





1.位于图中宜居带内的两大行星是( )A.金星地球 B.地球火星C.火星木星 D.木星土星2.图中宜居带内具备智慧生命存在的基本条件之一是( )A.有复杂的地形和岩石圈 B.昼夜温差相对较大C.有适宜生物呼吸的大气 D.不受太阳活动影响3。

发生在太阳光球层的太阳活动主要是()A.黑子B.耀斑C.日珥D.太阳风图为地球圈层结构示意图,①②③④依次代表地壳、上地幔、下地幔和地核,据此完成4—6题.4.与大气圈的作用不相符的是()A.对太阳辐射具有削弱作用B.对地面具有保温作用C.减小地球表面的昼夜温差D.提高了地球内部的温度5.一般认为岩浆的发源地位于层的上部()A.① B.② C.③ D.④6.地壳厚度的变化规律是()A.地壳厚度变化均一 B.海拔越低,地壳越厚C.洋壳较厚,陆壳较薄 D.陆壳较厚,洋壳较薄图为我国某河谷地形地质剖面。


据此完成7-9题.7.图中甲处地貌类型在我国的典型类型分布区是( )A.内蒙古高原 B.黄土高原 C.青藏高原D.云贵高原8。

导致该河谷地貌类型出现分异的主要原因是( )A.年降多少不同 B.岩石性质不同 C.植被状况不同 D.海拔高度不同9.推测自该河床形成以来,该区域地壳经历了()A.间歇性沉降B.间歇性抬升C.持续性抬升D.持续性沉降图是沙漠与绿洲之间近地面气流运动示意图,读图完成10-12题。

10.图中白天与夜晚风向不同的根本原因是( )A.气温差异B.地形差异 C.湿度差异D.纬度差异11.绿洲上空盛行下沉气流时,其近地面( )A.气温高,气压低 B.气温高,气压高C.气温低,气压低 D.气温低,气压高12。

最新-2018年2018月广西壮族自治区普通高中学业水平考试地理试题及答案 精品

最新-2018年2018月广西壮族自治区普通高中学业水平考试地理试题及答案 精品







) 1.“太阳大,地球小,太阳带着地球跑”这句童谣所指的天体系统是A.总星系 B.太阳系 C.银河系 D.河外星系2.图l为大气受热过程示意图。

低层大气的热量直接来源于A.① B.② C.③ D.④3.古诗云:“才从塞北踏冰雪,又向江南看杏花。

”造成塞北与江南景观差异的自然要素是A.气候 B.植被 C.地形 D.河流4.普通服装厂工业布局的主导因素是A.技术 B.市场 C.原料 D.劳动力5.我国境内沿40°N纬线从东向西出现“森林一草原一荒漠”自然景观的变化,体现了A.垂直地带性分异规律 B.地方性(非地带性)规律C.从沿海向内陆(经度)的地域分异规律 D.从赤道向两极(纬度)的地域分异规律6.图2为黄果树瀑布景观示意图,该图显示的地球圈层有A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个7.有利于环境可持续发展的生产生活方式是A.使用一次性餐具 B.购物使用塑料袋 C.分类回收、处理垃圾 D.大量使用矿产资源8.冷空气入侵造成24小时内降温10℃以上,且最低气温在5℃以下,称为寒潮。

寒潮严重危害我国农作物的季节是A.夏秋之交 B.盛夏时节 C.隆冬季节 D.秋末、春初9.黄梅戏《天仙配》中的歌词“你耕田来我织布,我挑水来你浇园”所描述的生产方式多出现在A.采猎文明时期 B.农业文明时期 C.工业文明时期 D.后工业文明时期图3为我国南方某区域聚落分布示意图,回答10~11题。

10.图中沿河流分布的a、b、c、d四个聚落,最有可能发展成为大城市的是A.a B.b C.c D.d11.为发展地区经济,计划修建连接a、b两地的公路。









第一大题、单选<共20小题 20.0分)1、监考员启封试卷袋的时间< )A、考前5分钟B、考前10分钟C、考前15分钟∙正确答案:B2、监考教师分发草稿纸、答题卡在开考前规定时间< ),并用规范用语指导考生填写答题卡上的姓名及准考证号。

9qb8StVZKAA、15分钟B、20分钟C、10分钟D、5分钟∙正确答案:A3、答题卡经考点清点验收合格装袋密封正确顺序应该为< )1、须核对《考场情况记录表》上缺考条码,与卡袋封面填写缺考号一致2、将答题卡清点30份齐全,贴有条形码的区域先装入塑料袋,将塑料袋口折叠3、《考场情况记录表》放在答题卡的最上面4、再装进答题卡袋口密封并贴封条,交考点主任签字A、1-3-2-4B、3-2-4-1C、4-3-2-1D、2-1-3-2∙正确答案:A4、考生提前交卷的时间是( >A、整场考试不允许考生提前交卷离开考场B、开考后30分钟C、开考后60分钟D、考试结束前30分钟至考试结束前15分钟∙正确答案:A5、生物科目开考时间是<)A、16:15B、10:45C、8:30D、14:00∙正确答案:D6、物理科目开考,监考员领取试卷、答题卡、金属探测器等物品,清点无误两人同行直入考场的时间< )A、考前25分钟B、考前20分钟C、考前30分钟∙正确答案:C7、监考员原则上不得离开考场,应< )考场前后,以便从各个角度巡查考场秩序,监督考生按规定答卷。


