雨果英文作文60Title: The Impact of Victor Hugo on Literature。
Victor Hugo, a towering figure in French literature, left an indelible mark on the world of letters. His contributions spanned across various genres, from novels to poetry, and his influence resonates to this day. In this essay, we delve into the profound impact of Victor Hugo on literature.First and foremost, Hugo's novels are celebrated for their depth of characterization and exploration of complex themes. Works such as "Les Misérables" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" delve into the human condition, portraying characters grappling with social injustice, redemption, and the pursuit of ideals. Through his vivid portrayals of Jean Valjean, Cosette, and Quasimodo, Hugo captured the imagination of readers worldwide and sparked discussions on morality and compassion.Moreover, Hugo's mastery of language and narrative technique set new standards for literary craftsmanship. His use of rich imagery and poignant symbolism imbued his works with a timeless quality, resonating with readers across generations. Whether depicting the grandeur of Paris or the desolation of the barricades, Hugo's prose evoked avisceral response, transporting readers to the heart of his narratives.In addition to his novels, Hugo's poetry stands as a testament to his poetic genius. From romantic odes to political manifestos, his verses reflect a deep-seated passion for liberty and social reform. "Les Contemplations" and "La Légende des siècles" showcase Hugo's versatility as a poet, exploring themes of love, nature, and the human spirit with eloquence and fervor.Furthermore, Hugo's advocacy for social justice and political activism reverberated throughout his writings. A staunch advocate for the oppressed and marginalized, he used his platform to speak out against tyranny and inequality. His impassioned speeches and essays galvanizedpublic opinion and contributed to the wave of social change sweeping across Europe in the 19th century.Beyond his literary achievements, Hugo's legacy endures through the countless adaptations and homages inspired by his works. From stage musicals to film adaptations, "Les Misérables" continues to captivate audiences worldwide, attesting to the enduring relevance of Hugo's vision. Similarly, "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" has been adapted into numerous films and plays, ensuring that Hugo's characters remain etched in the public consciousness.In conclusion, Victor Hugo's impact on literature is undeniable. Through his novels, poetry, and activism, he transcended the boundaries of his time and continues to inspire readers and writers alike. His exploration of universal themes and unwavering commitment to socialjustice ensure that his legacy will endure for generations to come. As we reflect on his contributions, we are reminded of the power of literature to illuminate the human experience and effect positive change in the world.。
关于雨果名言英文第1条He is fair in love and acting as she is a piece of infatuation.第2条使人变渺小的感情可耻,使人变孩子的感情可贵。
第4条My presence is noble, but my behavior is democracy.第5条精神象乳汁一样可以养育人,智慧便是一只乳房。
第8条Books are friends,although there is no passion,but very loyal.第9条所有的植物都是一盏灯,而香味,就是它的光。
第11条We the people have their own idol.第12条The day belongs to all people, why only darkness for me?第13条The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.第14条树干总是一成不变,树叶却时落时生。
第16条if you want to call the public wait patiently statement immediately begun to them.第17条A beggar, I d on’t know where to beg for love.第18条真正的强者,是那种具有自制力的人。
第23条Music expresses something beyond narration but have to say.第24条任何卓越的胜利总多少是大胆的成果。
关于雨果的资料简介英文版Victor Hugo, a renowned French writer, poet, and dramatist born in 1802, is best known for his novels such as Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. 雨果是1802年出生的著名法国作家,诗人和剧作家,以其小说《悲惨世界》和《巴黎圣母院》而闻名于世。
Throughout his life, Hugo was an influential figure in French literature and politics, advocating for social justice and human rights through his works. 在他的一生中,雨果是法国文学和政治方面的重要人物,通过他的作品倡导社会正义和人权。
His writing often reflected his deep empathy for the marginalizedand oppressed members of society, shedding light on the injustices they faced. 他的作品经常反映出他对社会边缘化和压迫的人们深深的同情,揭示了他们所面临的不公正。
In addition to his literary contributions, Hugo was also involved in politics and served as a member of the National Assembly during his later years. 除了他在文学上的贡献,雨果还参与了政治活动,晚年担任国民议会议员。
Hugo's legacy continues to inspire future generations with his timeless themes of love, justice, and the struggle for freedom. 雨果的遗产继续激励着后代,他永恒的主题包括爱、正义和争取自由的斗争。
关于雨果名言英文第1条He is fair in love and acting as she is a piece of infatuation.第2条使人变渺小的感情可耻,使人变孩子的感情可贵。
