmˈpli:t] a.完整的;十足的;完成的vt.完成;使完全273 act [ækt] v.行动;表演n.行为;法令;(一)幕274 sense [sens] n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思vt.觉得275 mind [maind] n.头脑;智力;想法v.介意;注意;照料276 experience [ikˈspiəriəns] n./ vt.经历,阅历;经验,感受,体验277 art [ɑ:t] n.美(艺)术;技术(艺);[ pl.]文科278 next [nekst] a.紧接在后的;紧邻的ad.然后;次于279 near [niə] ad.在近处v./ prep.靠(接)近a.接(亲)近的280 direct [diˈrekt] a.直接的;坦率的ad.直接地vt.对准;指导281 car [kɑ:] n.汽车,轿车;(火车)车厢282 law [lɔ:] n.法(律,规,学);律师业;规律,定律283 industry [ˈindəstri] n.工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋284 important [imˈpɔ:tənt] a.重要的,重大的;有势力的,有地位的285 girl [gə:l] n.女孩子,姑娘;女儿286 god [gɔd] n.[G-]上帝;神;极其崇拜的人(或事物)287 several [ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个288 matter [ˈmeitə] n.事情,情况;物质,物品vi.要紧289 usual [ˈju:ʒuəl, ˈju:ʒəl] a.通常的,惯常的290 rather [ˈrɑ:ðə] ad.相当,颇有点儿;宁愿;更确切些291 per [pə(:)] prep.每,每一292 often [ˈɔ(:)fn] ad.常常,经常,通常293 kind [kaind] n.种类a.亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的294 among [əˈmʌŋ] prep.在…之中;在…之间295 white [wait] a.白色的;白种的n.白色;蛋白,眼白296 reason [ˈri:zən] n.原因;理性v.分析,推论(理);劝告297 action [ˈækʃən] n.行动;行为;作用;情节298 return [riˈtə:n] v.返回;恢复;归还n.返回[ pl.]盈利299 foot [fut] n.脚,足;英尺;最下部,底部Four300 care [kɛə] vi.关心vt.对…介意n.照顾;注意;挂念301 simple [ˈsimpəl] a.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;头脑简单的302 within [wiˈðin] prep.在…里面,在…内ad.在里面303 love [lʌv] vt.爱,热爱;喜欢,爱好n.爱,爱情304 human [ˈhju:mən] a.人的,人类的;有人情的,好心肠的n.人305 along [əˈlɔŋ] ad.向前地;一道(起) prep.沿着306 appear [əˈpiə] vi.出现,显露;看来好像;发表,问世307 doctor [ˈdɔktə] n.医生;博士vt.篡改,对…做手脚308 believe [biˈli:v] vt.相信;认为vi.相信309 speak [spi:k] vi.说话;发言vt.说(出);讲(某种语言)310 active [ˈæktiv] a.活跃的,积极的;主动的,起作用的311 student [ˈstju:dənt] n.学生,大学生;研究者312 month [mʌnθ] n.月,一个月的时间313 drive [draiv] vt.驾驶,开动,打入;驱使vi.驾驶n.驾驶314 concern [kənˈsə:n] n.关切的事;担心vt.有关于;使担心315 best [best] a.最好的ad.最好,最316 door [dɔ:(r)] n.门,出入口317 hope [həup] n./v.希望,期望318 example [igˈzɑ:mpəl] n.例子,实例;榜样,楷模319 inform [inˈfɔ:m] vt.通知vi.(against)告发,检举320 body [ˈbɔdi] n.身体;主体;尸体;物体;一群(批)321 ever [ˈevə] ad.在任何时候,从来322 least [li:st] a./ ad.[1ittle的最高级]最少(小;不的)323 probable [ˈprɔbəbəl] a.很可能的,大概的324 understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到;谅解;听说;认为325 reach [ri:tʃ] vt.达到;伸手;达成n.理解力[ pl.]流域326 effect [iˈfekt] n.结果;影响[ pl.]个人财物vt.实现,引起327 different [ˈdifrənt] a.不同的;各别的,另外的;各种的328 idea [aiˈdiə] n.想法,主意;思想,概念329 whole [həul] a.全部的;完整的,无缺的n.全部,整体330 control [kənˈtrəul] n.控制;自制;操纵装置vt.控制;克制331 condition [kənˈdiʃən] n.状况[ pl.]环境vt.适应;调整状况;决定332 field [fi:ld] n.田地;领域;运动场;产地;场;视野333 pass [pɑ:s] v.经过;传递;通过;流逝n.通行证;通道334 fall [fɔ:l] vi.落下;垮台;下垂n.下降;瀑布;秋天335 note [nəut] n.便条;笔记;音符;钞票vt.注意;记录336 special [ˈspeʃəl] a.特殊的;专门的n.特价,特刊,特别节目337 talk [tɔ:k] v./ n.交谈,谈论;演讲;谈判;闲话338 particular [pəˈtikjulə] a.特定(别)的;挑剔的;详细的n.[ pl.]详情339 today [təˈdei] n.今天;现今340 measure [ˈmeʒə] n.分量,尺寸;量具;测量v.测量;衡量341 walk [wɔ:k] vi./ n.步行(路程),散步vt.陪…走342 teach [ti:tʃ] vt.教,讲授;教导(训) vi.讲课,当教师343 low [ləu] a./ ad.低(的);低下(的) n.低点,低水平344 hour [ˈauə] n.小时;时间,时刻[ pl.]固定时间345 type [taip] n.类型,种类,品种;铅字v.打(字)346 carry [ˈkæri] vt.提;运送;传播;携带;包含;支撑347 rate [reit] n.进度;比率,率vt.评估vi.被评价348 remain [riˈmein] vi.仍然是;留下;剩余n.[ pl.]剩余物349 full [ful] a.满的,装满的;完全的,充分的,完整的350 street [stri:t] n.街道,马路351 easy [ˈi:zi] a.容易的;舒适的;随和的,宽松的352 although [ɔ:lˈðəu] conj.虽然,尽管;然而353 record [ˈrekɔ:d, riˈkɔ:d] n.记录;唱片;履历vt.记录;录下354 sit [sit] vi.坐;坐落,被安放vt.使坐,使就座355 determine [diˈtə:min] vt.确定;决定;使下决心vi.下决心356 level [ˈlevəl] n.水平(面);高度a.(水)平的v.(使)变平坦357 local [ˈləukəl] a.地方性的,当地的;局部的n.[ pl.]当地人358 sure [ʃuə,ʃɔ:] a.确信的;一定的;可靠的ad.确实;当然359 receive [riˈsi:v] vt.收到;受到;接待,接见,欢迎360 thus [ðʌs] ad.如此,这样;因此,从而361 moment [ˈməumənt] n.片刻,瞬间,时刻;机会,时机362 spirit [ˈspirit] n.精神;灵魂;气概[ pl.]情绪;烈酒(精)363 train [trein] n.火车;一系列,行列v.(受)训练(培养)364 college [ˈkɔlidʒ] n.大学,学院365 religion [riˈlidʒən] n.宗教,宗教信仰366 perhaps [pəˈhæps] ad.或许,大概,可能367 music [ˈmju:zik] n.音乐,乐曲368 grow [grəu] vi.生长,成长;成为;增长vt.种植,栽种369 free [ˈfri:] a./ ad.自由的(地);免费的(地) vt.解放370 cause [kɔ:z] n.原因;事业vt.引起;使遭受,给…带来371 serve [sə:v] v.服务(役),任(职);接待;适合;发球372 age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代(期) v.变旧,成熟373 book [buk] n.书;本子[ pl.]帐目vt.预订,预约374 board [bɔ:d] n.(黑)板;委员会;v.上(船,飞机等);搭伙375 recent [ˈri:sənt] a.新近的,近来的376 sound [saund] n.声音v.响;听起来a.合理的ad.酣畅地377 office [ˈɔfis] n.办公室;处,所,局;官职;[-s]服务378 cut [kʌt] vt.切,割,剪;减少n.伤口;削减;修剪379 step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶vi.行走;踏上380 class [klɑ:s] n.阶级;班级;课;种类;等级,级别381 true [tru:] a.真实的;真的;忠诚的;准确的382 history [ˈhistəri] n.历史,史学,历史书;履历;病历,病史383 position [pəˈziʃən] n.位置;地位,职务;姿势;立场vt.安置384 above [əˈbʌv] prep.在…上方;多(大,高)于ad.在上面385 strong [strɔŋ] a.强壮的;牢固的;坚强的;强烈的,浓的386 friend [frend] n.朋友,友人387 necessary [ˈnesisəri] a.必要的;必然的n.[ pl.]必需品388 add [æd] vt.添(增)加;把…加起来vi.(to)增添389 court [kɔ:t] n.法庭,法院;球场;宫廷;庭院,院子390 deal [di:l] vt.分给,发;给予n.交易,协议391 tax [tæks] n.税(款);负担vt.征税;使费尽力气392 support [səˈpɔ:t] vt./ n.支持,拥护;支撑;供养;证实393 party [ˈpɑ:ti] n.社交聚会;党,政党;一方,当事人394 whether [ˈweðə] conj.是否,会不会;不管,无论395 either [ˈaiðə, ˈi:ðə] ad.[否]也a./ pron.(两者中)任何一个,每方396 land [lænd] n.陆地;土地;国家v.(使)靠岸(登陆,降落)397 material [məˈtiəriəl] n.材(原;资)料a.物质的;肉体的;重要的398 happen [ˈhæpən] vi.发生;[后接不定式]碰巧,恰好399 education [ˌedju(:)ˈkeiʃən] n.教育,培养,训练Five400 death [deθ] n.死,死亡;破灭,终止401 agree [əˈgri:] vi.赞同;一致;(气候等)相宜vt.同意402 arm [ɑ:m] n.臂;扶手vt.以(武器)装备;配备403 mother [ˈmʌðə] n.母亲,妈妈404 across [əˈkrɔs] prep.穿(越,横)过;在对面ad.在对面405 quite [kwait] ad.相当;实际上,确实;完全,十分406 anything [ˈeniθiŋ] pron.无论什么东西;任何东西407 town [taun] n.镇,市镇;市区,市中心408 past [pɑ:st] a.以前的prep./ ad.经过,过n.过去,往事409 view [vju:] n.观点;观察;景色vt.看待;观察,看410 society [səˈsaiəti] n.