Milli-Q Integral 纯水超纯水一体化系统
merck millipore 默克密理博纯水超纯水一体系统明澈D24UV操作手册
![merck millipore 默克密理博纯水超纯水一体系统明澈D24UV操作手册](
明澈-D 24 UV
物品检查清单 安装开始前请核实所有物品是否可用。
o 纯水系统主机 (A) o 用户手册和快速参考指南 (B) o 外部电源 (C) o PROGARD®预处理柱和 Q-GARD®超纯水柱(D) o 储水水箱:30、60 或 100 升(E) o POU 取水器(F) o 包含下述的附件包: 管材 配件 电源
2 显示器和小键盘
3 Progard® 预处理柱位置
4 锁定手柄
5 消毒/清洁口
6 电源接口
7 系统进出水口连接
说明 系统 ID 和序列号 电源适配器* Q-GARD®超纯水柱位置 超纯水进出口接口 POU(用水点)取水POU 取水开关取水器终端过滤器
应在干净且干燥的地方安装并操作您的纯水系统。请参考本手册最 后部分的环境要求。
纯水系统长时间断电会使计时器的电池放电,导致失去时间和日期记录。如果长 时间关闭纯水系统,应使用实验室关闭模式请与您的服务代表联系。
经常保存系统的历史记录-每三个月或每半年。参见 Millitrack 文档。
明澈™-D 24UV 纯水系统
感谢您购买我们的纯水系统。 对于任何疑问或请求,请根据以下联系信息与 Merck Millipore 联系。
更换过滤柱1) 将机器调节为STANDBY”状态,卸下终端过滤器,打开取水开关,将系统卸压,待确认机器无水流出后,关闭取水开关。
2) 向左轻扳机器正面蓝色门的锁片(上下各一片),打开蓝门,将“QUANTUM”柱取出,再将机器右侧白色“QGARD”柱上端盖子打开,取下金属锁片,即可取出“QGARD”柱。
3) 将新的“QGARD”柱装到机器上,注意机器上的金属杆要对准柱子上的孔,向左推紧后,将金属锁片锁在金属杆的卡槽内,扣上顶端盖子;再将新的“QUANTUM”柱装入蓝门内,稍用力向里推紧,关闭蓝门,需听到两个锁片“嗒”的声音后,才能确认柱子已装到位。
4) 将附件中的管子接头拧入取水柄中,接上软管引到水槽里;打开取水开关,系统会自动进入5分钟的排空气程序中,5分钟结束后,系统会自动进入“OPERATE”状态。
5) 卸下管子接头及软管,装上终端过滤器;注意过滤器上的空气帽不要拧紧,打开取水开关,待水从空气帽中流出后,再拧紧空气帽。
6) 柱子更换完毕,将系统在“OPERATE”状态下过12小时以上,便可正常使用。
如何判断柱子是否寿命已到1) 当系统已使用一段时间后,首先检查,当取水开关打到循环位置时,查看显示屏的电阻率由初始值升到18.2MΩ·cm时,需要多少时间,正常情况不会超过1分钟,或在产水过程中,出现电阻率下降(不稳定)的情况时,均证明柱子的寿命已快到期了。
2) 如果出现产水流量明显下降(正常每分钟为1-1.5L左右),在确认系统中确实无空气的前提下,多数是因为终端过滤器已堵塞而所至。
3) 为确保系统能正常运转,以及最经济的使用过滤材料(过滤柱等),建议在更换耗材时,最好统一一起更换。
MILLI-Q 超纯水机使用技巧1) 工作中有时因为疏忽大意,会忘将进水水桶中加水,会使机器进空气,此时机器显示屏上会显示"AIR PURGE",这时,只需打开取水开关(开到产水位置),显示屏会显示"AIR PURGE 5MN",待5分钟后,显示屏会显示"CLOSE THE VALVE",此时只需关闭取水开关,机器就可以正常工作了。
3.技术特性1 适用场地1.1 置超纯水仪于稳定、平坦的平面上;1.2 不要将仪器安装在阳光直接照射的地方,不要安装在暖气附近,以避免受热;1.3 在使用时避免出现剧烈振动现象;1.4 采取保护措施防止仪器遭受腐蚀性气体的侵蚀;1.5 仪器不应用在具有爆炸危险的环境内及长期置于湿度较大的环境里;1.6 仪器存放环境温度+5℃~+40℃。
2 技术参数2.1 流量:0.8-1.2 LPM2.2 比阻抗值:>18.0MΩ2.3 颗粒:≤1/ml(颗粒大小>0.22um)2.4 热源:<0.001Eu/ml2.5 总有机碳:<5ppb2.6 微生物:≤1CFU/ml4.操作步骤1 接通电源。
2 将POU的开关向下推。
3 当LED显示18.2MΩ值时,方可接水使用。
4 使用完毕后,将POU的开关向上推。
5.日常维护1 当产水水质未达标准(阻抗值降低、TOC值升高或有离子穿透现象,需由厂家专业人员更换Q-Gard。
2 当更换Q-Gard时应同时更换Quantum Cartridge(其目的主要维持水质最佳状态),需更换时,由厂家专业人员更换。
3 MilliPak的更换时与Q-Gard Pack and Quantum Cartridge同时更换,或是当MilliPak提前阻塞(出水量减少),需更换时,由厂家专业人员更换。
4 当LCD上显示“START SANT”,黄色的LED灯会同时闪动,表示提醒消毒清洗UF膜组。
Milli-Q Synthesis 超纯水系统 中文使用说明书
![Milli-Q Synthesis 超纯水系统 中文使用说明书](
Milli-Q Synthesis 超纯水系统中文使用说明书Milli-Q Synthesis超强组合型详细说明:IVF等极为困难的特殊培养以及分子生物学实验专用Milli-Q Synthesis系结合Gradient所采用的短波UV灯(185nm)以及Biocel所采用的5,000分子量的UF 膜,其产水的TOC值可在5ppb以下(当进水的TOC值低于50ppb),热源则低于0.001EU/ml的新型超纯水装置。
当然,Milli-Q Synthesis 的产水也可使用在需高灵敏度的HPLC检测上。
功能◆TOC数值显示◆电阻率显示◆水温显示◆纯水柱更换显示◆“A10”UV灯更换显示◆UV灯更换提示◆UF膜自动清洗◆消毒提醒◆定期循环◆定量取水◆取水纯度设定◆运转状态输出需加装“A10”TOC检测仪技术指标产水量 1.5L/min电阻率18.2MΩ·cm(25℃)总有机碳TOC 〈5ppb热源0.001EU/mL细菌〈1cfu/mL颗粒〉0.22um 〈1P/mLElix产水作为进水,其TOC值低于50ppbMillipore公司是驰名世界的纯水及超纯水设备制造商,根据用户的独特要求设计制造出一系列不同的纯水及超纯水系统。
MilliQ超杂火机使用、浑净及维护支配规程之阳早格格创做1脚段典型品量统制核心试剂、试药的管制,精确对于其的管制战使用.2范畴本规程适用于品量统制核心所用试剂、试药的交支、储藏及收搁.3工做3.1品量统制核心考验人员应根据本文献的央供真止.3.2品量统制核心考验人员对于本文献的真施控制.4真量4.1使用4.1.1模式4.1.1.1待机模式正在准备维护MilliQ系统之前,采用待机模式.处于待机模式时,不克不迭与火.处于待机模式时,按下QPOD与火器开关,使MilliQ系统减压.睹下图所示.便绪模式处于便绪模式时,能从QPOD与火器中与火.正在大部分时间里,MilliQ系统皆该当处于便绪模式.无论是正在夜间、周终,大概是其余已被使用的时间段里,皆该当让MilliQ系统处于便绪模式.正在待机模式下,主隐现器战QPOD与火器隐现皆如图所示.从待机模式切换到便绪模式采用便绪,按下键采用待机,按下键1待机模式战便绪模式机模式被用于维护、设定、大概加进管制员菜单.便绪模式被用于MilliQ超杂火产火.2火箱液里如果MilliQ系统由火箱提供进火,那么其容量由10个条形图代表.(每一个条形图等于火箱总容量的10%).3隐现值电阻率(MΩ.cm 大概μS/cm)– MilliQ产火电阻率大概电导率TOC(ppb)– MilliQ产火总有机碳温度(°C)– MilliQ产火温度容积(L)–定量与火值4QGard 柱耗材状态闪烁–杂化柱需要调换.与出杂化柱已使用杂化柱使用杂化柱Quantum 杂化柱耗材状态闪烁–杂化柱 需要调换.与出杂化柱已使用杂化柱使用杂化柱185 nm 紫中灯耗材状态闪烁–查看185 nm 紫中灯关关开开5提示战警报标记提示标记–需要维护警报标记–需要搞出即时反应.杂火品量与规格不符,大概硬件障碍.闪烁超杂火不克不迭与用.其余一个QPOD 与火器正正在与火. 闪烁,宁静隐现不闪烁火流自动停止警报,按下并释搁QPOD 与火器开关.闪烁,闪烁系统停机警报.查看是可另一个QPOD 与火器被锁定,大概者参瞅主隐现器以进一步相识疑息.6 定量与火正在定量与火时隐现的标记.标记消得– MilliQ 系统不使用定量与火. 与火器键盘缩小与火量 减少与火量开初杂火循环定量与火挨印产火火量4.1.2查看支配采用【查看支配】,按下采用需要查看的部分正在本例中,MilliQ 系统为与火模式.其余部件的状态也有隐现.此处隐现为一个提示真例.该提示此时正被隐现正在主隐现器的底部(处于便绪大概待机模式下).正在185 nm紫中灯的计时器被沉新设定后,该提示将不再隐现正在系统提示的隐现屏上.此处隐现为一个警报真例.正在一小时内该警报隐现正在主隐现器的底部.正在引导该警报爆收的障碍被建复后,该警报将不再隐现正在系统警报的隐现屏上.波及到MilliQ系统的分歧丈量值皆正在此处隐现.要查看185 nm紫中灯的丈量值,请按下按下二次4.1.3脚动与火4.1.3.1安排QPOD与火器的下度按下此处并脆持住,上下移动QPOD与火器.使用QPOD与火器为了与火,正在便绪模式下,按下QPOD 与火器开关.O L M H不杂火被输支矮流速(沉按)中流速(按下1/2)QPOD与火器内置一个微型开关.如果您把QPOD与火器开关按到底后紧开,QPOD 微型开关便处于锁定位子.当微型开关处于锁定位子时,杂火便会以下流速从QPOD与火器中持绝流出.再次把QPOD与火器开关按到底后紧开,便能使微型开关解锁.4.1.4定量与火使用QPOD与火器能真止定量与火,其定量为0.1L,0.25 L,0.5 L,0.75 L,1 L,1.25 L,1.5 L,1.75 L,2L,3 L,……,60L.4.2浑净使用干布揩拭仪器表面,使用杂化火涮洗火桶三次,调换新的杂化火,并将火桶搁置于确定处.4.3维护4.3.1维护日程表4.3.2调换QGard柱4.3.2.1怎么样调换QGard柱当以下提示大概警报疑息被隐现出去时,便应当调换QGard柱.提示疑息= 调换QGard柱警报疑息=MilliQ电阻率< SP,调换QGard战Quantum杂化柱4.3.2.2脱掉用过的QGard柱4.3.2.3新QGard柱的拆置5按下.荡涤新的QGard柱拆置后,QGard柱需要荡涤.柱拆置后A10 TOC检测仪的荡涤拆置新的QGard柱时,应荡涤A10 TOC检测仪.根据指示荡涤A10 TOC检测仪.如果共时拆置新的Quantum柱,要正在拆置完二个杂化柱后才举止A10的荡涤.4.3.3调换Quantum杂化柱4.3.3.1怎么样调换Quantum柱当以下提示大概警报疑息被隐现出去时,便应当调换Quantum柱.提示疑息= 调换Quantum柱警报疑息=MilliQ电阻率<SP,调换QGard战Quantum杂化柱4.3.3.2脱掉用过的Quantum柱步调动做截止1确认MilliQ系统处于待机状态.2往下按一次QPOD与火器开关以便MilliQ系统落压,正在产火停止后,再按一4.3.3.3新Quantum柱的拆置截止4.3.3.4荡涤新的Quantum柱新的Quantum杂化柱战新的QGard柱正在拆置后需要浑洗.拆置Quantum柱后,A10 TOC检测仪的荡涤Quantum 杂化柱拆置后该当坐时荡涤A10 TOC 检测仪.如果共时拆置了QGard杂化柱,应正在QGard杂化柱战Quantum 杂化柱拆置后举止A10 荡涤.拆置Quantum柱后,应荡涤A10 TOC检测仪.4.3.4调换POD Pak4.3.4.1何时调换POD Pak(1)鉴于流量的调换制成MilliQ杂火流量落矮的本果之一便是POD Pak阻碍.当有迹象标明POD Pak被阻碍了,便应将其调换.POD Pak利害气稀的.与火并挨开透气心,以查看里边是可另有存留的气氛.之后,关关透气心.(2)鉴于隐现正在隐现屏上的调换疑息当隐现以下提示疑息时,应当调换POD Pak.提示疑息= 调换POD Pak4.3.4.2调换并荡涤新的Millipak Express40过滤器4.3.4.3调换并荡涤新的BioPak超滤器4.3.5调换185nm紫中灯.调换185nm紫中灯推荐由Millipore服务代表去调换185nm紫中灯.调换185nm 紫中灯时,需要脱掉系统的中壳.何时调换185nm紫中灯当隐现以下提示疑息时,应当调换185nm紫中灯.• 提示疑息=调换185nm紫中灯.4.3.6调换A10灯.调换A10灯推荐由Millipore服务代表去调换A10灯.调换A10 灯时,需要脱掉系统的中壳.何时调换A10灯当隐现以下提示疑息时,应当调换A10灯.提示疑息=调换A10灯.4.3.7荡涤A10 TOC检测仪A10 TOC检测仪奇我需要荡涤.不妨使用MilliQ系统键盘去开初荡涤,那种荡涤简朴易止.MilliQ系统不会隐现所有关于需要对于系统举止荡涤的疑息的提示.完毕对于A10 TOC监测仪的荡涤需要60 分钟.荡涤A10 TOC检测仪的脚段正在以下情况下,推荐荡涤A10 TOC检测仪:(1)拆置了新的QGard杂化柱大概Quantum 杂化柱;(2)TOC值持绝动摇;(3)TOC值比寻常所睹值要下. TOC检测仪的荡涤支配请按以下步调荡涤A10 TOC 检测仪.采用【菜单】,按下采用【消毒/荡涤】,按下按下按下A10荡涤模式完毕后,MilliQ 系统自 动切换到便绪模式.4.3.8荡涤进火滤网进火滤网的脚段是为了遏止较大微粒加进MilliQ 系统的进火电磁阀中.如果进火滤网被阻碍,进火便不克不迭逆畅流进MilliQ 系统.请注意,只是正在使用回路给MilliQ 系统提供进火时,才会使用进火滤网.何时荡涤进火滤网当隐现以下提示疑息时,应当荡涤进火滤网.无论您正在什么时间猜疑进火滤网大概被阻碍了,皆可对于其举止荡涤.提示疑息=请查看进火滤网4.3.8.2荡涤进火滤网步调动做1 确认MilliQ 系统处于便绪模式.2 找到进火供应阀门,关关阀门.3 与火几分钟.使进火管讲落压.4 把 MilliQ 系统切换到待机模式.5 找到进火滤网.6 从进火供应系统中脱掉进火滤网.从进火滤网的其余一端脱掉管讲.7 通过进火滤网让自去火回流.冲走所有存留的残存物.8 正在进火管讲的螺纹上环绕胶葛3到4圈红色胶戴.应按逆时针目标的环绕胶葛胶戴. 9 用螺丝钉把进火滤网拆回到进火管讲上. 10 把管讲连交正在进火滤网的另一端上. 11 挨开进火供应阀门.12把MilliQ 系统切换到便绪模式.与一些超杂火.正在此功夫,查看进火压力安排器的设定.它应当被设定为0.1巴到0.3巴之间的一个值.13 让MilliQ 系统脆持便绪状态.报告lliQ 系统进火滤网已经被荡涤MilliQ 系统需要知讲进火滤网已经被荡涤.那将沉设查看进火滤网疑息.采用【菜单】,按下采用【维护】,按下采用【荡涤滤网】,按下二次按下按下三次4.4注意事项4.4.1提示疑息及应付于要领隐现屏疑息次要大概主要1. 它表示着什么.2. 怎么样应付于.矫正已逾期 XX天主要1. MilliQ系统检测到矫正已逾期.2. 请通联Millipore公司.查看UV 185 紫中灯主要1. 185 nm紫中灯不明.2. 请通联Millipore公司.查看进火心滤网主要1. MilliQ 系统检测到该当荡涤进火滤网了.2. 参照维护4.3.8.MilliQ进火电导率>设定值主要1. 丈量到的进火电导率大于设定值.2. 查看进火的根源.查看其电导率.查看进火电导率的相关疑息及设定值疑息.中间火电阻率 < 设定值,请定买QGard 柱战Quantum柱次要1. 丈量到的QGard柱后的电阻率小于设定值.2. QGard柱战Quantum杂化柱需要共时调换.请通联Millipore公司,定买用于调换的QGard柱战Quantum柱.距下次矫正还剩 XX天次要1. MilliQ系统推荐需要安插一次校准考察.2. 请通联Millipore公司.距下次认证还剩XX天次要1. MilliQ系统推荐需要安插一次认证考察.2. 请通联Millipore公司.距下次服务考察还剩XX 天次要1. MilliQ系统推荐需要安插一次服务考察.2. 请通联Millipore公司.认证已经逾期XX天主要1. MilliQ系统检测到认证已经逾期了.2. 请通联Millipore公司.调换A10灯主要1. MilliQ系统检测到该当调换A10灯.2. 参照维护4.3.6.距调换A10灯还剩次要 1. MilliQ系统推荐应当正在XX天内调换A10灯.4.4.2警报疑息及应付于要领4.4.3贮火桶不克不迭为空,屡屡使用前须确认桶内火量超出本量使用量.4.4.4与火臂交合处预防沾火,可则易引导里里电路障碍.4.4.5杂化柱等需正在使用克日内,超出效期应即时调换.无论何时调换QGard柱,皆要共时调换Quantum杂化柱.5文献变动履历6附录MILLIQ超杂火机维护记录。
範例: 針對共同項目
M ILLI-Q Ac. Gr. Bio.Syn.A10
: 所有線條皆為柱狀。 (表示本功能是用在所有四種機型)
針對特殊系統: Gradient 所有圖形皆收錄在手冊最後之摺頁內。
系統各部分圖形 - 詳列於手冊之後
本手冊是說明如何安裝耗材,使用及保養您的Milli-Q純水系統,雖然Milli-Q系統非常容易使用,但還 是強烈建議使用者徹底閱讀本手冊,可防止系統故障,可使使用者更熟悉所有功能及操作指令。
如何區分不同 Milli-Q 機型所涵蓋之不同應用內容