第4条My presence is noble, but my behavior is democracy.第5条精神象乳汁一样可以养育人,智慧便是一只乳房。
第8条Books are friends, although there is no passion, but very loyal.第9条所有的植物都是一盏灯,而香味,就是它的光。
第11条We the people have their own idol.第12条The day belongs to all people, why only darkness for me?第13条The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.第14条树干总是一成不变,树叶却时落时生。
第16条if you want to call the public wait patiently statement immediately begun to them.第17条A beggar, I don’t know where to beg for love.第18条真正的强者,是那种具有自制力的人。
第23条Music expresses something beyond narration but have to say.第24条任何卓越的胜利总多少是大胆的成果。
Victor Hugo (l802~1885) is the leader of the French Romantic school sports. France is one of literary history's greatest writers. His life spanned almost the entire 19th century, his literary career 60 years ago, enduring creativity. He parade of romantic novels, painting powerful, permanent charm readers. Hugo was born in 1802 in southern France owed Shangsong City. Grandfather was a carpenter, the father of the republic army officer, Wang Spain, Napoleon's brother Joseph had been granted to the rank ranged Bonaparte, who was a confidant of King senior officials. Hugo bright and intelligent, 9-year-old began to write poetry. 15-year-old wrote the "joy of learning" by the French Academy Award degree; by the age of 20 published books of poetry, "Songs and Carols," King Louis the 18th bestow his annuity. In 1827, Victor Hugo published scripts "Cromwell" and the preamble. Although the script fails to perform, but was considered a friend of French romanticism preamble to the Declaration, a landmark document into literary history. French romanticism it had a strong role in promoting the development of literature. 1830, Hugo scripts "that Kennedy Europe," the French Academy in Grand Theater, a huge, Romantic established a dominant position in French literary circles. "Europe that Kennedy" is about a 16th century Spanish aristocratic descent who resisted European Nepalese King that the story Hugo praise the bandit chivalrous and noble, and demonstrated strong anti-feudal tendencies. In July 1830, France had "July Revolution", the revival of the feudal monarchy was doubled. Hugo warmly praised the revolution and the glorification of revolutionaries and poems mourning those who died in the street fighting heroes. 1831 Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris" is the most romantic novels. Fantastic fiction plot twists and turns, the tension lively and unpredictable, dramatic and colorful. The story takes place in the Middle Ages. "Fool's day" day of the Roma artists in the square dance. Ingush from the gypsy girl married to attract the pedestrian, she is also very beautiful dancers look beautiful and impressive.Then, the Notre Dame de Paris Gerardi 克罗德•Frola immediately with the fans of the beautiful Esmeralda, his inner fire burning passion, fell madly in love with her. So he ordered the church bell, looked like Quasimodo neighborhood furious rush to put Ingush. France captain King arrows than rescue the Ingush law to seize the Quasimodo. He revolution whipping people to the square, good non-Gypsy girl Qianqiu, Kasimo to buy bottled water instead. Although ugly appearance revolution, pure and noble felt that he was very grateful Ingush, had fallen in love with her. Ingush naive to the law than Selections of Falling Love at First Sight, the two appointments, Frola follow quietly behind, out of jealousy. France he had stabbed a knife and then fled. Aimeisilada because of the murder and sentenced to death. Quasimodo put Ingush rush out from under the gallows, possession of Notre Dame in Paris, Frola opportunity threat Gypsy girl to satisfy his desires for her, was rejected after she handed over the king's army, an innocent girl was hanged. Quasimodo angrily described Frola shift the church died from a fall, he hugged the body with Ingush have died.Hugo novel performance of the strong hatred of the feudal government and the church, but also reflected his deep sympathy for the people of the lower classes.维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo),1802年2月26日- 1885年5月22日)是法国浪漫主义作家的代表人物,是19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学运动的领袖,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家。
Victor hugo was a French, poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist ,and exponent of the Romantic movement in France.
Though a committed royalist when he was young, Hugo's views changed as the decades passed; he became a passionate supporter of republicanism, and his work touches upon most of the political and social issues and artistic trends of his time. He is buried in the Panthéon.
