一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 审计的目的是:A. 发现企业的违法行为B. 确保财务报表的真实性和准确性C. 提供财务咨询服务D. 评估企业的经营绩效参考答案:B2. 以下哪项不是审计的基本原则?A. 独立性B. 小心谨慎C. 保密性D. 公正性参考答案:C3. 审计师的职责包括:A. 准备财务报表B. 评估企业的风险C. 提供税务咨询服务D. 监督企业的日常运营参考答案:B4. 审计程序包括以下哪些步骤?A. 规划、风险评估、测试、报告B. 采集证据、编制报告、建议改进措施C. 预算编制、数据分析、盘点D. 申请审计资格、培训、考试参考答案:A5. 以下哪个不是审计师的职业道德准则?A. 保持独立性B. 保护客户的商业机密C. 公正客观地评估证据D. 遵守法律法规参考答案:B二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简要解释审计的基本原则。
2. 请简要描述审计程序的主要步骤。
审计学原理_广东外语外贸大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.注册会计师是否承担民事侵权赔偿责任的关键是( )。
注册会计师实施的实质性程序包括下列( )。
参考答案:需要告知被审计单位高层管理人员实施不可预见性程序的具体内容12.以下针对财务报表审计与审阅业务的说法中,不恰当的是( )。
审计学练习题1、注册会计师在对W公司进行审计时,发现W公司有一笔赊销给甲公司的业务没有记录,则其主要违反财务报表中应收账款的相关认定是( C )。
A、发生?B、存在?C、完整性?D、计价和分摊?2、下列关于重要性、审计风险和审计证据之间关系的表述中不正确的是( D )。
A、重要性和审计证据之间成反向变动关系?B、重要性与可接受的审计风险之间成正向变动关系?C、审计证据和可接受的审计风险之间成反向变动关系?D、重要性不影响审计证据的数量,即两者没有关系?3、下列关于认定与具体审计目标的说法,错误的是( B )。
A、将出售经营性固定资产所得的收入记录为营业收入,将导致分类错误,违反了分类的认定?B、如果不存在某笔应收账款,却将其列入了应收账款明细账中,违反了完整性的认定?C、将他人寄售商品列入被审计单位的存货中,违反了权利和义务的认定?D、检查存货的主要类别是否已披露,是否将一年内到期的长期负债列为流动负债,即是对列报的分类和可理解性目标的运用?4、对被审计单位一定期间的财务收支及有关经济活动的各个方面及资料都进行审计,这种审计种类称为( B )。
A.财务审计 B.全部审计 C.内部审计 D.专项审计5、对某一特定项目所进行的审计,称为( C )。
A.局部审计 B.财经法纪审计 C.专项审计 D.民间审计6、函询是通过向有关单位发函了解情况取得证据的一种方法,这种方法一般用于( C )。
A.无形资产查证 B.固定资产查证C.往来款项查证 D.流动资产查证7、审计人员亲自到现场盘点实物,证实书面资料与有关财产物资是否相符的方法是( D )。
A.监督盘存 B.观察法 C.调节法 D.直接盘点8、会计师事务所不得为同一家上市公司同时提供年报审计和( C )A.法律服务 B.纳税申报C.代编财务报表 D.IT系统服务9、注册会计师在确定财务报表整体的重要性时通常选定一个基准。
下列各项因素中,在选择基准时不需要考虑的是( B )。
国际双语审计第三章练习题CHAPTER 3Note to Instructors: Unless otherwise indicated in the text of a question, please assume that a question applies to audits of public and private companies. Questions that relate only to public-company matters will be noted by the phrase (Public) beside the question number.Multiple-Choice Questions1. Auditing standards require that the audit report must be titled and that the title must:easy a. include the word “independent.”a b. indicate if the auditor is a CPA.c. indicate if the auditor is a proprietorship, partnership, or incorporated.d. not include any discriminatory language.2. easy To emphasize the fact that the auditor is independent, the addressee of the audit report is usually not:a a. the company’s management.b. the stockholders of the client company.c. the board of directors of the client company.d. either b or c.3. The purpose of the introductory paragraph in the standard unqualified report is:easy a. to identify the entity that was audited.d b. to identify the financial statements that were audited and the dates and time periodscovered by the report.c. to communicate the responsibilities of management in preparing the financial statementsand to clarify the respective roles of management and the auditor.d. all of the above.4. The scope paragraph of the standard unqualified audit report states that the audit is designed to: easy a. discover all errors and/or irregularities.d b. discover material errors and/or irregularities.c. conform to generally accepted accounting principles.d. obtain reasonable assurance whether the statements are free of material misstatement.5. easy Which of the following is not an essential condition for issuing the standard unqualified audit opinion?c a. All statements are included in the financial statements.b. The general standards have been followed in all respects.c. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with regulatory principles.d. Sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been accumulated.6. The audit report date on a standard unqualified report indicates:easy a. the last day of the fiscal period.d b. the date on which the financial statements were filed with the Securities and ExchangeCommission.c. the last date on which users may institute a lawsuit against either client or auditor.d. the last day of the auditor’s responsibility for the review of significant events that occurredsubsequent to the date of the financial statements.7. easy d As a result of management’s refusal to permit the auditor to physically examine inventory, the auditor has not accumulated sufficient appropriate evidence to conclude whether financial statements are stated in accordance with GAAP. The auditor must depart from the unqualified audit report because:a. the financial statements have not been prepared in accordance with GAAP.b. the scope of the audit has been restricted by circumstances beyond either the client’s orauditor’s control.c. the auditor has lost independence.d. the scope of the audit has been restricted.8. An adverse opinion is issued when the auditor believes:easy a. some parts of the financial statements are materially misstated or misleading.d b. the financial statements would be found to be materially misstated if an investigation wereperformed.c. the auditor is not independent.d. the overall financial statements are so materially misstated that they do not present fairlythe financial position or results of operations and cash flows in conformity with GAAP. 9. A disclaimer of opinion may be issued in which of the following instances?easy a. The auditor has doubts related to an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.d b. There are highly material misstatements in the financial statements.c. The auditor’s scope has been restricted due to circumstances beyond the client’s control.d. A disclaimer may be issued for circumstances discussed in a and c.10. Whenever an auditor issues a standard unqualified audit report, the implication is the auditor: easy a. does not know if the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAP.d b. does not believe the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAP.c. believes the financial statements to be presented fairly in accordance with GAAP exceptfor a specific aspect of them.d. believes the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAP.11. easy If a misstatement is immaterial to the financial statements of the entity for the current period, but is expected to have a material effect in future periods, it is appropriate to issue a(n):c a. adverse opinion.b. qualified opinion.c. unqualified opinion.d. disclaimer of opinion.12. (Public) easy Whenever an auditor issues an audit report for a public company, the auditor can choose to issue a report in which of the following forms?c a. A combined report on financial statements and internal control over financial reporting.b. Separate reports on financial statements and internal control over financial reporting.c. Either a or b.d. Neither a nor b.13. easy When determining whether an exception is “highly material,” the extent to which the exception affects different elements of the financial statements must be considered. This concept is called:b a. materiality.b. pervasiveness.c. financial analysis.d. ratio analysis.14. easy When the auditor believes a company’s financial statements are misleading because they were not prepared in conformity with GAAP, the auditor must issue a(n):d a. qualified opinion.b. adverse opinion.c. disclaimer of opinion.d. qualified or an adverse opinion, depending on materiality.15. (Public) easy If an auditor performs an audit of a public company, the scope paragraph should make reference to which standards?c a. Accounting standards.b. Generally accepted auditing standards.c. Standards issued by the PCAOB (U.S.).d. Any of the above standards.16. easy If an auditor performs an audit of a private company, the scope paragraph should make reference to which standards?b a. Accounting standards.b. U.S. generally accepted auditing standards.c. Standards issued by the PCAOB (U.S.).d. Any of the above standards.17. easy The only unqualified opinions which contain modified wording (excluding an explanatory paragraph) relate to:a a. the use of other auditors.b. material uncertainties.c. substantial doubt about continuing as a going concern.d. lack of consistent application of GAAP.18. easy c The second standard of reporting requires the auditor to call attention to circumstances in which accounting principles have not been consistently observed in the current period relative to the preceding period. GAAP requires that changes in accounting principles be to a(n):a. more conservative principle.b. equal or better principle.c. preferable principle.d. principle allowed by the company’s auditing firm.19. easy A CPA may wish to emphasize specific matters regarding the financial statements even though she intends to express an unqualified opinion. Normally, such explanatory information is:c a. included in the scope paragraph.b. included in the opinion paragraph.c. included in a separate paragraph in the report.d. included in the introductory paragraph.20. easy d An auditor who issues a qualified opinion because she was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence should describe the limitations in an explanatory paragraph. The auditor should also refer to the limitation in the:Scope Opinion Notes to theparagraph paragraph financial statementsa. Yes No Yesb. Yes Yes Yesc. No Yes Nod. Yes Yes No21. medium When the auditor evaluates the effect of a change in accounting principle, the materiality of the change should be evaluated based on:b a. the prior years presented.b. the current year effect of the change.c. whatever basis the auditor considers appropriate.d. the effect on total assets.22. medium Conditions requiring a departure from an unqualified audit report include all but which of the following?b a. Management refused to allow the auditor to confirm significant accounts receivable forwhich there were no alternative procedures performed.b. Management decided not to allow the auditor to confirm significant accounts receivable,but the auditor obtained sufficient appropriate evidence by examining subsequent cashreceipts.c. The audit partner’s dependent child received a gift of 100 shares of a client’s stock for herbirthday from a grandparent.d. Management has determined that fixed assets should be reported in the balance sheet attheir replacement values rather than historical costs. The auditors do not concur.23. The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the financial statements are: medium a. the responsibility of the auditor.b b. the responsibility of management.c. the joint responsibility of management and the auditor.d. none of the above.24. medium The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the financial statements and the opinion expressed about those statements are:d a. the responsibility of the auditor.b. the responsibility of management.c. the joint responsibility of management and the auditor.d. none of the above.25. The introductory paragraph of the standard audit report states that the auditor is: medium a. responsible for the financial statements and the opinion on them.c b. responsible for the financial statements.c. responsible for the opinion on the financial statements.d. jointly responsible for the financial statements with management.26. (Public) medium PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2 requires the audit of internal control over financial reporting to be integrated with:a a. the audit of the financial statements.b. the quarterly review of financial information.c. the review of annual financial statements.d. none of the above.27. medium d The audit report indicates that (1) management is responsible for the content of the financial statements and (2) the auditor is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting principles chosen by management. Which paragraph contains those statements?a. Both are in the introductory paragraph.b. Both are in the scope paragraph.c. Both are in the opinion paragraph.d. None of the above are true.28. Which of the following is a false statement about the audit report?medium a. The opinion paragraph is related to the first and fourth reporting standards.c b. The auditor is required to state a conclusion about whether the company followedgenerally accepted accounting principles.c. The opinion paragraph may follow any form deemed appropriate by the auditor.d. The auditor should express an opinion about the financial statements taken as a whole.29. medium b If the balance sheet of a company is dated December 31, 2007, the audit report is dated February 8, 2008, and both are released on February 15, 2008, this indicates that the auditor has searched for subsequent events that occurred up to:a. December 31, 2007.b. February 8, 2008.c. February 15, 2008.d. none of these.30. Both disclaimers and adverse opinions are used:medium a. only when a condition is highly material.a b. whether the condition affecting the financial statements is material or not.c. regardl ess of the auditor’s independence.d. regardless of client’s choice of a non-GAAP accounting method.31. The least severe type of audit report for disclosing departures from GAAP is the: medium a. adverse opinion.c b. disclaimer of opinion.c. qualified opinion.d. report on unaudited financial statements.32. (Public) medium A combined report on financial statements and internal control over