

doc2vec训练词向量 python代码

doc2vec训练词向量 python代码



如果没有,你可以使用pip来安装:bashpip install gensim然后,你可以使用以下代码来训练一个Doc2Vec模型:pythonfrom gensim.models import Doc2Vecfrom nltk.tokenize import word_tokenizefrom nltk.corpus import abcimport nltk# 下载并加载nltk数据'abc')corpus = abc.sents()# 对每个文档进行分词并转换为列表的列表格式corpus_tokens = [word_tokenize(doc) for doc in corpus]# 创建Doc2Vec模型,使用dm=1表示使用分布式内存模型,size=100表示向量维度,window=5表示上下文窗口大小,min_count=5表示忽略出现次数少于5次的词,workers=10表示使用10个线程进行训练model = Doc2Vec(corpus_tokens, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=5, workers=10, dm=1)# 获取第一个文档的向量表示vector = model.infer_vector(corpus_tokens[0])print(vector)这段代码首先下载并加载了abc数据集,这是一个新闻分类数据集。




Support vector machine reference manual

Support vector machine reference manual
SV Machine Parameters ===================== 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. Enter Load Save Save Show Exit parameters parameters parameters (pattern_test) parameters as... parameters
ascii2bin bin2ascii
The rest of this document will describe these programs. To nd out more about SVMs, see the bibliography. We will not describe how SVMs work here. The rst program we will describe is the paragen program, as it speci es all parameters needed for the SVM.
- the main SVM program - program for generating parameter sets for the SVM - load a saved SVM and classify a new data set
paragen loadsv
rm sv
- special SVM program for image recognition, that implements virtual support vectors BS97]. - program to convert SN format to our format - program to convert our ASCII format to our binary format - program to convert our binary format to our ASCII format



gensim中常⽤的Word2Vec,Phrases,Phraser,KeyedVectors gensim中常⽤的Word2Vec,Phrases,Phraser,KeyedVectors 1. Phrases 和Phrasergensim.models.phrases.Phrases和gensim.models.phrases.Phraser的⽤处是从句⼦中⾃动检测常⽤的短语表达,N-gram多元词组。




class gensim.models.phrases.Phrases(sentences=None, min_count=5, threshold=10.0, max_vocab_size=40000000, delimiter=b'_', progress_per=10000, scoring='default', common_terms=frozenset({}))Phraser的⽬的是通过丢弃⼀些Phasers模型(phrases_model)状态,减少短语的内存消耗。



class gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(phrases_model)Parametersphrases_model () – Trained phrases instance.Example:>>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath>>> from gensim.models.word2vec import Text8Corpus>>> from gensim.models.phrases import Phrases, Phraser>>>>>> # Load training data.>>> sentences = Text8Corpus(datapath('testcorpus.txt'))>>> # The training corpus must be a sequence (stream, generator) of sentences,>>> # with each sentence a list of tokens:>>> print(list(sentences)[0][:10])['computer', 'human', 'interface', 'computer', 'response', 'survey', 'system', 'time', 'user', 'interface']>>>>>> # Train a toy bigram model.>>> phrases = Phrases(sentences, min_count=1, threshold=1)>>> # Apply the trained phrases model to a new, unseen sentence.>>> phrases[['trees', 'graph', 'minors']]['trees_graph', 'minors']>>> # The toy model considered "trees graph" a single phrase => joined the two>>> # tokens into a single token, `trees_graph`.>>>>>> # Update the model with two new sentences on the fly.>>> phrases.add_vocab([["hello", "world"], ["meow"]])>>>>>> # Export the trained model = use less RAM, faster processing. Model updates no longer possible.>>> bigram = Phraser(phrases)>>> bigram[['trees', 'graph', 'minors']] # apply the exported model to a sentence['trees_graph', 'minors']>>>>>> # Apply the exported model to each sentence of a corpus:>>> for sent in bigram[sentences]:... pass>>>>>> # Save / load an exported collocation model.>>>"/tmp/my_bigram_model.pkl")>>> bigram_reloaded = Phraser.load("/tmp/my_bigram_model.pkl")>>> bigram_reloaded[['trees', 'graph', 'minors']] # apply the exported model to a sentence['trees_graph', 'minors']2. Word2Vec涵盖常⽤的word2vec算法skip-gram和CBOW,使⽤hierarchical softmax和负采样。



KNN最邻近规则,主要应用领域是对未知事物的识别,即判断未知事物属于哪一类,判断思想是,基于欧几里得定理,判断未知事物的特征和哪一类已知事物的的特征最接近;K最近邻(k-Nearest Neighbor,KNN)分类算法,是一个理论上比较成熟的方法,也是最简单的机器学习算法之一。


