9qb8StVZKAA、前站后坐B、一前<讲台)一后分立C、前坐后站D、一前一后∙正确答案:B8、监考员监督考生按规定答题,制止违纪舞弊行为,制止<)进入考场A、场外监考员B、巡视员C、考点的其他工作人员D、考点主任、副主任9、两名监考员应< )考场前后,以便从各个角度巡查考场秩序,监督考生按规定答卷A、一前<讲台)一后<坐)B、一前<前门旁)一后分立C、一前<讲台)一后分立∙正确答案:C10、普通高中学业水平测试必修科目各科考试时间是( >分钟A、90B、75C、100D、120∙正确答案:B11、考试结束信号发出后,监考员要求考生停止答题,并告知考生将< )按从上到下顺序整理放在桌上,坐在原座位不得离开9qb8StVZKAA、草稿纸、试卷、答题卡B、答题卡、试卷、草稿纸C、答题卡、草稿纸、试卷D、试卷、答题卡、草稿纸12、监考员在开考前10分钟启封< ),清点核查无误,开考前5分钟分发。













ASometimes,a person’s whole life is easily changed by something unexpected.Matthew Newman had a hard time making friends in Grade 5.And books were a comfort(慰藉).At that time,he Was introduced to the fantasy novel Redwall written by an English writer.“I fell in love with it.”said Matthew.“I admire and love the author,Brian Jacques.He is my hero.”Later,as a freshman in WiHiam Amos Hough High School in North Carolina,US,He was surprised to hear of the author’s death.“I burst into tears.”Matthew recalled.“If this man I’d never met had this influence on me,by writing words on a page,imagine the influence I could have.If I could do that and make the world a better place,I would be completely satisfied with my life.”This was a turning point for Matthew and made him want to become an author.And so Matthew,now 18,has published two novels and is crazy about a lifetime of writing.“I've got this kid who is so lively.but not in a kind of,‘Oh,I know this,’way,”said Eric Whiteside,who taught him creative writing at high school.“He's like,‘Teach me,I want to learn to be a better writer.’”Matthew practices his writing daily,at least for an hour.“I have a need to write every day as I have a need to breathe every second.”he said.“I can't imagine life without it.”Now,Matthew is beginning to think more about his future.He has decided he wants to work on publishing his own books.He is sure to succeed.“I want my writing to be about reaching out to people and helping other people.Making money from writing is not my goal.”said Matthew.1.What did Matthew Newman often do when he was in Grade 5?A.Had sports with his friends.B.Published his own novels.C.Did some reading.D.Helped do housework.2.What does the underlined word "it" in Para.5 refer to?A.Making friends. B.Writing.C.Making money. D.Teaching.3.What is the main cause to make Matthew Newman decide to be a writer?A.Supporting his family. B.Making himself rich.C.Helping people in need. D.Becoming famous.4 How does Matthew seem to feel about his future?A.Confident. B.Worried.C.Hopeless. D.Disappointed.BThere are many stories about the ocean.One of the strangest is a true story about a sailing ship.It is a mystery even today.In 1872,the Marie Celeste started on a trip across the Atlantic Ocean with a crew of ten people.Some time later,the captain of another ship,the Dei Gratia,saw the Marie Celeste.There was something strange about its appearance.The captain called out,but there was no answer.The Marie Celeste seemed deserted.When the captain went to inspect the ship.no one came to meet him.He knew something was wrong,but there were no signs of violence.Nothing Was missing,and there Was no damages to the ship's instruments.And strangely enough,there was food on the table.Where was everyone? Did the crew jump from the Marie Celeste? Or did something come up from the ocean and take the captain and crew away?The captain of the Dei Gratia looked around for clues(线索).The entry in the Marie Celeste's diary was ten days earlier.However,the food on the table was only a few days old.Someone was on the ship a few days before,but they didn’t write anything in the ship's diary.Why?There were many different explanations for the mystery of the Marie Celeste Some people thought that a huge octopus(章鱼)ate the crew.Others said bad weather carried them away.A few people believed that the Marie Celeste was under a curse(诅咒),because it sank on a later voyage.Now that the Marie Celeste lies somewhere at the bottom of the ocean,no one can ever solve the mystery.5. Who first knew something was wrong with the Marie Celeste?A.One of the crew of the Marie Celeste.B.One of the crew of the Dei GratiaC.The captain of the Marie Celeste.D.The captain of the Dei Gratia.6.It could be inferred that several days ago someone in the Marie Celeste probablyA.had had dinner togetherB.had had a fight with each otherC.had written something in the diaryD.had damaged the ship’s instruments7.What can be the best title for the text?A.A Huge Octopus in the marie CelesteB.The Mystery of the Marie CelesteC.The Entry in the Marie Celeste's DiaryD.The Truth of the Sunken Marie CelesteCDifferent Birthday Celebrations in the WorldDenmarkA flag is flown outside a window to show that someonewho lives in that house is having a birthday.Presentsare placed around the child’s bed while he is sleepingso he will see them at once when he wakes up.For more information,visit the website:http://www.birthdayDenmark.comIndiaUsually Indian children wear white to school.However,on their birthday,children wear colored clothesto school and give out chocolates to everyone in theclass.Their best friend helps them to do this.For more information.visit the website:http://www.birthdayIndia.comJapanThe birthday child wears new clothes to mark thespecial time Certain birthdays are more important thanothers. These are the third and seventh birthdays forgirls and the fifth for boys.For more information,visit the website:http://www.birthdayJapan.comHollandThe birthday child receives an especially largepresent.The family also put flowers on the birthdaychild's chair to make it beautiful.For more information, visit the website:http://www.birthday Holland.comFor more information about other birthday celebrations in the world,visit the website:http://www.birthdayWorld.com8.In Japan,the birthday is more important to boys when they are years old.A.18 B.7 C.5 D.39.What can we know about the child’s birthday in Holland?A.The birthday child usually wears new clothes.B.Presents are put around the birthday child’s bed.C.The birthday child often brings chocolates to school.D.Flowers are often placed on the birthday child’s chair.10.Which website should you visit to find out more about other birthday celebrations?A.http://www.birthdayWorld.com B.http://www.birthdayDemnark. comC.http://www.birthdayIndia. com D.http://www.birthdayJapan.com第二节(共5小题;每小题4分,满分20分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项。



