
一些有用的外贸邮件用语(催款)一些有用的外贸邮件用语(催款)系统错误Hello i am writting in regards to an invoice/job that is outstanding on oursystem, (please review this atachment) and make payment asap, if payment has been made thats great,please send payment proof and remittance to this email and ignore this request,(it is important that we recieve proof of payment to close this invoice and clear any debts that are outstanding) your help would be greatly apreciated,附件Attachments are the statement and the invoices for your jobs, please kindly check and make the payment as soon as you can.Any problems please feel free to contact us.Please provide the job number as reference when you pay for your job by direct bank transfer,or email them to us.I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.(pay 50% deposit)详细附件Enclosed is the invoice for your "×××××"job, please kindly check and make the payment.As this job will be sent to Taiwan directly, please kindly advise the delivery details :个人错误Sorry for my mistake about the previous Invoice, it doesnt sum the freight ($180+gst); Attachment is the revised invoice with balance due $180+gst. pls kindly check and confirm payment. Do apologize for my mistake. Please accept my sincere apologies.Sorry that I just send a wrong email to you.Do apologize for my mistake. Please accept my sincereapologies.回复付款Thank you for your payment of $327.80 for your recent order of books from Oceanic Press.Thank you for your credit transfer for $1327.80 in payment of our invoice.We have received your check for $327.80 in payment of our July statement.Our bank advised us today that your transfer of $3327.80 was credited to our account. Thank you for prompt payment.Starting from this month, we'll deduct 3% from your monthly bill each time you pay.We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to serving you again.Thank you for paying so promptly, and we hope to serve you again soon.We welcome your next order and hope that you will contact us whenever we can help you.回复付款范文Thank you for your payment of our July statement.We are pleased to inform you that, starting with this month (August), we'll deduct 3% from your monthly bill each time you pay by the 15th. This favor is a reward to you for prompt payment of your monthly bill during the year you've been our customer.Thank you again for your cooperation.催款开头1. How to start your letter?You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.你对于我们最近发给你的关于你过去欠款的信函没有任何回应。

催款信的常用语催款信的常用语I. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 常用语1. How to start your letter?You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.We remind you once more of your open account thatis now ____ days beyond our ____day terms.Your account is still unpaid in spite of our continual reminders asking for payment or an explanation for your delay.We urgently request that you immediately pay your balance of ______, which has been outstanding since_______[date] despite several notices from us.2. How to warn the recipient against further delay?You must realize that we cannot afford to carrythis debt on our books any longer.Any further delay in paying your balance duecannot be accepted.You can no longer delay payment if you wish to keep your account open.Our next step is to take legal action to collect the money due us.This is unpleasant for both of us and is damaging to your credit rating.3. How to specify your deadline or demand immediate payment?We must now insist that you send you payment within the next five days.Unless I receive your remittance within the next three days, our attorney will be instructed to start proceedings to recover the debt.If we do not receive remittance within five days from the above date, we will have no choice but to pursue other collection procedures.After April 30, we will have no choice but to cancel your credit and turn your account over to a collection agency.4. How to end your letter?We look forward to your prompt payment.Your immediate response is necessary.Whether or not we take legal action is now your decision.Please make every effort to ensure that we are not forced to take this drastic action.We must hear from you at once to avoid further action.II. SAMPLE 范文Dear __________,I am afraid your failure to settle your account, which is over due for more than six months, will leave us with no alt。

Dear [Customer's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to gently remind you about the pending order for [Product Name]. We understand the excitement to receive the goods and we are equally eager to ensure a prompt delivery. Could you please assist us by providing the necessary documentation at your earliest convenience? Timely processing will significantly expedite the shipment. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
外贸英语 外贸写作之催款的表达

