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1. a/an a university 一所大学 a European 一个欧洲人 a one-way street 一条单行街道 an hour 一小时 an honest man 一个诚实的人 an unusual matter 一件不寻常的事 an SOS 一个呼救信号 an X-ray examination 一次X 光检查

2. able →unable/enable (v.)/ability(n.) a. can/be able to Can you (Are you able to) type ? Our baby will be able to (hasn`t been able to) walk. b. could/was (were) able to do He could (=was able to) play the piano when he was

3. He was able to (=managed to) finish his homework in an hour. (he could and he did) 3. about (adv /adj /prep) a. go (walk ,run ,move …) about (=around) 四处走 b. about (=around ,some) 2000 years ago 大约二千年前 c. What /How about …? d. be about to do 即将,将要 We were about to start when it rained.

4. above (prep /adv /adj) a. above / over / on There is a book on the table. The lamp hangs above/over the table. The clouds above began to get thicker. See the above sentence. b. above all :most important of all

5. absence (n.)→absent (a. /v.) Please look after my house during my absence. be absent from 缺席 反义:be present at 出席 He was absent from (=He absented himself from) the meeting today.

6. accept →acceptable (a.) I can`t accept your gift.

We should accept criticism with an open mind. accept (主观接受)/receive (客观接受)

I received his invitation but I didn`t acceptit. 7. ache (v /n)

I ache all over.

My head aches (=I have a head-ache. I have pains in my head.)

8. achieve (v.)→achievement (n.)

He will never achieve anything if he doesn`t

work harder.

the achievement (不可数名词) of his object. 他的目标的达到

scientific achievements (可数名词) 科学成就

9. across (adv. /prep.)

The stream is 6 feet across(=wide)

They built a bridge across the river.

Mr. Smith lives across the street. 史密斯先生住在这条街对面。

10. act (n. /v.)→active (a.)

activity (n.) / action (n.)

Act Ⅰ, Sence Ⅱ will start.(第一幕第二场将开始)

Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。

A trained dog can act as (充当)a guide to a blind man .

act (n .) / action

It`s a kind act (=action) He was caught in the act of stealing.

Take quick action. = Act quickly.

Action (=Deeds) speaks louder than words. (事实胜于雄辩)

11. active (a.)→inactive (a.)

He leads an active lite.

He is active in sports. (= He takes an active part in sports.)

The Active V oice (主动语态) should be used here instead of the Passive V oice (被动语态) 12. add (v.)→addition (n.)

If you add 5 and / to 3,you get 8.

add up (加起来) add up to (总共) add to (增


Fireworks (烟火) added to the actraction of the festival night.

Add up the figures, and you will get the total. His whole school education add up to no more than one year.

in addition 另外

13.admire (v.)→admiration (n.)

I admire her for her bravery. (= I admiration for her bravery.)

admire to do = want to do

14.advice (n.)(不可数名词)→

I asked the doctor for his advice.

give sb. some advice

follow (take / carry out) sb.`s advice


reject sb.`s advice 拒绝某人的意见

advise sb. to do sth. 劝说某人干某事

advise doing sth. (= suggest doing sth.)

I advise that she (should) wait.

15.affair (涵义最广)“事”,“事务”




The picnic was a pleasant affair.

He is an expert in foreign affairs.

I will go and see him about the matter.


It`s none of your business! (

The store is in business (在营业)

He has gone to Shanghai on business (

16.afraid (a.)

—Are we on time?

—I`m afraid so (I`m afraid not)

I`m afraid I`ve broken your pen.

be afraid of (doing) sth.

be afraid to do 不敢干某事


afraid (只作表语) frighrened (既作定语又作表语)

after (adv. / prep. /conj./adj.)

a.终究(in spite of everything)



again (adv.)

→Say it again or Repeat

against (prep.)

支持) or against the plan?




age (n. /v.)

在8岁) / under(above) the age …在…岁数以下(上)


his wife`s death, he aged (=became old)

agree (v.)→agreement (n.) disagree (v.)

ahead of time 提前(= in advance)



aim (n. /v.)

