

四年级下册英语Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报人教PEP

四年级下册英语Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报人教PEP
It’s warm in Beijing. 北京比较暖和。
Thanks and see you next time!
Hong Kong hot (30℃)
It’s cool in Lhasa today.
weather broadcast weather report 天气预报 warm 暖和的 cool 凉爽的 Harbin 哈尔滨 Hong Kong 香港 Lhasa 拉萨
This is the weather report. 这里是天气预报。
Unit 3 Weather
Warm up
Do you usually watch weather broadcast?
warm 温暖的
hot 炎热的
cool 凉爽的
cold 寒冷的
warm hot cool cold
Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today.
Harbin cold(5℃)
Lhasa cool (15℃)
Beijing warm (20℃)
Hong Kong hot (30℃)
Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today.
It’s hot in Hong Kong today.
Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today.

四年级下册英语Module 4 Lesson 3 各个城市的天气 外研版

四年级下册英语Module 4 Lesson 3 各个城市的天气 外研版

No, it ____. It will ____ in Shenyang.
Will it rain in Shenyang? = Will it be rainy in Shenyang? 沈阳将会下雨吗?
如果转换成陈述句: It will rain in Shenyang. It will be rainy in Shenyang. 这是因为rain是动词, rainy是形容词,需要跟在be动词的后面。
Will it be hot in Haikou? 海口将会炎热吗?
Yes, it will. 是的。
这里是将助动词will提前的一般疑问句,表示对将来的疑 问。答句为: Yes, it will. No, it won‘t. (will not)
Will it be cold in Yinchuan?
sunny 晴天的 cloudy 多云的 snowy 下雪的 windy 刮风的 rainy 下雨的
Will it be hot in Haikou? 海口将会炎热吗?
Yes, it will. 是的。
Will it rain in Shenyang? = Will it be rainy in Shenyang? 沈阳将会下雨吗?
Thanks and see you next time!
银川 cold
北京 windy
沈阳 snow 杭州 rain
海口 hot
广州 sunny
Yes, I will.
Will it be ____ in Beijing?
银川 cold
北京 windy
沈阳 snow 杭州 rain


weather report
weather report
• father mother weather
What's this? It's a map of China.
weather report

Guangdong warm
in .
challenge to the compere
Weather report:
Good morning/afternoon. cold
This is the weather report. Beijing
It’s … in ….
It’s __ho_t___.
It’s ______.
It’s __c_o_o_l _.
It’s ______.
It’s _w__ar_m__.
It’s warm in Beijing .
It’s cool in Lhasa .
It’s hot in Hong Kong .
It’s cold in Harbin.
Can you guess?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s ______ .
It’s __c_o_ld__.



Unit 3 Weather 单元解读一、单元信息二、教材分析本单元是人教版英语四年级下册的第三单元,单元话题是“Weather”本单元重点学习天气的表达法。

共三个版块:A 部分, B部分和C 部分。



本单元A,B部分的Let’s learn 主要学习描述天气的形容词:cold,cool,warm,hot,sunny,windy,cloudy ,snowy,rainy。

本单元A Let’s talk 部分以“W eather”为话题,由Mike询问时间,引出句子:Can I go outside now? 接着妈妈以“It’s cold outside.”拒绝了Mike 的请求。

午餐时Mike 提出要喝汤“Can I have some soup?”妈妈同意并提醒“Be careful! It’s very hot” . B 部分则展示了陈洁和Mark 的一段越洋通话,通话的主要内容则是围绕着两地的天气。

先由陈洁询问纽约的天气展开:“What’s the weather like in New Y ork?”然后通过进一步的问答呈现描述天气的句子:“It’s 26 degrees .It’s warm!本单元Let’s spell 部分,要求学生听、说、读、写单词:arm ,car,card,ball ,tall,wall。

Let’s do ,Let’s play ,Let’s sing 部分则是通过各种形式让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,从而在轻松,愉悦的环境中学习语言,运用语言。