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Your staff needs critical skills and knowledge on Check Point products to implement and maintain the strongest security possible with the flexibility and reliability to keep your business growing—securely.Too often there is little or no time dedicated to mastering essential skills and product information, forcing your staff to sort through documentation, search Web sites, or even worse, learn on the job by trial and error—with dangerous consequences. They need focused training, hands-on experience, and access to knowledgeable experts who help them gain the critical skills they need to successfully implement and support your Check Point products.You need a fast, cost-effective way to bridge the gap between purchaseand implementation, reduce potential security risks, ensure reliable, available resources, and maximize the full benefits of your Check Point solution.OUR SOLUTIONCheck Point training courses and certifications give your security administrators and staff the critical skills and in-depth knowledge that they need to implement your Check Point solutions with the strongest security possible.Written by our training experts, all courses, labs, and exams are developed with an emphasis on practical experience with Check Point products,aligning essential skills to your real-world job functions and business needs for immediate benefits. 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ZoneAlarm is a Check Point Software Technologies, Inc. Company. All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The products described in this document are protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,606,668, 5,835,726, 6,496,935, 6,873,988, and 6,850,943 and may be protected by other U.S. Patents, foreign patents, or pending applications.March 12, 2007 P/N 502456designed for real-world jobs and tasksOur courses are designed from real-world job and task analysis, aligning skills to basic competencies to give you the essential knowledge that you need to get your job done effectively. And because we are also the subject matter experts on Check Point products and technologies, you will learn best practices and recommended solutions not available anywhere else.Hands-on learning and labsAll courses combine lecture with lab work to immediatelyapply lessons learned, moving beyond theoretical training into practical, hands-on experience, increasing retention of impor-tant and valuable knowledge. Students have an opportunity to safely try their new skills in a realistic environment, avoiding common, costly, and potentially serious mistakes that could compromise your company’s security and valuable assets.focused, accelerated learningInstructor-led courses accelerate and focus the learning process, increasing retention, benefits, and value of Check Point-provided materials and skills. Students concentrate on the task of learning without distractions, ask questions, and gain from the insights of peers and colleagues. Compared to self-paced learning, classroom training delivers a richer learning experience that is more cost effective, efficient, and less disruptive to, qualified instructorsClasses are taught by highly qualified instructors who are not only certified on Check Point products and technologies, but who are also certified on the best teaching methodologies to ensure that you acquire and retain important skills. Many instructors also hold professional certifications in their fields, so you get valuable, practical knowledge that you can directly apply to your own business and security needs.Valuable, recognized certificationsCertifications validate and demonstrate proficiency with Check Point products and the ability to develop, implement, and enforce security strategies to strengthen and grow your business. For individuals, certification is a great way to get recognition of your experience and skills while investing in your professional development and security career.comprehensive curriculumWhether you are new to security or an experienced profes-sional, our comprehensive curriculum offers training and knowledge-building exercises to supplement your expertise. Our core security courses establish a strong foundation in essential Check Point product knowledge and skills.Specialized courses increase your proficiency and expertise in specific disciplines and technologies. If you are pursuing certification or just need essential product information, we have the essential training that you need.onsite, customized trainingOur Professional Services team offers dedicated training solutions customized to your exact needs with onsite instructors, course materials, and hands-on labs that deliver essential product knowledge to your teams. When your staff learns together in your environment, they gain vital, in-common knowledge that applies directly to your workplace—creating a more meaningful and valuable learning experience.sign up for trainingTo sign up for training or learn more about Check Point Training and Certification programs, including specialized courses covering the Check Point NGX platform, visit us at /services/education/ or emailus directly at education@.check Point core security courses provide the essential training and skills that you need:。



初学liblinear的使⽤⽅法1、主要⽤到的函数如下:A、按照libsvm的数据格式读取txt⽂件 [label_vector, instance_matrix] = libsvmread('data.txt');B、将数据写成SVM规定的形式 libsvmwrite('data.txt', label_vector, instance_matrix](The instance_matrix must be a sparse matrix. (type must be double))C、训练函数 model = train(training_label_vector, training_instance_matrix [,'liblinear_options', 'col']); -training_label_vector: An m by 1 vector of training labels. (type must be double)-training_instance_matrix: An m by n matrix of m training instances with n features.It must be a sparse matrix. (type must be double)-liblinear_options:A string of training options in the same format as that of LIBLINEAR.options:-s type : set type of solver (default 1)for multi-class classification0 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (primal)1 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (dual)2 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (primal)3 -- L2-regularized L1-loss support vector classification (dual)4 -- support vector classification by Crammer and Singer5 -- L1-regularized L2-loss support vector classification6 -- L1-regularized logistic regression7 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (dual)for regression11 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector regression (primal)12 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector regression (dual)13 -- L2-regularized L1-loss support vector regression (dual)-c cost : set the parameter C (default 1)-p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1)-e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion-s 0 and 2|f'(w)|_2 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_2,where f is the primal function and pos/neg are # ofpositive/negative data (default 0.01)-s 11|f'(w)|_2 <= eps*|f'(w0)|_2 (default 0.001)-s 1, 3, 4 and 7Dual maximal violation <= eps; similar to libsvm (default 0.1)-s 5 and 6|f'(w)|_1 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_1,where f is the primal function (default 0.01)-s 12 and 13\n"|f'(alpha)|_1 <= eps |f'(alpha0)|,where f is the dual function (default 0.1)-B bias : if bias >= 0, instance x becomes [x; bias]; if < 0, no bias term added (default -1)-wi weight: weights adjust the parameter C of different classes (see README for details)-v n: n-fold cross validation mode-C : find parameter C (only for -s 0 and 2)-q : quiet mode (no outputs)-col:if 'col' is set, each column of training_instance_matrix is a data instance. Otherwise each row is a data instance.D、预测函数[predicted_label, accuracy, decision_values/prob_estimates] = predict(testing_label_vector, testing_instance_matrix,model [, 'liblinear_options', 'col']);2、⽰例:⽤liblinear⾃带的heart_scale做⽰例[heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst] = libsvmread('heart_scale'); %读数据model=train(heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst, '-c 1');[predict_label, accuracy, dec_values] = predict(heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst, model);结果:Accuracy = 84.8148% (229/270)寻优函数,对s=0或2best = train(heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst, '-C -s 0');将最佳的c代⼊3、模型⾥⾯的具体参数:。



svmtrain用法svmtrain 是 MATLAB 中用于训练支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的函数。


以下是 svmtrain 函数的基本用法:svmStruct = svmtrain(training, group)其中:training 是训练数据,是一个大小为m × n 的矩阵,其中 m 是样本数量,n 是特征数量。

group 是训练样本的类别标签,是一个大小为m × 1 的列向量。

返回值 svmStruct 包含了训练后的 SVM 模型。

如果需要更多的控制和定制,可以使用以下形式:svmStruct = svmtrain(training, group, 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...)其中,PropertyName 和 PropertyValue 是一对一对的参数名和参数值,用于设置 SVM 训练的不同选项。