1. 开头语1) You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.2) We remind you once more of your open account that is now 60 days beyond our terms.3) Your account is still unpaid in spite of our continual reminders asking for payment or an ex planation for your delay.4) We urgently request that you immediately pay your balance of $10,000, which has been out standing since March 8 despite several notices from us.2. 警告收信人不得拖延1) You must realize that we cannot afford to carry this debt on our books any longer.2) Any further delay in paying your balance due cannot be accepted.3) You can no longer delay payment if you wish to keep your account open.4) Our next step is to take legal action to collect the money due us.5) This is unpleasant for both of us and is damaging to your credit rating.3. 明确最后期限/要求立即付款1) We must now insist that you send you payment within the next five days.2) Unless I receive your remittance within the next three days, our attorney will be instructed to start proceedings to recover the debt.3) If we do not receive remittance within five days from the above date, we will have no choic e but to pursue other collection procedures.4) After April 30, we will have no choice but to cancel your credit and turn your account over to a collection agency.4. 结束语1) We look forward to your prompt payment.2) Your immediate response is necessary.3) Whether or not we take legal action is now your decision.4) Please make every effort to ensure that we are not forced to take this drastic action.5) We must hear from you at once to avoid further action.。


标题:外贸催款必备邮件英语催款是外贸业务的又一硬伤,跟大家分享怎么样给客户写催款邮件:第一阶段-- “友好的催付”1.Please note that your account, as shown on the attached statement, is past due. Your prompt remittance will be appreciated.请注意附件中的账单时到期未付的款项。
2.This letter is sent to you as a reminder of your account with us. Our invoice of May 7, amounting to $50000 is now due for payment. We will be pleased to receive your check for this amount.此信是对您账目的提醒。
3.If your check is already in the mail, you should disregard this letter. If it is not, please take a moment to mail your check today.如果您的支票已经寄出,请忽略此信。
第二阶段-- “强有力的催付”1.We are disappointed that our letter and statements to you have brought no reply.我们寄给您的信和结算单至今都没有任何回复,对此我们很失望。
2.May we draw your attention to the amount of $50000, which according to our records remains as yet unpaid ? Please let me hear from you as soon as possible if there is a problem I should know about.请您注意下贵司金额为50000美金的款项,按照我们的财务记录,这笔款仍然还没有付清。

外贸向客户催款的方法和技巧以下是 8 条关于外贸向客户催款的方法和技巧:1. 直接表明来意呀!就像咱开门见山似的,直接跟客户说:“亲,上次那笔货款该结一下啦!”比如说,你可以这样发邮件:“亲爱的客户,咱之前那批货您也收到挺久了吧,货款啥时候给安排一下呀?”这样简单又直接,客户一下子就明白你的意思啦。
2. 提醒客户合作的好处呀!咱可以跟他说:“咱一直合作得这么愉快,可别因为这点钱影响了呀!”举个例子,打电话的时候可以说:“您看,咱们之前合作多棒呀,这次把货款结清,之后合作还能更顺畅呀,对不?”让客户想想以后的好处,他可能就更积极啦。
3. 给客户一点紧迫感呀!哎呀,你就说:“再不付款,咱这后面的货可不好安排咯!”比如邮件里写:“客户呀,这货款得抓紧啦,不然会影响您后续订单的进度哟!”让他知道事情的紧迫性。
4. 委婉地暗示呀!别那么生硬嘛,像这样:“亲,最近我们公司财务这边也在催我呢!”就像你可以说:“哎呀,亲爱的,我这老板都问我好几次那笔钱的事儿啦!”客户一听可能就懂了呢。
5. 适当给点优惠呀!你可以跟他讲:“要是您尽快付款,下次合作给您个小折扣哟!”比如说:“亲,您要是这周内付款,下次订单给您便宜 1%行不?”这不是很吸引人嘛。
6. 强调自己的难处呀!哎呀呀,“我这也不容易呀,就盼着您这货款呢!”比如发消息说:“客户呀,我这个月业绩就差您这笔款啦,帮帮忙呀!”让客户也体谅体谅你。
7. 定期去跟进呀,可不能催一次就不管啦!可以每隔一段时间就问问:“亲,货款的事儿有进展了不?”像这样:“昨天问您的那笔货款,您考虑得怎么样啦?”持续地提醒他。
8. 必要时可以找上级出马呀!当自己搞不定的时候,就跟上级说:“老板,这客户的款拖好久啦,您能不能帮我去催催呀!”就好比是:“哎呀,这客户我催了好几次都没动静,老板您出面跟他沟通沟通呗!”总之呀,催款要灵活,该直接就直接,该委婉就委婉,要把客户当朋友,但也得维护好自己的利益呀!别不好意思,该催就得催!。