四年级下册天气预报的英语作文讲解全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Predicting the Weather: A Kid's Guide to MeteorologyHi there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 4th grader who loves learning about the weather. You might think that weather forecasting is just for grown-ups, but kids can understand it too! Let me take you on a journey to discover how meteorologists (that's a fancy word for weather scientists) predict what's going to happen in the sky.First things first – what is a weather forecast? It's basically a prediction of what the weather will be like in the future, whether it's tomorrow, next week, or even next month. Meteorologists use a lot of scientific tools and data to make these forecasts so we can plan our days accordingly.Now, let's talk about the main factors that affect the weather: air temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind, and precipitation (that's the scientific word for rain, snow, sleet, and hail). By closely monitoring these elements, meteorologists can get a pretty good idea of what kind of weather is heading our way.Air TemperatureThis one's easy – it's how hot or cold the air feels. Meteorologists measure temperature using thermometers and report it in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. If the temperature is above 20°C (68°F), it's considered warm. Below 0°C (32°F), andit's cold enough for water to freeze into ice or snow. The closer you live to the equator, the warmer it generally is.HumidityHumidity is the amount of water vapor (tiny droplets of water) in the air. You know that muggy feeling when it's really humid outside? That's because the air is holding a lot of moisture. Too much humidity can make it feel even hotter than the actual temperature. Meteorologists use tools called hygrometers to measure humidity levels.Air PressureAir pressure is the weight of the air pressing down on the Earth's surface. High air pressure usually means clear, sunny skies, while low air pressure often brings clouds and precipitation. Meteorologists track air pressure using barometers to help predict incoming storm systems.WindWind is simply air in motion, caused by differences in air pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the stronger the winds will blow. Meteorologists use instruments called anemometers to measure wind speed and wind vanes to determine wind direction. Strong winds can bring severe weather like thunderstorms or hurricanes.PrecipitationThis is what we all look forward to – will it rain, snow, or stay dry? Precipitation forms when water vapor in the air condenses into liquid droplets or ice crystals. The type of precipitation depends on the temperature. Rain falls as liquid droplets when it's warm, while snow forms when the temperature is below freezing. Sleet is a mixture of rain and snow, and hail consists of frozen raindrops.So how do meteorologists put all these pieces together? They rely on a variety of tools and technologies:Weather Balloons: These balloons carry instruments high into the atmosphere to measure temperature, humidity, and wind speed at different altitudes.Weather Satellites: Satellites orbiting Earth take pictures of cloud patterns and monitor conditions from space, giving meteorologists a bird's-eye view.Radar: This neat technology bounces radio waves off precipitation to detect where rain or snow is falling and how intense it is.Computer Models: Supercomputers analyze all the weather data and run complicated mathematical equations to generate forecast models for different scenarios.Once meteorologists have gathered and analyzed all this data, they can finally put together a weather forecast and share it with the rest of us. They let us know if we need to bring an umbrella, wear a warm coat, or maybe even stay inside due to severe weather warnings.Isn't weather forecasting fascinating? By understanding factors like temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind, and precipitation, we can get a glimpse into the future of our skies. So the next time you tune in to the weather report, you'll know exactly what those meteorologists are talking about. Who knows, maybe someday you'll even become a weather forecaster yourself!篇2Weather Forecasting: Predicting Nature's PatternsHi there! My name is Sam, and I'm a 4th grader who loves learning about science. Today, I want to talk to you about one of the coolest topics in science - weather forecasting!Have you ever wondered how meteorologists (scientists who study the weather) can predict if it's going to rain or shine the next day? It's like they have a crystal ball that lets them see into the future! But in reality, it's much more complicated and fascinating than that.Weather forecasting is all about observing patterns in the atmosphere, which is the big blanket of air that surrounds our planet. By collecting data and studying these patterns, meteorologists can make educated guesses about what the weather will be like in the days to come.So, how do they do it? Well, it all starts with gathering information from various sources.One of the main tools meteorologists use is weather balloons. These are huge balloons filled with gases like helium or hydrogen that can soar up to 20 miles into the sky! Attached tothe balloons are special instruments called radiosondes that measure things like temperature, humidity, and wind speed at different altitudes.Another important tool is weather satellites. These are like super high-tech cameras orbiting the Earth, taking pictures of clouds, storms, and other weather systems from way up in space. Meteorologists can analyze these images to track the movement of weather patterns and predict where they might be headed.But wait, there's more! Meteorologists also rely on weather stations scattered all around the world. These stations have fancy equipment like thermometers, rain gauges, and wind