以下是一些常用的参数:'kernel_function':指定核函数的类型,如 'linear'(线性核函数,默认值)或 'rbf'(径向基函数)等。

'boxconstraint':指定软间隔 SVM 的惩罚参数,控制对误分类样本的容忍度。

'showplot':设置为 true 时,在训练过程中显示决策边界的可视化图。

以下是一个简单的例子:% 生成示例数据rng(1); % 设置随机数种子以保持结果的一致性data = randn(100, 2);labels = ones(100, 1);labels(51:end) = -1;% 使用线性核函数训练 SVM 模型svmStruct = svmtrain(data, labels, 'kernel_function', 'linear');% 预测新样本newData = randn(10, 2);predictedLabels = svmclassify(svmStruct, newData);% 显示决策边界sv = svmStruct.SupportVectors;figure;gscatter(data(:,1), data(:,2), labels);hold on;plot(sv(:,1),sv(:,2),'ko','MarkerSize',10);legend('Positive Class','Negative Class','Support Vector');上述例子中,首先生成了一个简单的二分类问题的数据集,然后使用线性核函数训练了一个 SVM 模型,并最后对新样本进行了预测。

Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines说明

Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines说明
Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with Many Relevant
Thorsten Joachims
Universit£t Dortmund lnformatik LS8, Baroper Str. 301
This representation scheme leads to very high-dimensional feature spaces containing 10000 dimensions and more. Many have noted the need for feature selection to make the use of conventional learning methods possible, to improve generalization accuracy, and to avoid "overfitting". Following the recommendation of [11], the reformation gain criterion will be used in this paper to select a subset of features.
1 Introduction
With the rapid growth of online information, text categorization has become one of the key techniques for handling and organizing text data. Text categorization techniques are used to classify news stories, to find interesting information on the WWW, and to guide a user's search through hypertext. Since building text classifiers by hand is difficult and time-consuming, it is advantageous to learn classifiers from examples.



Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Introduction to Neural Networks : Lecture 18© John A. Bullinaria, 20041.What is Vector Quantization?2.The Encoder-Decoder Model3.Relation between a SOM and Noisy Encoder-Decoder4.Voronoi Tessellation5.Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)What is a Vector Quantization?We have already seen that one aim of using a Self Organizing Map (SOM) is to encode a large set of input vectors {x } by finding a smaller set of “representatives” or “prototypes” or “code-book vectors” {w I(x )} that provide a good approximation to the original input space. This is the basic idea of vector quantization theory, the motivation of which is dimensionality reduction or data compression .In effect, the error of the vector quantization approximation is the total squared distanceD I =−∑x w x x ()2between the input vectors {x } and their representatives {w I(x )}, and we clearly wish to minimize this. We shall see that performing a gradient descent style minimization of D does lead to the SOM weight update algorithm, which confirms that it is generating the best possible discrete low dimensional approximation to the input space (at least assuming it does not get trapped in a local minimum of the error function).The Encoder – Decoder ModelProbably the best way to think about vector quantization is in terms of general encoders and decoders . Suppose c (x ) acts as an encoder of the input vector x , and x´(c) acts as a decoder of c (x ), then we can attempt to get back to x with minimal loss of information:Generally, the input vector x will be selected at random according to some probability function p (x ). Then the optimum encoding-decoding scheme is determined by varying the functions c (x ) and x´(c) to minimize the expected distortion defined byD d p =−′=−′∑∫x x c x x x x x c x x(())()(())22The Generalized Lloyd AlgorithmThe necessary conditions for minimizing the expected distortion D in general situations are embodied in the two conditions of the generalized Lloyd algorithm:Condition 1. Given the input vector x, choose the code c = c(x) to minimize the squared error distortion x x c−′()2.Condition 2. Given the code c, compute the reconstruction vector x´(c) as the centroid of those input vectors x that satisfy condition 1.To implement vector quantization, the algorithm works in batch mode by alternately optimizing the encoder c(x) in accordance with condition 1, and then optimizing the decoder in accordance with condition 2, until D reaches a minimum.To overcome the problem of local minima, it may be necessary to run the algorithm several times with different initial code vectors.The Noisy Encoder – Decoder ModelIn real applications the encoder-decoder system will also have to cope with noise in the communication channel. We can treat the noise as an additive random variable ν with probability density function π(ν), so the model becomes It is not difficult to see that the expected distortion is now given byD d p d νπ=−′+=−′+∑∑∫∫x x c x x x x x c x x (())()(())νν(ν)νν22The Generalized Lloyd Algorithm with NoiseTo minimize the modified expected distortion D ν we can compute the relevant partial derivatives and use the modified generalized Lloyd algorithm :Condition 1. Given the input vector x , choose the code c = c (x ) to minimize the distortion measure d ∫−′+ν(ν)νπx x c x (())2.Condition 2. Given the code c , compute the reconstruction vector x´(c) to satisfy ′=−−∫∫x c x x c c x x x x c c x ()()()()()d p d p ππ()().If we set the noise density function π(ν) to be the Dirac delta function δ(ν), that is zero everywhere except at ν = 0, these conditions reduce to the conditions we had before in the no noise case. We can usually approximate Condition 1 by a simple nearest neighbour approach, and then we can determine that the appropriate iterative updates of the reconstruction vector x´(c) for condition 2 are ∆′−−′x c c c x x x c ()~()())π()(.Relation between a SOM and Noisy Encoder–DecoderWe can now see that there is a direct correspondence between the SOM algorithm and the noisy encoder-decoder model:Noisy Encoder-Decoder Model SOM AlgorithmEncoder c(x)Best matching neuron I(x) Reconstruction vector x´(c)Connection weight vector wj Probability density function π(c – c(x))Neighbourhood function T j I,()xThis provides us with a proof that the SOM algorithm is a vector quantization algorithm which provides a good approximation to the input space.Note that the topological neighbourhood function T j I,()x in the SOM algorithm has the form of a probability density function.Voronoi TessellationA vector quantizer with minimum encoding distortion is called a Voronoi quantizer or nearest-neighbour quantizer. The input space is partitioned into a set of Voronoi or nearest neighbour cells each containing an associated Voronoi or reconstruction vector:The SOM algorithm provides a useful method for computing the Voronoi vectors (as weight vectors) in an unsupervised manner. One common application is to use it for finding good centres (input to hidden unit weights) in RBF networks.Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) is a supervised version of vector quantization that can be used when we have labelled input data. This learning technique uses the class information to reposition the Voronoi vectors slightly, so as to improve the quality of the classifier decision regions. It is a two stage process – a SOM followed by LVQ:This is particularly useful for pattern classification problems. The first step is feature selection – the unsupervised identification of a reasonably small set of features in which the essential information content of the input data is concentrated. The second step is the classification where the feature domains are assigned to individual classes.The LVQ AlgorithmThe basic LVQ algorithm is actually quite simple. It starts from a trained SOM with input vectors {x } and weights/Voronoi vectors {w j }. We then use the classification labels of the inputs to find the best classification label for each w j , i.e. for each Voronoi cell. It is unlikely that these Voronoi cell boundaries will match the classification boundaries. The LVQ algorithm attempts to correct this by shifting the boundaries:1. If the input x and the associated Voronoi vector/weight w I(x ) (i.e. the weight ofthe winning output node I (x )) have the same class label, then move them closer together by ∆w x w x x I I t t t ()()()()())=−β( as in the SOM algorithm.2. If the input x and associated Voronoi vector/weight w I(x ) have the differentclass labels, then move them apart by ∆w x w x x I I t t t ()()()()())=−−β(.3. Voronoi vectors/weights w j corresponding to other input regions are leftunchanged with ∆w j t ()=0.where β(t ) is a learning rate that decreases with the number of iterations/epochs of training. In this way we get better classification than by the SOM alone.The LVQ2 AlgorithmA second, improved, LVQ algorithm known as LVQ2 is sometimes preferred because it comes closer in effect to Bayesian decision theory.The same weight/vector update equations are used as in the standard LVQ, but they only get applied under certain conditions, namely when:1.The input vector x is incorrectly classified by the associated Voronoi vector wI(x).2.The next nearest Voronoi vector wS(x)does give the correct classification, and3.The input vector x is sufficiently close to the decision boundary (perpendicularbisector plane) between wI(x) and wS(x).In this case, both vectors wI(x) and wS(x)are updated (using the incorrect and correctclassification update equations respectively).Various other variations on this theme exist (LVQ3, etc.), and this is still a fruitful research area for building better classification systems.Overview and Reading1.We began with an overview of what vector quantization is.2.We then looked at general encoder-decoder models and noisy encoder-decoder models, and the generalized Lloyd algorithm for optimizing them. This led to a clear relation between SOMs and vector quantization.3.We ended by studying learning vector quantization (LVQ) from thepoint of view of Voronoi tessellation, and saw how the LVQ algorithm could optimize the class decision boundaries generated by a SOM.Reading1.Haykin: Section 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.10, 9.112.Beale & Jackson: Sections 5.63.Gurney: Section 8.3.64.Hertz, Krogh & Palmer: Sections 9.25.Ham & Kostanic: Section 4.1, 4.2, 4.3。