financial reporting includes all but which of the following types of paragraphs?b a. Inherent limitations paragraph.b. Description paragraph.c. Opinion paragraph.d. Each of the above paragraphs is included.33. Whenever an auditor issues a qualified opinion, the implication is that the auditor:medium a. does not know if the financial statements are presented fairly.d b. does not believe the financial statements are presented fairly.c. believes the financial statements are presented fairly.d. believes the financial statements are presented fairly “except for” a specific aspect o fthem.34. The necessity to issue a disclaimer of opinion may arise because of:medium a. a severe limitation on the scope of the audit.c b. a lack of independence between the auditor and client.c. either a or b.d. neither a nor b.35. Audit report language may be modified for which of the following conditions?medium a. Lack of consistent application of GAAP.c b. Substantial doubt about continuing as a going concern.c. Reports involving other auditors.d. Emphasis of a matter.36. medium When the auditor determines the financial statements are fairly stated and then determines that he is not independent, the auditor should issue:b a. an adverse opinion.b. a disclaimer of opinion.c. either a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion.d. either a qualified opinion or an unqualified opinion with modified wording.37. If the auditor lacks independence, a disclaimer of opinion must be issued: medium a. if the client requests it.d b. only if it is highly material.c. only if it is material but not highly material.d. in all cases.38. medium Misstatements must be compared with some measurement base before a decision can be made about materiality. A commonly accepted measurement base includes:d a. net income.b. total assets.c. working capital.d. all of the above.39. medium When comparing misstatements with a measurement base, the auditor must consider the pervasiveness of the misstatement. An example of a pervasive misstatement is a(n):a a. understatement of inventory.b. understatement of retained earnings caused by a miscalculation of dividends payable.c. misclassification of notes payable as a long-term liability when it should be current.d. misclassification of salary expense as a selling expense when it should be allocatedequally to both selling and administrative expense.40. medium The dollar amount of some misstatements cannot be accurately measured. For example, if the client were unwilling to disclose an existing lawsuit, the auditor must estimate the likely effect on:b a. net income.b. users of the financial statements.c. the auditor’s exposure to lawsuits.d. management’s future decisions.41. medium Of the two major categories of scope restrictions, those caused by a client and those caused by conditions beyond the control of either a client or auditor, the effect on the auditor’s report is:a a. the same for either.b. more serious for client-imposed restrictions.c. more serious for conditions beyond the control of a client or auditor.d. negligible.42. Whenever there is a scope restriction, the appropriate response is to issue a(n):medium a. disclaimer of opinion.d b. adverse opinion.c. qualified opinion.d. unqualified report, a qualification of scope and opinion, or a disclaimer, depending onmateriality.43. medium Which of the following is least likely to cause uncertainty about the ability of an entity to continue as a going concern?a a. A client’s lawsuit against another company which claims the other company has infringedon its patent.b. Loss of major customers.c. Significant recurring operating losses.d. Working capital deficiencies.44. medium d The client has presented all required financial statements with the exception of the statement of cash flows. The auditor has completed the audit and is satisfied that all other statements are presented fairly. The auditor:a. may issue either an unqualified or a qualified opinion.b. must issue an adverse opinion w ith “except for” in the opinion paragraph.c. may issue an unqualified opinion.d. must issue a qualified opinion with “except for” in the opinion paragraph.45. When a disclaimer is issued because the auditor lacks independence:medium a. no report title is included on the report.d b. a one-paragraph audit report is issued.c. the only reason cited for issuing the disclaimer is the lack of independence.d. all of the above are correct.46. When an auditor issues a qualified report, an adverse report, or a disclaimer, the auditor: medium a. has not performed a satisfactory audit.c b. is not satisfied that the financial statements are presented fairly.c. either a or b.d. none of these.47. medium d When a client has not applied GAAP consistently from the prior year to the current year, the auditor does not concur with the appropriateness of the change, and the change in GAAP has a material effect on the financial statements, the auditor should issue a(n):a. disclaimer.b. adverse opinion.c. unqualified opinion.d. qualified opinion.48. medium Matters for which an auditor may believe an explanatory paragraph should be added to the audit report include all but which of the following?b a. The existence of significant related party transactions.b. Material uncertainties not disclosed in the footnotes.c. Important events occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date.d. Each of the above should result in an explanatory paragraph being added to emphasize thematter.49. medium Which of the following is not a change that affects consistency and, therefore, does not require an explanatory paragraph?c a. Change in accounting principle, such as a change from LIFO to FIFO.b. Change in reporting entity, such as the inclusion of an additional company in combinedfinancial statements.c. Change in an estimate, such as a decrease in the life of an asset for depreciation purposes.d. Correction of errors by changing from non-GAAP to GAAP.50. medium c Items that materially affect the comparability of financial statements generally require disclosure in the footnotes. If the client refuses to properly disclose the item, the auditor may be required to issue:a. the disclaimer.b. an unqualified opinion.c. a qualified opinion.d. an adverse opinion.51. medium Auditors sometimes encounter situations in which the outcome of a matter cannot be reasonably estimated at the time the financial statements are issued. These matters are referred to as:c a. inestimable matters.b. non sequiturs.c. uncertainties.d. in-suspense matters.52. medium b When there is uncertainty about a company’s ability to continue as a going concern, the auditor’s concern is the possibility that the client may no t be able to continue its operations or meet its obligations for a “reasonable period of time.” For this purpose, a reasonable period of time is considered not to exceed:a. six months from the date of the financial statements.b. one year from the date of the financial statements.c. six months from the date of the audit report.d. one year from the date of the audit report.53. medium When the auditor concludes that there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, the appropriate audit report would be:d a. an unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph.b. a disclaimer of opinion.c. neither a nor b.d. either a or b.54. An auditor may not issue a qualified opinion when:medium a. a scope limitation prevents the auditor from completing an important audit procedure.c b. the auditor’s report refers to the work of a specialist.c. the auditor lacks independence with respect to the audited entity.d. an accounting principle at variance with GAAP is used.55. medium When a company’s financial statements contain a departure from GAAP with which the auditor concurs, the departure should be explained in:b a. the scope paragraph.b. an explanatory paragraph that appears before the opinion paragraph.c. the opinion paragraph.d. an explanatory paragraph after the opinion paragraph.56. medium Which of the following representations does an auditor make explicitly and which implicitly when issuing an unqualified opinion?b Conformity Adequacy ofwith GAAP disclosurea. Explicitly Explicitlyb. Explicitly Implicitlyc. Implicitly Explicitlyd. Implicitly Implicitly57. medium c William Gregory, CPA, is the principal auditor for a multi-national corporation. Another CPA has examined and reported on the financial statements of a significant subsidiary of the corporation. Gregory is satisfied with the independence and professional reputation of the other auditor, as well as the quality of the other auditor’s exami nation. With respect to his report on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, Gregory:a. must not refer to the examination of the other auditor.b. must refer to the examination of the other auditor.c. may refer to the examination of the other auditor.d. may refer to the examination of the other auditor, in which case Gregory must include inthe auditor’s report on the consolidated financial statements a qualified opinion with respect to the examination of the other auditor.58. medium d A company has changed its method of inventory valuation from an unacceptable one to one in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The auditor’s report on the financial statements of the year of the change should include:a. no reference to consistency.b. a reference to a prior period adjustment in the opinion paragraph.c. an explanatory paragraph that justifies the change and explains the impact of the changeon reported net income.d. an explanatory paragraph explaining the change.59. (Public) mediuma Sarbanes-Oxley requires auditors of a public company to audit a company’s financial statements and attest to management’s report on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. What type of assurance does the auditor provide in this report?a. Positive assurance on the financial statements and on the effectiveness of internal controlover financial reporting.b. Positive assurance on the financial statements and negative assurance on the effectivenessof internal control over financial reporting.c. Limited assurance on the financial statements and on the effectiveness of internal controlover financial reporting.d. There is no guidance on what level of assurance to provide.60. medium c Whenever the client imposes restrictions on the scope of the audit, the auditor should be concerned that management may be trying to prevent discovery of misstatements. In such cases, the auditor will likely issue a:a. disclaimer of opinion in all cases.b. qualification of both scope and opinion in all cases.c. disclaimer of opinion whenever materiality is in question.d. qualification of both scope and opinion whenever materiality is in question.61. medium CPAs issue several types o f “special audit reports.” Which of the following circumstances would not require the issuance of a special audit report?b a. The client’s financial statements are prepared using the cash basis.b. The client’s financial statements are prepared using t he accrual basis.c. The CPA has been retained to audit only the current assets.d. The CPA has been retained to review the internal control system, not the financialstatements.62. challenging b Three of the paragraphs of the audit report modified for uncertainties are the same as the standard unqualified report. The explanatory paragraph that describes the uncertainty is added as the:a. first paragraph.b. fourth and last paragraph.c. third paragraph with the opinion paragraph last.d. second paragraph with the opinion paragraph last.63. When a qualified or adverse opinion is issued, the qualifying paragraph is inserted: challenging a. between the introductory and scope paragraphs.b b. between the scope and opinion paragraphs.c. after the opinion paragraph, as a fourth paragraph.d. immediately after the address, as the first paragraph.64. For the report containing a disclaimer for lack of independence, the disclaimer is in the: challenging a. third or opinion paragraph.c b. second or scope paragraph.c. first and only paragraph.d. fourth or explanatory paragraph.65. Which of the following is not a primary category of attestation report?challenging a. Compilation report.a b. Review report.c. Audit report.d. Special audit report based on a basis of accounting other than GAAP.66. challenging Most auditors believe that financial statements are “presented fairly” when the statements are in accordance with GAAP, and that it is also necessary to:b a. determine that they are not in violation of FASB statements.b. examine the substance of transactions and balances for possible misinformation.c. review the statements using the accounting principles promulgated by the SEC.d. assure investors that net income reported this year will be exceeded in the future.67. In which of the following situations would the auditor most likely issue an unqualified report? challenging a. The client valued ending inventory by using the replacement cost