vanes that continuously monitor the local weather conditions.With all this data pouring in from balloons, satellites, and weather stations, you might think it would be easy to forecast the weather. But it's actually really tricky!The atmosphere is a complex system with countless variables interacting with each other. A tiny change in temperature or wind direction can have a huge impact on the weather, making it challenging to predict with 100% accuracy.That's why meteorologists use powerful computers called weather models to process all the data and simulate how theatmosphere might behave in the future. These models take into account things like air pressure, humidity, and wind patterns, and then use complex mathematical equations to calculate the probability of different weather events occurring.Pretty cool, right?But weather forecasting isn't just about predicting if it will rain or shine. It's also crucial for keeping people safe during severe weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards. By tracking these dangerous storms and providing early warnings, meteorologists can help communities prepare and take necessary precautions.So, the next time you hear the weather report or see those colorful maps on TV, remember all the hard work and science that went into making that forecast. Weather forecasting is a fascinating field that combines technology, math, and a deep understanding of our planet's atmosphere.Who knows, maybe one day you'll become a meteorologist yourself and help predict the weather for people all around the world!篇3Weather Forecasting for KidsHave you ever wondered how meteorologists (weather scientists) can predict what the weather will be like in the coming days? It's actually a really cool process that combines science, math, and technology. Let me break it down for you!First off, meteorologists gather tons of data from all around the world. They get information from weather balloons that measure temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction as they rise up into the atmosphere. Satellites orbiting the Earth also provide incredibly detailed images that show cloud patterns, temperatures, and more.Weather stations on the ground use sensors and radar to track current conditions like rainfall, air pressure, wind, and cloud cover. Sensors on ships, buoys, and even airplanes supply extra data too. All this info gets fed into supercomputers for analysis.Now here's where it gets really interesting! Those powerful computers run extremely complex weather models to process all the current observation data. The models are like gigantic math equations that represent the physics of the atmosphere. They calculate how the temperatures, winds, humidity, and pressures are likely to evolve over time based on the current weather patterns.The tough part is that the atmosphere is an infinitely complicated, chaotic system. Even the tiniest change in one variable can butterfly effect into dramatically different weather down the road. That's why forecasts get less reliable the farther out you go.Short term forecasts for the next few days tend to be pretty accurate. The models can reliably predict incoming fronts, areas of precipitation, and basic temperatures. Anything beyond 5-7 days and the margins of error get bigger and bigger as all those hard calculations compound over time.In addition to the raw model data, meteorologists also analyze other factors like climatology (long-term averages), geography (how local terrain affects patterns), and model ensembles (comparing many different forecast models). They scrutinize all the available guidance before synthesizing it into their official forecasts.Communicating that forecast is another crucial part of a meteorologist's job. They have to take all the scientific jargon and data and translate it into plain language that regular people can understand. The goal is to convey expected conditions as clearly as possible.You've probably noticed weather forecasts have categories like sunny, partly cloudy, rain likely, etc. Those standardized phrases have specific definitions based on cloud cover percentage, chance of precipitation, and other factors. Meteorologists also use maps, graphics, charts, and videos to help paint a picture of what people should expect.Now you know just how sophisticated and complex weather forecasting is! From gathering global data, to running atmospheric models, to crafting public forecasts - it's an impressive feat of science.So next time you check tomorrow's forecast, remember all the incredible work that went into making that prediction. And if the weather doesn't happen to go exactly as planned, cut those hard-working scientists some slack - they're dealing with one wildly complex atmospheric math problem!篇4Weather Forecasting: How Meteorologists Predict the FutureHi everyone! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader who loves learning about science, especially when it involves the great outdoors. Have you ever wondered how meteorologists (scientists who study the weather) are able to predict what theweather will be like in the future? It's amazing that they can let us know if it's going to rain next Tuesday or if a big snowstorm is headed our way next week! In this essay, I'll explain the basics of how weather forecasting works.First, let's start with some key vocabulary related to weather forecasting:Atmosphere - The blanket of air surrounding the EarthPrecipitation - Water that falls from clouds as rain, snow, sleet, etc.Temperature - How hot or cold the air isAir pressure - How much the air is pressing down on the EarthWind - Moving airHumidity - How much moisture is in the airMeteorologists gather tons of data about the current state of the atmosphere by using weather balloons, satellites, radar, and monitoring stations all over the world. Weather balloons have little instruments attached