如何使用本手冊 ......................................................................................................................................... 4 如何區分不同機型所針對的應用內容...................................................................................................... 4 警告標誌之意義.......................................................................................................................................... 4 前言 ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 一般說明...................................................................................................................................................... 5 系統運作原理.............................................................................................................................................. 5 系統結構流程圖.......................................................................................................................................... 6 規範.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 裝置 ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 系統裝置...................................................................................................................................................... 9 裝置方法.................................................................................................................................................... 10 MILLI-Q 系統操作 .................................................................................................................................. 13 操作的幾種模式........................................................................................................................................ 13 標準顯示.................................................................................................................................................... 13 附加顯示.................................................................................................................................................... 14 按鍵使用方法............................................................................................................................................ 15 MILLI-Q 系統啟動 ..................................................................................................................................... 20 保養 ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 例行保養時間表........................................................................................................................................ 21 例行保養.................................................................................................................................................... 22 疑難排除 ................................................................................................................................................... 25 疑難排除、訊息........................................................................................................................................ 25 警告號碼表................................................................................................................................................ 27
Milli-Q Reference 水纯度水净化系统产品说明书
![Milli-Q Reference 水纯度水净化系统产品说明书](
Milli-Q® ReferenceWater Purification SystemThe reference for ultrapure water systemsThe life science businessof Merck operates asMilliporeSigma in theU.S. and Canada.Ultrapure water fromMilli-Q® Lab WaterSolutionsEasily prepare solutionswith the low flowfunction to preciselyadjust the meniscus involumetric flasks.Save time with thevolumetric function,automatically deliveringthe water volume that youneed, designed to fit theheight and shape of alllaboratory glassware.The 75 cm long tubingreaches the sink for easyglassware washing.Deliver water hands-freeusing the footswitch optionfor added convenience.Scientists today face many challenges. As always,they need to deliver high-quality technical results.But now, they must do so at a faster pace, whilemeeting increasing standards and often operating inlaboratories with limited space.We designed the Milli-Q® Reference system toaddress these needs. From pure water, the systemproduces ultrapure water adapted to your specificapplications and exceeding the requirements of themost demanding norms.Water is purified in a first step to reach a resistivityof 18.2 MΩ.cm at 25°C and a TOC value below 5ppb. This water is sent through a small recirculationloop to the Application POD-Pak, where a finalpurification step, critical for specific experiments,removes contaminants just before water leavesthe system. The flow schematic on the next pageshows how the water is purified and delivered by thesystem.Convenience in water deliveryThe Milli-Q® Reference system delivers water the way scientists need it for convenience and time savings, improving laboratory efficiency.23Milli-Q ® Reference system at a glanceInside the Milli-Q ®Reference systemQ-Gard ® pretreatment packadapted to pure feed water qualityLarge digital and graphic screen with detailed procedures for full online supportQuantum ® polishing cartridge adapted to general applicationsConsistently delivers ultrapure-quality water adapted to your needswalk-away filling14Access to water system data is structured simply, so you can save time instead of searching endlessnumbers for the one you want.The Main Screen on the production unit delivers detailed information (in local language) on system operation and performance. Clear graphics help you perform specific tasks, such as maintenance. From the same screen, you can even print reports on the system’s water quality and history.Fields related to critical information, such as the definition of water quality set points, are accessible only to the designated responsible user and areprotected by an identification code and a password. Alerts and alarms are clearly visible on the system’s main screen and can be enhanced by a buzzer.Easy access to informationA Quick Reference Guide located in the door of the Milli-Q ® Reference water system provides additional support for retrieving information. The system comes with a complete and detailed user manual in 8 languages on a USB key.5Easy and reduced maintenanceMaintaining the Milli-Q ® Reference system won’t take time away from your research. Maintenance frequency is minimal, and the procedures are simplified to the utmost.• You can replace the Q-Gard ® pretreatment pack or the Quantum ® polishing cartridge in less than 5 minutes. These consumables have an RFID tag, automatically registering the catalog and lot number of the new unit in the system’s memory, so that you can quickly and easily maintain traceability. • Replacing the Application POD-Pak takes less than 2 minutes. • The UV lamp built inside the system is designed to last at least 2 years. • The system will alert you to replace consumables or schedule service visits at least 15 days before maintenance is actually required, so you’ll never be without the water you need.Milli-Q ® ServicesWe provide a comprehensive range of service programs performed by Milli-Q ®-certified field service support engineers to thoroughly maintain and validate your Milli-Q ® system, complying with your industry’s regulatory standards.The service program portfolio covers all maintenance requirements such as installation, customized user training, scientific and technical support,troubleshooting, preventive maintenance visits, and all validation requirements using ad hoc calibratedequipment, procedures, workbooks and suitability tests within a GxP environment.Application POD-PakQuantum Polishing Cartridge Q-Gard Pretreatment Pack Total water solutions:To get the best results from your Milli-Q ® Reference system, we recommend feeding it with pure waterproduced by a RiOs™ (Type 3) or Elix ® (Type 2) water system.Feed water specifications®with conductivity < 100 μS/cmand TOC < 50 ppbFeed water connection1/2 in. Gaz MFeed water pressure*0 – 0.3 barFeed water temperature 5 – 35°C* For pressure above 0.3 bar, a pressure regulator needs to be installed upstream of the system; for pressures between 0 and -0.2 bar, the system will operate, but product flow rate may be lower.Product water qualitymL/minAutomatic dispense volume100 mL250 mL to 5 L by250 mL increments5 L to 60 L by 1 L increments Volumetric dispense accuracy3% for volumes between 250 mLand 60 LVolumetric dispense dispersion CV < 3% for volumes between 250 mL and 60 LResistivity118.2 MΩ.cm at 25°CTOC2≤ 5 ppb (μg/L)Bacteria3< 0.01 CFU/mLPyrogens (endotoxins)4< 0.001 EU/mL (pyrogen-free) RNases4< 1 pg/mL (RNase-free)DNases4< 5 pg/mL (DNase-free)1 Resistivity can be displayed temperature-compensated at 25°C or non-temperature-compensated as required by USP.2 TOC spec – Test conditions: Milli-Q® Reference system equipped with Q-Gard® T1 pack and Quantum® TEX cartridge, feed water producedby Elix® system with resistivity > 1 MΩ.cm at 25°C, TOC < 30 ppb. Product water quality may vary due to local feed water conditions.3 Results with Millipak® filter.4 Results with Biopak® final polisher in place. These values (validated with Elix® feed water) are typical and may vary depending on the nature and concentration of contaminants in the feed water.SafetyThe Milli-Q® Reference system is tested by an independent and accredited company for compliance with the CE directives related to safety and electromagnetic compatibility. The report can be consulted on demand.The Milli-Q® Reference system is built using components and practices recommended by UL and has been cUL marked. The registration can be verified on the UL web site ().System dimensionsSystem height• Cabinet (base)497 mm (19.56 in.)• Cabinet (top)713 mm (28.07 in.)System width• Cabinet (base)332 mm (13.07 in.)• Cabinet (top)413 mm (16.25 in.)System depth• Cabinet (base)360 mm (14.17 in.)