1. Urgent Reminder: End-of-Year Order Deadline Approaching!2. Last Chance to Place Your Year-End Order!3. Important: Year-End Order Reminder - Act Now!4. Time is Running Out! Year-End Order Deadline Reminder5. Don't Miss Out on Year-End Savings - Order Today!6. Final Reminder: Year-End Order Deadline Approaching7. Act Now to Secure Your Year-End Shipment!8. Urgent: Year-End Order Reminder - Limited Time Left!9. Don't Delay! Year-End Order Deadline Reminder10. Last Call for Year-End Orders - Order Now to Ensure Timely Delivery11. Time-sensitive: Year-End Order Reminder - Act Fast!12. Important: Year-End Order Deadline - Order Today!13. Final Chance to Place Your Year-End Order - Don't Wait!14. Urgent Reminder: Year-End Order Deadline Approaching!15. Limited Time Left! Order Now for Year-End Delivery16. Don't Miss Your Opportunity! Year-End Order Reminder17. Act Now to Secure Your Year-End Shipment - Last Reminder!18. Critical: Year-End Order Deadline - Order Immediately!19. Last Call for Year-End Orders - Don't Delay!20. Urgent: Year-End Order Reminder - Time is Running Out!21. Don't Miss Out on Year-End Savings - Order Now!22. Final Reminder: Year-End Order Deadline - Order Today!23. Important: Year-End Order Reminder - Act Quickly!24. Time is Ticking! Year-End Order Deadline Reminder25. Limited Stock Available - Order Your Year-End Shipment Now!26. Final Opportunity to Place Your Year-End Order - Act Fast!27. Urgent Reminder: Year-End Order Deadline - Order Now!28. Don't Wait! Year-End Order Deadline Reminder29. Act Now to Secure Your Year-End Shipment - Limited Time Left!30. Critical: Year-End Order Deadline - Order Today!31. Last Chance for Year-End Orders - Don't Miss Out!32. Urgent: Year-End Order Reminder - Order Immediately!33. Time is Running Out! Year-End Order Deadline Approaching!34. Don't Delay! Year-End Order Deadline Reminder35. Final Call for Year-End Orders - Order Now!36. Urgent Reminder: Year-End Order Deadline - Act Now!37. Limited Time Left! Order Today for Year-End Delivery38. Don't Miss Your Last Opportunity! Year-End Order Reminder39. Act Now to Secure Your Year-End Shipment - Last Chance!40. Critical: Year-End Order Deadline -Order Now to Ensure Timely Delivery41. Attention: End-of-Year Order Fulfillment Reminder!42. Urgent: Ensure Timely Delivery - Ship Your Order Now!43. Important: Last Chance to Ship Before Year-End - Act Now!44. Gentle Reminder: Avoid Delays - Ship Your Order Today!45. Final Call: Secure Your Shipment Before the Year-End Rush!46. Friendly Notice: Expedite Your Order to Meet Year-End Deadlines!47. Year-End Shipment Schedule: Please Confirm ASAP!48. Urgent: Avoid Year-End Shipping Congestion - Ship Now!49. Time-Sensitive: Ensure Your Order Arrives Before the New Year!50. Last Minute Shipment Opportunity: Don't Miss Out!51. Year-End Shipment Planning: Share Your Schedule with Us!52. Attention: Year-End Shipping Cut-Off Dates Approaching!53. Important: Avoid Year-End Shipping Delays - Ship Early!54. Urgent: Finalize Your Year-End Order Details Today!55. Year-End Shipment Coordination: Let's Work Together!56. Gentle Reminder: Confirm Your Year-End Shipment Arrangements!57. Year-End Order Fulfillment: Let's Collaborate for a Smooth Process!58. Time-Sensitive: Secure Your Year-End Shipment Today!59. Important: Year-End Shipping Deadlines - Act Now!60. Urgent: Avoid Year-End Shipping Delays - Ship ASAP!61. Year-End Shipment Planning: Share Your Requirements with Us!62. Attention: Ensure Timely Delivery - Ship Your Order