企業常用縮寫5S : 5S管理ABC : 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB : 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM : 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS : 先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider)ATP : 可承诺量(Available To Promise)AVL : 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM : 物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR : 企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC : 平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF : 计划生产(Build To Forecast)BTO : 订单生产(Build To Order)CPM : 要径法(Critical Path Method)CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM : 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) CRP : 产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO : 客制化生产(Configuration To Order)DBR : 限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing)DRP : 运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS : 决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EC : 设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change)EC : 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)ECRN : 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI : 电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS : 主管决策系统(Executive Information System)EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ : 基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP: 企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)FAE: 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST : 预估(Forecast)FMS : 弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC : 成品质量管理(Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC : 制程质量管理(In-Process Quality Control)IQC : 进料质量管理(Incoming Quality Control)ISO : 国际标准化组织(International Organization forStandardization)ISAR : 首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JIT : 实时管理(Just In Time)KM :知识管理(Knowledge Management)L4L : 逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC : 最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC : 最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES : 制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System)MO : 制令(Manufacture Order)MPS : 主生产排程(Master Production Schedule)MRO : 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP : 物料需求规划(Material Requirement Planning)MRPII : 制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning)NFCF : 更改预估量的通知Notice for Changing ForecastOEM : 委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM : 委托设计与制造(Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP : 在线分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP : 在线事务处理(On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT : 最佳生产技术(Optimized Production T echnology)OQC : 出货质量管理(Out-going Quality Control)PDCA : PDCA管理循环(Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM : 产品数据管理系统(Product Data Management)PERT : 计划评核术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PO : 订单(Purchase Order)POH : 预估在手量(Product on Hand)PR : 采购申请Purchase RequestQA : 质量保证(Quality Assurance)QC : 质量管理(Quality Control)QCC : 品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE : 质量工程(Quality Engineering)RCCP : 粗略产能规划(Rough Cut Capacity Planning)RMA : 退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP : 再订购点(Re-Order Point)SCM : 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)SFC : 现场控制(Shop Floor Control)SIS : 策略信息系统(Strategic Information System)SO : 订单(Sales Order)SOR : 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC : 统计制程管制(Statistic Process Control)TOC : 限制理论(Theory of Constraints)TPM : 全面生产管理Total Production ManagementTQC : 全面质量管理(Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面质量管理(Total Quality Management)WIP : 在制品(Work In Process)5S管理5S是由日本企业研究出来的一种环境塑造方案,其目的在藉由整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)及身美(SHITSUKE)五种行为来创造清洁、明朗、活泼化之环境,以提高效率、质量及顾客满意度。
企業常用縮寫(注釋:單周27周開始雙周28周開始)5S : 5S管理ABC : 作業制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB : 實施作業制預算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM : 作業制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)acceptable limit 允收界限(32周)acceptable process level 允收制程水準acceptable quality level (AQL)允收品質水準allowance 允差analysis of means 平均數分析analysis of variance 變異數分析appraisal cost 評估成本average / mean 平均數average outgoing quality limit (AOQL)平均出廠品質32 周APS : 先進規畫與排程系統(Advanced Planning and Scheduling)ASP : 應用程式服務供應商(Application Service Provider)ATP : 可承諾量(Available To Promise)AVL : 認可的供應商名冊(Approved Vendor List)A/R : account receivable 應收帳款A/P : account payment 應付帳款BIOS : 基本輸入輸出系統basic input and output systemB/B : barebone 裸機B/L : bill of loading 提單(Week 27)Batch (lot) 批Batch size (批量)32 周Bureau of commodity inspection and quarantine BCIQ 商檢局32 周BOM : 物料清單(Bill Of Material)BPR : 企業流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC : 平衡記分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF : 計劃生產(Build To Forecast)BTO : 訂單生產(Build To Order)barcode label : 流水号贴纸CAR : 品质异常修正链轮单(corrective action report )CAT : component approval team 零件承認組CEMS : center of engineering & manufacturing service 工程制造服務中心CLCA : close loop correction action 循環改善措施CPM : 要徑法(Critical Path Method)CPM : 每一百萬個使用者會有幾次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CPSR : customer product standard request 客戶產品規格標準要求CQA : 客验(customer quality assurance)CRM : 客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management)CRP : 產能需求規劃(Capacity Requirements Planning)CSD customer service department 客户服务部门CTO : 客製化生產(Configuration To Order)DBR : 限制驅導式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DCC : 文件資料管制中心(document control center )Defect rate : 不良率DMT : 成熟度驗證(Design Maturing Testing)DVT : 設計驗證(Design Verification Testing)DRP : 運銷資源計劃(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS : 決策支援系統(Decision Support System)deduct AP: 扣除應付帳款EC : 設計變更/工程變更(Engineer Change)ECN : 工程變更通知(engineering change notice )EC : 電子商務(Electronic Commerce)ECRN : 原件規格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI : 電子資料交換(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS : 主管決策系統(Executive Information System)已經用EMC : 電磁相容(Electric Magnetic Compatibility)EMI : 電磁幹擾(electro-magnetic interference)EOQ : 基本經濟訂購量(Economic Order Quantity)EOL : end of line 產品壽命終止ERP: 企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)ETD : expected time of departure 預定開航時間ETA : expected time of arrival 預定到達時間(week 29)FAE: 終端應用工程部門(Final Application Engineer)FCST : 預估(Forecast)FG : finished goods 制成品(week 30)FMS : 彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC : 成品品質管制(Finish or Final Quality Control) 已經用FQA : 