2018年江苏省普通高中学业水平测试(必修科目)试卷(模拟)一、选择题1.关于质点,下列说法正确的是()A. 如果物体的形状和大小对所研究的问题属于次要因素时,可把物体看做质点B. 只有体积很小的物体才能看做质点C. 凡轻小的物体,皆可看做质点D. 质点是理想化模型,实际上并不存在,所以引入质点概念没有多大意义【答案】A【解析】【详解】A. 如果物体的形状和大小对所研究的问题属于次要因素时,可把物体看做质点,所以A正确;B. 体积很小的物体,不一定能看成质点,如原子的体积很小,在研究原子内部结构的时候是不能看成质点的,所以B错误;C. 能看成质点的物体是可以忽略自身大小,不是以质量的大小来区分的,所以C错误;D. 质点是理想化模型,实际上并不存在,但引入质点方便于研究问题,所以D错误。

故选:A2.如图所示,小明同学把一个篮球从离地面高H处自由释放,篮球经多次竖直弹跳,最后停在地面上.在此过程中,篮球的位移大小为()A. HB. 2HC. 0D. 因篮球弹跳的次数不知道,故无法判断【答案】A【解析】解:无论球上下运动多少次,最终是要停在地面上,所以球的初位置是离地面高H处,末位置是在地面上,位移是指从初位置到末位置的有向线段,所以位移的大小就是H,所以A 正确.故选A.【点评】本题就是考查学生对位移的理解,题目比较简单.3.下面关于加速度的描述中正确的是()A. 加速度描述了物体速度变化的多少B. 加速度方向与速度方向相反时物体做减速运动C. 加速度在数值上等于单位时间里速度大小的变化D. 加速度减小时物体一定做减速运动【答案】B【解析】【详解】A. 加速度描述速度变化的快慢,故A错误;B、当加速度与速度同向,则做加速运动,当加速度与速度反向,则做减速运动;故B正确;C、加速度的定义是单位时间内速度的变化量,不是速度大小的变化量,因为速度的变化是一个矢量的变化,故C错误;D、当速度与加速度同向时,加速度减小,速度仍然增大。



2018年江苏省普通高中学业水平测试(必修科目)试卷化学本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 S 32 Cl 35.5Ca 40 Fe 56 Ba 137一、 单项选择题:在每题的4个选项中,只有1个选项是符合要求的(本部分23题,每题3分,共69分)。

1. 水(H 2O)是生命之源。

下列物质的化学式可用“H 2O ”表示的是( )A. 水晶B. 可燃冰C. 干冰D. 冰2. 下列过程包含化学变化的是( )A. 碘的升华B. 粮食酿酒C. 氧气液化D. 积雪融化3. 6027Co 在农业上常用于辐射育种。

该原子的质子数是( )A. 27B. 33C. 60D. 874. 炼铁过程中存在反应:CaO +SiO 2=====高温CaSiO 3。

该反应属于( )A. 化合反应B. 分解反应C. 置换反应D. 复分解反应5. 下列化学用语表示正确的是( )A. 苯的结构简式:C 6H 6B. NaCl 的电子式:Na +[∶Cl ∶]-C. Mg 2+的结构示意图:D. 氯化钙的电离方程式:CaCl 2===Ca 2++Cl -26. 下列气体可用右图所示方法收集的是( )A. H 2B. Cl 2C. NO 2D. CO 2 排空气集气法7. 下列物质属于离子化合物的是( )A. HClB. K 2OC. COD. N 28. 4NH 3+5O 2 4NO +6H 2O 是硝酸工业中的一个反应。

下列关于该反应的说法正确的是() A. 增大反应物浓度能减慢反应速率 B. 降低温度能加快反应速率C. 使用催化剂能加快反应速率D. NH 3与O 2能100%转化为产物9. 下列物质的俗名与化学式对应正确的是( )A. 食盐——NaClB. 铁红——Fe 3O 4C. 明矾——Al 2(SO 4)3D. 烧碱——Ca(OH)210. 在含有大量OH -、Ba 2+、Cl -的溶液中,还可能大量共存的离子是( )A. H +B. Ag +C. NO -3D. SO 2-411. K 2FeO 4是一种高效水处理剂。

2018年北京市普通高中学业水平考试合格性考试 生物试卷

2018年北京市普通高中学业水平考试合格性考试 生物试卷


下面是脑啡肽的结构简式,形成这条肽链的氨基酸分子数以及缩合过程中生成的水分子数分别是A.3和2B.4和3 C.5和4 D.6和54.细菌被归为原核生物的原因是A.细胞体积小B.单细胞C.没有核膜D.没有DNA5.右图是三个相邻的植物细胞之间水分流动方向示意图.图中三个细胞的细胞液浓度关系是A.甲>乙>丙B.甲<乙<丙C.甲>乙,乙〈丙D.甲<乙,乙〉丙6.嫩肉粉可将肌肉组织部分水解,使肉类食品口感松软、嫩而不韧。

