



全新版大学英语第三册课后练习答案及课文翻译《全新版大学英语综合教程3》课后练习答案Unit 1Part II Text AText Organization P.101. Parts, Paragraphs and Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-3 The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant andsatisfying one.Part Two Paras 4-7 Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.Part Three Paras 8-11 After quitting his job, the writer's income was reduced, but heand his family were able to manage to get by.Part Four Paras 12-15 A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made itpossible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.2. Happy Moments and Events:1) growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables 2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc. 3) keeping warm inside the house in winter 4) writing freelance articles5) earning enough money while maintaining a happy family life Hardships:1) working hard both in winter and in summer 2) harsh environment and weather condition 3) anxious moments after the writer quit his job 4) cutting back on daily expenses 5) solitude Vocabulary P.14 I1.1) insurance 2) On balance 3) aside from 4) cut back 5) resist 6) haul 7) supplemented 8) sprayed 9) wicked 10) illustrated 11) budget 12) digest 13) boundary 14) get by 15) at that point2. 1) cut back / down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5) face up to 6) turn in 7) turning out 8) think up3.1) While farming, Benneker pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy.2) Misused words often generate misleading thoughts. 3) Lafayette Hotel is patronized by international celebrities drawn to its French food and service. 4) A person who thinks that money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. 5) A person surely has to face a good many bitter disappointments before he gets1through life. 4.1) Seeing that more and more people are concerned about the quality of their indoor environments, John is considering starting an interior decoration business. It seems certain to earn a profit, but he does not yet have enough money to invest in it. 2) This device is primarily used for the improvement of the sound quality of electronic media. It was invented in the US, but now it is used on a global scale.3) When the first settlers came to America, their household utensils consisted of a few pots, pans and some bowls stacked in one corner of the house. There wasn't much material temptation around them. They never dined out in a restaurant as we often do nowadays.II. Confusable Words1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household2. 1) doubt 2) suspected 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspectIII. Word Formation1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys 6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) searchStructure1.1) when it comes to changing your life2) when it comes to such matters as keeping the room tidy 3) when it comes to emotional intelligence 4) when it comes to managing minor matters2. 1) Not everyone agrees on what is right and what is wrong 2) but, unfortunately, money isn?t everything 3) not all Americans like them4) Not all people share the same interestsComprehensive Exercises I. Cloze(A) 1. gets by 2. temptation 3. get through 4. picked up 5. improvements 6. aside from 7. suspect 8. supplement 9. profit 10. primarily 11. spraying 12. stacking(B)1. While 2. escape 3. begin 4. Because/As 5. quit 6. start 7. on8. but (also) 9. be 10. close 11. have 12. cutting 13. cook/prepare 14. cities 15. however 16. familyII. TranslationA decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit an executive position and opened/set up a household equipment store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily because of/owing to/due to their desire to improve the quality of their lives.2But, to run a small business is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed. Once she could not evenpick up the phone bill and had to ask her parents to loan her some money.