社会;社会团体,协会,社;上流社会411 manage [ˈmænidʒ] v.管理,经营,处理;设法对付;控制,操纵412 answer [ˈɑ:nsə] n.回答;答案v.回答;解答;响应413 break [breik] n.休息vt.打破;弄坏vi.破碎;破晓;转晴414 organize [ˈɔ:gənaiz] vt.组织,把…编组;使有条理415 half [hɑ:f] a.一半的,半个的n.半,一半ad.一半416 fire [ˈfaiə] n.火;火灾;射击v.放(枪等);解雇417 lose [lu:z] v.丢失;迷失;输,损失;浪费;(钟)走慢418 money [ˈmʌni] n.钱,货币,金钱419 stop [stɔp, stɑp] v.停止,中断;阻止n.车站;停止;句号420 actual [ˈæktʃuəl] a.实际的,事实上的,真实的421 already [ɔ:lˈredi] ad.早已,已经422 effort [ˈefət] n.努力,尝试;努力的成果,成就423 wait [weit] vi.(for)等;(on)服侍n.等待(的时间)424 department [diˈpɑ:tmənt] n.部,部门,系425 able [ˈeibəl] a.能够…的,得以…的;有才干的426 political [pəˈlitikəl] a.政治的,政治上的;政党的,党派的427 learn [lə:n] v.学,学习;得知,了解,学会;认识到428 voice [vɔis]n.嗓音;(表达出的)意见;语态vt.说(话)429 air [ɛə]n.空(大)气;天(航)空vt.通风,晾干430 together [təˈgeðə] ad.在一起,共同;一致地,协调地431 shall [ʃæl, ʃəl] aux. v.将(要),会;必须,应该432 cover [ˈkʌvə] vt.(掩)盖;占;包括;报道n.盖子,封面433 common [ˈkɔmən] a.平常的,普通的;共同的,公共的434 subject [ˈsʌbdʒikt] n.主题;学科;对象;主语vt.使服从435 draw [drɔ:] vt.画;拖;取出;vi.移动;n.平局;抽签436 short [ʃɔ:t] a.短(矮)的;缺乏ad.简短地n.[ pl.]短裤437 wife [waif] n.妻子438 treat [tri:t] vt.对待;医治;款待n.款待;乐事439 limit [ˈlimit] n.限度,限制[ pl.]范围;极限vt.限制(定)440 road [rəud] n.路,道路441 letter [ˈletə] n.信,函件;字母[ pl.]文学,文化修养442 color [ˈkʌlə] n.颜色;颜料;情调vt.给…着(染)色443 behind [biˈhaind] prep.在…后;落后于ad.在背后;在后面444 produce [prəˈdju:s, ˈprɔdju:s] vt.生产,产生;显示;制作n.(农)产品445 send [send] vt.送,寄;派遣,打发;发送,发射446 term [tə:m] n.措词,术语;(任,学)期vt.把…称为447 total [ˈtəutl] a.全部的;完全的n.总数(计) v.合计448 university [ˌju:niˈvə:siti] n.大学449 rise [raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨n.上涨;升高450 century [ˈsentʃəri] n.世纪,百年451 success [səkˈses]n.成就,成功;成功的事物,有成就的人452 minute [ˈminit, maiˈnju:t] n.分钟;片刻;立刻[ pl.]会议记录a.微小的453 remember [riˈmembə] v.记得,记住;(to)代…问候454 purpose [ˈpə:pəs] n.目的,意图;用途;效果455 test [test] vt.试验,测试,检验456 fight [fait] n.战斗,打架,斗争457 watch [wɔtʃ] v.观看;看守,照看;小心n.表;看管458 situation [ˌsitʃuˈeiʃ(ə)n] n.形势,环境,状况;位置,地点459 south [sauθ] n.南(方),南部ad.向南方a.南方(部)的460 ago [əˈgəu] ad.[用于被修饰词之后]以前461 difference [ˈdifrəns] n.差别,差异;差,差额;(意见的)分歧462 stage [steidʒ] n.阶段;舞台;戏剧表演vt.上演;举办463 father [ˈfɑ:ðə] n.父亲;[ pl.]祖先;创始人;神父464 table [ˈteibəl] n.桌(台)子;表格vt.提交讨论465 rest [rest] n.[the~]其余的人(物);休息v.休息;搁466 bear [bɛə] vt.忍受;承担;怀有;运输n.熊;卖空者467 entire [inˈtaiə] a.全部的,整个的468 market [ˈmɑ:kit] n.市场,集市,股市;行情,销路vt.销售469 prepare [priˈpɛə] v.准备,预备470 explain [ikˈsplein] v.讲解,解释,说明471 offer [ˈɔfə] vt.给予,提供;提议n.提供,提议;报价472 plant [plɑ:nt] n.植物;工厂;间谍vt.种,植;放置473 charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] n.费用;管理vt.要价;指控vi.收费;冲锋474 ground [graund] n.地(面),土地[ pl.]场地(所);理由,根据475 west [west] n.西(方,部) a.西方(部)的ad.向西方476 picture [ˈpiktʃə] n.画,照片;描绘;画面vt.描绘;构想477 hard [ˈhɑ:d] ad./ a.努力地(的);艰难地(的);猛烈地(的)478 front [frʌnt] n.前面;前线;方面a.前面的v.面向,朝着479 lie [lai] vi.躺,平放;位于;伸展;说谎n.谎话480 modern [ˈmɔdən] a.现代的,新式的481 dark [dɑ:k] a.暗的,黑色的;深色的n.[the~]黑暗(夜)482 surface [ˈsə:fis] n.表面,面;外表vi.浮出水面;浮现483 rule [ru:l] n.规则;惯例;统治v.统治;裁决484 regard [riˈgɑ:d] vt.看作;打量;注意n.尊敬[ pl.]问候485 dance [dɑ:ns] n.舞(蹈);舞曲,舞会v.跳舞;跳动486 peace [pi:s] n.和平,和睦;平静,安宁,安静487 observe [əbˈzə:v] vt.注意到;观察;评论;遵守,奉行488 future [ˈfju:tʃə] a.将来的n.将来,未来;前途[ pl.]期货489 wall [wɔ:l] n.墙,壁,围墙vt.筑墙围住,用墙隔开490 farm [fɑ:m] n.农场,饲养场,畜牧场v.耕作491 claim [kleim] vt.声称;索取;需要n.要求,索赔;声称492 firm [fə:m] n.商行v.(使)变得坚实a.结实的;稳固的493 operation [ˌɔpəˈreiʃən] n.操作,经营;手术;(军事)行动;运算494 further [ˈfə:ðə] ad./ a.另外(的);更远(的) vt.促进495 pressure [ˈpreʃə] n.压(力),压强;压迫vt.迫使,说服496 property [ˈprɔpəti] n.财产,所有物;房产,物业;性质,性能497 morning [ˈmɔ:niŋ] n.早晨,上午498 amount [əˈmaunt] n.数(量);总额vi.(to)合计;接近499 top [tɔp] n.顶;上部a.最高的vt.居…之上;高过Six500 outside [ˈautˈsaid] prep./ n./ ad./ a.(在,向)的外面(的)501 piece [pi:s] n.片,块,段,件;断片,碎块vt.拼合(凑)502 sometimes [ˈsʌmtaimz] ad.有时,间或503 beauty [ˈbju:ti] n.美,美丽;美人,美的东西504 trade [treid] n.贸易,商业;行业vi.贸易vt.交换505 fear [fiə] n.害怕,恐惧;危险vt.畏惧,害怕,担心506 demand [diˈmɑ:nd] n.要求;需要vt.要求;需要;询问,查问507 wonder [ˈwʌndə] v.感到疑惑(好奇),想知道n.惊奇;奇迹508 list [list] n.表,目录,名单vt.把…编列成表,列举509 accept [əkˈsept] vt.接(领,收)受;承认,同意;相信510 judge [dʒʌdʒ] n.法官;裁判员v.断定;裁决,评定;审判511 paint [peint] n.油漆,涂料,颜料v.油漆;绘(画)512 mile [mail] n.英里513 soon [su:n] ad.不久;早,快514 responsible [riˈspɔnsəbəl] a.承担责任的;有责任感的;重要的515 allow [əˈlau] vt.允许(…进入);同意给;承认516 secretary [ˈsekrətəri, -teri] n.秘书;书记;部长,大臣517 heart [hɑ:t] n.心(脏);内心,感情;热忱;中心,要点518 union [ˈju:niən] n.工会,联盟;联合,合并;团结519 slow [sləu] a.慢的;不忙碌的v.慢下来ad.慢慢地520 island [ˈailənd] n.岛,岛屿521 enter [ˈentə] vt.进入;参加;登记(录) vi.进(入,来)522 drink [driŋk] n.饮料,酒v.饮,喝(酒等)523 story [ˈstɔ:ri] n.故事,传说,小说;情况;报道;楼层524 experiment [ikˈsperimənt] n.实验,试验vi.(on,with)作实验525 stay [stei] vi.逗留;保持vt.停止,延缓n.逗留,停留526 paper [ˈpeipə] n.纸;报纸;文件;论文;作业a.纸质的527 space [speis] n.空地;空间;间隔;期间vt.分隔开528 apply [əˈplai] vi.申请,请求;适用vt.使用;敷529 decide [diˈsaid] v.决定,判断;(使)决定;解决;判决530 share [ʃeə] v.分享,分担;分配n.份额[ pl.]股份531 desire [diˈzaiə] vt.渴望;要求,请求n.愿望,欲望532 spend [spend] vt.用(钱);花(时间等),度过,消磨533 sign [sain] n.标记,符号;招牌;迹象v.签(署)534 therefore [ˈðeəfɔ:] ad.因此,所以535 various [ˈvɛəriəs] a.不同的,各种各样的;多方面的536 visit [ˈvizit] n.参观,访问537 supply [səˈplai] n.供应[ pl.]存货,必需品vt.供给;满足538 officer [ˈɔfisə] n.军官,警官;官员,高级职员539 doubt [daut] n.疑惑,疑问,怀疑v.怀疑,不相信540 private [ˈpraivit] a.私人的;秘密的;私立(营)的n.士兵541 immediate [iˈmi:diət] a.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的542 wish [wiʃ] vt.希望;祝愿vi.盼望n.愿望[ pl.]祝愿543 contain [kənˈtein] vt.包含,容纳;控制,抑制544 feed [fi:d] vt.喂(养);向…提供vi.(on)吃n.饲料545 raise [rez, reiz] vt./ n.举起;增加;筹集;引起;养育546 describe [diˈskraib] vt.描写,形容;画出(图形等)547 ready [ˈredi] a.准备就绪的;乐意的;手头现成的548 horse [hɔ:s] n.马549 son [sʌn] n.儿子,孩子550 exist [igˈzist] vi.存在,生存551 north [nɔ:θ] n.北(方,部) a.北方(部)的ad.向北方552 suggest [səˈdʒest] vt.建议,提议;使人想起,暗示553 station [ˈsteiʃən] n.