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21. Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane________.

A . take off B.is taking off

C.has taken off D.took off

22. I always prefer________a bike rather than________on foot.

A.riding; go B.to ride;go C.ride;go D.to ride;going

23.Children should learn to solve problems________.

A.of their own B.to their own

C.in their own D.on their own

24.He was very sick for a time,but he managed to________.

A.pull down B.pull out C.pull intoD.pull through

25.The city________two towns________a river.

A.is made up;separated byB.is made up of;are separated by

C.make up;are separated byD.is made up of;separated by

26.She cannot________her husband making fun of her.

A.put B.leave C.make D.stand27.As everyone knows,exercise________better health. A.contributes to B.suffers from

C.takes part in D.applies for

28.—How long have you________?

—It is about ten years since we________.

A.married;married B.been married;were married

C.got married;got married D.been married;got married

29.John was competing________James________the


A.with;against;of B.with;for;of

C.against;on;of D.against;for;in

30. —Could I speak to Linda?

—Hang on,please. I’m trying to you .

A. connect

B. offer

C. arrange

D. skip

31. —It’s grtting dark. It rain. What’s worse, I’m afraid we are really lost.

—Don’t worry , I stop and ask someone the way.

A. shall, will

B. am going to, will

C. will, am going to

D. is going to, will,32. I’m trying to with Jane. Do you have her phone number?

A. lose touch

B. get in touch

C. be out of

touch D. keep in touch

33. —?

— Seeing the new film in the cinema.

A. Would you like me to give you a lift

B. How about seeing a film

C. What are you up to after work

D. What happened to you

34. If I how to write a song,

I one every day.

A. knew; would write

B. knew; write

C. know; would write

D. know; write

35. I’ve got all her records, but I’ve never seen

her .

A. in the flesh

B. in secret

C. in fashion

D. in the way


You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings,you can‘t__36__how quickly time has passed.If you are familiar with this__37__,you’ll know how time flies when you are having fun and__38__when you are bored. Now scientists have__39__a reason why this is the case.

Scans (电子扫描) have shown that patterns of activity in the brain__40__according to how we focus on a task. When we are__41__,we concentrate (关注) more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains__42__the clock is ticking(滴答地响)more slowly. In an experiment__43__by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image_ 44_ researchers monitored(监控)their brain activity. The volunteers were told to__45__concentrate on how long an image appeared for,then__46__the color of the image,and thirdly,study both duration(持续时间)and color. The results showed that__47__was more active when the volunteers paid__48__subjects. It is thought that if the brain is__49__focusing on many aspects of a task,it has to__50__its resources,and pays less attention to the clock. __51__,time passes without us really__52__it,and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active,it concentrates its__53__energies on monitoring the passing of time.__54__,time seems to drag.(缓慢的走)Next time you feel bored__55__,perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!


guess B.learn C.believe



view B.point C.scene


drags B.stops C.backs



explained B.given C.mentioned