that measure temperature, humidity and wind speed as the balloon travels up through the atmosphere. Satellites orbiting the Earth take pictures that showcloud patterns and other weather systems. Radar can detect precipitation. And weather stations on the ground record temperatures, air pressure, wind direction and more.All of this data about current weather conditions gets fed into super powerful computers. The computers use complex math called weather models to analyze the data and make predictions about how the weather pattern will evolve over the next several days. Essentially, the models are like a science experiment testing out "what if?" scenarios - what if this humid air mass collides with this cold front? What if wind shear enters the picture? By crunching millions of calculations, the computers can forecast precipitation, temperatures, wind speeds and more.Weather forecasting is really important for keeping people safe and allowing them to plan ahead. If a huge blizzard is forecasted, snowplow crews can prepare to clear the roads. If heavy rain is predicted, folks living in flood-prone areas can evacuate. And of course, regular forecasts help you know whether to bring an umbrella to school or wear a jacket outside!My favorite type of weather to track is hurricanes. These massive rotating storm systems form over warm ocean water and can cause incredible damage with hazards like high winds, torrential rains and even tornadoes. Meteorologists at theNational Hurricane Center closely monitor hurricanes using special tools like hurricane hunter aircraft that fly directly inside the storms! By making accurate forecasts of where a hurricane will go, cities and towns can get ready for the impacts.I'm also really interested in how climate change is affecting weather patterns around the world. As the Earth gets warmer due to human activities like burning fossil fuels, we are seeing more extreme weather events like intense hurricanes, heat waves, droughts and flooding. By understanding these global changes, meteorologists can start accounting for them in their weather models and forecasting.In conclusion, weather forecasting is a remarkable way that science allows us to get a sneak peek into the future! While weather predictions aren't perfect, they help us prepare for whatever Mother Nature has in store. I'm endlessly amazed at how meteorologists can study the atmosphere and figure out if it's going to rain next week just by analyzing some data. I can't wait to learn more about this awesome field of science! Maybe I'll even become a meteorologist myself someday.篇5Weather Forecasting: How Meteorologists Predict the FutureHi everyone! My name is Emily and I'm a 4th grader. Today I want to tell you all about weather forecasting and how meteorologists are able to predict what the weather will be like in the future. It's actually a really fascinating process!Have you ever wondered how the weather people on TV or the meteorologist apps on your parents' phones are able to know if it's going to rain next Tuesday or if we'll have a snowstorm over the weekend? It seems like magic, but it's really thanks to science and technology.Meteorologists, which are scientists who study the atmosphere, use lots of different tools and data to analyze current weather patterns and conditions. Then, using scientific laws and computer models, they can make educated predictions about upcoming weather. Let me break it down for you:Observing Current ConditionsThe first step is gathering data about what's happening in the atmosphere right now. This includes tracking things like:• Temperature readings from weather stations all over• Wind speed and direction measurements• Air pressure patterns• Humidity a nd precipitation levels• Cloud cover and types of clouds• Data from weather radars tracking storm systems• Satellite imagery showing weather system movementsAll of this raw observational data gets fed into powerful weather prediction computer models. Just like you might put numbers into a calculator, meteorologists input the current weather readings and patterns as the starting point.Computer Weather ModelsThe computer models meteorologists use are incredibly complex. They take into account a huge number of different atmospheric factors and scientific laws about how the air, moisture, pressure systems and wind all interact.Using calculus and physics equations, these supercomputers can analyze the current weather data and project hour-by-hour, day-by-day what should happen next as different air masses and fronts move and evolve.What Causes Weather Patterns?Part of what the meteorologists' weather models are calculating is the movement and interaction of different airmasses. Warm and cool air pushing against each other causes most of our weather.For example, warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico will often move northward and meet cooler dry air masses from Canada. When these two different temperature/humidity air masses collide, it causes the warm air to rise and the cold air to sink - resulting in clouds, precipitation, wind and storm systems forming.Other major factors that influence weather patterns are:• The jet stream, a fast-flowing river of air high up in the atmosphere that pushes air masses around• High and low pressure systems spinning air inward or outward• Land/sea tempera ture differences causing air movement• Topographic features like mountains that force air up or downSo by tracking the locations and movements of air masses, fronts, jet streams and pressure systems, meteorologists can figure out if we'll get rain, sun, clouds, storms or whatever else comes our way.Forecasting ToolsIn addition to inputting data into their weather computer models, meteorologists also analyze things like:• Weather balloons sent up twice a day to measure conditions at high altitudes• Lightning mapping to see electrical