Now!63. Final Call: Last Chance to Ship Before the Year-End Rush!64. Friendly Notice: Expedite Your Order to Meet Year-End Deadlines!65. Year-End Shipment Schedule: Please Confirm ASAP!66. Urgent: Avoid Year-End Shipping Congestion - Ship Now!67. Time-Sensitive: Ensure Your Order Arrives Before the New Year!68. Last Minute Shipment Opportunity: Don't Miss Out!69. Year-End Shipment Planning: Share Your Schedule with Us!70. Attention: Year-End Shipping Cut-Off Dates Approaching!71. Important: Avoid Year-End Shipping Delays - Ship Early!72. Urgent: Finalize Your Year-End Order Details Today!73. Year-End Shipment Coordination: Let's Work Together!74. Gentle Reminder: Confirm Your Year-End Shipment Arrangements!75. Year-End Order Fulfillment: Let's Collaborate for a Smooth Process!76. Time-Sensitive: Secure Your Year-End Shipment Today!77. Important: Year-End Shipping Deadlines - Act Now!78. Urgent: Avoid Year-End Shipping Delays - Ship ASAP!79. Year-End Shipment Planning: Share Your Requirements with Us!80. Attention: Ensure Timely Delivery - Ship Your Order Now!81. Final Call: Last Chance to Ship Before the Year-End Rush!82. Friendly Notice: Expedite Your Order to Meet Year-End Deadlines!83. Year-End Shipment Schedule: Please Confirm ASAP!84. Urgent: Avoid Year-End Shipping Congestion - Ship Now!85. Time-Sensitive: Ensure Your Order Arrives Before the New Year!86. Last Minute Shipment Opportunity: Don't Miss Out!87. Year-End Shipment Planning: Share Your Schedule with Us!88. Attention: Year-End Shipping Cut-Off Dates Approaching!89. Important: Avoid Year-End Shipping Delays - Ship Early!90. Urgent: Finalize Your Year-End Order Details Today!以下是上述标题的中文表述:1. 紧急提醒:年末订单截止日期将至!2. 最后机会!下单年末订单!3. 重要:年末订单提醒-立即行动!4. 时间不多了!年末订单截止日期提醒5. 不要错过年末优惠-立即下单!6. 最后提醒:年末订单截止日期临近7. 立即行动,确保年末发货!8. 紧急:年末订单提醒-剩余时间有限!9. 不要拖延!年末订单截止日期提醒10. 年末订单最后通知-立即下单确保及时交付11. 时效紧迫:年末订单提醒-快行动!12. 重要:年末订单截止日期-立即下单!13. 最后机会下单年末订单-不要等待!14. 紧急提醒:年末订单截止日期临近!15. 剩余时间有限!立即下单年末交付16. 不要错过机会!年末订单提醒17. 立即行动,确保年末发货-最后提醒!18. 紧急:年末订单提醒-立即下单!19. 年末订单最后通知-不要拖延!20. 紧急提醒:年末订单截止日期-时间不多了!21. 不要错过年末优惠-立即下单!22. 最后提醒:年末订单截止日期-立即下单!23. 重要:年末订单提醒-快速行动!24. 时间紧迫!年末订单截止日期提醒25. 有限库存可用-立即下单年末发货!26. 最后机会下单年末订单-快行动!27. 紧急提醒:年末订单截止日期-立即下单!28. 不要等待!年末订单截止日期提醒29. 立即行动,确保年末发货-剩余时间有限!30. 重要:年末订单截止日期-立即下单!31. 最后机会下单年末订单-不要错过!32. 紧急:年末订单提醒-立即下单!33. 时间不多了!年末订单截止日期临近!34. 不要拖延!年末订单截止日期提醒35. 最后通知年末订单-立即下单!36. 紧急提醒:年末订单截止日期-立即行动!37. 剩余时间有限!立即下单年末交付38. 不要错过最后机会!年末订单提醒39. 立即行动,确保年末发货-最后机会!40. 重要:年末订单截止日期-立即下单确保及时交付41. 注意:年末订单履行提醒!42. 紧急:确保及时交货-立即发货!43. 重要:年底前发货的最后机会-立即行动!44. 友好提醒:避免延误-今天发货!45. 最后通牒:在年底前发货高峰期前确保您的货物发出!46. 友情提示:加快订单速度以满足年底最后期限!47. 年底发货安排:请尽快确认!48. 紧急:避免年底发货拥堵-立即发货!49. 时间紧迫:确保您的订单在新年之前到达!50. 最后时刻发货机会:不要错过!51. 年底发货计划:与我们分享您的时间表!52. 注意:年底发货截止日期临近!53. 重要:避免年底发货延误-尽早发货!54. 紧急:立即敲定您的年底订单详情!55. 年底发货协调:让我们携手合作,确保流程顺畅!56. 友情提醒:确认您的年底发货安排!57. 年底订单履行:让我们合作以确保流程顺畅!58. 时间紧迫:立即确保您的年底发货!59. 重要:年底发货截止日期-立即行动!60. 紧急:避免年底发货延误-尽快发货!61. 年底发货计划:与我们分享您的要求!62. 注意:确保及时交货-立即发货!63. 最后通牒:在年底前发货高峰期前确保您的货物发出!64. 友情提示:加快订单速度以满足年底最后期限!65. 年底发货安排:请尽快确认!66. 紧急:避免年底发货拥堵-立即发货!67. 时间紧迫:确保您的订单在新年之前到达!68. 最后时刻发货机会:不要错过!69. 年底发货计划:与我们分享您的时间表!70. 注意:年底发货截止日期临近!71. 重要:避免年底发货延误-尽早发货!72. 紧急:立即敲定您的年底订单详情!73. 年底发货协调:让我们携手合作,确保流程顺畅!74. 友情提醒:确认您的年底发货安排!75. 年底订单履行:让我们合作以确保流程顺畅!76. 时间紧迫:立即确保您的年底发货!77. 重要:年底发货截止日期-立即行动!78. 紧急:避免年底发货延误-尽快发货!79. 年底发货计划:与我们分享您的要求!80. 注意:确保及时交货-立即发货!81. 最后通牒:在年底前发货高峰期前确保您的货物发出!82. 友情提示:加快订单速度以满足年底最后期限!83. 年底发货安排:请尽快确认!84. 紧急:避免年底发货拥堵-立即发货!85. 时间紧迫:确保您的订单在新年之前到达!86. 最后时刻发货机会:不要错过!87. 年底发货计划:与我们分享您的时间表!88. 注意:年底发货截止日期临近!89. 重要:避免年底发货延误-尽早发货!90. 紧急:立即敲定您的年底订单详情!。