(车)站,台,局vt.安置,派驻554 effective [iˈfektiv] a.有效的,生效的;印象深刻的;实际的555 food [fu:d] n.食物,食品556 deep [di:p] a.深(厚,切,刻,奥)的d.深深地,在深处557 wide [waid] a.宽阔的;广泛的;偏离的ad.全部地558 alone [əˈləun] a./ ad.单独的(地),孤独的;仅,只559 character [ˈkæriktə] n.性格,品质;性质;角色;符号,(汉)字560 English [ˈiŋgliʃ] n.& a.英语(的)561 happy [ˈhæpi] a.快乐的,幸福的;乐意的;令人满意的562 critic [ˈkritik] n.批评家,评论家563 unit [ˈju:nit] n.单位;部件,元件,装置;单元564 product [ˈprɔdʌkt] n.产品,产物;乘积565 respect [riˈspekt] vt./ n.尊敬;尊重,重视[ pl.]敬意;方面566 drop [drɔp] v.(使)下降;放弃n.下降;(一)滴[ pl.]滴剂567 nor [nɔ:] conj./ad.也不,也没有568 fill [fil] vt.装满;满足;担任vi.被充满n.充分569 cold [kəuld] a.(寒)冷的;冷淡(酷)的n.(寒)冷;感冒570 represent [ˌrepriˈzent] vt.代表(理);表示,象征;描绘,表现571 sudden [ˈsʌdn] a.突然的,意外的572 basic [ˈbeisik] a.基本的,基础的n.[ pl.]基本原理573 kill [kil] vt.杀死;否决;使疼痛;消磨vi.致死574 fine [fain] a.健康的;极好的的ad.很好vt./ n.罚款575 trouble [ˈtrʌbəl] n.麻烦,困难[ pl.]纠纷vt.麻烦vi.费力576 mark [mɑ:k] n.痕迹;记号;分数vt.标明;纪念;打分577 single [ˈsiŋgəl] a.单一的;独身的n.单程票[ pl.]单打578 press [pres] n.报刊,新闻界;出版(通讯)社v.压;压迫579 heavy [ˈhevi] a.重的;大量的;严重的;过度的;笨重的580 attempt [əˈtempt] n./vt.尝试,企图,努力581 origin [ˈɔridʒin] n.起源,来源,起因[常pl.]出身,血统582 standard [ˈstændəd] n.标准,规格a.标准的583 everything [ˈevriθiŋ] pron.每件事,一切;最重要的东西584 committee [kəˈmiti] n.委员会585 moral [ˈmɔrəl] a.道德的,有道德的n.[ pl.]道德;寓意586 black [blæk] a.黑暗的;黑人的v.(使)变黑n.黑色(人)587 red [red] a.红色的n.红色,红颜料588 bad [bæd] a.坏的;差的;邪恶的;严重的;腐烂的589 earth [ə:θ] n.地球;陆地,地面;土,泥590 accord [əˈkɔ:d] n.一致;协议vi.(with)相一致vt.授予591 else [els] ad.其他,另外592 mere[miə] a.仅仅的,只不过的;纯粹的593 die [dai] vi.死;停止运行;(for)渴望,切望594 remark [riˈmɑ:k] v.(评)说;(on)谈(评)论n.话语,谈论595 basis [ˈbeisis] n.基础,根据,原则596 except [ikˈsept] conj.除了;要不是,但是prep.除…外597 equal [ˈi:kwəl] a.同样的vt.等于n.相等的数量;可比的东西598 east [i:st] n.东(方,部) a.东方(部)的ad.向东方599 event [iˈvent] n.事件,大事;比赛项目Seven11-14600 employ [imˈplɔi] vt.雇用;用,使用,利用n.受雇,雇佣601 defense [diˈfens] n.防御,保卫;[ pl.]防御工事;辩护602 smile [smail] n.微笑vi.微笑,露出笑容vt.笑603 river [ˈrivə] n.河,江,川604 improve [imˈpru:v] vt.改进,改善vi.改善,变得更好605 game [geim] n.游戏;比赛;局,盘,场[ pl.]运动会606 detail [ˈdi:teil] n.细节,详情;枝节,琐事vt详细说明607 account [əˈkaunt] n.记述;帐(户);解释vi.(for)说明;占608 cent [sent] n.分,分币609 sort [sɔ:t] n.种类,类别;某一种人vt.分类,整理610 reduce [riˈd ju:s] vt.减少,缩小;使降级,使沦落;迫使611 club [klʌb] n.俱乐部;棍棒,球612 buy [bai] vt.买,买得;向…行贿,收买vi.购买东西613 attention [əˈtenʃən] n.注意,专心,留心;立正姿势614 ship [ʃip] n.船(舶),舰vt.用船运,装运615 decision [diˈsiʒən] n.决定,决心;坚定,果断616 wear [wɛə] vt.穿(戴)着vi.穿破n.穿,戴;服装;磨损617 ins ide [inˈsaid] ad./ prep.在…里面;少于n./ a.里面(的)。

Aa art.一(个);每一(个)ability n.能力;本领;才能able a.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的aboard ad.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上;ad.上船(飞机)about ad.在周围;大约prep.关于above a.上述的ad.在上面prep.在..之上,高于abroad ad.到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传accident n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)according to prep.据照…(所说、所写);按…,视…ache vi.痛;哀怜n.(指连续)疼痛、酸痛across prep.在的对面ad.横过,穿过act v.表演;举动;起作用n.行为,法令;一幕action n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗active adj.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的activity n.活动;活力;能动性;actor n.男演员;演员,行动者actress n.女演员add vt.加;增加(进);进一步说写vi.(to)增添address n.住址;致词v.向...致词;在信封上写姓名adjective n.形容词a.形容词的,用作形容词的admire vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖adult n.成年人a.成年的,充分长成的,成熟的advance n.前进,预付vi.前进,进展vt.促进,推进advantage n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处adventure n.冒险,冒险活动,奇遇vt.大胆进行adverb n.副词a.副词的adverse a.逆的,相反的;敌对的;不利的;有害的advertise vt.公告,公布;为...做广告vi.登广告advice n.劝告,忠告,(医生等的)意见advise vt.忠告,劝告,建议;通知,告知afford vt.担负得起(损失、费用、后果等),买得起afraid adj.害怕的,恐惧的;犯愁的,不乐意的after prep.在...以后adv.以后,后来afternoon n.下午,午后afterward ad.(afterwards)以后,后来again ad.再次,另一次;重新;除此,再,更,还against prep.对着,逆;反对;违反;紧靠着;对比age n.年龄;时代;老年;长时间v.(使)变老ago ad.(常和一般过去时的动词连用)以前,…前agree vi.答应,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定agreement n.协定;协议;契约;达成协议;同意,一致ahead ad.在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前aid n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物vi.援助,救援aim n.目的;瞄准vi.(at)目的在于vt.把…瞄准air n.空气;(复数)神气vt.(使)通风;晾干air-conditioning n.空调设备,空调系统aircraft n.飞机,飞船,飞行器airline n.(飞机)航线 a.(飞机)航线的airport n.机场,航空站,航空港album n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册alien n.外侨,外国人;外星人a.外国的;相异的alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地alive a.活着的;存在的;活跃的;(to)敏感的all a.全部的;非常的ad.完全地,很pron.全部allege v.断言,宣称;指控allow vt.允许,准许;承认;给予;(for)考虑到almost adv.几乎,差不多alone a.单独的,孤独的ad.单独地,独自地;仅仅along ad.向前;和...一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着aloud adv.出声地,大声地already ad.已,已经,早已also ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地Alter vt.改变,更改;改做(衣服) vi.改变,变化although conj.尽管,虽然...但是always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终amateur a.&n.业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等) amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑vi.表现出惊奇among prep.在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又angel n.天使,安琪儿anger n.愤怒,气愤vt.使发怒,激怒vi.发怒angle n.角,角度v.钓鱼;(采用各种方法)取得angry a.生气的,愤怒的;(天气)风雨交加的animal n.动物,野兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的another a.另一个,又,再pron.另一个,类似的一个answer vt.回答,答复,答案v.回答,答复,响应ant n.蚁;蚂蚁any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的anybody pron.(否定句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人anyone pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人anything pron.任何东西(事物);无论什么东西(事物) anyway ad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论以何种方式anywhere ad.无论哪里;(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方apart ad.分离,离开,隔开a.分离的,分隔的apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓apologise v.