如何利用 WebSphere 开始我的SOA(面向服务架构)之旅
• • • • • • 1.WebSphere介绍 1.WebSphere介绍 2.WebSphere安装 2.WebSphere安装 3.WebSphere数据源 3.WebSphere数据源 4.WebSphere应用服务器 4.WebSphere应用服务器 5. WAS管理配置 WAS管理配置 6. WAS管理演试 WAS管理演试
WebSphere数据源 WebSphere数据源
3.在WebSphere应用服务器中配置数据源 在 应用服务器中配置数据源
首先要确认所用的数据库是支持JDBC2.0的,并确保我们的操作系统环境设置为 支持 JDBC 2.0。这是使用 WebSphere应用服务器创建的数据源所必需的。这一 点在使用UDB DB2 7.2的时候尤其要注意。 要确定使用哪个数据源:数据源V4.0还是 V5.0 数据源。 数据源V4.0是使用 WebSphere 旧连接管理器体系结构的 phere 4.x 中的数 据源,所有的 EJB1.x 模块都必须使用此数据源。 WebSphere应用服务器5.x提供 对 V4.0 的 JDBC 连接管理器模型的支持,使得 J2EE 1.2 应用程序能够不经改变 地运行。WAS 5.x 也支持J2EE 1.3的应用, J2EE 1.3 应用程序内的 EJB 2.0 模块, WEB 2.3模块需要使用 V5.0的JDBC 连接管理器。 创建 JDBC 提供程序。JDBC提供程序指的是JDBC驱动程序的类型及其相应的驱 动程序实现JAVA包。 创建数据源。数据源是在提供特定 JDBC 驱动程序实现类的 JDBC 提供程序下创 建的。 绑定资源引用。J2EE 1.3标准推荐使用数据源的引用而不是直接使用数据源的名 称。 测试连接。WebSphere应用服务器5.0.x及5.1提供了数据源配置页面上提供了测试 数据源连接的测试按钮。
Java™ Message Service (JMS) 对J2EE™ 平台上的可靠消息传递进行了标准化。
最近发布的IBM® WebSphere® Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 产品提供了一些重要的功能,这些功能位于任何基于面向服务的体系结构(SOA) 的环境核心位置。
本系列共三篇文章,描述如何将JMS 和WebSphere ESB 结合使用,以形成强大而可靠的SOA。
使用JMS 和WebSphere ESB 构建强大而可靠的SOA——第2 部分使用JMS 和WebSphere ESB 构建强大而可靠的SOA——第3 部分引言面向服务的体系结构(SOA) 永远不能建立在真空中。
在任何实际的环境中,都必须考虑现有的IT 环境,功能(和数据)的提供并不能简单地通过提供一组新服务来实现。
因此,构建S OA 的一个关键方面就是将现有应用程序分解为更小的块(即“服务”),这些块通过标准协议进行通信,并具有定义良好的接口。
松散耦合且具有平台独立性的服务的概念通过使用企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,ESB)得到了进一步发展。
其中,ESB 充当使用不同数据和消息格式、网络协议和编程语言的服务之间的“粘合剂”。
ESB 充当服务使用者和服务提供者之间的中间层,允许部署中介,以执行各种操作,如向交互应用服务质量或执行所需的数据转换。
在本系列的文章中,我们将了解一个ESB 充当此类中间层的具体例子。
我们将利用IBM W ebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WebSphere ESB) V6.0.1 产品来链接服务使用者和服务提供者,同时使用JMS 作为消息传递机制。
在第一篇文章中,我们将简单了解一下W ebSphere ESB 产品及其工具环境,即WebSphere Integration Developer V6.0.1。
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在SOA中,服务的识别与定义是首要步骤,它涉及到确定服务的目的、功能和接口。这一阶段需要深入理解业务 需求,将业务流程拆分成独立的服务,并定义服务的输入和输出。
服务契约是服务接口的具体实现,规定了服务的输入和输出格式、 数据结构以及业务规则等。
服务契约应保持稳定,以减少对消费者的影响,同时应提供足够的 灵活性以适应业务变化。
服务契约可以采用不同的数据传输格式和消息序列化方式,如XML、 JSON、SOAP等。
服务消费者是使用服务 的实体,可以是应用程 序、系统或人员。
服务可被不同应用重复使用, 提高开发效率。
通过标准化和模块化,降低维 护和开发成本。
服务可独立部署和升级,提高 系统可靠性。
将不同系统、应用进行集成,实现信息共享 和流程自动化。
实现设备间的互联互通,提供数据采集、处 理和分析服务。
服务消费者是使用服务的系统或应用程序,它们通过调用 服务契约中的接口来使用服务。在服务消费者集成阶段, 需要进行服务的集成、测试和验证,确保服务的可用性和 可靠性。这一阶段还需要处理服务的版本控制和安全性问 题。
制造业通过SOA技术实现生产过程的优化和 智能化,提高生产效率和产品质量。
制造业SOA应用主要涉及生产计划、工艺流 程、质量检测等方面的服务,通过将各个服 务进行集成和整合,实现生产过程的优化和 智能化。同时,SOA技术还能够提高制造业 的协同创新能力和快速响应市场变化的能力
注册中心在SOA架构中起到服务治理的作用,实现服务的动态发现 、负载均衡和容错处理。
SOA面向服务架构 技术方案
• SOA概述 • SOA的核心组件 • SOA实施步骤 • SOA技术选型 • SOA实践案例
01 SOA概述
SOA(面向服务架构)是一种软件设 计方法论,它将应用程序的不同功能 单元(服务)进行独立部署、管理和 复用。
电商行业通过SOA技术实现快速响应市场需 求、提升用户体验和降低运维成本。
电商行业SOA应用主要涉及商品信息、订单 处理、物流配送等方面的服务,通过将各个 服务进行拆分和组合,实现业务流程的快速 响应和调整。同时,SOA技术还能够提高电 商平台的可扩展性和可维护性,降低运维成 本,提升用户体验和满意度。
WebSphere环境下的SSO(Single sign-on:单点登录、全网漫游)实现之: -- SSO实现技术准备简介:本文中作者给大家详细地解释了SSO的基本原理以及WebSphere中的SSO实现机制。
标记本文!发布日期: 2003 年8 月01 日级别:初级SSO(Single Sign-On)直译为一次登录,SSO的机制就是在企业网络用户访问企业网站时作一次身份认证,随后就可以对所有被授权的网络资源进行无缝的访问,SSO可以提高网络用户的工作效率,降低了系统出错的几率,但是比较难于实现。
1 SSO简介SSO(Single Sign-On)直译为一次登录,WebSphere中更加形象的解释是"单点登录、全网漫游",意思就是说所有已相同的DNS域名结尾的机器,可以共享用户的认证信息,比如:, 就可以经过配置后实现SSO.SSO的机制就是在企业网络用户访问企业网站时作一次身份认证,随后就可以对所有被授权的网络资源进行无缝的访问,而不需要多次输入自己的认证信息。
1.1 以前的用户登录模式为了实现企业的信息化、电子商务和其他需求,越来越多的信息系统在网上出现,这些企业的网络用户和系统管理员不得不面对这个现实:1. 用户需要使用其中的任何一个企业应用的时候都需要做一次身份认证,而且每一次认证使用的认证信息(用户民和密码)不能保证一致;2. 系统管理员需要对每一个系统设置一种单独的安全策略,而且需要为每个系统中的用户单独授权以保证他们不能访问他们没有被授权访问的网络资源。
图1 :目前使用的多点登录的示意图1.2 SSO登录模式以前使用的登录系统中,需要给每一台机器上的系统,甚至是每台机器上的每个应用准备一套用户管理系统和系统用户授权策略,考虑到互操作的可操作性和安全问题,SSO将一个企业内部所有域中的用户登录和用户帐号管理集中到一起,SSO的好处显而易见:1. 减少用户在不同系统中登录耗费的时间,减少用户登录出错的可能性2. 实现安全的同时避免了处理和保存多套系统用户的认证信息3. 减少了系统管理员增加、删除用户和修改用户权限的时间4. 增加了安全性:系统管理员有了更好的方法管理用户,包括可以通过直接禁止和删除用户来取消该用户对所有系统资源的访问权限图2:SSO的认证示意图回页首2 SSO理论基础SSO并不是J2EE中的标准实现,而是各家中间件提供商在提供J2EE应用服务器集群时提供的一种认证信息共享的机制,所以各家厂商提供的实现方式不一样,IBM的WebSphere是通过cookies记录认证信息,BEA的WebLogic通过session共享技术实现认证信息的共享,国内深圳金蝶的apusic采用的和BEA的技术基本一致。
IBM WebSphere SOA Governance 商业服务管理说明书