ai模型训练相关英文术语解释1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): The theory and development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving.2. Model Training: The process of teaching an AI model to learn patterns and make predictions or decisions by providing it with a large amount of training data and adjusting the model's internal parameters or structure.3. Training Data: The data used to train an AI model. It typically consists of input data and corresponding target output data that is used to guide the learning process.4. Labeling: The process of annotating or categorizing data for training an AI model. Labels provide ground truth information about the data and help the model learn to recognize patterns and make accurate predictions.5. Supervised Learning: A type of machine learning where the AI model is trained using labeled examples, meaning there is a known correct answer provided for each input data point.6. Unsupervised Learning: A type of machine learning where theAI model is trained using unlabeled data. The model is expected to find patterns or structures in the data without any explicit guidance.7. Reinforcement Learning: A type of machine learning where an AI model learns to make decisions or take actions in anenvironment to maximize a reward signal. The model learns through trial and error, receiving feedback on the quality of its actions.8. Neural Network: A type of model architecture inspired by the human brain. It consists of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers, with each neuron performing a simple computation. Neural networks are commonly used in deep learning.9. Deep Learning: A subfield of machine learning that focuses on artificial neural networks with multiple layers. Deep learning allows for the learning of hierarchical representations of data, enabling the model to process complex patterns and relationships.10. Loss Function: A function that measures the discrepancy between the predicted outputs of an AI model and the true target outputs. During training, the model aims to minimize this discrepancy by adjusting its internal parameters.11. Gradient Descent: An optimization algorithm used to minimize the loss function in training an AI model. It calculates the gradient of the loss function with respect to the model parameters and updates them in the direction of steepest descent.12. Overfitting: A phenomenon that occurs when an AI model performs well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data. It happens when the model becomes too specialized in capturing the noise or specific patterns of the training data, resulting in poor generalization.13. Hyperparameters: Parameters that define the configuration of an AI model and affect its learning process, but are not directly learned from the training data. They include parameters such as learning rate, number of layers, and activation functions.14. Validation Set: A portion of the training data that is set aside and not used for training the model. It is used to evaluate the performance of the model during the training process and tune the hyperparameters.15. Test Set: A separate dataset used to evaluate the final performance of the trained AI model. It consists of data that the model has never seen before and is used to assess the model's ability to generalize to new, unseen data.。

