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从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.The word "globe" commonly refers to ____ we call "world".

A.where B.that C.which D.what 2.The sum of money is to support companies that will ____ not be able to survive the economic crisis.

A.therefore B.otherwise C.meanwhile D.though 3.More and more people will go abroad for further studies in the few years ____.A.coming B.come C.to come D.having come 4.So addicted to computers ____ that the leaders in the summer camps often had to force them to break for sports.

A.the children did become B.did the children become

C.the children became D.became the children

5. Dora has some shortcomings but ______ she seems like an intelligent, likable person.

A. on the contrary

B. up to now

C. to be exact

D. on the whole

6. Shopping on the Internet enables people not to search for goods from one store to ______.

A. others

B. the other

C. another

D. the rest

7. New surveys suggest that people are more stressed and working longer hours than ever with

technological tools constantly ______.

A. updating

B. updates

C. updated

D. to update

8. Beyonce, a leading ______ in the music industry, gave birth to her daughter on Saturday.

A. statue

B. figure

C. brand

D. attraction

9.The conference came to ____ end at 11:00 last night, but we all think it was ____ failure.

A.the; 不填 B.不填; a C.an; 不填D.an; a

10. ______the phenomenon of “bystander effect” in the Yueyue event, most Chinese strongly

believe that there still exist love and warmth in people’s hearts.

A. In spite of

B. In addition to

C. Because of

D.In terms of

11. ---- I regret to say that I failed to rank first in the contest.

---- Come on, nobody ______win all the time.

A. should

B. must

C. shall

D. can

12.—Is the White House _____ to ordinary visitors?

—Of course, but you need to make an appointment ahead of time.

A.available B.acceptable C.adaptable D.accessible 13. Although he talked for half an hour, I still can' t understand how on earth his remarks

_____what we are discussing now.

A.turn to B.relate to C.come to D.refer to

14. There are many examples throughout the world ______ talented players are ignored by their

national managers.

A. when

B. where

C. which

D. whose

15.––Have you seen my e-mail about our TESL project?

––Yes. Luckily I checked my e-mails yesterday. Normally I ______ my e-mail box for days.

A. don’t open

B. didn’t open

C. hadn’t opened

D. haven’t opened

16. It is said that people are ______ likely to tell lies over the phone as they are in emails.

A. as twice

B. twice as

C. twice more

D. twice than

17. —It’s better for you to listen more in your spare time.

—I think your suggestion deserves ______.

A. considering

B. being considered

C. considered

D. be considered

18. —Did you go to the show last night?

—Yes, many a boy and many a girl in the area ______ invited.

A. were

B. has been

C. was

D. have been

19. —I am terribly sorry, sir. I thought it was a parking place.

—______. Here is your ticket.

A. It doesn’t matter

B. You are right

C. I can’t agree with you

D. Sorry, that’s no excuse

20. A study shows that walking fast in your old age is a ______ that you will live a long life.

A. sign

B. mark

C. symbol

D. signal



An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to 21 the house-building business to live a more 22 life with his wife and 23 his extended family. He would miss the paycheck(工资)each week, but he wanted to retire. They could 24 .

The employer was 25 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, 26 over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He used bad workmanship and 27 materials. It was an unfortunate way to 28 a dedicated(献身的)career.

When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to 29 the house. Then he handed the front-door 30 to the carpenter and said, “This is your house... my 31 to you.”

The carpenter was shocked!

What a 32 ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently.

_33 it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting 34 than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we 35 we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently.

But, you cannot 36 .You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or build a wall. Someone 37 said, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your 38 , and the choices you 39 today, help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build 40 !