Adapt and respond dynamically to change with SOA-based business processesHighlights■Helps IT enable business peo-ple to respond quickly to press-ing business problems whilesaving IT effort and money■Supports rapid innovation and the flexibility to change acrossmultiple business processesand disparate IT systems■Enables the creation, manage-ment and governance ofBusiness Services ■Allows business service policiesto direct the action of a busi-ness process■Provides a single Web-basedgraphical user interface forbusiness users to interact withbusiness processes and busi-ness process managementapplication content acrossIBM WebSphere products■Speeds time to market withprebuilt industry assets thatleverage years of investmentsin systems and applicationsChange is accelerating … will youkeep up?Rapidly changing economic conditions,aggressive and low-cost global com-petitors, more complex regulatoryrequirements and industry consolidationare driving transformative change at apace faster than most organizationshave ever encountered before. Themandates to businesses today:respond rapidly to competition, capital-ize on new market opportunities andreduce exposure to risk.A 2008 IBM survey of more than1,000 CEOs revealed that 87 percent ofthem believe fundamental change isrequired within the next two years todrive innovation in their businesses.What’s more, the survey said thatbecoming a globally integrated enter-prise is inevitable, yet the gap betweenthe expected change and the ability tohandle it has tripled to 22percent.IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric for Multiplatforms and z/OSIBM customers have made it clear why managing change is top of mind. Here are some common concerns:●Corporate acquisitions cause overlaps and duplications in systems.●Existing systems make it difficult to document activities for compliance regulations.●Packaged application implementations have driven the change request backlog up rather than down.Gain competitive advantage and foster innovation with agilityWhether your company offers a first-rate customer advantage program, a hyper-efficient patient billing application or the industry’s fastest online banking service, you should realize that your key differentiators and competitive advan-tages are contained in your business processes and not limited to discreet product or service offerings. Companies today are raising the bar with competi-tive advantages delivered through their business processes. If you haven’t already, you should start thinking of your business processes as key strate-gic assets and competitive weapons.Nearly every CEO believes his or her business model will need to change. However, closing the gap between change and the organization’s ability to handle it is made difficult by rigid busi-ness processes, traditional tightly cou-pled and segregated capabilities, lackof business and IT alignment, and inad-equate skills and tools.To close this gap, you need to considera new approach. Business processmanagement (BPM) powered by theIBM Smart service oriented architecture(IBM Smart SOA™) improves how youdesign, manage and optimize yourbusiness processes by helping you toefficiently build solutions, reuse yourexisting assets and be flexible in dealingwith change.Combining BPM with the Smart SOAapproach is becoming an imperative forcompanies that want to maintain lead-ership in their industry. Used together,BPM and the Smart SOA approachoffer high levels of agility, flexibility andprocess optimization without “reinvent-ing the wheel” each time a processchange occurs. IBM WebSphere®“W e have seen morechange in the last10 years than in theprevious 90.”