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Part III Text BComprehension Checkl. a 2. c 3.d 4. b 5. a 6. c Translation (JE Appendix III) Language Practice1. In addition2. roast3. percentage4. entertainment5. cable6. at one time7. get along8. missed out on9. whip up 10. as a result 11. commute 12. rent 13. taken over 14. make sense 15. mushroomed 16. go with 17. fried 18. dizzy 19. array 20. gasped Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks Model paperRecent Changes in Chinese Family LifeGreat changes have taken place in Chinese family life in the past twenty years. In my parents? words, the difference between their childhood and mine is as vast as that between heaven and earth.When my parents were young, there was no TV, no computers nor any other electronic appliances in their home. Their food was simple and their clothing plain. What is unbelievable to young people today is that they seldom dined out in a restaurant, or traveled to a scenic spot for a holiday.In contrast to family life one generation ago, each family in China today has at least one TV set and many have been equipped with telephones, computers, even cars. While the senior members of a family watch films on TV at home, the younger members like to play computer games or talk to their friends who may live thousands of miles from them.The changes in Chinese family life mirror the economic development of our country. Without the prosperity of the whole country, our family life would probably be just the same as before. Times have changed, and changed, most would surely agree with me, for the better. (194 words)3Unit 2Part I Pre-Reading Task Script for the recording:The song you are going to listen to is called Abraham, Martin John, sung by Dion. Abraham, Martin John DionHas anybody here,Seen my old friend Abraham, Can you tell me, where he's gone, He freed a lotta people,But it seems the good die young, I just loohed around, And he's gone, Has anybody here,Seen my old friend John,Can you tell me, where he's gone, He freed a lotta people,But it seems the good die young, I just loohed around, And he' s gone, Has anybody here,Seen my old friend Martin,Can you tell me, where he's gone, He freed a lotta people,But it seems the good die young, I just looked around, And he's gone,Didn't you love the things they stood for,Didn't they try to find some good for you and me, And we'll he free,Someday soon it's gonna be one day, Has anybody here,Seen my old friend Bothy,Can you tell me, where he's gone,I thought I saw him walhin' up over the hill, With Ahrah am, Martin and John.The unit we are going to study is all about civil-rights heroes. The song you have just heard is about four of them. Can you guess who they are? All are American. All are dead, all, as the song says, \people. That's one clue. Another comes when she quotes the proverb: \young.\young. My guess is Dion has in mind Abraham Lincoln, the American president who freed the slaves and was assassi?nated. How about John, another leader who helped people to free themselves? He too died young. Can you guess who it might be? President John F. Kennedy seems most likely. He too supported civil rights. He too died young, assassinated like Lincoln.4Now who could Martin be? Another civil-rights leader who died young, once again assassi?nated. A great speaker comes to mind. Who do you think? Martin Luther King, surely. And finally, Bobby. Bobby who? Probably Dion is thinking of Bobby Kennedy, John Kennedy's brother, another supporter of civil rights. He was running for president when, like his brother before him, he too was gunned down.Part II Text A Text Organization 1.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-5 It is high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights struggles in America.Part Two Paras 6-23 By citing examples the author praises the exploits of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Un?derground Railroad to freedom.2. Story 1 (Paras 6-10): After winning his own freedom fromslavery, John Parker helped otherslaves to escape north to Canada to get freedom.Story 2 (Paras 11-15): Supported by a strong religious conviction, the white man Levi Coffin helped black slaves to escape at huge risk to himself.Story 3 (Paras 16-23): By traveling the Underground Railroad, Josiah Henson reached his desti?nation and became free at last. VocabularyI. 1. 1) decades 2) historic 3) imposed 4) racial5) slender 6) closing in on 7) settlement 8) site9) mission 10) authorized11) terminal 12) make the best of 13) exploits 14) religious 15) on the side2. 1) pass for 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on 5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) come up 8) given up3. 1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry.2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling. 3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs.4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life.5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run.5。



