ASC0 43800178
ASC0 43400259
ASC0 45000519
ASCO EFG353A043 3/4 DC24V
ASCO K302-116
ASCO MP-C089/238714-006-D 4WE
ASCO 43004422 230V/AC/50Hz
ASCO NKS374A090MS*2 DC24
ASCO 88200007 DC24
ASCO 54191028
ASCO 35500382
ASCO EV8327G52 24VDC
ASCO EFG8320G22 AC220V
ASCO 8320G184MS
ASCO 8320G174
ASCO 238710-006-D
ASCO EF8210G022 AC220V
ASCO EF8210G008 AC220V
ASCO EF8210G004 AC220V
ASCO EF8316G64 24VDC
ASCO EF8003G1 220VAC/常开型
asco电磁阀8344G074 24DC
8320G174MO EF8320G174 8320G184MO EF8320G184MO 8320G186MO EF8320G186MO 8320G200 EF8320G200 8320G202 EF8320G202 EFG551A001MS EFG551H401MO EF8551A001MS EF8551G401MO 30400008
自动转换开关ATSASCO(Automatic Switch Company 美国自动开关公司创立于1888年,于1920年研发制造出第一台自动转换开关,经由不断的创新与发展,一直是电力界自动转换开关产品的首选,是ATS 业界领导者。
右图为ASCO 全球总部及主要生产工厂,位于美国新泽西州Florham Park,拥有超过1300名员工,此工厂每年制造及运送数以万计的ATS 至全球各地。
全球总部-Florham Park, 美国新泽西州当您了解越多,您会更加坚定选择ASCO 提供多元化产品及解决方案以符合各种对紧急电源转换应用的要求: ◆自动转换开关ATS◆不停电闭合转换开关CTTS◆延时转换开关DTTS◆维修时仍可继续供应电力的旁路隔离抽出型转换开关ATB ,ACTB◆固态电子式快速转换开关STS◆闭路式线性加卸载转换开关SLTS◆中压转换开关MV ATS ,MVCTTS◆多电源转换系统◆发电机并联系统◆紧急电力管理系统 2000A 含维护旁路自动转换开关◆照明控制接触器◆瞬时浪涌电压突波抑制器全球销售与服务网络ASCO 产品销售及服务网遍布全球,ASCO 自动转换开关为强制认证(CCC合格产品、UL1008认证合格产品,是全球第一家取得CE,IEC60947-6-1及Kema Keur 认证合格的自动转换开关,符合NFPA 20,70, 99,110,IEEE 241,446及NEMA ICS10-1993(ICS2-447 法规标准。
自动转换开关提供最佳可靠度◆真正PC级自动转换开关,GB/T 14048.11、UL1008及IEC60947-6-1认证的合格产品◆适用于各类型负载,可使用于最复杂负载类型AC-33A ◆带载转换及耐受故障电流能力高,方便保护协调设计及设定◆线圈激磁型转换开关,转换速度快且稳定◆电气操作,机械保持触头闭合◆电气及机械联锁,保证只接触一路电源供电,避免双边电源不供电或双路电源短路◆具灭弧触头及灭弧室,保护主触头,有足够灭弧距离,保证明显断开点◆大电流ATS静主触头为分片式设计,保证最佳接触面积避免过热,并具有自我清洁功能◆百分之百电流额定◆不需外接触独立控制电源,降低故障率◆可由正面检视维修◆转换速度低于100ms◆微处理机控制器,控制精密度高◆可搭配同相位侦测器进行同相位转换◆可搭配中性线重叠转换,避免转换过程产生瞬间异常电压◆可搭配通讯模块,远程监控ATS状态重要负载供电需要ATS 医院、电子半导体业、商业大楼及工业厂房计算机数据处理中心,电信通讯机房石化工业及制造业300系列自动转换开关ATS◆适用于商业、工业及紧急重要的供电场所◆GB/T 14048.11、UL1008及IEC60947-6-1认证合格产品◆2、3、4极,适用于120V-600V ,单相及三相系统,30A-3200A ,50/60Hz◆PC 级ATS 适用于各类负载及AC-33A◆自动转换开关采用先离后接转换模式,转换过程负载短瞬间停电,有明显断开点◆转换机构电力来自于即将投入端电源,不需额外控制电源,减少故障率◆简单明了的盘面控制及显示面板,LED 灯号显示开关位置及电源状态,并含测试及延时取消开关◆附发电机每周定时启动测试定时器,可设定有载或无载测试,若有必要也可取消此设定◆有时正常及紧急电于瞬间压降或瞬间停电后马上复电,一般ATS 在此状况下会做不必要的频繁转换; ASCO300系列ATS 可以延时设定忽略此种电力问题,使ATS 不作无谓转换200A ATS ,屋外型外箱UL1008耐受短时电流及带载转换闭合额定能力对称电流值(A/RMS ATS 电流(A 以熔丝保护时可达(A值以断路器保护时可达(A值 30 100,000 10,000 70-200 200,000 22,000 230 100,000 22,000 260,400 200,000 42,000 600 200,000 50,000 800,1000,1200 200,000 65,000 1600,2000 200,000 85,000 2600,3000,3200 200,000 100,000300系列微处理机控制器ASCO Group 1微处理机控制器适用于300系列自动转换开关,是一台高可靠度控制器,功能涵盖电压、频率及延时设定,控制功能的启动与取消,并具通信功能。
Red Hat
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自动转换开关ATSASCO(Automatic Switch Company 美国自动开关公司创立于1888年,于1920年研发制造出第一台自动转换开关,经由不断的创新与发展,一直是电力界自动转换开关产品的首选,是ATS 业界领导者。
右图为ASCO 全球总部及主要生产工厂,位于美国新泽西州Florham Park,拥有超过1300名员工,此工厂每年制造及运送数以万计的ATS 至全球各地。
全球总部-Florham Park, 美国新泽西州当您了解越多,您会更加坚定选择ASCO 提供多元化产品及解决方案以符合各种对紧急电源转换应用的要求: ◆自动转换开关ATS◆不停电闭合转换开关CTTS◆延时转换开关DTTS◆维修时仍可继续供应电力的旁路隔离抽出型转换开关ATB ,ACTB◆固态电子式快速转换开关STS◆闭路式线性加卸载转换开关SLTS◆中压转换开关MV ATS ,MVCTTS◆多电源转换系统◆发电机并联系统◆紧急电力管理系统 2000A 含维护旁路自动转换开关◆照明控制接触器◆瞬时浪涌电压突波抑制器全球销售与服务网络ASCO 产品销售及服务网遍布全球,ASCO 自动转换开关为强制认证(CCC合格产品、UL1008认证合格产品,是全球第一家取得CE,IEC60947-6-1及Kema Keur 认证合格的自动转换开关,符合NFPA 20,70, 99,110,IEEE 241,446及NEMA ICS10-1993(ICS2-447 法规标准。
