
[00:00.58]College English Test Band Four<ch>大学英语四级考试[00:03.10]Part ⅡListening Comprehension<ch>第二部分听力理解[00:06.20]Section A<ch>A节[00:07.48]Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports.<ch>说明:在本节中,你将听到三篇新闻报道。
[00:13.11]At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions.<ch>在每一篇新闻的最后,你将会听到两个或者三个问题。
[00:17.69]Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.<ch>新闻和问题均播放一遍。
[00:21.92]After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).<ch>听到问题后,你需要从A)、B)、C)和D)四个选项中选出最佳答案。
[00:30.61]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.<ch>然后将相应的答案涂在答题卡1上。
[00:38.18]News Report One<ch>新闻一[00:40.20]An 81-year-old man ended up in Germany by accident after trying to get from Newcastle, Great Britain, to Rome, Italy.<ch>一名81岁的老人试图从英国纽卡斯尔去意大利罗马,却最终意外地到了德国。
新编大学英语视听说4 听力原文及答案unit6

Unit 6 in book 4Part One Listening,Understanding and SpeakingListening 1Ex 1: 3,5,6,8,10Ex 2: four, 6.9, 5.1, doubly, far moreScripts:Husband: Oh! It’s unbelievable!Wife: What’s the matter?Husband: The article says that lifespan varies according to race, income level and whether you are male or female. Now, can you guess which is the most important factor?Wife: Hmm, I think it might be the sex.Husband: That’s right! My grandma lived four years longer than my grandpa. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. In 1993, the average lifespan of women was 6.9 yearslonger than that of men in the United States.Wife: 6.9 years! I can’t believe it. Then how about race?Husband: About race, the paper says white woman live 5.1 years longer than black women.Wife: So this means I am doubly lucky since I’m a white woman.Husband: Yes. But actually the largest risk you could run is being poor. Being poor is far more likely to kill you than smoking, drinking, a hereditary disease, or an unhealthy lifestyle.Wife: That’s true. If you are poor, you may not have good living conditions, good medical care and good nutrition. But still I have a question. Why do women live longer than men?Husband: I think you’d better ask the experts.Listening 2Ex 1: FTFTTEx 2: 1.bad, degree, opportunity 2.relate, measure these risks 3.mathematics, occur rmation, statistical risk 5.pollution, smoking, fiberScripts:The possibility that something bad will happen is a risk. Risk can also be defined as the degree of danger that goes along with an opportunity. All risks have possible negative results. However, some risks are worth taking. For example, suppose that you have the chance to join a school football team. You risk a possible injury while playing to achieve the sense of accomplishment that comes with being on the team. You decide that the pleasure of playing is worth the injury. By being fit, you can also reduce the risk of physical injury.How can we determine the risks involved in an action? Many risks that relate to health choices have been studied. These risks relate to choices made over activities or behaviour that influence one’s health, either positively or negatively. Scientists can use statistics to measure these risks. Statistics is a branch of mathematics that helps determine the possibility that something will occur. The information about this possibility is called statistical risk and can help you make healthy choices.For example, statistics indicate that in the United States the chance of dying from cancer is about 20 percent. In other words, two out of every 10 deaths are due to some kind of cancer. Therefore, the risk of death from cancer is quite high. However, statistics also show that 80 percent of all cancers are related to things over which you have some control. In other words, you can make choices that will reduce your risk of developing cancer. These include such things as avoiding pollution, mot smoking and eating a diet high in fiber. If you do these things, you are less likely to develop cancer.Listening 3Ex 1: AHCLE GINJF KMOBDEx 2: BDDDDScripts:If you plan to go hiking in the wilderness or a national park, make sure you are prepared. A compass, a knife, and maps are essential items to take with you. You should also take wooden matches in a waterproof case; some concentrated food such as nuts and dried fruit and water in a canteen. Plan for emergencies as well. Take along first-aid equipment, shelter for the rain, and extra clothes. In order to stay warm, your head, hands and feet must be kept warm, so you should bring gloves, extra socks and a wool hat.If you get lost in the woods, first try to backtrack and find the trail you were on. Look for trail signs other people may have left, such as piles of rocks, tied bunches of grass, or broken branches. Sit down and try to figure out which direction you came from and then go back that way.If you can't find the trail, try to explore the area, marking your path as you go. Climb a tree and look for landmarks. During the day, look for roads or rooftops in the distance. At night, look for lights and sniff the air. You may be able to smell smoke from a campfire. If you detect any of these signs, start to walk in their direction, but if it is dark, find shelter for the night and wait until the morning. Even a full moon won't give you enough light to see; it can throw shadows that hide dangers.If you are lost, do not expect to be rescued. Even if someone knows you are lost and sends out a search party, it may not find you. Therefore, if you can get out on your own, do so. However, if you cannot move far for some reason, build a bright fire at night and a smoky one during the day. Try to clear an area that can be seen from the air, and use rocks to write a message. You can also use bright colors, shiny metal or mirrors to signal aircraft. Above all, do not panic.Listening 4Ex 1: Ex 2:1-5 B D C D B 5 7 3 1 4 6 2Scripts:I've been in a lot of dangerous situations. Over in Bolivia, for example, I was working for a small airline, and we carried just about everything: animals, whisky, dynamite, and, of course, people. There were times when I felt I was flying a bomb, not a plane. Once I was taking dynamite to the mines. Dynamite! Man, I had never seen so much. They had even put some on the floor right next to me. I was certainly nervous on that trip. Well, I was flying over the mountains when suddenly the engine stopped. Somehow I got my parachute on, and got down without the plane, but I was hurt. I was lying out there for about four days before they found me. They told me later that they had almost given me up for dead. Anyway, they got me back to the hospital, and three months later I was flying again. No, I'm not afraid of flying. But there's a lot to worry about as a pilot.Part Four Further Speaking and ListeningFurther ListeningListening 1Ex 1: F T T T FEx 2: 1. 17,Mallett Street, Alford 2. 6943168 3. fire service 4. 18 5. 16, 20Scripts:Balley: Hello, fire service.Grace:Oh, em, I'm ringing because I think there's a fire in the house across the street. Smoke is coming out of the upstairs windows, and I can see flames, too.Balley: Can you give me your name and address and telephone number, Madam?Grace:Yes. Grace Litton, 17, Mallett Street, Alford.Balley:I'm sorry. Can you spell Mallett, please?Grace: Yes, M, A, double L, E, double T. The telephone number is 6943168. The fire's in number 18, just across the road.Balley:Is anyone in the house?Grace: No, they've gone on holiday. They went to Bournemouth last Saturday, for two weeks. Balley: All right, Madam. We'll send a fire engine up to Mallett Street straightaway.Grace:What shall I do? Shall I warn the neighbors?Balley: Yes, you'd better tell the people living next door, at number 16 and number 20. But don't go into the house.Listening 2Ex 1: CBCDAScripts:Six days ago, in Russia, a mine was flooded and lots of miners were trapped underground. Nobody knew how much air was inside and what the situation was to the trapped miners. Rescue teams tried every way to get some message from the miners, but it all seemed in vain. This caused worldwide concerns. The accident was reported by the world media. But this morning, to people's great surprise, came the dramatic news that rescue teams had dug 60 meters and tunneled through. They had discovered survivors in the part of the mine not flooded. For the rest of the miners, however, those were really anxious moments. They had prepared themselves for the worst. Now suddenly there was hope that they could see their loved ones again. And then they too were rescued and brought out of the mine. Exhausted and wounded, they were not strong enough to wave to their relatives or friends. Wrapped with blankets, these survivors were carefully handed over to the ambulances and taken to a nearby hospital. However, not everyone survived. One miner was reported to have been found dead, another missing.Listening 3Ex 1: TTFFFEx 2: 1. killed 2. wall 3. leg 4. killed 5. two 6 .avoid 7. hit 8. damaged 9. hurt 10 .frightening Scripts:( Joe Burns is a famous racing driver. He is being interviewed on a sports program.)Reporter: You've had a very dangerous life, haven't you, Joe? I mean, you've been almost killed several times?Joe: Yes. I suppose that's right.Reporter: When was your worst accident?Joe: I'd say last year. It was during the British Grand Prix. I smashed into a wall. The car was completely ruined and my left leg was broken. Luckily, nobody was killed.Reporter: Is that the only time you've been close to death?Joe: No. Once, during the Mexican Grand Prix, two cars in front of me had a bad accident. One of them ran into the other. I swerved to avoid them and hit a fence. My car was badly damaged,but luckily, I wasn't even hurt.Reporter: You must enjoy danger. I mean, you wouldn't be a racing-driver otherwise?Joe: I don't know about that. I had a very frightening experience quite recently. I was frightened to death! I thought I was going to be killed at any moment.Reporter: Really? Was that during your last race?Joe: No. It was on my way to this studio. I had to drive through London during rush hour.Listening 4Ex 1: TFTFFFFFEx 2: 1. New York 2. luxury liners 3. heroism 4. evil 5. “unsinkable” 6. July 26,1956 7. 18. 101 9. Iceberg 10. Yes 11. 1500 12. 60 13, half 14. More than enough15. another shipScripts:On the morning of April 10, 1912, the luxury liner,Titanic, left England on a voyage to New York. Four days later she lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. On July 18, 1956, the ocean liner, Andrea Doria, left Italy. It was also traveling to New York. Eight days later, this great ship also lay at thebottom of the Atlantic.The sinking of the two huge ships shocked the world. Reports of the two tragedies filled the newspapers for days. When Andrea Doria went down, people compared her sinking with the sinking of Titanic. There were similarities between the two events; however, there were also important differences.What were some of these similarities? First of all, both ships were transatlantic ocean liners. In addition, they were both luxury liners. They carried many of the world's rich and famous people. In fact, 10 American millionaires lost their lives when Titanic went down. Today, millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, and cash may still remain locked inside these two sunken ships.Another similarity is that as each ship was sinking, there were acts of heroism and of evil. Some people acted very bravely, even heroically. Some people even gave up their lives so that others could live. There were also some people who acted like cowards. For example, one man on Titanic dressed up as a woman so that he could get into a lifeboat and save his own life. One last similarity is that both of these ships were considered "unsinkable". People believed that they would never sink.There are also differences between these great ship disasters. To begin with, Titanic was on her very first voyage across the Atlantic; Andrea Doria, on the other hand, was on her hundred and first transatlantic crossing. Another difference is that the ships sank for different reasons. Titanic struck an iceberg; while Andrea Doria collided with another ship. Also, Andrea Doria had radar to warn of the approach of another ship; but Titanic was not equipped with radar--It had only a lookout. The lookout was only able to see the iceberg moments before the ship struck it. But, of course, the greatest difference between these two terrible accidents is the number of lives lost. When Titanic sank, more than 1,500 people died--They drowned or froze to death in the icy North Atlantic water. Also, about 700 people survived the sinking. In the Andrea Doria accident, 60 people lost their lives, and around 1,650 lives were saved. One of the reasons that so many people died on Titanic is that the ship was considered to be unsinkable, so there were about half the number of necessary lifeboats torescue all the people aboard. Andrea Doria had more than enough lifeboats to rescue every person on the ship. However, they were only able to use about half of the lifeboats due to a mechanical problem. The passengers and crew of Andrea Doria were very lucky that another ship was able to rescue most of them. The passengers on Titanic were not so fortunate. It is interesting too that the wreck of Titanic was only found in September, 1985.。

Uint1Task 2: Big John is coming!A bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender. This (S1) owner of the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on (S2) running the place. He tells the timid man, “If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town, (S3) drop everything and run for the hills! He’s the biggest, nastiest (S4) outlaw who’s ever lived!”A few weeks pass (S5)uneventfully. But one afternoon, a local cowhand comes running through town (S6) yelling, “Big John is coming! Run for your (S7) lives!”When the bartender leaves the bar to start running, he is knocked to the ground by several townspeople rushing out of town. (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. He’s muscular, and is growing as he approaches the bar.He steps up to the door, orders the poor barkeep inside, and demands, “I want a beer NOW!”He strikes his heavy fist on the bar, splitting it in half. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. He takes the beer, bites the top of the bottle off, and downs the beer in one gulp. As the terrified bartender hides behind the bar, the big man gets up to leave, “Do you want another beer?” the bartender asks in a trembling voice. “Dang it, I don’t have time!” the big man yells, (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Uint2Task 2: The Voice LiftAfter the face-lift, the forehead tightened, and the (S1) nose job, something still might be revealing your age: your (S2) voice.For patients who think their trembly, hoarse words don’t (S3) match their newly face and figure, there’s a procedure that claims to make them (S4) sound younger too: the voice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts. In some cases, implants (S5) inserted through an incision in the (S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer together. Doctors also use injections of (S7) fat or other substances to plump up the cords, so that the voice sounds younger.(S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal, or I was shouting, on a particular day, at the end of the day, I would feel exhausted,” said Robert Brown, 75, (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago, “I don’t know if I sound younger, but the hoarseness is gone, which is such a great improvement.”(S10)Voice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice and hope to shave years off the sound of their voice.Uint3Task 2: Flooding in Haiti and the Dominican RepublicThe death too continues to (S1) climb from last week’s flooding in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The U.S. Agency for International Development (S2) reports that at least1,068 people are dead, 1,600 are (S3) missing, and 25,000 are in need of emergency food and other forms of (S4)assistance. In Dominican Republic, 414 are dead and 274 are missing, all from the townof Jimani.A key(S5)factor in the widespread destruction is the extensive deforestation and the (S6) presence of settlements along the floodplains of rivers.The flooding was driven by intense rainfall. A low-pressure system (S7) originating in Central America brought exceptionally heavy rain and thunderstorms to Haiti and the Dominican Republic from May 18 t o25. (S8) Rainfall exceeded 500 mm (or 19.7 inches) along the border areas of Haiti and the Dominican Republic during that period. At the town of Jimani, Dominican Republic, 250mm (or 10 inches) of rain fell in just 24 hours, causing the Solie River to overflow its banks from May24 to 25.The heavy rainfall resulted in flash flooding and extensive debris flowed over the entire region. Swollen rivers and debris cut off many of the roads traversing the area along the base of the mountains. (S9) This made it difficult for humanitarian relief worker to rescue stranded people and deliver badly. Now people want to know: How often do floods and related landmass movement also caused landsides in a few places.(S10)Analysis of the past date shows that major floods in the Dominican Republic and Haiti are now a near-annual event. Since 1986, twelve lethal events have occurred on the island.Uint4Task 2: SOHOThe modern concept of small office and home office, or small and home office, often (S1) shorted to SOHO, is concerned with business that employ from one to ten workers. Also (S2) known as a virtual business, the SOHO has not evolved beyond the idea of an (S3)independent business person who has a few support stall members.Business (S4)enterprises that are large are often called Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.Before the19th century and the (S5) spread of the industrial revolution around the globe, (S6) nearly all offices were small offices or home offices, with only a few exceptions. Most businesses were small, and (S7) so was the amount of paperwork that went with their business activities.At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, the term “Small or Home Office” and (S8) the acronym SOHO have been used t to great extent by companies that sell products to large number of small business with a small-sized office.Some products are often designed specifically for the SOHO market. (S9) Many books are written and sold specifically for this type of office to tell people how to equip a small office.Nowadays many consultants, lawyers, and real estate agents in small and medium- sized towns operate from such home offices.(S10) In the field of software development, engineers often have to work 20 hours or more at a stretch, so they can hardly adapt to normal office hours. They often work in small offices to have more freedom.Uint5Task 2: A Hard-nosed BossMr. Stone was known far and wide as a hard-nosed boss who (S1)watched his employees like a hawk. He was making one of his regular tours of the factory (S2)when he spotted a young man leaning against a (S3)pile of boxes just outside the foreman’s office. Since George, the foreman, wasn’t around. Stone stood off to the side and watched to see just how ling the young menwould stand (S4) around doing nothing.The young man yawned, scratched his head, looked at his watch, and sat on the floor. After ten minutes or so he yawned again and (S5) leaned back on the pile of boxes.Stone stepped from his (S6) hiding place and walked up to the young man. “You!” he yelled, “How much do you make a week?”The young man looked up (S7) indifferently. “Two hundred and fifty dollars,” He said.(S8) Stone rushed into the cashier’s office, took$250 from the cash box, and returned. “Take it,” he said, “and get out! Don’t let me see you around here again!”The young man took the cash, put it in his pocket, and left. (S9) Seeing the young man showed no sign of embarrassment, Stone got furious. Then he went looking for George. When he found him, Stone was red with anger. “That lazy boy in front of your office,” Stone said, “I just gave him a week’s pay and fired him. What’s the matter with you, letting him stand around as though he has nothing to do?”“You mean the kid in the red shirt?” George asked.“Yes! The kid in the red shirt!”George said, “(S10)He was waiting for the 20 dollars we owe him for lunch. He works for the coffee shop around the corner.”Uint6Task 2: Is it really bad luck?Are you worried because you have just broken a mirror? Some people believe that breaking a mirror is a (S1) terrible thing to do. They say it will bring you seven years of (S2) misfortune. The reason behind this belief stems the old idea that a person’s soul is in their (S3) reflection, so that if you smash your mirror, you soul will be (S4) damaged too, dooming you do an early death, and not giving you entry to (S5) heaven. Is there any way to reverse this bad luck? Yes—if you very carefully (S6)pick up all the broken pieces of the mirror and throw them into a river or stream, then the bad luck will be”(S7) washed away”..Of all number, 13 is the most associated with bad luck. (S8) Some people claim that the number is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified, and with this in mind few hosts will serve dinner with thirteen at the table. And according to an ancient Norwegian tale, twelve gods had gathered for a feast when a thirteenth, Loke, entered. After the meal, Loke killed Balder, who was the most beloved of all the gods.(S9) Friday the thirteenth of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky, and Friday the thirteenth of March is the worst of the all. The number seven also has some superstition connected to it. It is said that God created the world in seven days, and any association with the number is luck. The seventh son of the seventh son is said to be the luckiest of men, and (S10) When people talk about the “seven-year itch” they mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personality.。

