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Obama will propose vast expansion of Pacific Ocean marine sanctuary

President Obama on Tuesday will announce his intent to make a broad swath of the central Pacific Ocean off-limits to fishing,energy exploration and other activities,according to senior White House officials.


The proposal,slated to go into effect later this year after a comment period,could create the world’s largest marine sanctuary and double the area of ocean globally that is fully protected.


Obama has used his executive authority11times to safeguard areas on land,but scientists and activists have been pressing him to do the same for untouched underwater regions.President George W.Bush holds the record for creating U.S.marine monuments,declaring four during his second term,including the one that Obama plans to expand.

11次奥巴马用他的行政机关为维护地区在陆地上,但是科学家们和活动家一直敦促他做同样的水下区域。美国总统乔治•布什(George w.Bush)是记录创建海洋纪念碑,宣布四个在他的第二个总统任期内,包括奥巴马计划扩大。Under the proposal,the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument would be expanded from almost87,000square miles to nearly782,000square miles—all of it adjacent to seven islands and atolls controlled by the United States.The designation would include

waters up to200nautical miles offshore from the territories.提议下,太平洋偏远岛屿的海洋国家纪念碑将从近87000平方公里扩大到近782000平方英里——所有邻近7和岛礁被美国控制。指定将包括海域200海里的海上领土

“It’s the closest thing I’ve seen to the pristine ocean,”said Enric Sala,a National Geographic explorer-in-residence who has researched the area’s reefs and atolls since2005.


Obama has faced criticism from a variety of groups—including cattle ranchers,law enforcement officers and ATV enthusiasts—over his expansion of protections for federal lands.The ocean area under consideration,by contrast,encompasses uninhabited islands in a remote region with sparse economic activity.


Even so,the designation is expected to face objections from the U.S. tuna fleet that operates in the region.Fish caught in the area account for up to3percent of the annual U.S.tuna catch in the western and central Pacific,according to the Pew Charitable Trusts.When Bush created the monument in2009,he exempted sport fishing to address industry opposition.


Podesta said a public comment period over the summer will allow the Commerce and Interior departments to“fully understand the