(to,for)道歉,认错apology n.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护aim n.目的;瞄准vi.(at)目的在于vt.把…瞄准air n.空气;(复数)神气vt.(使)通风;晾干air-conditioning n.空调设备,空调系统aircraft n.飞机,飞船,飞行器airline n.(飞机)航线 a.(飞机)航线的airport n.机场,航空站,航空港album n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册alien n.外侨,外国人;外星人a.外国的;相异的alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地alive a.活着的;存在的;活跃的;(to)敏感的all a.全部的;非常的ad.完全地,很pron.全部allege v.断言,宣称;指控allow vt.允许,准许;承认;给予;(for)考虑到almost adv.几乎,差不多alone a.单独的,孤独的ad.单独地,独自地;仅仅along ad.向前;和...一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着aloud adv.出声地,大声地already ad.已,已经,早已also ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地Alter vt.改变,更改;改做(衣服) vi.改变,变化although conj.尽管,虽然...但是always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终amateur a.&n.业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等) amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑vi.表现出惊奇among prep.在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又angel n.天使,安琪儿anger n.愤怒,气愤vt.使发怒,激怒vi.发怒angle n.角,角度v.钓鱼;(采用各种方法)取得angry a.生气的,愤怒的;(天气)风雨交加的animal n.动物,野兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的another a.另一个,又,再pron.另一个,类似的一个answer vt.回答,答复,答案v.回答,答复,响应ant n.蚁;蚂蚁any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的anybody pron.(否定句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人anyone pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人anything pron.任何东西(事物);无论什么东西(事物) anyway ad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论以何种方式anywhere ad.无论哪里;(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方apart ad.分离,离开,隔开a.分离的,分隔的apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓apologise v.(to,for)道歉,认错apology n.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护Bbackground n.背景,经历;幕后backward a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的ad.向后,朝反方向bacon n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉bad a.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的badly ad.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地badminton n.羽毛球bag n.袋,提包v.把…装入袋中;猎杀;占有bake v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干balcony n.阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅,楼座bald a.秃的,秃头的ball n.球(状物);(正式的)舞会vt.把…捏成球状ballet n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团balloon n.气球,飞船;a.气球状的v.乘坐气球;膨胀banana n.香蕉bang n.砰砰的声音;猛击v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击bank n.银行;岸,堤;vi.存入(经营)银行;信赖bar n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物) v.闩上,阻拦barbecue n.烤肉;烤肉用的台架vt.炙烤(肉等) barber n.理发师bark vi.(狗等)吠,叫n.吠声,叫声;树皮barn n.谷仓,仓库base n.基础,底部;根据地v.(on)把…基于baseball n.棒球basement n.建筑物的底部,地下室,地窖basket n.筐,篮,篓basketball n.篮球,篮球运动bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠batch n.一批,一组,一群bath n.沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆) v.(给…)洗澡bathe v.游泳,洗澡,浸,弄湿bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室,卫生间be v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;到达,来到,发生beach n.海滩,湖滩,河滩bean n.豆;菜豆,蚕豆bear n.熊v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女beat n.敲打;(心脏等)跳动v.打败;(心脏等)跳动beautiful a.美的,美丽的;出色的,完美的beauty n.美,美丽;美人,美丽的事物because conj.因为,由于become vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称bed n.床,床位;(苗)床,坛;河床,(湖、海的)底bee n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人beef n.牛肉beer n.啤酒before prep.(指时间)在…以前,在..前面,在..之前beg vt.请求,乞求vi.恳请,行乞begin v.(began,begun)开始,着手beginning n.开始,开端;起源,早期阶段behave v.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动behind prep.在...的背后,(遗留)在..后面;落后于being n.生物,生命,存在;believe vt.相信,认为vi.相信,信任,信奉bell n.钟,铃belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛belong v.(to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等) beloved a.n.受爱戴的,敬爱的;爱人,被心爱的人below prep.在…下面,在…以下ad.在下面,向下bench n.长凳,条凳;(工作)台,座beside prep.在...旁边,在...附近;和...相比besides ad.此外;并且prep.于…之外;除…以外best a.最好的(good和well最高级) ad.最好地;最better a.较好的ad.更好(地) v.改良n.较佳者between prep.在…之间,在(两者)之间ad.在中间beyond prep.在(或向)...的那边,远于;超出;Bible n.圣经bicycle n.(bike)自行车vi.骑自行车big a.大的;重要的;宽宏大量的;大受欢迎的bill n.账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票billion num.n.(美)十亿,(英)万亿bin n.(贮藏食物等用的)箱子biography n.传记;传记文学biology n.生物学bird n.鸟,雀;女人;嘘声birth n.出生,诞生;出身,血统;起源;出现birthday n.生日;(成方)纪念日biscuit n.饼干,点心bit n.一点,一些;小块,少量;片刻; [计]位,比特bite v.n.咬,叮n.一口black a.黑(色)的;黑暗的n.黑(色);黑暗;黑人blackboard n.黑板blank a.空白的,空着的;失色的n.空白;表格blanket n.毯子(可数);厚厚一层(可数) vt.铺上一层blaze n.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉v.燃烧,冒火焰blind a.盲的,瞎的;盲目的vt.使失明n.百叶窗block n.大块木(石)料;街区;障碍物v.阻塞,拦阻blood n.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气bloody a.流血的,血腥的bloom n.花(朵);开花(期) v.开花blossom n.花(簇);花期;青春vi.开花;展开;繁荣blouse n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫blow vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击blue a.蓝色的;青灰色的;沮丧的,阴郁的n.蓝色blueprint n.蓝图,设计图,计划vt.制成蓝图,计划blunt a.率直的;钝的v.(使)钝;(使)迟钝board n.板,木板;全体委员;伙食v.上船(车,飞机) boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀n.自夸,大话boat n.小船,艇body n.身体,本体;主体;尸体;物体;(一)群,批,堆boil v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸)bomb n.炸弹v.投弹于,轰炸bone n.骨(骼)book n.书,书籍vt.订(票,座位,房间等),预定boom v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声booth n.电话亭,货摊border n.边界,国界;边(沿) v.交界,与…接壤;接近bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞);烦扰n.讨厌的人,麻烦事born a.出生的,产生的;天生的,十足的borrow vt.借,借入;(思想、文字等)采用,抄袭bosom n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;a.亲密的boss n.老板,上司vt.指挥,控制,发号施令both prep.两者(都),双方(都)adj.两个..(都) bottle n.瓶(子) v.装瓶bottom n.