
New Zealand
the location of New Zealand
the scenic spots
• New Zealand is a land of immense and diverse landscape.
• you'll see things here that you won't see anywhere elae in the world.
iquette of being a guest
• knock at the doorbell • sit down • buy some gifts
Etiquette in eating and drinkings
• Do not talk. • Do not be late.
Lemon Paetoa---New Zealand's World Famou Drinks.
Байду номын сангаас
New Year's Day(1st Jan.) Waitangi Day(6th Feb.) Easter Day(the begining of April.) Labor Day(26th Oct.) Christmas Day(25th Dec.)
social etiquette
• Religions • Festivals • Social etiquette • etiquette of being a guest • etiquette in eating and drinkings • Major taboo
• christianism
the location of New Zealand
the scenic spots
• New Zealand is a land of immense and diverse landscape.
• you'll see things here that you won't see anywhere elae in the world.
iquette of being a guest
• knock at the doorbell • sit down • buy some gifts
Etiquette in eating and drinkings
• Do not talk. • Do not be late.
Lemon Paetoa---New Zealand's World Famou Drinks.
Байду номын сангаас
New Year's Day(1st Jan.) Waitangi Day(6th Feb.) Easter Day(the begining of April.) Labor Day(26th Oct.) Christmas Day(25th Dec.)
social etiquette
• Religions • Festivals • Social etiquette • etiquette of being a guest • etiquette in eating and drinkings • Major taboo
• christianism

• Culture • Economic • Relationship with china
First part
• New Zealand's culture is rich and diverse due to the blending of Polynesian and European cultures. The influence of Maori, Pacific Island, European and Asian cultures makes New Zealand a colourful and vibrant place with many different customs and food to enjoy.
this picture is china's vice chairman meets with new zealand prime minister.
• The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, they are Polynesian and comprise about 14 percent of the country's population. Te reo Maori is the native language which is related to Tahitian and Hawaiian
Mt Taranaki
Lake Rotorua
Third part
Relationship with china
• New Zealand and China celebrated 38 years of diplomatic relations on 22 December 2010. The bilateral relationship has grown to become one of New Zealand’s most valuable and important. As a global and regional power, New Zealand’s second-largest trading partner, and a major source of migrants, students and tourists, China is important to New Zealand as a bilateral, regional and multilateral partner. • The China-New Zealand relationship is characterised by regular high-level contacts, an expanding range of official dialogues - both formal and informal, healthy and diversifying trade and economic flows in both directions, and strengthening people-to-people contacts.

Accents: Accents are the way in which a person speaks a language. New Zealand English has a range of accents, from those that are more similar to Received Pronunciation (the prestigious accent associated with the upper class in the UK) to those that are more casual and slangy. Accents can vary depending on the social class, education level, and region of New Zealand where someone grew up.
The vocabulary of New Zealand English is influenced by the unique history, culture, and geography of the country. New Zealanders tend to use words that are specific to their local context, such as Māori loanwords like " Pā" (a Māori fortification) or "Kākā" (a native parrot).
A common New Zealand expression used as a shortened form of "thank you".
The vocabulary of New Zealand English is influenced by the unique history, culture, and geography of the country. New Zealanders tend to use words that are specific to their local context, such as Māori loanwords like " Pā" (a Māori fortification) or "Kākā" (a native parrot).
A common New Zealand expression used as a shortened form of "thank you".

Geography The scenic spots Customs
National flag
National emblem
• Capital : Wellington(惠林顿)
• Area : 270,534 sq km
• Earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters.
• The climate of New Zealand is generally temperate , but because the country runs north-south (南北走 向),the climate is varied.
• Thousands of tiny glow
worms cling to the cave
ceiling, creating a starry
sky within the
underground night.
These stalactites(钟
The highest peak in New Zealand is Mountain Cook (库 克山).
Lake Taupo(陶波湖) is the largest lake.
The largest rivers in South Island is the Clutha(克鲁沙
Geography The scenic spots Customs
National flag
National emblem
• Capital : Wellington(惠林顿)
• Area : 270,534 sq km
• Earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters.
• The climate of New Zealand is generally temperate , but because the country runs north-south (南北走 向),the climate is varied.
• Thousands of tiny glow
worms cling to the cave
ceiling, creating a starry
sky within the
underground night.
These stalactites(钟
The highest peak in New Zealand is Mountain Cook (库 克山).
Lake Taupo(陶波湖) is the largest lake.
The largest rivers in South Island is the Clutha(克鲁沙
NewZealand 纯英文PPT