1. 第一大点:社交媒体的影响
1.1 社交媒体的普及程度
1.2 社交媒体对人们生活的改变
1.3 社交媒体对人际关系的影响
2. 第二大点:科技创新与发展
2.1 科技创新的重要性
2.2 人工智能的应用
2.3 科技创新对生产力的提升
3. 第三大点:环境保护与可持续发展
3.1 环境问题的严重性
3.2 可持续发展的重要性
3.3 环境保护与经济发展的平衡
4. 第四大点:教育改革与发展
4.1 教育改革的目标和意义
4.2 创新教育模式的应用
4.3 教育公平与优质教育资源的分配
5. 第五大点:全球化与跨文化交流
5.1 全球化背景下的挑战和机遇
5.2 跨文化交流的重要性
5.3 跨文化交流对个人发展的影响

听力原文1. 对话一A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the library is?B: Sure, it's just across the street from the cafeteria.A: Thank you so much!2. 对话二A: Do you want to go see that new movie tonight?B: I'd love to, but I have a lot of homework to do.A: How about tomorrow night instead?B: That sounds good to me.3. 对话三A: I can't believe how crowded the subway is this morning. B: I know, I had to w本人t for three tr本人ns before I could even get on.A: It's always like this during rush hour.4. 对话四A: Did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened downtown?B: Yeah, I heard they have the best burgers in town.A: Let's go check it out this weekend.5. 对话五A: I'm thinking about getting a new pet. What do you think, a dog or a cat?B: It really depends on how much time and energy you have to care for them.A: That's true. I'll have to think about it more.6. 对话六A: Have you started preparing for the final exams yet?B: Yeah, I've been studying non-stop for the past week.A: I should probably start soon too.7. 对话七A: I can't believe how much the price of fruits and vegetables has gone up.B: I know, it's getting really expensive to eat healthy these days. A: I guess we'll have to find some cheaper alternatives.8. 对话八A: I'm thinking of taking a trip to Europe this summer.B: That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to visit Europe.A: You shoulde with me!9. 对话九A: Did you catch the news last night about the new tr本人n line that's opening?B: Yeah, it's going to makemuting so much easier for people. A: I can't w本人t to try it out.10. 对话十A: I heard there's going to be a big sale at the department store this weekend.B: I saw the ad too. Let's go and see if we can find some good deals.A: Sounds like a plan!11. 短文一Good afternoon, everyone. Today, I'd like to talk to you about the importance of time management. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but how we choose to spend those hours can greatly affect our productivity and success. By prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and eliminating distractions, we can make the most of our time and achieve our desired oues.12. 短文二The problem of 本人r pollution is bing increasingly severe in many cities around the world. With the rapid industrialization and urbanization, more and more pollutants are being released into the atmosphere, causing harm to both the environment and human health. It is important for governments to take action to reduce emissions and protect the 本人r quality for future generations.13. 短文三In recent years, the issue of mental health has g本人ned more attention and awareness. It's crucial for society to recognize the importance of mental well-being and to provide support and resources for those who are struggling. By breaking the stigma and promoting open discussions about mental health, we can create a more understanding andpassionatemunity.14. 短文四The advancement of technology has greatly improved our lives in many ways, but it has also brought about new challenges and risks. With the rise of cybercrimes and privacy concerns, it is essential for individuals and organizations to prioritize cybersecurity measures and stay vigilant ag本人nst potentialthreats. Only by working together can we ensure a safer digital future.15. 短文五The current global pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we live and work. As we navigate through these uncert本人n times, it's important for us to support one another and adapt to the changing circumstances. By following health guidelines and being responsible citizens, we can ovee this crisis and emerge stronger as a globalmunity.16. 短文六Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps are all signs of the urgent need for action. It is crucial for nations toe together and make collective efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the planet for future generations. Let's work together to create a sust本人nable and healthy environment for all.。

Unit 1OL2 (A)Jack: I think we should buy a bigger car. Big cars are safer.Kayla: Yes, but on the other hand, they consume more oil.Jack: They also look really cool.Kayla: That’s true, but there are some SUVs which are not big but also very beautiful.Jack: And I think big cars are more fun to drive.Kayla: But then again, it’s very expensive.Jack: Well, let’s get more information about several kinds of cars, okay?OL2(B)My country has two very famous buildings called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are made of glass, steel, and concrete. They were designed by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian style. They were finished in 1998, and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time. Each tower has 88 floors, and is 452 meters high.I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the modern and the traditional side of my countryOL3Modern buildings: We love them, We hate themThe world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris is almost 500 years old, and it faced a very modern problem: There simply wasn’t enough space for six million visitors each year. In 1989, American architect I.M. Pei designed a striking glass pyramid in the building’s center to be a visitor entrance and shopping arcade. But he also started an angry debate. Some people felt his glass building was a piece of art, like the ones inside the museum. Others said it was just an ugly, modern mistake.Kyoto, Japan, is the country’s ancient capital, and the heart of its culture. Its railroad station was too small for the millions of visitors. In 1997, the city completed a new station in a huge shopping center, right in the oldest part of the city. Designed by Hiroshi Hara, the building also contains a hotel and department store. Before it was built, critics said that the high, wide, modern building would destroy the city’s traditional look. On the other hand, supporters said it would bring new life into the city center.OL4The future building boom?Interviewer: What do you think is the biggest problem facing our cities?Erika: I think it’s overcrowding. Talk to anyone living in a major metropolitan area and they will say the same thing: There’s no space. Even the suburbs are getting crowded.Interviewer: Well, in some places there simply isn’t any land left for building, right?Erika: Yes, that’s true, but you have to think creatively. You can’t give up so easily.Interviewer: Think creatively? What do you suggest?Erika: What I’m saying is that we can build more structures underground.We can add parking lots, malls, hotels, and even apartment buildings. There’s plenty of space.Interviewer: Isn’t it expensive?Erika: Yes, it can be. In the past building underground has been very expensive. However, we have new technology that will bring the cost down. It involves using robots. You don’t have to pay robots a salary!Interviewer: Isn’t “building down” more dangerous than other kind of construction?Erika: Actually, I think it’s safer than building skyscrapers, for example. Remember, we already do it. We have subways and underground shopping malls. I’m just suggesting we invest in a variety of bigger projects and that we dig deeper.Interviewer: What would you say to people who doubt your idea?Erika: I can understand their feelings. Whenever there’s a new idea, it can cause controversy. But “building down” is not some kind of impractical idea. It makes sense. There is so much space underground: it can accommodate a lot of traffic, storage, and people. With the new technology we have, we’d be crazy not to consider the idea---it’s the wave of the future!Unit 2OL2 (A)Penny: Hello. Your Computer World sales department.Ted: Hi, Penny. It’s Ted.Penny: Oh, hi, Ted. What’s up?Ted: Well, my computer has crashed again.Penny: Oh no!Ted: Oh, yes. That’s why I’m calling. You know, it’s five years old. And I needto speak to Scott about getting a new one.Penny: Well, you’ve called at a good time. We have some attractive new models.Ted: Great! I’m looking for something affordable. And I want to get something portable this time.Penny: I’m sure Scott can help you with that…Let’s see, he is in a meeting until 3:30. I’ll ask him to call you.Ted: No, that’s OK. I’ll call him after 3:30. Please give him the message.OL2 (B)E-mail is my favorite way to communicate. I think it is as fast as a fax machine, and it is as easy as a cell phone. Of course e-mail has some problems, too. It isn’t asaffordable as ordinary mail, because you need a computer and Internet service. And Idon’t think it is as reliable as a fax machine. Sometimes e-mail messages get lost. Butin my opinion, e-mail is as convenient as a cell phone. I can send a message from myhome or office, and my friends can read it when they have time.OL3In today’s report, we look at a new technology called pervasive computing.Pervasive computing means putting tiny computers into everyday electronic appliances, such as toasters and microwaves. With pervasive computing, appliances can communicate with their users – and with other appliances!Some companies now sell pervasive computing products like a “smart”toaster. It remembers your favorite kind of toast: light or dark. Companies are designing a “smart” coffee maker and a “smart” clock. The coffee maker can measure the water and coffee. It can even put milk in your breakfast coffee and make black coffee in the afternoon. The clock will check the time on other clocks in your house, and give information about other appliances. For example, it can tell you, “Your coffee maker needs more water.”And that’s only the beginning. One company is now advertising “Save time –phone your washing machine!” Engineers are making a “smart” house. In this house, the lights, heater, and air conditioner change automatically when family members come home. This makes the home comfortable, and it saves a lot of energy. Pervasive computing could change many parts of our daily lives.But do people really want pervasive computing? Do they really need technology everywhere? One company asked people about their opinions on “smart” appliances. There were surprises. A “smart” refrigerator can buy more food on the Internet, but people didn’t want it, because it might make mistakes.“Pervasive computing is as important as a telephone,” says Rebecca Blair, president of InnoTech Corporation. But some of these products are not useful, or even practical. Companies should learn more about the technology that people really want.OL4Local girl rescuedShe may have a broken leg, but she can’t be happier. Morgan Bailey, 11, is happy to be alive.Tuesday was like any other day for Morgan. She was at school. It was fourth period, and she was the first student to arrive in the gymnasium for her physical education class.Suddenly there was a loud noise.“There was a sharp cracking noise and then a loud boom. After that, I don’t remember anything,” said Morgan.The roof of the gymnasium had collapsed under the heavy snow. Morgan was trapped underneath. She couldn’t escape.“I woke up and there was a big piece of wood on my leg. I couldn’t move it. I was starting to get cold.”Fortunately, help was nearby. A new program using “rescue robots” was tried for the first time.“We were nervous about using the robot,” said Derrick Sneed, the man in charge of the program. “But in the end, the robot gave us reliable information. It went extremely well.”The rescue robot was able to go into the gym and locate Morgan’s exact position.“We send in robots first because it may not be safe for humans,” said Mr. Sneed. “Human beings are not as useful as robots in some situations. A gas leak, for example, could kill you or me but wouldn’t hurt a robot.”Although it didn’t happen in Morgan’s case, some rescue robots can bring fresh air or water to people who are trapped.Rescue robots go into rough, dangerous places. They work in life or death situations. They have to be durable.Doctors say that Morgan is doing well. She should be going home in two or three days. What is the first thing she wants to do after she gets out of the hospital?“I want to meet my hero,”laughs Morgan. “That little robot that saved my life!”Unit 3OL2Amy: John, I’ve never notice this old photo of your family before.John: My mother just found it in the attic. She decided to hang it up.Amy: It’s a nice picture of your family.John: I think it’s embarrassing. And I look stupid.Amy: Well, you could’ve combed your hair…it’s a nice shot, though. Look at how young you are! How old were you in the photo?John: Eight…no wait, I’d just turned nine.Amy: I guess these two people are your parents.John: Yep. They were married when that picture was taken. Now they’re divorced.Amy: Oh. What do they do?John: My father’s retired. Mom works in a hospital.Amy: What are their names?John: Well, my father’s name is Joseph. My mother is Olivia – she was named after a popular actress.Amy: How great! I have an aunt with the same name. I love the name Olivia…Who’s that guy?John: Which one?Amy: The guy standing behind you. Is that your brother, Tom?John: No, that’s my Uncle Randy. He’s only two years older than my brother.Amy: He’s cute. I love a guy with a mustache.John: Um, sorry, but he’s married now. his wife just had a baby.Amy: I was just making a comment…So the other young guy must be your brother.John: Yes. That’s Tom.Amy: How old is he in the picture?John: Let’s see…he’s nine years older than me,…so he would’ve been 18 then.Amy: And there’s your little sister, Tina. She’s so cute!John: Yeah. She’s two years younger than me. It’s hard to believe she’s in high school now!OL3A bank robbery in Virginia, USA, was stopped when the robber and the bank teller couldn’t reach an agreement. The robber pushed a holdup note under the window, but the teller looked at it, said, “I can’t read this,” and gave it back. The robber pushed the note through a second time. The teller crumpled the note up and threw it at the robber. He picked it up and walked out of the bank.A professional ice hockey player will miss the rest of this season’s games becausehe injured himself. National Hockey League goalie Jean-Louis Blanchard went on the injured list after he fell and seriously hurt his back. He was walking out of a restaurant in Ottawa, Canada, when he slipped on some ice.The first international camel beauty contest was held last week in Alxa, in western China. More than 100 dressed-up camels entered the contest. The judges examined them for shiny hair, tall humps, and beautiful costumes. Unlike human beauty contests, though, there were no interviews with the contestants.Police in Sheffield, England, arrested a 41-year-old man for stealing five cars. Graham Owens went to car dealers and said he wanted to buy a car, and borrowed a car to test-drive. Each time, he drove the car around, then cleaned it inside and washed it outside – before leaving it at the side of the road, and walking home.OL4Nutty newsLulu is a kangaroo. For 10 years she has lived with the Richards family. Lulu was adopted by the family after they found her next to her dead mother.Mr. Ken Richards is a farmer. He was working on his farm when a heavy tree branch suddenly fell on top of him.Lulu stood next to Mr. Richards’ body. She started barking and didn’t leave Mr. Richards’ side.“I’ve never heard Lulu bark like that ---she sounded like a dog. She barked and barked and she didn’t stop,” said Celeste, Mr. Richards’ daughter.After 15 minutes, the Richards family went to investigate. They found Ken on the ground and he was unconscious.“Lulu is a hero,” said Celeste, “She saved my father.”Mr. Middleton, an expert veterinarian, said that Lulu’s story is rare. “I have never seen a kangaroo act like that. Maybe Lulu helped Ken Richards because the Richards family is the only family she has ever known.”Lulu has always followed Ken around the farm. She’s a loyal, friendly, and very intelligent kangaroo. After Ken leaves the hospital, he is planning to go everywhere with Lulu.Nutty newsApproximately 175,000 people live in the Republic of Vanuatu, an island chain east of Australia. It is a popular tourist destination because ther’s a lot to do there: you can visit waterfalls, go horseback riding, take an aerial tour, or visit a traditional Ni-Vanuatu village. Vanuatu is most famous for its scuba diving and snorkeling.In an effort to draw attention to these popular water sports, Vanuatu has created a world’s “first”: the government has opened an underwater post office. You have to be a certified scuba diver to work there. The office is three meters below the surface in an area on the outskirts of Port Vila, the capital city. So far, the post office has hired four workers. They will work in a room surrounded by the beauty of Vanuatu’s underwater world. Customers will buy waterproof postcards on land and then dive down to the post office to receive a special waterproof stamp.Unit 4OL2 (A)I plan to become a teacher after I finish my studies. I decided to study at thisuniversity because the teaching program is very good. We have a lot of practice working with children. I love to work with young kids. I expect to graduate from the university next June, and I hope to find a job in a kindergarten. I’ll try to start working in September.OL2 (B)G: Hello, Ms. Hale. I’m Mr. Grant, the advertising manager for the company. Do you have a resume or curriculum vitae to give to me?H: Yes, Mr. Grant. Here it is.G: Thank you. Now, let me tell you a little bit about the job. We need someone to design brochures on the computer. Do you have up-to-date computer skills?H: Yes, I do. In my present position I use computer graphics all the time. I have experience with animation as well.G: Oh, that’s very good. We hope to launch a new group of animated ads next spring. Can you work with others in a pleasant manner, Ms. Hale?H: My co-workers seem to think so. I can also work independently by myself.G: That’s necessary, too. What about flexibility in working long hours on a project?H: I have a lot of energy and I’m willing to get the job done. The work I did last year won two awards at a national conference.G: Excellent. That’s very impressive. By the way, did I mention that we need someone to start next week?H: No, you didn’t, but it might be possible.G: Good. Thank you for coming today. We’ll be I touch soon.OL3You’ve never met Malissa Hayes, and you don’t know her name, but you know her voice. Melissa records information messages for the telephone company. When you hear The number you called has been changed… -- that’s Melissa!“Yes, it’s true,” she says. “I’m the voice talent for National Telephone.”At least 50,000 people hear her voice everyday. “I try to sound warm and friendly, even when I’m saying, I’m sorry, that number is incorrect. Please try again.”Melissa works only three days a week, but she has to practice a lot. “My voice has to sound the same at the end of eight hours.”She’s very careful about her voice. “I don’t drink lots of hot water with honey. I can’t go to horror movies because I always scream, and I might hurt my voice!”How did she get her job? “A friend told me about it. I listened to all the telephone company messages on my phone and then I recorded a cassette of those messages. After I sent it to the company, I called them every day for a month!”She’s done this work for three years now, and she loves it. “It’s fun! And I’m helping people by using my voice.” Plus, people are always surprised when they hear about Melissa’s job. They say, “you’re a real person? I thought it was computer!”OL4Interview 1Interviewer: What is your job, Ken?Ken: I’m a V.J. or “video jockey.”Interviewer: How would you describe your job?Ken: I’m on TV. I introduce music videos and talk about them. I alsointerview singers who appear in videos.Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?Ken: I get to meet a lot of famous people. That’s very exciting. Also, I love music, so it’s a lot of fun.Interviewer: What is the worst part of your job?Ken: I get to meet a lot of famous people. Some of them are not very nice. They think they are better than me. They can be very demanding.Interviewer: What was your most memorable moment?Ken: last year, I presented an award on TV at a video music awards show.I couldn’t believe it. They flew me out to Los Angeles and I stayed in Beverly Hills.I was on the TV show for a whole 45 seconds! I got to meet a lot of stars.Interviewer: I want to be a V.J. How do I get the job?Ken: Well, first you have to make a videotape about yourself. You need to talk about certain things on the video. In my case, there was a list of questions, like “What did you do last weekend?” and “What’s in your CD player right now?”After you talk about yourself, you send the videotape in to the TV station. They call you if they like the tape.Interview 2Interviewer: What is your job, Steven?Steven: I’m a car courier.Interviewer: How would you describe your job?Steven: Sometimes a person or a company needs a car moved from one place to another. They may not have time to do it themselves. They hire me to drive the car.Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?Steven: I like to drive, so it’s fun for me. Last summer, I drove all the way from New York to California. The weather was great. I had the radio on and enjoyed my trip very much.Interviewer: What is the worst part of your job?Steven: I have to be very punctual. If I say I’ll arrive on Monday at 6:00, I have to be there by Monday at 6:00. I have to be dependable. It’s stressful at times.Interviewer: What was your most memorable moment?Steven: I drove across the desert as the sun was setting. It was incredible!Interviewer: I want to be a car courier. How do I get the job?Steven: That’s a good question. My mother started this business, so she hired me. You’d have to call my mother to find out!Unit 5OL2Microsoft Corporation is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, its best selling flagship products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite. Microsoft ships products to Europe, Asia, and Latin America. It manages branch offices in more than 60 countries. It has nearly 90,000 employees in 105 countries by 2020.Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975. in the mid-1980’s, it rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS.Since 1985, Microsoft has released an upgrading line of Windows operating systems featuring a friendly user interface. The latest one, Windows Vista, was released in January 2007 and has sold 140 million copies to date.As one commentator notes, Microsoft’s original mission was “a computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software,” and now it is a goal near fulfillment. Microsoft also makes profits in other markets such as computer hardware products and home entertainment products.OL3Advertising is everywhere. It’s on race cars and subway trains, on T-shirts and billboards. Everyday, you see hundreds of ads, and each advertiser wants you to buy their product. But do we really need all these products?A group in Canada says “NO.”In 1991, they started an event called Buy Nothing Day, to protest against consumerism and waste. Every year, on the last Friday in November, no one should spend any money for 24 hours. The event has spread to over 15 countries around the world, including Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom.In the United States, Buy Nothing Day takes place on the Friday after the Thanksgiving holiday. This is usually the busiest day of the year in department stores and shopping malls. Traditionally, it’s the first day of the Christmas shopping season, when Americans buy gifts for family and close friends.However, this “season” has grown longer every year. Now some stores put up their Christmas window displays in the middle of October, and Americans are pressured to buy gifts for every one of their relatives, for all of their coworkers, and for everyone they do business with. Many people feel that they are forgetting the real significance of the holidays, because companies just want them to spend more money.Of course, Buy Nothing Day supporters don’t want to change just one day. They want the change to continue all year. But if we take a break from shopping on one day, we can start thinking about what we really need in life. Michael Smith, British organizer of Buy Nothing Day, says: “Our message is clear: Shop less, live more!”OL4Ad or no ad?Is advertising really necessary? Billions of dollars are spent on it every year, so it must be important. After all, it’s a busy world. You have to advertise, sell products, and make money!Not every company thinks that way. The NO-AD company (“no-ad” stands for “not advertised”) avoids big advertising campaigns. The company was started in 1960 and is successful today. Their products are still affordable because the company saves money on advertising. They also use their savings to support a drug and alcohol awareness program to educate high school students.NO-AD sells by word of mouth. “Word-of-mouth advertising” happens when a person tells another person about a good experience with a product or service. That second person then tells another friend, family member, or colleague. And so a chain of information is created.Typically, advertisers talk about how good their product is. Although they say things like, “Studies show that our product is the best,” or “Everyone loves this product,” it can sound insincere or unconvincing. It’s much more believable to hear about a product from someone who did not make it. Our friends’ opinions are very important to us, so we often listen to their advice about a product.Word-of-mouth advertising has other advantages, too. It’s cost-effective (after all, it’s free) and a company doesn’t have to create a complex business plan to doit. Here is some advice for small business about work-of-mouth advertising: Be prepared to talk about your company at any time. You never know who you will meet. Always carry business cards.Only say positive things about your company. Don’t say negative things about your company.Help other companies by referring people to them. The more you help others, the more good fortune will come back to you.Unit 6OL4Money from unexpected sourcesThe San people live in southern Africa. Scientists say that they may have been living there for as long as 40,000 years, hunting animals and gathering plants. Until recently, the once mighty San were broke and unemployed. They had lost their land and were no longer engaged in traditional activities, such as hunting. The few young San people with jobs were working as farm laborers. They were not learning about their ancient culture and language.That may all change. The San have struck it rich. They recently signed an agreement with a large drug company. The San have traditional knowledge about plants. The drug company is especially interested in a particular cactus and how the San use it.The San used to go on hunting trips. While away from home, they chewed on the cactus to suppress their appetite—they no longer felt hungry afterwards. Using the San’s knowledge, the drug company plans to make a new drug from this plant. For people around the world who eat too much and have weight problems, this new drug could really help them by suppressing their appetites.The San have a positive plan for this new wealth. Their first step will be to get jobs for their people. Their next priority will be education. Through education, they hope to save their culture and language for future generations.When you think of a monk, you might think of a quiet man living in an isolated place. The “free monks” of Greece do live in a monastery, but they are anything but quiet. In fact, they sing. They have been recording their songs and selling many records in Greece.Young music listeners love to listen to the “free monks.”Their songs are recorded in different styles (digital keyboard and rock, for example), and the themes are not only religious. The brothers also sing about problems like drugs and globalization.The monks haven’t made a fortune from their record sales, but they have made a profit. They use the money to pay for summer camps for teenagers. At the camps, the teens can play soccer and go horseback riding. The monks also donate money to other social programs that help people.Unit 7The shrinking familyElisa Sanchez is a mother in Monterrey, Mexico. She and her husband are both high school teachers in their thirties.They have two children. They don’t plan to have any more. “I was one of six children,”says Elisa. “My husband comes from a family of seven. People used to have more children in the sixties and seventies. Now it’s different.”Elisa’s husband thinks the lower birthrate is a positive change. “With a smaller population, there will be less competition. That means there will be more jobopportunities for yong people.”Gina Moretti works hard as a TV new announcer in Milan, Italy. “My mother thinks I work too hard. Every time I visit her she asks me the same question: When are you getting married?”Gina is 32 and her mother is worried about Gina’s ability to get married and raise a family in the future. The Italian government is worried, too. In 1958, one million babies were born in Italy. In 1998, it was half that number. The average mother in Italy has her first child at the age of 30. after 30, experts note, there isn’t a lot of time for women to have many children. The population is aging rapidly. Some wonder: has population control in Italy been too successful?。