method.d b. The client valued ending inventory by using the Next-In-First-Out (NIFO) method.c. The client valued ending inventory at selling price rather than historical cost.d. The client valued ending inventory by using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method, butshowed the replacement cost of inventory in the Notes to the Financial Statements.68. Which of the following statements is true?challenging d a. The auditor is required to issue a disclaimer of opinion in the event of a materialuncertainty.b. The auditor is required to issue a disclaimer of opinion in the event of a going concernproblem.c. The auditor is required to issue a disclaimer of opinion for a material uncertainty and for agoing concern problem.d. The auditor has the option, but is not required, to issue a disclaimer of opinion for amaterial uncertainty or for a going concern problem.69. A qualified report can take the form of:challenging a. a qualification of both the scope and the opinion.c b. a qualification of the opinion alone.c. either a or b.d. neither a nor b.70. The use of a qualification of the opinion alone is restricted to those situations in which the: challenging a. scope of the auditor’s examination has been restricted.b b. financial statements have not been prepared in accordance with GAAP.c. auditor is not independent.d. auditor was hired to do a “review” or “compilation.”71. challenging The primary concern(s) in assessing materiality when a client has failed to follow GAAP include(s):d a. the total dollar error in the accounts involved compared with some base.b. the nature of the item.c. the qualitative nature of the item.d. all of the above.72. challenging The most common case in which conditions beyond the client’s and auditor’s control cause a scope restriction is an engagement:a a. agreed upon after the client’s balance sheet date.b. where the client won’t allow the auditor to confirm receivables for fear of offending itscustomers.c. where the au ditor doesn’t have enough staff to satisfactorily audit all of the client’s foreignsubsidiaries.d. where the client is going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy.。
审计学原理练习题-带标准答案审计学练习题1、注册会计师在对W公司进行审计时,发现W公司有一笔赊销给甲公司的业务没有记录,则其主要违反财务报表中应收账款的相关认定是( C )。
A、发生B、存在C、完整性D、计价和分摊2、下列关于重要性、审计风险和审计证据之间关系的表述中不正确的是( D )。
A、重要性和审计证据之间成反向变动关系B、重要性与可接受的审计风险之间成正向变动关系C、审计证据和可接受的审计风险之间成反向变动关系D、重要性不影响审计证据的数量,即两者没有关系3、下列关于认定与具体审计目标的说法,错误的是( B )。
A、将出售经营性固定资产所得的收入记录为营业收入,将导致分类错误,违反了分类的认定B、如果不存在某笔应收账款,却将其列入了应收账款明细账中,违反了完整性的认定C、将他人寄售商品列入被审计单位的存货中,违反了权利和义务的认定D、检查存货的主要类别是否已披露,是否将一年内到期的长期负债列为流动负债,即是对列报的分类和可理解性目标的运用4、对被审计单位一定期间的财务收支及有关经济活动的各个方面及资料都进行审计,这种审计种类称为( B )。
A.财务审计 B.全部审计C.内部审计D.专项审计5、对某一特定项目所进行的审计,称为( C )。
A.局部审计 B.财经法纪审计 C.专项审计 D.民间审计6、函询是通过向有关单位发函了解情况取得证据的一种方法,这种方法一般用于( C )。
A.无形资产查证 B.固定资产查证C.往来款项查证D.流动资产查证7、审计人员亲自到现场盘点实物,证实书面资料与有关财产物资是否相符的方法是( D )。
A.监督盘存 B.观察法 C.调节法 D.直接盘点8、会计师事务所不得为同一家上市公司同时提供年报审计和( C )A.法律服务 B.纳税申报C.代编财务报表D.IT系统服务9、注册会计师在确定财务报表整体的重要性时通常选定一个基准。
下列各项因素中,在选择基准时不需要考虑的是( B )。
A 受托经济责任关系B 生产发展的需要C 会计发展的需要D 管理的现代化2、《中华人民共和国审计法》在全国实施的时间是()。
A 1994年1月1日B 1995年1月1日C 1996年1月1日D 1997年1月1日3、审计的职能不包括()。
A 经济监督B 经济司法C 经济鉴证D 经济评价4、在西方,最具有代表性的国家审计机关是()的国家审计机关。
A 司法系统B 立法系统C 行政系统D 管理系统5、目前世界上最大的民间审计专业团体是()。
A 英国注册会计师协会B 法国注册会计师协会C 中国注册会计师协会D 美国注册会计师协会6、在审计关系中,处于审计主体地位的是()。
A 审计机构B 审计报告的使用者C 审计建议书D 审计准则的制定机构7、我国社会主义审计的作用包括()性和促进性。
A 制裁B 制度C 制约D 体制三、多项选择题1、从事某项审计活动时必须依据的法律包括()。
A 宪法B 会计法C 审计法D 注册会计师法2、只有由()三方面关系人构成的关系,才是审计关系。
A 审计人B 被审计人C 审计委托人D 当事人3、审计的独立性主要表现为()。
A 机构独立B 人员独立C 工作独立D 思想独立E 经济独立4、审计与会计的区别主要表现在()。
A 产生的基础不同B 方法不同C 工作程序不同D 职能不同5、审计的基本职能有()。
A 经济监督B 经济司法C 经济建设D 经济评价E 经济鉴证四、判断题1、审计是一种直接的经济监督活动。
A.账项基础审计 B.风险导向审计C.制度基础审计 D.财务报表审计2.注册会计师审计的依照是()。
CHAPTER 4Multiple-Choice Questions1. Society has attached a special meaning to the term “professional.” A professional is:easy a. someone who has passed a qualifying exam to enter the job market.b b. a person who is expected to conduct himself or herself at a higher level than therequirements of society’s laws or regulations.c. any person who receives pay for the services performed.d. someone who has both an education in the trade and on-the-job experience received underan experienced supervisor.2. The underlying reason for a code of professional conduct for any profession is:easy a. the need for public confidence in the quality of service of the profession.a b. that it provides a safeguard to keep unscrupulous people out.c. that it is required by federal legislation.d. that it allows licensing agencies to have a yardstick to measure deficient behavior.3. A challenge associated with the Ethical Principles stated in the Code of Professional Conduct is: easy a. the emphasis on positive activities.c b. that they identify ideal conduct.c. the difficulty of enforcing principles, or general ideals.d. that there are too many to remember.4. For which of the following professional services must CPAs be independent?easy a. Management advisory services.b b. Audits of financial statements.c. Preparation of tax returns.d. All three of the above.5. “Independence” in auditing means:easy a. remaining aloof from a client.c b. not being financially dependent on a client.c. taking an unbiased and objective viewpoint.d. being an advocate for a client.6. When CPAs are able to maintain their actual independence, it is referred to as independence in: easy a. conduct.c b. appearance.c. fact.d. total.7. Which of the following statements is not true? The CPA firm will lose its independence if:easy d a. any of the partners in the office providing audit services to the client acquires stock inthat client.b. a manager who provides 15 hours of non-audit services to the client acquires stock in thatclient.c. anyone working on the audit should acquire stock in that client.d. all of the above are true.8. easy Interpretations of Rule 101 prohibit covered members from owning any stock or other direct investment in audit clients. Covered members include all but which of the following?a a. All partners in an office that has no responsibility for the engagement.b. The firm and its employee benefit plans.c. Individuals on the attest engagement.d. All of the above describe covered members.9. easy c In some situations, the interpretations of the Rules of Conduct permit former partners to have relationships with a client of the firm without affecting the firm’s independence. Which of the following situations would not cause a loss of independence?a. The former partner invests in a current client of the firm and receives retirement benefitsfrom the CPA firm, which are dependent upon the firm’s financial performance.b. Th e former partner uses the CPA firm’s office space and has significant influence over aclient.c. The former partner severs relations with the firm and accepts employment with the firm’sclient after having been retired for 18 months.d. The former partner is held out as an associate of the firm and takes part in the firm’sbusiness activities.10. easy The financial interests of which of the following parties would not be included as a “direct financial interest” of the CPA?d a. Spouse.b. Dependent child.c. Relative supported by the CPA.d. Financial interests of each of these individuals would be considered as “direct financialinterests.”11. Interpretations of the rules regarding independence allow an auditor to serve as:easy a. a director or officer of an audit client.d b. an underwriter for the sale of a client’s securities.c. a trustee of a client’s pension fund.d. an honorary director for a not-for-profit charitable or religious organization.12. easy b When the question arises whether a CPA firm may do both bookkeeping and auditing services for the same public company client, the Interpretations of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct:a. encourage it.b. prohibit it.c. allow it.d. allow each firm to determine the answer on a case-by-case basis.13. The CPA must not subordinate his or her professional judgment to that of others in any: easy a. engagement.a b. audit engagement.c. engagement excluding tax services.d. engagement excluding management advisory services.14. Which of the following would be a violation of the r ule requiring “objectivity” by the CPA?easy c a. The auditor accepts management’s opinion regarding the collection of accounts receivablewithout an independent evaluation.b. In preparing a client’s tax return, the CPA encourages a client to take a deduction whichthe CPA believes is risky, but unlikely to be found during an IRS audit.c. Either a or b would be a violation of the rule.d. Neither a nor b would be a violation of the rule.15. easy d Several months after an unqualified audit report was issued, the auditor discovers the financial statements were materially misstated. The client’s CEO agrees that there are misstatements, but refuses to correct them. She claims that “confidentiality” prevents the CPA from informing anyone.a. The CEO is correct and the auditor must maintain confidentiality.b. The CEO is incorrect, but because the audit report has been issued it is too late.c. The CEO is correct, but to be ethically correct the auditor should violate the confidentialityrule and disclose the error.d. The CEO is incorrect, and the auditor has an obligation to issue a revised audit report, evenif the CEO will not correct the financial statements.16. easy A member in public practice may not perform for a contingent fee any professional services for a client for whom the member or member’s firm performs:c a. an audit.b. a review.c. either an audit or review.d. any professional service regardless of the specific nature of the service.17. Which of the following activities is allowed for a CPA firm’s attestation clients?easy a. Contingent fees based on savings due to implementation of an information system.a b. Commissions for referring a review client to an insurance agency for insurance coverage.c. Preparation of tax returns for which fees are based upon client refunds.d. Each of the above is allowed.18. easy A member in public practice shall neither receive from, nor pay to, a client a commission when the member or member’s firm also performs for that client:d a. an audit or review.b. a compilation that will be used by a third party.c. an audit of prospective financial information.d. any of the above.19. easy If the board of accountancy in the state in which a CPA firm is licensed has rules that are different than the AICPA’s rules, the CPA firm must follow:b a. whichever rules are less restrictive.b. whichever rules are more restrictive.c. the rules of the AICPA.d. the rules of the state’s board of accountancy.20. easy Elise, CPA, owns a public accounting firm and wishes to establish a separate partnership to offer data processing services to the public and other public accountants.b a. Elise cannot be a partner in any separate partnership that offers data processing services.b. Elise may form a separate partnership.c. Elise may form a separate partnership as long as partners are CPAs.d. Elise may form a separate partnership, but must give up the public accounting practice.21. (SOX) medium The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires which partners of an accounting firm to rotate off the engagement every five years?c a. Lead partner on the engagement.b. Partner responsible for concurring review.c. Both a and b.d. Either a or b, but not both.22. medium The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct states that a CPA should maintain integrity and objectivity. The term “objectivity” in the Code refers to a CPA’s ability to:d a. choose independently between alternate accounting principles and auditing standards.b. distinguish between accounting practices that are acceptable and those that are not.c. be unyielding in all matters dealing with auditing procedures.d. maintain an impartial attitude on matters that come under the CPA’s review.23. medium Which of the following is required for a firm to designate itself “Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants” on its letterhead?b a. At least one of the partners must be a member of the AICPA.b. All partners must be members of the AICPA.c. The partners whose names appear in the firm name must be members of the AICPA.d. A majority of the partners must be members of the AICPA.24. CPAs are prohibited from which of the following forms of advertising?medium a. Self-laudatory advertising.d b. Celebrity endorsement advertising.c. Use of trade names, such as “Awesome Auditors.”d. Use of phrases, such as “Guaranteed largest tax refunds in town!”25. medium d Anna Greer, a CPA in public practice, contacts Blake Sawyers, an employee of Jackson & Jackson, LLP, and makes him an offer of employment without first notifying Jackson & Jackson, LLP. According to the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, Anna’s behavior:a. is a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct.b. is a violation only if Greer and Sawyers are CPAs.c. is a violation only if Jackson & Jackson LLP is a CPA firm.d. is not a violation.26. medium