自动转换开关提供最佳可靠度◆真正PC级自动转换开关,GB/T 14048.11、UL1008及IEC60947-6-1认证的合格产品◆适用于各类型负载,可使用于最复杂负载类型AC-33A ◆带载转换及耐受故障电流能力高,方便保护协调设计及设定◆线圈激磁型转换开关,转换速度快且稳定◆电气操作,机械保持触头闭合◆电气及机械联锁,保证只接触一路电源供电,避免双边电源不供电或双路电源短路◆具灭弧触头及灭弧室,保护主触头,有足够灭弧距离,保证明显断开点◆大电流ATS静主触头为分片式设计,保证最佳接触面积避免过热,并具有自我清洁功能◆百分之百电流额定◆不需外接触独立控制电源,降低故障率◆可由正面检视维修◆转换速度低于100ms◆微处理机控制器,控制精密度高◆可搭配同相位侦测器进行同相位转换◆可搭配中性线重叠转换,避免转换过程产生瞬间异常电压◆可搭配通讯模块,远程监控ATS状态重要负载供电需要ATS 医院、电子半导体业、商业大楼及工业厂房计算机数据处理中心,电信通讯机房石化工业及制造业300系列自动转换开关ATS◆适用于商业、工业及紧急重要的供电场所◆GB/T 14048.11、UL1008及IEC60947-6-1认证合格产品◆2、3、4极,适用于120V-600V ,单相及三相系统,30A-3200A ,50/60Hz◆PC 级ATS 适用于各类负载及AC-33A◆自动转换开关采用先离后接转换模式,转换过程负载短瞬间停电,有明显断开点◆转换机构电力来自于即将投入端电源,不需额外控制电源,减少故障率◆简单明了的盘面控制及显示面板,LED 灯号显示开关位置及电源状态,并含测试及延时取消开关◆附发电机每周定时启动测试定时器,可设定有载或无载测试,若有必要也可取消此设定◆有时正常及紧急电于瞬间压降或瞬间停电后马上复电,一般ATS 在此状况下会做不必要的频繁转换; ASCO300系列ATS 可以延时设定忽略此种电力问题,使ATS 不作无谓转换200A ATS ,屋外型外箱UL1008耐受短时电流及带载转换闭合额定能力对称电流值(A/RMS ATS 电流(A 以熔丝保护时可达(A值以断路器保护时可达(A值 30 100,000 10,000 70-200 200,000 22,000 230 100,000 22,000 260,400 200,000 42,000 600 200,000 50,000 800,1000,1200 200,000 65,000 1600,2000 200,000 85,000 2600,3000,3200 200,000 100,000300系列微处理机控制器ASCO Group 1微处理机控制器适用于300系列自动转换开关,是一台高可靠度控制器,功能涵盖电压、频率及延时设定,控制功能的启动与取消,并具通信功能。
2 1
5 A1
3 7 6
24 ==
Port 1 : G1/4 Ports 3 and 5 : G1/8
139 (C)1 192 (C)2
1 Selector plate
(C)1: monostable (C)2: bistable
2 Mounting: 2 M5 x 35 screws
2 1 4 5
Standard voltages DC (=) : 24V
(Other voltages and 60 Hz on request) AC (~) : 24V - 115V - 230V / 50 Hz power ratings ambient coil temperature inrush holding hot/cold protection = ~ ~ type range (1) (VA) (VA) (°C) (W) (W) 6 3,5 2,5 / 3 -25 to +60 moulded IP65 CM22-2,5W 2,5
3/2 NC
(C) 1
5/2 4 2
3/2 5/2
(C) 2
5 1
"ia" "i"
指火花或温度都不能点燃爆炸性环境的电路, 这些火花 或温度是标准规则指定的保养条件下产生的 (正常和非 正常运行条件下).
Zone 20
Zone 22 : Accidentally present (shorttime-service- never in regular service) < 10 hours/year
温度 < 150°C or < 450°C 根据设备上积聚的煤矿粉尘
II 组
425°C 429°C - 440°C
305°C 102°C 560°C
代号 0 20 1 21 2
指爆炸性元件封装在防爆包装内的电气设备. 这种包装 抵得住爆炸性混合物爆炸时的内部压力,而且能防止爆 炸渗透周围的爆炸性环境.
标志性 图案
指安全系数高的电气设备. 这种设备免于极端的高温, 在 正常运行条件下不会产生内部和外部电弧、火花.
n-butane n-butyl alcool cyclo hexanon 1,2-dichloro-
ethan acetic acid anhydride
U - Universal, FPM sealinMQ sealings and poppets
Select 8 for NPT ANSI 1.20.3
● Available feature - Not available Select G for ISO G(228/1) Available feature in DC only Prefix EF and EV should always be used in conjunction with change letter H in the basic number
() Ensure that the compatibility of the fluids in contact with the materials is verified
Brass body Brass Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel FPM or VMQ / LT-NBR PTFE
Stainless steel body AISI 316L SS Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel FPM or VMQ / LT-NBR PTFE
1 2 3
1,8W Low power 3,6W - 3,7W Reduced power 5,7W - 5,8W Medium power 10,0W-11,2W Basic power
flow operating pressure prefix optional solenoids differential (bar) power coefficient Kv level NEMA max. (PS) port ATEX/CENELEC IP65 7&9 EExd EExem Exmb EExn 2➞1 / 3➞2 2➞1 / 3➞2 min. air/water () (m3/h) (l/m) ~/= ~/= EF (1) NF EM PV ZN SC 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 BP MP RP LP BP MP RP LP -
ATEX 防爆技术信息
如何通过ATEX,EN-IEC 60079-0,EN 61241-0或EN 13463-1标准来识别应用在爆炸性环境中的设备?