全新版大学英语听说教程第四册听力原文(Part B,C 部分)Unit 1Part BBirthday Celebrations Around the WorldChairman: Welcome to this special birthday edition of One World. Yes, folks, we've been on the air for exactly one year now, and we thought it would be a nice idea to have a special program dedicated to birthday celebrations around the world. With us in the studio tonight we have Shaheen Hag and Pat Cane, who have a weekly column on birthdays in the Toronto Daily Star. Shaheen: Good evening. Pat: Good evening.Chairman: Shaheen, perhaps we could begin with you. How are birthdays celebrated in India? Shaheen: Well, perhaps we're all assuming that everyone in the world celebrates their birthday. This just isn't the case. Low-income families in India, for instance, simply can't afford any festivities. And most Muslims don't celebrate their birthdays.Pat: I think Shaheen has raised an interesting point here. The Christian church, too, was actively against celebrating birthdays, and in any case most people, until a couple of hundred years ago, couldn't even read and wouldn't have even been able to spot their birthday on a calendar anyway. Shaheen: Of course some Muslims do celebrate their birthdays. In Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia, for example, the rich people invite friends and families around. But not in small villages. Chairman: Here in England your twenty-first used to be the big one. But now it seems to have moved to eighteen. Is that true?Pat: Yes, in most parts of the West eighteen is now the most important birthday. In Finland, for example, eighteen is the age when you can vote, you know, or buy wines, drive a car and so on. But in Japan I think you have to wait till you're twenty before you can smoke or drink. Shaheen: I know in Senegal, which is another Muslim country, girls get to vote at sixteen and boys at eighteen. And in Bangladesh, girls at eighteen and boys at twenty-one.Chairman: That's interesting. I mean is it typical that around the world girls are considered to be more mature than boys?Shaheen: Yes, I think so, and there are some countries, particularly in South America, which have a big party only for girls. In Mexico and Argentina, for example, they have enormous parties for 15-year-old girls.Pat: You know in Norway they have a great party for anyone who's not married by the time they're thirty. It's kind of embarrassing. I mean you get pepper thrown at you.Chairman: Pepper? Why pepper?Pat: I'm not really sure.Shaheen: So does that mean that on your 29th birthday you can start thinking 'God I better get married'?Pat: Well, I'm not sure how seriously they take it.Chairman: In England we have quite big parties for your fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth and so on.Pat: Well, in Japan your eighty-eighth is considered ...Chairman: Eighty-eighth?Pat: ... to be the luckiest birthday. Eight is a very lucky number in Japan.Part CUnit 2 Part B Last Gasp for SmokersIt was a normal day and in their New York office, Ken and his colleagues stopped for their coffee break. But while his colleagues were able to sit at their desks and drink their coffee, Ken had to go outside. He couldn't stay inside, because he wanted to smoke. If the smokers of the Big Apple want to enjoy a cigarette, the authorities have decided they must go out into the street or up onto the rooftops.Throughout the United States, the number of places where people are allowed to smoke has gradually dwindled. First it was banned on trains, buses, and planes, then in public places such as theaters and airports. Now you can't smoke in any workplace. Nonsmokers are definitely winning the battle. "Why should we breathe their smoke?" they say.If they're lucky, smokers can still find some bars and restaurants or parks and recreation centers where they can light up a cigarette, but it may soon be banned there, too. In fact, smoking in parks and recreation centers is already banned in California. On August 9, 2001, Los Angeles City and County officials announced the implementation of a smoke-free park policy, officially designating smoke-free zones in all 375 parks and recreation centers in the city. And since January 1, 2002 all parks in California have become smoke-free to safeguard children from the harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and dangerous tobacco waste. Anti-smoking groups even think that smoking ought to be banned in people's homes. Under new plans you won't be able to smoke in any house where there are more than ten visitors in a week, or where there are children.In 1996, nicotine was classed as a drug, like cannabis, cocaine or heroin. And scientists all over the world agree that exposure to secondhand smoke poses a serious health risk and there is no safe level of exposure. It is especially dangerous for children because when they are exposed to tobacco smoke, they have much higher rates of lung diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia and are also at greater risks of developing asthma.In the country that gave tobacco to the world, smoking might one day be illegal. And then Ken will have to give up.Part CUnit 3Part BHow Our Memory WorksTry to imagi ne a life without a memory. It would be impossible. You could n't use a Ian guage, because you would n't remember the words. You could n't un dersta nd a film, because you n eed to hold the first part of the story in your mind in order to understand the later parts. You would n't be able to recognize anyone - even members of your own family. You would live in a permanent present. You would have no past and you would n't be able to imagine a future.Human beings have amazing memories. Apart from all our personal memories about our own lives, we can recall between 20,000 and 100,000 words in our own Ianguage as well as possibly thousa nds more in a foreig n Ian guage. We have all sorts of in formati on about differe nt subjects such as history, scie nee, and geography, and we have complex skills such as driv ing a car or play ing a musical in strume nt. All these things and coun tless others depe nd on our memory.How well you remember things depends on many different factors. Firstly, some people naturally have better memories than others, in just the same way as some people are taller than others, or have different color eyes. Some top chess players, for example, can remember every move of every game that they have ever see n or played.Secon dly, research shows that differe nt things are stored in differe nt parts of the brain. Ideas,words, and nu mbers are stored in the left-ha nd side, while the right-ha nd side remembers images, soun ds, and smells. In most people one side of the brain is more developed tha n the other, and this may explain why some people can remember people's faces easily, but can't remember their n ames.Thirdly, we all remember exciting, frightening, or dramatic events more easily. This is because these experie nces produce chemicals such as adre nali ne, which boost your memory. They say that anyone who is old eno ugh to remember knows exactly where they were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, when radio and TV programs around the world were interrupted with the shock ing n ews that the twin towers of the World Trade Cen ter in New York were hit.Fourthly, the con text in which you lear n someth ing can affect how well you remember it. Tests on divers, for example, showed that when they learned things underwater, they could also remember those things best whe n they were un derwater.Lastly, the more ofte n you recall a memory the more likely you are to remember it. If you don't use it, you'll lose it. A teleph one nu mber that you dial freque ntly will stay in your memory easily, but you will probably have to write dow n one that you use only now and aga in.Part CUnit 4Part BEmbarrass ing Experie ncesIn terviewer: Rob, you went to Brazil, did n't you?Rob: Yes, I did.In terviewer: So, what happe ned?Rob: Well, I went into this meeti ng and there were about, er... seve n or eight people in there and I just said 'Hello' to everybody and sat dow n. Appare ntly, what I should have done is to go round the room shak ing hands with every one in dividually. Well, you know, it's silly of me because IT^pticript7b inany people Adv<tricin^ inedins ius- ing your hairand your is it truethat the older you get, the less you reinemher?Actuftlly. in healthy peo 卩le, menior>r doesn'tdeteriorate as quickly as rndny of us think. As we age,our memory mechanism isn't broken, it's just diflerent.The brain's processing tinie slowi duwn over the years.Jiecent research EU 岸 gestf that nerve cells luseefficiency and thill there's less activity in the part of thebrain that decides whether Eo store information or not.There are steps you can take tn improve yourmtrmtjry; though you liave to work to keep your braiii inshape.Hlrliicry crlhdiicement ejtperts jsug- 月wepay attention io what wc to remember. Then givesome meaning tc it. We remember tilings when wefacus an them, whether wc intend io or nar.Basic orgdnizjtinn helps US remember thuboring stuff Fur example, rather than trying to recall arandom list of groceries, we can divide tliem into (■試such as dairy. . mnd produce. For important things like keys and money, wc CATI 5PT up a 'Target-iBE-rtOt spot wherir we always kerp them r Wfe can eat to aid our memory powtr. Whole grdins h fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose, the brains preferred fiiel. 1b girt ad?c|U3tf rc^t is n low-t^ch wsy to improve memory. Sleep may allow OUF brain time to enec^de memories. Interest in friends, family and hobbies does woiider$ fnr nur memory. A sense nf passion or 卩iirpose helps u* renieniber. Memciry require^u$ to pay attention to cur lives, allowing us to dincaver in them everythin^ worth remembeTirig. Queitions !■ Which of the following an we learn from the passage? 2. Wliidi of the following can help improve our nw mo ry acco rding tu the passage? What should we do (□ nicl our memory paw - erseconding to the passage?found out later it upset every on e. I mean, I think they felt I was tak ing them for gran ted.Kate: Well, I know that because when I was in France the first time, I finished a meeting , with 'Goodbye, every one!' to all the people in the room. There were about half a doze n people there but I was in a hurry to leave, so I just said that and left. Well, I later found out that what I should have done is shake hands with every one in the group before leavi ng. Now, appare ntly, it's the polite thing to do. In terviewer: Well, people shake hands in differe nt ways, don't they?Rob: Oh, yes, that's right, they do. See, no rmally I shake hands quite gen tly whe n I meet some one. So when I went to the US for the first time, I think people there thought my weak handshake was a sign of weakness. Apparently, people there tend to shake hands quite firmly.Kate: Oh, gosh, you know, that reminds me: on my first trip to Germany, it was a long time ago, I was in troduced to the boss in the compa ny whe n he passed us in the corridor. Well, I was n't prepared, and I mean, I had my left hand in my pocket. And whe n we shook hands I realized my left hand was still in my pocket. Well, that was, you know, very bad manners and I was quite embarrassed.In terviewer: And how about using first n ames? Have you made any mistakes there?Rob: Oh, yes, I have! When I first went to Italy I thought it was OK to use every on e's first n ame so as to seem frien dly. And I later discovered that in bus in ess you should n't use some on e's first n ame uni ess you are in vited to. Oh, and you should always use their title as well.Kate: Hm, yeah, well, whe n I met people in Russia, you know, they seemed to be puzzled whe n I shook hands with them and said 'How do you do?' Well, what they do whe n they greet a stra nger is to say their own n ames, so I had that all wrong!Rob: Oh, yes, I agree with that. Remembering names is very important.In terviewer: Shall we take a break? When we come back we'll move on to our next topic.Kate & Rob: OK.Part C Test Your Listening Unit 5 FriendshipPart BThe Hospital Windowtn many cuuntriieK. ic k not customsry to callsomeone very Sdrly in th* morning, [f you call earlyin the da^ white he [s shaving or having breakfast,the time of the c^ll shows thjt The matter is veryimportant mnd requires ininiedi' ate attention. Thesame meaning is atuched to telephone calls after11:00 p.m. If someone receives a cd 11 duringsleepiEig hou 「蛍 he assumes it is n marter of lifeand dead). The time chosen for the caTI ccnimuiiic^te^ its imparr^nce.tn social life, time pFays A very importantpmrt, In the U.S. guests tend to feel they are highlyregarded if the invitation to a dinner party isextended three or four djys before [heparty date. Rut ir is not true in oih^r countries. Mseme coujitries it may be considered foolish to makean appointment too far ui advance be- BLi 我 pJansthat are mtide for a more than s week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of timedialers in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstanding arises between people 1 from different : countries that treat time 击他e ently. Imagine yoi] have arranged a meeting at 4 o'clock. What time should you expect your foreign business colleagues to arrive? If they're they'll be bang on time. If they're American theyll probably be 15 minutes early. If they 1 re British, they'll be 15 minutes late, and you should allow up to an hour for the Italians. Questions 1 - What have you learned about the time for telephone calls in many countries? 2. Wliy is it (xmsiderod fbuiish to nuke sn appoint- Inent too fur in advance in some countries? 3* Which nationalities are most pimctual and which are least punctual?Jack and Ben, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. Jack, whose bed was next to the room's only window, was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. But Ben had to spend all day and night flat on his bed. To kill time the two men began to talk. They talked for hours about their wives, families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, and where they had been on vacation. As days went by, a deep friendship began to develop between them.Every afternoon when Jack could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to Ben all the things he could see outside the window. And Ben began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amid flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees beautified the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.As Jack described all this in exquisite detail, Ben would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scenes.One warm afternoon Jack described a parade passing by. Although Ben couldn't hear the band -- he could see it in his mind's eye as Jack portrayed it with descriptive words.Days and weeks passed. One morning the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of Jack, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.Ben was heart broken. Life without Jack was even more unbearable. How he longed to hear Jack's voice and his melodious descriptions of the outside world! As he looked at the window, an idea suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps he could see for himself what it was like outside. As soon as it seemed appropriate, Ben asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself! He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall!'What could have compelled my roommate to describe such wonderful things outside this window?' Ben asked the nurse when she returned.'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you to live on,' she said. 'You know, he was blind and could not even see the wall.'Part CT4p«scrFpt || decided to hom^chool 仙As Fiona LS ar i R.IWo years ago. wfien Fiona turned four, Sam an find scho0| rubbing away her unique ventive, observant, and sensitive child, it would b亡A tr3S enflSS- ( f lrt. r mv ch i|dren would lean best if 1 stayed o ut”I tried not to reproduce school at home. I 杞山山日 -tbeif W. romes int0 mv room with ”Wh戲are we doingFiona is a structured child. Each morning she comes imo my <tod^y?" and ' What else?,h』., Every day we go with the flow, read some and 胡耿sow. but Fiona does not 注m ㈣血川环happy. She loses her temper now and then.I think it so strange that my child who is free from school doesn't warn to be tree at alL Her friends all go topre-school. So de 弭her nearest acquaintances. She feels left out of A m晌【的o; her friends' shared lives and experiences-Welh here is a dilemma I hadn't anticipated. It is importa nt to me to respect my daughter s opiii” ions and feelings. But on the other hand the quality of learning my child docs at home is superior Hpw c\3n I 注low her to get an inferior education?When we first decickd to do rhis, Sam and [ agreed that we would reassess the situation far each child as she turned seven. This would allow us to listen to how the child felt about home-schooling. MeanwhiEe we would give her plenty oftime with other kids — ballet lessons, swimming classes.Every rime she asks when shc h s going to school, we tell her that there will be a famtly meeting abour it when she turns s^ven. She nearly always responds, ThsCs when Cm going to go, tht?ru"We have one year I hope that Fiona will either learn to read and the world opens up for her or she discovcrs something wonderful to pursue. I hope she will find the activities she is involved in provide her with satisfactory kid-tiniHQuestions1娜$ 证the s P fiaker and血血聞d decide co home-school thdr daughter Fi Ona?2- How did Fiona respond to her biome-schooling?1 WhaT was血speaker s biggest pnoblem in home-schooling her daughter?4. What does the passage suggest?。

