做寿司--做寿司How to make sushi ppt

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寿司之旅 How to make sushi

( sushi )
寿司是一种 日本料理,主 要材料是用醋 调味过的饭 (简称醋饭), 再加上鱼肉、 海鲜、马肉、 蔬菜或鸡蛋等 作配料,
• 配料可以是生的、也可以是熟的,或者腌 过的。寿司是日本人最喜爱的传统食物之 一,其味道鲜美,很受日本民众的喜爱。
所需食材 The required ingredients
• • • • • 寿司紫菜一张 (A piece of nori) 熟米饭一碗 (A bowl of Cooked rice) 日本酱黄瓜少许 (Japanese sauce cucumber) 火腿肠 (Ham sausage) 鸡蛋(Egg)
寿司の練習The practice of sushi
First you need rice , and then you need to mix it.
Prepare bamboo shade on the table, And then we put rice on sushi nori
• 沙拉酱Salad sauce • 番茄酱ketchup
所需工具(The tools required)
• 寿司竹帘一张(A piece of sushi "bamboo matt") • 铺饭勺(Spread the ladle) • 刀具(The cutting tool) • 一次性手套(Disposable gloves)
用铺饭勺将备好的米饭均匀的铺在紫菜上,稍微 按压
You can put rice evenly spread on the sushi nori , slightly press the rice
Then put in the sauce cucumber, Ham sausage and pork floss
Roll up bamboo curtain slowly, and then pressure bamboo curtain.
最பைடு நூலகம்切段装盘
Cut the sushi into segments served on plates.