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2010年10月October,2010 矿 床 地 质


第29卷 第5期

Vol.29 No.5



张 旗1,金惟俊1,王 焰2,李承东3,王元龙1

(1中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029;2中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,广东广州 510640;

3中国地质调查局天津地质矿产研究所,天津 300170)

摘 要 文章从对国内外若干与金铜钨锡矿床有关的花岗岩Sr、Yb含量的统计出发,按照花岗岩新的分类,归纳了花岗岩与成矿的关系。指出金铜成矿与埃达克型和喜马拉雅型花岗岩有关,钨锡成矿与南岭型花岗岩有关。


关键词 地质学;花岗岩;金矿;斑岩铜矿;钨锡矿;成岩作用;成矿作用

中图分类号:P618.51;P618.41;P618.67;P618.44 文献标志码:A

Relationship between granitic rocks and Au-Cu-W-Sn mineralization ZHANG Qi1,JIN WeiJun1,WANG Yan2,LI Cheng Dong3and WANG YuanLong1

(1Institute of Geolog y and G eophysics,Chinese Academy o f Sciences,Beijing100029,China;

2Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese A cademy of Sciences,Guangzhou510640,G uang dong;China;

3T ianjin I nstitute of G eolo gy and M ineral R esources,China Geological Survey,T ianjin300170,China)


Sr and Yb concentrations of grantitic rocks related to Au-Cu-W-Sn mineralization in the w orld are summarized in this paper.According to the classification of Sr versus Yb for granitic rocks,the authors hold that Au-Cu mineralization m ay be associated with adakitic type and Himalay an type granitic rocks,w hereas W-Sn mine-ralization may be related to Nanling-type granitic rocks.The crucial factors for different metallic ore de posits hosted in g ranitic rocks are formation depth and f(O2),Consequently,Au-Cu mineralization cannot be coex istent w ith W-Sn mineralization at the same time and in the sam e locality unless the two kinds of mineral ization w ere superimposed on each other afterw ards.It is considered that granitic rocks and related ore deposits mig ht have been formed by tw o independent processes:the formation of granitic rocks was controlled by heat of source rocks,whereas the formation of ore deposits was controlled by three compulsory factors,i.e.,heat,fluid and suitable metal sources.T herefore,ore mineralization is alw ays restricted in certain localities.Au-Cu-W-Sn ore deposits may not have a direct genetic connection w ith the host granitic rocks.It is probable that ore de posits might have been formed earlier or later than or simultaneously w ith spatially associated granitic rocks.

Key words:geology,granitic rocks,gold deposit,porphyry Cu deposit,W-Sn deposit,lithogenesis,ore -forming process

本文得到中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所岩石圈演化国家重点实验室和国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(90714011和90714007)资助第一作者简介 张 旗,男,1937年生,研究员,岩石学和地球化学专业。Email:zq1937@

收稿日期 2010-03-10;改回日期 2010-07-30。张绮玲编辑。