成品品質管制(final quality assurance)IE : 工業工程(Industrial engineering )IEC : 國際電工委員會(international electro-technical commission)IPQC : 製程品質管制(In-Process Quality Control)IQC : 進料品質管制(Incoming Quality Control)ISO : 國際標準組織(International Organization for Standardization) ISAR : 首批樣品認可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JIT : 即時管理(Just In Time)KPI : key part index 關鍵指標KM :知識管理(Knowledge Management)L4L : 逐批訂購法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC : 最小總成本法(Least Total Cost)LTQ : leadership through quality 品質領導機制LUC : 最小單位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES : 製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System)MC :Material control 物控MO : 製令(Manufacture Order)M/P : 量產mass productionMPS : 主生產排程(Master Production Schedule)MRO : 請修(購)單(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP : 物料需求規劃(Material Requirement Planning)MRPII : 製造資源計劃(Manufacturing Resource Planning) MVB: mass verification boardNFCF : 更改預估量的通知Notice for Changing ForecastNCMR : 不合格物料審核(non-conformity material report )OEM : 委託代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)ORT : on-going reliability test 生產過程中的可靠度測試ODM : 委託設計與製造(Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP : 線上分析處理(On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP : 線上交易處理(On-Line Transaction Processing)OM : order management 訂單管理OPT : 最佳生產技術(Optimized Production T echnology) Purchasing data 採購資料(32周)OOB : out of box 開箱檢查OQC : 出貨品質管制(Out-going Quality Control)OPT : optimized production technology 最佳生產技術OQA : 出貨品質保証(Out-going quality assurance)(33周) QE : 品質工程(Quality engineering)QVL : 合格廠商名冊(qualified vendor list )P/C : power cable電源線PC : Production control 生管PE : 生計(34)PDCA : PDCA管理循環(Plan-Do-Check-Action)PCB : 印刷電路板printed circuit boardPCA : printed circuit assembly 印刷電路插件39周PDM : 產品資料管理系統(Product Data Management)PERT : 計畫評核術(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PIC : person in charge 負責人P L : project leader 左客戶大訂單的全面管理P/L : packing list 裝箱單PO : 訂單(Purchase Order)POH : 預估在手量(Product on Hand)P/n : part number 料號PMC : production and material control 生管及物控管理PM : production management 生產管理PMP : project management plan專案管理計劃書P/R : 試產pilot run(34 周)PVT : project verification testPR : 採購申請Purchase RequestQA : 品質保證(Quality Assurance) 35周QC : 品質管制(Quality Control)QCC : 品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE : 品質工程(Quality Engineering)QIT : 品質提高小組(quality improvement team)QIP : quality improvement plan 品質改善計劃RCCP : 粗略產能規劃(Rough Cut Capacity Planning)RMA : 退貨驗收Returned Material ApprovalRCN : 設計變更通知(RD change notice)36周ROP : 再訂購點(Re-Order Point)已經用R&D : 研究與開發research and development(36周)S/A : shipping advice 出貨通知38 周S/I : shipping invoice 發貨單SCM : 供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)SCAR : 供應商品質異常修正聯絡單(supplier corrective action report)SFC : 現場控制(Shop Floor Control)SIP : 作業指導書standard inspection processSIS : 策略資訊系統(Strategic Information System)SO : 訂單(Sales Order)S/O : shipping order 裝貨通知單37周SOP : 作業指導書standard operation processSOR : 特殊訂單需求(Special Order Request)SPC : 統計製程管制(Statistic Process Control)SQC : 統計品管(statistic quality control )TOC : 限制理論(Theory of Constraints)TOP : 測試作業指導書(test operation process)TPM : 全面生產管理Total Production ManagementTQA : 全面品質保証(total quality assurance )TQC : 全面品質管制(Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面品質管理(Total Quality Management)UCL : up control line 上管制線VAT : value add tax 增值稅WIP : 在製品(Work In Process)Make/send/give/cable quotation for報價:In duplicate一式兩份/ duplicate copy副本triplicate一式三份Expire到期EC: electronic commence電子商務SO/PO: sales order/ purchase order訂單Parcel一批貨batch一次生產量一批5S管理5S是由日本企業研究出來的一種環境塑造方案,其目的在藉由整理(SEIRI)、整頓(SEITON)、清掃(SEISO)、清潔(SEIKETSU)及身美(SHITSUKE)五種行為來創造清潔、明朗、活潑化之環境,以提高效率、品質及顧客滿意度。
网站制作中常用中英文对照表文章来自: CSS中国() 详文参考:/a/dm/css_392.html网站导航Site Map 公司简介Profile or Company Profile or Company 公司设备Equipment Equipment 公司荣誉Glories Glories 企业文化Culture Culture 产品展示Product Product 资质认证Quality Certification 企业规模网站导航Site Mp公司简介Profile or ompy Profile or ompy公司设备Equipmet Equipmet公司荣誉Glories Glories企业文化ulture ulture产品展示Produt Produt资质认证Qulity ertifitio企业规模Sle Sle营销网络Sles etwork组织机构orgiztio orgiztio合作加盟Joi I oopertio技术力量Tehology Tehology经理致辞Mger`s ortio发展历程Developmet History工程案例Egieerig Projets业务范围Busiess Sope分支机构Brhes供求信息Supply ∓ Demd经营理念Opertio Priiple产品销售Sles Sles联系我们ott Us ott Us信息发布Iformtio Iformtio返回首页Homepge Homepge产品定购order order分类浏览Browse By tegory电子商务E-busiess公司实力Stregth Stregth版权所有opy Right友情连结Hot Lik应用领域pplitio Fields人力资源Hum Resoure Hr领导致辞Leder`s ortio企业资质Eterprise Qulifitio行业新闻Trde ews行业动态Treds客户留言ustomer Messge客户服务ustomer Servie新闻动态ews ∓ Treds公司名称ompy me销售热线Sles Hot-Lie联系人ott Perso您的要求Your Requiremets 建设中I ostrutio证书ertifite ertifite地址DD dd邮编Postl ode Zipode电话TEL Tel传真FX Fx产品名称Produt me产品说明Desriptio Desriptio 价格Prie品牌Brd规格Speifitio尺寸Size生产厂家Mufuturer Mufturer 型号Model产品标号Item o技术指标Tehique Dt产品描述Desriptio产地Produtio Ple销售信息Sles Iformtio用途pplitio论坛Forum在线订购O-lie order招商Eterprise-estblishig招标Bid Ivitig综述Geerl业绩hievemets招聘Joi Us求贤纳士Joi Us大事Gret Evet动态Treds服务Servie投资Ivestmet行业Idustry规划Progrmmig环境Eviromet发送Delivery提交Submit重写Reset登录Eter注册Logi社区ommuity业务介绍Busiess Itrodutio 在线调查Olie Iquiry Iquiry 下载中心Dowlod会员登陆Member Etre意见反馈Feedbk常见问题FQ中心概况Geerl Profile教育培训Edutio ∓ Triig 游乐园musemet Prk在线交流Olie ommuitio专题报道Speil Report。
网站导航 site map公司简介 PROFILE or COMPANY Profile or Company 公司设备 EQUIPMENT Equipment公司荣誉 GLORIES Glories企业文化 CULTURE Culture产品展示 PRODUCT Product资质认证 quality certification企业规模 SCALE Scale营销网络 Sales Network组织机构 orGANIZATION organization合作加盟 Join in Cooperation技术力量 TECHNOLOGY Technology 经理致辞 Manager`s oration发展历程 Development history工程案例 Engineering Projects业务范围 Business Scope分支机构 Branches供求信息 Supply & Demand经营理念 Operation Principle产品销售 SALES Sales联系我们 CONTACT US Contact Us 信息发布 INFORMATION Information返回首页 HOMEPAGE Homepage产品定购 orDER order分类浏览 Browse by category电子商务 E-Business公司实力 STRENGTH Strength版权所有 Copy right友情连结 Hot link应用领域 Application Fields人力资源 Human Resource HR领导致辞 Leader`s oration企业资质 Enterprise qualification行业新闻 Trade news行业动态 Trends客户留言 Customer Message客户服务 Customer Service新闻动态 News & Trends公司名称 Company Name销售热线 Sales Hot-line联系人 Contact Person您的要求 Your requirements 建设中 In construction证书 CERTIFICATE Certificate地址 ADD Add邮编 POSTAL CODE Zipcode电话 TEL Tel传真 FAX Fax产品名称 Product Name产品说明 DESCRIPTION Description价格 Price品牌 Brand规格 Specification尺寸 Size生产厂家 MANUFACUTURER Manufacturer型号 Model产品标号 Item No.