嫩肉粉中使肉质变嫩的主要成分是A.淀粉酶B.DNA酶C.蛋白酶D.脂肪酶7.《晋书·车胤传》有“映雪囊萤”的典故,记载了东晋时期名臣车胤日夜苦读,将萤火虫聚集起来照明读书的故事.萤火虫尾部可发光,为发光直接供能的物质是A.淀粉B.脂肪C.ATP D.蛋白质8.蔬菜和水果长时间储藏、保鲜所需要的条件为A.低温、干燥、低氧B.低温、湿度适中、低氧C.高温、干燥、高氧D.高温、湿度适中、高氧9.某生物的精原细胞含有42条染色体,在减数第一次分裂形成四分体时,细胞内含有的染色单体、染色体和DNA分子数依次是A.42、84、84 B.84、42、84 C.84、42、42 D.42、42、8410.下列四个遗传病的系谱图中,能够排除伴性遗传的是A.①B.④C.①③D.②④11。






1.建立细胞学说的科学家是施莱登和A.沃森B. 施旺C. 达尔文D. 克里克【答案】B【解析】沃森是构建DNA双螺旋结构模型的科学家之一,A错误;施旺和施莱登建立了细胞学说,B正确;达尔文提出了生物进化理论,C错误;克里克是构建DNA双螺旋结构模型的科学家之一,他也提出了中心法则,D错误。


3.下列生理过程不产生...ATP的是A.光反应B. 暗反应C.有氧呼吸D. 无氧呼吸【答案】B【解析】光反应是光合作用过程中需要光的阶段。


















2018年黑龙江高中学业水平测试英语试题阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ASummertime is a great opportunity for kids to learn how to work and earn a little bit of spending money.If your child needs a summer job,here are a few options to considerLemonade/Cookie StandBenefitsYour child will be his own boss,set his own price,and run the show.It's a greatintroduction to running his own business.Limited Start-up Costs:The things used to make lemonade are cheap,so your child should be able to get back his investment with a handful of sales.What Kids Learn About Money:Your child will learn a very valuable lesson about pricing.The price of his lemonade will decide how much he can sell,if he will recover his investment and the amount of profitYard WorkBenefits:Repeated Customers:If a homeowner needs help raking(耙地)this year,he’ll probably want help again next year.Your child should be able to maintain a regular set of customers after one season.Safety:Yard work is generally safer than a lawn-mowing job.Without having to operate machines,your child will be much safer.What Kids Learn About Money:Because of the variability(易变性)in pay,your child will need to learn how to negotiate(谈判)a fair price with homeowners if they ask.LifeguardBenefitsResponsibility:Kids learn a lot about responsibility when lifeguarding.They are within rights to tell whether a certain activity is safe and are allowed to take action as they see fitExercise:Lifeguards need to be proficient at swimming and must exercise to stay in shape.What Kids Learn About Money:To be a lifeguard,one must be certified.Your child may have to pay for lifeguard training,although some employers provide it on-site.21.What are the benefits of selling lemonade or cookies for children?a.To learn how to run a business.b.To own repeated customers.c.To learn profit and loss.d.To lower the risk of losing money.A.abcB.acdC.bedD.abd22.Which is suitable if you want your child to learn communication and negotiation?A.Lemonade/Cookie Stand.B.Yard WorkC.Lifeguard.D.All of the above.23.If your kid wants to be a lifeguard,he or she has to do all the following EXCEPTA.keeping a good figureB.excelling at swimmingC.receiving training for freeD.learning to take action when necessaryBThe greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women.During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of woman’s life spent in caring for the children.A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties,and would be likely to have seven or eight children,four or five of whom lived,till they were five years old.By the time the youngest was fifteen,the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years,during which health madeit unusual for her to get paid work.Today women marry younger and have fewer ually a woman's youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five years and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty.Even while she has to take care of children,her work is lightened by modern living conditions.This important change in women's life-patterns has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position.Even a few years ago most girls took a full-time job after they left school.However,when they married,they usually left work at once and never returned to it.Today the school-leaving age is sixteen; many girlstay at school after that age,and though women usually marry older,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born.Many more afterwards return to full-or-part-time work.Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage,with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life,and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money,and running the home,according to the abilities and interests of each of them.24.Which of the following is the topic of this passage?A.The marriage of women:past and present.B.Women and their jobs.C.The social changes in the lives of women.D.Women’s role in family life.25.At the beginning of the twentieth century,the amount of time the women spent taking care of children_________.A.was shorter than in previous centuriesB.Was longer than in previous centuriesC.Was considered to be surprisingly longD.Accounted for a great part of their lives26.According to the passage,it is now quite usual for women to________.A.stay at home after leaving schoolB.marry men younger than themselvesC.start working again later in lifeD.marry while still at school27.What can be inferred from the last sentence?A.The husband tends to share greater share of duties of family life.B.In the past,the husband used to provide money for the family while the wife ran the home.C.The wife does not have her own abilities and interests.D.Both the husband and the wife should be satisfied with their family life.CTen years ago I used to be very fit.I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends.I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks.In those days I didn’t earn very much.I had a job in an office.It wasn’t a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed.Then,about eight years ago,I got a much better job.The pay was better,but the hours were a lot longer.I bought a car and drove to work every day.I began to take people out to lunch.And I began to put weight,too.I stopped playing tennis and going for long walks at weekends because I just didn’t have any time for things like those any more.There’s a lot of stress in my job.Perhaps that’s why I started drinking more than I used to.For example,I used to have only half a glass of whisky when I got home,but then I started filling my glass to the top,and instead of having one glass,I would have several.I started smoking a lot,too.I never used to smoke at all.Two months ago I had a heart attack.At first I just couldn’t believe it.Luckily it wasn’t very serious.The doctor advised me to work less and get more exercise.But I just haven’t any time!My job takes everything out of me!Sometimes I wonder if I should get another job.Perhaps I could do something as I used to.But if I do that,I won’t earn as much.I have a family to support,I have to think of them,too.I just don’t know what I should do.What do you think?pared with ten years ago,what is worse for the author now?A.His jobB.His payC.His means of transportD.His health29.According to the passage,when the author got the better job,which of the following is NOT true?A.He got higher payB.His working hours weren’t long.B.He found it very stressful. D.He had little free time at weekends.30.After the author had a heart attack,the doctor advise him______________.A.not to work any longerB.to take a long vacation abroad.B.to stop smoking and take exercise D.not to eat out any more31.What can we learn about the author?A.The author is not sure what he should do now.B.The author has taken the doctor’s advice already.C.The author has got another new job.D.The author feels much better now.DTo get in shape soon,some people use"quick"methods without realizing that these methods can put their overall health in danger.For example,t hey lose weight by eating fat-free food.It's true that consuming fewer fats can help you get in shape sooner,but low fat foods like dried fruits,nuts,beans,etc.actually contain high amounts of calories.For example,fruit juice contains no fat,but has high calories,So drinking more than one glass of fruit juice won't help in losing weight.To rely only on fruit and vegetable juice to lose weight is also a wrong method. By replacing your meal with only juice.you decrease the calorie intake greatly.It’ll help lose weight,but it can make you suffer from lack of energy,headaches,stomach disorders,et.cIt’s true that exercise helps to keep healthy weight,but itll probably not help you much if you don’t take care of your diet by reducing your calorie intake.If you believe you can exercise every day and eat as much as you want.you re erroneous. For healthy weight loss,you need to burn more calories than you consume.So,youneed to limit the intake of food.Wrong weight loss methods are dangerous.So if in doubt,you’d better ask a doctor before starting weight loss routine.Luckily,it's possible to lose weight with healthy methods,For example,follow healthy food habits,exercise regularly for20-30minutes every day,and go on with a healthy lifestyle even after you lose weight. Anyway,as excess weight isn’t gained overnight,it cannot be lost in a short time either.Give yourself some time.Although healthy methods may take a bit longer to work,they’re surely good for your body.32.We can know from the first paragraph that_________.A.most people don’t lose weight safelyB.fruit juice is low in fat and caloriesC.eating high fat foods helps lose weight D,losing weight too fast is possibly harmful33.Relying on a liquid diet to lose weight is wrong because it___________.A.reduces the calorie intake greatlyB.doesn't help you to lose weight fastC.can cause a few health problems D makes you skip meals34.How can we get more calories burnt than we consume?A.By having more rest.B By eating fruit juiceC By reducing stress. D.By eating less food for meals35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.We should be patient with losing weight.B.We can actually lose weight safely and easilyC.Regular exercise is enough for us to lose weight.D.We don't have to consider our doctor's advice第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。