Tipping in New Zealand is not obligatory - even in restaurants and bars. However, tipping for good service or kindness is at the discretion of the visitor. Hotels and restaurants in New Zealand do not add service charges to their bills.
World‟s #2 exporter of wool.
New Zealand‟s currency is the dollar (NZ$)
Coins have values of 10, 20 and 50 cents, $1 and $2. Notes have values of $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100.
People and Cities
• • • •
Rural areas rely on regional towns. Dairy and crop districts are moderately populated. Grazing regions are sparsely populated. North Island (cities and farming) has twice the population of the South Island.
People and Cities
Maori culture is still strong in some communities, but the Maori people are socially integrated with little racial tension. 14 to 15% of the population is Maori

新西兰文化(英文)ppt newzealand rugged land fiordland norway? scotland? hawaii middle-earthunique environment temperateclimate e.g.almost landmammals; 80% plantsunique flightlessbirds e.g.kiwi, parrot, penguins (maoris hunted moa resourcemanagement act 1991 southisland: mountainous northisland: volcanic kiwi moa settlement uninhabited till: 1000-1200:maori from polynesia 1642:tasman from holland 1762:captain cook from uk 19th ukcolonists arrive nation building early19 th whalers,traders missionariesarrive. buying gunscauses inter-tribal wars. lawlessbehaviour conflictamong 2000europeans 115,000maori. britishgov’t intervenes: persuades 500 chiefs signsovereignty landrights (now disputed). goldrush, land conflicts maoripop. falls 1896(disease, fighting), 1907new zealand recognised waitangi,1840 population (lowdensity) 80%now live urbanareas (incl. maori) northisland; 1/3 aucklandpolitical system 1879:all men permitted 1893:women allowed currentpm (helen clark labourparty) uk-styleparliamentary system 1996:proportional
Welcome to New Zealand 英语介绍新西兰ppt

New Zealand
Natural beauty
ocean and seas
hills and mountains
hot springs
Natural beauty
Geography, Land and Environment
3 4
The New Zealanders and Maori Culture
Kia ora――您好 Kia ora tatou――大家好 Tena koe――向您问好(问候一个人) Tena koutou――向大家问好 Haere mai――欢迎 Nau mai――欢迎 Kei te pehea koe――近来可好? Kei te pai――好 Tino pai――很好 Haere ra――再见 Ka kite ano――下次再见(再见) Hei konei ra――回头见
Kia ora means ‘welcome’ in New Zealand - and when New Zealanders touch noses, they’re offering peace, friendship and hospitality.
Kia ora
Welcome to New Zealand
Getting to New Zealand by plane:
from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong
The southernmost star-watching station in the world ——Mt John Observatory
World Records in New Zealand
Natural beauty
ocean and seas
hills and mountains
hot springs
Natural beauty
Geography, Land and Environment
3 4
The New Zealanders and Maori Culture
Kia ora――您好 Kia ora tatou――大家好 Tena koe――向您问好(问候一个人) Tena koutou――向大家问好 Haere mai――欢迎 Nau mai――欢迎 Kei te pehea koe――近来可好? Kei te pai――好 Tino pai――很好 Haere ra――再见 Ka kite ano――下次再见(再见) Hei konei ra――回头见
Kia ora means ‘welcome’ in New Zealand - and when New Zealanders touch noses, they’re offering peace, friendship and hospitality.
Kia ora
Welcome to New Zealand
Getting to New Zealand by plane:
from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong
The southernmost star-watching station in the world ——Mt John Observatory
World Records in New Zealand

$26,040 $26,040 $22,200 $33,600 $26,040 $26,04
Bachelor of Human Services Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - Year 2 onwards (for Year 1 see Bachelor of Health Sciences) Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Nursing
Of all the countries ,the tuition in New Zealand is economica we can spend least mony and get highlevel education as the same as other countries'
Postgraduate admission and enrolment guide
• • • • • • • • • • • »Step 1: Explore your opgraduate adviser »Step 3: Check the application closing dates »Step 4: Check the entry requirements »Step 5: Apply for a place in the programme »Step 6: We acknowledge your application »Step 7: Submit your supporting documents »Step 8: We assess your application »Step 9: We inform you of the outcome »Step 10: Enrol in your courses »Step 11: Pay your fees

Nation Building
Early 19th C - whalers, traders and missionaries arrive. Buying of guns causes inter-tribal wars. 1840 – lawless behaviour and conflict among the 2000 Europeans and 115,000 Maori. British gov’t intervenes: persuades 500 chiefs to sign sovereignty to the UK in return for a guarantee of land rights (now disputed). 1860s – gold rush, land conflicts Maori pop. falls to 42,000 by 1896 (disease, fighting), then recovers. 1907 New Zealand recognised by the UK as a nation
Efficient agriculture: 80,000 farmers; 50m sheep; 8m cattle Refrigerated exports start in late 19th C Dependent on agricultural exports to the UK until 1970s (UK entered EU) 1984 – Thatcherite style policies (deregulation, subsidies cut, privatisation etc) Diversification of the economy
新西兰New Zealand(英文)PPT课件

