2015_01_21 In State of the Union Speech, a Focus on the Middle Class 奥巴马国情咨文演讲

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In State of the Union Speech, a Focus on the Middle Class




WASHINGTON —President Obama claimed credit on Tuesday for an improving economy and defiantly told his Republican adversaries in Congress to “turn the page” by supporting an expensive domestic agenda aimed at improving the fortunes of the middle class.


Released from the political constraints of a sagging economy, overseas wars and elections, Mr. Obama declared in his sixth State of the Union address that “the shadow of crisis has passed,” and vowed to use his final two years in office fighting for programs that have taken a back seat. He called on Congress to make community college free for most students, enhance tax credits for education and child care and impose new taxes and fees on high-income earners and large financial institutions.


“We have risen from recession freer to w rite our own future than any other nation on Earth,” Mr. Obama said in an address seen by an estimated 30 million people. “Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well? Or will we commit ourselves to an economy that generates risi ng incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort?”


The president used the prime-time speech to call on Congress to pass new legislation authorizing the fight against the Islamic State. The president said approval of a resolution granting him that power — something he has argued he does not need to carry out the five-month-old campaign —would send an important signal. “Tonight, I call on this Congress to show the world that we are united in this mission,'’ Mr. Obama said.

总统在黄金时段发表的这次演讲,呼吁美国国会通过一项授权打击伊斯兰国(Islamic State)的新立法。他表示,批准一项授予他权力的决议——他曾说,开展这次已经持续了五个月的活动并不需要授权——将发出一个重要的信号。“今晚,我呼吁本届国会,向世界展示,我们在这项任务上团结一致,”奥巴马说。

“This effort will ta ke time,” he said of the five-month battle to defeat the Islamic State, the

Sunni militant group that is also known as ISIS or ISIL. “It will require focus. But we will succeed.”


He also urged lawmakers to lift the trade embargo on Cuba as he moves to normalize relations with the Communist island nation.


When he entered the chamber, a smiling Mr. Obama shook hands with members of Congress as he worked his way past six members of the Supreme Court and most of his cabinet. He received several standing ovations in the first few minutes, with members of both parties leaping to their feet as he saluted the “courage and sacrifice of every man a nd woman in this 9/11 generation who has served to keep us safe.”


Yet he was facing a skeptical Congress hours after vowing to veto Republican legislation that would restrict abortion and speed the approval of natural gas pipelines, the latest in a series of veto threats that reflect his eagerness to confront conservative ideology despite his party’s major losses in the congressional elections in the fall. He promised on Tuesday night that any attempt to roll back the health care law, stand in the way of Wall Street regulations or delay his executive actions on immigration would meet with the same fate.


The president sought to cement an economic legacy that seemed improbable early in his first term, when the country was nearly in economic collapse. The speech seemed designed in part to live beyond his presidency by helping to starkly define the differences between Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