特定的防爆标识符合EN / IEC
保护类型 电气设备, 气体环境: "d": 隔爆型 EN 60079-1 "e": 增安型 EN 60079-7 "i": 本质安全型 EN 60079-11 (ia/ib/ic) "m":浇封型 EN 60079-18 (ma/mb/mc) "n": 无火花型EN 60079-15 (nA/..) 电气设备, 粉尘环境: "tD": 外壳防护型 EN 61241-1 "mD": 浇封防护型 EN 61241-18 (maD/mbD) "iD": 本质安全型防护 EN 61241-11 无电气设备: "c": 通过自身构造防护 EN 13463-5
爆炸环境描述 长时间内连续出现 间歇性出现 偶尔出现
出现 (甲烷, 粉尘) 出现风险 (甲烷,粉尘)
粉尘组别 (符合第五版本, IEC 60079-0, 2007 (EN 60079-0, 2009)(2) ) Group III: 电气设备用于爆炸性粉尘环境
爆பைடு நூலகம்环境描述
可能出现爆炸潜在爆炸性环境定义 不同区域的分类有两个目标(依照 ATEX 1999/92/EC): - 区域内的设备类别使用于气体,薄雾,蒸汽或粉尘 - 区域内危险的地方应避免火源,选择对应的正确的电气或非电气设备。区域的划分是根据爆炸性气体或粉尘发生爆炸情况
operating pressure differential (bar) power
prefix optional solenoids
size size
max. (PS) level NEMA
2➞1 / 3➞2 2➞1 / 3➞2 min. air/water ()
Flameproof - Aluminium ATEX (EN 50018)*
Encapsulated ATEX + IECEx (EN/IEC 60079 / 61241)* - - -
Solenoid with spade plug connector (EN 60730)
Waterproof IP67 - Metal enclosure (EN 60730)
GENERAL Differential pressure Maximum viscosity Response times
0 - 10 bar [1 bar = 100kPa] 65cST (mm2/s) 75 - 100 ms
fluids ()
temperature range (TS)
seal materials ()
- - -
X Other special constructions
power level
EPDM (ethylene-propylene)
asco 电磁阀综合选型中文样本.pdf
![asco 电磁阀综合选型中文样本.pdf](
! " # $ !
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Red Hat
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AC 6.1/F 10.1/F
!/ !"
DC 10.6/F 11.6/F 22.6/F
AC 6.1/F 10.1/F 9.1/F 17.1/F 6.1/F 10.1/F 9.1/F 17.1/F
DC 10.6/F 11.6/F 22.6/F
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All leaflets are available on: PIC-5-35-GB
SERIES 551-553
pipe orifice size size () 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 (mm) 6 6 6 6 flow coefficient kv (m3/h) (l/min) 0,66 0,66 0,66 0,66 11 11 11 11 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 operating pressure differential (bar) max. (PS) min.(2) air () ~ = 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 power level ~/= BP BP LP LP prefix optional solenoids ATEX/IECEx NEMA 7&9 Ex i Ex d Ex e mb Ex mb EF NF NK EM PV IS l m l l l l l l l l l m l m m m EEx nA ZN l m l m IP65 SC l l l l 551A438 551G438 551A338 551G338 551A439 551G439 551A339 551G339 basic catalogue number
POWER LEVELS - cold electrical holding valuere differential (bar) max. (PS) min.(2) air () ~ = 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4 5
2 3 1 2 3 1
PIC-2-10-GBMATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH FLUID(!) Ensure that the compatibility of the fluids in contact with the materials is verifiedBrass body Stainless steel body Body and seat BrassAISI 303 SS Core tubeStainless steel Stainless steel Core and plugnut Stainless steel Stainless steel Springs Stainless steel Stainless steel Sealings NBRNBR DiscsNBR or UR NBRDisc holder & core guide CA (Acetal)CA (Acetal)Shading coilCopper SilverPOWER LEVELS - cold electrical holding values (watt)SPECIFICATIONSNot available12UR discsAll leaflets are available on: 2004/R 012-10-2PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDESTEP 1Select basic catalogue number,including pipe thread indentification letter. Refer to the specifications table on page 1.Example: B320A202STEP 2Select prefix (combination). Refer to the specifications table on page 1 and the prefix table on page 2, respect the indicated power level.Example: PVSTEP 3Select suffix (combination) if required.Refer to the suffix table on page 2,respect the indicated power level.Example: TSTEP 4Select voltage. Refer to standard voltages on page 3.Example: 24V / DCSTEP 5Final catalogue / ordering number.Example:PVB320A202 T 24V / DC(4)Prefix EF and EV should always be used in conjunction with change letter G in the basic number(5)Basic kit number applies to SC coil constructionORDERING EXAMPLES KITS:WSEM WP C302-183C302-142C302-255C302-200VMO MSsuffixprefixbasic number(1)Standard prefixes/suffixes are also applicable to kits (2)Mounting holes in body(3)Mounting bracket supplied standard with valve (5)(5)All leaflets are available on: OPTIONS & ACCESSORIEScatalogue number ~C302-112C302-114C302-116C302-140C302-141C302-142C302-143C302-182C302-183C302-184C302-184C312-189C312-191C312-191C312-193C312-193 spare parts kit no.(1)mounting bracket no.160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)160-800 (2)162-950-001(3)162-950-001(3)162-950-001(3)162-950-001(3)162-950-001(3)=C302-200C302-201C302-201C302-226C302-227C302-227C302-228C302-254C302-255C302-255C302-255C312-190C312-192C312-192C312-194C312-194SC B 320A170SC B 320A172SC B 320B174SC B 320A180SC B 320A182SC B 320A184SC B 320A186SC B 320A190SC B 320A192SC B 320A194SC B 320A196SC B 320A200SC B 320A202SC B 320A203SC B 320A204SC B 320A205PREFIX TABLEORDERING EXAMPLES:WST SCHT SC WP WSEF B 320A 192B 320A 184B 320A 194B 320A 170B 320A 182B 320B 174B 320A 190B 320G 200230V 230V 24V 24V 24V 230V 230V 240V / 50 Hz / 50 Hz / DC / DC / DC / 50 Hz / 50 Hz / 60 HzV MB MS VP Q CO MO voltagesuffixprefix pipe thread basic number (4)(4)●Available feature%Standard feature for B320A170, B320A180 and B320A190 -Not available*ATEX solenoids are also approved according to EN 50281-1-1 (dust) and EN 13463-1 (non electrical valves)Ethylene - Propylene (EPDM)Neoprene (CR)Oxygen service (Neoprene (CR))Viton (FPM) parts cleaned for oxygen service