• Cabinet (top)458 mm (18.03 in.)System weight (packaged)19 kg (41.88 lb.)System weight (empty)14.5 kg (31.96 lb.)System weight (with water)19.5 kg (42.99 lb.)Dispenser delivery loop length750 mm (29.52 in.)Electrical power supply cablelength290 cm (114.1 in.)Electrical power supply voltage100 – 230 V ± 10%Electrical power supply frequency50 – 60 Hz ± 10%Feed water connection1/2 in. Gaz FData connection Ethernet (RJ45)Q-POD®accessory dimensionsQ-POD® height579 mm (23.50 in.)Q-POD® diameter230 mm (9.05 in.)Dispenser delivery loop length800 mm (31.49 in.)Q-POD® weight (packaged)7.2 kg (15.87 lb.)Q-POD® weight (empty) 5 kg (11.02 lb.)Q-POD® weight (with water) 5.5 kg (12.12 lb.)Loop & cable to system length290 cm (114.1 in.)Data connection Parallel Port (25-pin D-Sub) forprint-outCertificationThe Milli-Q® Reference system is delivered with a Certificate of Conformity, ensuring that it has been built and tested fully assembled following our Standard Operating Procedures and a Certificate of Calibration for the temperature and resistivity meters built inthe system. The Milli-Q® Reference consumables are automatically delivered with a Certificate of Quality. Our manufacturing site is ISO® 9001 v.2000 and ISO®140001 certified.Milli-Q® Reference system water specificationsA report on conformity of Milli-Q® Reference water quality to Type 1 water quality, as described by ASTM®, ISO®3696 and CLSI® norms, and to Purified Water, as described in USP and EP, is available upon request.6AccessoriesCustomize your Milli-Q® Reference system to meet your specific needs.Space saversSave your bench space for your crucial experimentsby removing the arm and dispenser from the Milli-Q®Reference system and mounting it on the Q-POD®support. Place the water purification cabinet under your bench, or high on a wall, freeing your bench for your research. More space savers include:• Milli-Q® Reference Wall Mounting Bracket• Q-POD® Wall Mounting Bracket–Increase access to water from your bench–Save even more spaceQ-POD® dispenser: Water delivery at your fingertipsThe ultrapure water produced in the cabinet is sent in a small recirculation loop to the outlet of the Q-POD®dispenser. Water is delivered from the Q-POD® outlet.The Q-POD® dispenser is loaded with convenient features:• Variable water flow (slow flow to 2 L/min) controlled by plunger• Hand-held gun dispensing option to facilitate washing applications• Volumetric dispense control with + and – buttons to select dispensed volume• Multicolor graphic display shows at a glance that the water quality is within specification and the system is operating without alarms.• Printer connection to instantly record water quality historyFootswitchConnect the footswitch to the base of the Q-POD®dispenser or directly to the Milli-Q® system for hands-free water delivery: press once to start and once to stop.System protectorsSensors can help keep your Milli-Q® Reference system running with minimal vigilance on your part.• Water Sensor – Placed on the floor, this sensor stops water feed to the system if there is water on the floor. No more water spills, even if users forget to stop water delivery while filling containers.• Feed Water Conductivity Meter – If ionic contamination of feed water exceeds specifications, causing high conductivity, an alarm will alert you.• Level Sensor – If your Milli-Q® Reference system is fed from one of our tanks, this electronic connector transfers tank level information to the Milli-Q®system. The sensor stops water feed from an empty tank and lets you check water levels in the tank before sourcing water, preventing air from entering the system.• Silicone Q-POD® Cover – The Q-POD® dispenser is designed to operate in a wet environment. However, this silicone cover protects your Q-POD® from harshchemicals, solutions or solvents.2019 - 2626212/2019Merck KGaAFrankfurter Strasse 250 64293 Darmstadt, GermanyFrance: 0825 045 645 Germany************ I taly: 848 845 645 Spain: 901 516 645 Option 1Switzerland: 0848 645 645UnitedKingdom************For other countries across Europe, p lease call: +44 (0) 115 943 0840 Or visit: /offices For Technical Service visit: /techserviceA10, Biopak, Elix, Millipak, Q-Gard, Q-POD, Quantum and RiOs are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.。
Milli-Q超纯水器使用指导∙机器要求常态为“PRE-OPERATE”状态,并保持24小时通电,需要经常检查供水水箱是否充足∙取水时,首先将取水开关开至“循环”档,待显示屏显示的电阻率达到18.2MΩ·cm时,才能把取水开关打到“产水档位∙超滤柱的消毒清洗 (针对Milli-QB或Milli-QS型号)定期地清洗超滤柱对于保证水质,延长超滤柱使用寿命是很有必要的。
Milli-Q纯水系统会每两星期定期显示有关信息"START SANIT." 以提醒您应清洗超滤柱。
在系统软件中有两种清洗程序.程序:1 (7小时)这是在大多数情况下运用的主要清洗程序。
清洗操作步骤如下:按操作/待机“OPERATE/STANDBY” 键2 秒钟,使Milli-Q系统处于待机“STANDBY” 状态。
把MILLIPAK 40/20从出水枪上取下将过渡接头拧在出水口上。
按控制面板清洗“CLEANING”键2 秒钟。
(若要选择程序2,再按一次清洗键)等待10秒钟后选择被确认,显示屏会显示“SAN.CYCLE 1”将取水枪扳手扳下,系统就开始进入清洗程序。
400分钟后将扳手扳回到朝上的位置注:若出水阀未关,系统不会计时清洗时间.清洗结束后,系统自动回到预操作(PRE OPERATE)状态去掉12mm管子和过渡接头,装好MILLIPAK 40/20.Milli-Q超纯水系统又可以正常使用了。
在待机模式下,主显示器和Q-POD取水器显示都如图所示。从待机模式切换到就绪模式选择就绪,按下键4.1.1.4 从就绪模式切换到待机模式选择待机,按下键4.1.2 了解Q-POD 取水器显示器和键盘 Q-POD 取水器显示器闪烁4.1.2.2Q-POD取水器键盘减少取水量增加取水量开始纯水循环定量取水打印产水水质4.1.3查看操作4.1.4 手动取水4.1.4.1 调整Q-POD 取水器的高度按下此处并保持住,上下移动Q-POD 取水器。 使用Q-POD 取水器为了取水,在就绪模式下,按下Q-POD 取水器开关。
O L M HQ-POD取水器内置一个微型开关。
如果您把Q-POD取水器开关按到底后松开,Q-POD 微型开关就处于锁定位置。
当微型开关处于锁定位置时,纯水就会以高流速从Q-POD 取水器中持续流出。
4.1.5定量取水使用Q-POD取水器能实现定量取水,其定量为0.1L,0.25 L,0.5 L,0.75 L,1 L,1.25 L,1.5 L,1.75 L,2L,3 L,……,60L。
MILLIPORE密理博实验室纯水超纯水系统明澈-D 24 UVMERCK MILLIPORE 默克密理博实验室纯水超纯水系统明澈-D 24 UV是“基于原密理博成熟技术全新开发的高品质实验室纯水系统”,它以“集成资源,联合开发”的研发模式,建立在原密理博成熟领先的技术,法国优秀的设计,德国严谨的制造基础上,结合中国消费者真实需求全新开发而成。
是直接以自来水为进水生产纯水和超纯水,其中纯水流速为24 升每小时,日产水量在100 升以上;超纯水流速为2 升每分钟。
MERCK MILLIPORE 默克密理博实验室纯水超纯水系统明澈-D 24 UV系统描述:MERCK MILLIPORE 默克密理博实验室纯水超纯水系统明澈-D 24 UV采用原密理博最核心的纯化技术:反渗透、核子级离子交换树脂,185/254 nm 双波长紫外灯,高效率终端除菌过滤器,将自来水处理为满足各类理化、生物等众多实验要求的高品质超纯水。
系统特征CKD-Completely Knock Down-完全进口散件组装明澈-D 24 UV 是以国际先进的CKD 方式生产,及所有散件原装法国生产,国内组装;其次,明澈-D 24 UV 配件均采用国际顶级知名品牌和最好的材质,如Parker、PVDF、PFA 材质软管等。
舒适灵活取水明澈-D 24 UV 自带远程取水单元,可实现远程取水,从而节省了实验室大量空间;手臂上可显示产水水质,并给予报警提醒;同时可360 度移动,适合各种容量的玻璃器具250mL 量筒、5 L 长颈瓶、甚至30 L 的大瓶;高精度电导率仪明澈-D 24 UV采用Millipore和德国计量研究员合作开发的高精度电阻率检测器,电导池/电极常数达到0.01 cm-1,温度灵敏度为0.1°C。
高回收率明澈-D 24 UV 均自带反渗透弃水回收功能,可以将弃水回收,从而提高自来水的利用率,最高回收率可以做到50%。
Milli-Q Synthesis 超纯水系统中文使用说明书Milli-Q Synthesis超强组合型详细说明:IVF等极为困难的特殊培养以及分子生物学实验专用Milli-Q Synthesis系结合Gradient所采用的短波UV灯(185nm)以及Biocel所采用的5,000分子量的UF 膜,其产水的TOC值可在5ppb以下(当进水的TOC值低于50ppb),热源则低于0.001EU/ml的新型超纯水装置。
当然,Milli-Q Synthesis 的产水也可使用在需高灵敏度的HPLC检测上。
功能◆TOC数值显示◆电阻率显示◆水温显示◆纯水柱更换显示◆“A10”UV灯更换显示◆UV灯更换提示◆UF膜自动清洗◆消毒提醒◆定期循环◆定量取水◆取水纯度设定◆运转状态输出需加装“A10”TOC检测仪技术指标产水量 1.5L/min电阻率18.2MΩ·cm(25℃)总有机碳TOC 〈5ppb热源0.001EU/mL细菌〈1cfu/mL颗粒〉0.22um 〈1P/mLElix产水作为进水,其TOC值低于50ppbMillipore公司是驰名世界的纯水及超纯水设备制造商,根据用户的独特要求设计制造出一系列不同的纯水及超纯水系统。
MilliporeSigma Milli-Q EQ 7000 超纯水纯化系统说明书
![MilliporeSigma Milli-Q EQ 7000 超纯水纯化系统说明书](
The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Lab Water SolutionsMilli-Q ® EQ 7000Ultrapure water purification systemThe AuthenticMilli-Q ® Ultrapure ExperienceDesigned for Modern-Day ScientistsScientists Face Many Challenges. Water Should Not Be One of Them.To deliver reliable, high-quality scientific results, you require consistently high-quality ultrapure water.The Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 ultrapure water system is designed to produce consistent ultrapure water quality[resistivity 18.2 MΩ·cm @ 25 °C; total organic carbon (TOC) ≤ 5 ppb] that can be adapted to each user’s specific application requirements. Plus, a range of intelligent design features make it effortless to dispense water as needed and where needed in the lab.An ultrapure water system designed by scientists, for scientists.2* Vs. our previous generation Milli-Q ® Reference system.Convenient Q-POD ® dispensing• 3 flow rates or one-touch volumetric dispensing • Dispenser mounts where you want, up to 3 m from the system • Confidence as you work with ‘Check & Dispense’ lightsFlexibility that adapts to your needs• Multiple space-saving setups: on or under the bench, or on the wall • Customize water quality with application-specific final filters • Hands-free dispensing foot pedal optionControl at your fingertips• Large, intuitive touchscreen simplifies system use and data access • Place the screen where you want, up to 3 m from the systemAt-a-glance quality monitoring• Rapid quality monitoring assures your every dispense • Inline proprietary TOC indicator measures at the point of useCreate a compact & flexible benchtopsetup by systemmounting the Q-POD ® dispenserand placing the screen anywhere on the bench, up to 3m.Save space by placing the system (A) on the wall, or (B) under the bench.Feed pure water from a pressurized loop or storage tank.Flexibility that Fits Your Space & NeedsChoose an installation option that works for you3* Feed water must be pretreated with one of the following purification technologies: Elix ® electrodeionization (EDI), deionization (DI), reverse osmosis (RO), or distillation.Production unit installation options• Benchtop • Under bench • Wall mountedPure water* feed options from a• Distribution loop • Milli-Q ® pure