2.Dear CustomerI got your formal order with many thanks, as per our agreement, we need your deposit to start production, would you please arrange it asap better before xx date, if so, we still can push factory to do the bulk production in order to let you get the goods in due time, thank you for your cooperation.RegardsxxDear ***,Sorry to trouble you again. Because the busy order season is coming, please confirm the details and arrange the wire transfer soon. We need to arrange the mass production asap to keep the delivery on time.Thanks.Kind Regards.***3.合同已经签了,而且付款时间已经过了,客户还是没有汇款。
To Whom It May Concern,We sent you email on xxxx(date) and wanted to check out whether you have received our invoice for the shipment on xxxx(date), but we haven't received any response from you yet.I would like to remind you that the deadline for payment is coming according to our contact. I would appreciate if you would be able to make your payment before March 31, 2010.Please contact us should you have any questions!Sincerely yours,XxxxxDear Customers,According to our contract, the payment is past due. Please make the payment as soon as possible so that we can process to the next stage. The payment should be made no later than March 31st. We have already sent the reciept, please respond to confirm that you have recieve it.thanksXXXXX4.请求付款恳请速予汇款为荷。

1. “亲,您看这都拖了好久啦,您的货款就像迷路的小羊羔,我都等得望眼欲穿啦!就像我们等快递一样着急呀!”
2. “哎呀呀,您该付的钱可不能一直拖着呀,这就好比火车不能一直晚点呀!”
3. “亲,您想想呀,我们合作这么久了,您的货款也该快点来啦,别让我像热锅上的蚂蚁呀!”
4. “您这钱再不付,我都要愁白头啦,就像那秋天的树叶一样可怜呀!”
5. “亲呀,您的货款就像我心里的一块大石头呀,赶紧挪开它吧!”
6. “哎呀,您可别再拖啦,这不是让我干着急嘛,好比等日出等得好心焦!”
7. “亲,您的钱该来了吧,这都等得我花儿都谢了!”
8. “您不付这钱,我都快没招啦,就像没油的汽车跑不动呀!”
9. “亲,您想想呀,这货款就像我们友谊的小船的帆呀,没它可不行呀!”
10. “哎呀,您的钱咋还不来呀,这真让我心痒痒呀,像猫抓一样!”