storm activity• Radar and satellite monitoring of existing storm systems• Statistical guidance based on monitoring weather pattern cyclesThey'll look at all of this additional observational data along with what the computer models are showing to put together the weather forecast you see on TV or online each day.So while making an accurate prediction does rely on some uncertainties getting calculated correctly by the models, meteorologists aren't just guessing or going off superstitions. It's a very scientific process using the latest atmospheric physics and data analysis.Severe Weather ForecastingOne of the most important jobs meteorologists have is giving advance warning about potential severe or hazardousweather events. By carefully monitoring the atmospheric conditions and weather model data, they can alert people when there is a risk of:• Thunderstorms and tornadoes• Blizzards and ice storms• Hurricanes and tropical cyclones• Flooding from heavy rainfall• Extreme heat or cold snapsGetting this severe weather notice allows schools, businesses and families to prepare and stay safe until the dangerous weather passes. Meteorologists take this responsibility very seriously!So that's the basic overview of how meteorologists analyze atmospheric conditions, input data into computer models, and use all of that information to forecast what our weather will be in the hours, days and weeks ahead.It's pretty amazing if you think about just how complex the atmosphere is with all of its moving air masses, moisture, pressure systems and other factors constantly in flux. Yet thanksto science, we can get reliable predictions to know if we'll need our raincoats or umbrellas for the school day!Weather forecasting isn't just neat - it's also vital for everything from people knowing how to dress and travel safety, to farmers planning crops, to cities preparing for snowstorms or hurricanes. I think it's one of the coolest applications of science that impacts pretty much everyone on a daily basis.The next time you hear the meteorologist giving the weekly forecast on the news, I hope you'll have a little more appreciation for just how much effort and scientific know-how goes into making those predictions. Modern weather forecasting is the result of centuries of atmospheric research combined with cutting-edge technology.So get ready to impress your friends and family with all of your new meteorology knowledge! You're the weather expert now. And who knows, maybe someday I'll see you on TV as a meteorologist giving the forecast to everyone!篇6Weather Forecasting: How Meteorologists Predict the FutureHave you ever wondered how the weather people on TV know what the weather will be like tomorrow or next week? It's all thanks to meteorologists and their awesome weather forecasting skills!Meteorologists are scientists who study the atmosphere and weather patterns. Their job is to collect loads of data about the current weather conditions and then use scientific models and computers to predict how the weather might change over time. It's like they can see into the future!But how do they do it? Let me break it down for you.Observing Current ConditionsThe first step is to get a really good picture of what's happening with the weather right now. Meteorologists use tons of cool tools to measure things like:• Temperature• Wind speed and direction• Air pressure• Humidity (How much moisture is in the air)• Precipitation (Rain, snow, etc.)They get this data from weather stations all over the world that have thermometers, anemometers (wind meters), barometers (air pressure), and other fancy instruments. Weather balloons that soar way up in the sky also radio back atmospheric readings.But that's not all! Meteorologists get bird's eye views of the weather from satellites orbiting the Earth. These satellites use sensors to track cloud patterns, temperatures, wind, humidity and more from above. Radar is another awesome tool that uses radio waves to "see" where precipitation is and how it's moving.With meteorological observations coming in from land, sea, air and space, the forecasters can analyze all the data on computer models to spot weather patterns and make predictions.Understanding Air MassesOne of the biggest factors meteorologists look at is air masses - huge bodies of air covering hundreds or thousands of miles with their own temperature, humidity and air pressure characteristics.There are different types of air masses like:• Continental Polar (CP) - A dry, cold air mass from northern regions• Continental Tropical (CT) - A dry, hot air mass from the desert• Maritime Polar (MP) - A cold, rainy air mass from the ocean• Maritime Tropical (MT) - A warm, humid air mass from the tropicsKnowing where these air masses are located and which direction they are moving is super important for predicting the weather. For example, if a warm MT air mass moves over a region with a cold CP air mass, you'll probably get rain or storms where the two clash.Crazy Computer ModelsThese supercomputers are like meteorologists on steroids. They analyze gobs of current weather data, then run millions of calculations using physics, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics to forecast how the atmosphere will behave over the next several days.The models divide the atmosphere up into a 3D grid, with each box in the grid representing the temperature, air pressure, humidity and other conditions in that spot. They calculate howall those atmospheric properties will change in each grid box over time based on the physics equations.Nutty, right? But these mathematical voodoo models can come up with some amazingly accurate forecasts up to 10 days in advance sometimes. The further out you go, the more uncertain it gets.Unpredictable PatternsDespite meteorologists having incredibly advanced tools and computer models at their fingertips these days, the weather。