Scripts for Unit OneListening Task 1The neighborhood children my age played together: either active, physical games outdoors or games of dolls-and-house indoors. I, on the other hand, spent much of my childhood alone. I’d curl up in a chair reading fairytales and myths, daydreaming, writing poems or stories and drawing pictures. Sometimes around the fourth grade, my “big” (often critical, judgmental) Grandma, who’d been visiting us said to me, “What’s wrong with you Why don’t the other children want to play with you”I remember being startled and confused by her question. I’d never been particularly interested in playing with the other children. It hadn’t, till then, occurred to me that that was either odd or something with me. Nor had it occurrred to me that they didn’t “want to play with”me. My first conscious memory of feeling different was in the fourth grade. At the wardrobe, listening to classmates joking, chattering and laughing with each other, I realized I hadn’t a clue about what was so funny or of how to participate in their easy chatter. They seemed to live in a universe about which I knew nothing at all. I tried to act like others but it was so difficult.I felt confused and disoriented. I turned back to my inner world: reading books, writing and daydreaming. My inwardness grew me in ways that continued to move me further away from the world of my age peers. The easy flow of casual social chat has remained forever beyond my reach and beyond my interest, too.Listening Task 2The greatest difficulty for me is that as a person of mixed origin I am at home neither here nor there. Wherever I am, I am regarded as being foreign, either “white” or “blac k”. It happens to me when I live in my mother’s country of origin, in Switzerland, and it happened to me when I was living in my father’s country, Ivory Coast. I would feel at home where I could feel that people accept me just the way I am! When you are a small child you first do not feel that you are different fromthe others. But soon the others will make you feel different – and children too can be very cruel in their behavior against the “strange child”. Sometimes incredible incidents happen. Some time ago I was riding my bike somewhere in a little place in Switzarland nearby to where I live. A car drove by, and the male driver opened the window and yelled at me: “Scheiss – Neger – dirty nigger!” I almost froze. I felt helpless and unable to defend myself. When I looked at the number plate, I saw that it was a German number plate. This means that the insulting person himself was a foreigner in this country! How could he dare insult me like this I felt that I wanted to kill this man. When I recovered I was able to think about it more clearly. These racist people are just stupid and do not know anything about life.Scripts for Unit TwoListening Task 1Everybody cheats. Whether it’s the taxi driver who tricks a visitor and takes hime the long way round, or the shop assistant who doesn’t give the correct change, or the police officer who accepts a bribe – everybody’s at it. Cheats in the news include the scientist whose research was based on fake data, the game show contestant who collaborated with a friend in the audience to win a million pounds, and the doctor who forged his qualifications and wasn’t really a doctor at all. Everybody cheats; nobody’s playing the game.Is cheating acceptable, a natural way of surviving and being successful Or is it something that should be frowned on, and young people discouraged from doing If it’s the latter, how can we explain to children why so many bend the rulesTake sport for example. The pinnacle of football, the World Cup, was rife with cheating. Whether pretending to be hurt or denying a handball, footballers will do anything for a free-kick or a penalty shot. French player Henry denied cheating to win the free-kick which led to his side’s second goal in their 3-1 victory over Spain. Whatever the nationality there’s one common strategy: the player rolls overholding his leg, ankle or head seeming to be in great pain. As a result a yellow card or free-kick is given for the foul and then, a few seconds later, the player is up and about as if nothing had happened!Of course it’s not just the footballers. In 1998 the Tour of France, the world’s greatest cycling event, was hit by a drug-taking scandal. Forty bottles of drugs found with a team triggered a massive investigation that almost caused the cycling tour to be abandoned. One rider was banned for nine months.Listening Task 2A climate of mistrust surrounds everyone.In the field of business, Enron, America’s seventh largest company, could serve as an unfortunate example. Its collapse in 2001 caused thousands of people to lose their jobs and life savings. The company had fooled investors into believing it was healthier than it really was. One boss now faces the rest of life in prison. Meanwhile companies around the world are losing billions of dollars to the counterfeit trade. From cut-price CDs and DVDs to sportswear and cosmetics, cheap fake products are everywhere. It has become socially acceptable to buy fake Gucci bags and illegal copies of films. If parents are doing this, their children will follow.So perhaps it’s not surprising that around the world more pupils than ever are caught cheating during exams. In one case keys to exam papers were put up for sale on the Internet. In another, widespread cheating took place by pupils using their mobile phones to receive texted answers. In a third case, pupils admitted to candidate substitution. They blame the pressure put on them to do well in exams. It doesn’t help that their role models are also cheats. Surely we can’t complain when we’re setting such a bad example.Unit 3 LifestyleListening task 1When she has young children, a stay-at-home mom has two jobs. Her house and her kids.A stay-at-home mom is expected to do all the house cleaning. She is expected to always be the one to get up in the middle of the night, do the school things –room-mother, baker, coordinator, chauffeur and carpooler, etc. often, a stay-at-home mom is expected to take over “daddy-type”chores such as lawn-mowing and taking cars for repair. Imagine sitting in a repair shop with two squirmy toddlers! The worst thing is that the stay-at-home mom is made to feel guilty for saying “no”. The reason the stay-at-home mom does not get her nails done or have a spa day is she feels guilty for spending family money on herself.Gosh, you all have such hectic lives. I’m dizzy just hearing your daily activities.I guess I have it nice. I have no schedule at all! I get up whn I want. I work my business when I want. I shop when I want to. I wash my hair when I bathe or I don’t wash my hair. When I go to work all I have to do is open up my office door in my house and I’m at work already. No traffic to deal with and there can be 10 feet of snow on the ground and I wouldn’t have to walk an inch of it because my house connects directly to my warehouse! If I get up and don’t feel like working I don’t.Listening task 2I took my first drink and smoked my first marijuana cigarette when I was 12 years old. In high school, I used all kinds of drugs. After high school until I was 21, I did a lot of binge drinking. When I was 31, I started using crack cocaine. That’s when the real problems began.I was addicted to alcohol and cocaine, and my life was a wreck. I tried to quit a number of times. I moved to Mexico and gave up cocaine. I still drank and smoked marijuana, but for the time I lived there, I was off cocaine. I thought that that time off cocaine would completely cure me of any desire for it, but when I got back in town two years later, I started using it again only five days later. Every partof my life was messed up. I remember my oldest son being embarrassed to be seen with me. He would pass me on the street with his friends but he wouldn’t even speak to me. The bottom came for me when I was finally evicted from my apartment. I lost my car, my home and my sons. I looked in the mirror that day, and I couldn’t look myself in the eyes. The next morning, I showed up at the treatment center. The first few days of detox and treatment were hard, but I was convinced that I needed help, so I stayed. I’ve been clean now for five years, and I have a new life.Unit Four FamilyListening Task OneThe traditional American family is a “nuclear family”. A nuclear family refers to a husband and wife and their children. The average American family today has two or three children. In some cultures, people live close to their extended family. Several generations may even live together. In America, only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.American values are valued in the home. Many homes are run like a democracy. Each family member can have a say. A sense of equality often exists in Amercan homes. Husbands and wives often share household chores. Often parents give children freedom to make their own decisions. Preschoolers choose what clothes to wear or which toys to buy. Young adults generally make their own choices about what career to pursue and whom to marry.Families in America, like those in every culture, face many problems. Social pressures are breaking apart more and more American homes. Over half of US marriages now end in divorce. More than one in four American children are growing up in single-parent homes. As a result, many people believe the American family is in trouble.Even so, there is stll reason for hope. Many organizations are working hard to strengthen families. Americans almost unanimously believe that the family is oneof the most important parts of life. They realize that problems in family life in recent years have brought serious consequences. As a result, more and more people are making their family a priority. Many women are quitting their jobs to stay home with their children. Families are going on vacations and outings together. Husbands and wives are making a concentrated effort to keep their marriages solid.The United Naitions has declared 1994 the “International Year of Family”. Not just in America, but all over the world, people recognize the importance of a strong family bond.Listening Task TwoWomen are beginning to rise steadily to the top in the workplace all over the developed world, but in the US they are forging ahead. New figures show that in almost a third of American households with a working wife, the woman brings home more money than her husband. They are gaining more college degrees and Masters of Business Administration qualifications than men and now occupy half the country’s high-paying, executive administrative and managerial occupations, compared with 34 per cent 20 years ago.The trend is caused by two main factors, experts say –a growing acceptance of men as househusbands and mass redundancy of male white-collar workers from the technology, finance and media industries in the last three years.The University of Maryland has produced a report that shows women to be the family’s bread-earner-in-chief in 11 per cent of all US marriages. And where bothe spouses work, she now brings in 60 per cent or more of the family income in per cent of the households.An economist at the University of Wisconsin said that ambitious women are increasingly looking for househusbands and leave men at the kitchen sink.Unit Five Health and DietListening Task 1I had just turned 40, and has spent most of my adult life working as a public relations consultant with little time to cook, let alone learn how to cook. But a few years ago I made a resolution to start writing down the recipes I had grown up with and posting them to my website. I come from a big family –six kids –and thought what a terrific family project to document our family recipes! Both my mother and father are excellent home cooks; mom raises us all, and dad loves to eat well and enjoys the experimentation of trying out new recipes. I’m spending a lot of time with my parents lately; we cook a meal and then over dinner discuss the finer points of the proper way to prepare the dishes, and whether or not a new recipe was worth the effort. Many of the recipes are family recipes, and many of them are those that we pick from cookbooks, magazines, and newspaper clippings we’ve collected over 30 years. But sometimes it’s hard when you only have a clipping. The recipes shown here use mostly whole food ingredients and only occasionally a few things from cans or prepared foods. We believe in a varied, healthy diet, using real butter, real cream, eggs, and protein from meat, fish, and cheese.About me, my name is Alice Bauer and I am a partner in a consulting firm in the San Francisco Bay Area. I maintain several weblogs in addition to Simply Recipes as part of .Thanks so much for visiting Simply Recipes!Listening Task 2One of my most favorite breakfast is a poached egg on toast, with a side of papaya and lime, including some prosciutto with the papaya. Papaya is filled with enzymes that help digestion, and is even used to tenderize meat. The ingredients you need include: 1 firm but ripe papaya, 2 ounces of thinly sliced prosciutto, and 1/2 lime, cut and sliced into a few wedges. Now let’s go!First, using a vegetable peeler, peel away the outer skin of the papaya. Then cut the papaya in half. Using a metal spoon, scoop out and discard the seeds. By theway, the seeds are edible. They taste peppery, like nasturtium flowers, and can be used in salads. Next, slice the papaya halves into wedges lengthwise. Arrange them on a plate. Now what you need to do is to roll up thin sheets of prosciutto and place them between the papaya wedges. Remember the last thing, squeeze fresh limejuice over the papaya and prosciutto.If you would like to serve the papaya as an appetizer, cut the papaya into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle on some lime juice, wrap each piece with some prosciutto, and secure with a tooth pick. It serves 2-4.Unit Six TravelListening Task 1I was spending my summer in a remote village in Ghana. I got afflicted with “the runny stomach”, as the family I lived with called it. After 5 days of the runny stomach, we left the village and took a 12-hour car ride to the capital city. Needless to say, 12-hour car rides and runny stomachs aren’t compatible. Once we had to stop in a village, greet the 20 or so people that were there, give a detailed explanation of my condition, and then I was allowed to use a brand-new porcelain toilet. I was very embarrassed because they had someone clean the toilet and stand outside while I did my noisy business. Through a crack in the bathroom wall I could hear some kids washing the dishes. I was splendid entertainment for the kids. Each time I let out some gas, I heard squeals of delight and hysterical laughter. They also muttered about “runny stomach”. But the highlight of my sickness had to be the wedding we attended in the capital. There I was greeted by countless guests. They asked about the details of my stomach condition. On my 8th day of sickness, we went to a private hospital and for the next two weeks I took lots of prescribed antibiotics and drank bottles of oral rehydration salts. My condition began improving in about two days. Much to my disappointment, the stool and blood samples came back negative, so my condition was a result of a change of diet. Needless to say, I learned not to beshy about stomach conditions.Listening Task 2When he realized that his short-term memory was failing, my husband decided to wear a multi-pocketed vest. The vest, with its 17 pockets each serving a purpose, did work for a while. Things were going so well that he started to relax a little and one day he turned back to his traditional pants-pocket wallet.Just seconds after boarding the crowded Rome subway, a pickpocket was attracted by the familiar bulge. My husband stared at him for a moment. Finally the would-be thief withdrew and joined the crowd.My partner became more careful, and the next time he was better organized, all the essentials in their assigned pockets. We had checked in for our flight to Athens. Before boarding I casually asked where his Swiss army knife was. His hand immediately went to the pocket designated for the knife, and found it safe there. Then his face fell: safe, that is , for anything but air travel.Realizing that his precious knife would be taken away at security, he returned to the check-in counter. Fortunately, the frowning attendant agreed to pack his knife in a little box and check it separately.By the time we got to Athens at midnight we were both exhausted. Our luggage emerged and all the other passengers were gone. My husband was still watching the carousel going round and round and round. Finally, he went to find a baggage handler and a half hour later reappeared triumphantly with his knife.Unit Seven LanguageListening Task 1Jessica Bucknam shouts “tiao!” and her fourth-grade students jump. “Dun!” she commands, and they crouch. They giggle as the commands keep coming in Mandarin Chinese. Most of the kids have studied Chinese since they were in kindergarten.They are part of a Chinese-immersion program at Woodstock Elementary School, in Portland, Oregon. Bucknam, who is from China, introduces her students to approximately 150 new Chinese characters each year. Students read stories, sing songs and learn math and science, all in Chinese.Half of the students at the school are enrolled in the program. They can continue studying Chinese in middle and high school. The goal: to speak like natives. About 24,000 American students are currently learning Chinese. Most are in high school. But the number of younger students is growing in response to China’s emergence as a global superpower. The government is helping to pay for language instruction. Recently, the Defense Department gave Oregon schools $700,000 for classes like Bucknam’s. The Senate is considering giving $ billion for Chinese classes in public schools.“China has become a stong partner of the United States,” says Mary Patterson, Woodstock’s principal. “Children who learn Chinese at a young age will have more opportunities for jobs in the future.” Isabel Weiss, 9, isn't thinking about the future. She thinks learning Chinese is fun. “When you hear people speaking in Chinese, you know what they’re saying,”she says. “And they don’t know that you know.”Want to learn Chinese You have to memorize 3,500 characters to really know it all! Start with these Chinese characters and their pronunciations.Listening Task 2An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definitions and the arrangement of its parts, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through conventional use. In the English expression to kick the bucket, a listener knowing only the meaning of kick and bucket would be unable to deduce the expression’s actual meaning, which is to die. Although kickthe bucket can refer literally to the act of striking a bucket with a foot, native speakers rarely use it that way.Idioms hence tend to confuse those not already familiar with them; students of a new language must learn its idiomatic expressions the way they learn its other vocabulary. In fact many natural language words have idiomatic origins, but have been sufficiently assimilated so that their figurative senses have been lost. Interestingly, many Chinese characters are likewise idiomatic constructs, as their meanings are more often not traceable to a literal meaning of their assembled parts, or radicals. Because all characters are composed from a relatively small base of about 214 radicals, their assembled meanings follow several different modes of interpretation –from the pictographic to the metaphorical to those whose original meaning has been lost in history.Real world listeningQ: Why are some idioms so difficult to be understood outside of the local culture A: Idioms are, in essence, often colloquial metaphors – terms which requires some foundational knowledge, information, or experience, to use only within a culture where parties must have common reference. As cultures are typically localized, idioms are more often not useful for communication outside of that local context.Q: Are all idioms translatable across languagesA: Not all idioms are translatable. But the most common idioms can have deep roots, traceable across many languages. To have blood on one’s hands is a familiar example, whose meaning is obvious. These idioms can be more universally used than others, and they can be easily translated, or their metaphorical meaning can be more easily deduced. Many have translations in other languages, and tend to become international.Q: How are idioms different from others in vocabularyA: First, the meaning of an idiom is not a straightforward composition of the meaning of its parts. For example, the meaning of kick the bucket has nothing to do with kicking buckets. Second, one cannot substitute a word in an idiom with a related word. For example, we can not say kick the pail instead of kick the bucket although bucket and pail are synonyms. Third, one can not modify an idiom or apply syntactic transformations. For example, John kicked the green bucket or the bucket was kicked has nothing to do with dying.Unit 8 ExaminationListening Task 1At first, fifth-grader Edward Lynch didn’t pay much attention to his teacher’s warnings about the big tests the class would take at the end of the school year. But two weeks before North Carolina’s first-ever elementary-promotion exams, Edward says he’s scared. He’s a B student but an erratic test taker. “The other night I had a dream my books were squishing me and pencils were stabbing me,”says the 11-year-old. His classmate West Bullock says, “I have friends who throw up the night before tests.” Their teacher, Kelly Allen, worries that half of her 21 students are at risk of failing next week’s multiple-choice tests on math and reading. If they fail, they won’t be able to graduate to middle school.In 1996 the state of North Carolina launched its ABCs testing program, a carrot-and-stick approach that holds schools responsible for their students’educational progress. Over the next four years, scores on statewide tests rose 14%. But critics of the program say the cost has been high, in ways that range from stomachaches to insomnia and depression.Schools, also, are sacrificing important lessons in science, social studies and foreign languages to focus on concepts that will be tested. Thus the harmful practices such as retention in grade and tracking are encouraged. High school biology students no longer dissect frogs. A history teacher doesn’t assign research papersbecause they don’t help him prepare students for state-mandated tests. Lisa, a mother of a struggling fifth-grader said. “If they have kids with straight A’s, they think it’s fine, but I think there’s too much pressure with this pass-fail system.”She views the accountability system as a social experiment whose outcome is not yet known.Listening Task 2No one wants to be tested. We would all like to get a driver’s license without answering questions about right of way or showing that we can parallel park a car. Many future lawyers and doctors probably wish they could join their profession without taking an exam.But tests and standards are a necessary fact of life. They protect us – most of the time – from inept drivers, hazardous products and shoddy professionals. In schools too, exams play a constructive role. They tell teachers what their students have learned –and have not. They tell parents how their children are doing compared with others their age. They encourage students to exert more effort.Therefore, formal testing has its place in the overall scope of education. The test data can be very useful in making decisions for the upcoming school year as well as for long term planning. Besides, the parents need accountability to themselves. Welcome the opportunity to discover their child’s strengths and weaknesses and to ascertain needs that should be addressed or pieces that are missing in the student’s academic training.However, all tests have a margin of error. Several factors will affect tests scores, including rapport established with examiner, health of students, lack of sleep the night before, temperature of testing room, attention span, and many other variables. In other words, don’t fall apart if the scores aren’t what you think they should have been. They are just test scores and tests are not infallible.。

