全英文版《追风筝的人》The Kite Runner.ppt
The Kite Runner 请在此入您自己的内容
• 1、Brief introduction of the author • 2、Brief introduction of the book • 3、Introductions of the main roles • 4、Some sentences I want to mention
Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is a novel about humanity. This is a story about friendship, loyalty, cruelty, longing for acceptance, redemption and survival. The core story could be set in any culture because it deals with issues that are universal
Diego, School of Medicine, where he earned his
M.D. in 1993. He completed his residency in
internal medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center in Los Angeles in 1996. He practiced
Kabul, and Hassan, the son of Amir's father's
The Kite Runner 请在此入您自己的内容
• 1、Brief introduction of the author • 2、Brief introduction of the book • 3、Introductions of the main roles • 4、Some sentences I want to mention
Looking at The Kite Runner as a story about culture, however, misses what the book is really about. This is a novel about humanity. This is a story about friendship, loyalty, cruelty, longing for acceptance, redemption and survival. The core story could be set in any culture because it deals with issues that are universal
Diego, School of Medicine, where he earned his
M.D. in 1993. He completed his residency in
internal medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center in Los Angeles in 1996. He practiced
Kabul, and Hassan, the son of Amir's father's
The kite runner追风筝的人英文PPT介绍学习资料
![The kite runner追风筝的人英文PPT介绍学习资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45c44c7afab069dc5122012f.png)
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• In the winter , there is a game to run the kite ,after Hassan get the last kite. three elder boy force him to give the kite to them.Hassan was be insult.
• However ,Amir saw this ,but because of fear ,he did not save his friend. After that Amir felt guilty ,it is hard to face his friend .
• A war break out, Amir and his father flee to America. one day, He get back
• After I read the book,I think everyone has his kite .We must and have to be brave to take the responsibilities.One should never be too selfish.Just like Hassaiendship never end.
Today, I want to introduce a book:The kite runner
The son of Amir's father's servant
The son of a wealthy businessman
Hassan and Amir are closest childhood friends.Hassan is really loyal to Amir and he would like to do anything for Amir without any reason .
The Author Khaled Hosseini(卡勒德·胡赛尼 )
Was born in Kabul, Afghanistan
(喀布尔,阿富汗)and moved to
the United States in 1980.He lived in northern California now. Named a U.S. goodwill envoy to the United Nations Refugee Agency(联合国难民署亲善大使 ).
He lies to have Hassan accused of theft so he will leave
their home and Amir can try to forget his guilt. Eventually,
Amir and his father flee Afghanistan after the Russians
1.A little selfish
“I want baba all to myself.”
“I wished he would hit me back, I wished he’d give me the punishment I craved, so maybe I’d finally sleep at night, maybe then things could return to how they used to be between us. But Hassan did nothing.”(我希望他 还击。我希望他满足我的愿望,好好 惩罚我,这样我晚上就能睡着了。也 许到时事情就会回到我们以前那个样 子。但哈桑纹丝不动)(0:36:30)
《追风筝的人》是卡勒德·胡赛尼的代表作,讲述了一段关于友谊、背叛与救赎的动人故事。其中最深刻的情节之一是主人公阿米尔与忠实朋友哈桑之间因风筝而发生的悲剧。在一个风筝比赛中,阿米尔为了赢得比赛,让哈桑去帮他追回掉落的风筝。然而,在哈桑追回风筝的过程中,他遭遇了恶霸的欺凌,而阿米尔则在一旁默默观看,没有勇气上前阻止。这一事件成为阿米尔心中的永恒遗憾,他因此背叛并抛弃了哈桑。多年后,阿米尔回到故乡,试图弥补过去的错误,向哈桑的儿子索拉博伸出援手,以此寻求内心的救赎。这个情节揭示了人性的复杂与脆弱,以及勇气与救赎的重要性。英文概括如下:In 'The Kite Runner', one of the most profound scenes unfolds during a kite-flying competition, where the protagonist Amir asks his loyal friend Hassan to retrieve a fallen kite. However, while retrieving the kite, Hassan encounters bullies and is brutall watches helplessly, lacking the courage to intervene. This incident becomes a lasting regret for Amir, leading to a betrayal and abandonment of Hassan. Years later, Amir returns to his hometown seeking redemption, reaching out to Hassan's son, Sohrab, as a means of atoning for his past mistakes. This plotline exposes the complexities and fragilities of human nature, emphasizing the significance of courage and redemption.