CANdelaStudio Training

CANdelaStudio Training

协议服务Protocol Service的定义

Protocol Service的结构
{ { {
File/New 选择一个模板文件,打开文件 保存成一个数据文档

在数据文档中,Interface只能选择,不能删除和 创建,但可以更改Interface的参数

Inteface信息 窗口
新建Inteface 按钮

{ {
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基于XML语言的诊断数据库 CANdela,支持诊断开发过程:
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A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition

A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Editor: Usama Fayyad Abstract. The tutorial starts with an overview of the concepts of VC dimension and structural risk minimization. We then describe linear Support Vector Machines (SVMs) for separable and non-separable data, working through a non-trivial example in detail. We describe a mechanical analogy, and discuss when SVM solutions are unique and when they are global. We describe how support vector training can be practically implemented, and discuss in detail the kernel mapping technique which is used to construct SVM solutions which are nonlinear in the data. We show how Support Vector machines can have very large (even infinite) VC dimension by computing the VC dimension for homogeneous polynomial and Gaussian radial basis function kernels. While very high VC dimension would normally bode ill for generalization performance, and while at present there exists no theory which shows that good generalization performance is guaranteed for SVMs, there are several arguments which support the observed high accuracy of SVMs, which we review. Results of some experiments which were inspired by these arguments are also presented. We give numerous examples and proofs of most of the key theorems. There is new material, and I hope that the reader will find that even old material is cast in a fresh light. Keywords: support vector machines, statistical learning theory, VC dimension, pattern recognition



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像TensorFlow, PaddlePaddle, Torch, Caffe, Keras等机器学习框架可以显著加快你机器学习的发展。



1 - Exploring the Tensorflow Library 探索Tensorflow库⾸先,您将导⼊库:1 import math2 import numpy as np3 import h5py4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt5 import tensorflow as tf6 from tensorflow.python.framework import ops7 from tf_utils import load_dataset, random_mini_batches, convert_to_one_hot, predict89 %matplotlib inline10 np.random.seed(1)现在您已经导⼊了库,我们将带您浏览它的不同应⽤程序。


原代码为:y_hat = tf.constant(36, name='y_hat') # Define y_hat constant. Set to 36.y = tf.constant(39, name='y') # Define y. Set to 39loss = tf.Variable((y - y_hat)**2, name='loss') # Create a variable for the lossinit = tf.global_variables_initializer() # When init is run later (,# the loss variable will be initialized and ready to be computedwith tf.Session() as session: # Create a session and print the # Initializes the variablesprint( # Prints the loss根据⽹上参考,适应tf2.0版本修改的:import tensorflow as tfpat.v1.disable_eager_execution() #保证能够正常运⾏y_hat = tf.constant(36, name='y_hat') # Define y_hat constant. Set to 36.y = tf.constant(39, name='y') # Define y. Set to 39loss = tf.Variable((y - y_hat)**2, name='loss') # Create a variable for the lossinit = pat.v1.global_variables_initializer() # When init is run later (,# the loss variable will be initialized and ready to be computedwith pat.v1.Session () as session: # Create a session and print the # Initializes the variablesprint(运⾏结果:在TensorFlow中编写和运⾏程序有以下步骤:1、创建Tensorflow变量(此时,尚未直接计算)2、实现Tensorflow变量之间的操作定义。



prepare_model_for_training 标题:为训练准备模型引言概述:在机器学习和深度学习领域,为训练准备模型是非常重要的一步。



正文内容:1. 数据预处理1.1 数据清洗:去除异常值、处理缺失值和重复值。

1.2 特征工程:选择和提取与训练任务相关的特征,进行特征缩放、编码和选择。

2. 模型选择与构建2.1 模型选择:根据训练任务的特点和数据集的特征选择合适的模型,如线性回归、决策树、支持向量机等。

2.2 模型构建:根据选择的模型,确定模型的结构和参数,并进行初始化。

3. 损失函数与优化算法3.1 损失函数选择:根据训练任务的目标,选择适合的损失函数,如平方损失、交叉熵损失等。

3.2 优化算法选择:根据模型的结构和数据集的规模选择合适的优化算法,如梯度下降、Adam等。

4. 训练过程4.1 数据集划分:将数据集划分为训练集、验证集和测试集,用于模型的训练、调参和评估。

4.2 批量训练:采用批量训练的方式,每次迭代使用一小部分数据进行参数更新,提高训练效率和模型泛化能力。

4.3 参数调优:通过调整模型的超参数,如学习率、正则化参数等,优化模型的性能。

5. 模型评估与保存5.1 模型评估:使用验证集和测试集对训练好的模型进行评估,计算准确率、精确率、召回率等指标。

5.2 模型保存:将训练好的模型保存,以便后续使用和部署。









安装库:```shellpipinstallgensimnltk```加载预训练模型:```pythonfromgensim.modelsimportKeyedVectorsmodel=KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('path/to/pretrain ed/model',binary=True)```使用KeyedVectors对象进行文本表示:```pythontext="Thisisasampletext."#输入文本vector=model[text]#将文本表示为向量```二、常见操作1.获取向量表示:使用KeyedVectors对象可以获取文本的向量表示。












下载地址与document :fasttext的主要功能:Training Supervised Classifier [supervised] Supervised Classifier Training for Text Classification. 训练分类器,就是⽂本分类,fasttext 的主营业务。

Training SkipGram Model [skipgram] Learning Word Representations/Word Vectors using skipgram technique. 训练skipgram的⽅式的词向量。

Quantization [quantize] Quantization is a process applied on a model so as to reduce the memory usage during prediction. 量化压缩,降低模型体积。

Predictions [predict] Predicting labels for a given text : Text Classification. 对于⽂本分类任务,⽤于预测类别。