2019年6月英语4级听力原文英文回答:Section 1。
The passage describes a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, which examined the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain. The study found that mindfulness meditation can improve attention and focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote emotional regulation.Section 2。
The passage discusses the benefits of mindfulness meditation for students. Mindfulness meditation can help students improve their academic performance by reducing stress, improving focus, and promoting self-regulation. The passage also provides tips for students on how to incorporate mindfulness meditation into their dailyroutines.Section 3。
The passage describes a study conducted by researchersat the University of Oxford, which examined the effects of mindfulness meditation on compassion and empathy. The study found that mindfulness meditation can increase compassion and empathy towards others, both in the short-term and the long-term.Section 4。

Scripts for Unit OneListe ning Task 1The n eighborhood childre n my age played together: either active, physical games outdoors or games of dolls-a nd-house in doors. I, on the other hand, spe nt much of my childhood alone. I ' d curl up in a chair reading fairytales and myths, daydreaming, writ ing poems or stories and draw ing pictures. Sometimes around the fourth grade, my “big ” (often critical, judgmental) Grandma, who ' d been visiting us said tome, “ What' s wrong with you Why don ' t the other children want to play with you ”I remember being startled and con fused by her questi on. I ' d n ever bee n particularly interested in playing with the other children. It hadn ' t, till then, occurred tome that that was either odd or someth ing with me. Nor had it occurrred to me that they didn ' t “want to play with ” me. Myfirst conscious memoryof feeling different was in the fourth grade. At the wardrobe, listening to classmates joking, chatteringand laughing with each other, I realized I hadn ' t a clue about what was so funnyor of how to participate in their easy chatter. They seemed to live in a uni verse about which I knew nothing at all. I tried to act like others but it was so difficult.I felt con fused and disorie nted. I turned back to my inner world: readi ng books,writ ing and daydream ing. My in ward ness grew me in ways that continued to move me further away from the world of my age peers. The easy flow of casual social chat has rema ined forever bey ond my reach and bey ond my in terest, too.Liste ning Task 2The greatest difficulty for meis that as a pers on of mixed origi n I amat home neither here nor there. Wherever I am, I am regarded as being foreign, either “white ” or “blac k” . It happens to me when I live in my mother ' s country of origin, in Switzerland, and it happened to mewhen I was living in my father ' s country, Ivory Coast. I would feel at home where I could feel that people accept me just the wayI am! When you are a small child you first do not feel that you are different fromIIthe others. But soon the others will make you feel different - and children toocan be very cruel in their behavior against the “ strange child ” . Sometimesin credible in cide nts happe n. Sometime ago I was ridi ng my bike somewhere in a little place in Switzarland nearby to where I live. A car drove by, and the male driver opened the window and yelled at me: “ Scheiss - Neger - dirty nigger! ” I almost froze. I felt helpless and unable to defend myself. WhenI looked at the number plate, I saw that it was a German number plate. This means that the insulting person himself was a foreig ner in this coun try! How could he dare in sult me like this I felt thatI wan ted to kill this man. WhenI recovered I was able to th ink about it more clearly. These racist people are just stupid and do not know anything about life.Scripts for Unit TwoListe ning Task 1Everybody cheats. Whether it ' s the taxi driver who tricks a visitor and takes hime the long way round, or the shop assistant who doesn ' t give the correct change, orthe police officer who accepts a bribe - everybody ' s at it. Cheats in the newsin clude the scie ntist whose research was based on fake data, the gameshow con testa nt who collaborated with a friend in the audienee to win a million pounds, and the doctor who forged his qualifications and wasn' t really a doctor at all. Everybody cheats;no body' s play ing the game.Is cheati ng acceptable, a n atural way of survivi ng and being successful Or is itsomething that should be frowned on, and young people discouraged from doing If it ' s the latter, how can we explain to children why so many bend the rulesTake sport for example. The pinn acle of football, the World Cup, was rife withcheating. Whether pretending to be hurt or denying a handball, footballers will do anything for a free-kick or a pen alty shot. French player Henry denied cheati ng towin the free-kick which led to his side ' s second goal in their 3-1 victory overSpain. Whatever the n ati on ality there ' s one com mon strategy: the player rolls over22holdi ng his leg, an kle or head seem ing to be in great pain. As a result a yellowcard or free-kick is given for the foul and then, a few seconds later, the playeris up and about as if nothing had happe ned!Of course it ' s not just the footballers .In 1998 the Tour of France, the world ' s greatest cycli ng eve nt, was hit by a drug-tak ing sca ndal. Forty bottles of drugs found with a team triggered a massive investigation that almost caused the cyclingtour to be aba ndon ed. One rider was banned for nine mon ths.Liste ning Task 2A climate of mistrust surro unds every one.In the field of bus in ess, Enron, America ' s seve nth largest compa ny, could serveas an unfortun ate example. Its collapse in 2001 caused thousa nds of people to losetheir jobs and life savings. The company had fooled investors into believing it was healthier tha n it really was. One boss now faces the rest of life in pris on.Meanwhile companies around the world are losing billions of dollars to thecoun terfeit trade. From cut-price CDs and DVDs to sportswear and cosmetics, cheap fake products are everywhere. It has become socially acceptable to buy fake Gucci bags and illegal copies of films. If pare nts are doing this, their childre n will follow.So perhaps it ' s not surprising that around the world more pupils than ever are caught cheating during exams. In one case keys to exam papers were put up for sale on the Internet. In another, widespread cheating took place by pupils using their mobile phones to receive texted an swers .In a third case, pupils admitted to can didate substitution. They blame the pressure put on them to do well in exams. It doesn ' t help that their role models are also cheats. Surely we can ' t complain when we ' resett ing such a bad example.Un it 3 Lifestyle Liste ning task 1 33When she has young childre n, a stay-at-home momhas two jobs. Her house and her kids.A stay-at-home momis expected to do all the house cleaning. She is expected to always be the one to get up in the middle of the night, do the school things - room-mother, baker, coord in ator, chauffeur and carpooler, etc. ofte n, a stay-at-home mom is expected to take over “daddy-type ” chores such as lawn-mowing and taking cars for repair. Imagine sitting in a repair shop with two squirmy toddlers! The worst thingis that the stay-at-home mom is made to feel guilty for saying “ no” . The reason the stay-at-home momdoes not get her nails done or have a spa day is she feels guilty for spe nding family money on herself.Gosh, you all have such hectic lives. I ' m dizzy just hearing your daily activities.I guess I have it nice. I have no schedule at all! I get up whn I wan t. I work mybus in ess whe n I want. I shop whe n I want to. I wash my hair when I bathe or I don' t wash my hair. When I go to work all I have to do is open up my office door in my house and I ' m at work already. No traffic to deal with and there can be 10 feet of snow on the ground and I wouldn ' t have to walk an inch of it because my houseconnects directly to mywarehouse! If I get up and don' t feel like working I don' t.Liste ning task 2I took my first drink and smoked my first marijua na cigarette whe n I was 12 yearsold. In high school, I used all kinds of drugs. After high school until I was 21,I did a lot of binge drinking. Whenl was 31, I started using crack cocaine. That' s whe n the real problems bega n.I was addicted to alcohol and cocaine, and my life was a wreck. I tried to quit anu mber of times. I moved to Mexico and gave up coca in e. I still dra nk and smoked marijua na, but for the time I lived there, I was off coca in e. I thought that that time off cocaine would completely cure me of any desire for it, but when I got back in town two years later, I started using it again onlyfive days later. Every partof my life was messed up. I remember my oldest son being embarrassed to be seen with me. He would pass me on the street with his friends but he wouldn ' t even speak to me. The bottom came for me whe n I was fin ally evicted from my apartme nt. I lost my car, myhome and my sons. I looked in the mirror that day, and I couldn ' t look myself in the eyes. The n ext mornin g, I showed up at the treatme nt cen ter. The first few days of detox and treatme nt were hard, but I was convinced that I n eeded help, soI stayed. I ' ve been clean now for five years, and I have a new life.Un it Four FamilyListe ning Task OneThe traditional American family is a “ nuclear family ” . A nuclear family refersto a husband and wife and their children. The average American family today has two or three childre n. In some cultures, people live close to their exte nded family.Several generations may even live together. In America, only in a few cases does more tha n one household live un der one roof.America n values are valued in the home. Many homes are run like a democracy. Each family member can have a say. A sense of equality ofte n exists in Amerca n homes.Husbands and wives often share household chores. Often parents give children freedom to make their own decisions. Preschoolers choose what clothes to wear or which toys to buy. Young adults gen erally make their own choices about what career to pursue and whom to marry.Families in America, like those in every culture, face many problems. Social pressures are breaking apart more and more American homes. Over half of US marriages now end in divorce. More than one in four American children are growing up in single-parent homes. As a result, many people believe the American family is in trouble.Even so, there is stll reas on for hope. Many orga ni zati ons are work ing hard tostre ngthe n families. America ns almost unanim ously believe that the family is one55of the most important parts of life. They realize that problems in family life inrecent years have brought serious con seque nces. As a result, more and more peopleare making their family a priority. Many womenare quitting their jobs to stay homewith their children. Families are going on vacations and outings together. Husbands and wives are making a concen trated effort to keep their marriages solid.The United Naitions has declared 1994 the "International Year of Family ” . Not just in America, but all over the world, people recognize the importanee of a strong family bon d.Liste ning Task TwoWomen are beginning to rise steadily to the top in the workplace all over thedeveloped world, but in the USthey are forging ahead. Newfigures show that in almost a third of American households with a working wife, the womanbrings home more money than her husba nd. They are gaining more college degrees and Masters of Busin essAdm ini strati on qualificati ons tha n men and now occupy half the country ' shigh-pay ing, executive admi nistrative and man agerial occupati ons, compared with 34 per cent 20 years ago.The trend is caused by two main factors, experts say - a growing acceptanee of men as househusbands and mass redundancy of male white-collar workers from the tech no logy, finance and media in dustries in the last three years.The University of Maryland has produced a report that shows womento be the family ' sbread-ear ner-in-chief in 11 per cent of all US marriages. And where bothe spouses work, she now brings in 60 per cent or more of the family in come in per cent of the households.An econo mist at the Uni versity of Wisc onsin said that ambitious wome n arein creas in gly look ing for househusba nds and leave men at the kitche n sink.Un it Five Health and DietListe ning Task 166I had just turned 40, and has spent most of myadult life working as a public relations consultant with little time to cook, let alone learn how to cook. But a few years ago I made a resolutionbig family - six kids - and thought whata terrific family project to document our family recipes! Both my mother and father are excelle nt home cooks; mom raises us all, and dad loves to eat well and enjoys the experimentation of trying out new recipes. I ' m spending a lot of time with my parents lately; we cook a meal and then over dinner discuss the finer points of the proper way to prepare the dishes, and whether or not a new recipe was worth the effort. Many of the recipes are family recipes, and many of them are those that we pick from cookbooks, magazines, and newspaper clippings we ' ve collected over 30 years. But sometimes it ' s hard when you only have a clipping.The recipes shown here use mostly whole food in gredie nts and only occasi on ally a few things from cans or prepared foods. Webelieve in a varied, healthy diet, using real butter, real cream, eggs, and proteinfrom meat, fish, and cheese.About me, my n ame is Alice Bauer and I am a part ner in a con sult ing firm in the SanFran cisco Bay Area. I maintain several weblogs in additi on to Simply Recipes as part of .Thanks so much for visit ing Simply Recipes!Liste ning Task 2One of my most favorite breakfast is a poached egg on toast, with a side of papaya and lime, including some prosciutto with the papaya. Papaya is filled with enzymesthat help digestion, and is even used to tenderize meat. The ingredients you need include: 1 firm but ripe papaya, 2 ounces of thinly sliced prosciutto, and 1/2 lime,cut and sliced into a few wedges. Now let ' s go!First, using a vegetable peeler, peel away the outer skin of the papaya. Then cut the papaya in half. Using a metal spo on, scoop out and discard the seeds. By the77way, the seeds are edible. They taste peppery, like nasturtium flowers, and can be used in salads. Next, slice the papaya halves into wedges lengthwise. Arrange them on a plate. Nowwhat you need to do is to roll up thin sheets of prosciutto and place them betwee n the papayawedges. Remember the last thing, squeeze fresh limejuice over the papaya and prosciutto.If you would like to serve the papaya as an appetizer, cut the papaya into 1-inch pieces, sprinkle on some lime juice, wrap each piece with some prosciutto, and secure with a tooth pick. It serves 2-4. Un it Six TravelListe ning Task 1I was spe nding my summer in a remote village in Ghan a. I got afflicted with “ the runny stomach ” , as the family I lived with called it. After 5 days of the runny stomach, we left the village and took a 12-hour car ride to the capital city. Needlessto say, 12-hour car rides and runny stomachs aren ' t compatible. Once we had to stop in a village, greet the 20 or so people that were there, give a detailed explanation