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三年级英语复习课教案“S” .

练习:"How many boys are there in my classroom? There are __boys. ”

2、Review food

Guess ing game “ What' s this? ”

教师将所学过的表示食物的卡片背面展示给学生;请他们猜测What' s this?(本单元要求掌握的单词: chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables )当学生回答正确后,教师接着练习“ Would you like _____ ”这个句型;学

生回答“ Yes,please ”时;教师把食物卡片作为奖励赠送给学生


将所学的单词分类;如: 1 —三餐(breakfast lunch supper) ; 2 —时间(morning after noon evening ) ;3 —食品(chicke n dumpli ngs fish fruit juice meat no odles rice soup vegetables );4---状态(hungry thirsty), 5--- 动作(eat ,drink)各组选择一个;重组

3 •复习水果单词

Apple pear orange banana watermel on

让学生练习句子:I like ______ 或者I don 'like _____ .


Juice milk tea water

练习句子:I'like _______ .

Ask and an swer in pairs

5. Talk about “ My day学生自由发言

use the words and sentences we have lear n.

女口:I get up in the morning .In the morning ,I eat breakfast. What ' s for breakfast like ___ for breakfast.Then I go to school.In the afternoon,l eat lunch. Now, it ' s Lunch- time! Let ' eat lunch What' s for lunch? I like ________ . I don ' t like _____ . I like ___ for dessert.What about you ?


三、Class closing


Let ' s sing a song:It ' s time for lunch.


Write “ My day ” on yopi r actice book.


Less on 8 Aga in , please!

breakfast l unch supper

chicken dumplings fish fruit meat noodles rice vegetables juice soup drink eat hungry thirsty

morning after noon evening 数词11-15