—Ad F. Scheepbouwer, CEO,KPN T elecom*Business Services Fabric combinesBPM and the Smart SOA approach,enabling business analysts to rapidlycreate new enterprise processes andmake concurrent changes to processeswith governance—but with minimalimpact to IT and without scrappingexisting IT assets.WebSphere Business Services Fabricuses shareable, reusable BusinessServices driven by Business ServicePolicies that enable you to define, man-age and implement changes to busi-ness processes through configuration.Simpler, more accurate, and far lesscostly than hard-coding fine-grainedrules and custom code, working withPolicies enables you to react quickly tochanging business needs, enabling anincreasing return on investment (ROI).Business Service Policies also enableimproved modeling, visibility and moni-toring within the larger businessprocess.WebSphere Business Services Fabricstores and acts upon formerly inflexible,individual process attributes, such asroles, channels and rules, in a central-ized, easily updatable meta data storeand runtime environment. This enablesenterprise-wide Business Policychanges to be simultaneously sharedacross all applicable processes. ThisDynamic Service Selection capabilitygives you the flexibility to customize service delivery through multiple com-munication channels, including the Internet, business-to-business (B2B) and interactive voice response (IVR) systems.Increase ROI for existing IT assets WebSphere Business Services Fabric helps incrementally improve your com-pany’s ROI by using the IT assets you already have and bringing them into a dynamic environment in which you can continuously make sound business improvements. Reusing or sharing Business Services further escalates your ROI. A change that previously might have taken months to complete can be reduced to hours, so your com-pany, your customers and your compe-tition experience immediate impact.WebSphere Business Services Fabric provides a standards-based offering to help IT manage the life cycle of Business Services and make their assembly and deployment simple, fast and business-driven. Our life-cycle management capabilities include the ability to source, model, assemble, deploy, manage and govern localand remote Business Services from service discovery to retirement.WebSphere Business Services Fabricprovides integrated runtime, design-time and management capabilities,including:●A highly scalable runtime engine fordefining and enforcing Business ServicePolicies, enabling Dynamic BusinessService assembly and behavior adapta-tion based on Content, Context andContract.●Controls and automates entitlement ofBusiness Services for subscribers,enabling creation, control and manage-ment of service packages to subscribers.Can integrate with leading security andidentity management products.●Visibility and monitoring of businessprocesses and applications, plus analy-sis of events and exceptions.●End-to-end governance of BusinessServices through design, run time,deployment and management.●Storage and management of BusinessServices, Business Service Policies, andBusiness Service entitlements.To better support business users,WebSphere Business Services Fabricincorporates IBM Business Space, acommon, graphical user interface thatenables business analysts to create andchange their own and corporate-wideprocesses by managing BusinessServices, Business Service Policies andbusiness vocabulary. IBM BusinessSpace:●Allows users to create their ownspaces, a collection of pages consist-ing of a business process applicationor collaborative user experiencewithin W eb-based tooling●Provides customizable templates torapidly create shared or private userexperiences for a process●Enables IT developers to achievefaster time to value when developingtheir BPM end user experiences,through better reuse of existing prod-uct content and simplified tools forassembling a user interface●Provides a consolidated view of busi-ness process content and enables con-textual collaboration in one location●Is shipped as a common business userinterface component with the follow-ing runtime products:—IBM W ebSphere BusinessServices Fabric—IBM W ebSphere BusinessMonitor—IBM W ebSphere Process Server—IBM W ebSphere BusinessModeler Publishing ServerAccelerate your industry-specific efforts WebSphere Business Services Fabric has numerous industry content packs with prebuilt, extensible SOA content based on prevalent industry standards and best practices designed to acceler-ate the