主人公冉阿让原是个诚实的工人,一直帮助穷困的姐姐抚养七 个可怜的孩子,有年冬天找不到工作,为了不让孩子饿死而偷 了一块面包,被判五年徒刑;又因不堪忍受狱中之苦四次逃跑, 刑期加到十九年;出狱之后。苦役犯的罪名永远地附在他的身 上,他找不到工作,连住宿的地方都没有。后来他受到一位主 教的感化决心去恶从善;改名换姓埋头工作,终于当上了市长, 成了大富翁后他乐善好施,兴办福利,救助孤寡;然而法律去 滥判无辜,他为了不嫁祸于人毅然上法庭承认自己的真实姓名, 并为救助孤女而逃出法律的魔爪。然而法律不容他,社会不容 他,连他辛辛苦苦带大的孤女也误解他,他多年舍已救人,最 后却在孤寂中走向死亡,这是悲惨世界中的悲惨典型。作品中 还通过一个不幸女子芳汀的一生和她的私生女柯赛特的遭遇来 揭示社会逼良为娼、儿童身心受虐,从而全面地展开对社会的 批判。
Hale Waihona Puke Poeme, ode şi balade
Ode şi poezii diverse (1882) Orientalele (1829) Frunze de toamnă (1831) Câ ntecele crepusculului (1835) Vocile lăuntrice (1837) Razele şi umbrele (1840) Pedepsele (1853) - capodoperă a poeziei satirice franceze Contemplaţiile (1856 - 1857) Legenda secolelor, două volume (1859 1883) - capodoperă a poeziei franceze
Victor Hugo a murit la 22 mai 1885, iar la funeraliile sale au luat parte mai mult de două milioane de oameni care l-au admirat şi au vrut să-l însoţească pe ultimul drum. Este î nmormâ ntat la Panteon la Paris.
Nume profesor: Diaconu Diana
Nume elevi: Ghiţă Abigaela Ispas Andreea Păsarică Alexandra
Clasa a X-a B
Colegiul Naţional Ienăchiţă Văcărescu
Victor-Marie Hugo a fost al treilea şi ultimul fiu al lui Joseph Lé opold Sigisbert Hugo (1773–1828) şi Sophie Tré buchet (1772-1821). S-a născut în anul 1802 la Besançon î n regiunea Franche-Comté. Deşi a locuit î n Franţa, cea mai mare parte a vieţii lui, din 1851 până în 1870 a fost exilat şi a locuit în Belgia, î n Jersey şiGuernsey. Copilăria lui Victor Hugo a fost marcată de o serie de evenimente deosebite: căderea şi revenirea Primei Republici şi apariţia primului imperiu sub Napoleon Bonaparte. Acesta s-a proclamat împărat la doar 2 ani după ce Victor Hugo s-a născut iar până ca el să împlinească 18 ani, monarhia burbonă a fost restaurată.
Han D'slande Cromwell
Les Orientales Hernani
Notre-Dame de Paris
Les Feuilles d'automne Les Chants du crépuscule
小说 剧本 诗集 戏本
诗集 诗集
1838 1853 1856 1862
1869 1859-1883
《吕布拉斯》 《惩罚集》 《沉思集》
《笑面人》 《世纪传说》
Ruy Blas Les Chatiments Les Contemplations Les Miserables
Les Travailleurs de la mer
L’Homme qui Rit La Legende des siecles
作家简介 / 主要作品 / 创作特色 / 人物评价
雨果一生的创作时期长达六十年之久,是个多 产的作家,也是个多产的诗人。他前期的创作, 基本上是站在资产阶级人道主义立场上,同情 人民疾苦,希望通过改良社会,解决矛盾。后 期创作有一定的现实主义因素。创作主调:赞 颂真、善、美,鞭挞黑暗、丑恶、残暴。
维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo)
He is a famous romantic writer, the representative of humanism. He was also the representative of the romantic literary movement and the distinguished writer of capitalism. He was known as “the Shakespeare of France”.
At the critical moment, Quasimodo saved her by bringing her to the Cathedral [kə‘θi:drəl] 大教堂under the law of Sanctuary避难所. Frollo has rallied召集 a great deal of support for the campaign. The King ,seeing the chaos, vetoed [‘vi:təu]禁止;反对 the law of Sanctuary and commanded his troops to take her out and killed her.