b CPAs may provide bookkeeping services to their non-public audit clients, but there are a number of conditions that must be met if the auditor is to maintain independence. Which of the following conditions is not necessary?a. The CPA must not assume a management role or function.b. The client must hire an external CPA to approve all of the journal entries prepared by theauditor.c. The auditor must comply with GAAS when auditing work prepared by his/her firm.d. The client must accept responsibility for the financial statements.27. Which of the following statements is not true with respect to audit committees?medium a. Individuals not on a firm’s board of directors should comprise the audit committee.d b. The audit committee generally helps in resolving conflicts between the auditors andcompany management.c. All companies listed on the NYSE are required to have an audit committee.d. Audit committees are required for all companies.28. To emphasize auditor independence from management, many corporations:medium a. appoint a partner of the firm conducting the audit to the corporation’s audit committee.c b. establish a policy of discouraging social contact between employees of the corporation andthe staff of the independent auditor.c. have the independent auditor report to an audit committee of outside members of the boardof directors.d. request that a representative of the independent auditor be on hand at the annualstockholders’ meeting.29. medium Which of the following statements is true when the CPA has been engaged to do an attestation engagement?b a. The CPA firm is engaged and paid by the client; therefore, the firm has primaryresponsibility to be an advocate for the client.b. The CPA firm is engaged and paid by the client, but the primary beneficiaries of the auditare those who rely on the financial statements.c. Should a situation arise where there is no convincing authoritative standard available, andthere is a choice of actions which could impact a client’s financial statements, the CPA isfree to endorse the choice which is in the investors’ interests.d. None of the above is true.30. medium In a code of conduct, the advantage of general statements of ideal conduct, as opposed to specific rules of behavior, is the:a a. emphasis on positive attributes and related behaviors.b. ability to enforce the ideals.c. enforceability of minimum behavior and performance standards.d. tendency to define the rules as maximum rather than minimum standards.31. medium Which of the following is not one of the four parts of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct?d a. Principles.b. Rules of Conduct.c. Interpretations.d. Definitions.32. medium One of the AICPA’s Ethical Principle s deals with the public interest. It states that members should accept the obligation to act in a way that will:d a. serve the public interest.b. honor the public trust.c. demonstrate commitment to professionalism.d. do all of the above.33. According to the Principles section of the Code of Professional Conduct, all members: medium a. should be independent in fact and in appearance at all times.c b. in public practice should be independent in fact and in appearance at all times.c. in public practice should be independent in fact and in appearance when providing auditingand other attestations services.d. in public practice should be independent in fact and in appearance when providingauditing, tax, and MAS services.34. Of the various parts of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, the:medium a. Principles are enforceable.d b. Ethical Rulings are enforceable.c. Interpretations are enforceable.d. Rules of Conduct are enforceable.35. medium Which of the following statements best describes the enforceability of the Interpretations of the Rules of Conduct?d a. The Interpretations are not enforceable.b. The Interpretations are enforceable.c. The Interpretations may be enforceable if they have been reviewed and approved by theAICPA’s Division of Professional Ethics.d. The Interpretations are not enforceable, but a practitioner must justify departure fromthem.36. Of the four parts of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct, which part is enforceable? medium a. Ethical Rulings.b b. Rules of Conduct.c. Principles.d. Interpretations.37. Ethical Rulings are:medium a. issued by the AICPA’s Board of Governors.b b. explanations relating to specific factual circumstances.c. explanations relating to broad hypothetical circumstances.d. enforceable.38. The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct requires independence for all:medium a. attestation engagements.a b. services performed by accountants in public practice.c. accounting and auditing services performed.d. professional work performed by CPAs.39. medium Rules of Conduct contained in the Code of Professional Conduct apply to all AICPA members for all services provided, whether or not the member is in the practice of public accounting:d a. in all circumstances.b. for non-attestation services.c. except for the single exception of a tax practice.d. unless it is specifically stated otherwise in the Code.40. medium A member firm of the AICPA is not only responsible for its compliance with the Rules of Conduct, but also responsible for compliance by:d a. employees.b. partners.c. shareholders.d. all of the above.41. medium d Although it is possible to take the extreme position that anything affecting either independence in fact or in appearance must be eliminated to ensure a high level of respect in the community, the difficulty with this position is that it is likely to restrict significantly:a. the services offered to clients.b. the freedom of CPAs to practice in the traditional manner.c. the ability of CPA firms to hire competent staff.d. all three of the above.42. medium An example of an “indirect ownership interest in a client” would be ownership of a client’s stock by a member’s:c a. dependent child.b. spouse.c. non-dependent grandfather.d. All of the above are examples of indirect ownership.43. medium When determining whether independence is impaired because of an ownership interest in a client company, materiality will affect whether ownership is a violation of Rule 101:c a. in all circumstances.b. only for direct ownership.c. only for indirect ownership.d. under no circumstances.44. medium Interpretations of Rule 101 regarding a “direct financial interest” have presumed that a violation exists in which of the following circumstances, unless other circumstances offset such a presumption?a a. When close relatives such as nondependent children, brothers, and sisters have asignificant financial interest in the client.b. When close relatives such as nondependent children, brothers, and sisters have anyfinancial interest in the client.c. When the CPA owns shares in a mutual fund that has an ownership interest in the client.d. When close relatives such as brother, sister, or in-laws are employed by client.45. Which of the following circumstances would ordinarily not impair the auditor’s independence? medium a. Litigation by a client against an audit firm related to tax services.a b. Litigation by a client against an audit firm claiming a deficiency in the previous audit.c. Litigation by an audit firm against a client claiming management fraud or deceit.d. Intent to start a lawsuit at some future date, after the current audit is completed, claiming adeficiency in the previous audit.46. medium Interpretations to the Rules of Conduct permit a CPA firm to do both bookkeeping and auditing for the same client if three criteria are met. Which of the following is not one of those criteria?b a. The client must accept full responsibility for the financial statements.b. The client is required to file an annual report, including audited financial statements, withthe Securities and Exchange Commission.c. The CPA must not assume the role of employee or of manager.d. The CPA must follow applicable auditing standards.47. medium Which of the following services is not prohibited by the SEC whenever a CPA also audits the company?d a. Internal audit outsourcing.b. Legal services unrelated to the audit.c. Appraisal or valuation services.d. Services related to assessing the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.48. medium Which of the following services is not prohibited by the SEC whenever a CPA also audits the company?b a. Actuarial services.b. Assisting the company in preparing certain SEC registration statements (e.g., 10-Q, 10-K) .c. Investment banker services.d. Bookkeeping services.49. The members of a client’s “audit committee” should be:medium a. members of management.b b. directors who are not a part of company management.c. non-directors and non-managers.d. directors and managers.50. medium An increasing number of companies require stockholders to approve the selection of a new CPA firm or the continuation of the existing CPA firm because:a a. stockholders are presumably more objective than management.b. the SEC requires it.c. the AICPA requires it.d. the stockholders are in a better position to evaluate the performance of previous orpotential auditors.51. medium d Rule 301 of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct requires CPAs to maintain the confidentiality of client information. This rule would be violated if a CPA disclosed information without a client’s consent as a result of a:a. subpoena or summons.b. peer review.c. complaint filed with the trial board of the Institute.d. request by a client’s largest stockholder.52. Which one of the following statements is false?medium a a. The auditor’s responsibility to follow PCAOB standards is greater than the responsibilityfor confidentiality.b. Information that a CPA obtains from a client is generally not privileged.c. When a CPA firm conducts an AICPA-authorized peer review of the quality controls ofanother CPA firm, permission of the client is not needed to examine audit documentation.d. A CPA firm which observes substandard audit documentation of another firm can initiate acomplaint of substandard performance with the AICPA Ethics Division trial board notwithstanding the confidentiality rule.53. A CPA is allowed to accept a referral fee for recommending a client to another CPA if: medium a. the client approves of the transaction either before or after the event.c b. the client pre-approves the transaction.c. payment of the referral fee is disclosed to the client.d. All of the above are true.54. Rule 505 of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct permits CPA firms to organize as: medium a. proprietorships or partnerships only.c b. proprietorships, partnerships, or professional corporations.c. proprietorships, general partnerships, general corporations, professional corporations,limited liability companies, and limited liability partnerships if permitted by state law.d. single proprietorships, partnerships, professional corporations if permitted by state law, orregular corporations.55. medium According to the profession’s ethical standards, an auditor would be considered inde pendent in which of the following instances?a a. The auditor’s checking account, which is fully insured by a federal agency, is held at aclient financial institution.b. The auditor is also an attorney who advises the client as its general counsel.c. An employee of the auditor serves as treasurer of a charitable organization that is a client.d. The client owes the auditor fees for two consecutive annual audits.56. medium If a nonpublic company asks an accountant to perform a review engagement, and the accountant has an immaterial direct financial interest in the company, the accountant is:b a. independent because the financial interest is immaterial and, therefore, may issue a reviewreport.b. not independent and, therefore, may not issue a review report.c. not independent and, therefore, may not be associated with the financial statements.d. not independent and, therefore, may issue a review report, but may not issue an auditor’sopinion.57. (SOX) medium The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires a cooling off period of how long before a member of an audit team can work for a client in a key management position?b a. Eighteen months.b. Twelve months.c. Thirty six months.d. It is not specified; rather it is left to the auditor’s discretion.58. medium In determining independence with respect to any audit engagement, the ultimate decision as to whether or not the auditor is independent must be made by the:a a. auditor.b. client.c. audit committee.d. public.59. A CPA firm should decline an offer to perform management advisory services engagement if: medium a. the proposed engagement is not accounting-related.c b. recommendations made by the CPA firm are to be subject to review by the client.c. acceptance would require the CPA firm to make management decisions for an audit client.d. any of the above is true.60. medium In which of the following circumstances would a CPA be bound by ethics to refrain