技术指标 Technique Data产品描述 Description产地 Production Place销售信息 Sales Information 用途 Application论坛 Forum在线订购 On-line order招商 Enterprise-establishing 招标 Bid inviting综述 General业绩 Achievements 招聘 Join Us求贤纳士 Join Us 大事 Great Event 动态 Trends服务 Service投资 Investment 行业 Industry规划 Programming 环境 Environment发送 Delivery提交 Submit重写 Reset登录 Enter注册 Login中国企业网技术支持 Powered by 社区 Community业务介绍 Business introduction在线调查 Online inquiry Inquiry下载中心 Download会员登陆 Member Entrance意见反馈 Feedback常见问题 FAQ中心概况 General Profile教育培训 Education & Training游乐园 amusement park在线交流 Online communication专题报道 Special report董事长致词: Chairman's Note 或 Chairman's Message 或 Message from Chairman总裁致词,总经理致词:President's Note 或 President's Message 或 Message from President或 CEO's Note 或 CEO's Message 或 Message from CEOCooperateHome About Us Products purchase order eRing Contact Gbook 中文版公司简介: About Us组织结构: Corp. Structure 或 Corporate Structure如果是“公司简介”下一个子栏目,可直接用 Structure公司历史: History公司荣誉: Honors大事记: Milestones子公司,下属公司: Subsidiaries企业文化: Corp. Culture 或 Corporation Culture 或 Culture 企业精神,公司理念: Our Philosophy 或 Philosophy经营理念: Business Philosophy科研力量: R&D厂房设备: Facility 或 Equipment技术交流: Tech. Exchange公司产品,产品中心等: Products 或 Product Center 或 Product Catalog产品目录: Product Catalog 或 Catalog 或 Catalogue产品展厅,产品在线: Showroom 或 Online Store新品发布: New Products产品优势: Advantages特色产品: Specials重点推荐,特别推荐(的产品): Featured Products 或 Top Products 产品搜索: Product Search 或 Search人才信息,人才招聘,人力资源:Career 或 Jobs 或 Human Resource 招商引资:Call for Bid销售网络: Sales Network技术支持: Support客户服务: Customer Service 或 Service售后服务: Aftersales Service 或 Service在线交易: Order Online 或 Order联系我们: Contact Us反馈表: Feedback链接: Links公司新闻,企业动态: Company News 或 News最新消息: What's New 或 Current Affair信息交流:Communication邮箱登陆:E-mail Entry常识:公司名称和地址中每个单词的首字母大写,地址是从小到大(和汉语习惯正好相反,如:中国浙江杭州文二路212号:No.212, Wen'er Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China)。
渠道中英文名称对照讲解一、线上渠道1. 官方网站(Official Website)官方网站是企业在线上展示品牌形象、发布产品信息、提供客户服务的重要平台。
英文中称之为“Official Website”,强调其官方性和权威性。
3. 社交媒体(Social Media)社交媒体包括、微博、Facebook、Twitter等,是企业与消费者互动、传播品牌信息的重要渠道。
英文中称之为“Social Media”,强调社交属性。
4. 搜索引擎(Search Engine)搜索引擎如百度、谷歌等,是企业提高线上曝光度、获取潜在客户的重要途径。
在英文中,我们称之为“Search Engine”。
二、线下渠道1. 专卖店(Flagship Store)专卖店是企业设立在繁华地段的品牌形象展示店,通常规模较大、装修豪华。
英文中称之为“Flagship Store”,意为旗舰店铺。
2. 代理商(Agent)代理商是企业授权在一定区域内销售产品、提供服务的合作伙伴。
3. 分公司(Branch Company)分公司是企业在全国或全球范围内设立的具有独立法人资格的分支机构。
英文中称之为“Branch Company”。
4. 超市/便利店(Supermarket/Convenience Store)超市和便利店是企业线下销售产品的重要渠道,满足消费者日常购物需求。
在英文中,我们分别称之为“Supermarket”和“Convenience Store”。
三、跨界渠道1. 联合营销(Comarketing)联合营销是指两个或多个品牌共同开展营销活动,以实现资源共享、互利共赢。
2. 跨界合作(Crossborder Cooperation)跨界合作是指不同行业、领域的企业共同开展合作,以创新产品或服务。
英文中称之为“Crossborder Cooperation”。
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英文(缩写)中文英文(缩写)中文HR/HRD人资部procedure作业程序书MFG制造部handle管控,处理MAT'L资材部report报告ENG工程部review复审,再检查NPI(SPT)新产品导入Program程序,计划,方案PE产品工程training训练ME机构工程plan计划EE电子工程Schedule计划时程IE工业工程L/P动态测试TE测试工程ATE自动像形调整PUR采购部CRT阴极射线管PM项目管理部Monitor显示器FE设施(设备)工程师LCD Monitor液晶显示器PC/MC生/物管salary/pay薪水FIN财务部E-mail电子邮件IT信息部PR请购单QA品保部File档案IPQC制程品管anyway总归,无论如何OQC出货品管factory工厂RE可靠性工程Cost成本FPM(TQM)客服部cost down降低成本DQA设计品保部responsibility责任MD厂长室trend趋势Director处长paper work书面作业Manager经理prize价格Supervisor课长uniform制服DL直接员工day/morning shift白班IDL间接员工night shift夜班STAFF职员system制度Final assembly后段(组立)loss损失,减少Chassis assembly前段(基板)Internet国际互联网络Chassis基板budget预算Alignment调整rework重做MBO目标管理form格式tray文件置放层booking登记partition隔板request需求Office办公室ISO 9000质量管理系统Document center文件中心ISO 14000环境管理系统quality品质lobby门廊productivity生产力EXP(Express)表达,快递performance绩效Barcode生产在线条行码recruiting招募profit and loss(P&L)损益表memo备忘录,摘要Facility(s)设备work instruction工作说明书Organization组织list窗体,列举define界定,清楚record记录accomplishment完成,成就data数据,数据measure处理,测量information信息conference讨论会communication沟通,讯息Comparsion比较,对照basic基本administation DEPT管理部customer客户Salaries薪资require需求,要求year end bonus年终奖金layout布置employee welfare职工福利金part(s)零件(统称)meal allowance伙食费Component零件(小)hire employee征人test(ing)测试medical医药meeting会议depreciation折旧delay延迟equipment Repark设备修缮business生意,职责,权利insurance保险idle闲置的Sundry appliance杂项购置material材料postage邮递idle material呆料stationery文具order订单,订购transportation交通,运输complan抱怨printing印刷Actual/ACT实际的Comper Supplies计算机用品Total/TTL总计entertainment交际Average平均supplies-cost领料,物料费item项目,条款outside service fee劳务费Forecast/FCST预测membership expance管理费people forecast人力预测miscellaneous杂项购置inventory库存taxes & fees税费Remark备注Outgoing费用Routine meeting内部会议Yield区域1st level staff一级主管Efficiency效率update更新Local Sources Ratio本土化率Cost control成本控制out of control失去控制ownership所有权Quarter四分之一,一刻钟序号英文缩写英文中文1ERP Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源规划2BOM Bills of Material物料清单3MP Mass Prodution正式量产4EVT Engineering Verification Testing工程验证测试5DVT Design Verification Testing设计验证测试6PVT Pilot Run Verification Testing试产验证测试7EN Engineering Notice工程通知单8ECR Engineer Change Request工程变更要求9ECN Engineering Change Notice(量产阶段)工程变更通知单10DCN Design Change Notice(设计阶段)工程设计变更通知单11PCR Pilot Run Change Request(试产阶段)工程设计变更申请单12PCN Pilot Run Change Notice(试产阶段)工程设计变更通知单13VMI Vendor Manage Inventory供应商管理仓库14FIFO First Input First Output先入先出原则15NPRR New Product Readiness Review审查预产新产品16MOE manufacturing Operation Excellence制造运营指标17KPI Key Performance Indexes关键工作绩效18TPI Total Production Innovation全面生产革新19ODD Optical drive Department光电存储设备事业部20PLDS Philips and LiteonIT Digital Storage Philips&LiteonIT光电存储设备事业部21Slim Slimtype Drive Notebook 型光驱22DC Digital Customer数字消费备事业部23H/H Half Height Drive桌上型光驱24NPCR New Product Configuration Release新产品配置单25FFC Flat Flexible Cable扁形软性排线26FPC Felxible Print Circuit(Cable)可绕式印刷电路﹝软排线﹞27T/U Touch Up手插件(补焊)28PCB printed circuit board印刷电路板29OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer原设备制造商30FMEA Failure Mode and Effective Analysis失效模式与效应分析31PMP Process Management Planning制程管治计划32SMT Surface mount(或mounting) technology表面粘着(或贴装)技术33DIP Dual Inline Package双面穿孔(插孔)包装34STP Stamping冲压35ESD Electrostatic Discharge静电放电。
