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SAP 移动类型和评估类型详解

By Stone.Fu 2004



company :1000

plants:1100,1200,1300,1400 .

1.Activate split material valuation

激活分割物料评估,同一个物料的库存在不同的工厂,不同时期或同一工厂的物料可多种评估比如by 采购类型等,by 批次等.


Valuation type :Uniquely identifies stocks of a material that are subject to split valuation. 唯一表示物料库存评估

Valuation category : The valuation category defines the valuation types allowed for a material. Determines whether stocks of the material are valuated together or separately. that is, the criteria by which stocks can be valuated.


Valuation area :If valuation at your company is at plant level, the valuation area is the plant. If valuation is at company code level, the valuation area is the company code.

评估范围:工厂级或公司级. 比如某company 1000下有四个plant,则自动建立了和plant同名的四个valuation area.

Valuation group:The valuation grouping code makes it easier to set automatic account determination. Within the chart of accounts , you assign the same valuation grouping code to the valuation areas you want to assign to the same account.

Valuation grouping codes either reflect a fine distinction within a chart of accounts or they correspond to a chart of accounts.

Valuation group的作用是将评估范围分组,比如你有多个公司其中每公司又有多个plants,就可以使用分组

SAP标准:We recommend that you only use a valuation grouping code within a chart of accounts in order to prevent account determination from becoming confusing.

如有公司2000下有2100, 2200两plants可在建立一个valuation group

2100 (2000)

2200 (2000)

Valuation class :简单说真正对应到会计科目


1.允许将同一物料post到不同GL account,比如不同工厂公司相同物料为了



3.对应到和评估相关的(会产生会计凭证)movement type给出会计科目

3. T-code :OMWC(配置分割评估)

Enter后选取local definitions.


4.T-code: OMWM (激活valuation grouping code)

5.T-code: OMWD将valuation area grouping

6.T-code: OMSK

选第一按钮Account cat. Reference,看到SAP 预设的9种类account category

按第三个按钮material type/accont category reference 如图.

我记得有个问题是改material type,姑且不谈物料视图的问题,只要account category相同的比如下面raw material, packaging, indirect就可使用t-code


第二按钮定义valuation class .(省略).

7. T-code :OMJJ

通常你可以copy 一个已经存在的movement type然后稍微修改它就可使用. Short texts描述,allowed transactions在此T-code出现,比如MB1C就看不到movement type 101,看看account grouping.

val . string, posting string value定义movement type 对应的科目规则, TE

Key(transaction/Event Key)决定会计科目和Line item的posting keys,有SAP定义的一套, KON, GBB,PRD就是其中一部分transaction/Event Key,不能增加或修改,详细看报OBYC.

Acct modif可理解为在同一个Transaction/Event中将对应的会计科目再细分出来. Acct modif通常是一个SAP自定义的account grouping,必要时也可自己定义

关于此,必须清楚account group和account type等的概念,这儿省略.

Account grouping for GBB(附)

For the transaction/event GBB (offsetting entry for inventory posting), the following account groupings have already been assigned to the relevant movement types:

•AUF: for goods receipts for production orders with account assignment

•BSA: for intial entries of stock balances

•INV: for expense/revenue from inventory differences

•VAX: for goods issues for sales orders without account assignment object

•VAY: for goods issues for sales orders with account assignment object

•VBO: for consumptiom from stock of material provided to vendor

•VBR: for internal goods issues (e.g., for cost center)

•VKA: for consumption for sales order without SD