新视野大学英语第三版3课后翻译答案新视野大学英语第三版3 是很多同学在英语学习道路上的重要教材,课后的翻译练习对于提升语言运用能力有着关键作用。


Unit 1Section A1、无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。

No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and no matter how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception2、就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。

Just as all his sister's friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them3、汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。

Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles4、老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。

If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won't say a word to you any more5、有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。

Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their childrenSection B1、我们认为他是本场比赛表现最精彩的球员之一。



Unit 1From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.从她的口音我猜她是来自东北地区的。

It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.她很聪明,使他对自己的论点I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair.我在床下发现了一双鞋,但他们不做一双4. Dr. Bright always takes his time as he examines his patients andtreats them with extreme care.Bright博士总是把他的时间用于他检查他的病人,并把他们的极端护理5. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their Americancounterparts have already suffered.英国公司正试图避免他们的美国同行已经遭受的命运。

6. Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was anhonorable young man.威尔弗雷德的话证实了我在我看来,他是一个光荣的年轻人7. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protectionafter she received death threats.检察机关的主要证人在收到死亡威胁后提供了警方的保护8. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent eventsproved me wrong.我认为这是事情的结束,但随后的事件证明我错了。



NNCE Book3课后翻译参考答案Unit1英译中原文:Global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community's values and practices. Global citizenship believes that humankind is essentially on and each individual has the power to change things. In our interdependent world, global citizenship encourages us to recognize our responsibilities toward each other and learn from each other. Global citizens care about education, disease, poverty, and environmental issues around the world. Today, the forces of global engagement are helping some people identify themselves as global citizens who have a sense of belonging to a world community. This growing global identity in large part is made possible by the forces of modern information, communications and transportation technologies. Global citizenship aims to empower people to lead their own action. Along with the knowledge and values that they have gained from learning about global issues, people need to be equipped with the necessary skills to give themselves the ability and confidence to be pro-active in making a positive difference in the world.Keys:世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动是一个整体,任何个人都有改变事物的能力。



Unit one如今,很多年轻人不再选择“稳定”的工作,他们更愿意自主创业,依靠自己的智慧和奋斗去实现自我价值。

青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活。



Nowadays, many young people no longer choose “stable” jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people’s life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China’s economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people’s enthusiasm to start their own businesses.Unit two实现中华民族伟大复兴(rejuvenation)是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为“中国梦”,其基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。



Unit11 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do.2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(避免引起任何怀疑).3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.(成批评,无论你说什么).4 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5 Too much time spent dwelling on the past (花太多的时间老是想着过去) can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems (相信自己能够完成目标解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.1.人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。

It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2.于此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。

Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.当你做某件事失败时,把失败当做一种学习的经历并从中汲取益处。

新视野大学英语第三版第三册第二单元 课后翻译答案和听力文稿

新视野大学英语第三版第三册第二单元 课后翻译答案和听力文稿

Unit 2Jack went to a doctor. “Doctor,”he said, “I’ve got trouble. Every time I lie in bed, I think there’s somebody under it. I get under the bed; then I think there’s somebody on top of it. Top, under, top, under. You’ve got to help me! It almost drives me mad!”“Just put yourself in my hands for two years,”said the doctor. “Come to me three times a week, and I’ll cure your fears.”“How much do you charge?”“A hundred dollars a visit.”“I’ll think about it,” said Jack.Six months later the doctor met Jack by chance.“Why didn’t you ever come to see me again?” asked the doctor.“For a hundred bucks a visit? A carpenter cured me for 10 dollars.”“Is that so? How?”“He told me to cut the legs off the bed!”美国梦是美利坚合众国的民族精神。



大学英语精读第3册 第6课 课文翻译及课后答案

大学英语精读第3册 第6课 课文翻译及课后答案









































1. 这事件可能产生的后果(consequence)应予以认真考虑。

(reflect on/upon)The likely consequences of the incident need to be reflected on/upon.2. 他差点解决了这个问题。

(within an inch of…)He was within an inch of solving the problem.3. 假如你要把财产转让给他人,须使他成为合法产权人(legal owner)。

(transfer… to)If you want to transfer your property to someone, you should first make him the legal owner of it.4. 自从公司迁到这个地区以来,已有数十台电脑被盗,公司决定采取措施制止盗窃。

(take action)More than ten computers have been stolen since the company moved to this area, so the company decided to take action to stop it.B. Translate the following into Chinese.1. Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy. He is always happy and always has something positive to say.迈克尔决非等闲之辈,他总是那么乐观,总能看到事物积极的一面。

2. If an employee had a bad day, Michael would tell him/her how to look on the positive side of the situation lest they'd continue feeling down.假如某个员工哪一天遇到不顺心的事,迈克尔总是告诉他们如何看待事物积极的一面,以免他们继续感到沮丧。



TranslationUnit 1:1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。

(no matter how)No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。

(just as)Just as all his sister's friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。

(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。

(tell on)If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won't say a word to you any more.5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。

(on one’s own)Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。



大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编第三册Book3Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案?Unit1 翻译1 发言人(spokesman明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel这次旅行。

The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。

Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions是对的。

(confirmThe subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。

I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor竟然是个贪官(corrupt official。

To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6 少数工人得到提升(be promoted,与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。

A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。



Unit11 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do.2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(防止引起任何疑心).3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.〔成批评,无论你说什么).4 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5 Too much time spent dwelling on the past (花太多的时间老是想着过去) can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems (相信自己能够完成目标解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.1.人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。

It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2.于此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。

Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.当你做某件事失败时,把失败当做一种学习的经历并从中汲取益处。



Unit 11.年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。

(communicate with)Answer: Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents.2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。