TeflonViton (FPM)Cast uretane (UR)Epoxy coating all external surfaces Mounting bracketDry gas, non-lubricated air construction Long life, quiet operation construction Manual operatorScrew type manual operatorpower level LP RP MP ---------------------------------------BP """"""%""""""E J N N T V WV C M O BP QM M O S12345suffixSUFFIX TABLEdescription2004/R 012-10-3Coil insulation class FConnectorSpade plugConnector specification ISO 4400 (cable Ø 6-10 mm)Electrical safety IEC 335Standard voltages:DC (=) 24V - 48VAC (~) 24V - 48V - 115V - 230V/50Hz; Other voltages and 60Hz are available on requestELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSINSTALLATION●Multi language installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve ●The solenoid valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation ●Threaded pipe connection identifier is B = NPT (ANSI 1.20.3)●Declarations of conformity are available on request●EEx em (prefix "EM") execution: solenoid enclosure has a cable gland with integral strain relief for cables with an o.d. from 7 to 12 mm and is provided with an internal and external connection facility for an earthing or bonding conductorAll leaflets are available on: ADDITIONAL OPTIONS●EEx m (prefix "PV") execution can be supplied in various cable lengths●Compliance with "UL", "CSA" and other local approvals available on request●1/2" NPT (prefix "T") and M20 x 1,5 (prefix "ET") conduits (aluminium or 316 SS) available for steel solenoid housing ●Special moulded-in solid state components for peak voltage suppression and/or rectification (four diode bridge)(3)Multiple coil-kits available under A TEX, consult ASCO/JOUCOMATIC2004/R 012-10-4B320A170 / A172 / B174 / A180 / A182 / A184 /A186 / A192 / A194 / A196 / A198TYPE 05Prefix "NF", "NL" and "WSNF" Solenoid Basic powerAluminium, steel; epoxy coated (NF and NL)AISI 316 SS (WSNF)EN 50018 and EN 50281-1-1IP67 / II 2 G/D EEx d IICB320A170 / A172 / B174 / A180 / A182 / A184 /A186 / A192 / A194 / A196 / A198TYPE 04Prefix "WP", "WS" / "EM", "WSEM" Solenoid Basic powerSteel; epoxy coated (WP and EM)AISI 316 SS (WS and WSEM)IEC 335 / EN 50019, EN 50028 and 50281-1-1IP67 / II 2 G/D EEx em IIB320A200 / A202 / A203 / A204 / A205TYPE 06Prefix "NF", "NL" and "WSNF" SolenoidBasic powerAluminium, steel; epoxy coated (NF and NL)AISI 316 SS (WSNF)EN 50018 and EN 50281-1-1IP67 / II 2 G/D EEx d IICB320A200 / A202 / A203 / A204 / A205B320A200 / A202 / A203 / A204 / A205TYPE 02Prefix "SC" / "ZN" Solenoid Basic power Epoxy mouldedIEC 335 / ISO 4400 (SC)EN 50021 (ZN)IP65 / II 3 G/D EEx nA II2004/R 012-10-5TYPE 09Prefix "EF" Solenoid Basic powerEpoxy encapsulated ICS-6 ANSI / NEMA Type 7 and 9NOTE: applicable to solenoid onlyB320G170 / G172 / G174 / G180 / G182 / G184 /G186 / G192 / G194 / G196 / G198TYPE 07Prefix "PV" Solenoid Basic powerEpoxy encapsulatedEN 50028 and EN 50281-1-1II 2 G/D EEx m II IP65B320A170 / A172 / B174 / A180 / A182 / A184 /A186 / A192 / A194 / A196 / A198TYPE 10Prefix "EF" Solenoid Basic powerEpoxy encapsulated ICS-6 ANSI / NEMA Type 7 and 9NOTE: applicable to solenoid onlyB320G200 / G202 / G203 / G204 / G205TYPE 08Prefix "PV" Solenoid Basic powerEpoxy encapsulatedEN 50028 and EN 50281-1-1II 2 G/D EEx m IIIP65B320A200 / A202 / A203 / A204 / A205All leaflets are available on: 01020304050607080910type 21463677366236453650prefix option SC/ZN SC/ZNWP/WS/(WS)EM WP/WS/(WS)EM NF NF PV PV EF EFpower levelbasic power basic power basic power basic power basic power basic power basic power basic power basic power basic powerA B C E F G H J K 80801201209797676777775050828273224545515130304322102364322432243227736541024536503745402146215421462146364579621044663626962706210577130102946594669569-103-128-91-92 10894--------D L -107--------0,55 kg 0,55 kg 0,60 kg 0,70 kg 1,60 kg 1,75 kg 0,60 kg 0,70 kg 0,70 kg 0,70 kgweight 2004/R 012-10-6P I C -02-0010-G B -- A S C O /J O U C O M A T I C r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o a l t e r t h e a v a i l a b i l i t y , d e s i g n a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e .2004/R 01MOUNTING BRACKETSBracket number :160-800Material :Zinc plated steelBracket number :162-950-001Material :Zinc plated steel46Ø7Execution: Stainless Steel AISI 316 SSSECTIONAL DRAWING21All leaflets are available on: 47,5Ø763,525,43811,1。
1. 确定工作压力:在灌溉系统中,液体的工作压力是非常重要的。
ASCO电磁阀选型中文样本ASCO电磁阀选型步骤操作类型: 2通/ 3通/ 4通;工作状态: 常开/ 常闭(2/2;3/2)/ 通用(仅指2位3通电磁阀);介质: 空气/ 水/ 轻油等;所需流量:内孔尺寸或Kv,Cv,通径: 螺纹尺寸和类型;压力: Pin, 压差;温度:介质温度,环境温度;电源: 电压及频率,AC/ DC,特殊电压;输入电压标准电压---110,220/50 ;24,120,240,480/606,12,24,120,240DC非标准电压---24,100,120,200,240,380/5048,100,110,220/6028,32,38,48,100,110,220DC其它: 危险环境,手动操作器MO/MS, 手动复位,安装支架MB等.注:通经是指电磁阀的管道口径ASCO 型号组成前缀1 前缀2 阀体规格后缀阀体结构选项管径(1/8-3”)管径阀体系列连接螺纹方式电气及线圈特性选择前缀1---线圈的选择-(1)通用及防护标准的选择美国产品通用型NEMA防爆型WBIS---本安隔爆型线圈红帽II(Type1,2,3,3s,4,4X) Type3,3s,4,4x,6,6P,7&9 前缀WBIS EExiaIICT6 IP67电气接口1/2NPT 电气接口1/2NPT无前缀电气接口1/2NPT 前缀EF 前缀JBEF 带防爆接线盒带接线端子欧洲产品IP65带DIN插头模铸隔爆 WPIS---本安型线圈II2 G/D EEx dIIC T4/T5/T6 II2 G/D EEx ia IIC T6 IP67II2 G/D NF/NL 线圈 NB(ET)线圈带接线端子带接线端子带接线端子电气接口M20X11.5II2 G/D EEx dII B T4+H2前缀1---线圈的选择-(2)线圈温度等级温度范围0℃是对通常所有阀门(包括用于介质有水锤现象)的一种标定。
Operating Pressure Differential (bar)
Pipe Size (ins.)