底(部);基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床bowl n.碗(状物),钵bowling n.保龄球运动box n.盒,箱;包厢v.把…装箱;拳击,打耳光boy n.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员brain n.(大)脑,骨髓;(pl.)脑力,智能brandy n.白兰地酒brave a.勇敢的v.勇敢地面对(危险等)breach n.违反,不履行;破裂vt.冲破,攻破bread n.面包break vt.打破;中止;违反vi.破(裂) n.休息时间breakdown n.崩溃;衰竭;(关系、计划或讨论等的)中断breakfast n.早餐v.(给某人)吃早餐breath n.呼吸,气息breathe v.呼吸,吸入brick n.砖块,砖;v.用砖围砌,用砖填补bride n.新娘bridge n.桥;桥牌;鼻梁vt.架桥;渡过bright a.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的bring v.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态Ddad = daddy n. (口语)爸爸,爹爹daily a. 每日的;日常的ad. 每天n. 日报dance n.& vi. 跳舞danger n. 危险dangerous a. 危险的dare ?v.& aux.? (后接不带to 的不定式;主要用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于dark n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮a. 黑暗的;暗淡的;深色的date n. 日期;约会daughter n. 女儿day n. (一)天,(一)日;白天dead a. 死的;无生命的deaf a. 聋的deal n. 量,数额;交易dear a . 亲爱的;贵的death n. 死December n. 12 月decide v. 决定;下决心decision n. 决定;决心deep a. 深ad. 深;深厚degree n. 程度;度数;学位delicious a. 美味的,可口的dentist n. 牙科医生?depend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于describe vt. 描写,叙述desk n. 书桌,写字台develop v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发vt. 冲洗(照片)development n. 发展,发达,发育,开发dialogue 美dialog n. 对话diary n. 日记;日记簿dictionary n. 词典,字典die v. 死difference n. 不同different a. 不同的,有差异的difficult a. 难的;艰难的;不易相处的difficulty n. 困难,费力dig dug, dug v. 挖(洞、沟等);掘dinner n. 正餐,宴会direct a. vt. 直接的;直达的;直截了当的指挥;指导;监督;管理;指挥(演奏);导演(电影)direction n. 方向;方位director n. 所长,处长,主任;董事;导演dirty a. 脏的discover vt. 发现discovery n. 发现discuss vt. 讨论,议论discussion n. 讨论,辩论disease n. 病,疾病dish n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物dismiss vt. 让……离开;遣散;解散;解雇disturb vt. 扰乱;打扰divide vt. 分,划分do did, done don't=do not ?v. & aux.? 做,干(用以构成疑问句及否定句。

常用英语单词1、shelter n.掩蔽处vt.遮蔽,掩护2、evidence n.根据,证据,证人3、original adj.最初的;新颖的n.创新4、fairly adv.相当,公平地5、sunset n.日落6、delight n.快乐vt.使高兴7、curious adj.好奇的,稀奇古怪的8、eastern adj.东方的,朝东的9、professor n.教授10、block n.街区vt.堵塞,拦阻11、tire vi.疲劳;厌倦n.轮胎12、chat vi.n.闲谈,聊天13、nationality n.国籍,民族14、fireworks n.[pl.]爆竹,烟花15、alarm n.惊恐,忧虑,警报16、comfort n.舒适,安慰vt.安慰17、settle vt.安排,安放;解决vi.定居18、less adj.更少的ad.更少地19、junior adj.年少的,地位较低的n.晚辈20、cheek n.面颊,脸蛋21、tobacco n.烟草,烟叶22、march n.三月23、responsible adj.有责任的;尽责的24、tense adj.紧张的;拉紧的n.时态25、budget n.预算26、shade n.树荫;遮光物vi.荫蔽27、conclusion n.结论,推论,结尾28、sincerely adv.真诚地29、bury vt.埋葬,埋藏30、legal adj.合法的31、local adj.地方的n.局部32、painful adj.痛苦的33、arrest vt.逮捕,拘留34、flour n.面粉,粉末35、harmony n.协调,和谐36、folk n.人们,家属,亲属37、well-known adj.众所周知的38、justice n.正义,公正,司法39、gas n.煤气,气体40、upward adj.向上的,上升的ad.向上,往上41、pot n.锅42、ban n.禁令vt.禁止,取缔43、creature n.生物,创造物44、companion n.同伴45、reward n.报答;报酬vt.报答;酬金46、nutrition n.营养47、temporary adj.暂时的,临时的48、selfish adj.自私的,利己的49、cock n.公鸡,龙头50、hunger n.饥饿,渴望51、exit n.出口,退场vi.退出52、album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片53、telescope n.望远镜54、revolution n.革命;旋转55、digest vt.消化,领会n.文摘56、frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬57、typewriter n.打字机58、afterward(s)adv.后来,以后,随后59、per prep.每,每一60、exactly adv.的确如此61、seize vt.抓住;夺取,占据62、belong vi.属于,附属63、seed n.种(子),籽64、trap n.陷阱;诡计vt.诱骗65、nephew n.侄子,外甥66、award n.奖,奖品,判定67、gather vi.聚集,集合vt.收集68、cycle n.循环69、staff n.全体工作人员70、fierce adj.凶猛的,狂热的71、affair n.事情,事件,事务72、entire adj.全部的,彻底的73、sponsor n.发起者vt.发起74、mine pron.我的n.矿,矿山;地雷,水雷vt.开采75、equipment n.装备,设备,配备76、reliable adj.可靠的77、tolerate vt.忍受,容忍78、tractor n.拖拉机79、minimum n.最小量a.最小的80、pillow n.枕头81、universe n.宇宙,世界82、limit vt.限制,限定n.限度,限制83、living-room n.起居室84、spot vt.认出,发现n.点,斑点;地点85、adventure n.冒险,惊险活动86、declare vt.断言,声明87、concern n.关心,挂念,关系88、lorry n.卡车89、view vt.看待;看n.见解;风景90、goods n.货物,商品91、comedy n.喜剧,喜剧场面92、border n.边缘,边界93、balance vt.使平衡,称n.天平94、style n.风格,式样95、scene n.情景;景色96、sharp adv.(时刻)整a.锋利的;敏锐的;刺耳的97、stadium n.露天大型运动场98、mailbox n.邮箱99、promote vt.促进,提升;推销100、slim adj.细长的,微小的101、prefer vt.宁可,宁愿102、devote vt.将…奉献,致力于103、amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐104、typist n.打字员105、remote adj.遥远的106、wage n.工资,报酬107、immediate adj.立即的,直接的108、mathematics n.数学109、meanwhile adv.同时,当时110、mild adj.温柔的;温暖的111、mercy n.仁慈112、drunk a.醉的,陶醉的113、committee n.委员会114、punishment n.惩罚115、downtown adv.在市区,往市区116、type n.类型vi.打字117、obtain vt.获得118、cream n.奶油119、secure adj.安全的120、casual adj.偶然的,随便的121、admit vt.承认,准许…进入122、communism n.共产主义123、bend vt.使弯曲vi.弯曲124、spoken adj.口头讲的,口语的125、spy n.间谍,特务vt.侦察,监视126、strike vt.打,击;罢工n.罢工;打击;127、calculate vt.计算,估计,计划128、obvious adj.显而易见的129、distinguish vt.区别,辨别130、fax n.vt.传真131、link vt.连接n.联系132、reading n.阅读;读物133、strength n.力量,力气134、best adj.最好的135、multiply vt.增加;乘136、niece n.侄女,外甥女137、liberate vt.解放,释放138、artist n.艺术家,美术家139、case n.情况,事实,病例140、electronic adj.电子的141、gain vt.获得,增加n.增进142、exact adj.确切的,精确的143、cigar n.雪茄144、rate n.比率;速度;价格vt.评价,估价145、waitress n.女侍者,女服务员146、majority n.多数147、intelligence n.智力,理解力,情报148、grey n./a.灰色(的)149、fountain n.泉水,喷泉150、carrot n.胡萝卜151、typical adj.典型的,代表性的152、comment n.评论,意见,注释153、average n.平均数adj.平均的154、reduce vt.减少,减小155、flame n.火焰,光辉,热情156、horrible adj.可怕的,极可憎的,极可厌的157、telegram n.电报158、medal n.奖章,纪念章159、appreciate vt.欣赏,领会,感谢160、tin n.锡;罐头161、check n.支票162、castle n.城堡163、extra adj.额外的ad.特别地164、mental adj.智力的;精神的165、awful adj.令人不愉快的166、dislike vt.n.不喜爱,厌恶167、principle n.原则,原理168、adapt vt.使适应,改编169、delete vt.删除,擦掉170、root n.根(部);根源vi.生根,扎根171、aim vi.瞄准,针对,致力172、handle n.柄,把手vt.处理173、forgive vt.原谅,宽恕174、struggle n.斗争;奋斗vi.斗争;奋斗175、seaside n.海边176、remove vt.移动;搬迁177、focus vi.聚焦,注视n.焦点178、painting n.油画;绘画179、thinking n.