Predictions with Probabilities [predict-prob] Predicting probabilities in addition to labels for a given text : Text Classification. 带有概率的预测类别。

Training of CBOW model [cbow] Learning Word Representations/Word Vectors using CBOW (Continuous Bag Of Words) technique. cbow⽅式训练词向量。



vbt训练方法VBT训练方法是一种独特而又有效的训练方式,全称为向量增量训练(Vector-based Incremental Training),是一种基于矢量化表示的深度学习模型训练方法。
























支持向量机的matlab代码如果是7.0以上版本>>edit svmtrain>>edit svmclassify>>edit svmpredictfunction [svm_struct, svIndex] = svmtrain(training, groupnames, varargin)%SVMTRAIN trains a support vector machine classifier%% SVMStruct = SVMTRAIN(TRAINING,GROUP) trains a support vector machine% classifier using data TRAINING taken from two groups given by GROUP. % SVMStruct contains information about the trained classifier that is% used by SVMCLASSIFY for classification. GROUP is a column vector of % values of the same length as TRAINING that defines two groups. Each % element of GROUP specifies the group the corresponding row of TRAINING% belongs to. GROUP can be a numeric vector, a string array, or a cell% array of strings. SVMTRAIN treats NaNs or empty strings in GROUP as % missing values and ignores the corresponding rows of TRAINING.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KERNEL_FUNCTION',KFUN) allows you to specify the kernel% function KFUN used to map the training data into kernel space. The% default kernel function is the dot product. KFUN can be one of the% following strings or a function handle:%% 'linear' Linear kernel or dot product% 'quadratic' Quadratic kernel% 'polynomial' Polynomial kernel (default order 3)% 'rbf' Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel% 'mlp' Multilayer Perceptron kernel (default scale 1)% function A kernel function specified using @,% for example @KFUN, or an anonymous function%% A kernel function must be of the form%% function K = KFUN(U, V)%% The returned value, K, is a matrix of size M-by-N, where U and V have M % and N rows respectively. If KFUN is parameterized, you can use% anonymous functions to capture the problem-dependent parameters. For% example, suppose that your kernel function is%% function k = kfun(u,v,p1,p2)% k = tanh(p1*(u*v')+p2);%% You can set values for p1 and p2 and then use an anonymous function: % @(u,v) kfun(u,v,p1,p2).%% SVMTRAIN(...,'POLYORDER',ORDER) allows you to specify the order of a% polynomial kernel. The default order is 3.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'MLP_PARAMS',[P1 P2]) allows you to specify the% parameters of the Multilayer Perceptron (mlp) kernel. The mlp kernel% requires two parameters, P1 and P2, where K = tanh(P1*U*V' + P2) and P1% > 0 and P2 < 0. Default values are P1 = 1 and P2 = -1.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'METHOD',METHOD) allows you to specify the method used% to find the separating hyperplane. Options are%% 'QP' Use quadratic programming (requires the Optimization Toolbox) % 'LS' Use least-squares method%% If you have the Optimization Toolbox, then the QP method is the default % method. If not, the only available method is LS.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'QUADPROG_OPTS',OPTIONS) allows you to pass an OPTIONS% structure created using OPTIMSET to the QUADPROG function when using% the 'QP' method. See help optimset for more details.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'SHOWPLOT',true), when used with two-dimensional data,% creates a plot of the grouped data and plots the separating line for% the classifier.%% Example:% % Load the data and select features for classification% load fisheriris% data = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];% % Extract the Setosa class% groups = ismember(species,'setosa');% % Randomly select training and test sets% [train, test] = crossvalind('holdOut',groups);% cp = classperf(groups);% % Use a linear support vector machine classifier% svmStruct = svmtrain(data(train,:),groups(train),'showplot',true); % classes = svmclassify(svmStruct,data(test,:),'showplot',true);% % See how well the classifier performed% classperf(cp,classes,test);% cp.CorrectRate%% See also CLASSIFY, KNNCLASSIFY, QUADPROG, SVMCLASSIFY.% Copyright 2004 The MathWorks, Inc.% $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/12/24 20:43:35 $% References:% [1] Kecman, V, Learning and Soft Computing,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2001.% [2] Suykens, J.A.K., Van Gestel, T., De Brabanter, J., De Moor, B., % Vandewalle, J., Least Squares Support Vector Machines,% World Scientific, Singapore, 2002.% [3] Scholkopf, B., Smola, A.J., Learning with Kernels,% MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 2002.%% SVMTRAIN(...,'KFUNARGS',ARGS) allows you to pass additional% arguments to kernel functions.% set defaultsplotflag = false;qp_opts = [];kfunargs = {};setPoly = false; usePoly = false;setMLP = false; useMLP = false;if ~isempty(which('quadprog'))useQuadprog = true;elseuseQuadprog = false;end% set default kernel functionkfun = @linear_kernel;% check inputsif nargin < 2error(nargchk(2,Inf,nargin))endnumoptargs = nargin -2;optargs = varargin;% grp2idx sorts a numeric grouping var ascending, and a string grouping% var by order of first occurrence[g,groupString] = grp2idx(groupnames);% check group is a vector -- though char input is special...if ~isvector(groupnames) && ~ischar(groupnames)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:GroupNotVector',...'Group must be a vector.');end% make sure that the data is correctly oriented.if size(groupnames,1) == 1groupnames = groupnames';end% make sure data is the right sizen = length(groupnames);if size(training,1) ~= nif size(training,2) == ntraining = training';elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:DataGroupSizeMismatch',...'GROUP and TRAINING must have the same number of rows.') endend% NaNs are treated as unknown classes and are removed from the training % datanans = find(isnan(g));if length(nans) > 0training(nans,:) = [];g(nans) = [];endngroups = length(groupString);if ngroups > 2error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:TooManyGroups',...'SVMTRAIN only supports classification into two groups.