water storage solutionQ-POD ® dispenser options• System mount with choice of positions: on the left or right side, and at the top or bottom of the system or• Wall mount, up to 3 m from the systemHMI touchscreen options• Maintain movement flexibility with a 3 m cable that connects the screen to the main unit; Hold, move and use the touchscreen as is most comfortable for you or• Wall mount, up to 3 m from the systemultrapure water• Wall- or system-mounted setup options (see page 3)• Q-POD ® dispenser rotates on a fixed arm for convenient filling • Unhook the Q-POD ® dispenser from its magnetic hold for agile manipulationConfidenceCheck & Dispense lights on the Q-POD ® arm rapidly confirm that your every dispense is a high-quality dispense.System power Water quality 4…With All Information at Your FingertipsUser-friendlytouchscreen interfaceNavigate and control yourMilli-Q ® EQ 7000 system efficiently and effortlessly with its 7” (~18 cm) colored, touchscreen.Intuitively organized menus help you quickly find what you’re looking for, including:• System information and controls • Water quality monitoring • Dispense options• Purification cartridge status • Data access and reportsAt-a-glancequality monitoringEssential water quality information is conveniently in view on the touchscreen interface:• Resistivity and temperature • TOC indication (see page 7 for more information)• Application POD-Pak installed • Water recirculation statusAfter each dispense, updated resistivity and temperature measurements and the TOC indication are displayed on the screen.Connect to simplified system monitoring & data managementConnect your Milli-Q ® EQ 7000system to an authorized network or device:• Local network (DHCP protocol/fixed IP address) via an Ethernet port• Laptop with a fixed IP addressConnectivity facilitates:• Remote system monitoring and control • Rapid data access• Paperless data managementAlternatively, data can be transferred to a USB key from the port on the touchscreen.Just tap or swipe to control and monitor your system and its data.Intuitively organized system menus support ease of use and greaterlab efficiency.Colored icons display the status of installed purification cartridges.Essential water quality information is in view.A USB port supports easydata export.5Support for Your Sustainability GoalsAt Lab Water Solutions, we are proactively engaged in reducing the environmental impact of our products and supporting your efforts to identify more sustainable solutions. All our products are produced at our ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certified manufacturing site and all our systems comply with critical environmental regulations and directives, such as RoHS, REACH and WEEE.We are proud of the innovation and design features that give the Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 system a reduced environmental footprint vs. our previous generation Milli-Q ® Reference system:Reduced plastic and size• 20% reduced plastic weight • Up to 25% smaller footprint• 33% smaller and lighter purification cartridges. Smallerbeads of IQnano ® ion-exchange media reduce the bedvolume and improve kinetics within the IPAK Quanta ®and IPAK Meta ® polishing cartridges.• >50% plastic by weight from suppliers following the Together for Sustainability approach, audited by EcoVadis.Reduced electricity consumption• >10% overall energy savings• Lab Close mode saves energy and reduces wear of system components as recirculation is reduced to once a day during long periods of inactivity. The system automatically resumes hourly recirculation 24 hours prior to resuming lab activity, ensuring the system is ready for use.Easy Upkeep & Carefree MaintenanceWe’ve made the Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 system easy to use and carefree to maintain so that your valuable resources can focus on what truly matters – accurate scientific results.• Automated quality upkeep , including a recirculation loop and Lab Close mode, ensure that water quality is preserved when the system is not in use • Automatic alerts notify youwhen purification cartridges need replacing to avoid risk of impacting major components• Coordinated, once-a-yearpurification cartridge replacements minimize hassle • Onscreen wizards guide you to perform simple maintenance and troubleshooting procedures in-house • Twist & Lock cartridgereplacements can be confidently performed by anyone in the lab in a few minutes • Predictableoperating costsTo replace purification cartridges, scan the QR code to be automatically connected to:/mymilliqconsumablesTwist & Lock cartridgedesign makes consumable changes easy and fast.In 2020 and 2021, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany was awarded Platinumstatus from EcoVadis, placing us in the top 1% of all companies assessed.6Work Confidently with Authentic Milli-Q ® Ultrapure WaterThe Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 system produces ultrapure water that exceeds the requirements of the mostdemanding norms and can be adapted to your specific applications. (See page 10 for details on how water is purified and delivered by the system.)Water quality gradeWith respect to daily, freshly produced water, the Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 system is intended to dispense ultrapure water that meets or exceeds water quality specifications described by the organizations below:OrganizationWater quality/gradeEuropean Pharmacopoeia Purified water in bulk U.S. Pharmacopeia Purified water in bulk Japanese Pharmacopoeia Purified water Chinese Pharmacopoeia Purified water ASTM ® D1193 Type I water ISO 3696Grade 1 water Chinese National Standard GB/T 6682Grade 1 water Chinese National Standard GB/T 33087Ultrapure water JIS K 0557A4 waterClinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI ®)Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water (CLRW)Rapid, inline Milli-Q ® TOC indicatorTo ensure the reliability of your organic-sensitive applications, such as HPLC, the Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 system integrates a new, proprietary TOC indicator that assures organic contamination is ≤ 5 ppb. This inline indicator provides TOC at the point of use, so you’re certain every dispense is an optimal dispense.ParameterMilli-Q ® TOC IndicatorMonitoring frequency At dispenseAccuracyAccurate indication within the range TOC values display ≤ 5 ppb, if 0–5 ppb ≤ 10 ppb, if 6–10 ppb>10–999 ppb, a whole number is displayed TOC measuring process Inline, post-dispensePhotooxidation UV lampLow pressure mercury lamp, 185 nm UV lamp replacement frequencyOnce every 2 yearsMilli-Q ® TOC IndicatorOnce a dispense is complete, product water flows through the recirculation loop inside the system to the UV oxidation lamp, bypassing theIPAK Meta ® polishing cartridge. UV radiation oxidizes neutral organics into charged molecules, increasing water conductivity. This change is detected by an intermediate resistivity sensor and is converted by an algorithm to a TOC value. The TOC indication appears on the touchscreen monitor after eachdispense.7A Powerful Combination of Purification MediaSlim IPAK Meta ® and IPAK Quanta ® cartridges are designed to function as a pair. The cartridges use acombination of Jetpore ® mixed-bed ion-exchange resin and innovative IQnano ® ion-exchange media to provide exceptional performance. The IQnano ® media’s smaller bead size significantly improves the resin’s kinetic properties. This reduces media needs dramatically: 33% less than former Milli-Q ® cartridges — while still achieving ion removal down to trace level.Other available POD-Paks include: • EDS-Pak ® polisher for endocrine disruptor experiments • LC-Pak ® polisher for trace and ultra-trace organic analyses • VOC-Pak ®polisher for analysis of volatile organic compoundsAll Application POD-Paks feature:• e-Sure tags for full data traceability and consumable status monitoring • Easy snap-into-place installation •Dispensing protective bell8Match Water Quality to Your NeedsApplication POD-Paks are final filters that adapt water quality to specific application needs. Each targets specific contaminants and removes them right at the Q-POD ® dispenser.Millipak ® & sterile Millipak ® Gold 0.22 μm filters to remove bacteria and particulates from water.Biopak ® ultrafiltration polisherfor critical applications requiring pyrogen-, nuclease-, protease- and bacteria-free water.Jetpore IQnanoIPAK MetaIPAK QuantaActivated carbonIQnanoTrust Best-in-Class Milli-Q ® ServicesAnd save time with MyMilli-Q™ digital servicesFrom installation and training to yearly check-ups and our timesaving digital solutions, with Milli-Q ® Services you receive best-in-class service and support from the people who designed