of my condition, and then I was allowed to use a brand-new porcelain toilet. I was very embarrassed because they had some one clea n the toilet and sta nd outside while I did my no isy bus in ess. Through a crack in the bathroom wall I could hear some kids wash ing the dishes. I was sple ndid en terta inment for the kids. Each time I let out some gas, I heard squeals of delight and hysterical laughter. They also muttered about “ runny stomach ” . But the highlight of my sickness had to be the wedding we atte nded in the capital. There I was greeted by coun tless guests. They asked about the details of my stomach condition. On my 8th day of sickness, we went to a private hospital and for the next two weeks I took lots of prescribed antibiotics and drank bottles of oral rehydration salts. My condition began improving in about two days. Much to my disappo in tme nt, the stool and blood samples came back n egative, so my con diti on was a result of a cha nge of diet. Needless to say, I lear ned not to be88shy about stomach con diti ons.Liste ning Task 2Whenhe realized that his short-term memory was failing, my husband decided to weara multi-pocketed vest. The vest, with its 17 pockets each serv ing a purpose, didwork for a while. Things were going so well that he started to relax a little andone day he turned back to his traditi onal pan ts-pocket wallet.Just seconds after boarding the crowded Romesubway, a pickpocket was attracted by the familiar bulge. My husband stared at him for a moment. Finally the would-be thief withdrew and joined the crowd.My part ner became more careful, and the next time he was better orga ni zed, all theesse ntials in their assig ned pockets. We had checked in for our flight to Athe ns.Before boarding I casually asked where his Swiss army knife was. His hand immediately went to the pocket designated for the knife, and found it safe there. Then his face fell: safe, that is , for any thi ng but air travel.Realiz ing that his precious knife would be take n away at security, he retur ned tothe check-in counter. Fortunately, the frowning attendant agreed to pack his knifein a little box and check it separately.By the time we got to Athens at midnight we were both exhausted. Our luggage emerged and all the other passengers were gone. My husband was still watching the carousel going round and round and round. Fin ally, he went to find a baggage han dler and ahalf hour later reappeared triumpha ntly with his knife.Un it Seven Lan guageListe ning Task 1Jessica Bucknam shouts “tiao! ” and her fourth-grade students jump. “Dun!” she comma nds, and they crouch. They giggle as the comma nds keep coming in Man dari nChin ese. Most of the kids have studied Chin ese since they were in kin dergarte n.They are part of a Chin ese-immers ion program at Woodstock Eleme ntary School, i nPortia nd, Orego n. Buck nam, who is from China, in troduces her stude nts to approximately 150 new Chin ese characters each year. Stude nts read stories, sing songs and lear n math and scie nee, all in Chin ese.Half of the students at the school are enrolled in the program. They can continue studying Chinese in middle and high school. The goal: to speak like natives. About 24,000 America n stude nts are curre ntly lear ning Chin ese. Most are in high school. But the number of younger students is growing in response to China ' s emerge nee as a global superpower. The gover nment is help ing to pay for Ian guage in struct ion. Rece ntly, the Defense Departme nt gave Oreg on schools $700,000 for classes like Buck nam ' s. The Sen ate is con sideri ng givi ng $ billi on for Chin ese classes in public schools.“ China has become a stong part ner of the Un ited States, ” says Mary Patters on, Woodstock' s principal. “ Children who learn Chinese at a young age will have more opport un ities for jobs in the future. ” Isabel Weiss, 9, is n't thinking about thefuture. She thinks lear ning Chin ese is fun. “ When you hear people speak ing in Chinese, you know what they ' re saying, ” she says. “And they don' t know that you know. ”Want to lear n Chin ese You have to memorize 3,500 characters to really know it all!Start with these Chin ese characters and their pronun ciati ons.Liste ning Task 2An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal defi niti ons and the arran geme nt of its parts, but refers in stead to a figurative meaning that is known only through conven ti onal use. In the En glish expressi on to kick the bucket , a listener knowing only the meaning of kick and bucket would be unable to deduce the expression ' s actual meaning, which is to die . Although kickthe bucket can refer literally to the act of striking a bucket with a foot, native speakers rarely use it that way.Idioms hence tend to con fuse those n ot already familiar with them; stude nts of a new Ianguage must learn its idiomatic expressions the way they learn its other vocabulary .In fact many n atural la nguage words have idiomatic origi ns, but have bee n sufficie ntly assimilated so that their figurative sen ses have bee n lost.Interestingly, many Chinese characters are likewise idiomatic constructs, as their meanings are more often not traceable to a literal meaning of their assembled parts, or radicals. Because all characters are composed from a relatively small base of about 214 radicals, their assembled meanings follow several differe nt modes ofinterpretation —from the pictographic to the metaphorical to those whose originalmeaning has bee n lost in history.Real world liste ningQ: Whyare some idioms so difficult to be understood outside of the local cultureA: Idioms are, i n esse nee, ofte n colloquial metaphors - terms which requires some foundational knowledge, information, or experienee, to use only within a culture where parties must have com mon referen ce. As cultures are typically localized, idioms are more often not useful for communication outside of that local con text.Q: Are all idioms tran slatable across Ian guagesA: Not all idioms are tran slatable. But the most com mon idioms can have deeproots, traceable across many Ian guages. To have blood on one' s han ds is a familiar example, whose meaning is obvious. These idioms can be more uni versally used tha n others, and they can be easily translated, or their metaphorical meaning can be more easily deduced. Many have tran slati ons in other Ian guages, and tend to become intern ati on al.Q: How are idioms differe nt from others in vocabularyA: First, the meaning of an idiom is not a straightforward composition of the meaning of its parts. For example, the meaning of kick the bucket has no thi ng todo with kick ing buckets. Second, one cannot substitute a word in an idiom with a related word. For example, we can not say kick the pail in stead of kick the bucket although bucket and pail are synonyms. Third, one can not modify an idiom or apply syntactic transformations. For example, John kicked the green bucket or the bucketwas kicked has nothing to do with dying .Un it 8 Exam in ati onListe ning Task 1At first, fifth-grader Edward Lynch didn ' t pay much attention to his teacher ' s warnings about the big tests the class would take at the end of the school year.But two weeks before North Carolina ' s first-ever elementary-promotion exams, Edward says he ' s scared. He ' s a B student but an erratic test taker. “ The other night I had a dream my books were squishing me and pencils were stabbing me, ” says the 11-year-old. His classmate West Bullock says, "I have friends who throw up theni ght before tests. ” Their teacher, Kelly Alle n, worries that half of her 21students are at risk of failing next week ' s multiple-choice tests on math and reading. If they fail, they won ' t be able to graduate to middle school.In 1996 the state of North Carolina launched its ABCs testing program, a carrot-and-stick approach that holds schools responsible for their students ' educational progress. Over the next four years, scores on statewide tests rose 14%.But critics of the program say the cost has been high, in ways that range from stomachaches to insomnia and depressi on.Schools, also, are sacrificing important lessons in scienee, social studies andforeign Ianguages to focus on concepts that will be tested. Thus the harmful practices such as retention in grade and tracking are encouraged. High school biology stude nts no Ion ger dissectfrogs. A history teacher does n' t assig n research papers 1212because they don ' t help him prepare students for state-mandated tests. Lisa, amother of a struggling fifth-grader said. "If they have kids with straight A ' s, they think it ' s fine, but I think there 's too much pressure with this pass-fail system. ” She views the accountability system as a social experiment whose outcomeis not yet known.Liste ning Task 2No one wants to be tested. We would all like to get a driver ' s license without answering questions about right of way or showing that we can parallel park a car.Many future lawyers and doctors probably wish they could join their professi on without tak ing an exam.But tests and standards are a necessary fact of life. They protect us - most of the time —from in ept drivers, hazardous products and shoddy professi on als. In schools too, exams play a constructive role. They tell teachers what their studentshave learned —and have not. They tell parents how their children are doing comparedwith others their age. They en courage stude nts to exert more effort.Therefore, formal testing has its place in the overall scope of education. The test data can be very useful in making decisi ons for the upco ming school year as well as for long term planning. Besides, the parents need accountability to themselves.Welcome the opport unity to discover their child ' s stre ngths and weak nesses and to ascertain needs that should be addressed or pieces that are missing in the student ' s academic training. However, all tests have a marg in of error. Several factors will affect tests scores, including rapport established with examiner, health of students, lack of sleep the night before, temperature of testing room, attention span, and many other variables.In other words, don ' t fall apart if the scores aren ' t what you think they shouldhave bee n. They are just test scores and tests are not in fallible.。
大学英语四六级考试-四级听力原文 2018年6月第二套

Listening ComprehensionPartSection ANews Report OneA message in a bottle sent out to sea by a New Hampshire man more than five decades ago was found1500miles away and has been returned to his daughter.The long lost message was discovered by Clint Buffington of Utah while he was vacationing.Buffington says he found a soda bottle half-buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beginning of time.The note inside the bottle said,“Return to419Ocean Street and receive a reward of $150from Richard and Tina Pierce,owners of the Beachcomber Motel.”The motel was owned by the parents of Paula Pierce in1960.Her father had written the note as a joke and had thrown it into the Atlantic Ocean.Buffington flew to New Hampshire to deliver the message to Paula Pierce.She held up to her fathers promise giving Buffington that reward.But the biggest reward is the message in a bottle finding its way back home.50多年前新罕布什尔州的一位男子把一张便条放进瓶子里并扔进大海,现在这个便条在1500英里以外的地方被发现了,并被送回到那位男子的女儿手里。
大学英语四六级考试-四级听力原文 2018年12月第一套

Listening ComprehensionPartSection ANews Report OneA device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or4G mobile coverage to the moon in2019.If successful,the tiny device will provide the moon with its first-ever mobile phone network.The lunar network will support high-definition streaming of video and data between the moon and Earth.The network is part of Mission to the Moon.This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid-for mission to the moon.The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a Space X Falcon9rocket in2019.Mission to the Moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon.The scientists working on the project opted to build a4G rather than a fifth generation or5G network.This is because fifth generation networks are still in testing and trial phases.This means that a5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the moon's surface.一个重量不足一公斤的装置是一项(月球)任务的组成部分,该任务将使科学家们能够在2019年将第四代或者说4G移动网络覆盖到月球上。

Reason and EmotionScriptEmotion is sometimes regarded as the opposite of reason; s is suggested by phrase such as” appeal toemotions rather than reason” and “don’t let your emotions take over”. Emotional reactions sometimes produce consequences or thoughts which people may later regret or disagree with; but during an emotional state, they could not control their actions. Thus, it is generally believed that one of the most distinctive facts about human beings is a contradiction between emotion and reason.However, recent empirical studies do not suggest there is a clear distinction between reason and emotion. Indeed, anger or fear can often be thought of as an instinctive response to observed fact. The human mindpossesses many possible reactions to the external world. Those reactions can lie on a continuum, with some of them involving the extreme of pure intellectual logic, which is often called “cold”, and others involving the extremes of pure emotion not related to logical agreement, which is called “the heat of passion”. The relation logic and emotion merits careful study. Passion, emotion, or feeling can reinforce an argument, event one based on primarily on reason. reason. This is especially true in religion or ideology, which demands frequently demands an an all-or-nothing rejection or acceptance. In such areas of thought, beings human beings have have to adopt a comprehensive view partlybacked by empirical argument and partly by feeling and passion. Moreover, several researchers have suggested that typically there is no “pure” decision or thought; that is, no thought is based “purely”” on intellectual logic or “purely” on emotion—most decisions are founded on a mixture of both.A BlizzardScriptA blizzard is a sever weather condition characterized by low temperatures and strong winds, greater than 15miles per hour, bearing a great amount of snow.different definitions ofof what a Because the factors for classifying winter storms are complex, there are many definitionsblizzard truly is. But it is generally agreed that in order to be classified as a blizzard, as opposed to merely a winter storm, the weather must meet several conditions. The storm must decrease visibility to a quarter of a mile for three hours running. Include snow or ice as precipitation, and have wind speed of at least 32 miles per hour, which means Force 7 or more on the Wind Scale.Another standard, according to Environment Canada, is that the winter storm must have winds of 40 kilometers per hour or mi=ore, plenty of snow, visibility less than 1 kilometer, a temperature of less than -25 degrees Celsius, and all of these conditions must last for 4 hours or more, before the storm can properly be called a blizzard. When all these conditions continue after snow has stopped falling, the storm is referred to as a ground blizzard. An extensive form of blizzard is a whiteout, when the downdrafts, together with snowfall, become so sever that it is impossible to distinguish the ground from the air. People caught in a whiteout can quickly become disoriented, losing their sense of up and down as well as their sense of direction. Severe blizzard can also occur along with arctic cyclones.。