5S:5S管理ABC:作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB:实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM:作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS:先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP:应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider)ATP:可承诺量(Available To Promise)A VL:认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM:物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR:企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC:平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF:计划生产(Build To Forecast)BTO:订单生产(Build To Order)CPM:要径法(Critical Path Method)CPM:每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM:客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) CRP:产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO:客制化生产(Configuration To Order)DBR:限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT:成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)DVT:设计验证(Design Verification Testing)DRP:运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS:决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EC:设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change)EC:电子商务(Electronic Commerce)ECRN:原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice) EDI:电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS:主管决策系统(Executive Information System)EMC:电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ:基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP:企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)FAE:应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST:预估(Forecast)FMS:弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC:成品质量管理(Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC:制程质量管理(In-Process Quality Control)IQC:进料质量管理(Incoming Quality Control)ISO:国际标准组织(International Organization for Standardization) ISAR:首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JIT:实时管理(Just In Time)KM:知识管理(Knowledge Management)L4L:逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC:最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC:最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES:制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution SystemMO : 制令(Manufacture Order)MPS : 主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule)MRO : 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP : 物料需求规划 (Material Requirement Planning)MRPII : 制造资源计划 (Manufacturing Resource Planning)NFCF : 更改预估量的通知Notice for Changing ForecastOEM : 委托代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM : 委托设计与制造 (Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP : 在线分析处理 (On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP : 在线交易处理 (On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT : 最佳生产技术 (Optimized Production Technology)OQC : 出货质量管理 (Out-going Quality Control)PDCA : PDCA管理循环 (Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM : 产品数据管理系统 (Product Data Management)PERT : 计划评核术 (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)PO : 订单(Purchase Order)POH : 预估在手量 (Product on Hand)PR : 采购申请Purchase RequestQA : 质量保证(Quality Assurance)QC : 质量管理(Quality Control)QCC : 品管圈 (Quality Control Circle)QE : 质量工程(Quality Engineering)RCCP : 粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)RMA : 退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP : 再订购点 (Re-Order Point)SCM : 供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management)SFC : 现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)SIS : 策略信息系统 (Strategic Information System)SO : 订单(Sales Order)SOR : 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC : 统计制程管制 (Statistic Process Control)TOC : 限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)TPM : 全面生产管理Total Production ManagementTQC : 全面质量管理 (Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面质量管理 (Total Quality Management)WIP : 在制品 (Work In Process)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓5S管理5S是由日本企业研究出来的一种环境塑造方案,其目的在藉由整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)及身美(SHITSUKE)五种行为来创造清洁、明朗、活泼化之环境,以提高效率、质量及顾客满意度。
企业资源计划ERP(ENTERPRISE RESOURE PLAN)物料清单BOM(BILL OF MATERIAL)物料需求计划MRP(MA TERIAL REQUEST PLAN)采购PURCHASE 销售SALE 仓存WAREHOUSE 生产PRODUCTION 财务FINANCE供应链管理SCM(Supply Chain Management)用户USER管理员ADMINISTRATOR系统SYSTEM 帐套Account Case盘点Make(Check)an inventory 物料MATERIAL 客户Custom 供应商Supplier 科目Account 原材料Raw material 产品Product 发票Invoice 退货Return of goods; 检验Inspection查询Query 报表Report forms 价格Price 方案Project 销售定单Sale order 采购定单Purchase order 部门Department职员Office worker 事件处理Event-Process 计划成本Plan cost 用户管理User manage 审核Check 单位Unit 代码Code 税率Tax rate 车间Workshop 基础资料Foundation material 核算Adjust accounts 凭证V oucher 成品End product 半成品Half product 设备Equipment 零件Component固定资产Fixed assets 货币Currency 汇率Exchange rate 应收Account receivable 应付Account payable 总账ledger 费用Expenses 计划Plan结算Settle accounts 银行存款Bank deposit 预算Budget 日志Daily record 组织机构Organize setup数据库Data base 权限Limits of authority 授权Authorize 组装Assembling 加工Handling 业务V ocational work 批号Batch number 发货Shipping 折扣Discount 信用Credit 安全库存Safety Stock 报价Quoted price 应用Apply 实施Put into effect 数量Quantity日期Date 保管Take care of 委托Entrust 购货单Order form 成本Cost 单据关联Doc Relate 源单据Source Doc 目标单据Target Doc 钩稽Articulate 对等核销Parity Write-off 虚拟件Phantom虚仓Virtual Warehouse 待检仓Warehouse To Be Inspected 最低存量Min. Stock采购最高限价Purchase Price Upper-Limit 销售最低限价Selling Price Lower-Limit 信用额度Credit Line物料配套查询Material Satisfaction Query。
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企业常用缩写5S : 5S管理ABC : 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB : 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM : 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS : 先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling)ASP : 应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider)ATP :可承诺量(Available To Promise)AVL : 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM : 物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR : 企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC : 平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF : 计划生产(Build To Forecast)BTO : 订单生产(Build To Order)CPM : 要径法(Critical Path Method)CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million)CRM : 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)CRP : 产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO : 客制化生产(Configuration To Order)DBR : 限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)实用文档DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing)DRP : 运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS : 决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EC : 设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change)EC : 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)ECRN : 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI : 电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS : 主管决策系统(Executive Information System)EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ : 基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP :企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning) FAE : 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST : 预估(Forecast)FMS : 弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC : 成品质量管理(Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC : 制程质量管理(In-Process Quality Control)IQC : 进料质量管理(Incoming Quality Control)ISO : 国际标准组织(International