AThe Strangest British ActivitiesMedieval footballThis is a game played in the town of Ash Bourne. The rules are similar to how football was played in England hundreds of years ago. The villagers are divided into two teams. One team consists of people from the south of the village and the other of people from the north. There is a goal on each side of the town, 1. 5 miles from the centre. The aim is to get the ball into the goal on your side of the town. Players can kick, throw and carry it.Cheese rollingThis is a race that takes place in the south- west of England. It is a little different from a typical race. Competitors have to chase a large, round piece of cheese down a hill. Many of them fall and end up gettinginjured.Egg throwingYou must make a team with a partner to enter this competition in Lincolnshire. You will throw an egg to your partner who must catch it. The winning team is the one that throws the egg the farthest distance and catches it without breaking it.Mud raceTo take part in this running race by the sea in Essex, you have to first cover yourself in mud. It used to occur every January, but people thought It was too cold so it now takes place in May.1. What can we learn about the Medieval football from the text?A. This game is played all around England.B. The aim is to get the ball into either goal.C. The players are allowed to carry the ball.D. The goals are 3 miles away from the centre.2. In which activity may the players get injured?A. Medieval footballB. Cheese rolling.C. Egg throwing.D. Mud race3. When is the Mud race held?A. In January.B. In AprilC. In MayD. In JuneB“Trust a mom' s sense.”That's the advice that Julie Fitzgerald, a mom of two boys, has for other moms when talking about kids and health. Julie speaks from experience: she recently used a cellphone photo to diagnose (i tr) her son's eye cancer and in doing so she saved his life.A few months ago, Julie said she noticed something strange when she look into the eyes of her 2-year-old son, Avery. Not all of the time, but sometimes in a certain light, she felt like she could see spots in his left eye.Like most modern moms, Julie turned to Dr. Google. Then, she came across an online story about a woman who saw a white eye in the photos of a relative and learned that it was caused by cancer.Julie talked it over with her husband, but he told her not to worry. Still, she couldn't let it go.“I took a picture, but actually I did not want to take the picture because I had this fearful feeling. His whole pupil (瞳孔) was just white and that's when I knew, "Julie told WREX news.Julie took Avery to a doctor and received the bad news. Avery had a cancer of the eye. To save his life, Avery s eye had to be removed.“If we did not get this eye out, the cancer would spread to his blood and to his brain,” Julie said. “Our lives went from normal to cancer to a cancer survivor in three weeks.”In the end, Julie's husband has one piece of advice for other dads out there: “Listen to your wife.”4. What did Julie first do when seeing spots in her son’s eye?A. She did an online search.B. She went to a doctor for advice.C. She went to a woman for help.D. She brought her son to the hospital.5. How did Julie’s husband react when she told him their son's problem?A. He got very worriedB. He asked her to take a picture.C. He couldn't believe her words.D. He didn't pay enough attention to it6. How did Julie probably feel when sharing her son's story?A. Excited and lucky.B. Tired and hopeless.C. Fearful and nervous.D. Sad and disappointed.7. What's the text mainly about?A. A woman diagnosed her relative s eye cancer accidentally.B. A woman learned a valuable lesson from her own mom.C. A mom took a picture of her son's eye successfully.D. A mom saved her son's life from her own sense.COn July 31st, 2015, at the 128 session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the bid to host the 24th Winter Olympic Games was awarded to Beijing, together with its suburban Yanqing County, and nearby Zhangjiakou City. This is the first time for China to hold the Winter Olympics, and the third time to host an Olympics following the Beijing 2008 Olympics and the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympics. The 24 Winter Games will be held2022, from February 4th to 20th. Then, Beijing will be the first city in the world to stage both Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.The slogan is“Joyful Rendezvous upon Pure Ice and Snow”.The three concepts are to run an athletes-centered games, to ensure sustainable(可持续的) development, and to host an economical game.The emblem looks like the Chinese character“冬”which means winter in English. At the top of the character is a person snowboarding. On the left of the emblem is the name of the main host city. On the right is the year in which it will be held, 2022. The character has the same colors as the Olympic Rings, including red, yellow, green, black, and blue. They contrast finely with each other.The 2022 Winter Games includes 102 minor competitions in 15 mayor events. It will last 17 days from February 4th to 20th. Ice sports will be held in five venues(场馆) in downtown Beijing, while snow sports will be held in two venues in suburban Yanqing County and five venues in nearby Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province. Additionally, there will be 13 non-competition venues to award medals and accommodate athletes.8.What does the underlined words“stage”in Para. 1 probably mean?A. showB. stateC. holdD. join9. Where can you find the name of the main host city on the emblem?A. At the topB. On the leftC. On the rightD. In the middle10. What sports will be held in Beijing according to the LAST paragraph?A. Ski Jumping.B. Freestyle skiing.C. Snow boardD. Figure skating第二节(共5小题;每小题4分,满分20分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。