Background --------Notre Dame-de-Pairs
关于雨果的英文作文英文:Hugo is a French poet, playwright, and novelist who is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of the 19th century. He is best known for his novels, including "Les Misérables" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame", which have become classics of French literature.One of the things that I admire about Hugo is hisability to weave complex themes and social commentary into his works of fiction. For example, in "Les Misérables", he explores the themes of poverty, social injustice, and redemption. Through the character of Jean Valjean, he shows how one can overcome adversity and find redemption through acts of kindness and compassion.Another aspect of Hugo's writing that I appreciate is his use of vivid imagery and descriptive language. In "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame", he paints a vivid picture ofmedieval Paris and the cathedral of Notre-Dame, which serves as a central setting for the novel. His descriptions of the architecture and atmosphere of the cathedral are so detailed that they transport the reader back in time and give them a sense of what it was like to live in that era.Overall, I think that Hugo's works are timeless and continue to resonate with readers today. His ability to tackle complex social issues and his vivid imagination and descriptive language make him a true master of his craft.中文:雨果是一位法国诗人、剧作家和小说家,被广泛认为是19世纪最伟大的作家之一。
雨果生平英语作文初一Victor Hugo, one of the most famous French writers, was born on February 26, 1802, in Besançon, France. He is best known for his remarkable novels, poetry, and plays that have left a lasting mark on literature. Hugo's life was a blend of creativity, political activism, and personal struggles, making him a fascinating figure to study.Hugo's early years were marked by upheaval. His father was a general in Napoleon's army, and this military background exposed him to a variety of cultures and ideas. Hugo showed an early talent for writing and published hisfirst collection of poetry at the age of 20. This debut established him as a promising poet in the literary circles of Paris.However, it was his novels that brought him immense fame and recognition. His most notable works include "LesMisérables" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame." "LesMisérables," published in 1862, tells the story of Jean Valjean, a poor ex-convict seeking redemption in a societythat judges him harshly. This novel highlights themes of love, justice, and the resilience of the human spirit. It has been adapted into numerous films, musicals, and plays, continuingto resonate with audiences around the world."The Hunchback of Notre-Dame," published in 1831,explores the life of Quasimodo, the deformed bell-ringer of Notre-Dame Cathedral. Through his tragic story, Hugo delves into themes of beauty, acceptance, and the plight of the marginalized. Both works showcase Hugo's deep empathy for the suffering of others and his belief in the capacity for change.In addition to his literary achievements, Hugo was also deeply involved in social and political issues. He was a staunch advocate for human rights and often spoke out against poverty, injustice, and the death penalty. His beliefsextended beyond the written word; he used his voice to fight for the rights of the oppressed. His political activism led to his exile from France for a time, during which he continued to write and inspire others.Hugo's later years were marked by personal tragedies, including the loss of his beloved daughter, Léopoldine. These experiences deeply affected him, adding layers of complexity to his writing. Despite his grief, Hugo remained a prolific writer until his death on May 22, 1885. He was honored with a grand funeral, with thousands of mourners paying their respects.In conclusion, Victor Hugo was not just a literary giant; he was a passionate advocate for justice and humanity. His works continue to inspire readers with their profoundinsights into the human condition. Through his stories, we learn about compassion, love, and the importance of fightingfor a better world. Hugo's legacy lives on, reminding us of the power of words to change lives.。
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He describes his shock and grief in his famous poem:A Villequier Alas! turning an envious eye towards the past, inconsolable by anything on earth, I keep looking at that moment of my life when I saw her open her wings and fly away! I will see that instant until I die, that instant—too much for tears! when I cried out: "The child that I had just now-what! I don't have her any more!"
memorials Victor Marie Hugo
• The people of Guernsey erected a statue to commemorate his stay in the islands • The City of Paris has preserved his residences as museums. • The house where he stayed in Vianden, Luxembourg, in 1871 has also become a commemorative museum. • A number of streets and avenues throughout France are likewise named after him. • The school Lycée Victor Hugo was founded in his town of birth, Besanç on in France. • Avenue Victor-Hugo, located in Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada, was named to honor him.
雨果 英语介绍PPT
![雨果 英语介绍PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/684bdbd3b14e852458fb57a4.png)
• 一切事物都有使命,就连机器 也是一样。钟要报时,火车要 带你去往目的地。他们都在做 着本职的工作。也许这就是为 什么机器坏掉我会这么难过。 这样他们就不能尽到自己的职 责了。也许人也是一样的。如 果你的生活毫无目的,就好像 你坏掉了一样。
• Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot. I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figure if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra pareason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.