delivery of industry-specific business solutions.The range of optional industry content packs includes:●IBM Insurance Property and Casualty (P&C) Content Pack for W ebSphere Business Services Fabric●IBM Healthcare Payer Content Pack for W ebSphere Business Services Fabric ●IBM Banking Payments Content Packfor W ebSphere Business Services Fabric●IBM Telecom Operations Content Packfor W ebSphere Business Services Fabric●NEW IBM Product LifecycleManagement (PLM) Content Pack forW ebSphere Business Services FabricNew in Version 6.2, WebSphereBusiness Services Fabric includes pre-scriptive guidance for developing newcontent packs. This training kit features:●A how-to guide and methodology toenable Business Partners and customersto build their own unique content packs●Detailed knowledge on the architectureand asset structure, information abouthow to use and extend the architecture,and examples from existing industrycontent packs●Heightened interoperability withW ebSphere Business Modeler andW ebSphere Business Monitor●An end-to-end delivery of BusinessService through Business Service Policyusing the reference implementation fromindustry content packsVersion 6.2 introduces the optionalIBM Product Lifecycle Management(PLM) Content Pack, with thesefeatures:WebSphere Business Services Fabric is available in multiple languages, enabling you to use your Business Services across the world. Among the languages supported are English, French, Italian,German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese. In addition, support is now offered for Czech, Hungarian and Polish languages and basic support for bidirectional text.WebSphere Business Services Fabric requires the use of IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository to help facilitate service discovery, reuse and life cycle governance.●Applies to automotive, electronics, aerospace and defense and industrial verticals●Based on well-adopted industry standards:—American Productivity & Quality Center Process ClassificationFramework (APQC PCF) models —Object Management Groupproduct lifecycle management(OMG PLM) Services 2.0—V erband der Automobilindustriee. V (VDA) 4965—Open Applications GroupIntegration Specification(OAGIS) 9.1 Models●Focuses on business areas including Product Data Management, Engineering Change Management, Bill of Material and Supplier Collaboration●Includes PLM-specific assets, such as capability and process maps, Business Service templates, service interfaces, common services, Business Object Model and business glossary●Delivers assets aimed at an ecosystem of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, service providers and other manufacturers●Includes the core offering from the IBM Product Development Integration FrameworkStart small and expand process transformation at your own pace Whether the business outcome you seek involves small refinements to busi-ness processes—such as automation—or a complete reengineering of a process to decrease overhead,IBM can support your goals. You can begin by focusing on a discrete busi-ness process area and then reusing those processes within other areas. Or, you can take dynamic process man-agement a step further—to process transformation—through a cohesive set of capabilities and best practices in dynamic process management that can spur a quantum leap in your ability to respond quickly and effectively to change and business needs and result in an agile enterprise. This market-leading offering isavailable through IBM WebSphereDynamic Process Edition and hasWebSphere Business Services Fabric atits core. A cornerstone offering in theIBM Business Process Managementsuite, WebSphere Dynamic ProcessEdition helps you harness the powerof change by enabling you tocontinuously—and dynamically—optimize your business processes. Thesoftware also helps you better align ITwith the business by sharing, discover-ing and reusing business processes.WebSphere Dynamic Process Editionincludes end-to-end BPM dynamicbusiness process