Orifice Kv Flow
Size Factor
(mm) (m3/h) Min. Gas
Max. AC
Light Oil @ Air-Inert Water 300 SSU Gas
93 65
3/8 8 1.29 0.7 52
93 65
3/8 8 1.29 0.7 103 103
93 65
1/2 10 2.74 1.7 103 103
93 65
3/4 19 6.69 1.7 52
93 65
Brass Body Catalog Const. Number Ref.
Core Tube
305 Stainless Steel
Core and Plugnut
430F Stainless Steel
Core Spring
302 Stainless Steel
Shading Coil
Watt Rating and Power Consumption
ins. 5.03 2.53 3.53 3.50 3.50 5
mm 128 64 90 89 89
1/2 NPT K
Const. Ref. 1 - 5
ASCO 电磁阀选型样本
![ASCO 电磁阀选型样本](
ASCO电磁阀选型步骤操作类型: 2通/ 3通/ 4通;工作状态: 常开/ 常闭(2/2;3/2)/ 通用(仅指2位3通电磁阀);介质: 空气/ 水/ 轻油等;所需流量:内孔尺寸或 Kv,Cv,通径: 螺纹尺寸和类型;压力: Pin, 压差;温度:介质温度,环境温度;电源: 电压及频率,AC/ DC,特殊电压;输入电压标准电压---110,220/50 ;24,120,240,480/606,12,24,120,240DC非标准电压---24,100,120,200,240,380/5048,100,110,220/6028,32,38,48,100,110,220DC 其它: 危险环境,手动操作器MO/MS, 手动复位,安装支架MB等.注:通经是指电磁阀的管道口径ASCO 型号组成前缀1 前缀2 阀体规格后缀阀体结构选项管径(1/8-3”)管径阀体系列连接螺纹方式电气及线圈特性选择前缀1---线圈的选择-(1)通用及防护标准的选择美国产品通用型 NEMA防爆型 WBIS---本安隔爆型线圈红帽II(Type1,2,3,3s,4,4X) Type3,3s,4,4x,6,6P,7&9 前缀WBIS EExiaIICT6 IP67电气接口1/2NPT 电气接口1/2NPT无前缀电气接口1/2NPT 前缀EF 前缀JBEF 带防爆接线盒带接线端子欧洲产品IP65带DIN插头模铸隔爆WPIS---本安型线圈II2 G/D EEx dIIC T4/T5/T6 II2 G/D EEx ia IIC T6 IP67II2 G/D NF/NL 线圈NB(ET)线圈带接线端子带接线端子带接线端子电气接口II2 G/D EEx dII B T4+H2前缀1---线圈的选择-(2)线圈温度等级温度范围0℃是对通常所有阀门(包括用于介质有水锤现象)的一种标定。
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ASCO Scientific is a leading manufacturer of high quality, micro-miniature Isolation, Pinch, and General Service valves for the reliable control of fluids and gases in medical equipment, analytical instrumentation,and industrial applications. Our valves are found in equipment such as:In addition to our comprehensive standard product offering, we have the ability to create customized products that provide the precise solution to meet your fluid control needs.• Liquid & Gas Chromatographs • Clinical Diagnostic Equipment • DNA Sequencers/Synthesizers • Gas Analyzers• Oxygen Concentrators/Conservers • Ventilators • Dental Equipment• Environmental ControlsTable of Contents•Isolation ValvesSeries 385 - Miniature, Manifold Mount Rocker Isolation1Series 458 - Miniature, In-Line Rocker Isolation4Series 462 - Miniature, Inert Isolation, PEEK & FFKM8Series 190/330 - 2 Way, PTFE, Miniature Individual Valves & Mixing Manifolds10Series 368/364 - 2 and 3 Way, PTFE, Miniature & High Flow Valves14Series 8296 - 2 Way, High Flow, Inert Isolation, PEEK, PTFE & FFKM17Series 8396 - 3 Way, High Flow, Inert Isolation, PEEK, PTFE & FFKM19Series 282 - 2 Way, High Flow Isolation, Stainless Steel, PVDF, & PP Bodies21Series 8260 - 2 Way, High Flow, Acetal, PP & Nylon Bodies25Series 283 - 2 Way, High Flow, Lever Isolation29Series 383 - 3 Way, High Flow, Lever Isolation33• Pinch ValvesSeries 284 - 2 Way, Normally Closed & Normally Open37Series 384 - 3 Way, Universal39Series 388/390/397/401 - 2 Way, Compact/Low Power Constructions41Series 373/443 - 3 Way, Compact/Low Power Constructions45• General Services ValvesSeries 188 - 10mm Wide Solenoid, In-line & Manifold Mount47Series 302 - 15mm Wide Solenoid, Manifold Mount49Series 407C - 1/2” Diameter Solenoid, In-line Porting52Series 407M - 1/2” Diameter Solenoid, Manifold Moun55Series AL - 3/4” Diameter Solenoid, In-line Porting58Series AM - 3/4” Diameter Solenoid, Manifold Mount61Series 202 - Micro Proportional Solenoid Valves64Series 8202/8303 - Proportional Solenoid Valves66• Solenoid Valve Manifolds and Customized ProductsSeries 451 AM Manifolds & Assemblies70Customized Solutions72•AccessoriesFittings73Pinch Valve Tubing74DIN Electrical Connectors75• Materials of Construction77• Global Contacts1The Series 385 is a 16 mm wide, manifold mount, miniature isolation valve designed to control the flow of aggressive chemicals or high purity fluids. The Series 385 offers the following benefits:• Compact manifold design saves space and reduces assembly time.• Prevents contamination of fluid sample, due to excellent flushing characteristics.• Rocker design significantly reduces erratic flow caused by pumping action in poppet style valves.• Available with inert materials of construction such as PEEK and FFKM to handle aggressive chemicals or high purity media.)2Dimensions: Inches (mm) Constr. Ref. 1 Specifications3.13 [3.2] THROUGH HOLES1231/4-28-UNF, .21" [5.3] DEEP1.26 [32]1.46 [37].28 [7].67 [17].39 [10].63 [16]1.93 [48.9].71 [18.1]1.50 [38.2].24 [6].83 [21].63 [16]Dimensions: Inches [mm]Constr. Ref. 2132.13 [3.3] THROUGH HOLES.77 [19.5].3 [3.3] THROUGH HOLES1.54 [39].63 [16].28 [7].67 [17].39 [10]1.30 [33].28 [7].94 [23.9].2.12 [54.4].10 [2.5].14 [3.5]..41 [10.5].24[6].24[6].63 [16].31 [8]1.30 [33]Constr. Ref. 34ASCO Scientific’s patented Series 458 Rocker Isolationvalves feature a unique rocker diaphragm mechanismthat shields the internal components of the solenoidfrom the fluid. The design forms an easy to flush, lowvolume internal cavity.•Suitable for corrosive media that would attack valvesdesigned for general service duty.•Prevents contamination of fluid sample, due toexcellent flushing characteristics.• Rocker design significantly reduces erratic flowcaused by pumping action in poppet style valves.•Standard built-in manual operator for testing ortroubleshooting.