\nGROUP contains %d different groups.',ngroups)end% convert to 1, -1.g = 1 - (2* (g-1));% handle optional argumentsif numoptargs >= 1if rem(numoptargs,2)== 1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:IncorrectNumberOfArguments',...'Incorrect number of arguments to %s.',mfilename);endokargs ={'kernel_function','method','showplot','kfunargs','quadprog_opts','polyorder','ml p_params'};for j=1:2:numoptargspname = optargs{j};pval = optargs{j+1};k = strmatch(lower(pname), okargs);%#okif isempty(k)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownParameterName',...'Unknown parameter name: %s.',pname);elseif length(k)>1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:AmbiguousParameterName',...'Ambiguous parameter name: %s.',pname);elseswitch(k)case 1 % kernel_functionif ischar(pval)okfuns = {'linear','quadratic',...'radial','rbf','polynomial','mlp'};funNum = strmatch(lower(pval), okfuns);%#okif isempty(funNum)funNum = 0;endswitch funNum %maybe make this less strict in the futurecase 1kfun = @linear_kernel;case 2kfun = @quadratic_kernel;case {3,4}kfun = @rbf_kernel;case 5kfun = @poly_kernel;usePoly = true;case 6kfun = @mlp_kernel;useMLP = true;otherwiseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownKernelFunction',...'Unknown Kernel Function %s.',kfun);endelseif isa (pval, 'function_handle')kfun = pval;elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadKernelFunction',...'The kernel function input does not appear to be a function handle\nor valid function name.')endcase 2 % methodif strncmpi(pval,'qp',2)useQuadprog = true;if isempty(which('quadprog'))warning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:NoOptim',...'The Optimization Toolbox is required to use the quadratic programming method.')useQuadprog = false;endelseif strncmpi(pval,'ls',2)useQuadprog = false;elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownMethod',...'Unknown method option %s. Valid methods are ''QP'' and ''LS''',pval);endcase 3 % displayif pval ~= 0if size(training,2) == 2plotflag = true;elsewarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:OnlyPlot2D',...'The display option can only plot 2D training data.')endendcase 4 % kfunargsif iscell(pval)kfunargs = pval;elsekfunargs = {pval};endcase 5 % quadprog_optsif isstruct(pval)qp_opts = pval;elseif iscell(pval)qp_opts = optimset(pval{:});elseerror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadQuadprogOpts',...'QUADPROG_OPTS must be an opts structure.');endcase 6 % polyorderif ~isscalar(pval) || ~isnumeric(pval)error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadPolyOrder',...'POLYORDER must be a scalar value.');endif pval ~=floor(pval) || pval < 1error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:PolyOrderNotInt',...'The order of the polynomial kernel must be a positive integer.')endkfunargs = {pval};setPoly = true;case 7 % mlpparamsif numel(pval)~=2error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:BadMLPParams',...'MLP_PARAMS must be a two element array.');endif ~isscalar(pval(1)) || ~isscalar(pval(2))error('Bioinfo:svmtrain:MLPParamsNotScalar',...'The parameters of the multi-layer perceptron kernel must be scalar.');endkfunargs = {pval(1),pval(2)};setMLP = true;endendendendif setPoly && ~usePolywarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:PolyOrderNotPolyKernel',...'You specified a polynomial order but not a polynomial kernel');endif setMLP && ~useMLPwarning('Bioinfo:svmtrain:MLPParamNotMLPKernel',...'You specified MLP parameters but not an MLP kernel');end% plot the data if requestedif plotflag[hAxis,hLines] = svmplotdata(training,g);legend(hLines,cellstr(groupString));end% calculate kernel functiontrykx = feval(kfun,training,training,kfunargs{:});% ensure function is symmetrickx = (kx+kx')/2;catcherror('Bioinfo:svmtrain:UnknownKernelFunction',...'Error calculating the kernel function:\n%s\n', lasterr);end% create Hessian% add small constant eye to force stabilityH =((g*g').*kx) + sqrt(eps(class(training)))*eye(n);if useQuadprog% The large scale solver cannot handle this type of problem, so turn it % off.qp_opts = optimset(qp_opts,'LargeScale','Off');% X=QUADPROG(H,f,A,b,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,X0,opts)alpha = quadprog(H,-ones(n,1),[],[],...g',0,zeros(n,1),inf *ones(n,1),zeros(n,1),qp_opts);% The support vectors are the non-zeros of alphasvIndex = find(alpha > sqrt(eps));sv = training(svIndex,:);% calculate the parameters of the separating line from the support% vectors.alphaHat = g(svIndex).*alpha(svIndex);% Calculate the bias by applying the indicator function to the support% vector with largest alpha.[maxAlpha,maxPos] = max(alpha); %#okbias = g(maxPos) - sum(alphaHat.*kx(svIndex,maxPos));% an alternative method is to average the values over all support vectors % bias = mean(g(sv)' - sum(alphaHat(:,ones(1,numSVs)).*kx(sv,sv)));% An alternative way to calculate support vectors is to look for zeros of % the Lagrangians (fifth output from QUADPROG).%% [alpha,fval,output,exitflag,t] = quadprog(H,-ones(n,1),[],[],...% g',0,zeros(n,1),inf *ones(n,1),zeros(n,1),opts);%% sv = t.lower < sqrt(eps) & t.upper < sqrt(eps);else % Least-Squares% now build up compound matrix for solverA = [0 g';g,H];b = [0;ones(size(g))];x = A\b;% calculate the parameters of the separating line from the support% = training;bias = x(1);alphaHat = g.*x(2:end);endsvm_struct.SupportVectors = sv;svm_struct.Alpha = alphaHat;svm_struct.Bias = bias;svm_struct.KernelFunction = kfun;svm_struct.KernelFunctionArgs = kfunargs;svm_struct.GroupNames = groupnames;svm_struct.FigureHandles = [];if plotflaghSV = svmplotsvs(hAxis,svm_struct);svm_struct.FigureHandles = {hAxis,hLines,hSV}; end41|评论(6)。