为你,千千万万遍。 哈桑被缝合的嘴唇,索拉博哭泣时止不住颤抖的肩膀和空洞的眼神,塔赫里将军固执地从房间里 走出来时的狼狈模样,阿米尔的矛盾,索拉雅的眼泪……一切的一切似乎都在我眼前呈现。 正如作者卡勒德·胡塞尼在前言中所说的一样:我看到小说作品独有的联结人们的力量,我还看 到了人类的体验有多么普遍:羞耻、负疚、后悔、爱情、友谊、宽宥和赎罪。 我看见了一个从未曾接触过的世界:战火纷飞、流离失所、寄人篱下……我为之震撼并且悄悄难 过得红了眼眶。 一个人,不,或者应该说是一代人乃至几代人的命运,都无时无刻不与国家的命运 紧紧地联系在一起。所有人活着,都处于情感与理性的矛盾之中。无论是童年的阿米尔、哈桑还是 十几年后的拉辛汗、索拉博,都这样挣扎于政治、宗教与自我的拷问之中。 阿米尔懦弱的转身造成了哈桑心中的伤;哈桑的死,让三十八岁的阿米尔找到了再次成为好人的 路。阿米尔无疑是幸运的,他赎回了灵魂,他丢失在巷口的灵魂。索拉博是不幸的,父母的早逝、 孤儿院里不忍回望的遭遇…… 在开导哈桑之子的同时,他也对生命有了一番新的认识,所有的一切 苦难与痛苦都在哈桑之子放飞的风筝中得到了原谅与补偿。救赎,常常不是出于醒悟,而是出于对 从背叛的痛苦中解脱的渴求,其出发点仍然是利己的。但如果救赎能为他人带来幸运,倒也的确仍 是很好的解决之道。或许正是如此,阿米尔才义无反顾地回到阔别多年的故乡。他没有停止对哈桑 的愧疚,对自己的自责,其实,这些都是因为他没有停止过对人性的追寻。 正如译者所言:也许每个人心中都有一个风筝,无论它意味着什么,让我们勇敢地追。
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
故事的起源在阿富汗的喀布尔。主人公阿米尔是个富家 少爷,12岁那年,阿米尔和仆人的儿子哈桑参加了阿富汗 传统的斗风筝比赛。阿米尔将对手通通打败,然而要赢得 最终的胜利,还必须追到被他最后割断的风筝。哈桑是当 地最出色的追风筝高手,他替阿米尔去追,承诺阿米尔一 定追到。然而,风筝追到了,哈桑却惨遭横祸。阿米尔目 睹一切,性格软弱的他却选择了袖手旁观,并再次错误地 选择了逼哈桑离开家门。
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
故事的起源在阿富汗的喀布尔。主人公阿米尔是个富家 少爷,12岁那年,阿米尔和仆人的儿子哈桑参加了阿富汗 传统的斗风筝比赛。阿米尔将对手通通打败,然而要赢得 最终的胜利,还必须追到被他最后割断的风筝。哈桑是当 地最出色的追风筝高手,他替阿米尔去追,承诺阿米尔一 定追到。然而,风筝追到了,哈桑却惨遭横祸。阿米尔目 睹一切,性格软弱的他却选择了袖手旁观,并再次错误地 选择了逼哈桑离开家门。
man with a shaved
head and black stubble on his face.
朝我们咧嘴而笑,我心 下慌乱。“继续走!”我 低声对哈桑说。P07
The way he grinned at us, leered,
V2:我們從來沒見過他。 他是個矮胖的人,理平
V1:我还寻思他会不会 渴望见到她。
V2:我很好奇,他是不 是期盼見到她。
like, where she was.
从原文的意思来看阿米尔是 想亲来梦在的表中平的d梦梦汉吧达见时相re双,想。哈到是貌am解梦日桑他在而【a词见有是的思不b牛典o所否母念是津u】②t思会亲着凭高:P想夜梦表她空阶6①象0有见明的想英做9,所他哈。象梦母桑出V1, 的翻译选用了第一种解释, 准确的译出了原文所要表达 的意思。V2,虽忠于原文, 但显得太过生硬,不如李继
sHWeeeenwahh背 电 小 军saimd景 营影 路a : 时去 。nbseeq阿 发走 这vfueo米 生了 是arrt尔的一 路e.条过和事他在哈。桑父那为亲条从小了不路看V他很1:允上一又短我矮,许临部们又脸他 近新跟胖上们 的的他还,素走 一伊有头不的 个朗黑发相乎剃识乎得。
The Kite Runner, was an international
bestseller, selling in more than 12 million
copies worldwide. His second, A Thousand
Splendid Suns, was released on May 22,
The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir, the privileged
son of a wealthy businessman in Kabul, and Hassan, the son of
Amir's father's servant. As children in the relaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ively stable
“For you ,a thousand times over.” We
should not betray our heart. One should never be too selfish. Just like Hassan ,we can learn to be loyalty. And we ought to cherish friendship . Just as lyrics which describes friendship: If I lost my way ,you’d carry me home , take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone. Friendship never ends.