•An air operated version is also available. In this versionan air cylinder replaces the solenoid as the valveactuator.T emperature Range:Ambient & Media:32˚F to 114˚F (0˚C to 45˚C) continuous dutyApprovals:Meets applicable CE directives.Alternative ConstructionsMany alternative constructions are available and include a variety of voltages,electrical connectors and materials of construction. ASCO Scientific can alsocustom design a valve for your specific application.Contact your local ASCO sales office for more information.)5SpecificatonsTo Construct Catalog Number458103411ES = 2 Way Normally Closed valve with bib ports, PSU flange, surface mounting and a 24 VDC coil4582AIR22EP = 2 Way Normally Open valve with #10-32 UNF flat bottom ports, PEEK flange, panel mounting and an air operator 458311542ES = 3 Way valve with M6 flat bottom ports, PEEK flange, surface mounting and a 115 VAC coil with rectifierExamplesCatalog Number Description and Options4581 xxx 11ESBase Catalog Number (1st Part)Voltage- 006 (DC)- 012 (DC)- 024 (DC)- 115 (AC)- AIR• Select base catalog number• Insert voltage into the 5th , 6th and 7th digits denoted by "xxx"Base Catalog Number (2nd Part)6Dimensions Solenoid Operated with Bib Flange: Inches [mm]Notes• 3 Way versions shown, 2 Way versions are the same except they do not include the middle ports • Bracket for optional panel mount shown in dashed linesSolenoid Operated with Threaded Flange: Inches [mm]Air Operated with Bib Flange: Inches [mm]Air Operated with Threaded Flange: Inches [mm]Notes• 3 Way versions shown, 2 Way versions are the same except they do not include the middle ports• Bracket for optional panel mount shown in dashed lines73/2 Series 4628The Series 462 is a 3 Way, Inert Isolation Valve designedto control the flow of corrosive or high purity fluidscommonly found in analytical instrumentation. Its unique"Resilient-Seal" technology utilizes a soft FFKM (Kalrez*)seal, which virtually eliminates leakage caused by smallparticulate matter.•Highly resistant to corrosive fluids, the only materialsin contact with the media are PTFE, PEEK, andFFKM (Kalrez*).•Low internal volume reduces the amount of costlyreagents that are wasted.•Compact overall size (1" dia. x 1.6" height) savesvaluable space in OEM equipment.•Low power consumption - Less than 3 Watts.T emperature Range:Ambient & Media:32˚F to 122˚F (0˚C to 50˚C)Approvals:Meets applicable CE directives.ConstructionElectricalAlternative ConstructionsMany alternative constructions are available including a wide variety of voltages,electrical connectors and materials of construction. ASCO Scientific can also cus-tom design a valve for your specific application.Contact your local ASCO sales office for more information.NCCNO3U Valve Parts in Contact with FluidsBody PEEKDisc FFKM (Kalrez*)Diaphragm PTFEPin PEEKStandard Voltages12, 24 VDC +10%, -15%Power Consumption 2.8 WattsDuty Cycle Rating ContinuousCoil Insulation356˚F (180˚C)Electrical Connection26 gage lead wireResponse Time20 ms at rated voltageInternal Volume34 µL from NC or NO port to common12 µL from NC to NO port to seat46 µL total*DuPont Co. trademarkInert Isolation Type3 way “Resilient-Seal” Isolation Valves1/4 - 28 UNF Porting, In-line Mount)To Construct Catalog Number462312PF24 = 3 Way valve with PEEK body, .062" (1.57 mm) orifice, 1/4 - 28 UNF , flat bottom ports and 24 VDC coilExampleCatalog Number Description and Options462312PF xxBase Catalog NumberVoltage- 12 (DC)- 24 (DC)Dimensions: Inches [mm]• Select base catalog number from table• Insert voltage into the 9th and 10th digits denoted by "xx"T emperature Range:Ambient & Media:32˚F to 77˚F (0˚C to 25˚C) continuous duty up to 104˚F (40˚C) intermittent dutyApprovals:Meets applicable CE directives.ConstructionElectricalAlternative ConstructionsMany alternative constructions are available and include a variety of voltages,electrical connectors and materials of construction. ASCO Scientific can also custom design a valve for your specific application. Contact your local ASCO sales office for more information.)The Series 190 & 330 are 2 Way, normally closed isolation valves constructed with TFE materials, which makes them virtually impervious to chemical attack. The Series 190 is a single valve while the Series 330 offers the same valve in a 2, 3, or 4 position manifold configuration for use in chro-matography, solvent selection and process sampling.•PTFE diaphragm shields the internal components of the solenoid from the media to handle the most aggressive fluids.•Compact size saves valuable space in equipment.•Low power consumption.SpecificatonsTo Construct Catalog Number190212S30 = 2 Way Normally Closed valve with 1/4 - 28 UNF , flat bottom ports and 12 VDC coil rated at 2.9 Watts 190224L30 = 2 Way Latching valve with 1/4 - 28 UNF , flat bottom ports and 24 vdc latching coil 330224S303 = 3, 2 Way Normally Closed valves mounted on a manifold with 1/4 - 28 UNF ,flat bottom ports and 24 vdc coil rated at 3.8 WattsExamplesCatalog Number Description and Options3302 xx S30 2Base Catalog Number (1st Part)Voltage- 12 (DC)- 24 (DC)Number of Solenoids- 2- 3- 4• Select base catalog number• Insert voltage into the 5th and 6th digits denoted by "xx"• Add number of solenoids (330 series only)Base Catalog Number (2nd Part)Dimensions Series 190: Inches [mm]Dimensions Series 330 2 Position Valve Manifold: Inches [mm]Dimensions Series 330 3 Position Valve Manifold: Inches [mm]Dimensions Series 330 4 Position Valve Manifold: Inches [mm]T emperature Range:Ambient & Media:32˚F to 77˚F (0˚C to 25˚C) continuous duty up to 104˚F (40˚C) intermittent dutyApprovals:Meets applicable CE directives.ConstructionValveAlternative ConstructionsMany alternative constructions are available and include a variety of voltages,electrical connectors and materials of construction. ASCO Scientific can also custom design a valve for your specific application. Contact your local ASCO sales office for more information.)The Series 368/364 are 2 way and 3 way isolation valves con-structed with TFE materials, which makes them virtuallyimpervious to chemical attack. The Series 368 is a compact construction with a 0.062" orifice to handle standard flow requirements while the Series 364 is a high flow construction with a 0.093" orifice to handle higher flow requirements.•PTFE diaphragm shields the internal components of the solenoid from the media to handle the most aggressive fluids.•Compact size saves valuable space in equipment.