DBoW2库介绍DBoW2库是University of Zaragoza⾥的Lopez等⼈开发的开源软件库。



git地址:论⽂:Bags of Binary Words for Fast Place Recognition in Image SequencesDBoW2库介绍词袋模型BoW(Bag of Words,词袋模型),是⾃然语⾔处理领域经常使⽤的⼀个概念。






















利⽤PythonNumpy从零开始步步为营计算Word2Vec词向量利⽤Python Numpy从零开始步步为营计算Word2Vec词向量⽜伯⾬词向量建模是⾃然语⾔处理当中的重要基础步骤。




另⼀篇GeeksforGeeks 上题为的⽂章对这⼀模型也有⽐较详细的说明。


1. CBOW模型和Skip-gram模型Mikolov等⼈2013年的论⽂提出了两种模型,它们分别叫Continuous Bag of Words(CBOW)和Continuous Skip-gram,图⽰如下:这两种模型都是预测模型,不过CBOW是已知某个词(中⼼词)周围的上下⽂,来预测这个词本⾝最有可能是什么,⽽Skip-gram则是已知⼀个词(中⼼词),来预测这个词周围最有可能是哪些词作为它的上下⽂。


Mikolov 2013年的原⽂第4.3节对这两种模型进⾏了⽐较:1. 在模型训练时间⽅⾯,Skip-gram所需的时间基本上是CBOW的3倍。


2. 在模型表现⽅⾯,Skip-gram在语义上的表现要优于CBOW,⽽CBOW则在句法上稍微更胜⼀筹。


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MOST History and Future
1998 MOST Cooperation founded (DaimlerChrysler, BMW, Becker, OASIS)
2004 Used is serial cars of DaimlerChrysler, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Volvo, Saab, Peugeot, Citroen, Fiat
短的消息内容 (最多8字节)
消息与信号 消息,数据容器
{ 数据标识 { 传输的数据块(最多8字节) { 用符号描述
{ 信号长度可能从1位到多字节 { 需要物理单位 { 需要转换单位 { 对错误的描述 { 用符号描述
Vector – The Art of Engineering
成立与 1988
世界领先的汽车工程和工 业自动化领域总线分析开 发工具的供应商
什么是网络 网络互连的需求
{ 物理连接 { 共同的语言(协议)
ISO/OSI 七层协议
强大的CAN网络系统 分析和开发工具
公司简介 汽车总线介绍 汽车总线开发流程 使用CANalyzer CAPL 编程
总部在北京 成立于1998年,私营公司 公司员工近70人 上海,成都设有办事处 MathWorks & dSPACE&Vector公司中国唯一代理
LIN History and Future
1999 introduced by LIN consortium
2001 Mercedes SL as first serial car with LIN
2002 Audi, VW, Volvo, Toyota
LIN specification 2.0 introduced (new Diagnostic and Configuration Functions, automatic detection of bus speed, etc.)
Companies with 95% of global automobile production belong to MOST Cooperation 2006 First cars with MOST in USA and Japan (?) Future MOST2 with >150 Mbit/s
(0xFF 代表错误)
发动机温度: ºC =2* Bit value –50 (0x7F 代表错误)
发动机温度(第二字节,0-6位) 未用(第二字节,第七位) 发动机转速(第一,二字节)
7 0 7 07 0
B0 B0 B0
7 0 15 8 23 16
23 16 15 8 7 0
MOST = Media Oriented System Transport(面向媒体系统传输)
多媒体需要很高的数据传输率和总线 速度
高达 22,5 MBit/s的数据传输率 基于光纤的环状总线拓扑结构 支持多达64个多媒体设备
. . .
ECU #10

. . .
. . .
CAN C 500 kBd CAN B 83 kBd
ECU #1
声音 / 视频 / 通信
诊断 (K-line)
ECU # 24
CAN 主要特性
CSMA/CA 总线获得方式
网络范围内的数 据一致性
高的传输速度 (最高1 Mbit/s)
2004 used in (nearly) all new developed cars in Europe
Future LIN will be used in the future for nearly all sensor-actor applications in cars.
Sensors and actors will have LIN integrated in future.
节点 ID 名
消息名 位
信号 信号 接收 转换 错误 物理单位 发送

描述 节点 规则 表示
ABS 300 ABS_1 1-4 ST1
4-8 ST2
301 ABS_2 1
2-8 LZ
CAN 规范

标准 11位 扩展 29位




LIN = Local Interconnect Network 单主机多从机概念 基于普通UART/SCI 接口的低成本硬件实
现低成本软件或作为纯状态机 从机节点不需要石英或陶瓷谐振器可以实
现自同步 保证信号传输的延迟时间 低成本的单线设备 速度高达20kbit/s
通讯速率高,可靠性高,连接方便和性能价格比 高
突出的可靠性、实时性和灵活性 在汽车,工业自动化等方面大量应用
Mercedes S 系列
. . .
201 前面左右轮转速 208 后面左右轮转速
喷射角度,踏板位置 200 发动机速度,温度 100
300 正常发动机力矩
消息与信号的关系 消息:‘engine data’ (ID 100)
ID 100
7 0 7 07 0
B0 B0 B0
发动机转速 :rpm=1*Bit value
DeviceNet CANopen
应用层 表示层
传输层 网络层
应用层 表示层 会话层
传输层 网络层 数据链路层
CAN是ControlAreaNetwork的简称,最早由德国 BOSCH公司推出
总线规范现已被ISO国际标准组织制订为国际标准 得到了Motorola、Intel、Philips、Siemence、NEC