思考;想法,见解180、bite vt.咬,叮,螫181、wild adj.野生的;野蛮的n.荒地182、headmaster n.英国中小学校长,男舍监183、unique adj.唯一的184、earthquake n.地震185、trick n.诡计;窍门vt.哄骗186、federal adj.联邦的,联盟的187、nut n.坚果188、sum n.总数;金额vi.共计189、suffer vt.遭受,忍受vi.受害,受损失190、defend vt.保卫,防守191、generous adj.慷慨的,宽厚的192、nail n.钉子;指甲vt.钉193、resist vt.抵抗,抵制194、jam n.果酱195、overcome vt.战胜,克服196、infer vt.推论,推断,猜想197、honey n.蜜,蜂蜜,甜,甜蜜198、employ vi.雇用199、possibly adv.可能地,也许200、attitude n.态度,看法,姿势201、sheet n.被单;纸张,薄片202、haircut n.理发;发型,发式203、fee n.费,酬金,赏金204、tight adj.紧的;紧身的ad.紧紧地205、convince vt.使确信,使信服206、explode vt.使爆炸vi.爆炸207、former adj.在前的n.前者208、merry adj.欢乐的,愉快的209、belt n.带,腰带,区210、therefore adv.因此,所以211、tyre n.轮胎212、miserable adj.痛苦的,悲惨的213、blame vt.责备,把…归咎于214、precious adj.珍贵的,宝贵的215、various adj.各种各样的216、skyscraper n.摩天大楼217、register vt.登记,注册n.登记,注册218、faith n.信任,信心,信仰219、hardship n.艰难,困苦220、escape vi.逃跑,逸出n.逃跑221、occupy vt.占领,占有;忙碌222、suddenly adv.突然223、range vi.变动,变化n.范围224、verb n.动词225、quality n.质量;特性226、stage n.舞台;阶段,时期227、fortunately adv.幸运地,幸亏228、enjoyable adj.使人快乐的,有乐趣的229、socialist adj.社会主义的230、web n.(蜘蛛)网,网状物;网络231、flood n.洪水232、tough adj.坚韧的;健壮的233、absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏234、description n.描述;形容235、bother vt.烦扰,迷惑n.麻烦236、loss n.遗失;失败;损失237、edit vt.编辑,编纂,校订238、ceremony n.典礼,仪式,礼节239、opposite adj.对面的n.对立物240、chapter n.章,回,篇241、sacrifice vt.牺牲,献祭242、endless adj.无止境的243、relative adj.有关系的;相对的n.亲戚,亲属244、fiction n.小说,虚构,杜撰245、unite vi.联合vt.使联合246、mineral n.矿物a.矿物的247、maximum n.最大量a.最大的248、steam n.蒸汽vi.蒸发vt.蒸煮249、determine vt.决定,决心250、cart n.二轮运货马车251、innocent adj.清白的,幼稚的252、hammer n.锤子vt.锤击253、nuclear adj.原子核的;核心的254、tear n.泪滴,眼泪vt.撕开,撕裂255、explore vt.vi.探险,探索256、wool n.羊毛,毛线257、pause n.中止vi.中止,暂停258、parcel n.包裹,邮包259、actual adj.实际的,现行的260、astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊261、identity n.身分,相同vt.确定身份262、clinic n.诊所,医务室,会诊263、diagram n.图解,图表,简图264、profession n.职业265、particular adj.特殊的,特定的266、literature n.文学(作品)267、annoy vt.使恼怒,打搅268、amount n.总数,数量,和269、pain n.痛苦;疼痛270、net adj.净的,纯的n.网,网状物271、attend vt.出席,照顾,护理272、guide n.导游vt.指导273、load vt.装,装满n.负载;负担274、beard n.胡须,络腮胡子275、sign n.符号;征兆vt.签名276、switch n.开关;转换vt.转换277、occur vi.发生278、account n.记述,解释,账目279、dull a.枯燥的,阴暗的280、would aux.将;愿意281、theory n.理论,学说282、debate n.vi.争论,辩论283、satellite n.卫星284、expand vt.扩大,使膨胀285、dusty adj.多灰尘的,灰蒙蒙的;粉末状的;灰色的286、swallow vt.吞,咽vi.吞,咽n.燕子287、victim n.牺牲者,受害者288、tip vt.轻击vi.给小费n.小费289、gravity n.重力,引力,严重性290、movement n.动作;活动;移动291、studio n.工作室,播音室292、media n.媒体293、fault n.缺点,过失,故障294、finance n.财政,金融,财源295、manner n.方式,态度;礼貌296、courtyard n.庭院,院子297、soil n.土壤;土地298、announce vt.宣布,发表299、profit n.利润vi.得益300、dormitory n.集体寝室,宿舍301、quarrel vi.争吵n.争吵,吵架302、signal n.信号vi.发信号303、rob vt.抢劫,劫掠vi.抢劫,劫掠304、hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇305、thus adv.如此,这样;因而306、alcohol n.酒精,乙醇307、envelope n.信封,封套308、disappear vi.不见,失踪,消失309、later adv.后来310、nest n.巢,窝311、organize vt.组织,安排;筹办312、satisfaction n.满意313、support vt.支持;供养;承受314、defence n.防御,辩护315、bar n.酒吧间,条,杆316、frequent adj.经常的317、actor n.男演员318、reply vi.回答,答复n.答复319、blanket n.毯子320、cupboard n.碗柜321、trend vi.伸向;倾向n.倾向322、outer adj.外部的,外面的323、journalist n.记者,新闻工作者324、lightning n.闪电325、affect vt.影响,感动326、concentrate vt.集中,聚集,浓缩327、crowd n.群,大众,一伙人328、department n.部,司,局,处,系329、partly adv.部分地330、boil vi.沸腾,汽化vt.煮沸331、judge n.法官,裁判员332、bake vt.烤,烘,烧硬333、adult n.成年人adj.成年的334、volunteer n.志愿者vt.志愿335、rely vi.依赖,依靠;信赖336、benefit n.利益,恩惠,津贴337、badly adv.坏,差,严重地338、compete vi.比赛,竞争,对抗339、obey vt.顺从vi.服从340、bone n.骨,骨骼341、parrot n.鹦鹉342、court n.法庭343、teenager n.青少年344、worse adj.更坏的ad.更坏345、download n.下装,卸载346、aircraft n.飞机,飞行器347、exploit vt.剥削,利用,开拓348、mourn vi.哀痛,哀悼349、tailor n.裁缝vt.裁制衣服350、discount n.折扣351、false adj.不真实的,伪造的352、repair vt.修理,修补n.修理353、bathe vt.给…洗澡,弄湿354、basis n.基础,根据355、simply adv.简单地;朴素地;仅仅,只不过356、cattle n.牛,牲口,家畜357、smooth adj.平滑的,平静的358、drown v.溺死359、ruin n.毁灭;废墟vt.毁坏360、accordingly adv.因此,依照361、constant adj.经常的,永恒的362、press vi.压,按vt.压;压榨n.印刷;新闻,报刊;出版社363、timetable n.时间表;时刻表364、kindergarten n.幼儿园365、whistle n.口哨vi.吹口哨366、destination n.目的地,终点,目标367、harbour n.港368、dial n.钟面,拨号盘vt.拨号369、gradual adj.逐渐的,渐进的370、delay vt.推迟,耽搁,延误371、tank n.坦克;大容器372、hire vt.雇用373、refer vt.求助于vi.谈到;参考,查阅374、independent adj.独立的,自主的375、characteristic adj.特有的n.特性376、fool n.傻子vt.欺骗,愚弄377、pan n.平底锅378、foggy adj.有雾的,模糊的379、branch n.树枝,分部,分支380、rocket n.火箭381、forever adv.永远,总是,老是382、dawn n.黎明,开端383、reform n.改革,改良vt.改革,革新384、sex n.性别,性385、chain n.链,链条,项圈386、visa n.签证;信用卡387、postcode n.邮递区号388、admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏389、entertainment n.娱乐,款待,娱乐表演390、television n.电视,电视机391、forbid vt.禁止392、onto prep.到…上393、bush n.灌木394、dust n.灰尘395、self n.自我,自己396、menu n.菜单397、misunderstand vt.误解,误会398、confirm vt.证实,肯定,批准399、player n.表演者,比赛者400、amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕401、outline n.轮廓;大纲402、possession n.财产403、worthwhile adj.值得的404、poet n.诗人405、assume vt.假定,承担,呈现406、insurance n.保险,保险费407、belly n.腹部,胃408、political adj.政治上的409、bucket n.水桶,吊桶410、exist vi.存在,生存411、seek vt.寻找,探索412、decrease vi.n.减少413、pack vt.捆扎,打包;挤满n.包414、loaf n.一条面包415、biology n.生物学,生态学416、sigh vi.叹气,叹息n.叹息417、appointment n.任命,约定,约会418、envy vt.n.妒忌,羡慕419、lifetime n.终身420、virus n.病毒421、sympathy n.同情,同情心422、pleased adj.高兴的423、whisper vt.低声地讲vi.低语n.耳语,私语424、civil adj.公民的,文职的425、weakness n.弱点426、hard-working adj.勤劳427、witness n.证据;证人vt.目击428、button n.扣子,按钮vt.扣紧429、nowadays adv.现今,现在n.现今,当今430、noisy adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的431、means n.方法,手段432、youth n.青春;青年433、apartment n.