capabilities, from sim-ulation and rapid deployment capabili-ties, to process best practices forreusing and/or sharing existingresources while simply configuring nec-essary changes when needed, to areal-time one-view for processes. Youcan incrementally implement your ongo-ing business transformation and contin-ually refine your business processesover time. IBM offers unmatchedexpertise, complete with market-leadingbusiness process management andSOA methodologies, a wealth of con-sultants and services, and the industry’slargest partner ecosystem for businessprocess management. WebSphereDynamic Process Edition withWebSphere Business Services Fabricempowers business and IT to collabo-rate to achieve innovation, greater mar-ket share and a stronger competitivefoothold.Insurance carrier boosts productivityand lowers costs with dynamicbusiness process managementChallenge:An insurance firm had inflexi-ble existing IT systems and a large andcontinuously changing product line.Solution:They deployed a businessprocess management solution enabledby SOA and accelerated time to marketwith an IBM Industry Content Packdesigned for the insurance industry. Theyalso created an automated, on-demandIT infrastructure that can outsource keyfunctions.Results:Within six months, the com-pany experienced 52 percent assetreuse; 16 times the initial quote volume; afour percent net increase in premiums;and lower operating costs due toreduced call center traffic and manualprocesses.* Source: The Enterprise of the Future, IBM GlobalCEO Study, May 2008.In addition, the Telecom Operations Content Pack is updated in WebSphere Business Services Fabric, Version 6.2 to include:●Enhanced business service templates, schemas and additional service inter-faces in billing, inventory, fulfillment and assurance●Improved business glossary with addi-tional assertions and metadataFor more informationTo learn more about how to effectively manage business processes with WebSphere Business Services Fabric, Industry Content Packs and WebSphere Dynamic Business Process Edition, please contact your IBM repre-sentative or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following Web sites:●/software/integration●/software/integration/wbsf/●/software/integration/wdpe/Additionally, IBM Global Financing can tailor financing solutions to your specific IT needs. For more information on great rates, flexible payment plans and loans, and asset buyback and disposal, visit: /financing ©Copyright IBM Corporation 2008IBM Corporation Software GroupRoute 100Somers, NY 10589U.S.A.Produced in the United States of AmericaNovember 2008All Rights ReservedIBM, the IBM logo, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks ofInternational Business Machines Corporationin the United States, other countries or both.If these and other IBM trademarked termsare marked on their first occurrence in thisinformation with a trademark symbol (®or ™),these symbols indicate U.S. registered orcommon law trademarks owned by IBM atthe time this information was published. Suchtrademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at“Copyright and trademark information” at/legal/copytrade.shtml.Other company product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.References in this publication to IBM productsor services do not imply that IBM intends tomake them available in any other countries.WSD14029-USEN-00。
Web Service 和SOA介绍
客户机/服务器(Client/Server) 支撑技术: 阶段1:2-Tier(图形界面GUI, RDBMS) 阶段2:3-Tier(TPM, MQM, CORBA…) 易用性:Power Builder, Visual Basic, … 互联互通:TCP/IP, NetBIOS, … 主机/终端(Mainframe/Dump Terminal) 支撑技术:批处理, OLTP, 消息, DBMS, CICS… 易用性:COBOL, SQL, … 互联互通:SNA, APPC, …
Date: 2008年5月
SOA及Web Service介绍
Date: 2008年5月
Date: 2008年5月
Date: 2008年5月
服 务 提 供 者
财务管理 遗留系统 CRM 知识管理 销售系统 产品管理
服 务 构 件 集 成 开 发 环 境
服 务 构 件 监 管 和 治 理
Date: 2008年5月
﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ 可从企业外部访问 随时可用 粗粒度的服务接口 分级 松散耦合 可重用的服务 服务接口设计管理 标准化的服务接口 支持各种消息模式 精确定义的服务契约
21、SOA 技术标准路线图
Web Services 解决了服务之间的 互操作性问题. 下一步要解决的是如何简化服务的 实现和组合.