瓦尔特高原牧场Walter Peak,Where the scenery is great!
天空塔Sky Tower,It suits to do bungee jumping movement!
特卡波湖Lake Tekapo,好牧羊人教堂Church of the Good Shepherd
➢ religion More than half of Auckland city's population is
Christian. Less than 10% people . regularly go to church 1o0 n Sunday.
Unive➢rsSitcyioefnce and Education
奥克兰理工大学学校建成于1895 年,于2000年被新西兰政府正式 批准升为新西兰八所公立大学之 一。
Mount Eden Park
Mountain in the park is 220 meters high, while the road circled on the hill, overlooking the city , harbor scenery , the Ground Wang Peninsula and Love Ji Tuotuo Island, village green like grass , harbor and across the best in the fundus .
umber of which became extinct after the arrival of humans and introduced mamm

Where is New Zealand locபைடு நூலகம்ted?
New Zealand is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, midway between the Equator and the South Pole. It is part of the Pacific Islands, or Oceania, which refers to a grouping of thousands of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is also considered part of Polynesia, one of three major divisions of the Pacific Islands. Its nearest neighbor is Australia, which is approximately 1,600 kilometers west to it. Similar in size to Japan or Britain, New Zealand occupies a land area of 270,500 square kilometers. The northern and southern extremities of the country are 1,600 kilometers apart, but no part of this country is more than 120 kilometers from the sea.
What do you need to know about New Zealand? Where is New Zealand located? What are the geographical features of New Zealand? What are the types of climate in New Zealand? What are the unique plants and animals in New Zealand? How is the population distributed in New Zealand? What are the major ethnic groups and their languages? What are the main religions in New Zealand?
新西兰英文版 ppt课件

New zealand
New Zealand Scenery
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
Great job opportunities
There are many job openings for specialists in industries such as medicine, engineering and IT. But there are also opportunities to
이문서는 나눔글꼴로 작성되었습니다. 설치하기
Living in new zealand
There's no doubt New Zealand is a great place to bring up children.
That's why so many Ki wis who live overseas r eturn home when it’s ti me to start a family.
beauty to boast about. New Zealand just hap
pens to 2020/12/2.. have more, lots more.
A warm welcome
New Zealand Scenery
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
Great job opportunities
There are many job openings for specialists in industries such as medicine, engineering and IT. But there are also opportunities to
이문서는 나눔글꼴로 작성되었습니다. 설치하기
Living in new zealand
There's no doubt New Zealand is a great place to bring up children.
That's why so many Ki wis who live overseas r eturn home when it’s ti me to start a family.
beauty to boast about. New Zealand just hap
pens to 2020/12/2.. have more, lots more.
A warm welcome
新西兰英文介绍(地理历史城市及毛利文化) PPT

capital :Wellington
the most important city :Auckland
The new Zealand
• History • Beautiful places • maoriness(毛利人的风俗和文化习惯)
in tenth century BC, Polynesians(波 利尼西亚人) came to New Zealand and become the natives .
The Treaty of Waitangi
On Feb 6th, 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by Maori people and British settlers.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
It is the back garden of God , a finally Pure
First :
An island
Second :
Is located in the southwest of the pacific ocean
Third :
Near Australia
New Zealand, It has two main islands: North Island and South Island
In 1642, Abel Tasman, a Dutch sailor, discovered both North Island and South Island and named them New Zealand.
In 1769, James Cook claimed New Zealand for England.
The Tattoo Tradition(纹身习俗)
the most important city :Auckland
The new Zealand
• History • Beautiful places • maoriness(毛利人的风俗和文化习惯)
in tenth century BC, Polynesians(波 利尼西亚人) came to New Zealand and become the natives .
The Treaty of Waitangi
On Feb 6th, 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by Maori people and British settlers.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
It is the back garden of God , a finally Pure
First :
An island
Second :
Is located in the southwest of the pacific ocean
Third :
Near Australia
New Zealand, It has two main islands: North Island and South Island
In 1642, Abel Tasman, a Dutch sailor, discovered both North Island and South Island and named them New Zealand.
In 1769, James Cook claimed New Zealand for England.
The Tattoo Tradition(纹身习俗)

