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10. Current auditing standards require a written audit program for every audit.
Translation in English/Chinese
1. Auditors use evidence collected about transactions, accounts and disclosures to determine if the financial statement are fairly presented.
2. Decisions regarding sample size, items to be selected and timing are often incorporated into the audit procedures.
5. An insurance policy is an example of:
A) Internal documentsB) External documents
C) Both internal andexternal documentsD) None of above
6. Tick marks can include:
C) DocumentationD) Observation
9) The following are audit evidence decisions except:
A) Who should perform the audit?
B) What sample size to select for a given procedure
C) Auditors directknowledgeD) All of above
4. The following are all types of audit evidence except:
A) PhysicalexaminationB) Organization
C) Analytical proceduresD) Confirmation
A) NumbersB) Initials
C) SymbolsD) All of above
7) Which of the following is an example of a supporting schedule which is support of specific amounts on the client’s financial statement?
A) The CPA charges a client fee toperformthe audit
B)The CPA is a member of the clients Board of Directors
C) A CPA is an honorary director (名誉主任) of a non-profit organization
Chaຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduter7
Multiple choices
1.Evidence is used by which of the following professionals?
A) LawyersB) Auditors
C) ScientistsD) All of above
2. A _______ program is a list of audit procedures for an audit area or an entire audit
Chapter 2and Chapter 4
Multiple choices
1. A CPA firm can be organized as a:
A) Professional CorporationB) General Partnership
C) Limited Liability CompanyD) All of above
3. The main responsibility of partner is to:
A) Perform most of the detailed audit workB) Review the overall audit work
C) Make significant audit decisionsD) Manage the audit
2. In CPA firms, the governance level (治理层或最高管理层) is called partner.
3. The corruption of Enron causes the bankruptcies of KPMG.
Translation in English/Chinese
D) None of the above
7. Which of the following is NOT one of big four?
A) KPMGB) Ernest & YoungC) PwCD) Enron
True or False
1.The basic activity of CPA firm is to provide management consulting services.
2. The main responsibility of staff accountant is to:
A)Perform most of the detailed audit workB) Review the overall audit work
C) Make significant audit decisionsD) Manage the audit
1. Reliability of evidence 2. Appropriateness of evidence 3. Quantity
4. Physical examination 5. Confirmation 6. Inquiries of theclient
7. Recalculation 8. Employees time reports 9.Current files
5. Since the client is paying for the audit, allthedocumentationprepared by the auditor in the engagement is the property of the client.
6. Audit documentation should be detailed and organized.
A) DataB) Control
C) AuditD) Evidence
3.Characteristicsthateffectthe reliability of evidence include:
A) Independence of providerB) Timeliness of evidence
1. Accounting and bookkeeping services 2. Accounting fraud
3. Staffassistant4. Actuarial services 5. Independence 6. Legal liability
A) ReconciliationB) Trial balances
C) ScanningD) A and B only
8) Footing is an example of what type of audit evidence
A) Analytical proceduresB) Recalculation
B) Having anappropriatesystem of quality control
C) Joining professional societies that enforce ethical conduct
D) Maintaining an attitude of independence in its engagements
C) When to perform the procedures
D) Which items toselect from the population
10) Which is thefollowingmeans vouching?
A) Use recorded amounts to support documentation
5. An ethical value that is associated with ethical behavior is
A) CaringB) Respect
C)TrustworthinessD) All of above
6. Which of the following situations would result in a CPA not beingindependentwith regards to an audit client?
3. The source of evidence does not have any effect on the reliability of the evidence.
4. Evidence in the form of confirmations describes the use of one’s sense to assess the client’s activities.
A) ProfessionalB) MinimumC) AmateurD) Maximum
B) Physical examine the amounts of inventory
C) Use documentation tosupportrecorded amounts
D) Redo the procedures based on theinternalcontrol
True or False
4.A CPA firm isreasonablyassured of meeting itsresponsibilityto provide services that conform with professional standards by
A) Adhering to generally accepted auditingstandards
7. Although there are several types of audit evidence, the auditor should pick only one or two types and rely on those exclusively for a particular audit.
8. An auditor should weigh the benefit of aparticulartype of evidenceagainstthe costs ofobtainingthat evidence.
9. Financial statements are the principle record of auditing procedures applied, evidenceobtained and conclusions reached by the auditor in the engagement.
10. Working trial balance
Discussionquestionsand problems
Chapter9and Chapter 10 (internal control)
Multiple choices
1. _________ judgment should be used when setting and applying materiality guidelines.