全新版大学英语听说教程第四册听力原文TEST1PartAConversation 1:W: Have you got a job, Phil?M: Yeah, I do yard work for the people in the neighborhood, cutting grass, raking fallen leaves, planting trees and pulling out weeds, things like that.Q: What does Phil do?Conversation 2:M: The trees on our campus are really beautiful.W: You're right, and they are useful, too. They cut down on our need for air conditioning, don't you think?Q: What does the woman mean?Conversation 3:W: Professor Webster has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4. But he won't be able to make it because he's lost his voice.M: Does he want me to try to find somebody else to take his place?Q: What does the man mean?Conversation 4:M: Can you come to the concert with me this weekend, or do you have to prepare for the exams next week?W: Frankly speaking I still have a lot to do for the exams but maybe a break would do me good.Q: What will the woman probably do?Conversation 5:M: Have you heard the weather report for today?W: Yes. It says that the sandstorm is going to be very bad and we're advised to stay indoors. Q: What is the woman talking about?Part2DialogueW: Hello, University of Sidney. May I help you?M: Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming.W: Do you want a day or evening course?M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.W: Uh-huh. Have you taken any courses in data processing?M: No.W: Oh, well, data processing is a prerequisite course. You have to take that course before you can take computer programming.M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it's not on Tuesdays.W: There's a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven.M: Just once a week?W: Right. But that's almost three hours -- from seven to nine forty-five p.m.M: Oh. Well, that's all right. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last?W: Let me see... oh, yes, twelve weeks. You start the first week in September and finish... oh... just before Christmas. December twenty-first.M: And how much is the course?W: That's 300 dollars, and that includes the necessary computer time.M: OK. By the way, is there anything that I should bring with me?W: No. Just your checkbook.M: Thank you so much.W: You're very welcome. Bye.M: Bye.PartCHealth experts have warned for many years that cigarette smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other medical problems. But smokers still find it extremely difficult to stop. The American Cancer Society decided to do something to help them kick this bad habit.Every year the group organizes a national non-smoking day in an attempt to get smokers to quit smoking. The organization is asking all smokers to stop smoking at least for 24 hours. They hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit.The cancer society officials will give telephone callers advice on how to stop smoking. Smokers also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors.Some businesses will offer their workers candy or chewing gum to help them fight down the crave for smoking. Some companies are offering special gifts and lower prices to people who sign an agreement to stop smoking. And Americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24-hour-campaign.PartDPassage 1Office systems are equipment used to create, store, process, or communicate information in a business environment. This information can be manually, electrically, or electronicallyproduced, duplicated, and transmitted.The rapid growth of the service sector of the world economy beginning in the mid-1970s has furnished a new market for sophisticated office automation.Most modern office equipment, including typewriters, dictation equipment, facsimile machines, photocopiers, calculators, and telephone systems as well, contains a microprocessor. With the increasing incorporation of microchips into office equipment, the line between the computer and other equipment has blurred.At the same time, computers, either stand-alone or as part of a network, and specialized software programs are taking over tasks such as facsimile transmission or fax, voice mail, and telecommunications that were once performed by separate pieces of equipment. In fact, the computer has virtually taken the place of typewriters, calculators, and manual accounting techniques and is rapidly taking over graphic design, production scheduling, and engineering design.The use of computers and other modern equipment has enabled links to be established far beyond the walls of a building. Electronic links allow people in a modern office to communicate with workers at home or in satellite offices. This capability has led to a sharp increase in telecommuting. Since the early 1990s workers have worked at least part of the time outside the main office. Managers and professional employees are the major participants in this trend. As they no longer have to spend hours traveling from home to office, their work productivity has increased.As technology advances further, new equipment will be invented and introduced into the modern office, which will result in even greater efficiency in office work.Questions:1.What do office systems refer to according to the passage?2. What has furnished a new market for sophisticated office equipment since the mid-19703. How have electronic links benefited professionals and managers?Passage 2When it comes to leisure activities, Americans aren't quite the fun-seekers they've been supposed to be. For one out of five, weekends and vacations are consumed by such drudgeries as house-cleaning, yard-working and cooking; only one-third of them enjoy the luxury of relaxing in the sun, going camping, playing sports, or simply relaxing.These are among the conclusions reached by a recent poll in which more than 1,120 employed Americans were asked how they occupy themselves on days they are not at work. According to the poll, older people, the rich, and the well-educated are most apt to spend their spare time doing the things they 'want to do' rather than those they 'have to'. Overall, high-salaried people were more active then those with lower incomes -- they reported watching less television and were more likely to engage in social and cultural activities. Furthermore, those with college degrees were about twice as likely as those with no more than a high school education to spend time playing sports (42% compared with 23%). On the subject of vacations, the study found that college graduates were more likely than those with only high school degrees to have vacation plans (80% versus 60%). Of those who did intend to take some time off, 46% planned a sightseeing vacation (34% in the UnitedStates, 12% abroad), 34% expected to visit friends or relatives, 22% headed for the beach or lake, and 12% intended to relax at home.People who are divorced, widowed, or separated, the survey concluded, are the least likely of any group to take a vacation -- and the least likely to attach any importance to it.Questions:1. What is the passage mainly about?2. How do most people in the US spend their vacation according to the passage?3. Which of the following adjectives best describes the passage?4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?Passage 3A movement to make US hotels smoke-free got a boost on Thursday when Woodfin Suite Hotels, owner of 18 hotels in 11 states, said its six California properties will go smoke-free starting September 1st.The announcement followed a similar move by Howard Johnson International Inc., which said in June that its hotel on Pocahontas Trail in Williamsburg, Va. would become the chain's first smoke-free property. And on August 1, Apple Core Hotels turned its 80-room Comfort Inn Midtown in New York City's Theater District into a no-smoking property.Hotel owners said they hope to make up for any lost business by winning over guests who prefer a smoke-free environment, but most admitted the move is largely experimental and traveler reaction will be closely watched before any major expansion of their programs. Apple Core Chief Operating Officer said his company decided to take the no-smoking plunge for a simple reason: demand."It has nothing to do with public policy," he said. "There's tremendous demand. People are very upset when they've been promised a smoke-free room and they get a smoked-in room instead."The handful of hotel owners who have taken the no-smoking plunge say the move will also help them save money in their housekeeping departments.The process of "de-smoking" a room -- eliminating all the negative effects when a room has been smoked in -- typically costs about $500 per room. Smoking rooms also face higher costs associated with more frequent carpet shampooing, curtain cleaning and minor repairs for such things as cigarette burns in fabrics, according to hotel managers.Furthermore, smoking rooms often take longer to clean than their no-smoking counterparts because they must be deodorized each day.It is also a benefit to the employees who can clean the rooms much faster. And employees who don't smoke won't get the smell. Even smokers complain when they walk in and get the smell of stale smoke.Despite the benefit of going smoke-free, however, many hotels may be reluctant to completely do away with smoking rooms in the near future. It will be more the personalpreference of the owner doing it, whereas the public company has to be more careful because it limits the demand.Questions:1. What does the passage mainly tell us?2. What do we know about Woodfin Suite Hotels?3. What is the main reason why some owners want to ban smoking in their hotels?TEST2PartAConversation 1:M: I have never heard such a fascinating lecture on solar energy. But you don't seem impressed. Don't you like it, Sally?W: Well, I must admit that I dozed off most of the time. I think it's too difficult for me to understand.Q: How did the woman feel about the lecture?Conversation 2:W: Thank goodness! You've finally arrived. The presentation started ten minutes ago. And I was just beginning to panic.M: Sorry I'm late. The traffic was extremely bad.Q: How did the woman feel when she saw the man?Conversation 3:W: I hear that you work part-time at a supermarket. What do you do there?M: I work in the produce section. I also stock shelves. Sometimes when it really gets busy, I help at the checkout counter.Q: What does the man occasionally do at his supermarket?Conversation 4:M: Mary, I've finally decided about my history paper. I'm going to focus on World War II.W: That's good, but you need to concentrate on one particular area. What about looking at thecourse of events in the Pacific?Q: What does the woman think of the man's topic?Conversation 5:M: To get an MA, you'll need thirty-six credit hours. Fifteen must be from the Education Department and fifteen from the Psychology Department. For the remaining six credit hours you have to write a thesis in about two thousand words.W: Hmm, that seems a lot, but I'm sure I'll manage.Q: What are the two speakers talking about?PartBFast ReadingAt 6:45 p.m. on the evening of Thursday 9th October, Miss Allen was returning from work to her home at 79 Winston Avenue. She had left work at 5:30 p.m. and stopped at the Fox and Goose public house in Market Street for a drink with a colleague. Miss Allen and her colleague had left the pub at 6:30 p.m. and Miss Allen had walked to the No.13 bus stop at the end of Market Street. While awaiting the arrival of the bus, she noticed a group of three youths loitering on the corner. The youths started to approach her, and she started to walk in the opposite direction. The footsteps behind her accelerated and a youth of about 19 years of age stopped her and asked her the time. As Miss Allen stopped and looked at her watch the youth seized her wrist, twisted her arm behind her back and forced her at knifepoint to surrender her handbag and her ring and bracelets. The two accomplices were encouraging their friend at this point. After Miss Allen gave the youth her handbag and her ring and bracelets the three quickly disappeared. Miss Allen was very shaken, but decided to walk to her home, a distance of about three miles, where she would alert the police. She arrived home at 7:40 p.m., only to discover that her flat had been hurriedly burgled. Clearly the muggers had found Miss Allen's keys in her handbag and had arrived before her to ransack her flat. Miss Allen later called the police to report the mugging and the burglary. In her handbag, there were 65 pounds in cash, her credit cards and checkbook and her keys. Two necklaces, several pairs of earrings, a camera and a portable CD player were stolen from her flat.PartCFor years almost everyone has believed that people lose some of their mental powers as they age. We have believed that old people have difficulty remembering and they think more slowly. Some even believe that old people have a reduced number of brain cells.Doctors are now saying that the loss of mental powers is not a sign of old age but of diseases. But Warner Shan, an expert on aging, says that some healthy elderly people seem to lose mental powers because they expect to lose some. They accept the idea that old people always lose intelligence, but studies have shown that if a person refuses to accept this idea and remains healthy, active and interested in life, his mental powers will not be affected. In fact, some kinds of intelligence continue to grow.The studies also show that old people who live with their families and have active lives increase in intelligence. People who live alone and withdraw from any kind of social life seem to lose mental ability.PartDPassage 1Lifestyle is the way a person lives; it includes work, leisure time, hobbies, other interests, and personal philosophy. One person's lifestyle may be dominated by work with few social activities. Another's may involve hobbies, recreational activities or personal philosophy. There is little doubt that lifestyles are changing and that these changes will have an impact on the way business operates in the years ahead. Several cases are causing lifestyle changes in some developed countries.First, there is more leisure time than ever before. The workweek is now less than forty hours, as compared with seventy hours a century ago. Some experts believe it will be twenty-five hours or less in a few decades. Several firms have adopted four-day workweeks with more hours per day. Others have cut down on the number of working hours each week. Reduced work schedules mean increased leisure time.Second, families have fewer children than before -- and young couples are postponing childbirth instead of having children early in the marriage. This trend has forced many businesses to modify their competitive strategies. Gerber Products Company used to advertise 'babies are our business -- our only business'. Now Gerber products include infant and toddler clothing, stuffed animals and accessories such as bottles, baby powder and so on. Third, people are better educated and more prosperous now than they were earlier. These advantages bring with them the freedom to question current lifestyles and examine new ones. Inquiries of this nature have sometimes led to personal lifestyle changes. Today's youth, for example, are not only better educated but more independent and individualistic than past generations.The business world is only beginning to realize how people's lifestyles can influence their behavior as employees, consumers and members of society.Questions:1. What does the passage mainly tell us?2. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?3. What does the speaker say about today's youth?Passage 2Mountain climbers around the world dream about going up Mount Qomolangma. It is the highest mountain in the world. But many people who have climbed the mountain had left waste material that is harming the environment. The pollution is affecting populated areasnear the mountain.A team of Americans is planning the largest clean-up effort ever on Mount Qomolangma. They will make the risky trip up the mountain next month. The team of eight Americans will be guided by more than twenty ethnic Sherpas of Nepal. Their goal is to remove all the trash they see and send most of it back to the United States. They will spend two months moving up the mountain gathering oxygen bottles, fuel containers, batteries, drinks cans, human waste and other trash. They are expected to remove at least three tons of trash in large bags. Team leader Robert Hoffman is making his fourth trip up the mountain. He says he hopes to return Mount Qomolangma to the condition it was in before the first successful climb fifty years ago. He says he hopes the effort will influence other people to clean up the environment closer to home.Human waste on Mount Qomolangma is a major concern. So the clean-up team will take along with them newly developed equipment to collect and treat human waste. Over the years, the waste particles have polluted the mountain. In the warm season when the ice melts, the polluted water flows to Nepalese villages below. The problem has gotten worse in recent years because climbing Mount Qomolangma has become more popular.Since 1992 the government of Nepal has required climbers to bring down what they take up. But those rules were never fully carried out. And no one has ever been required to bring back their trash from the highest part of the mountain.Mount Qomolangma is part of the Himalayan mountain range. It is on the border between Nepal and Tibet, China. Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Sherpa Tensing Norgay made the first successful climb in 1953. Since then, more than eight hundred people have successfully climbed the mountain. Some people who reached the top died on their way down. Many other people died before reaching the top, which is almost nine thousand meters high.Questions:1. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?2. Which of the following is true?3. What's the American team's goal in going up Mount Qomolangma?4. What can be concluded from the passage?Passage 3According to popular belief, eccentrics are wealthy people who can afford to indulge their eccentricities on a grand scale. But nowadays eccentrics are just as likely to work at ordinary jobs. One man, for example, works in a bank from 9 to 5, but in his spare time carries a bow and arrow and thinks of his home as a leafy corner of Sherwood Forest. Another eccentric is a social worker but lives in a cave and does long charity walks wearing pajamas. A third spends all his time in bed and a fourth lives only on potatoes.Dr. David Weeks has found that such oddballs often have certain features in common. They are often the only or eldest child raised in strict homes. Many have strange eating or sleepinghabits. And although they are frequently impatient with other people, they are generally not competitive and hate sports. They are poor conversationalists, but are often highly educated and read far more than ordinary people. They are often creative and inventive, especially in the scientific field. Not surprisingly, eccentrics tend to live alone and they are more likely to be men. They outnumber women by two to one.If you're an eccentric, you'll be encouraged by Dr. Weeks' study. Eccentrics are less likely to be mentally ill than more conventional people are. And, in his view, they provide some harmless, welcome relief from ordinary people.Questions:1. Why does the speaker give three examples of eccentrics at the beginning of his talk?2. What can we learn about eccentrics from Dr. Weeks' study?3. What's Dr. Weeks' attitude toward eccentrics?。

U1 听力原文: The Importance of Protecting Sea Resources During the 19th century, people in Europe and Americaclimed 声称 that marine resources were unlimited. For example, a noted biologist a t the time commented that none of theworld ’s great sea fisheries wereever going to be exhausted疲劳 .Today though, there is evidence showing thatmarine 海洋resources are as seriously endangered as those of the land and the air. I n fact, in some ways the threats to fish are more alarming than the thre ats to animals and birds. This is because fish is a much needed food res ource, as people throughout the world depend on fish as an important part of their diet. It is reported that to satisfy food demands, 20 billionpounds of fish are harvested 收获every year in the North Atlantic alone. Sea resources are alsorapidly declining in many other parts of the world.Scientists now believe that food supplies from the seawon’t last forever. They warn that excessive fishing will destroy fish reserves within the next few years. They also warn that the decline in fish supply will cause starvationin some parts of the world. What Has Technology Brought Us?U2Technology plays a vital role in our society. It makes our life more comfortable and convenient. Without it, wecouldn ’t evolve or cope up with theever changing world we live in.Firstly, technology shortens the distance between people and makes co mmunication much easier. Today, the Internet is widely used not only f or the collection of information but also for correspondence.Secondly, modern means of transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smoother and faster. With the help of m odern transportation, we can go almost anywhere we want to. To journ ey into outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles have made the dream come true.Thirdly, modern medicineprolongsour life and relieves patients from p ain. Some deadly diseases, such as cancer and AIDS can be treated now , and we can live longer and better.Last but not least, technology expands our vision of the world. It provid es us with larger possibilities by giving us ideas that never occurred to u s in the past.It is hard to imagine what the world would be like without technology.U3▇Script: Four Steps to Successful Goal-settingSuccessful people always have clear goals. Great musicians, athlegreates, successful salespeople and inspiring leaders know what they want i n life, and they go after it. No one becomes successful by accident! And yet, a lot of young people that I know just live their lives with no g oals at all, or with onlyvaguedreams, hopes and wishes. No wonder th ey have achieved so much less than they could!For those who have not yet experienced the joy of setting and achievin g magnificent goals, here is a powerful set of principles that have work ed for thousands of myclients. They will work for you, too. I call them“Four Steps to Successful GoalSetting- ”:1.Decide what you want. Choose the life you prefer! Youcan?thave everything in life. Butyou can have anything you choose if you will focus, pay the price, and p ursue it with all your heart.2.Make clear your values. Too often, people choose goals that are inco nsistent with theirpriorities and daily behavior. Do you value health, or comfort? Is financi al independence a priority, or merely a wish? Make sure that your goals are consistent with your most important values.3.Write them down. Have the courage to put your intentions on paper and in your ownwords. Bespecificand describe your goals in detail. When will you achi eve them? What will success look like? Write down the details and readyour goals every day.4.Take action. To run a marathon, you must jog every day. A loving mar riage or happykids require your time, your attention and your love, every day. Your da ily actions need not be profound extraordinary, but they must be co nsistent and persistent.Success does not“ justhappen”Just. as an artist will make preliminary s ketches and work out the details in his mind, so your success requires written goals, careful choices, clear commitments and daily persistence. You can do this. Make something great of your life! U4Attitude Makes a DifferenceAttitudes affect the way people get along at home, at school, and at work. Your attitude will influence your feelings of job satisfaction and your career success. Attitude is the way you think about things and act towa rd others.In fact, many employers believe that the most important factor in job s uccessis a positive attitude. They know that employeean’s work perfor mance is closelyrelated to his or her attitude. Employees with a positiv e attitude enjoy better business performance.If you view a new job as an opportunity, a chance to learn new things, and act with interest and enthusiasm, you are expressing a positive attitude. You also demonstrate a positive attitude when you are polite,coo perative and considerate with your co-workers and superiors. People w ith a positive attitude view the world as a friendly place. They take resp onsibility for their decisions and have the ability to control their feeling s. People with a positive attitude are easy to get along with. Theyare ho nest in expressing their thoughts and feelings. And they are open to su ggestions andconstructivecriticism.As you begin your new job, guard against a negative attitude. People wi th a negative attitude frequently complain and have careless work habi ts. They always blame others for their own problems. Besides, they are critical and indifferent to the needs of others.U5Living a Frugal LifePeople who live a frugal lifestyle often live with less stress. This is bec ause they know how to take control of their money and, therefore, the y have more control over their lives in general. And if you have more co ntrol of your life, you are likely to have more peace of mind. With that peace of mind comes what may be called "frugal freedom", namely, fre edom from debt, freedom from envy, freedom from shame, freedom fr om worry, and freedom from loss of one's identity. Living a frugal life d oes not mean having nothing or living poor and cheap. Neither does itmean denying oneself theluxuriesof life. A frugal lifestyle simply mean s thatyou have theintelligenceto live a happy and fulfilling life without possessing a lot. Much of the transition from being extravagant to bei ng frugalis within the mind. For example, before you leave your room, remember to turn off the light; keep all windows and outside doors clo sed when the airconditioningis on; turn off thetap water immediately after use; when you go shopping, use your brain to save money on cert ain things for something else you need or want. In short, living a frugal lifestyle means that you don't have to "keep up with the Joneses" and t hat you do not have to follow trends and fads.We should always remember that it is easier to spend less than it is to make more. It is easier to be frugal than to free oneself fromfinancial s tress. So, letus be frugal and live within ourmeans. It is a great way of l ife.U6Always Be PositiveBeing positive is a discipline. There are so many things we cannot contr ol, forces we are powerless to change because so much of life is unpred ictable. We cannot control diseases. We cannot control injuries. We can not control the weather and so many other things that are a part of our lives.But we can control our moods. A mood is simply a reflection of our atti tude and we certainly can change our attitude.For example, when one of your co-workers asks you howyou’ redoingwith your work, your answer may be“I feel great ”But. do you really fe el great? Probably not.If your answer were negative, you would make your co-workers feel bad and uncomfortable. In that case,you’ vebegun a whole cycle of negat ivity. Again,it ’s anattitude. A good attitude and a bad attitude are reall y just two different ways of looking at the same situation.Here ’s another example. You have a big work project due on theboss’s desk tomorrow morning. You are up against a deadline. And you are ha lf-done. Now there are two ways to look at the project. You can worry a bout all the work still left for you to do. Or you can tell yourself that hal f of it is already done, and you are certainly better off than when you first started the projectThat. ’s your choice: is the glass half-empty or hal f-full? That ’s the choice we have to make every morning when we get o ut of bed. Looking honestly at the reality of the situation and seeing the positive s ide of it may indeed increase the quality of our life. Self-motivated peo ple look at each day as a new opportunity. They love what they do. The y cannot wait to get to work in the morning.U7Reading EfficientlyYou know you have to read“ betweenthe lines to” get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do somethingequally 一样important in the course of your reading, that is:“writebetween thelines ”Unless. you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading. Icontendthat marking up a book is an act of love.There are two ways in which one can own a book.The first is the property right youestablishby paying for it, just as you payfor clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is onlypreludthee 序幕to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a par t of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.Why is marking up a bookindispensableto reading? First, it keeps you awake. And Idon’t mean merelyconscious; I mean wide awake. In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to e xpress itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually th e thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoug hts you had, or the thoughts the authorexpressed.If reading is toaccomplishanything more than passing time, it must beactive. Youcan’t let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understandingof what you have read. The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state relaxationof and nothing is lost. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book thraisestand tries to answer fundamental questions,demandsthe most active reading. When you’ vefinished reading a book, and the pages are filled with your notes , you know that you readactively.。