•Low power consumption.Specificatons (English Units)To Construct Catalog Number3682NC1230 = 2 Way Normally Closed valve with a 0.062" orifice, 1/4 - 28 UNF , flat bottom ports and 12 VDC coil rated at 4.5 Watts 3682311530 = 3 Way valve with a 0.062" orifice, 1/4 - 28 UNF , Flat bottom ports and 115/50-60 VAC coil rectifier 364 3NO2430 = 2 Way Normally Open valves with a 0.093” orifice, 1/8” NPT ports ad 24 VDC coil rated at 12 WattsExamplesCatalog Number Description and Options3682NC xx 30Base Catalog Number (1st Part)- 368- 364Voltage- 12 (DC)- 24 (DC)- 115 (AC)• Select base catalog number• Insert voltage into the 7th and 8th digits denoted by "xx"Base Catalog Number (2nd Part)Dimensions Series 368: Inches (mm)Dimensions Series 364: Inches (mm))The Series 8296 is a 2 Way, high flow isolation valve designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical, semiconductor, and environmental equipment. The Series 8296 offers the following benefits:•Reliable operation with a wide variety of media due to inert wetted materials such as PEEK, PTFE, stainless steel, and FFKM.•High flow rates of corrosive or high purity fluids.•Higher pressure ratings than typical isolation valves.•Reduced chance of seat leakage with soft FFKM disc.Dimensions: inches [mm]19Specificatons (English Units))The Series 8396 is a 3 Way, high flow isolation valve designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical, semiconductor, and environmental equipment. The Series 8396 offers the following benefits:•Reliable operation with a wide variety of media due to inert wetted materials such as PEEK, PTFE, stainless steel, and FFKM.•High flow rates of corrosive or high purity fluids.•Higher pressure ratings than typical isolation valves.•Reduced chance of seat leakage with soft FFKM disc.Dimensions: inches [mm]21The Series 282 are 2 Way, normally closed, high flow isolation valves designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical instruments, clinical diagnos-tic analyzers, and bioinstrumentation. The Series 282 offers the following benefits:• High flow rates for corrosive media service.• Capable of handling a variety of media with several body and diaphragm material options.• Reduced chance of seat leakage with resilient diaphragm materials.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.* The maximum working pressure is a function of the combination of the inlet and outlet pressures. See graph (a) to determine maximum inlet pressure for a given outlet pressure.)22Constr. Ref. 1Constr. Ref. 2Constr. Ref. 3Dimensions: inches [mm]23The Series 282 are 2 Way, normally closed, high flow isolation valves designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical instruments, clinical diagnostic analyzers, and bioinstrumentation. The Series 282 offers the following benefits:• High flow rates for corrosive media service.• Capable of handling a variety of media with several body and diaphragm material options.• Reduced chance of seat leakage with resilient diaphragm materials.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.SpecificationsValve)Dimensions: inches [mm]25The 8260 Series is a 2 Way direct acting valve available in a Normally Closed construction. They are available AC or DC operated with plastic bodies and can handle the challenges of harsh media. There are many optional fea-tures available including solenoid enclosures, electrical connections, alternate elastomers and end connections.Dedicated constructions of the 8260 Series are suitable for the following applications:• General Service (air, inert gas, water)• Shielded Core2627[62.0][79.2][49.3][41.4][41.4][77.5][17.5][15.0]Constr. Ref. 1Dimensions: inches [mm][55.6][76.2][49.3][41.4][63.2][77.5][15.0][17.5][62.0][79.2][49.3][41.4][63.2][77.5][17.5][15.0]Constr. Ref. 2Constr. Ref. 328Dimensions: inches [mm]The Series 283 are 2 Way, normally closed and normally open, high flow isolation valves designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical instruments, clinical diagnostic analyzers, and bioinstrumentation. The unique lever design of the Series 283 isolates the media from the solenoid components offering the following benefits:• High flow rates for corrosive media service.• Better at handling media with small particulate than standard isolation valves.• Higher operating pressures.• Capable of handling a variety of media with several body and diaphragm material options.• Reduced chance of seat leakage with resilient diaphragm materials.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.)Constr. Ref. 1Constr. Ref. 2SpecificationsDimensions: inches [mm]The Series 283 are 2 Way, normally closed and normally open, high flow isolation valves designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical instruments, clinical diagnostic analyzers, and bioinstrumentation. The unique lever design of the Series 283 isolates the media from the solenoid components offering the following benefits:• High flow rates for corrosive media service.• Better at handling media with small particulate than standard isolation valves.• Higher operating pressures.• Capable of handling a variety of media with several body and diaphragm material options.• Reduced chance of seat leakage with resilient diaphragm materials.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.)SpecificationsConstr. Ref. 1Constr. Ref. 2 Dimensions: inches [mm]The Series 383 are 3 Way, normally closed, normally open and universal, high flow isolation valves designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical instruments, clinical diagnostic analyzers, and bioinstrumentation. The unique lever design of the Series 383 isolates the media from the solenoid components offering the following benefits:• High flow rates for corrosive media service.• Better at handling media with small particulate than standard isolation valves.• Higher operating pressures.• Capable of handling a variety of media with several body and diaphragm material options.• Reduced chance of seat leakage with resilient diaphragm materials.