一些有用的外贸邮件用语(催款)系统错误Hello i am writting in regards to an invoice/job that is outstanding on oursystem, (please review this atachment) and make payment asap, if payment has been made thats great,please send payment proof and remittance to this email and ignore this request,(it is important that we recieve proof of payment to close this invoice and clear any debts that areoutstanding) your help would be greatly apreciated,附件Attachments are the statement and the invoices for your jobs, please kindly check and make the payment as soon as you can.Any problems please feel free to contact us.Please provide the job number as reference when you pay for your job by direct bank transfer,or email them to us.I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.(pay 50% deposit)详细附件Enclosed is the invoice for your "×××××"job, please kindly check and make the payment.As this job will be sent to Taiwan directly, please kindly advise the delivery details :个人错误Sorry for my mistake about the previous Invoice, it doesnt sum the freight ($180+gst); Attachment is the revised invoice with balance due $180+gst. pls kindly check and confirm payment. Do apologize for my mistake. Please accept my sincere apologies.Sorry that I just send a wrong email to you.Do apologize for my mistake. Please accept my sincere apologies.回复付款Thank you for your payment of $327.80 for your recent order of books from Oceanic Press.Thank you for your credit transfer for $1327.80 in payment of our invoice.We have received your check for $327.80 in payment of our July statement.Our bank advised us today that your transfer of $3327.80 was credited to our account. Thank you for prompt payment.Starting from this month, we'll deduct 3% from your monthly bill each time you pay.We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to serving you again.Thank you for paying so promptly, and we hope to serve you again soon.We welcome your next order and hope that you will contact us whenever we can help you.回复付款范文Thank you for your payment of our July statement.We are pleased to inform you that, starting with this month (August), we'll deduct 3% from your monthly bill each time you pay by the 15th. This favor is a reward to you for prompt payment of your monthly bill during the year you've been our customer.Thank you again for your cooperation.催款开头1. How to start your letter?You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.你对于我们最近发给你的关于你过去欠款的信函没有任何回应。

为了方便您支付该款项,我们提供了以下支付方式供您选择:1. 银行转账:请将款项转至以下账户:开户行:XXXXXX银行账户名:XXXXXX公司账号:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2. 支付平台:您可以通过支付宝、微信钱包等在线支付平台进行支付。

外贸催款信模板和催款技巧外贸催款信怎么写?一、外贸催款信怎么开头:Again we call your attention to your payment due April 30.We again call your attention to the following invoices which, according to our records, are still unpaid well beyond our normal terms: Once again, we ask for your cooperation in paying your account which is now more than two months past due.We have not received any response from you to the recent reminder we sent you on May 20 about your overdue account.You did not respond to our first reminder of your overdue balance of $2578.50.You have not answered my previous letters asking for payment on your $2578.50 purchase.二、催款信中说什么理由Would you please let us have an explanation of why the invoice is still outstanding?Please let us know why the balance has not been cleared.We would like to know if there is a reason for your delay in paying your long overdue account.三、一封温和的外贸催款信怎么写I am sure it is not your intention to ignore past due notices at the expense of your credit standing.I am sure you are not intentionally trying to make our work difficult, but that's what it amounts to.We realize that financial conditions in your firm have not been good recently. By now, however, we feel you should be able to start paying again.Perhaps you have overlooked these past due payments. It would be only fair to pay them now.To avoid an unfavorable report of your credit records, we suggest an immediate payment of the amount due.四、一封坚定的外贸催款信怎么写We can no longer allow this account to continue to go unpaid.To continue your open accounts it is necessary that they be paid within 60 days as agreed when they are opened.It is essential that this account be settled at once to avoid any problem with your credit standing.In this case, we have no alternative but to withdraw credit privileges.The delinquent status of your account will leave us no alternative but to remove your company from our list of credit customers.五、外贸催款信怎么结尾We would greatly appreciate your prompt payment.We are counting on your cooperation in making a prompt payment.Please send us your payment today, or at least let us know your reason for the delay.Please restore our confidence in you and maintain your good credit rating by sending us your payment now.在外贸催款时,有什么技巧呢?一.外贸催款要“钻”,要有穷追不舍的精神。