一套公寓房间434、suit n.起诉,诉讼vt.适合435、province n.省436、congratulation n.祝词,贺辞437、actress n.女演员438、fortune n.命运,运气,财产439、instrument n.仪器,工具,乐器440、technical adj.技术的,工艺的441、figure n.数字,外形,人物442、remind vt.提醒443、temple n.神殿,庙宇;太阳穴444、aspect n.方面,样子,外表445、interpreter n.翻译446、port n.港口447、vehicle n.车辆448、highway n.公路,大路449、merchant n.商人450、grasp vt.抓紧,掌握n.抓451、conductor n.售票员,(乐队)指挥452、throat n.咽喉453、frequently adv.时常,频繁地454、chimney n.烟囱455、ambition n.雄心,抱负,野心456、mass n.大量;群众457、cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼458、district n.地区,区域459、official adj.官方的n.官员,行政人员460、flesh n.肉,肌肉,肉体461、respond vi.回答;响应462、broad adj.宽的,阔的,广泛的463、fuel n.燃料vt.给…加燃料464、degree n.程度,度,学位465、darkness n.黑暗466、surround vt.包围,环绕467、housewife n.家庭主妇468、construction n.建造,建筑物469、track n.行踪,路径;轨道470、participate vi.参与,参加471、valuable adj.值钱的,有价值的n.贵重物品472、advance vi.前进,提高n.进展473、pure adj.纯洁的474、graduation n.毕业475、skin vt.剥皮n.皮,皮肤;兽皮476、disadvantage n.缺点,弱点477、foolish adj.愚蠢的478、noun n.名词479、lawyer n.律师480、major vi.主修,专攻a.主要的,多数的n.专业481、observe vt.观察,注意到482、perform vt.执行;演出483、recover vt.恢复,痊愈484、opinion n.意见,看法485、guilty adj.内疚的,有罪的486、attach vt.缚,系,贴,附加487、defeat vt.战胜,击败488、publish vt.公布,发表;出版,刊印489、communist n.共产党员490、unfair adj.不公平的491、suitable adj.适宜的;恰当的492、central adj.中心的,主要的493、inform vt.通知,向…报告494、rank n.军衔vt.归类于495、beg vt.vi.乞求,请求496、butcher n.屠夫,屠户497、candidate n.候选人,投考者498、shortcoming n.短处,缺点499、uniform adj.一样的n.制服500、beginning n.开始,开端,起源。
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3000个常用的英语单词哦.txt爱人是路,朋友是树,人生只有一条路,一条路上多棵树,有钱的时候莫忘路,缺钱的时候靠靠树,幸福的时候别迷路,休息的时候靠靠树!抱歉,米有音标哈——我找了好多,分几次回答咯!a art.一(个);每一(个)ability n.能力;本领;才能able a.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的aboard ad.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上;ad.上船(飞机)about ad.在周围;大约 prep.关于above a.上述的 ad.在上面 prep.在..之上,高于abroad ad.到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传accident n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)according to prep.据照…(所说、所写);按…,视…ache vi.痛;哀怜 n.(指连续)疼痛、酸痛across prep.在的对面 ad.横过,穿过act v.表演;举动;起作用 n.行为,法令;一幕action n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗active adj.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的activity n.活动;活力;能动性;actor n.男演员;演员,行动者actress n.女演员add vt.加;增加(进);进一步说写 vi.(to)增添address n.住址;致词 v.向...致词;在信封上写姓名adjective n.形容词 a.形容词的,用作形容词的admire vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖adult n.成年人 a.成年的,充分长成的,成熟的advance n.前进,预付 vi.前进,进展 vt.促进,推进advantage n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处adventure n.冒险,冒险活动,奇遇 vt.大胆进行adverb n.副词 a.副词的adverse a.逆的,相反的;敌对的;不利的;有害的advertise vt.公告,公布;为...做广告 vi.登广告advice n.劝告,忠告,(医生等的)意见advise vt.忠告,劝告,建议;通知,告知afford vt.担负得起(损失、费用、后果等),买得起afraid adj.害怕的,恐惧的;犯愁的,不乐意的after prep.在...以后adv.以后,后来afternoon n.下午,午后afterward ad.(afterwards)以后,后来again ad.再次,另一次;重新;除此,再,更,还against prep.对着,逆;反对;违反;紧靠着;对比age n.年龄;时代;老年;长时间 v.(使)变老ago ad.(常和一般过去时的动词连用)以前,…前agree vi.答应,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定agreement n.协定;协议;契约;达成协议;同意,一致ahead ad.在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前aid n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物 vi.援助,救援aim n.目的;瞄准 vi.(at)目的在于 vt.把…瞄准air n.空气;(复数)神气 vt.(使)通风;晾干air-conditioning n.空调设备,空调系统aircraft n.飞机,飞船,飞行器airline n.(飞机)航线 a.(飞机)航线的airport n.机场,航空站,航空港album n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册alien n.外侨,外国人;外星人 a.外国的;相异的alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地alive a.活着的;存在的;活跃的;(to)敏感的all a.全部的;非常的 ad.完全地,很 pron.全部allege v.断言,宣称;指控allow vt.允许,准许;承认;给予;(for)考虑到almost adv.几乎,差不多alone a.单独的,孤独的 ad.单独地,独自地;仅仅along ad.向前;和...一起,一同 prep.沿着,顺着aloud adv.出声地,大声地already ad.已,已经,早已also ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地Alter vt.改变,更改;改做(衣服) vi.改变,变化although conj.尽管,虽然...但是always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终amateur a.&n.业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等) amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑 vi.表现出惊奇among prep.在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又angel n.天使,安琪儿anger n.愤怒,气愤 vt.使发怒,激怒 vi.发怒angle n.角,角度 v.钓鱼;(采用各种方法)取得angry a.生气的,愤怒的;(天气)风雨交加的animal n.动物,野兽,牲畜 a.动物的,野兽的another a.另一个,又,再 pron.另一个,类似的一个answer vt.回答,答复,答案 v.回答,答复,响应ant n.蚁;蚂蚁any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的anybody pron.(否定句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人anyone pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人anything pron.任何东西(事物);无论什么东西(事物) anyway ad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论以何种方式anywhere ad.无论哪里;(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方apart ad.分离,离开,隔开 a.分离的,分隔的apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓apologise v.(to,for)道歉,认错apology n.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护appear vi.出现;出场;问世;仿佛;出版,发表appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面apple n.苹果,苹果树appliance n.电器;器械,装置;应用,适用applicable a.可应用(实施)的;适当的,合适的application n.申请,请求,申请书;应用,实施,实用性apply vi.(以书面形式)申请;请求 vt.应用;实施appoint vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等) appointment n.约会,约定;任命,委派;委任的职位April (名)四月area n.面积;地区,地域;领域,范围arm n.手臂,扶手,臂状物 v.武装;配备 n.武器army n.军队,陆军,军;大群,大批around ad.在...周围,到处 prep.在..四周(或附近) arouse vt.唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起arrange v.安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置arrival n.到达,到来;到达者,到达物arrive vi.到达;(时间、事件)到来,发生;达到art n.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;文科,人文科学article n.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词artist n.