Unit 7Task 1:【答案】A.6,1420,273 B.b C.1 ) F 2) F 3) T【原文】The Temple of Heaven is situated in the southern part of Beijing, about 6 kilometres away from the centre of the city. Traditionally, this temple was for imperial use only. It was built in 1420, covering an area of 273 hectares. It is one of the largest parks in Beijing.The Temple of Heaven was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for good harvests. The emperors visited the temple three times a year: on the 8th day of the first lunar month to pray for a good harvest; during the Summer Solstice to pray for rain; and during Winter Solstice to give thanks for a good harvest. During each ceremony, the emperors worshipped heaven and prayed for a good harvest. In addition, the emperors also worshipped their ancestors and other natural phenomena such as the Cloud God, Rain God and Wind God.In imperial days, the Chinese people believed that the sky was circular and the earth was square. On the basis of this traditional concept, the circle was widely adopted in the design of the temple's main building. It is in accord with people's imagination of heaven.During past ceremonies each year, the emperor left the Forbidden City through the front gate for the Temple of Heaven. No common people or foreigners were allowed to watch the emperor s procession to the temple. They had to remain hidden behind closed doors and windows. No women, not even the empress, were allowed to take part in the procession.Task 2:【答案】A.1) c 2) a 3) e 4) d 5) bB.40,102,1,454,222,410,365,000,40,000,000,32,86th,50,102ndC.1) F 2) F 3) T 4) T【原文】Until the construction of the Sears tower in Chicago and the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan—which unfortunately collapsed in a terrorist attack on September 11,2001—the Empire State Building was for 40 years the tallest building in the world, standing 102 stories and 1,454 feet tall, including a 222 feet television antenna.The unusual structure of the Empire State Building, built in just 410 days during the depths of the Depression, was planned during the boom years of the 1920s and completed in May 1931. The building cost 40,000,000 dollars and was the product of a competition between Walter Chrysler Corporation and John Jakob Raskob, founder of General Motors, to see who could build the tallest building.The structure itself weighs 365, 000 tons,less than the weight of the earth that was dug out to build it. Time has shown it to be durable but when it was first opened to the world, the public was worried about the stability of what was then the tallest building ever seen.A number of curious events have contributed to this famous building, including that an Army Air Corps B-25 bomber plane crashed into the 79th floor on a foggy day in July 1945 at the end of World War II, killing 14 people.The television antenna was added in 1951. The top 32 floors of the building are lit at night. There is an observatory on 86th floor which gives a 50-mile view of the city and surrounding countryside. There is also a glass-enclosed observatory on the 102nd floor.Task 3:【答案】A.1) d 2) cB.1) T 2) T 3) T 4) F【原文】Janet Owens' house turned out to be a horrible dream. When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago,they built a $100,000, three-bedroom home in California. Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with double-glazed windows and several other energy-saving qualities. Problems began as soon as the couple moved in, however. Janet's eyes burned. Her throat was often dry. She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep. It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.Experts finally found the cause of her illness. The level of formaldehyde gas in her kitchen was twice the largest amount allowed by federal standards for chemical workers. The source of the gas? Her new kitchen cabinet and wall-to-wall carpeting.The Owens suffered the effects of indoor air pollution, which is not given enough attention partly because of the nation's drive to save energy. The problem itself isn't new. It appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones. Back in the days when energy was cheap, home builders didn't worry about unsealed cracks. Because of such leaks, the air in an average home was replaced by fresh outdoor air about once an hour. As a result, the pollutants caused, by most households seldom built up to dangerous levels.Task 4:【答案】A.1) several thousand 2) 700 years ago3) An 36-meter-wide road, An 18-meter-wide one, 9 meters, 10 meters, 40 centimetersB.1) T 2) T 3) T 4) F【原文】For those who want to experience the local customs as well as the history and culture of Beijing, they must visit the hutong and siheyuan (courtyard house).A hutong is an alley or lane typical in the old city of Beijing, where hutongs run into the several thousand. Surrounding the Forbidden City, many of the hutongs were built during the Y uan, Ming and Qing dynasties. In these dynasties the emperors had the city planned and arranged according t, the etiquette systems, with the royal palace—the Forbidden City—standing in the center.The word hutong originally came from the Mongolian language about 700 years ago, and meant "water well", that is, a place where there was a spring or well, fit for people to live.Hutong is in fact the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (courtyard houses) where most Beijing residents used to live. One hutong connects with another, and siheyuans connect with siheyuans, to form a block, and blocks join with blocks to form the whole city.In old China, there was a clear definition for a hutong. A 36-meter-wide road was called a big street. An 18~meter-wide one was called a small street. Only a lane less than 9 meters wide was called a hutong. The shortest hutong is just 10 meters long, and the narrowest hutong is only about 40 centimeters wide. Most of the hutongs in Beijing run from the east to the west or from the north to the south. That has resulted from the need for houses to take in more sunshine.There are many stories and fairy tales about the hutongs. Near the Forbidden City, for example, there is a hutong called "Weaving Girl", which is named after the fairy from the famous Chinese myth who stole out of the Heavenly Palace to come to the earth and fell in love with a shepherd boy. Her enraged father, the Celestial Emperor, seized the girl back and separated the couple with the Milky Way, permitting them to meet only once a year, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, when magpies form a bridge for them to pass over the barrier.In the life of the people in Beijing, the hutong has a very special and important position. It is more than a style of architecture. It is really the "encyclopedia of the history and culture of Beijing".Task 5:【答案】A.170 meters,white stone,the first president of the United States,50 flags,the Independence Day celebration,new security facilities,an elevatorB.1833,1848,1854,1876,1884,1888【原文】The Washington Monument is the tallest structure in the city. It stands almost one-hundred-seventy meters tall. It is named for the first President of the United States, George Washington. Millions of people from around the world visit the white stone structure every year.The monument is a structure called an obelisk. Its four sides end in a point at the top. Fifty American flags surround it. They represent the fifty states. Lights shine on the Washington Monument at night. It can be seen from far away. Fireworks are launched from near the monument on American Independence Day—July fourth—and at other special celebrations.It took many years to build the Washington Monument. One group started raising money for a memorial in 1833. Officials placed the first stone of the monument on July fourth, 1848.Roman Catholic Church leader Pope Pius the Ninth gave a piece of marble from Rome for the monument. But the stone was stolen in 1854. After that, the public almost stopped giving money for the structure. Many people believed it would never be finished.A group called the Know Nothings was suspected of trying to stop the monument from being built. Finally, in 1876, Congress voted to pay for building the Washington Monument. It was finished in 1884 and opened to the public in 1888.The Washington Monument recently re-opened after being closed for more than a year. Officials used that time to make improvements. New security measures also were added. And a new elevator now carries visitors to the observation area on top of the monument. From there, visitors can look out over the capital city.Task 6:【答案】I.A. city councilC. putting its model in a wind tunnelII.A. clear the site,steel balls, mechanical shovels,mechanical grabsB. build the foundation1. a big concrete slab,digging a deep hole,pouring tons and tons of concrete into it2. thick pillars of concrete and steel,boring holes in the ground and filling them withconcrete,driving ready-made piles into the ground with powerful pile-driversC. the frame1. Reinforced concrete2. Huge cranesD. 1. vibrators 2. Ready-made panelsIII. A. telephone companyB. wire up the rooms for electricityC. PlumbersD. Heating engineersE. the elevatorsF. scaffoldG. curtains,carpets,furniture【原文】To build a skyscraper, first a piece of land must be bought. Then the architect designs the skyscraper. The city council must give its permission before it can be built. The architect makes model of his design. This shows what the building will look like when it is finished. If the buyer likes it, the architect draws up plans. These show every detail of the new building. Very tall buildings have to be tested before they are built. The model is pat in a wind tunnel. This shows whether the sky scraper will stand up to high winds.When the tests are finished, work begins on the building site. First, the site is cleared. Big machines called excavators are often used to do this. They have "caterpillar" tracks to stop them from sinking into soft mud. Many different tools can be attached to excavators. A heavy steel ball is swung on the end of a cable to knock down old buildings. Mechanical shovels and "grabs" scoop up loose earth and rubble and drop it into trucks.Skyscrapers are very heavy. They need strong ground to support their weight. They can be built on solid rock, but ordinary soil is much too weak. Strong supports, called foundations, have to be built in the soil.First, the builders bore into the ground. They take soil from different depths. They test the soil to see if it is strong or weak. If the soil is strong, the builders may use a big concrete slab for the foundations. They dig a deep hole with powerful excavators. The excavators have scoops or shovels that remove the soil in great bites. When the hole has been dug, tons and tons of concrete are poured into it for the foundations. If the soil is weak, "piles" are used for the foundations. Piles are thick pillars of concrete and steel. They reach from the surface down to rock or firm soil. Sometimes holes are bored in the ground and then filled with concrete. Sometimes the piles are made on the surface. Then they are driven deep into the ground with powerful hammers, called pile-drivers.When the concrete foundations have set, the frame is made of strong steel girders. Sometimes it is made of reinforced concrete. Steel bars are put in place first and are boxed in. Then concrete is poured around them. The concrete sets and makes a very strong frame.Huge cranes lift the girders or the steel bars into place as the building grows. They carry up wet concrete in big buckets, called skips. The cranes are called tower cranes because they stand on tall steel towers. At the top they have a long arm that swings around in a wide circle to deliver the building materials.When the frame of each level, or storey, is finished, the builders can put in the floors. First they put up a frame of boards around the floor area. Then they pour concrete into it. The vibrator makes the concrete firm and helps to settle it. The walls can be made in the same way. But often they are made of glass or metal. They can be thin because they do not have to bear any weight. The weight of the building is carried by the framework of concrete or steel girders. Walls which do not bear the weight of a building are called "curtain" walls.Ordinary building methods are quite slow. The builders have to wait for the concrete to set in one part before they can move on. It is quicker to use ready-made panels for the walls and floors. The panels are brought to site, lifted into place and then joined together.The skyscraper must also have "services" put in. The telephone company puts in telephones. Electricians wire up the rooms for electricity. Plumbers fit th6 water pipes. Heating engineers put in the heating system. Other engineers put in the elevators. Elevators are important in skyscrapers. In ordinary houses there are not many stairs, but in skyscrapers there are hundreds and hundreds. An-other problem is cleaning the windows. The window cleaners cannot work from ladders on the ground. They have to work from a scaffold that dangles from the roof.The day arrives when the skyscraper is completely finished from top to bottom. The scaffolding is taken away. The builders remove their cranes and concrete mixers and trucks. The movers arrive to move in the furniture. Curtains are hung and carpets are laid. The electricity and heating are turned on. Then, at last, all is ready for the people to move in. Task 7:【答案】A.1) c 2) c 3) a 4) a 5) b 6) bB.1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T【原文】Interviewer: What is a home in your understanding?Rybczynski: A home represents a refuge from the public world. It is a safe place in which people feel that they can let their minds drift off and dream. Imagining a house, building it and then living inside it is something quitewonderful. Every time you enter that house, you're really entering your own mind. This is equally truewhether you are an architect or somebody living in a Mexican slum. An awful lot of what people do withtheir homes can't be explained by simple function; it has as much to do with communicating an idea ofthemselves to others. In some countries, even the smallest shacks are constructed by their owners. Bycontrast, in our society, building a home has become something of a luxury. But some analysts havesuggested that as our working lives become less creative we look for the creative act elsewhere, which mayexplain why people sometimes build several homes in a lifetime.Interviewer: It's also, you say, a source of almost childlike fun.Rybczynski: Architecture is not a particularly well-paying profession, yet there is an enormous interest among young people in the field, in large part because the work is a lot of fun. There is a very lighthearted atmosphere inmost architectural offices. A good part of what architects do is thinking in miniature, and working witharchitectural models is a kind of play. People are always fascinated with these models because they are liketoys. The tiny buildings peopled with pocket-size figures recall the dolls' houses and lead soldiers of ourchildhood. We have all spent hours sprawled on the floor playing with toy blocks and built little houses withconstruction toys. We have all been little architects.Interviewer: How does culture shape what is built?Rybczynski: The search for newness pervades our culture and applies equally to movies, books and buildings. But books are put on shelves and movies in cans. Buildings, however, surround us. It is kind of mad to have everybuilding trying to outdo every other one. But that's very much the situation we have created. Nobody wantsto do the 90 percent of the background buildings that are needed to have one wonderful monument. In part,this reflects the modem movement, dating from the 1920s, which placed importance on originality. Thearchitect was judged by his ability to create new forms or building that solved problems in new ways. Anarchitect who simply repeated somebody else’s solution was passed over as unimaginative. The currentphenomenon also reflects the desire of corporations in a city to have a strong identity. And, finally, there arethe media. The architect who wants to succeed has to demonstrate originality; otherwise people won't writeabout him. But for every architect who skillfully carries out unusual buildings, there are dozens who copythem with less skill. While I don't necessarily admire an architect like Frank Gehry, who has come up withsuch designs as a building shaped like a fish, I certainly acknowledge his craftsmanship. But when peoplecopy his buildings without his craftsmanship and skill, the end product is too many eccentric buildings notdone very well; you end up with a lot of ugliness. When everyone wants to be a star architecturally, the citythat is produced can be a very unsatisfying place.。

[00:00.00]College English Test Band Four<ch>大学英语四级考试[00:02.74]Part ⅡListening Comprehension<ch>第二部分听力理解[00:06.92]Section A<ch> A节[00:08.66]Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. <ch>说明:在本节中,你将听到三篇新闻报道。
[00:13.34]At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. <ch>在每一篇新闻报道的最后,你会听到两个或三个问题。
[00:18.89]Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. <ch>新闻报道和问题将只播放一遍。
[00:22.97]After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). <ch>听到问题后,你需要从A)、B)、C)和D)四个选项中选出最佳答案。
[00:31.42]Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. <ch>然后将相应的答案涂在答题卡1上。
[00:37.96]News Report One<ch>新闻一[00:40.60]Operations at one of Australia's largest gold mines had to be temporarily suspended on Friday after a partial wall collapse at one of the mine's dams.<ch>周五,澳大利亚最大金矿之一的一个大坝发生部分墙体倒塌,不得不暂时停止运营。