七年级(18)班 黄梓豪
North Island and south
island volcano hot springs, glaciers and lakes. New Zealand is a temperate maritime temperate broadleaved forest climate. Summer average temperature 25 degrees Celsius, 10 degrees Celsius in winter, the annual temperature difference is generally not more than 15. Local annual average rainfall of 1500 640 mm
December 22, 1972, New Zealand and China established diplomatic relations.
New Zealand's national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. Its base is deep blue, above and to the left for the British flag. On the right is the fourth single edged with white five pointed star of red, four stars arranged asymmetrically. New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth, "m" word patterns show that the traditional relations with Britain; four stars said the Southern Cross constellation, show that the country is located in the southern hemisphere, but also a symbol of independence and hope.
七年级(18)班 黄梓豪
North Island and south
island volcano hot springs, glaciers and lakes. New Zealand is a temperate maritime temperate broadleaved forest climate. Summer average temperature 25 degrees Celsius, 10 degrees Celsius in winter, the annual temperature difference is generally not more than 15. Local annual average rainfall of 1500 640 mm
December 22, 1972, New Zealand and China established diplomatic relations.
New Zealand's national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. Its base is deep blue, above and to the left for the British flag. On the right is the fourth single edged with white five pointed star of red, four stars arranged asymmetrically. New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth, "m" word patterns show that the traditional relations with Britain; four stars said the Southern Cross constellation, show that the country is located in the southern hemisphere, but also a symbol of independence and hope.
新西兰New Zealand(英文)(课堂PPT)

is a museum collecting historical and
national heritage , which is designed
to commemorate the soldiers who
died by the two world wars and
unique exhibition of Maori ethnic
奥克兰理工大学学校建成于1895 年,于2000年被新西兰政府正式 批准升为新西兰八所公立大学之 一。
Mount Eden Park
Mountain in the park is 220 meters high, while the road circled on the hill, overlooking the city , harbor scenery , the Ground Wang Peninsula and Love Ji Tuotuo Island, village green like grass , harbor and across the best in the fundus .
The War Memorial
It is located on Grafton Street , which collects antiquities and works of art of the Maori , including the various canoes by which early Maori sailed this point , agricultural and fishing and hunting tools, the knife and fork used for combat etc.
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Taupo, huka falls (陶波胡卡瀑布)
Mt.Cook(库克山 )
Lanack castle (拉那克城堡)
Rainbow Springs (彩虹泉公园)
Religions Festivals Social etiquette Etiquette of being a guest Etiquette in eating and drinking Major taboo
The highest peak in New Zealand is Mountain Cook (库 克山).
Lake Taupo(陶波湖) is the largest lake.
The largest rivers in South Island is the Clutha(克鲁沙 河), and in the North island is the Waikato River(怀卡托 河).
• The world famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves are one of New Zealands most celebrated tourist attractions. It becomes part of over 120 years of cultural and natural history.
➢Geography ➢The scenic spots ➢Customs
➢National flag
➢National emblem
• Capital : Wellington(惠林顿)
• Area : 270,534 sq km • (the size of the country is similar to Britain or
the scenic spots
New Zealand is a land of immense and diverse landscape. You’ll see things here that you won't see anywhere else in the world.
Waitomo Glowworm Caves(怀托摩萤 火虫洞)
It has two main islands: North island and South island
New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line, so it is the first Country to get the new day.(新西兰位于国际 日期变更线以西,所以它是世界上第一个迎接新一天到来 的国家。)
white and brown colours.
Queenstown by Kadi Pu Lake (Wakatipu), close to the Southern Alps, once was famous for gold.
• Queenstown is a unique landscape bungee jumping, rafting, skiing, jet boat, horse riding and other tourist information centers now, spots are concentrated in the suburbs.
• Thousands of tiny glow worms cling to the cave ceiling, creating a starry sky within the underground night.
These stalactites(钟 乳石),stalagmites(石 笋) and flowstones (流石) come in pink,
• Auckland in New Zealand's North Island, built by the sea, beautiful scenery, is New Zealand's largest city.Auckland is surrounded by oceans and volcanoes surrounded with beautiful and spectacular harbor bridge, where the boat to attract fans around the world.
• Population: 4,173,460 • Languages: English 、Maori、 The New
Zealand Sign Language
• Currency: New Zealand Dollar.
New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean, halfway between the equator(赤道) and the South Pole(南极).
• New Year’s Day ( 1st January ) • Waitangi Day (6th February) • Easter Day (the beginning of April) • Labor Day (26th October) • Christmas Day (25th December)
• Earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters.
• The climate of New Zealand is generally temperate , but because the country runs north-south (南北走 向),the climate is varied.