Organization for Standardization) ISAR : 首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request) JIT : 实时管理(Just In Time)KM :知识管理(Knowledge Management)实用文档L4L : 逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC : 最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC : 最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES : 制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System) MO : 制令(Manufacture Order)MPS : 主生产排程(Master Production Schedule) MRO : 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP : 物料需求规划(Material Requirement Planning)MRPII : 制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning) NFCF : 更改预估量的通知Notice for Changing ForecastOEM : 委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM : 委托设计与制造(Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP : 在线分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP : 在线交易处理(On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT : 最佳生产技术(Optimized Production Technology)OQC : 出货质量管理(Out-going Quality Control)PDCA : PDCA管理循环(Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM : 产品数据管理系统(Product Data Management)PERT : 计划评核术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PO : 订单(Purchase Order)实用文档POH : 预估在手量(Product on Hand)PR : 采购申请Purchase RequestQA : 质量保证(Quality Assurance)QC : 质量管理(Quality Control)QCC : 品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE : 质量工程(Quality Engineering)RCCP : 粗略产能规划(Rough Cut Capacity Planning) RMA : 退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP : 再订购点(Re-Order Point)SCM : 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)SFC : 现场控制(Shop Floor Control)SIS : 策略信息系统(Strategic Information System) SO : 订单(Sales Order)SOR : 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC :统计制程管制(Statistic Process Control)TOC : 限制理论(Theory of Constraints)TPM :全面生产管理Total Production ManagementTQC : 全面质量管理(Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面质量管理(Total Quality Management)WIP : 在制品(Work In Process)实用文档5S管理5S是由日本企业研究出来的一种环境塑造方案,其目的在藉由整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)及身美(SHITSUKE)五种行为来创造清洁、明朗、活泼化之环境,以提高效率、质量及顾客满意度。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Corporate portal: a tool for knowledge managementsynchronizationAbstractAs the basis of value creation and success of organizations increasingly depends on the leverage of knowledge available internally, knowledge management systems(KMS)are emerging as vital tools for competitive advantage. Among these KMS, corporate portals present the potential of providing organizations with a rich and complex shared information workspace for the generation, exchange, and use of knowledge. But developing corporate portals and building the critical mass of users required to make them successful is not an easy task. In this paper, drawing upon theliterature review and an analysis of early adopters of corporate portals, we address the strength of this tool which consists mainly in synchronizing and supporting knowledge processes, put the emphasis on factors inhibiting its adoption by companies and finally propose some perspectives for a successful implementation.1.IntroductionThe widespread adoption of networks and information technology has vas tly increased our ability to store, transfer and generate knowledge, enabling a nd accelerating the emergence of an economic, organizational and technologic al landscape, that is knowledge-based(Schwartz, Eamonn,&Boyer,1999;Romano, Elia,&Passiante,2001).This perspective builds upon and extends the resource-ba sed view(RBV)of the firm initially promoted by Penrose(1959)and expanded b y others(Barney,1986;Chandler,1992;Prahalad&Hamel,1990;Teece,Pisano,&Shuen, 1997).The premise of the RBV is that organizations employ a mix of acquisit ion and configuration of resources to change how their business is accomplish ed. Knowledge is often the basis for the effective utilization of many importa nt resources. In this context, Information and Communication technologies ma y play an important role in effectuating the knowledge-based view of the fir m by enhancing the firm’s capability to manage the knowledge it possesses. This awareness is one of the main reasons for the exponential growth of kno wledge management systems(KMS).KMS are technologies that support knowle dge management in organizations, specifically, knowledge generation, codificati on, and transfer(Ruggles,1997).In fact, a 2000 survey conducted by KPMG sh ows that the use of KMS is common in organizations worldwide and has nu merous benefits(KPMG,2000).However, despite the potential benefits from KM S, the report also finds that companies were experiencing difficulties in effect ively using these technologies. To address this issue, this paper focuses on a particular type of KMS, which is corporate portal, that presents the potential of providing organizations with a rich and complex shared information works pace for the generation, exchange, and use of knowledge. Building upon a lar ge literature review, insights from eight case studies of early adopters and ourown experience in dealing with some aspects of the implementation phase of STMicroelectronics portal, we address the strengths of this tool which consist mainly in supporting knowledge development phases and focus on challenges and problems that organizations may face during its implementation.The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 presents a review on knowledge, knowledge management processes and systems. The following section focuses on a particular tool of KMS, that is the corporate portal; we present a comprehensive view of definitions and characteristics of this tool based on a comparative analysis of eight case studies in order to identify the potential role of corporate portal features in the various stages of the knowledge management processes. We then focus on the major barriers limiting its adoption and use by organizations. In the final section, building on the factors identified, we provide some perspectives for a successful implementation.2.Knowledge management processes and systemsBefore focusing on portals as KMS, its necessary to define knowledge and knowledge management processes.2.1.Knowledge definitionsMultiple definitions of knowledge have been proposed in the literature, and debates about this concept have been expressed from a variety of perspectives and positions. In fact, ever since the ancient Greek period ,the quest of philosophy has been to find what knowledge is. Early thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle