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450 万广告投入“欢乐颂”剧组是否值得?

新浪报道称,有时尚杂志编辑在朋友圈宣称《欢乐颂》第二季正在征集品牌植入,包括美妆、服饰、鞋帽围巾眼镜手表等多种类型。我们姑且不论这条消息是真是假,第一季在网络的火爆程度让品牌砸大价钱广告植入也是有理可循的。然而花 450 万是否能值回投资也是一个很值得思量的问题。一部电视剧的火爆,不管是雷剧,韩剧或是网络剧等,总能在人群中掀起一阵“同款”浪潮。从前段时间韩剧《太阳的后裔》中,爱奇艺独播平台边播边卖同款可见一斑。然而针对《欢乐颂》这一在网络大火的电视剧,广告能带来的投资收入比却值得深究。

通过在天猫旗舰店得来的数据,伊芙丽品牌旗舰店,所有商品中,《欢乐颂》同款销量最高的是关雎尔(关关)的同款蓝色连体裤卖得最好,销量排行第 16 位。其次是关关的同款蓝色西装上衣,销量排行第25 名。而一些其他的同款,包括曲筱绡(曲妖精)同款半身裙排行第 31 名,樊胜美(华妃)同款衬衫仅排行第 61 名。事实上,就小编而言,我也是搜狗一下才知道原来除了关关的连体裤和西装上衣,还有其他的伊芙丽同款呢。所以在这方面,说明并不是同款就一定卖得好,关键还得靠网络的传播和宣传。难道华妃没有淘宝网红的吸引力吗?同时销量不高的原因有多种,淘宝聚划算打出了一个大页面做《欢乐颂》伊芙丽同款的页面,销量并没有很掉下巴,其中原因也包括网民对新鲜事物的好奇度降低,毕竟《欢乐颂》最近并没有动不动就上微博热搜了。关于五美中,关关的同款卖得最好也是因为关关的剧中形象和伊付丽的消费人群和品牌认知相符,能够吸引很多像关关一样的职场新人和职场中的素人们。另外一个有趣的现象是,伊芙丽同款中,人气收藏都很高,从 2455 (樊胜美同款皮裙)到 161179 (关关同款连体裤),然后相应的月销量却只有101和640



如果你是壕企,没关系,您随意。但是如果是其他类型的企业,建议更多的是加大网络营销。您买个微博热搜也许都比您砸 450投入一部电视剧来得划算。毕竟社会快速发展,网络主要人群个性也在发生变化,所以《欢乐颂》第二季依然是一个未知数。









2.3.2 Comparison Translations of Mainland, Hong Kong and Tai Wan.

Apple's advertising copies are translated differently in Mainland, Hong Kong and Tai Wan. They share distinct style of translation because of different culture and social background. A represents translation of Mainland, B is Hong Kong and C is Tai Wan.

Example one: iPad mini. The English advertising copy is “There is less of it; but no less to if .A is减小,却不减少”.B is小了,但没少了” and C is 简,而未减”. I have to mention that A is the most accordant translation in terms of Apple 's advertising character. It is not only the same sentencepattern but rhetorical device repetition. Less is correspond with Chinese 减. But it is so attractive enough. Personally, I think C is the best one. It is in line with Apple 's minimalist and at the same time it is unique. Just four words, it simply and directly tells consumers that iPad mini is much smaller but with same powerful functions.

Example two: new MacBook. The English advertising copy is “Light. Years ahead”.A is “轻于时代,先于时代”,B is “划时代的轻,走在时代之前”and C is “划时代的轻,领先时代之前”.I have to point that C is superfluous. In Chinese, 领先 and 之前 used in a same sentence will easily make people confused. I think the best one is A. This time, A is in line with characters of Apple 's advertising copy, parataxis and words repetition. It is completely keeping with translation style guide book of Apple Inc.

Example three: MacBook pro. The English advertising copy is “More power behind everypixel .”A is “每一像素颗粒,尽显澎湃动力”.B is “每个像素,更展浑身解数”and C is “每一像素,更具雷霆万钧之势”. 颗粒 seems a little redundant, becausemost consumers are just interested in what the products can do. I like B translation the most. It is a colloquial sentence as well as rhythm.

2.3.3 Controversial Translations

Although Apple's advertising copy is almost text book in advertising field, it still has some controversial translations. I will find out their advantages and give my translation.

Example one: iPhone 6. The English is “Bigger than bigger”.Translation is 比更大还更大”and 岂止于大”.I have to say that it is not only didn'tell consumer what the smart phone can do but also very boring. It is translationese. Net friends translates it to “比逼格还有逼格”(逼格 is a very famous cyberspeak). So, my translation is “无边无际”. Personally, I