• 什么是SOA • 为什么要使用SOA • SOA工作原理 • 构建SOA • SOA的应用
面向服务的体系结构 Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA 是一个组件模型,
➢它将应用程序的不同功能单元 称为服务 通过这些 服务之间定义良好的接口和契约联系起来;
用户想通过跨国公司名称和时间找出该 跨国公司在纽约的股票折合成人民币的价格以 及该公司所在国家的信息, 分析: 参数:跨国公司的名称、时间 如何实现对给定服务的组合,找出满足用户的信 息
在石油企业内部,有许多不同的网站,进入每个网 站,都需要身份验证,不仅浪费时间而且容易遗忘代 码 ,另外,网站维护人员对各种服务需要建立相应的用 户认证与信息管理系统,分布于个服务器中的用户数据 不仅浪费维护人员的时间,而且过于分散的用户数据不 利于统计和管理,用户的需求和管理要求促使用户趋于 统一,产生了统一者认证,
从中可以看出使用SOA的优点:将身份验证这一功能模 块发布成一种服务,其他的软件可以通过UUDI查找该服 务,然后将该服务与服务的实现进行绑定,
Websphere 帮您建设SOA的架构
轻松创建复合应用程序( Composite Applications )
最新! WebSphere Integration Developer
直接从WebSphere Modeler中 导入业务流程模型
如果没有业务流程管理, 就必须通过人工或者来自多个销售商的非集成工具来实现流程整合
建模 – 以进行业务分析
为 SOA 编排设计商业过程
增强功能! WebSphere Business Modeler
能够通过 web 发布、共享业务模型并进行相关 讨论
Examine, Event Trace & Output
Enter Input Data & Launch OPeration
SOA on your terms and our expertise
© 2005 IBM Corporation
© 2005 IBM Corporation
– Associate two different interfaces
– Creates Interface Map Component
SOA on your terms and our expertise
© 2005 IBM Corporation
© 2005 IBM Corporation
模块和相关的文件可以形成 “项目”
01 02
使用WebSphere Studio
WebSphere Studio是IBM提供的一个集成开发环境( IDE),支持WebSphere应用的开发、调试和部署。开发 者可以利用其提供的可视化工具和向导,快速创建和配置 WebSphere应用。
WebSphere Application Server 是一种功 能完善、开放的Web应用程序服务器,是 IBM电子商务应用框架的基石。
WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal提供了创建、部署和管 理企业级门户网站的完整解决方案。
WebSphere MQ
WebSphere Commerce
通过配置WebSphere的JVM参数,启用GC日志记录,并使用专业工具进行分析,以优化Java堆内存的 使用。
当系统出现性能问题时,可 以通过获取线程堆栈信息, 分析线程的状态和调用栈,
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确保已安装Java Development Kit(JDK) 的适当版本,并设置 JAVA_HOME环境变量。
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数据库连接池的性能问题往 往会导致整个应用性能下降 ,因此需要监控连接池的使 用情况,包括连接数、等待
用SOA与Web Services进行企业集成的框架设计
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-2552(2007)10-0056-03用S OA 与Web Services 进行企业集成的框架设计桂友武,黄烟波(中南大学信息科学与工程学院,长沙410083)摘 要:企业集成技术随着企业信息技术的发展而发展,面向服务的集成(S OI)将是企业集成方法的首选。
在介绍Web Services 和S OA 相关技术后,提出了一种基于S O A 和Web Servcies 的5层企业IT 架构,并较为详细描述了各层的内容。