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.Valve)Constr. Ref. 1Constr. Ref. 2 SpecificationsDimensions: inches [mm]The Series 383 are 3 Way, normally closed, normally open and universal, high flow isolation valves designed to control the flow of aggressive liquids and gases in analytical instruments, clinical diagnostic analyzers, and bioinstrumentation. The unique lever design of the Series 383 isolates the media from the solenoid components offering the following benefits:• High flow rates for corrosive media service.• Better at handling media with small particulate than standard isolation valves.• Higher operating pressures.• Capable of handling a variety of media with several body and diaphragm material options.• Reduced chance of seat leakage with resilient diaphragm materials.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.Construction)Constr. Ref. 1Constr. Ref. 2SpecificationsDimensions: inches [mm]The Series 284 are 2 Way, normally closed and normally open, solenoid operated pinch valves designed to control the flow of corrosive or high purity fluids in medical equip-ment, analytical instruments, and industrial applications. Pinch valves control fluid flow by locating soft tubing in a mechanism that “pinches” the tubing to block flow and releases to allow flow.• Large open gap for high flow and handling of particulate media.• Zero dead volume prevents cross-contamination.• Electrical connections can be kept separate from fluid area via built-in panel mount bracket.• Built-in manual operator for easy tubing change out and testing.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.)Normally Closed Normally Open SpecificationsA B C D E F G H L M N in.0.63 2.010.670.430.950.130.340.590.320.790.04 mm1651171124 3.38.5158201 in.0.98 3.31 1.260.69 1.540.180.63 1.060.47 1.260.06 mm25843217.539 4.516271232 1.5 in. 1.18 3.90 1.650.97 1.790.180.83 1.100.47 1.710.06 mm30994224.545.5 4.521281243.5 1.5Const.Ref.A B C D E F G H L M N 4in.0.63 2.010.670.240.950.130.340.590.320.790.04 mm165117624 3.38.5158201 5in.0.98 3.31 1.260.41 1.540.180.63 1.060.47 1.260.06 mm25843210.539 4.516271232 1.5 6in. 1.18 3.90 1.650.51 1.790.180.83 1.100.47 1.710.06 mm3099421345.5 4.521281243.5 1.5Dimensions: inches [mm]The Series 384 are 3 Way, universal, solenoid operated pinch valves designed to control the flow of corrosive or high purity fluids in medical equipment, analytical instruments, and industrial applications. Pinch valves control fluid flow by locating soft tubing in a mechanism that “pinches” the tubing to block flow and releases to allow flow.• Large open gap for high flow and handling of particulate media.• Zero dead volume prevents cross-contamination.• Electrical connections can be kept separate from fluid area via built-in panel mount bracket.• Built-in manual operator for easy tubing change outand testing.• Removable/Rotatable coil for easy service and installation.)Minimum Off Time vs. On Time (SCH384A002 & SCH384A003 ONLY)Const.Dimensions: Inches [mm](1) Intermittent duty coil. See graph of minimum off time vs. on time to determine applicable duty cycle.ASCO Scientific Series 388, 390, 397 and 401 are 2 Way,) normally closed, normally open and magnetic latchingsolenoid operated pinch valves designed to control theflow of corrosive or high purity fluids in medical equipmentand analytical instruments. Pinch valves isolate the fluidfrom the valve components by locating soft tubing in amechanism that “pinches” the tubing to block flow andreleases to allow flow.• Saves space in equipment with compact design.• Low power consumption to reduce power supplyrequirements.• Large range of tubing sizes available for various flowand pressure requirements.• Magnetic latching construction (Series 397) to maintainvalve position with loss of power, eliminate coil heatrise, and extend battery life.SpecificationsTo Construct Catalog Number3976150 = 1/32" x 3/32" tubing, magnetic latching, 6DC, 50 psi 390NO 12330 = 1/16" x 1/8" tubing, normally open, 12DC, 30 psi 401NC 24830 = 1/8" x 1/4" tubing, normally closed, 24DC, 30 psi388NC 1151215 = 1/4" x 3/8" tubing, normally closed, 115AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 psiExamples• Select base catalog number from specification table above.• Insert desired voltage in place of “xx”.Dimensions: Inches [mm] Constr. Ref. 1Constr. Ref. 2Dimensions: Inches [mm]Constr. Ref. 3ASCO Scientific Series 373 and 443 are patented 3 Way) solenoid operated pinch valves designed to divert or selectthe flow of corrosive or high purity fluids in medical equip-ment and analytical instruments. The fluid is isolated fromthe valve components by means of silicone tubing and flowis controlled in either direction by the alternating pinchingaction of the solenoid.• Saves space in equipment with compact design.• Low power consumption to reduce power supplyrequirements.• Large range of tubing sizes available for various flowand pressure requirements.SpecificationsTo Construct Catalog Number4436150 = 1/32" x 3/32" tubing, 3 way, 6DC, 50 psi 37312330 = 1/16" x 1/8” tubing, 3 way, 12DC, 30 psi 3731151010 = 3/16" x 1/4" tubing, 3 way, 115AC, 10 psi• Select base catalog number from specification table above.• Insert desired voltage in place of “xx”.Dimensions: inches [mm]The Series 188 is a 3 Way, 10 mm wide micro solenoid valve designed to be used in fluid power applications. Using air or other neutral gasses the Series 188 can be used to pilot other valves or cylinders.• Compact manifold design saves space and reduces assembly time.• Low power consumption.• LED and electrical protection comes standard.• Manual override.)Dimensions: Inches [mm]2.315[8].409[10.4].413[10.5]No. of Valves Catalog Number Length Total Weight (oz)L1L2218800054 1.32 1.08 2.0831******* 1.73 1.50 3.184******** 2.15 1.91 4.27518800057 2.56 2.32 5.37618800058 2.97 2.74 6.46718800059 3.39 3.157.48818800060 3.80 3.568.51918800061 4.21 3.989.6010188000624.63 4.3910.70The connectors should be ordered separately .Connectors with 2 lead wiresSolenoid valves assembled to manifolds( Normally closed, 0.020” orifice only. Consult ASCO for alternative configurations)Length Catalog Number 0.5m 881 18 8011.5m 881 18 8023m881 18 803A - Blanking Plate, Catalog # 881 35 305。