and built your system.Quality certified & globally harmonized expertise• Only Milli-Q ®-certified field service engineers install, maintain and repair our systems • Genuine parts from our ISO 9001-certified manufacturing site• In compliance with our worldwide, auditable Standard Operating Procedures • Standardized visit reports and traceable records of careInstallation & user training• Highly trained engineers efficiently install your system, supplying all components required • Receive user training and advice on how to use your systemMilli-Q ® Service Plans & support options to meet any lab’s needsTo ensure your Milli-Q ® system continuously operates at optimum efficiency, we provide a range of service plans and options that can be tailored to suit your application, compliance and budgetary requirements. All Milli-Q ® Service Plans include an annual preventive maintenance visit from one of our engineers and access to our cloud-based digital service portal, MyMilli-Q™ online solution.Milli-Q ® digital servicesLog into MyMilli-Q™ online solution to streamline the care of your Milli-Q ® systems:• Track service history and reports • Manage purification cartridge deliveries • Plan maintenance visits• Renew service contracts and Consumable Supply Agreements ® Services hotline* For the Milli-Q ® EQ 7000 system, applies to temperature and conductivity cells.:/milli-qservices9Customized installationUser trainingVerificationand calibration*Technical AppendixMilli-Q® EQ 7000 ultrapure water systemThe Milli-Q® EQ 7000 system manages the production and the distribution of ultrapure (Type 1) water from a purified water source, such as a PE tank, the Milli-Q® IX/IQ tank, or a pressurized loop.Water is purified to a resistivity of 18.2 MΩ.cm at 25°C and TOC ≤ 5 ppb. During dispense, water is sent through a small recirculation loop to the Q-POD® dispenser where a final purification step—the Application POD-Pak—removes specific contaminants just before water leaves the system.Flow schematic1011Purification unit specificationsCompact benchtop solutionBenchtop HMI touchscreenRemote wall-mounted solutionFront viewTop viewFront viewTop view34.2 cm [13.4 in]19 cm [7.4 in]19 cm [7.4 in]49.8 c m [19.6 i n ]18.6 c m [7.3 i n ]54.2 c m [21.3 i n ]35 c m [13.8 i n ]9.4 c m [3.7 i n ]43.7 c m [17.2 i n ]11.3 cm [4.4 in]26.5 cm [10.4 in]26.5 cm [10.4 in]35 c m [13.8 i n ]52 c m [20.5 i n ]77 c m [30.3 i n ]49.8 c m [19.6 i n ]Tubing and port requirementsParameter DescriptionFeed water connection½” GAZDistance from feed water port Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft)Distance from purification unit to wall-mountedQ-POD® dispenser Maximum 3 m (9.8 ft)Power entry Connection IEC13ON/OFF switch Avaliable on the unitWater sensor port Fits with standard leak detector (Cat. No. ZWATSENA1) Ethernet port IEEE P802.3Electrical connections and specificationsParameter DescriptionPower source voltage100–240 VAC ± 10%Power frequency50/60 Hz ± 2 HzPower used Maximum 115 VAPower cord length 2.5 m (8.2 ft) plug: IEC13 femaleOperational temperature4–40 °C (39–104 °F)Altitude Up to 3000 m (9842 ft)WeightsSystem type Dry weight Shipping weight Operating weight Purification unit + HMI touchscreen12.2 kg (26.9 lb)*14.6 kg (32.2 lb)16.7 kg (36.8 lb)* HMI touchscreen 0.58 kg (1.3 lb) **0.58 kg (1.3 lb)HMI touchscreen mounting kits • Benchtop• Wall 0.42 kg (0.9 lb)0.49 kg (1.1 lb)0.56 kg (1.2 lb)1.4 kg (3.0 lb)0.42 kg (0.9 lb)0.49 kg (1.1 lb)Q-POD® dispenser • System• Wall 1.2 kg (2.7 lb)2.2 kg (4.9 lb)1.5 kg (3.3 lb)2.8 kg (6.1 lb)1.2 kg (2.7 lb)2.2 kg (4.9 lb)*HMI touchscreen not included.**Included in shipping box with purification unit.HMI touchscreen specificationsScreen descriptions and functionalitiesParameter DescriptionCapacitive touchscreen Size: 7” (18 cm); Resolution: 800 x 480USB port USB 2.0 Highspeed standardDisplay in 9 languages Chinese / English / French / German / Italian /Japanese / Portuguese / Russian / Spanish12Water specifications international conformityFeed water requirementsFeed water quality Pretreated water using electrodeionization (EDI), deionization(DI), reverse osmosis (RO), or distillation technologies Pressure* < 6 barTemperature5–35 °C (41–95 °F)Conductivity ≤ 100 µS/cm at 25 °C (as NaCl)Total Organic Carbon (TOC)< 50 ppb* For pressures below 0 bar, the system will operate, but product flow rate may be lower.Ultrapure, Type 1 water specifications1 (from Q-POD® dispenser)Resistivity218.2 MΩ·cm at 25 °CConductivity 0.055 μS/cm at 25 °CTOC≤ 5 ppbParticles3No particles with size > 0.22 µmBacteria< 0.01 cfu/mL (< 10 cfu/L)(4)< 0.005 cfu/mL (< 5 cfu/L)(5)Pyrogens (endotoxins)6< 0.001 EU/mLRNases6< 1 pg/mLDNases6< 5 pg/mLProteases6< 0.15 µg/mLFlow rate Up to 2 L/min1 These values are typical and may vary depending on the nature and concentration of contaminants in the feed water.2 Resistivity can also be displayed non-temperature-compensated as required by USP.3 With Millipak® or Millipak® Gold filter.4 With Millipak® or Biopak® filter.5 With Millipak® Gold filter when installed and used in a laminar flow hood.6 With Biopak® polisher.13International regulatory requirements EU declaration of conformity – UL safety markingThe Milli-Q® EQ 7000 system has been designed and manufactured in accordance to the international standard and test method defined by the IECEE organization according CB Scheme process. CB Scheme process was applied for electromagnetic compatibility and safety compliance.The Milli-Q® EQ 7000 system is also subject of the UL listing Marking Program and meets the following marking and registration requirements listed below:• UL registration can be verified on the UL website: • Access to CB certificate: /We also meet the regulatory requirements of the following organizations:14Ordering informationSystem Catalog numberMilli-Q® EQ 7000 water purification system & HMI touchscreen ZEQ7000T0CBenchtop kit for HMI touchscreen BTEQ0DKTWall mounting kit for HMI touchscreen WMEQ0DKTSystem mounting kit for Q-POD® dispenser (includes Q-POD® unit)SMEQ00KTWall mounting Kit for Q-POD® dispenser (includes Q-POD® unit)WMEQ0RKTPure water storage tanks*Catalog numberMilli-Q® storage tank top assembly TANKT0PA1Milli-Q® storage tank, 25 L TANKA025Milli-Q® storage tank, 50 L TANKA050Milli-Q® storage tank, 100 L TANKA100* Also compatible with polyethylene (PE) storage tanks or distribution loop.Purification consumables & Application POD-Paks Catalog numberIPAK Meta®/IPAK Quanta® consumable kit IPAKKITA1Millipak® 0.22 μm filter MPGP002A1Millipak® Gold 0.22 μm sterile filter MPGPG02A1Biopak® polisher CDUFBI0A1LC-Pak® polisher LCPAK00A1EDS-Pak® polisher EDSPAK0A1VOC-Pak® polisher V0CPAK0A1UV lamp ZEQ7UVLP0For easy consumable ordering, visit/mymilliqconsumablesAccessories Catalog numberSystem wall mounting bracket SYSTFIXA1Water sensor ZWATSENA1Foot pedal ZEQ7FTPDLInternal pressure regulator + Feed conductivity cell ZEQ7C0NDCInternal pressure regulator ZF3000810Alarm relay cable ZMQ0ALCA115Lab Water Solutions© 2022 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Merck, the vibrant M, Milli-Q, MyMilli-Q, Q-POD, Elix, IPAK Meta, IPAK Quanta, IQnano, Jetpore, Millipak,BioPak, VOC-Pak, EDS-Pak and LC-Pak are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.Lit. No. MK_BR7180ENFor more information, please visit our website:/ultrapureWe have built a unique collection of life science brands withunrivalled experience in supporting your scientific advancements.。
Milli-Q IQ 7000 纯水净化系统产品说明书
![Milli-Q IQ 7000 纯水净化系统产品说明书](