关键词:面向服务架构;企业集成;面向服务的集成;企业服务总线;W eb 服务Fra mew or k design of enter pr ise integrationwith SOA and Web ser viceG UI Y ou 2wu ,HUANG Y an 2bo(School o f Infor ma tion Science a nd E ngi neer ing,Centr al South U niver sity,Changsha 410083,China )Abstra ct :Technologies of enterprise integration are developing wit h technologies of enter prise information.S OI (Service -oriented Intergration)will be the fi rst w ay for enterprise integration.A fter introducing related technologies of Web S ervices and S OA ,the paper describes a five -tier enter prise IT architecture based on S O A and W eb services ,then the paper gives a detailed intr oduction of each tier.K ey w or ds:S OA ;enterpr i se integration ;SOI ;ES B ;Web services0 引言随着企业信息化建设的不断深入,要求IT 从过去单一部门的应用上升到企业级的应用,真正实现企业业务自动化并帮助企业提高其核心竞争力。
WebSphere 应用服务器使用指南
WebSphere 应用服务器使用指南上海吉贝克信息技术有限公司上海市杨浦区翔殷路1088号凯迪金融大厦15层WebSphere 应用服务器使用指南由 和1.0目录1. 安装说明 (1)1.1. 环境 (1)2. 安装WebSphere (2)2.1. 安装准备 (2)2.1.1. 上传文件 (2)2.1.2. 安装文件修改 (2)2.2. 安装界面图文 (3)2.2.1. 安装步骤 (3)2.2.2. 安装验证 (13)3. WebSphere启动 (18)3.1. WebSphere启动 (18)4. 安装应用程序 (21)4.1. 准备应用程序 (21)4.2. 安装应用程序 (21)5. 安装WebSphere补丁升级帮助程序 (36)5.1. 安装准备 (36)5.1.1. 查看安装文件 (36)5.1.2. 安装补丁升级帮助程序 (36)5.2. 下载补丁 (44)6. 给WebSphere打补丁 (48)6.1. 安装准备 (48)6.2. 给WAS打补丁 (49)7. 卸载WebSphere (60)7.1. 停止服务 (60)7.2. 卸载 (60)8. WAS问题 (61)8.1. 兼容Struts2或者SpringMVC (61)8.2. 兼容JAP2.0 (61)第 1 章 安装说明1.1. 环境本手册适合Center OS环境下 WebSphere7.0的安装和卸载。
WAS_HOME表示: /home/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer安装包: C1G35ML.tar、 C1G36ML.tar、 C1G37ML.tar第 2 章 安装WebSphere2.1. 安装准备2.1.1. 上传文件用root登录, 把文件上传至/opt/was目录下,并解压文件tar –xzvf /home/was/C1G35ML.tartar –xzvf /home/was/C1G36ML.tartar –xzvf /home/was/C1G37ML.tar2.1.2. 安装文件修改解压完成后,进入目录 /opt/was/WAS 目录下,执行./install由于安装介质问题,汇报install的435行有错误,使用VI编辑器,打开install文件,vi install:set nu (显示行号)修改为 : if [[ $version -ge 5 ]] ,将单括号改为双括号。
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• 面向服务架构概述
• 如何开始我的SOA 如何开始我的SOA 之旅? 之旅?
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第一步最重要……所以需要预 先规划
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如何利用 WebSphere 开始我的 SOA(面向服务架构 面向服务架构) SOA(面向服务架构)之旅
Ernest Lee WebSphere 品牌执行官 大中华区 IBM 软件部 2005 年 10 月 25 日
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技能 – 协助、最佳体验 应用程序
广泛的行业诀窍和最佳体验 灵活、强健、能够重用现有 IT 资产的基础架构
/bbs it售前论坛来自基础设施为什么选择IBM来伴随您的 来伴随您的SOA之旅 之旅? 为什么选择 来伴随您的 之旅
有时需要外包 一要素
• 增长 永远是CEO考虑的第 增长: • 可重用资产 能减少成本 可重用资产: • 信息 可以更快地为更广泛 信息:
• 至关重要 至关重要:获取灵活性,成
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*Sources: CBDi
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• 面向服务架构概述
• 如何开始我的SOA 如何开始我的SOA 之旅? 之旅?