(to take up residence) Answer: It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。

(survive) Answer: Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。

(overtake)Answer: He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过去。

(figure) Answer: I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by.1.十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。




What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker.2、奶奶迅速瞥了一眼墙上的时钟,发出一声惊呼:“天哪,我们要赶不上火车了!”Shooting a quick look at the clock at the wall, Grandma let out a cry,” oh,my dear, we’re going to miss the train.”3、我总在幼儿园门口看到一些孩子抓住父母不让走。

请问:在这种情形下,年轻的父母们是否得对孩子严厉写,赶紧离开?At the kinder garden entrance, I always see some kids holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids and leave immediately under these circumstances?4、昏暗的灯光下站着一个哭泣的小女孩。

In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl.5、富人捐赠时要尽量考虑周全,不要让受赠者陷入难堪境地。

When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible. in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation.6、从上个月起,我的工作就是围绕日常办公事务转,所以现在每天掰着指头算什么时候才到国庆节:我和朋友要去乡下远足呢!Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside.1、无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。



Unit 4 Career Planning职业生涯规划1 职业生涯规划不一定例行或合乎逻辑的步骤。















5第三个漏洞是hypervigilance 。









Unit11、whereby; 2. Pursuit; 3. Inhibit; 4. Maintain; 5. Patriotic; 6. Transcend ed; 7.end eavors; 8.Dedication; 9. Prestige; 10.nominate1.Most cities in the country have introduced(引进)"Clean Air Zones" whereby(凭此;借以)factories(工厂)and households (家庭)are only all owed to burn(燃烧)smokeless fuel(无烟燃料).中国的大多数城市都设立了“清洁空气区”,工厂和家庭只能使用无烟燃料。

2.He knows that the pursuit(n. 追求)of social status(地位)can consume(vt. 消耗)vast amounts of his time and effort(努力).他知道追求社会地位会耗费他大量的时间和精力3.The doctors are at a l oss because so far(到目前为止,迄今为止)no medicine(药物)hasbeen found to inhibit the spread(传播)of the disease(疾病).医生们不知所措,因为到目前为止还没有发现能抑制疾病传播的药物。

4.We see many Special education directors(导演,主管,董事长)trying to maintain(维持)the quality(质量)of their programs with much less money and much small er staff (职员).我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用更少的钱和更少的员工来维持他们项目的质量。



8.My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career(生涯;职业)in medicine, as this is a field(领域)which requires(需要)a lot of dedication(奉献)and long working hours.我给Stewart先生的建议是在进入医学领域之前仔细考虑一下,因为这是一个需要大量奉献和长时间工作的领域。

9.Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions(职业)that are stable(稳定)and could bring prestige(声望)and economic benefits.大多数中国父母更愿意选择一些稳定、能带来声望和经济效益的职业。

10.It is legally(adv. 合法地;法律上)possible for an elderly (adj. 上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的)person to nominate(vt. 推荐;提名;任命;指定)someone to act for them, should they become incapable(没有能力的)of looking after themselves。


1.removed from;2. Failed in;3. in the pursuit of;4. deviated from;5. precludes,from; 6. triumph over; 7. work their way into; 8. 8.written off !-1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind(被抛在后面)his classmates and he was removed from(被移除)the second into the third class at this own desire(要求).当弗朗西斯在复活节后回来的时候,他远远落后于他的同学,他被按照自己的意愿从二等升到了三等。



大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社 董亚芬主编)第三册Book3 Unit1答案1) accent2) turn against3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) confirmed7) witness8) subsequent9) stands a chance10) trial1) belief2) brilliant3) employment4) has saved up5) stood a chance6) were awarded7) Presumably8) conducted9) casual10) around (which student life) revolves1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness.2) Despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening.3) Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.4) Called (up) on to speak at the meeting, I couldn't very well refuse.5) Mrs. Stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left.6) It was the rumor that turned Joe against his twin brother.7) We wondered how Sara was getting on in her new job.8) Although Anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in.9) Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.10) Whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrow's weather.1) uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal;2) unanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected;3) unhappily,unskillfully,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably;4) unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unload。




Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do.2.尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该避免引起怀疑。