from disclosing any confidential information about a client?b a. The CPA is issued a summons enforceable by a court order which orders the CPA topresent confidential information.b. A major stockholder of a client company seeks accounting information from the CPA aftermanagement declined to disclose the requested information.c. Confidential client information is made available as part of a quality review of the CPA’spractice by a peer review team authorized by the AICPA.d. An inquiry by a disciplinary body of a state CPA society requests confidential clientinformation.61. challenging b Companies are required to disclose in their proxy statement or annual filings with the SEC the total amount of audit and non-audit fees paid to the audit firm for the two most recent years. Which of the following is not one of the categories of fees that must be disclosed?a. “T ax fees”b. “C onsulting fees”c. “Audit-related fees”d. “A ll other fees”62. challenging a Four of the six Ethical Principles in the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct are equally applicable to all members of the AICPA. Which of the following principles applies only to members in public practice?a. Scope and Nature of Services.b. Integrity.c. Due Care.d. The Public Interest.63. Interpretations of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct are dominated by the concept of: challenging a. independence.a b. compliance with standards.c. accounting.d. acts discreditable to the profession.64. challenging An audit committee, consisting of members of the client’s board of directors who are not a part of company management, is required for all companies:c a. that have audits performed by AICPA member firms.b. that must file 10-K reports with the SEC.c. listed on the New York Stock Exchange.d. in all circumstances.65. challenging The Code of Professional Conduct is established by the membership of the AICPA, and the Interpretations of the Rules of Conduct are prepared by the:d a. Financial Accounting Standards Board.b. Securities and Exchange Commission.c. CPA licensing agencies within each state.d. Division of Professional Ethics of the AICPA.66. challenging Generally, loans between a CPA firm or its members and an audit client are prohibited because they create a financial relationship. Which of the following is not an exception to this rule?d a. Automobile loans.b. Loans fully collateralized by cash deposits at the same financial institution.c. Home mortgages.d. Unpaid credit card balances not exceeding $15,000.67. challenging c Generally, loans between a CPA firm or its members and an audit client are prohibited because it is a financial relationship. Which of the following, made under normal lending procedures, is not an exception to this rule?a. Immaterial loans.b. Home mortgages.c. Material loans.d. Secured loans.68. Rule 101 indicates that materiality is a consideration for: challenging a. evaluating direct investments made by the CPA.b b. evaluating indirect ownership investments.c. either a or b.d. neither a nor b.69. (SOX) challenging b In the first year of SOX implementation, many auditors did not advise their clients regarding accounting or internal control related matters. Which of the following statements best describes why this occurred?a. The auditors were prohibited from providing such guidance to their clients by SECregulations.b. Corporate executives were concerned that if auditors provided advice the auditors wouldlose their independence.c. Both a and b are correct answers.d. Neither a nor b is correct.70. It is not a violation of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct for a CPA to:challenging a a. charge fees as an expert witness determined by the amount awarded to the plaintiff, eventhough the CPA also performs a compilation for client use .b. base consulting fees on a percentage of a bond issue, even though the CPA performs areview of the client’s financial statements.c. base fees for a tax service on the amount of the refund that the client will receive.d. base consulting fees on a percentage of a bond issue, even though CPA performs an auditof the client’s financial statements.。
《审计学原理》综合练习题 1
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《审计学原理》综合练习题 1《审计学原理》练习题第一章总论一、单项选择题:1、审计监督本质的特征是。
A、1976B、1982C、1983D、1994 8、历史上最早的民间审计起源于。
A、美国B、中国 C、法国D、英国10、现代内部审计从方法上有了改变,从审查范围上有了拓展,大约是从。
)A、十八世纪六十年代B、十九世纪末C、二十世纪四十年代D、二十世纪七十年代 11、审计的基本职能是。
A、鉴证性作用B、制约性作用C、建设性作用D、公证性作用 14、促进社会审计快速发展的直接原因是。
CCAA《审计基础》考试题与解答英文版CCAA Audit Fundamentals Exam Questions and Answers1. What is the purpose of an audit?- The purpose of an audit is to provide an independent assessment of an entity's financial statements to ensure they are free from material misstatement.2. What are the key components of an audit process?- The key components of an audit process include planning, risk assessment, internal control evaluation, substantive procedures, and reporting.3. Explain the difference between internal and external auditors.- Internal auditors are employees of the company and focus on evaluating internal controls and operational efficiency, while external auditors are independent professionals who provide an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements.4. What is the significance of materiality in auditing?- Materiality is the concept that information is material if omitting or misstating it could influence the economic decisions of users. Auditors use materiality to determine the scope of their audit procedures.5. Describe the audit risk model.- The audit risk model is a framework used by auditors to assess the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements. It consists of inherent risk, control risk, and detection risk.6. What is the purpose of audit sampling?- Audit sampling is used by auditors to select a representative sample of transactions for testing, rather than examining every transaction. This helps auditors draw conclusions about the entire population.7. Explain the concept of independence in auditing.- Independence in auditing refers to the auditor's ability to maintain an unbiased and objective mindset when conducting an audit. It isessential for auditors to be independent to ensure the integrity of the audit process.8. What are the different types of audit opinions?- The different types of audit opinions include unqualified (clean), qualified, adverse, and disclaimer of opinion. Each opinion communicates the auditor's assessment of the financial statements.9. Discuss the importance of communication in the audit process.- Effective communication is crucial in the audit process to ensure that all relevant parties are informed of the audit findings and recommendations. Clear communication helps build trust and transparency.10. How do auditors evaluate internal controls?- Auditors evaluate internal controls by assessing the design and implementation of controls to prevent and detect material misstatements in the financial statements. They may test controls to ensure they are operating effectively.These are some of the key topics covered in the CCAA Audit Fundamentals exam. It is important to have a solid understanding of these concepts to succeed in the exam.。
A秦朝 B汉朝 C宋朝 D唐朝2.审计产生和发展的客观依据是()A加强财政经济监督 B打击经济犯罪C维系受托经济责任关系 D巩固阶级统治地位3. 在关于审计计划的下列说法中,你认为不正确的是()。
A. 审计计划是对审计工作的一种预告规划B. 执业过程中可随时根据情况对审计计划作必要的修订、补充C. 注册会计师在整个审计过程中,应按照审计计划执行审计业务D. 在完成外勤工作之后,不应再对审计计划进行修改。
A内部审计 B合规性审计C绩效审计 D财务报表审计5. 下列()是审计人员可以通过设定审计程序而改变的。
A. 审计风险和固有风险B. 固有风险和控制风险C. 检查风险和审计风险D. 控制风险和检查风险6. 采用货币单位抽样法时,项目的金额大小与被选作样本的概率呈()关系。
A. 同向变动B. 反向变动C. 同比例变动D. 反比例变动7.内部会计制度是()的必然产物。
A现代审计 B制度基础审计C内部审计 D管理现代化8.()不属于内部控制的目的。
A 确保会计数据的准确和可靠性性B及时发现或有效防止管理当局舞弊C鼓励坚持管理当局既定的方针D保护各项财产的安全9.适宜采用审计抽样技术的情况是()A总体中项目个个都很重要B被审计项目具有较高的审计风险C采用抽样的技术高于其他技术成本的风险D总量是由大量小单位构成的10.在控制测试时,注册会计师如认为抽样结果无法达到预期可信赖程度,则应当()A增将样本或执行替代审计程序B增将样本或执行追加审计程序C增将样本,扩大测试范围D增将样本或修改实质性测试程序三、简答题1.简述审计受托责任关系的特征。
2.审计的具体目标如何划分?具体内容是什么?3. 如何分析评价固有风险?四、案例分析1.注册会计师在对ABC公司进行审计时,发现公司的内部控制制度存在严重缺陷,是分析注册会计师能否依据下列证据:(1)销货发票副本;(2)实物证据;(3)被审计单位管理当局声明书;(4)分析性复核。
审计学:一种整合方法 阿伦斯 英文版 第12版 课后答案 Chapter 18 Solutions Manual
![审计学:一种整合方法 阿伦斯 英文版 第12版 课后答案 Chapter 18 Solutions Manual](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a8a63a607e21af45b307a8ec.png)
Chapter 18Audit of the Payroll andPersonnel CycleReview Questions18-1 General ledger accounts that are likely to be affected by the payroll and personnel cycle in most audits include the following:Cash Direct laborInventory Salary expenseConstruction in progress Commission expenseWages payable Payroll tax expensePayroll taxes withheldAccrued payroll taxes18-2In companies where payroll is a significant portion of inventory, as in manufacturing and construction companies, the improper account classification of payroll can significantly affect asset valuation for accounts such as work in process, finished goods, and construction in process. For example, if the salaries of administrative personnel are incorrectly charged to indirect manufacturing overhead, the overhead charged to inventory on the balance sheet can be overstated. Similarly, if the indirect labor cost of individual employees is charged to specific jobs or processes, the valuation of inventory is affected if labor is improperly classified. When some jobs are billed on a cost plus basis, revenue and the valuation of inventory are both affected by improperly classifying labor to jobs.18-3Five tests of controls that can be performed for the payroll and personnel cycle are:1. Examine time card for indication of approval to ensure that payrollpayments are properly authorized. The purpose of this test is todetermine that recorded payroll payments are for work actuallyperformed by existing employees (occurrence).2. Account for a sequence of payroll checks to ensure existing payrollpayments are recorded. The purpose of this test is to determinethat existing payroll transactions are recorded (completeness).3. Examine time cards to ensure that recorded payroll payments arefor work actually performed by existing employees. The purpose ofthis test is the same as in item 1 above.4. Compare postings to the chart of accounts to ensure that payrolltransactions are properly classified. (Classification)5. Observe when recording takes place to ensure that payrolltransactions are recorded on a timely basis. (Timing)18-4The percentage of total audit time in the cycle devoted to performing tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions is usually far greater in the payroll and personnel cycle than for the sales and collection cycle because there is relatively little independent third party evidence, such as confirmation, to verify the related payroll accounts. In contrast, the accounts related to the sales and collection cycle can usually be verified for the most part by confirmations from customers. In addition, in the sales and collection cycle, verification of the realizability of receivables and sales cutoff tests are important and time- consuming tasks.18-5The auditor should be concerned with whether the human resources department is following the proper hiring and termination procedures. An obvious reason for this would be to ensure that there are adequate safeguards against hiring and retaining incompetent and untrustworthy people. The ramifications of hiring such people can range from simple inefficiency and waste to outright fraud or theft. More importantly, though, it is necessary for the auditor to assure himself or herself that the client is hiring and terminating according to operations standards and procedures. It is necessary to see if the internal controls are working as planned before they can be effectively evaluated. To say that the auditor doesn't care who is hired and who is fired is to suggest that he or she doesn't care if the internal controls work according to any standards. Failure to follow proper termination procedures could lead to fraudulent payments for work not performed.18-6To trace a random sample of prenumbered time cards to the related payroll checks in the payroll register and compare the hours worked to the hours paid is to test if those employees who worked are being paid for their time actually worked. Employees are likely to inform management if they are not paid, or underpaid. To trace a random sample of payroll checks from the payroll register and compare the hours worked to the hours paid is to test if the recorded payroll payments are for work actually performed by existing employees. This test, in effect, attempts to discover nonexistent employees or duplicate payments, if there are any. For this reason, the second procedure is typically more important to the audit of payroll.18-7In auditing payroll withholding and payroll tax expense, the emphasis should normally be on evaluating the adequacy of the payroll tax return preparation procedures rather than the payroll tax liability, because a major reason for misstatements in the liability account is incorrect preparation of the returns in the past. If the preparation procedures are inadequate, and