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until an unspeakable event
全英文版《追风筝的人》The Kite Runner
![全英文版《追风筝的人》The Kite Runner](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/428f48ffaeaad1f346933f68.png)
comes under Taliban rule.
After I read the book , I think about humanity. Everyone has his kite and everyone is a kite runner at the same time. We must and have to be brave to take the responsibilities that belong to us and admit the er, was an international
bestseller, selling in more than 12 million
copies worldwide. His second, A Thousand
Splendid Suns, was released on May 22,
“For you ,a thousand times over.” We
should not betray our heart. One should never be too selfish. Just like Hassan ,we can learn to be loyalty. And we ought to cherish friendship . Just as lyrics which describes friendship: If I lost my way ,you’d carry me home , take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone. Friendship never ends.
Afghanistan of the early 1970s, the boys are inseparable. They
The kite runner追风筝的人英文PPT介绍教学教材
![The kite runner追风筝的人英文PPT介绍教学教材](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/35b325efc77da26925c5b0c0.png)
• However ,Amir saw this ,but because of fear ,he did not save his friend. After that Amir felt guilty ,it is hard to face his friend .
• A war break out, Amir and his father flee to America. one day, He get back to his hometown .He knows that Hassan has died. He also knows that Hassan is his father’s son .
• In the winter , there is a game to run the kite ,after Hassan get the last kite. three elder boy force him to give the kite to them.Hassan was be insult.
The kite runner追风筝的人英 文PPT介绍
The son of Amir's father's servant
The son of a wealthy businessman
Hassan and Amir are closest childhood friends.Hassan is really loyal to Amir and he would like to do anything for Amir without any reason .
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
阿米尔:在阿富汗一个富商的儿子,他出 生在1963年,18岁的他和他的父亲逃到美国, 在美国多年后他成为一个作家。
Hassan: The son of Amir's father's servant Ali. Amir's closest childhood friend, Hassan is actually the son of Amir’s father ,although Hassan never knows this during his lifetime. 哈桑:阿米尔的父亲的仆人阿里的儿 子。阿米尔最亲密的朋友,哈桑实际上 是阿米尔的儿子,哈桑虽然不知道这一
One day ,Amir get a phone call from his father’s friend in Afghanistan. He gets back to his hometown .He knows that Hassan has died and his son is in a orphanage. He also knows that Hassan is his father’s son .But he can no longer meet his brother again .He was surprise and sad .now ,what can he do for Hassan is to take his son to America and regard him as his own son .
The next years ,Amir gets on well with Hassan’s son .and they always fly kites together . 在阿富汗战争爆发,阿米尔和他的父亲逃到美国。他们有他们的新家,阿米尔在 美国结婚之后他的父亲去世了。 有一天,阿米尔接到一个他父亲在阿富汗的朋友的电话。他回到他的家乡。他知 道哈桑已经死了,他的儿子是在一个孤儿院。他也知道,哈桑是他父亲的儿子。 但他不再能再见到他的兄弟。他是惊讶和伤心的。现在,他能为哈桑做的是自己 将他的儿子带到美国,把他当作自己的儿子。 下一年,阿米尔哈桑的儿子一起生活。他们总是一起放风筝。
Hassan: The son of Amir's father's servant Ali. Amir's closest childhood friend, Hassan is actually the son of Amir’s father ,although Hassan never knows this during his lifetime. 哈桑:阿米尔的父亲的仆人阿里的儿 子。阿米尔最亲密的朋友,哈桑实际上 是阿米尔的儿子,哈桑虽然不知道这一
One day ,Amir get a phone call from his father’s friend in Afghanistan. He gets back to his hometown .He knows that Hassan has died and his son is in a orphanage. He also knows that Hassan is his father’s son .But he can no longer meet his brother again .He was surprise and sad .now ,what can he do for Hassan is to take his son to America and regard him as his own son .
The next years ,Amir gets on well with Hassan’s son .and they always fly kites together . 在阿富汗战争爆发,阿米尔和他的父亲逃到美国。他们有他们的新家,阿米尔在 美国结婚之后他的父亲去世了。 有一天,阿米尔接到一个他父亲在阿富汗的朋友的电话。他回到他的家乡。他知 道哈桑已经死了,他的儿子是在一个孤儿院。他也知道,哈桑是他父亲的儿子。 但他不再能再见到他的兄弟。他是惊讶和伤心的。现在,他能为哈桑做的是自己 将他的儿子带到美国,把他当作自己的儿子。 下一年,阿米尔哈桑的儿子一起生活。他们总是一起放风筝。
全英文版《追风筝的人》The Kite Runner
![全英文版《追风筝的人》The Kite Runner](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/428f48ffaeaad1f346933f68.png)
Khaled Hosseini (born March 4,
1965) is a novelist and physician originally
from Afghanistan. He is currently living in
the United States. His 2003 debut novel,
until an unspeakable event
changes the nature of their
relationship forever, and
eventually cements their bond in ways neither boy could have
ever predicted. Even after Amir and his father flee to America,
Amir remains haunted by his cowardly actions and disloyalty. In
part, it is these demons and the sometimes impossible quest for
forgiveness that bring him back to his war-torn native land after it
“For you ,a thousand times over.” We
should not betray our heart. One should never be too selfish. Just like Hassan ,we can learn to be loyalty. And we ought to cherish friendship . Just as lyrics which describes friendship: If I lost my way ,you’d carry me home , take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone. Friendship never ends.