Despite his stubbornness, he knew that he should avoid arousing any suspicions.3.无论你说什么都会被理解成批评。

It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.4.让我们不要为该被忽略和忘记的小事翻烦心。

Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles which we should ignore and forget.5.花太多的时间老是想着过去会阻碍你享受生活。

Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6.相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人更有可能在学校里表现得好。

People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school.1.她穿了一条有玫瑰团的裙子。

She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it.2.Helen为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚饭。

Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us.3.Ann信誓旦旦的保证她不会说出去。

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大学英语3第3版课后题翻译答案Unit1 1 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do. 2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(避免引起任何怀疑). 3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say. promised faithfully that she would never tell. you deliver this letterto the accounts department? well offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate. the children to keep out of behave/mischief themselves. could hear the sound of distant thunder. project has now received approval form the government . loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much. seem unable toagree whether the drug is safe or not . Unit 3 1.于紧急情况,个医生几小时内都没有空Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours. 2.税收将会如何影响低收入的人?How will taxes affect people with low incomes? 3.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano. 4.这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等These book range in price from $10 to $20. 5.在我看来你没有什么选择seems to me that you don’t have much choice. 6. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做的相当不错了Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job. 7. 对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修费用For such a big house the price is fairly/quite low/cheap, but you’ve got to take intoconsideration the money you will spend on repairs.8.我们能否从讨论上会议产生的问题开始?Can we begin with discussing questions arising from the last meeting? Unit 4 1. I used to enjoy/like photography,but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.2. There is no sure way to predict (没有一种可确信的方式来预测)who will develop asthma and who won’t.3. Today neurobiologists no longer argue about whether or not the brain can grow new cells.4. I don’t love acting as much as I once did, said Angelina Jolie. you don’t define your goal ,you don’t know in which direction you should be heading. you should not dwell on your past ,spending some timereviewing and thinking about the path you have taken. may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him. examples demonstrate how poorly some studentswrite their resumes. am deeply touched by the warm and friendly words that the President has just addressed to me. 我被总统说的那些温暖而又友好的话深深的感动. want to speak to the person who deals with my account. 我想对负责我账户的人谈话was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of compelling their daughters to marry whomever they pleased. are those who insist that the era of a computer terminal on every desk is just around the corner,while others insist that traditional teaching methods will never give way to computerized instruction. was another man who seemed to have answers. 另一个人似乎胸有成竹Unit 5 all the people walking to and fro outside the office ,I became more worried. time he well see who is his true friends to be relied on in difficulty。

scientist’s experiment gave birth to a new drug,abetter cure for high blood pressure. got used to being in this room during the winter, shut in by the four walls and a sloping ceiling. realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity(我一有机会就要让他们相信) that I was a policeman not a politician. you sweep away an old society, you can’t overnight change the institutions of thought that have been built up over centuries. the close of the century, another two billion people will be born, the great majority in developing countries. you long for a better future for yourself , your family and your country, stay and continue your studies here. admires ,which surprises me. 他钦佩布朗太太,这使我感到很惊奇。

stormed all day,during which time the ship broke up. 暴风雨持续了一整天;就在这段时间里船破裂了。

student,who had carefully read through the instructionsbefore doing his experiment ,could not achieve satisfactory results ,because he had followed them mechanically. 虽然那个学生在做实验前已仔细阅读过实验说明,但于他生搬硬套。


knew that Sara would tell the good news to her sister ,who would probably tell it to her classmates. 我知道萨拉会将那个好消息告诉她姐姐的,而她姐姐又很可能将它告诉她的同学。

,who has a lot of teaching experience,will be joining us in the spring. 史密斯先生很有教学经验,他将在春天来和我们一起工作。

postman comes at 6:30 in the morning ,when I am usually fast asleep. 邮递员早晨6点30分来。


Uint 6 1.如果要我选择一个方案的话,我将毫不犹豫地支持后者If I had to select one plan, I would not hesitate to support the latter. 2他看上去似乎是无罪的,但证据表明并非如此。

He seemednot guilty, but the evidence suggested otherwise. 3我劝他别去东海岸,因为那里到处是游客. I warned him off going to the east coast because it was a full of tourists. 4.东西便宜并不见得就是质量低劣。