艺术家,美术家;(某方面的)能手artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的as ad.同样地 conj.由于;像...一样 prep.作为aside ad.在旁边,到一边 n.旁白;离题的话ask vt.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请,约请asleep a.睡觉,睡着(用作表语)assist vt.协助,帮助,促进 vi.帮忙,参加assistance n.协作; 援助; 帮助assistant a.帮助的,辅助的 n.助手,助教;辅助物at prep.[表示价格、速度等]以,达;在..方面athlete n.运动员,体育家,身强力壮的人attack v.n.攻击,抨击;着手,开始 n.(病)发作attract vt.引起的注意(或兴趣等),吸引;引起;激起attractive a.吸引人的,引人注意的;漂亮的,迷人的auction n./vt.拍卖audience n.听众,观众,读者;见面,会见August n.8月aunt n.姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母,阿姨autumn n.秋,秋季;成熟期,渐衰期awake a.醒着的 vt.唤醒,使觉醒 vi.醒来,醒悟到award vt.授予,给予;判定 n.奖,奖金;仲裁away ad.在远处;离开;渐渐远去;一直;去掉baby n.婴儿;年龄最小的人;小动物 a.婴儿似的back a.后面的 ad.向后 v.倒退;支持 n.背;后面background n.背景,经历;幕后backward a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的 ad.向后,朝反方向bacon n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉bad a.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的badly ad.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地badminton n.羽毛球bag n.袋,提包 v.把…装入袋中;猎杀;占有bake v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干balcony n.阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅,楼座bald a.秃的,秃头的ball n.球(状物);(正式的)舞会vt.把…捏成球状ballet n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团balloon n.气球,飞船;a.气球状的 v.乘坐气球;膨胀banana n.香蕉bang n.砰砰的声音;猛击 v.砰地关上,猛撞,猛击bank n.银行;岸,堤;vi.存入(经营)银行;信赖bar n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物) v.闩上,阻拦barbecue n.烤肉;烤肉用的台架 vt.炙烤(肉等) barber n.理发师bark vi.(狗等)吠,叫n.吠声,叫声;树皮barn n.谷仓,仓库base n.基础,底部;根据地 v.(on)把…基于baseball n.棒球basement n.建筑物的底部,地下室,地窖basket n.筐,篮,篓basketball n.篮球,篮球运动bat n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠batch n.一批,一组,一群bath n.沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆) v.(给…)洗澡bathe v.游泳,洗澡,浸,弄湿bathroom n.浴室;盥洗室,卫生间be v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;到达,来到,发生beach n.海滩,湖滩,河滩bean n.豆;菜豆,蚕豆bear n.熊 v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女beat n.敲打;(心脏等)跳动 v.打败;(心脏等)跳动beautiful a.美的,美丽的;出色的,完美的beauty n.美,美丽;美人,美丽的事物because conj.因为,由于become vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称bed n.床,床位;(苗)床,坛;河床,(湖、海的)底bee n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人beef n.牛肉beer n.啤酒before prep.(指时间)在…以前,在..前面,在..之前beg vt.请求,乞求 vi.恳请,行乞begin v.(began,begun)开始,着手beginning n.开始,开端;起源,早期阶段behave v.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动behind prep.在...的背后,(遗留)在..后面;落后于being n.生物,生命,存在;believe vt.相信,认为 vi.相信,信任,信奉bell n.钟,铃belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛belong v.(to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等) beloved a.n.受爱戴的,敬爱的;爱人,被心爱的人below prep.在…下面,在…以下 ad.在下面,向下bench n.长凳,条凳;(工作)台,座beside prep.在...旁边,在...附近;和...相比besides ad.此外;并且 prep.于…之外;除…以外best a.最好的(good和well最高级) ad.最好地;最better a.较好的 ad.更好(地) v.改良 n.较佳者between prep.在…之间,在(两者)之间 ad.在中间beyond prep.在(或向)...的那边,远于;超出;Bible n.圣经bicycle n.(bike)自行车 vi.骑自行车big a.大的;重要的;宽宏大量的;大受欢迎的bill n.账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票billion num.n.(美)十亿,(英)万亿bin n.(贮藏食物等用的)箱子biography n.传记;传记文学biology n.生物学bird n.鸟,雀;女人;嘘声birth n.出生,诞生;出身,血统;起源;出现birthday n.生日;(成方)纪念日biscuit n.饼干,点心bit n.一点,一些;小块,少量;片刻; [计]位,比特bite v.n.咬,叮 n.一口black a.黑(色)的;黑暗的 n.黑(色);黑暗;黑人blackboard n.黑板blank a.空白的,空着的;失色的 n.空白;表格blanket n.毯子(可数);厚厚一层(可数) vt.铺上一层blaze n.火焰;火光;闪光,光辉 v.燃烧,冒火焰blind a.盲的,瞎的;盲目的 vt.使失明 n.百叶窗block n.大块木(石)料;街区;障碍物 v.阻塞,拦阻blood n.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气bloody a.流血的,血腥的bloom n.花(朵);开花(期) v.开花blossom n.花(簇);花期;青春 vi.开花;展开;繁荣blouse n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫blow vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击blue a.蓝色的;青灰色的;沮丧的,阴郁的 n.蓝色blueprint n.蓝图,设计图,计划 vt.制成蓝图,计划blunt a.率直的;钝的 v.(使)钝;(使)迟钝board n.板,木板;全体委员;伙食 v.上船(车,飞机) boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀 n.自夸,大话boat n.小船,艇body n.身体,本体;主体;尸体;物体;(一)群,批,堆boil v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸)bomb n.炸弹 v.投弹于,轰炸bone n.骨(骼)book n.书,书籍 vt.订(票,座位,房间等),预定boom v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声booth n.电话亭,货摊border n.边界,国界;边(沿) v.交界,与…接壤;接近bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞);烦扰 n.讨厌的人,麻烦事born a.出生的,产生的;天生的,十足的borrow vt.借,借入;(思想、文字等)采用,抄袭bosom n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;a.亲密的boss n.老板,上司 vt.指挥,控制,发号施令both prep.两者(都),双方(都) adj.两个..(都) bottle n.瓶(子) v.装瓶bottom n.底(部);基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床bowl n.碗(状物),钵bowling n.保龄球运动box n.盒,箱;包厢 v.把…装箱;拳击,打耳光boy n.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员brain n.(大)脑,骨髓;(pl.)脑力,智能brandy n.白兰地酒brave a.勇敢的 v.勇敢地面对(危险等)breach n.违反,不履行;破裂 vt.冲破,攻破bread n.面包break vt.打破;中止;违反 vi.破(裂) n.休息时间breakdown n.崩溃;衰竭;(关系、计划或讨论等的)中断breakfast n.早餐 v.(给某人)吃早餐breath n.呼吸,气息breathe v.呼吸,吸入brick n.砖块,砖;v.用砖围砌,用砖填补bride n.新娘bridge n.桥;桥牌;鼻梁 vt.架桥;渡过bright a.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的bring v.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态broad a.宽的,广阔的;广大的;宽宏的,豁达的broom n.扫帚brother n.兄弟;同胞;教友brow n.眉(毛);额brown n.a.褐色(的),棕色(的)brush n.刷(子),毛刷;画笔 v.刷,擦,掸,拂;掠过brutal a.残忍的;严峻的;严酷的bubble n.泡,水泡,气泡 v.冒泡,起泡,沸腾build vt.建造,建筑;建设,建立 vi.增大,增强building n.建筑(物),房屋,大楼 [同]structure burn v.燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤 n.烧伤,灼伤bus n.公共汽车,总线,信息通路bush n.灌木(丛)business n.商业,生意;事务,业务,职责busy a.忙,忙碌的;热闹的,繁忙的;(电话)占线but conj.但是 prep.除...以外 ad.只,才,仅仅butcher n.屠夫,卖肉者butter n.黄油,奶油 v.涂黄油于…上butterfly n.蝴蝶button n.纽扣,按钮(开关) v.扣紧;扣上纽扣buy vt.买,买得;向…行贿,收买vi.购买东西by prep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过。