每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的>1.在国际单位制中:力学范围内的三个基本单位是A.N、m、s B.N、m、kgC.kg、m、s D.kg、s、m/s2.如图所示,小明同学把一个篮球从离地面高日处自由释放,篮球经多次竖直弹跳,最后停在地面上。

在此过程中,篮球的位移大小为A.HB.2HC.OD.因篮球弹跳的次数不知道,故无法判断3.下列关于记时的叙述中,表示时间间隔的是A.著名田径运动员刘翔用12.88s跑完了11OmB.中央电视台新闻联播节目从l9时开始C.1997年7月1日零时我国政府开始对香港恢复行使主权D.从广州到汕头的火车8:O0发车4.磁悬浮列车在行驶时会“浮”在轨道上方,从而可高速行驶,这种列车能够高速行驶的原因是A.减小了列车的惯性B.减小了地球对列车的引力C.减小了列车所受的空气阻力D.减小了列车与轨道间的摩擦力物理第l页(共8页>5.下列运动状态中,物体处于平衡状态的是A.蹦床运动员上升到最高点时B.荡秋千的小孩摆到最低点时C.与倾斜的、匀速传动的传送带保持相对静止的货物D.宇航员费俊龙、聂海胜乘坐“神舟六号”进入轨道做圆周运动时6.物体做直线运动的速度一时间图象如图所示,已知初速度为v0,末速度为v t,经历时间为t1,则在时间t1,内该物体的平均速度A.等于(v0+v t>/2B.小于(v0+v t>/2C.大于(v0+v t>/2D.无法确定7.课外实践小组利用课余时间测定自动笔内弹簧的劲度系数。




















山西省 2018 年普通高中学业水平考试试题

山西省 2018 年普通高中学业水平考试试题





下列不能有效减少包装垃圾的做法是A.减少快递过度包装B.利用生物降解快递袋C.提高快递包装的重复利用率D.减少消费者网购消费【解析】正确答案D 本题属容易题,考查要求属于b。


A 选项中过度包装主要指超出实际需求,过度使用包装材料。

D 选项中减少消费者网购消费,显然不符合社会发展趋势。


该案例主要体现了技术的A.创新性 B.综合性C.实用性D.两面性【解析】正确答案B 本题属容易题,考查要求属于b。




该产品的设计主要体现了A.创新和实用原则B.实用和道德规范原则C.创新和经济原则D.经济和美观原则【解析】正确答案A 本题属容易题,考查要求属于b。



4.“可燃冰”是一种天然气水合物(CH 4·8H 2O ),外形像冰,现已探明的储量远超煤、石油和天然气的总和,主要分布在海底。




第1页 共4页 四川省2018级普通高中学业水平考试(真题)
数 学 试 卷



(2)每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂.如改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试卷上。