Milli-Q® IQ 7000 Purification SystemAn ultrapure water solutiondesigned with YOU in mindThe life science businessof Merck operates asMilliporeSigma in theU.S. and Canada.A touch of intelligence Milli-Q® IQ 7000Purification SystemMaking your work in the lab easierand more efficient than ever2Milli-Q® IQ 7000 Purification SystemTable of Contents468910 Data tracking capabilities 11 Effortless maintenance 12 Milli-Q® Services 12 Water quality compliance 13 Technical Appendix 14-213Enjoy breakthrough designCompact, ergonomic and intelligent. With its large touchscreen for intuitive interaction, the new Q-POD® ultrapurewater dispenser offers all the flexibility you need.Discover how much you’ll enjoy using it every dayin your lab.Simple and intuitive dispensingJust a twist of the new dispensing wheel lets you deliver water at the flowrate you need, from precise drop by drop up to a full 2 liters per minute.For added efficiency, you can also directly select a dispensing option fromthe Home screen.While dispensing, you can easily check the water quality parameters,always visible onscreen. Their values are continuously monitored by thesystem, so you can have full confidence in your water quality.Tip: Make sure toclick the Home screenRecirculation button torefresh water qualityjust before dispensing.Feel free to continue working whilethe Volumetric dispensing modefills labware for you. Water deliverywill automatically stop when theprogrammed volume is reached.To repeat this dispense as often as youlike, simply push the button again.Milli-Q® IQ 7000 Purification SystemAssisted dispensingThis new dispensing mode has aspecial drop-by-drop finish to always meet your calibration mark.Designed for your precision filling needs,Assisted dispensing mode lets you avoid usingan intermediary bottle or beaker — an extra step that is often a source of contamination.Now you can directly use fresh ultrapure water without introducing unwanted contaminants into your samples.The Dispense report , available right after water delivery, provides all dispense-related information in a single click.Fill in the free text field to tag your project, your team, or even yourself to this dispense. You can instantly export the report by scanning its QR code, or downloading it on a USB key.The Dispense report data will be archived in Milli-Q ® system memory for later retrieval.Tip:Manage your Milli-Q ® expense sharing by tagging the user in the free text field.5Work confidently with Milli-Q ® IQ 7000Complementary technologiesThe Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system combines advanced technologies, hydraulic design and software capabilities to efficiently produce the superior-quality ultrapure water you need to work confidently.6Boost your daily efficiencyThe Q-POD ® graphic interface isdesigned for intuitive use, just like a smartphone or a tablet. There’s noneed to search through the user manual — the information you need daily is at your fingertips.And when consumables have to be replaced periodically, your system will inform you, then automatically guide you, step by step.6Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 Purification SystemA10Monitor7JetporeActivated carbonIQnanoIQnanoMercury freeA powerful combination of purification mediaThe slim IPAK Meta ®and IPAK Quanta® cartridges are designed to function as a pair. The cartridges use a combination of Jetpore ® mixed-bed ion-exchange resin and innovative IQnano ® ion-exchange media to provide exceptional performance. The IQnano ® media’s smaller bead size significantly improves the resin’s kinetic properties. This reduces media needs dramatically: 33% less than former Milli-Q ® cartridges — while still achieving ion removal down to trace level.A Performance Report makes everything clearA full report is available for the IPAK Meta ® and IPAK Quanta ® cartridges. It provides details on the technologies used, their performance during testing by our R&D department, as well as information concerning our quality and manufacturing requirements. For more information, please visit/mymilliqconsumablesCompleted by high-grade synthetic activated carbon, the IPAK Quanta ® cartridge also targets traces of organic contaminants once they have been oxidized by the Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system’s new online photooxidation lamp. This unique ech 2o ® mercury-free UV lamp ensures oxidation of organic contaminants using xenon excimer (excited dimer) technology, emitting at 172 nm wavelength.And, because they contain no mercury,the new lamps are now environmentally friendly.IPAK MetaIPAK Quanta8Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 Purification SystemSee how superior quality is possibleBetter than 18.2 MΩ·cm?We have developed the Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system to ensure that your experiments are safe from ionic contaminant traces. Our R&D validation data in Ion Chromatography (IC) show that the system is able to consistently and reliably produce 18.2 MΩ·cm(at 25°C) ion-free water at the sub-ppb level. This resistivity value is continuously monitored by the precise in-line resistivity cell, with a 0.01 cm -1 low cell constant and a 0.1 °C sensitive thermistor.The Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system also delivers low TOC (Total Organic Carbon) ultrapure water. Best results of less than 2 ppb are achieved with Elix ® feed water. TOC is measured online by the A10® monitor, which has been redesigned for even greater accuracy.Elix ® feed recommendedFeed your Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system with pure Type 2 Elix water to get the best performance from your system and optimal cartridge lifetimes.Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 IC anion chromatogram Anion standard mix Milli-Q ® IQ 7000F -[0.5µg /L ]L a c t a t e [2µg /L ]A c e t a t e [2µg /L ]F o r m a t e [2µg /L ]C l -[1µg /L ]P O 43-[6µg /L ]I -[1µg /L ]O x a l a t e [2µg /L ]M a l o n a t e [2µg /L ]S O 42-[4µg /L ]H C O 3-f r o m d i s s o l v e d ai r N O 3-[4µg /L ]B r -[4µg /L ]N O 2-[2µg /L ]µS 876543210 24 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Time (min)Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 IC cation chromatogram µS 876543210 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Time (min)Na +[1µg /L ]NH4+[1µg /L]K +[2µg /L ]M n 2+[1µg /L]Ca 2+[2µg /L ]Mg 2+[1µg /L]Cation standard mix Milli-Q ® IQ 7000L i +[0.5µg /L ]9them right at the Q-POD ®Water quality to match all your application needsWith the appropriate Application-Pak installed, your Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system will provide water suitable for most of the analyticaltechniques used in the laboratory, including:New application POD-Paks features:• An e-Sure tag, for indispensable data traceability.• An ergonomic pack locker and protective bell — for easy “snap-into-place” installation.Note: Thanks to their e-Sure tag, all consumables’ status can now be monitored on the Q-POD ® screen. Consumables’ data and the events throughout their life are automatically recorded in the system’s memory. Tip: If you need several types of ultrapure water,simply connect up to 4 Q-POD ® dispensers to your system, each with a different POD-Pak.In addition, specific Application-Paks are available for use with life sciences applications, such as:• HPLC • UHPLC • LC-MS • GC-MS • IC • AAS • ICP-MS • Surface tension • Cell culture • PCR • Sequencing • Proteomics • Western blotting • ImmunoassaysBiopak ®: pyrogen-,nuclease-, protease- and bacteria-free waterMillipak ® & sterile Millipak ® Gold: 0.22 µm filters for bacteria-free and particulate-free waterOptimize lab space for greater efficiencyVersatile configurations for the best fitEach lab is unique. The Milli-Q® IQ 7000 system lets you optimize valuable lab space to help maximize your efficiency.You may choose to wall-mount the production unit — or fit it under the bench. Designed for easy integration, the unit can be tucked into a corner, high up on a wall, or installed at a distance in a lab cabinet. Only the slim and neatly connected Q-POD® dispensers remain right at hand on the bench.Cabling is available in customizable lengths and enclosed in protective sheathing for a neat, uncluttered installation.Tip: Take advantage of optional accessories, including a foot pedal for hands-free water delivery, or a water sensor that stops the system if a water leak is detected.10Milli-Q® IQ 7000 Purification SystemGet the data tracking you needEasy data management for apaperless environmentPowerful, integrated data management makes it so much simpler and faster to manage your water system data — no more log book or paper to archive! All data generated by the Milli-Q® IQ 7000 system is stored in the system memory.With your needs in mind, we have tailor-made reports available in just a few clicks.Dispensing Events is a history of all the dispensing reports. You can find a past dispense with its water quality, obtain how much volume you’ve used over a week, and even allocate costs using the User ID field.Daily Quality Measures provides traceability on your water quality over time. Select your time frame to get a daily average of water quality parameters and volumes.Password protectionTip: All reports can be exported and are available in an open format suitable for any LIMS (laboratorygrowing industry trend.For all needs requiring more in-depth analysis, the Complete History, a global archive of ALL system data, is available. This includes not only water quality and volumes, but also any events such as alerts, setting modifications, consumables replacement, and other service activities.A graphic preview is available withthe last 30 events; convenientlyexport data on a flash drive usingthe screen’s USB port.Tip: Need to order your consumables? Scan the QR code to be automatically connected to/mymilliqconsumablesExperience effortless maintenanceMaintaining your Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system is worry-free and easier than ever! Your system has everything under control and will notify you whenever:• Any consumables require replacement. You’ll receive an alert and then your system will guide you step by step.