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雨鸟700e入水口尺寸为1.25英寸,而其它品牌同类产品只有1英寸, 可更短时间内完成浇水。 The inlet of Rain Bird 700E is 1.25”,it can shorten the water window (to finish the water in shorter time). The inlet of other brand is 1” inlet.

The motor is bigger and stronger than other brand’s motor. The damage rate is very low, is durable. The motor of other brands is smaller, easy to damage, the cost of daily running is very high.
喷 头 对 比
1.外观对比 2.压力调节器对比 3.“雨帘”技术 4.灌溉效果对比 5.灌溉效率 6.自冲洗功能
8.高强度外壳 9.抗雷击能力
11.双卡环设置 12.入水口优势
喷头所使用的材料是玻璃聚丙烯外壳,比ABS材料坚固35%,更抗 腐蚀,其它品牌喷头采用的是ABS材料。 Rain Bird rotor material is glass fiber Polypropylene, is 35% stronger than ABS, better against corrosion.
主要性能的对比如下(右侧喷头为雨鸟喷头) The main difference of the feature as below(the right one is Rain bird Rotor):
2. 压力调节器对比
雨鸟 VS 其他品牌
压力调节器安装在在喷头 顶部,方便快捷。 Rain Bird pressure adjustment can be done on the top.
喷头具有自冲洗功能, 在喷头升起和回收时能自动冲洗喷芯。ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu外 界杂质(沙石草等杂质)进入喷头多了一层阻止防护, 使喷头芯能准确回 到喷头内和正常工作,其它品牌喷头则没有此功能。

The rotor have the auto flushing function, when the rotor pop up and shut down, there are water flush the internal assemble, can protect the impurity (sands, debris of weeds) enter into the rotor, ensure the internal goes back after irrigation, the other brand rotors haven’t this function.
右侧为雨鸟转子(the right one is Rain Bird motor )
左侧为雨鸟转子 (the left is Rain Bird motor )
喷头内有双卡环, 如果管线出现压力故障,即便第一个卡环掉了,底阀 受第二个卡环保护,其它品牌喷头只有单卡环。 The rotor have double rings to fixed the internal, if the pressure of the pipe have problem, it will fix the internal even if the first ring is damaged. Other brand only has single ring.
雨鸟喷头具有“雨帘”技术, 可使喷头喷灌时达到真正意义的喷淋, 在 喷头周边40-50厘米范围内的草地都能覆盖到, 而其它的喷头则没这项 技术,灌溉均匀性更好。
Rain Bird rotor has “Rain Curtain” function, the distribution uniformity is best in the industry, the water can cover the 40-50 near the rotor, but other brand can’t get the water cover the range near rotor.
胫骨外观设计,能更有效的防止施工过程中异物对喷头壳体的破坏。 命令管内置在胫骨内,施工过程中不易被破坏。 Ribs design can protect the rotor body against damage during installation.
压力调节器位于喷头下方, 调节时需要挖开草皮进行作 业,十分麻烦,而且过后草 皮会留下痕迹,不利于球场 的景观。 Toro’s pressure adjustment at the side, you have to dig the turf. It is difficult to do and will influence the view of the turf.
雨鸟喷头电磁线圈控制模块抗雷击能力达20000伏。 The Rain Bird solenoid lightning protection is 20000V.
喷头喷芯用料量多,充实,齿轮强度高持久耐用,不易损坏。其它品 牌喷头喷芯用料量少,省料,齿轮强度低经常会易损坏,故价格便宜; 但在以后的使用中维修更换多,营运成本高。
优良喷淋效果 the good distribution
劣等喷淋效果 the poor distribution
雨鸟700E系列喷头在田间及实验室测试灌溉效率都被证实比竞争对 手高23%。 Rain Bird 700E series Golf Rotors are proven in field and lab 23% more efficient than next-closest competitor.
主讲人:王清杰 2014年5月12日