the amounts do not appear reasonable, then the auditor should expand his or her work and recompute the withholding and expense amounts to determine that the proper amount has been accrued. In addition, the auditor should consider the amount of penalties which may be assessed for inadequate withholdings and include these amounts in the accrual if they are significant.18-8Several analytical procedures for the payroll and personnel cycle and misstatements that might be indicated by significant fluctuations are as follows:18-9An auditor should perform audit tests primarily designed to uncover fraud in the payroll and personnel cycle when he or she has determined that internal controls are deficient (or the opportunity exists for management to override the internal controls) or when there are other reasons to suspect fraud. Audit procedures that are primarily for the detection of fraud in the payroll and personnel cycle include:1. Examine cancelled payroll checks for employee name, authorizedsignature, and proper endorsement (especially for secondendorsements) to discover checks going to nonexistent employees.The endorsement should be compared to signatures on W-4 forms.2. Trace selected transactions recorded in the payroll journal or listingto the human resources department files to determine whether theemployees were actually employed during the period.3. Select several terminated employees from payroll records todetermine whether each former employee received his or hertermination pay in accordance with company policy and todetermine that the employee's pay was discontinued on the date oftermination.4. Examine the subsequent payroll periods of terminated employeesto ascertain that the employees are no longer being paid.5. Request a surprise payroll payoff to observe if any unclaimedchecks result, which will necessitate extensive investigation.18-10 The Payroll Master File is maintained for each employee indicating the gross pay for each payment period, deductions from the gross pay, the net pay, the check number, and the date. The purpose of this record is to provide detailed information for federal and state income tax purposes, and to serve as the final record of what each employee was actually paid.The W-2 Form is issued to each employee at the end of each calendar year and indicates his or her gross pay, income taxes withheld, and FICA withheld for the year. In serving as a summary of the employee's earnings record, the W-2 form conveniently provides information necessary for the employee to fill out his or her income tax returns.A Payroll Tax Return is the form required by and submitted to the local, state and federal governments for the payment of withheld taxes and the employer's portion of FICA taxes and state and federal unemployment compensation taxes.18-11 Where the primary objective is to detect fraud, the auditor will examine the following supporting documents and records:1. Cancelled payroll checks for employee name, authorized signatureand proper endorsement, watching specifically for unusual orrecurring second endorsements.2. Payroll journal or listing, tracing transactions to the personnel filesto determine whether the employees were actually employed duringthe payroll period.3. Payroll journal or listing and individual payroll records, selectingterminated employees to determine whether each terminatedemployee received his or her termination pay in accordance withcompany policy and whether each employee was paid in thesubsequent payroll period.4. Payroll checks, observing each employee as he or she picks upand signs for his or her check.5. Time cards, testing them for reasonableness or observing whetherthey are being punched by the proper employees.18-12 Types of authorizations in the payroll and personnel cycle are:1. Deduction authorization, without which the wrong amount (or nodeduction) may be deducted from the employee's paycheck.2. Rate authorizations, without which the employee may be gettingpaid at the wrong rate.3. Time card authorization, without which the employee may begetting paid for the wrong quantity of hours worked.4. Payroll check authorization, without which unauthorized funds maybe paid out.5. Commission rate authorization, without which the salespeoplemight be improperly compensated for their sales efforts.6. Authorization to hire a new employee, without which nonexistent orunqualified personnel may be added to the payroll.18-13 It is common to verify total officers' compensation even when the tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions results in payroll are excellent because the salaries and bonuses of officers must be included in the SEC's 10-K Report and the federal income tax return and because management may be in a position to pay themselves more than the authorized amount, since the controls over the officers' payroll are typically weaker and therefore easier to override than those of the normal payroll.The usual audit procedure used to verify the officers' compensation is to obtain the authorized salary of each officer from the minutes of the board of directors and compare it to the related earnings record.18-14 An imprest payroll account is a separate payroll bank account in which a constant balance, either zero or small, is maintained. When a payroll is paid, the exact amount of the net payroll is transferred by check or electronic funds transfer from the general account to the imprest account. The purpose and advantage of an imprest payroll account is that it limits the company's exposure to payroll fraud by limiting the amount that may be misappropriated.18-15 Several audit procedures the auditor can use to determine whether recorded payroll transactions are recorded at the proper amounts are:1. Recompute hours worked from time cards.2. Compare pay rates with union contract, approval by the board ofdirectors, or other source.3. Recompute gross pay.4. Check withholdings by reference to tax tables and authorizationforms in personnel files.5. Recompute net pay.6. Compare cancelled check with payroll journal or listing for amount.18-16 Attributes sampling can be used in the payroll and personnel cycle in performing tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions with the following objectives:1. Time card hours agree with payroll computations.2. Overtime hours are approved.3. Foreman approves all time cards.4. Hourly rates agree with personnel files and union contracts.18-16 (continued)5. Gross pay calculation is verified.6. Exemptions taken agree with W-4.7. Income tax, other deductions, and net pay calculations are verified.8. Authorizations are available for voluntary withholdings andmiscellaneous deductions.9. Paycheck endorsement is same as signature on W-4 form.The frequency of control deviations or monetary errors must be estimated prior to performing the tests. This estimate together with the acceptable risk of assessing control risk too low (ARACR) and the tolerable exception rate will enable the auditor to determine the sample size required. Once the tests are performed on the sample, evaluation of the results will indicate whether the exception rate is lower than, equal to, or higher than that anticipated. The auditor must then use this judgment to decide the appropriate action to take.Multiple Choice Questions From CPA Examinations18-17 a. (2) b. (1) c. (3)18-18 a. (1) b. (4) c. (4) d. (4)Discussion Questions and Problems18-1918-2118-23 A flowchart of steps for each type of test is given below (requirements a, b, and c):18-24 a. Brendin's approach to determining why this year's payroll tax expense was so high suffers from two serious deficiencies: First, itlacks relevance, and second, it is too narrowly focused. Theapproach lacks relevance in that he is testing payroll withholdingwhich is not the same as payroll tax expense. Some payroll taxesare related to withholding such as FICA, but income tax withhelddoes not give rise to an expense, and certain payroll taxes, such asunemployment compensation, are not withheld. The approach istoo narrowly focused in that the analytical test results could haveresulted from a misstatement of the payroll itself; Brendin does notappear to be considering this possibility.b. A more suitable approach for determining whether payroll tax wasproperly stated in the current year would be to evaluate thereasonableness of the total payroll, reconcile the payroll to amountsshown on payroll tax reports, and check computations as shown onthose reports for reasonableness.18-25 The following audit procedures should be used to verify the payroll related accounts:1. Accrued payroll:a. Review the company's policy for computing the accrual andwhether it is consistent with the prior year.b. Assess whether 60 percent is a reasonable approximation ofthe portion of the subsequent payroll application to thecurrent year.c. Test the subsequent payroll for cutoff and accuracy.d. Determine that the computation of the accrual is correct.2. Withheld payroll taxes:a. Compare the balance in the liability account with the payrolljournal or listing.b. Reconcile the amount to subsequent payroll tax reports andcash disbursed.c. Review in light of the subsequent period's payroll.3. Accrued payroll taxes:a. Trace FICA withheld from payroll journal or listing to payrolltax reports.b. Review amounts on payroll tax reports for reasonableness.c. Reconcile accruals to payroll tax reports.d. Examine subsequent cash disbursed.18-26 a. The purpose of a surprise payroll payoff is to determine whether or not nonexistent personnel are included in the payroll.b. Procedures other than a surprise payroll payoff that can be used todiscover nonexistent employees are:1. Examine cancelled payroll checks for employee name, authorizedsignature, and proper endorsement that agrees with theemployee's signed W-4 form.18-26(continued)2. Select several terminated employees from payroll records todetermine whether each former employee received his or hertermination pay in accordance with company policy and was notpaid in subsequent payrolls.c. When the payroll payoff is taking place, the client should observethese control procedures:1. All employees must prove identity.2. Unclaimed paychecks must be further investigated.Unclaimed paychecks might be accounted for by employeeswho are sick or on vacation. After all present employeeshave received their checks, the remaining paychecks shouldbe traced to the personnel files to determine if theseemployees were ever employed by the client. Thereafter, ifpractical, the remaining checks should be held until theemployees can be present with proper identification to claimthe check.d. See c.2 above.18-2718-27 (continued)18-28 a. An audit program to verify sales commission expense is as follows:1. Select a sample of office copies of sales invoices.a. Check commissions rate to commissions rate file.b. Check computation of sales commissions.c. Examine invoices for internal verification by accountsreceivable clerk.d. Trace sales commission amounts to salescommission ledger.2. Foot the sales commission ledger for one or more months,and trace the total to the general ledger.3. Compare totals for periods in the sales commission ledger toperiod balances of sales commission expense.b. An audit program to verify accrued sales commissions is:1. Compare the accrual with that of the previous year.Investigate any significant change.2. Compare the amount of commissions paid to the salesmenon the fifteenth of the month following year-end to the totalaccrued commissions at year-end. Obtain a reconciliationand explanation for any reconciling items.3. Send confirmations to salesmen for the larger amounts ofaccrued commissions and a sample of the smaller amounts.Case18-29 a. Conventional forms and documents in a payroll system include the following:Personnel recordsDeduction authorization formsRate authorization formsTime cards and job time ticketsPayroll checksPayroll journal or listing and labor distributionEarnings recordW-2 formPayroll tax returnsIn using the computer service center, it appears that there is no loss in documentation in substance; however, the earningsrecord is not printed out each pay period, thus, the current versionis usually in machine readable form. (This assumes thatauthorization forms exist although they are not discussed in thecase.) The fact that the earnings record is in magnetic form is not aproblem, as long as the service bureau has adequate backup andrecovery controls.The above analysis reflects the fact that Leggert's internal controls in the payroll area are generally good. There is goodsegregation of duties between the President and Clark, assumingboth are trustworthy, honest people. Procedures, forms, records,and reports are comprehensive and well-designed.The only potential deficiency in internal control is that errors in details could be made by the service bureau and not necessarilybe caught. It is difficult to imagine that these would be material.18-29 (continued)b.c. Procedures in performance format:1. Make observations of the following activities by Mary Clark:a) Control, collection and processing of time cards.b) Rechecking of hours on time cards.c) Processing and approval of payroll journal or listing.d) Posting of general ledger.2. Make observations of the following activities by the President:a) Maintenance of personnel files.b) Distribution of paychecks.c) Processing and approval of payroll journal or listing.d) Posting of general ledger.3. Make observations of the following general matters andactivities:a) Use of time clock by employees.b) Existence and use of adequate chart of accounts.4. Select a sample of payroll check numbers and:a) Account for existence and recording of paychecks.b) Examine paychecks for President's signature.c) Examine checks for proper endorsement.d) Compare cancelled checks with personnel records. 