四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教

四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教

四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教
This is the weather report. 这里是天气预报。
weather report 也可以说成 weather broadcast. 我们前面说的warm, hot, cool, cold都可以用在 weather report中。
warm hot cool cold
四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教 四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教
Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today.
It’s warm in Beijing. 北京比较暖和。
四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教
四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教
Thanks and see you next time!
四年级下英语公开课课件-Unit 3 Weather Lesson 4 天气预报 人教






Let's learn
cool warm
New words
Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s warm in Beijing today.
➢ 描述天气状况的句型: It's warm in Beijing today.
Unit 3 Weather
Part A
Let's talk & Let's play
Learning goals
能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话; 能够在情景中运用句型”Can I go outside/have some soup?”征求对方许可并用”Yes, you can. /No, you can’t.”作答;能在情景中恰当运用句型”It’s very hot/cold. “描述天气及温度状况;能够在语境中理解新 词outside、cold、be careful的意思,并能正确发音。
Talk about what you have gained from this lesson!
( A )1. —__________the weather like in Sanya?
—It's hot.
A. What's
B. How's
C. Where's
( C )2. Today is cold in Moscow. _________ London?



小学英语天气预报稿四年级带翻译案例一:Tomorrow, our city will be sunny, with the maximum temperature of 25 ° C and the minimum temperature of 11 ° C. There will be 2-3 southwest winds. In such a sunny spring, it is most suitable for outdoor sports, climbing mountains and running. A moderate amount of exercise will make you feel refreshed. The weather forecast wishes you happy every day. Here's the weather forecast for each township:Anzhuang Town: sunny, 10-20 ° C; Old city street: sunny, 10-23 degrees Celsius; Side yard: Town: sunny, 11-22 ° C; Hutun T own: sunny, 10-21 ℃; Wangguadian Town: Sunny 10-20 ℃; Sunbo Town: sunny, 9-19 degrees Celsius. Wangzhuang Town: sunny, 10-19 ° C; Wenyang Town: sunny, 10-19 ° C明天我市晴,最高气温25摄氏度,最低气温11摄氏度,吹2-3级西南风。


外研版四年级英语下册Module 4 谈论计划及未来的天气附答案

外研版四年级英语下册Module 4 谈论计划及未来的天气附答案

外研版四年级英语下册Module 4谈论计划及未来的天气一、重点词汇。

(英汉互译)(一)天气1.多云的___________________2.天气_____________________ —3. sunny ______________________ —4. windy ______________________ ______5. rain _______________________________(二)表示动作1.带,拿___________________ —2.飞_______________________(三)其他1.太好了,好极了___________ —2.为什么___________________ —3. picnic ______________________ —4. because ____________________ ________5. so __________________________________二、重点句子。




4,—Will you take your ball tomorrow?——No, I won't.(二)谈论未来的天气情况1.北京将会很晴朗。


3.It will be cloudy in London.4.—What will the weather be today?—It will be rainy.(三洪他一Why not?——Because tomorrow is Friday.三重点语法。


1.Will you (take / takes)your new kite tomorrow?2.—Will you fly?——Yes, I (will / won't).3.—Will you play football?一No, I _______________ ( will / won't).4.It will be (snow / snowy)in Chengdu on Saturday.5.It w川(rain / rainy)in Nanjing.(二)判断下列对话与图片是(。



Windy City Chicago
It is rainy. Open up your umbrella.
It is raining now. raining
It is rainy.
It is raining cats and dogs.
I can take a walk in the rain.
It is cloudy. take your raincoat.
The clouds are low.
It is sunny. The clouds are _h_ig_h__ Big and white in the sky. Put on your sunglasses D. on’t be shy.
What is the weather like today?
What’s the weather like ?
It’s sunny.
It is sunny. Put on your sunglasses
The clouds are high big and white In the sky.
We adapt to all of them.
in the study
in the classroom
In rainy days I can … at home
at home
A riddle
What am I ?
I am white. I am round. I’m used for play outside.A ball ?

四年级下册英语Unit3 weather人教PEP

四年级下册英语Unit3 weather人教PEP

park mark far farm hard
al 放在单词的中间
/ɔ:/ 长元音
fall mall small hall
/ə/ water sister tiger dinner computer /ə:/ girl bird nurse hamburger /ɑ:/ arm car card /ɔ:/ ball tall wall
Sydeny 30℃
Beijing 15℃ It’s warm and windy.
New York 20℃
London 5℃
Toronto 7℃
What’s the weather like in London?
Sydeny 30℃
Beijing 15℃ It’s cold and cloudy.
I can’t go outside.
Can I go outside? 回答
Yes, you can.
No, you can’t.
It is cold.
It isn’t cold.
Is it cold? 回答
New York 20℃
London 5℃
Toronto 7℃
What’s the weather like in Sydney?
Sydeny 30℃
Beijing 15℃ It’s hot and sunny.