1.已知集合A =|−1,0,1,2},B = 0,1,2,3,4 ,则A ∪B =
(A) 0,1,2
(B) −1,3,4 (C) 0,1,2,3,4
(D){-1,0,1,2,3,4} 2.已知i 为虚数单位,则复数−i 1+i =
(B)−12+12i C .12−12i D .−12−12i 3.已知向量a = 2,1 b = 1,k ,且a //b ,则实数k 的值为
(A)−2 (B)−12 (C)12 (D)2



题号12345678910答案A D C D C C B A C A 题号11121314151617181920答案A C A B D B C B A A 题号21222324252627282930答案D B B A B D C D A D 题号31323334353637383940答案B A D C D D B C A D










2018年辽宁省普通高中学业水平考试物 理第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共48分)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分。

每小题有四个选项,只有一项是正确的) 1.下列物理量哪一个是矢量( ) A .位移 B .速度 C .功 D .加速度 2.如图所示,分别为汽车甲的位移-时间图象和汽车乙的速度-时间图象,则( )A .甲的加速度大小为5m/s 2B .乙的加速度大小为5m/s 2C .甲在4s 内的位移大小为40mD .乙在4s 内的位移大小为20m3.如图所示,A 、B 两物体通过跨过光滑滑轮的细线连在一起,它们均处于静止状态,A 物体的受力情况是( )A .受4个力作用,其中弹力有2个B .受4个力作用,其中弹力有1个C .受3个力作用,其中弹力有2个D .受3个力作用,其中弹力有1个 4.关于摩擦力,下列说法正确的是( ) A .摩擦力的方向总是和物体的运动方向相反 B .相互接触的物体间的压力增大,摩擦力一定增大 C .物体受到的静摩擦力的大小和接触面的粗糙程度无关 D .运动的物体不可能受静摩擦力5.如图所示是一悬挂的吊灯,若吊灯的重力为G ,灯线对吊灯的拉力为F N ,吊灯对灯线的拉力为F N ’,则下列说法正确的是( )A .F N 和G 是一对平衡力B .F N ’和G 是一对平衡力C .F N 和F N ’是一对平衡力D .F N 和G 是同一性质的力6.如图所示,弹簧的自由端B 在未悬挂重物时指针正对刻度5,在弹性限度内,t/s22010 4t/s220 104x/mv/m ·s -1AB当挂上80N 重物时指针正对刻度45,若要使指针正对刻度20,应挂的重物是( ) A .50N B .40N C .30N D .20N 7.关于惯性的说法正确的是( )A .火箭升空时速度增大,惯性增大B .宇航员从地球到达太空,惯性减小C .战斗机战斗前抛弃副油箱,惯性增大D .给空卡车装满货物,卡车的惯性增大 8.两个共点力大小分别为4N 、8N ,则它们的合力大小可能为( ) A .2N B .3N C .10N D .14N9.关于平抛运动,下列说法正确的是( ) A .因为轨迹是曲线,所以平抛运动是变加速运动 B .运动时间由下落高度和初速度共同决定 C .水平位移仅由初速度决定 D .在相等的时间内速度的变化都相等10.在曲线运动中,下列说法正确的是( )A .加速度方向和位移方向一致B .加速度方向和速度方向一致C .加速度方向和位移方向垂直D .加速度方向和所受的合力方向一致 11.如图所示,在火星与木星轨道间有一小行星带,假设该带中的小行星只受太阳的引力,并绕太阳做匀速圆周运动。

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B.运动员的路程是10.6m D.运动员的路程是10m
2. 某短跑运动员在百米赛跑中3s末的速度为7.00s
A. 7.00m/s

A. 节约用电
4. 在平直公路上有甲、乙两汽车,坐在甲车内的同学看到乙车相对于甲车不动,而坐在乙车内的同学看到旁边的树木相对于乙车向东移动。

A. 车向西运动,乙车不动
v 图像如图所示,两条图线相互5.甲、乙两物体在同一水平面上做直线运动的t
平行,下列说法正确的是() A. 两物体初速度相同、加速度相同
D. 两物体初速度不同、加速度不同
6.某同学为配合值日生打扫地面,将凳子向上搬起后再缓慢放回原处,此过程中该同学对凳子做功的情况是 ( )
A. 一直做正功
B. 先做正功,再做负功
C. 一直做负功
D. 先做负功,再做正功
7.如图所示,用传送带向上传送货物,货物与传送带之间没有相对的滑动,则货物受到的摩擦力是 ( ) A. 静摩擦力,方向沿传送带向上 B. 静摩擦力,方向沿传送带向下 C. 滑动摩擦力,方向沿传送带向下 D. 滑动摩擦力,方向沿传送带向上
8.油品运输汽车的后部有一条拖地铁链,该铁链的作用是 ( ) A. 拖车用 B. 停车落锁用
C. 有利于运输车辆积累电荷
D. 把车辆积累的电荷及时导入大地,避免静电危害 9.下列关于加速度大小的判断正确的是 ( )
A. 由公式t v
a ∆∆=
可知,v a ∆与成正比、与t ∆成反比 B.由公式t v
a ∆∆=可知,v a ∆与成反比、与t ∆成正比
C.由公式t v
a ∆∆=可知,v a ∆与成正比、与t ∆成反比
D.由公式t v
a ∆∆=可知,v a ∆与成反比、与t ∆成正比
10.关于能量和能源,下列表述正确的是 ( ) A. 能量可以从一种形式转化为另一种形式 B. 能量不能从一个物体转移到另一个物体
D. 能源在利用过程中存在能量耗散现象,这表明自然界的能量不守恒 11. 某同学分别用甲、乙两个物块,研究质量一定时加速度与力的关系,在同一坐标系中画出两物块的F a -图像,如图所示,下列判断正确的是 ( )
A. 滑块甲的质量大
B. 滑块乙的质量大
C. 两滑块的质量一样大