外贸英语函电:催款函范文实用范例1)subject: Demanding Overdue PaymentDear Sirs,Account No.8756As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above account, already a month overdue.We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on 30th August showing the balance of US$ 80,000 you owe. We send you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.Yours faithfully,xxx催款函主题:索取逾期账款亲爱的先生:第8756号账单鉴于贵方总是及时结清项目,而此次逾期一个月仍未收到贵方上述账目的欠款,我们想知道是否有何特殊原因。
你真诚的xxx(2)Subject: Urging PaymentDear Sirs,Account No.8756Not having received any reply to our E-mail of September 8 requesting settlement of the above account, we are writing again to remind you that the amount still owing is US$ 80,000. No doubt there is some special reason for delay in payment and we should welcome an explanation and also your remittance,Yours faithfully,xxx催款函主题:再次索取欠款亲爱的先生:第8756号账单未见贵方对我们9月8日来信要求结算一事之回复。

1. 首次催款通知:
2. 后续的催款通知:
3. 最后的催款通知(在多次催款后):

一、建立良好的沟通关系1. 亲切称呼:在与客户交流时,使用客户的姓名或称呼,例如"尊敬的客户",可以增加亲近感,建立良好的沟通关系。
2. 表达关切:表达对客户的关心和关注,例如"希望您的生意蒸蒸日上",让客户感受到你的关心,增加合作的积极性。
二、明确款项及时间1. 清晰说明款项:明确告知客户需要支付的款项及金额,例如"请您尽快支付合同中约定的货款金额XXX元",确保客户清楚所需支付的款项。
2. 强调支付时间:明确告知客户支付的时间要求,例如"请您在X 天内完成支付",提醒客户尽快支付款项,避免延迟。
三、强调合作关系1. 强调长期合作:提醒客户双方的合作关系,例如"我们一直以来都是良好的合作伙伴",强调长期合作的重要性,增加客户的责任感。
2. 互惠互利:强调合作的互惠互利性质,例如"您的支付将有助于我们继续提供优质的产品和服务",让客户意识到支付款项对双方都有好处。
四、提供便利方式1. 多种支付方式:提供多种支付方式供客户选择,例如"您可以通过银行转账、支付宝或信用卡支付款项",方便客户选择适合自己的支付方式。
2. 提供支付指引:向客户提供详细的支付指引,例如"请参考附件中的支付指南,按照步骤完成支付",帮助客户顺利完成支付流程。
五、解决疑虑和问题1. 解答疑问:耐心解答客户可能存在的疑虑和问题,例如"如果您有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系,我们将尽快为您解答",增加客户的信任感。
2. 提供支持:向客户提供支持和帮助,例如"如果您需要我们提供任何相关文件或证明,请告知我们,我们将尽快提供",让客户感受到你的支持和配合。

A Letter to Urge Prompt SettlementDear Sirs,We have received your letter of the 17th July with thanks.We received payments of $275 on the 2nd July, and $525 on the 9th Julyrespectively. This leaves a debit balance of $320. We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June.We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st July. We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account.Yours sincerely,例(2)要求支付逾期款我们已收到你们3月2日的来信,谢谢。
A Letter to Demand the Payment of Overdue AccountDear Sirs,We have received your letter of March 2 with thanks.As requested, we are enclosing a fresh invoice for our services offered on August 25, 1994, previously billed under our invoice No.829, which you could not find.Since the account is long overdue, we would very much appreciate your prompt processing of payment on your side.Yours faithfully,例(3)答复客户延期付款要求谢谢你们3 500美元的支票。

以下是一些常用的外贸催付话术:1. 友好提醒:尊敬的客户,我想提醒您,我们的合作订单已经到期,并且目前还未收到您的付款。
2. 着重订单价值:亲爱的客户,您的订单金额相当重要,这笔款项对我们的生产和运营至关重要。
3. 强调服务优势:尊敬的客户,我们一直以来都非常重视与您的合作,并且一直致力于提供最好的服务。
4. 提供支付方便性:亲爱的客户,为了方便您的支付,我们提供多种支付方式,包括银行转账、信用卡支付等。
5. 强调后续合作:尊敬的客户,我们希望与您建立长期稳定的合作关系。
在催付过程中,还需要注意以下几点:1. 尊重客户:催付是必要的,但也要尊重客户的时间和个人情况。
2. 关注客户反馈:如果客户对付款有任何问题或困扰,要积极倾听并提供帮助。
3. 灵活应对:如果客户有特殊情况或需要延期付款,可以考虑与客户协商制定一份新的付款计划。