were followed by Hobbes and Locke to name just a few of the more prominent western philosophers. It seems we have no choice but to return to the question that has kept philosophers occupied for thousands of years. However, we should not approach it from a philosophical perspective. As observed by Alavi and Leidner(2001),the knowledge-based theory of the firm was never built on a universal truth of what knowledge really is but on a pragmatic interest in being able to manage organisational knowledge. In recent years, we have witnessed a booming interest in knowledge also from other disciplines. Mainly two perspectives are dominant, an Information Technology view and a Strategic management view. While the IT viewmakes the distinction between data, information and knowledge, and considers the ambiguity existing between these three concepts, the strategic management perspective views knowledge as a state of mind, a capability or a process. In fact, data is mainly considered as raw numbers that once processed becomes information, and when put in specific context this information becomes knowledge(Vance,1997).Whereas, the perspective of knowledge as a state of mind posits that individuals expand their personal knowledge through the inputs received from their environment. Further, the view of knowledge as a capability to act suggests that it is not the specific actions of knowledge ‘‘per se’’, but the ability to interpret and use information and experience that influences decisions(Watson,1999). Finally knowledge as a process, focuses on applying expertise, i.e. simultaneously knowing and acting(Zack,1999).In this article, we emphasize the view of knowledge as a ‘‘capability to act effectively ’’.Knowledge is seen as a justified personal belief that increases an individual’s capacity to take effective action. Knowledge management in this view is best understood by considering knowledge management as the systemic and organizationally specified process of acquiring, organizing and communicating knowledge of employees so that other employees may make use of it to be more effective and productive in their work(Alavi&Leidner,1999).2.2.Knowledge processesWe can describe knowledge management life cycle as an iterative sequence of activities (Nissen, 2000).Building upon this notion, we outlined from knowledge management frameworks, key elements of several life cycle models.Several key points emerge from our review of the analyzed knowledge management frameworks:(1)There is no single or commonly accepted definition of what constitutes a knowledge management framework.(2)There are many concepts that are similar in the frameworks analyzed, but their ordering or structure varies.For example, while the majority of the frameworks refer to the first phase as knowledge creation, Davenport and Prusak use the term generate knowledge,whereas Van der Spek and Spijkervet title this analogous phase knowledge development. In general, the different frameworks proposed share considerable similarities. Most of the life cycles are articulated in four phases where the first one is a ‘‘create’’ phase. The second phase corresponds to the organization of knowledge. Phase three uses different term across the models, but they all address some mechanism for making knowledge formal. Finally, the fourth phase concerns the ability to share and use knowledge in the enterprise. Therefore, in this article, the knowledge development cycle is defined as the process of knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge distribution and knowledge application. A detailed definition of these processes will be presented when linking them with the different tools of the corporate portal that support them.3.Portals support for knowledge management processes3.1.Portal definitionsPortals enable e-business by providing a unified application access, information management and knowledge management both within enterprises, and between enterprises and their trading partners, channel partner and customers(Gartner Group,1998).From this definition, we can distinguish two types of corporate portals: extranet portals which provide depth content rather than breadth of content, offer special advantages for business-to-business, e-commerce because they can provide something closer to a solution; and enterprise intranet portals that support knowledge management and internal communications and they are emerging as home bases for employees. In this article, we will focus on the second type of portals. A portal can be viewed as away to access disseminated information within a company since information chunks can be stored in various systems using different formats. One of the major differences between a traditional web site and a portal resides in the fact that the portal is usually tailored according to the user s’ need. A portal is consequently, a single point of access to Internet resources, an integration platform focusing on unification oriented towards the business processes of the company. Therefore, portals synchronize knowledge and applications, creating a single view into the organization’s intellectual capital. Portals have seen anevolutionary approach, the first ones were search engines, that evolved by integrating a variety of services such as virtual communities, real time chat, i.e. the best example in this category is Yahoo; Today the term is used widely to describe many different types of products with different purposes. The terms Employees Portals, Enterprise Intranet Portals, Corporate Portals, Business-to- Employees Portals and Business-to-Employees Systems are sometimes used interchangeably as synonyms to refer to the category of portals, which aim at providing employees with in-time relevant information they need to perform their duties and make efficient business decisions.4.Perspectives for a successful implementationBased upon the earlier analysis, we can offer some perspectives in order to define, implement and execute effective corporate portals.mitment and support of the CEOMany authors suggest that leadership commitment is a key challenge for the success of any knowledge management initiative(Nonaka&Takeuchi,1995).If management spends a significant amount of resources on either purchasing or developing and implementing such technology, employees could interpret this as a sign of management’s support for this ideal, and act accordingly. However, as Martinsons(1991)acknowledges, if employees perceive that management is not very committed to implementing this new technology, then