1965) is a novelist and physician originally
from Afghanistan. He is currently living in
the United States. His 2003 debut novel,
until an unspeakable event
changes the nature of their
relationship forever, and
eventually cements their bond in ways neither boy could have
ever predicted. Even after Amir and his father flee to America,
Amir remains haunted by his cowardly actions and disloyalty. In
part, it is these demons and the sometimes impossible quest for
forgiveness that bring him back to his war-torn native land after it
“For you ,a thousand times over.” We
should not betray our heart. One should never be too selfish. Just like Hassan ,we can learn to be loyalty. And we ought to cherish friendship . Just as lyrics which describes friendship: If I lost my way ,you’d carry me home , take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone. Friendship never ends.
Hassan would mumble, looking down at his feet.
mumble: to speak or say sth in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear嘟哝,口齿 不清的说【牛津高阶 英汉双解词典】P1318 V1:哈桑会咕哝着,低头看自 己的双脚。 V2:哈山會低頭盯著腳懾嚅說。 V1直译这个句子,不带感情色 彩,显得太过生硬。 V2意译的方法,哈桑看着自己 的脚并不是真的把他的注意力 放在脚上,而是表达出哈桑因 说谎而不敢抬头。
The Kite Runner
He was a squat man with a shaved head and black stubble on his face.
squat: short and wide or fat, in a way that is not attractive矮而宽的; 矮胖的【牛津高阶英汉 双解词典】P1953
V1:我心下慌乱 V2:讓我很害怕
由汉语的解释可以看 出李继宏翻译的“慌 乱”使用的不够恰当。 阿米尔他们此时遇到 危险不是紧张,而是 害怕。李静宜翻译出 “害怕”的意思,基 本符合原文。
背景:哈桑在阿米尔的怂恿下爬上树用 弹弓去打邻居家的独眼的德国牧羊犬被 “Yes, father, 他的父亲阿里逮个正着,这是他把他们 Hassan would V1:“是的,爸爸。” 哈桑 会咕哝着,低头看自己的双 从树上摇下来之后的对话描写。 mumble, looking 脚。但他从不告发我,从来 down at his feet. 不提镜子、用胡桃射狗其实 But he never told 都是我的鬼主意。P04 on me. Never told V2:是的,父親。”哈山會 低頭盯著腳懾嚅說。但他從 that the mirror, 來沒告我的狀。從來沒說玩 shooting walnuts at 鏡子,還有用胡桃射鄰居的 his neighbor’s dog, 狗,一直都是我的主意。 P06 was always my idea.
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Afghanistan of the early 1970s, the boys are inseparable. They
spend idyllic days running kites and telling stories of mystical
places and powerful warriors
until an unspeakable event
changes the nature of their
relationship forever, and
eventually cements their bond in ways neither boy could have
ever predicted. Even after Amir and his father flee to America,
2007. In 2008, the book was the
bestselling novel in the UK (as of April 11,
2008), with more than
copies sold.
The Kite Runner , his first novel, was an international bestseller, published in thirty-eight countries, selling in more than 12 million copies worldwide. And it topped amazon list for 131 weeks.
Amir remains haunted by his cowardly actions and disloyalty. In
part, it is these demons and the sometimes impossible quest for
forgiveness that bring him back to his war-torn native land after it
Khaled Hosseini (born March 4,
1965) is a novelist and physician originally
from Afghanistan. He is currently living in
the United States. His 2003 debut novel,
“For you ,a thousand times over.” We
should not betray our heart. One should never be too selfish. Just like Hassan ,we can learn to be loyalty. And we ought to cherish friendship . Just as lyrics which describes friendship: If I lost my way ,you’d carry me home , take me all the way to heaven never leave me alone. Friendship never ends.
The Kite Runner, was an international
bestseller, selling in more than 12 million
copies worldwide. His second, A Thousand
Splendid Suns, was released on May 22,
comes under Taliban rule.
After I read the book , I think about humanity. Everyone has his kite and everyone is a kite runner at the same time. We must and have to be brave to take the responsibilities that belong to us and admit the errors we made.
The Kite Runner follows the story of Amir, the privileged
son of a wealthy businessman in Kabul, and Hassan, the son of
Amir's father's servant. As children in the relatively stable