1. 尊敬的客户,希望这封邮件能够得到您的重视,我们希望您能够尽快结清未付款项。
2. 亲爱的客户,根据我们的记录,我们注意到您的付款已经超过了预定的付款截止日期,请您尽快处理。
3. 尊敬的客户,我们一直珍视与您的合作关系,但是我们注意到您有未付款项,请您尽早付清以维持我们之间的良好合作。
4. 亲爱的客户,我们希望您能够注意到您的未付款账户,并尽快采取行动以避免产生任何不必要的纠纷。
5. 尊敬的客户,我们理解您可能遇到了一些付款上的困难,但是我们希望您能够尽快与我们联系解决这个问题。
6. 亲爱的客户,我们希望您能够明确您对付款的计划,并告知我们何时能够付清未付款项。
7. 尊敬的客户,我们一直以来都对您的付款情况表示感谢,但是我们需要提醒您,您有一笔未付款项需要结算。
8. 亲爱的客户,我们希望您能够尽快付清未付款项,以避免产生任何逾期费用或其他不利后果。
9. 尊敬的客户,我们希望您能够理解我们的立场,我们需要您尽快付清未付款项以保持我们之间的良好合作关系。
10. 亲爱的客户,我们希望您能够尽快处理您的未付款账户,以维持我们之间的互信和合作。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Dear ___:
I am afraid your failure to settle your account, which is over due for more than six months, will leave us with no alternative but resort to legal proceedings.
A Letter to Urge Prompt Settlement
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter of the 17th July with thanks.
We received payments of $275 on the 2nd July, and $525 on the 9th July respectively. This leaves a debit balance of $320. We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June.
3. How to specify your deadline or demand immediate payment? 怎样说明你的截至期限和要求马上付款?
We must now insist that your send you payment within the next five days.
Your immediate response is necessary.
It is up to you if any legal actions will be taken.
Please make every effort to ensure that we are not forced to take this drastic action.
Your account is still unpaid in spite of our continual reminders asking for payment or an explanation for your delay.
We urgently request that you immediately pay your balance of __, which has been outstanding since ___[date] despite several notices from us.
Unless I receive your remittance within the next three days, our attorney will be instructed to start proceedings to recover the debt.
If we do not receive remittance within five days from the above date, we will have no choice but to pursue other collection procedures.
Sincerely yours
二 外贸催款的常用语及范例
一 英文催款信的3种写法
We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st July. We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account.
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
III. TIPS 掌握写作要领
1. Choose a firm tone for your letter.
2. Remind the recipient of your previous collection letters.
2. How to warn the recipient against further delay? 如何警告对方不要拖延?
You must realize that we cannot afford to carry this debt on our books any longer.
Any further delay in paying your balance due cannot be accepted.
If you have another plan in mind, please contact us by phone so that we may discuss it. Otherwise, we will expect your next check for US$1000 on December 15.
A Reply to a Customers Request for an Extension of Payment
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your check for US3 500. The balance remaining on your account is now US$3 000.
This is to notify you that unless we receive your check for $7,550.50 by June 30, we will place your account in the hands of our attorneys for collection.
Since the account is long overdue, we would very much appreciate your prompt processing of payment on your side.
Yours faithfully,
1. How to start your letter? 如何开头?
You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.
We remind you once more of your open account that is now ___ days beyond our ___-day terms.
谢谢你们3 500美元的支票。现在你们账上的欠款尚有3000美元。
I am writing to remind you that you have not settled our invoice #________ for $________.
It has been two mon
ths now since we delivered your garments, and we have yet to receive your payment for $1,890.50. We would like to remind you that payment of your account at Metro Mart is past due. May we call your attention to your payment for the disks we delivered to you two months ago?
We understand that you have come across some unexpected financial difficulties and note with due attention your request for an extension.
Considering our long-term business relations, we offer you the following payment plan: US$1 000 by the 15th of the month for the next three months.
A Letter to Demand the Payment of Overdue Account
After April 30, we will have no choice but to cancel your credit and turn your account over to a collection agency.