18-29 (continued)e) Compare date on check with date recorded in payrolljournal or listing and on the time card.5. Select a sample of payroll entries from the payroll journal orlisting and perform the following steps:a) Obtain time cards, examine for President's approval,and trace hours to payroll journal or listing.b) Examine personnel files and authorization for ratesand deductions.c) Recompute gross pay, deductions, and net pay.d) Compare account classification with chart of accountsor procedures manual.6. Select a sample of payroll journals and perform the followingsteps:a) Examine payroll journal for approval by Clark.b) Trace postings to general ledger.d. A sampling data sheet follows. Note that this sampling data sheetwas prepared using attributes sampling. The only differencebetween this approach and a nonstatistical approach is thedetermination of sample size. Under nonstatistical sampling,students’ sample sizes will vary.Internet Problem Solution: Outsourcing the Payroll Function18-1 You have just landed a new client for your firm - a new hotel constructed in Atlanta, Georgia. Although construction of the hotel is complete, the company has not completed hiring all the necessary employees. The company's president has approached you with several questions related to the company's payroll. Please answer the following questions posed by the president about outsourcing the payroll function. (Hint: Visit [/] to find some of your answers. You may need to do other research on the Internet to answer these questions.)1. “I'm considering outsourcing our payroll function. What are some ofthe issues that I should think about before deciding to outsource?”Answer: Student responses will vary. However, the followingissues are among those that the president should consider:Typical outsourcing agreements are long-term. A long-termcontract with the outsourcing provider may prove inflexibleif future business needs necessitate a change.∙Outsourcing results in a loss of control over the company’s data. The president may be concerned about sharing ofdata with competitors.∙The president should also consider the adequacy of the service provider’s system. Does the provider utilize themost current technology? Can the provider manage asignificant increase in volume of transactions? Will theprovider continue to offer excellent service?∙Can the service provider deliver all of the necessary salaries and wages reports and analyses that the companymay want or need?∙Costs are typically lower when outsourcing major IS functions. The company will be able to avoid investmentsin certain hardware and software as well as in personnel ifthe payroll function is outsourced.2. “If I decide to outsource the payroll function, what payroll servicecompanies would you suggest I consider?”Answer: There are a variety of payroll service companies including ADP [/] and Ceridian [/].18-1 (continued)3. “I have several vacant positions at my new hotel. I'm concernedthat my beginning salaries might be too low. Could you find outwhat nationwide median salaries are for the vacant positions? Thevacant positions are: restaurant manager, catering sales manager,security director, and the front office manager. Make certain thatyou let me know what salaries are in our region of the country. Imay have not considered that properly when I advertised thepositions.”Answer: Median salary information can be found on’s web site. The “HCE Compensation” link[/careerresources/lodgprop.asp]will direct students to the appropriate location. There they will haveto select the appropriate category which, in this case, is a “lodgingproperty.” Students should then scroll down the salaries informationuntil they find data for the South Atlantic Region. The mediansalaries are: restaurant manager - $37,151.62; catering salesmanager - $38,472.10; security director - $52,810.67; and frontoffice manager - $37,947.73. You might wish to point out to thestudents the difficulty in interpreting such data as that presented onthis site. Specifically, median salaries data are presented for anumber of categories such as size of facility, geographic region,and location. The inquisitive student should inquire about thesedifferences and so a liberal view may be appropriately appliedwhen grading this component of the problem.(Note: Internet problems address current issues using Internet sources. Because Internet sites are subject to change, Internet problems and solutions are subject to change. Current information on Internet problems is available at /arens).。
美国大学审计学Auditing and Assurance Services习题解
![美国大学审计学Auditing and Assurance Services习题解](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c6590e5c312b3169a451a497.png)
13-5 A test of control audit procedure to test that approved wage rates are used to calculate employees' earnings would be to examine rate authorization forms to determine the existence of authorized signatures. A substantive test of transactions audit procedure would be to compare a sample of rates actually paid, as indicated in the earnings record, to authorized pay rates on rate authorization forms. 13-6 The auditor resolves the problem by making assumptions about the results of the tests of controls and performing both the tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions on the basis of these assumptions. Ordinarily the auditor assumes an effective system of internal control with few or no exceptions planned. If the results of the tests of controls are as good as or better than the assumptions that were originally made, the auditor can be satisfied with the substantive tests of transactions, unless the substantive tests of transactions themselves indicate the existence of misstatements. If the tests of contro ls results were not as good as the auditor assumed in designing the original tests, expanded substantive tests must be performed.
A. 财政部制定的会计准则B. 中国注册会计师协会制定的审计准则C. 审计署制定的国家审计准则D. 中国注册会计师协会制定的国家审计准则3.按照审计的主体不同,审计可以分为()。
C、公正性 D、客观性
2、审计独立性的内容主要体现在以下几个方面( ABCD )。
A、组织上的独立性 B、审计人员的独立性
C、审计工作的独立性 D、经费上的独立性
C、投资人 D、所有会计报表使用人
17、世界上首次提出审计假设理论的学者及其著作是 ( A)。
C、弗林特/审计理论导读 Байду номын сангаас
A、国家审计 B、内部审计
C、社会审计 D、外部审计
6、按照审计目的和内容的不同,审计可分为( AB )。
A、财政财务审计 B、经济效益审计
C、外部审计 D、内部审计
A、宋代 B、西周
C、唐代 D、民国
5、我国国家审计产生于西周时代,其主要标志是( A )一职的出现。
A、宰夫 B、上计
C、比部 D、御史
C、司法型 D、其他型
2、在领导关系上,审计署直接接受( A )的领导并对负责。
A、国务院总理 B、国务院副总理
C、全国人大常委会 D、国家主席
3、我国最高审计机关中华人民共和国审计署成立于( D )。
3、西方社会审计的发展经历的阶段包括( ABD )。
Chapter 2 and Chapter 4Multiple choices1. A CPA firm can be organized as a:A) Professional Corporation B) General PartnershipC) Limited Liability Company D) All of above2. The main responsibility of staff accountant is to:A) Perform most of the detailed audit work B) Review the overall audit workC) Make significant audit decisions D) Manage the audit3. The main responsibility of partner is to:A) Perform most of the detailed audit work B) Review the overall audit workC) Make significant audit decisions D) Manage the audit4. A CPA firm is reasonably assured of meeting its responsibility to provide services that conform with professional standards byA) Adhering to generally accepted auditing standardsB) Having an appropriate system of quality controlC) Joining professional societies that enforce ethical conductD) Maintaining an attitude of independence in its engagements5. An ethical value that is associated with ethical behavior isA) Caring B) RespectC) Trustworthiness D) All of above6. Which of the following situations would result in a CPA not being independent with regards to an audit client?A) The CPA charges a client fee to perform the auditB) The CPA is a member of the clients Board of DirectorsC) A CPA is an honorary director (名誉主任) of a non-profit organizationD) None of the above7. Which of the following is NOT one of big four?A) KPMG B) Ernest & Young C) PwC D) EnronTrue or False1. The basic activity of CPA firm is to provide management consulting services.2. In CPA firms, the governance level (治理层或最高管理层) is called partner.3. The corruption of Enron causes the bankruptcies of KPMG.Translation in English/Chinese1. 会计师事务所2. 税务服务3. 合伙人4. 高级审计5. 四大6. 行为守则7. 资产评估1. Accounting and bookkeeping services2. Accounting fraud3. Staff assistant4. Actuarial services5. Independence6. Legal liabilityChapter 7Multiple choices1. Evidence is used by which of the following professionals?A) Lawyers B) AuditorsC) Scientists D) All of above2. A _______ program is a list of audit procedures for an audit area or an entire auditA) Data B) ControlC) Audit D) Evidence3. Characteristics that effect the reliability of evidence include:A) Independence of provider B) Timeliness of evidenceC) Auditors direct knowledge D) All of above4. The following are all types of audit evidence except:A) Physical examination B) OrganizationC) Analytical procedures D) Confirmation5. An insurance policy is an example of:A) Internal documents B) External documentsC) Both internal and external documents D) None of above6. Tick marks can include:A) Numbers B) InitialsC) Symbols D) All of above7) Which of the following is an example of a supporting schedule which is support of specific amounts on the client’s financial statement?A) Reconciliation B) Trial balancesC) Scanning D) A and B only8) Footing is an example of what type of audit evidenceA) Analytical procedures B) RecalculationC) Documentation D) Observation9) The following are audit evidence decisions except:A) Who should perform the audit?B) What sample size to select for a given procedureC) When to perform the proceduresD) Which items to select from the population10) Which is the following means vouching?A) Use recorded amounts to support documentationB) Physical examine the amounts of inventoryC) Use documentation to support recorded amountsD) Redo the procedures based on the internal controlTrue or False1. Auditors use evidence collected about transactions, accounts and disclosures to determine if the financial statement are fairly presented.2. Decisions regarding sample size, items to be selected and timing are often incorporated into the audit procedures.3. The source of evidence does not have any effect on the reliability of the evidence.4. Evidence in the form of confirmations describes the use of one’s sense to assess the client’s activities.5. Since the client is paying for the audit, all the documentation prepared by the auditor in the engagement is the property of the client.6. Audit documentation should be detailed and organized.7. Although there are several types of audit evidence, the auditor should pick only one or two types and rely on those exclusively for a particular audit.8. An auditor should weigh the benefit of a particular type of evidence against the costs of obtaining that evidence.9. Financial statements are the principle record of auditing procedures applied, evidence obtained and conclusions reached by the auditor in the engagement.10. Current auditing standards require a written audit program for every audit. Translation in English/Chinese1. 审计证据说服力2. 内部控制3. 证据充分(足)性4. 分析程序5. 重新执行6. 观察7. 审计工作底稿8. 永久性审计档案9. 明细附表10. 