kg m 05.0=的金属小球,由空中某点开始做自由落体运动,经2s 落地,2/10s m g =,落地前瞬间小球重力的功率为( )
A. 0.2W
B. 1W
C. 5W
13. 如图所示,两靠近的金属球的带电量分别为21q q 和,球心之间的距离为l
,若两球的大小不能忽略,关于两球的库仑力大小F 的说法正确的是 ( )
A. 带同种电荷时,22
1l q q k
F > B. 带异种电荷时,221l
q k F >
C. 带同种电荷时,221l q q k F =
D. 带异种电荷时,221l q q k F =
14. 一阻值为10Ω
的定值电阻,通有0.5A 的恒定电流,10s 内产生的热量为 () A. J 5.2 B. J 5 C. J 25 D. J 50
15. 把一段阻值为R 的均匀金属导线截为长度相等的两段,再将这两段导线并联,并联后的总电阻为 ( )
A. R
B. R 2
2R D. 4
R 16. 如图所示,质量为m 的物体,在竖直向上的拉力F 作用下静止在水平地面上。

现保持F 的大小不变,逐渐改变F 的方向直至水平,此过程物体始终保持静止,关于物体的受力情况,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A. 支持力逐渐增大,摩擦力逐渐增大
支持力逐渐减小,摩擦力逐渐减小 C. 支持力逐渐减小,摩擦力逐渐增大 D. 支持力逐渐增大,摩擦力逐渐减小
17. 某一型号的电容器标有“16V ,0.01F ”的字样,当电容器两极板间的电势差为8V 时,下列判断正确的是( ) A. 电容器的电容是0.01F ,带电量是0.16C B. 电容器的电容是0.01F ,带电量是0.08C C. 电容器的电容是0.005F ,带电量是0.08C D. 电容器的电容是0.005F ,带电量是0.04C
18. 关于闭合电路中电源电动势、内电压、外电压,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A. 外电路短路时,内电压等于零 B. 外电路断路时,外电压等于零
C. 外电路短路时,内电压等于电源电动势
D. 外电路断路时,内电压等于电源电动势 19. 匀强电场中的一簇水平等势面,电势高低如图所示,相邻等势面之间的距离都是2cm ,下列判断正确的是 ( )
A. 电场强度竖直向下、大小为m V /2.0
B. 电场强度竖直向下、大小为m V /500
C. 电场强度竖直向上、大小为m V /2.0
D. 电场强度竖直向上、大小为m V /500
20. 如图所示,某物体在拉力F 的作用下竖直向上运动,下列几种运动,拉力最大的是 ( )
A. 以s m /5的速度匀速上升
B. 以s m /3的速度匀速上升
C. 以2/5s m 的加速度加速上升
D. 以2/3s m 的加速度加速上升

簧下端悬挂钩码对其施加向下的拉力F ,测出相应的弹簧长度,再计算出弹簧的伸长量x ;改变拉力F 的大小(在弹性限度内),测出多组数据,作出F 与x 的关系图线如图所示,由图像可求得弹簧的劲度系数为______m N /。

若测得弹簧的自然长度为0.1m ,所用钩码的质量均为50g ,当挂3个钩码时,弹簧的长度为____m 。

(取g=102/s m )
22. (10分)在利用打点计时器研究小车做匀速直线运动特点的实验中,某同学得到一条点迹清晰的纸带,选取便于测量的部分进行研究,把计时起点标为0,往后再每隔4个点标定一个计数点,分别以1、2、3、4、5、6、7,如图所示。

(1)已知相邻两个计数点之间的时间间隔为T ,1、2两点之间的距离为2X , 2、3之间的距离为3X , 则打下计数点2时的小车的瞬时速度为____。


请在答题卡给定的坐标纸上,根据表中数据作出小车运动的t v -图像;由图像可求得小车加速度的大小=a ____s m /
计数点 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 时间s t /
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 速度)./1-s m v (
23.(10分)如图所示,空间存在水平向右的匀强电场,电场强度C N E /1053⨯=。

kg m 3105-⨯=、电荷量C q 6102-⨯+=的小滑
块,自电场中光滑绝缘水平面上的A 点由静止释放,运动了m s 1=的距离到达B 点。

求: (1)小滑块从A 点运动到B 点的时间; (2)小滑块运动到B 点时速度的大小。

24(12分)如图所示,一质量kg m 2.0=的物块,自斜面顶端由静止释放,经时间s t 1=滑至低端,已知斜面倾角︒=30θ,高度m h 75.0=。

取2/10s m g =,求: (1)物块下滑过程中的加速度的大小; (2)物块下滑过程中损失的机械能。

25.(13分)如图所示,电源电动势V E 6=,内阻Ω=2r 。

开关S 闭合后,电动机M 正常工作,理想电压表示数为V 4,理想电流表示数为A 5.0。

已知电动机的线圈电阻Ω=1o r 。

(1)电动机的输入功率和输出功率; (2)电阻R 的阻值。