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什么是SOA 什么是
……服务? ……服务? 服务 一项可重复的业务任 可重复的业务任 务——例如,检查客 户信用;开放新账户 ……面向服务? ……面向服务? 面向服务 一种将你的业务整合 业务整合 成彼此相连的服务的 成彼此相连的服务 方式 及其产生的结果
面向业务分析员的图 形化流程建模工具, 能够最大化实现流程 和业务资源的重用
WebSphere Business Monitor
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流程的实时图形化监控 性能管理,支持流程的持 续改进
SOA从今天开始 您马上就能够考虑的三 从今天开始! 从今天开始 个方向
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/bbs it售前论坛
最新! 最新! 来自 IBM WebSphere 的软件 为SOA Lifecycle提供端到端的全面支持
易用的集成工具,能够帮 助开发人员迅速地将服务 组合成复合应用 ( composite applications )
IBM:不仅仅掌握面向服务架构,更重要的是了解您的业务 不仅仅掌握面向服务架构,
IT流程的专门技术 结合业务和 IT流程的专门技术 SOA 顾问、架构师和 IT 专家 数十个 SOA 可用的商业解决方案 专有的知识产权和方式 (ISV、SI、分销商) 促进合作伙伴系统的发展 (ISV、SI、分销商) 100 多个隶属 SOA 团体的合作伙伴 广泛的行业经验和最佳体验 在全世界拥有超过 1000 个客户 无可比拟的产品广度和深度 每年在 SOA 上的投资超过 10 亿美元 在开放标准方面具有领导地位: 参与了 50 多家标准制定委员会 超过 300 项 SOA 相关专利
WebSphere Integration Developer
WebSphere Process Server
业务流程的灵活部署与实 施,完全实现业务流程组 件的“即插即用”
WebSphere ESB
针对集成应用 程序和用于增 强 SOA 服务 的连接基础结 构
WebSphere Business Modeler
SOA 行业团 队针对不同行业的 SOA 专家团队
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客户架构就绪程度评 估 针对业务,对IT项目和架构进行评估
评估企业架构对SOA支持的就绪程度 分析管理成熟程度 提供基于 SOA 的解决方案蓝图 持续若干日的现场交互式讲 座 完全免费 技巧开发和管控知识 为客户度身订制高层整合架 构 完整的后续步骤建议
面向服务架构工作台 面向服务架构资产库 (SOAR) 面向服务架构行业解决方案模板
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• 面向服务架构是一种团体活动: 面向服务架构是一种团体活动:
–业务团队与 IT 团队紧密合作 业务团队与
• 面向服务架构基础很关键 :
–基于面向服务架构原则建立一个企业 基于面向服务架构原则建立一个企业 结构与基础架构,从而开始你的SOA 结构与基础架构,从而开始你的SOA 之旅
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举例 切入点
“如何开始” 如何开始”
SOA是应用开发与集成的一个 战略方案
评估客户架构的就 绪情况
IT 级别的项目实施。“先试 水深后过河”……循序渐进 的采用方法
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如何利用 WebSphere 开始我的 SOA(面向服务架构 面向服务架构) SOA(面向服务架构)之旅
Ernest Lee WebSphere 品牌执行官 大中华区 IBM 软件部 2005 年 10 月 25 日
/bbs it售前论坛
• 面向服务架构概述
• 如何开始我的SOA 如何开始我的SOA 之旅? 之旅?
(服务导向架 ……SOA (服务导向架 构 )? 一种支持面向服务的 IT 架构
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……复合应用? ……复合应用? 复合应用 一套支持SOA流程的 相关整合服务
为什么选择SOA来实现业务灵活性和重用 来实现业务灵活性和重用 为什么选择
• 经济: 全球化需要灵活性 经济: • 业务流程 业务流程:日新月异,而且
免费! 免费!
SOA Jump Start
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