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Period2 Reading and vocabulary ;Reading practice and Cultural corner Knowledge and skills:Develop students' reading ability.

Process and methods:Individual work or pair work or group work to get every student to participate in class activities.

Emotion and Values:Help the students to improve their reading ability.

Difficult Points:Lead the students to talk in class actively.

Learning Guidance:read the new words fluently and finish the task,referring to the dictionary.

A. Read the passage on Pages 30-31 of S tudents’ Book 7 and fill in the blanks with proper words.

The boys were 1______ in a large stone hall. At meal times, the warden, with the help of two women, 2______the soup from a large pot. Each boy was allowed only one bowl of soup. Boys usually have excellent 3______. Oliver and his companions slowly 4______ for three months, and finally they became 5______ with hunger. They decided one of them should ask for more soup and Oliver was 6______. One evening, after finishing his bowl of soup, Oliver rose from his table and walked up to the warden. 7______ by his own courage, he said, “Please sir, I want some more.” 8______ had Oliver finished his words than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon. At last Oliver was locked in a room and the next morning, a notice was put up on the door of the workhouse, offering a 9______ to anyone who would like to 10______ Oliver. B. Read th e passage on Page 39 of Students’

Book 7 and fill in the blanks with proper words.

At Charles Dickens’ time, London was the largest and richest city in the world. However, the wealth was 1______ unfairly among people. The East End was London’s poorest 2______, where people lived a hard life. Their 3______ was ignored by those 4______ and they could not hope to 5______ an acceptable standard of living. But on the other hand, some Londoners had 6______ a lot of money through trade. Banks and 7______ were housed in the Old City of London and there were many squares and gardens with water pumps and 8______. Rich families had servants and 9______ who served them. Dickens provided a social 10______ of London life in his novels.

C. Cultural corner

Read the passage on Page 41 of Students’ Book 7 and make the best choices.

1. This passage mainly talks about _____.

A. Charles Dickens’ famous novels

B. Charles Dickens in general

C. Dickens’ efforts to improve the lives of the poor

D. the reason why Dickens’ novels were popular

2. Which of the followings is NOT true about Dickens according to the passage?

A. He made a living at an early age.

B. It was in his 30s that he began writing novels.

C. His father was put in prison for debts.

D. When Oliver Twist came out, he was in his thirties.

3. What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Great Expectations was one of his famous novels.

B. Dickens was good at describing the life of the poor.