• A technical issue is encountered. Specific details will be provided for efficient troubleshooting.Note: In case of a serious issue, you are safe:your system will inform you and automatically stop!The new IPAK locker makes changing system consumables so simple. Just twist and lock. Anyone can do it!Focus 100% on your work with our comprehensive servicesThanks to the Milli-Q ® Services, you can benefit from a range of services to help your system operate at optimum efficiency now — and in the future.In all their activities, our certified service engineers follow strict standard procedures, use only genuine parts, and provide a formal service report in line with quality assurance guidelines.Qualification expertiseOur full Qualification Program is designed to support laboratory validation procedures. The program includes qualification workbooks with IQ, OQ, MP (maintenance procedures) and examples of PQ files.In addition, on-board resistivity meters and thermistors as well as the A10® TOC monitor, allow USP and EP suitability tests to be performed. Certificates of Conformity, Quality and Calibration are available tofacilitate GLP and cGMP compliance.ServicePharmacopoeiasuitability testsApplication expertiseVerificationand calibrationCustomizedinstallationCompliance with Quality Assurance demandsOur products are manufactured in an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001-registered production site, and their certificates are available on demand. To assist you in following industry requirements, specific certification documents are also available:Certificate of Conformity: The system has been assembled and tested to Merck’s stringent Quality Assurance procedures.Certificates of Calibration: Included for the built-in resistivity and temperature meters and the A10® TOC monitor. Certificate of Quality: Included with all our consumables which have been validated to consistently deliver the water quality expected. Performance Report: This document is available with information about cartridge development, validation and qualification stages, as well as manufacturing and quality assurance.Water Quality ComplianceThe Milli-Q® IQ 7000 system is intended to produce ultrapure water that meets or exceeds requirements as described by the organizations below:European Pharmacopeia Purified Water in bulkU.S. Pharmacopeia Purified Water in bulkJapanese Pharmacopeia Purified WaterChinese Pharmacopeia Purified WaterASTM® D1193 Type I waterISO 3696Grade 1 waterChinese National Standard - GB/T 6682Grade 1 WaterChinese National Standard - GB/T 33087Ultrapure WaterJIS K 0557 A4 waterClinical and Laboratory Standards Institute® (CLSI®)Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water (CLRW) Be environmentally friendlyMerck is committed to environmental sustainability. Milli-Q® products are developed with the dual objective of increasing our own sustainability and helping our customers move toward sustainable solutions themselves.Mercury-free solutionThe Milli-Q® IQ 7000 system breaks ground with the new mercury-free technology of its ech2o® UV lamps. And to do even more for the environ-ment, we also worked on reducing the system footprint (by 23%), and the plastic used for cartridges (by 33%) — all of which reduce manu-facturing plastic needs, packaging and transportation, as well as waste levels. System electricity consump-tion was also reduced (by 35%) thanks to optimization of compo-nents and processes as well as the implementation of “Lab Close” mode. Finally, the system is designed to support a paperless environment, with documentation now available online. The system is deliveredwith its relevant certificates and a brief guide with hints and tips onsystem functions. The user manualcan easily be downloaded from theQ-POD® screen.A GreenerAlternativeProductThe Milli-Q® IQ 7000 system hasbeen evaluated on 7 dimensionsthat have a critical impact on GlobalWarming: Energy & Emissions, Wa-ter, Packaging, Materials, Suppliers& Manuftacturing, Circular Economy,and Usability & Innovation. Officiallyawarded the Greener AlternativeProduct label, we certify that theMilli-Q® IQ 7000 system uses lessplastic and less electricity, and iscompletely mercury free.Lab Close modeTip: Get instant onlineaccess to your certificatesof quality at/mymilliqconsumablesTip: Access the “Design forSustainability“ scorecardfor the Milli-Q® IQ 7000system at /milli-q-iq7000Technical Appendix Milli-Q® IQ 7000Purification SystemMilli-Q ® IQ 7000 Flow SchematicTechnical Appendix-1Feed water ThermistorResistivity cellMotorized valveFlow meter Solenoid valveStrainerPressure sensor Check valvePumpPressure regulatorQ-POD dispenser IPAKcartridgeA10 TOC monitorech 2o UVoxidation lampTechnical Appendix-2Production Unit SpecificationsTubing and port requirementsItemDescriptionFeed water portPE tube dia 6x8 mm, maximum 5 m (16.4 ft) from feedWater to Q-POD ® dispenser and back to production unit PE tube dia 6x8 mm (inside connector sleeve), maximum length 5 m Power entry Connection IEC 13 ON/OFF switch Available on the unit Water sensor port Maximum 3.3 VDC Tank level adapter port Maximum 5 VDC Ethernet portIEEE P802.3Electrical connections and specificationsItemDescriptionPower source voltage 100 − 240 V ± 10% Power frequency 50 − 60 Hz at ± 2Hz Power used 350 VAPower cordLength 2.5 m (8.2 ft) Plug: IEC13 female Operational temperature 4 − 40 °C (39 – 104 °F) Altitude 3000 m (9842 ft) RFID frequency13.56 MHzWeight (Q-POD not included)Shipping weight Dry weightOperating weight 15 kg (33 lb)12.46 kg (27.47 lb)16.06 kg (35.4 lb)Front view Top viewPossible connection accessQ-POD ® Dispenser SpecificationsTechnical Appendix-3Tubing and port requirementsDescription Dispenser tubing length0.92 m (36.22 in) Distance from production unit to Q-POD ® dispenser Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft) Distance between two Q-POD ® dispensers(Maximum four Q-POD ®dispensers connected in series)Maximum 5 m (16.4 ft)Q-POD ® dispenser data connection with unit Ethernet (cable inside connector sleeve)Q-POD ® electrical connection Powered by the production unit (24 VDC - 28 VDC) (cable inside connector sleeve)RFID frequency 13.56 MHz Foot pedal port3.3 VScreen description & functionalitiesDescriptionCapacitive touch screen Size: 5” Resolution: 800 x 480 USB port USB 2.0 Highspeed standardSpeakerImpedance: 8 Ω / Max output power: 0.5WDisplay in 9 languagesChinese / English / French / German / Italian / Japanese / Portuguese / Russian / SpanishWeightDry weight Operating weight 7.9 kg (17.4 lb)5.5 kg (12.1 lb)5.64 kg (12.4 lb)Side viewFront viewPossible connection accessInstallation Options To Fit Your RequirementsTechnical Appendix-4Q-POD 4Q-POD 3Technical Appendix-51. These values are typical and may vary depending on the nature and concentration of contaminants in the feed water.2. Resistivity can also be displayed non-temperature-compensated as required by USP.3. In the appropriate operating conditions ; otherwise typically ≤ 5 ppb.4. With Millipak ® and Millipak ®Gold filter.5. With Biopak ® polisher.6. With Millipak ® Gold filter installed and used in a laminar flow hood.International regulation requirementsDeclaration of CE and cUL Conformity:The Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system has been tested by an independent and accredited company forcompliance with CE directives related to safety and electromagnetic compatibility. The report can be consulted on demand. In addition, the Milli-Q ® IQ 7000 system is built using components and practices recommended by UL and has been cUL marked. The registration can be verified on the UL web site: We also meet the regulatory requirements of the following organizations:Water SpecificationsInternational ConformityFeed water quality Pretreated water using EDI, DI, RO or distillation technologies Conductivity at 25 °C <100 µS/cm (as NaCl)Total Organic Carbon (TOC) <50 ppb Pressure range* Maximum 6 barTemperature5 − 35 °C / 41 − 95 °FResistivity at 25 °C (2)18.2 MΩ·cmTOC≤2 ppb (µg/L)(3), typically ≤ 5 ppb (µg/L)Particles (4) No particles with size > 0.22 µm Bacteria<0.01 cfu/mL (<10 cfu/L)(4,5) <0.005 cfu/mL (<5 cfu/L)(6)Pyrogens (endotoxins)(5)<0.001 EU/mL RNases (5) <1 pg/mL DNases (5) <5 pg/mL Proteases (5) <0.15 µg/mL Flow rate0.05 − 2 L/min* For pressures between 0 and 0.1 bar, the system will operate, but product flow rate may be lower.Ordering Information Technical Appendix-6Milli-Q® IQ 7000 purification system ZIQ7000WW*Q-POD® remote dispenser with 2 m connector ZIQP0D020Q-POD® remote dispenser with 5 m connector ZIQP0D050IPAK Meta® & IPAK Quanta® polishing cartridge kit IPAKKITA1 Millipak® 0.22 µm filter MPGP002A1 Millipak® Gold 0.22 µm sterile filter MPGPG02A1 Biopak® polisher CDUFBI0A1LC-Pak® polisher LCPAK00A1 EDS-Pak® polisher EDSPAK0A1 VOC-Pak® polisher V0CPAK0A1Additional Q-POD® dispenser with 2 m connector ZIQP0DX20 Additional Q-POD® dispenser with 5 m connector ZIQP0DX50 Feed water conductivity cell ZFC0NDCA1 Foot pedal ZMQSFTSA1 Wall mounting bracket SYSTFIXA1Q-POD® wall mounting bracket WMBQP0D01 Water sensor ZWATSENA1Our certified Field Service Engineers provide expert on-site professional supportfor the installation, validation, calibration and maintenance of your individual and total water solutions. To select the proper service plan for your water system, please contact your local service specialist to discuss and help you design the plan best adapted to your needs.