the initiative to promote a strong knowledge sharing culture is not likely to be successful.4.2.Motivation and commitment for adoption of these technologiesUnderstanding what motivates people to apply their expertise is key to avoiding the trap of building technology marvels that no one uses. Frequently, a critical mass of employees end up not using the applications because they are not convinced the applications will benefit them. Managers should not assume that they know what employees want. They must research the needs and latent dissatisfactions of their employees, much as they do those of their customers and then create a compelling offering that encourages employees to use the new online tools.4.3.Linking knowledge and business processesIt has become largely agreed that knowledge management activities should be integrated within day-to-day business processes to ensure continual process improvement and facilitate learning and the gradual development of ‘‘organizational memory’’. The portal should present an ideal environment to integrate the business process aspects with knowledge processes and actively supports the worker in using and adding to knowledge resources by establishing standards for information collection, processing, and presentation.rmation sharing cultureIt is the culture of the organization that supports or impedes knowledge creation and transference both internally and to its customers. Therefore, rather than just encouraging or mandating knowledge sharing, fostering the motivation to share knowledge must precede it.4.5.Learning from failuresCompanies must review their successes and failures, assess them systematically, and record the lessons in form that employees find accessible. Many companies like Microsoft, are following this process of identifying and transferring Internal Best practices. This process is referred as the “Santayana Review’’, citing the philosopher George Santayana, who coined the phrase, ‘‘those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’’(Garvin,1994).4.6.Immaterial incentivesIn line with Malhotra(2002),we consider that, design of incentives must consider that institutional controls as well as some monetary rewards and incentives are inadequate and do not necessarily ensure desired knowledge sharing behaviors. Instead they can be replaced by immaterial incentives and recognition. Companies should champion the new ethics and values that are at the heart of a knowledge-based enterprise. At the core of this new understanding lies a very simple ethic that Verna Allee calls the principle of fair e xchange: ‘‘Do people feel that they are being treated fairly for the intelligence, creativity innovation, experience and passion they bring to their work’’.5.ConclusionThis article, based on an analysis of eight case studies of early adopters of corporate portal, focused mainly on the benefits and challenges presented by this tool. Corporate portals seem to present the potential of providing organizations with a rich and complex shared information workspace for the generation, exchange, and use of knowledge. They synchronize knowledge and applications, creating a single view into the organization’s intellectual capital. But developing corporate portals and building the critical mass of users required to make them successful is not an easy task. Given the risk that corporate portals fail to deliver the expected benefits, an important task for knowledge management research is to contribute knowledge that will support researchers and practitioners in their efforts to successfully develop and implement corporate portals. This article contributes to this stream of research by studying potential barriers in portal’s implementation and suggesting some perspectives for a successful implementation.译文:企业门户网站:知识管理的同步工具摘要由于价值创造基础和组织成功越来越依赖内部可用的知识杠杆作用,知识管理系统(KMS)从而称为竞争优势的重要工具。
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即搜索引擎把某个网站加入到其数据库中的页就说这个网站的收录数是 60。一个 网站的页面只有被搜索引擎收录,才有可能在搜索中被查询到。 (pageview),即页面浏览量,或点击量;通常是衡量一个网络新闻频道或网站甚至一条网络新闻的主要指标;当然,有时还会同时考察另外一个指标,即uv(unique visitor),指访问某个站点或点击某条新闻的不同IP地址的人数。 指访问某个站点或点击某条新闻的不同IP地址的人数。在同一天内,uv只记录第一次进入网站的具有独立IP的访问者,在同一天内再次访问该网站则不计数。独立IP访问者 提供了一定时间内不同观众数量的统计指标,而没有反应出网站的全面活动。 Social Networking Services,是指个人之间的关系网络,这种基于社会网络关系系统思想的网站就是SNS网站。现在许多网站都属于SNS网站,如网络聊天(IM)、交友、 视频分享、博客、播客、网络社区、音乐共享等。目前国外较出名的是facebook、myspac,国内流行的SNS有校内、开心、51等。 (Really Simple Syndication)是一种描述和同步网站内容的格式,可以被称为资源共享模式的延伸。你再也不用一个网站一个网站,一个网页一个网页去逛了。只要这将 你需要的内容订阅在一个RSS阅读器中,这些内容就会自动出现你的阅读器里,你也不必为了一个急切想知道的消息而不断的刷新网页,因为一旦有了更新,RSS阅读器就会 自己通知你。常用的RSS阅读器有Google reader、鲜果、抓虾、周伯通、哪吒等。 是英文[Small Office Home Office]的头一个字母的拼写,就是[小型办公、家里办公]的意思。音译是"苏豪"[苏活],SOHO是人对自由职业者的另一种称谓,同时亦代表一 种自由、弹性而新型的工作方式。 互联网上到处散布垃圾广告消息的现象。在搜索引擎上的Spam通常也称为作弊。搜索引擎营销中所说的SPAM是专门针对那些欺骗搜索引擎的信息。搜索引擎垃圾技术是利用 不道德的技巧去提高自己搜索引擎上的排名。不诚实的网站管理员就是利用这样的手段去欺骗搜索引擎从而获得较高的排名。 是Software-as-a-service的简称。它与“on-demand software”(按需软件),the application service provider(ASP,应用服务提供商),hosted software(托管软 件)所具有相似的含义。它是一种通过Internet提供软件的模式,厂商将应用软件统一部署在自己的服务器上,客户可以根据自己需求,通过互联网定购所需的应用软件服 务,按定购的服务多少和时间长短支付费用,并通过互联网获得厂商提供的服务。用户不用再购买软件,而改用向提供商租用基于Web的软件,来管理企业经营活动,服务 提供商会全权管理和维护软件,也提供软件的离线操作和本地数据存储,让用户随时随地都可以使用其定购的软件和服务。 英文User和 interface的缩写。从字面上看是用户与界面2个组成部分,但实际上还包括用户与界面之间的交互关系。 源于英文词汇viral marketing。常用于进行网站推广、品牌推广等。利用的是用户口碑传播的原理,在互联网上,这种“口碑传播”更为方便,可以像病毒一样迅速蔓 延,因此病毒性营销成为一种高效的信息传播方式,而且,由于这种传播是用户之间自发进行的,因此几乎是不需要费用的网络营销手段。 联盟营销(Affiliate Marketing), 通常指网络联盟营销,也称联属网络营销,1996年起源于亚马逊()。Amazon通过这种新方式,为数以万计的网站提供了 额外的收入来源,且成为网络SOHO族的主要生存方式。联盟营销包括三要素: 广告主、联盟会员和联盟营销平台。广告主按照网络广告的实际效果(如销售额、引导数等) 向联盟会员支付合理的广告费用,节约营销开支,提高营销质量。 URL Web Site Uniform Resource Locator万维网中某个页面唯一的可鉴别的地址。Link URL即某网页的链接地址,在浏览器的地址栏输入URL,即可看到该网页内容。 互联网或者万维网上的一个地址。站点包含各种组成物,某一个特定的域名,一个包含网页的地方。 (API:application programming interface)是一组定义、程序及协议的集合,通过 API 接口实现计算机软件之间的相互通信。API的一个主要功能是提供通用功能集 。程序员通过使用API函数开发应用程序,从而可以避免编写无用程序,以减轻编程任务。API同时也是一种中间件,为各种不同平台提供数据共享。通俗的说就是:API实 际上就是一种程序接口,就像你的电脑主机上有usb接口、低音炮接口、麦克风接口、显示器接口等等,一套程序也要有这么一个接口以便开发更多的功能。API接口的扩展 性很强,程序员能够用它给原有程序增加很多功能。 Application 的缩写,现多指手机软件。 (Business To Business,在英文中2(two)的发音同to一样。)就是企业对企业的电子商务,除了在线交易和产品展示,B2B的业务更重要的意义在于,将企业内部网通过 B2B网站与客户紧密结合起来,通过网络的快速反应,为客户提供更好的服务,从而促进企业的业务发展。 消费者(consumer)与消费者(consumer)之间的电子商务。打个比方,比如一个消费者的有一台旧电脑,通过网上拍卖,把它卖给另外一个消费者,这种交易类型就称为 c2c电子商务。c2c电子商务主要是指网上拍卖。c2c模式的特点就是大众化交易,因为是个人与个人之间的交易!C2C在中国目前成四足鼎立之势,淘宝、易趣、拍拍和123arp互联网数据中心idc骨干网络backbonenetworks边界网关协议bgp客户关系管理系统crm域名服务dns企业资源计划erp10文件传输协议ftp11网关gateway12黑客hacker13网络服务供应商isp14局域网络lan15分布式拒绝服务ddos16内容分发网络cdn17广域网络wan18网络内容服务商icp19医院信息系统his20管理信息系统mis网络营销综合浏览量pageviews单独用户uniqueusers指有不同的用户的数在单位时间内访问某一站点的数量