1. 天气类。

- sunny(晴朗的):It's a sunny day. We can go to the park.- windy(有风的):The kite is flying high in the windy day.- cloudy(多云的):It looks like it will rain because it's cloudy. - rainy(下雨的):Take an umbrella. It's rainy outside.- snowy(下雪的):We can make a snowman on a snowy day.2. 温度类相关单词。

- cold(寒冷的):It's very cold in winter.- cool(凉爽的):Autumn is cool.- warm(温暖的):Spring is warm.- hot(炎热的):Summer is hot.3. 衣物类(与天气搭配)- hat(帽子):Wear a hat on a sunny day to protect your head.- scarf(围巾):You need a scarf in cold weather.- coat(外套):Put on your coat when it's cold.- sweater(毛衣):A sweater is warm. You can wear it in cool days. - umbrella(雨伞):Take an umbrella if it's rainy.- sunglasses(太阳镜):Wear sunglasses on a sunny day.二、句型。

1. 询问天气。

- What's the weather like in...?(在……天气怎么样?)- What's the weather like in Beijing?(北京的天气怎么样?)- What's the weather like today?(今天天气怎么样?)- How is the weather...?(……天气如何?)- How is the weather in Shanghai?(上海的天气如何?)2. 描述天气并给出建议。

人教PEP版 英语四年级下册课件-Unit3 Weather

人教PEP版 英语四年级下册课件-Unit3 Weather

in Sydney.
It’s______________ in Singapore.
It’s______________ in Beijing.
It’s______________ in London.
It’s______________ in Moscow.
Learning tips: 1.Fill in the blanks. (单词填空。) 2.Try to read the sentences. (尝试读句子。) 3.Finish in 1 minute. (用时1分钟。)
A. Where
B. What
C. How about
3. —Is it cool?
— ________ A. No,it is. B. No,it isn’t. C. Yes,it isn't.
1. I like the _s_u_n_n_y_ weather. 2. I don't like the _w_i_n_d_y_ weather. 3. Is it _r_a_i_n_y_ ?Yes, it is. 4. It is _c_lo_u__d_y_ in Jiaozhou. 5. It is cold and _s_n_o__w_y_ in winter .
Here’s the world weather. Today it’s hot and sunny in Sydney. It’s_____c_l_o_u_d_y____ in Singapore. It’s_____w__in_d_y_____ in Beijing. It’s______ra_i_n_y_____ in London. It’s_____s_n_o_w__y____ in Moscow.

英语人教版四年级下册Unit4 Weather

英语人教版四年级下册Unit4 Weather

四年级下册第四单元第一课时Unit4 It’s warm today(PartA Let’s learn)教学重难点 1.能听说读写cold、cool、warm、hot、weather有关天气的单词。

2.能熟练运用This is the weather report. It’s ... in ...这两个句型。

教学内容分析与教学策略教学过程1、GreetingT: Good morning ,boys and girls .Ss: Good morning ,Miss Deng.T: My name is ... What’s your name?S1:My name is ...T:I am from ... Where are you from?S1:I am from ...2、Warm up一起唱三年级上期一首歌曲“Hello”。

T: Let’s sing a song “Hello”.(设计意图: 增近与学生的关系,营造英语氛围)3、Presentation1)展示一张中国地图给学生,四个城市的标志性建筑,做“Guess”游戏。

T: Look !This is Chongqing.S:…T:(指一个城市地点Beijing、Harbin、Lhasa、Hongkong,并出示这一城市的标志问这是哪个城市)Guess! This is …分四组进行比赛,哪组得分最多,哪组获胜,并能得到礼物。


T:You are Beijing .Come on Beijing.Ss:……(设计意图:讲解本课时所涉城市名,并以此给学生分组,让学生有一种团队意识与竞争意识)2)点出香港很热的图。

T:Look !What’s the weather like?点出单词的发音让生跟读。

T:Follow it.Ss: Hot ,hot .T: h-o-t ,hot .师边拍手边做动作,各组进行操练。

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