* The end letters “WW” will be replaced by your country letters on your invoice to ensure you receive the appropriate accessory kit for your country, including the user manual in your local language and a power cord adapted to the local electrical network.To order consumables online, please visit:/mymilliqconsumablesFor more information, please visit our website:/milli-q-iq7000NotesFor more information, please visit our website:/milli-q-iq7000Merck KGaA Frankfurter Strasse 25064293 Darmstadt, Germany/labwater。
1、纯水超纯一体化智能系统1台厂家:法国密理博型号:Milli-Q Integral 3具体参数:一、主要用途:1.1纯水应用:微生物培养基制备、缓冲液配置、水栽培、实验室前处理设备供水(灭菌锅、自动滴定仪)、CO2培养箱、老化机等;1.2超纯水应用:HPLC/LC-MS/TOF有机物分析仪器及试剂用水、ICP-MS/AAS/ICP/无机分析仪器及试剂用水、IC离子色谱仪器及试剂用水、TOC测量仪器及试剂用水、洁净间仪器及实验用具清洗、凝胶电泳/脉冲场电泳/2D蛋白电泳试剂用水、Ion Torrent等第二代测序仪清洗及试剂用水。
二、工作条件:2.1 环境温度: 5-35℃2.2 相对湿度: 20%-80%2.3 电源:AC220V ± 10%, 50HZ三、技术指标:3.1从自来水直接生产II级纯水和I级超纯水的一体化智能系统,然后由独立的带显示屏的POD 取水器取水3.2 纯水产水:3.2.1电阻率> 5 MΩ·cm@25℃典型值为10-15 MΩ·cm@25℃3.2.2总有机碳含量(TOC) < 30ppb;3.2.3直径大于0.2μm的颗粒物数量: <1/ml3.2.4细菌:< 0.1 CFU/ml;3.2.5产水流速:3 L/H3.2.6产水储存于外置同品牌30L非压力水箱,HDPE材质, 圆锥形可完全排空, 配空气过滤器、全量程液位传感器、漏水监测器3.3超纯水产水:3.3.1电阻率:18.2 MΩ.cm@25℃3.3.2 总有机碳TOC≤5ppb3.3.3直径大于0.2μm的颗粒物数量: <1/ml3.3.4 * 细菌:< 0.01 cfu/ml;3.3.5 * DNases<5pg/mL;3.3.6 * RNases<1pg/mL;3.3.7产水流速:0.05 - 2.0 L/min3.4系统监控及主要纯化部件:3.4.1 系统内置高精度电阻率检测仪,电极常数为0.01cm-1,温度灵敏度达到0.1℃, 采用同轴电极专利设计,准确检测和显示温度补偿的电阻率,符合ASTM®D 1125-95(2009)及USP(§645)电阻率系统适应性测试要求,可溯源到NIST,投标文件需附原厂校验证书。
Milli-Q Gradient系统和Milli-Q Gradient系统价格
![Milli-Q Gradient系统和Milli-Q Gradient系统价格](
Milli-Q Gradient 系统和Milli-Q Gradient 系统价格Milli-QGradient 系统 标题:Milli-Q Gradient 系统Milli-Q 超纯水系统 Milli-Q Academic -为一般实验室应用设计 Milli-Q Biocel-为生命科学应用设计Milli-Q Gradient-对微量有机物分析设计 Milli-QSynthesis-为分子生物学应用设计 主要特点 高精度的水质测量系统,精确测量产水电阻率,并有TOC 在线测量可供选择(TOC 测量范围1-999ppb,符合USP24) 整机符合优良实验室标准(GLP),备有RS232打印接口,也可选择Millipore 最新的Explore Data 软件,将自己的PC 机与纯水系统相连,下载历史数据和水质报告,使实验室环境网络化. 新的定时流量产水开关,可使取水做到定时或定量,而且流速校正简单快捷.也可选择脚踏开关,远距离显示和取水装置,使取水更加灵活方便. 根据进水水质不同和应用的不同,可选用不同的QG 预纯化柱和QU 超纯化柱.如果偶尔对热源或RN...厂家:上海政泓 市场价格: 优惠价格:百度搜索联系Milli-Q Biocel系统 标题:Milli-Q Biocel 系统Milli-Q 超纯水系统 Milli-Q Academic -为一般实验室应用设计 Milli-Q Biocel-为生命科学应用设计Milli-Q Gradient-对微量有机物分析设计 Milli-QSynthesis-为分子生物学应用设计 主要特点 高精度的水质测量系统,精确测量产水电阻率,并有TOC 在线测量可供选择(TOC 测量范围1-999ppb,符合USP24) 整机符合优良实验室标准(GLP),备有RS232打印接口,也可选择Millipore 最新的Explore Data 软件,将自己的PC 机与纯水系统相连,下载历史数据和水质报告,使实验室环境网络化. 新的定时流量产水开关,可使取水做到定时或定量,而且流速校正简单快捷.也可选择脚踏开关,远距离显示和取水装置,使取水更加灵活方便. 根据进水水质不同和应用的不同,可选用不同的QG 预纯化柱和QU 超纯化柱.如果偶尔对热源或RN... 厂家:上海政泓 市场价格: 优惠价格:百度搜索联系Milli-Q Synthesis系统标题:Milli-Q Synthesis系统Milli-Q超纯水系统 Milli-Q Academic -为一般实验室应用设计 Milli-Q Biocel-为生命科学应用设计Milli-Q Gradient-对微量有机物分析设计 Milli-QSynthesis-为分子生物学应用设计主要特点高精度的水质测量系统,精确测量产水电阻率,并有TOC在线测量可供选择(TOC测量范围1-999ppb,符合USP24)整机符合优良实验室标准(GLP),备有RS232打印接口,也可选择Millipore最新的Explore Data软件,将自己的PC机与纯水系统相连,下载历史数据和水质报告,使实验室环境网络化. 新的定时流量产水开关,可使取水做到定时或定量,而且流速校正简单快捷.也可选择脚踏开关,远距离显示和取水装置,使取水更加灵活方便. 根据进水水质不同和应用的不同,可选用不同的QG预纯化柱和QU超纯化柱.如果偶尔对热源或RN...厂家:上海政泓市场价格:优惠价格:百度搜索联系。
Milli-Q Integral 纯水超纯水一体化系统
![Milli-Q Integral 纯水超纯水一体化系统](
产水设备和 POD 取水器可双屏提供便捷的操控信息,系统运行状态及维护信息一目了然。
网络化管理功能及电子签名功能 满足您的实验室水质数据电子管理 和溯源性要求
Application Pak 系列
BioPak® 超滤器
无热原、无核酸酶 的水
VOC-Pak ™精制器
挥发性有机化合物 分析用水
EDS-Pak® 精制器
内分泌干扰物实验 用水
LC-Pak ™精制器
超痕量有机分析 用水
Millipak® 过滤器 无菌、无颗粒的水
易于操作,能够节约研究人员的宝贵时间。使用 E-POD® 和 Q-POD® 取水器供应纯水和超纯水,简单直观,符合您的要求,而不影响质量。 Milli-Q® Integral 系统可轻松满足您的各种实验室应用需求。您可以根据自己每天的用水量选择不同流量的纯水系统以满足您的实验室需求。 需要时,每天可生产 300L 以上的Ⅱ级(纯)水并以高达 2L/min 的流速生产Ⅰ级(超纯)水。 Q-POD® 和 E-POD® 装置可配合多种实验室玻璃器皿的使用。取水方法简单直观,易于操作,科学家可以选择手动或定量取水方式以节约宝 贵的时间。 POD 装置位于再循环回路上,与主机或回路上的前一个 POD 装置的距离不超过 290 cm。在每个装置中,水通过一个 80 cm 的回路再循环到 取水器出口。 每个 Q-POD® 和 E-POD® 装置均有彩色背光式显示屏,用户可据此随时检查系统运行状态和水质。
在待机模式下,主显示器和Q-POD取水器显示都如图所示。从待机模式切换到就绪模式选择就绪,按下键4.1.1.4 从就绪模式切换到待机模式选择待机,按下键4.1.2 了解Q-POD 取水器显示器和键盘 Q-POD 取水器显示器闪烁4.1.2.2Q-POD取水器键盘减少取水量增加取水量开始纯水循环定量取水打印产水水质4.1.3查看操作4.1.4 手动取水4.1.4.1 调整Q-POD 取水器的高度按下此处并保持住,上下移动Q-POD 取水器。 使用Q-POD 取水器为了取水,在就绪模式下,按下Q-POD 取水器开关。
O L M HQ-POD取水器内置一个微型开关。
如果您把Q-POD取水器开关按到底后松开,Q-POD 微型开关就处于锁定位置。
4.1.5定量取水使用Q-POD取水器能实现定量取水,其定量为0.1L,0.25 L,0.5 L,0.75 L,1 L,1.25 L,1.5 L,1.75 L,2L,3 L,……,60L。
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Milli-Q® Integral 纯水 / 超纯水一体化系统
Page 38
采用默克密理博专利的 Elix® EDI 技术,无需添加软化剂、化学再生 或更换 DI 柱即可稳定获得 5MΩ.cm(25 ℃)以上的高纯水。
Elix® 组件采用电极和混床离子交换树脂(分别由阴阳离子选择透过性 膜分开)制成。在 Elix® EDI 组件中,经由弱电流持续再生的离子交换 树脂,确保恒定的优良水质和低运行成本。这一低能耗工艺的弃水很 少,使用户可以节约经过反渗透膜处理的纯水和电力消耗。无需特别 维护或进行造成树脂颗粒破损的化学再生。该独特工艺已成为生产 2 级水的新标准,并全面取代实验室里的蒸馏和常规去离子制水装置。
默克密理博是您可以信赖的合作伙伴。Watercare Pact 服务计划提供包括专业校验和验证 在内的一系列支持服务。
多种专业的功能性附件和选配件可供选择,使您可轻松享受 Milli-Q® Integral 系统功能升级 的惬意体验。
Milli-Q® Integral 系统水纯化流程图
Milli-Q® Integral 系统使用普通自来水作为进水,生产纯水和超纯水,然后由独立的 POD 取水器供水。
15 17
10 21
23 24
1. 自来水进水 2. 预过滤装置 3. 进水电磁阀 4. Progard® 预处理柱 5. 压力调节器 6. 增压泵 7. 进水电导率计 8. 可清洗 RO 膜 9. RO 弃水回收回路 10. 排水口
可满足多种专业应用需求的专家级超纯水 轻松方便地供应纯水和超纯水
独创引领纯化技术革新的 6 大 Application Pak 终端精制器,有效去除 VOC、TOC、EDS、 Nucleases 等特定类型的污染物,给你非一般的专家级超纯水质。
符合人体工程学的 Q-POD® 和 E-POD® 取水器,可以轻松方便地供应超纯水和纯水。智能 化的定量取水功能及多流速设计,可帮您轻松节约宝贵的实验时间。
符合标准规范的 双重水质监控理念
高精度的电阻率检测,是确保高纯水中离子污染物维持在亚 ppb 水平的关键。 Milli-Q® Integral 系统的高精度电阻率检测仪具有以下特定功能和先进设计,可确 保系统屏幕上显示数值的准确性。
• 同轴电极的专利设计,确保电极常数的稳定性。 • 流通式无死角设计确保检测结果能够准确反映水中实际的离子浓度。 • 低电极常数 (0.01 cm-1) 确保低离子污染下的最佳检测精度,符合 ASTM® D 1125-
集成式 Elix® 技术以最优化的运行成本为 Milli-Q® Integral 系统用户提 供始终如一的优良水质。由 Elix® 组件生产的水电阻率高于 5 MΩ.cm (25 ℃),TOC<30ppb——该数值远优于传统双蒸馏水的电阻率和 TOC。所生产的纯水可用于基本实验室需要,例如缓冲液和试剂制备、 微生物学培养基制备、组织学、溶解测试(用紫外线检测)和玻璃 器皿冲洗。
Milli-Q® Integral 系统由经 ISO® 注册且符合 cGMP 要求的制造厂生产,交货时附有符合性 证书,所有内置检测仪附有校验证书;耗材交货时,附有质量证书。
轻松无忧的维护程序 快速高效的技术支持 丰富的系统功能性升级体验
维护程序简单明了、易于执行,系统提前 15 天提示用户更换耗材。RFID 标签具有自动追 溯功能,可防止使用错误耗材。
石英管 0.5 ml
185/254 nm 紫外线灯
检测初始电导 率和温度
氧化循环 C
阶段 1 阶段 2
阶段 3
灯开 灯关
阶段 4 阀门开启
3 O2
UV (185)
2 O3UV (254)2 O22 O2+
2 O*
2 H2O2
可满足多种专业应用 需求的专家级超纯水
Milli-Q® Integral 一体化系统不仅可提供电阻率为 18.2 MΩ.cm(25 ℃),TOC<5ppb 的基础超纯水,还可根据专业的水质需求提供适当的 Application Pak 用水点 精制器,Milli-Q® Integral 系统所提供的专家级超纯水,可满足 HPLC、LC-MS、 MALDI-ToF-MS、IC、ICP、AA 等理化分析应用领域和 PCR、凝胶电泳、细胞培养等 生命科学领域以及众多专业水质需求领域的极致用水需求。 Application Pak 易于与 POD 取水器连接,以使水质符合您的特定研究和应用要求。 例如,安装在用水点的 BioPak® 超滤器,可生产适合于基因组学应用(质量至少 等同于 DEPC 处理水)和细胞培养的超纯水。
对于需要Ⅱ级(纯)水以满足实验室基础 应用,同时又需要Ⅰ级(超纯)水以实现 专业应用的科学家,Milli-Q® Integral 一体 化系统提供了完美的解决方案。采用全面、 最佳的水纯化程序和监测技术,使用一台 独立系统即可从普通自来水直接生产纯水 和超纯水。Milli-Q® Integral 系统用户不仅得 到了便利,也在节约了运行成本的同时节 省实验室空间。
按下 POD 装置的柱塞,可得到从低流速(用于微调已校 验烧瓶中的液面)到高流速(用于快速灌注)的水。此外, 可从支座上拆下取水器,以方便为某些应用(例如清洗 玻璃器皿或板)供水。
在 POD 装置的底座上,设置定量取水。用户可用 (+) 和 (-) 按钮调节要供应的体积,然后按下定量取水按钮,以极 佳的精度 (< 1 %) 和重现性 (cv < 1 %),开始按所选体积 供水。 支撑 Q-POD® 和 E-POD® 取水器的杆和臂,其设计能够适 应所有常用玻璃器皿——从 250 mL 锥形瓶到 5 L 已校验 烧瓶,甚至 20 L 大瓶! 如不方便通过手动取水,可选配脚踏开关配件与 POD 取 水器的底座连接,或直接与 Milli-Q® Integral 系统连接, 从而实现脚踏式取水功能。
Application Pak 系列
BioPak® 超滤器
无热原、无核酸酶 的水
VOC-Pak ™精制器
挥发性有机化合物 分析用水
EDS-Pak® 精制器
内分泌干扰物实验 用水
LC-Pak ™精制器
超痕量有机分析 用水
Millipak® 过滤器 无菌、无颗粒的水
易于操作,能够节约研究人员的宝贵时间。使用 E-POD® 和 Q-POD® 取水器供应纯水和超纯水,简单直观,符合您的要求,而不影响质量。 Milli-Q® Integral 系统可轻松满足您的各种实验室应用需求。您可以根据自己每天的用水量选择不同流量的纯水系统以满足您的实验室需求。 需要时,每天可生产 300L 以上的Ⅱ级(纯)水并以高达 2L/min 的流速生产Ⅰ级(超纯)水。 Q-POD® 和 E-POD® 装置可配合多种实验室玻璃器皿的使用。取水方法简单直观,易于操作,科学家可以选择手动或定量取水方式以节约宝 贵的时间。 POD 装置位于再循环回路上,与主机或回路上的前一个 POD 装置的距离不超过 290 cm。在每个装置中,水通过一个 80 cm 的回路再循环到 取水器出口。 每个 Q-POD® 和 E-POD® 装置均有彩色背光式显示屏,用户可据此随时检查系统运行状态和水质。
首创 Millitrack® Basic 软件,提供水质数据存储管理、仪表板系统管理和分级网络登录管理 的未来实验室仪器管理功能。而功能更强大的 Millitrack® Compliance 软件还提供包括电子 签名、审核跟踪和账号管理等功能,从而全面满足 FDA 提出的 21 CFR Part 11 的严格要求。
高清液晶操作屏提供多语言和分级登录管理系统菜单(正常使用、维护、系统管理)。系 统门内附有方便使用的快速参考指南 ,提供了简明的操作和维护信息。
产水设备和 POD 取水器可双屏提供便捷的操控信息,系统运行状态及维护信息一目了然。
网络化管理功能及电子签名功能 满足您的实验室水质数据电子管理 和溯源性要求
Milli-Q® Integral 系统提供紧凑型解决方案,使用一台独立系统既可生产Ⅱ级(纯)水并以此为水源生产Ⅰ级(超纯)水——从而无需额外 的纯水来源。
双重 POD(供水点)概念
Milli-Q® Integral 系统 POD 取水器的设计目的是节约 空间同时方便用户的取水。用户根据实验室的空间 特点选择定制化的安装方式,将 Q-POD® 超纯水取 水器和 E-POD® 纯水取水器安放在所需位置。此外 POD 装置特别引入了符合人体工程学的设计,以适 应最常用的实验室玻璃器皿的形状和高度。 每个系统最多可在实验室里的不同位置安放三台 独 立 的 POD 取 水 器。 根 据 专 业 需 求 选 择 不 同 的 Application Pak 系列精制器可在取水之前去除特定 污染物,通用 POD 取水器与之配套可适应多种实 验室应用。
电极通道 纯化通道 浓缩通道 纯化通道 电极通道