企业常用缩写5S : 5S管理ABC : 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB : 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM : 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS : 先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider)ATP : 可承诺量(Available To Promise)AVL : 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM : 物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR : 企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC : 平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF : 计划生产(Build To Forecast)BTO : 订单生产(Build To Order)CPM : 要径法(Critical Path Method)CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM : 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) CRP : 产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO : 客制化生产(Configuration To Order)DBR : 限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing)DRP : 运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS : 决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EC : 设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change)EC : 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)ECRN : 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice)EDI : 电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS : 主管决策系统(Executive Information System)EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)EOQ : 基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP: 企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning)FAE: 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST : 预估(Forecast)FMS : 弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC : 成品质量管理(Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC : 制程质量管理(In-Process Quality Control)IQC : 进料质量管理(Incoming Quality Control)ISO : 国际标准化组织(International Organization forStandardization)ISAR : 首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JIT : 实时管理(Just In Time)KM :知识管理(Knowledge Management)L4L : 逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC : 最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC : 最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES : 制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System)MO : 制令(Manufacture Order)MPS : 主生产排程(Master Production Schedule)MRO : 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP : 物料需求规划(Material Requirement Planning)MRPII : 制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning)NFCF : 更改预估量的通知Notice for Changing ForecastOEM : 委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM : 委托设计与制造(Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP : 在线分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP : 在线事务处理(On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT : 最佳生产技术(Optimized Production T echnology)OQC : 出货质量管理(Out-going Quality Control)PDCA : PDCA管理循环(Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM : 产品数据管理系统(Product Data Management)PERT : 计划评核术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) PO : 订单(Purchase Order)POH : 预估在手量(Product on Hand)PR : 采购申请Purchase RequestQA : 质量保证(Quality Assurance)QC : 质量管理(Quality Control)QCC : 品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE : 质量工程(Quality Engineering)RCCP : 粗略产能规划(Rough Cut Capacity Planning)RMA : 退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP : 再订购点(Re-Order Point)SCM : 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)SFC : 现场控制(Shop Floor Control)SIS : 策略信息系统(Strategic Information System)SO : 订单(Sales Order)SOR : 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC : 统计制程管制(Statistic Process Control)TOC : 限制理论(Theory of Constraints)TPM : 全面生产管理Total Production ManagementTQC : 全面质量管理(Total Quality Control)TQM : 全面质量管理(Total Quality Management)WIP : 在制品(Work In Process)5S管理5S是由日本企业研究出来的一种环境塑造方案,其目的在藉由整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)及身美(SHITSUKE)五种行为来创造清洁、明朗、活泼化之环境,以提高效率、质量及顾客满意度。
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企业网站常见中英文对照2010-04-20 15:42公司简介:Company brief产品展示 Product企业荣誉 Enterprise honor合作伙伴 Cooperation partner质量认证 Quality certificate企业文化 Enterprise Culture成长历程 Development history经营理念 Management ideas经营理念 Operation philosophy服务理念 Service philosophy营销理念 Marketing philosophy人才思略Talent policy质量方针 Quality policy以质求生存,以量求发展Quality for survival, and quantity for growth 企业理念 Company philosophy企业宗旨 Company tenet销售网络 Selling network营销网络 Sales Network企业荣誉 Enterprise honor/Glories公司设备 Equipment企业文化 Enterprise Culture资质认证 Quality certification企业规模 Scale组织机构 Organization合作加盟 Join in Cooperation 技术力量 Technology经理致辞 Manager`s oration发展历程 Development history 工程案例 Engineering Projects 业务范围 Business Scope分支机构 Branches供求信息 Supply & Demand经营理念 Operation Principle 产品销售 SALES Sales联系我们 Contact Us信息发布 Information返回首页 Back Homepage在线订单 On-line Order分类浏览 Browse by category 电子商务 E-Business公司实力 Strength版权所有 Copy right友情连结 Hot link应用领域 Application Fields人力资源 Human Resource HR领导致辞 Leader`s oration企业资质 Enterprise qualification行业新闻 Trade news行业动态 Trends客户留言 Customer Message客户服务 Customer Service新闻动态 News & Trends公司名称 Company Name销售热线 Sales Hot-line联系人 Contact Person您的要求 Your requirements建设中 In construction下载中心 Download center会员登陆 Member Entrance意见反馈 Feedback常见问题 FAQ中心概况 General Profile教育培训 Education & Training产品展厅 Product gallery超越自我,追求卓越 Surpass selfhood,pursue excellence建议使用1024x768分辨率浏览 Resolution of 1024*768 or higher is recommended.工具 Tools资源 Resources常用中英文对照表:证书 Certificate地址 Add邮编 CODE Zipcode电话 Tel分公司 Branch推荐产品 Recommend products Previous Page 上一页Category 分类网站导航 site map诚征代理 Agents wanted工程实例 Project cases分类范畴 Categories产品导航Products Guide招聘:Recruitment详细描述 Detail传真 Fax企业新闻 Enterprise news行业新闻 Field news市场行情 Market流行时尚 Popular fashion其他新闻 Other news产品名称 Product Name产品说明 Description价格 Price品牌 Brand规格 Specification尺寸 Size生产厂家 Manufacturer型号 Model产品标号 Item No.技术指标 Technique Data产品描述 Description产地 Production Place销售信息 Sales Information 用途 Application论坛 Forum在线订购 On-line order招商 Enterprise-establishing 招标 Bid inviting综述 General业绩 Achievements招聘 Join Us求贤纳士 Join Us大事 Great Event动态 Trends服务 Service投资 Investment行业 Industry规划 Programming环境 Environment发送 Delivery提交 Submit重写 Reset登录 Login注册 Register全程无忧Worriless Whole-process产品铺贴指导Guide for Paving & Sticking of Products 保养常识 Maintenance Common Sense产品介绍 Product Introduction工程目录 Project Content企业信息 Enterprise Information企业理念 Company philosophy常用中英文对照表:中国企业网技术支持 Powered by 社区 Community业务介绍 Business introduction在线调查 Online inquiry Inquiry游乐园 amusement park在线交流 Online communication专题报道 Special report补丁:patch Previous上一页下一页 Next Pages (7): ? 1 [2] 3 4 5 ? ... 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