• Hugo introduces Isabelle to the movies, which her godfather has never let her see 。 When they use the key to activate the automaton, it produces a drawing of a film scene. Hugo remembers it is the film his father always talked about as the first film he ever saw (Voyage to the Moon).
• Convinced that the automaton contains a message from his father, Hugo goes to desperate lengths to fix it. Hugo steals mechanical parts in the station to repair the automaton, but he is caught by a toy store owner named Georges Melies who takes Hugo's notebook from him, with notes and drawings for fixing the automaton.
名人雨果英语作文 小学四年级
![名人雨果英语作文 小学四年级](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5984715bf02d2af90242a8956bec0975f465a481.png)
名人雨果英语作文小学四年级Victor Hugo: A Famous Writer for ChildrenOnce upon a time, in a faraway place, there lived a very famous man named Victor Hugo. He was not just a man, but a great writer who created many wonderful stories that have inspired people for generations.Victor Hugo was born in France, a country known for its beautiful castles and delicious food. When he was young, he loved to read books and write stories. His imagination was so rich that he could create entire worlds with just a pen and paper.One of his most famous stories is called "Les Misérables." It's a story about a man named Jean Valjean who was once a prisoner but changed his life for the better. He helped the poor and needy, and through his actions, inspired others to do good as well. This story taught us that no matter who we are or where we come from, we can always choose to be kind and compassionate.Victor Hugo also wrote many poems and plays. His words were so beautiful and powerful that they moved people's hearts. Even today, his stories and poems are still read and loved by people all over the world.So, why is Victor Hugo so special? Because he used his imagination and words to create stories that taught us important lessons about life. He showed us that kindness and compassion are powerful forces that can change the world.And just like Victor Hugo, we can all use our imaginations and words to create beautiful things. Whether it's a story, a poem, or a painting, we can all share our creativity with the world and inspire others to do good.So, let's all remember Victor Hugo and the power of imagination and words. Maybe one day, we can be as famous and inspiring as he was!。
雨果英文作文60英文:Hugo is one of the most influential writers in French literature. He wrote many famous works, including LesMisérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. As a writer,he was known for his vivid descriptions and strong emotions.In my opinion, Hugo's works are not only great literary works, but also cultural treasures. They reflect the social and historical background of his time, and also convey universal values that are still relevant today. For example, Les Misérables is no t only a story about the French Revolution, but also a story about the struggle for justice and freedom. It teaches us to have compassion for the poor and the oppressed, and to fight against injustice and inequality.Moreover, Hugo's works are also great examples of how literature can inspire and influence people. His works havebeen adapted into many different forms, such as films, musicals, and operas, and have been loved by people allover the world. For example, the musical Les Misérableshas been performed in many countries, and has touched the hearts of millions of people with its powerful music and lyrics.中文:雨果是法国文学中最具影响力的作家之一。
All plants is a lamp, and aroma, was the light of it.他入睡,我长眠,同是梦中人,正好相依相伴。
He fall asleep, I slept, and god wants us to meet a few wrong people be, just stay together.现在,我证实,发生了一次盗窃,有两名窃贼。
Now, I confirmed that there was a theft, two thieves.谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就要抛弃他。
Who to idle away one's time, youth will fade, life will be abandoned him.人生下来不是为了抱着锁链,而是为了展开双翼。
Born not to holding the chains, but to spread its wings.要想叫观众耐心等待,先得向他们声明马上开演。
if you want to call the public wait patiently statement immediately begun to them.谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就会抛弃他们。
Who to idle away one's time, youth will fade, life will abandon them.精神象乳汁一样可以养育人,智慧便是一只乳房。
Spirit like milk can nurture people, wisdom is a breast.中英文经典语录关于雨果最新太阳西沉了,照的地面上最小的石子也拖长影子。
He knows He Has Wings 他自知有翅膀— Victor Hugo 维克多·雨果What matter it though life uncertain be to all?何必去管它,人生总是无定?What though its goal Be never reached?有什么关系壮志难成?What though it fall and flee―又何必计较你蹉跌并败奔―Have we not each a soul?我们岂不是各自有灵魂?Be like the bird that on a bough too frail要像那鸟儿在柔弱的枝梢,To bear him gaily swings,经不起它欢乐地跳跃;He carols though the slender branches fail―虽然那细枝折断了它仍歌唱―He knows he has wings!因为它知道自己有翅膀!。