重分类分录1. Reliability of evidence2. Appropriateness of evidence3. Quantity4. Physical examination5. Confirmation6. Inquiries of the client7. Recalculation 8. Employees time reports 9. Current files10. Working trial balanceDiscussion questions and problems书本P169页7-31书本P169页7-33Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 (internal control)Multiple choices1. _________ judgment should be used when setting and applying materiality guidelines.A) Professional B) Minimum C) Amateur D) Maximum2. The risk that the portion of the population selected for review does not accurately represent the population, is what type of risk?A) Detection B) Audit C) Sampling D) Inherent3. As inherent risk increase, planned detection riskA) Decrease B) Stays the same C) Become negative D) Increase4. If inherent risk=100%, control risk=100%, Acceptable audit risk=5%, how is the planned detection risk?A) 5% B) 10% C) 20% D) 100%5. Factors affecting inherent risks include:A) Non routine transaction B) Internal controlC) Initial audit D) A and C only6. Bases are need for evaluating materiality except:A) Net sales B) Gross profit C) Total assets D) Fixed assets7. The following qualitative factors will affect materiality except:A) Amount involving fraud B) The profession of auditorsC) Contractual obligations D) The trends in earnings8. Acceptable audit risk has ______ relationship with detection risk, and has ______ relationship with audit evidence.A) Negative, negative B) Negative, positiveC) Positive, positive D) Positive, negative9. Which of the following account the auditor should allocate the maximum amount of preliminary judgment of materiality?A) Retained earnings B) InventoryC) Property, plant and equipment D) Cash10. The following are control activities except:A) Physical control over assets and recordsB) Inquiries of client about internal control requirementC) Adequate separation of dutiesD) Independent checks on performanceTrue or False1. Materiality is measured from the view point of an unreasonable person.2. Other facts such as fraud and contractual obligations can affect an auditor’s preliminary judgment about materiality.3. An account that is allocated $50,000 of the preliminary judgment about materiality would be considered fairly stated if the misstatements in the accounts were greater than $50,000.4. Items that affect detection risk only include inherent risk and control risk.5. Control risk is the risk that there is material misstatement in a segment before considering the internal control of the segment.6. The last step in applying materiality is to set preliminary judgment about materiality.7. Materiality is an absolute concept rather than a relative concept.8. The relationship between planned detection risk and audit evidence is positive.9. The sum of all tolerable misstatements can exceed preliminary judgment but cannot exceed twice.10. The relationship between sample size and sample error is negative.Translation in English/Chinese1. 重要性2. 衡量基础3. 已知错报4. 初步重要性水平5. 可容忍错报6. 可接受审计风险7. 非法挪用8. 关联方9. 职责分离10. 普通授权1. Planned detection risk 2. Combined misstatement 3. Inherent risk4. Likely misstatement5. Audit risk model6. Specific authorization7. Consecutively prenumbered 8. Independent checks9. Revised judgment about materiality 10. Control riskDiscussion questions and problems1. You are applying the materiality for current assets in the audit of Filter Gambling Co. The total five steps are shown as follows:Step 1: Set preliminary judgment about materiality.If assume that preliminary judgment about materiality = $ 100,000.Step 2: Allocate preliminary judgment about materiality to segment.Account Tolerable misstatementCash $ 10,000A/R $ 40,000Inventory $ 50,000PreliminaryJudgment of $ 100,000MaterialityStep 3: Estimate total misstatement in segment.If assume sample error is 50% of likely misstatement. Please fill up the blanks in the following table.Account 已知错报预计错报抽样误差总错报Cash 8,000 n/a n/a ?A/R n/a 30,000 ? ?Inventory n/a 40,000 ? ?Step 4: Estimate the combined misstatementIf assume the combined misstatement is $102,000Step 5: Compare combined misstatement with preliminary judgment of materiality. Required:1) Fill up the blanks of the table in Step 3.2) Make a comparison of step 5: determine whether the combined misstatement is material or not based on Step1 to Step 4.2. Please finish the following two calculations:1) If the misstatement in the sample is $5,000, total sample size is $50,000, total population value is $ 600,000. Please calculate the projection estimate of misstatement (总体估计错报).2) If the inherent risk is 80%, control risk is 100%, acceptable audit risk is 4%, please calculate the planned detection risk.。
国际双语审计第三章练习题__________________________________________________CHAPTER 3Note to Instructors: Unless otherwise indicated in the text of a question, please assume that a question applies to audits of public and private companies. Questions that relate only to public-company matters will be noted by the phrase (Public) beside the question number.Multiple-Choice Questions1.Auditing standards require that the auditreport must be titled and that the titlemust:easy a. include the word “independent.”a b. indicate if the auditor is a CPA.c. indicate if the auditor is aproprietorship, partnership, orincorporated.d. not include any discriminatory language.2. easy To emphasize the fact that the auditor is independent, the addressee of the audit report is usually not:a a. the company’s management.b. the stockholders of the client company.c. the board of directors of the clientcompany.d. either b or c.__________________________________________________3.The purpose of the introductory paragraphin the standard unqualified report is:easy a. to identify the entity that was audited.d b. to identify the financial statementsthat were audited and the dates and timeperiods covered by the report.c. to communicate the responsibilities ofmanagement in preparing the financialstatements and to clarify the respectiveroles of management and the auditor.d. all of the above.4.The scope paragraph of the standardunqualified audit report states that theaudit is designed to:easy a. discover all errors and/or irregularities.d b. discover material errors and/orirregularities.c. conform to generally accepted accountingprinciples.d. obtain reasonable assurance whether thestatements are free of materialmisstatement.5. easy Which of the following is not an essential condition for issuing the standard unqualified audit opinion?__________________________________________________c a. All statements are included in thefinancial statements.b. The general standards have been followedin all respects.c. The financial statements are prepared inaccordance with regulatory principles.d. Sufficient appropriate audit evidencehas been accumulated.6.The audit report date on a standardunqualified report indicates:easy a. the last day of the fiscal period.d b. the date on which the financialstatements were filed with theSecurities and Exchange Commission.c. the last date on which users mayinstitute a lawsuit against eitherclient or auditor.d. the last day of the auditor’sresponsibility for the review ofsignificant events that occurred subsequent to the date of the financial statements.__________________________________________________7. easy d As a re sult of management’s refusal to permit the auditor to physically examine inventory, the auditor has not accumulated sufficient appropriate evidence to conclude whether financial statements are stated in accordance with GAAP. The auditor must depart from the unqualified audit report because:a. the financial statements have not beenprepared in accordance with GAAP.b. the scope of the audit has beenrestricted by circumstances beyond either the client’s or auditor’s control.c. the auditor has lost independence.d. the scope of the audit has been restricted.8.An adverse opinion is issued when theauditor believes:easy a. some parts of the financial statements are materially misstated or misleading.d b. the financial statements would be foundto be materially misstated if aninvestigation were performed.c. the auditor is not independent.d. the overall financial statements are somaterially misstated that they do notpresent fairly the financial position orresults of operations and cash flows inconformity with GAAP.9. A disclaimer of opinion may be issued inwhich of the following instances?easy a. The auditor has doubts related to an entity’s ability to continue as a goingconcern.d b. There are highly material misstatementsin the financial statements.c. The auditor’s scope has been restricteddue to circumstances beyond theclient’s control.d. A disclaimer may be issued forcircumstances discussed in a and c.10.Whenever an auditor issues a standardunqualified audit report, the implicationis the auditor:easy a. does not know if the financial statements are presented fairly inaccordance with GAAP.d b. does not believe the financialstatements are presented fairly inaccordance with GAAP.c. believes the financial statements to bepresented fairly in accordance with GAAP except for a specific aspect of them.d. believes the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAP.11. easy If a misstatement is immaterial to the financial statements of the entity for the current period, but is expected to have a material effect in future periods, it is appropriate to issue a(n):c a. adverse opinion.b. qualified opinion.c. unqualified opinion.d. disclaimer of opinion.12. (Public )easy Whenever an auditor issues an audit report for a public company, the auditor can choose to issue a report in which of the following forms?c a. A combined report on financialstatements and internal control overfinancial reporting.b. Separate reports on financial statementsand internal control over financialreporting.c. Either a or b.d. Neither a nor b.13.When determining whether an exception iseasy“highly material,”the extent to which the exception affects different elementsof the financial statements must beconsidered. This concept is called:b a. materiality.b. pervasiveness.c. financial analysis.d. ratio analysis.。
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Multiple choices
1. A CPA firm can be organized as a:
A) Professional CorporationB) General Partnership
C) Limited Liability CompanyD) All of above
5. An insurance policy is an example of:
A) Internal documentsB) External documents
C) Both internal andexternal documentsD) None of above
6. Tick marks can include:
2. The main responsibility of staff accountant is to:
A)Perform most of the detailed audit workB) Review the overall audit work
C) Make significant audit decisionsD) Manage the audit
5. Since the client is paying for the audit, allthedocumentationprepared by the auditor in the engagement is the property of the client.
6. Audit documentation should be detailed and organized.
3. The source of evidence does not have any effect on the reliability of the evidence.
4. Evidence in the form of confirmations describes the use of one’s sense to assess the client’s activities.
1. Accounting and bookkeeping services 2. Accounting fraud
3. Staffassistant4. Actuarial services 5. Independence 6. Legal liability
B) Having anappropriatesystem of quality control
C) Joining professional societies that enforce ethical conduct
D) Maintaining an attitude of independence in its engagements
5. An ethical value that is associated with ethical behavior is
A) CaringB) Respect
C)TrustworthinessD) All of above
6. Which of the following situations would result in a CPA not beingindependentwith regards to an audit client?
A) ReconciliationB) Trial balances
C) ScanningD) A and B only
8) Footing is an example of what type of audit evidence
A) Analytical proceduresB) Recalculation
10. Current auditing standards require a written audit program for every audit.
Translation in English/Chinese
B) Physical examine the amounts of inventory
C) Use documentation tosupportrecorded amounts
D) Redo the procedures based on theinternalcontrol
True or False
7. Although there are several types of audit evidence, the auditor should pick only one or two types and rely on those exclusively for a particular audit.
A) ProfessionalB) MinimumC) AmateurD) Maximum
C) When to perform the procedures
D) Which items toselect from the population
10) Which is thefollowingmeans vouching?
A) Use recorded amounts to support documentation
Multiple choices
1.Evidence is used by which of the following professionals?
A) LawyersB) Auditors
C) ScientistsD) All of above
2. A _______ program is a list of audit procedures for an audit area or an entire audit
A) NumbersB) Initials
C) SymbolsD) All of above
7) Which of the following is an example of a supporting schedule which is support of specific amounts on the client’s financial statement?
A) The CPA charges a client fee toperformthe audit
B)The CPA is a member of the clients Board of Directors
C) A CPA is an honorary director (名誉主任) of a non-profit organization
8. An auditor should weigh the benefit of aparticulartype of evidenceagainstthe costs ofobtainingthat evidence.
9. Financial statements are the principle record of auditing procedures applied, evidenceobtained and conclusions reached by the auditor in the engagement.
C) Auditors directknowledgeD) All of above
4. The following are all types of audit evidence except:
A) PhysicalexaminationB) Organization
C) Analytical proceduresD) Confirmation
3. The main responsibility of partner is to:
A) Perform most of the detailed audit workB) Review the overall audit work
C) Make significant audit decisionsD) Manage the audit
1. Auditors use evidence collected about transactions, accounts and disclosures to determine if the financial statement are fairly presented.
2. Decisions regarding sample size, items to be selected and timing are often incorporated into the ing trial balance
Discussionquestionsand problems
Chapter9and Chapter 10 (internal control)
Multiple choices
1. _________ judgment should be used when setting and applying materiality guidelines.
2. In CPA firms, the governance level (治理层或最高管理层) is called partner.
3. The corruption of Enron causes the bankruptcies of KPMG.